Bacteriology Ii MCQ:: Prepared By: Srey Viso, Pharmd Medical Biologist & Microbiology, DMM For Pharmacy Class

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Bacteriology II MCQ :

Prepared by: SREY VISO,PharmD

Medical Biologist & Microbiology,DMM
For Pharmacy class

1. A common type of nosocomial infection is:

A. Abscess
B. Diarrhea
C. Urinary tract infection
2. The gram-positive bacteria lack __________ structure/component?
A. outer membrane
B. murein
C. teichoic acid
D. plasma membrane
3. Bacteria has Alpha-hemolytic colonies and sensible to Optochin disk is :
A. Streptococcus group B
B. Streptococcus pneumonia
C. Streptococcus group D
D. Enterococcus fecalis
4. Saterlitism seen in culture of
A. Klebsiella
B. Streptococcus
C. Hemophilus influenzae
D. Pseudomonas
5. Hemophilus influenza
A. May growth on blood agar
B. Can be found in healthy person
C. Produce hemolytic on chocolate agar
D.Disease in community commonly associated with capsule type B
6. Endotoxin of N. meningitidis is/are :
A. Lipopolysaccharide
B. Lipooligosaccharide
C.Both A&B
D. None of these
7. Endotoxin of N. gonorrhoeae is
A. Lipopolysaccharide
B. Lipooligosaccharide
C.Both A&B
D. None of these.
8.ឃ្លាខាងក្រោមទាំងក្ េះររឹមររូវក្ែើកលែងលរមួយលែែខុស?
A. Meningococcus has at least 13 serogroups on the basis of capsular
B. Endotoxin of N. meningitidis is a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
C. Endotoxin of N. gonorrhoeae is a lipooligosaccharide (LOS).
D. Nesseria gonorrhea has capsule
9.The cocci which forms a chain is
A- Streptococci
B- Staphylococci
C- diplococci
D- Tetracocci
10.The arrangement, in which flagella are distributed all round the bacterial cell, is
known as
A- lophotrichous
B- peritrichous
C- amphitrichous
D- monotrichous
11.Which of the following has Chinese letter arrangement?
A- Bacillus anthracis
B- Clostridium tetani
C- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
D- Corynebacterium diphtheria
12.Humans become infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis most frequently by
A- inhalation
B- ingestion
C- contact
D- inoculation
13. In the human disease cholera, what is it that actually ends up killing the victim?
A- Faulty carrier proteins
B- Dehydration and loss of nutrients
C- Too little water in the food stream
D- the toxin produced by the bacterium
14.Which of the following diseases is the commonest presentation of Campylobacter
infection ?
A- Pneumonia
B- Diarrhea
C. Myocartidis
D. Alpha hemolytic
15.Which of the following bacterial genera (that produces endospore) have medical
A- Clostridium
B- Bacillus
C- Both A & B
D- None of these
16. ក្របា
ើ ក់ក្ររខាងក្រោមក្
ើ េះណាមួយលែែជាភ្នាក់ងារបងកជាំងឺmelioidosis?
A- E.coli
B- Salmonella
C- Burkholderia pseudomallei
D- Burkholderia cepacia
17.ក្រើែកខណេះណាមួយខាងក្រោមក្ េះលែែមិ ររឹមររូវចាំក្ េះបាក់ក្ររPseudomonas

A- motile by polar flagella
B- Obligate aerobe
C.សើរណហភ្នពលែែអាចែុេះបា ចក្្ាេះពើ 5°c-42°c ែអបាំផុរគឺ 37°c
D- Non of these
18.ក្រើ Pseudomonas aeruginosaបងកInfection អ្វើខាេះ?
A. nosocomial infections
B. Urinary tract infections following catheterisation
C. Acute purulent meningitis following lumbar puncture
D. All of these
19.ក្រើ Pseudomonas aeruginosaបងកInfection អ្វខ
ើ ាេះ?
A.Wound and burn infections
B. Chronic otitis media and otitis externa
C. Eye infections
D. All of these
20.ក្រើ Pseudomonas aeruginosaបងកInfection អ្វើខាេះ?
A. Acute necrotising vasculitis
B. Infantile diarrhea
C. Post-tracheostomy pulmonary infection& Septicaemia in debilitated patients
D. all of these
21.ក្រក្ើ គក្របក្ើ រសតអ្ក្វើ ែើមបលើ ែកភ្នពខុសគ្នារវាងបាក់ក្ររ ើ -hemolytic streptococci
A. Lanciefield Classification
B.Bacitracin susceptibility Test
C.CAMP test
D. All of these
22.ក្រើឃ្លាខាងក្រោមណាមួយលែែមិ លម ជាែកខណេះរបស់បាក់ក្ររ ើ Campylobacter ?
A. Growth at 42°C, microaerobically
B. Gram-negative bacillus,small rods, curved or seagull-winged
C. Growth on mCCDA agar
D. None of these
23.ក្រើក្រសតSatelitism ក្គក្របើក្ៅកាុងោរវ ិភ្នគរបស់បាក់ក្ររណាមួ
ើ យខាងក្រោមក្ េះ?
A. Hemophillus influenza
B. Neisseria
C. Streptococcus
D. Staphylococcus aureus
24.ក្របា យលែែអាចក្្វក្ើ អាយកកឈាមបាាស្មាក្ោយអ្ង់សុម
ើ ក់ក្ររខាងក្រោមណាមួ
ើ ើ coagulase):
A. Hemophillus influenza
B. E.coli
C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. Streptococcus pyogene
ត ែក្អាយមា ជាំងឺរលាកក្រស្មមខួរកាែHaemophilus
25.ក្រើោរឆ្ាងន បាក់ក្ររលែែបណា

influenza តាមរយេះអ្វ?

A. តាមលសបកលែែោច់ឬ រលារ់
B. តាមោរបេះ ែ់
C. តាមផាូវែក្ងហើម
D. ឆ្ាងតាមមារ់
26. ក្រើ Bacteriaណាមួយខាងក្រោមក្ េះជាភ្នាក់ងាន ជាំងឺ Meliodosis ?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B. E.coli
C. Klebsiella pneumonia
D. Burkholderia pseudomallei
27. កាុងករណើមា Bacterial Infection ោរក្មែ
ើ ក្ៅក្ែើWhite Blood Cells Count មា សភ្នពែូច
A. មា ោរថយចុេះ
B. រគ្នប់ឈាមសមា ោរក្កើ ក្ែើងជាង្មាតា
C. ចាំ ួ Lymphocytes ក្កើ ក្ែង
ើ ខពស់
D. ចាំ ួ Monocytes ក្កើ ក្ែើងជាងរាំនែ្មាតា
28.ក្រក្ើ ែើមបក
ើ ាំណរ់អ្រតសញ្ញាណបាក់ក្ររ ើ Hemophilus influenza ក្គក្របក្ើ រសតអ្ខ
វើ ាេះ ?
A. Factor X and V
B. Camp test
C. Oxidase
D. Pyr test only
29. បាក់ក្ររលែែមា
ើ ែកខណេះ Alpha-hemolytic coloniesែុេះក្ៅក្ែើBlood agar ក្ យ

sensible to Optochin disk ក្្េះគឺ៖

A. Streptococcus pneumonia
B. E.coli
C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. All of these
ើ ungus ណាមួយលែែបងកករណើរលាកក្រស្មមខួរកាែ?
A. Candida albican
B. Cryptococcus neoformans
C. A& B
D. Non of these
ើ េះបា ក្ោយររូវោរFactor X & Factor V កាុងថ្នាែបណុ ត េះក្្េះគឺ?
A. Shigella
B. Pseudomonas
C. Hemophilus influenza
D. A& C
32. បាក់ក្ររខាងក្រោមក្
ើ េះក្គអាចក្ ែ
ើ តាមរយេះGram stain ក្ែើកលែងលរ?

A. Klebsiella pneumonia
B. Mycoplasma
C. Chlamydia trachomatis

D. B& C

33. Which oxidase-positive, indole-positive organism is more

commonly associated with freshwater injuries?
A. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.
B. Aeromonas hydrophila.
C. Vibrio vulnificus.
D. Edwardsiella tarda.
34.ក្រើឃ្លាខាងក្រោមណាមួយលែែមិ លម ជាែកខណេះរបស់បាក់ក្ររ ើ Campylobacter?
A. Growth at 42°C, microaerobically
B. Gram-negative bacillus,small rods, curved or seagull-winged
C. Growth on mCCDA agar
D. None of these
35.ក្រក្ើ រសតSatelitism ក្គក្របក្ើ ៅកាុងោរវ ិភ្នគរបស់បាក់ក្ររណាមួ
ើ យខាងក្រោមក្ េះ?
A. Hemophilus ducreyi
B. Neisseria
C. Hemophillus influenza
D. Staphylococcus aureus
ត ែក្អាយមា ជាំងឺរលាកក្រស្មមខួរកាែHaemophilus
36.ក្រើោរឆ្ាងន បាក់ក្ររលែែបណា

influenza តាមរយេះអ្វើ?
A. តាមលសបកលែែោច់ឬ រលារ់
B. តាមោរបេះ ែ់
C. តាមផាូវែក្ងហើម
D. ឆ្ាងតាមមារ់
ើ ាំណរ់អ្រតសញ្ញាណបាក់ក្ររ ើ Hemophilus influenza ក្គក្របើក្រសតអ្វើខាេះ?
A. Test Pyr
B. Camp test
C. Oxidase
D. Factor X and Y
38. បាក់ក្ររលែែមា
ើ ែកខណេះ Alpha-hemolytic coloniesែុេះក្ៅក្ែើBlood agar ក្ យ

sensible to Optochin disk ក្្េះគឺ៖
A. Streptococcus pneumonia
B. E.coli
C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. All of these
ើ េះបា ក្ោយររូវោរFactor X & Factor V កាុងថ្នាែបណុ ត េះក្្េះគឺ?
A. Shigella
B. Pseudomonas
C. Hemophilus influenza
D. A& C

40.The smallest cells of mycoplasmas are about ___________ in diameter.

A. 1 micrometre
B. 0.3 micrometre
C. 5 micrometre
D. 1 metre

41. Mycoplasmas can be cultivated in vitro on nonliving media as _____________

A. facultative aerobes
B. obligate aerobes
C. facultative anaerobes
D. microaerophiles

42. Inflammatory disease of 'pelvic' is caused by

A. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
B. Mycoplasma hominis
C. Mycobacterium leprae
D. Mycolasma

43. Which of the following statement regarding Campylobacter jejuni is not correct?
A. It is commonly cultured in antibiotic containing media
B. Incubation temperature is 42°C
C. It is cultured in an atmosphere containing 5% O2 and 10%CO2
D. It is a normal flora of intestine.

44. បាក់ក្ររលែែមា
ើ ែកខណេះ Alpha-hemolytic coloniesែុេះក្ៅក្ែើBlood agar ក្ យ

sensible to Optochin disk ក្្េះគឺ៖

A. Streptococcus pneumonia
B. E.coli
C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. All of these

45. ឃ្លាខាងក្រោមទាំងក្ េះររឹមររូវក្ែើកលែងលរមួយលែែខុស?

A. N.meningitidis is encapsulated
B. N.gonorrhoea has no capsule
C. Neisseria is antiphagocytosis in nature
D. Neisseria meningitidis transmitted by Skin contact

46. ក្របា
ើ ក់ក្ររណាមួ
ើ យខាងក្រោមបងកជាំងឺ Meliodosis?

A. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
B. Burkholderia pseudomallei
C. Burkholderia cepacia
D. Streptococcus pneumonia

47. ក្រើែកខណេះណាមួយខាងក្រោមក្ េះលែែមិ ររឹមររូវចាំក្ េះបាក់ក្ររPseudomonas


A. motile by polar flagella

B. Obligate aerobe
C. សរ
ើ ណហភ្នពលែែអាចែុ េះបា ចក្្ាេះពើ 5°c-42°c
D. None of these

48. Pseudomonas aeruginosaបងកInfection អ្វើខាេះ?

A. nosocomial infections
B. Urinary tract infections following catheterisation
C. Acute purulent meningitis following lumbar puncture
D. All of these

49. ក្រោ ត ែក្អាយមា ជាំងឺរលាកក្រស្មមខួរកាែHaemophilus

ើ រឆ្ាងន បាក់ក្ររលែែបណា

influenza តាមរយេះអ្វើ?

A. តាមលសបកលែែោច់ឬ រលារ់
B. តាមោរបេះ ែ់
C. តាមផាូវែក្ងហើម
D. ឆ្ាងតាមមារ់

50. ក្របា
ើ ក់ក្ររHeamophilus
ើ influenza ែុេះក្ែថ្ន
ើ ា ែអ្វើ?

A. Blood Agar
B. MacConkey Agar
C. Huller Hinton
D. Chocolate Agar

51. បាក់ក្ររខាងក្រោមក្
ើ េះក្គអាចក្ ែ
ើ តាមរយេះGram stain ក្ែក
ើ លែងលរ

A. Klebsiella pneumonia
B. Mycoplasma
C. Chlamydia trachomatis
D. B& C

52. ក្រើឃ្លាខាងក្រោមណាមួយលែែមិ លម ជាែកខណេះរបស់បាក់ក្ររ ើ Campylobacter?

A. Growth at 42°C, microaerobically

B. Gram-negative bacillus,small rods, curved or seagull-winged
C. Growth on mCCDA agar
D. None of these

53. Hemophilus influenza ោរបណុ ត េះររូវោរ

A. ថ្នាែ Blood agar
B. Muller hinton
C. A& B
D. Factor X&V

54. ក្រក្ើ រសតណាមួយខាងក្រោមលែែមិ លម ជាែកខណេះរបស់Group B Streptococcus?

A. Beta hemolysis , Pyr negative

B. hydrolysis of hippurate
C. CAMP reaction
D. None of these

55. Which of the following statements regarding mycoplasmas is NOT correct?

A. Mycoplasmas are the smallest free-living microorganisms

B. Mycoplasmas are resistant to cell wall active antibiotics
C. Mycoplasmas are commensals of the respiratory and urogenital tracts
D. Mycoplasmas stain well with the Gram’s stain.

56. A common characteristic of Capnocytophaga ,Mycoplasma,Moraxella and

Ekeinella is that they :

A. Are anaerobic
B. Are the part of the normal flora of the upper respiratory tract
C. Cause urinary tract infections
D. Are gram positive

57. Common characteristic of Lesionella species is that they:

A. Are gram positive bacilli

B. Are acid fast
C. Required supplemental ingredients to grow them in laboratory media
D. All of these

58. The infection most often associated with Cryptococcus neoformans is:
A. Septic arthritis
B. Sinusitis
C. Meningitis
D. Pneumoniae

59. Which of the following genus belongs to family Spirochaetaceae?

A. Treponema
B. Spirochetes

C. Borrelias

D. All of above

60. The agent(s) which can cause plagues is /are

A. Proteus mirabilis
B. Yersinia pestis
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

D. None of these

61. Bipolar staining is characteristic of

A. Proteus mirabilis
B. E. coli
C. Yesinia pestis

D. all of above

62.Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pestis can be differentiated based on which of the

following tests?

A. Decarboxylation of ornithine
B. Fermentation of sucrose and cellobiose
C. Motility at 22°C
D. All of these

63. Which of these small, gram-negative microorganisms are important human

A. Haemophilus influenzae
B. Bordetella pertussis
C. Haemophilus parainfluenzae
D. All of these

64. Which of the following Haemophilus spp require both the X (hemin) and V (NAD)
factors for its growth?
A. H. parainfluenzae
B. H. ducreyi
C. H. aprophilus and H. paraaprophilus
D. H. haemolyticus

65. Which of the following subspecies of Francisella tularensis is the most virulent for
A. novicida
B. tularensis
C. holartica
D. mediasiatica

66. Which of the following is not the general characteristics of Haemophilus ducreyi?
A. Gram-negative coccobacillus
B. It requires X factor but not the V factor

C. It grows well on standard chocolate agar

D. It is susceptible to erythromycin

67. .................... is the causative agent of the chancroid, one of the most common
sexually transmitted disease and is characterized by painful lesions and genital
A. Neisseria gonorrohoeae
B. Haemophilus haemolyticus
C. Haemophilus ducreyi
D. Treponema pallidum

68. Which of the following microorganisms stain well?

A. Escherichia coli
B. Legionella pneumophila
C. Treponema
D. Chlamydia

69. តេបា
ើ ក់តេរូណាមួខាងតរោមដែលមន
ិ បងកតោគ UTI’s?

A. E. coli
B. Pseudomonas
C. Klebsiella
D. Haemophilus

70. Which of the following diseases and bacteria are matched up incorrectly?

A. Cellulitis – Pasteurella multocida

B. Tularemia – Francisella tularensis
C. Gastritis – Heliobacter pylori
D. Lyme disease – Yersinia pestis

71. Which of the following diseases and bacteria are matched up incorrectly?

A. Cellulitis – Pasteurella multocida

B. Tularemia – Francisella tularensis
C. Gastritis – Burkholderia pseudomallei
D. Lyme disease – Borreia burgdoferi

72. Which of the following diseases and bacteria are matched up incorrectly?

A. Cellulitis – Pasteurella multocida

B. Tularemia – Brucella
C. Gastritis – H.pylori
D. Lyme disease – Borreia burgdoferi

73. Which of the following diseases and bacteria are matched up incorrectly?

A. Chancroid– Pasteurella multocida

B. Chancroid– Heamophilus ducreyi
C. Gastritis – H.pylori
D. Lyme disease – Borreia burgdoferi

74. Which of the following diseases and bacteria are matched up incorrectly?

A. Treponema pallidum – Syphilis

B. Chancroid – H.ducreyi
C. Borrelia burgdorferi – Lyme disease
D. Yersinia enterocolitica – Diptheria

75. Which of the following diseases and bacteria are matched up incorrectly?

A. Gonococcus – Neisseria menongitidis

B. Chancroid – H.ducreyi
C. Borrelia burgdorferi – Lyme disease
D. B.pseudomallei – Meliodosis

76. តេតើ េស្តខាងតរោមណាមួយដែលតរបក

ើ ុ ងោរដបងដែកភាពខុ
ន ស្គ្ននរវាងMoraxella catarrhalis
and saprophytic Neisseria spp តៅកនុងវេថុវភាគតែញព
ិ ីកំហាក?
A. Oxidase
B. Butyrate esterase
C. Gram stain
D. Catalase

77. The following statements are true regarding melioidosis except:

A. It is caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei
B. The agent is a gram negative aerobic bacteria
C. Bipolar staining of the aetiological agent is seen with methylene blue stain
D. The most common form of melioidosis is pulmonary infection

78. Human pathogenic bacteria is/are

A. B pseudomallei
B. Burkholderia mallei
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. All of these

79. Which of the following biochemical reaction is characteristic of Pseudomonas


A. Production of pyocyanin

B. Oxidative utilization of glucose

C. Oxidase production

D. All of these

80. The substance(s) which can be produced by strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa


A. Exotoxins A and S
B. Elastase
C. Haemolysins

D. All of these

81. Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be diagnosed from the pigment, known as

A. Pyocyanin

B. Pyoverdin

C. Pyomelanin
D. Pyorubrin

82. វរថុវ ិភ្នគយកក្ចែពើែាំក្ៅក្ៅរបោប់ប តពូជ ែទ្ធផែន ោរក្្វើភ្នាសបងាហែថ្នជាgram negative

diplococci. ក្ររើ រូវក្រជស
ើ ក្រសថ្ន
ើ ា ែបណុ ត េះណាមួយខាងក្រោមក្ េះក្ែម
ើ បក្ើ ្វោ
ើ របណុ ត េះ?
A. Thayer Martin Medium
B. Blood agar with X & V factors
C. Chocolate agar with IsoVitaleX
D. Macconkey Agar

83. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces a water-soluble blue color pigment called

pyocyanin and …............ color pigment pyoverdin.
A. Green

B. Blue-green

C. Red
D. Pink-red

84. អ្ាកជាំងឺcystic fibrosis ទ្ទ្ួែរងពើោរឆ្ាងក្មក្ោគសួរោុ ាំនរលែែបណា

ត ែមកពើ Pseudomonas
aeruginosa ។ ក្ោយស្មរបាក់ក្ររោរែូ
ើ រលាស់បក្ងកើរជា ......... លែែ្ាំក្អាយសទេះផាូវែក្ងហើមសួរ។

A. Pigment
B. Biofilm
C. White blood cells
D. Endotoxin

85. ែកខណេះខាងក្រោមររឹមររូវរបស់ Pseudomonas aeruginosa ក្ែក

ើ លែងលរ?
A. It is oxidase negative

B. It can grow at 42c

C. It is an opportunistic pathogen
D. None of above

d) All of the above

86.Apart from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which one of the following gram-negative

bacteria can be frequently associated with nosocomial infections?
A.Staphylococcus aureus
B. Candida albicans
C. Morganella morrganii
D. Acinetobacter baumannii

ើ ងក្រោមណាមួយលែែមិ លម ជាែកខណេះរបស់ HACEK ( Haemophilus,

87. ក្រខា
Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikinella, Kingella) organisms?
A. Normal flora of the oral cavity
B. Require CO2 for growth
C. Grow well on MacConkey agar
D. All of above

88. ក្រើខាងក្រោមណាមួយ ជាបាក់ក្រររបស់

ើ HACEK group?
A. Heamophilus influenzae
B. Haemophilus aphrophilus
C. Listeria monocytogen
D. All of above

89. ក្រើខាងក្រោមណាមួយ ជាបាក់ក្រររបស់

ើ HACEK group?
A. Heamophilus influenzae
B. Haemophilus aphrophilus
C. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans

D. B&C

90. ក្រខា
ើ ងក្រោមណាមួយ ជាបាក់ក្រររបស់
ើ HACEK group?
A. Heamophilus influenzae
B. Streptococcus poygens
C. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans

D. B&C

91. ក្រើខាងក្រោមណាមួយ ជាបាក់ក្រររបស់

ើ HACEK group?
A. Heamophilus influenzae
B. Streptococcus poygens
C. Kingella spp

D. B&C

92. ក្រខា
ើ ងក្រោមណាមួយ ជាបាក់ក្រររបស់
ើ HACEK group?
A. Cardiobacterium hominis
B. Streptococcus poygens
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

D. None of these

93. Gram negative bipolar staining ,motile, aerobic, saprophytic bacteria. It grows at
420C in standard agar media forming mucoid colonies, cream to orange in color.
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B. S.aureus
C. Acinetobacter baumannii
D. Burkholderia pseudomallei

94. Which are the most common bacteria found in a specimen taken from burned
A. Neisseria spp
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C. Acinetobacter baumannii
D. Moraxella catarahalis

95. Which of the following is a small, capnophilic, gram-negative, oxidase positive

bacillus is frequently found in human bite infections.
A. Eikenella corrodens
B. Moraxella spp
C. Proteus vulgaris
D. Burkholderia mallie

96. Capnophiles are microorganisms that can grow in high concentrations of..............
A. Oxygen
B. Sugar
C. Carbon dioxide
D. pH
97. Campylobacter jejuni is a microaerophilic bacteria, which of the following
statement is true for the culture of this bacteria?
A. An atmosphere of increased O2 (10%) with added CO2 (5%)
B. An atmosphere of reduced O2 (5%) with added CO2 (10%)
C. An atmosphere of reduced CO2 (5%) with added CO2 (10%)
D. An atmosphere of increased CO2(10%) with added O2 (5%)

98. What is/are not the growth characteristics of Campylobacter spp? Select from all
the options given below.
A. Oxidase and catalase positive
B. Produce H2S
C. Ferment carbohydrates
D. Have darting motility

99. Helicobacter pylori is associated with all of the following, EXCEPT?

A. Malt lymphoma
B. Gastric carcinoma
C. Peptic ulcer
D. Burkitt lymphoma

100. Which one of these is not the common laboratory tests for the identification of
Helicobacter pylori?
A. Biopsy test
B. Urease breath test
C. Stool antigen test
D. Urine test

101. …............... is less likely to cause gastroenteritis or diarrheal disease in humans.

A. Vibrio spp
B. Salmonella spp
C. Plesiomonas spp
D. Campylobacter spp

102. Which of these small, gram-negative microorganisms are important human

A. Haemophilus influenzae
B. Bordetella pertussis
C. Haemophilus parainfluenzae
D. A, B and C

103. …..................was one of the leading bacterial pathogens that caused severe
upper respiratory tract infections and even death in children during the nineteenth
century, it is now rare in countries where routine vaccination is given to children.
A. Haemophilus influenzae
B. Bordetella pertussis
C. Haemophilus influenzae type b
D. Francisella tularensis

104. Which of the following Haemophilus spp require both the X (hemin) and V
(NAD) factors for its growth?
A. H. parainfluenzae
B. H. ducreyi
C. H. aprophilus and H. paraaprophilus
D. H. haemolyticus

105. … aerobic, non-spore forming, coco bacillus and can be

transmitted to humans through water, soil, animals, also through aerosols
A. Haemophilus influenzae
B. Brucella spp
C. Francisella tularensis
D. Neisseria gonorrohoea
106. Which of the following is not the general characteristics of Haemophilus ducreyi?
A. Gram-negative coccobacillus
B. It grows well on standard chocolate agar
C. It requires X factor but not the V factor
D. It is susceptible to erythromycin

107. Name the antibiotics group which is commonly NOT used for the treatment of
influenza caused by Haemophilus influenzae?
A. Third generation cephalosporins
B. Aminopenicillins with a beta-lactamase inhibitor
C. Chloramphenicol with ampicillin
D. Amoxicillin with penicillin

108. .................... is the causative agent of the chancroid, one of the most common
sexually transmitted disease and is characterized by painful lesions and genital
A. Neisseria gonorrohoeae
B. Haemophilus haemolyticus
C. Haemophilus ducreyi
D. Treponema pallidum

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