A Narrative Approach To Five Phase Trans PDF
A Narrative Approach To Five Phase Trans PDF
A Narrative Approach To Five Phase Trans PDF
The power demand is increasing day to day and is becoming prime requirement. High Phase Order (HPO)
transmission system is being considered a viable alternative to meet the demand by increasing the power
transmission capability. Mainly the research of HPO systems is going on six and twelve phase transmission
systems since they are multiples of three. But there is no difference in magnitude between the line voltage
and phase voltage. This paper takes the instigation regarding Five Phase transmission system and results
are compared with 132 kV three phase system. This paper investigates the weight of the conductor, sag of
the conductor and spacing between the conductors, Inductance and capacitance calculations required in 132
kV Five Phase transmission system. Also, shows the line model of Five Phase transmission system. So,
industrial loads can be driven with Five Phase supply as a ripple free torque and efficiency will be increased
KEYWORDS: Higher Phase Systems, Five Phase Supply, Inductance of 5-Ph T/m Line, Capacitance of 5-Ph
T/m Line, Five Phase Line Model.
Copyright © 2016 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All rights reserved.
Multiphase (more than three phase) systems are Already three phase to n (odd) phase transformer
the focus of research recently due to their inherent connections are proposed [9]. 5-leg inverter is also
advantages compared to their conventional proposed for Five Phase supply [10-11]. So in
systems. The increased interest in HPO Electric future Five Phase supply may preferred for
Power Transmission over past thirty years can be industrial loads. The present work is investigated
traced on a CIRGE paper published by L. D. on Five Phase transmission system. In this paper
Barthold and H. C. Barnes [1]. Since that time, the Weight of the conductor, sag and spacing,
thought of HPO transmission has been described Inductance and Capacitance calculations for Five
in the literature in several papers and report [2]-[7]. Phase transmission system are demonstrated.
Among the HPO, six-phase transmission appears
to be the most promising solution to the need to
increase the capability of existing transmission Five Phase
3ph 3ph-5ph Industrial
lines. But with Increase in number of phases source Conversion Load
certainly enhances the complexity of the system.
There are no designs regarding odd phases like 3, 7
etc. as far as researchers know. Recently
Fig 1: Proposed Scheme Block Diagram
Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive System [8] is
proposed due to several advantages over
three-phase machines such as lower pulsations in
torque, higher density in torque, fault tolerance, Figure 2 shows the Phasor diagram of Five Phase
stability and lower current ripple. supply. Each phase is displayed by 720 as shown. If
VAN = VBN = VCN = VDN = VEN = VPh (in magnitude) From above equation it can solve for area of
then VAN = VAN 00, VBN = VBN -720, VCN = VCN cross-section and hence weight of the aluminium
-1440, VDN = VDN -2160 and VEN = VEN -2880. conductor will be:
Van W AL Volume D
W AL 5al D
Φ Ia
540 1.384 P l 2
0 Vbn W AL D (10)
V L2 cos 2 1
P is power to be transmitted.
l is length of the conductor.
Vdn Vcn D is specific gravity of aluminium.
is resistivity of aluminium.
Fig 2: Phasor diagram of Five Phase supply
VL is line voltage.
is efficiency.
If VAN is chosen as reference there will be four
types of voltage relationships: Lines are displayed If resistivity and specific gravity of steel instead of
by 720 (VAB, VBC etc...), Lines are displayed by 1440 aluminium were placed in equation (10) then it will
(VAC, VBD etc...), Lines are displayed by 2160 (VAD, get the weight of steel conductor. Generally for
VBE etc...) and Lines are displayed by 2880 (VAE). 132kv transmission line panther ACSR conductor
The Voltage relationships are as follows: is used which has 30 aluminium strands and 7
VAB = VPh 1.175 540 (1) steel strands (Central steel wire with one strand, 1st
VAC = VPh 1.902 180 (2) steel layer with 6 strands, 1st aluminium layer with
VAD = VPh 1.902- 18 0 (3) 12 strands and 2nd aluminium layer with 18
VAE = VPh 1.175 -540 (4) strands). Hence, panther conductor has 81.1% of
aluminium and 18.9% of steel. The detail weight
Adding all those voltage relationships results as:
(VAN = VPh) calculations of panther ACSR conductor in Five
Phase are presented in results section.
The above equation is useful in capacitance to Sag can be calculated by using the formula
S = WrL2 / 8T (11)
neutral calculation for Five Phase line. Five-Phase
Where, Wr is Resultant weight per meter length
Voltage relation: VL = 1.175 VPh and Five-Phase
(considering weight of the conductor and wind
Power (in the case of balanced system):
P = 4.25 VL IL cosØ. (6) pressure), L is Span length & T is working tension.
The Spacing of conductors is determined by
considerations partly electrical and partly
III. SAG AND SPACING IN FIVE PHASE TRANSMISSION mechanical. Larger spacing causes increase in
LINE inductance of the line and hence the voltage drop,
so that to keep the latter within a reasonable value
The main factor effecting inductance and
the conductors should be as close together as is
capacitance in transmission line is spacing
consistent with prevention of corona. The basic
between conductors. Spacing between conductors
consideration regarding the minimum spacing
depends upon sag. Sag depends upon weight of the
between conductors is that the electrical
conductor. So, in order to compute inductance and
clearances between conductors under the worst
capacitance of Five Phase transmission line it has
condition i.e. maximum temperature and wind
to recognize the weight of the conductor, sag of the
weight shall not be less than the limits for safety,
conductor and spacing between conductors.
particularly at the middle of the spans [17].
Taking into consideration 5 phase- 5 wire system,
Empirical formulae commonly employed for
weight of the conductor can be calculated as
determination of Spacing of conductors for an
aluminium conductor line V is given as:
Line current P Spacing S
IL 150 (12)
4.225VL cos (7)
Where, S is sag in meters and
Power Loss PL 5 I L R (8)
V is line voltage in kV.
5P 2 l
PL (9)
18.0625 VL2 cos 2 a
61 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
IJMTST Volume: 2 | Issue: 06 | June 2016 | ISSN: 2455-3778
Fig. 3: Fully Transposed Cycle of Five Phase Line V. CAPACITANCE OF FIVE PHASE TRANSMISSION LINE
IV. INDUCTANCE OF FIVE PHASE TRANSMISSION LINE To find the capacitance to neutral of a
transposed line, first determine the Voltage drop
The inductance of a transmission line is
between two conductors (say a and b). The
calculated as flux linkages per ampere. So far it is
potential difference between a and b for various
considered only single phase and three phase lines.
positions (figure 3) is as follows:
The basic equations for Five Phase lines are also be
For the 1st position:
easily developed. Assuming all conductors with
1 D12 r D D D
unsymmetrical spacing, the fully transposed cycle Vab1 qa ln qb ln qc ln 23 qd ln 24 qe ln 25
2k r D12 D13 D14 D15
is shown in figure 3. For a 5 phase 5 wire line there (21)
will no neutral wire, so that I a + Ib + Ic + Id + Ie = 0. For the 2nd position:
To find the average inductance of one conductor of 1 D23 r D D D
Vab2 qa ln qb ln qc ln 34 qd ln 35 qe ln 31
a transposed line, first determine the flux linkages 2k r D23 D24 D25 D21
of a conductor for each position it occupies in the For the 3rd position:
transposition cycle and then determine the average 1 D34 r D D D
Vab3 qa ln qb ln qc ln 45 qd ln 41 qe ln 42
flux linkages. Flux linkages for various positions 2k r D34 D35 D31 D32
shown in figure 3 are as follows:
For the 4th position:
For the 1st position:
1 D45 r D D D
1 Vab4 qa ln qb ln qc ln 51 qd ln 52 qe ln 53
a1 2 *107 I a ln Ib ln
1 1 1 1 2k
I c ln I ln I e ln r D45 D41 D42 D43
1 D12 D23 d D34 D45
ra (13) For the 5th position:
For the 2nd position: 1 D51 r D D D
Vab5 qa ln qb ln qc ln 12 qd ln 13 qe ln 14
1 2k
a 2 2 *107 I a ln I b ln
1 1 1 1 r D51 D52 D53 D54
I c ln I d ln I e ln (25)
ra D23 D34 D45 D51 (14) The average of all five voltages is:
For the 3rd position: Vab1 Vab2 Vab3 Vab4 Vab5
a3 2 *107 I a ln Ib ln
1 1
I c ln
I d ln
I e ln
5 (26)
ra D34 D45 D51 D12 (15) 1 Deq r
Vab qa ln qb ln
For the 4th position: 2k
r D
1 Similarly,
a 4 2 *107 I a ln Ib ln
1 1 1 1
I c ln I d ln I e ln
ra D45 D51 D12 D23
(16) 1 Deq r
Vac qa ln qc ln
For the 5th position: 2k
r Deq
a5 2 * 10 7 I a ln 1 I b ln
I c ln
I d ln
I e ln 1 Deq r
Vad qa ln qd ln
r D D D D 34
(17) 2k
r D eq
a 51 12 23
Average flux linkages of conductor „a‟ are:
1 Deq r
Vae qa ln qe ln
a a1 a 2 a3 a 4 a5 2k r Deq
5 (18) (30)
But Ib + Ic + Id + Ie = -Ia Deq ( D12 D23D34 D45 D51 ) 5
Where, (31)
Parameter Value
Inductance in mH per 120 km 161.9125
Inductance in mH per 120 km 167.6046
Inductive Reactance in mohm per Inductive Reactance in mohm per
52654.584 50866.3417
120 km 120 km
Capacitance to neutral in µF per Capacitance to neutral in uF per
0.432 0.44702
120 km 120 km
Capacitive Reactance in Mohm per Capacitive Reactance in Mohm per
106.284 102.5382
120 km 120 km
Charging Current in Ampere per Charging Current in Ampere per
15.216 15.7765
120 km 120 km
From table 2 and table 3 it is conclude that By comparing table 2 and table 4 it is conclude
without changing the spacing between conductors that the weight of conductor is significantly
the inductive reactance is reduced by small extent. decreased to 55465.7596 Kg per 120km from
Capacitance effect is very less when same spacing 120229.248 per 120km, maximum sag is
is assumed. But the effect of charging current is decreased to 4.1m from 7.8m and spacing between
more in case of Five Phase system. conductors is decreased to 2.9m from 3.6m.
B. Spacing between conductors in Five Phase Inductive reactance is also reduced by 1789.618
transmission line is separately calculated: mH per 120km. But charging current is increased
by 5.4515 Ampere per 120 km. For very long
For calculating spacing between the lines in Five
transmission lines the effect of charging current
Phase Transmission system the parameter which
will be more then, the tower height has to be
are in table 1 are used. A program is written in
MATLAB using equations (7) to (34) and results are
tabulated in table 4. C. Line Model of Five Phase:
TABLE IV To calculate sending-end voltage, sending-end
Results for Five Phase Lines current and sending-end power, sending-end
Parameters Value power factor in Five Phase transmission line, by
considered the approximate exact equation
Weight of aluminum Kg per 120 method.
km From above tabulated results the series
impedance and the shunt admittance for five phase
Weight of aluminum Kg per km 462.214
transmission system are:
Series impedance = 75+j*127.165 ohm/300km.
Weight of aluminum Kg per meter 0.462215
Shunt admittance = 3.9e-9 mho/300km.
Maximum sag in Five Phase in The series impedance and the shunt admittance
4.1004 for three phase transmission system are:
2.9049 Series impedance = 75+j*131.7 ohm/300km.
Spacing Between Conductors in
meter Shunt admittance = 3.76e-9 mho/300km.
2.9049 Program is written in MATLAB which is in
Sag in meter by neglecting wind
3.4666 appendix. The results are shown in fig. 4. From
those characteristics it concludes that Five Phase
Spacing between Conductors in
2.74188 supply can be proffered for industrial loads.
meter by neglecting wind pressure 5
x 10 Sending-end Voltage
Voltage in volts
Inductance in mH per km 1.3492
Inductive Reactance in mohm per
km 1.12
0 5 10 15 20 25
Capacitance to neutral in uF per length in km (each division in 5 km)
km Sending-end Current
Current in amps
Capacitive Reactance in Mohm per
km 98.8834
0 5 10 15 20 25
Current i
A Narrative Approach to Five Phase Transmission System
0 5 10 15 20 25
length in km (each division in 5 km)
x 10
Sending-end Power D34=((Spacing+Spacing)-0.2);
Power in watts 1.15
0 5 10 15 20 25 GMD1=(GMD*100);
length in km (each division in 5 km) Ind=0.2*(log(GMD1/GMR));
Sending-end Power Factor
Power Factor
0 5 10 15 20 25 Cap1=Cap*len;
length in km (each division in 5 km) Xn1=Xn*len;
Fig. 4: (a) Sending-end power factor with respect Xl1=Xl*len;
to line length (b) Sending-end voltage with respect Ic1=Ic*len;
to line length (c) Sending-end current with respect In the above program: US is ultimate strength, S
to line length (d) Sending-end power with respect to is safety factor, WP is wind pressure, D is diameter
line length of conductor, n=efficiency, Wal is weight of
aluminum, Ws is weight of steel conductor, Wacsr
VII. CONCLUSION is weight of acsr conductor, Ind is inductance, Cap
This paper proposes a basic concept about is Capacitance to neutral, len is length of the
Five-Phase Transmission system. It shows the transmission line, Xl is inductive reactance, Xn is
relation between line voltage and phase voltage as capacitive reactance and Ic is charging current.
well as current and power relations. Spacing
between conductors in Five Phase is also b. Program for finding sending – end voltage,
determined. Complete calculations of line sending – end current and sending – end power
parameters in Five Phase are done. Here, compiled factor in Five Phase:
the line model in Five Phase system. In future the
IR = PR/(VR*pfload);
research has to be concentrated on fault analysis
z = Z/l;
and protection of Five Phase system.
y = Y/l;
i = 1;
for l = 10:5:120,
a. Program for finding weight, seg, spacing, A = 1+(y*l)*(z*l)/2
inductance and capacitance: B = (z*l)*(1+(y*l)*(z*l)/6)
T=US/S; C = (y*l)*(1+(y*l)*(z*l)/6)
Ww=WP*D; D=A
n=eff/100; Vs_approx(i) = A*VR+B*IR
l=len*1000; Is_approx(i) = C*VR+D*IR
Wal=(1.384*p*l*l*P*d)/((1-n)*Vl*Vl*pf*pf); Spf_approx(i) = cos(angle(Vs_approx(i)
Ws=(1.384*p1*l*l*P*d1)/((1-n)*Vl*Vl*pf*pf); angle(Is_approx(i))))
Wacsr=(0.810811*Wal)+(0.189189*Ws); Spower_approx(i)=
Wacsr1=Wacsr/len; real(Vs_approx(i)*conj(Is_approx(i)))
Wacsr2=Wacsr/(len*1000); point(i) = i
Wr=sqrt((Wacsr2^2)+(Ww^2)); i = i+1
Sag=(Wr*L*L)/(8*T); end
Spacing=(sqrt(Sag))+(Vl/150000); REFERENCES
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