This document describes a magical cube that can charm animals into obedience, appearing as an ice cube that disappears after 24 hours. It also describes a powerful healing cup called the Cup of Al'Akbar, adorned with gems and able to cure critical wounds or neutralize poison when filled with holy water. The cup was fought over by armies and rulers but eventually disappeared. The cup and a related talisman are excellent items for characters to acquire but should be taken from them quickly to avoid imbalance.
This document describes a magical cube that can charm animals into obedience, appearing as an ice cube that disappears after 24 hours. It also describes a powerful healing cup called the Cup of Al'Akbar, adorned with gems and able to cure critical wounds or neutralize poison when filled with holy water. The cup was fought over by armies and rulers but eventually disappeared. The cup and a related talisman are excellent items for characters to acquire but should be taken from them quickly to avoid imbalance.
This document describes a magical cube that can charm animals into obedience, appearing as an ice cube that disappears after 24 hours. It also describes a powerful healing cup called the Cup of Al'Akbar, adorned with gems and able to cure critical wounds or neutralize poison when filled with holy water. The cup was fought over by armies and rulers but eventually disappeared. The cup and a related talisman are excellent items for characters to acquire but should be taken from them quickly to avoid imbalance.
This document describes a magical cube that can charm animals into obedience, appearing as an ice cube that disappears after 24 hours. It also describes a powerful healing cup called the Cup of Al'Akbar, adorned with gems and able to cure critical wounds or neutralize poison when filled with holy water. The cup was fought over by armies and rulers but eventually disappeared. The cup and a related talisman are excellent items for characters to acquire but should be taken from them quickly to avoid imbalance.
of Sweetness select exactly which one is most appropriate from
XP Value: 5 GP Value: 25 those in the campaign. In a F OK GOTTEN REALMS The Book of Marvelous Magic setting, Lathander could be used, while in the This cube appears to be an ice cube. If offered to GREYHAWK campaign, Pelor would be appropri- any ordinary, nonmagical creature of animal ate. (Note that these items are not found in DARK intelligence, the beast may eat it (+3 bonus to SUN campaigns.) reaction roll). If the cube is eaten, the creature No matter what the faith, according to the becomes charmed by the user (no saving throw, sect's dogma, the cup and talisman were given by standard duration). The cube reappears in the the deity after a great disaster that brought untold user's pocket 24 hours later. This charm does not devastation and suffering to the land. The two improve communication, but it certainly encour- items appeared before the high priest in a dream. ages obedience. Each use of the cube costs one When the clergyman awoke, the cup and talisman charge, and the cube has 2d10 charges when were there, still sparkling with the radiance of the found, deity. Blessed with the items and the knowledge of their use, the holy man went out and cured the Cup multitude of sick and injured people. A cup is an open container, generally made of Unfortunately, the miraculous powers of the metal, glass, crystal, or china. A cup usually has cup and talisman did not bring happiness to the one handle and is used to drink hot beverages-- people nor peace to the temple. When travelers usually coffee or tea. A cup can be almost any returned to their distant homelands with tales of size, but the usual capacity ranges from a few these two wonders, emperors, kings, and warlords ounces to one pint. A chalice (see Chalice) is coveted the items. Driven by greed and fear, they simply a metal cup without a handle. marched their armies and sent their agents, to seize the treasures. ofAl'Akbar Just what battles occurred and who won them XP Value: — GP Value: — is lost along with the names of those who fought Book of Artifacts for the artifacts. Perhaps one was victorious over The cup ofAl'Akbar is hardly an inconspicuous theothers only to have both treasures seized. Per- item. Tt is a large chalice, big enough that, were haps they were stolen. What is known is that it filled, it would take two hands to lift. The ves- when the wars finally ceased, they had disap- sel is made of hammered gold and chased with peared forever. a silver filigree. Twelve great gems (each worth Even today, however, the legend of their mirac- 5,000 gp) are set in mounts of electruin to form ulous power lives on in expressions such as a band around the rim. Overall, the craftsman- "cured by the cup" for any miraculous healing or ship is clearly the work of a goldsmith of extra- "By the star of Akbar," an oath to ward off dis- ordinary skill and artistry. Although it does not ease. radiate magic, the cup is always bathed in a The cup and talisman ofAl'Akbar, because of golden aura. their powerful healing abilities, are both excel- Constant Powers: Anyone of good alignment lent items for the PCs to acquire and use, and who touches the cup receives the benefits of a yet unbalancing devices that are best taken out bless spell. This lasts for 24 hours. of player characters' grasp quickly in any cam- Invoked Powers: The powers of the cup are paign where they appear. The cup and talisman activated by filling it with holy water, usable once can be immensely useful items in an incredibly per day. If all of the water is drunk, it acts as a dangerous adventure where the characters fre- cure critical wounds or neutralize poison spell, or quently face horrible injury and death. These it can be divided into three portions that act as two artifacts may be vital for keeping the char- cure light wounds spells, although these fade in acters alive long enough to have a hope of con- 12 hours. cluding the adventure. Legend: The cup and talisman ofAl'Akbar The DM should not use the cup and talisman (see Talisman) are major holy relics. The two more than once in this manner. The powers of the artifacts are always associated with a powerful cup and talisman allow the PCs to flaunt death god or goddess of healing, although the DM must and perform supremely heroic acts, but if this risk 1,226