Working Length Determination
Working Length Determination
Working Length Determination
Determination of an accurate working length(WL)is one of the
most critical steps of endodontic therapy.the cleaning, shaping and
obturation of root canal system cannot be acomplished accurately
unless WL is determined precisely.
According to endodontic glossary :
W.L is defined as” the distance from a coronal reference point to a
point at which canal preparation obturation should terminate.”
Working Length Determination
The objective of working length determination is to establish
the length (distance from the apex) at which canal
preparation and subsequent obturation are to be terminated.
Importance of accurate working length determination:
· Confine the instrumentation to the canal system (within
· Create and maintain an apical stop or seat at the minor
· Prevent under- instrumentation that could leave tissue and
debris in the apical segment.
· Prevent over- instrumentation which could cause patient
discomfort, damage periapical tissue, or potentially cause an
infection or cyst development from the placement of
irritating materials beyond the apex.
Reference point : is that site on occlusal or the incisal
surface from which measurements are made .
A reference point is chosen which is stable and easily visualized
during preparation.
Anatomic apex: is tip or end of root determined
morphologically .
Radiographic apex: is tip or end of root determined
Apical foramen: is main apical opening of root canal which may be
located away from anatomic or radiographic apex.
Apical constriction: is apical portion of root canal having
narrowest diameter .
It is usually 0.5-1mm short of apical foramen.
The Cementdentinal junction:is the region where cementum and
dentine are united ,the point at which cemental surface terminate at
or near the apex.
Different methods of WL estimation:
Mathematics method
Tactile sensation
tactile sensation
Objective measurement
No cervical leakage