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Maternal Nutrition is very important during pregnancy and lactation. Lactation is a stage
where the health and nutritional status of the infant depends on the nutritional status of the
mother. Successful pregnancy and lactation requires proper adjustments in maternal body
composition, metabolism and various physiological functions. A balanced diet that meets
maternal needs is required for the well being of both the mother and the new born baby.
Adequate nutrition during pregnancy and lactation not only helps in maintaining the health of
the mother but also helps in maintaining the health of the baby and helps in desirable growth
and development of the fetus during pregnancy and the new born during lactation. The word
“food taboo” can be defined as restriction or prohibition of eating a food for a particular
reason. It may differ from culture to culture, society to society, state to state, family to family
and individual to individual.
Rayagada is a tribal dominant district having 57.52% population of tribes only. According to
NFHS-4(2015-16) in Rayagada, total 52.5% pregnant women between the age of 15 to 49
years were anemic, 43.5% children (<5 years of age) were stunted, 23.1% children (<5 years
of age) were wasted, 6% children (, 5 years of age) were severely wasted and 42.4% children
(< 5 years) were underweight. From this data it was found that the maternal and children
nutritional status was vulnerable. The child’s nutritional status depends on so many factors
such as maternal nutritional status, maternal literacy status, economical status and other
environmental factors as food taboos during pregnancy and lactation has negative impact on
Corresponding Author: the maternal nutritional status. So this study was undertaken in tribal community in Rayagada
D Jena district to find out their food taboos and food consumption pattern which affects their
Research Assistant, RKVY nutritional status to a greater extent.
Nutri-Smart Project, College of
Community Science, Odisha
University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneswar, A cross sectional study was undertaken in 4 villages (Kultiguda, Pedaguda, M. Petesu and
Odisha, India Sana chandili) of Rayagada district. Out of 4 villages, 3 villages (Kultiguda, Pedaguda and
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M. Petesu come under Gadiseskhal panchayat, Kolnara block observations. This was used to find out the average
and 1 village (Sana chandili) comes under Chandili consumption of each nutrient by the respondents per day
panchayat, Rayagada block of Rayagada district. A pre tested and to find out the average nutritional status (Height,
questionnaire was used to collect the desired information Weight and BMI) of the respondents.
regarding food taboos and superstitions during pregnancy and d. X= Σx/n
lactating period was obtained by personal interviewing with Σx is the sum of all the sample observations and n is the
the subject and the old ladies to triangulate and to find out the number of sample observations.
causes of food restrictions by their elders of the family.
Chi-squared test
Sampling procedure It is also referred to as χ2 test, is any statistical hypothesis test
Cluster sampling technique was used to select the villages and in which the sampling distribution of the test statistic is chi-
Purposive sampling method was used to select the square distribution when null hypothesis is true. Chi-square
respondents (pregnant and lactating women) with specific test is often constructed from a sum of squared errors or
objective to collect information about the food taboos and through the sample variance. A Chi-squared test can be used
superstitions during pregnancy and lactating period. A total of to reject the hypothesis that the data are independent. This test
80, 20 pregnant and 60 lactating women were undertaken was used to find out the association between different
from the above mentioned 4 villages of Rayagada district as parameters (Age, Literacy and BMI) with food taboos and
sample size. The collected data were coded, transferred into literacy and type of family with BMI. Inference was drawn on
the excel sheets and analyzed to get the results. Desired tables the basis of acceptance or rejection of null hypothesis.
were generated manually. The various methods were used to
analyze the data are as follows. χ2 = Σ (O-E)2/E
Table 3: Association between Age, Education and BMI with Food taboos among Pregnant women (N=20)
Variables Categories N(Number of respondents) Yes No Χ2 (p value)
Age 20-25 yrs 9(45.0) 6(66.66) 3(33.33)
26-30 yrs 7(35.0) 5(71.42) 2(28.57)
31-35 yrs 4(20.0) 3(75.0) 1(25.0)
Total 20(100.0) 14(70.0) 6(30.0)
χ2=5.99 df=2 *= Significant at p<0.05
Education Literate 13(65.0) 8(61.53) 5(38.46)
Illiterate 7(35.0) 6(85.71) 1(14.28) 6.95087E-05*
Total 20(100.0) 14(70.0) 6(30.0)
BMI <18.5 6(30.0) 5(83.33) 1(16.66)
>18.5 14(70.0) 9(64.28) 5(35.71) 0.0007*
Total 20(100.0) 14(70.0) 6(30.0)
(χ2=3.84, df=1) *= Significant at p<0.05
Figures in the parenthesis indicate percentage value
Information about the association between different who were younger in age, literate were having less food
parameters (Age, Literacy and BMI) with food taboos among taboos as compared to those who were older in age and
pregnant women was presented in Table-3. It was found that p illiterate. Those who were having more food taboos had BMI
value was (<0.05). So there was significant association (<18.5) and those who were having less taboos had BMI
between the parameters with food taboos. The respondents (>18.5).
Table 4: Association between Age, Education and BMI with Food taboos among Lactating women (N=60)
Variables Categories N(Number of respondents) Yes No Χ2 (p value)
Age 20-25 yrs 20(33.0) 13(65.0) 7(35.0)
26-30 yrs 25(42.0) 24(96.0) 1(4.0)
31-35 yrs 15(25.0) 14(93.33) 1(6.66)
Total 60(100.0) 51(85.0) 9(15.0)
χ2=5.99 df=2 *= Significant at p<0.05
Education Literate 24(40.0) 18(75.0) 6(25.0)
Illiterate 36(60.0) 33(91.66) 3(8.33) 1.71391E-09*
Total 60(100.0) 51(85.0) 9(15.0)
BMI <18.5 17(28.0) 16(94.11) 1(5.88)
>18.5 43(72.0) 35(84.39) 8(18.60) 0.0007*
Total 60(100.0) 51(85.0) 9(15.0)
(χ2=3.84, df=1) *= Significant at p<0.05
Figures in the parenthesis indicate percentage value
Table-4 revealed the information about the association fortnightly. 100% pregnant women and rest 66.66% lactating
between different parameters (Age, Literacy and BMI) with women were consumed egg and chicken occasionally. Sugar
food taboos among lactating women. It was found that p value and jaggery were consumed by 50% pregnant women and
was (<0.05). So there was significant association between the 33.33% lactating women 3 to 5times/week and the rest 50%
parameters with food taboos. The respondents who were pregnant and 66.66% lactating women were consumed sugar
younger in age, literate were having less food taboos as and jaggery occasionally. Most of the respondents (88.75%)
compared to those who were older in age and illiterate. Those were non vegetarian and only 11.25% were vegetarian. 62.5%
who were having more food taboos had BMI (<18.5) and were taking 3 meals per day and 30 respondents (37.5%) were
those who were having less taboos had BMI (>18.5). taking 4 meals per day. 30 respondents (37.5%) found
skipping meals and 50 respondents (62.5%) told were found
Food consumption frequency by respondents not skipping meals.
Cereals and millets were consumed by 100% respondents
(both pregnant and lactating women) on daily basis. Pulses Conclusion
and legumes were consumed by 70% and 68.33% by pregnant Same food items were found restricted in both pregnancy and
and lactating women respectively on daily basis. 30% and lactation, i.e., Colocasia, prawn and dry fish were avoided by
31.66% respondents (pregnant and lactating women 81.25% women, brinjal was avoided by 76.25% women, leafy
respectively) were consuming pulses 3 to 5 times per week. vegetables were avoided by 67.5% women, mutton was
5%, 35% and 40% pregnant women were found consuming avoided by 56.25% women, ripe papaya and ripe jackfruit
green leafy vegetables 3 to 5 times/week, fortnightly and were avoided by 55% women and egg was avoided by
occasionally respectively. 100% lactating women were 43.75% women. The illiterate women were found having
consuming green leafy vegetables occasionally. Roots and more food taboos as compared to literate women in the
tubers and other vegetables were consumed by community.
100%respondents (both pregnant and lactating women) on
daily basis. Fruits, Mutton, milk and milk products and nuts References
and oilseeds were consumed occasionally by 1. Banu KK, Prathipa A, Anandarajan B, Sheriff AMI,
100%respondents (both pregnant and lactating women). Egg Muthukumar S, Selvakumar J et al. Food taboos during
and chicken was consumed by 33.33% lactating women antenatal and postpartum period among the women of
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