MS-WL-101 Excavation, Trench Formation and Dewatering
MS-WL-101 Excavation, Trench Formation and Dewatering
MS-WL-101 Excavation, Trench Formation and Dewatering
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Ref.: MACE-MS-WL-101
Rev.: 0
Date of Issue: 21 April. 2011
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Definitions
3.0 Responsibilities
4.0 Activities
5.0 Equipment
6.0 Appendices
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Ref.: MACE-MS-WL-101
Rev.: 0
Date of Issue: 21 April. 2011
The purpose of this method statement is to ensure that excavation of trenches along plantation,
paved and non-paved areas, road works and along pipe routes are carried out in accordance
with the correct methods and procedures and a dewatering system is provided at locations
where the excavation extends below groundwater table.
ADDC Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
TEBODIN Tebodin Middle East Limited
MACE MACE Contractors Company Limited
RE Resident Engineer
PM Project Manager
SE Site Engineer
SO Safety Officer
QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer
RFI Request for Inspection
Utilities All services, such as gas, water, oil , sewage, chilled lines, cables, etc.
ADM Abu Dhabi Municipality
PM/DPM shall ensure that all necessary tools & Instruments, safety protective equipments
are provided along with properly trained and qualified surveyors and made
available sufficiently in advance to the commencement of the work.
Safety Officer has to implement and enforce all safety precautions. He will also inspect the work
site regularly, and report deficiencies to the DPM / PM.
Site Engineer is responsible for the construction work and shall delegate a named Site
Supervisor who shall ensure that this procedure is fully implemented including
documentation till completion.
Surveyor is responsible to ensure that all surveying instrument being used are calibrated
and having valid calibration certificate and he shall ensure that all information,
data etc. required is to be taken and recorded on his Field Book.
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Ref.: MACE-MS-WL-101
Rev.: 0
Date of Issue: 21 April. 2011
4.1 Excavation
Prior to Trench Excavation
a. All the collected information regarding existing services, which contradict or
parallel to our lines have to be confirmed and located.
b. The ground levels will be recorded and the setting out done is cross – checked with
a prior day’s notice given to the Engineer.
c. Centre line of the pipeline to be marked at site as per the approved shop drawing
and get it checked from Engineer / ADDC / TRANSCO.
d. Where the proposed lines are located in areas close to existing services, hand
excavation will be carried out. (The services will be protected properly and
according to ADWEA/Engineer approval).
e. Trench will be excavated as per Technical Specification. The trench bottom will
be trimmed to correct level and loose material as well as any sharp particles shall
be removed from bottom.
f. In case of weak soils, trench boxes shall be applied for excavation works.
g. Safety cones, along with warning tape will be installed around the excavated
trench in case of closed to Roads / Walkways.
h. Compaction will be applied to formation level either by mechanical means or by
hand compaction to achieve the required compaction.
i. Pedestrian and traffic diversions will be carried out with adequate safety measures.
Requisite permission from the traffic Police will be obtained for any traffic
diversion deemed necessary.
j. Access ladders will be provided for ease of entrance and exit from the excavations.
k. Inspection requests, written will be given to Engineer / Inspectors, for obtaining
l. Final excavation to required formation level will be accomplished carefully to avoid
over excavation, any over excavation the Contract shall backfill the lean concrete
or other approved material.
m. Necessary permit for excavation shall be obtained from relevant authorities.
n. Equipment used for excavation will depend on the type of material to be
excavated, method of hauling and actual site conditions.
4.2 Dewatering
a. Pre-dewatering
Prior to commencement of the dewatering system, the following works are to be
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Ref.: MACE-MS-WL-101
Rev.: 0
Date of Issue: 21 April. 2011
1. Site clearance is complete
2. Setting out is complete
3. Reducing level is complete
4. The depth of groundwater has been adequately checked.
b. When dewatering system is instructed to proceed, the following steps should be
1. As-built drawings for existing utilities in the area of work are received and
2. Identification of the suspected underground utility should be done by hand
digging/trial pits.
3. Once the utilities are checked then routes should be physically marked on the
ground for the dewatering system and wells points to be drilled.
4. Protection to and temporary support for exposed utilities will be provided to
the approval of the concerned service Authority.
c. Groundwater Control
1. When the existing groundwater level (as determined at pre-dewatering stage)
is above the level of the formation level, then the groundwater level will be
Ground water will be lowered by either a well point system or sump pumps in
areas of rocky ground.
The installation of suitable well point system placed along the routing of the
pipelines/trenches. Maximum drawdown should be 4.0 metres for a single
Well points should be drilled and filled with 3mm single size clean crushed
sand to be more effective.
2. The ground water control (where levels permit) shall typically be installed
before excavation commences.
3. The reduced level of the groundwater will be checked. Excavation will not
proceed beyond 500mm above the original groundwater level until the
groundwater level is below formation level, unless in rock.
4. Sufficient pumps will be available in each area to ensure that the groundwater
level until the groundwater level is below formation level, unless in rock.
5. The groundwater level will be checked at 24 hours intervals.
6. The groundwater will normally be discharged into the storm drain system, or
approved lagoon, upon obtaining all necessary applications and arrangements,
with the concerned authority.
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Ref.: MACE-MS-WL-101
Rev.: 0
Date of Issue: 21 April. 2011
4.3 Backfilling
a. Approved material shall be used for backfilling for pipeline refilling of trenches
over pipes shall be done by hand to a depth of 300mm above the crown of the
pipes with lightly compacted selected excavated material free from stores, clay
lumps or other substances which may cause damage to permanent works.
The contractor shall refill the remaining voids with suitable backfilling material in
300mm per layer which shall be fully compacted by mechanical tamper and tested
in accordance to project requirements.
4.4 Compaction
a. Compaction shall be done in layers to the approval of the Engineer.
b. Each layer is watered prior to compaction.
c. The minimum density to achieve is 95% of the standard Proctor density.
d. No compaction shall be done by mechanical means within 300mm of the top of any
4.5 Testing
1. The density of the fill material shall be in accordance with ASTM D698.
2. Testing shall be done in accordance with BS-1377.
3. Contractor shall conduct tests to the approval of the Engineer when required.
A. Excavation
1. Asphalt saw cutter
2. Excavator
3. Front end loader
4. Loader (Bobcat)
5. Vibratory plate compactor
6. Vibratory drum roller (1ton)
B. Dewatering
1. Jetting pump & accessories
2. Dewatering pumps
3. Wellpoints and header pipes
4. Settling tanks
5. Lay flat discharge hoses etc.
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Ref.: MACE-MS-WL-101
Rev.: 0
Date of Issue: 21 April. 2011
C. Backfilling & Compaction
1. Crawler mounted excavator
2. Tipper truck / water tankers
3. Bob-cat
4. Vibratory soil compactor / plate compactor
5. Vibratory Pedestrian roller
1. Request for Inspection
2. Permit to Dig
3. OHS Risk Assessment
4. Activity Hazard Analysis
5. Environmental Impact Assessment
6. List of Emergency Numbers and Procedures
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Ref.: MACE-MS-WL-101
Rev.: 0
Date of Issue: 21 April. 2011