Draft Letter of Offer
Draft Letter of Offer
Draft Letter of Offer
The Letter of Offer will be sent to you as a Public Shareholder (as defined below) of Allsec Technologies Limited.
If you require any clarification about the action to be taken, you may consult your stock broker or investment
consultant or the Manager to the Offer or the Registrar to the Offer. In case you have recently sold your Equity
Shares (as defined below), please hand over the Letter of Offer and the accompanying Form of Acceptance-cum-
Acknowledgement (as defined below) to the member of the Stock Exchange (as defined below) through whom the
said sale was effected.
Open Offer By
Make a cash offer to acquire up to 39,61,965 fully paid-up equity shares of face value of INR 10 each (“Offer Shares”) at
a price of INR 320 per Equity Share (“Offer Price”), representing 26.00% of the Voting Share Capital (as defined below)
in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 2011 and subsequent amendments thereto (“Takeover Regulations”) from the Public Shareholders (the
“Offer Size”)
1. This Offer (as defined below) is being made by the Acquirer and PAC pursuant to Regulations 3(1) and 4 and other
applicable provisions of the Takeover Regulations.
2. This Offer is not conditional upon any minimum level of acceptance in terms of Regulation 19(1) of the Takeover
3. This Offer is NOT a competing offer in terms of Regulation 20 of the Takeover Regulations.
4. To the best knowledge of the Acquirer and PAC, no statutory approvals are required by the Acquirer and/or PAC to
complete this Offer.
5. Under Regulation 18(4) of the Takeover Regulations, the Acquirer is permitted to revise the Offer Price or
the number of Offer Shares at any time prior to the commencement of 1 Working Day (as defined below)
before the commencement of the Tendering Period (as defined below). In terms of the Takeover
Regulations, the Acquirer and PAC shall (i) make corresponding increases to the escrow amounts, as more
particularly set out in Part 5 (Offer Price and Financial Arrangements), (b) make a public announcement in
the Newspapers (defined below), and (c) simultaneously with the making of such announcement, inform
SEBI, the Stock Exchanges and the Target Company at its registered office of such revision. The Acquirer
would pay such revised price for all the Equity Shares validly tendered at any time during the Offer and
accepted under the Offer in accordance with the terms of the Letter of Offer.
7. If there is a competing offer at any time hereafter, the offers under all subsisting bids will open and
close on the same date.
8. Unless otherwise stated, the information set out in this DLoF reflects the position as of the date hereof.
9. A copy of the public announcement in relation to this Offer (“PA”), the DPS (as defined below), the
Corrigendum to the DPS (as defined below) and the Letter of Offer (including Form of Acceptance cum
Acknowledgement) is also expected to be available on the website of Securities and Exchange Board of
India (SEBI) (http://www.sebi.gov.in).
The schedule of major activities under this Offer is as follows:
The Identified Date is only for the purpose of determining the Public Shareholders to whom the Letter of Offer
would be dispatched. It is clarified that all holders (registered or unregistered) of Equity Shares (except the
Acquirer and the PAC, the Promoters, the Investor and the persons acting in concert or deemed to be acting in
concert with the Promoters and the Investor) are eligible to participate in the Open Offer any time before the Offer
Closing Date.
The timelines are indicative (prepared on the basis of timelines provided under the Takeover Regulations) and are
subject to receipt of relevant approvals from regulatory authorities that could be required and may have to be
revised accordingly.
The risk factors set forth below are not a complete analysis of all risks in relation to the Offer or in
association with the Acquirer and the PAC but are only indicative in nature. The risk factors set forth above
are limited to the transactions contemplated under the SPAs (as defined below) and the Offer and do not
pertain to the present or future business operations of the Target Company or other related matters. These
are neither exhaustive nor intended to constitute a complete analysis of the risks involved in the
participation by Public Shareholders in this Offer but are merely indicative. Public Shareholders are
advised to consult their stockbrokers, investment consultants and / or tax advisors, for analyzing and
understanding all the risks with respect to their participation in this Offer.
For capitalized terms used herein please refer to ‘Definitions / Abbreviations’ set out below.
1. As on the date of this DLoF, to the best knowledge of the Acquirer, there are no statutory approval(s)
required by the Acquirer to complete the Underlying Transactions. The completion of the Underlying
Transactions is conditional upon the SPA Conditions (as defined below). In the event the SPA Conditions
are not met for reasons outside the reasonable control of the Acquirer, then the SPAs may be rescinded,
and the Offer may be withdrawn, subject to applicable law. The completion of the Underlying
Transactions is subject to completion risks as would be applicable to similar transactions.
2. In case of delay in receipt of any statutory approval that may be required by the Acquirer and/ or PAC at
a later date, SEBI may, if satisfied that such delay in receipt of the requisite statutory approval(s) was not
attributable to any willful default, failure or neglect on the part of the Acquirer and/ or PAC to diligently
pursue such approval, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by SEBI, including
payment of interest in accordance with Regulation 18(11) of the Takeover Regulations, grant an
extension of time to the Acquirer and/ or PAC to make the payment of the consideration to the Public
Shareholders whose Offer Shares have been accepted in the Offer. Where any statutory approval extends
to some but not all the Public Shareholders, the Acquirer and/ or PAC will have the option to make
payment to such Public Shareholders in respect of whom no statutory approvals are required in order to
complete this Offer.
3. Non-resident holders and Overseas Corporate Bodies (the “OCBs”) holders of Equity Shares must obtain
all requisite approvals (including from the RBI or any other regulatory body), if any, to tender the Equity
Shares held by them in this Offer. Further, if the Public Shareholders who are not persons resident in
India had required any approvals (including from the RBI or any other regulatory body) in respect of the
Equity Shares held by them, they will be required to submit such previous approvals that they would have
obtained for holding the Equity Shares, to tender the Equity Shares held by them pursuant to this Offer,
along with the documents required to be tendered to accept this Offer. In the event such prior approvals
are not submitted, the Acquirer and / or PAC reserves its right to reject such Equity Shares tendered in
this Offer. If the Equity Shares are held under general permission of the RBI, the non-resident Public
Shareholder or OCB should state that the Equity Shares are held under general permission and clarify
whether the Equity Shares are held on repatriable or non-repatriable basis.
4. In the event of any litigation leading to a stay on the Offer by a court of competent jurisdiction, or SEBI
instructing that the Offer should not proceed, the Offer may be withdrawn, or the Offer process may be
delayed beyond the schedule of activities indicated in this DLoF. Consequently, in the event of any delay,
the payment of consideration to the Public Shareholders, whose Equity Shares are accepted under this
Offer, as well as the return of Equity Shares not accepted under this Offer, by the Acquirer may be
5. The Equity Shares tendered in this Offer may be held in trust by the Clearing Corporation / Registrar to
the Offer until the completion of the Offer formalities and the Public Shareholders who have tendered
their Equity Shares will not be able to trade such Equity Shares during such period, even if the acceptance
of the Equity Shares tendered in this Offer and/or dispatch of payment of consideration is delayed. During
such period, there may be fluctuations in the market price of the Equity Shares that may adversely impact
the Public Shareholders who have tendered their Equity Shares in this Offer. Accordingly, the Acquirer
makes no assurance with respect to the market price of the Equity Shares both during the Tendering
Period and upon the completion of the Offer and disclaims any responsibility with respect to any decision
by any Public Shareholder on whether or not to participate in the Offer. It is understood that the Public
Shareholders will be solely responsible for their decisions regarding their participation in this Offer.
6. The Public Shareholders should note that, under the Takeover Regulations, once the Public Shareholders
have tendered their Equity Shares, they will not be able to withdraw their Equity Shares from the Offer
during the Tendering Period even in the event of a delay in the acceptance of Equity Shares under the
Offer and/or the dispatch of consideration.
7. The Public Shareholders may tender their Offer Shares in the Offer at any time from the commencement
of the Tendering Period but prior to the closure of the Tendering Period. The Acquirer and / or PAC have
up to 10 Working Days from the closure of the Tendering Period to pay the consideration to the Public
Shareholders whose Equity Shares are accepted in the Offer.
8. This DLoF has not been filed, registered or approved in any jurisdiction outside India. Recipients of this
DLoF resident in jurisdictions outside India should inform themselves of and observe any applicable legal
requirements. This Offer is not directed towards any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where
the same would be contrary to the applicable laws or regulations or would subject the Acquirer, PAC or
the Manager to the Offer to any new or additional registration requirements.
9. Public Shareholders are advised to consult their respective tax advisors for assessing the tax liability,
pursuant to this Offer, or in respect of other aspects such as the treatment that may be given by their
respective assessing officers in their case, and the appropriate course of action that they should take. The
Acquirer, PAC and the Manager do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the tax
provisions set forth in this DLoF.
10. In the event that the number of Equity Shares validly tendered by the Public Shareholders under this
Offer is more than the number of Offer Shares, the Acquirer shall accept those Equity Shares which are
validly tendered by the Public Shareholders on a proportionate basis as detailed in Paragraph 7 of this
DLoF. Therefore, there is no certainty that all the Equity Shares tendered in the Offer will be accepted.
The unaccepted Equity Shares will be returned to the respective Public Shareholders in accordance with
the schedule of activities for the Offer.
11. In relation to the Offer, the Acquirer, PAC and the Manager to the Offer accept responsibility only for
statements made by them in the PA, DPS, Corrigendum to the DPS, DLoF, Letter of Offer or in the post
Open Offer advertisement or any corrigenda or any materials issued by or at the instance of the
Acquirers, the PAC or the Manager to the Offer in relation to the Offer (other than information pertaining
to Tax and the Sellers and the Target Company which has been compiled from information published or
publicly available sources or provided by the Sellers and the Target Company). Anyone placing reliance
on any sources of information (other than as mentioned in this Paragraph) would be doing so at his / her /
its own risk.
Probable risks involved in associating with the Acquirer and PAC
1. None of the Acquirer, PAC or the Manager make any assurance with respect to the continuation of past
trends in the financial performance of the Target Company.
2. None of the Acquirer, PAC or the Manager can provide any assurance with respect to the market price of
the Equity Shares before, during or after the Offer Period and each of them expressly disclaim any
responsibility or obligation of any kind with respect to any decision by any Public Shareholder regarding
whether or not to participate in the Offer.
3. None of the Acquirer, PAC or the Manager make any assurance with respect to their investment or
disinvestment relating to their proposed shareholding in the Target Company.
This DLoF together with the DPS, the Corrigendum to the DPS and the Public Announcement in connection with
the Offer, has been prepared for the purposes of compliance with the applicable laws and regulations of India,
including the SEBI Act and the Takeover Regulations, as amended, and has not been registered or approved under
any laws or regulations of any country outside of India. The disclosures in this DLoF and the Offer particulars
including but not limited to the Offer Price, Offer Size and procedures for acceptance and settlement of the Offer is
governed by the Takeover Regulations, as amended, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations of India, the
provisions of which may be different from those of any jurisdiction other than India. Accordingly, the information
disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this document had been prepared in
accordance with the laws and regulations of any jurisdiction outside of India. The Acquirer, PAC, the Manager to the
Offer are under no obligation to update the information contained herein at any time after the date of this DLoF.
No action has been or will be taken to permit this Offer in any jurisdiction where action would be required for that
purpose. The Letter of Offer shall be dispatched to all Public Shareholders whose name appears on the register of
members of the Target Company, at their stated address, as of the Identified Date, subject to Regulation 18 (2) of the
Takeover Regulations, viz. provided that where local laws or regulations of any jurisdiction outside India may
expose the Acquirer, any PAC or the Target Company to material risk of civil, regulatory or criminal liabilities in the
event the Letter of Offer in its final form were to be sent without material amendments or modifications into such
jurisdiction, and the shareholders resident in such jurisdiction hold Equity Shares entitling them to less than five per
cent of the voting rights of the Target Company, the Acquirer may refrain from dispatch of the Letter of Offer into
such jurisdiction: provided further that, subject to applicable law, every person holding Equity Shares, regardless of
whether he, she or it held Equity Shares on the Identified Date or has not received the Letter of Offer, shall be
entitled to tender such Equity Shares in acceptance of the Offer. Further, receipt of the Letter of Offer by any Public
Shareholder in a jurisdiction in which it would be illegal to make this Offer, or where making this Offer would
require any action to be taken (including, but not restricted to, registration of the Letter of Offer under any local
securities laws), shall not be treated by such Public Shareholder as an offer being made to them and shall be
construed by them as being sent for information purposes only.
Persons in possession of the Letter of Offer are required to inform themselves of any relevant restrictions in their
respective jurisdictions. Any Public Shareholder who tenders his, her or its Equity Shares in this Offer shall be
deemed to have declared, represented, warranted and agreed that he, she or it is authorized under the provisions of
any applicable local laws, rules, regulations and statutes to participate in this Offer. The final Letter of Offer may
include additional country-specific or other disclaimers or provisions on the basis of the applicable facts at that time
and advice of international legal counsel.
1. In this DLoF, all references to “Rs.”/“INR” are to Indian Rupee(s), the official currency of the Republic of
India. Throughout this DLoF, all figures have been expressed in “lakh” or “crore” unless otherwise
specifically stated.
2. In this DLoF, any discrepancy in any table between the total and sums of the amounts listed are due to
rounding off and/or regrouping.
Sr. No. Particulars Details / Definition
23. NRIs Non-Resident Indians and persons of Indian origin residing abroad.
29. Offer Closing Date Date of closure of the Tendering Period i.e. June 25, 2019.
30. Offer Period Has the same meaning as ascribed to it under the Takeover Regulations.
INR 320 per Equity Share at which the Offer is being made to the Public
31. Offer Price
39,61,965 fully paid up Equity Shares, representing 26.00% of the Voting Share
32. Offer Shares
Up to 39,61,965 Equity Shares to be purchased in the Offer, assuming full
33. Offer Size
acceptance representing 26.00% of the Voting Share Capital.
34. PAC Person acting in concert with the Acquirer for this Offer, i.e. Quess Corp Limited.
35. PAN Permanent Account Number.
36. Promoters Collectively, Mr. Ramamoorthi Jagadish and Mr. Adiseshan Saravanan
A Share Purchase Agreement dated April 17, 2019, with Mr. Ramamoorthi
37. Promoter SPA Jagadish and Mr. Adiseshan Saravanan to acquire 53,87,155 Equity Shares,
constituting 35.35% of the Voting Share Capital.
Public Announcement of the Offer made on behalf of the Acquirer and PAC, dated April
Announcement / PA 17, 2019.
All the equity shareholders of the Target Company excluding: (i) parties to the
39. Public Shareholders Promoter SPA and the Investor SPA; and (ii) the persons acting in concert or
deemed to be acting in concert with the persons set out in (i).
40. RBI Reserve Bank of India.
Registrar to the Link Intime India Private Limited, having its registered office at C-101, 247 Park,
Offer Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai – 400 083.
42. RTA Link Intime India Private Limited as the Registrar to the Offer.
43. SCRR Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957, as amended from time to time.
45. SEBI Act Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, as amended from time to time.
SEBI LODR Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Regulations Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended from time to time.
Sr. No. Particulars Details / Definition
47. SPAs Collectively refers to the Investor SPA and the Promoter SPA.
2.1.1 This Offer is a mandatory open offer made by the Acquirer and PAC in terms of Regulation 3(1) and 4 of
the Takeover Regulations pursuant to the execution of SPAs to acquire in excess of 25% of the equity share
capital of the Target Company and control over the Target Company.
2.1.2 On April 17, 2019, the Acquirer has entered into: (i) a Share Purchase Agreement dated April 17, 2019,
with the Promoters to acquire 53,87,155 Equity Shares, representing 35.35% of the Voting Share Capital
(the “Promoter Shares” and such share purchase agreement, the “Promoter SPA”); (ii) a Share Purchase
Agreement dated April 17, 2019 with the Investor to acquire 39,61,940 Equity Shares, representing 26% of
the Voting Share Capital (the “Investor Shares” and together with the Promoter Shares, the “Sale
Shares”; such share purchase agreement, the “Investor SPA”; and the Investor SPA and the Promoter
SPA, together, the “SPAs”). The payment by the Acquirer for the purchase of the Sale Shares under the
SPAs will be made in cash.
Promoter SPA. Appointment of Acquirer’s directors: On the date of closing under the Investor SPA (the “Investor
SPA Closing Date”), the Promoters will ensure that nominees of the Acquirer are appointed as
additional directors on the Board such that the Acquirer has 1/3 (one-third) representation on the
Board, with one nominee being an executive director.
12 Transition assistance by the Promoters: For a period of 6 months from the Closing Date (as defined
in the Promoter SPA), the Promoters will continue to be associated with the Target Company as
advisors for the purpose of providing transition assistance to the Acquirer, the Target Company
and/or its subsidiaries. In this regard, an agreement will be executed on mutually agreed terms
between the Acquirer and the Promoters. Declaration of Permitted Dividend: The Target Company may, prior to the expiry of 25 Working
Days from April 17, 2019 (the “Permitted Dividend Declaration Outer Date”), consider
declaring a one-time interim dividend at a rate which is not more than 100% (the “Permitted
Dividend”). If the Permitted Dividend is declared, the intimation of the declaration of such
dividend will be made to the stock exchanges prior to Permitted Dividend Declaration Outer Date
and the Permitted Dividend would be payable to all shareholders on the record date identified by
the Target Company for such purpose, which date would be after the Investor SPA Closing Date
but before the commencement of the Tendering Period. The completion of transaction under the Promoter SPA is subject to completion of the ‘Conditions
Precedent’ to the satisfaction of the Acquirer (the “Promoter SPA Conditions Precedent”). The
Promoter SPA Conditions Precedent include but are not limited to:
(a) There being no Materially Adverse Change (as defined in the Promoter SPA).
(b) Each of the warranties of the Promoters (as set out in the Promoter SPA) being true,
correct and not misleading and the Promoters having complied with their respective
obligations under the Transaction Documents (as defined in the Promoter SPA).
(d) No order, etc., of any court or authority under law restraining or preventing the
consummation of the transaction contemplated under the Transaction Documents (as
defined in the Promoter SPA).
(e) The Promoters having provided to the Acquirer a statement from their respective
depository participants, evidencing that no encumbrance exists on any of the Promoter
(f) The Target Company and the Investor having executed the Termination Agreement (as
defined in the Promoter SPA) and the Target Company having provided a copy of the
resolution taking such Termination Agreement on record.
(g) Certain employment contracts between the Target Company and certain key personnel of
the Target Company as identified in the Promoter SPA having been executed.
(h) The Promoters and the Target Company having obtained written consents from the
customers identified in the Promoter SPA, for the change in control of the Target Company
and amendments to be undertaken to the charter documents of the Target Company.
(i) Two subsidiaries of the Company (as identified in the Promoter SPA) having obtained
good standing certificates in all states in the territories identified in the Promoter SPA, and
evidence of de-registration in states where they have ceased to operate.
(j) The Target Company having obtained prior written consent from the Department of
Telecommunications for the change in equity participation of the Promoters.
(k) Mr. Adiseshan Saravanan resigning from his association with a subsidiary of the Target
Company (as identified in the Promoter SPA) and completing the surrender/ cancellation
of his L1 visa from the United States of America (US). Standstill obligations on the Promoters (the “Promoter SPA Standstill Obligations”): From April
17, 2019 until the Closing Date (as defined in the Promoter SPA), the Promoters have agreed to
certain standstill obligations which require that the Target Company and its subsidiaries, undertake
their business in the ordinary course (except in relation to the transactions contemplated in the
Promoter SPA), unless the consent of the Acquirer is obtained. The standstill obligations include
inter-alia obligations to, without taking the Acquirer’s consent, (a) not effect any changes in the
constitution of the Board or the board of the subsidiaries, unless due to the circumstances set out in
the Promoter SPA; (b) not declare or pay any dividend or other distribution (whether in cash,
securities, or kind or by way of any corporate action which results in the release or distribution of
cash in favour of shareholders, including capital reduction, share buyback or share redemption)
other than Permitted Dividend in the manner contemplated in the Promoter SPA; (c) not take any
action for the winding up or dissolution or composition; and (d) not amend the charter documents
of the Target Company and its subsidiaries, etc.
The Promoter SPA Conditions Precedent and Promoter SPA Standstill Obligations are collectively
referred to as the “Promoter SPA Conditions”. Closing:
(a) The parties will endeavour to close the Promoter SPA on the floor of a designated stock
exchange in accordance with applicable law. The closing is to be undertaken at the
negotiated price of INR. 320 per Equity Share as set out in the Promoter SPA. The parties
will endeavor to close the Promoter SPA in terms of the foregoing at any time from the
later of: (a) deposit of the entire Maximum Consideration and the expiry of 21 Working
Days from the issuance of the DPS; and (b) the fulfilment of the Promoter SPA Conditions
Precedent, till the expiry of 25 weeks from the date on which payment is made to all
shareholders that have tendered in the Offer (the “Open Offer Closure Date” and such 25
week period, the “Market Trade Outer Date”), in accordance with the terms of the
Promoter SPA, except during a certain specific period as set out in the Promoter SPA.
(b) Without prejudice to paragraph (a), if, subject to completion of the Promoter SPA
Conditions Precedent, on the later of the Investor SPA Closing Date and the Open Offer
Closure Date (the “Control Determination Date”), the Acquirer holds less than 51% of
the share capital of the Target Company (the “Control Threshold”) then the Promoters
will transfer within 3 Trading Days (as defined in the Promoter SPA) from the Control
Determination Date (if price of the Equity Shares is more than INR. 320 on such date, then
on the date that the price is equal to or lower than such price) (the “Control Sale Date”), at
the price permitted by applicable law (subject to a maximum of INR. 320 per Equity
Share), on the floor of the stock exchange, in accordance with applicable law, such number
of shares such that post completion of such transfer, the shareholding of the Acquirer in the
Target Company is equal to the Control Threshold (the “Control Sale”). In the event of a
Control Sale, the Promoters will still be obligated till the Market Trade Outer Date to sell
the remaining Promoter Shares in accordance with paragraph (a). Obligation of the Promoters: From the Control Sale Date (if a Control Sale has taken place), or the
Open Offer Closure Date (if a Control Sale has not taken place), as the case maybe, the Promoters
are obligated to, inter-alia, exhibit good faith while exercising their rights as shareholders in
relation to their remaining Equity Shares held by them. Appointment of Acquirer’s directors: On and from the Closing Date (as defined in the Promoter
SPA)/ the Control Sale Date/ Open Offer Closure Date, the Acquirer is entitled to appoint such
number of directors on the Board such that it has a majority on the Board and the Promoters will
resign and procure their nominees to resign, as directors from the board of each of the subsidiaries
and the qualification shares held in the subsidiaries would be transferred to the nominees of the
Acquirer, who will be appointed as directors on the board of directors of the subsidiaries. Promoter’s right regarding directors: Till such time that the Promoters collectively hold Equity
Shares which constitute at least 10% of the share capital of the Target Company, the Promoters
will have the right to nominate 1 (one) executive director. Additionally, till the Promoters
collectively hold Equity Shares which constitute at least 15% of the share capital of the Target
Company, the Promoters will have the right to recommend 1 (one) independent director on the
Board. Subject to the foregoing, the Promoters will resign as directors from the Board on the
Closing Date (as defined in the Promoter SPA). Compliance with minimum public shareholding requirements: If pursuant to the transactions
contemplated in the Promoter SPA, the shareholding of the public shareholders in the Target
Company falls below 25% of the total share capital of the Target Company, the Promoters
(together as one block in equal proportion) and the Acquirer (as the other block) will sell the
Equity Shares held by them in proportion to their respective shareholding in the Target Company,
in accordance with the terms of the Promoter SPA, in compliance with applicable law, till such
extent that the Target Company is compliant with the minimum public shareholding requirements,
subject to the Acquirer not being required to sell Equity Shares such that its shareholding falls
below the Control Threshold and the Promoters continue to hold Equity Shares. Reclassification of existing promoters: The parties to the Promoter SPA have agreed that, subject
to applicable law, the existing promoters will be re-classified as public shareholders after the
consummation of the transactions contemplated in the Promoter SPA. Lock-in: The Promoters have agreed that on and from the Closing Date (as defined in the Promoter
SPA) until the expiry of 3 (three) years from the date on which the Promoters cease to be
“promoters” of the Target Company, the Promoters will not Transfer (as defined in the Promoter
SPA) any Equity Shares to a Competitor (as defined in the Promoter SPA), in accordance with the
terms of the Promoter SPA, without the prior written consent of the Acquirer. However, the
Promoters may sell Equity Shares in the open market without an identified purchaser. Indemnities and Warranties: The Promoters have given indemnities to the Acquirer and both
parties have given warranties to each other, as set out in Promoter SPA. Non-compete and Non-solicit Restrictions: The Promoters are subject to certain non-compete and
non-solicit restrictions as set out in the Promoter SPA. No separate consideration is payable for the
15 Brand: The Promoters have agreed to provide an exclusive license to the Target Company to use
the “Allsec” brand for a period of 3 years from the date that the Promoters cease to be promoters of
the Target Company (“License Period”) for no additional consideration. During the License
Period, the Target Company will be permitted to use the “Allsec” brand and the Promoters will not
use the “Allsec” brand name for an existing business having a total asset value exceeding INR
100,000,000 or use the “Allsec” brand for any new business. Termination: The Promoter SPA may be terminated inter-alia if the Closing has not occurred on or
prior to the Market Trade Outer Date or if any of the Promoter SPA Conditions Precedent have
become incapable of being performed or have not been performed by the Market Trade Outer Date.
Investor SPA. Conditions Precedent: The completion of transaction under the Investor SPA is subject to
completion of the ‘Conditions Precedent’, which include the condition that each of the warranties
(as defined in the Investor SPA) of the Investor be true and correct (collectively, the “Investor
SPA Conditions Precedent”). Most of the Promoter SPA Conditions Precedent are also part of the
Investor SPA Conditions Precedent.
The Promoter SPA Conditions and the Investor SPA Conditions Precedent are collectively referred to as the
“SPA Conditions”. Timing of Deposit of the entire Maximum Consideration: In terms of the Investor SPA, as soon as
practicable but not later than 21 (twenty one) Working Days from the date of issuance of the DPS,
the Acquirer will deposit the entire Maximum Consideration in escrow in accordance with the
Takeover Regulations. Closing: Upon the deposit of the entire Maximum Consideration in escrow as set out in paragraph and the completion of the Investor SPA Conditions Precedent, the closing under the
Investor SPA will be undertaken as an off-market transaction. Warranties: Both parties have given warranties to each other as set out in the Investor SPA. Indemnities: The Investor has given indemnities to the Acquirer as set out in the Investor SPA. Termination of the Investor SPA: The Acquirer is entitled to terminate the Investor SPA inter-alia,
if closing under the Investor SPA has not occurred on the earlier of: (a) the expiry of 12 weeks
from the April 17, 2019 (the “Investor SPA Long Stop Date”); and (ii) the date which is 3 (three)
days prior to the commencement of the Tendering Period, and if the Promoter SPA is terminated
other than due to a default by the Acquirer, prior to the Investor SPA Long Stop Date.
2.1.4 Acquirer has made a cash deposit of 25% the Maximum Consideration in the Offer Escrow Account as
more specifically detailed in paragraph 5.2 below (Financial Arrangements), in accordance with
Regulation 22(2) of the Takeover Regulations.
2.1.5 The proposed acquisition of voting rights in and control by the Acquirer over the Target Company is
through the SPAs, as described above.
2.1.6 The Acquirer and PAC have not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities, in terms of the
directions issued under Section 11B of the SEBI Act or under any of the regulations made under the SEBI
2.1.7 The Acquirer and / or PAC may nominate, appoint or cause the appointment of persons to the Board and /
or modify the composition of the Board in accordance with applicable law. In terms of the Promoter SPA,
the Acquirer has the right to appoint directors on the Board on the Investor SPA Closing Date and the
Closing Date (as defined in the Promoter SPA).
2.1.8 As on date of this DLoF, there are no directors on the Board directly representing the Acquirer or PAC.
2.1.9 All the Offer Shares validly tendered and accepted in this Offer in accordance with and subject to the
terms and conditions contained in the Public Announcement, DPS, the Corrigendum to the DPS and the
Letter of Offer, will be acquired by the Acquirer and / or PAC.
2.1.10 The Manager to the Offer does not hold any Equity Shares as on date of this DLoF. The Manager to the
Offer further declares and undertakes not to deal on their account in the Equity Shares during the Offer
2.1.11 The Offer is a mandatory offer and is not conditional upon any minimum level of acceptance in terms of
Regulation 19(1) of the Takeover Regulations and is not a competing offer in terms of Regulation 20 of
the Takeover Regulations. All Equity Shares validly tendered by the Public Shareholders will be
accepted at the Offer Price in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Public
Announcement, DPS, the Corrigendum to the DPS and the Letter of Offer.
2.1.12 As per Regulation 26(6) and 26(7) of the Takeover Regulations, the Board is required to constitute a
committee of independent directors to provide their written reasoned recommendation on the Offer to the
Public Shareholders and such recommendations will be published, at least 2 Working Days before the
commencement of the Tendering Period, in the Newspapers in compliance with Regulation 26(7) of the
Takeover Regulations.
2.2.1 The Public Announcement made on April 17, 2019 announcing the Offer is in compliance with Regulations
3(1) and 4 and other applicable provisions of the Takeover Regulations pursuant to the acquisition of
61.35% of the Voting Share Capital.
2.2.2 The DPS dated April 24, 2019 was published in newspapers mentioned below on April 25, 2019 and the
Corrigendum to the DPS dated May 2, 2019 was published on May 3, 2019 in the newspapers mentioned
2.2.3 The Offer is being made by the Acquirer and PAC to all the Public Shareholders in terms of Regulations
3(1) and 4 of the Takeover Regulations.
2.2.4 Pursuant to the Offer, the Acquirer proposes to acquire up to 39,61,965 Equity Shares, representing
26.00% of the Voting Share Capital at an Offer Price of INR 320.00 per Offer Share, aggregating to INR
126,78,800 payable by way of cash, subject to the terms and conditions of this DLoF and in accordance
with the Takeover Regulations.
2.2.5 The Offer Price will be payable in cash in accordance with Regulation 9(1)(a) of the Takeover
Regulations and subject to the terms and conditions set out in the DPS, the Corrigendum to the DPS and
the Letter of Offer that will be dispatched to the Public Shareholders in accordance with the provisions of
the Takeover Regulations.
2.2.6 Save and except for the PAC, no other person is acting in concert with the Acquirer for the purpose of this
2.2.7 The Offer Shares represent 26.00% of the total Voting Share Capital.
2.2.8 All the Equity Shares validly tendered under this Offer to the extent of 26.00% of the Voting Share Capital
will be acquired by the Acquirer in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this DLoF. The
Public Shareholders who tender their Equity Shares should ensure that the Equity Share are free from all
liens, charges, equitable interests and encumbrances and the Equity Shares will be acquired together with
the rights attached thereto, including all rights to dividend, bonus and rights offer, if any, declared
hereafter, and the tendering Public Shareholder shall have obtained any necessary consents for it to sell the
Equity Shares on the foregoing basis. All Equity Shares validly tendered by the Public Shareholders will be
accepted at the Offer Price by the Acquirer in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the
PA, DPS, the Corrigendum to the DPS and this DLoF.
2.2.9 The Target Company has no outstanding vested stock options. It does not have any (i) partly paid-up Equity
Shares; and (ii) convertible instruments.
2.2.11 The Offer is not conditional on any minimum level of acceptance in terms of Regulation 19 of the
Takeover Regulations.
2.2.12 This Offer is not a competing offer in terms of Regulation 20 of the Takeover Regulations.
2.2.13 The Acquirer and PAC have not acquired any Equity Shares between the date of the Public
Announcement i.e. April 17, 2019 and the date of this DLoF.
2.2.15 The Equity Shares are listed on the NSE and BSE.
2.2.16 In terms of Regulation 23(1) of the Takeover Regulations, in the event that the approvals which may become
applicable prior to completion of the Offer are not received, the Acquirer and/or PAC will have the right to
withdraw the Offer. The completion of the Underlying Transactions is conditional upon the SPA Conditions.
In the event the SPA Conditions are not met for reasons outside the reasonable control of the Acquirer, then
the SPAs may be rescinded, and the Offer may be withdrawn, subject to applicable law. In the event of
withdrawal of this Offer, a public announcement will be made within 2 Working Days of such withdrawal,
in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 23(2) of the Takeover Regulations.
2.2.17 As per Regulation 38 of the SEBI LODR Regulations read with Rules 19(2) and 19A of the SCRR, the
Target Company is required to maintain at least 25% public shareholding as determined in accordance with
SCRR, on a continuous basis for listing. If, pursuant to this Offer, the public shareholding in the Target
Company falls below the minimum level required as per Rule 19A of the SCRR, the Acquirer and PAC
hereby undertake that the public shareholding in the Target Company will be increased such that the Target
Company complies with the required minimum level of public shareholding within the time prescribed in
the SCRR.
2.3.1 The Open Offer is being made as a result of the acquisition of more than 25% of shares, voting rights and
control of the Target Company by the Acquirer resulting in a change of control of the Target Company in
terms of Regulations 3(1) and 4 of the Takeover Regulations. Following the completion of the Open Offer,
the Acquirer intends to work with the management and employees of the Target Company to grow the
business of the Target Company. The Target Company is presently engaged in the business of providing
Business Processing Outsourcing services (both ‘Voice’ and ‘Non Voice’). The Acquirer proposes to
continue with the existing activities. The rationale for the acquisition is:
· Strengthening of non-voice services exposure: The Target Company’s Customer Life Cycle
Management (CLM) operations have an equal share of voice and non-voice revenue. Given that the
Acquirer has significant voice share, the combined entity will have a diversified revenue stream
with increased contribution from high margin non-voice business.
· International CLM exposure: The acquisition provides the Acquirer with a sizeable international
presence which would increase to ~20% from the existing ~5% while servicing reputed clients
roster in the Information Technology and the Retail sector.
· Delivery centres in Philippines and US: The existing delivery centre in Philippines will help
acquire more voice contracts from the US. Also, US operations and sales presence will help
accelerate international revenue for the Acquirer.
· Value accretion: Acquiring the Target Company will be accretive in terms of EBITDA Margins of
~19%, EBITDA to OCF conversions of ~87% and ROCE of ~32% based on FY18 figures.
2.3.2 Subsequent to the completion of the Offer, the Acquirer and the PAC reserve the right to streamline/
restructure the operations, assets, liabilities and/ or businesses of the Target Company through
arrangement/ reconstruction, restructuring, buybacks, merger, demerger/ delisting of the Equity Shares
from the Stock Exchanges and/ or sale of assets or undertakings, at a later date. The Board will take
decisions on these matters in accordance with the requirements of the business of the Target Company and
in accordance with and as permitted by applicable law. If the Acquirer and/ or PAC intend to alienate any
material asset of the Target Company or its subsidiaries, within a period of 2 years from completion of the
Offer, the Target Company will seek the approval of its shareholders as per the proviso to Regulation 25(2)
of Takeover Regulations.
3.1 Acquirer
3.1.1 The Acquirer is a public limited company and was incorporated on March 14, 1995 under the Companies
Act, 1956. The Acquirer was formerly known as ‘Tata Business Support Services Limited’. The Acquirer’s
name was changed from ‘Tata Business Support Services’ to ‘Conneqt Business Solutions Limited’ on
January 9, 2018.
3.1.2 The Corporate Identification Number of the Acquirer is U64200TG1995PLC044060. Its registered office is
located at 1-8-371 Gowra Trinity, S. P. Road, Hyderabad – 500016. Tel: +91-040-66951085.
3.1.3 The issued and paid up share capital of the Acquirer is INR 91,50,85,020 divided into 91,508,502 equity
shares of INR. 10 each. The PAC holds 51% of the paid-up share capital of the Acquirer. The remaining
49% shareholding of the Acquirer is held by Tata Sons Private Limited. Accordingly, the Acquirer is a
subsidiary of the PAC. Also, the PAC may subscribe to additional equity shares as well as compulsorily
convertible debentures proposed to be issued by the Acquirer, pursuant to which the shareholding of the
PAC in the Acquirer would increase to equal to or more than 70% of the paid-up share capital of the
3.1.4 The Acquirer undertakes business process management services. The Acquirer is a part of Quess Group.
3.1.5 The equity shares of the Acquirer are not listed on any stock exchange.
3.1.6 Neither the Acquirer nor its directors or key employees have any interest in the Target Company. There are
no directors on the Board representing the Acquirer.
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
Bangalore – responsible for implementing and CPA
560047, the Quess overall long and (USA)
Karnataka. short term strategies. He has qualifications.
been the director of Quess Corp He is also a
since 2013, before which he qualified
was the Vice President – member of the
Finance and Company Institute of
Secretary of Ilantus Company
Technologies Private Limited.” Secretaries of
India (ICSI).
2. Mr. Srinivasan 07596207 Guruprasad Srinivasan is the He holds a November 27,
Guruprasad – Director of Conneqt Business Bachelor’s 2017
Director Solutions Limited. He has been degree in
associated with Quess since its Commerce
Address: No. inception in 2007. He has over from the
1045/28, Ward 20 years of experience in the Bangalore
No. 160, service industry across University and
Shanti Marga, Strategy, Sales, Business a Master's
Panchasheela Development, Planning and degree in
Block, Operations. He oversees Business
Rajarajeshwari verticals such as logistics, Administration
Nagar special businesses, and People from the
Bangalore – and Services at Quess. Karnataka
560098, Prior to joining Quess, he State Open
Karnataka. worked with Adecco Flexione University. He
Workforce Solutions Limited also holds a
as GM – Payroll and Services Stanford Ignite
where he was responsible for Certification
handling process from Stanford
implementation, new business University
initiatives and quality control. Graduate
His professional tenure also School of
includes a stint at Hewitt Business.
Associates where he served as
the Client Delivery Manager.
Prior to joining Hewitt, he
worked with GE Medical
Systems for over 5 years where
he handled finance functions.
3. Mr. 08001322 Anand Ramakrishnan is a Anand is a November 27,
Ramakrishna Director of Conneqt Business Mechanical 2017
Anand – Solutions Limited. He is also Engineering
Director the CEO of the Infrastructure Graduate and
Managed Services Business of an MBA from
Address: G- Quess Corp Limited. TAPMI.
102, Ajmera Anand brings in a rich
Green Acres, experience of more than 19
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
Bannerghatta years of Business Strategy,
Road, Near Leadership and P&L
Meenakshmi Management. During his
Temple, career, Anand has worked in
Kalena many reputed organizations
Agrahara such as Wipro, HCL, CMS IT
Bangalore Services and Sonata Software.
560076, Prior to joining Quess, Anand
Karnataka. was the Chief Strategy Officer
in CMS IT Services, where he
was responsible for the growth
of new businesses and
geographies. Anand was the
Business Head for the
Infrastructure Managed
Services and Cloud businesses
in HCL Info systems where he
was responsible for setting up
and growing the IMS business.
He spent more than a decade in
Wipro, where he was
instrumental in growing the
Total Outsourcing and Cloud
Computing businesses.
Anand is an avid speaker and
has spoken in multiple events
like the NASSCOM CEO
Summit, CII Leadership
Forum, Business Technology
Summit, Datacenter Summit,
4. Mr. Sanju 07482246 Sanju Ballurkar is the Director Sanju holds a November 27,
Ballurkar – of Conneqt Business Solutions double 2017
Director Limited and currently serves as Master's
the CEO of Magna Infotech degree from
Address: with which he has been USA (MS
H.No: 1-2- associated since 2005. As a key Mechanical
47/VG/38 and member of Magna Infotech's and MS
39, Plot No. 38 early-stage strategic leadership Software). He
and 39 Vijetha team, Sanju shaped company's also has two
Green Homes, pioneering strategies, US patents and
Nizampet engineered robust software several
Road, systems and led a large-scale international
Kukatpally execution of sales & delivery technical
Hyderabad – effort. His 23 years of publications to
500072, experience includes an 8 year his credit.
Telangana. stint with the global technology
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
giant – Pitney Bowes in the
US. His strengths include
developing Engineering
Subsystems, Enterprise
Software, managing
Commercial IT Businesses &
large revenue centres as well as
fortifying customer
engagements and partner
5. Mr. Pinaki Kar 08305157 Pinaki Kar is a Director of Pinaki holds a January 22, 2019
– Director Conneqt Business Solutions Bachelor’s
Limited. He serves as the degree in
Address: Flat President of the Global Production
No. 1, Technology Solutions Business Engineering
Narendra of Quess Corp Ltd, and from Jadavpur
Apartment spearheads the entire portfolio University and
Narendrapur of IT Services & Consulting, a PGDBM
Kolkata Business Process Management from XLRI
700103, West and Customer Life Cycle Jamshedpur.
Bengal. management businesses across He has been a
India, US, Canada and keynote
Singapore. speaker in
He is also the CEO of MFX leading
Services, a platform based industry
digital services company forums like
providing deep domain led IT Gartner
solutions for the P&C Summit and
Insurance sector, based in US. IDC Conclave.
He has over 24 years of He has also
experience in the industry and represented the
has an exemplary track record Indian IT
of driving growth in Global Industry as a
Technology Services. In his member of the
last assignment with Zensar Prime
Technologies, Pinaki was the Minister’s
President & Chief Executive of business
Infrastructure Management & delegation as
Cloud Solutions. Prior to part of his state
joining Zensar, he had an visit. Pinaki
enriching stint of 17 years with has worked
Wipro, and was the CEO & and lived in
President of Wipro North
Infocrossing, which was the America,
largest cross border acquisition Middle East
done in the Indian IT industry and Asia, and
at that time. Before that, he had is currently
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
the opportunity to execute a based in New
gamut of roles in Wipro Jersey, US.
spanning P&L leadership,
Geography Head, Sales &
Marketing, M&A, Corporate
Development & Strategy.
6. Mr. Kuruvilla 06590613 Kuruvilla Markose is a Kuruvilla is a May 24, 2013
Markose – Director of Conneqt Business Graduate in
Director Solutions Limited and the Agriculture
Chief Operating Officer, from the
Address: 2002 International Business College of
Sobha Division, Titan Company Agriculture,
Palladian Limited. He has Previously Trivandrum,
Yemalur Road held various positions in Tata Kerala and an
Off Hal Group companies over 20 MBA from the
Airport Road, years. Indian Institute
Marathahalli, of Foreign
Bengaluru – Trade, New
560037, Delhi.
7. Mr. Ajit 08002754 Ajit Krishnakumar is a Director Ajit holds a November 27,
Sukumar of Conneqt Business Solutions Bachelor's 2017
Krishnakumar Limited. He is currently Senior degree in
– Director Vice President in the Business from
Chairman's Office at Tata Sons. the University
Address: S- He has previously worked with of Hartford
3202, Imperial N.M Rothschild and Merrill and a Master's
Towers, B.B Lynch. degree in
Nakashe Marg, Business
Tardeo, Administration
Mumbai – from the
400034, University of
Maharashtra. Michigan in
Ann Arbor.
8. Mr. Sanjay 00579785 Sanjay Anandaram is an Sanjay holds a November 27,
Anandaram – Independent Director of Bachelor's 2017
Independent Conneqt Business Solutions degree in
Director Limited. He has also been a Electrical
Director at Quess since Engineering
Address: 709, December 2015. Sanjay has from Jadavpur
Pine Block, over 28 years of experience as University in
Raheja a corporate executive, investor, Kolkata and a
Residency 3rd teacher, and advisor to funds Post Graduate
Block, 8th C and entrepreneurs. Diploma in
Main, Management
Koramangala, from the
Bengaluru - Indian Institute
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
560034, of
Karnataka. Management,
9. Ms. 07140433 Lakshmi Sarada R is an Lakshmi May 3, 2018
Rallabhandi Independent Director of Sarada is a
Lakshmi Conneqt Business Solution qualified
Sarada – Limited. She has vast exposure Company
Independent in the field of Secretarial, Secretary,
Director Finance, Direct and Indirect Associate
Taxation. She has given expert member of
Address: 3-4- opinions and advisory services Insurance
103/D/G1, on Company Law matters. She Institute of
Sarojini Block, has represented before NCLT, India and holds
Medha Rejoice RBI and Reginal Director on a Bachelor
Apts several matters. Degree in
Radhakrishna Commerce.
Nagar, Attapur She is a level 3
Hyderabad – Certified
500048, Member in
Telangana. NCFM
conducted by
3.1.9 With respect to the Target Company, the Acquirer does not hold any Equity Shares or voting rights.
3.1.10 The Acquirer has not acquired any Equity Shares after the date of the PA and the DPS.
3.1.11 The Acquirer has not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities.
3.1.12 The Acquirer has not been categorized as a wilful defaulter by any bank or financial institution or
consortium thereof, in accordance with the guidelines on wilful defaulters issued by the RBI.
3.1.14 The financial information of the Acquirer, on a consolidated basis, is provided below:
Profit Before
5,943.32 6,811.83 5,279.15 5,766.05
Interest and
Depreciation 2,168.77 2,303.27 1,910.23 1,640.18
Interest 669.91 749.85 644.44 352.31
Share of profits 21.73 - - -
Profit Before
3,126.37 3,758.71 2,724.48 3,773.56
Provision for
973.45 1,439.05 416.27 855.62
Comprehensive - (139.85) (129.14) (54.01)
Profit After
2,152.92 2,179.81 2,179.07 2,863.93
3. The erstwhile subsidiaries of the company were amalgamated with itself effective April 1, 2016,
post which the company had no other subsidiaries. Accordingly, the amounts for FY 2016 are
consolidated and thereafter consolidation was not applicable.
4. The income statement amounts for FY 2016 are adopted from the pre-IND AS financials.
and Surplus
(excluding 4,827.28 6,655.73 8,504.43 11,368.36
3,912.11 738.68 1,720.25 3,713.26
600.00 - 1,000.00 -
current 2,453.70 2,841.37 1,445.89 1,415.93
Uses of
Net fixed
8,650.85 8,124.92 7,984.41 8,926.75
Investments 558.00
- - -
current 9,206.34 7,727.40 9,721.42 10,640.66
1. The erstwhile subsidiaries of the company were amalgamated with itself effective April 1, 2016,
post which the company had no other subsidiaries. Accordingly, the amounts for FY 2016 are
consolidated and thereafter consolidation was not applicable.
2. The amounts for FY 2016 and FY 2017 have been adopted based on the Balance Sheet re-stated as
per IND AS during FY 2018.
Earnings Per
2.35 2.53 2.52 3.19
Share (Diluted)
· For the information as at and for the financial years ending on March 31, 2016, March 31, 2017 and
March 31, 2018: audited financial statements for the respective financial years.
· For the information as at and for the nine month period ending on December 31, 2018: unaudited
consolidated financial statements subject to limited review for the said period.
3.1.15 Details of contingent liabilities of the Acquirer (on consolidated basis) as on March 31, 2018 (as disclosed
in the audited consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2018) are set out
As at As at
Contingent liabilities March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
(Amount in lakhs) (Amount in lakhs)
Claims against Company not acknowledged as Debt
i. Service Tax * 4,996.34 4,996.34
ii. Provident Fund 348.48 348.48
iii. Other Claims 265.80 265.80
5,610.62 5,610.62
* The Acquirer has received show cause notice from Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence
dated April 19, 2017 for an amount of INR 4,433.35 lakhs plus interest and penalty regarding availment
of ineligible CENVAT credit on services provided to the Acquirer by the dealers of automobile
companies. The Acquirer has filed a response on October 11, 2017. The matter is pending before the
Central Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Hyderabad.
The management is of the view that the above claims are being contested by the Acquirer and no
provision is required to be made at this stage including consequential interest and penalties, if any,
pending outcome of the matter.
3.2 PAC
3.2.1 PAC is a public limited company incorporated on September 19, 2007 under the Company Act, 1956 with
its equity shares listed on the NSE and the BSE. The PAC was formerly known as IKYA Human Capital
Solutions Limited. The PAC’s name was changed from IKYA Human Capital Solutions Limited to Quess
Corp Limited on January 2, 2015. The PAC is controlled by: (a) Mr. Ajit Isaac; (b) Thomas Cook (India)
Limited; and (c) Net Resources Investments Private Limited, who collectively hold 71.43% of the paid-up
share capital of the PAC. The remaining shares are held by public shareholders.
3.2.2 The Corporate Identification Number of the PAC is L74140KA2007PLC043909. The registered office of
PAC is located at 3/3/2, Bellandur Gate, Sarjapur Main Road, Bengaluru – 560103.
3.2.3 The PAC is in the business of integrated business services (workforce management, asset management,
technology solutions, etc.).
3.2.4 The shares of the PAC are listed on the BSE and the NSE.
3.2.5 The directors and key employees of PAC do not have any interest in the Target Company. There are no
directors on the Board representing the PAC. However, the PAC and the Target Company have entered
into the following agreements: Service agreement dated September 18, 2018 executed between the Target Company and the PAC
in relation to deputation of skilled and semi-skilled employees of the PAC to the Target Company;
and Agreement for business process outsourcing services dated April 1, 2015 executed between the
Target Company and the PAC in relation to, inter-alia, the PAC engaging the services of the
Target Company for outsourcing its payroll.
3.2.6 The shareholding pattern of the PAC, as on March 31, 2019, is as follows:
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
2. Subrata 02234000 Subrata Kumar Nag is the He holds a July 29, 2013
Kumar Nag Chairman of Conneqt Business Masters
Executive Solutions Limited. He is also the Degree in
Director CEO Group CEO & Executive Director, Business
Quess Corp Limited. He has been Management
Address: A2, a part of Quess since 2008 A from
303, Ganga seasoned finance professional University of
Block, NGV, with over three decades of Calcutta along
Koramangala, experience, he is responsible for with ICWA
Bangalore – implementing the Quess overall and CPA
560047, long and short term strategies. He (USA)
Karnataka has been the Director of the qualifications.
Company since 2013, before He is also a
which he was the Vice President – qualified
Finance and Company Secretary member of the
of Ilantus Technologies Private Institute of
Limited.” Company
Secretaries of
India (ICSI).
3. Madhavan 00008542 Madhavan Menon has over 36 He holds a May 13,
Menon Non- years of experience in the fields of Bachelors and 2013
Executive banking, finance and foreign a Masters
Director exchange management. He is also degree in
the Chairman and Managing Business
Address: Flat Director of Thomas Cook (India) Administration
No.702, Limited and Part-time Chairman from George
Supreme of The Catholic Syrian Bank Washington
Pearl, 17th Limited. University,
Road Khar USA.
4. Chandran 00109215 Chandran Ratnaswami has 27 He holds a January 18,
Ratnaswami years of experience in the field of B.Tech. degree 2016
Non- investment management. He has in Civil
Executive been a Director of Thomas Cook Engineering
Director India since August 22, 2012, and a from the
director of India Infoline Limited Indian Institute
Address: 177, since May 15, 2012. He also of Technology,
McKee serves as a director of a number of Madras and a
Avenue, insurance and non-insurance masters degree
Ontario, companies in India and abroad. in Business
M2N4C6, Administration
Canada from Rotman
School of
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
University of
5. Pravir Kumar 00082545 Pravir Kumar Vohra has over 40 He holds a July 24, 2015
Vohra Non- years of experience in the fields of Masters
Executive, banking and information Degree in
Independent technology. He was previously the Economics
Director Group Chief Technical Officer at from
ICICI Bank Limited. He has held University of
Address: E- various leadership positions in Delhi and is a
602, India and overseas with State Certified
Oberoi Bank of India. Associate of
Splendor, the Indian
JV Link Institute of
Road, Opp. Bankers.
Majas Depot.
Andheri East,
Mumbai –
6. Pratip 00915201 Pratip Chaudhuri has over 40 He holds a July 24, 2015
Chaudhuri years of experience in the field of Bachelors
Non- banking. He was the Chairman of Degree in
Executive, State Bank of India and has also Science from
Independent served as the Chairman of SBI University of
Director Global Factors Limited and other Delhi, a
SBI subsidiaries. He is currently Masters
Address: H- an Independent Director on the Degree in
1591, Pocket board of several companies. Business
H, CR Park, Administration
New Delhi from Punjab
110019, University and
Delhi is a member of
the Indian
Institute of
7. Revathy 00057539 Revathy Ashok has over 30 years She holds a July 24, 2015
Ashok Non- of experience in the field of Bachelors
Executive, finance. She was previously the degree in
Independent Director – Finance and Science from
Director Administration of TSI Ventures Bangalore
and the Chief Financial Officer of University and
Address: Syntel Limited. a Post
No.139/6-2, Graduate
Domlur Diploma in
S. No. Name, DIN, if Details of the experience Details of the Date of
Designation applicable qualifications appointment
& Address
Layout, Management
sharadamma from Indian
layout Institute of
Bangalore – Management,
560071, Bangalore.
8. Sanjay 00579785 Sanjay Anandaram has over 29 He holds a December
Anandaram years of experience as a corporate Bachelors 22, 2015
Non- executive, investor, teacher, and degree in
Executive, advisor to funds and Electrical
Independent entrepreneurs. Engineering
Director from Jadavpur
University in
Address: 709, Kolkata and a
Pine Block, Post Graduate
Raheja Diploma in
Residency 3rd Management
Block, 8th C from Indian
Main, Institute of
Koramangala, Management,
Bengaluru – Bangalore.
3.2.8 With respect to the Target Company, the PAC does not hold any Equity Shares or voting rights.
3.2.9 The PAC has not acquired any Equity Shares after the date of the PA and the DPS.
3.2.10 The PAC has not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities.
3.2.11 The PAC has not been categorized as a wilful defaulter by any bank or financial institution or consortium
thereof, in accordance with the guidelines on wilful defaulters issued by the RBI.
3.2.12 The key financial information of the PAC, on a consolidated basis, is as provided below:
Interest and Tax
Depreciation 1,439.01 3,329.95 7,474.01 9,062.18
Interest 3,104.27 4,786.07 7,545.39 8,231.48
Share of Profits
- 12.46 36.49 (23.98)
from Associates
Profit before Tax 11,470.13 17,231.49 26,145.65 20,185.47
Provision for Tax 3,352.13 5,043.55 (4,830.54) 2,080.63
Profit After Tax 8,118.00 12,187.94 30,976.19 18,104.84
Shares to be issued
- 46,030.53 - -
Reserves and
Surplus (excluding
24,328.77 71,767.08 2,31,527.90
revaluation 244,529.60
Net worth 35,662.28 130,476.71 246,076.32 259,138.08
Interest - 88.20 157.78 215.56
Net Current Assets
38,432.47 82,708.27 131,779.20 132,327.53
Total 78,942.51 227,020.31 372,469.50 373,213.14
· For the information as at and for the financial years ending on March 31, 2016, March 31, 2017 and
March 31, 2018: audited financial statements for the respective financial years.
· For the statement of profit & loss for the nine month period ending on December 31, 2018: unaudited
consolidated financial statements subject to limited review for the nine month period ending on
December 31, 2018.
· For the balance sheet for the six month period ending on September 30, 2018: unaudited consolidated
financial statements subject to limited review for the six month period ending on September 30, 2018.
3.2.13 Details of contingent liabilities of the PAC (on consolidated basis) as on March 31, 2018 (as disclosed in
the audited consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2018) are set out
(a) The PAC and its subsidiaries have given guarantee to banks for the loans given to related parties to
make good any default made by its related parties in payment to banks on the loan availed by those
related parties.
Movement of corporate guarantee given to related party during the year is as follows:
Movement of corporate guarantee given to related party during the previous year is as follows:
(b) The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Amendment Act,
2015) has been enacted on December 31, 2015, according to which the eligibility criteria of salary
or wages has been increased from INR 10,000.00 per month to INR 21,000.00 per month (Section
2(13)) and the ceiling for computation of such salary or wages has been increased from INR
3,500.00 per month to INR 7,000.00 per month or the minimum wage for the scheduled
employment, as fixed by the appropriate government, whichever is higher. The reference to
scheduled employment has been linked to the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The
Amendment Act, 2015 is effective retrospectively from April 1, 2014. Based on the same, the PAC
has computed the bonus for the year ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2017 aggregating to
INR 4,536.37 lakhs and INR nil respectively. For the period ended March 31, 2015, the PAC has
obtained a legal opinion from an external lawyer and advised to take a position that the stay
granted by two High Courts of India on the retrospective application of the amendment would have
a persuasive effect even outside the boundaries of the relevant states and accordingly no provision
is currently required. The same if incurred by the PAC will be billed back to customers including
service charges.
(c) Pending resolution of the respective proceedings, it is not practicable for the PAC and its
subsidiaries to estimate the timings of cash outflows, if any, in respect of the above as it is
determinable only on receipt of judgements/decisions pending with various forums/ authorities.
(d) The PAC and its subsidiaries have reviewed all its pending litigations and proceedings and has
adequately provided for where provisions are required and disclosed as contingent liabilities where
applicable, in its financial statements. The PAC and its subsidiaries do not expect outcome of these
proceedings to have a material adverse effect on its financial position.
3.2.14 The closing market price on May 2, 2019 of the equity shares of the PAC, on the Stock Exchanges is given
3.2.15 Status of Corporate Governance of the PAC: The PAC has received a certificate dated May 17, 2018 from
Mr. S.N. Mishra, Practicing Company Secretary, wherein it has been confirmed that the PAC has complied
with the conditions of corporate governance stipulated in the SEBI LODR Regulations, as applicable for
the year ended March 31, 2018. Further, the PAC has submitted the quarterly compliance report (in the
format prescribed as per SEBI circular CIR/CFD/CMD/5/2015 dated September 24, 2015) on corporate
governance wherein it has confirmed compliance, as of March 31, 2019, with corporate governance norms
relating to the composition of board of directors and various committees (such as audit committee,
nomination and remuneration committee etc.) and that meetings of the board of directors and the relevant
committees have been conducted in the manner specified in SEBI LODR Regulations. Further, vide a letter
dated May 3, 2019, PAC has stated that the confirmations provided in the quarterly compliance report
continue to be valid as of May 3, 2019.
3.2.16 Name and Details of Compliance Officer of the PAC: Mr. Kundan Kumar Lal (E-mail:
kundan.lal@quesscorp.com; M: +91 9742435447).
The details of Mr. Adiseshan Saravanan, Mr. Ramamoorthi Jagadish and First Carlyle Ventures Mauritius
are as follows:
(a) Mr. Adiseshan Saravanan is an individual residing at 20 Yogambal Street T Nagar, Chennai – 600
(c) As on the date of this DLoF, he holds 31,12,119 Equity Shares, constituting 20.42% of the Voting
Share Capital.
(a) Mr. Ramamoorthi Jagadish is an individual residing at 16/18 First Cross Street, Raja
Annamalaipuram, Chennai – 600 028.
(c) As on the date of the DLoF, he holds 30,36,952 Equity Shares, constituting 19.93% of the Voting
Share Capital.
(a) First Carlyle Ventures Mauritius is a fund established in the Republic of Mauritius.
(b) The registered office of the Investor is located at C/o. CIM Fund Services Limited, 33 Edith Cavell
Street, Port Louis, Mauritius.
(d) As on the date of this DLoF, the Investor holds 47,02,858 Equity Shares representing 30.86% of
the Voting Share Capital.
(e) The Investor has not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities.
4.1. The Target Company was incorporated on August 24, 1998 under the provisions of the Companies Act,
1956, as amended. There has been no change in the name of the Target Company in the last three years.
4.2. The Corporate Identification Number of the Target Company is L72300TN1998PLC041033. The
registered office of the Target Company is located at No. 7H, Century Plaza, 560-562, Anna Salai,
Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018, Tamil Nadu, India. Tel.: +91 44 4299 7070.
4.3. The Target Company is in the business of ‘Business Processing Outsourcing’ (both ‘Voice’ and ‘Non
4.4. The Equity Shares are currently listed on the BSE (Scrip Code: 532633) (Scrip ID: ALLSEC) and the NSE
(Symbol: ALLSEC). The ISIN of Equity Shares is INE835G01018.
4.5. The Equity Shares are frequently traded in terms of Regulation 2(1)(j) of the Takeover Regulations.
4.6. The total authorized share capital of the Target Company is INR. 33,50,00,000 consisting of 2,00,00,000
equity shares of INR. 10 each amounting to INR. 20,00,00,000 and 13,50,000 convertible preference shares
of INR. 100 each amounting to INR.13,50,00,000. The issued, subscribed and paid-up share capital of the
Target Company is INR. 15,23,83,260 consisting of 1,52,38,326 equity shares of INR. 10 each.
4.7. The share capital structure of the Target Company, as on March 31, 2019, based on the information
available on the website of the Stock Exchanges, is as follows:
No. of Equity Shares/voting % of Equity Shares/ voting
Paid-up Equity Shares
rights rights
4.8. The Target Company has no outstanding vested stock options. It does not have any (i) partly paid-up
Equity Shares; and (ii) convertible instruments.
4.9. The trading of the Equity Shares is currently not suspended on BSE and NSE.
4.10. The key financial information of the Target Company, on a consolidated basis, is as provided below:
2. The Income Statement amounts for FY 2016 are adopted from the pre-IND AS financials.
Paid up
1,524 1,524 1,524 1,524
and Surplus
7,623 13,436 19,229 20,432
53 93 311 377
9,456 15,078 21,129 22,384
Uses of
Net fixed
assets 2,264 2,233 2,424 2,623
1,911 6,139 7,316 7,941
1,523 1,944 2,942 2,944
Net current
assets 3,758 4,762 8,447 8,876
2. Net Fixed Assets = Gross tangible and Intangible assets includes Capital WIP less Accumulated
depreciation, amortization.
3. Non Current Assets includes all non current assets including deferred tax assets, financial assets
and Income tax assets.
4. Net Current Assets = Current Assets less Current liabilities excluding Borrowings.
· For the information as at and for the financial years ending on March 31, 2016, March 31, 2017 and
March 31, 2018: audited financial statements for the respective financial years.
· For the information as at and for the nine month period ending on December 31, 2018: unaudited
consolidated financial statements subject to limited review for the said period.
4.12. Pre and post Offer Shareholding pattern of the Target Company is as provided below:
Shareholde Shareholding and Shares/voting rights Shares/voting Shareholding/ voting
rs Category voting rights prior agreed to be acquired rights to be rights after the
to the SPAs and the which triggered the acquired in completion of the
Open Offer Open Offer (i.e. after Offer (assuming Underlying Transactions
completion of the full acceptance) and the Open Offer
Underlying acquisition (assuming
Transactions) full acceptance)
(A) + (B) + (C)
(A) (B) (C)
= (D)
% Number* % Number % Number* %
1. Promoter Group
(a) Parties 61,49,0
40.35 - - - - 7,61,916$ 5.00$
to the SPAs 71
- - - - - - - -
other than
(a) above
Total 61,49,0
(1)(a+b) 40.35 - - - - 7,61,916$ 5.00$
2. Acquirers
- - 93,49,095* 61.35 39,61,965 26.00 13,311,060 87.35
(b) PAC - - - - - - - -
Total 2
- - 93,49,095* 61.35 39,61,965 26.00 13,311,060 87.35
3.Parties to
agreement 47,02,8
30.86 - - - - 7,40,918 4.86
other than 58
(1)(a) and
4.Public (other than parties to the agreement, Acquirer and PAC)#
FIs/MFs/Ba - - - - - -
nks/SFIs 4,24,432 2.79
(b) Others 43,86,3
28.79 - - - -
Total (4) 43,86,3
28.79 - - - - 4,24,432 2.79
(a+b) 97
Total 100.00 93,49,095 61.35 39,61,965 26.00 1,52,38,326 100.00
* Pursuant to acquisition of 53,87,155 Equity Shares under the Promoter SPA and 39,61,940 Equity Shares
under the Investor SPA.
The total number of shareholders in the public category, other than the Investor and parties to the SPAs,
as of March 31, 2019, is 5,819.
Pursuant to the completion of the Underlying Transactions, the Acquirer will become a member of the
promoter/promoter group of the Target Company. Accordingly, the aggregate shareholding of the members
of the promoter/promoter group of the Target Company (including that of the Acquirer) will be 1,40,72,976
Equity Shares, representing 92.35% of the Voting Share Capital.
4.13. The Target Company has not been party to any scheme of amalgamation, restructuring, merger/demerger
and spin off during the last 3 years.
5.1.1. The Equity Shares are currently listed on the BSE (Scrip Code: 532633) (Scrip ID: ALLSEC) and the NSE
(Symbol: ALLSEC). The ISIN of Equity Shares is INE835G01018.
5.1.2. The trading turnover in the Equity Shares based on the trading volumes during the twelve calendar months
prior to the calendar month in which the PA is made i.e. April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 on BSE and NSE
was as under:
Total number of Equity Total number of Equity
Stock Exchanges turnover %
Shares traded (“A”) shares listed (“B”)
BSE 5,35,436 1,52,38,326 3.51%
NSE 55,22,389 1,52,38,326 36.24%
(Source: www.bseindia.com and www.nseindia.com)
5.1.3. Based on the above, the Equity Shares are frequently traded on the BSE and NSE in terms of Regulation
2(1)(j) of the Takeover Regulations.
5.1.4. The Offer Price of INR 320 per Equity Share is justified in terms of Regulation 8 of the Takeover
Regulations, in view of the following:
Public Announcement,
i.e April 17, 2019.
Source: Certificate dated April 17, 2019 issued by Vasan & Sampath LLP, Chartered Accountants.
5.1.5. In view of the parameters considered and presented in the table in paragraph 5.1.4 above, the minimum
offer price per Equity Share under Regulation 8(2) of the Takeover Regulations is the highest of item
numbers (1) to (4) above i.e. INR 320 per Equity Share. Accordingly, the Offer Price is justified in terms of
the Takeover Regulations.
5.1.6. There have been no corporate actions by the Target Company warranting adjustment of the relevant price
parameters under Regulation 8(9) of the Takeover Regulations. (Source: www.nseindia.com,
www.bseindia.com). The Offer Price may be revised in the event of any corporate actions like bonus, rights,
split etc. where the record date for effecting such corporate actions falls within 3 Working Days prior to the
commencement of Tendering Period of the Offer.
5.1.7. There has been no revision in the Offer Price or Offer Size.
5.1.8. The Offer Price is subject to upward revision, if any, pursuant to the Takeover Regulations or at the
discretion of the Acquirer and / or PAC at any time prior to 1 Working Day before the commencement of the
Tendering Period in accordance with Regulation 18(4) of the Takeover Regulations. In the event of such
revision, the Acquirer and / or PAC will make corresponding increases to the escrow amounts (under
Regulation 18(5) of Takeover Regulations), as more particularly set out in paragraph 5.2 (Financial
Arrangements) of this DLoF; and the Acquirer and PAC will: (i) make a public announcement in the
Newspapers; and (ii) simultaneously with the issue of such announcement, inform SEBI, the Stock
Exchanges and the Target Company at its registered office of such revision. Such revision, if any, would be
done in compliance with applicable requirements prescribed under the Takeover Regulations.
5.1.9. If the Acquirer or the PAC acquire Equity Shares during the period of 26 (twenty six) weeks after the
Tendering Period at a price higher than the Offer Price, then the Acquirer and the PAC shall pay the
difference between the highest acquisition price and the Offer Price, to all the Public Shareholders whose
Equity Shares have been accepted in the Offer, within 60 (sixty) days from the date of such acquisition.
However, no such difference shall be paid in the event that such acquisition is made under another open
offer under the Takeover Regulations or pursuant to the SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations,
2009, or open market purchases made in the ordinary course on the stock exchanges, not being a negotiated
acquisition of the Equity Shares in any form.
5.1.10. The Acquirer and/or the PAC shall not acquire any Equity Shares after the 3rd (third) Working Day prior to
the commencement of the Tendering Period and until the expiry of the Tendering Period.
5.2.1. The total consideration for the Offer Size at the Offer Price, assuming full acceptance of the Offer, is INR
126,78,28,800 (“Maximum Consideration”).
5.2.2. The Acquirer and PAC have confirmed that they have adequate financial resources to meet the obligations
under the Offer and have made firm financial arrangements for financing the acquisition of the Offer
Shares, in terms of Regulation 25(1) of the Takeover Regulations.
5.2.3. The Acquirer, the Manager and Yes Bank Limited, having an office at Yes Bank Tower, IFC – 2, 15th
Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone (W), Mumbai – 400 013 (“Escrow Bank”) have entered into an
escrow agreement dated April 18, 2019 (“Offer Escrow Agreement”). Pursuant to the Offer Escrow
Agreement, the Acquirer has opened an escrow account under the name and title of “Conneqt Business
Solutions Limited Escrow Account” (“Offer Escrow Account”) with the Escrow Bank and the Acquirer
has made a cash deposit of INR 31,69,57,200 being 25% of the Maximum Consideration in the Offer
Escrow Account in accordance with Regulation 17(1) of the Takeover Regulations. The Manager has been
duly authorized to realize the monies lying to the credit of the Offer Escrow Account in terms of the
Takeover Regulations. The cash deposit has been confirmed by way of a confirmation letter dated April 22,
2019 issued by the Escrow Bank.
5.2.4. The source of funds to meet the obligations of the Acquirer and PAC under the Offer has been met from
the internal accruals of the Acquirer and the PAC.
5.2.5. Vasan & Sampath LLP, Chartered Accountants (Unnikrishnan Menon, Partner, Membership No. 205703)
having its office Jupiter-2, # 190, 5th cross , 3rd main, MICO Layout, BTM 2nd stage, Bengaluru –
560076, India vide certificate dated April 17, 2019, have, certified that adequate and firm financial
resources are available with the Acquirer and PAC to enable them to fulfill their financial obligations under
the Offer.
5.2.6. Based on the above, the Manager is satisfied that firm arrangements have been put in place by the Acquirer
and PAC to fulfill their obligations in relation to this Offer through verifiable means in accordance with the
Takeover Regulations.
5.2.7. In case of any upward revision in the Offer Price or the Offer Size, the Acquirer and PAC will deposit
additional funds in the Offer Escrow Account as required under the Regulation 17(2) of the Takeover
5.2.8. In terms of Regulation 22(2) and the proviso to Regulation 22(2A) of the Takeover Regulations, subject to
the Acquirer depositing in the Offer Escrow Account, cash of an amount equal to the entire Maximum
Consideration, the Acquirer and PAC may, after the expiry of 21 (twenty one) Working Days from date of
the DPS, subject to fulfillment of the SPA Conditions (Background of the Offer), complete the acquisition
of Sale Shares proposed to be acquired pursuant to the SPAs.
6.1.1 In terms of the indicative schedule of major activities, the Tendering Period shall commence on Wednesday,
June 12, 2019 and close on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 (both days inclusive).
6.1.2 The Identified Date for this Open Offer as per the indicative schedule of major activities is May 28, 2019.
6.1.3 The Equity Shares offered under this Offer should be free from all liens, charges, equitable interests,
encumbrances and are to be offered together with, if any, all rights of dividends, bonuses or rights from
now on and declared hereafter.
6.1.4 The instructions, authorizations and provisions contained in the Form of Acceptance-cum-
Acknowledgment constitute an integral part of the terms and conditions of this Offer. The Public
Shareholders can write to the Registrar to the Offer / Manager to the Offer requesting for the Letter of
Offer along with Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement. Alternatively, the Letter of Offer along
with the Form of Acceptance cum Acknowledgement is also expected to be available at SEBI’s website,
www.sebi.gov.in, and the Public Shareholders can also apply by downloading such forms from the website.
6.1.5 Each Public Shareholder to whom this Offer is being made is free to offer the Equity Shares in whole or in
part while accepting this Offer.
6.1.6 Accidental omission to dispatch this DLoF to any Public Shareholder to whom this Offer has been made or
non-receipt of this Letter of Offer by any such Public Shareholder will not invalidate this Offer in any way.
6.1.7 This is not a conditional Offer and there is no stipulation on any minimum level of acceptance.
6.1.8 The marketable lot for the Equity Shares for the purpose of this Offer shall be 1 Equity Share.
6.1.9 Locked in Equity Shares: To the best of the knowledge of the Acquirer and the PAC, the Target Company
has no Equity Shares that are currently locked-in. The locked-in Equity Shares, if any acquired pursuant to
the Offer can be transferred to the Acquirer, subject to the continuation of the residual lock-in period in the
hands of the Acquirer. The Manager to the Offer ensures that there will be no discrimination in the
acceptance of locked-in and non-locked-in Equity Shares.
6.1.10 In terms of Regulation 18(9) of the Takeover Regulations, the Public Shareholders who tender their
Equity Shares in acceptance of this Offer will not be entitled to withdraw such acceptance during the
Tendering Period.
6.1.11 There has been no revision in the Offer Price or Offer Size as of the date of this DLoF. The Acquirer
reserves the right to revise the Offer Price and/or the number of Offer Shares upwards at any time prior to
the commencement of 1 (One) Working Day prior to the commencement of the Tendering Period, i.e., up
to Tuesday, June 11, 2019, in accordance with the Takeover Regulations. In the event of such revision, in
terms of Regulation 18(5) of the Takeover Regulations, the Acquirer and the PAC will: (i) make a
corresponding increase to the escrow amount, (ii) make a public announcement in the Newspapers; and (iii)
simultaneously notify Stock Exchanges, SEBI and the Target Company at its registered office. In case of
any revision of the Offer Price, the Acquirers would pay such revised price for all the Equity Shares validly
tendered at any time during the Open Offer and accepted under the Open Offer in accordance with the
terms of the LOF.
6.1.12 Any Permitted Dividend declared by the Target Company, as per the terms of the Promoter SPA and
disclosed under paragraph of this DLoF, will be payable to all the persons who are shareholders of
the Target Company as on the record date, irrespective of whether such shareholders have tendered the
Equity Shares held by them as a part of the Offer during the Tendering Period.
Any Equity Shares that are subject matter of litigation or are held in abeyance due to pending court
cases/attachment orders/restriction from other statutory authorities wherein the Public Shareholder
may be precluded from transferring the Equity Shares during pendency of the said litigation, are
liable to be rejected if directions/orders are passed regarding the free transferability of such Equity
Shares tendered under the Open Offer prior to the date of closure of the Tendering Period.
6.2.1 The Letter of Offer will be sent to all Public Shareholders holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form
whose names appear in register of Target Company as on the Identified Date.
6.2.2 All Public Shareholders (registered or unregistered) who own Equity Shares and are able to tender such
Equity Shares in this Offer at any time before the closure of the Tendering Period, are eligible to participate
in this Offer.
6.2.3 The acceptance of this Offer by the Public Shareholders must be absolute and unqualified. Any acceptance
to this Offer which is conditional or incomplete in any respect will be rejected without assigning any
reason whatsoever.
6.2.4 All Public Shareholders, including non-resident holders of Equity Shares, must obtain all requisite
approvals required, if any, to tender the Offer Shares (including without limitation, the approval from the
RBI) and submit such approvals, along with the other documents required to accept this Offer. In the event
such approvals are not submitted, the Acquirer and the PAC reserve the right to reject such Equity Shares
tendered in this Offer. Further, if the holders of the Equity Shares who are not persons resident in India had
required any approvals (including from the RBI, or any other regulatory body) in respect of the Equity
Shares held by them, they will be required to submit such previous approvals, that they would have
obtained for holding the Equity Shares, to tender the Offer Shares, along with the other documents required
to be tendered to accept this Offer. In the event such approvals are not submitted, the Acquirer and the PAC
reserve the right to reject such Offer Shares.
6.2.5 The acceptance of this Offer is entirely at the discretion of the Public Shareholders.
6.2.6 The Acquirer, PAC, Manager to the Offer or Registrar to the Offer accept no responsibility for any loss of
any documents during transit and the Public Shareholders are advised to adequately safeguard their
interest in this regard.
6.2.7 The acceptance of Equity Shares tendered in this Offer will be made by the Acquirer in consultation
with the Manager to the Offer.
6.2.8 For any assistance please contact the Manager to the Offer or the Registrar to the Offer.
6.3.1 To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Acquirer and PAC, there are no statutory or other approvals
required for the Offer. If, however, any statutory or other approval becomes applicable prior to the
completion of the Offer, the Offer would also be subject to such statutory or other approval(s) and the
Acquirer and PAC will make necessary applications for such approvals.
6.3.2 All Public Shareholders, including non-resident holders of Equity Shares, must obtain all requisite
approvals required, if any, to tender the Offer Shares (including without limitation, the approval from the
RBI) and submit such approvals, along with the other documents required to accept this Offer. In the event
such approvals are not submitted, the Acquirer and the PAC reserve the right to reject such Equity Shares
tendered in this Offer. Further, if the holders of the Equity Shares who are not persons resident in India had
required any approvals (including from the RBI, or any other regulatory body) in respect of the Equity
Shares held by them, they will be required to submit such previous approvals, that they would have
obtained for holding the Equity Shares, to tender the Offer Shares, along with the other documents required
to be tendered to accept this Offer. In the event such approvals are not submitted, the Acquirer and the PAC
reserve the right to reject such Offer Shares.
6.3.3 In case of delay in receipt of any statutory approval that may be required by the Acquirer and/ or PAC at a
later date, SEBI may, if satisfied that such delay in receipt of the requisite statutory approval(s) was not
attributable to any willful default, failure or neglect on the part of the Acquirer and/ or PAC to diligently
pursue such approval, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by SEBI, including
payment of interest in accordance with Regulation 18(11) of the Takeover Regulations, grant an extension
of time to the Acquirer and/ or PAC to make the payment of the consideration to the Public Shareholders
whose Offer Shares have been accepted in the Offer. Where any statutory approval extends to some but not
all of the Public Shareholders, the Acquirer and/ or PAC will have the option to make payment to such
Public Shareholders in respect of whom no statutory approvals are required in order to complete this Offer.
6.3.4 In terms of Regulation 23(1) of the Takeover Regulations, in the event that any approvals which may
become applicable prior to completion of the Offer are not received, the Acquirer and/ or PAC shall have
the right to withdraw the Offer. The completion of the Underlying Transactions is conditional upon the
SPA Conditions. In the event the SPA Conditions are not met for reasons outside the reasonable control of
the Acquirer, then the SPAs may be rescinded, and the Offer may be withdrawn, subject to applicable law.
In the event of withdrawal of this Offer, a public announcement will be made within 2 Working Days of
such withdrawal, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 23(2) of the Takeover Regulations.
6.3.5 The information contained in this DLoF is exclusively intended for persons who are not US Persons as
such term is defined under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and who are not physically present
in the United States of America. This DLoF does not in any way constitute an offer to sell, or an invitation
to sell, any securities in the United States of America or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer or
invitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.
Potential users of the information contained in this DLoF are requested to inform themselves about and to
observe any such restrictions. This is not an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell in the
United States of America and cannot be accepted by any means or instrumentality from within the United
States of America. U.S. Public Shareholders should seek independent advice in relation to their ability to
participate in this Offer.
7.1 The Offer will be implemented by the Acquirer and PAC through Stock Exchange Mechanism made
available by the Stock Exchanges in the form of separate window (“Acquisition Window”) as provided
under the Takeover Regulations, SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/POLICY/CELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015
issued by SEBI as amended via SEBI Circular CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016
issued by SEBI (together, the “Acquisition Window Circulars”).
7.2 BSE will be the designated stock exchange (“Designated Stock Exchange”) for the purpose of tendering
the Offer Shares;
7.3 The facility for acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange mechanism pursuant to Offer shall be
available on the Stock Exchanges in the form of a separate Acquisition Window.
7.4 All the Public Shareholders who desire to tender their Equity Shares under the Offer would have to
approach their respective stock brokers (“Selling Broker(s)”), within the normal trading hours of the
secondary market during the Tendering Period.
7.5 The Acquirer has appointed Axis Capital Limited as the “Buying Broker” for the Offer through whom
the purchases and settlement of Offer Shares tendered in this Offer shall be made.
7.7 During the Tendering Period, the tender of the Equity Shares by the Public Shareholders in this Offer will
be placed through their respective Selling Brokers during normal trading hours of the secondary market.
7.8 The cumulative quantity tendered shall be displayed on the Designated Stock Exchange website throughout
the trading session at specific intervals by the Designated Stock Exchange during Tendering Period.
7.9 Modification/cancellation of orders will not be allowed during the Tendering Period.
7.10 Public Shareholders can tender their shares only through a broker with whom the Public Shareholder is
registered as client (KYC Compliant). In the event Seller Broker(s) are not registered with BSE or NSE or
if the Public Shareholder does not have any stock broker then that Public Shareholder can approach any
BSE or NSE registered stock broker and can make a bid by using quick unique client code (“UCC”)
facility through that BSE or NSE registered stock broker after submitting the details as may be required by
such stock broker to be in compliance with applicable law and regulations. In case the Public Shareholder
is not able to bid using quick UCC facility through any other BSE or NSE registered stock broker then the
Public Shareholder may approach the Target Company’s Broker viz. Axis Capital Limited, to bid by using
quick UCC facility. The Public Shareholder approaching BSE or NSE registered stock broker (with whom
he does not have an account) may have to submit following details:
(a) If the Public Shareholder is registered with KYC Registration Agency (“KRA”): Forms required:
i. Central Know Your Client (CKYC) form including Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
(FATCA), In Person Verification (IPV), Original Seen and Verified (OSV) if applicable
ii. Know Your Client (KYC) form documents required (all documents self-attested):
Bank details (cancelled cheque)
iii. Demat details (Demat Master /Latest Demat statement)
(b) If the Public Shareholder is not registered with KRA: Forms required:
It may be noted that other than submission of above forms and documents in person verification may be
(b) If the Public Shareholder is not registered with KRA: Forms required:
It may be noted that other than submission of above forms and documents in person verification may be
i. Know Your Client (KYC) form documents required (all documents certified true copy)
Bank details (cancelled cheque)
ii. Demat details (Demat master /Latest Demat statement)
iii. FATCA, IPV, OSV if applicable
iv. Latest list of directors/authorised signatories/partners/trustees
v. Latest shareholding pattern
vi. Board resolution
vii. Details of ultimate beneficial owner along with PAN card and address proof
viii. Last 2 years financial statements
i. KRA form
ii. Know Your Client (KYC) form documents required (all documents certified true copy):
PAN card copy of company/ firm/ trust
Address proof of company/ firm/ trust
Bank details (cancelled cheque)
iii. Demat details (Demat Master / Latest Demat statement)
iv. FATCA, IPV, OSV if applicable
v. Latest list of directors/ authorised signatories/ partners/ trustees
vi. PAN card copies & address proof of directors/ authorised signatories/ partners/ trustees
vii. Latest shareholding pattern
viii. Board resolution/partnership declaration
ix. Details of ultimate beneficial owner along with PAN card and address proof
x. Last 2 years financial statements
xi. MOA/Partnership deed /trust deed
It may be noted that, other than submission of above forms and documents, in person verification may
be required.
It may be noted that above mentioned list of documents is an indicative list. The requirement of
documents and procedures may vary from broker to broker.
7.11.1 The Public Shareholders who are holding Equity Shares in electronic/ dematerialised form and who desire
to tender their Equity Shares in this Offer shall approach their respective Selling Broker indicating to their
Selling Broker the details of Equity Shares that such Public Shareholder intends to tender in this Offer.
Public Shareholders should tender their Equity Shares before market hours close on the last day of the
Tendering Period.
7.11.2 The Selling Broker would be required to place an order/bid on behalf of the Public Shareholders who wish
to tender Equity Shares in the Open Offer using the Acquisition Window of the Stock Exchanges. Before
placing the order/bid, the Public Shareholder would be required to transfer the tendered Equity Shares to
the Clearing Corporation, by using the early pay in mechanism as prescribed by the Stock Exchanges or the
Clearing Corporation, prior to placing the order/bid by the Selling Broker.
7.11.3 Upon placing the order, the Selling Broker shall provide TRS generated by the stock exchange bidding
system to the Public Shareholder. TRS will contain details of order submitted like bid ID No., DP ID,
Client ID, no. of Equity Shares tendered, etc.
7.11.4 On receipt of TRS from the respective Seller Broker, the Public Shareholder has successfully placed the bid
in the Offer.
7.11.5 Modification/cancellation of orders will not be allowed during the Tendering Period.
7.11.6 For custodian participant, orders for demat Equity Shares early pay-in is mandatory prior to confirmation of
order by the custodian. The custodians shall either confirm or reject orders not later than the time provided
by the BSE on the last day of the Tendering Period. Thereafter, all unconfirmed orders shall be deemed to
be rejected.
7.11.7 The details of settlement number for early pay-in of Equity Shares shall be informed in the issue opening
circular that will be issued by the Stock Exchanges / Clearing Corporation, before the opening of the Offer.
7.11.8 The Public Shareholders will have to ensure that they keep their DP account active and unblocked to
successfully facilitate the tendering of the Equity Shares and to receive credit in case of return of Equity
Shares due to rejection or due to prorated Offer.
7.11.9 The cumulative quantity tendered will be made available on the website of the BSE (www.bseindia.com)
throughout the trading sessions and will be updated at specific intervals during the Tendering Period.
7.12.1 As per the provisions of Regulation 40(1) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 and SEBI PR 51/2018 dated December 3, 2018, w.e.f. April 1, 2019, requests for
transfer of securities shall not be processed unless the securities are held in dematerialised form with a
7.12.2 Accordingly, the Public Shareholders who are holding Equity Shares in physical form and are desirous of
tendering their Equity Shares in the Offer can do so only after the Equity Shares are dematerialised. Such
Public Shareholders are advised to approach any depository participant to have their Equity Shares
The Registrar to the Offer will provide details of order acceptance to Clearing Corporation within specified
7.14 Procedure for tendering Equity Shares in case of non-receipt of Letter of Offer.
7.14.1 Public Shareholders who have acquired Equity Shares but whose names do not appear in the register of
members of the Target Company on the Identified Date, or unregistered owners or those who have acquired
Equity Shares after the Identified Date, or those who have not received the Letter of Offer, may also
participate in this Offer.
7.14.2 A Public Shareholder may participate in the Offer by approaching their Selling Broker and tender Shares in
the Offer as per the procedure mentioned in the Letter of Offer or in the relevant Form of Acceptance-cum-
7.14.3 The Letter of Offer along with a Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement, will be dispatched to all the
Public Shareholders, whose names appear on the register of members of the Target Company and to the
Beneficial Owners in dematerialized form whose names appear on the beneficial records of the respective
depositories, in either case, at the close of business hours on the Identified Date.
7.14.4 In case of non-receipt of the Letter of Offer, such Public Shareholders may download the same from the
SEBI website (www.sebi.gov.in) or obtain a copy of the same from the Registrar to the Offer on providing
suitable documentary evidence of holding of the Equity Shares.
7.14.5 The Letter of Offer along with the Form of Acceptance cum Acknowledgment would also be available at
SEBI’s website, www.sebi.gov.in, and Public Shareholders can also apply by downloading such forms
from the said website.
7.14.6 Alternatively, in case of non-receipt of the Letter of Offer, the Public Shareholders holding the Equity
Shares may participate in the Offer by providing their application in plain paper in writing signed by the
Public Shareholder(s), stating name, address, number of shares held, client ID number, DP name, DP ID
number, number of Equity Shares tendered and other relevant documents. Such Public Shareholders must
ensure that their order is entered in the electronic platform to be made available by Stock Exchanges before
the closure of the Offer.
7.15.1 On closure of the Offer, reconciliation for acceptances will be conducted by the Manager to the Offer and
the Registrar to the Offer and the final list of accepted Equity Shares tendered in this Offer will be provided
to the Stock Exchanges to facilitate settlement on the basis of Equity Shares transferred to the Clearing
7.15.2 The settlement of trades will be carried out in the manner similar to settlement of trades in the Acquisition
Window Circulars.
7.15.3 For Equity Shares accepted under the Offer, the Clearing Corporation will make direct funds payout to
respective eligible Public Shareholders bank account linked to its demat account. If the Public
Shareholders’ bank account details are not available or if the funds transfer instruction is rejected by
RBI/Bank, due to any reason, then such funds will be transferred to the concerned Selling Broker
settlement bank account for onward transfer to their respective Public Shareholders.
7.15.4 In case of certain client types viz. NRI, foreign clients, etc. (where there are specific RBI and other
regulatory requirements pertaining to funds pay-out) who do not opt to settle through custodians, the funds
pay-out would be given to their respective Selling Broker’s settlement accounts for releasing the same to
their respective Public Shareholder’s account onwards.
7.15.5 The Public Shareholders will have to ensure that they keep the DP account active and unblocked to receive
credit in case of return of Equity Shares, due to rejection or due to non-acceptance of the Equity Shares
tendered under the Offer.
7.15.6 Excess demat Equity Shares or unaccepted demat Equity Shares, if any, tendered by the Public
Shareholders would be returned to them by the Clearing Corporation.
7.15.7 The direct credit of Equity Shares will be given to the demat account of Acquirer as indicated by the
Buying Broker.
7.15.8 Once the basis of acceptance is finalised, the Clearing Corporation would facilitate clearing and settlement
of trades by transferring the required number of Equity Shares to the demat account of Acquirer.
7.15.9 In case of partial or non-acceptance of orders the balance demat Equity Shares will be returned directly to
the demat accounts of the Public Shareholders. However, in the event of any rejection of transfer to the
demat account of the Public Shareholder for any reason, the demat Equity Shares will be released to the
securities pool account of their respective Selling Broker and the Selling Broker will thereafter transfer the
balance Equity Shares to the respective Public Shareholders.
7.15.10 Any Equity Shares that are subject matter of litigation or are held in abeyance due to pending court cases /
attachment orders / restriction from other statutory authorities wherein the Public Shareholder may be
precluded from transferring the Equity Shares during pendency of the said litigation are liable to be
rejected if directions / orders regarding these Equity Shares are not received together with the Equity
Shares tended under the Offer.
7.15.11 If Public Shareholders’ bank account details are not available or if the fund transfer instruction is rejected
by the RBI or bank, due to any reasons, then the amount payable to Public Shareholders will be transferred
to the Selling Broker for onward transfer to the Equity Shareholder.
7.15.12 Public Shareholders who intend to participate in the Offer should consult their respective Selling Broker for
any cost, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including brokerage) that may be levied by the Selling
Broker upon the selling shareholders for tendering Equity Shares in the Offer (secondary market
transaction). The Offer consideration received by the Public Shareholders, in respect of accepted Equity
Shares, could be net of such costs, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including brokerage) and the
Target Company accepts no responsibility to bear or pay such additional cost, charges and expenses
(including brokerage) incurred solely by the Public Shareholders.
7.15.13 In case of delay in receipt of any statutory approval(s), SEBI has the power to grant extension of time to
Acquirer for payment of consideration to the Public Shareholders who have accepted the Open Offer within
such period, subject to Acquirer agreeing to pay interest for the delayed period if directed by SEBI in terms
of Regulation 18(11) of the Takeover Regulations.
8.1.1 General:
(a) The basis of charge of Indian income-tax under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (“Income-tax Act”)
depends upon the residential status of the taxpayer during a tax year. The Indian tax year runs from
April 1 until March 31. A person who is an Indian tax resident is liable to income-tax in India on
his worldwide income, subject to certain tax exemptions, which are provided under the Income-tax
Act. A person who is treated as a non-resident for Indian income-tax purposes is generally subject
to tax in India only on such person’s India-sourced income (i.e. income which accrues or arises or
deemed to accrue or arise in India) as also income received by such persons in India. In case of
shares of a company, the source of income from shares will depend on the “situs” of such shares.
As per judicial precedents, generally the “situs” of the shares is where a company is “incorporated”
and where its shares can be transferred.
(b) Accordingly, since the Target Company is incorporated in India, the Target Company’s shares
should be deemed to be “situated” in India and any gains arising to a non-resident on transfer of
such shares should be taxable in India under the Income-tax Act.
(c) Further, the non-resident shareholder can avail benefits of the DTAA between India and the
respective country of which the said shareholder is tax resident subject to satisfying relevant
conditions including non-applicability of General Anti-Avoidance Rule (“GAAR”) and providing
and maintaining necessary information and documents as prescribed under the Income-tax Act.
(d) The Income-tax Act also provides for different income-tax regimes/ rates applicable to the gains
arising from the tendering of shares under the Offer, based on the period of holding, residential
status, classification of the shareholder and nature of the income earned, etc.
(e) The summary of income-tax implications on tendering of listed equity shares on recognised stock
exchanges in India is set out below. All references to equity shares herein refer to listed equity
shares unless stated otherwise.
8.1.2 Classification of shareholders: Shareholders can be classified under the following categories:
(i) Individuals, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Association of Persons (“AOP”) and Body
of Individuals (“BOI”)
(ii) Others
(iii) Others:
· Company
· Other than company
8.1.3 Classification of income: Shares can be classified under the following two categories:
(a) Shares held as investment (income from transfer taxable under the head “Capital Gains”)
(b) Shares held as stock-in-trade (Income from transfer taxable under the head “Profits and Gains
from Business or Profession”)
Gains arising from the transfer of shares may be treated either as “capital gains” or as “business income”
for income-tax purposes, depending upon whether such shares were held as a capital asset or trading asset
(i.e. stock-in-trade).
8.1.4 Shares held as investment: As per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, where the shares are held as
investments (i.e. capital asset), income arising from the transfer of such shares is taxable under the head
“Capital Gains”. Capital Gains in the hands of shareholders will be computed as per provisions of Section 48
of the Income-tax Act.
8.1.5 Period of holding: Depending on the period for which the shares are held, the gains will be taxable as
“short-term capital gain” or “long-term capital gain”:
(a) In respect of equity shares held for a period less than or equal to 12 (Twelve) months prior to the
date of transfer, the same should be treated as a “short-term capital asset”, and accordingly the
gains arising therefrom should be taxable as “short term capital gains” (“STCG”).
(b) Similarly, where equity shares are held for a period more than 12 (Twelve) months prior to the date
of transfer, the same should be treated as a “long-term capital asset”, and accordingly the gains
arising therefrom should be taxable as “long-term capital gains” (“LTCG”).
8.1.6 Tendering of Shares in the Offer through a Recognized Stock Exchange in India: Where a transaction
for transfer of such equity shares (i.e. acceptance under an open offer) is transacted through recognised stock
exchanges and is chargeable to Securities Transaction Tax (“STT”), then the taxability will be as under (for
all categories of shareholders):
(a) The Finance Act, 2018 has withdrawn the exemption under section 10(38) for LTCG arising from
transfer of equity shares on or after 1 April 2018. Section 112A of the Income-tax Act provides for
taxation of income arising from the transfer of such shares, which is explained in the following
(b) The gain accrued on such equity shares till 31 January 2018 has been exempted by providing that
for the purpose of computing LTCG the cost of shares acquired before 1 February 2018 shall be the
higher of the following:
(ii) Lower of: (A) fair market value, and (B) full value of consideration received or accruing as
a result of the transfer of the shares.
Fair market value has been defined to mean the highest price of the equity share quoted on
any recognized stock exchange on 31 January 2018.
(c) After taking into account the exemption provided above, LTCG arising from transfer of equity
shares, exceeding Rs. 100,000, will be taxable at 10% without allowing the benefit of indexation.
(d) However, section 112A of the Income-tax Act shall not apply if such equity shares were acquired
on or after 1 October 2004 and securities transaction tax (‘STT under Chapter VII of the Finance
(No. 2) Act, 2004’) was not paid. In this regard, the Central Government has issued a notification
no. 60/2018/F. No. 370142/9/2017-TPL dated 1st October, 2018, providing certain situations
wherein section 112A of the Income-tax Act will continue to be applicable even if STT is not paid
at the time of acquisition of equity shares.
(i) Acquisition of existing listed equity share in a company, whose equity shares are not
frequently traded on recognised stock exchanges of India, was made through a preferential
issue, subject to certain exceptions;
(ii) Transaction for acquisition of existing listed equity share in a company was not entered
through recognised stock exchanges of India, subject to certain exceptions; and
(iii) Acquisition of equity share of a company during the period beginning from the date on
which the company was delisted from recognised stock exchanges and ending on the date
on which the company was again listed on recognised stock exchanges in accordance with
the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 read with the SEBI Act and any rules made
In terms of the said notification, STT need not have been paid on acquisition of shares (that are
frequently traded) and still be eligible for claim of Section 112A benefit in the following situations:
(ii) Acquisitions approved by the Supreme Court, High Courts, National Company Law
Tribunal, Securities and Exchange Board of India or Reserve Bank of India;
(iii) Acquisitions under employee stock option scheme or employee stock purchase scheme
framed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option
Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines,1999;
(iv) Acquisition by any non-resident in accordance with foreign direct investment guidelines of
the Government of India;
(v) Acquisition in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulation, 2011;
(viii) Acquisition by mode of transfer referred to in section 47 or section 50B or sub-section (3)
of section 45 or subsection (4) of section 45 of the Income-tax Act, if the previous owner
or the transferor, as the case may be, of such shares has not acquired them by any mode
referred to in clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c) other than the transactions referred to in
the proviso to clause (a) or clause (b).
(e) Where provisions of section 112A are not applicable, LTCG will be chargeable to tax at 20%.
However, for a resident shareholder, an option is available to pay tax on such LTCG under section
112 at either 20% with indexation or 10% without indexation.
(f) STCG arising from such transaction will be subject to tax @ 15% under Section 111A of the
Income-tax Act.
(g) Further, in case of resident Individual or HUF, the benefit of maximum amount which is not
chargeable to income-tax is required to be considered while computing tax on such LTCG or
STCG taxable under Section 112, 112A or 111A of the Income-tax Act. In addition to the above
LTCG or STCG tax, applicable Surcharge, Health and Education Cess are leviable (Please refer to
Paragraph 8.1.9 for rate of surcharge and cess).
(h) Minimum alternate tax (“MAT”) implications will get triggered in the hands of a resident
corporate shareholder. Foreign companies will not be subject to MAT if the country of residence of
such of the foreign country has entered into a DTAA with India and such foreign company does
not have a permanent establishment in India in terms of the DTAA.
(i) Non-resident shareholders can avail beneficial provisions of the applicable DTAA entered into by
India subject to fulfilling of the relevant conditions and the documentary compliance prescribed
under the Income-tax Act.
8.1.7 Shares held as Stock-in-Trade: If the shares are held as stock-in-trade by any of the eligible Shareholders
of the Target Company, then the gains will be characterized as business income and taxable under the head
“Profits and Gains from Business or Profession”.
Profits of:
(A) Individuals, HUF, AOP and BOI will be taxable at applicable slab rates.
(B) Domestic companies having turnover or gross receipts not exceeding Rs. 250 crore in the
financial year 2016-17 as prescribed will be taxable @ 25%.
(C) For persons other than stated in (A) and (B) above, profits will be taxable @ 30%.
(A) Non-resident Shareholders can avail beneficial provisions of the applicable DTAA entered
into by India with the relevant shareholder country but subject to fulfilling relevant
conditions and maintaining & providing necessary documents prescribed under the
Income-tax Act.
i. For non-resident individuals, HUF, AOP and BOI, profits will be taxable at slab
ii. For foreign companies, profits will be taxed in India @ 40%
iii. For other non-resident Shareholders, such as foreign firms, profits will be taxed in
India @ 30%.
In addition to the above, applicable Surcharge, Health and Education Cess are leviable for Resident
and Non Resident Shareholders.
In absence of any specific provision under the Income-tax Act, the Acquirer is not required to
deduct tax on the consideration payable to resident Shareholders pursuant to the said offer.
(i) In case of FIIs: Section 196D of the Income-tax Act provides for specific exemption from
withholding tax in case of Capital Gains arising in hands of FIIs. Thus, no withholding of
tax is required in case of consideration payable to FIIs.
(ii) In case of other non-resident Shareholders (other than FIIs) holding Equity Shares: Section
195(1) of the Income-tax Act provides that any person responsible for paying to a non-
resident, any sum chargeable to tax is required to deduct tax at source (including applicable
surcharge and cess). Subject to regulations in this regard, wherever applicable and it is
required to do so, tax at source (including applicable surcharge and cess) shall be deducted
at appropriate rates as per the Income-tax Act read with the provisions of the relevant
DTAA, if applicable. In doing this, the Acquirer will be guided by generally followed
practices and make use of data available in the records of the Registrar to the Offer except
in cases where the non-resident Shareholders provide a specific mandate in this regard.
Since the Offer is through the stock exchange, given the practical difficulty, the Acquirer will not
be deducting income-tax at source on the consideration payable to such non-resident, since the
payment will be routed through the stock exchange, and further, given that there will be no direct
payment by the Acquirer to the non-resident Shareholders. The responsibility of discharging the
tax due on the gains (if any) is primarily on the non-resident Shareholder. The non-resident
Shareholder must compute such gains (if any) on this transaction and immediately pay applicable
taxes in India, if applicable, in consultation with their custodians/ authorized dealers/ tax advisors
appropriately. The non-resident Shareholders must file their tax return in India inter-alia
considering gains arising pursuant to this Offer in consultation with their tax advisors.
The non-resident Shareholders undertake to indemnify the Acquirer if any tax demand is raised on
the Acquirer on account of gains arising to the non-resident Shareholders pursuant to this Offer.
The non-resident Shareholders also undertake to provide the Acquirer, on demand, the relevant
details in respect of the taxability / non-taxability of the proceeds pursuant to this Offer, copy of
tax return filed in India, evidence of the tax paid etc.
In addition to the basic tax rate, applicable Surcharge, Health and Education Cess are currently
leviable as under:
(a) Surcharge
(i) In case of domestic companies: Surcharge @ 12% is leviable where the total
income exceeds Rs. 10 crore and @ 7% where the total income exceeds Rs. 1
crore but less than Rs. 10 crore.
(iii) In case of individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI: Surcharge @15% is leviable where the
total income exceeds Rs. 1 crore and @10% where the total income exceeds Rs. 50
lakh but less than Rs. 1 crore.
(iv) In case of Firm and Local Authority: Surcharge @12% is leviable where the total
income exceeds Rs. 1 crore.
(b) Cess
9.1. Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection at the registered office of the Manager
to the Offer at its office at Axis Capital Limited, Axis House, 1st Floor, C-2, Wadia International Center, P.
B. Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400 025, Maharashtra. The documents can be inspected during normal business
hours between 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on any Working Days i.e. Monday to Friday and not being a bank
holiday in Mumbai during the Tendering Period;
9.1.1. Copies of certificate of incorporation and constitution documents of the Acquirer and PAC;
9.1.2. Certificate dated April 17, 2019 issued by Vasan & Sampath LLP, Chartered Accountants, certifying the
Offer Price computation certifying that the Acquirer and the PAC have adequate financial resources to
fulfill their obligations under this Offer;
9.1.3. Certificate dated April 17, 2019 issued by Vasan & Sampath LLP, Chartered Accountants, certifying the
Offer Price computation;
9.1.4. Copies of the annual reports of Target Company for the financial years ending on March 31, 2016, March
31, 2017 and March 31, 2018
9.1.5. Copies of the annual reports of the Acquirer for the financial years ending on March 31, 2016, March 31,
2017 and March 31, 2018;
9.1.6. Copies of the annual reports of the PAC for the financial years ending on March 31, 2016, March 31, 2017
and March 31, 2018;
9.1.7. Letter dated April 22, 2019 from the Offer Escrow Bank confirming the receipt of the cash deposit in the
Offer Escrow Account in terms of the Offer Escrow Agreement between the Acquirer, the Manager and the
Offer Escrow Bank;
9.1.9. Copy of the Public Announcement submitted to the Stock Exchanges on April 17, 2019;
9.1.10. Copy of the DPS published by the Manager on behalf of the Acquirer and the PAC on April 25, 2019;
9.1.11. Copy of the Corrigendum to the DPS published by the Manager on behalf of the Acquirer and the PAC on
May 3, 2019;
9.1.12. Published copy of the recommendation to be made by the committee of the independent directors of Target
Company in relation to the Offer;
9.1.13. SEBI observation letter no. [p] dated [p] on the DLoF; and
9.1.14. Offer Escrow Agreement dated April 18, 2019 between the Acquirer, the Manager and the Offer Escrow
10.1 The Acquirer, PAC and their respective directors accept full responsibility, severally and jointly for the
obligations of the Acquirer and PAC as laid down in terms of the Takeover Regulations and for the
information contained in the DLoF with respect to the Acquirer and PAC.
10.2 Each of the Acquirer and PAC shall be jointly and severally responsible for ensuring compliance
with the Takeover Regulations.
10.3 The persons signing this DLoF on behalf of the Acquirer and PAC have been duly and legally authorized
by the respective boards of directors to sign this DLoF.
Place: Mumbai