Oj 29
Oj 29
Oj 29
Issue #29
This is an amazing example of how hard fans work toward improving the community’s
understanding of the World of Greyhawk, and how receptive the community is to seeing
new work by previously unknown fans. This is already being used by fans, and it is sure
to become a standard tool for DMs to use, as it is the only work of its kind!
The next couple of issues of the Oerth Journal are going to be homage to some of the
oldest City of Greyhawk material. The title of one of the booklets in 1989s City of
Greyhawk boxed set was “Folks, Feuds, And Factions”. This issue is about “Folks” (i.e.
NPCs). OJ30 in the Autumn is going to be about “Feuds”, and OJ31 in the Winter is going
to be about “Factions.
There’s so much going on! We want to encourage everyone to Google “Greyhawk” and
find every resource they can. Don’t let any of the coolest stuff slip through your fingers!
Table of Contents
Then and Now: Folk of
Scribe’s Chronicle Letter from the Editor 1 Saltmarsh
Oerth Journal Staff 21
The Broken Staff of Folks of Saltmarsh:
the Broken Staff
Denis “Maldin” Tetrealut 3 Pirates of Saltmarsh
Mike “Milcheax” Crisefi 23
Remick Jagtooth Ted “Bear” Gervais 11 Covert War in Greyhawk William Dvorak 31
Thom Vandervenne—
Otis Mike “Milcheax” Crisefi 12 Thieve’s Guild of Greyhawk The Grey League 33
Tansy Velveret- Thom Vandervenne—
Devin “MysteryCycle” Parker 13 Guild of Wizardy The Grey League 35
Patchwork Varlin Devin “MysteryCycle” Parker 14 Tale of Erkio Michael J. Gross, III 37
A Greyhawk Tony “VorpalDM” Milani 15 Tale of Thorguth Michael J. Gross, III 39
Story— Zharkeba
Beatup Gaelin Keldorn 17 Harchuck Will Dvorak 40
Dagmar Roxxifarius 18 2 NPCs Blake Ryan 41
Luthka Belial Lyka 18 The Irregulars Bree 42
NPCs of the Free
Patrick "Frogsama" Germann
City Chart
The Oerth Journal is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Portions not belonging specifically to other owners are copyright of their respective
authors or artists, with license given to GreyhawkOnline.com to Display, Reproduce, and Distribute. Permission is granted to reproduce text-only
portions for personal use only. No other use is implied or granted by this posting. For any other use, please contact the publisher. This work as a whole
is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, and it may not be distributed in part.
He travels across the Flanaess meeting many famous There’s a great deal of information about
people such as Mordenkainen (who he works for as how Gord starts off as a beggar in the
an agent) and fighting against such evil streets of the Free City, and ends up
Gord the Rogue
as Iuz and his minions, as well as becoming a master thief, and an avatar of
Saga of Old City cover
Demons and Gods. Reading the books 1985 the Balance.
will take you from the great City of
Gord is a marvelous example of how
Greyhawk to the Bandit Kingdoms and even to the Sea
a character (as in: a PC) grows and learns throughout
of Dust, as well as the planes. In his adventures he
their career, and gains levels in various ways. The
makes friends with all manner of people, but it is his
novels begin with him as a teenaged boy and proceed
enemies that always drew my attention: Obmi the evil
well into his 20s at the end of the series.
dwarf with a magic throwing hammer and Keak his
Not only doe4s he epitomize the tale of a
half elf swine of a henchman, both of whom work for
character growing and learning, but, he also
epitomizes a perfect example of the Wrold of
The books all are written well and flow with the Greyhawk. Take a look at these novels, and travel all
imagination of Mr. Gygax. Now i won’t tell you who of Oerth!
the Big Bad is in the books but i will give you a clue
(clink clink).
Summer 2019 Oerth Journal 29 6
By Oerth Journal Staff would eventually move on to co-DM,
and would stop playing Robilar.
In the World of Greyhawk, many NPCs are
incredibly well-covered, while many have But, nevertheless, Robilar
contradictions and confusion around them because remains a figure in Greyhawk Lore
they're not as well-covered as fans might like. and persists in literature - largely
known for his association with Rary of
Lord Robilar is both.
Ket, who attempted to murder the entire
He was previously discussed at some length in Circle of Eight. It has become guilt-by-association and
Oerth Journal #7 in an article Robilar's reputation has
called "Robilar Remembered: suffered greatly.
Lord Robilar & Co.", by Robert
In the years Kuntz
J. Kuntz and Douglas J.
played him, he made a
Behringer. Later, the same
personal choice to play him
article was published on Pied
as evil. There weren't
Piper Publishing's website, again
really other evil characters
by Rob Kuntz.
being played, and it seems
According to Rob Kuntz, in that it just made sense to
OJ7, Robilar's name is derived from test the rules in various
Gygax's novel, The Gnome Cache. ways, and when asked on the
Written prior to the formation of TSR, Robilar Pied Piper forums "What
occurs therein as the baron who sends the turned Robilar evil?", Kuntz
questing Dunstan after the gnome treasure. responded "I wanted to test
Since Kuntz had contributed a minor the way of darkness within
sequence idea to the novel, Gary later the game; and boredom. I
suggested the name for Kuntz' primary PC in had tested the limits of
Greyhawk. neutrality. It was a
player's choice, nothing
According to Kuntz, on the Pied
more or less."
Piper Publishing forums, Lord Robilar was originally
rolled up in 1972 and he last played him in 1987. There are a couple of different stories about
Heraldry © WotC
There have been different renditions of Lord Robilar it, and when and where Robilar became evil, what
from various sources or in various books. He was happened afterward, and his eventual redemption.
originally played in a home campaign with his brother One from an officially published source, and the other
Terry (as Terik), and Gary Gygax's daughter Elisa (as which is apocrypha - but, was written by Kuntz
Ahlissa) and Ernie (as Tenser), and Rob's friends. Rob himself.
7 Oerth Journal 29 Summer 2019
In the massive adventure Expedition to the cloned Lord Robilar. The truly unfortunate part came
Ruins of Castle Greyhawk, it was revealed that there when Lord Robilar had ventured off to the Celestial
was a magical item of great proportion called an Orb Empire of Shao Feng and the Empire of Lynn in the
of Opposition which , when touched, brought an evil lands of Western Oerik, to deliver a magical item to a
counterpart from an alternate Oerth to the Prime temple there.
Material plane of Oerth. It also sent the person who Otto believed that he had perished, and so,
touched it across the planar boundary to the double’s activated the Clone spell. The clone began to go
darker, more bleak version of the world. insane due to the nature of the spell … which when
Though it sounds a little trite … what it essentially both a clone and an original person exist, the clone is
does is replace the character with an evil twin from a 90% likely to go entirely insane, even to the point of
mirror world. destroying itself by suicide or other means.
But, in this unique circumstance, Lord Robilar
And, of course, Robilar touched the Orb of
was literally on the other side of the world, and the
Opposition. The evil counterpart from Uerth, which a
clone existed for years without interference. No one
place similar to Oerth but several shades darker, later
knew Lord Robilar was actually on a long, long
became known as “Bilarro” and eventually sided with
journey attempting to get back home.
Rary. He committed vile acts of treason and betrayal,
This version of the story ends in the same way
and earned the foul reputation that later befell him.
as the officially published source, for the most part.
But, Mordenkainen long suspected that this
Lord Robilar returns to the Flanaess, but, he obviously
was not the true Robilar who had committed these
takes no truck with Rary. He instead goes to the
heinous acts, as he knew Robilar from many years
Pomarj, where he begins once again marshalling his
past, and tried to find ways to divine the exact nature
forces, and attempts to return to a normal life.
of what was wrong with him, and where the true
Robilar was.
Eventually, he succeeded, and in the
adventure, garners the help of the PCs to free Robilar
from Uerth, and return him to his home plane. But,
even though he’s innocent of all crimes the evil
counterpart committed, according to the adventure,
when it comes time “to spread the word of Robilar’s
only keeps what is essential for himself adventures. There is one time he
and shares the rest of his gains with failed, and got a large scar across his
others. Stealing from others that are
chest for it. He's willing to tell the story
not your enemies is considered a blot
to anyone willing to fork over enough
on one's honor, but taking from one's
alcohol, but the man sure can drink.
enemy to give you an advantage in a
He's a bit of a sucker for a good pastry.
conflict is seen as a smart tactic.
Greyhawk Online is pleased to bring you a new Contributing Author: Tony "VorpalDM" Milani!! He's written the
overture of a story about a Rhennee woman who is the captain of a ship, who's seen love, death, and the Flanaess
alongside her intrepid crew!
This story was originally published on GreyhawkOnline.com, and can be found in the Rivers of the Rhennee category!
Zharkeba was keenly aware of how the galley pet owl to track the Aster into a tributary and to a
rolled and pitched underfoot. It wasn’t alarming, it cove tucked behind a stand of trees very close to a
was just different. The Argus had bobbed like a cork, walled camp in Johrase territory. Alas, her cousin had
being a flat-bottomed cog. But, this fey vessel with its been floating face-down near the other cog. Though
alien raptor-like design moved along the Artonsamay they’d made short work of the Johrase captors and
like a hawk riding thermals in search of easy prey. rescued most of Dellod’s crew, she lost nearly as
The privateer captain ground her teeth thinking about many as she’d saved when she’d piloted the Argus to
her last ship, still lodged precariously in the upper the camp’s dock. Cormac’s friends were assaulting
boughs of a massive phostwood along the river’s the camp from the other side, and though Zharkeba
banks near Longford. Nestled deep in the wood, had hoped she could approach quietly with such a
passing riverboats and shallow-hulled ships were distraction, the camp defenders had included a nasty
unlikely to spy more than its masthead over the thick warlock who’d ignited her rigging in a conflagration of
foliage along the banks. Even over her smoldering magical fire. Cormac’s friend Rajeck, a hulking half-orc
rage at the loss of her crewmen (who were also from Rhizia, had screamed in rage and leapt a dozen
cousins and nephews), she still marveled at how feet to the dock, charging into the smoke while her
she’d survived. surviving cousins had tried to put out the flames. The
Zharkeba had been at the helm on that “heroes” had survived the encounter, but it’d cost her
cloudless afternoon months ago, escorting the dearly.
heroes of Redspan on yet another adventure. Having “Fool,” she chided herself. “Stupid girl. Men
lost crew (and nearly the Argus as well) on their first died because of you. Family died.”
expedition should have been enough warning for her, And the rest died as well – later – sharing the
but for the first time she felt she’d met her match in Argus’ fate. Her greed had gotten them killed. The
the fair-skinned Urnstian nobleman Cormac del heroes paid well – from Redspan’s coffers, no less.
Bortham. He was as skilled in bed as he was with a While their leader, a mailed Tenha knight named Jal
sword or bow, and she was instantly smitten. He, his Mala, was tight-lipped about their mission, it was to
massive wolfhound Smoke (whom she still missed) carry them deep into the southern reaches of the
and his motley companions had first aided her crew glowing Phostwood where it bordered the
in repelling a starving mob at the docks in Redspan. Nutherwood. She’d been able to coax out of her love
The rioters had mistaken her ship for the Aster, her that they were on a rescue mission to find Wryn’s
cousin’s cog that was overdue to deliver the besieged olven sister, who was evidently a hostage to
city much-needed supplies, namely provisions and Ozinthrax, a fabled wyrm lairing somewhere deep in
medicine. Calming the crowd and requesting passage, the forest. While for the first time she was
Cormac and his friends had commissioned her to find contemplating an emotion she’d never felt before –
the Aster and her supplies. As she’d been intent on worry for someone else – a shadow crept over the
leaving that very day to find Dellod’s ship anyway, Argus. At first thinking some cloud had darkened the
she’d counted herself lucky to receive coin to do a job river, she scanned the sky. When she saw it, her mind
she would have done regardless. Their diviner, a couldn’t grasp the enormity of the doom descending
curious half-elf named Wryn, had used his craft and a silently toward them on great feathery wings. A
Irritated at his mention of her failure to capture The author, Tony Milani, is a long-time Greyhawk fan,
Cormac, she mused. “We’ll see if this Ozinthrax exists. and enjoys the idea of a female captain from Rhennee
If it does, it may be spoiling for payback as much as I. culture going against norms and working with a tough
Fables say these monsters gather treasures fit for a and ready crew.
king. I’m betting it will trade gold for information. And He notes that she is "a strong female character, not a
what I have to trade should command a fortune for damsel in distress character - which we see too often in
us.” As he grudgingly turned away, she drew her rapier the fantasy genre. She takes what she wants and
lightning fast and pricked the fey monster in the makes no apologies. And when she's wronged, she'll
throat. He stopped still as its steel drew a bead of stop at nothing to avenge herself. She's not movie
blood. villain evil, but makes a dangerous rival (and potential
love interest). "
“Never again question me, Nash,” she said, deadly
quiet. “Whatever bargain I made with Nicnevin is no Tony has over 30 years' experience as a Dungeon
concern of yours. I am captain aboard the Vengeance.” Master focused primarily in the notable Greyhawk and
Though his eyes were dark with murder, he retreated - Spelljammer campaign settings. During his career, he
knuckling his brow and wiping at his throat. successfully ran over 15 campaigns exceeding 1 year
each. He found position at a major financial institution
Zharkeba turned again to the river, hand on the in 2002, and since has been promoted to a
rudder. Stefan’s eyes haunted her again, pleading to management position where it was thought he could
understand why he’d died. As droning pipes began do the least amount of damage. He contents himself
belowdecks to set the pace, she tightened her other today with online gaming and Cheetos.
hand on the pommel of her sword. “I’ll come for you,
my love,” she whispered bitterly into the wind. “Your
friends think to play at lords, but I’ll burn it all. And I
Dagmar Wyrmkin
By Roxxifarius
Chaotic Neutral Rogue/ Sorcerer Female High Elf
Born in an evil temple, her mother had willingly given herself to an evil God. For unknown reasons,
Dagmar found herself living on the streets of the Free City of Greyhawk as a petty thief. One night as she
was walking a monster came up out of the sewers and moved to attack her. She said a quick prayer to any
god that was listening and willing to help her. As if in answer to her prayer, a runaway stage coach with four
horses came out from around the corner and ran over the monster, killing it. Dagmar loudly thanked
whatever god had helped her.
Not long after that fateful night, she realized that she had the ability to use magic.
(The Evil God was one of the Elder Gods, i.e., Cthulu etc. … and the god that had helped her was
Olidammara. Her adventuring life became a struggle between those two! )
Belial Lyka plays Luthka in the Greyhawk Channel's City of the Gods game,
every Tuesday at 9 AM EST.
Summer 2019 Oerth Journal 29 18
By Patrick "Frogsama" Germann - dmguidetogreyhawk.blogspot.com
In the final 72 hours of formatting and There’s a snooty noble swordsman who’s
layout, the magazine went from 32 pages of just spoiling for a fight, a tricky gal who’s a cleric of
content to 46 pages of content from an additional Rudd, and is just bucking for a game. Any game.
13 authors. And an adorable homeless girl who’s makes a
great sympathetic NPC for the characters to help!
The only difficulty is that for print layout reasons,
the Oerth Journal is limited to pages in multiples of
4, to make page count come out correctly.
skill, which
(or evading her duties as a mother) and found the
she believes
path back closed. Not one to let a setback prevent her
is the work of
from exploiting new opportunities, Osvella changed
her guiding
her season from Autumn to Spring and grifted her
star, Norebo.
way through this new land she found herself in,
Still, Seaton
eventually arriving in Seaton.
is too hot
Player: Michael right now and
1 - Group is from published sources, but has been developed further in the Order of Ulek Campaign with much more detail and
interaction with PC Groups
2 - Group is from published sources with no changes made as of this writing Here is some detail on each Mercenary group with
some history or edits about each. All Groups are considered active and are played or utilized in my Campaign currently.
Iron Fury
This PC Mercenary
group was formed
by The Iron
Brigade as a group
of adventurers in
training. They worked as an
investigative unit during
Expeditions to the Ruins of
Greyhawk, finding out key information in
Locating Livashti. Also,
they have performed
missions in the Diamond Lake area to
fight a resurgence of an old cult in
Mongrels of the Putrid Tongue
Summer 2019 Oerth Journal 29 30
A Covert War in
against some unknown criminals. The confrontation
included many illusions, theatrics, pyrotechnics, and
Before the outbreak of the war Sental Nurev, While the Iuzians were busy extorting
the Captain-General of the Watch of Greyhawk was information from Sental, they were also busy placing
being blackmailed by Boss Renfus of Stoink who had agents amongst The People's Constables. This pseudo
in captivity Sental Nurev's brother, Sarek and Sarek's organization of low-level law officers, one that
family. Boss Renfus was using the information Sental anyone can join by spending a 10gp fee. The People's
supplied to intercept and steal from merchants and Constables were already corrupt but were a
the rich. While this situation weighed heavily on significant source of revenue for the city, so their
Sental, he was able to suffer through it knowing it shortfalls were overlooked. Glodreddi Bakkanin,
was not being used to plot the downfall of the city. Inspector of Taxes and Chief of the People's
That all changed when the Bandit Kingdoms fell to the Constables, had been able to keep the constables
Iuzian forces, and they took Sental's brother from inline but now he was having trouble. Infiltrating their
Boss Renfus. ranks weren't just members of the Thieves Guild but
also agents of Iuz.
The information being demanded now
changed to troop strengths and locations, as well as In an attempt to control these new subgroups
plans of defenses and positions. Sental could not Glodreddi began instructing his loyal constables to
comply with these demands, but he couldn't go to his keep an eye on those that he suspected of being
superiors for fear of being imprisoned. Left with few spies. When these groups were confirmed he would
options, Sental devised a plan and went to the only pass the information onto the Thieves guild so they
people he knew that could help him, Turin could deal with them. This worked for some time,
Deathstalker, Guildmaster of the Greyhawk assassin's and Glodreddi even allowed some of the Iuzian spies
guild, and Org Nenshen, Guildmaster of the to continue their work but supplying them with false
Greyhawk Thieves guild. Despite his being the Captain information through various channels, then Mardela
-General of The Watch, Sental had good relations arrived. A half-orc that favored her human lineage
with both men for his fair treatment of their more than her orc heritage, Mardela has been one
members when caught. step ahead of Glodreddi and has so far been able to
keep any connection between her and the Iuzians a
With the aid of Org, and Turin, Sental faked secret. Knowing that her survival depends on her
his death in an elaborate and very public fake battle ability to make connections within the Greyhawk
A coin attached to a key. The coin represents
wealth and the key represents influence.
here is little you can do within the
city that won't be spotted by the thieves and
reported to their taskmasters. Anything lost
or missing is most often blamed on the
Thieves' Guild and they are used by mothers
as the boogie man: “If you keep this up, the
thieves will come in the night and steal you
They were once the very epitome of
cunning and excellence but now the Guild is but a
shadow of its former self, although nonetheless still
skillful and influential. More recently, the war
precipitated by former Guildmaster Arentol against
Theobald and his Beggars' Union both killed off or
guild knows how to identify these
discouraged many low-level thieves and apprentices,
places because the symbol is often, unobtrusively,
reducing the guild's pool of roguish talent.
included in their sign. Sometimes the coin and key
The Thieves' Guild prefers to rob outsiders, be
are not always together. A physical key could be
they merchants or adventurers, and leave the locals
chained on a hook that holds a coin symbol, if you
alone. There are even strict quotas imposed by the
look closely, etc. Or a key might be set on a
guild's leaders on exactly how much can be stolen
windowsill and the coin on a planter on the sill. Or,
from the Merchants' and Traders' Union in any
perhaps the landlord might keep a pocket watch with
a decorative coin and key dangling from the fob.
However, non-union traders are fair game,
and adventurers offer rich pickings. But that is not to
say that the Thieves' Guild does not steal at all from
the natives. They do whenever possible, and this fear Beliefs:
of robbery allows the guild to extort protection The Guild is your family and when you are there for it,
it will watch out for you.
money from small businesses and middle-class
Take your destiny in your own hands and never be
households to supplement the guild's considerable
less than what you deserve to be.
income. Everything—and everyone—has a price.
Unlicensed thieves are visited by enforcers
who will explain the benefits of membership and
threaten with the consequences if they continue
To amass wealth, power, and influence.
unlicensed. In order to both keep up appearances and
To have eyes and ears all over The Domain.
to coexist with law-abiding communities, the Guild
maintains a charter. An example of such a document Enemies:
can be found here. Inside the Domain of Greyhawk Any other thieves’ group or guild in the city or the
the guild runs many safe houses. A member of the Domain of Greyhawk.
Thug none 1
Member traits: * No benefits and 90% of earnings go to the guild.
Aspirants to the * Able to buy simple illegal goods and tools.
Thieves’ Guild must pass
Enforcer Coin tattoo 5 3rd lvl
questioning within a Zone of
Truth and must also successfully * Fence goods of less than 200 GP value at 40% value.
complete an initiation crime. * 20% of the earnings go to the guild.
The guild is organized
into sections corresponding to 5th lvl
Taskmaster Key tattoo 15 1 secret mission
each of the city's quarters. The
membership of the guild in each * Fence goods of less than 100 GP value at 50% value.
quarter normally remain in that
* 10% of the earnings go to the guild.
quarter; there are few transfers,
although members will * Access to any rogue skill expert within 1d4 hours.
occasionally be temporarily * Able to run a team 1-2 enforces and 4-5 thugs.
transferred to the control of
another Master in another Shadow Silver Coin
11th lvl
quarter for a joint operation.
Clerk attached to key 3 secret missions
After the Great War, the * Fence goods of any value at 65% value.
Guild enlarged their own * Access to any expert within 1hr.
territory to include the whole
* For any secret mission receive seven 5th level rogues.
Domain of Greyhawk.
The Domain is not * Able to run 5+charmodifier taskmasters each with their own team.
divided up but rather the 15th lvl
Shadow Steward of the closest
Shadow Platinum Coin 50 10 secret missions
Steward attached to key Free vacancy for the rank
city/ town has ownership (and
responsibility) of places in that *Skeleton keys available to the sewers and most secret doors in the city of Greyhawk.
region. Ruining other guilds is a *Runs a quarter on the town and draw upon all its resources. He must still answer to
priority for them. the Head of the guild – The Shadow master.
The Guild’s activities are
many and varied, but in almost
all cases, have a materialistic
bent. They seek to amass wealth, and that can mean seeking dirt on enemies, finding new trade routes or deposits
of ore and treasure, and so on.
Three golden triangles, one over the other, the
middle one thin and the outer one missing a part in the
two upside lines. Surrounding the triangles is a
magical circular swirl and, in the centre, the golden,
lightly glowing letters GW – Guild of Wizardry. Those
of Rank 1 have the same insignia but with the letters
UMA, to show they are still learners at the University
of magical arts.
Founded as a free haven for all mages in 393
CY by the legendary ‘Mad’ Archmage Zagig Yragerne.
While the Guild of Wizardry is interested in its own
aggrandizement, it has no political agenda. The Wizards
are usually too busy with their own affairs to meddle too
much in the politics of the city. Membership also does not
require exclusive allegiance, and many hold another faction
membership. Because of this, many magi across the Flanaess
claim an affiliation with this guild. In many places, Beliefs:
membership in the guild is a source of prestige, due to the
guild’s international fame. Over the last decade nearly a The abuse of magic power must be monitored.
thousand active mages hold membership, though perhaps All the gifted should be taught.
half that many are in the city at any one time and a majority Path to power is through knowledge.
of those are dabblers or virtually inactive. The city and guild Goals:
have been essentially untouched by recent wars and it Magic should be open to all.
became a haven for many exiled practitioners. Protect the Free city from destruction.
Advance magical knowledge through both
The Guild resides and now runs the famous bastion ongoing research and archaeological investigation of
of learning - The University of Magical Arts. The UMA, a lost arcane disciplines.
pyramid-shaped building, is an architectural wonder and its
sheer sides and pointed crown are visible from many places Enemies:
in the district. Thought to be impregnable and of magical All those that wish to harm the city of Greyhawk or
design, its vaults hold the most expansive collection of its arcane users. Regents also turn their attention to
known magic items and of arcane texts in the Flanaess, all those that want to unbalance the world.
including, it is believed, those of the legendary ‘Mad
Archmage’. Member ranking - traits:
Any proven practitioner of arcane magic, even some
The UMA is very much a magical school with student more exotic arcane spellcaster, is eligible to join the Guild of
societies and professors teaching magical subjects such as Wizardry.
potion brewing, scroll writing, magical histories, divination, Admission to the university requires another
defensive casting and much more. Students rarely study 3-4 wizard’s recommendation, approval by a board of tutors,
years in a row as the guild wants them to embark on the and an initial admission fee of 100 gp. Training fees for older
road to adventure for a while. students are set as per the usual rules for gaining levels.
Associates are those who support the Guild in their
Afterwards the member might come back to spend a endeavors. They have no requirements other than helping
year at the UMA before going on the road again. higher ranking members.
Criterion Renown
One time: Native of Greyhawk City +2
One time: 5+ ranks in knowledge-arcane +1
One time: one Alignment part is Neutral +1
Teach or study at the university in Greyhawk City at least one day a week for a period of a 6 month without missing a day. +1
Deliver spellbooks or magical notes of a wizard greater level than yours to the library (max once per level of the character) +1
Deliver rare components to the alchemical labs (supernatural/ unique creature of CR 4+) +1
Deliver rare components to the alchemical labs (supernatural/ unique creature of CR 8+) +2
Deliver rare components to the alchemical labs (supernatural/ unique creature of CR 14+) +3
Complete a mission +1 / +2
Resolve a real treat to Greyhawk City +3
Save the guild from a major setback +2
Failing a mission -1 / -2
Create a problem for the city or guild -2
Fail in their duties in the UMA -1
Failing in any of the duties or Goals of the GW -1/ -3
Losing borrowed items -1
Getting your apprentices in trouble / or killed -2/ -4
The Free City of Greyhawk, “Gem of the In various groups, they sought fortune and testing of
Flanaess,” is known for its great variety of personages their skills at the nearby Caves of Chaos and the Caves
that have called it home. One such person, the human of the Unknown. Some were slain by the monsters of
Erkio, began his life’s adventure there. However, not the caves, but Erkio and the rest gained both treasure
much is known of the man prior to his leaving and experience in battle. They brought in man-at-arms
Greyhawk for the first time in 560 CY. Erkio learned the Unicef Gorg and the elves Ranar and Ronor to their
thief “trade” firsthand via observing members of number after that. After some time staying at the
Greyhawk’s Thieves’ and Beggars’ Guilds. He soon Keep, Erkio and his compatriots would meet a
discovered his own deft hands could swipe valuables, mysterious monk named Allanon. With him, they
food, and other property. Erkio had no intentions of sought to gain a reward for freeing slaves that had
joining a Guild, though, as he planned on leaving been taken to the Pomarj. The trail led to the city of
Greyhawk as soon as he could, desiring a life of Highport, where the heroes set free many enslaved by
adventuring because of the tales he had heard in the the evil operations there. One freed slave, the ruthless
shabby taverns of Greyhawk’s Old City. Selzen Mortano, was grateful and ready to exact
Erkio departed the City of Greyhawk with a vengeance. He would accompany Erkio’s party and
prove himself worthy in fights with the dreaded villains
merchant caravan on a wagon bound for the Wild
of the Pomarj.
Coast. After spending most of his money during his
trek southward, he found himself on the southern
edges of the Suss Forest, near the Principality of Ulek. Later—after more escapades and acquiring
Between the Principality and the humanoid-infested such magic items as a flying carpet, weapons, scrolls,
land of the Pomarj, he was among a group of travelers and potions galore, the team of adventurers heeded
who sought shelter at the Keep on the Borderlands. the call for aid from the far west of the Flanaess.
Erkio entered the renowned fortress and eventually Several countries were being overrun by hordes of
made acquaintance there with the warriors Thorguth giants and their allies. Local officials lent the group
and Mikull, the halfling Zorko Leafleg, the priest information and supplies to raid a hill giant’s fortress
Draggle, the magic-user known as Calchas, and many from which some of the attacks stemmed. Erkio and
others during his stay there. his friends were tasked with locating the giants’
leaders within, rooting them out, and destroying their
Author’s note: As said in the author’s note to The Tale of Erkio, I have been a game referee much more
often than I have been a player. I was introduced to OD&D by a girl in my third-grade class in late 1980 and—because characters
were like portable game pieces that allowed players to join any D&D game, no matter the “setting” (if one was even composed by
the DM as opposed to an amorphous “Realm” like that in the D&D cartoon of 1983-85)—used him in games with an uncle, cousins
from both sides of my parents’ families, classmates in school, and friends outside of school. I rolled up my first player character in
3rd grade and playing games was never the same for me. Please enjoy “The Tale of Thorguth”....
The man first known as “Thor” descended come and go for a variety of reasons (often premature
upon the central Flanaess after traveling far from his death at the hand of a terrible foe). Slowly, he made
home in the northern barbarian reaches—a native of his way south and west until he found himself in the
Rhizia, to be exact. His blond tresses and strong Wild Coast, then sailed around the Pomarj, and
physique stood out once he left his ancestral home for arrived at the border of The Principality of Ulek and
a life of adventure. Sure, he could find adventures in the Pomarj. Finding little adventure and in need of
his native land, but Thor desired things not many shelter, Thorguth and the river caravan with which he
Frost Barbarians did: riches and warmth. He learned traveled up the Jewel River arrived at a Keep that
that such things could be found to the south during his stood alone on the borderlands between the last
time serving in a joint Fruztii/Ratik army unit. This civilized realm of Ulek and the humanoid-infested
contingent took part in the campaign that caused lands of the Pomarj.
considerable damage to the humanoid forces of the Thorguth met Draggle, a priest of Pelor from
Bone March a few years ago and then cleared the Gryrax; Mikull, a warrior hailing from Onnwal; Zorko
passage that runs between the Griff and Corusk Leafleg, a halfling from The Duchy of Urnst; and
Mountains of forces from the Hold of Stonefist (known Calchas, a magic-user from The City of Greyhawk.
as “the pass of the Fists”) the following year. This Thorguth enjoyed his time talking and adventuring
would prevent and hamper Stonefist raiding parties with these fellows, but none would be as charismatic
from easy ingress into Rhizia. or could naturally lead the group like the silver-
Before undertaking these military excursions, tongued and quick-fingered thief making a name for
Thor was told that he should consider changing or himself by way of previous successful jaunts into the
augmenting his name. When he asked why, he was nearby Caves of Chaos: Erkio of Greyhawk. Calchus
answered by a clerical sage that he shared a name was not familiar with the fellow Greyhawk native but
with an old god of thunder from the Suloise who he and the rest were swayed by the thief’s smooth
populated the three barbarian countries (Frost, Ice, talk inside the Keep’s Tavern. They—and some
and Snow). Therefore, before his first taste of battle, others lost to the denizens and traps of the two sets of
Thor changed his name to Thorguth so as to avoid caves—made way into the unexplored Caves of the
disfavor from the old deity for whom he was named. Unknown.
Surely, the Fruztii already suffered enough at the Thorguth proved fearsome with his huge
hands of the Schnai that he did not want to add a warhammer, eschewing a shield in order to wield it
divine curse to their lot. with two hands. He was achieving his dreams with his
Thorguth would adventure in the Bone March ever-changing assembly of fellow fortune seekers.
with other worthies in a party that would see members Eventually, Erkio and Calchas had reasons for
By William Dvorak
(Half-Orc, Chaotic Neutral, Bard)
Harchuck is not your typical bard in the sense that he doesn’t dance around and instruments, his voice
is his weapon. Harchuck is not a singer either, but more of a side show barker that dispenses quips, and bits
of philosophy wrapped around a humorous delivery that sound a lot like an old cartoon rooster that’s used to
dealing with chicken hawks.
Harchuck is no coward, but can play that part when he has to until he
gets into a better position to achieve his goals, which change as quickly as
the weather. Roaming around the bandit kingdoms he thought it would be fun
to fall in with the Iuzian conquerors, which he did, and he soon found
himself becoming a spy because of his talents. Harchuck could care
less about Iuz, or those he has conquered, he simply uses the
opportunity to create interesting developments.
Harchuck sows as much descent as he does help the
Iuzians. He might do a bit of spying for one Iuzian
commander, telling them the information they wanted to
know, along with a completely false statement that he
overheard a group of rogues and assassins talking about
how another Iuzian commander was planning his
assassination. He has played this game now for some
time and was one of the few NPC’s to meet the party in
Return to the Bandit Kingdoms more than once and not end
up dead.
It is 583 CY, and war rages on within the few words, he uses his brute strength and kind heart
Flaeness. Lands are lost, new powers rise and fall, and to keep his new friends safe.
some of the greatest known names in all of D&D are Fyzzar, a Fire Gensai Barbarian, is a military
born. These stories are shared (and twisted) in inns man inthe local guard of Greyhawk. He loves sitting
and taverns, by veterans and civilians alike, including at thebar on his off time, waiting for the newest bit
the famous Green Dragon Inn. The Greyhawk oftrouble to fall in through the doors.
Channel’s Flagship show, Return to Greyhawk, has Senor Rancho, a Halfling Monk, is a man of
started an intermittent series, called “The many mysteries. Vague about his past, he is well
Irregulars”, based on rag versed in combat and
tag adventurers drinking at drunken glib.
the Green Dragon, always These stay close
available in case someone to the city, helping out
needs them. where they can to keep
Adelaide Grau is an the city in peace, in this
80-something Oeridian terrible time at war.
Wizard, born and raised in
the Free City, who raised The series comes on
two generations before Sundays based on
deciding to take up learning availability at 8:30 pm
magic. EST on The Greyhawk
Mogan, also in a Channel on Twitch.
golden age of life at the ripe
age of 83, is a human Druid,
who fights with her trusty
rake. Sassy and spunky, she
uses her rake as her preferred weapon, and often has
a collection of hard candies.
Bunion Boux is bright eyed and bushy tailed
youngHalfling Paladin. He loves his mother, and loves
towrite home about all of his firsts in the city.
Vestra is from the Great Kingdom of Aerdy,
who was sent away by her wealthy family for her
protection. Word of her dark Warlock magics and
lineage made her a target, so she was sent away with
a pretty pocket of gold and no real world experience.
Bunderson, a Human Fighter, was raised by
giants just outside the City of Greyhawk. A man of