Laptop Price Prediction Using Machine Learning: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing
Laptop Price Prediction Using Machine Learning: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing
Laptop Price Prediction Using Machine Learning: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing
ISSN 2320–088X
Abstract— This paper presents a Laptop price prediction system by using the supervised machine learning
technique. The research uses multiple linear regression as the machine learning prediction method which
offered 81% prediction precision. Using multiple linear regression, there are multiple independent variables
but one and only one dependent variable whose actual and predicted values are compared to find precision of
results. This paper proposes a system where price is dependent variable which is predicted, and this price is
derived from factors like Laptop’s model, RAM, ROM (HDD/SSD), GPU, CPU, IPS Display, and Touch
Keywords— Multiple Linear regression, Laptop Price, Regression model, Machine Learning.
Laptop price prediction especially when the laptop is coming direct from the factory to Electronic Market/
Stores, is both a critical and important task. The mad rush that we saw in 2020 for laptops to support remote
work and learning is no longer there. In India, demand of Laptops soared after the Nationwide lockdown,
leading to 4.1-Million-unit shipments in the June quarter of 2021, the highest in the five years. Accurate Laptop
price prediction involves expert knowledge, because price usually depends on many distinctive features and
factors. Typically, most significant ones are brand and model, RAM, ROM, GPU, CPU, etc. In this paper, we
applied different methods and techniques in order to achieve higher precision of the used laptop price prediction.
To support the application of machine learning using the Decision Tree algorithm, of course the sample data
is needed. Table below contains data about various laptops and their prices depending on their configuration.
Sample data were obtained from
The C4.5 algorithm (used as a Decision Tree Classifier which can be employed to generate a decision, based
on sample dataset) starts with the process of selecting the highest gain attribute as the root of the tree, then
creates a branch for each value, then divides the case in branches, then repeats the process for each branch until
all cases in the branch have the same class.
To get accurate calculation results, calculations used Entropy and Gain for each variable. Entropy measures
uncertainty between random variables in a data. The high Entropy value will affect the classification process.
S: Case set
k: Number of S partition
Pj: Probability obtained from the total (Yes / No) divided by the total case
S: Case set
A: Attribute
n: Number of A attribute partition
|Si|: Number of cases on the i partition
|S|: Number of S partition
Streamlit library is used to build this WebApp UI. Streamlit is an (open-source Python library) that makes it
easy to create and share, custom web apps for machine learning and data science. Result with backend code is
shown in following figures.
Predicting something through the application of machine learning using the Decision Tree algorithm makes it
easy for students, especially in determining the choice of laptop specifications that are most desirable for
students to meet student needs and in accordance with the purchasing power of students. Students no longer
need to look for various sources to find laptop specifications that are needed by students in meeting the needs of
students, because the laptop specifications from the results of the machine learning application have provided
the most desirable specifications with their prices of laptops.
Researcher is grateful to the team of entrepreneurs who provide insight and guidance that are very helpful in
completing this research. This research is expected to be useful for students in determining laptop specifications
along with their prices.
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