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From : Secretary for Development To : Distribution

Ref : DEVB(W) 517/91/01 Attn :
Tel No : 3509 8385 Your Ref. : in
Fax No : 2524 9308 dated : Fax. No. :
Date : 29 March 2018 Total Pages : 2 + Encl.

Environmental, Transport and Works Bureau

Technical Circular (Works) No. 19/2005

Environmental Management on Construction Sites


This memo is to revise the Environmental, Transport and Works Bureau

Technical Circular (Works) No. 19/2005 (ETWB TC(W) No. 19/2005) to reflect the
enhancement to the Safety Management System (SMS) for public works contracts
with a view to sustaining the effort on site safety as well as to simplify and
streamline the existing administrative work.


2. The SMS for public works contracts was first developed in 1993. The
SMS was reviewed from time to time with implementation of enhancement measures
(including the introduction of the Pay for Safety Scheme (PFSS) and also the Pay for
Safety and Environment Scheme (PFSES)) to meet the contemporary requirements in
delivering public works contracts.

3. In mid-2015, we conducted a review of the SMS, including PFSS and

PFSES, for public works contracts with the objectives to sustain our effort on site
safety as well as to simplify and streamline the existing initiatives and the
corresponding administrative work. One of the review areas is on the
appropriateness of the items in the Bills for the PFSS/PFSES.

4. After the review, we propose to make the following enhancements, among

others, without compromising site safety. The proposal was endorsed by the Works
Policies Coordination Committee at its meeting held in September 2016.

(a) The PFSES would be renamed as the PFSS.

(b) All environmental related pre-priced payment items from the Bills for the
PFSES would be removed and then combined in an appropriate item to
the Bills for Preliminaries.

5. All public works contracts, including design and build contracts and term
contracts, the tender of which are issued on or after 20 April 2018 shall implement
the enhancements through incorporation of the following amendments to ETWB
TC(W) No. 19/2005.

(i) In general, construction site safety related provisions should be referred to

the Construction Site Safety Manual (the Manual).

(ii) DEVB’s memo ref. (02LSW-01-1) in DEVB(W) 516/70/03 dated 22

November 2013 regarding the Pay for Safety Performance Merit Scheme
is incorporated in Chapter 12 of the Manual with necessary updating and
hereby superseded.

(iii) References to “Pay for Site Safety and Environment”, “Site Safety and
Environmental Management Committee” and “Site Safety and
Environmental Committee” should be replaced by “Pay for Site Safety”,
“Site Safety Management Committee” and “Site Safety Committee”
respectively. Paragraph 2 of the Interim Guidance Note on
Administration of Environmental Management and PFSES for Public
Works Contracts (issued in June 2006) 1 promulgated by ETWB in
June 2006 is hereby obsoleted.

(iv) Appendix D(a) (Method of Measurement for PFSES) is revised to cover

environmental management measures under Section 1 of the Method of
Measurement (Preliminaries) only. Construction site safety related parts
are incorporated in Appendix VI of Chapter 3 of the Manual.

(v) Appendices E1 to E7 (Sample Bills of Quantities for PFSES) have been

incorporated in Appendices I and II of Chapter 12 of the Manual, and
thereby superseded.

6. The revised Appendix D(a) to ETWB TC(W) No. 19/2005 is enclosed.


7. Any enquiries on the above should be addressed to our Assistant

Secretary (Works Policies) 5.

( Jacky WU )
for Secretary for Development

D of DS

Appendix D(a)

Sample Method of Measurement for “Environmental Management” for Capital Works


[Notes: 1. Where *Architect/Engineer is denoted in this MoM, it should be selected as

appropriate or modified to suit the appropriate title of the contract.

2. The following MoM for Environmental Management should be incorporated under

Section 1of MoM (Preliminaries) or other appropriate section for building works

Notes: For contracts using the Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works
(4th Edition Metric 2005 incorporating Corrigenda 1), the phrase “General Principles
paragraphs 3 and 4”, wherever it may appear below, should be deleted; and the phrase
“General Preambles paragraph 2”, wherever it may appear below, should be replaced with
“Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works (4th Edition
Metric2005 incorporating Corrigenda 1) – Section II clause 11”.


Units xx.01 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) provide environmental management measures ........... month

Measurement xx.02 The measurement for “provide environmental management

measures” shall commence from the earliest date of possession of
the Site or any portion of the Site by the Contractor to the date of
substantial completion of the Works or an earlier or later date
notified by the *Architect/Engineer.

xx.03 Adjustment to or no measurement for the items on “provide

environmental management measures” will be made if the
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative is dissatisfied with the
frequency, arrangements or quality of the measures provided and
the Contractor cannot provide any justification acceptable to the

Itemisation xx.04 Separate item shall be provided for “provide environmental

management measures” in accordance with General Principles
paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Provide environmental management measures

Provide xx.05 The item for “provide environmental management measures” shall,
environmental in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 – Appendix D(a) (Revised) Page D(a) 1 of 3

Appendix D(a)

Item Coverage (a) development, reviewing, updating and revising the

Environmental Management Plan taking into account the
comments made on the Environmental Management Plan
by the *Architect/Engineer and any other parties;

(b) providing the actual quantities of C&D materials generated

for the month by completing the monthly summary Waste
Flow Table, and a forecast of the quantities [delete the last
part if clause no. 5(4)(b) in Appendix C is not applicable];

(c) updating of the summary table for work processes or

activities requiring the use of timbers for Temporary
Works construction;

(d) reviewing the adequacy of resources and facilities for

on-site sorting of C&D materials;

(e) reviewing the adequacy of the nuisance abatement

measures based on measurements taken on the various
pollution parameters and public complaints;

(f) submission of the qualifications and experience of the

proposed Environmental Officer to the *Architect/Engineer
for approval;

(g) ensuring the fulfillment of the duties by the Environmental

Officer in accordance with PS clause ( ) [clause no. 1(2)(c)
in Appendix C] to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer
or his Representative;

(h) maintenance of the environmental records as per PS clause

( ) [clause no. 6(17) in Appendix C];

(i) attendance of the Site Environmental Management

Committee meetings and complete the agenda of the
meeting for the month;

(j) arranging inspection of the Site by members of the Site

Environmental Management Committee before the meeting
for the month;

(k) providing necessary assistance for the proper functioning of

the Site Environmental Management Committee;

(l) establishment of the Site Environmental Committee;

(m) arranging and giving adequate notice to relevant parties of

the Site Environmental Committee meeting to be held for
the month;

(n) attendance of the Site Environmental Committee meetings

and completion and distribution of minutes of meetings;

(o) arranging, giving adequate notice to relevant parties of and

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 – Appendix D(a) (Revised) Page D(a) 2 of 3

Appendix D(a)

attending the weekly environmental walk;

(p) using a comprehensive checklist during the walk to identify

any deficiencies noted in the environmental provisions,
recording the deficiencies in the summary table, and
rectifying such deficiencies subsequently within the agreed

(q) preparation of reports on environmental walks and

environmental inspections conducted;

(r) implementation and upkeeping of all measures stipulated in

the Particular Specification on environmental management
and the EMP, and maintain the effectiveness of all such
provisions for the duration of the Contract;

(s) conducting environmental inspections including, but without

limitation to, the followings:

(i) the effectiveness of air, noise and wastewater pollution

abatement measures of the Works;

(ii) the performance of dust and/or acoustic screens or

enclosures provided at public interfaces;

(iii) maximizing the retrieval of reusable and recyclable

materials from the C&D materials generated from the
Site; and

(iv) prompt removal of surplus C&D materials off the Site;

(t) implementation of the decisions and recommendations made

by the Site Environmental Management Committee on
matters relating to environmental nuisance and waste
management; and

(u) conducting environmental training in accordance with PS

clause ( ) [PS clause 1(4) in Appendix C].

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 – Appendix D(a) (Revised) Page D(a) 3 of 3


From Secretary for Development To Distribution
Ref (02LSW-01-1) in DEVB(W) 516/70/03 (Attn : )
Tel. No. 3509 8277 Your Ref.
Fax No. 2524 9308 dated
Email clwong@devb.gov.hk Fax No.
Date 22 November 2013 Total Pages 3 + Encl.

Pay for Safety Performance Merit Scheme

This memo promulgates the Pay for Safety Performance Merit System
(PFSPMS) in public works contracts as an extension to the existing Pay for Safety and
Environment Scheme (PFSES) and Pay for Safety Scheme (PFSS). The PFSPMS shall
be applicable to all capital works contracts including electrical and mechanical
contracts and Design and Build contracts which adopt PFSS/PFSES and with tenders to
be invited on or after 1 February 2014.


2. Since 1990s, a series of safety measures including the PFSES and PFSS
have been introduced in public works contracts. While the measures have significantly
improved the safety performance of our public works contracts, we have also observed
that some contractors have now become more focused on complying with the processes
rather than performance. In addition, there is no provision to incentivize contractors to
strive for better safety performance under the current PFSES/PFSS.

3. Under the current PFSES/PFSS, there is a separate section in the Bills of

Quantities (BQ) or Schedule of Rates (SOR) entitled ‘Site Safety and Environmental
Management’ (for PFSES) or ‘Site Safety’ (for PFSS). All the items in the BQ or SOR
are pre-priced and the total value of the section shall be about 2% of the estimated
Contract Sum (for contracts with BQ) or total estimated expenditure (for contracts with
SOR) excluding the contingency and provisional sums, as stipulated in the Construction
Site Safety Manual. Contractors are paid if they have completed the respective
task-tied safety items, such as provision and updating of safety plan, attending safety
meetings/walks, and provision of safety trainings, etc. The task-tied payment, however,
is not linked to the safety performance of the contractors.
4. To motivate contractors to strive for better safety performance, the Works
Policies Coordination Committee has approved the introduction of a performance based
payment approach in public works contracts as an extension to the PFSES/PFSS. The
PFSPMS is therefore introduced.

5. Under the PFSPMS, payment will be made under a set of pre-priced

performance-tied payment items which are measured according to the contractors’
achievements in respect of the safety performance indicators specified in the contract.
The total value of the performance-tied payment items under the PFSPMS shall be
about 1.7% of the estimated Contract Sum or total estimated expenditure as stipulated in
Annex B to the attached Guidelines. The payment for PFSPMS is in addition to that

6. The eight safety performance indicators of the PFSPMS are as follows-

(a) No reportable accident in a month;

(b) No notice of safety or environmental prosecution received in a month;
(c) Compliance of safety training (Silver Card) for workers of specified
trades in a month;
(d) Half-yearly review of safety performance – based on inspection /
improvement / suspension notices received from the Labour Department;
(e) 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for reportable accidents below
0.25 per 100,000 man-hours worked;
(f) Yearly review of safety performance - no fatal accident in a year;
(g) Achievement in safety campaign organized by Development Bureau, (i.e.
Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme); and
(h) Final review of safety performance – overall safety performance based on
fatal accident and cumulative accident frequency rate for reportable
accidents under the contract (Annex E to the Guidelines).

7. To implement the PFSPMS, we have prepared a set of Guidelines and

relevant contract provisions for inclusion in the tender/contract documents for capital
works contracts. A copy of the Guidelines and contract provisions are enclosed.

8. The PFSPMS for term contracts is under preparation and will be

promulgated in due course.

9. The Guidelines and the contract provisions have been posted on the
DEVB website as an attachment to the ETWB TC(W) No. 19/2005 and incorporated in
the Construction Site Safety Manual Chapter 12. The two documents could be accessed
via the following links: -

ETWB TC(W) No. 19/2005


Construction Site Safety Manual Chapter 12


10. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Mr. Sam LAM, AS(WP)5
at 3509 8305.

( C L Wong )
for Secretary for Development



c.c. LAD(W)
D of Housing


L:\WPU\AS(WP)5\New Initiatives\PFSPMS\Draft for both Capital Works & Term Contracts 20130919\Draft

Guidelines on the Inclusion of the Pay for Safety Performance Merit
Scheme (PFSPMS) as Extension to the Pay for Safety Scheme (PFSS) and
the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme (PFSES)

These Guidelines set out the policy and procedures to introduce the
PFSPMS in public works contracts, as an extension to the existing PFSS and PFSES
with a view to further uplifting site safety performance in public works contracts.


2. These Guidelines shall be applicable to all capital works contracts

including electrical and mechanical (E&M) contracts and Design and Build (D&B)
contracts which adopt PFSS or PFSES.

Effective Date

3. These Guidelines shall be applicable to capital works contracts with

tenders to be invited on or after 1 February 2014.

Existing Relevant Circulars

4. These Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the following


(a) Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB) TCW No. 19/2005
“Environmental Management on Construction Sites” and as amended by
the Interim Guidance Note on Administration of Environmental
Management and Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme for Public
Works Contracts issued by ETWB in June 2006.
(b) The contractual provisions for construction safety and the updating of the
Pay for Safety Scheme given in Chapters 3 and 12 of the Construction
Site Safety Manual (CSSM) promulgated under WBTC No. 30/2000
“Construction Site Safety Manual Second Updating of Chapters 3 and
(c) ETWB TCW No. 30/2002 “Implementation of Site Safety Cycle and
Provision of Welfare Facilities for Workers at Construction Sites”.


5. Since 1990s, a series of safety measures including the PFSES and PFSS
have been introduced in public works contracts. While the measures have significantly
Page 1 of 46
improved the safety performance of public works contracts, it is observed that some
contractors have now become more focused on complying with the processes rather
than the actual performance. In addition, there is no provision to incentivize
contractors to strive for better safety performance under the current PFSES/PFSS.

6. Under the PFSES/PFSS, there is a separate section in the Bills of

Quantities (BQ) or Schedule of Rates (SOR) entitled ‘Site Safety and Environmental
Management’ (for PFSES) or ‘Site Safety’ (for PFSS) with all the items pre-priced and
the total value of the section is set at about 2% of the estimated Contract Sum or total
estimated expenditure 1 as stipulated in Appendix VII of Chapter 12 of the CSSM.
Contractors are paid if they have completed the respective task-tied safety measures,
such as provision and updating of safety plan, attending site safety committee
meetings/walks, and provision of safety trainings, etc. The task-tied payment,
however, is not linked to the contractors’ safety performance.

7. The PFSPMS, which serves as an incentive scheme to motivate

contractors to strive for better safety performance through a performance based
payment approach, is introduced as an extension to the PFSS/PFSES. Under the
PFSPMS, payment will be made for the performance-tied items which are measured
according to the contractors’ achievements in respect of the designated safety
performance indicators under the contract as shown at Annex A.


8. Capital works contracts including E&M contracts and D&B contracts

which adopt the existing PFSS or PFSES as per paragraph 12.2.1 in Chapter 12 of the
CSSM or paragraph 11 to 14 of ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 and as amended by the
Interim Guidance Note on Administration of Environmental Management and Pay for
Safety and Environment Scheme for Public Works Contracts issued by ETWB in June
2006 shall also adopt the PFSPMS.

9. Where a capital works contract adopts the PFSS/PFSES and PFSPMS,

the provisions as listed in paragraph 14 below shall be incorporated into the
tender/contract documents.

10. The total value on safety and environmental management items under the
PFSS/PFSES and PFSPMS against the estimated contract sum or total estimated
expenditure is shown in the chart at Annex B.

11. For contracts where a substantial portion of the estimated contract value
is for the supply of equipment, the cost of equipment shall be excluded from the
estimated contract sum or total estimated expenditure for the purpose of determining
the total value of safety and environmental management items under the PFSS/PFSES
Unless otherwise specified in the Guidelines, “estimated Contract Sum” is for contracts with BQ and “total
estimated expenditure” is for contracts with SOR. Both exclude the contingency and provisional sums.
Page 2 of 46
12. The total value of the safety and environmental management items
determined in paragraph 10 above shall be distributed between the PFSS/PFSES and
PFSPMS as follows:-

(a) Task-tied payment items under PFSS / PFSES

Estimated contract sum/total 2% of the estimated contract sum or

estimated expenditure from total estimated expenditure
and including $20M, up to
and including $200M

Estimated contract sum/total [$4.0M + (estimated contract sum or

estimated expenditure total estimated expenditure -
exceeding $200M $200M) x 1.0%.]
(b) Performance-tied payment items under PFSPMS

Estimated contract sum/total 1.7% of the estimated contract sum

estimated expenditure from or total estimated expenditure
and including $20M, up to
and including $200M

Estimated contract sum/total [$3.4M + (estimated contract sum or

estimated expenditure total estimated expenditure -
exceeding $200M $200M) x 0.85%.]

13. Where there are practical difficulties in incorporating part or all of the
requirements of these Guidelines under a particular contract, the project office
concerned shall seek the approval of an officer at D2 level or above for full or partial

Contract Preparation Stage

Tender/Contract Provisions

14. The project office shall include the following provisions in the
tender/contract documents for the PFSPMS in addition to those for PFSS/PFSES:

(a) A Provisional Sum for PFSPMS with value as per paragraph 12(b) above.
(b) The Notes to Tenderers (NTT) at Annex C.
(c) The Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) at Annex D.
(d) The Measurement Rules (to be included as appendix to the above SCC)
and a section in the Bills of Quantities (BQ) or Schedule of Rates (SOR)
prepared based on the samples at Annex E.

Page 3 of 46
(e) The revised Particular Specifications (PS) on Site Safety at Annex F.

15. As stipulated in the SCC, the payments of the performance-tied items

under the PFSPMS are not subject to retention and adjustment to contract price

Measurement Period and Pre-priced Rates

16. Unlike the measurement period for the PFSS/PFSES, the measurement
period of the performance-tied payment items of the PFSPMS shall be from the
earliest date of possession of the Site or any portion of the Site by the Contractor to the
date six months after the completion date or extended completion date of the Works.
The purpose of allowing this six-month period after the completion date or extended
completion date of the Works is to encourage contractors to continue to strive for good
safety performance in completing the outstanding works during the maintenance

17. The period for measurement for performance-tied payment items of the
PFSPMS in the BQ or SOR shall include the EOT. Allowance for EOT shall be made
in determining the quantities for the relevant items in the BQ or SOR. It is suggested
that 2 months of EOT shall be allowed for every 12 months of the original contact
period but the project officer shall make his judgement according to the nature of the

18. No payment shall be made in the first 11 months from the earliest date of
possession of the Site or any portion of the site by the Contractor for the item on the
“12-month rolling accident frequency rate for reportable accidents”.

19. Project office should consider if the pre-priced rates for the performance-
tied payment items of the PFSPMS calculated in accordance with the methodology at
Annex E are appropriate especially for those mega projects with very high contract
values or contracts with very short duration. If considered appropriate, the pre-priced
rates for the performance-tied payment items so calculated can be adjusted to suit the
nature, scope, size, complexity and duration, etc of the contract. All the pre-priced
rates to be adopted in the contract shall be endorsed by an officer of D1 level or above
and such endorsement should be properly documented.

Administration of the PFSPMS in Construction Stage

20. The Contractor shall submit a “Monthly Report on Safety Performance”

(the Monthly Report) to the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer using a prescribed
proforma (included as “Appendix I to Particular Specifications on Site Safety” at
Annex F to these Guidelines) for the measurement of the performance-tied payment
items. The Monthly Report shall be prepared and signed by the Safety Officer and

Page 4 of 46
endorsed by the Contractor’s Site Agent. The duly signed Monthly Report shall be
submitted to the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer together with documentary
proof for the performance achievements stated in the Monthly Report.

21. No measurement for the performance-tied payment items shall be made

by the Surveyor/Engineer/Supervising Officer unless the achievements in respect of
the corresponding indicators reported by the Contractor in the Monthly Report has
been agreed by the Architect’s/Engineer’s/Supervising Officer’s Representative.

22. If the Contractor or the Architect’s/Engineer’s/Supervising Officer’s

Representative subsequently considers that amendment(s) to any of the submitted
Monthly Report(s), including those agreed by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising
Officer, is/are required, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to revise and re-submit
the concerned Monthly Report(s) with amendment(s) to the Architect/Engineer/
Supervising Officer for agreement. Previous measurement(s) and payment(s) made to
the Contractor shall be adjusted accordingly.

23. Any accident which is suspected to be a reportable accident shall be

counted as a reportable accident in the Monthly Report in the first place. If the
accident is subsequently confirmed as non-reportable accident by the authority, the
Contractor shall revise and re-submit the concerned Monthly Report(s) to the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer and previous measurement(s) and payment(s)
made to the Contractor shall be adjusted in accordance with paragraph 22 above.

24. If there is any mis-reporting of the achievements in respect of the

performance indicators by the Contractor (e.g. late reporting or under reporting of
accidents) in the Monthly Report(s), and if considered appropriate, the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer shall reflect the mis-reporting in rating the site
safety section of the Contractor’s Performance Report.

25. The Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer is to note that there will not

be any payment for the performance-tied payment items after the measurement period
(i.e. six months after the completion date or the extended completion date of the

Accident Frequency Rate and Man-hours Worked

26. The accident frequency rate is calculated as the number of reportable

accidents per 100,000 man-hours worked. Reportable accident means accidents
arising from activities of the Works (including those accidents which happen in Civil
Engineering and Development Department’s sorting facilities) resulting in any person
suffering from death or injury with incapacity for more than three days but excluding
the following types of accidents:-

Page 5 of 46
(a) accident occurred in a site office but was not related to any activity of the
(b) accident concerning the injury of a government staff;
(c) accident concerning the injury of resident site staff of the HKSAR
Government or its agents including those employed by consultants; and
(d) accident concerning the injury of visitors or the public to the Site and
was not related to any activity of the Works.

27. As a simplified approach for the calculation of accident frequency rate,

the man-hours worked of the general workers and tradesmen can be calculated by
multiplying the man-days worked with the average daily working hours. The average
daily working hours shall be agreed by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.

28. The total man-hours worked in the calculation of accident frequency rate
shall be the sum of the man-hours worked of the general workers, tradesmen and site
management staff employed by the Contractor or the sub-contractors for the Works in
accordance with Chapter 9 of the CSSM and agreed by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.

29. No additional documentary proof for the man-days worked is required

for the Monthly Report as long as the corresponding man-days worked in the Labour
Relation Officer’s report are referred to and the figure is agreed by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.

Page 6 of 46



Page 7 of 46
Annex A
Safety Performance Indicators for PFSPMS

1. No reportable accident in a month.

2. No notice of safety or environmental prosecution received in a month.

3. Compliance of safety training (Silver Card) for workers of specified trades per month.
[Payment is to be made if number of workers with Silver Card training/total number of
workers requiring Silver Card > 90%.]

4. Half yearly review of safety performance – based on notices received from Labour
Department (LD) in the half year:
- No Part I Inspection Notice from LD in the half year; and
- Not more than 5 Part II Inspection Notice from LD in the half year; and
- No Improvement Notice or Suspension Notice from LD in the half year.

5. 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for reportable accidents (in terms of number
of reportable accidents per 100,000 man-hours worked) below 0.25 per 100,000 man-
hours worked.

6. Yearly review of safety performance – no fatal accident in a year.

7. Achievement in safety campaigns organized by the Development Bureau [i.e.

Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme (CCSAS)]: -
- Award under the Considerate Contractors Site Award (CCSA);
- Award under the Outstanding Environmental Management Performance
Award (OEMPA)
- If the Contractor does not receive any award under CCSA of CCSAS –
measurement is made based on the percentage of level 1 (being the highest
grade) received in the site assessments.
- If the Contractor does not receive any award under OEMPA of CCSAS –
measurement is made based on the percentage of level 1 (being the highest
grade) received in the site assessments

8. Final review of safety performance –

- No fatal accident in the measurement period as defined in the Measurement
Rules; and
- Cumulative accident frequency rate for reportable accidents below 0.25 per
100,000 man-hours worked in the measurement period as defined in the
Measurement Rules.

Page 8 of 46



Page 9 of 46
Annex B
Guidance on the Total Value of Safety and Environmental Management
Items for Contracts under the PFSS/PFSES and PFSPMS


24 Total of safety and environmental

management items
3.7% Line
Total of Safety and Environmental Management Items ($ Million)







0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Estimated Contract Sum/Total Estimated Expenditure
($ MIllion)

1. For estimated contract sum or total estimated expenditure (excluding the Contingency
Sum or any sum for the payment of fluctuations) from and including $ 20 M, up to and
including $ 200 M, total value of safety and environmental management items under
the PFSS/PFSES and PFSPMS = 3.7 % of estimated contract sum or total estimated
2. For estimated contract sum or total estimated expenditure (excluding the Contingency
Sum or any sum for the payment of fluctuations) > $ 200 M, total of safety and
environmental management items = $ 7.4M + (estimated contract sum or total
estimated expenditure - $ 200M) x 1.85 %.

Page 10 of 46


Page 11 of 46
Annex C

The following clause is to be added to the Notes to Tenderers:

(xx) Tenderers shall note that besides the task-tied payment items for the Pay for
Safety Scheme (PFSS)*/Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme (PFSES)*,
performance-tied payment items for the newly introduced Pay for Safety
Performance Merit Scheme (PFSPMS) are also included in this Contract.
Tenderers shall pay attention to the Special Conditions of Contract Clause SCC
# “Pay for Safety Performance Merit Scheme (PFSPMS)”, Measurement Rules
for the Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS and Schedule of
Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS in Appendix # to the Special
Conditions of Contract and the Particular Specification (PS) Clause # of
“Particular Specification for Site Safety”** for the operation of the PFSPMS.

(*Delete as appropriate.)
(**Amend as appropriate.)
(# Insert as appropriate.)

Page 12 of 46



Page 13 of 46
The following SCC clause is to be added to the Special Conditions of Contract:
[Guidance Notes:
1. The following SCC# shall be used when the Pay for
Safety Performance Merit Scheme (PFSPMS) is

2. Pursuant to “Guidelines on the Inclusion of the Pay

for Safety Performance Merit Scheme (PFSPMS) as
Extension to the Existing System of the Pay for Safety
Scheme (PFSS) or the Pay for Safety and Environment
Scheme (PFSES)” issued by DEVB’s memo ref.
DEVB(W) 516/70/03 dated 22 November 2013, it is a
mandatory requirement for public works contracts,
but excluding term contracts, that are included in the
existing PFSS or PFSES, to be included in the

SCC# (1) For the purposes of this Special Condition of Contract: Pay for Safety
“last Section” means the Section with the latest time for Merit Scheme
completion; (PFSPMS )

“PFSPMS” means the Pay for Safety Performance Merit


“performance-tied payment items” means the

performance-tied payment items listed in the Schedule of
Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS in
Appendix # to the Special Conditions of Contract under
the PFSPMS; and

“time for completion” means the time for completion

prescribed by General Conditions of Contract Clause 49
or, where applicable, the extended time for completion
granted under General Conditions of Contract Clause 50.

(2) The PFSPMS is included in the Contract with the aim of

encouraging the Contractor through payment for the
performance-tied payment items for achieving better
safety performance. The Contractor shall comply with the
provisions of this Special Condition of Contract and
Particular Specification Clause # “Particular Specification
for Site Safety”** for participation in the PFSPMS.

(3) The Contractor shall submit Monthly Reports on Safety

Performance (each of such reports is hereinafter referred
to in this Clause as “Monthly Report”) and relevant
documentary proof for the performance-tied payment
items as required by Particular Specification Clause #
Page 14 of 46
“Particular Specification for Site Safety”** for the
agreement by the Architect* / Engineer* / Supervising

[(4) The Engineer* / Supervising Officer* shall assess the

amounts for the performance-tied payment items
submitted in each Monthly Report on Safety Performance
in accordance with the Measurement Rules for the
Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS and the
Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items of the
PFSPMS in Appendix # to the Special Conditions of
Contract and notify the Contractor of the assessed
amounts. The Contractor shall include the assessed
amounts in the next interim statement submitted in
accordance with General Conditions of Contract Clause
78 or where there is no further interim statement, in the
statement of final account submitted in accordance with
General Conditions of Contract Clause 79(6).]*[Note:
Use this version of sub-clause (4) with the General
Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works,
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Works, or
Design and Build Contracts.]


[(4) The Surveyor upon agreement to the Monthly Report by

the Architect shall assess the amounts for the
performance-tied payment items submitted in each
Monthly Report in accordance with the Measurement
Rules for the Performance-tied Payment Items of the
PFSPMS and the Schedule of Performance-tied Payment
Items of the PFSPMS in Appendix # to the Special
Conditions of Contract and notify the Contractor of the
assessed amounts. The Contractor shall include the
assessed amounts in the next interim statement submitted
in accordance with General Conditions of Contract Clause
78. Where there is no further interim statement, the
Surveyor shall include the assessed amounts in the priced
Bills of Variations provided to the Contractor in
accordance with General Conditions of Contract Clause
59(7).]* [Note: Use this version of sub-clause (4) with
the General Conditions of Contract for Building

(5) (a) If the Contractor or the Architect* / Engineer* /

Supervising Officer* considers that adjustment of any of
the Monthly Reports, including those submitted and
agreed by the Architect* / Engineer* / Supervising
Officer* previously, is required, the Contractor shall
revise and re-submit the relevant Monthly Report to the
Architect* / Engineer* / Supervising Officer* for
Page 15 of 46
correction and agreement. Any amounts for the
performance-tied payment items previously certified by
the Surveyor* / Engineer* / Supervising Officer* under
General Conditions of Contract Clause 79 shall be
corrected accordingly.

(b) Any accident which is suspected to be a reportable

accident shall be counted as a reportable accident in the
Monthly Report for the month in which the accident
occurs. Without prejudice to the generality of sub-clause
(5)(a) above, if it is subsequently concluded that the
accident is not a reportable accident, the Contractor shall
revise and re-submit the relevant Monthly Report to the
Architect* / Engineer* / Supervising Officer* for
correction and agreement. Any amounts for the
performance-tied payment items previously certified by
the Architect* / Engineer* / Supervising Officer* under
General Conditions of Contract Clause 79 shall be
corrected accordingly.

(6) There shall be no adjustment for retention of the

percentage stated in the Contract [or fluctuations in the
cost of labour and materials]* referred to in General
Conditions of Contract Clause 79(1) [and Clause 89]* in
respect of the amounts certified by the Surveyor* /
Engineer* / Supervising Officer* for the performance-
tied payment items. [Note: Delete the words in square
brackets where contract price fluctuations are not
provided for under the contract.]

(7) Further to General Conditions of Contract Clause 79(5),

the Engineer* / Supervising Officer* shall have the power
to omit from any certificate the amounts for the
performance-tied payment items if he is for the time
being dissatisfied with the documentary proof for those
items submitted by the Contractor and for that purpose, or
for any other reason which to the Engineer* / Supervising
Officer* may seem proper, he may by any certificate
delete, correct or modify any amounts previously certified
by him in respect of the performance-tied payment items.
[Note: Use this version of sub-clause (7) with the General
Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works,
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Works, or Design
and Build Contracts.]


[(7) Further to General Conditions of Contract Clause 79(6)

[Note: See the SCC “Final payment certificate”
introduced by ETWBTC(W) No. 5/2004 ], the Surveyor
shall have the power to omit from any certificate the

Page 16 of 46
amounts for the performance-tied payment items if the
relevant Monthly Report or any part thereof has not been
agreed by the Architect and for that purpose, or for any
other reason which to the Surveyor may seem proper, he
may by any certificate delete, correct or modify any
amounts previously certified by him in respect of the
performance-tied payment items. [Note: Use this version
of sub-clause (7) with the General Conditions of Contract
for Building Works.]

(8) The Surveyor* / Engineer* / Supervising Officer* shall

finalise the assessment of the performance-tied payment
items within the time period required by the Contract for
the issue of the final payment certificate. Effect shall be
given to such assessment in the calculation of the Final
Contract Sum and in the payment due from the Employer
to the Contractor or from the Contractor to the Employer
as the case may be under the final payment certificate
issued in accordance with General Conditions of Contract
Clause 79.

(*Delete as appropriate.)
(**Amend as appropriate.)
(# Insert as appropriate.)

Page 17 of 46



Page 18 of 46
Annex E – Part I

Sample Measurement Rules for the Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS
(Appendix to Special Conditions of Contract)



Performance–tied Payment Items

Preambles a Rates appearing in the Schedule of Performance-tied Payment

Items of the PFSPMS are pre-fixed and shall be deemed to allow
for all cost and value for the Contractor in achieving the required
performance including meeting all statutory and contractual
obligations in the upkeeping of management in the execution of
the Works and any other related obligations, liabilities, risks and

b The submission of the “Monthly Report on Safety Performance”

by the Contractor and the agreement of the
Architect’s/Engineer’s/Supervising Officer’s Representative on
the above Report are pre-requisites for measurement of the
performance-tied payment items. No measurement shall be made
in respect of any performance-tied payment items if they are not
submitted by the Contractor in the above Report or if they are
disagreed by the Architect’s/Engineer’s/Supervising Officer’s

c For the purpose of measurement stated in these Measurement


“calendar month” means any of the twelve portions into which a

year is divided;

“calendar year” means the period of 12 months commencing on 1

January and ending on 31 December;

“earliest date of possession of the Site” means the earliest date of

possession of the Site or any Portion or part thereof by the
Contractor in accordance with General Conditions of Contract
Clause 48;

“half calendar year” means the time from and including the first
day of January of the year to the last day of June of the same year
or, as the case may be, from and including the first day of July of
the year to the last day of December of the same year;

“last Section” means the Section with the latest time for

“PFSPMS” means the Pay for Safety Performance Merit Scheme;


“time for completion” means the time for completion prescribed

Page 19 of 46
by General Conditions of Contract Clause 49 or, where applicable,
the extended time for completion granted under General
Conditions of Contract Clause 50.

d The quantities in the Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items

of the PFSPMS are provisional only. The final quantities shall be
measured in accordance with these Measurement Rules.


Units 1 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) no reportable accidents in a month ..... month

Measurement 2 The first month to be included in the period to be measured for

this item shall commence on the earliest date of possession of the
Site and end on the last day of the calendar month within which
the earliest date of possession of the Site falls. The second month
shall commence on the first day of the second calendar month and
end on the last day of the second calendar month and the
subsequent months shall run in a similar way. The last month to be
included in the period to be measured for this item shall end on the
date six months after the time for completion of the Works or if
the Works are divided into Sections, the time for completion of the
last Section or on an earlier or later date notified by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer provided that such date
shall not be earlier than the last date of the time for completion of
the Works or the last Section, as the case may be. Any month
which is not a complete calendar month shall be measured
proportionally as a fraction of the relevant calendar month. No
measurement shall be made for this item for any time before or
after the above mentioned period to be measured for this item.

3 The item shall be measured once only for each month when during
the month, there is no reportable accident on the Site reported.

4 No measurement shall be made for this item if there is reportable

accident on the Site reported in the month.

No 5 The item for “no reportable accidents in a month” shall include

reportable for:
accidents in a

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.


Units 6 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) no notice of safety or environmental prosecution received

in a month ..... month
Page 20 of 46
Measurement 7 The first month to be included in the period to be measured for
this item shall commence on the earliest date of possession of the
Site and end on the last day of the calendar month within which
the earliest date of possession of the Site falls. The second month
shall commence from and including the first day of the second
calendar month to the last day of the second calendar month and
the subsequent months shall run in similar way. The last month to
be included in the period to be measured for this item shall end on
the date six months after the time for completion of the Works or
if the Works are divided into Sections, the time for completion of
the last Section or an earlier or later date notified by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer provided that such date
shall not be earlier than the last date of the time for completion of
the Works or the last Section, as the case may be. Any month
which is not a complete calendar month shall be measured
proportionally as a fraction of the relevant calendar month. No
measurement shall be made for this item for any time before or
after the above mentioned period to be measured for this item.

8 The item shall be measured once only for each month within
which no notice of safety or environmental prosecution in respect
of the Works is received by the Contractor.

9 No measurement shall be made for this item for a month if notice

of safety or environmental prosecution in respect of the Works is
received by the Contractor in the month.

No notice of 10 The item for “no notice of safety or environmental prosecution

safety or received in a month” shall include for:
received in a

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.



Units 11 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) safety training (Silver Card) for specified trade workers

compliance per month ... month

Measurement 12 The first month to be included in the period to be measured for

this item shall commence on the earliest date of possession of the
Site and end on the last day of the same calendar month. The
second month shall commence from and including the first day of
the second calendar month to the last day of the second calendar
month and the subsequent months shall run in similar way. The
last month to be included in the period to be measured for this
item shall end on the date six months after the time for completion
of the Works or if the Works are divided into Sections, the time

Page 21 of 46
for completion of the last Section or to an earlier or later date
notified by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer provided
that such date shall not be earlier than the last date of the time for
completion of the Works or the last Section, as the case may be.
Any month which is not a complete calendar month shall be
measured proportionally as a fraction of the relevant calendar
month. No measurement shall be made for this item for any time
before or after the above mentioned period to be measured for this

13 The item shall be measured once only for a month when the
percentage of the number of Silver Card compliance over the total
number of workers requiring Silver Card is larger than 90% on a
date specified by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer
during the month.

14 No measurement shall be made for this item for a month when the
percentage of the number of Silver Card compliance over the total
number of workers requiring Silver Card is less than or equal to
90% on the date specified by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising
Officer during the month.

Safety 15 The item for “safety training (silver card) for specified trade
training workers compliance” shall include for:
(silver card)
for specified

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.



Units 16 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) half-yearly review of safety performance – notices from

Labour Department (LD) in half year... half year

Measurement 17 The first half year to be included in the period to be measured for
this item shall commence on the earliest date of possession of the
Site and end on the last day of the half calendar year within which
the earliest date of possession of the Site falls. The second half
year shall commence on the first day of the second half calendar
year and end on the last day of the second half calendar year and
the subsequent half years shall run in similar way. The last half
year to be included in the period to be measured for this item shall
end on the date six months after the time for completion of the
Works, or if the Works are divided into Sections, the time for
completion of the last Section or on an earlier or later date notified
by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer provided that such
date shall not be earlier than the last date of the time for

Page 22 of 46
completion of the Works or the last Section, as the case may be.
Any half year which is not a complete half calendar year shall be
measured proportionally as a fraction of the relevant half calendar
year. No measurement shall be made for this item for any time
before or after the above mentioned period to be measured for this

18 If inspection(s) of the construction site is/are conducted by Labour

Department (LD) in the concerned period, the item shall be
measured once only for each half year when during the half year,
the Contractor has satisfied all of the following criteria in respect
of the Works:

(i) no Part I Inspection Notice is issued by LD;

(ii) not more than 5 Part II Inspection Notice is issued by LD;
(iii) no Improvement Notice (IN) or Suspension Notice (SN) is
issued by LD.

19 If no inspection of the construction site is conducted by LD in the

concerned period, this item shall be measured once.

20 No measurement shall be made for this item for any half year
within which any of the criteria regarding Notices issued by
Labour Department mentioned in the paragraph 24 above is not

Half-yearly 21 The item for “half-yearly review of safety performance – notices

review of from LD in half year” shall include for:
– notices
from Labour
in half year

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.



Units 22 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for reportable

accidents ... 12- month rolling period

Measurement 23 In each 12- month rolling period within the period to be measured
for this item, all reportable accidents in the 12-month rolling
period shall be included in the calculation of the total reportable
accidents on the Site per total man-hours worked as the 12-month
rolling accident frequency rate for reportable accidents for the 12-
month rolling period. A 12-month rolling period within the period
to be measured for this item shall be measured if its 12-month
rolling accident frequency rate for reportable accidents is below

Page 23 of 46
the threshold of 0.25 per 100,000 man-hours worked. The period
to be measured for this item shall commence on the earliest date of
possession of the Site and end on the date six months after the
time for completion of the Works or if the Works are divided into
Sections, the time for completion of the last Section or an earlier
or later date notified by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising
Officer provided that such date shall not be earlier than the last
date of the time for completion of the Works or the last Section, as
the case may be. Any month which is not a complete calendar
month shall not be included in any 12- month rolling period for
calculation of the 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for
reportable accidents for this item. No measurement shall be made
for this item for any time before or after the above mentioned
period to be measured for this item.

24 The item shall be measured once only for any 12- month rolling
period of which the 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for
reportable accidents is below 0.25 per 100,000 man-hours worked.

25 No measurement shall be made for this item for any period which
is not a 12-month rolling period or for any 12- month rolling
period of which the 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for
reportable accidents is equal or higher than 0.25 per 100,000 man-
hours worked.

12-month 26 The item for “12-month rolling accident frequency rate for
rolling reportable accidents” shall include for:
rate for

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.



Units 27 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) yearly review of safety performance - no fatal accident in

a year ... year

Measurement 28 The first year to be included in the period to be measured for this
item shall commence on the earliest date of possession of the Site
and end on the last day of the calendar year within which the
earliest date of possession of the Site falls. The second year shall
commence on the first day of the second calendar year and end on
the last day of the second calendar year and the subsequent years
shall run in similar way. The last year to be included in the period
to be measured for this item shall end on the date six months after
the time for completion of the Works, or if the Works are divided
into Sections, the time for completion of the last Section or an
earlier or later date notified by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising

Page 24 of 46
Officer provided that such date shall not be earlier than the last
date of the time for completion of the Works or the last Section, as
the case may be. Any year which is not a complete calendar year
shall be measured proportionally as a fraction of the relevant
calendar year. No measurement shall be made for this item for any
time before or after the above mentioned period to be measured
for this item.

29 The item shall be measured once only for each year when during
the year, no fatal accident on the Site is reported.

30 No measurement shall be made for this item for a year if fatal

accident on the Site is reported during the year.

Yearly review 31 The item for “yearly review of safety performance - no fatal
of safety accident in a year” shall include for:
performance -
no fatal
accident in a

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.



Units 32 The units of measurement shall be:

(i) Considerate Contractors Site Award (CCSA)..…nr

(ii) Outstanding Environmental Management Performance
Award (OEMPA)…nr
(iii) No CCSA under CCSAS – measurement for level 1
(iv) No OEMPA under CCSAS – measurement for level 1

Measurement 33 The number (nr) to be measured for “Considerate Contractors Site

Award (CCSA)” under the Considerate Contractors Site Award
Scheme (CCSAS) shall be within the period commencing on the
earliest date of possession of the Site and ending on the last date of
the time for completion of the Works or if the Works are divided
into Sections, the last date of the time for completion of the last
Section or to a later date notified by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer. No measurement shall be
made for this item for any time before or after the above
mentioned period to be measured for this item.

34 The item “Considerate Contractors Site Award (CCSA)” shall be

measured once for each CCSAS participated by the Contractor if
the Contractor completes the CCSAS with achievement of either
gold award, silver award, bronze award or merit award of CCSA
in the CCSAS.

35 No measurement shall be made for “Considerate Contractors Site

Page 25 of 46
Award (CCSA)” for the CCSAS participated by the Contractor
where the Contractor has not achieved any of the gold, silver,
bronze or merit awards of CCSA in the CCSAS.

36 The number (nr) to be measured for “Outstanding Environmental

Management Performance Award (OEMPA)” under the CCSAS
shall be within the period commencing on the earliest date of
possession of the Site and ending on the last date of the last date of
the time for completion of the Works or if the Works are divided
into Sections, the last date of the time for completion of the last
Section or to a later date notified by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer. No measurement shall be
made for this item for any time before or after the above
mentioned period to be measured for this item.

37 The item “Outstanding Environmental Management Performance

Award (OEMPA)” shall be measured once for each CCSAS
participated by the Contractor if the Contractor completes the
CCSAS with achievement of either gold award, silver award,
bronze award or merit award of OEMPA in the CCSAS.

38 No measurement shall be made for “Outstanding Environmental

Management Performance Award (OEMPA)” for the CCSAS
participated by the Contractor where the Contractor has not
achieved any of the gold, silver, bronze or merit awards of

39 The percentage (%) to be measured for “No CCSA under CCSAS

– measurement for level 1 assessment” shall be within the period
commencing on the earliest date of possession of the Site and
ending on the last date of the time for completion of the Works or
if the Works are divided into Sections, the last date of the time for
completion of the last Section or to a later date notified by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer. No measurement shall be
made for this item for any time before or after the above
mentioned period to be measured for this item.

40 The item “No CCSA under CCSAS – measurement for level 1

assessment” shall be measured once for each CCSAS participated
by the Contractor based on the percentage of number of
achievement of level 1 assessments by the Contractor per total
number of assessments for each CCSAS participated by the
Contractor when the Contractor does not achieve any award under
the same CCSAS participated by the Contractor. Level 1
assessment refers to the assessment sheet of the CCSAS with level
1 being the highest rating for each item.

41 No measurement shall be made for “No CCSA under CCSAS –

measurement for level 1 assessment” for the CCSAS participated
by the Contractor where the Contractor has achieved any of the
gold, silver, bronze or merit awards of CCSA under the same
CCSAS participated by the Contractor.

42 The percentage (%) to be measured for “No OEMPA under

CCSAS – measurement for level 1 assessment” shall be within the
period commencing on the earliest date of possession of the Site

Page 26 of 46
and ending on the last date of the time for completion of the
Works or if the Works are divided into Sections, the last date of
the time for completion of the last Section or to a later date
notified by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer. No
measurement shall be made for this item for any time before or
after the above mentioned period to be measured for this item.

43 The item “No OEMPA under CCSAS – measurement for level 1

assessment” shall be measured once for each CCSAS participated
by the Contractor based on the percentage of number of
achievement of level 1 assessments by the Contractor per total
number of assessments for each CCSAS participated by the
Contractor when the Contractor does not achieve any OEMPA
under the same CCSAS participated by the Contractor. Level 1
assessment refers to the assessment sheet of the CCSAS with level
1 being the highest rating for each item.

44 No measurement shall be made for “No OEMPA under CCSAS –

measurement for level 1 assessment” for the CCSAS participated
by the Contractor where the Contractor has achieved any of the
gold, silver, bronze or merit awards of OEMPA under the same
CCSAS participated by the Contractor.

45 The item for “Considerate Contractors Site Award (CCSA)” shall

include for:

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.

46 The item for “Outstanding Environmental Management

Performance Award (OEMPA)” shall include for:

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.

47 The item for “no CCSA under CCSAS – measurement for level 1
assessment” shall include for:

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.

48 The item for “no OEMPA under CCSAS – measurement for level
1 assessment” shall include for:

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.


Units 49 The units of measurement shall be:

(i) no fatal accident…..item

Page 27 of 46
(ii) cumulative accident frequency rate for reportable

Measurement 50 The period covered by “no fatal accident” shall be the time
commencing on the earliest date of possession of the Site and
ending on the date six months after the time for completion of the
Works or if the Works are divided into Sections, the time for
completion of the last Section or an earlier or later date notified by
the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer provided that such date
shall not be earlier than the last date of the time for completion of
the Works or the last Section, as the case may be. This item shall
be measured in the final review if no fatal accident on the Site is
reported during the above mentioned period of time. No
measurement shall be made for this item for any time before or
after the above mentioned period to be measured for this item.

51 The period covered by “cumulative accident frequency rate for

reportable accidents” shall be the time commencing on the earliest
date of possession of the Site and ending on the date six months
after the time for completion of the Works or if the Works are
divided into Sections, the time for completion of the last Section
or an earlier or later date notified by the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer provided that such date
shall not be earlier than the last date of the time for completion of
the Works or the last Section, as the case may be. This item shall
be measured in the final review if the cumulative accident
frequency rate for reportable accidents on the Site reported is
below 0.25 per 100,000 man-hours worked during the above
period of time in the final review. No measurement shall be made
for this item for any time before or after the above mentioned
period to be measured for this item.

52 No measurement shall be made for “no fatal accident” if there is

fatal accident record reported during the above mentioned period
of time in the final review.

53 No measurement shall be made for “cumulative accident

frequency rate for reportable accidents” if the cumulative accident
frequency rate for reportable accidents on the Site reported is
above or equal to 0.25 per 100,000 man-hours during the above
mentioned period of time in the final review.

No fatal 54 The item for “no fatal accident” shall include for:

Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.

Cumulative 55 The item for “cumulative accident frequency rate for reportable
accident accidents” shall include for:
rate for

Page 28 of 46
Item coverage (a) all efforts, costs, expenses, loss or profit provided,
incurred or allowed by the Contractor for striving to
achieve the performance required by this item.

Page 29 of 46
Annex E – Part II (A)

Sample Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS

(Based on $200M estimated contract value, excluding the Contingency Sum and any sum allowed for
fluctuations, for a contract period of 24 months)

Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS

(A) Performance-tied payment items

Description of
Item Rate Amount % on
Payment items on Quantity Unit
no. ($) ($) capped
performance indicators
1. No reportable accidents in a month 34^ month 12,000 408,000* [12%]

2. No notice of safety or environmental 34^ month 12,000 408,000* [12%]

prosecution received in a month

3. Safety training (Silver Card) for specified trade 34^ month 6,000 204,000* [6%]
workers compliance per month
Payment to be made if: no. of Silver Card
compliance/ total no. of workers requiring
Silver Card > 90% on a date specified by
the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer
during the month

4. Half-yearly review of safety performance –

notices from Labour Department (LD)

Payment to be made if there is:- 5.6^ Half-year 73,000 408,800* [12%]

- No Part I Inspection Notice(note 2) from LD;
- Not more than 5 Part II Inspection
Notice(note 2) from LD; and
- No Improvement Notice or Suspension
Notice from LD
in half year

5. 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for 23^^ 12-month 27,000 621,000* [18%]
reportable accidents below 0.25 per 100,000 rolling
man-hours worked period

6. Yearly review of safety performance - no fatal 2.8^ year 220,00 616,000* [18%]
accident in a year

7. Achievement in safety campaigns organized by

Development Bureau

(i) Considerate Contractors Site Award


(a) Obtaining gold award 2 nr 120,000 240,000 * [7% or

is the

Page 30 of 46
(A) Performance-tied payment items
Description of
Item Rate Amount % on
Payment items on Quantity Unit
no. ($) ($) capped
performance indicators
(b) Obtaining silver award 2 nr 96,000 192,000 (80% of
(c) Obtaining bronze award 2 nr 72,000 144,000 (60% of
(d) Obtaining merit award 2 nr 48,000 96,000 (40% of
(ii) Outstanding Environmental Management
Performance Award (OEMPA#)

(a) Obtaining gold award 2 nr 45,000 90,000 * [3%* or

is the
(b) Obtaining silver award 2 nr 36,000 72,000 (80% of
(c) Obtaining bronze award 2 nr 27,000 54,000 (60% of
(d) Obtaining merit award 2 nr 18,000 36,000 (40% of

(iii) No CCSA under CCSAS – measurement 200 % 24,000 48,000 (20% of

for level 1(note3) assessment: gold)

(iv) No OMEPA under CCSAS – measurement 200 % 9,000 18,000 (20% of

for level 1(note3) assessment: gold)

8. Final review of safety performance in respect

(i) no fatal accident 1 item 200,000 200,000 * [6%]
(ii) cumulative accident frequency rate for 1 item 200,000 200,000 * [6%]
reportable accidents below 0.25 per
100,000 man-hours worked

Total 3,395,800Δ
Provisional Sum for PFSPMS to be stated in the Summary of Tender** /
General Summary**/Grand Summary**:

Page 31 of 46

^ The period allowed for the completion of the Works is: for every 12 months of the original
contract period, a 2 months’ period for potential extension of time is added and for the whole
contract period, a six months’ period after the certified completion of the Works is to be added.
E.g. 24 months for original contract period + 2 x 2months for EOT + 6 months after certified
completion = 34 months (or 2.8 years or 5.6 half years). Deduction should be made to the above
allowed period if the earliest date of possession of the Site or Portion(s) of the Site by the
Contractor in accordance with GCC Clause 48(1) is to be later than the date for commencement
of the Works.

^^ The period allowed for the completion of the Works is: for every 12 months of the original
contract period, a 2 months’ period for potential extension of time is added and for the whole
contract period, a six months’ period after the certified completion of the Works is to be added.
However, as the countable 12-month rolling period does not include the first 11 months from the
earliest date of possession of the Site by the Contractor, the period allowed for this item has to
minus 11 months. E.g. 24 months for original contract period + 2 x 2months + 6 months after
certified completion for EOT – 11 months = 23 months. Deduction should be made to the above
allowed period if the earliest date of possession of the Site or Portion(s) of the Site by the
Contractor in accordance with GCC Clause 48(1) is to be later than the date for commencement
of the Works.

# The CCSA and OEMPA are awards under annual Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
(CCSAS) organized by DEVB. An award can be achieved for each calendar year started usually
from the first day of the year to the last day of the year. The proportions of the rates for the gold
award, silver award, bronze award and merit award for CCSA and OEMPA and shown in the
sample Schedule are for reference and should be adjusted by the project officer to suit the
circumstances of the Works.

@ This column is for guidance only and should not be entered in the Schedule of Performance-tied
Payment Items of the PFSPMS.

** To be deleted or amended as appropriate.

Δ Total of payment items marked with *.

1. For estimated contract value (excluding the Contingency Sum and any sum allowed for
fluctuations) from and including $20M, up to and including $200M, the maximum total amount
of all the capped amounts (denoted with *) allowed for the performance-tied payment items is
calculated as:
(estimated contract value x 1.7 %) = 1.7% of the estimated contract value

The maximum total amount allowed for the performance-tied payment items for estimated
contract value of $200M is approximate to the calculation of:
($200M estimated contract value x 1.7%) = $3.4M.

The capped amount (*) is approximate to the calculation of:

$3.4M x the percentage assigned to the capped amount.

2. Part I Inspection Notice and Part II Inspection Notice refer to the requirements tabulated in Part
I and Part II of the Site Inspection Report issued by the Labour Department.

3. Level 1 assessment refers to the assessment sheet of the CCSAS for CCSA and OMEPA
respectively with level 1 being the highest rating for each item.

Page 32 of 46
Annex E – Part II (B)

Sample Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS

(Based on $500M estimated contract value, excluding the Contingency Sum and any sum allowed for
fluctuations, for a contract period of 36 months)

Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS

(B) Performance-tied payment items

Rate Amount [Assigned
Description of
Item ($) ($) % on
Payment items on Quantity Unit
no. capped
performance indicators
1. No reportable accidents in a month 48^ month 16,000 768,000* [12%]

2. No notice of safety or environmental 48^ month 16,000 768,000* [12%]

prosecution received in a month

3. Safety training (Silver Card) for specified trade 48^ month 7,000 336,000* [6%]
workers compliance per month
Payment to be made if: no. of Silver Card
compliance/ total no. of workers requiring
Silver Card > 90% on a date specified by
the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer
during the month

4. Half-yearly review of safety performance –

notices from Labour Department (LD)

Payment to be made if there is:- 8.0^ Half-year 85,000 680,000 * [12%]

- No Part I Inspection Notice(note 2) from LD;
- Not more than 5 Part II Inspection
Notice(note 2) from LD; and
- No Improvement Notice or Suspension
Notice from LD
in half year

5. 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for 37^^ 12-month 30,000 1,110,000 * [18%]
reportable accidents below 0.25 per 100,000 rolling
man-hours worked period

6. Yearly review of safety performance - no fatal 4^ year 275,00 1,100,000 * [18%]

accident in a year

7. Achievement in safety campaigns organized by

Development Bureau

(i) Considerate Contractors Site Award


(a) Obtaining gold award 3 nr 120,000 360,000 * [7% or

is the

Page 33 of 46
(B) Performance-tied payment items
(b) Obtaining silver award 3 nr 96,000 288,000 (80% of
(c) Obtaining bronze award 3 nr 72,000 216,000 (60% of
(d) Obtaining merit award 3 nr 48,000 144,000 (40% of
(ii) Outstanding Environmental Management
Performance Award (OEMPA#)

(a) Obtaining gold award 3 nr 45,000 135,000 * [3%* or

is the
(b) Obtaining silver award 3 nr 36,000 108,000 (80% of
(c) Obtaining bronze award 3 nr 27,000 81,000 (60% of
(d) Obtaining merit award 3 nr 18,000 54,000 (40% of

(iii) No CCSA under CCSAS – measurement 300 % 24,000 72,000 (20% of

for level 1(note3) assessment: gold)

(iv) No OMEPA under CCSAS – measurement 300 % 9,000 27,000 (20% of

for level 1(note3) assessment: gold)

8. Final review of safety performance in respect

(i) no fatal accident 1 item 350,000 350,000 * [6%]
(ii) cumulative accident frequency rate for 1 item 350,000 350,000 * [6%]
reportable accidents below 0.25 per
100,000 man-hours worked

Total 5,957,000Δ
Provisional Sum for PFSPMS to be stated in the Summary of Tender** /
General Summary**/Grand Summary**:

Page 34 of 46

^ The period allowed for the completion of the Works is: for every 12 months of the original
contract period, a 2 months’ period for potential extension of time is added and for the whole
contract period, a six months’ period after the certified completion of the Works is to be added.
E.g. 36 months for original contract period + 3 x 2months for EOT + 6 months after certified
completion = 48 months (or 4.0 years or 8.0 half years). Deduction should be made to the above
allowed period if the earliest date of possession of the Site or Portion(s) of the Site by the
Contractor in accordance with GCC Clause 48(1) is to be later than the date for commencement
of the Works.

^^ The period allowed for the completion of the Works is: for every 12 months of the original
contract period, a 2 months’ period for potential extension of time is added and for the whole
contract period, a six months’ period after the certified completion of the Works is to be added.
However, as the countable 12-month rolling period does not include the first 11 months from the
earliest date of possession of the Site by the Contractor, the period allowed for this item has to
minus 11 months. E.g. 36 months for original contract period + 3 x 2months + 6 months after
certified completion for EOT – 11 months = 37 months. Deduction should be made to the above
allowed period if the earliest date of possession of the Site or Portion(s) of the Site by the
Contractor in accordance with GCC Clause 48(1) is to be later than the date for commencement
of the Works.

# The CCSA and OEMPA are awards under annual Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
(CCSAS) organized by DEVB. An award can be achieved for each calendar year started from
the first day of the year to the last day of the year. The proportions of the rates for the gold
award, silver award, bronze award and merit award for CCSA and OEMPA shown in the sample
Schedule are for reference and should be adjusted by the project officer to suit the circumstances
of the Works.

@ This column is for guidance only and should not be entered in the Schedule of Performance-tied
Payment Items of the PFSPMS.

** To be deleted or amended as appropriate.

Δ Total of payment items marked with *.

1. For estimated contract value (excluding the Contingency Sum and any sum allowed for
fluctuations) of more than $200M, the maximum total amount of all the capped amounts
(denoted with *) allowed for the performance-tied payment items is calculated as:
[$ 3.4M + (estimated contract value - $200M) x 0.85 %]

The maximum amount allowed for the performance-tied payment items for estimated contract
value of $500M is approximate to the calculation of:
[$3.4M + ($500M estimated contract value - $200M) x 0.85 %] = $5.95M.

The capped amount (*) is approximate to the calculation of:

$5.95M x the percentage assigned to the capped amount.

2. Part I Inspection Notice refers to the requirements tabulated in Part I of the Site Inspection
Report issued by the Labour Department.

3. Level 1 assessment refers to the assessment sheet of the CCSAS for CCSA and OMEPA
respectively with level 1 being the highest rating for each item.

Page 35 of 46
Annex E – Part II(C)

Sample Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS

(Based on an estimated total expenditure of $100M, excluding the Contingency Sum and any sum
allowed for fluctuations, for a contract period of 24 months)

Schedule of Performance-tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS

for Lump Sum Contracts with Drawings and Specification

(C) Performance-tied payment items

Description of
Item Rate Amount % on
Payment items on Quantity Unit
no. ($) ($) capped
performance indicators
1. No reportable accidents in a month 34^ month 6,000 204,000* [12%]

2. No notice of safety or environmental 34^ month 6,000 204,000* [12%]

prosecution received in a month

3. Safety training (Silver Card) for specified trade 34^ month 3,000 102,000* [6%]
workers compliance per month
Payment to be made if: no. of Silver Card
compliance/ total no. of workers requiring
Silver Card > 90% on a date specified by
the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer
during the month

4. Half-yearly review of safety performance –

notices from Labour Department (LD)

Payment to be made if there is:- 5.6^ Half-year 35,000 196,000* [12%]

- No Part I Inspection Notice(note 2) from LD;
- Not more than 5 Part II Inspection
Notice(note 2) from LD; and
- No Improvement Notice or Suspension
Notice from LD
in half year

5. 12-month rolling accident frequency rate for 23^^ 12-month 13,000 299,000* [18%]
reportable accidents below 0.25 per 100,000 rolling
man-hours worked period

6. Yearly review of safety performance - no fatal 2.8^ year 105,000 294,000* [18%]
accident in a year

7. Achievement in safety campaigns organized by

Development Bureau

(i) Considerate Contractors Site Award


(a) Obtaining gold award 2 nr 70,000 140,000 * [7% or

is the

Page 36 of 46
(C) Performance-tied payment items
Description of
Item Rate Amount % on
Payment items on Quantity Unit
no. ($) ($) capped
performance indicators
(b) Obtaining silver award 2 nr 56,000 112,000 (80% of
(c) Obtaining bronze award 2 nr 42,000 84,000 (60% of
(d) Obtaining merit award 2 nr 28,000 56,000 (40% of
(ii) Outstanding Environmental Management
Performance Award (OEMPA#)

(a) Obtain gold award 2 nr 30,000 60,000 * [3%* or

is lower]
(b) Obtaining silver award 2 nr 24,000 48,000 (80% of
(c) Obtaining bronze award 2 nr 18,000 36,000 (60% of
(d) Obtaining merit award 2 nr 12,000 24,000 (40% of

(iii) No CCSA under CCSAS – measurement 200 % 14,000 28,000 (20% of

for level 1(note3) assessment: gold)

(iv) No OMEPA under CCSAS – measurement 200 % 6,000 12,000 (20% of

for level 1(note3) assessment: gold)

8. Final review of safety performance in respect

(i) no fatal accident 1 item 100,000 100,000 * [6%]
(ii) cumulative accident frequency rate for 1 item 100,000 100,000 * [6%]
reportable accidents below 0.25 per
100,000 man-hours worked

Total 1,699,000Δ
Provisional Sum for PFSPMS to be stated in the Summary of Tender** /
General Summary**/Grand Summary**:

Page 37 of 46

^ The period allowed for the completion of the Works is: for every 12 months of the original
contract period, a 2 months’ period for potential extension of time is added and for the whole
contract period, a six months’ period after the certified completion of the Works is to be added.
E.g. 24 months for original contract period + 2 x 2months for EOT + 6 months after certified
completion = 34 months (or 2.8 years or 5.6 half years). Deduction should be made to the above
allowed period if the earliest date of possession of the Site or Portion(s) of the Site by the
Contractor in accordance with GCC Clause 48(1) is to be later than the date for commencement
of the Works.

^^ The period allowed for the completion of the Works is: for every 12 months of the original
contract period, a 2 months’ period for potential extension of time is added and for the whole
contract period, a six months’ period after the certified completion of the Works is to be added.
However, as the countable 12-month rolling period does not include the first 11 months from the
earliest date of possession of the Site or Portion(s) of the Site by the Contractor, the period
allowed for this item has to minus 11 months. E.g. 24 months for original contract period + 2 x
2months + 6 months after certified completion for EOT – 11 months = 23 months. Deduction
should be made to the above allowed period if the earliest date of possession of the Site or
Portion(s) of the Site by the Contractor in accordance with GCC Clause 48(1) is to be later than
the date for commencement of the Works.

# The CCSA and OEMPA are awards under annual Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
(CCSAS) organized by DEVB. An award can be achieved for each calendar year started from
the first day of the year to the last day of the year. The proportions of the rates for the gold
award, silver award, bronze award and merit award for CCSAS and OEMPA shown in the
sample Schedule are for reference and should be adjusted by the project officer to suit the
circumstances of the Works.

@ This column is for guidance only and should not be entered in the Schedule of Performance-tied
Payment Items of the PFSPMS.

** To be deleted or amended as appropriate.

Δ Total of payment items marked with *.

1. For estimated contract value (excluding the Contingency Sum and any sum allowed for
fluctuations) from and including $20M, up to and including $200M, the maximum total amount
of all the capped amounts (denoted with *) allowed for the performance-tied payment items is
calculated as:
(estimated contract value x 1.7 %) = 1.7% of the estimated contract value

The maximum total amount of all the capped amounts (denoted with *) allowed for the
performance-tied payment items of estimated total expenditure of $100M is approximate to the
calculation of:
($100M estimated contract value x 1.7%) = $1.7M.

The capped amount (*) is approximate to the calculation of:

$1.7M x the percentage assigned to the capped amount.

2. Part I Inspection Notice refers to the requirements tabulated in Part I of the Site Inspection
Report issued by the Labour Department.

3. Level 1 assessment refers to the assessment sheet of the CCSAS for CCSA and OMEPA
respectively with level 1 being the highest rating for each item.

Page 38 of 46
Annex E – Part III

Sample Summary of Tender for Lump Sum Capital Works Contracts (with Drawings
and Specification contract or Design and Build contract) included in the PFSS / PFSES

[Guidance Note: Sample Summary of Tender showing how the Provisional Sums are

Summary of Tender

Page $ ¢


(to be submitted by the Contractor)

Section A – Contractor’s Designed piled

Foundations ( )*

Section B – Contractor’s Designed Pile Caps

and Strap Beams ( )*

Section C – Ancillary Work ( )*

Section D – [Pay for Safety and Environment ( )*

Scheme, Site Cleanliness and Tidiness, etc.
Insert as applicable.]


[Provide the following sums to be expended in

part or in whole as directed by the Architect+ /
Engineer+/Supervising Officer+ or wholly
deducted from the Contract Sum if not

Provide the Provisional Sum of

$__________ for performance-tied payment
items under the Pay for Safety Performance sum ________ 00
Merit Scheme (PFSPMS).


Contingency Sum sum **2,000,000 00


* Amount to be inserted by tenderers
** Amount fixed by the contract drafter
# Insert the information as appropriate.
+ Delete or amend as appropriate.]
Page 39 of 46



Page 40 of 46
Annex F
Revision to Particular Specifications on Site Safety in Construction Site Safety Manual
Chapter 3 Appendix III

Revisions to Particular Specification on Site safety in Construction Site Safety Manual

Chapter 3 Appendix III shall be made as follows:

(1) The terms “Construction Industry Training Authority” and “CITA” as appeared in
Particular Specification on Site safety in Construction Site Safety Manual Chapter 3
Appendix III shall be replaced by “Construction Industry Council Training Academy”
and “CICTA” respectively.

(2) The terms “Site Safety Committee” and “Site Safety Management Committee” as
appeared in Particular Specification on Site safety in Construction Site Safety Manual
Chapter 3 Appendix III shall be replaced by “Site Safety and Environmental
Committee” and “Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee”
respectively (as per ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 and Interim Guidance Note on
Administration of Environmental Management and Pay for Safety and Environment
Scheme for Public Works Contracts).

(3) Clauses introduced by ETWB TCW No. 30/2002 shall be added to Particular
Specification on Site Safety for capital works contracts and Design and Build contracts
that are included in the PFSS / PFSES or/and PFSPMS shall be added as Clauses 16
“Site Safety Cycle” and 17 “Welfare Facilities for Workers” in the Particular
Specification on Site Safety and/or Temporary Accommodation for the
Contractor/Contractor's Site Accommodation as appropriate.

(4) The following Clause 18 shall be added to Particular Specification on Site Safety if the
Contract is a capital works contract, electrical and mechanical (E&M) contract or
Design and Build (D&B) contract that covers task-tied payment items of the PFSS /
PFSES and performance-tied payment items of the PFSPMS:

18** Report on Safety Performance and Payment for Performance-tied Payment Items
(1) The payments on safety cover both the task-tied payment items for the implementation
of stipulated safety measures such as provision and updating of safety plan, attending
safety meetings and safety walks, provision of safety officers and safety training etc.
and the performance-tied payment items which are measured according to the
Contractor’s achievements in the performance indicators such as no reportable
accident in a month, accident frequency rate, no notice of safety and environmental
prosecution, etc. The task-tied payment items are payment items under the Pay for
Safety Scheme (PFSS)** / Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme (PFSES)** and
are listed in Bills of Quantities Bill No. [#]** / Schedule of Rates**. The
performance-tied payment items are payment items under the Pay for Safety
Performance Merit Scheme (PFSPMS) and are listed in the Schedule of Performance-
tied Payment Items of the PFSPMS in Appendix [#] to the Special Conditions of
Contract. Measurement and payment for the performance-tied payment items shall be
in accordance with the Special Conditions of Contract Clause SCC[#]. A Provisional
Sum for the performance-tied payment items payment items under the PFSPMS is
stated in the General Summary in the Bills of Quantities** / Summary of Tender**.

Page 41 of 46
(2) In the performance-tied payment items of the PFSPMS, “reportable accident” means
accidents arising from activities of the Works (including those accidents which happen
in Civil Engineering and Development Department’s sorting facilities)* resulting in
any person suffers death or injury with incapacity for more than three days but
excluding the following types of accidents:-

(a) accident occurred in a site office but was not related to any activity of the
(b) accident concerning the injury of a government staff;
(c) accident concerning the injury of resident site staff of the HKSAR
Government or its agents including those employed by consultants; and
(d) accident concerning the injury of visitors or the public to the Site and was not
related to any activity of the Works.

(3) The accident frequency rate is calculated as the number of reportable accidents per
100,000 man-hours worked in which:-

(a) wherever appropriate, the rules for counting reportable accidents for accidents
statistics in Section 9.3 in Chapter 9 of Construction Site Safety Manual
published by the Development Bureau shall be followed; and
(b) “man-hours worked” is the man-hours worked by all persons employed by the
Contractor and his sub-contractors who are exposed to risk, including the
Contractor’s site supervisory staff, site agent and engineer(s), workers and
watchmen etc., and the man-hours of Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer’s
site staff are to be excluded.

(4) The Contractor shall submit a “Monthly Report on Safety Performance” (the Monthly
Report) to the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer* using the prescribed proforma
in Appendix I** of this Particular Specification on the measurement of the
performance-tied payment items of the PFSPMS for each month falling within the
period which commences on the earliest date of possession of the Site and ends on the
date six months after the time for completion of the Works or if the Works are divided
into Sections, the time for completion of the last Section or on an earlier or later date
notified by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer* provided that such date shall
not be earlier than the last date of the time for completion of the Works or the last
Section, as the case may be. The first month shall commence on the earliest date of
possession of the Site and end on the last day of the calendar month within which the
earliest date of possession of the Site falls. The second month shall commence on the
first day of the second calendar month and end on the last day of the second calendar
month and the subsequent months shall run in a similar way. The last month shall end
on the date on which the said period ends. The Monthly Report shall be prepared and
signed by the Safety Officer and endorsed by the Site Agent of the Contractor. For the
purposes of this Clause, the terms “calendar month”, “earliest date of possession of the
Site”, “time for completion” and “last Section” shall have the meaning assigned to
those terms in the Measurement Rules for the Performance-tied Payment Items of the
PFSPMS in Appendix [#] to the Special Conditions of Contract.

(5) The Contractor shall submit documentary proof for the performance achievements
stated in the “Monthly Report on the Safety Performance” to the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer*.

(6) No measurement and payment on the performance-tied payment items shall be

assessed by the Surveyor/Engineer/Supervising Officer* unless the performance
achievements on the corresponding indicators reported by the Contractor in the duly
completed and signed Monthly Report has been agreed by the
Architect’s/Engineer’s/Supervising Officer’s Representative*.

Page 42 of 46
(7) If it is subsequently aware by the Contractor or the Architect’s/Engineer’s/Supervising
Officer’s* Representative that adjustment(s) on any of the Monthly Reports on the
Safety Performance, including those submitted and agreed by the
Architect’s/Engineer’s/Supervising Officer’s* Representative previously, is/are
required, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to revise and re-submit the
concerned Monthly Report with adjustment(s) to the Architect/Engineer/Supervising
Officer* for correction and agreement. Any previous measurement(s) and payment(s)
made to the Contractor shall be deducted or adjusted accordingly.

(*Delete as appropriate.)
(**Amend the clause/appendix no. where appropriate.)
(# Insert relevant information.)

Page 43 of 46
Appendix I** to
PS on Site Safety

The following proforma shall be added in the Particular Specification on Site Safety:-

To: The Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer#1

Contractor’s Monthly Report on Safety Performance (Revision No. )

(for measurement of the performance-tied payment items under PFSPMS)

A. Contract Details
Department :

Contract No. and Title:

Name of Contractor:

Reporting Month: / / to
(dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)

B. Safety Performance of the Contract in the Reporting Period

Verified by
Performance achievements
Performance Indicators in this Reporting Month
Supervising Officer’s#1
(to be reported by the Contractor)
1. No reportable accident(s) in the Yes/No#1 Agree/Disagree#1
reporting month Number of reportable accident(s) (initial)
in this month:- (nr)

2. No notice of safety or environmental Yes/No#1 Agree/Disagree#1

prosecution in this month Number of prosecution received (initial)
in this month:-
Safety (nr)
Environmental (nr)

3. Safety training (Silver Card) for Measurement Date : Agree/Disagree#1

specified trade#2 workers Number of skilled workers who (initial)
compliance per month are employed in the specified
[Note: Measurement to be made if: trades on :
no. of Silver Card compliance/ total Number of skilled workers in above who
no. of workers requiring Silver Card possessed the relevant
> 90% on a date specified by the Silver Card:
Architect/Engineer during the month]

4. Half-yearly review of safety Half year period : Agree/Disagree#1

performance – notices from Labour From: to (initial)
Department (LD)#3 (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)
a. No Part I Inspection Notice in Yes/No#1
half year No. of Pt. I received (nr)
b. Not more than 5 nos. of Part II Yes/No#1
Inspection Notice in half year No. of Pt. II received (nr)
c. No Improvement Notice (IN) or Yes/No
Suspension Notice (SN) in half No. of SN received (nr)

5. 12-month rolling accident frequency Yes/No#1 Agree/Disagree#1

rate for reportable accidents #4below 12-month rolling accident frequency rate (initial)
0.25 per 100,000 man-hours for reportable accidents#4 in this
worked#5 end-month of 12- month
period :-

Page 44 of 46
Verified by
Performance achievements
Performance Indicators in this Reporting Month
Supervising Officer’s#1
(to be reported by the Contractor)
6. Yearly review of safety Yes/No#1 Agree/Disagree#1
performance - no fatal accident in a Number of fatal accident(s) in this (initial)
year #6 Year : (nr)

7. Achievement in safety campaigns

organized by DEVB#6
(i) Considerate Contractors Site Gold/Silver/Bronze/Merit/No Award/ Agree/Disagree#1
Award (CCSA) /Not applicable#1 (initial)
In year :-
(ii) Outstanding Environmental Gold/Silver/Bronze/Merit/No Award/ Agree/Disagree#1
Management Performance Award /Not applicable#1 (initial)
(OEMPA) In year :-

(iii) If no CCSA under CCSAS – No. of Level 1#7 assessment: Agree/Disagree#1

measurement for level 1 Total no. of assessment: (initial)
assessment % of Level 1assessment:
In year:-
(iv) If no OEMPA under CCSAS – No. of Level 1#7 assessment: Agree/Disagree#1
measurement for level 1 Total no. of assessment: (initial)
assessment % of Level 1assessment:
In year:-

8. Final review#8 of safety performance

in respect of (review to be made
upon a date six month after the time
for completion of the Works or such
extended time for completion of the
Works as may be determined in
accordance with GCC Clauses 49
and 50 or an earlier or later date
notified by the
(i) No fatal accident in the period Yes/No#1 Agree/Disagree#1
from contract commencement to No. of fatal accident(s) in the (initial)
six month after the time for the period: (nr)
completion of the Works or such
extended time for completion of
the Works
(ii) Cumulative accident frequency Yes/No#1 Agree/Disagree#1
rate for reportable accidents#2 Cumulative accident frequency rate (initial)
below 0.25 per 100,000 man- for reportable accidents#2 in the
hours in the period from contract
period :
commencement to six month after
the time for completion of the
Works or such extended time for
completion of the Works

Delete as appropriate
Specified trades are set out in Paragraph 8(2)(A)(i) of this Particular Specifications on Site Safety
To be reported half yearly
“accident frequency rate for reportable accidents” shall be calculated as the number of reportable accidents per
100,000 man-hours worked
Measurement is not made for any period with less than 12 months

Page 45 of 46
To be reported once for each year
Level 1 assessment refers to the assessment sheet of Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme (CCSAS) for
CCSA and OEMPA respectively with level 1 being the highest rating for each item
To be reported six months after the time for completion of the Works or such extended time for completion of
the Works or an earlier or later date as notified by the Architect/Engineer

Important:- If there is any false information, including mis-reporting, late reporting or under reporting of accidents,
in the Monthly Report, if considered appropriate, the Architect/Engineer shall reflect the mis-reporting in
the rating of the relevant items in the Score Card for assessment of the Contractor’s site safety

Endorsed by:- Reported by:-

(signature) (signature)
( Name ) ( Name )
Site Agent Safety Officer
Date : Date :

This Monthly Report is verified by:

(Name of the Architect’s/ Engineer’s/Supervising
Officer’s#1 Representative)

Page 46 of 46
Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
Technical Circular (Works) No. 19/2005

Environmental Management on Construction Sites


This technical circular has been partially updated by the Interim Guidance
Note on Administration of Environmental Management and Pay for Safety
and Environment Scheme for Public Works Contracts. The Appendices to the
technical circular should be replaced by the Appendices to the Interim
Guidance Note.

The order within this file is therefore as follows:

1) Interim Guidance Note on Administration of Environmental

Management and Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme for Public
Works Contracts.

2) The main text (excluding the Appendices) of the original ETWB TCW
No. 19/2005 (for reference).

3) Revised Appendices to the technical circular as promulgated by the

Interim Guidance Note.

Interim Guidance Note on Administration of
Environmental Management and Pay for
Safety and Environment Scheme for Public Works Contracts


This interim note sets out further guidance on the application of ETWB
TCW No. 19/2005. The note has incorporated recent feedback from the construction
industry, EPD and works departments, and the resulting modifications to ETWB TCW
No. 19/2005 are summarized below:

a) The Circular shall be applicable to capital works contracts (including

Design & Build contacts and E&M contracts, with contract sum ≥ $20M
and contract period > 6 months), and hence all references to term
contracts shall become obsolete.

b) Appendices A to F of the Circular shall be replaced by the corresponding

appendices attached to this note.

c) The Circular as modified by this note shall be applicable to tenders of

capital works contracts, invited on or after 1 August 2006.

d) References to sample clauses in the Appendices in the Circular should be

read in conjunction with the modified Appendices attached to this note.

e) The following paragraphs in the Circular shall become obsolete:

i) ‘Pay for Environment’ - paragraphs 18 to 21; and
ii) ‘Provision of information to contractor’ - paragraph 26.

f) The “pay for safety and environment scheme” has incorporated provisions
requiring that all trucks used for the transportation of C&D materials to and
from the Site shall be fitted with mechanical covers. Notwithstanding this,
the Architect/Engineer may, but not obliged to, waive such requirement on
specific trucks if the Contractor can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Architect/Engineer that it is not practical to install the mechanical covers on
such trucks. In the event the Architect/Engineer grants the waiver, the
Contractor shall implement measurements stipulated in WBTC No. 18/99 to
ensure that the C&D materials being transported are properly and securely

Page 1 of 2
Construction Site Safety Manual (CSSM)

2. To implement the “Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme”, the following
amendments should be made to the CSSM promulgated under WBTC No. 30/2000 for
capital works contracts:

a) Under the Special Conditions of Contract for works contracts with safety
plan requirement (see Appendix II(a), Chapter 3 of CSSM), references to
“Payment for Site Safety” and “site safety section” should be replaced by
“Payment for Site Safety and Environment” and “site safety and
environment section” respectively.

b) In Chapter 12 of CSSM, references to “Site Safety Management

Committee” and “Site Safety Committee” should be replaced by “Site
Safety and Environmental Management Committee” and “Site Safety and
Environmental Committee” respectively.

c) Notwithstanding expanding the scope of the “pay for safety” scheme to

cover environmental management, the total cost of the pre-priced items
under the expanded “Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme” should tally
with the percentage as stated in clause 12.2.2 in the Chapter 12 of CSSM,
and the assessment basis therein shall apply.

3. For further enquiries, please contact AS(S)2, WB of ETWB at tel: 2848


Appendix A : Notes to Tenderers and Special Conditions of Tender

Appendix B : Special Conditions of Contract

Appendix C : Particular Specification on Environmental Management

Appendix D : Sample Method of Measurement

Appendix E : Sample Bills of Quantities

Appendix F : Particular Specification on Environmental Management where the

“Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme” is not Applicable

Safety Section
June 2006

Page 2 of 2
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

政府總部 Environment, Transport

環境運輸及工務局 and Works Bureau
香港花園道美利大廈 Government Secretariat
Murray Building, Garden Road,
Hong Kong

Ref. : ETWB(W) 517/91/01

Group : 2, 5, 7, 8, 12

29 December 2005

Environment, Transport and Works Bureau

Technical Circular (Works) No. 19/2005

Environmental Management on Construction Sites


This Circular sets out the policy and procedures requiring contractors to:

(a) prepare and implement an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) in all

public works contracts, which comprises -

(i) the abatement of environmental nuisances on construction sites

including air, noise and wastewater pollution;

(ii) the reduction of construction and demolition (C&D)1 materials to be

disposed of during the course of construction (such requirements have
been stipulated in ETWB TCW No. 15/2003, which has now been
incorporated into the EMP under this Circular);

(b) adopt unified standards on environmental nuisance abatement measures such

as the mechanical dump truck covers, automatic wheel washing system,
quality powered mechanical equipment (QPME)2, dust/acoustic screens or
C&D materials mean both inert and non-inert C&D materials. The inert portion is the "inert C&D materials"
including soil, building debris, broken rock, concrete etc., and the non-inert portion is the "C&D wastes"
comprising timber, paper, plastics, general refuse etc.
QPME are constructional plant and equipment that are notably quieter, more environmentally friendly and
efficient. The list of the types and models of plant or equipment accepted by Environmental Protection
Department (EPD) as QPME can be viewed on the EPD’s website at http://www.epd.gov.hk, via “Noise >
Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment (QPME) > QPME Table”. EPD has also developed a system for the
registration of QPME that are used in Hong Kong. A label will be issued by EPD for those plant and
equipment that have been registered under the system.

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 1 of 12

enclosures, wastewater treatment facilities etc., for specified processes or
works; and

(c) expand the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme (PFSES) to cover
environmental nuisances.

Effective Date

2. The requirements of this Circular shall be applicable to all public works

contracts, including capital works contracts, electrical and mechanical (E&M)
contracts, Design and Build (D&B) contracts and term contracts for which tenders are
invited on or after 16 January 2006.

Effect on Existing Circulars

3. This Circular supersedes WBTC No. 6/97 on “Prohibition of Use of Diesel

Hammers for Percussive Pilling for Government Projects”; WBTC No. 18/99 on
“Particular Specification clause for Vehicles Carrying Dusty Materials” and ETWB
TCW No. 15/2003 on “Waste Management on Construction Sites”, which are hereby
cancelled. However, ETWB TCW No. 15/2003 shall continue to apply to existing
contracts for which tenders are invited before 16 January 2006.

4. This Circular should be read in conjunction with the following circulars:

Number Subject
WBTC No. 2/93 Public Dumps
WBTC No. 2/93A Public Filling Facilities
WBTC Nos. 4/98 & 4/98A Use of Public Fill in Reclamation & Earth Filling
WBTC Nos. 25/99, 25/99A Incorporation of Information on Construction and
& 25/99C Demolition Material Management in PWSC Papers
WBTC No. 12/2000 Fill Management
WBTC No. 11/2002 Control of Site Crushers
WBTC No. 12/2002 Specifications Facilitating the Use of Recycled
WBTC No. 15/2002 Contract Advisers and Technical Audits on Works
ETWB TCW No. 33/2002 Management of Construction & Demolition Materials
Including Rock

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 2 of 12

Number Subject
ETWB TCW No. 13/2003 Guidelines and Procedures for Environmental Impact
Assessment of Government Projects and Proposals
ETWB TCW No. 31/2004 Trip-ticket System for Disposal of Construction &
Demolition Material

5. Furthermore, the contractual provisions for “Site Safety” are given in

Chapters 3 and 12 of the Construction Site Safety Manual promulgated under WBTC


6. Government has been very cautious about the management of C&D materials
from construction projects due to lack of public fill and landfill space in Hong Kong.
Since November 2000, public works contractors have been required to take concrete
steps to reduce the generation of C&D materials at construction sites through the
requirement of a waste management plan (WMP) under WBTC No. 29/2000. In
addition, guidelines were issued under ETWB TCW No. 33/2002 requiring project
offices to minimize generation of C&D materials at the outset during the planning and
design stages of a project.

7. ETWB TCW No. 15/2003 called for strengthening the requirements on WMP
in terms of enforcement of implementation, site monitoring and control, and inclusion
for measurement of the contractor’s performance on waste management into the
framework of the then “Pay for Safety Scheme” by extending the scheme as the PFSES.

8. This Circular aims at extending the concept of waste management on public

works construction sites further to environmental management, targeted at those
nuisances relating to air (smoke and dust), noise and wastewater pollution. WMP
becomes part of the EMP.

9. There is also a need to unify the standards and payment methods on specific
environmental nuisance abatement measures, such as mechanical dump truck covers,
automatic wheel washing system, QPME, dust/acoustic screens or enclosures,
wastewater treatment facilities etc., so as to avoid the unnecessary contractual dispute.
Where such provisions are specified, separate items shall be provided in the Bills of
Quantities to be priced by the contractors in tendering.

10. Previously, the requirement of waste management was applicable to capital

works contracts only. Under this Circular, the requirements of environmental
management covering both nuisance abatement and waste management shall be applied
to all public works contracts including capital works contracts and term contracts.

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 3 of 12


11. As a general rule, capital works contracts including E&M contracts and D&B
contracts having an estimated contract sum of $20M or more (or a smaller contract sum
as set by individual departments), or term contracts having a total estimated expenditure
of $50M or more (or minor works term contracts with a smaller total estimated
expenditure as set by individual departments), for which tenders are invited on or after
16 January 2006 shall be included under PFSES. For contracts with a substantial
portion of their value as E&M equipment, the cost of such equipment (including those
in the form of provisional sums) shall be excluded from the estimated contract sum in
determining whether they should be included under PFSES. Irrespective of the value of
the contract, contracts with duration of 6 months (previously set at 12 months for the
“Pay for Safety Scheme”) or less can be exempted from inclusion under PFSES.

12. Where a public works contract (including capital works contracts and term
contracts) is included under PFSES, the standard terms and clauses as set out in
paragraph 15 below shall be incorporated in their tender documents.

13. Where there are practical difficulties in incorporating part or all of the
requirements in this Circular in a contract, the project officer concerned shall seek the
approval of an appropriate D2 officer or above of his department for full or partial

14. Notwithstanding that a contract may have been exempted fully or partly from
the requirements of EMP under paragraphs 11 and 12 above, certain minimum
environmental measures as set out in Appendix F shall still be required.


15. The project office should include the following provisions in all PFSES

(a) the Special Condition of Tender (SCT) at Appendix A requiring the contractor
to submit an outline EMP for tender assessment;

(b) the Special Condition of Contract (SCC) at Appendix B requiring the

contractor to submit and finalize the EMP within the periods prescribed;

(c) the Particular Specification (PS) at Appendix C setting out the detailed
requirements for environmental management on construction sites (N.B. For
“designated” projects under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance
(EIAO), the project office should additionally incorporate in the PS other
relevant requirements/conditions as set out in the Environmental Permit); and

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 4 of 12

(d) the Method of Measurement (MoM) and the Bills of Quantities (BQ)/
Schedule of Rates (SoR) developed based on the samples at Appendices D and
E respectively for environmental management measures. (N.B. Both
Appendices D & E cover the whole PFSES including site safety and
environmental management.)

16. To facilitate implementation of EMP, the project office should, at the early
planning and design stages, take into consideration the space requirement for the
environmental provisions, e.g. on-site sorting and temporary storage of C&D materials,
automatic wheel washing machine, wastewater treatment facilities etc.

17. For non-PFSES contracts or contracts exempted from the full requirements of
EMP, the project office should incorporate the following for basic environmental
measures and monitor their compliance:

(a) SCC X2 from Appendix B;

(b) PS at Appendix F;

(c) MoM clauses yy. 37 to 40 at Appendix D(c) for capital works contracts, or
MoM clauses yy. 25 to 27 at Appendix D(d) for term contracts; and

(d) Item (O) of the sample BQ in Appendix E9 for capital works contracts, or
item (I) of the sample SOR in Appendix E10 for term contracts.

[Items (a), (c) and (d) are specifically for monitoring the use of ultra low sulphur
diesel (ULSD) in public works contracts.]

Pay for Environment

18. As mentioned in para. 15(d), the MoM and BQ/SoR set out in Appendices D
and E respectively cover both the “pay for safety” and the “pay for environment”. The
part on “pay for environment” in each of the MoM and the BQ/SoR, is broadly divided
into two parts:

(a) “Pay for environmental management” - which is part of the PFSES as

described in paragraph 19. The sample MoM given at Appendices D(a) and
D(b) for capital works contracts and term contracts respectively, and the
sample BQ/SoR given at Appendices E1 to E8 are relevant for reference for
contract document preparation. The items for their payment are preset and

(b) “Pay for environmental measures” - which is to cover for the physical
measures on nuisance abatement and waste management as described in
paragraph 20. The sample MoM given at Appendices D(c) and D(d), and the

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 5 of 12

sample BQ/SoR given at Appendices E9 and E10 for capital works contracts
and term contracts respectively are relevant for reference for contract
document preparation. Provisions for such measures are to be priced by
tenderers on a competitive basis. Where additional measure(s) is/are
considered necessary, project office can create item(s) in the MoM and
BQ/SoR for their payment. In doing so, particular consideration should be
given to their possible impact on the project budget and contract

Pay for Environmental Management

19. ETWB TCW No. 15/2003 introduced PFSES to cover waste management for
capital works contracts. The scheme is now expanded to environmental management
absorbing waste management into it and includes term contracts. The purpose of PFSES
is to encourage contractors to put in more effort on environmental management and to
facilitate monitoring and control of their performance. The following items are included
in the MoM and sample BQ/SoR for PFSES:

(a) complete an EMP;

(b) update the EMP periodically as specified;
(c) introduce an item into the agenda for the Site Safety and Environmental
Management Committee (SSEMC) meeting and the Site Safety and
Environmental Committee (SSEC) meeting for discussion on environmental
issues of the Site;
(d) arrange and attend weekly environmental walk; and
(e) expand site-specific induction training and toolbox talks to cover
environmental topics.

More details about the requirements for items (b) to (e) are given in paragraphs 22, 23
and 32 below.

Pay for Environmental Measures

20. For capital works contracts, payment as measured items for the following
environmental measures on nuisance abatement and waste management is covered in
the model MoM and sample BQ/SoR.

Air Pollution Control

(a)* Providing covering/containment for dusty material
(b)* Providing screens/enclosures for smoky/dusty activities
(c) Compacting road surfaces
(d) Providing automatic water spraying system
(e) Providing automatic wheel washing system
(f) Providing mechanical covers for dump trucks
(g) Providing vacuum cleaners for dusty operations

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 6 of 12

Noise Pollution Control
(h)* Use of “quality powered mechanical equipment (QPME)”
(i)* Providing acoustic screens/enclosures

Wastewater Pollution Control

(j)* Providing measures to prevent ingress of surface run-off into Site
(k) Providing wastewater collection system
(l)* Arranging disposal of sewage by a licensed contractor
(m) Providing wastewater treatment facilities

Waste Management
(n)* arranging and conducting on-site sorting of construction and demolition
(C&D) materials.

[N.B. Items marked with “*” are mandatory items to be provided by the contractors.
Their requirement are all specified in the PS at Appendix C and project officer should
delete those items that are not appropriate to his contract.]

21. For term contracts, the requirements for environmental measures are different
from those for the capital works contracts, where many of the large scale plants and
equipment for dust suppression and wastewater treatment are not applicable.
Furthermore, the method and the unit of measurements for some of the environmental
measures are also different between the two contract types. To facilitate preparation of
contract documents, the following measures are covered in the model MoM and sample
BQ/SoR for term contracts.

Air Pollution Control

(a) Providing covering/containment for dusty material
(b) Providing screens/enclosures for smoky/dusty activities
(c) Providing vacuum cleaners for dusty operations

Noise Pollution Control

(d) Use of QPME
(e) Providing acoustic screens/enclosures

Wastewater Pollution Control

(f) Providing measures to prevent ingress of surface run-off into Site

Waste Management
(g) Sorting and delivering of hard rock and broken concrete to designated location
(h) Sorting and proper disposal of paper and cardboard packaging

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 7 of 12

Performance Monitoring

22. The contractor’s environmental performance is monitored and controlled

through the weekly environmental walks, SSEMC meetings and SSEC meetings under
PFSES. The items to be discussed in every SSEMC meeting shall include:

(a) a review of the EMP in particular the suitability of the environmental

measures on nuisance abatement and waste management adopted by the

(b) the environmental performance of the contractor and his sub-contractors;

(c) the effectiveness of the environmental measures on nuisance abatement and

waste management implemented on the site, and any complaints received; and

(d) the promptness of rectification or improvement actions of the contractor on

the defects and deficiencies identified during inspections of the site.

23. The weekly environmental walks provide one good means for assessing the
contractor’s environmental performance. To monitor this, due regards should be given
to the effectiveness of the environmental measures on nuisance abatement and waste
management of the contractor, such as the provision of adequate resources, space and
the performance of the facilities on site. Any defects or irregularities observed in the
inspections should be pointed out promptly to the contractor for rectification or
improvement. Payment of the BQ/SoR item for “arrange and attend weekly
environmental walk” under PFSES shall be made to the contractor subject to the
following conditions:

(a) the contractor’s environmental performance in the weekly environmental

walk is to the satisfaction of the Architect/Engineer/Supervising
Officer/Maintenance Surveyor (hereinafter referred to as the “A/E”) and his

(b) the defects and deficiencies identified in the weekly environmental walk are
rectified to the satisfaction of A/E and his delegate within the agreed time; and

(c) no commitment of environmental related offences intended to be prosecuted

by or receipt of abatement notices from EPD within the week.

24. Irrespective of whether the contract is included under PFSES, or one which
Appendix F applies, if the environmental performance of a contractor is not
satisfactory, he should be verbally warned immediately at the first opportunity arising
by the A/E or his Representative, including during and after the weekly environmental
walk. If the contractor’s performance is not improved promptly, the A/E shall issue a
written warning to urge the contractor for prompt improvement actions. If the

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 8 of 12

contractor has exhibited consistently poor environmental performance, the A/E should
consider giving the contractor a “Poor” rating in Section 4 (Environmental Pollution
Control) of the Report on Contractor’s Performance, which will automatically result in
an adverse report in the overall. Further guidelines and procedures for taking regulating
action against poor performance contractors are given in Section 5 of the Contractor
Management Handbook.

25. Subject to the agreement of the A/E, the assessment of the contractor’s safety
performance and environmental performance for a week can be made in one weekly
inspection, notwithstanding that there are separate payment items under the PFSES to
allow for the contractor’s performance on safety and environment to be each assessed

Provision of Information to Contractor

26. To facilitate the contractor in drawing up his EMP on the part about waste
management for capital works contracts, the project office will provide additional
relevant information to the contractor for his reference, which should be stated as not
forming part of the contract, preferably within 14 days of the date of the Employer’s
letter of acceptance of the Tender. Such information may include the following:

(a) measures to be taken at the construction stage to minimize the C&D material

(b) arrangements for proper disposal of C&D materials at designated outlets; and

(c) the estimated quantity of inert C&D materials for reuse on site or for
recycling, and the estimated amount of surplus inert C&D materials requiring
disposal off site.

Alternative Design Proposal by Contractor

27. Where alternative designs for the works are invited, the project office should
consult the Secretary of the Public Fill Committee (PFC) at an early stage prior to
tendering, and specify the minimum conditions on waste management in the tender
document, so as to ensure that the situation on C&D materials would not be adversely
affected by the alternative design proposed by the contractor.

Record of Generated Wastes

28. As part of the EMP on waste management, the contractor should establish a
mechanism to record the quantities of C&D materials generated each month and report

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 9 of 12

the quantities to the A/E’s Representative on a monthly basis, using the “Monthly
Summary Waste Flow Table” as given in Annex 5 to Appendix C. In addition, the
contractor should provide the estimated quantities of C&D materials that will be
generated each year from the site, using the “Yearly Summary Waste Flow Table”
which is also given in Annex 5. The contractor should include the yearly summary table
covering the whole construction period in the EMP, and thereafter update the summary
table on a half-yearly basis and submit it to the Architect/Engineer’s Representative by
not later than the 10th of June and December of each year throughout the construction
period, in order to account for the revised works programme and latest outturn on the
quantities of C&D materials generated from the site.

29. The contractor shall also set up a disposal recording system as part of the EMP
by adopting the trip-ticket system as stipulated in WBTC No. 31/2004, for ensuring the
proper disposal of C&D materials to designated outlets.

30. Information returned by the contractor in the Monthly Summary Waste Flow
Table and Yearly Summary Waste Flow Table (including semi-annual updates thereon)
shall be collected and collated by each works department. Works Department shall
assign staff to input the data into the “PWP Construction Site Safety & Environmental
Statistics” (“PCSES”) System of ETWB via the internet interface at
https://pcses.wgi.etwb.hksarg/User/Login.pl. ETWB will coordinate with the
Departmental Safety and Environmental Advisors to monitor the returns from the

31. ETWB will, by making use of the data in the PCSES, prepare an annual report
on the statistics and analyses of C&D materials for public works contracts for
circulation to works departments.


32. The contractor should develop site-specific induction training and toolbox
talks to cover:

(a) environmental nuisance abatement on construction sites with respect to air,

noise and wastewater pollution control; and

(b) waste management measures in particular on-site sorting of C&D materials to

promote awareness of workers in handling, sorting, reuse and recycling of
C&D materials.

33. Other requirements on providing environmental training for the contractor’s

managerial and supervisory staff are also specified in the PS.

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 10 of 12


34. Implementation of the environmental management requirements as set out in

paragraphs 15 to 17 of this Circular should be included in the technical audit carried out
by works departments in accordance with WBTC No. 15/2002.

Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD)

35. To improve the local air quality by curbing the emission of sulphur dioxide, all
constructional plant powered by diesel fuel and operating on public works construction
sites must use ULSD. ULSD is defined in Schedule 1 of the Air Pollution Control
(Motor Vehicle Fuel) Regulation). Such requirement shall be stipulated in all contracts
for which tenders are to be invited on or after 16 January 2006.

36. The contractor shall maintain a summary record of ULSD delivered to the
site(s), including those ordered by his sub-contractors, together with the details of
consumption of such fuel by individual constructional plant on the site and the date of
arrival and departure of the constructional plant to and from the site. The record of fuel
deliveries should be supported by the original receipts of the delivery notes of the oil
companies. The summary record and the delivery notes shall be kept in the site office
for ready inspection by A/E or his site supervisory staff upon request.

37. To ensure compliance, A/E or his Representative is empowered to take fuel

samples from any constructional plant, fuel tank and/or container on site, and at any
time for examination by a HOKLAS certified laboratory. To avoid unnecessary dispute,
the contractor should advise A/E or his Representative whether the fuel samples to be
taken from a plant, fuel tank and/or container on the site have been replenished with
ULSD, or that the plant, fuel tank and/or container has been brought to the site recently
according to the summary record maintained pursuant to para. 36 above. The name of
the laboratory for carrying out the examination should be proposed by the contractor
and agreed by A/E. An item is stipulated in the model MoM and the sample BQ/SoR in
Appendices D and E respectively for the arrangement and examination of the test

38. If the examination result proves that the fuel sample is ULSD, then the cost of
the arrangement and examination of the test samples will be paid for by the Employer
under the respective item in the MoM and BQ/SoR. Otherwise, the contractor shall bear
the cost of the examination, forfeit the payment for the weekly environmental walk for
the relevant week (not applicable if the contract is a non-PFSES contract), and receive a
written warning from A/E for the non-compliance. If non-compliance is repeated after
the issue of the warning, the contractor shall receive a “Poor” rating in Section 4
(Environmental Pollution Control) of the Report on Contractor’s Performance, which
will automatically result in an adverse report in the overall. Relevant contract clauses
are included in the sample SCC in Appendix B, and PS in Appendices C or F.

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 11 of 12

Notes to Tenderers

39. Tenderers’ attention should be drawn to the new requirements by means of the
following Notes to Tenderers:

“Tenderers should note the Special Conditions of Contract and the

Particular Specification on “Environmental Management” for
minimising nuisances and waste generation from the Works. Separate
items are provided in the *Bills of Quantities/Schedule of Rates
[delete as appropriate] for nuisance abatement and waste
management measures. In addition, tenderers should note that all
Constructional Plant powered by diesel fuel working on this Contract
must use ultra low sulphur diesel.”

( C S Wai )
Deputy Secretary for the Environment,
Transport and Works (Works) 2

ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 Page 12 of 12




Appendix A

Notes to Tenderers

Tenderers’ attention should be drawn to the new requirements by means of the following Notes:

“Tenderers should note the Special Conditions of Contract and the Particular
Specification on “Environmental Management” and “Environmental Management
Plan” for minimising nuisances and waste generation from the Works. In addition,
tenderers should note that all Constructional Plant powered by diesel fuel working
on this Contract must use ultra low sulphur diesel.”

Special Conditions of Tender

SCT xx (1) The tenderer shall upon written request by the Engineer Outline
designate in accordance with the General Condition of Tender Environmental
25 submit an Outline Environmental Management Plan, Management Plan
which shall be the tenderer’s proposal to:

(a) minimize the environmental nuisances of air, noise and

wastewater pollution; and

(b) minimize the generation of surplus construction and

demolition (C&D) materials, in particular, the
proposed measures to avoid/minimize the use of
timber for Temporary Works construction, to
effectively carry out on-site sorting of C&D materials
and to minimize the generation of C&D waste from
equipment/material packaging during the course of
the Works.

(2) The Outline Environmental Management Plan shall be

specific to the Site and used for the preparation of the
Environmental Management Plan after the Contract is
awarded. It shall not form part of the Contract.

[Note: Sub-clause (2) shall not be applied if the project

office requires the Outline Environmental
Management Plan submitted by the tenderers to form
part of the technical proposal under a marking

[Note: Contract drafter shall ensure that the submission required under this SCT is also mentioned in
GCT 25.]

Appendix A Page A1 of 1


Appendix B

Special Conditions of Contract

The following clause shall be added to the Special Conditions of Contract:

[Where “*Architect/Engineer” is denoted in this SCC, it should be selected as appropriate or modified

to suit the appropriate type of the contract.]

SCC X1 (1) “Environmental Management Plan” means the Environmental Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) referred to in this Special Condition of Management
Contract, including any revised or updated version thereof, Plan
prepared by the Contractor in accordance with the Particular

(2) The Contractor shall prepare a draft EMP in accordance with the
Particular Specification [add ‘and the Outline EMP’ in case of
tenders selected based on a marking scheme where the Outline
EMP is part of the Contractor’s technical proposal] and submit
( ) [number of required copies to be inserted by the contract
drafter**] copies of the draft EMP to the *Architect/Engineer
for comments within 21 days of the date of the Employer’s letter
of acceptance of the Tender.

(3) If the *Architect/Engineer is of the opinion that the draft EMP

does not meet the requirements of the Contract, he shall request
the Contractor to revise the draft EMP by notice in writing and
the Contractor shall revise the draft EMP and re-submit within 7
days of the date of the notice.

(4) The Contractor shall finalize the EMP within 45 days of the date
of the Employer’s letter of acceptance of the Tender and submit
( ) [number of required copies to be inserted by the contract
drafter**] hard copies of the EMP and a soft copy in Microsoft
Word format to the *Architect/Engineer.

(5) The Contractor shall review and update the EMP monthly and
submit ( ) [the same number as for the EMP] hard copies of the
updated part of the EMP and a soft copy in Microsoft Word
format to the *Architect/Engineer.

(6) The Contractor shall provide all facilities, access and assistance
to the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative to periodically
verify the EMP implementation. If the *Architect/Engineer or
his Representative is of the opinion that the EMP is not properly
implemented, the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative
shall notify the Contractor in writing of such failure and the
Contractor shall take all necessary steps promptly to rectify the

Appendix B Page B1 of 3
Appendix B

(7) The submission of EMP shall not relieve the Contractor from
any of his obligations or responsibilities under the Contract.

(8) The Contractor shall comply with the EMP and ensure
compliance with the provision of the necessary environmental
measures as specified in the Contract in the execution of the
Works, including compliance by his employees and
sub-contractors of all tiers. The Contractor shall provide any
other parties working on the Site, including the Specialist
Contractors and utility companies, with a copy of the EMP and
shall request those parties to comply with it. The
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative shall have the power
to order any person who, or plant or equipment which, fails to
comply with the EMP to be removed from the Site.

(The following sub-clause should be included if the Works involves


(9) For works involving demolition, the Contractor shall submit a

method statement for the works as part of the EMP to the
*Architect/Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of
the demolition on the Site. The Contractor shall include in the
method statement the sequence of demolition and the work
programme to facilitate effective recovery of reusable and/or
recyclable portions of C&D materials at the earliest stage, so as
to minimise the need for subsequent sorting, and specify the
measures to minimize nuisance affecting the immediate
vicinity. Particular attention shall be given to materials that
will cause contamination or ill-health to workers. C&D
materials arising from demolition debris shall be separated into
the following categories:

(i) broken concrete

(ii) other inert materials, e.g. blockwork, brickwork etc.

(iii) metals, e.g. reinforcement bars, mechanical and electrical

fittings, building services fittings, hardware etc.

(iv) general refuse

(v) hazardous materials

SCC X2 (1) All Constructional Plant powered by diesel fuel, whether they Use of Ultra Low
belong to the Contractor or his sub-contractors, must only be Sulphur Diesel
replenished with ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) (defined as
diesel fuel containing not more than 0.005% by weight of
sulphur) when working on the Site. The Contractor shall
maintain a summary record of all delivery notes of ULSD
delivered to the Site, including those ordered by his
sub-contractors, together with the details of consumption of
such fuel by individual Constructional Plant on the Site and the
date of arrival and departure of the Constructional Plant to and

Appendix B Page B2 of 3
Appendix B

from the Site. The record of fuel deliveries shall be supported

by the original receipts of delivery notes from oil companies.
Both the record and delivery receipt shall be kept on the Site
for inspection by the *Architect/Engineer or his site
supervisory staff upon request.

(2) The *Architect/Engineer or his Representative may order at

any time any number of fuel samples to be taken from any
diesel-operated Constructional Plant, fuel tank and/or
container on the Site, except those which the Contractor can
substantiate that the Constructional Plant, fuel tank and
container concerned has/have been brought to the Site recently
according to the summary record maintained pursuant to
sub-clause (1), and has/have never been replenished with any
fuel since its arrival. The sulphur content of the fuel samples
shall be tested by a HOKLAS accredited laboratory using
internationally recognized testing methods such as ASTM
D2622, ISO 14596 and ISO 20884. The laboratory to carry out
the test shall be proposed by the Contractor and agreed by the

(* delete or amend to suit departmental contract arrangements)

(** The number of required copies should be kept to the minimal to save paper)

Appendix B Page B3 of 3

Appendix C

Particular Specification on Environmental Management

[Note: 1. Contract drafter should examine this Particular Specification carefully and decide which
measures are suitable for his project. Where necessary, the contract drafter should amend
the clauses to suit his project requirements.

2. The following specification on Environmental Management shall be included in Section 1

of the PS for the contract. The project specific requirements recommended or imposed by
EPD should be included in a new Section 26 (Environmental Protection) of the PS .]

[* delete where inappropriate or amend to suit departmental contract arrangements.]

1. General

(1) The Contractor shall prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) in

accordance with this Particular Specification (PS) [add ‘based on the Outline EMP’ in
case of tenders selected based on a marking scheme where the Outline EMP is part of the
Contractor’s technical proposal] for implementation on the Site to reduce
environmental nuisances and construction and demolition (C&D) materials arising
from Works, throughout the construction period. Irrespective of the measures
proposed by the Contractor in the EMP, the Contractor shall not be absolved from his
liability to satisfy in full all statutory requirements and requirements in this PS on
Environmental Management.

(2)@ Organization

[@ Contract drafter shall select one of the following options for sub-clause 2(a) for
incorporation into the contract. Option 1 is applicable to projects that are
highly environmentally sensitive and complex, such as mega projects with
significant ecological impacts to the environment. For other projects that are
less environmentally sensitive and not as complex, options 2 to 4 should be
selected based on the estimated contract sum.]

[Start of Option Selection for Clause (2)(a )]

[Option 1]

(a) The Contractor shall assign a person as the Environmental Officer for
overseeing all environmental matters of the Works. The minimum qualification
of this person shall be -

(i) a corporate member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

in Environmental Discipline or equivalent; or

(ii) a corporate member of a professional institution (e.g. HKIE other than in

the Environmental Discipline, or the Hong Kong Institute of Architects
or the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors etc.) having at least (3) years
[the figure is tentative and should be determined by the contract drafter]
of experience in environmental management, monitoring and auditing of
construction activities AND in possession of a diploma or above in
environmental studies or environmental engineering awarded by a local
or overseas tertiary educational institution.

Appendix C Page C1 of 20
Appendix C

The Environmental Officer shall be present full time on the Site. Details and
curriculum vitae of the person to be nominated as the Environmental Officer for
the Contract shall be submitted to the *Architect/Engineer for approval.


[Option 2 – This option is applicable to contracts (including D&B contracts and

E&M contracts where an EMP is required) with an estimated contract sum of $200M
or above, unless otherwise agreed by an appropriate D2 or above officer. The D2 or
officer may exempt in part or in full the items to be implemented where practical
difficulties are encountered.]

(a) The Contractor shall assign a person as the Environmental Officer for
overseeing all the environmental matters of the Works. The minimum
qualification of this person shall be -

(i) a corporate member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

in Environmental Discipline or equivalent; or

(ii) a corporate member of a professional institution (e.g. HKIE other than in

the Environmental Discipline, or the Hong Kong Institute of Architects
or the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors etc.) EITHER having at least
(3) years [the figure is tentative and should be determined by the contract
drafter] of experience in environmental management, monitoring and
auditing of construction activities, OR in possession of a diploma or
above in environmental studies or environmental engineering awarded
by a local or overseas tertiary educational institution; or

(iii) a senior staff of the Contractor having at least (5) years [the figure is
tentative and should be determined by the contract drafter] of
construction site experience and completed the Environmental Officer
Course run by the Construction Industry Training Authority (CITA), or
an equivalent certificate course on environmental studies or
environmental engineering run by a tertiary educational institution as
agreed by the *Architect/Engineer. For the purpose of this Contract, a
person who is attending or has applied to attend the Environmental
Officer Course mentioned above shall be deemed to have fulfilled the
requirement of this sub-clause; or

(iv) a senior staff of the Contractor,

(a) either possessing an engineering degree and having at least (10)

years of construction site experience, or possessing a higher
certificate in a construction related subject and having at least (15)
years [the figures on the years of experience are tentative and
should be determined by the contract drafter, but a differential of
at least 5 years should be maintained] ; and

(b) who has completed the “Environmental Management Course for

Construction Managers ” or equivalent organized by CITA or
similar training institutions as agreed by the *Architect/Engineer.

The Environmental Officer shall be present full time on the Site but not
necessarily be working solely on environmental duties. Such person can be a

Appendix C Page C2 of 20
Appendix C

Safety Officer if the Contract has employed more than one Safety Officer.
Details and curriculum vitae of the person to be nominated as the
Environmental Officer for the Contract shall be submitted to the
*Architect/Engineer for approval.


[Option 3 – This option is applicable to contracts (including D&B contracts and

E&M contracts where EMP is required) with an estimated contract sum of less than
$200M but above or equal to $50M. ]

(a) The Contractor shall assign a person as the Environmental Officer for
overseeing all the environmental matters of the Works. The minimum
qualification of this person shall be -

(i) a corporate member of a professional institution (e.g. the Hong Kong

Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and from a construction related
discipline; the Hong Kong Institute of Architects; or the Hong Kong
Institute of Surveyors etc.); or

(ii) an associate member of the HKIE in the Environmental Discipline or

equivalent; or

(iii) a person in possession of a diploma or above in environmental studies or

environmental engineering awarded by a local or overseas tertiary
educational institution with 3 years of experience in environmental
management; or

(iv) a staff of the Contractor having at least (2) years [the figure is tentative
and should be determined by the contract drafter] of construction site
experience and completed the Environmental Officer Course run by the
Construction Industry Training Authority (CITA), or an equivalent
certificate course on environmental studies or environmental
engineering run by a tertiary educational institution as agreed by the
*Architect/Engineer. For the purpose of this Contract, a person who is
attending or has applied to attend the Environmental Officer Course
mentioned above shall be deemed to have fulfilled the requirement of
this sub-clause.

The Environmental Officer shall be present full time on the Site but not
necessarily be working solely on environmental duties. Such person can be a
Safety Officer if the Contract has employed more than one Safety Officer.
Details and curriculum vitae of the person to be nominated as the
Environmental Officer for the Contract shall be submitted to the
*Architect/Engineer for approval.


Appendix C Page C3 of 20
Appendix C

[Option 4 - This option is applicable to contracts (including D&B contracts and E&M
contracts where EMP is required) with an estimated contract sum less than $50M.]

(a) The Contractor shall assign one senior site personnel (‘Assigned Person’) other
than the Contractor’s agent for overseeing all environmental matters of the
Works. The Assigned Person shall be present full-time on the Site but not
necessarily be working solely on environmental duties. [N.B. Contract drafter
may specify an Environmental Officer as in Option 3 where necessary.]

[End of Option Selection]

(b) In addition, the Contractor shall appoint at least one additional site staff
(‘Environmental Supervisor’) to assist the * Environmental Officer/Assigned
Person pursuant to clause 1(2)(a) above for the inspection, supervision and
monitoring of the environmental performance of the Works. Where the number
of workers employed on the Works, whether in the employment of the
Contractor or his sub-contractors, exceeds 50 in aggregate, the number of
Environmental Supervisor shall be increased by one for every additional 50
persons or part thereof. The Environmental Supervisor and the Safety
Supervisors pursuant to PS clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS for Site Safety]
can be the same person provided that he/they have attended or has been
arranged to attend the training courses pursuant to clause 1(4)(b) below.

(c) The duties of the *Environmental Officer/Assigned Person shall, for the
purpose of environmental management under the Contract, include but without
limitation to the followings:

(i) Prepare, implement and update the Environmental Management Plan;

(ii) Advise on measures to be taken in the interest of environmental

protection, and implement such measures;

(iii) Liaise on all matters relating to environmental monitoring and auditing;

[N.B. delete this sub-clause if environmental monitoring and auditing is
not required for the Works.]

(iv) Carry out inspections of the Site for identifying potential hazards to the
environment, and to report findings with recommendations for corrective

(v) Participate in the weekly environmental walks (whether this is combined

with the weekly safety walk or otherwise) with the nominated site staff of
the *Architect/Engineer, and to supervise and monitor the environmental
performance on the Site;

(vi) Check and ensure that any polluting or potentially polluting situation is
promptly rectified;

Appendix C Page C4 of 20
Appendix C

(vii) Attend Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee

(SSEMC) meetings and Site Safety and Environmental Committee
(SSEC) meetings;

(viii) Compile the monthly environmental report for submission to the

*Architect/Engineer at least five working days before the SSEMC

(ix) Arrange and provide the environmental training including the site
specific induction training and toolbox talks for the staff and workers on
the Site, and to organize environmental promotional activities; and

(x) Advise the Contractor on the implementation of an environmental

management system.

(d) The duties of the Environmental Supervisor shall, for the purpose of
environmental management under the Contract, include but without limitation
to the followings:

(i) Assist the *Environmental Officer/Assigned Person carrying out his


(ii) Carry out daily site environmental inspections based on a checklist

approved by the *Architect/Engineer’s representative, and to ensure that
follow-up action is taken promptly to rectify defects and deficiencies

(iii) Advise the *Environmental Officer/Assigned Person on the upkeeping of

environmental performance and standards of the Site;

(iv) Attend the weekly environmental walk if required;

(v) Supervise and promote the execution of environmental protection works

by the workers on the Site;

(vi) Attend SSEMC meetings and SSEC meetings; and

(vii) Conduct toolbox talks as assigned by the Contractor's agent after

acquiring the necessary qualifications.

(3) Performance Monitoring

(a) The Contractor shall arrange weekly environmental walk to be attended by the
*Environmental Officer/Assigned Person, the Contractor’s Agent, and the
*Architect/Engineer or his delegate to inspect the Site, checking that the
environmental performance of the Site is satisfactory and in compliance with
the requirements under the Contract and EMP. The places to be inspected in the
weekly environmental walk shall be determined by the *Architect/Engineer or
his delegate.

(b) The Contractor may arrange the weekly environmental walk to be carried out
along with the weekly safety walk or other site inspections subject to the
agreement of the *Architect/Engineer. The weekly environmental walks
conducted under this clause are entirely without prejudice to and do not relieve
any of the Contractor's responsibility to carry out regular inspections to upkeep

Appendix C Page C5 of 20
Appendix C

the environmental performance of the Site as required by the statute or other

clauses under this Contract.

(c) The Contractor shall prepare and agree with the *Architect/Engineer a
comprehensive checklist for use in weekly environmental walk. The checklist
will form the basis for assessing the environmental performance of the
Contractor on the Site. Any defects or deficiencies identified in the weekly
environmental walk shall be duly recorded in a summary table, a proforma of
which is attached at Annex (1**). More than one table shall be used for
recording the defects or deficiencies if the weekly environmental walk for the
week is carried out by more than one inspection team.
[** Amend the annex no. as appropriate]

(d) Immediately after the weekly environmental walk, the summary table shall be
agreed and signed by the Contractor’s representative and the
*Architect/Engineer or his delegate attending the weekly environmental walk,
and a copy should be kept by the *Architect/Engineer. The Contractor shall
take prompt action to rectify the deficiencies identified and shall report the
status of rectification actions in the forthcoming weekly environmental walk or
the Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee meeting whichever
comes first.

(e) The following items should be included in the agenda for discussion at every
SSEMC meeting and SSEC meeting, or other established channels for
performance monitoring as agreed by the *Architect/Engineer:

(i) Review the sufficiency of the measures in the EMP and proposals for

(ii) Monitor the Contractor’s environmental performance and achievement

with reference to EMP;

(iii) Assess the effectiveness of EMP taking into account the Contractor’s
environmental performance and achievement; and

(iv) Monitor the follow-up action by the Contractor on the defects and
deficiencies identified in weekly inspections.

(4) Environmental Training

(a) The Contractor shall ensure that all site management staff in his employment on
the Works shall have attended and completed the “Environmental Management
Course for Construction Managers” run by CITA or similar training institutions
as agreed by the *Architect/Engineer. For the purpose of this sub-clause, site
management staff include the Contractor’s agent, project managers etc. [add
“but excluding the Environmental Officer,” or “including the Assigned
Person” if option 4 is adopted for clause 1(2)(a)]. If anyone of the site
management has not attended the course, the Contractor shall arrange such
staff to attend the required environmental course within 14 days from the date
of employment of such staff on the Site, and to complete the training within
six*** months from the said date.
[*** Amend the duration as necessary to take account of the normal waiting
time, the duration and frequency of the courses.]

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Appendix C

(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the Environmental Supervisor pursuant to
clause 1(2)(b) shall have attended and completed the “Environmental
Protection Course for Environmental Supervisors” or equivalent organized by
CITA or similar training institutions as agreed by the *Architect/Engineer. If
any person who has not attended the course, the Contractor shall arrange such
staff to attend the required environmental training within 14 days from the date
of employment of such staff on the Site, and to complete the training within
six*** months from the said date. If the Environmental Supervisor had
completed the “Environmental Protection Course for Construction
Supervisors” previously organized by CITA, the person shall deem to have
fulfilled the requirement of this sub-clause.
[*** Amend the duration as necessary to take account of the normal waiting
time, the duration and frequency of the courses.]

(c) Pursuant to PS clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS for Site Safety], the
Contractor shall ensure that the site specific induction training cover
environmental management in addition to safety for all staff and workers
employed for the Works or in connection with the Contract, whether in the
employment of the Contractor or his sub-contractors. The environmental part of
the induction training shall be delivered by the Environmental Officer or
Environmental Supervisor or the Assigned Person, as applicable. The training
content should cover subjects such as organization structure, duties and
responsibilities, measures, targets, in-house rules and regulations etc. The
duration of the site specific induction training under PS clause [relevant clause
no. in PS for Site Safety] shall be extended by at least 15 minutes to cover the
necessary subjects on environmental management.

(d) Pursuant to PS clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS for Site Safety], the
Contractor shall provide toolbox talks for workers on environmental nuisance
abatement and waste management in addition to safety and health. The
frequency of training and the contents of the tool box training shall be subject to
the approval of the *Architect/Engineer as in PS Clause ( )[relevant clause
no. in PS for Site Safety].

(5) Reporting

The Contractor shall submit a monthly report on environmental management for

discussion in the SSEMC meeting. The monthly report shall be prepared by the
*Environmental Officer/Assigned Person as mentioned in clause 1(2)(a) and duly
endorsed by the Contractor’s agent containing the following information:

(a) A summary of pollution incidents and remedies, comprising:

(i) complaints

(ii) abatement notices issued by EPD

(iii) offences spotted by EPD during inspections

(iv) summonses of environmental offences

(b) A list of major forthcoming activities in the next two months which will likely
have environmental impacts or cause nuisances to the surroundings, together
with the proposed control or mitigation measures;

Appendix C Page C7 of 20
Appendix C

(c) The training programme for the next month and records of training
arranged/conducted in the previous month pursuant to clause 1(4) above;

(d) The updated organization chart on environmental management;

(e) A summary of defects and deficiencies identified during inspections and

weekly environmental walks, together with the follow-up actions and remedies
taken to prevent similar recurrences.

2. Air Pollution Abatement

(1) The Contractor shall ensure that dusty materials, including excavated materials,
building debris and construction materials which are dusty by their nature, are
properly covered by tarpaulin or other approved means. When dusty construction
activities such as demolition work, drilling work, excavation in rock or artificial hard
materials etc. are carried out in close proximity to the public, the Contractor shall
provide dust abatement measures to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer. Such
measures shall include where appropriate screens or enclosures, water spraying
system or the fitting of vacuum cleaning devices to pneumatic or power driven
drilling, cutting and polishing machines, etc.

(2) Where the public will be affected by exhaust fumes or smoke emission from any
Constructional Plant or construction activities (e.g. welding) in the Site, such
Constructional Plant or construction activities shall be shielded by a screen. Such
screen shall be at least 1.8m in height, incombustible and shall be approved by the

(3) The Contractor shall provide wheel washing system at all exit points of the Site,
comprising high-pressure water jets, heavy duty metal grating capable for supporting
the heaviest vehicles and a trough for collecting wastewater etc., in accordance with
the specification given in ( ) (see Part A, Annex 2 to Appendix C). [This clause is
optional and may not be applicable to the Site with space constraints.]

(4) All dump trucks entering or leaving the Site shall be provided with mechanical covers
in good service condition in accordance with the specification given in ( ) [see Part B,
Annex 2 to Appendix C].

(5) For Constructional Plant driven by internal combustion engines, the Contractor shall
ensure that the smoke emission from the plant shall not exceed Shade 1 on the
Ringelmann Chart continuously for 30 seconds at any time.

(6) Ultra-low-sulphur diesel (ULSD) (defined as diesel fuel containing not more than
0.005% by weight of sulphur) shall be used in all diesel-operated Constructional Plant
on the Site pursuant to SCC[]. The Contractor shall demonstrate his compliance by
maintaining a summary record of ULSD pursuant to SCC clause ( ) [relevant clause
reference to be inserted by contract drafter]. A proforma of the summary record is
attached at ( ) [see Annex 3 to Appendix C].

(7) Where there is practical difficulty in implementing any air pollution abatement
measures specified above, the Contractor shall submit alternative proposals for the
approval of the *Architect/Engineer before the work commences. The
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative shall have the power to order the removal of
any person who, or Constructional Plant or equipment which, fails to comply with the
requirements under this PS clause off Site

Appendix C Page C8 of 20
Appendix C

3. Noise Pollution Abatement

(1) The Contractor shall adopt the following noise abatement practices:

(a) Use non-percussive pile driving methods such as hydraulic hammer, vibration
or jacking method for installing or extracting sheet piles;

(b) Use non-percussive equipment such as hydraulic crusher, sawing, coring

machines etc. for demolition and concrete breaking work;

(c) Close all hoods, cover panels and inspection hatches of powered mechanical
plant such as generators, air compressors etc. during operation;

(d) Provide noise dampening materials inside and outside refuse chutes during
building construction; and

(e) Fit mufflers or silencers, and dampening layer with steel collars to hand held
pneumatic breakers.

(2) Where percussive breakers are used, the Contractor shall enclose/wrap the breaker tip
with sound insulating material to reduce the noise. This requirement is not applicable
to works under emergency, or with prior agreement from the *Architect/Engineer that
the provision of such is not necessary or not practicable under a given site condition.

(3) Where the noise level measured at the noise sensitive receivers (NSR) exceeds 75
dB(A) (Leq 30 min) for domestic premises, and 70 dB(A) (Leq 30 min) for schools or
65 dB(A) during school examinations, the Contractor shall provide an acoustic screen
or enclosure to shield the public or NSR from the noisy activity at source or adopt
quiet process/plant [including the use of ‘quality powered mechanical equipment’
pursuant to sub-clause (4) below. (include the reference to the “quality powered
mechanical plant” only for contracts with a contract sum of $200M or above)],
except for works under emergency or with the prior agreement of the
*Architect/Engineer that the provision of such is not necessary. The acoustic screen
or enclosure shall be made of incombustible, sound insulating material with
performance such that the noise level measured at the NSR do not exceed the limits as
mentioned in this sub-clause. The detailed information including the size and form of
the screen or enclosure shall be proposed by the Contractor and submitted to the
*Architect/Engineer for approval before the work commences. The acoustic screen or
enclosure shall be securely fixed at the base to avoid overturning. Notwithstanding
any approval given, the Contractor shall be fully liable for his design in all respects.

[Sub-clauses (4) to (7) below are only applicable to contracts with an estimated
contract sum of $200M or above.]

(4) The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has published a category of Quality
Powered Mechanical Equipment (QPME) in the website:

(5) The categories of QPME include, but are not limited to:

(a) Asphalt paver

(b) Bulldozer, wheel

Appendix C Page C9 of 20
Appendix C

(c) Bulldozer, tracked

(d) Compactor, vibratory
(e) Crane, mobile
(f) Excavator, wheel/tracked
(g) Generator
(h) Loader, wheel
(i) Loader, tracked
(j) Powered rammer
(k) Road roller
(l) Roller, vibratory

A list of plant models under the QPME is also given by the EPD at the website:

(6) Where a QPME is used, the plant should be registered with EPD, and the label issued
by EPD from such registration shall be affixed on the plant at all times and kept
legible. The Contractor shall also establish a register to record all QPME used on the

(7) The *Architect/Engineer or his Representative shall have the power to inspect the
QPME if he has doubt on its compliance with the QPME requirements. The
Constructional Plant shall deem to be non-QPME for the purpose of this sub-clause if
it does not have the registration label issued by EPD so affixed.

4. Wastewater Pollution Abatement

(1) The Contractor shall minimize the generation of wastewater from the Site through the
following means:

(a) Prevent surface run-off from washing across the Site and spilling over to areas
outside of the Site;

(b) Minimize the exposure of soil on the Site after excavation and backfilling
where applicable and prevent the washout of soil or similar materials from the

(c) Minimize water consumption;

(d)# Collect all surface run-off from the Site to a treatment facility; and

(e)# Treat all surface run-off and wastewater collected for reuse or before discharge.

[# Sub-clauses (d) and (e) above are optional.]

(2) The Contractor shall also provide on Site an effective drainage system for proper
control of surface run-off, and cover all exposed surfaces of soil slopes to prevent soil

Appendix C Page C10 of 20

Appendix C

[The following two sub-clauses (3) and (4) are optional and only applicable to contracts
anticipated with large water consumption, e.g. those with a metered supply.]

(3) The Contractor shall identify the work activities on the Site with large water
consumption, and provide an effective drainage system for the collection of
wastewater generated. To minimize overall water consumption, the Contractor shall
provide treatment facilities to treat the wastewater for reuse. The capacity of the
facilities if provided shall be large enough to cater for the worst credible condition of
effluent intake. The specification for the wastewater treatment facilities is given in ( )
[see Part C, Annex 2 to Appendix C)].

[** Amend the annex no. as appropriate]

(4) The Contractor shall designate staff for the operation of the wastewater treatment
facilities to ensure that the discharge shall comply with the standard specified by EPD,
and regular removal of sludge to maintain the efficiency of the wastewater treatment
facilities. The designated staff shall maintain a proper daily record of plant
performance for inspection by the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative.

5. Waste Management

(1) All C&D materials arising from or in connection with the Works shall be sorted on the
Site to recover reusable and/or recyclable materials. For the avoidance of doubt, C&D
materials means both inert and non-inert materials generated from construction and
demolition activities. The inert portion of the C&D materials includes soil, building
debris, broken rock, concrete, etc., and the non-inert portion comprises timber, paper,
plastics, general refuse, etc..

(2) Unless otherwise stated, all surplus C&D materials arising from or in connection with the
Works shall become the property of the Contractor when it is removed from the Site.
The Contractor shall promptly remove all sorted and processed surplus materials arising
from or in connection with the Works from the Site to minimise temporary stockpiling
on the Site.

(3) On-site Sorting of C&D Materials

(a) The Contractor shall devise a system for on-site sorting of C&D materials. The
system shall include the identification of the source of generation, estimated
quantity, arrangement for on-site sorting and/or collection, temporary storage
areas, frequency of collection by recycling contractors or frequency of removal
off the Site, etc..

(b) The Contractor shall sort the materials at source into:

(i) hard rock and large broken concrete suitable for reuse on the Site or
recycling at a designated location (see sub-clause(c) below);
(ii) metals;
(iii) paper and plastics;
(iv) chemical waste; and
(v) materials suitable for disposal at public fill reception facilities, sorting
facilities and landfills/outlying islands transfer facilities. Disposal at the
sorting facilities should first be approved by the *Architect/Engineer.

Appendix C Page C11 of 20

Appendix C

(c) The Contractor shall pay particular attention to hard rock and large broken
concrete generated from demolition or road improvement works and deliver the
materials to _______________ [designated recycling facility or location as
advised by CEDD] or a location as notified by the *Architect/Engineer.

(d) Equipment and material packaging (i.e. paper and cardboard) shall be
recovered, properly stockpiled in dry and covered condition to prevent cross
contamination by other C&D materials. The Contractor shall pay particular
attention to avoid cross contamination in the course of collecting paper for

(e) The Contractor shall ensure the materials disposed of at public fill reception
facilities, sorting facilities, and landfills/outlying islands transfer facilities,
comply with their respective requirements under Schedule 6 of the Waste
Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation (Cap. 354)
and be fully liable for all non-compliance.

(f) The Contractor shall identify and provide sufficient space for temporary storage
of C&D materials to facilitate collection and/or sorting on the Site. The space
provided shall commensurate with the estimated quantity for each type of C&D
materials generated on the Site.

(g) Except for those inert C&D materials to be reused on the Site, the Contractor
shall remove all other C&D materials off the Site as soon as practicable in order
to optimize the use of the on-site storage space.

(h) The Contractor shall make arrangements with potential recycling contractors to
facilitate that recyclable materials sorted from the Site are collected with
reasonable care.

(i) The Contractor shall establish a system for proper handling and storage of
chemical waste generated from the Site, and arrange collection and disposal of
such chemical waste by specialist contractors.

(j) The Contractor shall carry out thorough sorting of C&D materials generated
from demolition works for recovering of broken concrete, reinforcement bars,
mechanical and electrical fittings, hardware as well as other fittings/materials
that have established recycling outlets.

(4) Waste Flow Table (WFT)

(a) The Contractor shall establish a mechanism to record the quantities of C&D
materials generated each month, using the monthly summary “Waste Flow
Table” (WFT) as given at Annex (4**) attached. The Contractor shall complete
the monthly summary WFT, and submit it to the *Architect/Engineer’s
Representative together with the updated sections of EMP (if any) by not later
than the 15th day of each month following the month reported on, or if it is a
General Holiday, the day following the General Holiday.
[** Amend the annex no. as appropriate]

[The following sub-clause is applicable to contracts where the estimated amount of

C&D materials generated is equal to or greater than 50,000 m3.]

(b) The Contractor shall also submit the latest estimate of the TOTAL amount of
C&D materials including rock, that are expected to be generated by the

Appendix C Page C12 of 20

Appendix C

Works, together with a breakdown of the nature of the materials (i.e. inert
C&D materials (public fill), hard rock or concrete, C&D waste, etc.). Such
information should be submitted together with the monthly summary “Waste
Flow Table” as required above.

(5) Control the Use of Timbers

(a) The Contractor shall avoid, reduce or minimize the use of timber in Temporary
Works construction as far as possible. Where the Contractor has to use timber
for a Temporary Works construction process/activity with an estimated quantity
exceeding (5m3) [quantity tentatively set and to be determined by contract
drafter], he should submit a method statement to the *Architect/Engineer for
agreement prior to commencement of the relevant Temporary Works.

(b) The method statement should include the justification for and the measures
taken to minimize the use of timber in the said Temporary Works. In addition,
the Contractor shall provide a summary table containing the description,
justification and the estimated quantity for every work process/activity requiring
the use of timber for Temporary Works construction irrespective of the quantity
of timber used. A proforma of the summary table is shown in Annex (5**)
[** Amend the annex no. as appropriate]

(c) The Contractor shall update the summary table on the use of timber for
Temporary Works construction, and submit it to the *Architect/Engineer’s
Representative together with the monthly summary WFT for monitoring and
review by not later than the 15th day of each month, or if it is a General Holiday,
the day following the General Holiday. The Contractor shall draw the attention
of the *Architect/Engineer’s Representative to those work processes/activities
for which the estimated quantities have been revised.

(6) Recording

(a) The Contractor shall record the quantities of all the recyclable materials before
removal off the Site by the recycling contractors, and include the details in the
WFT for submission to the *Architect/Engineer's Representative pursuant to
clause 5(4)(a).

(b) The Contractor shall establish a comprehensive register of the Disposal Delivery
Form pursuant to PS clause ( ) [relevant standard PS clause no. for the
trip-ticket system] for recording the disposal of C&D materials. The register
shall also cover the recyclable materials removed by the recycling contractors
off the Site.

6. Environmental Management Plan

The Contractor shall submit the EMP for the Contract to the *Architect/Engineer in
accordance with the SCC clauses ( ) & ( ) [clauses X1(2) & X1(4)]. The EMP shall be signed
before submission by both the Contractor’s agent and the *Environmental Officer/Assigned
Person. The EMP shall include the following details categorised into four parts namely,
general, nuisance abatement, waste management and records:

Appendix C Page C13 of 20

Appendix C


(1) Environmental Management Policy

A policy statement setting out the management’s approach, commitments, targets and
measures for environmental and waste management of the Contract; it shall -

(a) be signed by the managing director of the Contractor, or where the Contractor is
a joint venture (where incorporated or unincorporated) the managing director of
each participant of the joint venture;

(b) state the Contractor’s policy and strategy in promoting and implementing the
Contractor’s environmental management including waste management on the

(c) commit to provide sufficient resources and facilities for the implementation of
environmental nuisance abatement and waste management;

(d) commit to obtain and renew the necessary environmental licences, registrations
and permits, and comply with the relevant statutory requirements and licensing

(e) commit to prevent pollution;

(f) state the targets (if any) to be achieved in reducing or minimizing environmental
nuisances and generation of C&D materials;

(g) be communicated to all levels of persons involved in the Works; and

(h) be dated and reviewed periodically for continuous improvement.

(2) Organizational Structure for Environmental Management

The organizational structure shall be illustrative graphically, showing the manpower

resources provided to implement the EMP; it shall include:

(a) The *Environmental Officer/Assigned Person appointed pursuant to PS clause

1(2)(a) above;

(b) The Environmental Supervisor appointed pursuant to PS clause 1(2)(b) above;

(c) The line of communication and authorities on environmental management


(d) The name of the person (if different from the *Environmental Officer/Assigned
Person in sub-clause (a) above) to be responsible for updating the EMP, the
monthly summary WFT under PS clause 5(4), and the summary table for using
timber in Temporary Works construction under PS clause 5(5); and

(e) The names and telephone numbers of persons (including sub-contractors and
workers’ representatives if appropriate) together with their trade for each
specific area of the Works which they are responsible for the supervision in
implementation of the EMP on the Site.

Appendix C Page C14 of 20

Appendix C

(3) Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of individuals and/or different levels of staff (including
sub-contractors) involved in the implementation of the EMP; it shall -

(a) define clearly who shall be responsible for the provision of resources and
facilities for the implementation of the EMP;

(b) define clearly the responsibilities among individuals and different levels of staff
on environmental management; and

(c) state the powers vested in the *Environmental Officer/Assigned Person to

enable him to discharge his/her duties in the proper implementation of the EMP
on the Site.

(4) Environmental Training

(a) The requirements and arrangements for training on environmental and waste
management for all staff covering:

(i) site managerial staff;

(ii) site supervisory staff; and
(iii) workers.

(b) The training materials on environmental and waste management to be included

in the site-specific induction training pursuant to PS clause 1(4)(c).

(c) The topics of toolbox training to be provided to workers on environmental

nuisance abatement and waste management.

(5) In-house Rules and Regulations

(a) The in-house rules and regulations on environmental nuisance abatement and
waste management including those specific rules and regulations laid down by
the existing occupiers of the premises (in case of alteration works) for the
Works to be carried out in areas that are occupied, partially occupied and/or
controlled by the occupiers.

(b) The arrangements made by the Contractor to ensure compliance with the
in-house rules and regulations on environmental nuisance abatement and waste
management are to be documented, reviewed, amended and communicated to
all levels of staff working on the Site.

(c) The means and disciplinary action to ensure implementation and enforcement of
the in-house rules and regulations on environmental nuisance abatement and
waste management.

(6) Committees

The arrangement for follow-up actions on environmental issues in the SSEMC

meetings and SSEC meetings.

Appendix C Page C15 of 20

Appendix C

(7) Performance Monitoring

The arrangement to establish procedures for monitoring the environmental

performance on the Site including identification, recording and reporting of
non-compliance with the EMP and their rectification; they shall include:

(a) Planning and review of the frequency, coverage and extent of inspections
conducted by different levels of site management and supervisory staff, and
senior management from the headquarters;

(b) Development of comprehensive checklists for use in the inspections, and a

system for reporting of non-compliance identified and monitoring of the
corrective actions taken by the appropriate staff; and

(c) Compliance with all requirements in the Contract including licenses or permits.

(8) Promotion

The methods of promoting and maintaining the awareness on environmental nuisance

abatement and waste management amongst all persons on the Site; they shall include:

(a) Display of the company’s environmental policy, non-compliance statistics,

posters and signs at prominent locations;

(b) Talks and campaigns, and distribution of bulletins or newsletters drawing

attention to particular environmental issues; and

(c) Procedure for recognition and commending those site personnel, teams or
sub-contractors with good performance on environmental nuisance abatement
and waste management.

(9) Review of Requirements

(a) Arrangement for identification of potential environmental nuisance and review

of the effectiveness of environmental nuisance abatement and waste
management measures;

(b) Location plan and inventory of nearby sensitive receivers or features (including
residents, watercourse and natural environment) likely to be affected by the
construction activities;

(c) Location plan and inventory of nearby major environmental protection

fixtures/pollutant discharge points and environmental monitoring stations; and

(d) Emergency response plan of environmental incidents.


(10) Air pollution abatement

Arrangement and details of the air pollution abatement measures; it shall include:

(a) List of activities on the Site that will cause air pollution;

Appendix C Page C16 of 20

Appendix C

(b) Specification and technical details of air pollution abatement measures pursuant
to sub-clause (a) above for covering the activities as specified in PS clause 2
where appropriate;

(c) Construction details of the dust/smoke screen to be provided for the Works
where the public will be affected, pursuant to PS clause 2;

(d) System for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the air pollution
abatement measures implemented on the Site; and

(e) System for recording and controlling the use of ULSD for all diesel-operated
Constructional Plant on the Site.

(11) Noise pollution abatement

Arrangement and details of the noise pollution abatement measures; it shall include:

(a) List of activities on the Site that will cause noise pollution;

(b) Specification and technical details of the noise pollution abatement measures for
each activity pursuant to sub-clause (a) above;

(c) Arrangement for regular monitoring of noise levels at noise sensitive receivers;

(d) Construction details of the acoustic screens or enclosures to be provided for the
Works where the public will be affected, pursuant to PS clause 3 where

(e) Mounting details of sound insulating material for percussion breakers of

excavators pursuant to PS clause 3 where appropriate;

(f) System for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the noise pollution
abatement measures implemented on the Site; and

(g) Inventory of noise emission labels for QPME (if any) used on the Site.

(12) Wastewater pollution abatement

Arrangements and details of the wastewater pollution abatement measures; they shall

(a) Means to prevent surface run-off from washing across the Site and egress of
surface run-off from the Site where applicable;

(b) Layout plan for collection of surface run-off and, where applicable, the
provision for its treatment before discharge;

(c) Arrangement to minimize the exposure of soil on the Site after excavation and
backfilling where applicable and prevent the washout of soil or similar materials
from the Site.

(d) Method of disposal of sewage effluent from the Site;

Appendix C Page C17 of 20

Appendix C

[The following sub-clauses from (e) to (h) are optional and should only be included if
PS clause 4(3) and 4(4) are incorporated.]

(e) The layout plan for collection of wastewater if the Site has large water

(f) The schematic diagram and layout arrangement of wastewater treatment

facilities if they are provided on the Site, and the operational parameters at
different stages of the process including, but are not limited to, the followings:

(i) Maximum quantity of influent to be treated in m3/hr;

(ii) Maximum suspended solid concentration of influent intake in mg/l;

(iii) Minimum retention time for each work process of the treatment system in

(iv) Maximum suspended solid concentration after each work process in mg/l;

(v) Concentration of each chemical dosage for the process, if appropriate, in

% of concentration;

(vi) Maximum suspended solid concentration of effluent discharge in mg/l (to

allow some safety margin for the deviation in the suspended solid
concentration of the influent intake); and

(vii) The method for treatment of sludge before disposal.

(g) The proforma for recording the operational parameters of the wastewater
treatment facilities pursuant to sub-clause (f) above.

(h) The contingency measures to cater for failure of wastewater treatment facilities.


(13) Waste Reduction Measures

Arrangement and details of the waste reduction measures; it shall include:

(a) List of work processes or activities that will generate C&D materials during the

(b) Measures to reduce/minimize the generation of C&D materials for the Contract
through proper planning of works and good site management such as
minimizing over-ordering, avoiding cross contamination to reusable and/or
recyclable materials collected, and forward planning for removal, storage and
collection of disposal materials;

(c) System for proper control of using timbers in Temporary Works construction;

Appendix C Page C18 of 20

Appendix C

(d) Pre-identification of reusable/recyclable materials, such as hard rock, broken

concrete, metallic waste, timber, paper/cardboard packaging etc., to facilitate
on-site sorting of the materials.

(14) Waste Targets

(a) The targets set for the Contract, which should cover the followings:

(i) All excavated materials to be sorted to recover the inert portion of C&D
materials, e.g. hard rock, soil and broken concrete, for reuse on the Site or
disposal to designated outlets;

(ii) All metallic waste to be recovered for collection by recycling contractors;

(iii) All cardboard and paper packaging (for plant, equipment and materials) to
be recovered, properly stockpiled in dry and covered condition to prevent
cross contamination;

(iv) All chemical waste to be collected and properly disposed of by specialist

contractors; and

(v) All demolition debris to be sorted to recover broken concrete,

reinforcement bars, mechanical and electrical fittings, hardware as well as
other fittings/materials that have established recycling outlets.

(b) The target set for reducing and controlling the use of timbers in the Temporary

(15) On-site sorting of C&D Materials

(a) The system devised for on-site sorting for each type of C&D materials arising
from or in connection with the Works, and the resources and facilities to be
provided for effective implementation of the system on the Site pursuant to PS
clause 5(3);

(b) The layout plan showing the temporary storage of C&D materials on the Site;

(c) The arrangement for collection of recyclable materials by recycling contractors

where appropriate.

(16) Waste Flow

(a) The arrangement for verifying the quantities of C&D materials reused, recycled
and/or removed from the Site for the preparation of the monthly summary WFT
at Annex 4, pursuant to PS clause 5(4).


(17) Sample Proforma for Recording

Sample proforma shall be provided for the following:

(a) Inventory of licences, registration particulars and permits;

Appendix C Page C19 of 20

Appendix C

(b) Inspection reports for weekly environmental walks;

(c) Inventory of complaints, inspections by enforcement authorities, abatement

notices, environmental offences and convictions;

(d) Summary record of non-compliance of air, noise and wastewater pollution


(e) Summary record of delivery notes for ordering of ULSD from oil companies
and the replenishment of such fuel to individual diesel-operated construction
plant and equipment on the Site;

(f) Monthly Summary of Waste Flow Table;

(g) Summary record of chemical waste disposal;

(h) Summary record of trip ticket system;

(i) Records of environmental training;

(j) Records of timber usage;

(k) Summary record of quality powered mechanical equipment (QPME) used on the
Site including their servicing period;

Appendix C Page C20 of 20

Annex 1 to Appendix C
Weekly Environmental Walk Inspection Report
Summary of Follow-up Actions
Part I :
Contract No. __________________________ Contract Title________________________________________________________________
Date of Inspection _____________________ Time __________________
Persons making the inspection:
Name in Block Letters Designation Signature
1. Contractor’s Agent (or his representative if agreed by A/E)
2. Environmental Officer (or Environmental Supervisor if agreed by A/E)
3. Architect/Engineer’s nominated site representative
Item Agreed Due Date Date
Location Situation Requiring Follow-up Action Remarks
No. for Completion Completed
To be signed at the end of inspection:
The Contractor’s performance on nuisance abatement and waste management *is/is not to the satisfaction of the Architect/Engineer’s nominated site
representative at the time of inspection. (* delete as appropriate)
Architect/Engineer’s nominated site representative ____________________ Contractor’s Agent or his representative ___________________________
Part II : (To be countersigned after ALL actions are completed)
Contractor’s *Environmental
Officer/AssignedPerson Architect/Engineer’s Representative

Date Date
(Note: No payment will be made for the item of "Weekly Environmental Walk" under the PFSES if the Contractor’s site environmental and waste management performance
is not satisfactory, or any one of the follow up actions is not completed on or before the "Agreed Due Date for Completion".)

Annex 1 to Appendix C Page 1 of 1

Annex 2 to Appendix C


[This PS is optional. Delete this specification from the contract document where inapplicable.]

1. Wheel washing system with facilities as detailed below, shall be provided at all exit points
where vehicles will be leaving the Site.

2. The facilities shall have the following characteristics:

(a) A space for the vehicle to stop where the washing is being done, with heavy duty metal
grating capable of taking the heaviest vehicles envisaged for the Site, with a trough
below for collecting wastewater, etc.;

(b) A system of high pressure jets by which the water is sprayed on to all exposed parts of
each of all the wheels of the vehicle simultaneously;

(c) A pump to increase the water pressure so that the water impinges on the wheels at a
reasonable force;

(d) Collection of wastewater in the vicinity of the washing facility to the wastewater
treatment facilities of the Site, if any.

(e) Use of recycled water from the Site for the washing facilities.

3. The result of washing shall be to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his

Representative. The Contractor shall submit the design of the facilities to the
*Architect/Engineer for information prior to its set up on the Site, and shall maintain the
facilities to satisfy the requirements in this specification.

Annex 2 to Appendix C Page 1 of 3

Annex 2 to Appendix C



1. All C&D materials shall be delivered to the appropriate designated outlets by dump trucks
fitted with covered box type dump bed. Such dump trucks shall comply with the following:

(a) The cover to the dump bed shall be power operated with manual backup, so that the
operator would not need to climb on to the dump bed to operate the cover (both under
power mode and manual mode). Operation from driver cab or with the operator
standing on the ground is acceptable.

(b) After the cover to the dump bed is closed, any gap left on the system of enclosure
should be less than 25 mm wide measured in a direction across the gap. Any remaining
gap is to be sealed up tightly with a layer of nylon bristle of sufficient length to bridge
across the gap.

(c) The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting a design of dump truck cover
satisfying the above requirements without impairing the operation of the dump truck at
any time. No claim by the Contractor shall be entertained for any loss of use of dump
trucks as a result of complying with this specification.

(d) The *Architect/Engineer or his Representative shall -

i) refuse entry into the Site any dump truck that fails to meet this specification;

ii) require any loaded dump truck to unload its contents before leaving the Site if
its dump bed and cover is found not to comply with the above requirements
after loading.

Provided always that approval for leaving the Site of a loaded dump truck by the
*Architect/Engineer or his site supervisory staff does not absolve the liability of the
Contractor from complying with the relevant legislation, and no claim against the
Employer will be entertained for any offence by the Contractor (or his truck drivers) in
relation to transportation of the C&D materials from the Site.

Annex 2 to Appendix C Page 2 of 3

Annex 2 to Appendix C



[Delete or modify this specification where necessary to suit actual site situation.]

1. Wastewater treatment facilities (to be referred to as “the facilities” herein) shall be provided on
the Site. All wastewater arising from the Works including the washing activities shall be
collected for centralised treatment by the facilities before being reused or discharged into the
appropriate drainage system subject to consent by the Drainage Services Department.

2. The facilities shall be integrated with the temporary wastewater collection system which in turn
shall reach every part of the Works where use of water or generation of wastewater is expected,
including but is not limited to temporary hand-wash basins. The wastewater to be treated shall
be routed to the facilities. The design of the temporary wastewater collection system shall be
adjusted at the Contractor’s own cost to suit the progress of the Works so as not to affect its
performance and be subject to the approval of the *Architect/Engineer. Any such design
modification shall be at the Contractor’s own cost and shall not constitute a variation.
Wastewater from toilets should be collected separately for proper discharge/disposal and is not
to be dealt with by these facilities.

3. The facilities and all temporary pipe works and channels shall be removed by the Contractor on
completion of the Works. The Contractor shall NOT use the pipes that belong to the permanent
works for the transport of the wastewater.

4. The treatment plant shall have the following characteristics:

(a) Modular liquid containers built up for wastewater collection and storage, and shall be
expandable to suit the volume of water generated;

(b) The plant capacity shall cater for at least 120% of the maximum estimated volume of
wastewater generated at any time;

(c) A 3-stage primary sedimentation tank shall be adopted for the wastewater treatment
unless the Contractor can prove to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer that a
primary sedimentation tank with less stages is sufficient for the purpose. The hydraulic
retention time of each stage shall not be less than 30 minutes.

(d) The plant shall have a final sedimentation tank with chemical enhanced sedimentation.
The dosing of coagulant and flocculant shall be automatic and by means of a mixer. In
addition, an automatic alkali and acid dosing device controlled by a feedback loop from
an automatic pH sensor shall be provided for controlling the pH value of the effluent.

5. The sediment from the sedimentation tank shall be removed weekly or more frequently as the
situation warrants, and properly treated and disposed of by a specialist contractor.

6. Samples of treated effluent shall be taken from the facilities at different times of a day to ensure
that the quality of the effluent can meet the statutory criteria for discharge into the appropriate
drain system. The test equipment shall be calibrated by a HOKLAS certified laboratory.

7. The Contractor shall submit the design of the facilities to the *Architect/Engineer for
information prior to its set up on the Site, and shall maintain the facilities to satisfy the
requirements in this specification.

Annex 2 to Appendix C Page 3 of 3

Annex 3 to Appendix C

Proforma for Monthly Recording Delivery and Consumption of Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel on Site

Contract No.: ______________________________________

Contract Title: ___________________________________________________________

Name of Person completing the Proforma: ______________________________________

Name of Person responsible for audit checking: __________________________________

Intake Consumption
Details of Plant
Date Quantity of Quantity of
Name of Contractor/ belong to the Date of Date of
Details of Ordering Fuel Fuel Delivered Fuel Consumed
Sub-contractor Contractor/ Arrival Departure
(in litre) (in litre)
- name of oil company - plant name and
- delivery note no. and serial no.

Total Delivered Total Consumed

[N.B. The total for the month is for checking the relative order of quantity of fuel delivered and consumed on the Site and need not necessarily be balanced.]

Annex 3 to Appendix C Page 1 of 1

Annex 4 to Appendix C

Name of Department: ArchSD/CEDD/DSD/EMSD/HyD/WSD Contract No.: __________________________

Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table for ____ (year)

Actual Quantities of Inert C&D Materials Generated Monthly Actual Quantities of C&D Wastes Generated Monthly

Hard Rock and

Month Total Quantity Reused in the Reused in other Disposed as Paper/ cardboard Plastics Others, e.g.
Large Broken Imported Fill Metals Chemical Waste
Generated Contract Projects Public Fill packaging (see Note 3) general refuse

(in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000 kg) (in '000kg) (in '000kg) (in '000kg) (in '000m3)















Annex 4 to Appendix C Page 1 of 2

Annex 4 to Appendix C

Forecast of Total Quantities of C&D Materials to be Generated from the Contract*

Hard Rock and

Total Quantity Reused in the Reused in other Disposed as Paper/ cardboard Plastics Others, e.g.
Large Broken Imported Fill Metals Chemical Waste
Generated Contract Projects Public Fill packaging (see Note 3) general refuse

(in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000 kg) (in '000kg) (in '000kg) (in '000kg) (in '000m3)

Notes: (1) The performance targets are given in PS Clause 6(14).

(2) The waste flow table shall also include C&D materials that are specified in the Contract to be imported for use at the Site.
(3) Plastics refer to plastic bottles/containers, plastic sheets/foam from packaging material
* (4) The Contractor shall also submit the latest forecast of the total amount of C&D materials expected to be generated from the Works, together with a breakdown of the nature
where the total amount of C&D materials expected to be generated from the Works is equal to or exceeding 50,000 m3. (PS Clause 5(4)(b) refers). [Delete Note (4) and the
table above on the forecast, where inapplicable].

Annex 4 to Appendix C Page 2 of 2

Annex 5 to Appendix C

Summary Table for Work Processes or Activities Requiring Timber for Temporary Works

Contract No.: ______________________________________

Contract Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Description of Works Process or Activity Justifications for Using Timber in Actual

Est. Quantities of
Item No. Temporary Construction Works Quantities Remarks
Timber Used (m3)
[see note (a) below] used (m3)









Total Estimated Quantity of Timber Used

Notes: (a) The Contractor shall list out all the work items requiring timber for use in temporary construction works. Several minor work items may be grouped into
one for ease of updating.
(b) The summary table shall be submitted to the *Architect/Engineer’s Representative monthly together with the Waste Flow Table for review and monitoring
in accordance with the PS sub-clause 5(5) in Appendix C.

Annex 5 to Appendix C Page 1 of 1



Appendix D(a)

Sample Method of Measurement for “Site Safety and Environment Management” under
the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme

[Notes: 1. Where *Architect/Engineer is denoted in this MoM, it should be selected as

appropriate or modified to suit the appropriate title of the contract.

2. The sample MoM on Pay for Safety Scheme promulgated under WBTC 14/98, 30/2000,
30/2002 should be deleted and replaced by the samples herein.

3. The following MoM should be included in a new section of the MoM, instead of Section 1

Notes: For contracts using the Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works
(3rd Edition Metric February 1979), the phrase “General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4”,
wherever it may appear below should be deleted; and the phrase “General Preambles
paragraph 2”, wherever it may appear below, should be replaced with “Hong Kong Standard
Method of Measurement for Building Works (3rd Edition Metric February 1979) – Section I
clause 9” .

Section (XX) - Site Safety and Environmental Management


Particular Preambles

xx.01 Rates appearing in this section of the Method of Measurement,

whether pre-fixed or inserted by the Contractor, shall be deemed
to allow for the value of work in connection with meeting all
statutory and contractual obligations in the upkeeping of safety
and health and environmental management in the execution of the
Works and any other related obligations, liabilities, risks and
profit. In the event that the rates have been insufficient or where
there are any aspects where the methods provided hereunder do
not measure any item or exclude the measurement of any item or
part thereof, the difference in value shall be deemed to have been
included in the rates inserted elsewhere in the Bills of Quantities.


Units xx.02 The units of measurement shall be:

(i) complete Safety Plan ......……..........….. .………….. item

(ii) update Safety Plan …………..…....……………… month

Measurement xx.03 The items for “complete Safety Plan” shall be measured when the
*Architect/Engineer is satisfied that the Safety Plan has been
completed and it meets all the requirements of the Contract at the
time of its completion and copies distributed.

xx.04 The measurement for the “update Safety Plan” shall be the period
of time commencing from the completion of the Safety Plan until
the date of substantial completion of the Works or an earlier or later
date notified by the *Architect/Engineer.

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)1 of 16

Appendix D(a)

xx.05 No measurement shall be made for the “update Safety Plan” for any
period of time in which the Contractor fails to discharge any of its
contractual obligations in respect of reviewing, revising or updating
the Safety Plan.

Itemisation xx.06 Separate items shall be provided for the Safety Plan in accordance
with General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Complete Safety Plan

2. Update Safety Plan

Complete xx.07 The item for “complete Safety Plan” shall, in accordance with
Safety Plan General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) development and completion of the Safety Plan taking into
account the comments given by the *Architect/Engineer and
any other parties; and

(b) distribution of the Safety Plan to all relevant parties.

Update Safety xx.08 The item for the “update Safety Plan” shall, in accordance with
Plan General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) reviewing, updating and revising the Safety Plan taking into
account the comments made on the Safety Plan by the
*Architect/Engineer and any other parties;

(b) preparing and updating risk assessments for the work

scheduled at least for the next two months;

(c) reviewing and establishment of safe working procedures and

method statements;

(d) updating of emergency and rescue procedures; and

(e) distribution of the revisions of the Safety Plan to all relevant



Units xx.09 The units of measurement shall be:

(i) complete Environmental Management Plan ……….... item

(ii) update Environmental Management Plan …………. month

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)2 of 16

Appendix D(a)

Measurement xx.10 The item for “complete Environmental Management Plan” shall be
measured when the *Architect/Engineer is satisfied that the
Environmental Management Plan has been completed and it meets
all the requirements of the Contract at the time of its completion and
copies distributed.

xx.11 The measurement for “update Environmental Management Plan”

shall be the period of time commencing from the completion of the
Environmental Management Plan until the date of substantial
completion of the Works or an earlier or later date notified by the

xx.12 No measurement shall be made for “update Environmental

Management Plan” for any period of time in which the Contractor
fails to discharge any of its contractual obligations in respect of
reviewing, updating or revising the Environmental Management

Itemisation xx.13 Separate items shall be provided for the Environmental

Management Plan in accordance with General Principles
paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Complete the Environmental Management Plan

2. Update Environmental Management Plan

Complete xx.14 The item for “complete Environmental Management Plan” shall, in
Environmental accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) development and completion of the Environmental

Management Plan taking into account the comments given
by the *Architect/Engineer and any other parties; and

(b) distribution of the Environmental Management Plan to all

relevant parties.

Update xx.15 The item for “update Environmental Management Plan” shall, in
Environmental accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) reviewing, updating and revising the Environmental

Management Plan taking into account the comments made
on the Environmental Management Plan by the
*Architect/Engineer and any other parties;

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)3 of 16

Appendix D(a)

(b) providing the actual quantities of C&D materials generated

for the month by completing the monthly summary Waste
Flow Table, and a forecast of the quantities [delete the last
part if PS 5(4)(b) is not applicable];

(c) updating of the summary table for work processes or

activities requiring the use of timbers for Temporary Works

(d) reviewing the adequacy of resources and facilities for

on-site sorting of C&D materials;

(e) reviewing the adequacy of the nuisance abatement

measures based on measurements taken on the various
pollution parameters and public complaints, and

(f) distribution of the revisions of the Environmental

Management Plan to all relevant parties.



[Contract drafter should amend the title to “PROVIDE SAFETY

OFFICER” and delete clauses xx16(ii), xx.18, xx.23 and the phrase
“and/or the Environmental Officer” in xx.20 and xx.21 for the
measurement for “provide Environmental Officer” if the contract does not
require an Environmental Officer or if the contract only requires an
Assigned Person to oversee the environmental matters.]

Units xx.16 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) provide Safety Officer .................……….. number-month

(ii) provide Environmental Officer ………….. number-month

Measurement xx.17 The measurement for “provide Safety Officer” shall commence
from the date of appointment of the Safety Officer as approved by
the *Architect/Engineer or the date on which the Safety Officer
commences his duty on the Site, whichever is the later. No
measurement shall be made for any Safety Officer employed by the
Contractor over and above the number of Safety Officers required
under PS clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS for Site Safety+].

xx.18 The measurement for “provide Environmental Officer” shall

commence from the date of appointment of the Environmental
Officer as approved by the *Architect/Engineer or the date on
which the Environmental Officer commences his duty on the
Site, whichever is the later.

xx.19 No measurement shall be made after the date of substantial

completion of the Works or an earlier or later date notified by the

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)4 of 16

Appendix D(a)

xx.20 No measurement shall be made for any period of time in which the
Safety Officer and/or the Environmental Officer fails to discharge
any of his duties.

Itemisation xx.21 Separate items shall be provided for “provide Safety Officer and
Environmental Officer” in accordance with General Principles
paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Provide Safety Officer

2. Provide Environmental Officer

Provide Safety xx.22 The item for “provide Safety Officer” shall, in accordance with
Officer General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) submission of the qualifications and experience of the

proposed Safety Officer to the *Architect/Engineer for

(b) provision of sufficient number of Safety Officers in

accordance with PS clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS for
Site Safety+] and supporting staff to the Safety Officers;

(c) ensuring the fulfillment of the duties by the Safety Officer(s)

in accordance with PS clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS
for Site Safety+] to the satisfaction of the
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative; and

(d) maintenance of the safety diary.

Provide xx.23 The item for “provide Environmental Officer” shall, in accordance
Environmental with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) submission of the qualifications and experience of the

proposed Environmental Officer to the *Architect/Engineer
for approval;

(b) ensuring the fulfillment of the duties by the Environmental

Officer in accordance with PS clause ( ) [clause no. 1(2)(c)
in Appendix C] to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer
or his Representative; and

(c) maintenance of the environmental records as per PS clause

( ) [clause no. 6(17) in Appendix C].

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)5 of 16

Appendix D(a)



Units xx.24 The units of measurement shall be:

(i) attend Site Safety and Environmental Management

Committee .…........……………....……..……… month
(ii) attend Site Safety and Environmental
Committee ..…......……………………......……. month

Measurement xx.25 The measurement shall commence from the date of the first
meeting of the relevant Committee until the date of substantial
completion of the Works or an earlier or later date notified by the

xx.26 The item for “attend Site Safety and Environmental Management
Committee” shall be measured as a whole if separate meetings are
held for discussion on site safety and environmental issues

xx.27 No measurement shall be made for any month in which the

Contractor fails to hold or attend any of such Committee meetings
in accordance with the Contract, or fails to deal with any of the
matters associated with such Committees in a satisfactory manner.

Itemisation xx.28 Separate items shall be provided for “attend Site Safety and
Environmental Management Committee, and Site Safety and
Environmental Committee” in accordance with General Principles
Paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Attend Site Safety and Environmental

Management Committee
2. Attend Site Safety and Environmental

Attend Site xx.29 The item for “attend Site Safety and Environmental Management
Safety and Committee” shall, in accordance with General Preambles
Environmental paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) attendance of the Site Safety and Environmental

Management Committee meetings and complete the agenda
of the meeting for the month;

(b) arranging inspection of the Site by members of the Site

Safety and Environmental Management Committee before
the meeting for the month;

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)6 of 16

Appendix D(a)

(c) providing necessary assistance for the proper functioning of

the Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee;

(d) submission of monthly safety and environmental report for

consideration at the meeting.

Attend Site xx.30 The item for “attend Site Safety and Environmental Committee”
Safety and shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
Environmental for:

Item coverage (a) establishment of the Site Safety and Environmental


(b) arranging and giving adequate notice to relevant parties of

the Site Safety and Environmental Committee meeting to be
held for the month;

(c) attendance of the Site Safety and Environmental Committee

meetings; and

(d) completion and distribution of minutes of meetings.



Units xx.31 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) arrange and attend weekly safety walk ...….….….. number

(ii) arrange and attend weekly environmental
walk ..........…………...........……...…………….... number

Measurement xx.32 Only those safety walks or environmental walks conducted during
the period from the date of commencement of the Works until the
date of substantial completion of the Works or an earlier or later
date notified by the *Architect/Engineer are qualified for

xx.33 No payment shall be made for the weekly safety walk when any one
of the following events occurs during that week:

(a) The Contractor has received Improvement Notice or

Suspension Notice issued by the Labour Department under
the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance in respect of
any activities on the Site;

(b) The *Architect/Engineer has suspended the progress of the

Works or any part thereof due to any reason caused by any
default on the part of the Contractor in failing to ensure
safety and health,

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)7 of 16

Appendix D(a)

(c) The *Architect/Engineer has given written notification to the

Contractor requiring the Contractor to rectify any deficiency
in the proper and full implementation of the Safety Plan, and
the Contractor has failed to rectify the deficiency within a
reasonable time; or

(d) The Contractor has failed to rectify the defects and

deficiencies identified in the weekly safety walk within the
agreed time.

(e) Any impending prosecution comes to the knowledge of the

*Architect/Engineer under Section 27 of the Public Health
and Municipal Services Ordinance.

xx.34 No payment shall be made for the weekly environmental walk when
any one of the following events occurs during the week:

(a) Any Air Pollution or Noise Abatement Notice has been

issued by the Environmental Protection Department;

(b) Any impending prosecution comes to the knowledge of the

*Architect/Engineer under any of the following Ordinances:

(i) Air Pollution Control Ordinance;

(ii) Noise Control Ordinance;
(iii) Water Pollution Control Ordinance ;
(iv) Waste Disposal Ordinance;
(v) Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance;
(vi) Dumping at Sea Ordinance; and
(vii) Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance.

(c) Test results confirming that diesel-operated Constructional

Plant replenished with other than ultra low sulphur diesel;

(d) Any illegal or unauthorized disposal of C&D materials in

connection with the Works notified by the Environmental
Protection Department or other relevant department;

(e) The public fill reception facilities have refused to receive the
C&D materials from the Site because the materials contain
an unacceptably high proportion of non-inert C&D materials
or other waste;

(f) The *Architect/Engineer has given written notification to

warn the Contractor for any failure in the proper and full
implementation of the Environmental Management Plan, but
the Contractor has failed to rectify such failure within a
reasonable time; and

(g) The Contractor has failed to rectify the defects and

deficiencies identified in the weekly environmental walk
within the agreed time.

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)8 of 16

Appendix D(a)

xx.35 The weekly safety walk and environmental walk can be carried
out simultaneously and by the same inspection team subject to the
agreement of the *Architect/Engineer.

Itemisation xx.36 Separate items shall be provided for “arrange and attend weekly
safety walk and weekly environmental walk” in accordance with
General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Arrange and attend weekly safety walk

2. Arrange and attend weekly environmental walk

Arrange and xx.37 The item for “arrange and attend weekly safety walk” shall, in
attend weekly accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:
safety walk

Item coverage (a) arranging and giving adequate notice to relevant parties of
the weekly safety walk;

(b) using a comprehensive checklist during the walk to identify

any deficiencies noted in the safety provisions, recording the
deficiencies in the summary table, and rectifying such
deficiencies subsequently within the agreed time;

(c) preparation of reports on safety walks and safety inspections


(d) implementation and upkeeping of all measures stipulated in

Particular Specification on site safety and the Safety Plan,
and maintaining the effectiveness of all such provisions for
the duration of the Contract;

(e) conducting safety inspections including, but without

limitation to, the followings:

(i) scaffolding and safe access;

(ii) temporary electrical supply, and
(iii) site cleanliness and control of mosquito breeding.

(f) implementation of the decisions and recommendations made

by the Site Safety and Environmental Management
Committee on matters of safety and health.

Arrange and xx.38 The item for “arrange and attend weekly environmental walk”
attend weekly shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
environmental for:

Item coverage (a) arranging and giving adequate notice to relevant parties of
the weekly environmental walk;

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)9 of 16

Appendix D(a)

(b) using a comprehensive checklist during the walk to identify

any deficiencies noted in the environmental provisions,
recording the deficiencies in the summary table, and
rectifying such deficiencies subsequently within the agreed

(c) preparation of reports on environmental walks and

environmental inspections conducted;

(d) implementation and upkeeping of all measures stipulated in

the Particular Specification on environmental management
and the EMP, and maintain the effectiveness of all such
provisions for the duration of the Contract;

(e) conducting environmental inspections including, but without

limitation to, the followings:

(i) the effectiveness of air, noise and wastewater pollution

abatement measures of the Works;

(ii) the performance of dust and/or acoustic screens or

enclosures provided at public interfaces;

(iii) maximizing the retrieval of reusable and recyclable

materials from the C&D materials generated from the
Site; and

(iv) prompt removal of surplus C&D materials off the Site;

(f) implementation of the decisions and recommendations made

by the Site Safety and Environmental Management
Committee on matters relating to environmental nuisance
and waste management.


Units xx.39 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) provide safety and environmental training ................. number

Measurement xx.40 The measurement for “provide safety and environmental training”
in the form of safety training for specified trade workers shall be on
a per worker basis subject to the production of a Specified Trade
Safety Training Certificate (‘Silver Card’) and submission of the
original attendance certificate issued by the Construction Industry
Training Authority as evidence of completing the Safety Training
Course for Construction Workers of Specified Trade or its
revalidation course, in accordance with PS clause ( ) [relevant
clause no. in PS for Site Safety+]. The *Architect/Engineer or his
representative will stamp on the attendance certificate and return it
to the Contractor after the measurement for this item has been
made. No measurement will be made if:

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)10 of 16

Appendix D(a)

(a) the specified trade worker has attended the course before
he starts works on the Site or after he has left the Site;

(b) the specified trade worker has attended the same course for
the same trade more than once during the Contract period;

(c) measurement for this item has been made under another
public works contract for the same trade worker to attend
the same course for the same trade, or a valid or clean
attendance certificate without prior payment record cannot
be produced.

xx.41 The measurement for “provide safety and environmental training”

in the form of site specific induction training shall be paid on a per
worker per training basis.

xx.42 The measurement for “provide safety and environmental training”

in the form of toolbox talks shall be paid on a per worker per talk
basis based on a frequency of one talk per worker every two weeks
in accordance with PS clause ( ). [relevant clause no. in PS for Site

xx.43 No measurement for the items on “provide safety and

environmental training” in the form of site specific induction
training or toolbox talks will be made if the *Architect/Engineer or
his Representative is dissatisfied with the frequency, arrangements,
numbers certified, relevance or quality of such training and the
Contractor cannot provide any justification acceptable to the

Itemisation xx.44 Separate items shall be provided for “provide safety and
environmental training” in accordance with General Principles
paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Provide safety and environmental training

II 1. in the form of safety training for specified trade

2. in the form of site specific induction training
3. in the form of toolbox Talks

Provide safety xx.45 The items for “provide safety and environmental training” in the
and form of safety training for specified trade workers shall, in
environmental accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:
training in the
form of safety
training for
specified trade

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)11 of 16

Appendix D(a)

Item coverage (a) arrangement of skilled workers to attend Safety Training

Course for Construction Workers of Specified Trade
organised by the Construction Industry Training Authority;

(b) payment of the token allowance to skilled workers;

(c) preparation of training programme and records, and

submission of certified monthly statements to the
*Architect/Engineer; and

(d) administration in connection with (a), (b) and (c) above.

Provide safety xx.46 The items for "provide safety and environment training” in the form
and of site specific induction training shall, in accordance with General
environmental Preambles paragraph 2, include for:
training in the
form of site

Item coverage (a) site specific induction training conducted in accordance with
PS clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS for Site Safety+] and
PS clause ( ) [PS clause 1(4)(c) in Appendix C];

(b) the necessary facilities, trainers and demonstration

equipment for complying with (a) above;

(c) preparation of the training programme and records, and

submission of certified monthly statements to the
*Architect/Engineer; and

(d) administration in connection with (a), (b) and (c) above.

Provide safety xx.47 The items for “provide safety and environmental training” in the
and form of toolbox talks shall, in accordance with General Preambles
environmental paragraph 2, include for:
training in the
form of toolbox

Item coverage (a) conducting toolbox talks on safety, environmental

protection and waste management in accordance with PS
clause ( ) [relevant clause no. in PS for Site Safety+] and PS
clause ( ) [PS clause 1(4)(d) in Appendix C];

(b) providing necessary training to Safety Supervisors,

Environmental Officers or Environmental Supervisors or
Assigned Persons or foremen or gangers to conduct such

(c) basing such talks on kits published by the Hong Kong

Construction Association Ltd., Occupational Safety and
Health Council, or kits of comparable standard approved or
advised by the *Architect/Engineer;

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)12 of 16

Appendix D(a)

(d) preparation of training programme and records, and

submission of certified monthly statements to the
*Architect/Engineer; and

(e) administration in connection with (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.



Units xx.48 The unit of measurement shall be:

(h) arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of

Site Safety Cycle ……………………………… number.

Measurement xx.49 Subject to clauses xx.50 to xx.52 below, the measurement for
"arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site Safety Cycle" shall be
the number of persons attending a complete set of the following
Pre-work Activities on one day:

(i) Pre-work Exercise and Safety (PES) meetings;

(ii) Hazard Identification Activity (HIA) meetings; and
(iii) Pre-work Safety Checks.

xx.50 Measurement shall only be made for persons employed on the

Works (excluding clerical and administrative staff in Site office),
irrespective of whether they are in the employment of the
Contractor or his sub-contractors. For the avoidance of doubt,
persons employed on the Works are those persons whose number of
man-hours worked on the Site are to be included in the number of
man-hours worked for the Contract.

xx.51 Measurement shall only be made for a person who has completed
the set of Pre-work Activities on one day prior to his/her work on
that day. No extra measurement shall be made for a person who has
attended more than one set of Pre-work Activities in a day.

xx.52 A maximum of two numbers for "arrange and hold Pre-work

Activities of Site Safety Cycle" shall be measured for the same
person in any one calendar week (commencing on Monday) unless
prior approval has been obtained from the *Architect/Engineer.

xx.53 No measurement shall be made for the number of persons who have
attended the Pre-work Activities in a group but the
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative is dissatisfied with the
content and/or the arrangement of the Pre-work Activities for that
group. If the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative is only
dissatisfied with the content and/or the arrangement of the HIA
meeting for a particular group only, then the non-measurement shall
be limited to the number of persons for that group which the
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative considers unsatisfactory.

xx.54 No measurement shall be made for the total number of attendees of

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)13 of 16

Appendix D(a)

Pre-work Activities in a week (commencing on Monday) if the

number of individual persons who have attended the Pre-work
Activities to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his
Representative within that week is less than 70% of the average
number of persons working at the Site in that week. For the
avoidance of doubt, the average number of persons working at the
Site in a week (commencing on Monday) shall be the quotient of
the total number of man-days worked for the Contract in that week
divided by the number of working days within that week.

Itemisation xx.55 Separate items shall be provided for "arrange and hold Pre-work
Activities of Site Safety Cycle" in accordance with General
Principles paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site

Safety Cycle

Arrange and xx.56 The items for “arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site Safety
hold Pre-work Cycle” shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2,
Activities of include for:
Site Safety

Item coverage (a) arranging and holding PES meetings, HIA meetings and
Pre-work Safety Checks all as given in PS clause ( ) to ( )
[relevant clause nos. in ETWB TCW No. 30/2002];

(b) providing training to leaders of the PES or HIA meetings as

given in PS clause ( ) and ( ) [relevant clause nos. in
ETWB TCW No. 30/2002]; and

(c) attendance by workers.


Units xx.57 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) provide safety bulletin

board …………………...….……………………..number

Itemisation xx.58 Separate items shall be provided for "provide safety bulletin board"
in accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4 and the

Group Feature

I 1. Provide safety bulletin board

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)14 of 16

Appendix D(a)

Provide safety xx.59 The items for "provide safety bulletin board" shall, in accordance
bulletin board with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) providing safety bulletin board in accordance with PS

clause ( ) [relevant clause nos. in ETWB TCW No.

(b) relocating safety bulletin board if required from one place to

another within the Site during the various stages of the

(c) providing maintenance and necessary reinstatement to keep

the bulletin boards in good working condition; and

(d) subsequent removal and disposal of, and reinstatement of the

affected areas.


[Note: Paragraphs xx.60 to xx.63 for the term “use of quality powered
mechanical equipment” shall only be included for contracts with an
estimated contract sum of $200M or above]

xx.60 The unit of measurement shall be:

(a) use of quality powered mechanical equipment ….… month

Measurement xx.61 The item for “use of quality powered mechanical equipment”
shall be measured once only for each month when during the
whole month, all Constructional Plant used on the Site, insofar as
they fall under a category of the “Quality Powered Mechanical
Equipment (QPME)” as listed in PS clause ( ) [Clause 3(4) & (5)
in Appendix C], have at all times been registered with the EPD as
a QPME and affixed with a relevant label issued by the EPD. No
measurement shall be made for this item if there is no site activity
requiring the use of QPME for the month, or if there is site
activity requiring the use of QPME for the month but the
Contractor has not used QPME for such site activity or any part
thereof during the month.

Itemisation xx.62 Separate items shall be provided for “use of quality powered
mechanical equipment” in accordance with General Principles
paragraphs 3 and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. use of quality powered mechanical equipment.

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)15 of 16

Appendix D(a)

Use of quality xx.63 The item for “use of quality powered mechanical equipment”
powered shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
mechanical for:

Item coverage (a) affixing the QPME label issued by EPD to the
Constructional Plant at all times when working on the Site
and making sure that the label is legible;

(b) maintaining a register of all QPME used on the Site and

their servicing period;

(c) replacement of any QPME that fails to satisfy the criteria

pursuant to PS clause [ ] (see Clause 3(3) in Appendix C)
under the Contract or which has been deregistered by EPD;

(d) any extra cost due to delays to the Works as a result of (c)

Appendix D(a) Page D(a)16 of 16

Appendix D(b)

Sample Method of Measurement for “Environmental Measures” on Nuisance

Abatement and Waste Management

[Notes: 1. Where *Architect/Engineer is denoted in this MoM, it should be selected as

appropriate or modified to suit the appropriate title of the contract.

2. The following MoM is to be included under Section 1 (Preliminaries) of the MoM.

3. Contract drafter should also incorporate Appendix D(c) into Section 1 (Preliminaries) of
the MoM. It should be noted that Appendix D(c) replaces SMM Corrigendum No. 1/2000
and serves as “catch-all” items for environmental measures that are not separately
measured under this Appendix. ]

Section 1 - Environmental Measures

[Note: Contract drafter should delete the irrelevant clauses from the sample contract MoM where the
measure(s) is/are not applicable to his contract to tally with the PS clauses 2 to 5, in particular the
optional items as marked ‘ # ’.]


Units xx.01 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) provision, maintenance and removal of covering for dusty

materials or air pollution abatement measures for dusty
activities .…………………………………………..… item
(ii) provision, maintenance and removal of screens or
enclosures for smoky activities ..……………………... item
(iii) provision, maintenance and removal of wheel washing
system …….………………………………………… item
(iv) provide mechanical covers for dump trucks ..…….…. item

Measurement xx.02 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of covering for
dusty materials or air pollution abatement measures for dusty
activities” shall be measured once only for the whole Contract
when the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative is satisfied that
all such covering or air pollution abatement measures are provided
on Site in accordance with PS Clause No. 2(1) [**adjust to suit] ,
properly maintained during the course of the Contract and
subsequently removed upon completion of the Works.

xx.03 No measurement shall be made for the item for “provision,

maintenance and removal of covering for dusty materials or air
pollution abatement measures for dusty activities” if no such
covering or air pollution abatement measures are provided by the
Contractor on Site for the full duration of the Contract or if the
*Architect/Engineer is not satisfied with the performance of such
covering or measures. Partial measurement for the item may be
made by the *Architect/Engineer on a pro-rata basis according to
the period of time during which such item has been provided by the
Contractor to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer.

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)1 of 11

Appendix D(b)

xx.04 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of screens or

enclosures for smoky activities” shall be measured once only for
the whole Contract when the *Architect/Engineer or his
Representative is satisfied that such screens or enclosures are
provided for all smoky activities on Site in accordance with PS
Clause No. 2(2) [** adjust to suit], properly maintained during the
course of the Contract and subsequently removed upon completion
of the Works.

xx.05 No measurement shall be made for the item for “provision,

maintenance and removal of screens or enclosures for smoky
activities” if no such screens or enclosures are provided by the
Contractor on Site for the full duration of the Contract or if the
*Architect/Engineer is not satisfied with the performance of such
screens or enclosures. Partial measurement for the item may be
made by the *Architect/Engineer on a pro-rata basis according to
the period of time during which such item has been provided by the
Contractor to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer.
xx.06 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of wheel
washing system” shall be measured once only for the whole
Contract when the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative is
satisfied with the performance of the wheel washing system
provided and installed on Site in accordance with PS Clause No.
2(3) [** adjust to suit], and that such system is properly maintained
during the course of the Contract and subsequently removed upon
completion of the Works.
xx.07 No measurement shall be made for the item for “provision,
maintenance and removal of wheel washing system” if no such
system is provided and installed by the Contractor on Site for the
full duration of the Contract or if the *Architect/Engineer is not
satisfied with the performance of such system. Partial
measurement for the item may be made by the *Architect/Engineer
on a pro-rata basis according to the period of time during which
such item has been provided by the Contractor to the satisfaction of
the *Architect/Engineer.

xx.08 The item for “provide mechanical covers for dump trucks” shall be
measured once only for the whole Contract when the
*Architect/Engineer is satisfied with the operation of the dump
trucks used for the transportation of construction and demolition
materials into and off the Site in accordance with PS Clause No.
2(4) [** adjust to suit].

xx.09 No measurement shall be made for the item for “provide

mechanical covers for dump trucks” if any dump truck used for the
transportation of construction and demolition materials into and off
the Site has not been provided with a mechanical cover as specified
in the Contract or if no dump truck has been used during the course
of the Contract.

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)2 of 11

Appendix D(b)

Itemisation xx.10 Separate items shall be provided for “air pollution abatement” in
accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4 and the

Group Feature

I 1. Provision, maintenance and removal of covering

for dusty materials or air pollution abatement
measures for dusty activities.
2. Provision, maintenance and removal of screens or
enclosures for smoky activities.
3. Provision, maintenance and removal of wheel
washing system.
4. Provide mechanical covers for dump trucks.

Provision, xx.11 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of covering for
maintenance dusty materials or air pollution abatement measures for dusty
and removal activities” shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph
of covering 2, include for:
for dusty
materials or
air pollution
measures for

Item coverage (a) provision, maintenance and removal of the means from time
to time to ensure that dusty materials are properly contained
or covered by tarpaulin or other approved means to the
satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his

(b) provision, maintenance and removal of appropriate air

pollution abatement measures for dusty construction
activities carried out in the close proximity to the public to
the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his
Representative ;

(c) proper handling/disposal of the covering, screening

materials and the like for reuse or recycling if they are no
longer necessary; and

(d) reinstatement of the Site.

Provision, xx.12 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of screens or
maintenance enclosures for smoky activities” shall, in accordance with General
and removal of Preambles paragraph 2, include for:
screens or
enclosures for

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)3 of 11

Appendix D(b)

Item coverage (a) submission of the construction details of the smoke screens
or enclosures to be provided on the Site to the
*Architect/Engineer for approval.

(b) fixing of the screens or enclosures securely and safely to the

satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his

(c) maintenance of the screens or enclosures after erection till

removal; and

(d) removal of the screens or enclosures and reinstatement of

the Site.
Provision, xx.13 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of wheel
maintenance washing system” shall, in accordance with General Preambles
and removal of paragraph 2, include for:
wheel washing

Item coverage (a) submission of the design and layout arrangement of the
wheel washing system to the Architect/Engineer* for

(b) patent fees and royalties in connection with the design;

(c) supply and installation of the system on the Site including

all the necessary piping, equipment and facilities for reuse
and recycling of water with the system performance to the
satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer;

(d) all costs associated with the satisfactory operation and

maintenance of the system, including power supply, water
supply, repair of any defective parts of the system and the
like, to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his

(e) modification, relocation and improvement of the system to

suit the Site conditions or Works programme;

(f) where the Site has more than one exit point for vehicles
leaving the Site, provide a wheel washing system covering
all exit points unless prior approval has been obtained from
the *Architect/Engineer that the provision for one or more
of the exit points is/are not necessary; and

(g) removal of the system and reinstatement of the Site.

Provide xx.14 The item for “provide mechanical covers for dump trucks” shall, in
mechanical accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:
covers for
dump trucks

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)4 of 11

Appendix D(b)

Item coverage (a) maintenance of the mechanical covers in good operating

condition, including the replacement of any consumables or
wear and tear;

(b) ensuring all dump trucks which enter or exit the Site for the
execution of the Works are fitted with such mechanical
covers in compliance with the Contract requirement;

(c) providing sufficient number of dump trucks fitted with such

mechanical covers; and

(e) allowance of the time required to provide mechanical

covers to all dump trucks in the programme for the
execution of the Works.


Units xx.15 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) provision, maintenance and removal of acoustic screens or

enclosures ….…...….…... …………………………….item

(ii) adoption of other noise abatement practices ……….. item

Measurement xx.16 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of acoustic
screens or enclosures” shall be measured once only for the whole
Contract when the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative is
satisfied that such acoustic screens or enclosures are provided on
Site, properly maintained during the course of the Contract as PS
clause [ ] and removed subsequently removed upon completion of
the Works.

xx.17 No measurement shall be made for the item for “provision,

maintenance and removal of acoustic screens or enclosures” if no
such screens or enclosures are provided by the Contractor on Site
for the full duration of the Contract or if the *Architect/Engineer is
not satisfied with the performance of such screens or enclosures.
Partial measurement for the item may be made by the
*Architect/Engineer on a pro-rata basis according to the period of
time during which such item has been provided by the Contractor
to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer.

xx.18 The item for “adoption of other noise abatement practices” shall be
measured once only for the whole Contract when the
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative is satisfied that such
practices are provided on Site in accordance with the requirements
specified in PS clause [ ] (see Clause 3(1) and 3(2) in Appendix

xx.19 No measurement shall be made for the item for “adoption of other
noise abatement practices” if the Contract does not involve any
work as described in PS clause [ ] (see Clause 3(1) and 3(2) in
Appendix C)) requiring the adoption of the stated noise abatement

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)5 of 11

Appendix D(b)

practices or if any of those noise abatement practices are not

adopted by the Contractor on Site for the full duration of the
Contract or if the *Architect/Engineer is not satisfied with the
performance of such noise abatement practices. Partial
measurement for the item may be made by the *Architect/Engineer
on a pro-rata basis according to the period of time during which
such item has been provided by the Contractor to the satisfaction of
the *Architect/Engineer.

Itemisation xx.20 Separate items shall be provided for “noise pollution abatement” in
accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4 and the

Group Feature

I 1. Provision, maintenance and removal of acoustic

screens or enclosures.
2. Adoption of other noise abatement practices.

Provision, xx.21 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of acoustic
maintenance screens or enclosures” shall, in accordance with General
and removal of Preambles paragraph 2, include for:
screens or

Item coverage (a) submission of the construction details of the acoustic

screens or enclosures to be provided on the Site to the
*Architect/Engineer for approval, if the design of such
acoustic screens or enclosures has not been adopted for the
Contract previously;

(b) fixing of the acoustic screens or enclosures securely and

safely to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his

(c) removal of the acoustic screens or enclosures and

reinstatement of the Site after removal; and

(d) proper maintenance of the acoustic screens or enclosures

after erection till removal.

Adoption of xx.22 The item for “adoption of other noise abatement practices” shall, in
other noise accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include for:

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)6 of 11

Appendix D(b)

Item coverage (a) provision, maintenance and removal of all noise abatement
practices in accordance with the requirements specified in
PS clause [ ] (see PS Clause 3(1) and 3(2) in Appendix
C)) to the satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer or his


Note: “ ## “ The items shall be deleted as appropriate to tally with the PS

Units xx.23 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) provision, maintenance and removal of wastewater

collection system ........…………..................................item
(ii) provision, maintenance and removal of wastewater
treatment facilities ….......………..................................item

Measurement xx.24 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of wastewater
collection system” shall be measured once only for the whole
Contract when the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative is
satisfied with the performance of the wastewater collection system
provided and installed on Site in accordance with PS clause [ ] (see
PS Clause No. 4(1) & 4(2) in Appendix C) , and that such system is
properly maintained during the course of the Contract and is
subsequently removed upon completion of the Works.

xx.25 No measurement shall be made for the item for “provision,

maintenance and removal of wastewater collection system” if no
such system is provided by the Contractor on Site for the full
duration of the Contract or if the *Architect/Engineer is not
satisfied with the performance of such system. Partial
measurement for the item may be made by the *Architect/Engineer
on a pro-rata basis according to the period of time during which
such item has been provided by the Contractor to the satisfaction of
the *Architect/Engineer.

xx.26 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of wastewater
treatment facilities” shall be measured once only for the whole
Contract when the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative is
satisfied with the performance of the wastewater treatment
facilities provided and installed on Site in accordance with PS
clause [ ] (see PS Clause 4(3) & 4(4) in Appendix C), and that such
facilities are properly maintained during the course of the Contract
and subsequently removed upon completion of the Works.
xx.27 No measurement shall be made for the item for “provision,
maintenance and removal of wastewater treatment facilities” if no
such facilities are provided by the Contractor on Site for the full
duration of the Contract or if the *Architect/Engineer is not
satisfied with the performance of such facilities. Partial
measurement for the item may be made by the *Architect/Engineer
on a pro-rata basis according to the period of time during which

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)7 of 11

Appendix D(b)

such item has been provided by the Contractor to the satisfaction of

the *Architect/Engineer.

Itemisation xx.28 Separate items shall be provided for “wastewater pollution

abatement” in accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3 and
4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Provision, maintenance and removal of

wastewater collection system.
2. Provision, maintenance and removal of
wastewater treatment facilities.

Provision, xx.29 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of wastewater
maintenance collection system” shall, in accordance with General Preambles
and removal of paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) design of the wastewater collection system and submission
of the design to the *Architect/Engineer for approval;

(b) provide all necessary dykes, ditches, pipes and fittings of

sufficient capacity, and extent for collecting surface run-off
and wastewater from all locations of the Site to appropriate
treatment facilities, including any approved modification to
the Works;

(c) modification or improvement of the layout system to suit

the change of the Site conditions and Works progress, or if
the *Architect/Engineer is dissatisfied with its performance;

(d) make all necessary alterations to the Works to suit the

system; and

(e) removal of the system and reinstatement of the Site.

Provision, xx.30 The item for “provision, maintenance and removal of wastewater
maintenance treatment facilities” shall, in accordance with General Preambles
and removal of paragraph 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) design of the wastewater treatment facilities and submission
of the design to the *Architect/Engineer for approval;

(b) setting up, constructing the facilities and extending its

capacity to suit the volume of the wastewater generated

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)8 of 11

Appendix D(b)

from time to time, with reserved capacity meeting the

requirement given in Annex [2**] as mentioned in PS
Clause ( ) [PS Clause 4(3) in Appendix C];

(c) provision of all structural supports or modification to the

Works to suit the construction of the facilities;

(d) periodic removal of sediments accumulated in the facilities

with proper treatment and disposal;

(e) provision of all necessary chemicals, power and other

resources for the proper operation of the facilities;

(f) operation and maintenance of the facilities to ensure that the

effluent after treatment by the facilities meets with the
statutory criteria for discharge into appropriate drainage

(g) taking samples of treated effluent from the facilities at

different times of a day to ensure the fulfillment of
sub-clause (f) above;

(h) modification or improvement of the layout system to suit

any change of the Site conditions or work progress, or if the
*Architect/Engineer is dissatisfied with its performance;

(j) removal of the system and reinstatement of the Site; and

(k) any patent fees or royalties.

delete as appropriate


Units xx.31 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) arrange and conduct on-site sorting of

C&D materials ………………………………….. item.

Measurement (a) The item for “arrange and conduct on-site sorting of
C&D materials” shall be measured once only for the
whole Contract when the *Architect/Engineer or his
Representative is satisfied with the Contractor’s
performance in on-site sorting of C&D materials in
accordance with PS clause [ ] (see PS Clause 5(3) in
Appendix C); and

(b) No measurement shall be made for the item for

“arrange and conduct on-site sorting of C&D
materials” if no such activity is undertaken by the
Contractor on Site for the full duration of the Contract
or if the *Architect/Engineer is not satisfied with the
Contractor’s performance in undertaking such
activity. Partial measurement for the item may be
made by the *Architect/Engineer on a pro-rata basis

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)9 of 11

Appendix D(b)

according to the period of time during which such

activity has been carried out by the Contractor to the
satisfaction of the *Architect/Engineer.

Itemisation xx.32 Separate items shall be provided for “waste management” in

accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4 and the

Group Feature

I 1. Arrange and conduct on-site sorting of C&D


Arrange and xx.33 The item for “arrange and conduct on-site sorting of C&D
conduct on-site materials” shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph
sorting of C&D 2, include for:

Item coverage (a) submission of a detailed work plan for on-site sorting of
C&D materials to the *Architect/Engineer;

(b) sorting non-inert portions of C&D materials from inert

C&D materials, and further sorting of reusable or recyclable
materials such as plastic, paper, timber, etc. from the
non-inert portions;

(c) separation of hard rock and broken concrete from the inert
portion of C&D materials and delivery to a designated
location as instructed by the *Architect/Engineer;

(d) arrangement of recycling contractors to collect the sorted

reusable or recyclable materials as mentioned in sub-clause
(b) above;

(e) proper handling and storage of chemical wastes for

collection and disposal of by specialist contractors; and

(f) thorough sorting of demolition waste for recovering broken

concrete, reinforcement bars, mechanical and electrical
fittings, hardware etc., and delivery to proper recycling


Units xx.34 The unit of measurement shall be:

(i) arrange and conduct testing of

fuel sample by laboratory ……………………… number

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)10 of 11

Appendix D(b)

Measurement xx.35 The measurement of the item for “arrange and conduct testing of
fuel sample by laboratory” shall be made for every fuel sample
collected from the Constructional Plant or storage facilities on the
Site and sent to a HOKLAS accredited laboratory, which name is
agreed by the *Architect/Engineer or his Representative, for
confirming that only ultra low sulphur diesel is used pursuant to
SCC clause ( ) [SCC X 2(2) &2(3) in Appendix B]. If the result of
the test on a fuel sample shows that it is not ULSD, no
measurement shall be made for the item for “arrange and conduct
testing of fuel sample by laboratory” for such a fuel sample.

Itemisation xx.36 Separate items shall be provided for “monitoring the use of ultra low
sulphur diesel” in accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3
and 4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Arrange and conduct testing of fuel sample by


Arrange and xx.37 The item for “arrange and conduct testing of fuel sample by
conduct testing laboratory” shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph
of fuel sample 2, include for:
by laboratory

Item coverage (a) preparation of the sample including the security measures;

(b) arrangement and delivery of the fuel sample to the

laboratory as agreed by the *Architect/Engineer;

(c) all the testing fees charged by the laboratory;

(d) delivery charges; and

(e) arrangement to have a certified copy of the test report

delivered to the *Architect/Engineer.

(* Delete or amend as appropriate to suit departmental contract arrangements )

[+ Relevant clauses in PS for Site Safety are currently given in Construction Site Safety Manual
(Appendix 3 of Chapter 3) which will be re-titled to “Construction Site Safety and Environmental
Manual” in future.]

Appendix D(b) Page D(b)11 of 11

Appendix D(c)

Sample Method of Measurement for “Environmental Mitigation Measures” and

“Environmental Monitoring Measures”

[Notes: 1. Where *Architect/Engineer is denoted in this MoM, it should be selected as appropriate

or modified to suit the appropriate title of the contract.

2. The following MoM for Environmental Mitigation Measures and Environmental

Monitoring Measures should be incorporated under Section 1 of MoM (Preliminaries)].

3. This MoM replaces SMM Corrigendum No. 1/2000 and serves as “catch-all” items for the
environmental measures that are not separately measured under Appendix D(b).

4. For project specific requirements on environmental monitoring and mitigation

measures specified either under the Environmental Permit (EP) (for designated
projects) or by EPD for non-designated projects, such requirements should be
incorporated under a new PS Section 26 for ease of reference.

Section 1 - Environmental Mitigation Measures

[Note: Contract drafter should delete or amend the item coverage, such as the description of the
Environmental Specialists, details of the stated advices, services etc., where such measure(s) is/are not
applicable to the contract in order to tally with the PS.]


Units xx.01 The units of measurement shall be:

(i) provision, maintenance and removal of environmental

mitigation measures which are not separately measured under
any other items of work ………………………………item.

Itemisation xx.02 Separate items shall be provided for environmental mitigation

measures in accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3 and 4
and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Provision of environmental mitigation measures

which are not separately measured under any
other items of work.
2. Maintenance of environmental mitigation
measures which are not separately measured
under any other items of work.
3. Removal of environmental mitigation measures
which are not separately measured under any
other items of work.

II 1. Air related measures.

2. Noise related measures.
3. Water quality related measures.

Appendix D(c) Page D(c)1 of 7

Appendix D(c)

[Note : The list in Group II may be expanded to include other measures as

considered appropriate but corresponding BQ items need to be

Provision of xx.03 The items for “provision of environmental mitigation measures

environmental which are not separately measured under any other items of work”
mitigation shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
measures for:
which are not
under any
other items of

Item coverage (a) engagement of [Environmental Specialists]* to provide

advice and service on the environmental mitigation

(b) provision of environmental mitigation measures in

accordance with PS section 26*;

(c) provision of those environmental mitigation measures in

accordance with PS section 1 which are not separately
measured under any other items of work;

(d) complying with the requirements on environmental


(e) provision and setting up of equipment, facilities, instruments,

operatives and technicians;

(f) attending meetings, District Council meetings etc. by the

[Environmental Specialists]* as and when requested by the
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative;

(g) modification of environmental mitigation measures as

recommended by the [Environmental Specialists]*; and

(h) set up waste management facilities as described in PS section


[*Note : The description of the Environmental Specialists and the details of

the above stated advices and services should be amended where
appropriate for compatibility with the related Particular

Appendix D(c) Page D(c)2 of 7

Appendix D(c)

Maintenance xx.04 The items for “maintenance of environmental mitigation measures

of which are not separately measured under any other items of work”
environmental shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
mitigation for:
which are not
under any
other items of

Item coverage (a) maintenance of environmental mitigation measures in

accordance with PS section 26*;

(b) maintenance of those environmental mitigation measures in

accordance with PS section 1 which are not separately
measured under any other items of work;

(c) maintenance of equipment, facilities and instruments and

equivalent replacement of equipment, facilities and
instruments when the original equipment, facilities and
instruments are unserviceable;

(d) replenishment of consumables;

(e) operatives;

(f) power supply;

(g) cleaning; and

(h) operate the waste management facilities according to PS

section 1.

Removal of xx.05 The items for “removal of environmental mitigation measures

environmental which are not separately measured under any other items of work”
mitigation shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
measures for:
which are not
under any
other items of

Item coverage (a) removal of environmental mitigation measures in

accordance with PS section 26*;

(b) removal of those environmental mitigation measures in

accordance with PS section 1 which are not separately
measured under any other items of work;

(c) dismantling all equipment, facilities and instruments for

environmental mitigation measures;

Appendix D(c) Page D(c)3 of 7

Appendix D(c)

(d) removing all equipment, facilities and instruments off Site;

(e) reinstatement of the Site; and

(f) remove all waste management facilities.


Units xx.06 The units of measurement shall be:

(i) provision, maintenance and removal of environmental

monitoring measures which are not separately measured
under any other items of work ………..……………… item.

Itemisation xx.07 Separate items shall be provided for environmental monitoring

measures in accordance with General Principles paragraphs 3 and
4 and the following:

Group Feature

I 1. Provision of environmental monitoring measures

which are not separately measured under any
other items of work.
3. Maintenance of environmental monitoring
measures which are not separately measured
under any other items of work.
3. Removal of environmental monitoring measures
which are not separately measured under any
other items of work.

II 1. Air related measures.

2. Noise related measures.
3. Water quality related measures.

[Note : The list in Group II may be expanded to include other measures as

considered appropriate but corresponding BQ items need to be

Provision of xx.08 The items for “provision of environmental monitoring measures

environmental which are not separately measured under any other items of work”
monitoring shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
measures for:
which are not
under any
other items of

Appendix D(c) Page D(c)4 of 7

Appendix D(c)

Item coverage (a) engagement of [Environmental Specialists]* to provide

advice and service on the environmental monitoring

(b) provision of environmental monitoring measures in

accordance with PS section 26*;

(c) provision of those environmental monitoring measures in

accordance with PS section 1 which are not separately
measured under any other items of work;

(d) provision of access to monitoring and control stations;

(e) complying with the requirements on environmental


(f) maintaining the service of [Environmental Specialists]*;

(g) work boats including operatives;

(h) provision and setting up of equipment, facilities and

instruments, attendants and technicians;

(i) setting out and marking sampling locations;

(j) carrying out monitoring works at designated monitoring and

control stations;

(k) calibration of all equipment including sampling, testing and

monitoring equipment;

(l) provision of training to personnel for operation of the


(m) all sampling and testing in an approved laboratory;

(n) taking readings, measurements and recording;

(o) reporting of monitoring data, including submission of


(p) identifying any environmental deficiency, proposing

rectification measures, rectification of such deficiency as
approved and including additional environmental monitoring

(q) arranging and attending environmental site inspections;

(r) overtime work outside normal working hours;

(s) attending meetings, District Council meetings etc. by the

[Environmental Specialists]* as and when requested by the
*Architect/Engineer or his Representative; and

(t) set up the waste monitoring and recording measures according

Appendix D(c) Page D(c)5 of 7

Appendix D(c)

to PS section 1.

[*Note : The description of the Environmental Specialists and the details of

the above stated advices and services should be amended where
appropriate for compatibility with the related Particular

Maintenance xx.09 The items for “maintenance of environmental monitoring measures

of which are not separately measured under any other items of work”
environmental shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
monitoring for:
which are not
under any
other items of

Item coverage (a) maintenance of environmental monitoring measures in

accordance with PS section 26*;

(b) maintenance of those environmental monitoring measures in

accordance with PS section 1 which are not separately
measured under any other items of work;

(c) maintenance of access to monitoring and control stations;

(d) maintenance of equipment, facilities and instruments and

equivalent replacement of equipment, facilities and
instruments when the original equipment, facilities and
instruments are unserviceable;

(e) replenishment of consumables;

(f) operatives;

(g) power supply;

(h) cleaning; and

(i) operate the waste monitoring and recording measures

according to PS section 1.

Removal of xx.10 The items for “removal of environmental monitoring measures

environmental which are not separately measured under any other items of work”
monitoring shall, in accordance with General Preambles paragraph 2, include
measures which are for:
not separately
measured under
any other items of

Item coverage (a) removal of environmental monitoring measures in accordance

Appendix D(c) Page D(c)6 of 7

Appendix D(c)

with PS section 26*;

(b) removal of those environmental and waste monitoring

measures in accordance with PS section 1 which are not
separately measured under any other items of work;

(c) dismantling all equipment, facilities and instruments for

environmental monitoring measures;

(d) removing all equipment, facilities and instruments off Site;


(e) reinstatement of the Site.

Appendix D(c) Page D(c)7 of 7



Note : The sample BQs in this Appendix shall take precedence over those in
ETWB TCW 30/2002 for contracts with Site Safety Cycle. For
contracts without Site Safety Cycle, the corresponding items for
payment of such shall be deleted and the saving should not be
redistributed to increase the rate for other items.
Appendix E

Appendix E1 - Sample Bills of Quantities for Contracts

Included in the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme
(Based on $20M contract value for a contract period of 18 months)

Description Quantity Unit Rate ($) Amount ($)
1* Complete Safety Plan - item 4,800 4,800
2* Complete Environmental Management Plan - item 4,800 4,800
3 Update Safety Plan 18 month 500 9,000
4 Update Environmental Management Plan 18 month 500 9,000
5 Provide Safety Officer 18 nr-month 4,500 81,000
6 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 18 month 500 9,000
Management Committee
7 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 18 month 500 9,000
8** Arrange and attend weekly safety walk 78 nr 1,000 78,000
9** Arrange and attend weekly environmental 78 nr 1,000 78,000
Provide safety and environmental training in
the form of:
10# safety training for specified trade workers:
(i) 1 day course (for 1st attendance) 10 nr 650 6,500
(ii) ½ day revalidation course 20 nr 350 7,000
11# site specific induction training 100 nr 100 10,000
12# toolbox talks 1,000 nr 30 30,000
Provisional Sum
13## Participate in promotional campaign as - sum - 30,000
instructed by the ***Architect/Engineer
Site Safety Cycle
14# Arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site 4,000 nr 30 120,000
Safety Cycle
15# Provide safety bulletin board 1 nr 10,000 10,000
Total to Collection Sheet 496,100


Items 2, 4 and 9 should be deleted for contracts exempted from the full requirement of environmental
management. The saving should not be redistributed to increase the rate of other items.

Add an item for “Provide Environmental Officer” with a pre-fixed rate of $3,000/month if such
person is specified in the contract, but not for “Assigned Person”.

* The cost for completion of Safety Plan or the Environmental Management Plan should not
be greater than 1.0% of the estimates of total payment under the Scheme.
# The rate for this item is fixed irrespective of the contract value, but the quantities can be
adjusted to suit the content of works for a particular contract.
** The weekly safety walk and the weekly environmental walk can be conducted
simultaneously by the same team subject to the agreement of the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.
## The amount for this item should not be adjusted.
*** Delete or amend as appropriate to suit the appropriate title of the contract.
nr number

Appendix E Page E1 of 8
Appendix E

Appendix E2 - Sample Bills of Quantities for Contracts

Included in the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme
(Based on $50M contract value for a contract period of 24 months)

Description Quantity Unit Rate ($) Amount ($)
1* Complete Safety Plan - item 10,000 10,000
2* Complete Environmental Management Plan - item 10,000 10,000
3 Update Safety Plan 24 month 1,000 24,000
4 Update Environmental Management Plan 24 month 1,000 24,000
5 Provide Safety Officer 24 nr-month 4,500 108,000
6 Provide Environmental Officer 24 nr-month 3,000 72,000
7 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 1,000 24,000
Management Committee
8 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 1,000 24,000
9** Arrange and attend weekly safety walk 104 nr 2,000 208,000
10** Arrange and attend weekly environmental 104 nr 2,000 208,000
Provide safety and environmental training in
the form of:
11# safety training for specified trade workers:
(i) 1 day course (for 1st attendance) 30 nr 650 19,500
(ii) ½ day revalidation course 40 nr 350 14,000
12# site specific induction training 350 nr 100 35,000
13# toolbox talks 2,500 nr 30 75,000
Provisional Sum
14## Participate in promotional campaign as - sum - 30,000
instructed by the ***Architect/Engineer
Site Safety Cycle
15# Arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site 10,000 nr 30 300,000
Safety Cycle
16# Provide safety bulletin board 1 nr 20,000 20,000
Total to Collection Sheet 1,205,500


Items 2, 4, 6 and 10 should be deleted for contracts exempted from the full requirement of
environmental management. The saving should not be redistributed to increase the rate of other

* The cost for completion of Safety Plan or the Environmental Management Plan should not
be greater than 1.0% of the estimates of total payment under the Scheme.
# The rate for this item is fixed irrespective of the contract value, but the quantities can be
adjusted to suit the content of works for a particular contract.
** The weekly safety walk and the weekly environmental walk can be conducted
simultaneously by the same team subject to the agreement of the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.
## The amount for this item should not be adjusted
*** Delete or amend as appropriate to suit the appropriate title of the contract.
nr number

Appendix E Page E2 of 8
Appendix E

Appendix E3 - Sample Bills of Quantities for Contracts

Included in the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme
(Based on $100M contract value for a contract period of 24 months)

Description Quantity Unit Rate ($) Amount ($)
1* Complete Safety Plan - item 15,000 15,000
2* Complete Environmental Management Plan - item 15,000 15,000
3 Update Safety Plan 24 month 2,000 48,000
4 Update Environmental Management Plan 24 month 2,000 48,000
5 Provide Safety Officer 24 nr-month 9,000 216,000
6 Provide Environmental Officer 24 nr-month 6,000 144,000
7 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 2,000 48,000
Management Committee
8 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 2,000 48,000
9** Arrange and attend weekly safety walk 104 nr 3,500 364,000
10** Arrange and attend weekly environmental 104 nr 3,500 364,000
Provide safety and environmental training in
the form of:
11# safety training for specified trade workers:
(i) 1 day course (for 1st attendance) 70 nr 650 45,500
(ii) ½ day revalidation course 80 nr 350 28,000
12# site specific induction training 700 nr 100 70,000
13# toolbox talks 4,000 nr 30 120,000
Provisional Sum
14## Participate in promotional campaign as - sum - 30,000
instructed by the ***Architect/Engineer
Site Safety Cycle
15# Arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site 16,000 nr 30 480,000
Safety Cycle
16# Provide safety bulletin board 1 nr 20,000 20,000
Total to Collection Sheet 2,103,500


Items 2, 4, 6 and 10 should be deleted for contracts exempted from the full requirement of
environmental management. The saving should not be redistributed to increase the rate of other

* The cost for completion of Safety Plan or the Environmental Management Plan should not
be greater than 1.0% of the estimates of total payment under the Scheme.
# The rate for this item is fixed irrespective of the contract value, but the quantities can be
adjusted to suit the content of works for a particular contract.
** The weekly safety walk and the weekly environmental walk can be conducted
simultaneously by the same team subject to the agreement of the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.
## The amount for this item should not be adjusted
*** Delete or amend as appropriate to suit the appropriate title of the contract.
nr number

Appendix E Page E3 of 8
Appendix E

Appendix E4 - Sample Bills of Quantities for Contracts

Included in the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme
(Based on $200M contract value for a contract period of 24 months)

Description Quantity Unit Rate ($) Amount ($)
1* Complete Safety Plan - item 20,000 20,000
2* Complete Environmental Management Plan - item 20,000 20,000
3 Update Safety Plan 24 month 3,000 72,000
4 Update Environmental Management Plan 24 month 3,000 72,000
5 Provide Safety Officer 48 nr-month 9,000 432,000
6 Provide Environmental Officer 24 nr-month 9,000 216,000
7 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 4,500 108,000
Management Committee
8 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 4,500 108,000
9** Arrange and attend weekly safety walk 104 nr 7,000 728,000
10** Arrange and attend weekly environmental 104 nr 7,000 728,000
Provide safety and environmental training in
the form of:
11# safety training for specified trade workers:
(i) 1 day course (for 1st attendance) 100 nr 650 65,000
(ii) ½ day revalidation course 130 nr 350 45,500

site specific induction training 1200 nr 100 120,000
toolbox talks 8,000 nr 30 240,000
Provisional Sum
14## Participate in promotional campaign as - sum - 60,000
instructed by the ***Architect/Engineer
Site Safety Cycle
15# Arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site 32,000 nr 30 960,000
Safety Cycle
16# Provide safety bulletin board 2 nr 20,000 40,000
17# Use of quality powered mechanical 24 month 7,000 168,000
Total to Collection Sheet 4,202,500


Items 2, 4, 6 and 10 should be deleted for contracts exempted from the full requirement of
environmental management. The saving should not be redistributed to increase the rate of other

* The cost for completion of Safety Plan or the Environmental Management Plan should not
be greater than 1.0% of the estimates of total payment under the Scheme.
# The rate for this item is fixed irrespective of the contract value, but the quantities can be
adjusted to suit the content of works for a particular contract.
** The weekly safety walk and the weekly environmental walk can be conducted
simultaneously by the same team subject to the agreement of the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.
## The amount for this item should not be adjusted
*** Delete or amend as appropriate to suit the appropriate title of the contract.
nr number

Appendix E Page E4 of 8
Appendix E

Appendix E5 - Sample Bills of Quantities for Contracts

Included in the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme
(Based on $500M contract value for a contract period of 36 months)

Description Quantity Unit Rate ($) Amount ($)
1* Complete Safety Plan - item 30,000 30,000
2* Complete Environmental Management Plan - item 30,000 30,000
3 Update Safety Plan 36 month 3,000 108,000
4 Update Environmental Management Plan 36 month 3,000 108,000
5 Provide Safety Officer 90 nr-month 9,000 810,000
6 Provide Environmental Officer 36 nr-month 9,000 324,000
7 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 36 month 6,000 216,000
Management Committee
8 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 36 month 6,000 216,000
9** Arrange and attend weekly safety walk 156 nr 9,000 1,404,000
10** Arrange and attend weekly environmental 156 nr 9,000 1,404,000
Provide safety and environmental training in
the form of:
11# safety training for specified trade workers:
(i) 1 day course (for 1st attendance) 120 nr 650 78,000
(ii) ½ day revalidation course 130 nr 350 45,500
12# site specific induction training 1500 nr 100 150,000
13# toolbox talks 13,000 nr 30 390,000
Provisional Sum
14## Participate in promotional campaign as - sum - 90,000
instructed by the ***Architect/Engineer
Site Safety Cycle
15# Arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of Site 52,000 nr 30 1,560,000
Safety Cycle
16# Provide safety bulletin board 3 nr 20,000 60,000
17# Use of quality powered mechanical 36 month 7,000 252,000
Total to Collection Sheet 7,275,500

Items 2, 4, 6 and 10 should be deleted for contracts exempted from the full requirement of
environmental management. The saving should not be redistributed to increase the rate of other

* The cost for completion of Safety Plan or the Environmental Management Plan should not
be greater than 1.0% of the estimates of total payment under the Scheme.
# The rate for this item is fixed irrespective of the contract value, but the quantities can be
adjusted to suit the content of works for a particular contract.
** The weekly safety walk and the weekly environmental walk can be conducted
simultaneously by the same team subject to the agreement of the
Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.
## The amount for this item should not be adjusted
*** Delete or amend as appropriate to suit the appropriate title of the contract.
nr number

Appendix E Page E5 of 8
Appendix E

Appendix E6 - Sample Schedule of Rates for Lump Sum Contracts

with Drawings and Specifications
for the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme
(Based on an estimated total expenditure $100M for a contract period of 24 months)

[Notes : This type of contracts is usually adopted by ArchSD for building projects.]

Item Scheduled
Description Quantity Unit Amount ($)
no. Rate ($)
1* Complete Safety Plan - item 15,000 15,000
2* Complete Environmental Management - item 15,000 15,000
3 Update Safety Plan 24 month 2,000 48,000
4 Update Environmental Management Plan 24 month 2,000 48,000
5 Provide Safety Officer 24 nr-month 9,000 216,000
6 Provide Environmental Officer 24 nr-month 6,000 144,000
7 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 2,000 48,000
Management Committee
8 Attend Site Safety and Environmental 24 month 2,000 48,000
9** Arrange and attend weekly safety walk 104 nr 3,500 364,000
10** Arrange and attend weekly environmental 104 nr 3,500 364,000
Provide safety and environmental training
in the form of:
11# safety training for specified trade workers:
(i) 1 day course (for 1st attendance) 50 nr 650 32,500
(ii) ½ day revalidation course 50 nr 350 17,500
12# site specific induction training 700 nr 100 70,000
13# toolbox talks 4,000 nr 30 120,000
Site Safety Cycle
14# Arrange and hold Pre-work Activities of 16,000 nr 30 480,000
Site Safety Cycle
15# Provide safety bulletin board 1 nr 20,000 20,000
16 Participate in promotional campaign as - sum - 30,000
instructed by the ***Architect/
Engineer/ Supervising Officer
Total to Collection Sheet 2,080,000


Items 2, 4, 6 and 10 should be deleted for contracts exempted from the full requirement of
environmental management. The saving should not be redistributed to increase the rate of other
items. Reference can be made to E1 to E5 in preparing the Schedule of Rates for other estimated total
expenditure or Contract Period.

* The cost for completion of Safety Plan or the Environmental Management Plan should not
be greater than 1.0% of the estimates of total payment under the Scheme.
# The rate for this item is fixed irrespective of the contract value, but the quantities can be
adjusted to suit the content of works for a particular contract.
** The weekly safety walk and the weekly environmental walk can be conducted
simultaneously subject to the agreement of the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer.
nr number
*** Delete or amend as appropriate.

Appendix E Page E6 of 8
Appendix E

Appendix E7 - Sample Summary of Tender for Lump Sum Contracts (with Drawings and
Specifications) for the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme

Page $ ¢


(to be submitted by the Contractor)

Section A – Contractor’s Designed piled Foundations

( )*

Section B – Contractor’s Designed Pile Caps and

Strap Beams ( )*

Section C – Ancillary Work ( )*


[Provide the following sum to be expended in part or

in whole as directed by the +Architect/Engineer or
wholly deducted from the Contract Sum if not

Provide the Provisional Sum of $ 2,130,000 for

implementing site safety and environmental
management system and conducting the Site
Safety Cycle as required under the Contract, and
participating in safety promoting campaign. The
Contractor shall be paid in accordance with the
Method of Measurement and the pre-fixed rates sum ***2,130,000 00
for the items included in the Schedule of Rates for
“Site Safety and Environmental Management” as
given in Appendix ( ) to the Specification.


Contingency Sum sum **2,000,000 00



* Amount to be inserted by tenderers

** Amount fixed by the contract drafter
*** This sum shall match with that in the SOR (which is to be prepared by the contract drafter
based on the sample BQ in Appendix E6) and provided to the tenderers.
Delete or amend as appropriate.

Appendix E Page E7 of 8
Appendix E

Appendix E8 - Sample Bills of Quantities for

“Environmental Measures” on Nuisance Abatement and Waste Management

Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Environmental Measures
[Contract drafter shall ensure that the
appropriate PS and MoM are included in the

Air Pollution Abatement

A Provision, maintenance and removal of - item
covering for dusty materials or air pollution
abatement measures for dusty activities
B Provision, maintenance and removal of - item
screens or enclosures for smoky activities
C# Provision, maintenance and removal of wheel - item
washing system
D Provide mechanical covers for dump trucks - item

Noise Pollution Abatement

E Provision, maintenance and removal of - item
acoustic screens or enclosures
F Adoption of other noise abatement practices - item

Wastewater Pollution Abatement

G Provision, maintenance and removal of - item
wastewater collection system

H## Provision, maintenance and removal of - item

wastewater treatment facilities

Waste Management
I Arrange and conduct on-site sorting of C&D -
materials item

Monitoring the Use of Ultra Low Sulphur

J Arrange and conduct testing of fuel sample by nr
(Note: The quantity for this item should be
estimated based on the assumption that 3 fuel
samples are tested per month (i.e. 3 no. of
tests per month for the Contract as a whole)

(1) Separate BQ items should be provided for Environmental Mitigation Measures and
Environmental Monitoring Measures, where necessary (see MoM under Appendix D(c)).
(2) “#” denotes optional items. See PS clauses 2(3) and associated MoM clauses xx.01, xx.06,
xx.07 & xx.13 in Appendix D(b).
(3) “##” denotes optional items. See PS clauses 4(3) & 4(4) and associated MoM clauses xx.23,
xx.26, xx.27 & xx.30 in Appendix D(b).

Appendix E Page E8 of 8

Appendix F

Particular Specification on Environmental Management where PFSES is Not Applicable

[Note : The following specification on Environmental Management shall be included in Section 1 of

the PS for the Contract. The project specific requirements on environmental mitigation
measures from EPD should be included in a new PS Section 26.]

The following clauses should be incorporated in the Particular Specification for contracts either
not included under the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme or exempted from the full
requirement for environmental management:

1 Nuisance Abatement Measures

The Contractor shall provide the following nuisance abatement measures for the Works:

(1) For Air Pollution Control

(a) Provide covering and containment of dusty materials;

(b) Where the public is affected by the dust or exhaust fumes from a plant, provide
screens or enclosures for the dusty and smoky operations;

(c) Provide vacuum cleaners for dusty operations; and

(d) Use Ultra-low-sulphur diesel (ULSD) (defined as diesel fuel containing not more
than 0.005% by weight of sulphur) in all diesel-operated plants and equipment on
the Site. The Contractor shall demonstrate his compliance by maintaining a
summary record of all the delivery notes of ULSD delivered to the Site,
including those ordered by his sub-contractors, together with the details of
replenishment of such fuel by the individual plant and equipment on the Site.
The record shall be supported by the original receipts of delivery notes from the
oil companies. A proforma of the summary record is attached at Annex [1**].

[** Amend the annex no. as appropriate]

(2) For Noise Pollution Control

(a) Provide acoustic screens or enclosures for noisy operations; and

(b) Wrap up the tips of the percussion breaker for hard rock and concrete breaking
works by excavators.

(3) For Wastewater Pollution Control

(a) Provide measures such as sand bags to prevent ingress of surface run-off into the

(b) Avoid slope erosion and exposure of soil on the Site where appropriate; and

(c) Arrange a licensed contractor to collect the sewage generated from the Site
where connection to a public sewerage system is not available.

2 Waste Management

(1) Measures to Reduce/Minimize Generation of C&D materials

Appendix F Page F1 of 2
Appendix F

(a) Sort and deliver hard rocks and broken concrete to _______________
[designated recycling facility or location as advised by CEDD] or a location as
notified by the *Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer/Maintenance Surveyor;

(b) Sort and dispose of paper and cardboard packaging to recycling contractors;

(c) Properly handle and dispose of chemical waste by a specialist contractor;

(d) Conduct thorough sorting of demolition waste for recovering broken concrete,
reinforcement bars, mechanical and electrical fittings, hardware etc., and deliver
to proper recycling outlets.

(2) The Contractor shall complete the record for the quantities of C&D materials
generated using the table in Annex [2**] attached, and submit to the
*Architect/Engineer’s Representative by no later than the 15th day of the subsequent
month following the quarter ending on the last day of February, May, August and

[** Amend the annex no. as appropriate]

(3) The Contractor shall implement a trip ticket system to ensure proper disposal of C&D

( * delete or amend to suit departmental contract arrangements )

Appendix F Page F2 of 2
Annex 1 to Appendix F

Proforma for Monthly Recording Delivery and Consumption of Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel on Site

Contract No.: ______________________________________

Contract Title: ___________________________________________________________

Name of Person completing the Proforma: ______________________________________

Name of Person responsible for audit checking: __________________________________

Intake Consumption
Details of Plant
Date Quantity of Quantity of
Name of Contractor/ belong to the Date of Date of
Details of Ordering Fuel Fuel Delivered Fuel Consumed
Sub-contractor Contractor/ Arrival Departure
(in litre) (in litre)
- name of oil company - plant name and
- delivery note no. and serial no.

Total Delivered Total Consumed

[N.B. The total for the month is for checking the relative order of quantity of fuel delivered and consumed on the Site and need not necessarily be

Annex 1 to Appendix F Page 1 of 1

Annex 2 of Appendix F

Name of Department: ArchSD/CEDD/DSD/EMSD/HyD/WSD Contract No.: __________________________

(Notes: The following Waste Flow Table should be used for contracts either not included under the Pay for Safety and Environment Scheme or
exempted from the full requirement for environmental management)

Waste Flow Table

Actual Quantities of Inert C&D Materials Generated Quarterly Actual Quantities of C&D Wastes Generated Quarterly
Total Broken Reused in Paper/ Others, e.g.
Quarter Reused in Disposed as Imported Plastics Chemical
Quantity Concrete other Metals cardboard general
ending the Contract Public Fill Fill (see Note 2) Waste
Generated (see Note 3) Projects packaging refuse
(in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in '000m3) (in’000 kg) (in’000 kg) (in’000 kg) (in’000 kg) (in’000m3)


Notes: (1) The waste flow table shall also include C&D materials that are specified in the Contract to be imported for use at the Site.
(2) Plastics refer to plastic bottles/containers, plastic sheets/foam from packaging material.
(3) Broken concrete for recycling into aggregates.

Annex 2 to Appendix F Page 1 of 1

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