High-Value Applications For Fish and Meat Protein Co-Products
High-Value Applications For Fish and Meat Protein Co-Products
High-Value Applications For Fish and Meat Protein Co-Products
Fisheries, fish processing and meat processing industries generate large amounts of co-products that are
rich in high-value proteins. Changing European legislation with respect to fisheries by-catch will further
increase the amount of co-products and introduces a new challenge, namely the cleaning and logistics of
the by-catch. Until now most of the fish and meat-processing by-products are valorised in applications
that do not or only partly utilise the high functionality and nutritional value of these proteins. It is the
ambition of this project to find applications for the by-products that generate more added value
compared to the present use in food products and green gas production.
Currently, individual end-applications are linked to a specific protein source. Increasing flexibility on
sourcing and applications would largely contribute to sustainable and cost-effective sourcing of materials
and to the valorisation of side streams. TNO and DLO-FBR are developing crucial technologies focussing
on mild fractionation and isolation to produce high-value components, including affinity separation,
electro dialysis and chromatography. In addition, existing expertise on preservation (preventing
microbial and enzymatic spoilage), quality systems and chain development will be utilized to support this
Intended effects
The project intends to elucidate the valorisation potential of meat and fish processing by-products in
relation to the possible domains of application (both food and non-food). We will approach this from the
perspective of the application (desired quality and functionality) as well as the source material. From an
application perspective, we want to link potential sources and processing pathways that can deliver the
required functionality. Ultimately this process will result in a mature market situation where processed
proteins products (for food, feed and technical applications) can be derived from multiple (by-product)
sources. As a result 1-to-1 dependencies in the market will be less critical. Such a market situation will
largely facilitate sustainable and cost-effective valorisation of the by-products.
Research focus
TNO and DLO-FBR will combine their technology portfolios to realize the intended results, including the
following functionalization strategies:
• Mild protein isolation and hydrolysis process development (enzymatic or chemical). For example
through pH-shift processes denaturation can be prevented;
• Mild fractionation and separation processes, including crystallisation processes for amino acids;
• Rapid functionality assessment for food and non-food applications:
o A protocol/methodology for food-functionality analysis of hydrolysed proteins has been
developed by DLO-FBR (currently limited to ACE inhibitors – aimed at blood pressure control
– and anti-oxidant activity DDPH).
o For technical applications a protocol has been developed, assessing foaming, water binding,
emulsifying, surface activity, binding and film forming functionality. Further extension of
this protocol is foreseen in this project;
• Selective conversion reaction processes to generate or enhance functionality: hydrophobization,
partial cross-linking, derivatisation, etc.;
• Integral valorization: skin, bone, small bones and fragments can be used for the production of
gelatin. Oil and protein fractions can be used in food- or technical applications. The latter needs
further development in order to set up product specifications and generate a reproducible end-
• Demonstration of this concept on conventional process equipment so that CAPEX and OPEX of the
process can be estimated and substantial amounts of product can be produced to allow end users to
perform application tests in their own facility.
The project will initially have a duration of 2 years; the period for which funding from EZ for TNO and
FBR is available. Both TNO and FBR strive to continue the project after this period.