Rightsizing HVAC Equipment: Column Engineer'S Notebook

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This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, January 2015. Copyright 2015 ASHRAE. Posted at www.ashrae.org. This article may
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Journal, visit www.ashrae.org.
Daniel H. Nall

Rightsizing HVAC Equipment


From reading the discussions of “rightsizing” in the “green building” literature, one
would infer that most HVAC engineers have large holdings in HVAC equipment manu-
facturer stock. Many of these texts, often intended for architects, warn their readers
to be on the lookout for maliciously oversized HVAC equipment, stating explicitly that
large first cost and energy cost savings can be accrued from detecting and correcting
this mischief. While oversizing of HVAC equipment may occur, it is rarely with intent
to line the pockets of vendors; rather, it is usually the result of efforts to protect both
the engineer and owner from inadequate capacity. Understanding the actual uncer-
tainties of load calculations and providing systems that can function effectively and
efficiently at part loads will help both the engineer and the building owner avoid the
unpleasantness of an undersized conditioning system.
Rightsizing Issues be predetermined by third parties or are informed
For many years, the proper method of sizing HVAC by market research or physical estimation, while oth-
equipment was to do a calculation, using very generous ers are mostly informed by the engineer’s or owner’s
estimates of load components, and then to add a little experience. Making use of the best resources and tech-
extra (10% or so) to make sure everything could never niques for establishing these values will make load cal-
be considered undersized. In today’s practice, sophisti- culations more exact and limit exposure to liability.
cated calculation methods, including the heat balance The engineer is given little guidance on how to estab-
method and the radiant time series method, are used lish and use techniques to deal with uncertainty in
to capture, more accurately, the heat transfer mecha- both the inputs and the resulting outputs of load cal-
nisms in the building. Computerized load calculation culations. The ASHRAE Load Calculation Applications
tools also capable of capturing the relative timing of Manual has little or no guidance on practical tech-
building shading, diurnal temperature variation, and niques for handling this uncertainty.1 The only men-
building occupancy schedules, so that loads can be cal- tion of these issues in ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard
culated based on the peak sum of coincident load com- 183-2007, Peak Cooling Load Calculations in Buildings Except
ponents, rather than the sum of non-coincident load Low-Rise Residential Buildings, is that “Diversity due to
component peaks. variations in actual occupancy, lighting, or equip-
In general, these techniques have made load cal- ment use shall be considered in determining system
culations more precise, but they have increased cooling loads.”2 Chapter 18 of the ASHRAE Handbook—
the importance of the estimation of parameters for Fundamentals states that “All load calculation inputs
load components that are not explicit in the design should be as accurate as reasonable, without using
documentation. These parameters include values for safety factors.” It goes on to recommend, however, that
occupant installed equipment, occupant density, and a safety allowance of 20% to 25% are often applied to
schedules for occupancy activities. In existing build- peak (steady-state) heating load calculations to accom-
ings, these parameters can also include performance modate morning warm-up.3 The most comprehensive
values for pre-existing building envelope systems, and
sometimes, lighting systems. Some of these values can Daniel H. Nall, P.E., FAIA, is vice president at Syska Hennessy Group, New York.

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treatment of safety and diversity factors appears in that are input to the load calculation. These include
the literature on residential load calculations, includ- both external and internal environmental conditions,
ing the EERE Building Technologies Program “Strategy ventilation rates and other variables. As an example,
Guideline: Accurate Heating and Cooling Load although standard practice may be to use the ASHRAE
Calculations.”4 The bottom line for a number of pub- 2% design conditions for cooling load calculations, for
lications on this topic is: “use no safety factors at all.” certain facility types, for which constant maintenance
In 1985, Bill Coad published an article that addressed of internal conditions is mandatory, using the 0.4%
the loss of “inherent safety factors” with the replace- design conditions may be more appropriate. Similarly,
ment of simplified hand load calculations with detailed although an interior dry-bulb temperature of 70°F
and specific computerized calculations. As a result, he (21.1°C) may be a standard residential heating load cal-
advocated including “…known safety factors in design culation input, a temperature of 76°F (24.4°C) may be
when there is a reasonable anticipation that uncon- appropriate for housing for the aged. Critical service
trolled factors can render the design…inadequate.”5 requirements can have a significant impact on both
Some seemingly discretionary load parameters can heating and cooling loads and should be addressed
be determined by market factors or third parties. In specifically in the calculation rather than accommo-
a number of regions, including New York City, com- dated by an arbitrary capacity increase.
mercial real estate brokers insist that high end space The second strategic factor, safety factor, is an often
for financial services tenants should have the ability to misused concept that inflates the value of the finished
power and cool 5 W/ft2 (53.82 W/m2) of tenant installed derived load after all the calculations have been per-
equipment. Rarely, if ever, is this intensity of equip- formed. Instead, safety factors should be applied to
ment seen outside of a trading floor. Documented descriptive parameters for which some uncertainty
average values for distributed equipment power den- exists. These might include the U-value of a wall in
sity in office space are less than 1 W/ft2 (10.76 W/m2) an existing building. Analysis might reveal a range
with another 1 W/ft2 (10.76 W/m2) often concentrated of U-values for a given wall, depending on the exact
in smaller rooms for servers or other IT equipment. material used, the exact dimensions and the quality of
Using a load parameter less than the “market value,” the construction. For the load calculation, an informed
even for a build to suit tenant with a need for exit decision should be made about the likely “worst”
strategy, should involve discussions with the owner on U-value that might result from this construction.
the implications of meeting unrealistic market expec- Safety factors may also be applied to parameter estima-
tations. Decisions of this type can be categorized as tions for future use and operation different form the
programmatic assumptions, rather than engineering initial program. They may also be applied to diversity
assumptions. They should be arrived at mutually to assumptions described below.
avoid the engineer bearing the entire risk of under- As a general rule, safety factors should be applied
estimating or overestimating their value. Inclusion of directly to parameters for which the designer has
overly robust and unrealistic “programmatic assump- uncertainty concerning the actual parameter value.
tions” may enable the engineer to scale down some of They should not be applied to calculations that use
the “strategic factor” multipliers discussed in the next those parameters, because they, then, multiplicatively
paragraph. enlarge loads resulting from values for which the
A part of the load calculation process is the identifica- engineer has great confidence. Safety factors should
tion of strategic factors that will impact the load calcu- also not be applied so that they serially expand previ-
lation process. These include: ously applied safety factors. Applying safety factors at
•• Critical service requirements; the end of calculations can also result in larger central
•• Safety factors; equipment (e.g., chillers, boilers) but with no ability
•• Diversity assumptions; and to deliver that capacity to conditioned spaces. Safety
•• Redundancy factor. factors, then are better termed “uncertainty factors”
The first strategic factor, critical service requirement, and they should be directed at minimizing the risk of
refers to the selection of environmental design criteria uncertainty for specific load parameters.

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The third strategic factor, diversity assumptions, is comfortable throughout most weather conditions
more problematic. It includes both the spatial and and will be, at least, minimally habitable in the most
temporal aspects of diversity. Diversity factors, in gen- extreme conditions. Redundancy factors almost always
eral reduce the magnitude of overall loads, because involve meeting capacity requirements with more than
they establish the extent to which peak load compo- one piece of equipment. If the capacity requirement
nent values are not applicable over the entire extent is met by a large number of units, as is often the case
of the building operation. As an example, in a theater, with a modular boiler plant, a prudent redundancy
both the hall and the lobby can have a certain maxi- requirement may be met without upsizing the plant to
mum occupant density, but, they almost certainly any extent or affecting operating efficiency. Meeting
will not have maximum occupancy simultaneously. the load with more, smaller units, furthermore, may
Similarly, certain areas of an office building may have increase part-load operating efficiency. Once again,
equipment power densities as high as 3 or 4 W/ft2 this factor is determined in concert with the entire
(32.29 to 43.06 W/m2), but almost certainly, the entire project team, including the owner.
building will not. The pervasive claim is that oversizing results in sig-
Determination of these diversity factors is an exer- nificant loss in energy efficiency, which is demonstra-
cise that should involve the architect, engineer and bly not always the case. Oversized ducts and pipes have
owner, to avoid future disagreement. Diversity factors significantly reduced pressure drop at part loads and
are independent of schedules and as such must be potentially entail less transport energy. The key is to
reviewed with the schedules to ensure that the appro- ensure that systems can operate effectively and effi-
priate level of fluctuation is accounted for only once ciently at partial capacity at minimum expected loads.
(especially when the schedule is a percent of load type Integral to this strategy is estimating the minimum
of schedule). While agreed-upon schedules capture load at which components can be expected to operate.
known temporal variation of load components, diver- Components and distribution systems should be inves-
sity factors capture the uncertain variance of these tigated for their minimum part-load limits and design
components. Diversity assumptions, like safety factors, revisions, if necessary, should be made to facilitate
should be applied to the actual parameters that are meeting the minimum part loads. Detailed investiga-
diversely allocated rather than any value resultant to a tion of part-load operations strategies are beyond the
subsequent calculation. scope of this article, but some general strategies are
Diversity factors may also be applied in sequence presented.
as the fraction of the building area to which they are •• The first part-load strategy is usually available in
applied becomes greater, because the likelihood that most systems designed currently through the ubiqui-
all served areas will be operating at peak intensity tous use of variable frequency drives. The minimum
becomes less as the area grows larger. From a systems part load of components that use VFDs is much lower
standpoint, this approach may mean that no diver- than that with other part load operating systems. Mini-
sity factor for plug loads is applied for single termi- mum speed for VFDs serving “VFD-ready” motors can
nal units, while a moderate diversity factor (90%) is be as low as 10%.
applied to sizing trunk ducts, a 70% plug load diversity •• Another part-load strategy is to provide capacity
factor is applied for serving central air-handling units with multiple units instead of a single unit. This strate-
and a 50% factor is used for sizing the chiller plant. gy is consistent with the redundancy strategy described
The fourth strategic factor, redundancy factor, above. The capacity can be provided with units of vari-
reflects the need to upsize components or distribution ous sizes, so that the minimum system part load will be
systems to accommodate continued operation during the minimum part load of the smallest component.
a planned or unplanned component outage. A typi- •• A third strategy is to make sure that sensors and
cal application of a redundancy factor is a design that control elements are of sufficient quality and accuracy
meets the heating load requirement with two boilers to operate at low part loads. Even moderate oversiz-
each sized at 75% of the calculated heating load. Even ing of pressure-independent VAV terminals can result
if one of the boilers fails, the building will remain in overcooled space, or excessive use of reheat, if flow

50 A S H R A E J O U R N A L   ashrae.org  JAN UARY 2015


measurement components are ineffective at the low air litigious clients is a detailed well thought out load cal-
velocity entailed by part-load operation, or if selected culation, identifying assumptions and uncertainties,
diffusers are ineffective at low airflows, or if sufficient applied factors to accommodate those uncertainties,
reheat is unavailable to accommodate minimum sys- diversity and operational assumptions and factors,
tem flow required for ventilation.6 Modulating valves and redundancy provisions and incorporating correct
should be selected such that they operate appropriately arithmetic to arrive directly at required capacities for
at the identified minimum flow. If a single valve cannot both components and systems.
span the range of flow required for the system, then
two valves of different sizes arranged in parallel can be References
incorporated along with control sequences that use the 1. Spitler, J. 2009. Load Calculation Applications Manual, Atlanta:
larger valve for higher flow rates and the smaller valve 2. ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183-2007: Peak Cooling and Heating
for lower part-load flow. Load Calculations in Buildings, Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
The application of appropriate controls can allow 3. 2013 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals, Chapter 18
some chilled water systems to exploit the thermal 4. Burdick, A. 2011. “Strategy Guidelines: Accurate Heating and
Cooling Load Calculations.” Building Technologies Program, Energy
capacitance of the distribution system to meet very Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy.
low part loads by cycling the chiller compressor, while 5. Coad, W. 1985. “Safety factors in HVAC design.” Heating/Piping/Air
maintaining a consistent chilled water temperature. Conditioning, January.
6. Taylor, S. 2007. “Advanced Variable Air Volume Systems Design
Other systems may require multiple chillers or vari-
Guide.” Energy Design Resources, Pacific Gas nad Electric
able speed/capacity chillers to meet continuous cool- Company, pp. 71–75.
ing requirements at very low part loads. Systems in
different projects may require different strategies, but
systems design should recognize the need for efficient
and effective operation at part loads. The only way to
ensure that outcome is to calculate the minimum part
load, using the same procedures that are used to calcu-
late the maximum design load and to employ measures
to allow the system to operate at that minimum load.

Summary and Conclusions

Two points are made in this column:
1. The first is to apply analytical techniques to the
calculation of systems and component loads. Iden- Advertisement formerly in this space.
tify those input parameters for which a good deal of
certainty exists, and identify those for which there
is significant uncertainty. Apply appropriate strate-
gic factors to the inputs and not to the outputs of the
calculations. Avoid compounding safety factors at
multiple levels that drastically oversize systems and
2. The second point is to analyze minimum operating
loads with a similar level of technical precision and to
configure systems and components so that they can op-
erate efficiently and effectively at those minimum load
points. Remember that the system operates far more
hours at part load than it does at full load.
The bottom line is that the most effective defense
against both the “rightsizing police” and potentially

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