Demon Possession and The Christian
Demon Possession and The Christian
Demon Possession and The Christian
Steven S. Carter
1. Introduction
This paper will attempt to identify the arguments used as support for
the assertion that Christians can be demon-possessed and will seek to
show that such assertions have been based on a priori theological
presuppositions, and questionable exegesis. It will then seek to identify
the implications, which this view raises in the areas of soteriology and
biblical anthropology. In the process, it will also be shown that the
scriptures most often utilized to support this position, do not teach that
demons can invade the lives of born-again believers.
This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not
even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he
tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong
enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills
he would cry out and cut himself with stones (Mark 5:3-5).
daimonivzomai and no one has the authority to add to or subtract from that
“Is it possible for God and evil to coexist?” To put the question
another way, “Can the Holy Spirit and a demon simultaneously inhabit a
Christian?” Advocates will universally respond with a “yes” answer. The
reasons they give as support for their conclusion are crucial in
understanding how they interpret the scripture.
In John 3, we read about the interaction between Jesus and the
Pharisee Nicodemus. Jesus told Nicodemus that “no one can enter the
kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives
birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit” (John 3:5-6). It is clear
from this passage that the Holy Spirit is the agent of human
regeneration. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit’s work in people does not end
there. Paul reminds us in Rom 8:9 that Christians “are controlled not by
the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in [them]. And
if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to
Christ.” Basically, the Holy Spirit must be resident within a person in
order for that person to be a born-again Christian. If the Holy Spirit is not
dwelling there, then that person is simply not a Christian. Advocates and
non-advocates alike will agree on this point. The disagreement arises
when it is asserted that a demonic spirit is capable of cohabiting with the
Holy Spirit.
Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology, one vol. ed. (Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker, 1985), p. 873.
Carter, Demon Possession and the Christian 25
Consequently, the conclusion can be drawn that the Holy Spirit not only
resides in the spirit (yuchv) of the Christian, but also in that same
Christian’s body (swvma). This passage clearly speaks against the
Hellenistic concept of dualism, which sought to separate the “material”
body from the “immaterial” soul or spirit. Christians are holistic beings
whom God, through Christ, has wholly redeemed. Paul is emphasizing
in v. 20 that Christ has redeemed Christians’ entire being and thus, they
are totally free to serve God.
The above distinction is vitally important. Christians are not to live
for themselves. “Do you not know that your bodies (swvmata) are
members of Christ himself?” (1 Cor 6:15). Fee argues that the term
bodies (swvmata) is used by Paul, not as a reference to the “church,” but
as a reference to the Christian’s relationship with Jesus himself. Fee
states, “this means that the believer’s physical body is to be understood as
‘joined’ to Christ’s own ‘body’ that was raised from the dead.”
Christians have been radically changed and have the Spirit of God
resident within them. This does not mean that just the Christian’s “spirit”
has been changed, but also his entire being. Thus, instead of cutting a
person up into different, autonomous parts, it is better to think of a human
being as a unified and integrated being.
Dickason responds to the above question in a different way. He
acknowledges that Christians are holistic beings and should not be
divided into various parts. Yet, he asserts that the Holy Spirit and
demons are capable of cohabiting in the same, fully integrated being.
He argues that Psalm 5:4, “You are not a God who takes pleasure in
evil; with you the wicked cannot dwell,” shows that God will not
“fellowship” with evil. Dickason makes the point that this verse is a
synonymous parallelism and that the first and second parts “have the
same or similar meanings.” Thus, that God is not taking pleasure in evil
Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, p. 266.
Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, p. 266.
C. K. Barrett, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, 2nd ed. (London: A. & C.
Black, 1971), p. 152.
Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, p. 258.
Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, p. 258.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 136.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 96.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 95.
Carter, Demon Possession and the Christian 27
3.2 Soteriology
Christians to ever lose their salvation. The advocate’s position colors
their exegesis of the text and is a crucial reason why they have concluded
that Christians can be demon-possessed. This will be seen by an
examination of 1 Cor 10:14-22.
This passage begins with the words, “Therefore, my dear friends, flee
from idolatry” (1 Cor 10:14) and contains a stern warning for the
Corinthians to stay away from the worship of demons, which is what
idolatry is all about. This is a similar injunction to those found in the Old
Testament (Exod 20:3-6; Ezek 14:6; 23:49). Idolatry is a serious affront
to God and Paul is warning the church at Corinth not to repeat the
mistakes made by Israel in the past (1 Cor 10:1-13).
What is interesting about this passage is that the consequences of
idolatry are not clearly delineated. Dickason reads this passage and
understands that Paul is warning Christians to stay away from demonic
activities because this is “a testing of God that may evoke dire
consequences.” Romans 1:18-32 is referenced to show that God will
allow the unsaved to suffer the consequences of their actions. He then
states, “Is it logical for us to allow that God would chastise through
circumstance, illness and even death but that he would never allow
demonization as a form of punishment for the unsaved or discipline for
the saved?” Thus, he sees that these “dire consequences” may include
the demon possession of Christians.
It is clear that Paul is giving a very stern warning to the Corinthian
church to stay away from idolatry. However, Dickason’s assertion that the
result of such action may lead to the demon possession of Christians is
simply based on speculation. Paul’s primary intent was to admonish the
Corinthians to never involve themselves in the worship of demons and he
had previously referenced the history of Israel, which clearly showed
what could happen to them if they did engage in these activities. “God
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, pp. 56-7; Murphy, The
Handbook for Spiritual Warfare, p. 95; Unger, What Demons Can Do to Saints,
pp. 37-39. Unger states that Christians “can sin immorally and scandalously if
they recklessly give in to the old nature and seriously grieve and quench the
indwelling Spirit” (p. 39) He even uses the term “carnal Christians” to describe
such people (p. 83). Even so, he then goes onto to add that “no saint can ever
lose his sainthood; no one saved can ever be unsaved” (p. 39).
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 117; also see, pp. 146-47.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, pp. 146-47.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, pp. 146-47.
Carter, Demon Possession and the Christian 29
was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered over the
desert” (1 Cor 10:5).
For Paul, there is an “absolute incompatibility” between idolatry and
being a Christian. This is very similar to Matt 6:24 and Luke 16:13 in
which Christ asserts that, “No one (or servant) can serve two masters.”
There is no middle ground with God! One is either for him or against
him. God is a jealous God (Exod 20:5) and Fee contends that the word
jealousy (parazhlou'men) in verse 22 is to be understood in the Old
Testament sense of God being “so absolutely without equal that he will
brook no rivals to his devotion.” Fee also notes that Paul makes a
reference to Israel (v. 18) and that in v. 22 an allusion is made to the
Song of Moses in Deut 32 were it is stated that due to Israel’s idolatry,
God “rejected them” (Deut 32:19). Paul clearly intimates that
participation by Christians in idolatry will provoke God today, just as it
did when Israel fell into idolatry during Old Testament times. It appears
that the consequence of participating in idolatry is, ultimately, to reject
and be rejected by God. Salvation, not demon possession is at issue in
this passage. In reality, what more severe consequence could there be
than to lose one’s salvation?
Advocates allow only one explanation for a person who once showed
signs of being a born-again Christian and later manifests signs of demon
possession. Believing that Christians cannot lose their salvation, they
conclude that Christians can be demon-possessed. There is no room in
their theological constructs for a person to be a born-again believer, with
a right relationship with God, then later fall away from the faith and
subsequently become demon-possessed. Furthermore, due to their
theological presuppositions, advocates are unwilling to entertain the
possibility that the stern warnings found in scripture concerning sin were
put there for any other reason than to warn Christians of the possibility
that they might be adversely afflicted by the demonic. The closest that
Dickason is able to come is to present the following as a hypothetical
It may be argued that if a believer persists in sin and if that sin leads to
distrust and unbelief in Christ, this results in rejection of Christ and the
Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, p. 463.
Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, p. 474.
Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, pp. 470, 473-74.
30 Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 3/1 (2000)
loss of salvation. In the process demons may possess the person either
before or after the loss of salvation.
The advocates then use their personal experiences with the demonic
to form their theology of the demonic. Dickason asserts that the clinical
experiences of himself and others are “difficult to dismiss” and
conclusive. Unfortunately, clinical evidence is not enough on which to
base any theological teaching. Arguments from the silence of scripture
are dangerous and can lead to serious error.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 139.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 139.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 139.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 127; Wagner, How to Have
a Healing Ministry, p. 194.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, p. 127; Wagner, How to Have
a Healing Ministry, p. 194.
Wagner, How to Have a Healing Ministry, p. 194.
Dickason, Demon Possession and the Christian, pp. 185, 213.
Carter, Demon Possession and the Christian 31
4. Conclusion
From this analysis, we have seen how the term “demonization” has
crept into the English language. While it is based upon the Greek verb
daimonivzomai, its original meaning has not been retained in its current
usage. Consequently, it is a misleading term and should not be used in
place of “demon possession.”
We have also identified the faulty anthropological view held by those
who believe in the demon possession of Christians. A human is not
composed of various independent parts, which can be inhabited
separately by the Holy Spirit and demons, but is a unified and fully
integrated whole. Any biblically based theology must recognize and build
itself upon this.
Finally, we have examined the salvational implications of this view.
We have seen how the theological presuppositions of the advocates have
clouded their interpretation of the biblical text and led them to
inappropriate conclusions about demon possession and Christians.
We should consider one final thought. If the demon possession of
Christian is a reality, why is the New Testament silent on the subject?
Why is there not one reference to the reality of this threat? Or, did the
New Testament writers not see it as a threat? The only answer, which
seems reasonable, is that the New Testament writers did not see the
possibility in the first place!