Thrombolic, Thrombocytopenic Purpurvhemoclytic Uremic Syndrome (Seizures
Thrombolic, Thrombocytopenic Purpurvhemoclytic Uremic Syndrome (Seizures
Thrombolic, Thrombocytopenic Purpurvhemoclytic Uremic Syndrome (Seizures
The student is expected to document all meds the client is currently receiving.
(PHARM) AND (include
PREGNANCY therapeutic dose
CATEGORY calculation)
Recurrent genital herpes IV Herpes Probenecid increases Thrombolic, Acyclovir IV administration- Intermittent Infusion – diluent –
Acyclovir infections. Localized Simplex blood levels of thrombocytopenic -widely reconstitute 500mg 0r 1-g vial with 10 ml or 20ml
cutaneous herpes zoster Encephalitis acyclovir. Increase purpurvhemoclytic uremic distributed CSF respectively, of sterile water for injection, do not
Avarix, Zovirax infections (shingles) and ( Neonates, blood levels and risk syndrome (high doses in concentrations reconstitute with bacteriostatic water benzyl
. chickenpox (varicella – IV Premature) of toxicity for immunosuppressed are 50% if alcohol or parabens. Shake well to dissolve
severe initial episodes of 10mg/kg q theophylline, dose patients), seizures, plasma, completely. Further dilute in at least 100,l of
Classification: genital herpes in 12 hr for 14- adjustment may be dizziness, headache, Crosses D5W, 0.9% NaCL, dextrose/saline combinations
antiviral/purine nonimmunosuppressed 21 days. necessary. Decrease hallucinations, trmbling , placenta enters or LR. Concentrations- 7mg/ml. Rate-administer
analogue; inhibits patients. Mucosal or blood levels and may diarrhea, nausea, vomiting , breast milk. via infusion pump over 1 hr to minimize renal
viral replication cutaneous herpes simplex increase effectiveness elevate liver enzyme, tubular damage. Use reconstituted solution within
infections or herpes zoster of alproic acid or hyperbilirubinemia, 12 hr . Once diluted for infusion, the solution
infections (shingles) in hydantoins Concurrent abdominal pain, anorexia, should be used within 24 hr. Refrigeration results
Preg. Cat. B immunosuppressed use of other renal failure, crystalluria, in precipitation, which dissolves at room
C-Topical patients. Herpes simplex nephrotoxic drugs hematuria, acne hives, skin temperature.
Davis Drug Guide for encephalitis. increase risk of rashes, unusual sweating,
Nsg Page 883-884 Topical-Recurrent herpes adverse renal effects. Stevens-Johnson syndrome Assess lesions before and daily during therapy.
labialis (cold sores). Zidovudine and IT changes in menstrual cycle. Monitor neurologic status in patients with herpes
Ointment –treatment of methotrexate may Local-pain, phlebitis, local encephalitis. Monitor BUN, serum creatinine, and
limited non-life threatening increase risk of CNS irritation, joint pain. CCr before and during therapy. Increase BUN
herpes simplex infections side effects. and serum creatinine levels or decrease CCr may
in immunocompromised indicate renal failure. Treatment should be
patients( systemic started as soon as possible after herpes simplex
treatment is preferred) symptoms appear and within 24 r of a herpes
Interferes with viral DNA zoster outbreak. IV maintain adequate hydration
synthesis. Inhibition of viral (2000-3000ml/day, especially during first 2 hr
replication , decreased viral after IV infusion, to prevent cystalluria. Observe
shedding, and reduced infusion site for phlebitis.
time for healing of lesions.
Acyclovir inject able should not be administered
topically, IM, subcut, PO or in the eye.