A Fast Prediction Algorithm of Satellite Passes
A Fast Prediction Algorithm of Satellite Passes
A Fast Prediction Algorithm of Satellite Passes
Low cost, fast access and multi-functional small satellites are being increasingly used to provide and exchange
information for a wide variety of professions. They are particularly useful, for example, as a resource in very
remote areas where they can provide useful information such as to rescue teams for changing conditions in a
disaster zone and monitoring the sea state to warn approaching shipping. Unlike terrestrial communication
systems, the receiver/transmitter in these dierent application areas needs to be powered on and contact to
specialised satellites to exchange data at specic time rather than consuming valuable power at all the time.
This, therefore, requires accurate knowledge of when these satellites will pass over the horizon of the given
location over a timescale of months in some cases. On the other hand, long term orbit estimation with high
accuracy is also a key part for mission analysis and Earth observation operation planning. The same algorithm is
also needed onboard satellites for autonomous on-board data management. The principal diculty of predicting
satellite passes over such long timescales is to take account of the eects of atmospheric drag.
In this paper, we present a fast algorithm for the prediction of passes of a LEO satellite over any given location
which provides high accuracy over a long period. The method exploits sophisticated analytic models of the orbit
and provides direct computation of rise-set times and nadir tracking without the need of orbit propagation for
hill climbing. This provides for a very small fast algorithm so more suitable for low-end computers and hand-held
sets. Since the atmospheric drag is the key factor that aects the accuracy for long-term estimation for satellite
in LEO, this model not only includes secular perturbation and periodic perturbations, on the other hand a drag
model based on the well acknowledged NASA atmosphere statistics is incorporated. Dierent from those in other
orbit prediction methods, for example, the most widely used SGP4, the drag model here has a variable parameter
which is subject to modify as time being on according to periodical atmosphere properties changing. Simulation
result shows it can provide quite accurate estimation for long look-ahead period.
N = 2 !n (2)
where square brackets implies the integer part. TLL
search. γ
_ This moves the target away from the orbital
plane (
plane (
_ > 0). We can incorporate this eect into the
!eff = ! ,
_ (8)
Figure 4: This gure shows within longitude angle v satellite In the epicycle description of the orbit[2], the vari-
is visible to the ground target. ation in
is expressed as:
The rise time of a satellite should occur when the satel-
0 + (9)
lite, at a given orbital height, crosses the horizon plane. where is the secular coecient of plane precession[2][3].
In this case we set up another angle margin v as shown Hence
_ = n
in gure(4) and simplied the calculation for it.
If the orbital radius of the satellite S is a(= R + h) We can incorporate these results into equations (1)
then: and (2) for the coarse search to get:
cosv = Ra (6) = (! , n)N n (10)
We therefore wish to estimate the times when the
satellite reaches the target longitude within v . However, Therefore:
because this a simplied calculation for satellite longit- n(1 + )
udal angle margin, to avoid missing some low passes we N = 2 (! , n) + 1 (11)
reduce R by a xed fraction.
2.3 Accounting for Drag
2.2 Adding Secular Perturbations
Gravity is not the only force acting on the satellite.
A satellite under the in
uence of an inverse square grav- The most important other eect comes from the Earth's
itational law has truly constant orbital elements. In atmosphere, which still has a signicant eect on orbits
reality, however, there is a gradual change in the orbital up to altitudes as high as 1000km. Because most of
elements due to the Earth's oblateness. The principal our small satellites orbit at altitudes lower than this,
eect of this is to introduce a short period oscillation we need to consider the eects of atmospheric drag.
of the orbital elements, which we can ignore in most Drag is very dicult to model because of the many
cases. The argument of perigee, !, and longitude of factors aecting the Earth's upper atmosphere and the
the ascending node,
, however, experience a secular satellite's attitude which aects the cross sectional area.
In this paper, we only consider the eect of drag on the
Figure 5: This gure describes the geometry of ground target where we have included the eects of atmospheric
(T ) and satellite (S ) in ECEF coordinate. drag [paper in preparation], and
= (1 + ) (22)
α 0 α1
α2 α3 α4 α5
+ B [n](2 , 2n,k )]
Figure 8: This gure shows the time blocks for long term pre- We can write equation (26) as:
(1 + ) + 32 B
2 = 3 B [n]2 + Yn + Xn
2 (27)
= (1 + ) + 32 B
2 (24) Let:
where =0 when = 0 = 0. To relate and we
wish to be xed -ie satellite position should be kept
Xn = 23 B [n]2n,k
consistent: nX,1
, 32 B [r](2r,k+1 , 2r,k )
(1 + ) + 23 B
2= (25) r=k
Z Z Yn = 1 + , 3B [n]n,k
(1 + ) + 3 B (0 )d0 , 3 B (0 )0 d0 nX ,1
0 0 + 3 B [r](r,k+1 , r,k )
So if B is constant, then = . To check for we
replace the integral by a sum, with intervals dT or d. Then we will have
Let I = 3 0 B (0 )d0 , 3 0 B (0 )0 d0 . If 0 <
< 1 , then B (0 ) = B [k], where 0 = 0: Xn+1 , Xn = 23 n,k+1 (B [n + 1] , B [n]) (28)
Yn+1 , Yn = ,3n,k+1 (B [n + 1] , B [n]) (29)
I = 32 B [k]2
So we keep track of the current value of n and when
If m < < m+1 , then we have: n > n0 , we increment X and Y using the above relation.
mX,1 n,k = 0 + (n , k)d
I = 3[ B [k + r](r+1 , r ) (26) n+1 = n + d
+ B [k + m]( , m )] From equation (27), we can compute from . Be-
, 32 [ B [k + r](2r+1 , 2r ) cause:
r=0 2 = 3 B2 + Y + X
(1 + ) + 23 B 2
+ B [k + m](2 , 2m )]
The range of can be determined as follows: Therefore:
Given an input value of we compute = + N , = (30)
then compute:
+ p 2 2X , 2(1 + ) , 3B 2
Y + 3B (2X , 2(1 + ) , 3B ) + Y
n = d N ; n k
If n = k:
5 Test and Result
I = 32 B [n]2 5.1 Results for Two-body and Secular
Perturbation Expansion
If n > k:
nX For many practical problems, the approximation of two-
I = 3[ B [r](r,k+1 , r,k ) body motion is sucient, especially if two closely neigh-
r=k bouring points on a trajectory are under investigation.
Figure 9: The black curve shows the timing error of the two-
body prediction when compared with the SGP4 model, while the
grey curve shows the error when J2 is incorporated.
the prediction times, for long term predictions, to in- long look ahead time, fairly rapid changes in the drag
crease to 8 minutes in 18 months. The results are still rate were experienced by the satellite. We can see the
accurate to within 2 minutes for over 1 year look ahead eect of this on the prediction data in upper graph
time. The histogram shown in gure (14) shows a very of gure (17), in which drag parameter is a constant.
strong peak at small times. The graph shows that the timing error increases rap-
idly after 80 days. It means from the begining we have
over estimated the drag parameter because the previ-
July 1997 Another example of a prediction during ous period was in solar maximum. However, after we
solar minimum was the July 1997 pass. In gure (15) modelled drag using the method introduced in section
we show once again similar results to the previous ex- 4, the lower graph of gure (17) clearly shows the tim-
periment. These results were the best case found and ing accuracy has been greatly improved. By adjusting
show timing errors less than 1 minute over 18 months. the drag parameter according to the smoothed drag
The plot as a function of look ahead time shows a series statistic data, we avoided over-estimating drag para-
of sudden jumps. This is an artifact of the simple me- meter too much - the prediction timing error is reduced
dian ltering that has been done on the historic drag to less than 4 minutes after 300 days even when solar
data. maximum period is included. Therefore above exper-
We then continued this experiment to show the pre- iment conrms that this drag modelling method has
diction errors for look ahead times of up to 3 years. The substaintially decreased the eect of the variability of
results of this extended experiment are presented in g- atmospheric drag.
ure (16) as a function of look ahead time. We see from Above experiments show that the long term pre-
this experiment that predictions of order 4 minutes diction of satellite passes over a given ground target
can be maintained over this time period. These ex- can be made to high accuracy even for long look ahead
periments provide a fair representation of performance times up to 18 months or more. This kind of perform-
during solar minimum. ance, indeed, is satisfactory to low-cost communication
applications as addressed in the introduction.
June 1993 After couple of experiments concerning
solar minimum period, the next experiment extends
back into the previous solar maximum. Therefore, for