Bindu: Sri Krishna Kathamrita
Bindu: Sri Krishna Kathamrita
Bindu: Sri Krishna Kathamrita
Issue No. 416 Śrī Ṣaṭ-tilā Ekādaśī 13 January 2018 Circulation 9,109
Krishna Devotees
Issue Four Hundred Sixteen, Page — 4
Who is an actual disciple? serve his spiritual master; he considers his spiritual
master as good as God. A good disciple possesses firm
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada faith in and spontaneous love for his spiritual master.
“If I can fully surrender at the lotus feet of my A true disciple accepts the spiritual master as his most
spiritual master, in whose hands Lord Krishna has intimate well-wisher. He knows that his guru is most dear
entrusted the responsibility for my well-being, then I to Krishna and therefore an object of love. The guru is his
am an actual disciple. It is my duty to accept, without eternal master, his life and soul. A disciple knows that the
fail, whatever arrangements my spiritual master spiritual master is simultaneously the personification of
makes for me.” This is how a true disciple thinks. To devotional service and of the Supreme Lord. The spiritual
think otherwise means our downfall is inevitable. master is dearer to Krishna than even his own life. He is
Those who instead of becoming sense enjoyers non-different from Krishna because he is a manifestation
serve the Supreme Lord constantly under the spiritual of Krishna. It is not possible to attain Krishna’s service
master’s guidance are genuine disciples. Everything in without serving the spiritual master. Only those who
this world is meant to be used in the spiritual master’s serve their spiritual master are real vaiṣṇavas and disciples.
service for Krishna’s service. We will not find benefit Others are simply bewildered by false ego. Frankly
if we think anything is meant for our pleasure. If we speaking, they are filled with material desire.
— From chapter 3 of Amṛta Vāṇī, a collection of statements from
fail to see that all objects in this world are intended for Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Originally compiled in
service to guru and Krishna, we will certainly become Bengali by Sri Bhakti Bhagavat Mayukha Maharaja. Translated
into English by Bhumipati Das. Published by Iswara Das and
degraded. An ideal disciple realizes this fact and always Touchstone Media. Mumbai. 2004.
makes service to his guru and Krishna his life and soul.
A real disciple sees his spiritual master both
Traditional Bathing
internally and externally. Although he considers Hari-bhakti-vilāsa (3.237 – 238)
himself insignificant, a disciple’s vision is not low. With the Dig-darśinī commentary
A sincere disciple certainly possesses the good nadī-nada-taḍāgeṣu deva-khāta-jaleṣu ca
intelligence to know that he has no well-wisher in this nitya-kriyārthaṁ snāyīta giri-prasravaṇeṣu ca
kūpeṣūddhṛta-toyena snānaṁ kurvīta vā bhuvi
world other than his spiritual master. A real disciple snāyītoddhṛta-toyena athavā bhuvy asambhave
is always steady in the understanding that he should
[The Viṣṇu Purāṇa (3.11.25) says that] one should
bathe regularly in rivers, rivulets, ponds, stepwells
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu of temples, or waterfalls emerging from hills. Or else
one should extract water from a well and bathe on
A free bi-monthly service provided by: the land next to the well. Or if one is unable to do that
Gopal Jiu Publications then one should bathe [at one’s home] using water
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir extracted from these sources.
National Highway No. 5, Commentary by Srila Santana Goswami: One
should bathe on the land next to the [nearby] well
IRC Village
in the condition that one is unable to go to [faraway]
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015
rivers, rivulets etc. If one is unable to go even to the
Email: nearby well, one should bathe at home using cold
Website: water extracted from the well. If one is not even able
Subscriptions: to bathe in cold water [at home], one should bathe
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International Soci-
using warm water. The previous authorities have said:
ety for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His Divine āpaḥ svabhāvato medhyāḥ kiṁ punar vahni-saṁyutāḥ
Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. tasmāt santaḥ praśaṁsanti snānam uṣṇena vāriṇā
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A.
Water is by its very nature purifying. What then to
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
International. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON speak of warm water? It is certainly more beneficial.
Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket Therefore, great sages praise a warm water bath.
permission is given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print form
provided no changes are made to the contents. — Translated by Hari Parshad Das from the Sanskrit available at
Gaudiya Grantha Mandira (