Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers
1| P a g e
Q: What happens if I select the on-site model for a student who is in a
self-contained program?
A: We will provide instruction and services on campus at the school site as per the current IEP.
There is a possibility that the typically assigned teacher might not be available to provide
instruction in the classroom. In this case, another qualified teacher might be physically present
in the classroom. We will have more information the week of August 3rd about which teachers
are available to provide instruction on campus. Our teachers will contact parents about
students who will be on their rosters before August 10th, the first day of online instruction.
2| P a g e
Q: What safety measures will be in place when a student is unable to
wear a mask?
A: Some students will be exempt from wearing a mask per their individual needs and/or age. If
a student is unable to wear a mask, school staff will communicate with the parent or guardian
by conducting daily wellness checks before a student enters the classroom. Students might be
able to wear a face shield. School staff may also check the temperature of a student who is not
wearing a mask. Students will participate in physical distancing when possible. All adults on
campus will wear face coverings.
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