F. Social Category:
Social SC ST OBC Physically Handicapped Minorities
If Minority Buddhists Muslims Christians Sikhs Jains Zoroastrians
H. Particulars of total land holdings of the applicant (If Lease hold/share cropper,
Name of Survey/ Title Area Of Encumbrance if
the Village Khasara Owned Leased Share in which any
No. Cropper acres irrigated
I. Of total landed properties mentioned at (H) above, land / crop details pertaining
to the loan applied:
Name of Survey/ Area in Source of Name of Crops to be Grown
the Village Khasara No. acres Irrigation Kharif Rabi Other Crops
Crops Crops
J. Sources of Income
Agricultural Income
Other Income (Specify)
Total Income
R. Declaration:
I/We hereby declare that all information furnished by me/us is true, correct and complete
to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We have no borrowing/liabilities excepting
those mentioned in the application form. I/We hereby authorities the Bank to disclose all
or any particulars or details or information relating to my/our loan accounts with the Bank,
to any other financial institution, government of any agency(ies) as may be considered
necessary or desirable by the Bank. It will be in order for the bank to disqualify me/us
from receiving any credit facilities from the Bank in case it is proved that the declaration of
my/our outside borrowings made above contain misrepresentation of facts. I/We hereby
undertake to abide by the terms and conditions that the Bank may stipulate in sanction of
this loan and inform Bank in the event of acquiring any other assets during the tenure of
the advance. The Bank may take appropriate safeguards/action for recovery of bank’s
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. Proof of identity: Self attested copy of Voter’s ID Card / Driving License / PAN
Card / Aadhaar Card / Passport / Photo IDs issued by Govt. authority etc.
2. Proof of Residence: Recent telephone bill / electricity bill / property tax receipt
(not older than 2 months) / Voter’s ID Card / Aadhaar Card / Passport /
Certificate issued by Govt. Authority / Local Panchayat / Municipalities etc.
3. Applicant’s recent Photograph (2 copies) not older than 6 months.
4. Particulars of Land Records.
All the required information / documents have been furnished on ………………………. / yet
to be furnished by the applicant.
Customer Copy:
Received the loan application from Shri/Smt…………………………………………………….
Residenceof ………………………………………………………………………………………. on
……………………………………………..for the purpose of ….………………………………….
All the required information / documents are furnished on yet to be furnished by the