cm04 09
cm04 09
cm04 09
Outstanding safety
Title concerning the
use of gas turbines for power generation –
Report Number
Summary report
Mat Ivin gs would like to thank Chris Carey, Mohammed Azhar and Craig Skinner (FLUENT
Europe Ltd), Yehuda Sinai (ANSYS CFX), Peter Stephenson (RWE Innogy) and Mike Lewis
(Computational Dynamics Ltd.) all of whom contributed substantial effort to the CFD
modelling programme, undertaking simulations at their own expense and making the results
available to the project.
John Saunders gratefully acknowledges comments and many helpful suggestions made on the
in-situ testing best practice guidance by Rob Brooks, Laurent Bonnet (GE), Ian Cowan, Steve
Gilham (WS Atkins), John Crawley (Littlebrook Power Services Ltd.), Keith Littlebury,
Elizabeth Garry (Mobius Dynamics), Peter Stephenson (RWE Innogy) and Richard Bettis
Chris Lea gratefully acknowledges many helpful comments and suggestions made on the CFD
modelling best practice guidance by Yehuda Sinai (ANSYS CFX), Richard Underhill (Frazer-
Nash), Chris Carey (FLUENT Europe), Peter Stephenson (RWE Innogy), Rob Brooks and
Laurent Bonnet (GE), Ian Cowan and Steve Gilham (WS Atkins), Keith Littlebury and
Elizabeth Garry (Mobius Dynamics) and Sverre Hansen (Dresser-Rand).
We also gratefully acknowledge the funding provided by the following organisations who
participated in the joint industry project:
Alstom Power Generation Ltd
Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano
Cullum Detuners
Darchem Flare
Derwent Cogeneration Ltd
Deeside Power
Dresser Rand (UK) Ltd
Flowsolve Ltd
Fluent Europe Ltd
Frazer Nash Consultancy Ltd
GE Power Systems
GHH Borsig
Groveley Detection Ltd
Health and Safety Executive
Hydrocarbon Resources Ltd
Information Search and Analysis Consultants
Killingholme Power Ltd
Mech-Tool Engineering Ltd
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Europe Ltd
Mobius Dynamics Ltd
Powergen CHP Ltd
Rolls Royce Plc
RWE Innogy
Siemens AG
Scottish Power
Thames Power Services Ltd
Transco National Transmission System
WS Atkins
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives.............................................................................................................2
1.3 Deliverables ..........................................................................................................3
1.4 Project sponsors ....................................................................................................3
2 Project Programme........................................................................................................5
2.1 Experimental programme .......................................................................................5
2.2 CFD programme....................................................................................................5
2.3 CFD best practice guidelines ..................................................................................5
2.4 In-situ testing best practice guidelines .....................................................................5
3 Dilution ventilation criterion..........................................................................................6
4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................8
5 References....................................................................................................................9
This report presents a summary of the work carried out by a Joint Industry Project (JIP) that set
out to address outstanding safety questions concerning the use of gas turbines for power
generation. The project focuses on the potential explosion hazard from gas leaks in acoustic
turbine enclosures.
This report is one of a number of reports produced during the course of the JIP. The purpose of
this report is to briefly summarise the programme of work that has been carried out and to
introduce a new safety criterion for the ventilation of gas turbine enclosures.
This report presents a summary of the work carried out by a Joint Industry Project (JIP) that set
out to address outstanding safety questions concerning the use of gas turbines for power
generation. The project focuses on the potential explosion hazard from gas leaks in acoustic
turbine enclosures.
Most commonly, the current basis of safety in the event of a gas leak in a gas turbine enclosure
is dilution ventilation. The current safety criterion given in HSE’s Guidance note, PM84(1), is
believed to be both conservative and attainable. This research project therefore set out to define
the criterion more accurately and less stringently.
The ATEX Directives as they apply to gas turbines in acoustic enclosures - that is in relation to
the design and manufacture of such equipment and to the health & safety of workers potentially
at risk from explosive atmospheres - have profound implications for the industry. Since it is not
feasible to exclude the possibility of ignition of a potential fuel leak to comply with the
regulations made to implement the ATEX Equipment Directive, the chosen basis of safety may
demonstrate that explosive atmospheres do not arise. Dilution ventilation is still seen as the
preferred basis of safety for compliance with the regulations made to implement ATEX.
It has also been recognized that a harmonized European Standard should be produced to provide
definitive and precise guidance that can be used as a general means of compliance with the
regulations made to implement the ATEX, Machinery and Pressure Equipment Directives. The
results of the present research have been used to inform, and are used within, the draft standard
ISO/CD 21789(2).
1. Establish the degree of conservatism in the HSE dilution ventilation criterion when used as
a basis of safety, with the possibility of defining the criterion less stringently.
2. Provide a well substantiated means to comply with the regulations made to implement the
ATEX Directives.
3. Use the outcome of the research to inform a proposed harmonised European Standard
produced to provide definitive and precise guidance that can be used as a general means of
compliance with the regulations made to implement the ATEX and Machinery Directives.
HSE guidance note PM84(1), "Control of safety risks for gas turbines used for power
generation", provides advice on means of identifying and controlling hazards due to a gas leak.
It also refers to ASME 98-GT-215(3) which proposed a criterion to be met by dilution ventilation
design; the 50% LEL enclosed iso-surface volume of leaked gas under alarm conditions to
occupy no more than 0.1% of the enclosure volume. Whilst these documents contained the best
guidance available, refinement was seen as possible and desirable, to provide an enhanced basis
for safety and to provide the means to comply with the regulations made to implement the
ATEX Directives.
Specifically, the criterion is based on an allowable size of flammable volume. The criterion is
informed by explosion trials. These provide a relationship between the over-pressures generated
from the ignition of flammable clouds and their volumes. One of the main objectives of the
present project is thus to map out this relationship, focusing on clouds which fill up to 1% of the
net enclosure volume, for a range of different levels of congestion and release conditions. Note
that no other work has been undertaken for clouds which fill such a relatively small percentage
of a total enclosure volume. Even so, the over-pressures generated from a 1% fill can approach
one tonne / m2 .
The effectiveness of the dilution ventilation can be assessed through the use of Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and this is the approach recommended in PM84 for enclosures larger
than 50 m3 in volume. However, although the technique is reasonably well established for this
application its use is subject to some uncertainty. An advantage of CFD is that it is able to take
into account the momentum of the jet, which some other techniques ignore, and it permits a
quantitative assessment of the ventilation effectiveness against a criterion such as that described
To meet the above aims a detailed set of project objectives were set out and these have been met
through a combined programme of experimental tests and CFD modelling. The objectives
evolved throughout the duration of the project and were all agreed by the project’s Steering
Committee (see Section 1.4 below). The objectives are summarised below:
1. To establish the effect of congestion – supply pipe work, supporting structure, etc., on over-
pressure generated from ignition of a range of cloud sizes which partially fill enclosures. This
will provide information on the degree of conservatism in the present HSE dilution ventilation
criterion, presently unknown.
2. To establish the effect of absolute cloud size, as well as its percentage fill of an enclosure, on
over-pressure generation.
It is not certain that the safety criterion in PM84 (the 50% LEL volume of leaked gas under
alarm conditions to occupy no more than 0.1% of the net enclosure volume) is valid for all sizes
of enclosure. That is, there may be an absolute upper limit to the size of cloud needing to be
controlled or viewed as acceptable in the context of compliance with ATEX. Conversely, it may
be that there is an absolute lower limit below which over-pressure generation is minimal.
3. To review the likely effects of overpressure on people and gas turbine enclosures. To ensure
compliance with the regulations made to implement the ATEX Directive, a risk assessment is
required which should demonstrate that explosive atmospheres do not arise. This will require
definition of an acceptable over-pressure, below which ignition of a flammable cloud is deemed
not to have resulted in an explosion.
4. To define limits for the potential minimum and maximum leak sizes to be considered in a risk
The HSE guidance does not presently advise an acceptable lower or upper bound on the size of
release required to be controlled. A combination of low ventilation rates and low detection
levels could lead to unrealistically small releases being considered. Conversely, there has to be
an upper bound on leak size , to avoid patently unsafe releases being viewed as acceptable. Both
alarm and trip levels of gas detection also need to be taken into account.
5. To establish the accuracy bounds on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) predictions of gas
cloud size, in particular for high pressure releases into congested regions.
6. To establish guidelines for best practice in the application of CFD to the prediction of
ventilation flows and gas build-up in gas turbine enclosures.
7. To establish the range of validity of in-situ experimental tests, such as smoke or tracer gas,
and provide guidance on how they should be carried out.
• A CFD report(5) assessing the modelling of high pressure gas leaks, gas build-up and
dispersion in congested regions. The influence of a porous media approach for modelling
congestion was compared to methodologies in which the obstacles were fully resolved by
the computational mesh. Results are presented for three different commercial CFD codes:
CFX-5, FLUENT and STAR-CD. This report remains confidential to the members of the
Sponsor Group until 17th May 2005.
• Best practice guidelines(6) on the range and validity of in-situ experimental tests, such as
smoke or tracer gas. These guidelines have been published on HSE’s web-site:
• Best practice guidelines(7) for the application of CFD to the assessment of ventilation
effectiveness and gas build-up in gas turbine enclosures. These guidelines have been
published on HSE’s web-site:
• An Executive report(8), including recommended minimum and maximum hole sizes for
leak evaluation and a more soundly-based safety criterion to supersede that appearing in
PM84. This report summarises the work programme carried out for this JIP and includes a
description of all of the results. The report remains confidential to the members of the
Sponsor Group until 17th May 2005.
• The present report summarising the project work programme and introducing the new
safety criterion. This report is to be published on HSE’s website:
The proposal for this project and an invitation to contribute was sent to all known OEMs, UK
suppliers, packagers, users, and other interested parties for comment and indications of interest
in participation. The work was part funded by the UK Health and Safety Executive, with the
bulk of the research being undertaken by its in-house research Division; the Health & Safety
Laboratory. Additional CFD simulations were undertaken by FLUENT Europe Ltd., ANSYS
CFX and RWE Innogy at their own expense and made available to the project. A full list of the
sponsors of this project is listed at the end of this Section.
The project was managed by a Steering Committee consisting of a sub-section of the Sponsor
Group. The Steering Committee met approximately three-monthly to review the progress of the
project against the original objectives and agree any changes that were deemed necessary. The
Steering Committee also reviewed the project reports as they were produced providing
extensive feedback and therefore influencing the content of the final reports. The new criterion
was also discussed at length by the Steering Committee and Sponsor Group to ensure that,
based on their experience, it would distinguish between good and poor ventilation, and be
practical and achievable.
A series of explosion tests has provided data on over-pressure generation from gas clouds which
partially fill an enclosure, including the effects of congested regions. High pressure gas releases
into a congested region were also undertaken providing data on the build-up and dispersion of
gas clouds in congested regions. A detailed description of the work is reported by Pritchard et
al.(4) and this report remains confidential to the members of the JIP Sponsor Group until 17th
May 2005.
The CFD modelling programme investigated different approaches for modelling the source of a
high pressure under-expanded gas release. An assessment was also carried out of the capabilities
of CFD for modelling high pressure gas releases in congested regions by comparison of model
predictions against experimental data. A detailed description of the work is reported by Ivings et
al.(5) and this report remains confidential to the members of the JIP Sponsor Group until 17th
May 2005.
Best practice guidelines for the application of CFD to the assessment of ventilation and gas
dispersion in gas turbine enclosures have been presented based on the results of the CFD
modelling programme. The guidance draws attention to the key modelling issues that need to be
addressed. The guidelines have been published on the HSE website ( in the
report by Ivings et al.(7).
Best practice guidelines have also been presented for making in-situ measurements within a gas
turbine enclosure. Such measurements can be used to help demonstrate the effectiveness of the
ventilation system and provide valuable data for CFD model set-up and validation. These best
practice guidelines have been published on the HSE website ( in the report by
In this Section a new safety criterion for the ventilation of gas turbine enclosures is described to
supersede that found in PM84(1). This new criterion is based on the experimental and CFD
programmes of work from this JIP. The new criterion places a limit on the allowable volume of
a flammable gas cloud resulting from leaks that are not large enough to initiate the trip
condition of the gas turbine.
The new safety criterion states that the ventilation of a gas turbine enclosure should ensure that
a gas leak, smaller than that required to trip the gas turbine, should not form a gas cloud which,
if ignited, would pose a significant hazard to people or the strength of the enclosure. The main
differences between this new criterion and that in PM84 are the move to the ‘trip’ condition and
the definition of the volume of the flammable gas cloud. The flammable gas cloud volume is
now defined less conservatively and more robustly, as it is based on an ‘equivalent uniform
stoichiometric volume’.
The leak rate to be modelled in CFD simulations should be the largest leak which
would just pass undetected. This can be calculated as that gas release rate which,
when fully mixed in the ventilating air passing through the enclosure, just initiates
detection alarm for a detector located in the ventilation outlet. Larger leaks than this
should be readily detected and appropriate action taken. Smaller leaks could pass
undetected, but present a lesser hazard.
A CFD approach should aim to demonstrate that the ventilation is effective for a
credible ‘worst case’. That is, the leak rate calculated using the above approach
should be employed, with the leak location and orientation chosen such that the
predicted flammable cloud is a maximum. This can be best achieved by an approach
which identifies poorly -ventilated regions, i.e. recirculating or stagnant flow.
Identification of poorly ventilated regions can be achieved by analysing simulations
or measurements. Since it is not possible, a priori, to know which combination of
factors will lead to the largest flammable cloud, a small number of alternative leak
locations and orientations should be simulated. These leak scenarios should be
investigated in turn to avoid interactions, rather than all modelled within a single
The new safety criterion is outlined below and highlig hts the differences between the new
criterion and the criterion in PM84.
1. The modelled gas leak rate should be the largest gas release rate which, when fully
mixed in the ventilation air passing through the enclosure, just initiates the automatic
trip of the gas turbine.
2. In all cases the gas leak rate should be based on a hole size no smaller than 0.25 mm2
and no larger than 25 mm2 .
3. A number of different worst-case leak scenarios should be considered and the
flammable cloud volume should be less than 0.1% of the net enclosure volume.
4. The flammable cloud volume is defined to be the 100% LEL equivalent stoichiometric
volume which is the volume of a uniform stoichiometric mixture of gas and air
containing the same volume of gas as that enclosed by an iso-surface at 100% LEL.
5. A safety factor should be applied, based on a risk assessment, to the allowable
flammable cloud volume.
6. The 100% LEL equivalent stoichiometric volume should additionally be less than 1 m3
in all cases, irrespective of the enclosure volume.
7. The strength of the enclosure should be shown to be capable of withstanding at least 10
mbar static overpressure.
8. If the criterion cannot be met, and the enclosure can be demonstrated to be capable of
withstanding 15 mbar, then the 100% LEL equivalent stoichiometric volume should be
less than 0.15% of the net enclosure volume.
This report presents a summary of the work carried out by a Joint Industry Project (JIP) set out
to address outstanding safety questions concerning the use of gas turbines for power generation.
The project focuses on the potential explosion hazard from gas leaks in acoustic turbine
A new safety criterion based on the results of the experimental and CFD modelling programmes
of work has been introduced to supersede that appearing in PM84. Although much conservatism
in the old criterion has been removed, the new criterion is now more soundly based on the gas
detector setting that trips the gas turbine.
1. HSE Guidance note PM84: Control of safety risks at gas turbines used for power
generation. 2003, 2nd Edition, HSE Books
3. Santon R.C. 1998 ‘Explosion hazards at gas turbine driven power plants’ ASME 98-
4. Pritchard D.K., Hedley D. and Eaton G.T., 2003, ‘Outstanding safety questions
concerning the use of gas turbines for power generation – Final report on the
experimental programme of work’ Health and Safety Laboratory Report EC/03/19,
(Confidential report until 17th May 2005)
5. Ivings M.J., Azhar M., Carey C., Lea C.J., Ledin H.S., Sinai Y., Skinner C., Stephenson
P., 2003, ‘Outstanding safety questions concerning the use of gas turbines for power
generation – Final report on the CFD modelling programme of work’ Health and Safety
Laboratory Report CM/03/08 (Confidential report until 17th May 2005)
7. Ivings M.J., Lea C. J., and Ledin H. S., 2004, ‘Outstanding safety questions concerning
the analysis of ventilation and gas dispersion in gas turbines enclosures: Best practice
guidelines for CFD’, Health and Safety Laboratory Report CM/03/12
8. Ivings M.J., Lea C.J., Ledin H.S., Pritchard D.K., Santon R. and Saunders C.J., 2004,
‘Outstanding safety questions concerning the use of gas turbines for power generation –
Executive report’ Health and Safety Laboratory Report CM/04/02. (Confidential report
until 17th May 2005)