Short Cut Method in KP Horary PDF
Short Cut Method in KP Horary PDF
Short Cut Method in KP Horary PDF
Siddhayogi Sivadasanravi
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February 5, 2014 ∙
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By comparing the sign lord, star lord and the sub lord of the horary
number given by the questioner with the ruling planets at the time of
questioning , all “YES” or “NO” questions can be answered easily by
applying the following rules.
If the sub lord of the horary number given by the questioner is identical
with the star lord of the moon (or) the star lord of the ascendant among
the ruling planets, then the answer to the question is “YES” otherwise it is
If the sign lord, star lord and the sub lord of the horary number (all the
three) given by the questioner is present among the ruling planets, then
the answer to the question is “YES” otherwise it is “NO”. This rule has to
be applied in case Rule 1 is not present.
Question: Whether will I buy a land?
Date, Time&Place: 05022014, 12:10PM, Chennai
Horary No.24 (Sign lord star lordsub lord = VenusSunJupiter)
Ruling planets:
Ascendant sign lord Mars
Ascendant star lord Sun
Moon sign lord Mar
Moon star lord Kethu
Day lord Mercury
The sub lord of the horary number Jupiter is not identical with star lord of
the moon (which is Kethu) (or) the star lord of the ascendant (which is
Sun) among the ruling planets, as per Rule1. The sign lord, star lord and
the sub lord of the horary number (all the three) given by the questioner
(VenusSunJupiter) is not present among the ruling planets (which are
MarsSunKethuMercury) as per Rule2. Therefore the answer to the
question is “NO”
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6/25/2015 SHORT CUT METHOD IN KP HORARY... Siddhayogi Sivadasanravi
Badria Ali @Siddhayogi Sivadasanravi hi... thnk you very much... i like your
post plz add/share more. WELL DONE!
February 8 at 12:40am 2/2