Any Up-Dates Are To Be Completed in Different Color Ink. The Student Is Expected To Document All Meds The Client Is Currently Receiving
Any Up-Dates Are To Be Completed in Different Color Ink. The Student Is Expected To Document All Meds The Client Is Currently Receiving
Any Up-Dates Are To Be Completed in Different Color Ink. The Student Is Expected To Document All Meds The Client Is Currently Receiving
k. The student is expected to document all meds the client is currently receiving.
(PHARM) AND calculation) NEONATE
Treatment of a wide variety of IM/IV/SC Penicillin may Seizures, Safety not Assess for infection (vital signs,
Penicillin infection including Pencillin G decrease diarrhea, established for appearance of wound, sputum, urine
(penicillin G,- Streptococcus pharyngitis, IM, IV Adult –most Infectious 1- effectiveness of oral epligastric systemic and and stool, WBC) beginning of and
Pfizerpen/ pencillin Syphillis, Gonorrhea strains. Tx 5million units q 4-6 hr. contraceptive agents. distress, topical. vaginal during therapy. Obtain history to
V- Apo-pen VK, of enterococcal infections IM, IV Children 8,333-16,6671 Probenecid decrease nausea, approved for determine previous use of and
Cystapen, Novo-pen- ( requires the addition of an units/kg q 4hr. renal excretion and vomiting, use in 3rd reactions to penicillins,
VK, Nu-Pen-VK, aminoglycoside). Prevention of 12,500-25,000 units/kg q hr up to increase blood levels pseudome trimester of cephalosporins, or other bet-lactam
Penccilline V/ rheumatic fever. (unlabeled 250,000 units/kg/day in divided of penicillin (therapy mbranous pregnancy , antibiotics. Persons with a negative hx
Procaine penicillin uses- tx of Lyme disease. doses, some infections may may be combined for colitis. lactation has of penicillin sensitivity may still have
G- Wycillin, Prevention of recurrent require up to 300,000units/kg/day. his purpose). Interstitial been used an allergic response. Observe patient
benzathine penicillin Streptococcal pneumoniae IV Infants>7days Neomycin may nephritis. safely but does of signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis
G- Bicillin L-A, septicemia in children with 25,000units/kg/q 8hr meningitis decrease absorption Rashes, appear in breast (rash, pruritus, laryngeal edema,
Permapen) sickle-cell disease. 50,000-75,000 units/kg q 6hr of penicillin V urticaria, milk and wheezing). D/C drug and health care
Inhibits protein synthesis in Infants <7days 25,000units/kg/q decrease elimination eosinophili exposes infant t professional immediately if these
susceptible bacteria a level of 12hr Streptococcus B meningities of methotrexate and a, drug and its symptoms occur. Keep epinephrine, an
Anti-infectious 50S ribosome. Binds to 100,000-150,000 units/kg in increase risk of hemolytic side effects. antihistamine, and resuscitation
Penicillins bacterial cell wall, resulting in divided doses. serious toxicity. May anemia, equipment close by in case of an
cell death. Spectrum active on Pencillin V cause positive direct leukopenia, anaphylactic reaction. Do not confuse
most gram-positive organisms, PO Adults and Children >12yr Coombs’ test results, Pain at IM penicillin with penicillamine. Do not
Preg. Cat. B including may streptococci, Most Infections/ erysipeloid 125- Hyperkalemia may site, confuse penicillin G aqueous
( Streptococcus pneumoniae, 500mg q 6-8 hr. Rheumatic fever develop after large phlebitis at (potassium or sodium salt) with
Davis Drug Guide group A beta-hemolytic strepto- prevention 125-250mg q 12 hr---- doses of penicillin G IV site. penicillin G procaine. Monitor
for Nsg Page 958- inducing strains) and Bacillus Children <12yr Lyme disease potassium. Allergic serum sodium concentrations in
959 anthracis. Some gram-negative 12.5mg/kgq 6hr (unlabeled), reactions patient with hypertension or CHF.
organisms, such as Neisseria prevention of Streptococcus including Hypermatremia may develop after
meningiitdis and Neissera pneumoniae sepsis in children anaphylaxis large doses of penicillin sodium. May
gonorrbaeae (only penicillin with sickle cell disease- 1mg twice and serum cause increase ST, ALT, LDH and
susceptible strains) daily sickness, serum alkaline phosphatase
super- concentrations.