Para & Myco
Para & Myco
Para & Myco
Section 1
16. Babesiosis
24. Protozoa and metazoa share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A) infections with these parasites frequently cause eosinophilia;
B) can be transmitted orally, percutaneously or through insect vectors;
C) can involve complex life cycles requiring maturation in both humans
and other species;
D) disease is commonly caused by immune mediated mechanisms induced by
chronic infection;
E) cause chronic infections that remain asymptomatic in many infected patients.
Match the following helminthic parasites with the most appropriate statements
in questions 49-53:
A) Strongyloides stercoralis
B) Onchocerca volvulus
C) Schistosoma japonicum
D) Taenia solium
E) Ascaris lumbricoides
49. Infection with the eggs of this parasite is the most common cause of
new onset seizures in Mexican adults. Taenia solium
50. This parasite is known as the "giant roundworm" and can cause
intestinal obstruction. Ascaris
51. Autoinfection with this parasite in immunocompromised individuals can lead
to fatal hyperinfection. Strongyloides
52. Infection with this parasite can lead to seizures due to egg deposition in the CNS.
53. This parasite is a common cause of blindness in Africa. Onchocercha
57. The mold recovered from the patient MOST LIKELY belongs to the genus
A) Mucor
B) Aspergillus
C) Cryptococcus
D) Rhizopus
E) Histoplasma
65. Each of the following statements regarding Coccidioides immitis is correct EXCEPT:
A) pulmonary involvement can lead to pneumonia, weight loss, and bloody sputum
B) skin involvement seen as crusted or ulcerated lesions
C) habitat in decaying vegetation
D) large broad based yeast cells seen in tissue
E) when inhaled, spores develop into large spherules containing endospores.
A) Blastomyces dermatitidis
B) Cryptococcus neoformans
C) Coccidioides immitis
D) Histoplasma capsulatum
A) Candida albicans
B) Coccidioides immitis
C) Cryptococcus neoformans
D) Aspergillus flavus
E) Blastomyces dermatitidis
52. Which of the following anti-fungal agents works via an affinity to sterols
in the organism, which then causes a perturbation of the cell membrane?
A) Griseofulvin
B) 5-fluorocytosine
C) Miconazole
D) Ketoconazole
E) Amphotericin B
53. A patient from the central U.S. who had a previous bout with
tuberculosis, now presents with pulmonary problems. Nodular
lung lesions are seen on chest X-ray, and a CBC indicates
neutropenia. Hyphal elements were observed directly in a
sputum specimen. Which is the MOST likely diagnosis?
A) histoplasmosis
B) coccidioidomycosis
C) cryptococcosis
D) aspergillosis
E) blastomycosis
Section 3
32. Which of the following is LEAST associated with Candida albicans infection?
A) Use of antibiotics
B) Anaerobic wound conditions
C) Neutropenia
D) Indwelling catheters
E) Defective cell-mediated immunity
A) Coccidioides immitis
B) Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
C) Cryptococcus neoformans
D) Aspergillus fumigatus
E) Sporothrix schenckii
21. Three weeks after Traci Rappaport traveled to California to study desert
flowers during Spring break, she developed fever, chest pain, and
muscle soreness. Two days later, red, tender nodules appeared on her
shins, and she had pain and tenderness in the right ankle. An X-ray film of the
chest showed a left pleural effusion. The MOST LIKELY diagnosis is:
A) blastomycosis
B) coccidioidomycosis
C) histoplasmosis
D) Mycobacteria infection
E) Mycoplasma infection
60. Which of the following concerning the pathogenesis of fungal infections is LEAST correct?
Section 4
9. A middle aged transplant patient under immunosuppressive therapy is
nonetheless undergoing a rejection episode. He presents with fever
and with pain and necrotic skin near the left eye. Biopsy of the lesion
shows non-septate hyphae invading the blood vessels. Which is the
A) Aspergillus species
B) Mucor species
C) Candida species
D) Cryptococcus neoformans
E) Histoplasma capsulatum
37. A young woman pricked her finger while pruning rose bushes and subsequently
develops a localized pustule progressing to an ulcerative lesion. Several nodules
develop along the local lymphatic drainage of the site of injury.
The MOST LIKELY agent is
A) Candida albicans
B) Aspergillus fumigatus
C) Cryptococcus neoformans
D) Sporothrix schenkii
E) Blastomyces dermatitidis
A) thrush
B) granulomatous infection of the lung
C) tissue invasion in immunocompromised hosts
D) colonization of tuberculous cavities in the lung
E) allergic reaction to inhaled fungal particles
61. Each of the following statements concerning Giardia lamblia is correct EXCEPT:
A) Strongyloides stercoralis
B) Paragonimus westermani
C) Taenia solium
D) Plasmodium falciparum
E) Entamoeba histolytica
Section 5
1. All of the following would suggest the diagnosis of a malaria infection with
Plasmodium falciparum and not Plasmodium vivax EXCEPT:
2. Babesiosis:
A) is transmitted by mosquitoes
B) can be treated with chloroquine
C) is associated with parasite replication in erythrocytes
D) can cause severe anemia in non-splenectomized individuals
E) all of the above are correct
A) Toxoplasma gondii
B) Entamoeba histolytica
C) Pneumocystis carinii
D) Candida albicans
5. Strongyloides stercoralis:
A) is transmitted percutaneously;
B) is coughed up and swallowed prior to development into the adult form
C) is associated with severe hyperinfection in immunosuppressed individuals
D) can be associated with eosinophilic pneumonia
E) all of the above are correct
A) it is transmitted percutaneously
B) adults live within venous plexi that supply the bladder
C) chronic infection is associated with portal hypertension
and esophageal varices
D) it is a Trematode (fluke)
9. Ascaris lumbricoides:
A) Entamoeba histolytica
B) Plasmodium falciparum
C) Taenia solium
D) Paragonimus westermani
E) Strongyloides stercoralis
49. A nematode (roundworm) that is acquired when filariform larvae penetrate the skin.
For Question 56: Three U.S. oil prospectors assisted in the surveying
a potentially productive oil field in the jungles of Brazil. One month
after returning to the U.S., two of the men developed lesions on their faces,
arms and necks which progressively increased in size and began to ulcerate.
The men also experienced mild fever, weight loss and reduced appetites.
A Giemsa stain of pus taken from the lesions showed white cells and
macrophages. Some cells were degenerate with vacuolated cytoplasm
containing numerous, 1-2 þm structures with darkly stained nucleoids.
A) malaria
B) schistosomiasis
C) leishmaniasis
D) giardiasis
E) sleeping sickness
Section 6
4. Chagas disease
5. Helminthic infections:
34. All of the following are associated with Plasmodium falciparum infections EXCEPT:
A) Strongyloides stercoralis
B) Onchocerca volvulus
C) Schistosoma japonicum
D) Taenia solium
E) Ascaris lumbricoides
For each statement below, select the MOST APPROPRIATE parasite (A-E)
Use each choice (A-E) only once.
A) bone marrow
B) lung alveoli
C) intestinal venules
D) renal tubules
E) meninges
Section 1
15-B, 16-E, 17-B, 23-D, 24-A, 49-D, 50-E, 51-A, 52-C, 53-B, 57-B, 65-C
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
1-E, 2-C, 3-D, 4-B, 5-E, 7-B, 8-A, 9-D, 10-B, 49-E, 50-D, 56-56-C
Section 6
3-C, 4-D, 5-C, 6-E, 34-E, 35-D, 50-D, 51-E, 52-A, 53-C, 54-B, 80-D, 82-C