Management Information and Evaluation Syatem (Mies)
Management Information and Evaluation Syatem (Mies)
Management Information and Evaluation Syatem (Mies)
Information has been recognized as one of the crucial corporate resources which facilitate better
utilization of other important resources such as men, machine, money and methods. Only a fully nurse
manager is in position to take better decision as compared to an informed one. Information is the data
that have. been put into a meaningful and useful context and communicated to a recipient who uses it
to make decision. Data refers to raw, unevaluated facts, figures, symbols, objectives, events etc.
Management information system (MIS) is an integrated man machine system designed for providing
information to support operational control, management control and decision making function in an
organization. –Davis and Oison
Management information system (MIS) is a system which provide management with in the information
it require to monitor process , measure performance, detect trends, evaluates alternative, make
decision ana to take corrective action—RR Durech
A periodic evaluation of system to assess its status in term of original and current expectation and to
chart its future direction.
Health information system health information is any quantifiable and non-quantifiable information that
can used by health decision- makers and clinicians to better understand disease process and health care
issues and to prevent , diagnose or treat health problems(WHO)
reduce expenses related to labor- intensive manual activities
to support the organization’s strategic goals and direction
Parallel approach
Modular approach
Direct approach
The selected new system is installed and operated with current system. This method is expensive
because of duplicating facilities and personnel to maintain both the systems. In this approach a target
date must be fixed when the operations of old system cease and new one will operate on it’s own.
Direct installation of new system with immediate discontinuance of the old existing system is referred as
“cold turnkey” approach. This approach become useful when these factors are considered. The design of
the new system is inexpensive with more advantages and less risk involved. New system is compact and
simple old system is regarded absolutely of no value. The new system does not replace the existing
This is generally recognized as “pilot approach” , means the implementation of system in organization
on a piece-meal basis.
The major problem can be easily identified and corrected before further implementation
It supports and enhances the overall decision making process.
MIS enhance job performance throughout an institution.
It provides the means through which the institution’s activities are monitored and information is
distributed to the management, employees and customers.
It measure performance , manage resources
It can also be used by management to provide feedback on the effectiveness of risk control.
Technology also increases the potential for inaccurate reporting and flawed decision making. Because
data can be extracted from many financial and transaction systems, appropriate control procedures
must be set up to ensure that information is correct and relevant.
An Electronic medical Record (EMR) is a computerized medical record created in an organization that
deliver care, such as hospital or physician’s office. Electronic medical record tend to be a part of local
stand- alone health information system that allow storage, retrieval and modification of records.
Nursing information systems are computer system that manage clinical data from a variety of health
care environment and made available and orderly fashion to aid nurse in improving patient care.
4 scheduling
The information generated can be used to monitor past performance or to predict future performance.
Accumulated data can be analyzed for the development of trends that can be used to project future
expenditure. Necessary reallocation and budgetary adjustment can then be made on the basis of these
It help to store, manipulate and retrieve large volume of data. The information generated assisted
nursing manager in planning, monitoring and evaluating use of nursing resources on daily basis and in
the longer time frame. It is used to generate staff schedule with conjunction with personnel
Nursing managers are able to plan schedule in advance with considerable time saving. Staffs are
informed well ahead of time. Staffing records, if maintained properly, provide useful information for
monitoring absenteeism, schedule time off and turn over.
An employee with a special mix of skills can be located. Records are readily accessible needed for the
accreditation purpose or to monitor contract compliance. The information may be retrieve on daily basis
for use in conjunction with workload measurement and contract requirements to plan staffing
Evaluate quality assurance programs defend resource allocation
to nursing demonstrate the contribute nursing, make to the care of the patient. Identify
outcome of nursing care.
2) IN NURSING PRACTICE :- Enhance documentation by nurses provide data enable research
directed at examining the interrelationship between data elements and nursing outcomes.
Facilitates development of nursing process.
3) NURSING RESEARCH :- To assess variable on multi levels including institutional, local regional
and national. Identify integrate to build information and to further synthesize to develop nursing
4) NURSING EDUCATTION :- T o develop body of knowledge with focus on nursing process to
enable staff education needs based on follow up care and outcomes. To enhance student nurses
accurate documentation.
Every organization needs to evaluate its performance and the impact of its effort. In many
instances, organization have multiple programs and will need to evaluate each one from two
Whether it has achieved its specific objectives
Organization should develop and implement a comprehensive evaluation plan that
outlines the-frames and resources needed for mid -term and final evaluation of each
major program
Process evaluation
Output evaluation
Effects evaluation
Short-term evaluation
Continue monitoring and supervision are the part of process evaluation, which examine show well
program activities are being implemented. Specifically, process evaluation focus on the development
and strengthening of existing systems, protocol against project goal and guideline necessary to support
standardize and institutionalize service activities. These activity support planning, implementation and
supervision to assess progress against project goals and objective. Process evaluation should also review
what is working and what is not in order to enable the staff and managers to develop corrective action,
determine whether resources, equipment, supplies and staff skills are adequate and used effectively
identify barrier program.
Measure every detail of program implementation is not feasible or necessary, especially in large-scale
projects. Process indicators should be developed based on the priorities of the stakeholders, clients and
evaluators, while relating back to the original evaluation question and the key processes highlighted in
the logic model.
Output evaluation
The output evaluation assesses achievements on-site by viewing defined, quantifiable indicators of
program performance such as access, quality and acceptability, number of persons trained and use of
services by the target populations. Output indicators are usually quantitative.
Effects evaluation
Effects measurement focuses on changes observed within the target population in the catchment area,
for example: observed changes in reproductive health attitudes, changes in staff and skills, and changes
in provider attitudes toward providing and managing services.
Short-term impact evaluation
The findings from the original baseline survey should be used to derive the indicators for the short-term
impact evaluation. This evaluation is conducted at a specified, predetermined time following the
introduction of a new program. Relevant data from reports, service statistics, and training information
systems contribute to the analysis of short-term impact.
Information, Education and Communication is now rightfully recognized as an integral part of policy
making procedure. Over the years, the thrust of the Department has been to place the IEC as an
intervention tool to generate demand for the range of services under National Rural Health Mission and
various other schemes implemented by this Department. The communication strategy aims to facilitate
awareness, disseminate information regarding availability and access to quality health care within the
Government run public health system. The key objective of the IEC strategy is to encourage a health
seeking behavior that is achievable in the context in which people live. The strategy views recipients of
health services as not merely users of services but key participants in generating demand for services
IEC is the process of learning that empowers people to make decision, modify behavior and change
social condition. IEC activities are developed based upon needs assessment, education principles and
periodic evaluation of using a set of goals and objectives.
The primary function of health communication is to provide knowledge and information to the people
about health problems and how to maintain and promote health. Health information is an integral part
of the national health syatem. The information gathered through the needs assessment provides the
frame work for the development of suitable IEC activities. Any activities and material must always be
culturally sensitive and appropriate.
Health information can be communicated through many channels to increase awareness and knowledge
of different population about various issue, products and behaviours.
1. Mass level :- mass media, radio, films , television , posters, magazine and journals and news
2. Community level approach
3. group level
4. individual level
5. family level approch
The communication is the process of sharing ideas, feelings and information ideas among people.
Acc. To the Johan Brion define the communication is simple and comprehensive way of transmission and
receiving of information, feeling and attitude communication is two way process and it a continue
process involving interaction between two or more people.
To coordinate and guide NGOs in health IEC activities
Leprosy elimination
Malaria and filarial control
Health intelligence and vital statistics
Pulse polio immunization
Blood bank and civil defense
Control of diarrheal disease
Family welfare, reproductive and child health
Health system development project
AIDS control, RTI and STD control
To evaluate IEC activities
Activities should have appropriate context. There may be variety of alternative
activities but the activity should be selected according to the need of the target group. Activity
should be link with the availability of the support and resources.
5. Development of appropriate content of the message-
The content of the massage and the media must be complementary to each other.
Always positive message should be emphasized and the content must reflect the nature and
quality of the services available. Development and refinement of message time to time is
6. Participate of target group is essential-
During selection of objective the group will be selected for whom the message
will be develop. For e.g. For MCH program the target group will be mother and child and they
should be actively participate.
For any planned program, evaluation is essential to find out the effectiveness of
the program. Periodic evaluation should be made to check behavior modification in the target group.
1. Information gathered through the need assessment provide the framework for the development
of suitable IEC activity.
2. Conduct a need assessment
3. Set goals and objective in behavioral terms
4. Establish behavioral objective that will contribute to achieving the goal
IEC strategy
any IEC strategy should be well planned, properly implemented, continuous monitored and timely
evaluated for getting the best results.
Make comprehensive strategy. That means objective should be clear, client centered and
undertaking audience segmentation.
Know the community tradition
Focus IEC on most essential issue and there should be appropriate message for each audience.
Always emphasis positive behavior change
Try to avoid information overloading especially when the umbrella campaign is to be carried
Information, Education and Communication is now rightfully recognized as an integral part of policy
making procedure. Over the years, the thrust of the Department has been to place the IEC as an
intervention tool to generate demand for the range of services under National Rural Health Mission and
various other schemes implemented by this Department. The communication strategy aims to facilitate
awareness, disseminate information regarding availability and access to quality health care within the
Government run public health system. The key objective of the IEC strategy is to encourage a health
seeking behaviour that is achievable in the context in which people live. The strategy views recipients of
health services as not merely users of services but key participants in generating demand for services.
The communication strategy has focused on sustaining behaviour changes on key health issues through
multimedia tools. The sustained IEC campaign on Polio and hard work of health functionaries over
several years has a great unprecedented success as no incident of Polio has been reported since 13th
January 2011, thus paving the way for Polio free India.
Swasthya Karyakram, Janani Suraksha Yojana, Child Health, Immunization Programme for the Elderly,
Blindness Control Programme, Programme on Mental Health, Financial Assistance to Poor Patients,
National Programme on Malaria Control, Kala Azar, Japanese Encephalitis, TB, Cancer, Diabetes, Tobacco
Control, Cardiovascular diseases and Family Planning have been published for distribution across the
Besides, issues on Non-Communicable Diseases, Healthcare of the Elderly, Population Stabilization and
Family Planning etc. and health awareness focusing on behavioural change communication strategy
have been brought out for health functionaries/health workers. The target audiences for IEC-BCC
campaigns include citizens all over the country in various age groups (adolescents, adults-married or
unmarried, parents, local opinion makers, grass root level health care providersANMs, ASHA, Anganwadi
workers, health care programme managers and other administrative functionaries of Health
Departments as also associated Departments such as Panchayati Raj Institution, WCD, Water and
Sanitation Departments as also NGOs, civil society stakeholders and media personnel.
HMIS including data quality assurance and information use procedures, the electronic HMIS system for
managing data processing, reporting, analysis and use; and the and the community health information
system (CHIS), which organizes information on individuals and families—information related to vaccines,
family planning, maternal and child health, HIV treatment and support, and other services—and makes
it available all in one place, such as a family folder. An effective HMIS not only serves to monitor the
performance and quality of the health services being provided but also provides a sound evidence
platform to base decisions upon, by acting as a repository of information for various healthcare
indicators collecting data from the community and healthcare providers. Utilization of routine MIS is not
limited to policy makers and program managers.
An MIES helps a manager to collect and use information to make management decisions in a timely
manner. Managers also use MIS data to analyze, plan, make decisions, take actions and evaluate. An
effective MIES provides accurate, complete, and timely information. MIES formats should include
feedback mechanisms so that decisions made at all levels within the organization.
Information education and communication (IEC) is used for generating awareness. It means process of
working with individual, community and society to develop communication strategies to promote
positive behavior that are appropriate to their setting.
Management information system, more commonly known as MIS is a computer based system.
MIS actually helps the organization, especially the managers to organize and evaluate
information and data and provide information in timely and efficient manner. Evaluation is the
process that involve timely evaluation of the employee in the organization for further
improvement and better productivity. Information system included the system how to provide
health education to the people for maximum involvement of people with their behavior