KOTC Official Basketball Rules Amended January 2019+ PDF

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As approved by
KOTC Sports Organizing Services, Inc.
Mandaluyong City, Philippines, 1st January 2019

Valid and Effective as of January 2019


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Art. I General Provisions
1. Except otherwise stated below, all games will be played under the 2018 Official FIBA rules.
For reference, please see the following link:
2. The Technical Committee (TC) shall serve as the policy making body of KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc., who
shall review and implement the Official Basketball Rules at all times, as well as having the right to amend or supersede
any portion thereof in the interest of substantial justice. Consequently, it has the power to make decisions at any point
not specifically covered by these rules. 

3. The proper conduct of the game demands the full and loyal cooperation of the players and team bench personnel with
the Referees and/or officials. Any deliberate non-cooperation or non-compliance with the spirit of sportsmanship and
fair play shall be dealt with in accordance with the Official Basketball Rules.
4. Compliance to the Official Basketball Rules shall be for the sole accountability of the coach and/or captain. Only they
are allowed to communicate with the Officials in a courteous manner to obtain information, however, only when the ball
becomes dead and the game clock is stopped. Similarly, they are allowed to go to the official’s table to in a courteous
manner only to obtain statistical information.
5. Only the equipment provided by KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc., and approved by the Referees, shall be
considered official. Statistical information and decisions arising from such equipment, including digital tablet or laptop,
score sheets, videos, films, pictures or any equipment, visual, electronic, or otherwise shall be considered final.

Art. II Registration Procedure and Player Eligibility

1. All teams are required to submit to the Technical Committee, via technical@kingsofthecourt.ph, the following
documents no later than the respective deadlines stated in the registration forms:
a. Accomplished registration form (in word/excel format) complete with the necessary details.
b. Proof of partial or full payment.
c. Accomplished and signed contract and waiver form for all players.
d. Proof of identification: Government Issued ID, Company ID, School ID, Alumni Card, etc.
e. All submitted documents that are certified true copies shall be considered valid and true, unless proven
otherwise, with evidence beyond reasonable doubt, by a protesting team under Art. VI.
f. The Technical Committee (TC) reserves the right to withhold player participation and/or declare a game lost
by forfeit until accomplishment of the abovementioned requirements.
2. All teams are required to attend KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc.’s’ pre-tournament meeting.
3. All teams are required to undergo KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc.’s official height measurement process before
their players can officially play in the tournament.

4. All teams are required to settle the tournament fee inclusive of the refundable deposit in full, on or before the team’s 3rd

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a. Unless otherwise given an extension, the Technical Committee reserves the right to declare a game lost by
forfeit for teams with remaining balances. Failure to settle during the said extension date, the team shall be
disqualified - the subsequent opponent shall automatically advance. 

b. Any payment made is non-refundable. In the event that the team cancels its participation, the coach, captain,
and/or promissory note signatory shall pay in full amount, unless otherwise approved by KOTC.
5. All teams may register and field a maximum of only Twenty (20) players for the entire season. However, a player who
misses all of his/her elimination games will not be allowed to play in the playoffs onwards, even if he/she is registered.
a. In the event of a game lost by forfeit or default, the player must physically be present in the venue.

b. In the event of injuries, the player must obtain a certified true copy of the medical certificate, and must be
physically present in the venue. Medical Certificates and a photo of the injured player who attended the
elimination game shall be sent to the Technical Committee, via technical@kingsofthecourt.ph
6. No new players can be added to the lineup once the tournament begins, unless otherwise approved by the Technical
Committee (TC).

7. The Technical Committee (TC) has the right to allow/deny players even if the tournament is ongoing, depending on the
team’s strength or tournament’s level of competition, especially if the team exceeds the maximum average height
stated in the registration form, or if a player is above the height limit, and/or overqualified for the tournament’s level of
8. The Technical Committee (TC) has the right to place a handicap per team (e.g. only 1 out of the 3 mentioned players
can be on the floor at the same time) even if the tournament is ongoing, depending on the team’s strength or
tournament’s level of competition. This handicap, however, may be lifted at any time during the tournament.
9. The Technical Committee (TC) has the right to forfeit, disqualify, and/or declare a Technical Committee’s Penalty
(TCP) where ineligible players in the respective divisions are fielded.
a. Unless otherwise given a Technical Committee’s Penalty (TCP), if player(s) are proven ineligible in the
respective division prior to the playoffs, the team shall be forfeited - all previous games wherein the player(s)
were fielded will be overturned. Statistical points under Article V, and tiebreakers under Article VII shall will
b. Unless otherwise given a Technical Committee’s Penalty (TCP), if player(s) are proven ineligible in the
respective division during the playoffs, the team shall be disqualified - the subsequent opponent shall
automatically advance. 

c. Unless otherwise given a Technical Committee’s Penalty (TCP), any inaccurate information entered in the
registration form shall be subjected to penalties under Article II, Section 8a and 8b.

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Art. III Uniforms
1. The uniform of the team members shall consist of:
a. Shirts of the exact same design on or before the team’s 2nd game.
b. Shorts of the same dominant shade and/or color, but not necessarily of the exact same design. 

c. Proper footwear and socks, not necessarily of the exact same color
2. Each team member shall wear a shirt numbered on the front and back, with the following conditions:
a. Players shall use numbers 0 and 00 and from 1-99 only.
b. Players on the same team shall not wear the same number. 

c. All players are identified by the number assigned to them for the season. Shirts without last names are
acceptable. After the 2nd game, this number shall be permanent for the rest of the tournament, and will no
longer be allowed to change numbers.
3. No switching of shirts and placing of tape or any other form of adhesive to change the design will be allowed, unless
otherwise approved by the Technical Committee at least one (1) day prior to the start of their next game.
4. Unless otherwise approved by the Technical Committee, failure to comply with the abovementioned uniform rules will
result to penalties stated under Art. IV, Section 3.

Art. IV Player/Team Penalties

1. Since KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc. advocates sportsmanship and fair play, any form of unsportsmanlike
behavior and/or flagrant acts of aggression will not be tolerated. Referees will be given full discretion to give penalties.
2. The Technical Committee reserves the right to exclude and/or ban from the venue any player, assigned coach,
captain, and/or guest who impose or inflict any form of verbal or physical abuse towards the officials during the course
of the game. Players, assigned coaches, captains, and/or guests hereby undertake to course any form of grievance or
complaint on any game or Event directly to KOTC and shall not publicly defame, insult or slander KOTC, its officers,
employees, staff and personnel in any form of media, social media or any other forms.
3. Penalties and Fees
a. Penalty Fee Matrix for Team
FIBA Reference Tournament Fee Tournament Sanction
Game lost by forfeit or default (1st offense) Arts. 20 and 21 PHP 3,000.00 Final warning
Game lost by forfeit or default (2nd offense) Arts. 20 and 21 PHP 3,000.00 Tournament Suspension
One (1) year ban from any
Game lost by forfeit or disqualification from
n/a PHP 3,000.00 KOTC Sports Organizing
player eligibility
Services Inc.’s event
No same top uniforms n/a 2nd Game: PHP 300.00 2nd Game: Technical Foul
3rd Game onwards: PHP 3rd Game: Game lost by
3,000.00 forfeit

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b. Penalty Fee Matrix for Individual Players and/or Team Bench Personnel

FIBA Reference Tournament Fee Tournament Sanction

1st Offense – Final Warning
1st Offense: PHP 300.00
2nd Offense – One (1) Game
Technical Foul (non-contact foul; behavioral 2nd Offense: PHP
FIBA Article 36 Suspension
in nature) 1000.00
3rd Offense – Tournament
3rd Offense: PHP 2000.00
1st Offense – Final Warning
Unsportsmanlike Foul (contact foul; not a 1st Offense: PHP 300.00
2nd Offense – One (1) Game
legitimate attempt to directly play the ball, 2nd Offense: PHP
FIBA Article 37 Suspension
excessive and hard contact in an effort to 1000.00
3rd Offense – Tournament
play the ball) 3rd Offense: PHP 2000.00
1st Offense – PHP 1st Offense – One (1) Game
Disqualifying Foul (flagrant unsportsmanlike 1000.00 Suspension
FIBA Article 38
action) 2nd Offense: PHP 2nd Offense – Tournament
2000.00 Suspension

Fighting (physical interaction between 2 or

more opponents; leaving the confines of the
FIBA Article 39 1st Offense: PHP 2000.00 Tournament Suspension
team bench during a fight, to engage in a
physical interaction)

Fighting (leaving the confines of the team

bench during a fight or during any situation
FIBA Article 39.2.1 n/a Player Game Disqualification
which may lead to a fight; regardless of
the intention; no physical interaction)

n/a 1st Offense: PHP 300.00 1st Offense – Technical Foul;

Uniform: Shirt switching and/or number 2nd Offense: PHP Player game disqualification
switching 1000.00 2nd Offense – One (1) Game
3rd Offense: PHP 2000.00 Suspension; Player game
3rd Offense – Tournament

c. Judgment calls of the Referees shall be considered final. However, for the purposes of downgrading
tournament sanctions and fees, the sanctioned player or coach must seek approval from the Referee
immediately after the game, otherwise the penalty remains.
d. A player who receives a 2nd Technical or Unsportsmanlike Foul, is disqualified, or suspended shall
automatically be ineligible to receive individual awards – Mythical 5, MVP, etc.
e. The Technical Committee shall inform the captain or team representative of the tournament fees and
sanctions prior to the team’s next game via direct communication through mobile or online reference.
f. The assigned coach, captain, or team representative shall settle tournament fees prior to the team’s next
game, if no refundable amount was given, or if the entire refundable amount has been used.
g. Tournament fees by a team not paid by the assigned coach, captain, or team representative prior to the start
of the team’s next game shall be declared a game lost by forfeit under FIBA Article 20.1.

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h. Tournament fees by an individual player not paid by the assigned coach, captain, or team representative on
his behalf prior the start of its next game shall not be allowed to play, however a team under FIBA Article 4
can still play if it is not in violation of FIBA Article 20.

Art. V Game Lost by Forfeit and Default

1. Teams must have a least five (5) players before tip-off. The following rules will apply if they do not complete this after
10 minutes of the scheduled tip-off:
a. If a team does not have the required number of players before tip-off who are on the court and in complete
uniform under Art. III, it will be given an additional 5 minutes in exchange for a technical foul and free throw
for the opposing team. 

b. If after 5 minutes and the team still does not complete the five (5) players, the opposing team will be given
discretion to win via forfeit or provide a 2nd and final 5 minutes, in which the game will be played on running
time, except for the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter and/or overtime periods and no time-outs for the late
team for the entire game. 

c. If after the 2nd and final 5 minutes and the team still does not complete the five (5) players, the result shall

be declared as game lost by forfeit. 

d. The winning team via forfeit may use the court hours for a practice game. Rates will apply for Referee


e. For Point Differential (PD) purposes of game lost by forfeit, refer to Article VII, Section 4. 

2. A team shall lose a game by forfeit if, during the game, its actions prevent the game from being played, and/or it
refuses to play after being instructed to do so by the Referee. 

3. A team shall lose a game by default if, during the game, the team has fewer than 2 players on the playing court
ready/available to play. 

4. The statistical points that the winning team will receive from a game lost by forfeit or default will be based on their
averages per game pre or post forfeiting or defaulting game, plus an additional 10 statistical points for the game won.
The team who lost the game by forfeit or default will receive 0.00 statistical points. 

5. In case of a team walkout, the result shall be declared as a game lost by forfeit. No game stats of the team will be
considered. All members who were present at the game shall be suspended for the remainder of the tournament, and
in the next KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc.’ tournament. In addition, the Technical Committee (TC) may
exercise its right to ban the team from entering the venue where the walkout occurred, upon written agreement of the

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Art. VI Protest Procedure
1. If, during a KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc.’ official competition, a team believes its interests have been
adversely affected by a decision of an official, or by any event that took place during or after a game, it must proceed in
the following manner:
a. The assigned coach or captain shall, immediately, within fifteen (15) minutes after the game, inform the
Technical Committee verbally that his team is protesting against the result of the game and fill-up the official
protest form provided by the Technical Committee. 

b. The assigned coach or captain shall then send to the Technical Committee his team’s written protest through
a hard copy or e-mail (via technical@kingsofthecourt.ph) within 24-hours after the verbal intent. Any other
forms will be considered invalid. 

c. In addition, the protesting team shall deposit a PHP 500.00 as security. If the decision of the Technical
Committee is in favor of the protesting team, the deposit will be refunded. 

d. The Technical Committee shall resolve the case, and reply through a hard copy or e-mail, no longer than five
(5) days from the submission of the required documentation and protest fee.
i. Should the decision of the Technical Committee be in favor of the protesting team, the deposit of
PHP 500.00 shall be refunded. 

ii. Should the decision of the Technical Committee not be in favor of the protesting team, they may
submit through a hard copy or e-mail a final appeal addressed to the President of KOTC Sports
Organizing Services Inc., in which they shall additional deposit of PHP 1,000.00 as security. If the
decision of the Technical Committee be in favor of the appeal, the sum of PHP 1,500.00 (protesting
fee and appeal) will be refunded. 

e. Should the decision be in favor of the protesting team, the forfeiting/penalized team may submit a final
appeal, which must be in written format through hard copy or e-mail, plus a deposit of P500.00. If the
Technical Committee is in favor of the appeal, the sum of P500.00 will be refunded.
2. Official protests regarding player/team eligibility will only be entertained until the 2 nd week of the tournament, or not
more than five (5) days after the subjected player/team played, whichever comes first. Any protests, tips, and/or
relevant information succeeding this will no longer be entertained.
3. Game schedules shall not be postponed and/or cancelled due to ongoing proceedings under Art. VI, Section 1 and 2.
Likewise, release of all post-game materials shall not be withheld due to the same circumstance.
4. KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc. has the right, in its own initiative, to conduct a thorough investigation and
evaluation regarding the matter, including but not limited to, ask any team to comment regarding protests or show
cause, consult with higher bodies (e.g. Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas), and/or use precedents. Once decisions
have been made, these are considered final and irreversible, except otherwise granted under Article VI, Section 1e. 

5. Videos, films, pictures or any equipment, visual, electronic, digital, or otherwise, may be used to determine
responsibility in matters of discipline or for educational (training) purposes only after the game has ended under FIBA
Article C.

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Art. VII Tiebreakers
1. Win-over-the-other rule will apply for two teams with identical records.
2. Win-over-the-other rule will apply for three or more teams with identical records, if:
a. One team wins all its elimination round games against the teams it is tied with 

b. One team loses all its elimination round games against teams it is tied with. 

3. Point Differential (PD) system will apply for two, three or more teams with identical records, if:
a. No team was able to win all its elimination round games against the teams it is tied with. It is the sum of the
winning margins minus the sum of the losing margins for teams who are tied against one another. (Points for
minus points against). 

b. No team was able to face each other in the eliminations. It is the sum of the winning margins minus the sum
of the losing margins for all their elimination games. (Points for minus points against).
4. In cases of game lost by forfeit or default, the winning margin is equal to the average points per game as of the end of
the elimination round for the team that wins by forfeit or default. Losing margin of the losing team will be its negative
equivalent. However, if a team wins all its elimination games the via forfeit or default, the scores shall be 20-0 in
accordance to FIBA Article 20.1
5. If teams still have equal point differentials, win-over-the-other will be reapplied to the remaining teams. If not
applicable, the quotient system shall apply. It is the total points scored divided by the total scored allowed for all their
elimination games. If after such and teams still have equal quotients, the point differential system will be reapplied to
teams who are tied with, based on their first elimination game of the season.
6. If teams are still tied after the #5 scenario, seeding will be based on the point differential system against their first
common opponent or until the next common opponent where the tie is broken.
Art. VIII Officials: Duties and Powers
1. The Referees shall exercise all duties and powers stated under FIBA Article 46, and have the power to make decisions
on any point not specifically covered by these rules. The Referees’ power shall begin when they arrive on the playing
court, and end when the game clock signal sounds for the end of the playing time, if no circumstances under Article IV,
Section 2c and Article VI occur.
a. The game shall be administered under FIBA’s 2-Person Officiating during the elimination and playoff round 

b. The game shall be administered under FIBA’s 3-Person Officiating during the semifinals and finals
c. The Referees, in cases of buzzer-beaters, shot-clock violations, fighting situation and other relevant technical
issues will only be the ones allowed to view and conduct the review, and will make the final decision. Use of
Instant Replay System (IRS), if present and approved by the Referees, shall only be applied and in situations
d. The Referees shall decide whether a player has to sit on the bench for three (3) minutes due to an
Unsportsmanlike Foul with the criteria of being an excessive, hard contact in an effort to play the ball.

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2. The Technical Committee Officer (TCO), if present, shall sit on the official’s table, exercise all duties and powers
stated under FIBA Article 45.3 and Article 47, supervise the work of the Technical Committee Associate (TCA), and to
assist the Referees in the smooth functioning of the game. In addition:
a. Determine, before the game, the Referees who will officiate 

b. Determine, before the game, each team’s assigned coach and/or captain 

c. Brief each team’s assigned coach, and/or captain, if needed, regarding their duties and powers under FIBA

Article 6 and Article 7 

d. Record all penalties under Article IV, and send detailed reports to the Technical Committee regarding any

issues and/or concerns needed for review. 

e. Exercise the duties and powers of the Technical Committee Associate (TCA), if needed. 

3. The Technical Committee Associate (TCA) shall sit on the official’s table, and exercise all duties and powers stated
under FIBA Article 48, including but not limited to, record team names, player names, scores, and all relevant statistics
via a digital tablet or laptop, if present, or a score sheet. If a scorekeeping and/or statistical error is recognized:
a. During the game, the Technical Committee Associate must wait for the first dead ball before correcting on his
digital tablet. 

b. At the end of playing time and less than 24 hours after each game, the error shall be corrected, even if this
correction influences the final result of the game 

c. At the end of playing time and more than 24 hours after each game, the error may no longer be corrected.
The Referee or the Technical Committee Officer, if present, must send a detailed report to the Technical

d. In the event of any technical malfunction and the game records are no longer retrievable, all relevant
individual statistics will be based on the averages per game pre or post game, plus an additional 10 statistical
points for the winning team. Final score, however, shall remain, if retrieved from any relevant source. 

4. The Scoreboard Operator (SO) shall sit on the official’s table, and exercise all duties and powers stated under FIBA
Article 49 and 50. In the case of any discrepancy between the Scoreboard Operator and the Technical Committee
Associate (TCA) which cannot be resolved, the statistics via a digital tablet or laptop, if present, or a scoresheet shall
take precedence and the scoreboard shall be corrected accordingly.
a. Should a game start later than the scheduled time, the game may be played on running, depending on how
delayed the game is.
b. The last 2 minutes of the 4th period, however, will be played in accordance to FIBA Article 49.2.
c. The Scoreboard Operator (SO) may decide to shorten the warm-ups of both teams, as well as dead ball
situations to ensure the game be played in accordance to FIBA Article 49.2.

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Art. IX Others
1. Players, assigned coach, captain, or team representatives under the influence of liquor or drugs shall not be allowed to
play or sit on the team bench. 

2. Team bench shall be exclusive only for the players, assigned coach, captain, and team representative. Guests shall be
by the bleachers and/or seats for the audience. Any behavior of guests detrimental to the spirit of the sportsmanship
and fair play shall be dealt with accordingly by the officials. 

3. Players, assigned coach, captain, and guests undertake to conform and adhere to the rules and regulations set forth
by the respective venue/s of KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc. It shall not be held liable for any structural or
equipment damage which they may cause during the game. Consequently, KOTC shall not be held liable for any lost
or damaged belongings of the players, assigned coach, captain, and guests. 

4. KOTC Sports Organizing Services Inc. has the full discretion in cancelling or postponing games due to a force majeure
event, such as but not limited to acts of God (any natural calamity, flooding, earthquake, etc.), war, riot, or acts or
threats of terrorism, and shall reschedule the event to another date and/or a suitable venue acceptable to the teams.
Should a game be cancelled at any time during the game, it shall be rescheduled and continue from the exact scenario
from the time the game was postponed, which includes official score, official time, team/personal fouls, and player
statistics. Players who are not present in the postponed game will not be allowed to play in the rescheduled game. 

5. Should a team request for a swap and/or change of game schedules, it must proceed in the following manner:
a. The requesting team shall communicate its request directly to its opponent, and other affected teams if
applicable, at least one (1) week before the scheduled game, otherwise it shall be considered invalid.
b. Once all teams involved in the swap have agreed, the Technical Committee shall deliberate the request
considering manpower and venue availability, and overall effect on game schedules, among others.
c. Once the request is granted, the new schedule shall be final and irreversible.
d. Any and all costs appurtenant to such swap and/or change shall be for the team/s’ sole account..
6. Refundable amounts will be returned via bank deposit and/or cash after the tournament.

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