Al-Farabi University College
Al-Farabi University College
Al-Farabi University College
Students names:
Ali Kadhim Talib.
Yousef Hussen Jamel .
Hesham Sahim .
Refining Engineering Department, Oil
and Gas.
Stage:The second.
Supervision of Prof :HAMZAH A. LAFTA
differential flow meter orifice and
1. Introduction
The flow rate of a fluid flowing in a pipe under
pressure is measured for a variety of
applications, such as monitoring of pipe flow rate
and control of industrial processes.
Differential pressure flow meters, consisting of
orifice, flow nozzle, and venturi meters,
are widely used for pipe flow measurement and
are the topic of this course. All three of
these meters use a constriction in the path of the
pipe flow and measure the difference
in pressure between the undisturbed flow and the
flow through the constriction. That
pressure difference can then be used to calculate
the flow rate. This course will provide
general background information about differential
pressure flow meters and the format
of the equation used for calculating liquid flow
rate through any of them. There will also
be presentation and discussion of equations used
for calculation of gas flow through a
differential pressure meter and the parameters in
those equations. There will be
descriptions of each of these meters and their
particular equations, along with example
calculations. Use of the ideal gas law to calculate
the density of a gas at known
temperature and pressure and use of an ISO 5167
equation to calculate the value of an
orifice coefficient are additional topics related to
orifice and venturi meter calculations
that are included in this course. A spreadsheet to
assist with orifice/venturi/flow nozzle
meter calculations and ISO 5167 calculation of an
orifice coefficient is also provided.
Note that there is provision for user input to select
either U.S. units of S.I. units in each
of the spreadsheet worksheets.
2. Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, the student will
• Be able to calculate the liquid flow rate from
measured pressure difference, fluid
properties, and meter parameters, using the
provided equations for venturi,
orifice, and flow nozzle meters.
• Be able to calculate the gas flow rate from
measured pressure difference, fluid
properties, and meter parameters, using the
provided equations for venturi,
orifice, and flow nozzle meters.
• Be able to estimate the density of a specified gas
at specified temperature and
pressure using the Ideal Gas Equation.
• Be able to determine which type of ISO standard
pressure tap locations are
being used for a given orifice meter.
• Be able to calculate the orifice coefficient, Co, for
specified orifice and pipe
diameters, pressure tap locations and fluid
properties using ISO 5167 equations.
• Be able to calculate the Reynolds number for
specified pipe flow conditions.
3. Topics Covered in this Course
I. Differential Pressure Flow Meter Background
II. Gas Flow Calculations for Differential Pressure
Flow Meters
III. The Ideal Gas Law for Calculating the Density of
a Gas
IV. The Venturi Meter
V. The Orifice Meter
VI. ISO 5167 for Determination of an Orifice
VII. The Flow Nozzle Meter
VIII. Summary
IX. References
4. Differential Pressure Flow Meter Background
Orifice meters, venturi meters, and flow nozzle
meters are three commonly used
examples of differential pressure flow meters.
These three meters function by placing a
constricted area in the flow path of the fluid
flowing through the pipe, thus causing an
increase in the fluid velocity as it goes through the
constricted area. As indicated by the
Bernoulli Equation ( p + 1/2ρV2 + ρgh = constant ),
if the velocity (V) increases, with
the density (ρ) remaining constant, then either
pressure (p) or elevation, (h) must
decrease. For a flow meter in a horizontal pipe, the
elevation will not change, so the
increase in velocity must be accompanied by a
decrease in pressure. This is the
principle used in the differential pressure flow
A general equation will now be derived for
calculating the flow rate from the measured
difference between the pressure of the approach
fluid and the pressure of the fluid in
the constricted area of flow. The parameters
shown in the venturi diagram below will be
used to represent those parameters in general for
a differential pressure flow meter
• Q is the flow rate through the meter (and
through the pipe), in cfs for U.S. units
(or m3/s for S.I. units)
• C is the discharge coefficient, which is
All of the other parameters are the same as
defined above. The discharge coefficient,
C, will be less than one, because the actual
pipe/meter flow rate will be less than the
ideal flow rate due to fluid friction losses.
Note that Equation (4) works well for flow of
liquids through differential flow meters,
because the difference in pressure between the
upstream pipe and the constricted
region typically has negligible effect on the
density. Thus the density can be taken as
constant. For gas flow through a differential flow
meter, however, the difference in the
upstream pressure, P1, and the constricted
pressure, P2, typically has a significant effect
on the density. Thus a variation of Equation (4) is
typically used for gas flow
calculations as discussed in the next section.