Cosmeceuticals and Herbal Drugs Practica PDF
Cosmeceuticals and Herbal Drugs Practica PDF
Cosmeceuticals and Herbal Drugs Practica PDF
Received on 31 August, 2011; received in revised form 21 November, 2011; accepted December, 2011
Rajsekhar Saha*
RKDF College of Pharmacy, Hoshangabad Road, Misroad, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Keywords: Traditional remedies and preparation used for the treatment of skin, or the
folk preparations used for healing skin diseases are known to be as
Cosmeceuticals, Cosmeceuticals and cosmetics. The desire of gook looking and to be beautiful
Folk Herbs, gave a huge market for the cosmetics. This is not a new tradition for human
to look good; it has been a long ancient follow through for both the sexes to
Correspondence to Author: be presentable by beauty. For now, the desire of both the sexes to look
younger than there age, to be fare and charming have directly increased the
Rajsekhar Saha demand of herbal cosmetics as well as of the Cosmeceuticals in the market.
The herbal formulations have been the first choice of the customers. For the
RKDF College of Pharmacy, Hoshangabad
Road, Misroad, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, reason of being less side effective and thought to be more potent than the
India synthetic formulations. There has been a long use of turmeric and
sandalwood to be applied of face for fairness and freshness. As like many
other herbs are used in daily life to be called as cosmetics and the
preparation from them to be called as Cosmeceuticals. The above article is
an effort to describe clearly both the terms and the relation between them.
INTRODUCTION: Cosmeceuticals term was first used basically two uses, for example moisturizer used for
by Raymond Reed founding member of U.S Society of the make-up claims to have sun protection.
Cosmetics Chemist at 1961. He actually used the word
to explain the active and science based cosmetics 1, 2. Cosmeceuticals are as described earlier used for the
The above term was further coined used and nourishment and improvement of the skin and further
popularized by Dr Albert Kligman in the year 1984 to act to avoid and cure various dermatological
refer the substances that exert both cosmetic and conditions. The Cosmeceuticals preparations consisting
therapeutic benefits. With the increase of prescription herbals are popular in consumer and are gaining much
from tretinoin used for anti wrinkle preparation the popularity day by day 3.
term “Cosmeceuticals” gained the ideology as a The reason behind this is being less toxic as it consists
cosmetic that has or is purposed to have medical of herbal ingredients. The life style people bear today
properties. cause stress resulting to various dermatological issues
The cosmetic industry promotes there product using such as aging, wrinkles, darkness of skin. These
the above term to indicate products that effect the dermatological problems are treated by using
health of skin appearances. The definition cleverly antioxidants. The manufacture of Cosmeceuticals
describes the origin and the pharmacological activity of claims to have proven antioxidants in there
the above products. The above termed products have preparation to treat above skin problems.
Categorizations of Cosmeceuticals: Cosmeceuticals are problems with the appropriate products. Most patients
divided in certain products categories they are stated have multiple needs, and they should be matched with
in table 1. In choosing an effective Cosmeceuticals products that offer ingredients with multifunctional
regimen it is critical to match patients and their benefits 4.
S. No. Category
1. Creams, emulsions, lotions, gels and oils for the skin (hands face, feet, etc.).
2. Face masks (with the exception of chemical peeling products).
3. Tinted bases (liquids, pastes, powders).
4. Make-up powders, after-bath powders, hygienic powders, etc.
5. Toilet soaps, deodorant soaps, etc.
6. Perfumes, toilet waters and eau de Cologne.
7. Bath and shower preparations (salts, foams, oils, gels, etc.).
8. Depilatories.
9. Deodorants and anti-perspirants.
10. Hair care products:
Hair tints and bleaches,
Products for waving, straightening and fixing,
Setting products,
Cleansing products (lotions, powders, shampoos),
Conditioning products (lotions, creams, oils),
Hair dressing products (lotions, lacquers, brilliantines).
11. Shaving products (creams, foams, lotions, etc.).
12. Products for making-up and removing make-up from the face and the eyes.
13. Products intended for application to the lips.
14. Products for care of the teeth and the mouth.
15. Products for nail care and make-up.
16. Products for external intimate hygiene.
17. Sunbathing products.
18. Products for tanning without sun.
19. Skin-whitening products.
20. Anti-wrinkle products.
cytotoxic effect of HQ is mediated by reversible remedy for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and
inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis. anti-irritant properties. Licorice extract derived from
the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, glabridin, has dual
Azelaic acid: Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, pigment modulating and anti-inflammatory properties.
saturated 9- carbon dicarboxylic acid derived from Active ingredients in licorice extract are the flavenoids,
Pityrosporum ovale. liquirtin and isoliquertin. Licorice extract leads to skin
lightening primarily by dispersing melanin. In cultured
It is a weak competitive inhibitor of tyrosinase. Azelaic B16 melanoma cells, glabridin inhibits tyrosinase
acid also exhibits antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects activity without affecting DNA synthesis rates. Topical
on melanocytes via inhibition of thioredoxin reductase, application of glabridin has been shown to reduce UVB
an enzyme involved in mitochondrial oxidoreductase induced pigmentation and erythema in the skin of
activation and DNA synthesis. Unlike HQ, azelaic acid guinea pigs. In vitro anti-inflammatory effects of
seems to target only abnormally hyperactive glabridin relate to inhibition of superoxide production
melanocytes, and thus will not lighten skin with and activity of cyclooxygenase 11, 12.
normally functioning melanocytes. Thus, the benefits
of azelaic acid might extend beyond the realm of Arbutin and deoxyarbutin: Derived from the leaves of
cosmetic medicine, as it may play a role in preventing the Vaccinium vitisidaea, arbutin is a
development of, or in therapy for, lentigo maligna and gluconopyranoside that inhibits tyrosinase. It also
lentigo maligna melanoma 5, 6. inhibits melanosome maturation without associated
melanocyte toxicity.18Deoxyarbutin is a synthetically
Niacinamide: Niacinamide, also known as modified derivative of arbutin with enhanced pigment
nicotinamide, is a water-soluble component of the lightening properties 13.
vitamin B complex group. In vivo, nicotinamide is
incorporated into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Aloesin: Aloesis is a low-molecular-weight glycoprotein
(NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide derived from the aloe vera plant. It functions through
phosphate (NADP), coenzymes essential for enzymatic the competitive inhibition of tyrosinase at the
oxidation reduction reactions, including tissue dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) oxidation site.
mitochondrial respiration and lipid metabolism. Therapeutic application of aloesin is limited by its
Niacinamide inhibits melanine transfer to keratinocyte. hydrophilic nature and inability to penetrate the skin
Bissett and colleagues 7-10 showed that niacinamide 14- 16
reduced the appearance of hyperpigmented macules,
fine lines and wrinkles, red blotchiness, skin Vitamin C: Numerous studies have confirmed the
sallowness, and increased skin elasticity. beneficial effects of systemic (oral and intravenous [IV]
administration) and topically applied ascorbic acid
In addition, niacinamide helped alleviate some of the (vitamin C) in the treatment of melasma 17-19.
symptoms of rosacea by increasing hydration, reducing
Retinoids: Retinoids are synthetic and natural
transepidermal water loss, and improving the barrier
function of the stratum corneum. compounds with structure and activity similar to that
of vitamin A. Vitamin A exists as retinol (a vitamin A
Kojic acid: Kojic acid, 5-hydroxymethyl-4H-pyrane-4- alcohol), retinal (a vitamin A aldehyde, and retinoic
one, is a hydrophilic fungal derivative derived from acid (a vitamin A acid). All these forms are inter
Aspergillus and Penicillium species, exerting its biologic convertible. Biologic activity of retinoids relates to
activity by inhibiting copper binding to tyrosinase. It is their ability to activate RAR abg and RXR abg receptors,
one of the most commonly used over-the counter skin and increases from retinol to retinaldehyde to retinoic
lightening agents sold worldwide. Albeit Kojic acid was acid. Topical retinoid’s ability to de pigment is based
recently removed from the market in Japan due to its on its ability to disperse melanosomes, interfere with
sensitizing properties. melanocyte- keratinocyte pigment transfer, and
accelerate epidermal turnover and, subsequently,
Licorice extract: Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, pigment loss. In addition, retinoids may inhibit
Glycyrrhiza inflate) extract has been used as a natural
melanogenesis by inhibiting tyrosinase and DOPA active components of chamomile include a-bis-abolol,
chrome conversion factor 20-22. a-bis-abolol oxide A and B, and matricin, all of which
are potent inhibitors of COX and lipoxygenase
Salicylic acid: Grimes reported moderate to significant pathways. Chamomile also contains the flavonoids
improvement of melasma in 4 of 6 patients with skin apigenin, luteolin, and quercetin, all potent inhibitors
types V and VI, treated with a series of 20% to 30% of histamine release 27.
salicylic acid (SA) peels (every 2 weeks) plus HQ
(administered for 2 weeks before initiation of SA Feverfew: Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a
series). The treatment protocol was well tolerated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent with marked anti
no reported post inflammatory dyschromia. SA peels irritant and antioxidant properties. Anti-inflammatory
without pretreatment with HQ were associated with properties of feverfew include inhibition of
higher risk of hyper pigmentation 23. proinflammatory cytokine (tumor necrosis factor a
[TNFa], interferon-g [INF-g], interleukin-2 [IL-2], IL-4)
Rosacea: Rosacea is a common, chronic skin disorder release, decrease in nuclear factor kB (NFkB) mediated
that primarily affects the central and convex areas of gene transcription, inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis,
the face. The nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, and glabella and inhibition of adhesion molecule expression. One
are the most frequently affected sites. The disease has drawback of topical application of feverfew is a high
a variety of clinical manifestations ranging from potential for topical sensitization and irritation. Newly
flushing, persistent erythema, telangiectasias, papules, developed purified feverfew extract (Feverfew, PFE)
pustules, tissue hyperplasia, and sebaceous gland retains the anti-inflammatory properties of feverfew
hyperplasia. Cosmeceuticals used for the treatment of with minimal skin sensitization 28.
above disorder as follows.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal is one of a limited number of
Licochalcone A (licorice extract): Licorice extract has natural compounds recognized and regulated by the
marked anti-inflammatory properties. In in vitro FDA. Colloidal oatmeal, dehulled oats ground to a fine
studies, licochalcone A isolated from the roots of powder, is recognized by the FDA as a skin protectant
Glycyrrhiza inflate suppresses inflammation via indirect that, in addition to providing temporary skin
inhibition of the cyclooxygenase (COX) and protection, relieves minor pruritus and irritation
lipoxygenase pathways. Licochalcone A in vivo caused by eczema, rashes, poison ivy, and other
decreases UVB-induced erythema, reduces contact allergens and insect bites.
proinflammatory cytokines, and UVB-induced
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release by keratinocytes 24. Colloidal oatmeal has a combination of components
and properties well suited for the treatment of
Azelaic acid: Topical azelaic acid is an FDA approved inflammatory skin conditions. It cleanses, moisturizes,
treatment of rosacea and acne vulgaris and is useful provides barrier protection, and exhibits anti-
for Acne - induced PIH 25. inflammatory activity. The antioxidant constituents of
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been widely used in oats are avenanthramides, which are polyphenolic
traditional medicine to accelerate healing of wounds compounds. Isolated avenanthramides reduce
and burns. The active ingredients of aloe vera include proinflammatory cytokines (IL-8) and transcription
SA (antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties via factors (NF-kB) in cultured human keratinocytes,
inhibition of thromboxane and prostaglandin reduce histamine- induced pruritus in humans, and
synthesis), magnesium lactate (antipruritic properties decrease UVB-induced erythema 29, 30.
via inhibition of histidine decarboxylase), and gel Pycnogenol: Pycnogenol is a standardized extract from
polysaccharides (anti-inflammatory activity by French maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster). The
immunomodulation) . extract’s active ingredients include proanthocyanidins,
Chamomile: Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) has long shown to have photoprotective, antimicrobial,
been used in traditional folk medicine for the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic
treatment of skin irritation and atopic dermatitis. The effects. Its anti-inflammatory properties may include
the inhibition of INF-g and downregulation of targeted strategies for slowing down or reversing the
expression of interstitial cell adhesion molecule 1 signs of aging. The aging process has intrinsic and
(ICAM-1) on the surface of keratinocytes. Pycnogenol extrinsic bases. These two clinically and biologically
also converts the vitamin C radical to its active form independent and distinct processes affect skin
and raises levels of glutathione and other free-radical structure and function. Intrinsic or innate aging is a
scavengers 31- 33. naturally occurring process that occurs from slow, but
progressive and irreversible, tissue degeneration.
Lycopene: Lycopene, a carotinoid, exhibits Telomere shortening and metabolic oxidative damage
considerable reductive potential and antioxidant with free reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation all
activity. When applied topically before UVA exposure, play a role in the innate aging process 42.
it prevents apoptosis, reduces inflammation, and
diminishes expression of enzymes implicated in Antioxidants: Antioxidants have long been used in the
carcinogenesis. In addition, lycopene has the ability to cosmetic industry for their multifaceted benefits,
regenerate vitamin E (a-tocopherol). The clinical offering antiaging and anti-inflammatory properties. In
usefulness of lycopene still remains to be proved. In a addition, antioxidants confer a degree of
clinical trial of 10 volunteers, 6% topical lycopene photoprotection and anticarcinogenesis by quenching
cream reduced UV-induced erythema to a greater free-radical species generated by cellular metabolism
extent than a topical mixture of vitamin C and vitamin and direct exposure to UV radiation. They also block
E 34, 53. UV-induced inflammatory pathways.
Silymarin: Silymarin, a polyphenolic flavonoid from the LIST OF ANTIOXIDANTS USED IN COSMETICS
milk thistle plant, Silybum marianum, inhibits
lipoprotein oxidation and acts as a free-radical
scavenger. In animal models, silymarin showed Coffee berry
chemoprotective and anticarcinogenic acitivity. It
reduced UVB radiation-induced erythema, edema, and Vitamin C, vitamin E, and ferulic acid
keratinocyte apoptosis through the inhibition of
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