Herbal Cosmetics: Used For Skin and Hair: December 2012
Herbal Cosmetics: Used For Skin and Hair: December 2012
Herbal Cosmetics: Used For Skin and Hair: December 2012
12 78,766
4 authors, including:
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Ashish Baldi
Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda, Punjab, India
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ashish Baldi on 16 May 2014.
Inventi Rapid: Cosmeceuticals Vol. 2012, Issue 4 1 2012 pcc 077, CCC: $10 © Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
[ISSN 0976-3864] Published on Web 10/10/2012, www.inventi.in
are less prone to aging 20. Some of the herbal x Cosmetics for enhancing the appearance of facial skin
moisturizers include vegetable glycerin, sorbitol, rose x Cosmetics for hair growth and care
water, jojoba oil, aloe vera and iris 21. x Cosmetics for skin care, especially in teenager22 (acne,
pimples and sustaining)
Herbal Cosmetics Can Be Grouped Into Following Major x Shampoos, soaps, powders and perfumery, etc.
Categories x Miscellaneous products
Inventi Rapid: Cosmeceuticals Vol. 2012, Issue 4 2 2012 pcc 077, CCC: $10 © Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
[ISSN 0976-3864] Published on Web 10/10/2012, www.inventi.in
Indian Extracts for Herbal Cosmetics leaves are appetizer, cholagogue, depurative, digestive,
Herbs play a significant role, especially in modem imes, diuretic, hypoglycaemic, laxative and tonic 33. It favors
when the damaging effects of food processing and over- blood circulation by making blood more fluid and allowing
medication have assumed alarming proportions 23. They are it a better travel through vein and arteries.
now being increasingly cosmetics, foods and teas, as well as
alternative medicines. The growing interest in herbs is a part Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
of the movement towards change in life-styles 24. This Holy basil, called Tulsi in India, is ubiquitous in Hindu
movement is based on the belief that the plants have a vast tradition. Perhaps its role as a healing herb was
potential for their use as a curative medicine. instrumental in its "sacred" implication 34.
Inventi Rapid: Cosmeceuticals Vol. 2012, Issue 4 3 2012 pcc 077, CCC: $10 © Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
[ISSN 0976-3864] Published on Web 10/10/2012, www.inventi.in
doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) from the body as they are x Throughout the world, herbal medicine has provided
mainly responsible for skin disorders and other diseases many of the most potent medicines to the vast arsenal
46. Among the written information on ayurveda like in of drugs available to modern medical science, both in
Charakh Samhita, the sage Charakh stated numerous crude form and as a pure chemical upon which modern
medicinal plants in Varnya Kashaya. The herbs mentioned medicines are structured 55.
can be used to obtain glowing complexion. Various herbs
for which description and usage can be found in ayurvedic Limitations of Herbal Medicines
inscriptions are chandana, Nagkeshara, Padmak, Khus, Like any other branch of science and technology,
Yashtimadhu, Manjistha, Sariva, Payasya, Seta (shweta present scenario of herbal medicine has its own
durva), Lata (shyama durva) 47. There is also the mention limitations arising out of its own technical constituents.
of various herbs from Kushthagna Mahakashaya that are The prominent limitations of herbal medicines can be
effective curatives for skin disorders are Khadira, Abhaya, summarized as follow 56:
Amalaki, Haridra, Bhallataka, Saptaparna, Aragvadha,
Karavira, Vidanga, Jati. Like the notifications of charakh Dry Skin Treatment
and other sages, Sushrut said that Eladi Gana contains,-Ela, Coconut oil
tagar, kusstha, jatamansi, tvak, dhmamaka, patra, Coconut oil comes from the fruit or seed of the coconut
nagkeshar, priyangu, harenuka, vyaghranakha, shukti, palm tree Cocos nucifera, family Arecaceae. The melting
stouneyaka, choraka, shriveshta, khus, goggol, sarjarasa, point of coconut oil is 24 to 25°C (75-76°F) and thus it can
turushka, kundaru, agaru, ushira, devdaru, keshara, and be used easily in both liquid and solid forms and is often
padmakeshara 48. All these herbs can eliminate toxins from used in cooking and baking 57. Coconut oil is excellent as a
the body, clear the complexion that leads to a glow on the skin moisturizer and softener. A study shows that extra
skin and alleviates puritus, kusstha and boils (Table 2 and virgin coconut oil is effective and safe when used as a
Table 3). moisturizer, with absence of adverse reactions. (3) A study
found that coconut oil helped prevent protein loss from the
The Benefits of Herbs May include the Following wet combing of hair when used for fourteen hours 58.
x Enhance physical and mental well-being
x Strengthen the immune system Sunflower Oil
x Detoxification It is the non-volatile oil expressed from sunflower seeds
x Aid in sleeping, digestion obtained from Helianthus annuus, family Asteraceae.
x Increase stamina and reduce fatigue etc. Sunflower oil contains lecithin, tocopherols, carotenoids
Herbal products in cosmetics or herb in cosmetics can and waxes. In cosmetics, it has smoothing properties and is
also be referred as botanical origin products in cosmetics considered noncomedogenic 59.
49. According to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940
Inventi Rapid: Cosmeceuticals Vol. 2012, Issue 4 4 2012 pcc 077, CCC: $10 © Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
[ISSN 0976-3864] Published on Web 10/10/2012, www.inventi.in
Inventi Rapid: Cosmeceuticals Vol. 2012, Issue 4 5 2012 pcc 077, CCC: $10 © Inventi Journals (P) Ltd
[ISSN 0976-3864] Published on Web 10/10/2012, www.inventi.in
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[ISSN 0976-3864] Published on Web 10/10/2012, www.inventi.in