Ykmdlof P
Ykmdlof P
Ykmdlof P
Please Note:
1. This Offer is being made pursuant to Regulation 3(1) & 4 read with Regulation 16 (1) of SEBI (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 and subsequent amendments thereof (“SEBI (SAST)
2. For the purpose of this offer, there is no person acting in concert with the Acquirers with the meaning of
regulation 2(1)(q) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
3. This Offer is not a conditional offer and is not subject to any minimum level of acceptance in terms of
regulation 19 of SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
4. This Open Offer is not a competing offer in terms of Regulation 20 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
5. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Acquirers, as on the date of the DLOF, there are no statutory or
other approvals required to implement the Offer except as stated in paragraph 6.4 appearing on page no. 22 If
any statutory approvals are required or become applicable prior to completion of the Offer, the Offer would also
be subject to the receipt of such statutory approvals. The Acquirers will not proceed with the Offer in the event
that such statutory approvals becoming applicable prior to completion of the Offer are refused in terms of
Regulation 23(1)(a) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
6. Where any statutory approval extends to some but not all of the Public Equity Shareholders, the Acquirers shall
have the option to make payment to such Public Equity Shareholders in respect of whom no statutory approvals
are required in order to complete this Offer.
7. The Offer Price is subject to revision, if any, pursuant to the SEBI (SAST) Regulations or at the discretion of
the Acquirers at any time prior to three working days before the commencement of the Tendering Period in
accordance with Regulation 18(4) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. In the event of such revision, the Acquirers
shall (i) make corresponding increases to the escrow amounts, as more particularly set out in Part 5 (Offer Price
and Financial Arrangements) of this DLOF; (ii) make a public announcement in the same newspapers in which
the Detailed Public Statement (the “DPS”) was published; and (iii) simultaneously with making such
announcement, inform SEBI, the BSE and the Target Company at its registered office of such revision. Such
revised would be done in compliance with other formalities prescribed under the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
8. There has been no competing offer as of the date of this DLOF.
9. A copy of the Public Announcement (the”PA”), DPS and DLOF (including the form of acceptance cum
acknowledgement) is also available on the website of Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”)
10. All correspondence relating to this Offer, if any, should be addressed to the Registrar to the offer, viz. Cameo
Corporate Services Limited
The tentative schedule of activities under the Offer is as follows:
1. The Offer is subject to the compliance of the terms and conditions as set out under the Share Purchase
Agreement (“SPA”) dated April 11, 2018. In accordance with SPA, the transaction under the SPA shall be
completed upon the fulfillment of conditions precedent and agreed between the Acquirers and Sellers in the
2. The Offer is subject to receipt of statutory approvals as enumerated in the para 6.4. However, to the best of
the knowledge and belief of the Acquirers, as on the date of the DLOF, there are no statutory or other
approvals required to implement the Offer. If any statutory approvals are required or become applicable
prior to completion of the Offer, the Offer would also be subject to the receipt of such statutory approvals.
The Acquirers will not proceed with the Offer in the event that such statutory approvals becoming
applicable prior to completion of the Offer are refused in terms of Regulation 23 of SEBI (SAST)
3. In case of delay in receipt of any statutory approval, SEBI may, if satisfied that delayed receipt of the
requisite approvals was not due to any willful default or neglect of the Acquirers or the failure of the
Acquirers to diligently pursue the application for the approval, grant extension of time for the purpose,
subject to the Acquirers agreeing to pay interest to the Public Equity Shareholders as directed by SEBI, in
terms of regulation 18(11) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
1. This offer is subject to provisions of SEBI (SAST) Regulations and in cases of any non compliance or
delayed compliance with any of the provisions of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, the Acquirers shall be unable
to act upon the acquisition of equity shares under the Offer.
2. In event that any statutory approval, which may become applicable at a later date is not received or is
delayed, or there is any litigation leading to stay on this Offer or related to this Offer by a court of
competent jurisdiction, or SEBI or a court or governmental authority of competent jurisdiction directs the
Acquirers not to proceed with this Offer, this Offer maybe delayed beyond the schedule of activities
indicated in this Draft Letter of Offer. Consequently, the payment of consideration to the Equity
Shareholders, who’s Equity Shares are accepted in this Offer, maybe delayed.
3. NRIs and OCBs, if any, must obtain all requisite approvals required to tender the shares held by them, in
this Offer including without limitation the approval from RBI and submit such approvals along with the
documents required to accept this Offer. Further, if holders of the equity shares who are not persons
resident in India (including NRIs, OCBs and FIIs) had required any approvals (including from the RBI or
the FIPB or any other regulatory body) in respect of the shares held by them, they will be required to submit
such previous approvals that they would have obtained for holding the shares, along with the other
documents required to be tendered to accept this Offer. In the event such approvals are not submitted, the
Acquirers reserves the right to reject such equity shares tendered in this Offer.
4. In the event of over-subscription to the offer, the acceptance will be on a proportionate basis and hence
there is no certainty that all the shares tendered by the shareholders in the offer will be accepted.
5. The public equity shareholders who have tendered shares in acceptance of the open offer shall not be
entitled to withdraw such acceptance during the tendering period in terms of Regulation 18(9) of SEBI
SAST Regulations.
6. The Acquirers and the Manager to the Offer accept no responsibility for the statements made otherwise than
in the DLOF, DPS and PA and anyone placing reliance on any other source of information (not released by
the Acquirers or the Manager to the Offer) would be doing so at his/her or their own risk.
7. This Draft Letter of Offer has not been filed, registered or approved in any jurisdiction outside India.
Recipients of this Letter of Offer who are resident in jurisdictions outside India should inform themselves of
and comply with all applicable legal requirements. This Offer is not directed towards any person or entity in
any jurisdiction or country where the same would be contrary to applicable laws or regulations or would
subject the Acquirers or the Manager to the Offer to any new or additional registration requirements.
C. Probable risks involved in associating with the Acquirers
1. Acquirers do not have any experience in managing the similar line of business in which Target Company is
2. The Target Company has been making losses over the period The Acquirers make no assurance with
respect to the financial performance of the Target Company.
3. The Acquirers or Manager to the Offer does not make any assurance in regard to investment or divestment
plan of Acquirers in the Target Company
4. The Acquirers or Manager to the Offer doesn’t provide any assurance in respect of market price of equity
shares before, during or after this Offer and expressly disclaim its responsibility or obligation of any kind
(except as required under applicable law) with respect to any decision by any shareholder on whether to
participate or not participate in the Offer
The risk factors set forth above are indicative only and are not intended to provide a complete analysis of
all risks as perceived in relation to the Offer or associating with the Acquirers. They are neither
exhaustive nor intended to constitute a complete analysis of the risks involved in the participation or
otherwise by any Public Equity Shareholder in the Offer. Public Equity Shareholders of the Target
Company are advised to consult their stockbroker, investment consultant or tax advisor, if any, for
analyzing and understanding of all the risks associated with respect to their participation in the Offer.
In this Draft Letter of offer, all references to “Rs.”/“INR”/ “``” are reference to Indian Rupee(s), the official
currency of India.
In this Draft Letter of offer, minor differences, if any in totals and sums of the amounts listed are due to
rounding off and/or regrouping.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018, the date falling on the 10th (tenth) Working Day prior to
the commencement of the tendering period, for the purpose of determining the
Identified Date
names of the shareholders as on such date to whom the Letter of Offer Shall be
Income Tax Act Income Tax Act, 1961
The letter of offer in connection with the Offer, duly incorporating SEBI’s
Letter of Offer/ LOF comments on the Draft Letter of Offer, including the Form of Acceptance-cum
Manager to the Offer Keynote Corporate Services Limited
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited
Non Resident Indian as defined under the Foreign Exchange Management
(Deposit) Regulations, 2000, as amended
N.A Not Applicable
Open Offer for acquisition of 11,67,374 fully paid up Equity Shares representing
26% of the fully Paid Up Equity Share Capital (“Voting Share Capital”) of the
Offer or Open Offer
Target Company at a price of ` 13/- (Rupees Thirteen only) per fully paid-up
Equity Share payable in Cash.
Offer Price `13/- (Rupees Thirteen only) per fully paid-up Equity Share payable in cash
11,67,374 Equity shares of face value of `10 /-(Indian Rupees Ten only) each
Offer Size
(“Equity shares) aggregating to ` 1,51,75,862/-
Overseas Corporate Body as defined under the Foreign Exchange Management
(Deposit) Regulations, 2000, as amended
PA Public Announcement dated April 11, 2018
PAN Permanent Account Number
PAT Profit After Tax
PACs Persons Acting in Control as defined under the SEBI (SAST) Regulation.
The promoter group of YKM Industries Limited comprises of Y Meera Reddy,
Promoter Group
YMR Prasoona and A H Kishore
All public equity shareholders of the Target Company other than the Promoter
Public Equity Shareholders
Group, Acquirers and parties to the Share Purchase Agreement
RBI The Reserve Bank of India
Registrar to the Offer Cameo Corporate Services Limited
` Indian Rupees
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
28,76,880 fully paid up equity shares of face value ` 10/- each of the target
company representing 64.07% of the subscribed and fully paid up equity share
Sale Shares
capital and voting capital of the target Company at a price of ` 10/- (Rupee Ten
Only) per Equity Share
SEBI The Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBI (SAST) Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Regulations, 2011 Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 and subsequent amendments thereto
SEBI Act Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992
Sellers Y Meera Reddy, YMR Prasoona and A H Kishore
Share Purchase Share Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 2018, executed between, the Acquirers
Agreement or SPA and Sellers
Stock Exchange BSE Limited.
Target Company or YKM YKM Industries Limited
Tuesday, June 05, 2018 to Monday, June 18, 2018 both days inclusive based on
Tendering Period
tentative schedule of activities.
Working Day(s) Shall have the same meaning given in the SEBI (SAST) Regulations
2.1.1 This Offer is a mandatory offer under Regulation 3(1) & 4 of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, pursuant to
substantial acquisition of shares and voting rights accompanied with change in control and management of
the Target Company. This offer has been triggered upon the execution of the Share Purchase Agreement
(“SPA”) dated April 11, 2018 between the Acquirers and Sellers as mentioned therein. Acquirers are
making this offer to the Public Equity Shareholders of the Target Company to acquire 11,67,374 (“Offer
Size”) fully paid up equity shares, representing 26% of fully paid up equity share capital (“Voting Share
Capital”) of the Target Company at a price of ` 13/-(Rupees Thirteen only) per equity share payable in
2.1.2 A Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) dated April 11, 2018 has been entered between Acquirers and
Sellers for acquiring the entire shareholding i.e. 28,76,880 fully paid up equity shares of face value ` 10/-
each of the target company representing 64.07% of the subscribed and fully paid up equity share capital
and voting capital of the target Company at a price of ` 10/- (Rupee Ten Only) per Equity Share
aggregating to `2,87,68,800/- (Rupees Two Crores Eight Seven Lakhs Sixty Eight Thousand and Eight
Hundred only).The offer is made pursuant to substantial acquisition of Shares and Voting rights
accompanied with change in control and management of the Target Company.
2.1.3 As on date the Acquirers do not hold any equity shares in the Target Company.
2.1.4 Share Purchase Agreement and its salient features:
2.1.5 This offer is not made pursuant to any indirect acquisition or arrangement and is not a conditional offer.
2.1.6 This offer is not result of a global acquisition or an open market purchase.
2.1.7 As on date of this DLOF, the Acquirers confirm that they are not prohibited by SEBI from dealing in
securities in terms of direction issued u/s 11B of SEBI act or under any regulations made under SEBI Act.
2.1.8 There are no persons acting as person acting in concert (PAC’s) with the Acquirers for the purpose of this
Open offer in terms of Regulation 2(1) (q) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
2.1.9 As per Regulation 26(6) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, the Board of Directors of the Target Company
shall constitute a committee of independent directors to provide their written reasoned recommendation on
the Offer to the Public Equity Shareholders and such recommendations shall be published at least two (2)
Working Days before the commencement of the Tendering Period in the same newspapers where the DPS
related to the Offer was published, in compliance with Regulation 26(7) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
2.2.1. The Public Announcement to the Public Equity Shareholders of Target Company was issued on April 11,
2018 through the Stock Exchange by the Manager to the Offer for and on behalf of the Acquirers. A copy
of the PA was filed with Stock Exchange, SEBI and at the registered office of Target Company on April
11, 2018. PA was made as per Regulation 3(1) and 4 and other applicable regulations of SEBI (SAST)
2.2.2. Subsequently, in accordance with Regulations 13(4), 14(3) and 15(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulation, the
Detailed Public Statement was published on April 18, 2018 in the following publications
2.2.3. A copy of the PA and DPS would be available on the website of SEBI (www.sebi.gov.in).
2.2.4. The Acquirers are making this Open Offer in terms of SEBI(SAST) Regulation, 2011 to the shareholders
of Target Company (other than the Parties to the SPA) to acquire 11,67,374 (“offer size”) equity shares of
face value of `10 /-(Indian rupees ten only) each, constituting 26% of total fully paid up equity share
capital (“voting share capital”) of the target company at offer price of `13/-(Rupees Thirteen Only) per
equity share aggregating to total consideration of `1,51,75,862/- (Rupees One Crore Fifty One Lakhs
Seventy Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Two only), payable in cash and subject to the terms and
conditions set out in the PA, the DPS and this Draft Letter of offer.
2.2.5. There are no partly paid up equity shares in the Target Company.
2.2.7. This Offer is not a competing offer in terms of Regulation 20 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations
2.2.8. The Offer is not conditional on any minimum level of acceptance by the Public Equity Shareholders in
terms of Regulation 19 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
2.2.9. The Acquirers have not acquired any Equity Shares of the Target Company between the date of the PA
(i.e. April 11, 2018) and the date of this DLOF.
2.2.10. The equity shares of the Target Company to be acquired, pursuant to the Offer, shall be free from all liens,
charges and encumbrances and together with all rights attached thereto, including the rights to all
dividends or other distributions hereinafter declared, made or paid. The equity shares that are subject to
any charge, lien or encumbrance are liable to be rejected in the Offer.
2.2.11. There are no conditions in the underlying agreement i.e. Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) dated April 11,
2018 meeting of which are outside the reasonable control of the Acquirers, and in view of which the Offer
might be withdrawn under Regulation 23 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
2.2.12. In the event that the valid shares tendered in the Open Offer by the shareholders are more than the offer
size, the acquisition of valid shares from the shareholders is done on proportionate basis
2.2.13. The Acquirers have appointed Keynote Corporate Services Limited as the Manager to the Offer in terms of
Regulation 12 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
2.2.14. The Manager to the Offer, Keynote Corporate Services Limited, does not hold any Equity Shares in the
Target Company as on the date of this Draft Letter of Offer and is not related to the Acquirers and the
Target Company in any manner whatsoever. The Manager to the Offer further declares and undertakes that
they will not deal on their own account in the Equity Shares of the Target Company during the Offer
2.3.1. The Acquirers intend to acquire substantial acquisition of Shares/Voting Rights accompanied with change
in management and control of the Target Company. The Target Company has envisaged to diversify into
Real Estate & development of Infrastructure Projects. Acquirers through this proposed acquisition of
YKM, proposes to take this forward & start Real Estate & Construction activities in YKM.
2.3.2. Pursuant to the acquisition of shares under the Offer, the Acquirers currently does not have any intention to
alienate, whether by way of sale, lease, encumber or otherwise, any material assets of the Target Company,
other than in ordinary course of business, for a period of two years following completion of the offer. The
Acquirers further undertake that in the event of such alienation of assets of Target Company, such
alienation shall not be undertaken without a special resolution passed by shareholders of the Target
Company, by way of postal ballot, wherein the notice for such postal ballot shall inter alia contain reasons
as to why such alienation is necessary.
3.1.1 Mr. Anil Jain, son of Tarachand Jain, aged 41, is residing at 151, Habibullah Road, T. Nagar, Chennai-
600017. Telephone No. 9884050177, Email id: aniljain@refex.co.in.
3.1.2 He is a Commerce Graduate and has 24 years of experience in Renewable energy and Refrigerant gas
business sector.
3.1.3 The net worth of Mr. Anil Jain is ` 64.81 crores as on December 31, 2017 as certified vide certificate dated
March 07, 2018 issued by Mr. Vinod R (Membership No.: 214143) having his office situated at 26/45,
Aspiran Garden, 1st Street, Kilapauk Garden, Chennai - 600010; Mob. No.: 9841727642, Email id.:
3.1.4 Mr. Anil Jain is Managing Director in Refex Industries Limited which is listed on BSE with Scrip code
532884 and on NSE with symbol REFEX.
3.1.5 He is not a whole time director on the board of directors of any company.
3.1.6 Mr. Anil Jain is a director in Laundry Project India Private Limited, ILove Diamonds Private Limited,
Refex Energy Limited, Sun Telematics Private Limited, Jain International Trade Organization, Refex
Industries Limited, Best and Crompton Pumps Private Limited, Jito Incubation and Innovation Foundation,
AJ Incubation Forum and Sherisha Technologies Private Limited (“Acquirer 4”). He is also a promoter in
Refex Industries Limited and Refex Energy Limited.
3.1.7 As on date of DLOF, Mr. Anil Jain does not hold any share in the Target Company. However, pursuant to
Share Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 2018 (“SPA”) he proposes to acquire 6, 31,930 equity shares of
Face Value ` 10/- each representing 14.07% of the Equity Share Capital of the Target Company at ` 10/-
per Equity share, thereby acquiring control over the Target Company..
3.2.1. Mrs. Dimple Jain, wife of Mr. Anil Jain, aged 38, is residing at 151, Habibullah Road, T. Nagar, Chennai-
600017. Telephone No. 9884397804, Email id: dimple_jain1979@yahoo.com.
3.2.2. She is a Commerce Graduate and has 10 years of experience in Stainless Steel Sector and in Art Galleries.
3.2.3. The net worth of Mrs. Dimple Jain is `11.22 Crores as on December 31, 2017 as certified vide certificate
dated March 07, 2018 issued by Mr. Vinod R (Membership No.: 214143) having his office situated at
26/45, Aspiran Garden, 1st Street, Kilapauk Garden, Chennai - 600010; Mob. No.: 9841727642, Email
id.: cbevin@gmail.com.
3.2.4. As on the date of this DLOF, Mrs. Dimple Jain does not hold any position on the board of directors of any
listed Company.
3.2.5. She is not a whole time director on the board of directors of any company.
3.2.6. Mrs. Dimple Jain is a director in Pavitra Mall Management Company Private Limited, Refex Wind Power
Private Limited, Refex Solar Power Private Limited, Refex Hydro Power Private Limited, Vituza Solar
Energy Limited, Sourashakthi Energy Private Limited, Athenese Energy Private Limited, Nisa Renew
Energy Private Limited, Flaunt Solar Energy Private Limited, Sherisha Agro Private Limited, Pavagada
Farms Private Limited, Pavagada Processing Industries Private Limited, Sherisha Farms Private Limited,
STPL Horticulture Private Limited, Sherisha Agriculture Private Limited and Sherisha Technologies
Private Limited (“Acquirer 4”).
3.2.7. As on date of DLOF, Mrs. Dimple Jain does not hold any share in the Target Company. However, pursuant
to Share Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 2018 (“SPA”) she proposes to acquire 2,24,495 equity
shares of Face Value `10/- each representing 5.00% of the Equity Share Capital of the Target Company at
`10/- per Equity share, thereby acquiring control over the Target Company.
3.3 Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain (“Acquirer 3")
3.3.1. Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain, wife of Mr. Tarachand Jain, aged 61, is residing at 151, Habibullah Road, T. Nagar,
Chennai-600017. Telephone No. 9884050177, Email id: aniljain@refex.co.in.
3.3.3. The net worth of Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain is `5.30 Crores as on December 31, 2017 as certified vide
certificate dated March 07, 2018 issued by Mr. Vinod R (Membership No.: 214143) having his office
situated at 26/45, Aspiran Garden, 1st Street, Kilapauk Garden, Chennai - 600010; Mob. No.:
9841727642, Email id.: cbevin@gmail.com.
3.3.4. As on the date of this DLOF, Mrs. Ugam Devi Jaindoes not hold any position(s) on the board of directors
of any listed company.
3.3.5. She is not a whole time director on the board of directors of any company.
3.3.6. As on date of DLOF, Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain does not hold any share in the Target Company. However,
pursuant to Share Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 2018 (“SPA”) she proposes to acquire 2,24,495
equity shares of Face Value `10/- each representing 5.00% of the Equity Share Capital of the Target
Company at `10/- per Equity share, thereby acquiring control over the Target Company.
3.4.1. STPL was originally incorporated as Ranka & Sanghavi Housing Private Limited on October 1, 2002
under the Companies Act, 1956 with the Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu as a Private Limited
Company. The company later changed its name to Sherisha Technologies Private Limited and obtained a
fresh Certificate of Incorporation on 17 th July, 2003. The Registration Number of STPL is
3.4.2. STPL is presently engaged in trading of all kinds of solar accessories and solar equipments and
Consultancy and advisory services on transmission line of electricity. STPL also imports, exports,
manufactures and assembles air-conditioners (ACs) and its spare parts and equipments.
3.4.3. The registered office of STPL is situated at 1/171, old Mahabalipuram road, Thiruporur-603110,
Kanchipuram District.
3.4.4. STPL is promoted by Mr. Anil Jain (Acquirer 1) and Mr. Tarachand Jain and the entire shareholding is
held by the Promoters.
3.4.5. The details of the board of directors of STPL as on date of DLOF is tabled below:
Date of
Area of
Name D.I.N Experience Qualifications Appointment/
Re- Appointment
Renewable energy
Mr. Anil and
00181960 24 B.com 28-10-2015
Jain Refrigerant gas
business sector
Art Galleries and
Mrs. Dimple
07108336 10 Stainless Steel B.com 20-03-2015
3.4.6. As of the date of this DLOF, there are no directors/partners representing STPL on the Board of Directors
of the Target Company.
3.4.7. The brief audited financials of STPL for the last 3 years and provisional financial statement provided by
the Statutory Auditor, for the eight months period ended November 30, 2017 are as follow -
Uses of funds
Net fixed assets 47.42 27.35 37.69 33.49
Investments 2161.51 1966.66 1966.66 157.47
Deferred Tax Asset(net) 3.19 3.19 1.70 -
Long Term Loans and Advances 4365.70 2392.61 1415.89 1552.18
Net current assets (2793.09) (1302.07) (1184.64) (1266.25)
Total 3784.73 3087.74 2237.3 476.88
Other Financial data:
8 months period
Financial Year Ended on
ended on
Other Financial Data
November March 31,
March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015
30,2017 2017
Earnings Per Share (`) 25.56 18.01 4.82 5.22
3.4.8 There are no contingent liabilities of STPL as of November 30, 2017. Subsequently in March 2018, the
company has received a notice from Income tax department for an outstanding demand under section
220(2) for `3,58,467 for the Accounting year 2009-10
3.4.9 As on the date of this DLOF, Equity shares of STPL are not listed on any stock exchange.
3.4.10 As on the date of this DLOF, STPL nor its directors and key employees have any interest in the Target
Company. However, pursuant to Share Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 2018 (“SPA”) STPL proposes
to acquire 17,95,960 equity shares of Face Value `10/- each representing 40.00% of the Equity Share
Capital of the Target Company at `10/- per Equity Share, thereby acquiring control over the Target
3.5.1 Acquirer 1(Mr. Anil Jain) is the son of Acquirer 3(Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain) and Acquirer 1(Mr. Anil Jain) is
the husband of Acquirer 2(Mrs. Dimple Jain).
3.5.2 Acquirer 1 is a Director and Promoter of Acquirer 4 and Acquirer 2 is a Director in Acquirer 4.
3.5.3 The Acquirers have not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities, in terms of directions issued
under Section 11B of the SEBI Act, 1992, as amended (the “SEBI Act”) or under any other regulations
made under the SEBI Act.
3.5.4 There are no persons Acting in Concert in relation to the Offer within the meaning of 2(1)(q)(1) of the
SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
3.5.6 As on the date of this DLOF, Acquirers do not hold any Equity Shares of the Target Company.
4.2. The Authorized Share Capital of the Target Company is `7,00,00,000 comprising of 70,00,000 Equity
shares of `10 each. The issued and subscribed Equity Share Capital of the Target Company is `4,74,49,500
comprising of 47,44,950 Equity shares of `10 each. The paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Target
Company is `4,48,99,000 comprising of 44,89,900 Equity shares of `10 each fully paid-up.
4.3. The Trading in the equity shares of the company was suspended on BSE w.e.f 20.09.2006 due to non-
compliance of Clause 15/16, Clause 35, Clause 41, Clause 47 and Clause 54 of listing agreement. During
the year 2011, Company complied with all the clauses of listing agreement and the suspension has been
revoked by BSE vide the notice no. 20110930-21 dated September 30, 2011.
4.4. As on the date of this DLOF, the Target Company is fully compliant with the listing requirements and the
entire fully paid up equity share capital of the Target Company is listed on BSE.
4.5. As on the date of this DLOF, the Target Company does not have any partly paid up Equity shares. There
are no outstanding warrants or options or similar instruments, convertible into Equity shares at a later
4.6. The details of Board of Directors of the Target Company are provided below:
4.7. The Target Company has not been involved in any merger/de-merger or spin off in last three years.
4.8. YKM INDUSTRIES LIMITED (“YKM” or “Target Company”) was incorporated on August 4, 1994 as
“Scanet Acqua Exports Limited” at Tamil Nadu as a public Limited Company under the Companies Act,
1956. The name of the Company was changed from “Scanet Acqua Exports Limited” to “Scanet Exports
Limited” and further to “Verticle 7.Com Limited”. The name of the company was again changed from
“Verticle 7.Com Limited” to “Scanet Exports Limited” and subsequently to “YKM Industries Limited”
and fresh certificate of incorporation consequent to change of name was obtained on September 11, 2007
from Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu, Chennai
4.9. The registered office of YKM Industries limited is situated at 4, Jayalakshmipuram, First Street,
Nungambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600034
4.10. As on date of this DLOF, there is no subsidiary or holding company of the Target Company
4.11. The financial information of YKM Industries limited based on the standalone audited financial statements
for the financial years (FY) ended March 31, 2017, March 31, 2016, March 31, 2015 and financial
statement subjected to Limited Review of Statutory Auditor, for the Nine months period ended December
31, 2017 are as follows:
Profit After Tax (5.09) (4.92) (4.16) (2.86)
*Source: Review Report dated February 14, 2018 issued by S. Jothilingam (Membership No: 219301)
Balance sheet statement:
` In Lakhs
9 months period
Financial Year ended on
ended on
December* March March March 31,
31,2017 31, 2017 31, 2016 2015
Sources of funds
Share capital** 474.50 474.50 474.50 474.50
Reserves and Surplus (20.35) (15.25) (10.34) (6.17)
Networth 454.15 459.25 464.16 468.33
Secured loans - - - -
Unsecured loans - - - -
Long-term provisions - - - -
Total 454.15 459.25 464.16 468.33
Uses of funds
Net fixed assets - - - -
Investments 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Deferred Tax Asset(net) 15.55 15.55 14.73 13.29
Long Term Loans and Advances 437.13 0.13 0.13 0.06
Net current assets 0.46 442.56 448.29 453.96
Total 454.15 459.25 464.16 468.33
*Source: Based on provisional balance sheet provided by S. Jothilingam (Membership No: 219301).
**The paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Target Company is `4,48,99,000 comprising of 44,89,900
Equity shares of `10 each fully paid-up. The difference is due to the forfeiture of shares(25,50,500)
9 months period For the year For the year For the year
ended on ended ended ended
Other Financial Data
December 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2017 2017 2016 2015
Dividend (%) - - - -
Earnings Per Share (`) (0.11) (0.11) (0.09) (0.06)
Return on Net worth (%) (1.12) (1.07) (0.90) (0.61)
Book Value Per Share (`) 10.11 10.23 10.34 10.43
Net worth = Equity Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus - Misc. Expenses
EPS = Profit after Tax / No. of shares outstanding
Return on Net Worth = (Profit after Tax / Net Worth)*100
Book Value per Share = Net Worth / No. of shares outstanding
4.12. Pre and Post Shareholding of Target Company is as under:
5.1.1. The equity shares of YKM Industries Limited are listed on BSE (Scrip Code: 531260).
5.1.2. The trading turnover in the Equity Shares of YKM Industries Limited on BSE based on the trading volume
during the twelve calendar months prior to month of PA (April 01, 2017 to March 31, 2018) is as given
Name of Total Number of Equity Shares Total Number of Trading Turnover
Stock traded during twelve calendar Equity Shares (as a % of Total Equity
Exchange month prior to month of PA Listed Shares Listed)
BSE Nil 4,489,900 N.A
5.1.3. The equity shares of YKM Industries Limited are Infrequently traded on BSE within the explanation
provided in regulation 2(1)(j) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011. The Offer Price of `13 /- per equity
share has been determined as per provision of Regulation 8 of the Regulations taking into account
following parameters:
(i) the highest negotiated price per share of the target company for : `10/- per equity
acquisition under the Agreement (SPA) attracting the obligation to share
make a public announcement of an open offer
(ii) the volume-weighted average price paid or payable for acquisitions, : Not Applicable
whether by the Acquirers or by any person acting in concert with him,
during the fifty-two weeks immediately preceding the date of the
public announcement
(iii) the highest price paid or payable for any acquisition, whether by the : Not Applicable
Acquirers or by any person acting in concert with him, during the
twenty six weeks immediately preceding the date of the public
(iv) the volume-weighted average market price of shares for a period of : Not Applicable
sixty trading days immediately preceding the date of the public
announcement as traded on the stock exchange where the maximum
volume of trading in the shares of the target company are recorded
during such period, provided such shares are frequently traded
(v) where the shares are not frequently traded, the price determined by the :
Acquirers and the manager to the open offer taking into account
valuation parameters including, book value, comparable trading
multiples, and such other parameters as are customary for valuation of
shares of such companies
Financial Information as on March 31, 2017 (Based on statutory
auditor certificate) and as of nine months period ended December 31,
2017 (Based on provisional balance sheet) `13/- per equity
As on March As on December
31, 2017 31, 2017
Book Value (per equity
` 10.23/- ` 10.11
Return on Networth N.A.* N.A.*
Trading Multiple N.A.* N.A.*
*The company has made losses for the referred period and hence the
same is not applicable
5.1.4. In view of the above parameters, in the opinion of the Acquirers and Manager to the Offer, the Offer Price
of `13/- per equity share is justified in terms of regulation 8(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulation.
5.1.5. There has been no corporate action in the Target Company warranting adjustment of relevant price
5.1.6. There has been no revision in the Offer Price or to the size of this Offer as on date.
5.1.7. The Offer Price is subject to revision, if any, pursuant to the SEBI (SAST) Regulations or at the discretion
of the Acquirers at any time prior to three working days before the commencement of the Tendering Period
in accordance with Regulation 18(4) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. In the event of such revision, the
Acquirers shall make corresponding increase to the escrow amounts. Also an announcement will be made
in the same newspapers in which the DPS had appeared. The Acquirers shall simultaneously also inform
SEBI, the Stock Exchanges and the Target Company at its registered office of such revision. Such revised
offer price would be payable for all the equity shares validly tendered during the Tendering Period of the
5.1.8. If the Acquirers acquire or agree to acquire any Equity Shares or voting rights in the Target Company
during the offer period, whether by subscription or purchase, at a price higher than the Offer Price, the
Offer Price shall stand revised to the highest price paid or payable for any such acquisition in terms of
Regulation 8(8) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011. Provided that no such acquisition shall be made after
the third working day prior to the commencement of the tendering period and until the expiry of the
tendering period.
5.1.9. If the Acquirers acquire Equity Shares of the Target Company during the period of twenty-six weeks after
the tendering period at a price higher than the Offer Price, then the Acquirers shall pay the difference
between the highest acquisition price and the Offer Price, to all Public Equity Shareholders whose shares
have been accepted in the Offer within sixty days from the date of such acquisition. However, no such
difference shall be paid in the event that such acquisition is made under an Open Offer under the SEBI
(SAST) Regulations or pursuant to Delisting Regulations, or open market purchases made in the ordinary
course on the stock exchanges, not being negotiated acquisition of shares of the Target Company in any
5.2.1. Assuming full acceptance, the maximum consideration payable under this Offer shall be ` 1,51,75,862
(Rupees One Crore Fifty One Lakhs Seventy Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Two only).
5.2.2. As security for the performance of its obligations under Regulation 17 of the SAST Regulations, the
Acquirers have opened an Escrow Account (the “Escrow Account”) with Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited
having its branch office at Mittal court Nariman Point, Mumbai and registered office at 2nd Floor,27BKC,
Plot No. C-27,G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400 051 (hereinafter referred to as
the “Escrow Bank”) in the name and the style “Escrow Account – YKM Industries Ltd. – Open Offer “ and
have deposited an amount of `37,93,970/- (Rupees Thirty Seven Lakhs Ninety Three Thousand Nine
Hundred and Seventy only) being 25% of the consideration payable under this Offer (assuming full
5.2.3. The Acquirers have empowered the Manager to the Offer to realize the value of the aforesaid Escrow
Account in terms of the Regulation 17(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
5.2.4. In case of any upward revision in the Offer Price or the size of this Offer, the value in cash of the Escrow
Amount shall be computed on the revised consideration calculated at such revised offer price or offer size
and any additional amounts required will be funded by the Acquirers, prior to effecting such revision, in
terms of Regulation 17(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
5.2.5. The Acquirers have adequate and firm financial arrangements to implement the Offer in accordance with
the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. The Open Offer obligations are being met by the Acquirers through Internal
sources and no borrowings from any bank and/ or financial institutions are envisaged.
5.2.6. Mr. R. Vinod, (membership no. 214143) Chartered Accountants, having his office situated at 26/45,
Aspiran Garden, 1st Street, Kilapauk Garden, Chennai - 600010, Mob. No.: 9841727642; vide his
certificate dated March 16, 2018 has certified that Mr. Anil Jain, Mrs. Dimple Jain and Mrs. Ugam Devi
Jain has adequate financial resources as on December 31, 2017 to fulfill all the obligations under SEBI
(SAST) Regulations.
5.2.7. Mr. S.M.Manish Bhurat Chartered Accountant (Membership No.: 228297) having his office situated at
97/C, Melpadi Muthu Naicken Street, Nangambakkam, Chennai – 600 034 ; Mob. No.:+91 98415 50109,
Email id.: manish_1687@yahoo.com vide certificate dated March 07, 2018 has certified that Sherisha
Technologies Private Limited(“STPL”) has adequate financial resources as on November 30, 2017 to
fulfill all the obligations under SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
5.2.8. Based on the aforesaid financial arrangements and on the confirmation received from the Escrow Banker,
Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited in regard to the balance in the Escrow A/C and Certificate received from
Chartered Accountant in regard to the networth & liquid assets with the Acquirers, the Manager to the
Offer is satisfied about the ability of the Acquirers to implement the Offer in accordance with the SEBI
(SAST) Regulations, 2011. The Manager to the Offer confirms that the firm arrangement for the funds and
money for payment through verifiable means are in place to fulfill the Offer obligation.
6.1.1. The Offer is not conditional upon any minimum level of acceptances from shareholders in terms of
Regulation 19 of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
6.1.2. The Letter of offer specifying the detailed terms and conditions of this offer along with form of acceptance
cum acknowledgement (“Form of Acceptance”) will be mailed to all the public shareholders whose name
appeared on the register of members of Target Company as at the close of business hours on Tuesday, May
22, 2018 (“Identified Date”).
6.1.3. The marketable lot for equity shares for the purpose of this offer shall be 1(one)
6.1.4. The Offer is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Draft Letter of Offer, the Form of
Acceptance, the PA, the DPS and any other Public Announcement(s) that may be issued with respect to the
6.1.5. The Letter of Offer along with the Form of Acceptance cum acknowledgement would also be available at
SEBI’s website, www.sebi.gov.in and shareholders can also apply by downloading such forms from the
6.1.6. This offer is subject to the receipt of the statutory and other approvals as mentioned in Para. 6.4 of this
Draft Letter of Offer. In terms of Regulation 23(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011, if the statutory
approvals are refused, the Offer would stand withdrawn.
6.1.7. Accidental omission to dispatch the Letter of Offer to any Equity Shareholder entitled under this Open
Offer or non- receipt of the Letter of Offer by any Equity Shareholder entitled under this Open Offer shall
not invalidate the Open Offer in any manner whatsoever. The Equity Shareholders can write to the
Registrar to the Offer/Manager to the Offer requesting for the Draft Letter of Offer along with Form of
Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement and fill up the same in accordance with the instructions given therein,
so as to reach the Registrar to the Offer, on or before the date of closing of Tendering Period.
Alternatively, the Draft Letter of Offer along with the Form of Acceptance cum Acknowledgement would
also be available at SEBI’s website, www.sebi.gov.in and the Equity Shareholders can also apply by
downloading such forms from the website.
6.1.8. The acceptance of the Offer must be unconditional and should be on the enclosed Form of Acceptance and
sent along with the other documents duly filled in and signed by the applicant shareholder(s).
6.1.9. In terms of Regulation 18(9) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, the Public Equity Shareholders who tender
their Equity Shares in acceptance of this Offer shall not be entitled to withdraw such acceptance during the
Tendering Period.
6.1.10. Any Equity Shares that are subject to any charge, lien or encumbrance are liable to be rejected in the Offer.
In case the ownership of the Equity Shares is the subject matter of any dispute / litigation, the concerned
Public Equity Shareholder shall along with the form of acceptance cum acknowledgment, submit such
documents / records including the final orders of the court of competent jurisdiction confirming the said
Public Equity Shareholder’s legal and beneficial ownership over the Equity Shares so tendered. Where
such documents / records are not submitted to the satisfaction of the Acquirers, the Acquirers may reject
the Equity Shares so tendered in this Offer.
6.1.11. The Acquirers, Manager to the Offer and/or the Registrar to the Offer accept no responsibility for any loss
of equity share certificates, Offer acceptances forms, share transfer deed etc., during transit and the equity
shareholders of the Target Company are advised to adequately safeguard their interest in this regard.
Registered equity shareholders of Target Company and unregistered shareholders who own the Equity
Shares of Target Company as on the identified date, including the beneficial owners of the Equity Shares
held in dematerialized form, except parties to SPA.
6.4.1. As on date of this DLOF, to the best of the knowledge of the Acquirers, there are no statutory approvals or
other approvals are required to implement the Offer. If any other statutory approvals are required or
become applicable prior to completion of the Offer, the Offer would also be subject to the receipt of such
statutory approvals. The Acquirers will not proceed with the Offer in the event that such statutory
approvals becoming applicable prior to completion of the Offer are refused in terms of Regulation 23 of
SEBI (SAST) Regulations. In the event of withdrawal, a Public Announcement (“PA”) will be made
within two working days of such withdrawal, in the same newspapers in which this DPS has appeared.
6.4.2. As on date of DLOF, no approval will be required from any Bank/Financial Institutions for the purpose of
this offer, to the best of the Knowledge of the Acquirers.
6.4.3. Where any statutory approval extends to some but not all of the Public Equity Shareholders, the Acquirers
shall have the option to make payment to such Public Equity Shareholders in respect of whom no statutory
approvals are required in order to complete this Offer.
6.4.4. If any of the Public Shareholders of the Target Company who are not persons resident in India (including
NRIs, OCBs and FIIs) require any approvals (including from the RBI, the FIPB or any other regulatory
body) in respect of the Equity Shares held by them, they will be required to submit such approvals along
with the other documents required to be tendered to accept this Offer. If such approval is not submitted, the
Acquirers reserve the right to reject the Equity Shares tendered by such shareholders that are not resident in
6.4.5. Subject to the receipt of statutory and other approvals, if any, the Acquirers shall complete all procedures
relating to payment of consideration under this Offer within 10 working days from the date of expiry of the
tendering period to those Public Equity Shareholders whose share certificates and/or other documents are
found valid and are in order and are accepted for acquisition by the Acquirers.
6.4.6. In terms of Regulation 18(11) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, the Acquirers shall be responsible to
pursue all statutory approvals required by the Acquirers in order to complete the Open Offer without any
default, neglect or delay, including RBI approval under FEMA Act, 1999 regulations for shares tendered
by non-resident shareholders. In case of delay in receipt of any statutory approval, SEBI may, if satisfied
that delayed receipt of the requisite approvals was not due to any willful default or neglect of the Acquirers
or the failure of the Acquirers to diligently pursue the application for the approval, grant extension of time
for the purpose, subject to the Acquirers agreeing to pay interest to the Public Equity Shareholders as
directed by SEBI, in terms of regulation 18(11) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations. Further, in event of non
fulfillment of obligations under the SEBI (SAST) Regulation by the acquirers, Regulation 17(9) of SEBI
(SAST) Regulations will also become applicable and the amount lying in the Escrow Account shall
become liable for forfeiture.
6.4.7. The Acquirers will have the right not to proceed with the Offer in accordance with Regulation 23 of the
SEBI (SAST) Regulations. In the event of withdrawal of the Offer, a public announcement will be made
(through the Manager to the Offer) stating the grounds and reasons for the withdrawal of the Offer in
accordance with Regulation 23(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, within two working days of such
withdrawal in the same newspapers in which the DPS has been published and such public announcement
will also be sent to the Stock Exchanges, SEBI and the Target Company at its registered office.
7.1.1 All Eligible Shareholders, whether holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form or physical form,
registered or unregistered, are eligible to participate in this Offer at any time during the tendering period of
this offer.
7.1.2 Persons who have acquired the Equity Shares of the Target Company but whose names do not appear in the
register of members of the Target Company on the Identified Date or unregistered owners or those who
have acquired the Equity Shares of the Target Company after the Identified Date or those who have not
received the Draft Letter of Offer, may also participate in this Offer.
7.1.3 The Offer will be implemented by the Acquirers through Stock Exchange Mechanism made available by
BSE Limited (BSE) in the form of separate window (Acquisition Window) as provided under the SEBI
(SAST) Regulations and SEBI circular CIR/CFD/POLICY/CELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 and
CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016 issued by SEBI and BSE notices no. 20170202-34
dated February 02, 2017 and notice no. 20170210-16 and 20170210-23 dated February 10, 2017.
7.1.4 BSE shall be the Designated Stock Exchange for the purpose of tendering Equity Shares in the Offer.
7.1.5 The Acquirers have appointed Keynote Capitals Limited (“Buying Broker”) as its broker for the Offer
through whom the purchases and settlement of Offer shall be made during the tendering period. The contact
details of the Buying Broker are as mentioned below:
Keynote Capitals Limited
Address: The Ruby, 9th Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar (W), Mumbai – 400 028
Contact Person: Mr. Alpesh Mehta.
Email: alpesh@keynoteindia.net
Tel.: +91-22-30266000
7.1.6 All Eligible Shareholders who desire to tender their Equity Shares under the Offer would have to approach
their respective stock brokers (“Selling Broker”), during the normal trading hours of the secondary market
during tendering period.
7.1.7 Separate Acquisition window will be provided by the BSE to facilitate placing of sell orders.
7.1.8 The selling brokers can enter orders for investors having shares in demat and physical form
7.1.9 The Selling Broker would be required to place an order/bid on behalf of the Public Shareholders who wish
to tender their Equity Shares in the Open Offer using the acquisition window of the BSE. Before placing the
bid, the concerned Public Shareholder/Selling Broker would be required to transfer the tendered Equity
Shares to the special account of Clearing Corporation of India Limited (Clearing Corporation"), by using
the settlement number and the procedure prescribed by the Clearing Corporation.
7.1.10 The cumulative quantity tendered shall be displayed on the exchange website throughout the trading session
at specific intervals by the stock exchange during tendering period.
7.1.11 Modification/ Cancellation of orders will not be allowed during the tendering period of the Open Offer.
7.1.12 Shareholders can tender their shares only through a broker with whom the shareholder is registered as client
(KYC Compliant).
7.1.13 The equity shares tendered in response to the Offer will be held in a trust by the Registrar to the Offer /
Clearing Corporation until the completion of the Offer (in accordance with the SEBI (SAST) Regulations
and other applicable laws, rules and regulations), and the shareholders will not be able to trade, sell,
transfer, exchange or otherwise dispose of such equity shares until the completion of the Offer or
withdrawal of the Offer in accordance with Regulation 23 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
7.1.14 In the event Seller Broker(s) are not registered with BSE or if the Shareholder does not have any stock
broker then that Shareholder can approach any BSE registered stock broker and can make a bid by using
quick unique client code (“UCC”) facility through that BSE registered stock broker after submitting the
details as may be required by the stock broker to be in compliance with applicable law and regulations. In
case Shareholder is not able to bid using quick UCC facility through any other BSE registered stock broker
then the Shareholder may approach Company's Broker, to bid by using quick UCC facility.
Note:- Additionally, registered Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form must also
provide the documents mentioned in 7.3.It may be noted that other than submission of above forms and
documents in person verification may be required.
7.2.1 Equity Shareholders who are holding the Equity Shares in demat form and who desire to tender their
Equity Shares in this Offer shall approach their respective depository participant (“DP”)/Selling Broker
indicating the details of Equity Shares they intend to tender in the Offer.
7.2.2 Shareholders shall submit delivery instruction slip (“DIS”) duly filled- in specifying market type as “Open
Offer” and execution date along with all other details to their respective Selling Broker so that the shares
can be tendered in the Open Offer.
7.2.3 The Selling Broker would be required to transfer the number of Equity Shares by using the settlement
number and the procedure prescribed by the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (“Clearing Corporation”)
for the transfer of the Equity Shares to the special account of the Clearing Corporation before placing the
bids/ orders and the same shall be validated at the time of the order entry. The details of the special account
of Clearing Corporation shall be informed in the Offer opening circular that will be issued by BSE/
Clearing Corporation.
7.2.4 The Selling Broker shall provide early pay-in of demat shares to the Clearing Corporation before placing
the bids/orders and the same shall be validated at the time of order entry.
7.2.5 For custodian participant, orders for demat Equity Shares early pay-in is mandatory prior to confirmation
of order by the custodian. The custodians shall either confirm or reject orders not later than close of trading
hours on the last day of the Offer Period. Thereafter, all unconfirmed orders shall be deemed to be rejected.
7.2.6 The details of settlement number for early pay-in of Equity Shares shall be informed in the issue opening
circular that will be issued by the Stock Exchanges/ Clearing Corporation, before the opening of the Offer.
7.2.7 Upon placing the order, the Selling Broker(s) shall provide transaction registration slip (“TRS”) generated
by the Exchange bidding system to the Equity Shareholder. TRS will contain details of order submitted
like Bid ID No., DP ID, Client ID, No. of equity shares tendered etc.
7.2.8 The Shareholders will have to ensure that they keep the depository participant (“DP”) account active and
unblocked to receive credit in case of return of Equity Shares due to rejection or due to prorated Open
7.3 Procedure to be followed by the Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form:
7.3.1 The Shareholders who are holding physical Equity Shares and intend to participate in the offer will be
required to approach their respective Selling Broker along with the complete set of documents for
verification procedures to be carried out including:
7.3.2 Selling Broker should place order on the Acquisition Window with the relevant details as mentioned on the
physical share certificate(s). Upon placing the order, the Selling broker shall provide a TRS generated by
the Exchange bidding system to the Shareholder. TRS will contain the details of order submitted like folio
no., certificate no., distinctive no., no. of Equity Shares tendered etc.
7.3.3 The Seller Broker/investor has to deliver the physical share certificates and documents along with Form of
Acceptance- cum-Acknowledgement and TRS to the Registrar to the Offer within two days of bidding by
Seller Broker and not later than two days from the date of Closure of the Tendering Period. The envelop
should be superscribed as “YKM Industries Limited – Open Offer”.
7.3.4 Public Shareholders holding physical Equity Shares should note that physical Equity Shares will not be
accepted unless the complete set of documents is submitted. Acceptance of the physical shares in the Offer
shall be subject to verification by RTA. On receipt of the confirmation from RTA, the bid will be accepted,
else rejected, and accordingly the same will be depicted on the exchange platform.
7.4 Shareholders who have sent their Equity Share certificates for dematerialization should enclose:
7.4.1 Form of Acceptance duly completed and signed in accordance with the instructions contained therein, by
sole/joint Shareholders whose name(s) appears on the share certificate(s) and in the same order and as per
the specimen signature lodged with the Target Company.
7.4.2 A copy of the dematerialization request form duly acknowledged by the beneficial owners DP. Such
Shareholders should ensure that the process of getting shares dematerialized is completed well in time so
that the credit in the depository account should be received on or before the Date of Closing of Tendering
Period, else the Form of Acceptance, in respect of dematerialized Equity Shares not credited to the Escrow
Demat Account, is liable to be rejected. Alternatively, if the Shares sent for dematerialization are yet to be
processed by the beneficial owners DP, the Shareholders can withdraw their dematerialization request and
tender the Equity Share certificates in the Open Offer as per procedure mentioned in the Draft Letter of
7.5 Registrar to the Offer shall provide details of order acceptance to Clearing Corporation within specified
timelines. In the event that the number of Equity Shares (including demat shares and physical shares)
validly tendered by the Public Shareholders under this Offer is more than the number of Offer Shares, the
Acquirers shall accept those Equity Shares validly tendered by the Shareholders on a proportionate basis in
consultation with the Manager to the Offer, taking care to ensure that the basis of acceptance is decided in
a fair and equitable manner and does not result in non-marketable lots, provided that acquisition of Equity
Shares from a Shareholder shall not be less than the minimum marketable lot.
7.6 Equity Shares that are subject to any charge, lien or encumbrance are liable to be rejected in this Offer.
Equity Shares that are the subject of litigation, wherein the Public Shareholders may be prohibited from
transferring their Equity Shares during the pendency of the said litigation, are liable to be rejected, if the
directions/orders regarding these Equity Shares are not received together with the Equity Shares tendered
in this Offer. The Draft Letter of Offer, wherever possible, will be forwarded to the concerned statutory
authorities for further action by such authorities.
7.7 Procedure for tendering the Equity Shares in case of non-receipt of Letter of Offer:
Persons who have acquired the Equity Shares but whose names do not appear in the register of members of
the Target Company on the Identified Date, or unregistered owners or those who have acquired Equity
Shares after the Identified Date, or those who have not received the Letter of Offer, may also participate in
this Open Offer by submitting an application on plain paper giving details regarding their shareholding and
confirming their consent to participate in this Open Offer on the terms and conditions of this Open Offer as
set out in the PA, DPS and the Letter of Offer. Any such application must be sent to the Registrar to the
Offer at the address mentioned above so as to reach the Registrar to the Offer on or before the date of
Closing of the Tendering Period, together with:
a. In the case of Equity Shares in physical form: The registered Shareholders can send their application
in writing to the Registrar, on plain paper, stating name, address, the number of Equity Shares held, the
number of Equity Shares offered and the distinctive numbers and folio number, together with the
original share certificate(s) and valid transfer deeds. Unregistered Shareholders can send their
application in writing to the Registrar, on plain paper, stating the name and address of the first holder,
name(s) and address(es) of joint holder(s) (if any), the number of Equity Shares held, the number of
equity shares offered and the distinctive numbers and folio number, together with the original share
certificate(s), valid share transfer deeds and the original contract note(s) issued by the broker through
whom they acquired their Equity Shares and/or such other documents as may be specified;
Shareholders who have lodged their equity shares for transfer with the Target Company must also send
the acknowledgement received, if any, from the Target Company towards such lodging of equity
b. In the case of Equity Shares held in dematerialized form: Name, address, number of Equity Shares
held, number of Equity Shares offered, the Depository Participant (“DP”) name and the DP ID and
beneficiary account number, together with a photocopy or counterfoil of the delivery instruction slip in
“off-market” mode duly acknowledged by the DP for transferring the Equity Shares in favor of the
Escrow Demat Account, the details of which are mentioned in above. Any shareholders tendering
Equity Shares in dematerialized form should ensure that the Equity Shares are credited in the favor of
the Escrow Demat Account during the Tendering Period of this Open Offer.
Shareholders who have sent their share certificates for dematerialisation should send a copy of the
dematerialized request form duly acknowledged by their depository participant.
Alternatively, such Eligible Shareholders of the Target Company may download the Form of Acceptance-
cum- acknowledgement in relation to this Open Offer annexed to the Letter of Offer from the SEBI
website (www.sebi.gov.in) or obtain a copy of the same from the Registrar to the Offer on providing
suitable documentary evidence of holding of the Equity Shares of the Target Company.
7.8 The Letter of Offer along with a Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement would also be available at
SEBI website i.e. www.sebi.gov.in and Shareholders can also apply by downloading such forms from the
said website.
7.9.1 Where the number of Equity Shares offered for sale by the Shareholders are more than the Equity Shares
agreed to be acquired by Acquirers, the Acquirers will accept the offer(s) received from the Shareholders
on a proportionate basis, in consultation with the Manager to the Offer, taking care to ensure that the basis
of acceptance is decided in a fair and equitable manner and does not result in non-marketable lots,
provided that acquisition of Equity Shares from a Shareholder shall not be less than the minimum
marketable lot or the entire holding, if it is less than the marketable lot.
7.9.2 On closure of the Offer, reconciliation for acceptances shall be conducted by the Manager to the Offer and
the Registrar to the Offer and the final list shall be provided to the Stock Exchange to facilitate settlement
on the basis of Shares transferred to the Clearing Corporation.
7.9.3 The settlement of trades shall be carried out in the manner similar to settlement of trades in the secondary
market. Selling Broker(s) should use the settlement number to be provided by the Clearing Corporation to
transfer the Equity Shares in favour of Clearing Corporation.
7.9.4 Once the basis of acceptance is finalized, the Clearing Corporation would facilitate clearing and settlement
of trades by transferring the required number of shares to the escrow account which will be opened by the
7.9.5 In case of partial or non-acceptance of orders or excess pay-in, demat shares shall be released to the
securities pool account of the Selling Broker(s)/custodian, post which, the Seller Broker(s) would then
issue contract note for the shares accepted and return the balance shares to the Shareholders.
7.9.6 Unaccepted share certificate(s), transfer deed(s) and other documents, if any, will be returned by registered
post at the registered Shareholders'/ unregistered owners' sole risk to the sole/ first shareholder/
unregistered owner. Equity Shares held in dematerialized form, to the extent not accepted, will be credited
back to the beneficial owners' depository account with the respective depository participant as per the
details furnished by the beneficial owner in the Form of Acceptance or otherwise. It will be the
responsibility of the Shareholders to ensure that the unaccepted shares are accepted by their respective
7.9.7 It may be noted that the Equity Shareholders who have tendered Equity Shares in acceptance of the Offer
shall not be entitled to withdraw such acceptance during the Tendering Period even if the acceptance of
Equity Shares under the Offer and dispatch of Consideration gets delayed.
7.10.1 The settlement of trades shall be carried out in the manner similar to settlement of trades in the secondary
market and as intimated by the Clearing Corporation from time to time.
7.10.2 The Company will transfer the consideration pertaining to the Offer to the Clearing Corporation’s bank
account through the Company’s Brokers as per the secondary market mechanism, as per the prescribed
schedule. For demat Equity Shares accepted under the Offer, the Clearing Corporation will make direct
funds pay-out to the respective Eligible Shareholder(s). If bank account details of any Eligible Shareholder
holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form are not available or if the fund transfer instruction is rejected
by the Reserve Bank of India or relevant Bank, due to any reasons, then the amount payable to the Eligible
Shareholder(s) will be transferred to the concerned Seller Members’ for onward transfer to the such
Eligible Shareholder holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form.
7.10.3 In case of certain client types viz. NRI, foreign clients etc. (where there are specific RBI and other
regulatory requirements pertaining to funds pay-out) who do not opt to settle through custodians, the funds
pay-out would be given to their respective Selling Member’s settlement accounts for releasing the same to
the respective Eligible Shareholder’s account. For this purpose, the client type details would be collected
from the Depositories, whereas funds payout pertaining to the bids settled through custodians will be
transferred to the settlement bank account of the custodian, each in accordance with the applicable
mechanism prescribed by the Designated Stock Exchange and the Clearing Corporation from time to time.
7.10.4 For the Eligible Shareholder(s) holding Equity Shares in physical form, the funds pay-out would be given
to their respective Selling Member’s settlement accounts for releasing the same to the respective Eligible
Shareholder’s account.
7.10.5 Shareholders who intend to participate in the Offer should consult their respective Seller Broker for
payment to them of any cost, charges and expenses (including brokerage) that may be levied by the Seller
Broker upon the Shareholders for tendering Equity Shares in the Offer (secondary market transaction). The
Consideration received by the Shareholders from their respective Seller Broker, in respect of accepted
Equity Shares, could be net of such costs, charges and expenses (including brokerage) and the Acquirers
accepts no responsibility to bear or pay such additional cost, charges and expenses (including brokerage)
incurred solely by the Public Shareholder.
7.10.6 In case of delay/ non-receipt of any approval, SEBI may, if satisfied that non receipt of the requisite
approvals was not attributable to any willful default, failure or neglect on the part of the Acquirers to
diligently pursue such approval, grant extension of time for the purpose, subject to the Acquirers agreeing
to pay interest to the Shareholders as directed by SEBI, in terms of regulation 18(11) of the SEBI (SAST)
Regulations, 2011.
7.10.7 Shareholders of the Target Company who are either non-resident Indians or Overseas Corporate Bodies
and wish to tender their Equity Shares in this Open Offer shall be required to submit all the applicable
Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") approvals (specific and general) which they would have obtained at the
time of their acquisition of the Equity Shares of the Target Company. In the event such RBI approvals are
not submitted, the Acquirers reserves the sole right to reject the Equity Shares tendered by such
Shareholders in the Open Offer. This Open Offer is subject to receipt of the requisite RBI approvals, if
any, for acquisition of Equity Shares by the Acquirers from NRIs and OCBs. While tendering the Equity
Shares under the Open Offer, NRIs/OCBs/foreign shareholders will also be required to submit a Tax
Clearance Certificate from Income Tax Authorities, indicating the amount of tax to be deducted by the
Acquirers under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘Income Tax Act’), before remitting the Consideration. In case
the aforesaid Tax Clearance Certificate is not submitted, the Acquirers will deduct tax at the rate as may be
applicable to the category of the Shareholder under the Income Tax Act, on the entire Consideration
amount payable to such Shareholder.
7.11 Rejection Criteria
The Equity Shares tendered by Shareholders are liable to be rejected on the following grounds amongst
8.1 As per the current provisions of the Income Tax Act, unless specifically exempted, capital gains arising
from the sale of equity shares in an Indian company are generally taxable in India. Any gain realized on the
sale of listed equity shares on a stock exchange held for more than 12 months will not be subject to capital
gains tax in India if Securities Transaction Tax has been paid on the transaction. Securities Transaction Tax
will be levied on and collected by a domestic stock exchange on which the equity shares are sold. Also, as
per Budget announcement for 2018, a long-term capital gains tax of 10% if the gains exceed ` 100,000/-
without allowing the benefit of indexation. Further, any gain realized on the sale of listed equity shares
held for a period of 12 months or less, which are sold, will be subject to short term capital gains tax.
8.2 Taxability of capital gain arising to a non-resident in India from the sale of equity shares shall be
determined basis the provisions of the Income Tax Act or the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
entered between India and country of which the non-resident seller is resident, subject to satisfaction of
certain prescribed conditions.
8.3 In case of Resident Public Shareholders – the Acquirers shall not deduct tax on the Consideration payable
to resident Public Shareholders pursuant to the Offer.
8.4 In case of Non-Resident Public Shareholders – the Acquirers will deduct income-tax at source at the
applicable rates under the Income Tax Act on the Consideration payable to non-resident Public
Shareholders pursuant to the Offer.
8.5 In case of interest payments, if any, by the Acquirers for delay in payment of Offer Consideration or a part
thereof, the Acquirers will deduct taxes at source at the applicable rates under the Income Tax Act.
Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection to the Public Equity Shareholders of the
Target Company at the Corporate office of the Manager to the offer situated at on any working day (except
Saturdays and Sundays and public holidays) between 10.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M during the period from the
date of commencement of the Tendering Period until the date of expiry of the Tendering Period.
9.2. MOU between Acquirers and Keynote Corporate Services Limited dated April 05, 2018.
9.3. Letter from Registrar to the Offer i.e. Cameo Corporate Services Limited Ltd dated April 05, 2018 duly
accepted by Acquirers.
9.4. Share Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 2018 entered into between the Acquirers the sellers.
9.6. Copy of the DPS published by the Manager to the Offer on behalf of the Acquirers on April 18, 2018.
9.7. Netwoth Certificate of Mr. Anil Jain, Mrs. Dimple Jain and Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain dated March 07, 2018,
issued by R. Vinod, (Membership no. 214143) Chartered Accountants certifying net worth as on December
31, 2017.
9.8. Certificate dated March 16, 2018, issued by Mr. R. Vinod, (Membership no. 214143) Chartered
Accountants certifying the adequacy of financial resources of Anil Jain, Dimple Jain and Ugam Devi Jain
to fulfill the obligations under this Offer.
9.9. Netwoth Certificate of Sherisha Technologies Private Limited Jain dated March 13, 2018, issued by Mr.
S.M.Manish Bhurat Chartered Accountant (Membership No.: 228297) certifying networth as on
November 30, 2017.
9.10. Certificate dated March 07, 2018, issued by S.M.Manish Bhurat Chartered Accountant (Membership No.:
228297) certifying the networth and adequacy of financial resources of Sherisha Technologies Private
Limited to fulfill the obligations under this Offer.
9.11. Escrow Agreement dated March 21, 2018 between the Acquirers, the Manager to the Offer and the Escrow
9.12. Confirmation received from the Escrow Bank confirming the receipt of the cash deposit in the Escrow
Account and a lien in favor of the Manager to the Offer.
9.13. Annual Report for financial years ending on March 31, 2015, March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2017 and
financial statement subjected to Limited Review of Statutory Auditor, for the Nine months period ended
December 31, 2017 of the Target Company.
9.14. Annual Report for financial years ending on March 31, 2015, March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2017 and
provisional financial statement provided by statutory auditor for 8 months period ended November 30,
2017 of STPL.
9.15. Copy of the recommendation made by the committee of the independent directors of the Target Company.
9.16. SEBI observation letter no. [●] dated [●] on the LOF
10.1. Unless stated otherwise, the Acquirers accept full responsibility for the information contained in the
DLOF, including the attached form of acceptance cum acknowledgement (other than such information
relating to the Target Company which has been obtained from public sources and sellers or the Target
10.2. The Acquirers accept full responsibility for their obligations under the Offer and shall be responsible for
ensuring compliance with the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
10.3. The Manager to the offer hereby states that the person signing this Letter of Offer on behalf of Acquirers
have been duly authorized by the Board of Directors of Acquirers to sign this Letter of Offer.
Sherisha Technologies
Private Limited
Place: Chennai
Date: April 25, 2018
(All terms and expressions used herein shall have the same meaning as described thereto in the
Letter of Offer)
(Please send this Form of Acceptance with enclosures to the Registrar to the Offer)
Please read the Instructions overleaf before filling-in this Form of Acceptance
Please insert name, address and other details of Equity Shareholder/ Beneficiary Owner
The Acquirers
C/o Cameo Corporate Services Limited
Subramanian Building, No. 1, Club House Road
Chennai – 600 002.
Sub.: Open Offer for acquisition of 11,67,374 Equity Shares of Face Value `10/- each of YKM Industries
Limited (the ‘Target Company’) representing 26.00% of total fully paid up equity share capital (“voting
share capital”) of Target company for cash, at price of `13/- (Indian Rupees Thirteen only) per equity
share by Mr. Anil Jain (“Acquirer 1”), Mrs. Dimple Jain (“Acquirer 2”), Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain(“Acquirer
3”) and Sherisha Technologies Private Limited (STPL) (“Acquirer 4”) under SEBI (SAST) Regulations,
Dear All,
1. I/We refer to the Letter of Offer [●], for acquiring the Equity Shares held by me/us in of YKM Industries
Limited. I/We, the undersigned, have read the Letter of Offer and understood its contents including the
terms and conditions as mentioned therein.
2. I/We, unconditionally Offer to sell to the Acquirers the following Equity Shares in the Target Company
held by me/ us at a price of ` 13/- (Rupee Thirteen Only) per Equity Share.
3. Details of Equity Shares held and tendered/ offered under the offer:
In figures In words
Equity Shares held as on Identified
Date ([●], 2018)
Number of Equity Shares Offered
under the Open Offer
4. I/We authorize the Acquirers to accept the Equity Shares so offered or such lesser number of Equity Shares
that the Acquirers may decide to accept in consultation with the Manager to the Offer and in terms of the
said Letter of Offer and I/we further authorize the Acquirers to apply and obtain certificate(s) as may be
deemed necessary by them for the said purpose. I further authorize the Acquirers to return to me/ us,
Equity Share in respect of which the Offer is not found/ not accepted, specifying the reasons thereof.
5. I/ We also note and understand that the shares/ Original Share Certificate(s) and Transfer Deed(s) will be
held by the Registrar to the Offer in trust for me / us till the date the Acquirers make payment of
Consideration or the date by which Shares/ Original Share Certificate(s), Transfer Deed(s) and other
documents are dispatched to the shareholders, as the case may be.
6. I/ We hereby warrant that the Equity Shares comprised in this Tender Offer are offered under open Offer
free from all liens, equitable interest, charges and encumbrance.
7. I/We declare that there is no restraints/injunctions or other covenants of any nature which limits/restricts in
any manner my/ our right to tender Equity Shares under the Open Offer and that I/ We am/are legally
entitled to tender the Equity Shares.
8. I/ We agree that the Acquirers will pay the Offer Price as per the Stock Exchange mechanism.
9. Details of the other Documents (duly attested) (Please √ as appropriate, if applicable)enclosed:
Bank Details
So as to avoid fraudulent encashment in transit, and also to enable payment through ECS the shareholder(s)
may, at their option, provide details of bank account of the first / sole shareholder and the Consideration cheque
or demand draft will be drawn accordingly.
I / We permit the Acquirers or the Manager to the Offer to make the payment of Consideration through
Electronic Clearance Service (ECS) of the Reserve Bank of India based on the Bank Account Details provided
below and a photo copy of cheque is enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
2. This Form of Acceptance has to be read along with the Letter of Offer and is subject to the terms and
conditions mentioned in the Letter of Offer and this Form of Acceptance.
3. Eligible Persons who wish to tender their Equity Shares in response to this Open Offer should submit
the following documents to the selling member, who in turn would deliver the said documents along
with the Transaction Registration Slip (TRS) to the RTA:
4. Eligible Persons should also provide all relevant documents in addition to above documents which may
include (but not limited to):
a) The relevant Form of Acceptance duly signed (by all Equity Shareholders in case shares are in
joint names) in the same order in which they hold the shares.
b) Original share certificates.
c) Copy of the Permanent Account Number (PAN)Card.
d) Transfer deed (Form SH-4) duly signed (by all Equity Shareholders in case shares are in joint
names) in the same order in which they hold the shares.
e) A self-attested copy of address proof consisting of any one of the following documents i.e., valid
Aadhaar Card, Voter Identity Card, Passport or driving license.
5. All documents / remittances sent by or to Eligible Persons will be at their own risk and the Eligible
Persons are advised to adequately safeguard their interests in this regard.
6. All documents as mentioned above shall be enclosed with the valid Form of Acceptance otherwise the
shares will be liable for rejection. The shares shall be liable for rejection on the following grounds
amongst others:
a) If share certificates of any other company are enclosed with the Form of Acceptance instead of the
share certificate of the Company;
b) Non-submission of notarized copy of death certificate / succession certificate / probated/Will, as
applicable in case any Eligible Person has deceased.
c) If the Eligible Person(s) bid the shares but the Registrar does not receive the share certificate; or
d) In case the signature in the Form of Acceptance and Form SH-4 doesn’t match as per the
specimen signature recorded with the Target Company /Registrar.
Acknowledgement Slip
Open Offer for acquisition of 11,67,374 Equity Shares of Face Value `10/- each of YKM Industries
Limited (the ‘Target Company’) representing 26.00% of total fully paid up equity share capital (“voting
share capital”) of Target company for cash, at price of `13/- (Indian Rupees Thirteen only) per equity
share by Mr. Anil Jain (“Acquirer 1”), Mrs. Dimple Jain (“Acquirer 2”), Mrs. Ugam Devi Jain(“Acquirer
3”) and Sherisha Technologies Private Limited (STPL) (“Acquirer 4”) under SEBI (SAST) Regulations,
Note: All future correspondence, if any, should be addressed to the Registrar to the Offer at the following
Business Hours (Except Public Holidays): Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on Saturday: 9:30 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m.