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Respiratory Protection Standards Do more, feel better, live longer

Respiratory Protection Standards Overview

Respirators are normally defined as filtering Respiratory Protective Devices (RPD’s) which remove contaminants from an otherwise breathable
atmosphere. Breathing Apparatus is equipment that supplies the wearer with breathable air from a controlled source, usually from self-contained
bottles or cylinders, or via airlines.
A sub class of RPD that is becoming important is Light Duty Airline equipment. This is similar to airline Breathing Apparatus but much lighter in
construction and used for general industrial applications.
Because of the diversity of applications, there are many different types of RPD in service, ranging from simple disposable filtering face pieces, to fully
selfcontained breathing apparatus. This diversity is reflected in the many European and International product standards to which these devices are

Important Respiratory Protection Standards Explained

EN149 - Disposable filtering face piece particulate respirators P2 medium efficiency and P3 high efficiency. It is very important that
These devices are for the most part constructed from the filter media the correct filter class is chosen for any given application.
itself, which is often an electro statically charged material, and are EN141 - Gas and vapour filters
disposable. There are three protection classes in this standard: FFP1, Gas and vapour or combination filters. A combination filter is one
FFP2 and FFP3. These devices cover only the nose, mouth and chin. that combines a gas filtering element with a particulate filtering
EN405 - Valved filtering half mask respirators for gases and element conforming to EN143 above. Gas /vapour filters are
particulates classified according to type and class. It is vital that the correct filter is
Disposable half mask respirators which incorporate a gas filtering used for any given substance.
element as well as a particulate filtering element. These cover the Type Colour Code Application
nose, mouth and chin and usually have an adjustable head harness. A Brown Organic compounds with a boiling
These devices are re-usable although the complete mask must be point above 65°C as specified by the
replaced when the filters are exhausted. There are several manufacturer.
classifications of device in this standard depending on the particulate
B Grey Inorganic substance e.g. Chlorine
filtration efficiency and gas filtration capacity (life before saturation).
(excluding Carbon Monoxide).
EN140 - Half mask face pieces
E Yellow Acid gases and vapours e.g. Sulphur
Half or quarter masks which cover the nose, mouth and chin, or just Dioxide.
the nose and mouth. The face piece is generally a flexible rubber or
K Green Ammonia and organic ammonia
silicone rubber material, and can usually be fitted with a range of
replaceable filters which conform to the separate standards EN141,
143, 371, 372. The maximum weight of filters to be fitted to half NoxP3 Blue/White Oxides of Nitrogen (single use only).
masks is 300 gms, since heavy filters are liable to disturb the face seal HgP3 Red/White Mercury and compounds.
and prove uncomfortable. Half masks may be fitted with the EN141 also classifies filters by capacity with classes 1 to 3 being low,
EN148/1 standard thread fitting. medium and high capacity respectively.
EN136 - Full face pieces EN371 - Gas and/or combined filters for use against low
Full facemasks that cover the whole face. These have a flexible boiling point organic compounds
rubber or silicone rubber face seal and are fitted with a transparent Filters for use against certain low boiling point organic vapours as
visor. Full facemasks are usually fitted with replaceable filters specified by the manufacturer. Organic vapours with boiling points
conforming to the separate standards EN141, 143, 371, 372. The below 65°C are volatile, and less readily absorbed by filter charcoals.
maximum weight of filters to be fitted directly to full facemasks is Once absorbed, there is a tendency for the contaminant to seep back
500 gms. Full facemasks commonly have the EN148-1 standard into the air stream whilst the filter is being used. Therefore, these
thread to take the full range of standard filter canisters allowing filters are single use only and must be replaced after each shift. The
compatibility with face pieces from a range of manufacturers. filters are marked AX and have a brown label.
However, the use of twin filter full facemasks with dedicated filter
fittings is becoming more common, since standard thread filters tend EN372 - Filters against specific named compounds
to be heavy with high breathing resistance. EN372 allows a filter to be approved to provide protection against a
Within EN136 there are 3 Classes (all 3 classes provide the same level specific substance. The filters are marked SX and have a violet label,
of respiratory protection): and will be marked with the substance of application. These filters
are not common, as most applications are adequately covered by the
Class 1 - a light duty full facemask which is maintenance free and other standards.
cannot be fitted with standard canisters.
EN146 - Powered respirators (hoods and helmets)
Class 2 - a fully maintainable general duty Respirator.
Powered hoods and helmets for protection against particulates only.
Class 3 - a fire fighting mask which has passed a radiant heat test. 3 levels of protection are available: THP1, THP2 and THP3, the latter
Full facemasks are frequently components of other RPD’s such as being the highest. This standard has now been superseded by
power assisted respirators, or self contained / airline supplied EN12941.
breathing apparatus. These systems are generally approved as a EN12941 - Powered respirators (hoods and helmets)
complete set against the relevant standard- e.g. EN12942, EN137,
EN139. Powered hoods and helmets providing protection against both
particulates and gases/vapours. There are 3 protection classes: TH1,
EN143 - Particulate filters TH2, TH3, the latter being the highest. These devices rely for their
Particulate filters which are effective against all dusts and fibres. Most protection on a constant flow of filtered air provided by a battery
are also effective against metal (e.g. welding) fume, liquid mists, powered fan. The filter types and combinations available for these
bacteria and virus, although this should always be checked with the devices are: P (particulate), A, B, E, K, AX, SX, Nox, HgP. The
supplier of any individual filter. This standard describes only those particulate filter efficiency is required to match the total protection of
filters to be fitted to EN140 half face pieces and EN136 full face the system, so filters are marked TH1 P, TH2 P, TH3 P etc depending
pieces. There are three classes of particulate filter, P1 low efficiency, on which level of device they are approved for use with.

Respiratory Protection | Respiratory Protection Standards

EN12942 - Powered assisted face mask respirators EN270 - Compressed airline apparatus incorporating hood
Power assisted face mask respirators, providing protection against Compressed airline Breathing Apparatus incorporating a hood or
both particulates and gases/vapours. 3 levels of protection are helmet. These devices have a heavy-duty airline feeding the hood or
available: TM1, TM2 and TM3, the latter being the highest. These helmet via a belt and low pressure breathing hose. There is a single
devices, which may include half masks or full facemasks, are termed level of protection. A low flow warning facility is provided.
power assisted since they will still offer protection equivalent to a EN139 - Compressed airline breathing apparatus for use with
standard negative pressure respirator if the power fails. The filter full face mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly
types and combinations available for these devices are: P (particulate),
Compressed airline breathing apparatus incorporating a full or half
A, B, E, K, AX, SX, Nox, HgP. The particulate filter efficiency is
mask. These may be constant flow, negative pressure demand, or
required to match the total protection of the system, so filters are
positive pressure demand. Positive pressure demand is the most
marked TM1 P, TM2 P, TM3 P etc depending on which level of device
common, due to the enhanced comfort, economy and protection
they are approved for use with.
afforded. These are generally regarded as high protection devices
EN138 - Fresh air hose breathing apparatus for use with full when fitted to full face masks and may be suitable for use in
face mask, confined spaces. An auxiliary air bottle may be incorporated as part
half mask or mouthpiece assembly Fresh Air Breathing Apparatus, of the system to facilitate escape from irrespirable atmospheres
often referred to as FABA consists of a long breathing air hose, should the airline air supply fail. This equipment is provided with a
secured in a clean air area and connected to face mask via the heavy-duty airline which is approved as part of the system.
wearers’ belt and a short breathing hose. This device is suitable for EN137 - Self contained open circuit compressed air breathing
situations where there is fresh air close at hand. Normally the wearer apparatus Self contained open circuit Breathing Apparatus, this can
will have to breathe against the resistance of the hose, although be positive or negative pressure demand, although positive pressure
power assisted versions are becoming more prevalent. demand is now almost universally used. Air is contained in one or
EN1835 - Light duty supplied air more cylinders on the wearer’s back and supplied via a high-pressure
Light duty compressed airline hoods, helmets and visors. 3 levels of regulator and a demand valve to the wearer’s mask. Exhaled air
protection are available: LDH1, LDH2, LDH3, the latter being the passes directly out of the mask through a biased exhale valve. In
highest. The approval covers the complete device including the positive pressure sets, pressure inside the mask is maintained slightly
compressed airline, which must be fed clean breathing quality above ambient at all times regardless of the wearer’s demand for
compressed air, usually at 3 - 10 bar (depending on the device). enhanced comfort and protection levels. These devices are designed
These are not suitable for use in confined spaces or lethal for use in the most hazardous environments and are generally used
atmospheres. The maximum length of airline permitted is 10 metres for fire-fighting and other high-risk respiratory environments.
and a low flow warning facility is required for the higher classes. EN145 - Self contained closed circuit breathing apparatus,
EN12419 - Light duty construction compressed airline compressed oxygen or oxygen nitrogen
breathing apparatus, (incorporating full face mask, half mask Self-contained closed circuit Breathing Apparatus is specialised and
or quarter mask) long duration for rescue applications etc. The wearer has a backpack
Light duty compressed airline half and full face masks. 3 levels of containing a cylinder of oxygen and a CO2 absorber. When the
protection are available: LDM1, LDM2 and LDM3, the latter being the wearer exhales the CO2 is absorbed, and an equivalent amount of
highest. These are not suitable for use in confined spaces or lethal oxygen is added back into the air stream.
atmospheres, and the maximum airline length permitted is 10

Selecting and using Respiratory Protection

Options such as removing the source of hazard from the work area Gases and Vapours – materials in the atmosphere in a molecular
or applying engineering controls should always be implemented state. Vapour is the gaseous state of substances that are liquids or
before resorting to a respiratory protection device. solids at room temperature. Vapours are formed when substances
The selection of the correct respiratory protection follows a basic evaporate. Gases are airborne at room temperature and are capable
4-step method: of diffusing or spreading freely. Various gases have various effects:
1. Identify the hazards (particulates, gas, vapour). • Airways inflammation (e.g. toxic fumes).
2. Quantify the hazards (measure airborne contamination levels and • Irritation (e.g. tear gas).
compare these with acceptable limits). • Suffocation (e.g. chlorine, phosgene).
3. Select the appropriate respirator and filter combination • Anaesthetic (e.g. solvents).
(disposable, half mask, full face mask, powered, airline). • Blood poisoning (e.g. hydrogen cyanide HCN, phosphine).
4. Train wearers in the fitting, use, care and maintenance of RPE • Corrosion (e.g. mustard gas, ozone).
provided to optimise the protection afforded.
The effects are dependent on levels of concentration in the inhaled
air, exposure time and work rate.
Respiratory Hazards Calculating the Level of Protection Required
Respiratory hazards come in many forms. To afford adequate protection, a respiratory protective device must
Particulates – including dusts (finely divided solid materials including provide a sufficient level of protection to reduce the exposure of the
fibres, usually associated with grinding, sanding and drilling), mists wearer to an acceptable level. To determine this, it is necessary to
(liquid droplets and aerosols, associated with e.g. spraying know the expected concentration of contaminant in the workplace,
operations), metal fumes (thermally generated solid particles and calculate the minimum factor by which it must be reduced to
generated in extreme high heat process such as welding , reach an acceptable level - well below any applicable Exposure Limit,
combustion, smelting, brazing and chemical processes), micro- for example OES (occupational exposure standard), OEL (occupational
organisms (such as bacteria, virus, spores). The smaller the particle exposure limit), MEL (maximum exposure limit), STEL (short term
size is the more dangerous substances are as they enter down into exposure limit), MAK (maximum workplace concentration), TLV
the alveoli of the lungs. (threshold limit value).

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Respiratory Protection | Selecting and using Respiratory Protection Do more, feel better, live longer

Protection Factors for Common Respirator Types * According to BS4275 : 1997 and Revisions


EN149 Filtering facepieces for particulates FFP1 4 4
FFP2 12.5 10
FFP3 50 20
EN405 Filtering half masks for gases or particulates FFGASxP1(*) 4 4
FFGASxP2(*) 12.5 10
FFGASxP3(*) 50 20
(*for particulates)
All, for gases 50 10
EN140 Half mask P1 4 4
P2 12.5 10
P3 50 20
GAS 50 10
EN136 Full facemask (all classes) P2 17 10
P3 1000 40
GAS 2000 20
EN12941 Powered hoods or helmets TH1 10 10
TH2 50 20
TH3 500 40
EN12942 Power assisted masks TM1 20 10
TM2 200 20
TM3 2000 40
EN1835 Light duty airline hood or helmet LDH1 10 10
LDH2 50 2
LDH3 200 40
EN12419 Light duty airline, full or half mask LDM1 20 20
LDM2 200 20
LDM3 2000 40
EN139 Compressed airline, full or half mask (a) C/w half mask 50 20
(b) C/w full mask
i) Constant flow 2000 40
ii) Negative pressure demand 2000 40
iii) Positive pressure demand 2000 2000
EN270 Compressed airline breathing apparatus, c/w hood 200 40
Compressed airline suit 200
EN138/269 Fresh air hose breathing apparatus, c/w full facemask or hood 40
EN137 Self contained open circuit breathing apparatus a) Negative pressure demand 2000 40
b) Positive pressure demand 2000 2000

This minimum factor defines the minimum required Protection deciding what level of protection is required. In general, high
Factor of the respiratory protection device (RPD): efficiency particle filters are required and these should be of a type
PF = Contaminant Concentration Outside The Mask approved for liquid aerosols. To decide on the appropriate
protection, it is necessary to at least consider the following:
Contaminant Concentration Inside The Mask
• Proximity to contamination source.
The Protection Factor of any given device is very much dependent on
the level of leakage. Leakage can vary greatly depending on fit, flow • Level of ventilation/ dilution.
rate (if applicable), training and motivation of wearer, temperature • Risk of contamination (e.g. by splash, from coughing etc).
and humidity, application and many other influences. Historically a • Infectious dose of the organism, for example TB is very infectious,
Nominal Protection Factor (NPF) has been quoted for a given class of whereas HIV virus is much more difficult to transfer.
respirator, this being based on the minimum acceptable
If risk from all of these factors is low, it is likely that an FFP3SL
performance in laboratory tests.
disposable or half mask with P3 filter would be adequate. For
More recently however, a new system has been adopted whereby progressively higher risks, higher levels of protection are required. If
safer Assigned Protection Factors (APF) have been set to allow safety the level of risk cannot be identified at least qualitatively, it would be
professionals to make a much safer assumption about the level of unwise to consider using anything less than TH3 or TM3 powered
protection offered by a respirator. respirators against bacteria and virus.
To decide if a given respirator is adequate: Asbestos and Asbestos Removal - Asbestos exposure potentially
Minimum required APF = Workplace Concentration affects workers in the construction and maintenance industries. Use
Maximum Acceptable Exposure Concentration of respiratory protective equipment fitted with effective particle
filters is essential when working with asbestos and even is
Special Considerations for Respiratory Protection inadequate unless full measures for controlling dust at source are
implemented with appropriate work enclosures and
Some applications, by their nature, require special consideration in decontamination procedures. Where work which is likely to give rise
terms of respiratory protection selection: to asbestos dust is contemplated, at a minimum a TM3 power
Bacteria and Virus – Safe exposure standards have not been assisted respirator or EN139 positive pressure demand breathing
established for bacteria and virus and this gives rise to difficulty in apparatus should be worn.

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Respiratory Protection | Selecting and using Respiratory Protection

Isocyanates - There are several organic chemicals within the 4. Check that the filter selected is suitable for liquid / mists /bacteria
Isocyanates family and they are found in many industrial applications / virus / metal fume, as applicable.
where two liquid components react to form a solid material (e.g. 5. Mark date and time of first use on the filter label or record this
insulation materials, polyurethanes and various coatings). Most of separately.
these materials are toxic and can provoke severe allergic reaction in
6. Replace the filter when breathing resistance becomes noticeably
sensitised individuals. For this reason Isocyanates have a very low
burdensome or when a powered respirator fails the flow test.
exposure limit, and it is vital that exposures are kept as far below
this limit as possible. The filtering respirators suitable for protection 7. If the filter has been used against toxic dusts, bacteria or virus, it is
against Isocyanates are full facemasks with A2P3 canisters and usual to dispose of it as controlled waste after each use.
should only be used either for short term escape from a limited 8. Always replace a particulate filter after 6 months of use regardless
spillage or leak, or for short periods where the contaminant of any of the above.
concentration is known to be less than 10 x the Exposure Limit. For Gas / Vapour Filters
general exposures less than 10 x the Exposure Limit, suitable air fed
equipment with an APF of at least 40 is recommended. For general 1. Choose the correct filter for the hazard encountered.
exposures greater than this, positive pressure demand breathing 2. Ensure that it is new and undamaged and not time expired.
apparatus should be used, possibly with an auxiliary A2P3 filter to 3. Mark date and time of first use on the filter label or record
allow transit to the airline connection point (if applicable). separately.
Disposable filtering face pieces, half mask respirators and powered
4. Check usage duration with the manufacturer. This will require
respirator systems are not ideally suited for the control of Isocyanate
the atmospheric concentration to be known. Bear in mind that
exposure, and should not be used unless exposure levels have mixtures of substances can severely reduce filter life.
already been controlled at source to well below the control limit. Concentrations of all substances in the mix must be known.
Solvents – Some solvents are relatively innocuous, others are toxic, 5. Replace filters when calculated usage duration is reached.
with the potential to cause permanent organ damage or cancer.
Many are relatively volatile organic liquids which can be filtered with 6. If the usage duration is not known extreme caution should be
A type filters, however there are several commonly found exercised.
substances, e.g. Acetone, Dichloromethane, Diethyl Ether, which are 7. If the substance is tasted or smelled, the filter must be replaced
so volatile that they may require either an AX type single use filter, immediately. Subsequent filters should be used for no more than
or may not be filterable at all. For this reason, it is vital that the half the duration of the initial filter.
airborne concentrations of all solvents in any mix is determined, and 8. Taste/Smell must not generally be used as an end of life
the filter types are individually checked. indication
Because solvents are usually physically absorbed by charcoal filters 9. If the substance has poor warning properties (taste/smell) and
rather than chemically absorbed, the volatility has a major effect on the concentration is not known, then gas filters should not be
the filter performance. Also, being volatile, solvents can often be used. Instead, consider using air supplied equipment.
found in surprisingly high concentrations in a work area, meaning 10. Do not use a gas filter which has been stored out of its
that filter life will be correspondingly short. packaging for more than six months, regardless of any of the
Materials with no set Exposure Limit - There may be substances above.
for which there is not a statutory exposure limit. In these cases, it is 11. Always replace a gas filter after six months.
usually necessary to set an internal control level – the lowest
detectable concentration using modern detection equipment – and
select the highest protection respiratory protection device Care & Maintenance of RPE
compatible with the task and the wearer. Generally, carcinogenic Daily checks are required to ensure the correct functioning of a
substances should be controlled to achieve low levels at source with respiratory protection device. These should be carried out in
respiratory protection equipment used solely as the last resort. accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. For most devices,
the user should conduct a pre-use visual inspection to check the face
piece for holes, cuts, cracks or distortion. Powered respirators will
Selecting and Using Filters
require a daily flow check, before and after each use, to ensure the
To select a suitable filter for protection against workplace respiratory flow is maintained throughout the working shift.
A documented monthly check is recommended for all RPE, and this
1. Fully identify the prevailing workplace hazards, checking the should cover all items in the daily checks. A record of each device
scientific names of the chemicals. Ensure that the state of the should be maintained to show the results of checks and a note of all
substance is known - is it a gas, vapour or particle, or a mixture of replacement parts. Air flow rate and quality for air-fed devices
these. Special attention is required where there are several should also be checked monthly. This needs to be carried out for
substances present that may interact chemically or have synergistic each working point in the compressed air system.
adverse health effects. Periodically, it is advisable to have a thorough test conducted on
2. Estimate the likely atmospheric concentration. This is best done high performance devices, including full face masks and powered
by measurement. If the substance has long term health effects it is respirators. This should be performed by the manufacturer or the
recommended that a workplace survey is carried out. Where manufacturer’s agent who can issue a certificate showing that the
measurement is not possible, an estimate should be made of the device tested still meets specification. It is important to note that
maximum likely concentration. such checks need to precisely follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
3. Select the appropriate filter.
Particulate Filters
1. Choose a particle filter to protect against particulate hazards.
2. Ensure that the filter selected has the correct efficiency for the
application and that it is correctly marked for the respirator
(powered systems).
3. Ensure that the filter is new and undamaged.

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Employee Training
The following, as a minimum should be covered as part of employee
training on respiratory protection:
• The workplace hazards, possible health effects and the control
measures in place.
• How to recognise faults in their respiratory protection equipment,
where to report them and how to obtain spares (as necessary).
• How to maintain their respiratory protection equipment.
• How to perform pre-use checks.
• How to use the device correctly.
• Any limitations associated with use of the device.
• How to clean and store the device correctly.
Training should be revised regularly to ensure employees remain
proficient and retraining may be necessary where audits indicate
incorrect practices.

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Respiratory protection Standards
EN 1146:2005 EN 13274-7:2008 EN 142:2002
Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test Respiratory protective devices - Mouthpiece
open-circuit compressed air breathing - Part 7: Determination of particle filter assemblies - Requirements, testing, marking
apparatus incorporating a hood for escape - penetration
Requirements, testing, marking
EN 143:2000/A1:2006
EN 13274-8:2002
EN 12021:1998 Respiratory protective devices - Particle filters
Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air - Part 8: Determination of dolomite dust
for breathing apparatus clogging EN 14387:2004+A1:2008
EN 12083:1998/AC:2000 EN 133:2001 Respiratory protective devices - Gas filter(s) and
combined filter(s) - Requirements, testing,
Respiratory protective devices - Filters with Respiratory protective devices - Classification marking
breathing hoses, (Non-mask mounted filters)
- Particle filters, gas filters, and combined filters
- Requirements, testing, marking
EN 134:1998 EN 144-1:2000/A2:2005
Respiratory protective devices - Nomenclature Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder
EN 12941:1998/A2:2008 of components valves - Part 1: Thread connections for insert
Respiratory protective devices - Powered
filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a
EN 135:1998
hood - Requirements, testing, marking Respiratory protective devices - List of
EN 144-2:1998
equivalent terms Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder
EN 12942:1998/A2:2008 valves - Part 2: Outlet connections

Respiratory protective devices - Power assisted

EN 136:1998/AC:2003
filtering devices incorporating full face masks, Respiratory protective devices - Full face masks
EN 144-3:2003/AC:2003
half masks or quarter masks - Requirements, - Requirements, testing, marking Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder
testing, marking valves - Part 3: Outlet connections for diving
EN 137:2006 gases Nitrox and oxygen
EN 132:1998 Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained
Respiratory protective devices - Definitions of open-circuit compressed air breathing
EN 14435:2004
terms and pictograms apparatus with full face mask - Requirements, Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained
testing, marking open-circuit compressed air breathing
EN 13274-1:2001 apparatus with half mask designed to be used

Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test

EN 13794:2002 with positive pressure only - Requirements,
testing, marking
- Part 1: Determination of inward leakage and Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained
total inward leakage closed-circuit breathing apparatus for escape -
Requirements, testing, marking
EN 145:1997/A1:2000
EN 13274-2:2001 Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained

Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test

EN 138:1994 closed-circuit breathing apparatus compressed
oxygen or compressed oxygen-nitrogen type
- Part 2: Practical performance tests Respiratory protective devices - Fresh air hose - Requirements, testing, marking
breathing apparatus for use with full face
EN 13274-3:2001 mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly - EN 14529:2005
Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained
- Part 3: Determination of breathing resistance
EN 13949:2003 open-circuit compressed air breathing
apparatus with half mask designed to include a
EN 13274-4:2001 Respiratory equipment - Open-circuit self- positive pressure lung governed demand valve
contained diving apparatus for use with for escape purposes only
Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test compressed Nitrox and oxygen - Requirements,
- Part 4: Flame tests testing, marking EN 14593-1:2005
EN 13274-5:2001 EN 140:1998/AC:1999 Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air
line breathing apparatus with demand valve
Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test Respiratory protective devices - Half masks and - Part 1: Apparatus with a full face mask -
- Part 5: Climatic conditions quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking Requirements, testing, marking

EN 13274-6:2001 EN 14143:2003 EN 14593-2:2005/AC:2005

Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test Respiratory equipment - Self-contained Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air
- Part 6: Determination of carbon dioxide re-breathing diving apparatus line breathing apparatus with demand valve -
content of the inhalation air Part 2: Apparatus with a half mask at positive
pressure - Requirements, testing, marking

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EN 14594:2005/AC:2005 EN 403:2004
Respiratory protective devices - Continuous Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue -
flow compressed air line breathing apparatus Filtering devices with hood for escape from fire
- Requirements, testing, marking - Requirements, testing, marking

EN 148-1:1999 EN 404:2005
Respiratory protective devices - Threads for Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue -
facepieces - Part 1: Standard thread connection Filter self-rescuer from carbon monoxide with
mouthpiece assembly
EN 148-2:1999
Respiratory protective devices - Threads for
EN 405:2001+A1:2009
facepieces - Part 2: Centre thread connection Respiratory protective devices - Valved filtering
half masks to protect against gases or gases
EN 148-3:1999 and particles - Requirements, testing, marking

Respiratory protective devices - Threads for EN 529:2005

facepieces - Part 3: Tread connection M 45 x 3
Respiratory protective devices -
EN 149:2001+A1:2009 Recommendations for selection, use, care and
maintenance - Guidance document
Respiratory protective devices - Filtering half
masks to protect against particles -
Requirements, testing, marking

EN 15333-1:2008/AC:2009
Respiratory equipment - Open-circuit umbilical
supplied compressed gas diving apparatus -
Part 1: Demand apparatus

EN 15333-2:2009
Respiratory equipment - Open-circuit umbilical
supplied compressed gas diving apparatus -
Part 2: Free flow apparatus

EN 1827:1999+A1:2009
Respiratory protective devices - Half masks
without inhalation valves and with separable
filters to protect against gases or gases and
particles or particles only - Requirements,
testing, marking

EN 250:2000/A1:2006
Respiratory equipment - Open-circuit self-
contained compressed air diving apparatus -
Requirements, testing, marking

EN 269:1994
Respiratory protective devices - Powered fresh
air hose breathing apparatus incorporating a
hood - Requirements, testing, marking

EN 402:2003
Respiratory protective devices - Lung governed
demand self-contained open-circuit
compressed air breathing apparatus with full
face mask or mouthpiece assembly for escape
- Requirements, testing, marking

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