Professional Education - 150 Items: Multiple Choice

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1. What philosophical belief describes the Schools should develop political literacy
among students so they can use to improve quality of life?
A. Perennialism B. Progressivism
C. Existentialism D. Essentialism

2. Setting of learning objectives adopts certain characteristics under the acronym of

SMART. Identify the kind of objective set by SMART teachers:
The T in SMART is __________.
A. True C. Time-bound
B. Traditional D. Tabulated by objectives

3. After the 1987 Constitution, what is the first legal basis that makes teaching a
profession and considers teachers as professionals?
A. R.A 7640
B. R.A 7836
C. P.D 1006
D. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

4. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers covers all the following EXCEPT
A. instructors and professors in the tertiary level
B. All private and public school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool,
elementary and secondary whether academic, vocational for non-formal whether full-
time or part-time.

C. All persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools in all
D. industrial arts or vocational person

5. The Professional role of Teachers is not “the sage on the stage” but “the guide from
the side”. This implies that the __________________________.
A. teachers must act more as facilitators of learning
B. teachers must cling to their power to improve roles
C. teachers assess on their roles as lecturer
D. teachers must project as “Almighty-omniscient” image

6. The promulgation of Code of ethics for professional Teachers under Resolution 435
of the PRC expressly covers teachers in all educational intuitions at the following levels,
and implicitly at the________.
A. Elementary
B. Tertiary
C. Preschool and Primary
D. Secondary

7. Setting of learning objectives adopts certain characteristics under the acronym of

SMART. Identify the kind of objectives set by SMART teachers.

The A in SMART is _______________.

A. Active C. Attainable
B. Achievement D. Advisable

8. What kind of knowledge process is involved when Teacher JC asked his students to
reflect on themselves as self-learning?
A. Deduction C. Metacogniton
B. Observation D. Induction

9. Teacher Didi recognizes the fact that learners have strong sensual feelings, and so
she explores the learner’s ________________.
A. Pleasure Values C. Spiritual Values
B. Values of the Holy D. Vital Values

10. The highest level in the life of professional teacher as given in the PPST is _____.
A. Model C. Most Proficient
B. Distinguished D. Highly Proficient

16. Which message does Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs portray to?

A. The need of a person are all growth needs.
B. A need must be satisfied 100% before the next need emerges.
C. A higher need cannot be satisfied when the lower need is fully satisfied.
D. There is a hierarchy of needs.

17. What principle was not being applied when teacher Rita made no introductory
orientation of lessons in the curriculum agenda?
A. Giving a pre-test and post-test for lessons.
B. Preparing students to be quiet
C. Preparing instructional tools
D. Connecting present to previous lessons

18. Which of the following topics are appropriate for inviting a barangay chairman to
share ideas with students and teachers in a school?
A. Tips on health and nutritional care
B. Organizing a school sports tournament
C. Managing the basic needs of a community
D. Climate change and its responsibilities

19. The philosopher said “Man is an unfinished project.” What does this means?
A. Every human person is on the process of becoming a better person
B. Every person is expected to spend enormous reason for his/her progress.
C. Every person should work on the improvement of someone else.
D. Every person’s life has an end.

20. Teacher Ara relates lesson to experiences and social environment of her learners.
What principle of learning is achieved by Teacher Ara?
A. Learning begins with clear expectations.
B. Learning is a discovery of personal meaning.
C. Learning is a cooperative process.
D. Learning is an active process.

21. Teacher Sony makes effort for students to discover personal values applicable for
life in her lessons. What domain of learning is served in this instance?
A. Skills learning
C. Metacognitive learning
B. Cognitive learning
D. Affective learning

22. Teacher Liza is ________ as she avoids out-of-context facts recall, but introduces
situations for learners to think-feel and do, such as making picture folders, team-building
on projects, etc.
A. Progressivist C. Constructivist
B. Naturalist D. Posivist

23. In her Arithmetic class, teacher Bambie makes her students use numbers for
various real-life tasks like buying things in the store, comparing distances of planets,
budgeting a party, etc. What is this teaching-learning practice?
A. Reconstructive C. Collaborative
B. Inter-disciplinary D. Constructive

24. Mrs. Hernandez is evaluating a website for her Literature class. She is making sure
that factual pieces of information found on the site are well documented and pictures
and diagrams are properly labeled. She is also checking that there are no misspelled
words or grammar errors. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Accuracy C. Clarity
B. Appropriateness D. Motivation

25. If you want to determine if the education student truly value teaching profession,
which of the following queries should you ask?
A. Is the teaching profession a noble profession?
B. Are you happy on your choice?
C. Will you convince others to enroll in the teacher education course?
D. What good do you get if you become a teacher?

26.Why is empirical science inductive?

A. It starts from observable evidences building p to a universal explanation or theory.
B. It is drawn from universal laws of the mind
C. It combines universal laws and principles
D. It starts from universal principles to concrete facts or knowledge

27. From Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive processing, at what level is teacher Sha’s
asking her students to formulate their personal philosophy of education?
A. Creating C. Analyzing
B. Evaluating D. Assessing

28. For those who successfully pass the Licensure Examination for teachers the
____signed by the chairman of the RC serve as evidence for lawful practice profession
A. Professional License C. Merit examination certificate
B. Professional oath Copy D. Professional registration fee receipt

29. What type of education is giving emphasis on learning by doing, experiential

learning, etc.?
A. Ancient education C. Traditional education
B. Alternative education D. Progressive education

30. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work
together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao.
They will create posters and a video clip to communicate a message about peace. They
will use social media to spread their peace campaign. This project involves technology
integration which is ______________.
A. adaptation-collaborative C. adoption-constructive
B. entry-active D. transformation-constructive

31. Why is CPD necessary for professional teachers?


I. To continuously improve their professional and personal competence

II. To be at par with other professionals
III. To abide by the CPD Act of 2016
A. I, II and III C. I and III
B. II and III D. III only

32. Miss Ramirez is evaluating an early literacy app for her class. She is making sure
that the app is uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and
that icons represent what they were intended to represent. Which criterion is she
focusing on?
A. Organization C. Motivation
B. Accuracy D. Appropriateness

33. On which theory is the logical sequencing of curriculum based?

A. Progressivism C. Essentialism
B. Perennialism D. Reconstructionism

34. Miss Navarro is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding out
whether the app taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that this app
will be helpful in meeting her objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy nor
too difficult for her students. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Appropriateness C. Accuracy
B. Organization D. Currency

35. How students learn may be more important than what they learn. From this
principle, which of the following is particularly important?
A. Knowing how to solve a problem
B. Determining the givens
C. Solving a problem within time allotted
D. Getting the right answer to a word problem

36. One philosopher considers education as the acquisition of the art of the utilization of
knowledge. This implies that __________________.
A. a learner’s interest in art is comfortable
B. a learner’s acquisition of information is not important
C. a learner’s application of what she has learned is necessary
D. a learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient

37. With Republic Act 7836 the licensure examination for teachers is with_______.
A. Department of Education, Culture and Arts
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Commission on Higher Education
D. Civil Service Examination

38. Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from students and parents?
A. Not at all

B. No especially if done in exchange for requested concessions

C. Yes, if deserved
D. Yes, in-season and out-season gifts

39. From broad vantage view of human development, who has the primary duty to
educate the youths or children?
A. Teachers C. The state
B. Parent D. The schools

40. Buber’s “social principle” refers to all of the following EXCEPT:

A. treating, using the other as a means to an end
B. intersubjective, interpersonal, “we” relation
C. a life dialogue of the members of society
D. responding to other’s need as a means to an end

41. To advance a common mission, every school should provide a vision supported by
A. cultural identity C. core values
B. achieved prestige D. institution’s history

42. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The
Teaching Profession. Based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive
processing are you?
A. Applying C. Analyzing
B. Creating D. Evaluating

43. For brainstorming to be effective, which should be OUT?

A. Openness to ideas C. Making use of other’s ideas shared
B. Teacher’s judgmental attitude D. Non-threatening atmosphere

44. Among thinking skills, Tolerance means ability _____________.

A. to maintain distinctions among structures
B. to integrate complex information
C. to place information into categories
D. to deal with the unclear information without frustration

45. What is the core of the classroom setting in every school?

A. Instruction C. Curriculum
B. Syllabus D. Research

46. If teacher wants to develop in the learner the skills to organize ideas, which one
should he employ?
A. K-W-L technique C. Venn Diagram
B. Histogram D. Graphic Organizer

47. Among the major schools of learning theories, which see learning in terms of
changing what we do?
A. Behavioral theories C. Field and Gestalt theories
B. Cognitive theories D. Social theories

48. The following are non-verbal praises that can accentuate the positive in class for
effective classroom management EXCEPT one:
A. shaking head C. thumbs-up signal
B. winking D. raising of eyebrows

49. In a curriculum development class, the teacher asked the students to give an
enriched definition of the curriculum. Which among the following encompasses the true
essence of the term?
A. Curriculum is the sum total of all learning experiences in the teaching-learning
B. Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to complete a course.
C. Curriculum is a list of courses in order to graduate.
D. Curriculum is a never ending process in education.

50. What applies to meta-cognitive thinking skills in learning?

A. Problem-solving C. Emphasis on independent learning
B. Monitoring own comprehension D. Factual and concrete thinking

51. Which of the following construct is NOT at the level of Critical Thinking?
A. grouping and classifying C. associating and grasping principles
B. preferring and evaluating D. guessing and believing

52. What comprise computer competency?

A. Spending days and nights on computer games and downloading internet materials
B. Use of the computer for particular use, e.g. emailing
C. General knowledge and experience in using computers
D. Knowledge of the use and how to program computers, e.g. blogging

53. Teacher Joanna used photographs to depict social problems such as war, pollution
and poverty. What is the principal benefit for the use of this instructional aid?
A. Expand interest C. Emotional impact
B. Provide experience of the problem D. Encourage participation

54. Among critical thinking skills is _____________.

A. opinionating C. believing
B. guessing D. estimating

55. Which of the following processes usually comes first in developing curriculum?
A. Identifying learning goals and objectives
B. Selection of educational content
C. Evaluating educational experiences

D. Organization of learning experiences

56. In order to most effectively teach students the way to use election rights fully, what
stimulation situation can teacher Jojo adopt?
A. Make students devise political posters
B. Invite politicians to speak in school
C. Involve students to enact a campaign and election
D. Assign students to clip political news

57. What comprise computer literacy?

A. Knowledge on the use and how to program computers, e.g. blogging
B. Use of the computer for particular use, e.g. emailing
C. General knowledge and experience in using computers
D. Spending days or nights on games and downloading internet materials

58. The _____________ is a technique in which participants seated in a circle listens to

an individual who is asked to express himself on issues or personal experiences.
A. Role playing C. Forum
B. Buzz session D. Brainstorming

59. How do you judge the teaching style of a teacher who facilitates development of
students through dialogue and questioning?
A. Inspiratory C. Explanatory
B. Programmatic D. Interactive

60. What can schools implement in order to alleviate sole use of textbooks as
instructional material causing to their poor preparation in subject matter?
A. Attitude learning on professionalism
B. Discussion dialogue on subject content
C. Training in preparing new materials
D. Lecture on change in school organization

61. For her Arts class, teacher Alice joined students on a trip to Angono, Rizal to visit
and interview artists famous for their landscape paintings. What transfer of learning
prevailed in the instance?
A. Inquiry-related C. Concept-related
B. Learner-related D. Utilization-related

62. What is a question to clarify and challenge an issue/problem during the process of
critical thinking?
A. When did this happen? C. Where did the problem arise?
B. What is the issue for discussion? D. What is the main point?

63. Which is/are true of a professional?

A. Completed college/university degree
B. Required of NC IV from TESDA

C. Demonstrate solely ethical competence

D. Abides by his personal Code of Ethics

64. Which teaching practice gives primary consideration to individual differences?

A. Applying two sets of different standards
B. Preparing two different sets of examination, one for the fast learners and another for
the slow learners
C. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way where they
feel most comfortable.
D. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way where they
feel most comfortable except by lecturing

65. If teaching is considered as your mission, which applies/apply?

I. You will be faithful to teaching no matter what

II. You will teach for recognition of efforts
III. You will be faithful to your mission and you want to succeed.

A. I and II C. II and III

B. I, II and III D. I and II

66. Curriculum may be defined in many ways. What does this prove?
A. The concept of curriculum may be defined from different perspectives.
B. The concept of curriculum is based on those given by experts.
C. The concept is limited and narrow in scope.
D. The curriculum is characterized as fragmentary, elusive and confusing.

67. What is teaching-learning implication of student diversity?

A. Develop different standards for different student groups
B. Compare students.
C. Do homogeneous group for grouping activities.
D. Make use of a variety of teaching and assessment methods and activities.

68. Henry Adams said, “A teacher affects eternity; no one knows where his influence
stops”. What does this quotation imply?
A. Teaching is eternity; there is no end to it for as long as there are children.
B. A teacher is so powerful that he cannot help but influence learners.
C. A teacher lives long because he enjoys influencing his students.
D. A teacher has power to influence generations.

69. Among important characteristics for successful teaching, which connotes fairness,
impartiality, open-mindedness, freedom from prejudice, and sense of evidence?
A. Buoyancy C. Objectivity
B. Considerateness D. Emotional stability

70. Which teacher’s personal trait is demonstrated if he is gender-sensitive and

inclusive in his ways?
A. Motivation C. Sense of Humor
B. Passion D. Fairness

71. Learners are more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules when ________
A. The teacher gives additional points for those who follow the rules
B. The learners participate in the rule-making process
C. The teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared
D. The learners know the punishments for not following the rules

72. In providing valid learning experiences, the primary factor to consider is ________
A. Objectives and aims of the lesson
B. The nature of the learners
C. Competence of the teachers
D. Material resources

73. Based on the elements of a profession, can the taxi driver be considered a
A. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver.
B. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver.
C. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest
D. No, because driving is not a college/university degree

74. How do you judge the teaching style of a teacher who provides feedback to
students, analyzing their work and diagnosing errors?
A. Inspiratory C. Explanatory
B. Programmatic D. Interactive

75. Teacher Lil avoids drills out of context. She gives real-world Math problems for
students to drill on, Teacher Lil is very much convinced of which principle of learning?
A. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes,
B. Learning is an active process.
C. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
D. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

76. Teacher Letty claims she can’t accept an “I don’t know” answer. So she does_____.
A. repeating the question C. probing
B. prompting D. asking non-directed question

77. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. So what must teacher do?
A. Use multisensory aids to teaching.
B. Make students connect facts learned to form concepts and abstractions.
C. Teach for test purpose only. Teach to the test.
D. Teach as many facts as you can.

78. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource/Audio-Visual/Educational

Technology center of a school EXECPT_____.
A. conduct training for the teachers on how to use technology tools
B. make available technology equipment for use of teachers and students
C. work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. accomplish the students’ technology project for them

79. Teacher Bing encourage her students to make the intended learning outcomes their
own and explained that she expected them to monitor now and then their own progress
toward the intended learning outcome and act accordingly. In which level of processing
will Teacher Bin’s students act?
A. Self-system
B. Metacognitive system
C. Cognitive
D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system

80. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning. Which
practice is aligned with this principle?
A. Invite parents as resource speakers in class.
B. Bring students to field trips with consent of school and parents.
C. Employ cooperative learning.
D. Teaching using mostly verbal symbol.

81. Which is the primary characteristic of a subject-centered design model of

A. Interdisciplinary C. Correlated
B. Multidisciplinary D. Interrelated
82. This is my questioning behavior: I ask the question; I pause for a while then call on a
student. Which is this questioning practice?
A. Asking non-directed question
B. Asking for non-volunteers
C. Involving as many as possible
D. Directing a question

83. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning. To apply this principle,
teacher must______.
A. spice class with his/her sense of humor
B. make course difficult for students to remember and learn
C. touch students’ emotion when he/she teaches
D. be emotional when he/she teaches

84. What does Article XIII of Code of ethics include as the basis for evaluating students
other than quality of academic performance?
A. Extra-curricular activities
B. Attendance

C. Merit
D. Conduct

85. All these questions should be answered by curriculum EXCEPT________.

A. What subject are important?
B. Who will benefit from a well-design learning experience?
C. What outcomes should be achieved?
D. what qualifications should teachers have?

86. What philosophical belief describes the schools must encourage students to
memorize basic facts about people and events that shaped history?
A. Idealist B. Progressivism
C. Pragmatism D. Essentialism

87. What philosophical belief describes the primary function of the school is to provide
students options and choices to decide for themselves
A. Idealist B. Progressivism
C. Existentialism D. Essentialism

88. Miss Coronel is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding out
whether the app taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that this app
will be helpful in meeting her objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy to no
too difficult for her students. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Appropriateness C. Organization
B. Currency D. Accuracy

89. Miss Lim started off her lesson plan with the outcomes she expects her students to
achieve at the end of the lesson, this curriculum approach is_______.
I. curriculum as a body of knowledge
II. curriculum as a process
III. curriculum as a product
A. II only C. I only
B. I, II, III D. III only

90. What is the existentialist point of view relative to aim of education?

A. To develop cognitive power
B. To re-engineer society
C. To know themselves and their lives place in society
D. To acquire productive skill

91. What educational aims is postulated by social efficiency?

A. Idealist B. Essentialist
C. Pragmatist D. Realist

92. What philosophical belief describes the experiences and needs of the students
should be considered in preparing the curriculum?

A. Idealist B. Progressivism
C. Pragmatism D. Essentialism

93. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to three-fold function of Secondary
A. Continuous General Education
B. Transmission of Knowledge
C. Preparation of Students for Higher Education
D. Provision of skills for useful Endeavour among students

93. The following are characteristics of progressive curriculum EXCEPT _______.

A. knowledge that comes from various disciplines should be the focus.
B. the classroom is only one place for the students to learn: learning can take place
C. focuses on the experience of the students and supervised by the teacher.
D. takes into account all the curricular elements and test these elements through real
life application.

94. In order to have an effective teaching and learning, there must be an adequate
utilization of learning materials. What type of curriculum is this?
A. Hidden curriculum
B. Recommended Curriculum
C. Supported Curriculum
D. Assessed curriculum

95. The class was taught how to conduct an action research and was required an end-
of-the-term written research report. The class was taught how to do the research report
and was shown an Analytic Scoring Rubric for them to know how they will have graded.
The class took the Scoring Rubric as guide in the making of their research report. They
were all motivated to pass an excellent research report and as a group checked now
and then if they were true to the qualities of an excellent research report as seen in the
scoring rubric. What form of assessment is described?
A. Assessment FOR Learning
B. Assessment FOR and AS Learning
C. Assessment AS Learning
D. Assessment OF Learning

96. The following are the roles of the stakeholders in curriculum development except
I. help in formulating the appropriate learning experience
II. create an environment that allows for a child’s holistic development
III. participate in the implementation of the curriculum
IV. all are roles of the stakeholders

A. III only C. I only

B. II only D.I, II and III

97. Jane, a freshman student, was asked by Professor Subida to describe educator
accurately. Which of the following statements with Karla most likely to choose?
A. A process of individual growth and social development.
B. Acquired basically through the teacher.
C. Synonymous to formal schooling.
D. Growth resulting from academic study.

98. All are important in evaluating the curriculum EXCEPT:

A. To constantly keep up with the changing times.
B. To answer to the changing needs of the learners.
C. To identify which parts and aspects of the implement curriculum needs to be
improved, modified or changed.
D. To be able to boast of a new and improved curriculum every time.

99. When do we need to evaluate the curriculum?

A. When somebody suggests it
B. Whenever necessary
C. Every academic year
D. Every quarter

100. The principle that learning is “an active process” means_______.

A. the learner’s own involvement is needed
B. the teacher’s involvement is always necessary
C. both teachers and students need to engage in activities
D. the classroom is the place for learning activities

101. In the 4 A’s approach to facilitating learning, Abstraction denotes ____________.

A. Specific Ideas
B. Concrete Ideas
C. General Ideas
D. Practical Ideas

102. Which one helps produce an environment conducive for learning?

A. Long Assignments
B. Cooperative Learning
C. Individual Competition
D. Excessive praise

103. Thinking skills that are metacognitive rotate to ____.

A. Analytical thinking of parts of information

B. reflective thinking on the “how” of one’s learning
C. profound thinking of “what” “who” and “where”
D. direct thinking of the “what” about facts and figures

104. The teacher as facilitator adds vigor, right and life in the classroom by his/ her

A. Patience C. Uniform
B. Presence D. Composure

105. Formal schooling corrects our ideas and experiences through what is accepted as
true and acceptable and for Piaget this is the process of ______________.
A. schematization C. accommodation
B. equilibrium D. assimilation

106. Teacher Cho wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric
which he explained to the class before the students begin with their task. Based on
revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are the students?
A. Evaluating C. Applying
B. Synthesizing D. Analyzing

107. According to Piaget’s basic cognitive concepts, what is the earliest meaning
structures we form during the infancy and early years e.g. idea of a dog or cat?
A. Accommodation C. Schema
B. Assimilation D. Equilibrium

108. People today think much about Climate Change and the need to protect life on the
planet. More than in past centuries mankind today has high aptitude for ____________
A. conservation C. decentering
B. abstract D. reversible

109. The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualification Framework (AQRF). The Asian
History teacher teams up with the Economics teacher, the Professional Education
teacher for a thorough discussion of AQRF from the perspective of other disciplines.
Which describes the Asian History teacher’s pedagogical approach?
A. Integrated
B. Reflective
C. Constructivist
D. Inquiry-based

110. Along Erikson’s psychosocial theory, which states industry?

A. I get pleasure in my doing things
B. I avoid the difficult to succeed
C. I am embarrassed at what I do
D. I don’t know what I want to in life

111. For Erikson there is too much ego-identity when a person is so involved in a
particular task, such that he has no room for tolerance of others. A balanced amount of
ego-identity is best exemplified by _________ who liberated Negros in North America.

A. Abraham Lincoln
B. George Washington
C. J.F. Kennedy
D. Martin Luther King

112. Along Piaget’s principles, this is opportunity for young earners to experience the
world in order to have a foundation for language and learning in their early schooling

A. take field trip

B. discuss what they see on television
C. use words to describe what is seen, touched, heard, etc.
D. rewards students who are models for the rest of the class

113. Along Piaget’s principles, ________ is NOT appropriate for Social Studies learning
at the level of cognitive ability of adolescent learners.
A. essay writing on a social issue
B. use of drawing and illustrations
C. discussion on varied issues that divided the country then.
D. consideration

114. Along Erikson’s psychosocial theory which states intimacy?

A. I like to be alone and quiet by myself
B. I keep private thoughts to myself
C. I feel that no man is an island
D. I want to be free and uncommitted

115. Pavlov’s behaviorist classical conditioning applies to school learning by way of

stimulus and response in the following situations, but NOT in _________.
A. engaging students in discussion
B. announcing dean’s listers
C. posting honor roll in bulletin boards
D giving rewards for school achievement

116. Skinner’s ________ which states that change in overt behavior like events can
result in learning and this can occur in school as well as

A. Shaping of behavior
B. Operant Conditioning
C. Behavioral Chaining
D. Reinforcement Schedules

117. In Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory of development the following contribute to the

learners’ social environment with __________ opening the door for learners to acquire
A. lessons ` C. activities
B. classroom D. language

118. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this principle?

A. let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the steps
B. group students for work or project that way project becomes less expensive.
C. teach your content from a multidisciplinary perspective
D. avoid drills which are out of context

119. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. So what must teacher do?
A. Make students connect facts learned to form concepts and abstractions.
B. Use multisensory aids to teaching.
C. Teach as many facts as you can.
D. Teach for test purpose only. Teach to the Test.

120. Standardized test that cover the subject or course in a school, district or region
need to have______.
A. Content validity C. Curricular validity
B. Predictive validity D. Criterion validity

121. Which is easiest for the teacher to devise for testing more advanced cognitive
abilities particularly for connecting allied concepts?
A. Completion C. Essay
B Matching D. True or False

122. The search for related literature by accessing several date bases by the use of a
telephone line to connect a computer in a library with other computers that have data
base is termed as _________.
A. manual search C. on-line search
B. computer search D. compact disc search

123. Advance organizers use __ to make connections among various pieces of

information for Efficient recall
a. Visual imagery
b. Elaboration
c. Organization
d. Rehersal

124. A teaching cycle is not complete without ___ of learning.

a. reviewing
b. recycling
c. planning
d. assessment

125. Among thinking skills, Analysis means,

A. Comparing information proper choices
B. selecting relevant and important information
C. Breakdown complex information

D. placing information

126. Which cognitive ability is tested in the essay question? A listing of ways to tackle
noise pollution.
A. Creating
B. Classifying
C. Inferring
D. Generalization

127. To learn complex subject matter, it is most effective to

Experience from information and
A. classify facts
B. organize ideas
C. construct meaning
D. divide elements

128. Based on bloom's taxonomy, this activity is suitable to contribute to comprehension

and learning but NOT to include _________.
A. causal relationship
B. analogy
C. outline
D. text reading

129. How does a novice learner acquire information?

A. Selected information
B. Important information
C. All the information
D. Meaningful information

130. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course
teaching profession, based on Bloom's revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive
structure or processing are you?
A. Applying
B. Creating
C. Analyzing
D. Evaluation

131. Teachers, principals an professors are person in authority. What act confers this
status to the?
A. RA 578 C. RA 586
B. RA 1265 D. RA 558

132. What document contains provisions that stipulate the proper conduct of behavior of
teacher in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities?

A. Code of Ethics for Teachers

B. The Bill of Rights
C. The Philippine Constitution
D. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

133. What is the law enacted by Congress which provided free public secondary
A. RA 6735 C. RA 6935
B. RA 6657 D. RA 6655

134. Which is the first step in planning an achievement test?

A. Build a table of specification
B. Define the instructional objectives
C. Decide on the length of the test
D. Select the type of test items to use

135. What kind of multiple question is: “For an agricultural country like the Philippines,
which should the country advance for its economic development: (a) agriculture
production (b) industrial development (c) tourism (d) finance and banking”?
A. application of a concept
B. Simple knowledge
C. Assessment of a problem
D. Application of a formula

136. Which of the following Essay topic best measures problem-thinking skills and
A. Images of the Philippine presidency
B. Dr. Jose Rizal: as a Patriot
C. Human rights issues in the post-EDSA Philippine democracy
D. Facets of Filipinism Today

137. In Multiple Type questions, what are “distractors” that ensures only one correct
response among choices or alternatives?
A. Incorrect choices C. Items additions
B. Test focus D. Items economy

138. Which is the direct motivator among the following words/affirmation given by a
teacher before an examination?
A. I will be happy if you try your best
B. It’s alright to guess
C. Don’t work too slow or you’ll be left behind
D. Pay close attention to time

139. Evaluation of school or education programs is based on ______ rather than on

mere quantifiable data.
A. emotional feelings

B. human judgment
C. measurable estimates
D. sense perceptions

140. Teacher’s observation to evaluate students’ work and outcome needs to be

objective and this done with _____________.
A. written notes or records
B. memory or recall
C. hunches and guesses
D. common sense

141. These foundation show the chronological development of curriculum mostly shown
using a timeline 

A. Historical Foundations C. Legal foundations

B. Philosophical Foundations D. Psychological Foundations

142. In Bandura’s Theory, the teacher which can be observed in school is a?

A. Substitute Model C. Virtual Model

B. Symbolic Model D. Live model

143. This is a tool of assessment for spatially intelligence learners

A. Written reports
B. Oral demonstration enacting movie scene
C. Written inner thoughts
D. Landscaping drawing

145. The idea of revisiting and elaborating to the level of full understanding is achieve
through the
A. Enrichment curriculum
B. Advanced Organizers
C. Concept mapping
D. Spiral curriculum

146. When teachers conduct a series of evaluation to determine the extent of teaching,
what must be implemented?
A. Hidden Curriculum C. Learned Curriculum
B. Taught Curriculum D. Assessed Curriculum

147. Professor Regacho would like to create a presentation material for his lesson on
the types of computer-assisted instruction. To make his presentation effective, which?
A. Situating tool
B. Informative tool
C. Productivity tool
D. Communicative tool

148. In this FS Course, FS students are required to observe, analyze and reflect on
actual class preceding’s with description of the pedagogical approach of K to 12 as cited
in the K 12 Law is observed in the conduct of FS course.
A. Developmentally appropriate
B. Reflective
C. Inclusive
D. Inquiry-based

149. Teacher Paula demonstrated the deductive method of teaching in her English
class. Based on her teaching demo she asked the class to outline the steps of
deductive teaching method, the students outlines served a she starting point of the
class discussion on the steps of deductive method, did teacher Paula do deductive
A. Yes, she began with the concrete.
B. No, she went inductive.
C. Yes, she went deductive.
D. Both deductive and inductive

150. For integration of ASEAN member state, each have their own respective national
qualifications framework what does the Philippines have?
A. National Qualifications Framework
B. The developmental National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
C. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
D. Philippine Qualification Framework





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