HKDSE Biology: Kfyg Ee Shau Kee Ollege

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HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College

HKDSE Biology
Chapter 13
Reproduction in humans Class: ( )

C urriculum framework
Intentions of learning: Learning outcomes:
Student should learn… Students should be able to…
➢ General plan of the male and female reproductive  Relate the structure of various parts of the reproductive
systems systems to their functions.
➢ Structure of sperm and ovum  Recognise the roles of sperm and ovum in sexual
➢ Menstrual cycle
⚫ Cyclic changes in uterine lining
⚫ Ovulation
➢ Fertilisation  Describe the transfer of semen during sexual
intercourse and the process of fertilisation.
➢ Development of embryo and foetus  Relate the structure of the placenta to its role in the
⚫ Placenta development of foetus.
⚫ Identical twins and fraternal twins
➢ Birth process
➢ Parental care  Recognise the significance of parental care and the
advantages of breast-feeding.
➢ Birth control  Understand the biological basis of various methods of
birth control.
Curriculum emphasis:
① Scientific Inquiry ② STSE Connections ③ Nature and History of Biology
① Make careful observations and accurate records (e.g. examine photomicrographs and make biological drawings).
② Evaluate the impact of the application of biology to human activities (e.g. birth control).
② Analyse ways in which scientific and technological advancement (e.g. computing technology and image analysing
technology) have enhanced our understanding of complex life processes.
② Be aware of the application of biological knowledge (e.g. birth control) in society and its social, ethical, economic and
environmental implications.

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R evision notes
13.1 Human reproductive system

1 Structures and functions of the male reproductive system:

vas deferens
(sperm ducts) (輸精管)
erectile tissue
(勃起組織) seminal vesicle (精囊)

prostate gland (前列腺)

Cowper’s gland (高柏氏腺)

urethra (尿道)
epididymis (附睾)
testis (睾丸)
scrotum (陰囊)

penis (陰莖)

Structure Function

Testes Produce sperms (精子) and male sex hormones

Scrotum - Holds the testes

- Keeps the testes at a lower temperature for sperm development

Epididymis, - Epididymis stores sperms temporarily

vas deferens - Vas deferens carries sperms from the epididymis to the urethra

and urethra - Urethra discharges semen (精液) out of the body during ejaculation (射精)

Seminal vesicles, Secrete seminal fluid (精液) which

prostate gland and - provides a medium for sperms to swim in

Cowper’s glands - contains sugars that act as an energy source for sperms

- contains mucus for lubrication

- neutralizes acidic urine in the male’s urethra and acidic secretions in the female’s vagina

Penis - Contains erectile tissue and many blood vessels

- Transfers semen into the female’s vagina during sexual intercourse

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2 Structures and functions of the female reproductive system:

ovary (卵巢)
oviduct (輸卵管)

opening of oviduct

uterus (子宮)
cervix (子宮頸)

vagina (陰道)

Structure Function

Ovaries - Produce ova (卵) and female sex hormones

Oviducts - Lined with ciliated epithelial cells; cilia beat to sweep the ovum or the early embryo (胚胎) to

the uterus

- Site of fertilization

Uterus - Site of implantation (植入) of the embryo

- Protects the embryo or foetus (胎兒) and provides a stable environment for it to develop

- Its muscular wall contracts to push out the foetus during childbirth

Cervix - Dilates to allow the foetus to pass through during childbirth

Vagina - Holds the penis and receives semen during in sexual intercourse

- Its environment is acidic to reduce bacterial growth

- Acts as the birth canal for the foetus


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13.2 Human gametes

1 Sexual reproduction in humans involves the fusion of a sperm (male gamete) and an ovum (female gamete).

2 Structure of a human sperm and a human ovum:

acrosome (頂體) cytoplasm

head - contains enzymes for - contains food
penetration into the reserves for the
midpiece ovum during fertilization early development
nucleus of the embryo
- contains a haploid
number of chromosomes
(i.e. 23 chromosomes) cell membrane
packed with many
tail mitochondria
- release energy for jelly coat
tail beats to drive the
sperm forward

3 Comparison of the structures of a sperm and an ovum:

Sperm Ovum

Size Smaller Much larger

(about 0.05 mm long) (about 0.1 mm in diameter)

Shape Like a tadpole Spherical

Movement Can swim using its tail Cannot move by itself

Food reserves Very little Much more food reserves

(uses sugars in seminal fluid)

Number of chromosomes in Haploid number Haploid number

the nucleus (i.e. 23 chromosomes) (i.e. 23 chromosomes)
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4 Differences between the production and development of sperms and ova:

Sperm Ovum

Location Testes Ovaries

(in seminiferous tubules (精小管))

Time of - Begins at puberty (青春期) - Production of immature ova in the form of

occurrence follicle (卵泡) occurs before birth
- Occurs throughout life - Further development of follicles occurs
cyclically from puberty to about the age of

Quantity Millions of sperms are produced every day Usually only one follicle becomes fully mature
and releases an ovum about every 28 days

5 Production and development of sperms:

At puberty, cells The increased levels of These cells then The sperms pass
between male sex hormones undergo meiotic into the
seminiferous tubules stimulate the cells near cell division to epididymis, where
of the testes begin to the walls of the tubules become sperms. they develop
produce more male to divide mitotically to motility and are
sex hormones. produce more cells. stored temporarily.

6 Development of follicle and ovulation (排卵):

4 The ovum is transported 5 The ruptured follicle becomes 6 The yellow body
along the oviduct by the the yellow body (黃體). degenerates if fertilization
beating action of the cilia does not occur.
on its inner wall and the
peristaltic contraction 1 Increased levels of
of its muscular wall. female sex hormones
stimulate follicles to
yellow bodies

ovum 2 The follicle grows in size

and moves towards the
surface of the ovary.
3 The mature follicle bursts to
mature follicle
release the ovum into the funnel of
the oviduct (ovulation). funnel of oviduct

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13.3 Secondary sexual characteristics in humans
1 Increased production of sex hormones during puberty leads to the development of secondary sexual characteristics (第


2 Comparison of the secondary sexual characteristics in males and females:

Male Female

Similarity - Hair grows in armpits and pubic area

Difference - Larynx enlarges and voice deepens - Breasts develop

- Shoulders broaden - Hip broadens

- The body becomes more muscular - More fat is deposited under the skin

- Beard grows

13.4 Menstrual cycle

1 If the ovum meets a sperm in the oviduct, fertilization may occur. The fertilized ovum will develop into an embryo. To

prepare for the implantation of the embryo, the uterine lining (子宮內膜) thickens and its blood supply increases

before ovulation.

2 Menstrual cycle (月經週期) lasts about 28 days:

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Time Key events

Days 1 to 5 The thickened uterine lining breaks down. Menstruation (月經) occurs.

Days 6 to 13 The uterine lining thickens and the blood supply increases to prepare for the implantation of an


Day 14 Ovulation occurs.

Days 15 to 28 The ruptured follicle becomes the yellow body, which releases a hormone to increase and

maintain the thickness of the uterine lining. The uterine lining becomes very thick. It is ready to

receive an embryo.

3 If fertilization occurs and the woman gets pregnant, the degeneration of the yellow body is delayed. The uterine lining

continues to thicken. Menstruation does not occur until the baby is born.

4 Conditions of the ovary and the uterine lining in a menstrual cycle:

developing mature
ovulation yellow bodies
follicles follicle

events in
the ovary

thickness of
uterine lining

28 day

lining breaks lining becomes lining continues to

down and its thicker with increased thicken and becomes
thickness blood supply
decreases to
menstruation ovulation

5 The highest chance for a woman to get pregnant is to have sexual intercourse a few days before and after ovulation. This

period is called the fertile period (受孕期).

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6 At menopause (絕經), ovulation and menstruation gradually stop. The woman can no longer become pregnant.

13.5 Fertilization
1 Sperms are brought into a female body during sexual intercourse (性交):

– When a male is sexually excited, the erectile tissue of his penis is filled rapidly with more blood. The penis

becomes erect. The male inserts his penis into the vagina of the female.

– Semen (containing sperms) is ejaculated into the vagina.

2 After entering the vagina, the sperms swim towards the upper parts of the oviducts (site of fertilization).

3 Fusion of sperm and ovum:

When sperms meet an The head of one of the sperms enters The nucleus of the
ovum in the oviduct, they the cytoplasm of the ovum. Once this sperm fuses with the
release enzymes from happens, the jelly coat of the ovum nucleus of the ovum.
their acrosomes to digest becomes impermeable to prevent the Fertilization occurs and
the jelly coat of the ovum. entry of other sperms. a zygote is formed.

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13.6 Pregnancy

1 After fertilization, the zygote is moved down the oviduct by the beating action of the cilia and the peristaltic contraction

of the muscular wall of the oviduct. During the journey, the zygote divides repeatedly by mitotic cell division to form an


2 Implantation occurs when the embryo reaches the uterus and embeds itself into the thickened uterine lining.

Implantation marks the beginning of pregnancy.

3 Embryo in the uterus:

amnion amniotic fluid

(羊膜) (羊水)

umbilical cord
placenta embryo

4 Functions of the amniotic fluid:

- Acts as a cushion to protect the embryo from mechanical injury

- Provides a stable environment for the development of the embryo

- Prevents the embryo from desiccation

- Allows the embryo to move around easily

- Lubricates the vagina during childbirth

5 The embryo develops finger-like villi that grow into the uterine lining. These villi, together with some maternal uterine

tissue, form a disc-shaped organ called the placenta. It is connected to the embryo by the umbilical cord.

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6 The umbilical cord contains two umbilical arteries which carry deoxygenated blood and an umbilical vein which

carries oxygenated blood.

Umbilical arteries Umbilical vein

Blood flow From embryo to placenta From placenta to embryo

Oxygen Less More

Blood content

Carbon dioxide More Less

Nutrients Fewer More

Urea More Less

Blood pressure Higher Lower

Valves Absent Present

7 The embryo’s blood and the maternal blood are separated to:

– avoid breakage of embryo’s blood vessels by the high blood pressure of maternal blood.

– avoid clumping of blood in case the blood types of the embryo’s blood and the maternal blood are incompatible


– prevent the entry of certain pathogens or toxins from the maternal blood into the embryo’s blood.

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8 Functions of the placenta:

– Allows the exchange of materials between the embryo and the mother. Nutrients, oxygen and antibodies (抗體)

diffuse from the maternal blood to the embryo’s blood. Carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes diffuse from

the embryo’s blood to the maternal blood.

– Secretes hormones to maintain the thickness of the uterine lining.

9 Structural adaptations of the placenta for the exchange of materials:

Adaptive feature Explanation

Finger-like embryonic villi Greatly increase the surface area for the exchange of materials

Very thin walls of the embryo’s capillaries Provide a short distance for the diffusion of materials

and the embryonic villi

A lot of blood vessels The rich supply of blood carries materials away rapidly to maintain a
steep concentration gradient of materials between the embryo’s blood
and the maternal blood

10 About eight weeks after fertilization, major organs of the embryo are formed. The embryo is now called a foetus. The

foetus continues to grow until it is ready to be born. It takes about 38 weeks from fertilization to birth.

11 Prenatal care (產前護理) is vital for the health of the foetus as well as that of the mother.

Do’s during pregnancy Don’ts during pregnancy

- Have a balanced diet - Do not smoke

- Do gentle exercise regularly - Do not drink alcohol
- Have prenatal check-ups regularly - Do not take drugs without seeking the doctor’s advice

12 Differences between identical twins (單卵雙生) and fraternal twins (二卵雙生):

Identical twins Fraternal twins

Formation Develop from a single zygote Develop from two zygotes

Genetic make-up Same Different

Sex Same Maybe different

Blood group Same Maybe different

Appearance Look very much alike May not look alike

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13.7 Birth process
1 The onset of labour (分娩) is indicated by the rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterine wall.

2 Labour can be divided into three stages:

Cervix dilates. Muscles of uterine wall Placenta

Amnion breaks and abdominal wall detaches and is
and amniotic fluid contract strongly to push pushed out of
flows out. the foetus out through the the body.

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13.8 Parental care
1 Parental care (親代撫育) ensures better development and increases the chance of survival of babies.

2 Some benefits of breast-feeding (母乳餵哺):

– Breast milk provides essential nutrients and antibodies for the baby.

– Breast-feeding helps the recovery of the mother’s uterus and reduces the risk of breast cancer and ovarian

cancer in the mother.

– Breast-feeding enhances mother-child bonding.

13.9 Birth control

1 Practising birth control (控制生育) (or contraception (避孕)) to avoid pregnancy helps couples achieve their goals of

family planning (家庭計劃).

2 Contraceptive methods and their biological principles:

Biological principle Contraceptive method Mode of action

Prevent ovulation Hormonal methods: - Contain synthetic sex hormones which prevent the

Contraceptive pills (避孕丸) formation of mature ova and ovulation

Prevent sperms from Rhythm method - Avoids sexual intercourse during the fertile period

meeting the ovum (安全期避孕法)

Barrier methods:

- Condom (安全套) and female - Trap ejaculated semen to prevent sperms from

condom entering the uterus

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Prevent sperms from - Diaphragm (子宮帽) - Covers the cervix to prevent sperms from entering the

meeting the ovum uterus

- Usually coated with spermicide (殺精劑) to kill


Hormonal method: - Contain synthetic sex hormones which cause the

Mini pills (單一激素避孕丸) cervical mucus to thicken so that sperms cannot get

through the cervix and reach the uterus

Surgical methods:

- Vasectomy (輸精管切除術) - Tie and cut the vas deferens so that sperms are absent

in semen

- Tubal ligation (輸卵管結紮) - Tie and cut the oviducts so that the ovum cannot meet


Prevent implantation Intrauterine device (IUD) - Put in the uterus to prevent implantation of the

of embryos (子宮環) embryo

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