Clothes Quiz
Clothes Quiz
Clothes Quiz
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4. W
rite down four items of clothing made out of
5. W
rite down three things that you can wear on
your head.
7. W
rite down something you wear when you go to
8. W
rite down five things that you can wear on your
9. W
rite down something men wear to a job
11. W
rite down three things you can wear to keep
you warm in the winter.
13. W
rite down the names of three famous fashion
14. W
rite down a) what men wear to go swimming
b) what women wear to go swimming.
15. W
hat do school children and men in the army
16. W
hat do people wear to protect their eyes from
the sun?
20. W
rite down clothes that can be made out of