Process Control in Dairy Industry: January 2002
Process Control in Dairy Industry: January 2002
Process Control in Dairy Industry: January 2002
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The most relevant requirements and challenges in the food industry are the development
and competitive industrial production of products of a high and uniform quality. This
opening statement, or better what it really means, should not be statically interpreted,
rather it should be analysed in terms of developments observed in the key factors that
influence and determine evolution, viz. - advances in science, progress in technology and
changes in societal requirements and demands, in a word market changes.
Starting with market evolution, over the past twenty years significant changes have
occurred in the international food market, which have led to significant demand of
competitive production. The opening of frontiers in Europe, the global market, the wider
availability and awareness of information and the increased purchasing power, with rapidly
changing life style, have made customers more sophisticated and demanding of product
quality. Also, the increasing concern and awareness about implementing sustainability
directives led to the introduction of requirements and constraints for operation,
substantiated in new quality management systems like ISO 9000 and other check systems
based on EU and US directives. Last but not least, advances in digital technology have
paved the way for bringing into the industrial practice new (computer-aided) methods for
competitive process operations.
The food industry naturally had to adapt their whole chain of production processes to
these market and technological changes, having in fact taken over recent years a large
step towards better quality products and new, more efficient, process operation routines.
Within these evolutionary mindset and practical reality a very important topic, which
should be periodically re-visited, is precisely that of what kind of process operation
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal, E-mail:,
policies should be implemented for increased productivity, safer production and greater
efficiency with fewer losses.
This paper gives an overview of process control paradigms employed or potentially
employable in the dairy industry, ranging from well established classical control
approaches to more advanced techniques based on recent theoretical directions of
knowledge processing.
Specificity of the dairy industry
The dairy industry as all other industrial areas has its own specificity.
Process plants are composed of large number of inter-linked process units, operating
mostly in batch and fed-batch modes, designed for specific processing such as mixing of
various ingredients, pasteurising, homogenising, ageing, flavouring, freezing and
packaging. Each individual equipment has normally certain schedules for performing
different tasks such as reacting, mixing, heating, holding and cooling. This whole structure
requires both local control at unit level and optimal scheduling strategies at sector and
plant levels.
The high variability of ingredients and the lack of a complete scientific understanding of
the manufacturing processes additionally renders difficult the application of traditional
process control structures.
The role of biological know-how in improving process operation was for many years the
(almost only) dominant factor, and correctly so. Lactic fermentation serves well as
illustration. This is the main biological process that occurs in dairy productions such as
yoghurt, butter, cheese and several other milk-derived products. Lactic acid bacteria
develop spontaneously in milk. Until pasteurisation was developed mid-way of the 19th
Century it was hard to keep milk fresh. From a biological point of view, deeper basic
insight into the metabolism and genetics of lactic acid bacteria enabled to modify the
characteristics of these bacteria, thereby improving shelf- life as well as the taste and
smell of existing milk derived products, while at the same time creating new ones.
Today, optimisation and control theories are generally accepted to have a role to play.
Apart from the usual temperature and pressure control, an important challenge is still to
perform optimally controlled lactic acid fermentation, under the requirement of
guarantying the desired product specifications, like flavour and texture. It so happens that
fermentation processes are intrinsically dynamical and highly non-linear and are normally
difficult to control, often exhibiting oscillations on final product quality and quantity.
Today, the solution generally sought combines biology, engineering and systems theory for
improved process operation.
Process control methodologies
Within the scope of the present paper, the question to address next is - what philosophies
and methods of control engineering have we available for the dairy industry?
There are plenty of criteria to classify methods, viz. – (i) open-loop vs. closed-loop; (ii)
feedback vs. feedforward; (iii) linear vs. non-linear; (iv) conventional vs. advanced; (v)
mathematical vs. knowledge-based methods.
As it happens in other fields, and that will be emphasised below, methods may naturally be
included in more than one of the cited categories.
Open-loop control
It is appropriate to start with a methodology that has dominated over the biochemical
industries over the years. Essentially open-loop control consists of enforcing trajectories of
the process manipulated variables that will expectedly lead to suitable profiles and final
values of the relevant state variables. Such trajectories are defined off-line and a priori.
There are of course several different forms of defining them, using experience-based
considerations or model-based approaches. Strategies of trajectory re-evaluation and
updating along process operation may be useful.
Optimal control
In open-loop optimal control optimal trajectories for manipulated and state variables are
evaluated off-line according to some predefined economic profit function. In strict
mathematical terms, optimal has implicit that the objective function is a functional.
These optimal time profiles for the manipulated variables are forced on-line either
actuating directly on the final control elements or through local closed loop algorithms, in
both cases employing for instance programmable controllers. No automatic corrective
action is taken if the optimal process path deviates from the nominal one. Hence, the key
task in open-loop optimal control is to determine optimal trajectories for the most
relevant process variables (relevant in respect to the process performance), using
appropriate design procedures.
Two important points should be noticed. The first is that this requires a model that must
be sufficiently detailed in order to describe the most important features of the process in
relation to the economic profit function. The results of the optimisation procedure in
industrial applications are invariably optimal feed rate profiles. The second is that,
considering that no on-line corrective actions are taken, this control leads almost
inevitably to sub-optimal process operation due to process disturbances and parametric
Traditionally, the open-loop control problem is solved by applying mathematical
optimisation techniques based on Pontryagin's maximum principle. This technique is
difficult to apply and is subject to some practical limitations. The most common constraint
has to do with model complexity. In general terms simple models should be used to keep
the mathematical analysis workload at bearable costs. The use of simple models precludes
accurate results. Additionally, mathematical difficulties in dealing with practical
constraints on the objective function and physical equipment and high development times
even for experienced scientists further hinder the application of this method.
Some authors suggest the application of stochastic optimisation techniques. In relation to
classical optimisation the advantages are clear: those methods are more robust, much
simpler to apply and no restrictions on model complexity and objective function constrains
are imposed. Recent contributions pointed out that random-search optimisation techniques
such as chemotaxis algorithms, simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms and genetic
algorithms may provide results of the same quality as Pontryagin‟s technique with much
less development cost. The only serious constraint is computation time. Considering that
computing power is less and less a constraint, these represent attractive solutions for
industrial applications of optimal open-loop control.
On-line optimising control
A brief comment on a topic that for sure will play a major role in the near future of
process operation. Basically, on-line optimisation control consists of the optimisation of a
cost function on-line and in real-time using successively measurements acquired on-line
and/or off-line of the current process run, from where new corrective control laws are
decided and implemented.
In fact, for the reasons stated above, the follow up of an open-loop control
implementation is often the conclusion that the process is operated at sub-optimal
conditions not coincident with the expected process performance computed by the off-line
design procedure. The natural conclusion to be taken is that on-line optimising control
should be implemented in order to improve robustness and high yield of the open-loop
operation procedure.
Several control strategies can be implemented ranging from classical PID (Proportional-
Integral-Derivative) control to non-linear control.
<Figure 1 near here>
Classical feedback control strategies employing PID control algorithms are the most
employed for process control. They have been used for more than seven decades.
Nowadays conventional control approaches widely implemented in the process industry are
housed in stand-alone controllers, in programmable logic controllers (PLC) or directly in
control computers, with built-in digital versions of the original PID analog loop functions.
The most common discrete control algorithms digitally realized in commercial controllers
are summarised in Table 1.
<Table 1 near here>
PID controllers are simple to operate and to maintain but limited in their functions. Care
must be taken in appropriate tuning of the controller parameters that is carried out under
stability (safety) and accuracy considerations (this is the famous accuracy-stability
dilemma – the more accurate, the less safe and vice-versa). Auto-tuning is a common
feature of both stand-alone controllers and of control packages and periodic auto-tuning is
today an easy task to perform. In digital PID filters should be employed to attenuate
measurement noises or a conservative tuning should be adopted for the derivative action
because, as it is well known, derivative action may amplify such noises significantly.
The main disadvantage of PID is that they perform well only for processes with low
complexity and variability. Nevertheless, they are successfully implemented in
fermentation tanks for controlling main variables, such as flow rate, temperature, pressure
and pH.
Feedback cascade control
Often processes occur in series, with specific loads affecting intermediate variables (Fig.
1b). In those cases where the inner process is faster than the outer one and where the
intermediate variable is measurable cascade control is an useful and efficient strategy for
fast attenuation of inner loads and/or of inner process non-linearities. As the figure
illustrates, cascade control consists of a set of two (master-slave) controllers, where the
outer one ( master) receives the main process control variable and the inner one (the
slave) receives the master output as set-point and the measurement of the inner process
Controller tuning is easily performed in much the same way as in the single loop controller:
first, the slave controller is tuned with the master controller off; then the master is tuned,
with the slave on. It is clear that with digital control packages the cost of implementing
cascade control is almost limited to the cost of the second measurement device.
Feedforward control
The basic idea behind feedforward control is to measure important process disturbances
(loads) and take action on the manipulated variables in such a way that no effect is felt on
the controlled variable (Fig. 1c). The controller action is based on information that is being
fed forward.
The main features of the feedforward configuration have to do with the choice of the
disturbances to be measured, that are linked to the ability of measuring them, and with
the question of the controllers eventually designed being physically realisable.
This philosophy provides very interesting improvements when the effect of major load
components have to be compensated, but it has several limitations that basically lead to
never being advisable to implement the method on its own, viz. - (i) the load disturbances
would have to be all known and measured on-line, a requirement that is not achievable in
practice; (ii) the controller has no information about the actual process output, thus it is
not possible to determine the accuracy of the disturbance compensation; (iii) often ideal
feedforward controllers that are theoretically capable of achieving perfect control are not
physically realizable.
In practical applications, and for all reasons, digital feedforward control is usually used in
combination with digital feedback control (Fig. 2). Within this combined approach the
accuracy of the feedforward controller is not the most relevant question and
independently of further considerations the lead-lag function algorithm for feedforward
action is generally employed (Table 1). With today's digital technology such feedback-
feedforward combination is very easily implemented, leading to very effective control
<Figure 2 near here>
As for controller tuning of this configuration the feedback controller should be tuned just
following the tuning considerations for such controllers. For the feedforward controller the
tuning parameters are decided from inspection of the dominant terms of the theoretical
controller function.
Model-based adaptive predictive control
This approach computes at each time k the control action sequence uk+j that minimize a
cost function of the difference between the desired (ref) and the predicted output values
of the process yˆ k i / k for p time steps on the prediction horizon (Fig. 3). These predicted
(future) values are estimated on the basis of a process model that is periodically updated
using the past outputs yk-j. For each control sequence computed at the current time k, only
the control action uk is implemented and the other values are discarded. The whole
procedure is repeated at the next sampling moment.
Model-based predictive control (MBPC) and the related version embedding adaptive
concepts became indeed the first commercial alternative to conventional control systems
(based on PID algorithms). This commercial success was mainly due to its ability to cope
efficiently with the special properties of processes such as time delays between actions
and responses, non-linearities and severe process constraints, to the ability to naturally
include feedforward compensation in the controller design and finally to the possibility of
presenting reasonably simple-to-use packages to the end-user.
<Figure 3 near here>
Adaptive linearising control
This is a very useful non-linear procedure to design non-linear feedback controllers, which
ensures linear behaviour of the closed loop system (Fig. 4). The linearising control problem
consists of deducing and implementing a non-linear law such that the convergence error
between the reference and the actual measured output (ref-ym) be governed by a pre-
specified stable linear differential equation, known as reference model. The controller
design procedure may include on-line estimation of the non-measured process states and
varying parameters.
<Figure 4 near here>
This is a particularly important approach for fermentation processes, namely where
sufficient amount of information is available concerning the kinetic law structure.
Robust control
The robust control concept is based on the idea of using a simple process model, which is
augmented with a norm bounded uncertainty description to capture the discrepancy
between the simplified model and the real process. It is a particularly powerful method
when variations in process parameters are to be considered and the bound of the
parameter changes are known. In this case instead of assuming the parameters as time
varying functions they are considered as having nominal values and known intervals of
variation. The design objective is to find the best controller structure under input
constrains that decide optimally between conflicting objectives (tracking and robustness),
assuming the worst case of disturbance action. The performance specifications are defined
in the frequency domain by proper weighting functions. The H-inf theory provides a
reliable procedure for synthesizing a robust controller to optimise the process performance
and stability for the worst-case effect of uncertainty, disturbance and noise influencing
the process. Although the H-inf robust control approach was successfully applied in aircraft
and chemical industries it is still at a research level for generalised application to
New trends - knowledge-based control
Most of process control methods discussed above are based on first-principles and/or
simple input-output models. It is a known fact that where highly complex systems are at
stake, as particularly in (bio)chemical engineering, it is often difficult to formulate
accurate models by just taking into account mechanistic considerations or single input-
output correlation methods.
The existence of different sources of process knowledge is something recognised for many
years. What in more recent days is being put forward is a set of theories and methods for
capturing and integrating the information available from such different sources. This is
known as hybrid modelling and is naturally expected to lead to more efficient (model-
based) control procedures.
Heuristic knowledge is usually available in large quantities in the industrial environment. It
is often stated in terms of rules of thumb. Fuzzy theory provides methods for quantifying
this qualitative knowledge in the form of fuzzy inference systems and expert systems.
Knowledge hidden in the process data acquired during process operation is another
valuable source that can be captured through multivariate correlation methods such as
artificial neural networks (ANN). The combination of these different sources of knowledge
(mechanistic, heuristic and data-driven) seems thus to be a promising strategy for covering
the existing gap between the theory and the practice of process operation. Some of the
most innovative knowledge-based control approaches are briefly reviewed in this section.
Fuzzy control
Fuzzy control does not make use of mathematical models, rather it treats qualitative
information using linguistic rules. For this reason the approach is considered to be suitable
for fermentation processes where such qualitative information is usually a main source of
Expert systems represent the frames employed for implementing the concepts. The
method consists of using fuzzy defined intervals for the process variables to simulate
human reasoning with all its uncertainty. This is achieved by providing control actions such
as „open a little‟ or „cool stepwise‟ or „add a small amount of‟, etc..
The main purpose of the expert system is to assist the operator in running and improving
the process performance. They are particularly valuable for processes with imprecise,
uncertain and incomplete knowledge. The first step in developing an expert system is to
store in a knowledge-base the data extracted from previous process runs and the know-
how of experienced operators. Then the knowledge-base is converted in a formalised way,
i.e. organised in the form of symbolic production rules within certain intervals: if
antecedents then consequent. The expert system, once build up, can be used for on-line
optimising process control and supervision, for experimental simulation of the effects of
fundamental decision parameters like temperature, production rate, growth rates, for
fault detection and sensor break downs.
From the preceding, it should be clear that the quality of fuzzy control performance relies
on the knowledge obtained by the experts in the area and on the reliability of the fuzzy
rules. It is a delicate and sensitive step to decide and define linguistic rules (if-then type)
and membership functions. Recent published applications include a number of
fermentations controlled by fuzzy knowledge-based controllers.
Neuro control
Neuro controllers employ ANNs that receive as inputs information desired set-points and
process state and produce as outputs commands for actuating final control elements.
ANNs are highly interconnected networks of non-linear processing units whose parameters
(termed weights) are adjustable by 'learning'. Several algorithms for performing the
'learning' procedure are described in the literature. One of the most well known and well
documented is the error back propagation algorithm (BPA). The method is based on the
gradient descent search on the error surface. Alternatives to BPA are the chemotaxis
algorithm and the conjugate gradient method. It should be stressed that all training
methods and their modifications are faced with the same problem of local minima when
minimising the cost function.
Over the past decade ANNs have been receiving significant attention for their (apparent)
ability of knowledge acquisition focusing on estimation and prediction of process variables
and process control. As pros and cons of the method, the following should be emphasized -
(i) reliable performance of both neuro estimators and neuro controllers require consistent
historical data and some expert knowledge about the behaviour of the process; (ii) it is
known that within the training regions neuro controllers possess robustness properties
against noisy measurements and serve as filters for rejecting high-frequency noises; (iii)
the application of ANNs on their own raises in general a problem of confidence on the
behaviour when operating outside training regions, this being related to the lack of
transparency of the mathematical structure and of physical meaning of the network
In all, the indication, supported by the literature, is that this is a very useful method even
if only to be applied within hybrid structures.
Neuro-fuzzy control
The neuro-fuzzy control strategy was first proposed as a somehow obvious solution to
retain qualities and overcome limitations of individual approaches, viz. - lack of
confidence of ANNs vs. lack of learning ability of fuzzy structures.
Neuro-fuzzy control combine the learning and structural properties of an ANN with the rule
based explanations associated with fuzzy systems. Knowledge of the process extracted
from experienced process operators and engineers is formulated as a set of language-based
fuzzy rules. This knowledge is complemented by algorithmic systems, such as statistical
analysis, mathematical modelling and ANNs for state estimation or control. A possible
configuration is depicted on Fig. 5, where the membership functions of fuzzy control are
adjusted in accordance with the changing patterns of the process measured outputs,
recognised on-line by a neural network. Several other architectures of neuro-fuzzy control
approaches can be found in the literature.
<Figure 5 near here>
Hybrid knowledge-based control
The basis for the hybrid approach is the design of a (hybrid) process model that rationally
takes advantage of all available information concerning the process. The process is seen as
partitioned in modules according to the different type of knowledge available for the
process. The different modules will have a role either complementing themselves or
competing among each other, this leading to two types of hybrid modular structures -
modular complementary and modular competitive structures. In the former, different
kinds of information for different sub-systems complement themselves; the case depicted
in Figure 6a) proposes the combination of an ANN kinetic model (black-box model) with the
mechanistic mass balance equation (white-box model) for process description. As for the
latter, modular competitive (Figure 6b), different forms of information about the same
sub-system are available for possible utilization; in the example, a mechanistic/empirical -
Monod type- kinetic model (white-box module), a fuzzy kinetic model (grey-box module)
and an ANN kinetic model (black-box module) are available to describe the kinetics term.
A mechanism for dynamical weighting of each single model is necessary (Figure 6b). This
mechanism should obey the criterion that for the current set of inputs the best model
should have the greatest weight for the final output while the worst model should have the
lowest weight.
The hybrid modular process model serves as a relevant tool for computing optimal
operation profiles (when open loop control is applied), as state observer or as a reliable
model for model-based control. Applications have been reported where the combination of
hybrid modelling for state estimation with linearising control laws were employed at pilot
fermentation plants [Fig. 6c].
This paper has been written to provide an overview of classical and advanced process
control concepts that are either routinely applied or should appropriately find application
in the process industries, including the dairy industries.
It is a fact today that competitive process production and process operation under ever
more stringent requirements of quality, safety and sustainability are goals only achievable
through adopting appropriate theoretical and technological (computer-aided) process
operation methodologies and tools. Control system design can take several forms, to a
large extent depending on specific process operation conditions, namely on the type of
process information available.
The classical control structures reviewed are nowadays a common practice in several dairy
productions. Much is to be expected from the utilisation of conventional digital
approaches, namely from the combined use of feedback-feedforward control.
Model-based (adaptive) predictive control is already available in industrial control
equipment for straightforward utilisation. It should lead to significant improvement in
process operation in a number of difficult control problems and also, once again, when
accounting in its model structure for feedforward action to compensate for disturbances in
known process loads.
Knowledge-based control concepts like neuro, fuzzy or particularly hybrid knowledge-
based control represent the certain future. The main concept is knowledge integration.
Though not yet with the status of well established available tools for process operation
these novel control approaches reveal clear advantages in all areas where process
knowledge, traditionally known and designated as physical knowledge is scarce.
Acknowledgements: Dr. Petia Georgieva is on leave from the Institute of Control and
System Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, supported by EU
Research Project HPRN-CT-2000-00039. This work was further financed by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology within the activity of the Research Unit Institute
for Systems and Robotics-Porto.
d, d1,d2, - process disturbances
e, e1, e2 – errors (ref-ym)
ref, ref1, ref2 – reference process signals
u – control input
y, y1, y2 – process outputs
ŷ - predicted process output
fb - feedback
ff – feedforward
j, k – time instant indices
m – measured signal
* - Sampled value
Further Reading
1. Astrom, K. J. and B.Wittenmark (1989), Adaptive Control, AddisonWesley, Reading, MA, USA.
2. Astrom, K. J. and T. Hagglund (1988), Automatic tuning of PID Controllers, Instruments Society
of America, North Carolina, USA.
3. Bastin, G. and D. Dochain (1990), On-Line Estimation and Adaptive Control of Bioreactors,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL.
4. Feyo de Azevedo S., F. Oliveira and A. Capelo Cardoso (1994), TEACON-a simulator for
computer-aided teaching of process control, Computers Application in Engineering Education,
1 (14), 307-319.
5. Feyo de Azevedo, S., B. Dham and F.R. Oliveira (1997), Hybrid Modelling of Biochemical
Processes: a comparison with the conventional approach, Computers and Chemical
Engineering, 21S , S751-S756.
6. Georgieva, P. and Feyo de Azevedo, S. (1999), Robust Control Design of an Activated Sludge
Process, Int. Journal of Robust and Non-linear Control, 9 (13), 949-967
7. Hunt, K.J., Sbarbaro, D., Zbikowski, R. and Gawthrop, P. J. (1992) “Neural Networks for
Control Systems-A Survey,” Analitica, 28 (6), 1083-1112
8. Kosko, B. (1992), Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems - a dynamical systems approach to
machine intelligence, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA
9. Liptak B.G. and Venczel K. (Eds.) (1985) Instrument Engineers Handbook: Process control,
Chilton Book Company, Pennsylvania, USA.
10. Martin Sanchez, J.M. and J. Rodellar (1996), Adaptive Predictive Control, Prentice Hall,
Cornwall, UK.
11. Mittal, G.S. (Editor) (1997), Computarized Control Systems in the Food Industry, Food Science
and Technology Series, Marcel Dekker Inc. N.Y., USA
12. Morari, M., Zafiriou, E. (1989), Robust Process Control, Prentice-Hall Int. Ed., London, UK
13. Ogunnaike B.A. and W.H. Ray (1994), Process dynamics, modelling and control, Oxford
University Press, New York
14. Peres, J., R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo (2001), Knowledge based modular networks for
process modelling and control, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 25, 783-791.
15. Psichogios, D.C. and L.H. Ungar, (1992). A hybrid neural network - First principles approach to
process modelling. AIChE J., 38, 1499-1511.
16. Simutis, R., Oliveira, R., Manikowski, M., Feyo de Azevedo, S., and Lübbert, A. (1997). How to
Increase the Performance of Models for Process Optimisation and Control. Journal of
Biotechnology, 59, 73-89.
17. Thomson, M.L. and Kramer, M.A. (1994) Modelling chemical processes using prior knowledge
and neural networks, AIChE J., 40, 1328-1340
Figure 1 - Classical control structures: a) Feedback control; b) Cascade control; c)
Feedforward control
d (disturbance)
d2 d1
ref1 e1 ref2 e2 u y2 y1
controller1 controller2 process2 process1
y1m sensor2
refff feedforward u y
controller process
Figure 2 - Digital feedback-feedforward control
Figure 3 - Model based adaptive predictive control: a) General structure; b) Input and
output time trajectories
ref driver ydesired predictive u e
block control predictive
model ymodel
Figure 4 - Linearising feedback control: a) General structure; b) Error reference model
Figure 5 - Neuro-fuzzy control structure
ref e fuzzy u y
controller process
ym ANN
Mass balance
y ANN r y
kinetics dy
u f ( y, r, u )
kinetics w3
Mass balance y
y, u r2 r equations
kinetics w2
f ( y, r, u )
r w1r1 w2 r2 w3 r3
kinetics w1
Table 1 Classical digital control algorithms
PID modified uk uk 1
T – sampling period
velocity T d
K c ( y mk 1 y mk ) ek ( y mk 2 y mk 1 y mk 2 ) , - lead-lag time
i T ff 1 ff 2
Feedforward control
Exact discrete
ff 1 ff 1
u ff k K ff e ff k (1 ) fk ,
lead-lag ff 2 ff 2
PD algorithm
u ff k u ff k K c (e ff k e ff k 1 ) (e ff k 2e ff k 1 e ff k 2 )