Of Some Industrial or Scientific Process.: Air Conditioning

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Air conditioning – implies the automatic control of an they occupy a volume alone (V M = Va = Vv) and at the

atmospheric environment either for the comfort of same dry bulb temperature (TM = Ta = Tv).
human beings or animals or for the proper performance
𝑷𝑩 = 𝑷da + 𝑷𝒗
of some industrial or scientific process.
Psychrometry is a science that deals with the study of
air as affected by its moisture or water vapor content. It PB – atmospheric or barometric pressure
is a study of the properties of mixture of air and water Pa – partial pressure of dry air
vapor. This is very important in air conditioning
practices because atmospheric air is not completely dry. Pv – partial pressure of water vapor

Atmospheric air – is a mixture of many gases plus water Dr. Carrier’s Equation
vapor and countless pollutants.
( P B−P sw ) ( t d −t w )
Unsaturated air – air containing superheated vapor. Pv =P sw − , psia
Saturated air – air whose condition is such that any 2830−1.44 t w
decrease in temperature will result in condensation of
the water vapor into liquid.
Moist air – is a binary mixture of dry air and water ( P B−P sw ) ( t d −t w )
vapor. Pv =P sw − , kPaa
1500−1.44 t w
Dry air – a non-condensing components of a
mixture mainly nitrogen and oxygen. where:
Vapor – a condensable components of the mixture.
Psw – saturation pressure at tw
Psychrometric Properties of Moist (Humid) Air
3. Humidity – moisture or water vapor content of moist
1. Temperature (humid) air

A. Dry-bulb temperature (td) – a temperature A. Humidity ratio (Specific Humidity) – ratio of the
measured by ordinary thermometer mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air

B. Wet-bulb temperature (tw) – a temperature SH (ω)=
measured by an ordinary thermometer where ma
the bulb is covered by a wetted wick or cloth.
Wet bulb depression – is the difference between the
wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers.
SH (ω)=0.622 ( P B−P v )
B. Relative Humidity – ratio of partial pressure of
C. Dew point temperature (tdp) – the temperature water vapor to that of saturation pressure at a given
at which the water vapor content of moist air dry-bulb temperature
starts to condense which is equal to the
saturation temperature at given partial pressure Pv
RH = x 100 %
of water vapor (Pv). This could be determined P sd
by using Steam Table: Saturation Pressure where: Psd – saturation pressure of water vapor at td (using ST:
Table. Saturation Temperature Table)

The temperature of air to be used for comfort cooling The humidity of air to be used for comfort cooling shall
shall be maintained 20oC to 24oC effective temperature. be maintained 55 to 60% relative humidity within the
living zone.
2. Atmospheric or Barometric Pressure
C. Absolute Humidity – is the mass of water vapor
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure per unit volume of moist (humid) air
In a mixture of ideal gases, the total pressure is the sum
of partial pressures exerted by each gas provided that
mv kg v Air Conditioning Processes
H= , 3
V M m of moist air

Pa kg v
H=SH ( )
Ra T a
=, 3
m of moist air

4. Specific volume of dry air – the volume of dry air per

kilogram of dry air.

RaT a RaT a m3
( )(
v a=
P B−P v
=, da
kg da )
Ra = 0.287 kJ/kg-K The common processes involved in air conditioning are at
practically constant pressures and can be illustrated by lines
5. Saturation ratio or Degree of saturation – is the ratio on a psychrometric chart:
of the actual specific humidity of air to that specific Process 0 – 1: Sensible heating
Process 0 – 2: Sensible cooling
humidity of saturated air at the same dry-bulb
Process 0 – 3: Humidifying
temperature Process 0 – 4: Dehumidifying
Process 0 – 5: Heating and humidifying
P B−P sd SH a
φ=RH ( P B−P v)( )
SH s
Process 0 – 6: Cooling and dehumidifying
Process 0 – 7: Cooling and humidifying
Process 0 – 8: Heating and dehumidifying
6. Enthalpy of moist (humid) air – is the sum of the
Sensible Heating
enthalpy of the dry air and the enthalpy of water vapor This process involves heating at constant humidity ratio. It is
represented by a horizontal line from left to right. Both wet and dry
h=ha + SH ( hv ) , kJ /kgda bulb increases while the dew point remains constant.
Sensible Cooling
the specific enthalpy of dry air: This process involves heating at constant humidity ratio. It is
h a=c p ( t d )
a represented by a horizontal line from right to left. Both wet and dry
bulb decreases while the dew point remains constant.
the specific enthalpy of vapor: Heating and Humidifying
h v =h g @ t d Air can be simultaneously heated and humidified by either drawing it
through a spray, or over trays of warm water. The water must be
If steam table is not available heated during the process in order to supply the latent heat needed
for evaporation. In this process, dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures
h v =2501.3+1.86 t d increases as well as the dew point and humidity ratio.
Cooling and Dehumidifying
Psychrometric chart is a graphical representation of the Air can be simultaneously cooled and dehumidified by being drawn
thermodynamic properties of mixtures of air and water over cold and surfaces or through sprays of cold water. The dry bulb,
wet bulb, temperature, dew point temperature, and humidity ratio
tend to decrease in the process.
Cooling and Humidifying
Air can be simultaneously cooled and humidified. This action takes
place in an ordinary air washer in which the same water is
continuously recirculated, but is neither heated nor cooled.

Chemical Dehumidifying
Air can be dehumidified by passing it over chemicals that have an
affinity for moisture. Usually in so doing the moisture is condensed
and gives up its latent heat, raising the dry bulb temperature of the
air. The air leaves drier and warmer. The wet bulb temperature may
increase or decrease.

Air Load Calculation

Sensible Heat is an effect indicated by sense of feeling Various Methods of Handling Air Supplied to a
or touch and can be measured by thermometer. Conditioned Space
Qs =m c p ( t 2−t 1)
All Outside Air Supplied, No Recirculation
Latent Heat is a form of heat that is concealed within a The use of all outside air with no recirculation is
body which produces some change in the body other
uneconomical unless the outside conditions are close in
than increase in temperature (due to humidity).
temperatures and humidity to the inside condition is
Q l=m ( SH 2−SH 1) h v
maintained. Recirculation is impracticable in spaces
The average latent heat of water vapor in the air conditioning
where objectionable odors arise.
is approximately hv = 2442 kJ/kg.

Total Heat Load is the sum of sensible and latent heat

Q T =Qs +Q l Q T =m ( h2−h1 )

Recirculated and Outside Air Supplied

Sensible heat factor – is the ratio of sensible to total
heat, where total heat is the sum of sensible and latent Recirculating part of the air is more economical than
heat. using all outside air, as the temperature of the
Qs Qs recirculated air is usually more favorable than that of
SHR= =
Q T Q s +Ql the outside air . In the ordinary conditioner, the air must
Room sensible heat factor – is the ratio of room sensible heat be cooled to a relatively low temperature to condense
to the summation of room sensible and room latent heat. the surplus humidity, and when this temperature is too
Grand sensible heat factor – is the ratio of the total sensible
heat to the grand total heat load that the conditionining
low for comfortable delivery to the conditioned space,
apparatus must handle, including the outdoor air heat loads. some reheating of the dehumidified air is necessary.
Effective room sensible heat factor – is the ratio of effective
room sensible heat to the effective room sensible and latent
Bypass factor – represents that portion of the air which
is considered to pass through the conditioning
apparatus completely unaltered.

Air Mixing

Recirculated Air with External - Bypass System

In the bypass system, part of the recirculated air is

controlled by damper action in order to make it bypass
the conditioner. This warmer bypass air is used to
By mass balance: reheat the air leavig the refrigerated coils t o a more
m 1+ m2=m3 suitable temperature for distribution at the grille
By energy balance: outlets. This method produces economical performance
m 1 h1+ m2 h2=m3 h3 as compared with systems where reheat might be
By moisture balance: required.
m 1 SH 1 +m2 SH 2=m 3 SH 3
By temperature balance (dry bulb):
m 1 h1+ m2 h2=m3 h3
3. Determine the quantity of heat removed from 14 m'
per minute of air when cooled from 37° dry bulb and
2PC wet bulb temperatures to 15°C. What are the
initial and final relatives humidity?
4. How much heat must be removed to cool 30 cubic
meter per minute of air from 34 oC dry bulb and 18oC
dew point to 19oC wet bulb temperature? What is the
final relative humidity?

5. How much heat and moisture must be added to 28 m3

per minute of air at 24°C and 40 percent relative
Sample Problems: humidity to raise it to 38°C dry bulb and 27 oC wet
bulb temperatures?
1. A mixture of dry air and water vapour is at a
6. How much heat and moisture must be removed to cool
temperature of 21oC under a pressure of 101.3
28 m3 per minute of air from 35oC dry bulb and 26oC
kPa. The dew point temperature is 15 oC. Find wet bulb temperatures to 21 oC and 50 percent relative
the relative humidity, humidity ratio, specific humidity?
enthalpy, specific volume of dry air and the 7. Air at 33°C dry bulb and 19°C wet bulb temperatures is
degree of saturation. cooled and humidified by passing it through an air washer in
2. A certain air has a dry bulb temperature of 34 oC which the water is continuously recirculated. The air leaves
the air washer at 23°C dry bulb temperature. Determine the
and a wet bulb temperature of 25oC. Find the moisture added per kg of dry air. What is the efficiency of the
relative humidity, dew point temperature, air washer?
specific enthalpy andA specific volume of dry 8. Air at 24°C dry bulb and 15°C wet bulb temperatures enters a
air. dehumidifier and leaves at 41 oC dry bulb and 19°C wet bulb
temperatures. How much moisture has been removed per
3. A tank contains 7 kg of dry air and 0.1 kg of
kilogram of dry air?
water vapour at 30oC and 100 kPa total
Air Mixing:
pressure. Determine the specific humidity, 1. One half cubic meter per second of air at 15°C dry bulb and
relative humidity and the volume of the tank. 13°C wet bulb temperatures are mixed with 0.20 m 3 per
second of air at 25°C dry bulb and 18°C wet bulb
Psychrometer: temperatures. Determine (a) the dry bulb, wet bulb, and dew
point temperatures of the mixture, and (b) the enthalpy of
the mixture.
1. Assume that the outside air temperature is 32°C with 2. A stream of outdoor air is mixed with a stream of return air
a relative humidity φ = 60%. Use the psychrometric conditioning system. The flow rate of outdoor air is 2kg/s,
chart to determine the specific humidity, the and its condition is 35oC dry bulb temperature and 25oC wet
bulb temperature. The flow rate of return air is 3 kg/s and its
enthalpy, the wet-bulb temperature, the dew-point
condition is 24oC and 50% relative humidity. Determine the
temperature, and the specific volume of the dry air. enthalpy of mixture, the humidity ratio of the mixture and
the dry bulb temperature of the mixture.
2. Assume that the outside air temperature is 8°C. If the
Air Load Calculations:
air in a room is at 25°C with a relative humidity φ =
40%, use the psychrometric chart to determine if the 1. An auditorium is to be maintained at a temperature of 25°C
windows of that room which are in contact with the dry bulb and 19°C wet bulb temperatures. The sensible heat
load is 88 kW and 58 kg per hour or moisture must be
outside will become foggy.
removed. Air is supplied to the auditorium at 18°C.
Determine (a) the mass flow rate of supply air, (b) the
Airconditioning Processes: relative humidity, dew point, and wet bulb temperatures of
1. Determine the quantity of heat required to raise 14 the supply air, (d) the sensible heat ratio.
m3/min. if air at 20°C and 80 percent relative humidity 2. In a space, the sensible heat load is 13.5 kW and the latent
to 35oC. What is the final relative humidity? heat load is 3.4 kW. Outside air is at 32 C and 50 percent
relative humidity. The space is to be maintained at 25°C dry
2. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of
bulb and 18°C wet bulb temperatures. All outside air is
0.50 cubic meter per second of air from 19 oC dry bulb
supplied with reheater to satisfy the space conditions. The
and 15oC wet bulb to 36oC? What is the final dew point conditioned air leaves the supply fan at 17°C. Determine (a)
temperature? the refrigeration load, (b) the capacity of the supply fan, and
(c) the heat supplied in the reheater.
3. A space to be air conditioned has a sensible heat load of 36
kW and a latent heat load of 10.2 kW. The space is to be
maintained at 26 C and 50 percent relative humidity. Outside
air is at 32 C dry bulb and 24 C wet bulb temperatures. The
conditioned air will enter the space at 19 C. If 45 percent of
the supply air is fresh air and the rest is recirculated air, find (
a) the volume flow rate of fresh air at supply conditions,(b)
the apparatus dew point, and (c) the refrigeration load.

4. In an auditorium, the sensible heat entering is 96 kW and the

latent heat is 38.40 kW. Outside air is at 33°C dry bulb and
25°C wet bulb temperatures. The supply air enters at 18°C
and the auditorium is to be maintained at 25°C dry bulb and
18°C wet bulb temperature. If 20 percent of the fan capacity
is fresh air and the bypass system is used, determine (a) the
apparatus dew point, and (b) the refrigeration load.

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