Girl Crush Essay 1
Girl Crush Essay 1
Girl Crush Essay 1
Anna Wirsch
Professor Cassel
English 1201.B15
24 June 2020
“I want her long blonde hair, I want her magic touch, yeah ‘cause maybe then you’d want
me just as much” (Little Big Town). Little Big Town and Harry Styles introduce these words to
listeners in “Girl Crush,” a song of jealousy and heartbreak. Little Big Town made this song into
an impactful music video in 2015 (Little Big Town). Throughout, it is discussed how the
singer(s) has developed strong feelings for a person, but she cannot be with him because he is
intrigued by another. Similarly, Harry Styles sings “Girl Crush” in a music video in 2017 (BBC
Music). In both music videos, the singers simply stare into the camera and sing, leaving the
audience to analyze the difference in the music videos by the way the song is sung. Through
both versions of the song, it can be relayed that when people develop feelings for someone they
become envious of an individual or individuals that receive attention from that certain someone.
Yet, whereas Harry Styles's version entices stronger feelings from listeners, Little Big Town
In Little Big Town’s version of “Girl Crush,” a consistent solemn tone is relayed. Little
Big Town is a quartet made up of Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman, Phillip Sweet, and Jimi
Westbrook. Together, they have been singing alongside one another since 1998 in Mercury,
Nashville (“Little Big Town”). In fact, their bond is so fluid that Karen Fairchild and Jimi
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Westbrook got married over a decade ago and have a son together named Elijah (Murtaugh).
After countless hits, the group produced the song “Girl Crush.” The song is not monotone
whatsoever, yet, the tone is constant throughout the song. This leaves the song to discuss the
heartbreak in a calm manner. The lines “I got it real bad, want everything she has, that smile and
that midnight laugh, she’s giving you now” (Little Big Town) is sung in a manner in which there
is sadness, but the sadness does not build. The dejection is maintained throughout the duration
of the song. This leaves the heartbroken audience feeling sorrowful, but not overwhelmed with
emotion. Although this version does not encourage tears from its listeners, Little Big Town
In Harry Style’s version of “Girl Crush,” there is a growing tone of irritation and
dejection. Harry Styles, a former member of the band One Direction, was embraced by success
in the music industry at just sixteen years old (Lamont). The now twenty-five-year-old, states
that “I just don’t think you need to be a dick to be a good artist” (Lamont). Additionally, Styles
is open about his sexuality. He believes that if he likes a shirt and it is in the women’s section,
he will buy the shirt. Although Styles has never come out to the world, he believes that being of
the LGBT community is not necessarily identifying yourself as bisexual or gay, but it is about
being who you truly are (Lamont). Therefore, when he sings the song “Girl Crush” no lyrics are
changed and it can be believed that he too has gone through the experience of many of these
hopeless romantics. In his version, he allows the song to build by using higher notes throughout
the song. This entices more emotions from his heartbroken listeners. Though Styles did not
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write the song, he made it his own encouraging deeper emotions by utilizing a crescendo of
Through both versions of “Girl Crush,” similar rhetorical appeals are utilized. The
obvious rhetorical appeal is pathos. Pathos is utilizing the emotions of the reader, listener, or etc.
to make a point. One will find pathos as the singers are describing the pain they feel. The line
states, “I got a girl crush, hate to admit it but, I got a heart rush, it ain’t slowing down” (Little
Big Town). Such lines influence listeners to utilize their emotions to either understand how this
must feel or recall how this heartbreak felt. Another rhetorical appeal utilized is logos. Logos is
using the logical appeal of the audience to understand a specific issue or topic. Logos is found in
“Girl Crush” through the audience using their logic to comprehend why the singers must feel the
way they do. By using the previous quote, the audience may be able to understand the logic
behind the singer’s jealousy of the ‘girl.’ In the song “Girl Crush,” pathos and logos go hand in
hand with one another. The song relays emotional appeals, and through the understanding of
All in all, both versions of the song “Girl Crush” are phenomenal. Where Little Big
Town’s version adheres to a calmer approach, Harry Styles’s version adheres to a more
emotional appeal. One version can only be deemed superior by one’s personal opinion. Both
versions discuss the heartbreak and jealousy one feels when their crush is with someone else.
Therefore, the audience can be found to be individuals who relate to this heartbreak.
Additionally, both music videos contain a performance-like scenario. This leaves the only
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difference in the versions to be the manner in which the song is sung. To conclude, “Girl Crush”
Works Cited
BBC Music. Harry Styles - Girl Crush (At The BBC). Youtube, 2 November 2017,
Lamont, Tom. "Harry Styles: 'I'm not just sprinkling in sexual ambiguity to be interesting.'" The
Little Big Town. Little Big Town - Girl Crush (Official Music Video). Youtube, 8 April 2015,
June 2020.
Murtaugh, Taysha. "How Little Big Town's Karen Fairchild Found Love With Bandmate Jimi
Westbrook After Her Divorce." Country Living, Hearst Magazine Media, 13 Nov. 2019,