El Centro College Division of Business/Public Service/ Information Technology Programs

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SPRING, 2011






eCampus Tech Support: eCampus.support@dcccd.edu

Phone: (972) 669-6402

Hours: Mon – Fri: 7:00 a.m. – midnight

Sat, Sun: 1:00 p.m. – midnight


EMAIL: janetward@dcccd.edu


PHONE: (214) 860-2739


Student Online Course Expectations

This course is taught entirely online in an asynchronous format with the opportunity to participate in
synchronous chat sessions. Your participation (through the discussion postings and chat involvement) is
essential to achieve maximum reflection and interactivity with other members of the online learning
community. The following represent expectations for online learners:

• Orientation (Prior to Beginning of Class)

1. Schedule an orientation with instructor prior to beginning the course or view the
following online orientations:
2. Log into their course or courses during the first week.
3. Take a tour of the e-Campus course site to get acquainted with the course.
4. Update personal information on e-Campus.
5. Review thoroughly the course syllabus and outline.
6. Have a valid e-mail address.
7. Purchase textbooks, materials etc.
8. Visit the ECC Distance Learning site,
• Online Learning Environment
1. Complete readings and lab assignments as outlined in the course syllabus for meeting
evaluation criteria.
2. Submit reading and lab assignments as outlined in the course calendar.
3. Complete lab objectives and skill exams as outlined in the course calendar.
4. Submit all assignments using the assignment feature to the instructor by the due date.
Check the calendar or assignment page of the course for due dates.
5. Receive one opportunity to revise the assignment if the instructor determines the
assignment is not comprehensively addressed or requires clarification of writing.
6. Use basic netiquette. This means respectful in your postings using good grammar,
spelling, and proper capitalization.
• Online Attendance (Course Requirements)
1. Learners are required to take an active role in each class and graded upon the following:
a. Login to e-Campus at least three times a week. Course statistics will be tracked
to find out when and where you visited. Online presentations of lectures must be
accessed each week. This will be tracked and counted as part of your attendance
and included as part of your attendance grade.
b. Participate in weekly online discussion of specific topic. Check to be sure your
discussion is posted and reload if necessary.
c. Email the instructor once a week to ask any questions regarding assignments,
reading materials, etc. If there are no questions, learners are still required to email
the instructor to indicate that there are no problems.
d. Post an introduction to the discussion section in their first week of class including
their name, the number of computer courses completed, their employment history,
and their goals for this course. This will help us get to know one another.
e. Complete and discuss with classmates their learning styles inventory provided in
the online course.

• Virtual/Regular Lab Hours
1. Learners are required to:
a. View and adhere to the instructor’s virtual/regular lab hours and the semester
schedule posted on e-campus, outside the instructor’s office, and in the Computer
Lab (A435).
b. E-mail the instructor to schedule an appointment for one-on-one instruction if
virtual/regular lab hours conflict with instructor or student schedule.
2. Access the instructor by telephone or e-mail, as posted on e-Campus and the semester
schedule as well as the course syllabus.
• Instructor Expectations
1. Contact student within 2 days of the start of the class.
2. Respond to e-mails within 48-72 hours from time of posting.
3. Provide and Post a Course calendar.
4. Grade and post assignments within a week of submission.
5. Provide feedback on how you are doing in the course through e-Campus gradebook and
comments on assignments.

INEW 2320
SPRING, 2011


Prerequisites: Web programming experience.

This course explores the use of Web monitoring and analytical tools to improve and report site functionality,
evaluate product and services, promotional campaigns and to effectively personalize site content.
Primary course focus will be on process, methods and software tools utilized in this new and emerging

This is a 3 credit hour course. (3 lec.)

WECM END-OF-COURSE OUTCOMES: Use monitoring and analytical tools to improve site
functionality; generate data-mining reports for marketing and usability; and collect and evaluate
dynamic data to deliver personalized site content.


1. Students will be able to identify Electronic Commerce Legal, Ethical, and Tax Issues.
2. Students will be able to utilize trend analysis to improve electronic commerce website
3. Students will be able to independently utilize terminology related to Electronic Commerce.


Textbook: Electronic Commerce, 7th Ed., Schneider, Thomson, 2007.

(ISBN# 978-1-4188-3703-7)
Course will use http://Lynda.com tutorials cost proximately $45 for access between Jan 17 to May 30.
Tutorials include:

Course Names Hours

Google Analytics Essential Training 4:27
Google Website Optimizer Essential Training 3:37
Search Engine Optimization (2006) 9:02

eBay for Sellers Essential Training 2:35

Building an Online Shopping Cart 4:05


Students who are receiving any form of financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to
withdrawing from classes. Withdrawals may affect your eligibility to receive further aid and could
cause you to be in a position of repayment for the current semester. Students who fail to attend or
participate after the drop date are also subject to this policy.


If you are unable to complete the course or courses for which you have registered, it is your
responsibility to withdraw formally from the course. You need to speak with and obtain the signature of
the course instructor to drop the course. If the instructor is not
available, a counselor, advisor, or dean may sign the drop form. Failure to drop will result in a
performance grade, usually a grade of "F." If you drop a class or withdraw from the college before the
official drop/withdrawal deadline, you will receive a “W” (Withdraw) in each class dropped. For more
information about drop deadlines, refer to the current printed Credit Class Schedule, contact the
Admissions office at 214-860-2484 (A169), or contact the division office. THE LAST DAY TO DROP
BY 7 P.M. IS APRIL 14, 2011.

Students sometimes drop courses when help is available that would enable them to continue. I hope you
will discuss your plans with me if you do feel the need to withdraw.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend online class regularly. In the event of your absence, make-up work will
be allowed. Students are expected to arrange with the instructor or peer-group any make-up work or
assignments. Failure to complete assignments within an agreed upon time period will result in a negative


For students who enrolled in college level courses for the first time in the fall of 2007, Texas Education
Code 51.907 limits the number of courses a student may drop. You may drop no more than six (6)
courses during your entire undergraduate career, unless the drop qualifies as an exception. Your
campus counseling/advising center will give you more information on the allowable exceptions.

Remember that once you have accumulated six non-exempt drops, you cannot drop any other courses
with a “W”. Therefore, please exercise caution when dropping courses in any Texas public institution of
higher learning, including all seven of the Dallas County Community Colleges. For more information,
you may access: https://www1.dcccd.edu/6drop
Effective for Fall Semester 2005, the Dallas County Community Colleges will charge additional tuition
to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. All third and subsequent attempts of the
majority of credit and Continuing Education/Workforce Training courses will result in additional tuition
to be charged. Developmental Studies and some other courses will not be charged a higher tuition rate.
Third attempts include courses taken at any of the Dallas County Community Colleges since the Fall
2002 Semester. See Third Attempt to Enroll in a Course at http://www.dcccd.edu/thirdcourseattempt/

Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct (as printed in the El Centro College Catalog and available
at http://www1.dcccd.edu/catalog/about/standard.cfm) will be penalized accordingly. All matters of
academic dishonesty (plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, cheating, etc.) will result in a failing grade for
the assignment in question. All violations will be forwarded to the proper college authorities for review.
The college may, at its discretion, impose additional penalties on the student including academic
probation, suspension, or expulsion. ANY form of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.


The primary components of this course will be a series of case studies, participative discussions, access to the
Web for real-time examples and interactive group discussions related to specific topics.


1A, 3B, 7B, 7E, 8A, It is the responsibility of each Instructor Observation
8D student to allocate time for all
assignments, follow recommended
schedule, and submit projects in a
timely manner.
1C, 3B, 3D, 4A, 8A, Maintain equipment, supplies, and Instructor Observation
8D classroom in an orderly and
organized manner.
3D, 4D, 5B, 5C, 7A, Demonstrate basic understanding of Test, Class Discussion,
7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F Electronic Commerce strategies Project
1A,1C,2E,6A,6C,6D, Develop an understanding of the Test, Class Discussion,
7B,8A,8C various web traffic analysis tools Project
and their differences.
1A,1C,2A,2B,2C,2E, Develop an understanding of the Class Discussion, Project
6A,6B,6C,6D,7B,8A, individual components of a web
8B,8C traffic analysis report.
1A,1C,2A,2B,2C,2E, Read and communicate relevant Class Discussion, Project
6A,6B,6C,6D,7B,8A, report data to various departments
8B,8C within a company.
1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,2B, Develop summaries of web traffic Class Discussion, Project
2C,2F,3C,3E,5B,5C, reports that are relevant and
61,6B,6C,6D,7A,7B insightful to the reader.
1A,1C,2A,2B,2C,3A, Use data from a traffic reporting Class Discussion, Project
3E,6A,6B,6C,6D,7B, tool to improve the user experience
7C,7D,8B and functionality of a site.
1B,1C,1D,1E,2A,2B, Develop the ability to create a web Class Discussion, Project
2C,2F,3A,3C,3E,4B, traffic reporting process for a
5A,5B,5C,6A,6B,6C, company.
3D, 4D, 5B, 5C, 7A, Identify Electronic Commerce Class Discussion, Test
7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F Legal, Ethical, and Tax Issues

3D, 4D, 5B, 5C, 7A, Demonstrate a understanding of Class Discussion, Test
7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F concepts and terminology related to
Electronic Commerce


During the semester, students will be participating in variety of classroom activities including interactive
lecture, demonstrations, individual and small-group work, laboratory exercise and skills inventory

Labs 20% Grade Evaluation:

Quizzes 20% A= 90-100
Midterm 25% B= 80-89
Final 25% C= 70-79
Attendance/Weekly Progress 10% D= 60-69
F= 59-Below
Final Grade 100%

Your instructor will provide a DUE DATE when lab assignments are to be turned in for grading. In
the event of unforeseen circumstances, some assignments may change. The student will be notified in
lecture of any changes in assignments or due dates. In order to insure that you have the correct
assignments and due dates, it is your responsibility to consult with your instructor if you are absent from




Incomplete grades are given only in case of extreme emergency and at least 50% of the course
requirements must have been completed. Request for an incomplete grade must be justified through a
written statement and presented before the drop date to your instructor, who will decide if your request
can be approved.


The IDT Open Lab, Room B267, is open to all

students from:
8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturdays

B265, B266, may be used as an overflow lab at times when classes are not in session during each week.


All students are required to practice courteous, respectful, cooperative behavior at all times, as this
would be the norm in any higher education or work environment.

To avoid distractions in the classroom, students will:

Arrive on time and stay until class is dismissed;

Be prepared and stay on task;
Leave all food, drink, candy and gum outside the classroom;
Listen courteously to one speaker at a time, with no interruptions and no side conversations;
Generally behave as mature adults would in the workplace.


In order not to interrupt the class session, students are asked to place all cell phones and pagers on
vibrate prior to the beginning of the class.


Students are expected to follow established procedures of the appropriate division in handling academic
issues, such as grade appeals. El Centro College requires that other complaints and disputes (that cannot
be resolved by the persons directly involved) be referred initially to the Ombudsman Office for informal,
confidential resolution. Additional grievance procedures and the Student Code of conduct are outlined
in the El Centro College Catalog, available in hard copy in advisement or on the web at


A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take
an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the
absence if, not later than the fifteenth day after the first day of the semester, the student notified the
instructor of each class scheduled on the date that the student would be absent for a religious holy day.
A “religious holy day” means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt
from property taxation under Section 11.20, Tax Code. The notice shall be in writing and shall be
delivered by the student personally to the instructor, with receipt acknowledged and dated by the
instructor or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the instructor. A student who is
excused under this section may not be penalized for the absence, but the instructor may appropriately
respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination.


El Centro College strives to protect an environment most conducive to teaching and learning for all
enrolled students. Minor children may not be brought to classrooms, labs, testing areas or study areas of
the college. This practice is disruptive to the learning process. Children who are taking part in
organized scheduled activities, or who are enrolled in specific classes, are welcomed. For reasons of
security and child welfare, the college will not permit unattended children to be left anywhere on the

premises. Students/Parents who have problems with childcare should visit the advisement/counseling
center or the Adult Resource Center to receive referrals to childcare services in the area.

This class will require you to utilize campus computers. Please see the computer use policy for the
district under the student code of conduct at http://www1.dcccd.edu/cat0406/ss/computer.cfm


Copying computer software without the expressed written permission of the copyright holder may be
unlawful and subject to civil and criminal penalties. To protect you, the college and the copyright
holder, no software used to complete the lab exercises may be copied by students.


Any student who may need accommodations due to a disability should contact the Disability Services
Office, Room A110, phone number (214) 860-2411, (Voice/TTY), visit A110, or go to


Lab Protocols & Student Behavior

All students are responsible for the security of the lab and maintaining the hardware and software in
good condition. No food or drinks are permitted in the lab. Copying materials that are covered by
Copyright is illegal. Most printed, graphic, audio and video commercial materials are covered by
Copyright. Do not load your personal software onto the lab computers. Be sure to label all of your
diskettes, tapes or personal media with your name and the name of the class so they do not become lost
or erased. Students needing to use a digitizing peripheral will arrange permission from the instructor and
the student who may be using the station to which the peripheral is attached. Use of the peripheral needs
to be planned in advance to minimize the time the work station is dedicated to the digitizing function

After successful completion of the Internet Development Technologies Program, the student will be
seeking employment in a professional field that requires creativity, problem-solving skills, and intense
dedication to a collaborative work environment. Internet Development Technologies is a high-tech
profession, which changes rapidly as new innovative products reach the market place and as such
requires a commitment to life-long learning. The instructional strategies utilized during class, nurture
the development of these skills and simulates real world, on the job experiences. Keep these issues in
mind as your work within the small-group environment. Encourage creative discussion, collaborative
research, timely completion of assigned activities and act responsibly and professionally with anyone
you interview as a part of course assignments.

Only students who present ECC ID are permitted in the lab. El Centro College Police will ask any
person unable to show proof of registration to leave. Students are responsible for their personal clothing,
books or software. Any personal items left in the lab at night will not be available until the next working
day. No El Centro books or software are to be removed from the classroom without written permission
of the Program Director.


All software used for teaching is licensed to El Centro. Making a copy for personal use or removing the
software is illegal. Anyone doing so will be dropped from the program and/or prosecuted. Students who
discover a problem or bug in the software are requested to write a note to the instructor explaining which
software on which Student Station is not working and what the problem is. This will help get the
problem solved quickly.

Students having difficulty getting hardware to function properly are requested to move to another
Station, if possible, and inform the instructor/lab assistant of the problem. Repair of equipment will
occur as soon as possible. Students should “logout” and turn off computer, monitor and peripherals
before leaving the lab, unless otherwise directed by faculty or lab assistants. Moving peripherals or
changing cables is not permitted unless faculty or lab personnel or present. During classes the Instructors
will determine whether the computers should be left on or turned off. Any accidents involving
computers or peripherals must be reported to the Instructor. Unless the damage was due to negligence no
charge will be made. If everyone follows these guidelines the lab will continue to provide quality

Printing Resources
Each workstation is connected via the classroom network to the printers Print only final drafts and
finished products that are connected to the class requirements. Copies printed in B267 and B265 are $.05
per page. Changing cartridges, adding toner or maintaining the printers in any other way is a job faculty
or lab personnel will coordinate.


El Centro College and the Dallas County Community College District have developed policies and
procedures for dealing with emergencies that may occur on campus.

To familiarize yourself with these procedures, please take time to watch the overview video:


The instructor may alter this course outline at any time due to time constraints, loss of school days, or
unforeseen problems with computer equipment, labs, etc.

Date Material Covered Corresponding Text & Activities

Week 1 Introduction Ch 1
Review Syllabus
Course Overview
Week 2 Introduction to Electronic Commerce Ch 1 Continued
Week 3 Technology Infrastructure: Ch 2
The Internet and WWW
Week 4 Selling on the Web Ch 3
Revenue Models and Building a Web
Week 5 Marketing on the Web Ch 4
Week 6 Business-to-Business Strategies: Ch 5
From Electronic Data Interchange to
Electronic Commerce
Mid-Term Review
Week 7 Online Auctions, Virtual Communities, Ch 6
and Web Portals. Midterm Review
Week 8 Mid-Term Exam
Week 9 The Environment of Electronic Ch 7
Legal, Ethical, and Tax Issues
Week 10 Web Server Hardware and Software Ch 8

Week 11 Electronic Commerce Software Ch 9

Week 12 Electronic Commerce Security Ch 10

Week 13 Payment Systems Ch 11

Week 14 Planning for Electronic Commerce Ch 12

Week 15 Project Completion. Final Online


Accessing eCampus

(Accessing your course on the Internet - Students)

To Login
• Start your internet browser (you need Firefox 3.5 (preferred) or Internet Explorer 7 or 8(in compatibility
• Go to http://ecampus.dcccd.edu/
• Input your student ID number with an “e” in front of student ID number. This is the Username. (ie.
• Tab over to the Password slot
• Input your student ID number with an “e” in front of the student ID number. This is used for the
Password also (ie. e1253407).
• Click on the Login button

This will get you to your Homepage tab on eCampus called "My DCCCD".
Under the Tools area, you can check your grades for your eCampus courses, read the course announcements, send
email to your instructor, change your password, input your email address and your personal information on

To Access Your Course:

• Click on the Courses Tab or
• Click on the underlined title of your course
You may then click on the tabs on the left side of your screen to access specific areas within your course.

To Input Your E-mail Address

• Click on the Personal Information (in the Tools area)
• Input your E-mail address
• Scroll down to the bottom and click Submit (on the bottom left side of your screen)

To Change Your Password

• Click on the Personal Information (in the Tools area)
• Click on Change Password
• Input your new password
• Input the new password again to confirm it
• Click Submit (on the bottom left side of your screen)
Once you change your password, you will have to use your new password to login in the future.

To Check Your Grades

• Click on My Grades (in the Tools area)
• Then click on underlined title of the course

To E-mail Your Instructor (or Classmate)

• Click Send E-mail (in the Tools area)
• Select the appropriate course
• Select one of the options that are listed (e.g. All Instructors, Select Users, All Groups, etc.)
• Type in the Subject and the message
• Select Add if you want to add alternates, Click Browser button, Locate file to be attached.
• Scroll down and click Submit

If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact email the Tech Support
eCampus.support@dcccd.edu or call (972)669-6402.


General Rules
1. Food, drinks and the use of cellular phones, or web phones will not be permitted in the lab.
2. Children may not be present in the lab at anytime.
3. Games are not to be played on the computers unless part of a class assignment.
4. The use of walkmans, CD players, MP3 players, radios, or music CDs in the computers are permitted as long
as it cannot be heard by anyone anywhere in the lab.
5. No downloading of music or playing musical tones from websites.
6. No downloading or viewing of movies or videos, unless class related video. (Tegrity, etc)
7. No personal software may be installed or downloaded from the Internet onto the hard drive of the computer by
faculty, staff or students.
8. Headphones will not be provided by lab assistants.
9. Students are not allowed in classrooms unless an instructor is present.
10. Students are not allowed to use the instructor station without the instructor’s presence and permission.
Lab Specific Rules
1. During peak times of the day, there is an enforceable computer usage time limit. Internet usage will be limited to a
15-minute session. Ask one of the lab assistants for further clarification.
2. Files may not be saved to the hard drive.
3. Software that comes with student books may not be downloaded onto the computer.
4. Hardware components may be exchanged only by authorized lab personnel.
5. Internet users are not to leave set bookmarks at the end of each individual session.
6. In order to print, you must open a print account with your 7-digit student/faculty/staff ID number and at least $1
in paper currency at the Print Kiosk station at front of Computer Center. Currently, there is a $.05 charge to print
or photocopy in black & white. Color printer is available in A435 and there is a $.50 charge to print or photocopy in
color. However, prices are subject to change without prior notice. Please ask a lab assistant for additional
instructions on printing.
Sign-on and out procedures with AccuTrack on computers
1. All students are required to provide his/her current student ID throughout the entire semester. If you should lose
or misplace your student ID, a copy of your paid fee receipt can be obtained from the Cashier's Window on
the second floor of Building A, window A244, or Admissions, A130, on the first floor of Building A. This will
be acceptable for that visit only and with proper photo ID. Your student ID can be made for you in the SPAR
office, B270, second floor of Building B.
2. All faculty and staff members wanting to use a computer must provide his/her staff ID.
3. It is recommended that you have a 3 ½” high density disk, jump/flash drive or some other type of storage
medium for saving your class assignments.
4. At the computer you are using, type in your 7-digit student ID number at the AccuTrack welcoming screen and
press ENTER. Upon completing your computing session, click on the sign-out button at the top of the computer
screen to return to the AccuTrack welcoming screen.
Service Provided by Lab Assistants (Identified by badges)
1. Explain how to properly sign-in and sign-out of AccuTrack
2. Explain printer operation and change paper
3. Assist user with accessing software
4. Solve minor software and hardware problems requiring further assistance
5. Service reports of equipment malfunction
6. Assist with student assignments no more than 3-5 minutes at a time

Lab assistants are not expected to know how to use all lab software or be familiar with your class assignments.
Instructors should be consulted for assignment content questions and associated problems.

El Centro College Scans Statement

What Are Scans Skills?

These are the skills that employers need the most from their workers. SCANS skills are the predictors in the

Who Defined these Skills?

In 1989, the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education jointly surveyed U.S. employers to find out the most important skills
and competencies needed by workers.

The results of the survey identified SCANS (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills).

ECC Students and SCANS

El Centro College is committed to the preparation of our students for success in the workplace.

All El Centro College courses provide learning outcomes which result in the mastery of SCANS skills. Although each course
will not include every SCANS skill, each course syllabus will identify the specific SCANS skills and competencies taught in
that course.

Throughout a formal program of study (Certificate, Degree or Transfer Program) a student will have the opportunity to
master all SCANS skills and competencies.

SCANS Workplace Competencies

1 Managing 2 Interpersonal 4 Systems
3 Information Skills 5 Using Technology
Resources Skills Knowledge
1.a. Manage 3.a. Acquire and 4.a. Work in social 5.a. Select equipment
2.a. Work on Teams
Time evaluate data systems and tools
4.b. Work in
1.b. Manage 3.b. Organize and 5.b. Apply technology
2.b. Teach Others technological
Money maintain data to tasks
5.c. Maintain and
1.c. Manage 2.c. Serve 3.c. Interpret and 4.c. Monitor and
Materials Customers Communicate data correct systems
4.d. Design and
1.d Manage 3.d. Process data with
2.d. Lead Others improve
Space computer
1.e. Manage
2.e. Negotiate
2.f. Work with

SCANS Foundation Skills

6 Basic Skills 7 Thinking Skills 8 Personal Qualities
6.a. Reading 7.a. Creative thinking 8.a. Responsibility
6.b. Writing 7.b. Decision making 8.b. Self-esteem
6.c. Arithmetic/Math 7.c. Problem Solving 8.c. Sociability
6.d. Speaking 7.d. Thinking logically 8.d. Self-Management
6.e. Listening 7.e. Seeing things in the mind’s eye 8.e. Integrity
7.f. Reasoning


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