ACS Rules For Offshore Fixed Platform Installation
ACS Rules For Offshore Fixed Platform Installation
ACS Rules For Offshore Fixed Platform Installation
Rules for
Fixed Platform Installation
Alarm signals ............................................................................................................... .......................................... 5-1
Ballasting .......................................................................................................................................... .............. 3-4, 4-6
Bathometry ............................................................................................... ............................................... 2-2, 3-2, 4-2
Calculations ............................................................................................................................. .............................. 1-2
Class Notation ............................................................................................................................. ............ 2-1, 3-1, 4-1
Codes ............................................................................................... ..................................................................... A-1
Cold vents ............................................................................................................................. .................. 2-3, 3-3, 4-4
Commissioning ............................................................................................................................. ......................... 1-6
Computer programs ............................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Construction Portfolio ...................................................................................................... ...................................... 1-4
Cranes ...................................................................................................................... ............................... 2-3, 3-3, 4-4
Damage stability .................................................................................................................................................... 4-7
Deckhouses .................................................................................................................. .......................................... 4-3
Definitions ............................................................................................................................. ................................ 1-1
Design loads ............................................................................................................................................ 2-2, 3-2, 4-2
Design review ............................................................................................................... .......................... 1-1, 2-1, 3-1
Distribution of documents ................................................................................................... ................................... 1-3
Elements of the structure ......................................................................................................................... 2-1, 3-1, 4-1
Embarkation arrangements .................................................................................................... .......................... 5-2, 5-3
Emergency warnings and instructions ................................................................................................................... . 5-1
Flares ......................................................................................................... ............................................. 2-3, 3-3, 4-4
Foundations ................................................................................................................. .................................... 3-3, 4-5
Gravity based structures ............................................................................................................................. ............ 3-1
Gravity foundation .......................................................................................................................................... 3-4, 4-6
Installation ............................................................................................................................. ................................ 2-1
Jacket ...................................................................................................................... ........................................ 1-2, 2-3
Launching appliances ............................................................................................................................................ 5-3
Lifeboats ............................................................................................................................. ................................... 5-1
Life rafts ............................................................................................................................. .................................... 5-1
Life-saving appliances ...................................................................................................................... 2-3, 3-3, 4-4, 5-1
Lifting appliances .......................................................................................................... .......................... 2-1, 3-1, 4-1
Load line ................................................................................................................... ............................................. 4-7
Loads ............................................................................................................................................................. . 3-2, 4-2
Manning ..................................................................................................................... ............................................ 1-1
Marking ..................................................................................................................... ............................................ 1-6
Materials ................................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Muster stations .......................................................................................................... ............................................. 5-2
Operating instructions ...................................................................................................... ...................................... 5-1
Operating Manual ............................................................................................................ ............................... 3-4, 4-4
Personal life-saving appliances .............................................................................................................................. 5-2
Pile foundation ............................................................................................................. .................................. 2-3, 4-5
Pile founded structures ......................................................................................................................................... . 2-1
Piles ....................................................................................................................... ......................................... 2-3, 4-5
Plan for approval ........................................................................................................... ........................................ 1-2
Platform .................................................................................................................... ............................................. 1-1
Pollution prevention .............................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Pontoons .................................................................................................................... ............................................ 4-4
Rescue boats ................................................................................................................................. ......................... 5-3
Risers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Tanks ......................................................................................................................... ............................................ 3-4
Waste management ............................................................................................................................. ................... 1-5
The following materials may be used for the main For further definitions see Chapter 1, Section 1, B.
− steel
− reinforced concrete C. Design Review
− any other suitable material
1. Extent of review
− combination of above materials
General specifications with an indication of the in-
tended use, design life, location and environment,
2. Application place(s) and period of construction and the main
The following types of employment have to be distin- stages of construction up to final assembly and/or
guished: installation at sea have to be provided. Examination or
verification of the following will be undertaken:
− drilling/exploration
− production, e.g. oil/gas 1.1 Specification
− processing/treatment − design basis
− storage or loading on/off − material specification
− research, measurements − cathodic protection specification
− other types of employment − painting specification, if applicable
− fabrication specification, if applicable
3. Manning
The following types of manning have to be distin- 1.2 Special reports
guished: − environmental report
− continuously manned installations or units − soil report/engineering soil report
− temporarily or intermittently manned installations
− seismic hazard assessment, if applicable
− unmanned installations
− exposure (through contact, inhalation, ingestion) 4.6.2 Production and treatment processes
to toxic, irritant or otherwise harmful gases, liq-
uids, chemicals etc. Suitable controls using "state of the art"
measuring and monitoring techniques shall be pro-
− accidents due to operations with lifting gear/ ap-
vided to ensure safe conveyance of hydrocarbons and
pliances and machinery or tools
other polluting substances to and from the offshore
− accidents due to environmental influences (icing, installation, through flow lines, risers, hoses, etc.
unit’s motions, bad visibility etc.) For safe conveyance/transport of liquid and
− noise/vibrations exceeding given ("tolerable") gaseous substances on the production installation,
limits between the different processing stations, the provi-
sions of Chapters 5 and 6 have to be observed (mate-
4.5.2 Hazards to the environment: rial selection, design requirements, safety, monitoring
− Spills/loss of polluting (toxic or otherwise harm- and alarm devices, etc.).
ful) substances during "normal" - e.g., drilling -
operations to the sea or sea floor, see 4.6.2 Waste water, in connection with the produc-
tion process, shall be either collected in storage tanks
− Spills of hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc. during and discharged via auxiliary vessels or pipeline, or – if
transport/conveyance operations, see 4.6.1 allowed by the competent Authority - pumped to the sea
− collision hazard, depending on weather and traffic after prescribed treatment/purification and under
conditions controlled conditions (monitoring of ppm values).
− release of polluting (e.g. exhaust) gases to the Release of gaseous substances to the atmos-
atmosphere, see 4.6.2 phere, including flaring operations, shall occur under
− dropping of objects (e.g. wastes) to the sea/sea controlled conditions and according to the applicable
floor, see 4.7 regulations. Unintentional escape of gases (leakage),
particularly in hazardous areas and to accommodation
− noise exceeding prescribed limits; may be relevant spaces, shall be avoided by precautions such as suit-
in certain cases, e.g. in sensitive, protected areas able arrangement of piping, ducts and exhaust open-
ings/ intakes, sensors/measuring devices and alarms,
4.6 Pollution prevention during production pressurizing, according to the Rules, see Chapter 5
and transport activities and 6.
4.6.1 Transport/conveyance and storing opera-
4.7 Waste management
tions Loading and unloading operations, e.g. using 4.7.1 For sewage waste water the same applies as
transport (supply) vessels and cargo handling equip- stated under for waste water originating from the
ment, shall be carried out observing weather imposed production process. The sewage residues shall be
restrictions, see "operating instructions", and applica- discharged or transported to corresponding installa-
ble safety and environment protection regulations. tions onshore. For the conveyance of oil/hydrocarbon prod- 4.7.2 Generally, no solid wastes whatsoever (sani-
ucts from a production installation to a (shuttle) tary, food processing, production auxiliary materials
1.1 Pile founded structures are fixed offshore 2.5 Transport and installation
installations founded by different types of piles reach- Conditions for the transport on barges, special ships or
ing into the seabed and with a topside supported by a afloat, for the lifting and installation procedures and
space frame structure (jacket), in general formed from for the operating phase while standing with the jackets
steel tubes, to keep the topside above the highest water on the sea floor un-piled, shall be clearly defined in the
level and to transfer the loads directly to the seabed Design Review, compare Section 1, C.
respectively to the piles.
The Class Notation FIXED OFFSHORE 3. Elements of the structure
signed for such a type, see Chapter 1, Section 4, C.2.1. The structure consists of the following elements:
− topside structure which may be a space frame
1.2 The following modes of operation have to be construction with several decks and with closed
considered: houses with living and working spaces
− standard operation/production − special elements connected to the topside like
− survival condition under extreme environmental helicopter landing decks, flares, etc.
conditions − minitowers or jackets with 3 or more legs as
space frame tube constructions
1.3 Following additional conditions have to be
considered: − piles in the sea bed
− transportation to site of the main bulky elements
− load out and installation of jackets and topside
B. Requirements for the Soil
2. Scope
1. Influence of the soil
2.1 This Section covers those specific design
criteria and features of fixed offshore installations 1.1 As the fixed offshore installation is resting
which are not dealt with in the special Sections as with the piles in the soil, the condition of the soil un-
referred to in the following. der the installation is of major importance for the
design of the foundation and the safety of the whole
2.2 Machinery and electrical installations installation. The following possibilities for a failure
Machinery and electrical installations shall be de- have to be investigated:
signed according to Chapters 5 and 6, respectively, as − soil resistance regarding skin friction, tip resis-
applicable. tance
2.4 Lifting appliances 1.2 The condition of the soil is subject to a Clas-
For the interaction of lifting appliances with the instal- sification/Certification by ACS, and the Owners and
lation, their foundations, etc. see Chapter 4, Section 8. Operators have to order a careful investigation on the
The requirements for offshore cranes and other lifting situation of site from a recognized institution. A report
appliances themselves are defined in the ACS Rules on this subject is to be submitted to ACS and shall be
VI included in the Design Review.
– Additional Rules and Guidelines, Part 2 – Life Sav-
The requirements for helicopter facilities are defined − pile penetration shall be obtained without damag-
in Chapter 4, Section 9. ing the pile or causing excessive disturbance of the
various soil formations which may reduce their
2.5 Flares and cold vents load carrying capacity
The requirements for flares and cold vents are defined − if no driving head is used during pile driving,
in Chapter 5, Section 14. allowance for cut-off at the top of the pile is to be
2.6 Life-saving appliances
3. Further details
The requirements for life-saving appliances are de-
fined in Section 5. For further details see Chapter 4, Section 7, D.
3.3 The effects of foundations near to each other − tank contents, if applicable
shall be considered. − damage of one of the shafts, e.g. from a collision
of a ship with the platform
3.4 The influence of cyclic loads from the off-
shore installation to the foundation and to the soil has − accidental loads on the shafts by objects dropped
to be investigated. from the working decks
3.5 The influence of earthquake vibrations in the − loads from other appurtenances, like ice shields,
soil to the foundation and the complete installation shall boat landing, barge bumpers
be investigated depending on the location of the − loads from supply vessels
platform and the thinkable earthquake strength and
frequency. − earthquake loads according to Chapter 4, Section
2, G.
4. Additional details
3. Loads on base
For additional details see Chapter 4, Section 7, B.
The following loads on the gravity base have to be
− weight of the base
C. Design Loads
− weight of tank contents, if applicable
1. Loads on topside structure
− hydrostatic load on base
The following loads have to be considered:
− hydrodynamic loads due to currents at the seabed,
− wind loads on the topside above water level, com- compare Chapter 4, Section 1, C. and Section 2,
pare Chapter 4, Sections 1, B. and 2, B.2. B.3.
− snow and ice accretion, if relevant at the location, − instability of the seabed, compare B.
compare Chapter 4, Section 2, B.6.1.
− accumulated loads from the shaft(s) according to
− permanent loads, like weight of structure, equip- 2. to be transferred to the soil by the gravity base
ment, etc.
− accidental loads due to impact of dropped objects
− functional loads, compare Chapter 4, Section 2, D.
− loads during installation
− accidental loads , compare Chapter 4, Section 2, E.
4.1 Arrangements for ballasting − at the highest position of each tank air pipes are to
be fitted and laid vertically to the main deck of the
4.1.1 Drawings and descriptions of the ballast topside
system and instructions for ballasting/deballasting − the number and arrangement of the air pipes is to
have to be summarized in the Operating Manual. be so performed that the tanks can be aerated and
Measures for intact as well as for damaged condition deaerated without exceeding the tank design pres-
of the installation have to be considered. sure by over- or under-pressure
The Operating Manual has to be permanently avail-
− an overflow system has to be installed, the over-
able on the installation.
flow collecting manifolds are to be led at a suffi-
4.1.2 The ballast tanks are to be fitted with the cient gradient to an overflow tank of sufficient ca-
following equipment: pacity
− at the highest position of each tank air pipes are to − the tanks are to be fitted with remote level indica-
be fitted and laid vertically to the main deck of the tors which are type approved by ACS
topside − tank filling lines are to extend to the bottom of the
− the number and arrangement of the air pipes is to tank, filling lines may also used as suction lines
be so performed that the tanks can be aerated and − an oil transfer pump is to be provided backed up
deaerated without exceeding the tank design pres- by a stand-by pump, the capacities must satisfy the
sure by over- or under-pressure operational requirements
− the air pipes may also serve as overflow system
− for further details of the piping and pumping sys-
leading the seawater directly to the sea
tem Chapter 5, Sections13a – 13e shall be applied
− the tanks are to be fitted with remote level indica- analogously
tors which are type approved by ACS
4.2.3 If oil is stored above ballast water in the same
− tank filling lines are to extend to the bottom of the tank special measures have to be agreed with ACS.
tank, filling lines may also be used as suction lines
− the number and capacity of the ballast pump must 5. Arrangement of skirts
satisfy the operational requirements
Depending on the investigation of the seabed accord-
− for further details of the piping and pumping sys- ing to B. and based on the foundation analysis, skirts
tem Chapter 5, Sections 13a – 13e shall be applied may become necessary to prevent the base from slid-
analogously ing. Skirts may also be necessary to avoid erosion of
the seabed below the base.
4.2 Arrangements for storage of oil and oil If the foundation includes storage tanks, it is recom-
products mendable to situate the skirts directly below the verti-
cal tank walls.
4.2.1 Drawings and descriptions of the oil storage
system and instructions for loading and unloading It is recommended to situate the skirts directly below
have to be summarized in the Operating Manual. vertical walls or other stiffeners of adequate strength.
1.1 A tension leg platform (TLP) is a floating 2.3 Machinery and electrical installations
structure connected to a foundation at the seabed by
tendons which are pre-tensioned by additional buoy- Machinery and electrical installations shall be de-
ancy of the floating structure being pulled down under signed according to Chapters 5 and 6, respectively, as
its free-floating waterline. The foundation may be a far as applicable.
fixed gravity foundation or a pile foundation. The
tendons, which are arranged normally vertical and 2.4 Auxiliary installations and equipment
parallel are restricting the movement of hull and top-
Special (auxiliary) installations and equipment are to
side structure (heave, pitch and roll are restrained –
be designed according to the specific Sections as far as
surge, sway and yaw are allowed) thus enabling the
applicable. See also Chapter 1, Section 1, E.2.
platform to be connected to the seabed by drilling
equipment or risers, etc. It will be of additional advan-
tage to provide the floating structure in form of a col- 2.5 Lifting appliances
umn stabilized platform.
For the interaction of lifting appliances with the instal-
The Class Notation FIXED OFFSHORE lation, their foundations, etc. see Chapter 4, Section 8.
STRUCTURE; TENSION LEG PLATFORM will The requirements for offshore cranes and other lifting
be assigned for this type, see Chapter 1, Section 4, appliances themselves are defined in the ACS Rules VI
C.2.1. – Additional Rules and Guidelines, Part 2 – Life Sav-
ing Appliances, Lifting Appliances, Accesses, Chapter
1.2 The following modes of operation have to be 2 – Guidelines for the Construction and Survey of
considered: Lifting Appliances.
2.2 Definition of possible horizontal and vertical − accidental loads from a collision of a ship with the
tolerances for not exact installation shall be considered platform
in the investigation. − transportation and installation loads, compare
Chapter 4, Section 2, F.
3. Interaction of seabed and structure − earthquake loads according to Chapter 4, Section
2, G.
3.1 Scour around the foundation has to be taken
into account and, if necessary, measures against have 2. Loads on tendons
to be provided immediately after the installation of the The following loads on the tendons have to be consid-
foundation. ered:
− tendon weight
3.2 The effects of foundations near to each other
shall be considered. − tendon buoyancy
− tension of tendons, compare 2. 2.1.1 The buoyant hull of a tension leg platform
shall be designed to resist the loads defined in C.1. All
− damage or replacement of one or several tendons permanent and functional loads are to be distributed,
− loads from risers, compare 4. by an accepted method of rational analysis down to
the tendons.
− accidental loads due to impact of dropped objects
or tendon/riser failure 2.1.2 The structure is to be considered having suf-
ficient strength to resist all induced stresses while in
4. Loads on risers the floating position and being pulled down by the
tendons. The scantlings of the structure are then to be
The following loads on the risers have to be consid- determined consistent with this load distribution,
ered Chapter 4, Sections 1 to 4 apply.
− riser weight
2.1.3 Structural elements such as the outer shell,
− riser buoyancy decks, bulkheads and girders shall be dimensioned
according to the principles outlined in Chapter 4,
− hydrostatic pressure on riser construction
Section 3. The ACS Rules I – Ship Technology, Part 1 –
− hydrodynamic loads from water currents, etc. Seagoing Ships, Chapter 1 – Hull Structures may be
including influence of marine growth, compare used as a basis where applicable, e.g. dimensioning of
Chapter 4, Section 1, C. and Section 2, B.3. tank boundaries.
− loads from hull/topside structure, compare 1.
2.2 Topside structure
− loads from foundations, compare 3.
2.2.1 Deckhouses located near the boundary of the
platform shall be designed to resist the possible impact
of sea wash during conveyance.
D. Structure
2.2.2 Deckhouses are to have sufficient strength for
their size, function and location and are to be con-
1. Basic design criteria structed to approved plans. Their general scantlings
The following design criteria have to be applied for are to be as indicated in the Rules according to 2.1.3.
the structure: Where they are close to the side shell of the structure,
their scantlings may be required to conform to the
− the TLP system shall be able to withstand all loads requirements for bulkheads of unprotected deckhouse
occurring during installation, normal operation and fronts.
extreme environmental conditions to be expected
at the location for which it is designed, compare 2.2.3 Where necessary, blast walls have to be es-
the loading conditions defined in Chapter 4, Sec- tablished to reduce the effect of explosions in the
tion 3, C. processing part.
2.3.1 Load carrying members which may transmit 3.1 Tendon types
loads from the tendons to the hull structure are to be
designed for the maximum design loads and are to be 3.1.1 Tendons will normally be of the solid rod or
arranged for: tubular type. Tubular type tendons may be designed
− apply, control and adjust a defined tension in the either with stiffened or unstiffened shells. According
tendon to the sea bed conditions envisaged, the tendons may
be designed for fixed or detachable foundations.
− transfer vertical tension loads to the structure
− transfer side loads and hinder bending moments or 3.1.2 Intermediate connections between parts of
rotational forces at the tendons to be transferred to suitable length of a tendon may have the form of a
the structure mechanical coupling with bolted
flanges/threads/clamps or of welded joints and of
2.3.2 For the pulled down position, special atten- other systems.
tion is to be paid to the distribution of the loads from
the supporting points at the upper end of the tendons 3.2 Special tendon elements
into the hull structure, taking account also of possible
load redistributions resulting from lack of tension at 3.2.1 The different types of tendons may include
one or several tendons. also buoyancy bodies, resilient elements, instrumenta-
tion for monitoring their condition, control of corro-
The structure surrounding the points of support of the
sion protection or measures for bringing down other
tendons shall be designed with particular regard to the
equipment to the seabed, etc.
introduction of local concentrated forces; main load
bearing elements should be continuous in the vertical
direction. 3.2.2 Tendon bearings
Proper consideration shall be given to the end fixation
2.3.3 The inside or outside backing structure of the of the tendons. Depending on the type of connection, a
supporting points shall be made accessible for inspec- rotational restraint of the tendon may exist also in this
tion in the operating condition. case.
2.3.4 For loose elements, e.g. bars, rods, bolts, 3.2.3 Tendon tension adjustment
pins, serving for transmission of forces to hold the
platform, special requirements may be imposed re- The adjustment devices at the top of each tendon have
garding dimensioning (safety factors) and testing. to be able to equalize the tension in all tendons within
the limits assumed for the design.
2.4 Pontoons
Tension adjustment procedures and schedules are to
Special attention shall be given to the pontoon be developed already in the design stage and have to
strength of column stabilized types in way of intersec- be incorporated in the Operating Manual.
tion with columns and the possible reduction in strength
due to cutouts and stress concentrations. 3.2.4 Tendon flexjoints
It is recommended to install flexjoints at the tendons
2.5 Drilling derricks, cranes, etc.
to absorb dynamic loads. Elastomeric material in these
Special attention is to be paid to the foundations and joints has to be selected under consideration of the
fastening of drilling derrick(s) and cranes, also with ambient conditions at the tendon.
regard to transit conditions, compare Chapter 4, Sec-
tion 8. 3.2.5 Tendon monitoring system The tendon system is to be equipped with a
2.6 Helicopter facilities monitoring system to ensure that the tendon is operat-
The requirements for helicopter facilities are defined ing within the design limits.
in Chapter 4, Section 9. The tension monitoring system is to be estab-
lished for each individual tendon and shall provide:
2.7 Flares and cold vents
− continuous measuring of actual tension
The requirements for flares and cold vents are defined
in Chapter 5, Section 14. − documentation of tensions measured in form of a
hard copy
2.8 Life-saving appliances − an alarm (visible and audible) if tension is deviat-
The requirements for life-saving appliances are de- ing from the design values by a pre-defined mar-
fined in Section 5. gin
The pretension of each tendon has to be checked regu- − where piles are placed close together, pile group
larly, see 3.2.5, and adjusted as far as possible to the effects have to be considered
design value.
3.1 Extent of damage 4.1 For openings in the outside shell of the
Depending of the type of hull the following extent of hull/topside structure not only the waterline in free-
damage has to be assumed: floating condition has to be considered, but also the
operating condition with increased draught and pre-
− any one compartment adjacent to the sea shall be
tensioned tendons. In addition any water level for a heel
assumed at a time
caused by unequal tendon tension, partial tension failure
− any other compartment with sea water piping may or environmental loads as well as increased draught
be assumed flooded in case of piping failure and heel for damage condition shall be taken into
− for a deep draught, surface type hull a vertical account.
extent from 6 m below waterline at lowest tide up
to 10 m above highest tide, for the other parame- Watertight closing appliances have to be provided for
ters see Chapter 2, Section 7, F.1. any opening below the resulting highest waterline of the
hull/topside structure.
− for a column stabilized type of hull the same verti-
cal extent as for the surface type and the require-
ments of Chapter 2, Section 7, F.3. have to be ob- 4.2 For other aspects of watertight integrity see
served. Chapter 2, Section 7, G.
− for concrete hulls a reduced damage penetration
zone may be assumed 5. Load line
− where a lesser extent of damage than defined
above will lead to less stability, such a condition has 5.1 The floating hull/topside structure shall be
to be considered provided with marks defining the maximum draught in
all operating conditions.
3.2 Stability criteria
Depending on the type of hull the stability criteria 5.2 For other aspects of load lines see Chapter 2,
defined in Chapter 2, Section 7, E. have to be met. Section 7, H
Life-Saving Appliances
2.2 Each installation shall carry lifeboats, in- − davit-launched life rafts can be boarded and
stalled in at least two widely separated locations on launched from a position immediately adjacent to
different sides or ends of the installation. The ar- the stowed position or from a position to which the
rangement of lifeboats shall provide for each location life raft is transferred prior to launching in compli-
sufficient capacity to accommodate the total number ance with 3.3
of persons on the installation if all the lifeboats in any − where necessary, means shall be provided for
one location are lost or rendered unusable. bringing the davit-launched life raft to structure
side and holding it alongside so that persons can
2.3 In addition life rafts shall be carried of such be safely embarked
aggregate capacity as will accommodate the total
number of persons on the installation.
2. Stowage
2.4 In the case of fixed installations where, due to 2.1 Each lifeboat and life raft shall be stowed:
its size or configuration, lifeboats cannot be located in
widely separated locations to satisfy 2.2, the Admini- − so that neither they nor their stowage arrangements
stration of the state of location or flag may permit the will interfere with the operation of any other life-
aggregate capacity of the lifeboats to accommodate boat or life raft or rescue boat at any other launch-
only the total number of persons on the installation. ing station
However, the life rafts should be served by launching
appliances. − as near the water surface as is safe and practicable
− in a state of continuous readiness so that two crew
2.5 As a minimum personal life-saving appli- members can carry out preparations for embarka-
ances have to be provided for every person on the tion and launching in less than 5 minutes
installation. At special locations, like muster stations,
additional equipment has to be stored. − as far as practicable, in a secure and sheltered
position and protected from damage by fire and
3. Launching and recovery arrangements 3.8 In any case of damage defined in the previous
Sections, lifeboats with an aggregate capacity of not
less than 100 % of persons on board shall, in addition
3.1 Launching appliances shall be provided for
to meeting all other requirements of launching and
all lifeboats and davit-launched life rafts. Depending
stowage defined in this Section, be capable of being
on the height of the stowage position above sea level
launched clear of any obstruction.
free-fall launching may be provided. The launching
appliances shall meet the requirements defined in the
Rules and Regulations given in A.2.
Chapter / Section UR IMO Others
3/1 (D.2.2) ISM – July 2002
3/4 (D.4.3.8) (MODU)
3/5 IMO Testing
Explanation of abbreviations:
D1 – D12 Requirements concerning Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, Unified Requirements of IACS, 1996
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMO Testing Testing and Evaluation of Life-Saving Appliances by IMO Resolution MSC.81(70)
ISM IMO International Safety Management Procedures, 1 July 2002
LSA International Life-Saving Appliance Code issued by IMO Resolution MSC.48(66)
MODU Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, issued by IMO
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea, issued by IMO
(……) reference not explicitly declared in the text