Gps in Dynamic Monitoring of Long-Period Structures: M. Cëelebi

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 20 (2000) 477±483

GPS in dynamic monitoring of long-period structures

M. CËelebi*
Earthquake Hazards Team, US Geological Survey, MS 977, 345 Middle®eld Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

Global Positioning System (GPS) technology with high sampling rates (,10 samples per second) allows scienti®cally justi®ed and
economically feasible dynamic measurements of relative displacements of long-period structuresÐotherwise dif®cult to measure
directly by other means, such as the most commonly used accelerometers that require post-processing including double integration.
We describe an experiment whereby the displacement responses of a simulated tall building are measured clearly and accurately in
real-time. Such measurements can be used to assess average drift ratios and changes in dynamic characteristics, and therefore can be
used by engineers and building owners or managers to assess the building performance during extreme motions caused by earthquakes
and strong winds. By establishing threshold displacements or drift ratios and identifying changing dynamic characteristics, procedures
can be developed to use such information to secure public safety and/or take steps to improve the performance of the building.
Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Keywords: Monitoring; GPS; Strong-motion; Building; Structural response; Frequency; Displacement; Acceleration; Drift; Bridge; Long-period structure

1. Introduction retro®tted. Only three of these buildings were instrumented

prior to the event, providing some limited acceleration
Seismic monitoring of structural systems constitutes an response data to be used for interpretation of the widespread
integral part of National Earthquake Hazard Reduction damage. Additional data, if available in real-time or near-
Program of the United States. In general, until recently, real-time, could have been very useful for studies and for
monitoring the response of structural systems for the design of repair and retro®tting projects that followed.
purpose of assessing and mitigating effects of earthquakes Therefore, there is a great need for better and more exten-
(and also severe winds) has relied on measuring the shaking sive monitoring of tall buildings.
response by deploying accelerometers throughout a particu- Relative displacements, which are the key to assessing
lar structure of interest to the scienti®c and engineering drift and stress conditions of structures, are dif®cult to
communities. In contrast, there are no ef®cient or feasible measure directly. On the other hand, measuring acceleration
methods to measure displacements during an earthquake or response requires a double integration process to arrive at
severe wind. Recordings of the acceleration response of displacements. The integration process is not readily auto-
structures have served us well. Studies conducted on such mated because of the nature of signal processing, which
records have been useful in assessing design/analysis proce- requires (a) selection of ®lters and baseline correction (the
dures, improving code provisions, and correlating the constants of integration), and (b) often substantial judgment
response with damage. when anomalies exist in the records. Consequently, this
Since the Ms ˆ 6.7 Northridge (17 January 1994) and process can lead to errors in the calculation of velocities
Ms ˆ 6.8 Kobe (17 January 1995) earthquakes, drift studies and displacements. This problem is more acute for perma-
and assessment of susceptibility to damage of tall buildings nent displacements. Accelerometer measurements cannot be
have become important issues, particularly because so many used to recover the permanent displacements at the centi-
steel-framed buildings were damaged, some severely and meter level; and even if they could, it is questionable if it
some lightly. In the Los Angeles area, for example, follow- can be done in real-time. That is, the level of accuracy of
ing the Northridge event, several hundred steel-framed displacements calculated from accelerations has not been
buildings had to be examined, assessed, and repaired or widely veri®ed by observations (e.g. some shake table
tests performed to compare the performances of acceler-
* Tel.: 11-650-329-5623; fax: 11-650-329-5163. ometers and accelerographs have not been directed at
E-mail address: (M. CËelebi). checking displacements).
0267-7261/01/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
PII: S 0267-726 1(00)00094-4
478 M. C
Ë elebi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 20 (2000) 477±483

An alternative method to measure relative displacements

while monitoring structural systems can be accomplished by
using GPS technology, now advanced to record at 10
samples per second (sps) with an accuracy of ^1 cm hori-
zontally and ^2 cm vertically. This provides a great oppor-
tunity to reliably monitor long-period structures (e.g. tall
buildings that are 20±40 stories or more). The majority of
the tall buildings are ¯exible steel-framed structures. The
fundamental period of such a ¯exible-framed building can
be estimated with the empirical formula, 1 T ˆ 0.1N, where
N is the number of stories of the building. This means that at
least 20±40 data points will be recorded for one cycle of
motion of a 20±40 story building vibrating at the funda-
mental period. This provides suf®cient accuracy to assess
the average drift ratio of a building. Such information can be
very useful in assessing the damage to a building. In addi-
tion, the main value in using GPS technology to assess the
condition of a building is that the displacement measure-
ments can be made directly in real-time and with suf®cient
precision. As discussed later, we have made preliminary
tests to prove the technical feasibility of the application of
GPS to monitoring structures.
There is great potential for the application of GPS tech-
nology to monitor long-period structures during earth-
quakes. The application can also be extended to
monitoring wind-induced deformation of tall buildings,
long-span suspension and cable-stayed bridges, and tall
chimneys. Furthermore, with future advances in GPS tech-
nology and improvements in sampling capability (e.g.
greater than 10 sps), it will be possible to monitor short-
Fig. 1. (a) Photo of test set-up for using GPS for dynamic monitoring of tall
period structures as well. Additionally, direct measurements
buildings. (b) Schematic of test set-up for using GPS for dynamic monitor-
of displacements will enable us to reliably detect structural ing of tall buildings.
movement caused by failure of the ground under a structure
(e.g. liquefaction).
ometers, and also to use the displacement measurements
with GPS as a health monitoring tool.

2. Technical justi®cation

In the last few years, there have been numerous studies 3. Model tests simulating a tall building
related to the technical feasibility of using GPS to measure
To investigate the feasibility of using GPS technology to
displacements of civil structures. Most of the initial work
monitor tall buildings (and other long-period structures), we
has been accomplished by aerospace atmospheric research-
conducted two experiments. Fig. 1 depicts a photo and the
ers. Studies related to the application of GPS for static or
overall set-up for a simple and inexpensive experiment
dynamic measurements of displacements of structural
designed by selecting a standard stock steel bar to simulate
systems include but not limited to those by Hyzak et al.
a 30±40 story ¯exible building. We selected the length,
[1], Teague et al. [2], Guo and Ge [3], Kondo and Cannon
thickness, and width of the two bar specimens to yield a
[4], Lovse et al. [5], Hudnut and Behr [6], Behr et al. [7] and
fundamental period of approximately 4 s in the weak direc-
Stein et al. [8]. In our study, we direct the efforts to actual
tion. To make things simple, we selected the width and
permanent deployment of GPS units alongside acceler-
thickness of each of two bars with a much weaker axis in
one direction. The width was varied to show the sensitivity
For most ¯exible buildings, the fundamental period (T) is approximated of measurements during vibration and at 10 Hz sampling
by 0.1N, where N is the number of ¯oors of a building (even though the rate. Each bar was ®xed at the base and the GPS unit was
fundamental period can vary between 0.05Nand 0.15N depending on the
¯exibility of the building). Therefore, to simulate a 40-story building, we
attached at its tip. By providing an initial displacement
set the period (frequency) equal to 4 s (0.25 Hz) and proportioned the (simply by pulling the top of the bar and releasing), each
length, width and thickness of the cantilever. bar was set into free vibration and its motion was recorded.
M. CËelebi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 20 (2000) 477±483 479

Fig. 2. Particle motion and time-history of relative displacements (NS and EW components) of simulated test specimen.

Table 1
Results of tests with GPS units

Specimen Length [H] ft (m) Width [B] in. (cm) Thickness [t] in. (cm) Measured frequency [f] (Hz) Measured period [T] (s) Damping [j ] (%)

BAR A 6 (1.82) 1.5 (3.8) 0.125 (0.32) 0.245 4.08 , 2.0

BAR B 6 (1.82) 2.0 (5.0) 0.125 (0.32) 0.296 3.38 , 2.0

Results are summarized in Table 1. Fig. 2 shows the particle and 0.296 Hz (3.38 s) respectively. Also, a damping percen-
motion and time-history of one of the tests performed. The tage of approximately 2% is extracted. This simple test
axes of the bar were at an angle to the NS (and EW) direc- shows that sampling at 10 Hz with GPS units provides a
tion. Therefore, the NS and EW components of displace- clear and accurate displacement response history from
ments are identical in phase and proportional in amplitude. which drift ratios and dynamic characteristics of the speci-
Also, since the GPS unit is not symmetrically and concen- men can be derived [9±11]. The implications of this go
trically mounted in the weak direction (photo in Fig. 1), the beyond just the measurements. It can be shown that identi-
amplitudes of positive and negative displacements ®cation of dynamic characteristics can be used to prove
measured are not the same. The detection of the effect of possible nonlinearities that occur during vibration (e.g.
the eccentric mass adds to the assurance that the measure- due to damage and plastic behavior of the structural
ments are accurate and sensitive. These simple tests and members, components and/or joints, or to soil±structure
results were, and can be, duplicated easily and readily. interaction under varying amplitudes of input motions).
Fig. 3 is a plot of NS components of measured relative
displacements and corresponding amplitude spectra of bars
A and B. The ®gure shows the accuracy and sensitivity of 4. GPS ambient test of a 44-story building and strong-
the GPS monitoring technology at 10 sps. The measure- motion acceleration records
ments differentiate between the frequency of the free-vibra-
tion response of the two bars with different dynamic In a second test, we measured ambient vibration (due to
characteristics. From the data, the fundamental frequency winds and traf®c noise) of a 44-story building with a GPS
(period) of the two bars are identi®ed to be 0.245 Hz (4.08 s) unit temporarily deployed on its roof. A reference GPS unit

Fig. 3. Relative displacements of two test specimens (NS components only) in free-vibration and corresponding amplitude spectra identifying the fundamental
frequencies of the test specimens.
480 M. C
Ë elebi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 20 (2000) 477±483

Fig. 4. Ambient test of a 44-story building with GPS technology: Cross-spectrum (left-solid), coherence (left-dashed) and phase-angle (right) of two
orthogonal horizontal motions.

was located within 500 m of the building. The signals were Despite the small displacements (,1 cm) and low signal
very noisy and amplitudes very small; therefore, most to noise ratio of this experiment, the fact that dynamic
common methods to identify structural characteristics did frequencies could be identi®ed indicates that during larger
not work. Only the cross-spectrum of the two orthogonal, displacements, better identi®cation of the dynamic charac-
horizontal, low-amplitude, ambient displacement record- teristics as well as drift ratios can be made with higher
ings (when the signals are coherent and approximately con®dence.
1808 out of phase) were used to identify the fundamental
frequency of the building at 0.23 Hz (Fig. 4), with another
frequency at ,0.3 Hz. Despite the very small signal, these 5. Looking to the future: real-time monitoring
frequencies appear to be reliable when compared with the
0.23 Hz frequency calculated from accelerations recorded 5.1. Perceived real-time monitoring
with a triaxial accelerograph on the 38th ¯oor (accepted
here as the roof response) during a small earthquake Initially, we are planning to deploy the GPS units only on
(Fig. 5). A comparison of these frequencies is provided tall buildings that are already instrumented with acceler-
in Fig. 6. ometers. This will facilitate comparison of absolute and

Fig. 5. Recorded roof (38th ¯oor accepted in lieu of roof) accelerations of a 44-story building and displacements (derived by double integration) and amplitude
M. CËelebi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 20 (2000) 477±483 481

Fig. 6. Comparison of normalized frequencies for ambient GPS recording (from cross-spectrum) and strong-motion recording (from amplitude spectrum).

Fig. 7. Hypothetical thresholds of displacements. The time-history of displacements shown is actually integrated from accelerations recorded at the 38th ¯oor
(accepted in lieu of roof) of a 44-story building. The actual record (in Fig. 5) is ampli®ed by 20 times for illustration purposes.

relative displacements measured by GPS and calculated by Bridge (San Francisco) or Vincent-Thomas Bridge (Los
double integration of accelerations. The GPS units will be Angeles). As in the case of tall buildings, changes in
con®gured to provide data to indicate the real-time average dynamic characteristics after the displacements at critical
drift ratios and changes in the dynamic characteristics of the locations of a bridge have exceeded predetermined thresh-
buildings. This information can be made available to build- olds, can be calculated in near-real-time (Fig. 8). When
ing managers (or interested parties) in real-time or whenever warranted, the management can make decisions to inspect
a predetermined displacement threshold is reached. The the bridge (e.g. decisions can be made to stop the traf®c,
building managers can assess the response of the buildings thus securing the bridge safety, which is one of the objec-
according to (a) different threshold displacements (e.g. A±C tives of lifeline earthquake engineering). With the GPS
as shown in Fig. 7), (b) drift ratios, or (c) changing dynamic technology, we can furnish time-dependent displacements
characteristics. If a situation is serious, the management can for the relative movements of critical locations of structures.
make decisions to evacuate the building for additional For example, for the bridges, GPS units placed at pre-
inspection. Therefore, one by-product of the effort would selected locations of bridge elements can indicate, in real-
be to secure the safety of the occupants and signi®cant time, the amplitude of the displacements of the decks and
contents of the building. Thus, a real-time structural health towers, as well as movements of key bridge elements rela-
monitoring environment will be created. At least three GPS tive to local bedrock reference points. Thus, movements of
units per building are required to monitor a tall building: the piers relative to the abutments, the top of a tower with
two of the units should be deployed on the roof to detect respect to its base, or the span with respect to the ground,
translational and torsional response of the building, and the can be made at a centimeter-level of precision, in real-time.
third unit will serve as a reference ground station to evaluate We will recover both the dynamic motions that accompany
relative displacement. The ground site also needs excellent the earthquake, as well as the static or permanent displace-
sky visibility. ments experienced by the bridge once the shaking has
Similar deployments are being planned for other types of stopped. Such permanent displacements affect the state of
long-period structures. One project in development at this stress of a bridge, and provide evidence for distortion or
time is for deploying GPS units on one of the long-period failure of bridge elements or subsidence of piers due to
suspension bridges such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Bay ground compaction induced by earthquake shaking.
482 M. C
Ë elebi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 20 (2000) 477±483

Fig. 8. Hypothetical thresholds for displacement (from double-integration of recorded acceleration) of channel 21 (vertical at mid side-span) of Vincent
Thomas Bridge (1994 [M ˆ 6.7] Northridge earthquake).

5.2. Current deployments on tall buildings Therefore, any deployment had to be planned away from
the parapet wall. To solve this problem, a stiff auxiliary
Currently, deployment of GPS units on the roof of two support frame (Fig. 9) was erected. The ®gure also shows
buildings in Los Angeles has been completed, and we are in the GPS antenna and the radio antenna to communicate with
the process of deploying GPS units on the roof of a building the reference station so that differential displacements are
in San Francisco. Fig. 9 shows the actual deployment on the obtained.
roof of one of the buildings in Los Angeles. As happens with
®eld deployments, physical obstacles and constraints neces- 5.3. Requisite software
sitate alternate approaches. In this case, the window cleaner
machinery on the roof of the 44-story building travels on Requisite software is being developed to assess and miti-
rails near the parapet and uses the parapet continuously. gate the two natural hazards (earthquake and severe wind)
affecting the structures by using the displacements
measured by the GPS units. Fig. 10 shows a screen image
of software being developed to assess displacements
observed with GPS and provide alarm (warning). Such
collected information on the response of the structure during
strong motion events (or strong winds) can be used to make
decisions for further evaluation of the susceptibility to
damage of the structure, and future repair/retro®t schemes
may be developed.

5.4. Bene®ts and other applications

² The collected information on the response of the struc-

ture during strong-motion events (or strong winds) can be
used to make decisions for further evaluation of the
susceptibility to damage of the structure, and future
repair/retro®t schemes may be developed.
² The recorded data can be used to analyze the perfor-
mance of the structure and such results can be used to
improve future analyses/design procedures.
² The data collected can also be used to assess long-term
displacements of critical locations of structural systems
(e.g. permanent displacements, settlement of founda-
tions, long-term deformations due to change of tempera-
ture and the plate tectonic deformation spanning the San
Francisco Bay and parts of the Los Angeles Basin) and to
develop methodologies on how the ®ndings can be incor-
Fig. 9. Deployed GPS unit and necessary frame system. porated into useful practical design procedures.
M. CËelebi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 20 (2000) 477±483 483

Fig. 10. Software developed to provide alarms at three thresholds of displacement of an instrumented structure with GPS.

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sampling rates of GPS technology allow real-time moni-
September 1997.
toring of long-period structures such as tall buildings and [4] Kondo H, Cannon ME. Real-time landslide detection system using
long-span bridges. The advantage over conventional moni- precise carrier phase GPS. ION GPS95 Conference, The Institute of
toring using accelerometers is that relative displacements Navigation, Palm Springs, CA, September 1995.
can be measured reliably in real-time and with suf®cient [5] Lovse JW, Teskey WF, Lachapelle G, Cannon ME. Dynamic defor-
mation monitoring of a tall structure using GPS technology. Journal of
accuracy to assess potential damage to the structures. The
Surveying Engineering, ASCE 1995;121(1):35±40.
technical feasibility is illustrated through two tests [6] Hudnut KW, Behr JA. Continuous GPS monitoring of structural
conducted on two vertically cantilevered bars that simulate deformation at Pacoima Dam, California. Seismol Res Lett
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Both approaches show that GPS monitoring of long-period [7] Behr JA, Hudnut K, King N. Monitoring Structural deformation at
Pacoima Dam, California using continuous GPS. Proc 11th Inter-
structures provide suf®ciently accurate measurements of
national Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute
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of the vibrating systems can be accurately identi®ed. [8] Stein RS, Hudnut KW, Satalich J, Hodgkinson KM. Monitoring seis-
This capability can be used for structural health monitor- mic damage to bridges and highways with GPS: insights from the
ing purposes. Procedures and software are being devel- 1994 Northridge earthquake. In Natl. Seismic Confr. on Bridges and
Highways, Sacramento, Fed. Highway Admin. and Calif. Dept. of
oped to permanently deploy GPS units on tall buildings
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