Gracie Barra - Organized Like A Team, Fight Like A Family
Gracie Barra - Organized Like A Team, Fight Like A Family
Gracie Barra - Organized Like A Team, Fight Like A Family
We come into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for many different reasons but I think we can all agree
the underlying reason is to learn how to fight or defend ourselves. Don’t you think we
walk away with so much more? I do!
When joining, there are only a few simple things we would expect from anyone looking
to come into the academy to train with us.
Good hygiene
This is a topic that can never be
discussed enough in my opinion,
although no one actually likes being told
they need to rethink their levels of
article then please feel free. As you can Over 30 different types of Staphylococci can infect humans, but most infections are
see though space is limited so try and keep caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococci can be found normally in the nose and on
it as condensed as possible. the skin (and less commonly in other locations) of 25%-30% of healthy adults. In the
majority of cases, the bacteria do not cause disease. However, damage to the skin or
Each month I will write here up and coming other injury may allow the bacteria to overcome the natural protective mechanisms of
articles that may catch your interest and the body, leading to infection.
possibly prevent an overlap of What are the symptoms and signs of a Staph infection?
Staphylococcal disease of the skin usually results in a localized collection of pus, known as
- When the bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread to other organs, a number of
serious infections can occur. Spread of the organisms to the bloodstream is known as
bacteremia or sepsis
There is much more information on this subject. I have only highlighted a small part, if
you would like to find out more about the bacteria please feel free to do your research.
The better informed we are the safer we are against infection.
Why? Why is this bacteria causing so many problems? Because it spreads quickly like
wild fire when unchecked. You can have the best hygiene in the world but if the
person next to you doesn’t care, there is a very good chance of you picking up a nasty
Can you see now why we stress over and over again how important it is for all of us to
have good hygiene? Think about this, you wouldn’t roll in the toilet would you? So
why would you bring it to the mats when each time you walk in there without your
shoes on? Or you forget to wash your hands? How about not washing your Gi? Every
little opportunity this bacteria can take to spread, it will! The results are not pleasant.
I know we all think we are indestructible but let’s not test it against this infection.
That’s only a small part of it however, the way you conduct yourself on and off the
mats is the most import aspect here which I want to focus on.
The minute we join Gracie Barra Bath, we are representing the best, the most elite
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu club in the world! Gracie Barra. When we misconduct ourselves we
are letting the team down.
On the mats, it’s impolite to talk over our tutor and have small conversations amongst
ourselves. Remember you are here to learn and if you are not paying attention then
you aren’t learning. Questions are always welcome and should be asked but wait for
the appropriate moment to voice your question.
Burping and passing wind on the mats are just as unacceptable. Yes, we’ve all been
there where we’re training so hard that gas just has to escape somewhere. Please
however try your best to keep it to a minimum. Do not belch out loud in front of
Gracie Barra Bath
everyone. Gas escaping from the rear can be done in private. No one is going to stop
Wansdyke Business Park you from going to the toilet. Remember however, if your diet is in check then these
things should be happening on rare occasions not as a party trick that’s done on
command. However accidents happen and we will all usually point and laugh.
Before you simply run off the mats however, it is always polite to ask the
tutor/professor if it appropriate to do so. As you get to the edge of the mats, turn to
face them and give a simple bow before walking off and returning
We never just leave the mats at anytime we want during the class. We are always
given plenty of opportunity to drink water, go to the toilet. We don’t use our
telephone during class time and it should always be put on silent as not to disturb the
class. Any issues can be discussed directly with the tutor, as it is only polite to inform
him before class starts. That way he can show the same courtesy to you.
We are all here to learn, remember if you are being difficult and not allowing our
training partner to execute the position we just learnt, word is going to get around and
you will probably find yourself without a training partner. Unless your training partner
has asked you to put the pressure on, then simply allow them to do the move
unhindered. Remember I’m not saying don’t help by correcting a mistake you spotted
or giving a suggestion to make it easier for them.
We all like to have fun and enjoy ourselves. If you aren’t enjoying something then it
simply becomes a chore. We all know too well how much we dislike doing our chores.
However if BJJ is becoming a chore to you simply because the tutor is having to
continually remind us how to conduct ourselves, don’t you think we owe it to our team
mates to check our own behaviour? If we all take responsibility for our own actions,
everything falls into place faster, easier and pain free.