Walder 2005

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174 Annals of Glaciology 40 2005

Fault-dominated deformation in an ice dam during annual filling

and drainage of a marginal lake
Joseph S. WALDER,1 Dennis C. TRABANT,2 Michelle CUNICO,3
Suzanne P. ANDERSON,4,5,* Robert S. ANDERSON,4,6,*Andrew G. FOUNTAIN,3
Andrew MALM7
US Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory, 1300 SE Cardinal Court, Vancouver, WA 98683-9589, USA
E-mail: jswalder@usgs.gov
US Geological Survey, 3400 Shell Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701-7245, USA
Department of Geology, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751, USA
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450, USA
Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0260, USA
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0399, USA
Department of Physics, St Olaf College, 1520 St Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057-1098, USA

ABSTRACT. Ice-dammed Hidden Creek Lake, Alaska, USA, outbursts annually in about 2–3 days. As the
lake fills, a wedge of water penetrates beneath the glacier, and the surface of this ‘ice dam’ rises; the
surface then falls as the lake drains. Detailed optical surveying of the glacier near the lake allows
characterization of ice-dam deformation. Surface uplift rate is close to the rate of lake-level rise within
about 400 m of the lake, then decreases by 90% % over about 100 m. Such a steep gradient in uplift rate
cannot be explained in terms of ice-dam flexure. Moreover, survey targets spanning the zone of steep
uplift gradient move relative to one another in a nearly reversible fashion as the lake fills and drains.
Evidently, the zone of steep uplift gradient is a fault zone, with the faults penetrating the entire thickness
of the ice dam. Fault motion is in a reverse sense as the lake fills, but in a normal sense as the lake drains.
As the overall fault pattern is the same from year to year, even though ice is lost by calving, the faults
must be regularly regenerated, probably by linkage of surface and bottom crevasses as ice is advected
toward the lake basin.

INTRODUCTION the HCL ice dam would be explicable in terms of a flexural

The mechanical response of glaciers to jökulhlaups (glacier model with physically reasonable values of pertinent
outburst floods) has received scant attention. Roberts and material parameters. It turns out, however, that the data
others (2000) described fractures formed near the glacier cannot be so explained. The ice dam does indeed respond
terminus, perhaps owing to very high water pressure. mechanically to filling and drainage of the lake, but this
Collapse features thought to represent the trace of subglacial response is dominated by movement along steeply dipping
drainage tunnels have been described by, for example, faults that probably cut the glacier from surface to bed.
Björnsson (2002). Here we describe some aspects of the
mechanical response of Kennicott Glacier, Alaska, USA, to
filling and drainage of ice-marginal Hidden Creek Lake FIELD SITE
(HCL). We focus here on the part of the glacier adjacent to HCL forms within the largest deglaciated tributary to
the lake and describe how flow and deformation within that Kennicott Glacier, Wrangell Mountains, south-central Al-
domain is driven by filling and drainage of the lake. For aska (Fig. 2). The lake is located about 16 km from the
brevity, we refer to this domain as the ‘ice dam’. It is likely
that the drainage divide that must be breached to allow lake
drainage lies at the bed beneath the ice dam, but we do not
address that issue here.
Nye (1976, p. 186–187), in his classic paper on jökul-
hlaups from Grı́msvötn, Iceland, suggested that as an ice-
dammed lake filled, a wedge of water would penetrate
beneath the ice dam and incrementally jack the ice off its
bed. He described this scenario as an ‘inverted cantilever’
and argued that the ice dam would ‘be subject to a buoyancy
force which will bend it upwards’ because isostatic
adjustment is not instantaneous (Fig. 1). With Nye’s hypoth-
esis in mind, we anticipated that the measured response of
Fig. 1. Schematic cross-section (not to scale) through ice dam and
marginal lake to illustrate the flexural hypothesis of Nye (1976).
Flow of the main glacier is into the page. Water pressure exerted on
*Formerly at Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, 1156 the base of the ice dam locally exceeds ice pressure by an amount
High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA. P , resulting in a bending moment M on the ice dam.
Walder and others: Fault-dominated deformation in an ice dam 175

Fig. 3. Map of survey targets on the glacier. Strain in the triangular

elements indicated is shown in Figure 8.

receiving antennae were separated at their centers by

60 m. Owing to glacier surface conditions, the radar
Fig. 2. Map showing location of Hidden Creek Lake relative to operator was restricted to walking along arcuate ridges
Kennicott Glacier. The maximum extent of the lake in 1959 and (rows of seracs) and morainal stripes, and made soundings at
2000 is indicated. Elevation contours on the glacier and surface a separation of about 10 m. The probable error in inferred
elevation of peaks (triangles) are given in feet (1 ft ¼ 0.305 m). ice thickness is about 5 m near the middle of the ice dam,
and about 10 m near the margins of the ice dam.

terminus, in the ablation zone. The glacier intrudes about RESULTS

800 m up the valley of Hidden Creek; for brevity, we will Targets BL1 and MLN on the main glacier (Fig. 3) moved
refer to this part of the glacier as the ‘ice dam’, the surface of nearly due south and were relatively little affected by lake
which is spanned by open fractures, commonly concave filling and drainage, although their motions provide some
towards the lake. At maximum level, HCL has a surface area clues about water storage during the jökulhlaup, as
of about 1 km2, a depth near the ice dam of at least 100 m, discussed by Anderson and others (2005). Targets P1, P2
and a volume of about 20–30  106 m3. Background and P3, all very close to the edge of the ice dam, moved
information about HCL, Kennicott Glacier and the history nearly due west and were lost by calving on day 199; their
of HCL jökulhlaups may be found in Rickman and motions offer evidence (to be presented elsewhere) about
Rosenkrans (1997). Hydrologic and hydrochemical obser- mechanical coupling between the ice dam and the main
vations of the HCL jökulhlaups of 1999 and 2000 have been glacier. Here we focus on the 17 targets within what we call
reported by Anderson and others (2003a, b). the ‘central cluster’, or CC (Fig. 3). Ice thickness is typically
about 200–300 m beneath the CC targets, which thus
spanned a domain about 1–2 ice thicknesses in horizontal
FIELD METHODS extent. With the exception of F6, CC targets moved to the
In 2000, we monitored motion of the glacier surface within southwest as the lake filled, then showed a change in
and near the ice-dam area for several weeks, including the azimuth  24–48 hours after the level of HCL reached a
roughly 2 day period of lake drainage. A total of 22 survey maximum (Fig. 4). Target speed u increased greatly at the
targets were set up (Fig. 3), the three nearest the lake with same time (Fig. 5). The magnitude of the changes in  and u
helicopter support. A comparable effort had been made in generally decreased with distance from HCL, while the time
1999, but the lake began to drain only hours after we at which these changes occurred generally became progres-
reached the field area. Here we discuss only data from sively later with distance from the lake.
summer 2000. The sparser 1999 data will be discussed and CC targets exhibited diverse vertical motions during lake
compared to the 2000 data elsewhere. filling and drainage. Let h be the measured change in
A surveying total station was set up on a bedrock knob elevation of a target during some arbitrary time interval. The
north of the ice dam. The absolute position of the survey elevation change hf due to surface-parallel ice flow must
station was determined by using the global positioning be subtracted from h to give hs , the elevation change that
system (GPS) and referencing the results to a GPS base we presume is caused by lake-level change. We calculated
station positioned on a US Geological Survey benchmark. the correction hf from the average slope of the ice-dam
Lake level was referenced to the same datum. The probable surface. Figure 6 shows hs ðtÞ for several representative
error in survey measurements is about 10 mm. targets. In general, hs ðtÞ decreased with distance x from
Radar operated at either 5 or 10 MHz was used to make the lake as the lake filled, and reached a maximum at some
spot measurements of ice thickness. Transmitting and time after the time of maximum lake level, but close to the
176 Walder and others: Fault-dominated deformation in an ice dam

Fig. 6. Target uplift (corrected for gross glacier flow) and change in
lake level as a function of time relative to the start of data

Fig. 4. Trajectories of three CC targets that were roughly oriented in

a line normal to the ice-dam face. To show all three trajectories in
an undistorted figure, the initial position of M3 has been shifted confined ice shelf (Van der Veen, 1999), with no drag over
west by 103 m, while the initial position of R2 has been shifted much of the base (owing to the water wedge) and resistance
north by 25 m and west by 258 m (cf. Fig. 3). Positions have been provided by drag along the sides of the ice dam and by stress
interpolated to 0.2 day intervals. Local easting and northing are gradients within the ice. But within a narrow zone, "_ xx
relative to Universal Transverse Mercator zone 10 coordinates underwent a reversal, being negative as the lake filled,
(380000, 6810000). Dates of change in trend of motion are positive as the lake drained (element M3/M6/Rx in Fig. 8).
indicated. Peak lake stage was reached at day 206.7. The zone of strain reversal is basically the same as the zone
in which hs decreased sharply from west to east (Fig. 7).
Considering the motion of targets on the west side of the
time at which the change in  and/or u occurred. Figure 7 central cluster relative to those on the east side, we
shows accumulated vertical rise of targets as a function of x consistently see a reversal in the sense of motion (e.g.
for one particular time interval, as well as the total drop Fig. 9). Most of these relative-motion trajectories exhibit a
hdrop in target elevation from the maximum elevation to very steep plunge toward the lake, at roughly 10o from the
the last data collected. The key point to note from Figure 7 is vertical. To summarize, within the zone of large j@hs =@x j,
the locally steep gradient in hs and hdrop at an easting of the strain rate "_ xx < 0 (shortening) as the lake fills, then
about 9600 m. The overall pattern of uplift/down-drop is reverses sign as the lake drains, but outside the zone of large
reminiscent of ground deformation near a steeply dipping j@hs =@x j, "_ xx is always positive (extension).
The ice dam was, in an average sense, stretching in an
east–west sense ("_ xx > 0) at all times (element P2/P3/R2 in
Fig. 8). The ice dam probably behaved roughly like a The observations that targets near the face of the ice dam
rose at a rate very nearly equal to dzl =dt, and that @ðhs Þ=@t
fell off with distance from the lake, might lead one to
conclude that the ice dam was behaving mechanically as a
plate in flexure, the glaciological analogy being an ice shelf
responding to ocean tides (e.g. Lingle and others, 1981). The
fundamental problem with this explanation is that there
were two regions of fairly gentle gradient (@hs =@x) in
vertical displacement separated by a narrow zone, only
about 100 m wide, in which the magnitude of @hs =@x was
much greater (Fig. 7). This distribution of @hs =@x cannot be
reproduced by a flexural model unless the flexural rigidity is
arbitrarily ‘tuned’ so as to vary by many orders of magnitude
over short distances.
We believe the most reasonable explanation for the
observed pattern of deformation, especially the relative-
motion histories, is in terms of movement along steeply
dipping faults that dip towards the lake and cut through the
entire ice thickness (Fig. 10). In this interpretation, some of
the crevasses cutting across the ice dam are simply surface
expressions of such faults. We suggest that as the lake fills,
Fig. 5. Speed of the targets whose trajectories are shown in Figure 4. fault-bounded sections of the ice dam go afloat. Targets
Walder and others: Fault-dominated deformation in an ice dam 177

Fig. 7. Target uplift and down-drop as a function of easting. Uplift

shown is the accumulated value from the start of data collection
until the calving event of day 199.7. Down-drop is the difference
between maximum value of hs and the last measured value (at
about day 210.67).

Fig. 9. Motion of M1 relative to M2 projected onto a vertical plane

separated by such a fault accordingly converge in an east–west striking east–west. No vertical distortion. Data have been inter-
sense. As the lake drains and the subglacial wedge of water polated to 0.2 day intervals. Until day 207.8 (diamonds), the east–
thins beneath the buoyant sections of the ice dam, those west separation of M1 and M2 (see Fig. 3) decreased while M1 rose
sections sag, and targets separated by a fault diverge in an faster than M2. After day 207.8 (squares), the east–west separation
east–west sense. of M1 and M2 increased while M1 dropped faster than M2. Arrows
A previous (albeit much less detailed) study of the also indicate sense of temporal change in relative separation. The
mechanical behavior of an ice dam during filling and nearly reversible trajectory is most reasonably interpreted as giving
drainage of an ice-marginal lake (by Kasper (1989) at the apparent dip of a fault that separates M1 from M2 and
accommodates the relative motion.
Kaskawulsh Glacier, Canada) revealed a pattern of vertical
motion strikingly similar to what we measured at Kennicott
Glacier. The Kaskawulsh Glacier ice dam seems also to have
been pervasively faulted. lake, and probably undergo an episode of extension
Aerial photographs show essentially the same pattern of annually as the lake drains. Bottom crevasses are likely to
fractures spanning the HCL ice dam from year to year. As grow wherever the subglacial water wedge lifts up the
part of the ice dam calves into HCL every year as the lake glacier by modest amounts during lake filling (cf. Van der
drains, there must be some mechanism for regenerating the Veen’s (1998) discussion of floating ice shelves). We suggest
fracture pattern. Figure 10 illustrates our view of this that bottom crevasses link up with surface crevasses to form
process. Fractures initially form in extension, as surface fractures penetrating through the entire glacier thickness.
crevasses, during lake drainage, are advected towards the Such fractures are advected toward the lake and act as

Fig. 8. Accumulated strain in an east–west direction for two Fig. 10. Schematic cross-section (not to scale) through the ice dam
overlapping triangular elements (see Fig. 3). Element P2/P3/R2 is and lake, indicating the subglacial water wedge and where
representative of strain for the ice dam as a whole up to the time crevasses form and link up to form high-angle faults. Flow of the
that P2 and P3 were lost by calving. M3/M6/Rx is an element that main glacier is into the page. The indicated sense of fault motion is
spans the zone of large uplift gradient. for rising lake level, and would reverse as the lake drains.
178 Walder and others: Fault-dominated deformation in an ice dam

high-angle faults during a subsequent cycle of lake filling REFERENCES

and drainage. The ice dam immediately adjacent to the Anderson, S.P. and 6 others. 2003a. Integrated hydrologic and
lake forms a compact mass, rather than disintegrating, hydrochemical observations of Hidden Creek Lake jökulhlaups,
because the HCL valley narrows to the west (Fig. 3), Kennicott Glacier, Alaska. J. Geophys. Res., 108(F1), 6003.
thereby buttressing the pervasively fractured ice dam in (10.1029/2002JF000004.)
much the same way as constrictions in a river channel Anderson, S.P., S.A. Longacre and E.R. Kraal. 2003b. Patterns of
foster ice jams. water chemistry and discharge in the glacier-fed Kennicott River,
Alaska: evidence for subglacial water storage cycles. Chemical
Geol., 202(3–4), 297–312.
Anderson, R.S., J.S. Walder, S.P. Anderson, D.C. Trabant and
SUMMARY A.G. Fountain. 2005. The dynamic response of Kennicott
We placed a large number of survey targets on the surface of Glacier, Alaska, USA, to the Hidden Creek Lake outburst flood.
a glacier in the vicinity of a marginal ice-dammed lake, and Ann. Glaciol. 40 (see paper in this volume).
Björnsson, H. 2002. Subglacial lakes and jökulhlaups in Iceland.
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Kasper, J.N. 1989. An ice-dammed lake in the St. Elias Range,
readily explained if a wedge of water penetrates beneath the southwestern Yukon Territory: water balance, physical limnol-
ice dam as the lake fills and if a substantial part of the ice ogy, ice dynamics and sedimentary processes. (MA thesis,
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS National Park and Preserve, Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Water
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fracturing during jökulhlaups: implications for englacial flood-
research. R. Jacobel provided radar equipment. J. Harper,
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D. Lindsay and R. Schlichting assisted in the field.
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D. MacAyeal, F. Ng and R.M. Iverson provided helpful Van der Veen, C.J. 1998. Fracture mechanics approach to
reviews of an earlier version of this paper. The US National penetration of bottom crevasses on glaciers. Cold Reg. Sci.
Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs supported this Technol., 27(3), 213–223.
research through grants 9812945, 9812973, 9812944, Van der Veen, C.J. 1999. Fundamentals of glacier dynamics.
9912129, 9912180 and 9912306. Rotterdam, etc., A.A. Balkema.

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