Index: SL - No Content Construction of The Attitude Scale
Index: SL - No Content Construction of The Attitude Scale
Index: SL - No Content Construction of The Attitude Scale
Sl.No Content
Construction of the attitude scale
1 Meaning of attitude scale
2 The attitude scale
3 Criteria of attitude scale
4 Steps of constructing and using an attitude scale
5 The Likert Method of attitude scale construction
6 Merits
7 Demerits
8 Bibliography
Attitude is a dispositional readiness to respond to certain situations persons,
objects or ideas in a consistent manner which as been learned and as become
one’s typical mode of responses.
In making the initial list of the statements several practical criteria were
applied in the first editing work. Some of the important criteria are as follows;
Example. Scoring key for two items measuring attitude toward school.
School is waste of time School teaches you things that help in getting a job.
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1
Note that the highest rating, (5) for favorable attitude toward school may be
given to strongly disagree (SD) or strongly agree (AS) depending on how the
item is worded.
5. Identify high scores (top 25%) and low scores (lowest 25%)
6. Analyze each statement according to how high and low scores responded to
it. The method for accomplishing this step, called “item analysis”, is
discussed below.
7. Retain those items (approximately 20) which provided good discrimination
between high and low scorers.
8. Construct the questionnaire by listing the retained statements in random
9. Administer the instrument.
10.Compute a score for each respondent by totaling the scores corresponding to
his or her responses.
The first step in the Likert method is also the collection of a large
number of statements expressing various degrees of positive and negative
feelings about an object, institution, or class or person. The selection of
items for the attitude scale, however, does not involve the use of judges:
rather the selection is base on the results of administering the items to a
representative group of subjects. Each item is rated by subjects taking the
attitude scale on a five point continuum from “strongly approve”. the total
score is the sum of all the item scores. The validity of each item is studies,
with the criterion being total score on the preliminary edition. Only those
items that have high correlations with total score are retained. Items that
have low correlations are excluded as either unreliable or as measuring some
extraneous attitude factor. As a result, the shorter revised attitude scal3 is
much more homogenous than the preliminary edition. It has greater internal
consistency, a characteristic which is necessary, but not sufficient, for
construct validity.