Engr228 Circuit Analysis

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Chapter 8

Circuit Analysis

Dr Curtis Nelson

Chapter 8 Objectives

• Be able to determine the natural and the step response of

parallel RLC circuits;
• Be able to determine the natural and the step response of
series RLC circuits.

Engr228 - Chapter 8, Nilsson 9E 1

RL and RC Circuit Review

• Transient, natural, or homogeneous response

– Fades over time.
– Resists change.
• Forced, steady-state, particular response
– Follows the input.
– Independent of time passed.
• Assume that the total response is of the form

k1 + k 2 e

The RLC Circuit

• RLC circuits contain both an inductor and a capacitor.

• These circuits have a wide range of applications, including
oscillators and frequency filters.
• They can also model automobile suspension systems,
temperature controllers, airplane responses, etc.
• The response of RLC circuits with DC sources and switches
will also consist of a natural response and a forced response:
v(t) = vf(t)+vn(t)
The complete response must satisfy both the initial
conditions and the “final conditions” of the forced response.

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Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuits
We will first study the natural response of second-order circuit
by studying a source-free parallel RLC circuit.

Parallel RLC Circuit

iR + iL + iC = 0
v(t ) 1 dv(t )
+ ∫ v(t )dt + C =0
R L dt
d 2 v(t ) 1 dv(t ) 1 Second-order
C + + v(t ) = 0
dt 2 R dt L Differential equation

Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuits

This second-order differential equation can be solved by
assuming the form of a solution.

Assume a solution is of the form: v (t ) = Ae st

d 2 v(t ) 1 dv(t ) 1
C + + v(t ) = 0
dt 2 R dt L
1 1
CAs 2 e st + Ase st + Ae st = 0
1 1
Ae st (Cs 2 + s + ) = 0
1 1
which means Cs 2 + s + = 0
• This is known as the characteristic equation.

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Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuits
1 1
Cs 2 + s+ =0
Using the quadratic formula, we get
1  1  1
s1 = − +   −
2 RC  2 RC  LC
1  1  1
s2 = − −   −
2 RC  2 RC  LC

Both v(t ) = A1e s t and v(t ) = A2 e s t are solutions to the equation.

1 2

st s t
Therefore, the complete solution is v (t ) = A1e 1 + A2 e 2
A1 and A2 are determined by the initial conditions of the circuit.

Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuits

1  1  1
s1, 2 = − ±   −
2 RC  2 RC  LC
Define resonant frequency: ω0 =
Define damping factor: α=
2 RC

Then: s1, 2 = −α ± α 2 − ω02

We will now divide the circuit response into three cases

according to the sign of the term under the radical.

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Second-Order Differential Equation Solution
1  1  1
s1, 2 =− ±   −
2 RC  2 RC  LC

s1, 2 = −α ± α 2 − ω02

• Case 1 – overdamped response

α > ω0 (inside the square root is a positive value)
• Case 2 – critically damped response
α = ω0 (inside the square root is zero)
• Case 3 – underdamped response
α < ω0 (inside the square root is a negative value)

Circuit Responses

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Overdamped Case (α > ω0)

Find v(t) in the circuit

at the right.

Given initial conditions:

vc(0) = 0, iL(0) = -10A
1 1
α= = 3 .5 ω0 = = 6

α > ω0 therefore this is an overdamped case

s1, 2 = −α ± α 2 − ω02 s1 = -1, s2 = -6

Overdamped Case - continued

−t −6 t
The solution is in form of v(t ) = A1e + A2 e
Use initial conditions to find A1 and A2
From vc(0) = 0 at t = 0:

v(0) = 0 = A1e0 + A2 e0 = A1 + A2
From KCL taken at t = 0:
iR + iL + iC = 0
v ( 0) dv(t )
+ (−10) + C =0
R dt t =0
0 1
+ ( −10) +
− A1e −t − 6 A2 e −6t ) t =0

(− A1 − 6 A2 ) = 420

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Overdamped Case - continued
Solving the two equations, we get A1 = 84 and A2 = -84
The solution is

v (t ) = 84e − t − 84e −6t = 84(e − t − e −6t )V


v (t ) = 84(e −t − e −6t )

Example: Overdamped RLC Circuit

Find vC(t) for t > 0

vC(t) = 80e−50,000t − 20e−200,000t V for t > 0

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Critically Damped Case (α = ω0)

Find v(t) in the circuit

at the right.

Given initial conditions:

vc(0) = 0, iL(0) = -10A

1 1
α= = ω0 = = 2.45

Critically damped when α = ω0 s1 = s2 = -2.45

The complete solution in this case is of the form

v(t ) = A1te st + A2 e st

Critically Damped Case - continued

Use initial conditions to find A1 and A2
From vc(0) = 0 at t = 0:
v(0) = 0 = A1 (0)e 0 + A2 e 0 = A2
Therefore A2 = 0 and the solution is reduced to v (t ) = A1te −2.45t
Find A1 from KCL at t = 0:
iR + iL + iC = 0
v ( 0) dv(t )
+ (−10) + C =0
R dt t =0
0 1
+ ( −10) +
A1t ( −2.45)e − 2.45t + A1e − 2.45t ) t =0

− 10 + ( A1 ) = 0

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Critically Damped Case - continued
Solving the equation, A1 = 420
The solution is
v(t ) = 420te −2.45tV


v(t ) = 420te −2.45t

Critically Damped Example

Find R1 such that the circuit is critically damped for t > 0 and R2
so that v(0)=2V.

Answer: R1 = 31.63 kΩ, R2=0.4Ω

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Underdamped Case (α < ω0)

s1, 2 = −α ± α 2 − ω02

For the underdamped case, the term inside the bracket will be
negative and s will be a complex number.

Define ωd = ω02 − α 2

Then s1, 2 = −α ± jωd

v(t ) = A1e ( −α + jωd ) t + A2 e ( −α − jωd ) t

v(t ) = e −αt ( A1e jωd t + A2 e − jωd t )

Underdamped Case - continued

v(t ) = e −αt ( A1e jωd t + A2e − jωd t )

Using Euler’s Identity e jθ = cos θ + j sin θ

v (t ) = e −αt ( A1 cos ωd t + jA1 sin ωd t + A2 cos ωd t − jA2 sin ωd t )

v (t ) = e −αt (( A1 + A2 ) cos ωd t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin ω d t
v (t ) = e −αt ( B1 cos ω d t + B2 sin ωd t )

v (t ) = e −αt ( B1 cos ω d t + B2 sin ω d t )

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Mechanical Analogue
A pendulum is an example of an underdamped second-order
mechanical system.


Underdamped Case - Example

Find v(t) in the circuit

at the right.

Given initial conditions:

vc(0) = 0, iL(0) = -10A
1 1
α= =2 ω0 = = 6

α < ω0 therefore, this is an underdamped case

ωd = ω02 − α 2 = 2

v(t) is of the form v (t ) = e −2t ( B1 cos 2t + B2 sin 2t )

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Underdamped Case - continued
Use initial conditions to find B1 and B2
From vc(0) = 0 at t = 0:
v (0) = e 0 ( B1 cos 0 + B2 sin 0) = B1
Therefore B1 = 0 and the solution is reduced to
v (t ) = e −2t ( B2 sin 2t )
Find B2 from KCL at t = 0:
iR + iL + iC = 0
v ( 0) dv(t )
+ (−10) + C =0
R dt t =0
0 1
+ (−10) +
2 B2 e − 2t cos 2t − 2 B2 e − 2t sin 2t ) t =0

− 10 + ( 2 B2 ) = 0

Underdamped Case - continued

Solving: B2 = 210 2 = 297

The solution is: v (t ) = 297e −2t sin 2tV


v (t ) = 297e −2 t sin 2tV

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Underdamped Example

Find iL for t > 0

iL = e−1.2t (2.027 cos 4.75t + 2.561 sin 4.75t) A

Summary of Transient Responses

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Source - Free Series RLC Circuit

vR + vL + vC = 0
di (t ) 1
i(t ) R + L + ∫ i(t )dt = 0
dt C
d i(t ) di (t ) 1
L + R + i (t ) = 0
dt 2 dt C

Series and Parallel RLC Circuits

Parallel RLC Series RLC
d v(t ) 1 dv(t ) 1
C + + v(t ) = 0 d 2i (t ) di (t ) 1
dt 2 R dt L L 2
+R + i (t ) = 0
dt dt C
v(t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s2t i (t ) = A1e s1t + A2 e s2t
1  1  1 R  R  1
s1, 2 =− ±   − s1, 2 =− ±   −
2 RC  2 RC  LC 2L  2 L  LC

s1, 2 = −α ± α 2 − ω02 s1, 2 = −α ± α 2 − ω02

1 1 R 1
α= ω0 = α= ω0 =

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Series RLC Circuit Solution

R s1 = −α + α 2 − ω 02
Define ω0 = 1 α=
LC 2L s2 = −α − α 2 − ω 02

Then if:
α > ω0 (overdamped): i (t ) = A1e s1t + A2 e s2t
α = ω0 (critically damped): i (t ) = e −αt ( A1t + A2 )

α < ω0 (underdamped): i (t ) = e −αt (B1 cos(ωd t ) + B2 sin (ω d t ))

Example: Initial Conditions

Find the labeled voltages and currents at t = 0- and t = 0+.

iR(0−) = −5 A vR(0−) = −150 V iR(0+) = −1 A vR(0+) = −30 V
iL (0−) = 5 A vL (0−) = 0 V iL (0+) = 5 A vL (0+) = 120 V
iC(0−) = 0 A vC(0−) = 150 V iC(0+) = 4 A vC(0+) = 150 V

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Example: Initial Slopes

Find the first derivatives of the labeled voltages and currents at t = 0+.

diR/dt(0+) = −40 A/s dvR/dt(0+) = -1200 V/s
diL /dt(0+) = 40 A/s dvL /dt(0+) = -1092 V/s
diC/dt(0+) = -40 A/s dvC/dt(0+) = 108 V/s

Summary: Solving RLC Circuits

1. Identify the series or parallel RLC circuit;

2. Find α and ω0;
3. Determine whether the circuit is overdamped, critically
damped, or underdamped;
4. Assume a solution (natural response + forced response);

A1e s1t + A2 e s2t + V f Overdamped

A1te st + A2 e st + V f Critically damped

e −αt ( B1 cos ωd t + B2 sin ωd t ) + V f Underdamped

5. Find A, B, and Vf using initial and final conditions.

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Forced Response Example
t = 0 sec

Find Vc(t)
S1 30 +

4A iL(t) 3H Vc 1/27f 5A

R 1
α= =5 ω0 = =3
s1, 2 = −α ± α 2 − ω02 = −1,−9

This is an overdamped case, so the solution is of the form

A1e − t + A2 e −9t + V f

Forced Response Example - continued

vC (t ) = A1e − t + A2 e −9t + V f
The initial conditions are vC(0) = 150 V and iL(0) = -5 A
As time goes to infinity, vC(∞) = 150 V and iL(∞) = -9 A

Using vC(0) = 150 V , we get 150 = A1 + A2 + V f

Using vC(∞) = 150 V , we get 150 = 0 + 0 + V f

Therefore, Vf = 150 and A1+A2 = 0

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Forced Response Example - continued
Also, initial conditions determine that iC(0) = 4A

dv(t ) 1
iC (t ) = C = (− A1e −t − 9 A2 e −9t )
dt 27
iC (0) = 4 = (− A1e 0 − 9 A2 e 0 )
108 = − A1 − 9 A2

A1 = 13.5, A2 = -13.5

Therefore, vC (t ) = 13.5e − t − 13.5e −9t + 150 V

Chapter 8 Summary

• Showed how to determine the natural and the step

response of parallel RLC circuits;
• Showed how to determine the natural and the step
response of series RLC circuits.

Engr228 - Chapter 8, Nilsson 9E 18

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