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JULY 2020

American Bureau of Shipping

Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862

© 2020 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved.

1701 City Plaza Drive
Spring, TX 77389 USA
These Rules specify the ABS requirements for building and classing Floating Production Installations
(FPIs) that should be used by designers, builders, Owners and Operators in the offshore industry. The
requirements contained in these Rules are for design, construction, and survey after construction of the
floating installation (including hull structure, equipment and marine machinery), the position mooring
system and the hydrocarbon production facilities. Floating installations of the ship-type, column-stabilized-
type, tension leg platforms and spar installations are included, as well as existing vessels converted to FPIs.
The requirements for optional notations for disconnectable floating installations, dynamic positioning
systems and import/export systems are also provided. These Rules are to be used in conjunction with other
ABS Rules and Guides, as specified herein.

The effective date of these Rules is the first day of the month of publication. In general, until the effective
date, plan approval for designs will follow prior practice unless review under these Rules is specifically
requested by the party signatory to the application for classification.

Changes to Conditions of Classification ( 1 January 2008)

For the 2008 edition, Part 1, Chapter 1, “Scope and Conditions of Classification” was consolidated into a
generic booklet, entitled Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) for
all units, installations, vessels or systems in offshore service. The purpose of this consolidation was to
emphasize the common applicability of the classification requirements in “Part 1, Chapter 1” to ABS-
classed offshore units, pipelines, risers, and other offshore structures, and thereby make “Conditions of
Classification” more readily a common Rule of the various ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate. Thus,
Part 1, Chapter 1 of these Rules specifies only the unique requirements applicable to floating production
installations. These supplemental requirements are always to be used with the aforementioned Rules for
Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).


PART 1 Conditions of Classification............................................................... 1
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification............................. 1

PART 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General

Requirements..................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 1 General Description......................................................... 25
CHAPTER 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading....................... 33
CHAPTER 3 General Requirements.....................................................46
CHAPTER 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning...................... 52
APPENDIX 1 Abbreviations and References.........................................59

PART 4 Process and Import/Export Systems............................................... 63

CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems.............. 64
CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems............................................. 79

PART 5A Ship-Type Installations...................................................................... 88

CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations.....................................................90
CHAPTER 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to
FPI................................................................................. 120
CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements....................................150
CHAPTER 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet)
in Length........................................................................ 446

PART 5B Other Installation Types.................................................................. 477

CHAPTER 1 Column-Stabilized Installations......................................478
CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms................................................... 498
CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations........................................................... 527
APPENDIX 1 .......................................................................................556

PART 6 Mooring Systems............................................................................. 563

CHAPTER 1 Position Mooring Systems............................................. 564

PART 7 Surveys............................................................................................. 570

CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning........... 571

CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction............................................ 584
APPENDIX 1 .......................................................................................652


Conditions of Classification

CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification............................................ 1
Section 1 Classification (1 January 2008)......................................... 3
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1
January 2008)....................................................................4
Section 3 Rules and the Criteria Presented for Classification ........ 18
Section 4 Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations .................. 20

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CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 1 Classification (1 January 2008).......................................................... 3

SECTION 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January

1 Classification Boundaries .............................................................. 4
3 Classification Symbols and Notations (1 July 2012).......................4
3.1 New Construction.............................................................. 4
3.3 Conversion to FPI.............................................................. 5
3.5 Floating Offshore Installation............................................. 5
5 Additional Class Notations..............................................................6
5.1 Disconnectable System..................................................... 6
5.3 Classification of Dynamic Positioning and Thruster
Assisted Mooring Systems................................................ 6
5.5 Classification of Additional Equipment and Systems
(1 July 2012)...................................................................... 6
5.7 Dynamic Loading Approach (DLA) (2017).........................7
5.9 Strength Criteria for Ship-Type Installations (1 July
5.10 Strength Criteria for Other Installation Types (1 July
5.11 Design Life and Design Fatigue Life (1 July 2012)............ 9
5.12 Spectral Fatigue Analysis (2017).....................................12
5.13 Additional Corrosion Margin (1 March 2006)................... 13
5.15 Hull Construction Monitoring Program.............................14
5.17 Brazilian Regulatory Compliance.....................................14
7 ✠ AMS Notation (2017)................................................................16
9 Notations for Automatic or Remote Control and Monitoring
Systems........................................................................................ 16
9.1 ✠ ACC or ✠ ACCU Notations (October 2001)............... 16
9.3 ✠ AMCC or ✠ AMCCU Notations (March 2003)............ 16
11 Temporary Mooring Equipment Symbol .......................................17
13 Conversion of Existing Vessels or Floating Structures................. 17
15 Significant Change of Operating Conditions Affecting Safety
of Unit or Personnel (1 July 2012)................................................ 17

TABLE 1 Regulatory Documents.........................................................14

SECTION 3 Rules and the Criteria Presented for Classification ...................... 18

1 Application.................................................................................... 18

1.1 General (1 July 2009)...................................................... 18
1.3 Application (1 July 2009)................................................. 18
3 Reference Standards....................................................................18
5 Risk Evaluations for Alternative Arrangements and Novel
Features (April 2004).................................................................... 18

SECTION 4 Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations ................................. 20

1 Design Plans and Data (1 March 2006)........................................20
3 Position Mooring System Design Documentation.........................21
5 Production Facilities and Production Support Facilities (1 July
7 Marine Systems and Machinery Plans (1 July 2012)....................22
9 Additional Plans............................................................................ 22
11 Manuals and Procedures..............................................................23
11.1 Operations Manual.......................................................... 23
11.3 Procedures...................................................................... 23


CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 1 Classification (1 January 2008)

The requirements for conditions of classification are contained in the separate, generic ABS Rules for
Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).

Additional requirements specific to floating production installations are contained in the following


CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1

January 2008)

A listing of Classification Symbols and Notations available to the Owners of vessels, offshore drilling and
production units and other marine structures and systems, “List of ABS Notations and Symbols” is
available from the ABS website “http://www.eagle.org”.

The following classification boundaries, symbols and notations are specific to floating production

1 Classification Boundaries (1 July 2019)

A Floating Production Installation (FPI) includes three major items: the installation, its position mooring
system, and its production facilities. The minimum scope of class is described throughout this section and
covers the installation, the mooring system, and safety systems.

Classification of additional equipment and systems may be offered if requested by the Owner. (See

Where Import and or Export Risers provide substantial mooring restraint, the design, construction and
classification of the Riser(s) providing restraint and their connection to the seabed will require special

3 Classification Symbols and Notations (1 July 2012)

The Maltese Cross, ✠, symbol is assigned to Floating Production Installations for which the hull
construction and/or the manufacture and installation of its machinery and components and any associated
required testing, as applicable, and the on-site installation (for site specific FPIs) and commissioning tests
and trials of the FPI is carried out under ABS survey. For FPIs constructed under survey of another
recognized Classification Society or Authority, the Maltese Cross, ✠, symbol will be omitted from the
applicable classification notations.

A1 is a classification symbol that, together with the Maltese Cross ✠ symbol, indicates compliance with
the hull requirements of the ABS Rules, Guides, or their equivalent for service and survey by ABS during
construction of the vessel. The symbols ✠A1 may be followed by appropriate FPI type notation such as
the notations shown in 1-1-2/3.1 of these Rules.

3.1 New Construction

Systems that have been built, installed and commissioned to the requirements of the Rules and to the
satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors, where approved by ABS for service for the specified design
environmental conditions, are to be classed and distinguished in the ABS Record by the symbol ✠A1,
followed by the appropriate notation for the intended service and hull type given below:

Floating Production , Storage and Offloading System (hull type)

Floating Production (and Offloading) System (hull type)

Floating Storage and Offloading System (hull type)

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

The above class notations cover the following components:

i) Floating Production Installation, including its hull structure, applicable marine systems and
associated equipment and machinery, safety systems and associated equipment, life saving
appliances machinery under one of the above notations, subject to the requirements of these Rules.
ii) Position Mooring System according to the requirements of these Rules.
iii) Topside Production Facilities according to the requirements of the ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations (Facilities Rules) and these Rules.

The service notation will be appended by one of the following (Ship-Type), (Column-Stabilized),
(TLP), or (Spar) to indicate the hull type. The hull structural configurations of these installations are
described in Section 3-1-2.

Examples of notations for installations are:

Floating Production , Storage and Offloading System (Ship-Type)

Floating Production (and Offloading) System (Ship-Type)

Floating Offshore Installation (Spar)

Floating Production (and Offloading) System (TLP)

Floating Offshore Installation (Column Stabilized)

3.3 Conversion to FPI

3.3.1 Conversion of Existing Vessel
An existing vessel is a vessel that has been issued a Certificate of Classification. When an existing
vessel is converted to an FPI, and is classed under the provisions of Section 5A-2-1, it will be
distinguished in the ABS Record by the symbol A1, followed by the appropriate notation for the
intended service, the notation (Ship-Type) and the qualifier (CI). If the existing vessel being
converted is currently in ABS class with ✠, then the ✠ would be maintained for the converted
FPI. Examples of notations are:

✠ Floating Production , Storage and Offloading System (Ship-Type) (CI)

✠ Floating Offshore Installation (Ship-Type) (CI)

3.3.2 Conversion of Vessel Design or Vessel Under Construction

3.3.2(a) A vessel's design that has been approved by ABS or another IACS member and is to be
converted to an FPI, can either be classed under the provisions of 1-1-2/3.3.1 and Section 5A-2-1
as an FPI conversion, or it can be classed as a new build FPI under the provisions of 1-1-2/3.1.

3.3.2(b) A vessel under construction that has not been issued a Certificate of Classification, and its
design has been approved by ABS or another IACS member, can either be classed under the
provisions of 1-1-2/3.3.1 and Section 5A-2-1 as an FPI conversion, or it can be classed as a new
build FPI under the provisions of 1-1-2/3.1.

3.5 Floating Offshore Installation (1 July 2019)

Where an installation is fitted with production facilities, but the optional classification of the topside
production facilities is not requested, the installation will be classed and distinguished in the ABS Record
by the symbol ✠A1, followed by the notation Floating Offshore Installation (hull type), provided
the installation and its position mooring system comply with the applicable requirements. On a Floating

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

Offshore Installation (FOI), certain systems and equipment for the production facilities are to be in
compliance with 4-1-1/3 of these Rules.

Where an installation is fitted with production facilities, but the optional classification of the topside
production facilities is not requested, but the essential safety features of the production facilities in
compliance with 4-1-1/5 are approved by ABS, the installation will be classed and distinguished in the
ABS Record by the symbol ✠A1, followed by the notation Floating Offshore Installation (hull
type). “Production Facilities” will be indicated in the Record. Compliance with the applicable
requirements for the installation and position mooring system is required.

In either case, the scope of classification for an FOI includes the shipboard systems, including the
electrical system circuit protection for the production facilities and production fire fighting equipment.

In addition, topside structures and modules of Column-Stabilized Installations, Tension Leg Platforms and
SPAR installations are to comply with 5B-1-2/5, 5B-2-3/1.5 and 5B-3-3/1.5, respectively.

For a Ship-Type Installation with FOI notation, topside modules are not within the scope of class.
However, the hull interface structure is to comply with 5A-1-4. See also 5A-1-1/3.5. When requested by
the Owner, an optional notation Topside Modules is available for a Ship-Type Installation when topside
modules comply with Section 5A-1-5. The notation for a Ship-Type FOI will be appended as follows:

Floating Offshore Installation (Ship-Type) (Topside Modules)

5 Additional Class Notations

5.1 Disconnectable System

A floating installation system that has a propulsion system and a means of disengaging the installation
from its mooring and riser systems to allow the installation to ride out severe weather or seek refuge under
its own power for a specified design environmental condition will be classed with the above designations
and with notations (Disconnectable)✠AMS at the end. One example of such class designation is:

✠ A1 Floating Production , Storage and Offloading System (Ship-Type) (Disconnectable) ,


See 1-1-2/7 of these Rules for ✠AMS notation.

5.3 Classification of Dynamic Positioning and Thruster Assisted Mooring Systems

(1 July 2019)
Dynamic positioning systems installed for station keeping purposes, will be denoted by the notation DPS
(see the ABS Guide for Dynamic Positioning Systems). Thruster-assisted systems, installed to reduce
component loading of the main mooring system, will be denoted by the notation TAM, TAM-R or TAM
(Manual) (see Section 4 of the ABS Guide for Position Mooring Systems).

5.5 Classification of Additional Equipment and Systems (1 July 2012)

Additional equipment and systems, such as the subsea template, Import (or Export) PLEMs and the Import
(or Export) system may be considered at the Owner’s request. Where the import and export systems are
built in full compliance with the requirements of Part 4, Chapter 2 of these Rules, the installation will be
classed and distinguished in the Record by the notation IMP-EXP. The notations IMP or EXP will be
applied to the installation when only the import system or the export system, respectively, is built in full
compliance with the requirements of Part 4, Chapter 2 of these Rules. These notations for import and
export systems are optional.

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

5.7 Dynamic Loading Approach (DLA) (2017)

Where the system’s hull structure has been built to plans reviewed in accordance with the procedure and
criteria in the ABS Guide for “Dynamic Loading Approach” for Floating Production, Storage and
Offloading (FPSO) Systems for calculating and evaluating the behavior of hull structures under dynamic
loading conditions, in addition to compliance with other requirements of the Rules, the installation will be
classed and distinguished in the Record by the notation DLA. The DLA notation will be placed after the
appropriate hull classification notation. The application of the dynamic loading approach is optional except
for the installation over 350 meters (1148 feet) in length as indicated in 5A-1-1/1.

The dynamic load components considered in the evaluation of the hull structure are to include the external
hydrodynamic pressure loads, internal dynamic loads (fluids stored onboard, ballast, major equipment
items, etc.) and inertial loads of the hull structure. The magnitude of the load components and their
combinations are to be determined from appropriate ship motion response calculations for loading
conditions that represent the envelope of maximum dynamically-induced stresses in the installation. The
adequacy of the hull structure for all combinations of the dynamic loadings is to be evaluated using an
acceptable finite element analysis method. In no case are the structural scantlings to be less than those
obtained from other requirements in these Rules.

The basic notation DLA is applied when the hydrodynamic loads have been determined using the wave
environment of the North Atlantic as if the installation is a trading vessel with a 20- to 25-year service life.
If the wave environment of the intended site is used during the analysis, the notation will include an S
qualifier, followed by the design return period at the defined site. For example, if the 100-year return
period was used, the following may apply: DLA (S100). Transit conditions to the intended site are also to
be included in the DLA evaluation.

5.9 Strength Criteria for Ship-Type Installations (1 July 2012)

Ship-type installations of 150 meters (492 feet) or more in length that are designed and built to the
requirements of Part 5A of these Rules and Section 5C-1-7 of the Marine Vessel Rules will be identified in
the Record by the notation as given in 1-1-2/3 of these Rules.

The basic notation of 1-1-2/3 of these Rules is applied when the dynamic loads have been determined
using the wave environment representative of unrestricted service, i.e., for North Atlantic exposure as if
the installation is a trading vessel with a 20- to 25-year service life. There are several additional qualifiers,
described in the following sub sections, covering site-specific wave environment, definition of the site and
whether the installation has been converted from an existing vessel.

5.9.1 New Construction

For new-build ship-type installations where transit condition and site-specific environmental data
have been used per these Rules in lieu of North Atlantic data, the basic notation is to be followed
by the (S) qualifier. This qualifier will then be followed by the definition of the site. For example,
(S) Brazil Santos Basin.

5.9.2 Conversion of Existing Vessel to FPI

For a converted installation where the trading vessel and site-specific environmental data have
been used per these Rules, the basic notation is followed by the qualifier (CI). The (CI) qualifier
will be followed by the definition of the site. For example, (CI) Brazil Santos Basin.

5.9.3 Relocation of FPI (1 July 2017)

As site specific units, FPIs are designed and classed taking into consideration the location where
they will operate and the intended period of operation. When the FPI is relocated to a new site,
either within the same field or in a different operating area, or when the intended period of
operation is extended, the strength of the unit is to be reassessed to satisfy that the unit will remain
in compliance with applicable requirements as described below.

5.9.3(a) Relocation within the Same Field.

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

When an FPI is relocated within the same field or the same operating area, the environmental
conditions are expected to remain identical to those considered during the original classification
process for the current site.

If the environmental conditions for the field or operating area have been revised since the original
approval due to new environmental data or changing environmental conditions (e.g., new
environmental data in the Gulf of Mexico after hurricanes Rita and Katrina), the Coastal State may
require the use of new environmental conditions for the relocation, in which case the same
requirements as relocation to a different operating area will apply.

The expected operating life in the new location may be within the originally considered design life
or otherwise, it may extend beyond the original design life period. In the latter case, in addition to
the requirements for relocation, the requirements for life extension will apply.

It is expected that relocation within the same field will require at least a new position mooring and
anchoring system for the new site and probably, modifications to the process facilities.

For the relocation within the same field, without exceeding the original design life of the unit, the
following actions will to be required:

● Design review and surveys related to the new position mooring system and anchoring.
● Design review and surveys related to the modifications to the process facilities, if applicable.
● Design review and surveys related to any other modifications affecting class items.
● Drydocking survey, including gauging, with steel renewals as necessary to bring the unit to a
satisfactory condition to complete the remaining design life at the specific site.

Structural strength analysis and fatigue life re-evaluation for the hull structure, turret, module
structures, etc. will not to be required, unless structural modifications are performed or current
environmental conditions are harsher than the environmental conditions considered in the original

For structures, systems or equipment not modified and maintained per original design, design
review is to be based on the design codes used in the original design with current environmental

For added or modified structures, systems or equipment, design review is to be based on the
design codes at the time of the contract for the relocation with current environmental data.

Surveys are to be based on the current rule requirements, see Part 7 of these Rules.

5.9.3(b) Relocation to a Different Operating Area.

When an FPI is relocated to an operating area where the environmental conditions are different
than those at the original site, the structural strength and fatigue life of the unit will need to be
reassessed for the new conditions. However, if the new location has milder environmental
conditions than the current site, the reassessment may not need to be performed provided that the
unit is kept under the same structural condition as in the original site and the design fatigue life of
the unit is not extended.

Relocation to a different operating area will require a new position mooring and anchoring system
for the new site and most probably, extensive modifications to the process facilities.

For the relocation to a different operating area, the following actions will be required:

● Structural strength analysis and fatigue life re-evaluation for the hull structure, turret, module
structures, etc. (except as noted above).

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

● Design review and surveys related to the new position mooring system and anchoring.
● Design review and surveys related to the modifications to the process facilities.
● Design review and surveys related to any other modifications affecting class items.
● Drydocking survey, including gauging, with steel renewals as necessary to bring the unit to a
satisfactory condition to complete the remaining design life at the specific site.

For structures, systems or equipment not modified and maintained per original design, design
review is to be based on the design codes used in the original design with current environmental

For added or modified structures, systems or equipment, design review is to be based on the
design codes at the time of the contract for the relocation with current environmental data.

Surveys are to be based on the current rule requirements, see Part 7 of these Rules.

5.10 Strength Criteria for Other Installation Types (1 July 2012)

Installations (other than ship-type, see 1-1-2/5.9 above) that are designed and built to the requirements of
Part 5B of these Rules will be identified in the Record by the notation as given in 1-1-2/3 of these Rules
followed by additional qualifiers, described in the following Subparagraphs, covering site-specific wave
environment and definition of the site.

5.10.1 New Construction

Site-specific environmental data will be indicated by the (S) qualifier following the basic notation
of 1-1-2/3. This qualifier will then to be followed by the definition of the site. For example,
✠A1Floating Offshore Installation (Spar) (S) in Mississippi Canyon Block 779.

5.10.2 Relocation of FPI

As site specific units, FPIs are designed and classed taking into consideration the location where
they will be operated and the intended period of operation. When the FPI is relocated to a new
site, either within the same field or in a different operating area, or when the intended period of
operation is extended, the strength of the unit is to be reassessed to satisfy that the unit will remain
in compliance with applicable requirements.

5.11 Design Life and Design Fatigue Life (1 July 2012)

5.11.1 Design Life – New Construction (1 August 2019)
Floating installations designed and built to the requirements in these Rules and maintained in
accordance with the applicable ABS requirements are intended to have a structural design life of
not less than 20 years for a new build hull structure. Where the structural design life is greater than
20 years and the floating installation is designed for uninterrupted operation on-site without any
drydocking, the nominal design corrosion values (NDCV) of the hull structure are to be increased
in accordance with 5A-3-1/1.7 for ship-type installations or an acceptable equivalent criteria for
non-ship-type installations. When the design life is greater than 20 years, the increased life will be
identified in the Record by the notation HL(number of years). The (number of years) refers
to a design life different than 20 years.

5.11.2 Design Fatigue Life – New Construction (1 August 2019)

Where a floating installation’s design calls for a minimum design fatigue life of 20 years or more,
the design fatigue life is to be verified to be in compliance with the fatigue criteria in these Rules.
The “design fatigue life” refers to the target value set by the owner or designer, not the value
calculated in the analysis.

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

The required fatigue strength analysis of critical details and welded joints in floating installations
is to be in accordance with the criteria in Appendix 5A-3-A2 of these Rules for ship-type
installations or an acceptable equivalent criteria for non-ship-type installations.

Design fatigue life value notation is to be assigned and published in the Record for the hull, hull
interface structure, position mooring system and components. The hull interface structural
requirements for ship-type installations are described in Section 5A-1-4 of these Rules and the
position mooring system requirements in Part 6 of these Rules. When only the required fatigue
analysis of Appendix 5A-3-A2 for ship-type installations or 5B-1-2/5, 5B-2-3/5 or 5B-3-3/5 for
non-ship-type installations is performed for either unrestricted service wave environment or the
transit and site specific wave environment, the class notation FL(number of years), Year will
be assigned to identify the design fatigue life in years and the year of maturation of fatigue life in
the defined site. For example, FL(30), 2041 for an FPI built in 2011 if the minimum design
fatigue life specified is 30 years.

If spectral fatigue analysis (see 1-1-2/5.12) is requested by the owner or designer, only the design
fatigue life notation, SFA(number of years),Year will be assigned for the hull and hull
interface structural system. Although only the SFA notation is assigned, and not the FL notation,
the required fatigue analysis of Appendix 5A-3-A2 for ship-type installations or of Section 6 of
the ABS Guide for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures for non-ship-type installations is
to be performed and the calculated fatigue life is to satisfy the design fatigue life.

Where different design fatigue life values are specified for structural elements (hull and hull
interface structures) and the position mooring system within the installation, the notation
FL(number of years), Year will be followed by the notation FLM(number of years), Year,
where (number of years) refers to the design fatigue life for the position mooring system and
Year refers to the year of maturation associated with the position mooring system. In the case
when spectral fatigue analysis is also applied the least of the fatigue life values calculated by the
required fatigue strength analysis for the FL notation and the spectral fatigue analysis is to satisfy
the design fatigue life. The “design fatigue life” refers to the target value set by the applicant, not
the value calculated in the analysis.

For example if the design fatigue life is specified as 25 years, the fatigue calculations of hull
structural components are to satisfy a fatigue life of 25 years. The fatigue calculations of the
position mooring hull interface structures and hull mounted equipment interface structures, and
position mooring system are to also satisfy fatigue lives of (25 x FDF) years, where FDF are the
fatigue safety factors specified in 5A-1-4/7.5.1 TABLE 1, 5B-1-2/5.1.6(c) TABLE 2,
5B-2-3/5.1.6(c) TABLE 2 or 5B-3-3/5.1.6(c) TABLE 2, as applicable, for hull interface structures
and in 6-1-1/5 TABLE 1 for mooring lines.

5.11.3 Conversion of Existing Vessel to FPSO, FPS or FSO (1 August 2019)

When an existing vessel is converted to an FPSO, FPS or FSO in the process referred to as an FPI
vessel conversion, and the ship-shaped FPSO, FPS or FSO is classed under the provisions of
Section 5A-2-1, the expected minimum remaining fatigue life of the structure is to be assessed
according to Section 5A-2-3 and documented by recording its value in the Record. The RFL
notation will be followed by the value of the expected minimum remaining fatigue life in years,
and the year of maturation of fatigue life in the defined site location in accordance with
1-1-2/5.9.2. For example, RFL(15), 2018 indicates that the expected minimum remaining fatigue
life of the structure is 15 years, which will be reached in the year 2018. The RFL(number of
years), Year notation as applied to an FPI vessel conversion is mandatory.

Where different design fatigue life values are specified for structural elements (hull and hull
interface structures) and the position mooring system within the installation, the notation
RFL(number of years), Year will be followed by the notation FLM(number of years), Year,
where (number of years) refers to the target value of the fatigue life for a new position mooring

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

system and Year refers to the year of maturation associated with the new position mooring system.
Where an existing mooring system is to be reused, the notation RFLM(number of years), Year
referring to the remaining fatigue life of the existing position mooring system will apply.

When an existing vessel is converted to a FPSO, FPS or FSO and is intended to be used at
marginal field and the unit will be drydocking every 5 years, the RFL notation may be omitted. A
notation MARGINAL FIELD (site) will be added after CI to indicate the intended use for 5 years
for the site. For a marginal field FPI without RFL notation, the following actions will be required:

● Verification of the existing vessel’s original fatigue life. If the remaining fatigue life as
unrestricted vessel is not less than 5 years and Alpha factors for the intended site is greater
than 1, the fatigue analysis for the hull structure is not mandatory. However, the hull interface
structures for process modules, flare tower, mooring structure, riser porch or balcony are to be
evaluated for compliance with 5A-1-4/3, based on FEM models and including fatigue
analysis. The analysis is to apply the most critical combination of topsides or mooring loads
and hull girder loads.
● If the remaining fatigue life as unrestricted vessel is less than 5 years, or if the Alpha factors
for the intended site is not greater than 1, the fatigue analysis for the hull is mandatory for a
fatigue life of 10 years. The fatigue analysis of the hull structure is to comply with
5A-2-1/5.7. The hull interface structures for process modules, flare tower, mooring structure,
riser porch or balcony are to be evaluated for compliance with 5A-1-4/3, based on FEM
models and including fatigue analysis. The analysis is to apply the most critical combination
of topsides or mooring loads and hull girder loads.
● Mooring system is to be designed for compliance with Part 6 for a fatigue life not less than 10
● Survey of the FPI hull structure after conversion is to comply with Chapter 1 of the ABS
Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) for an unrestricted vessel.
● If the FPI intends to be relocated to a new site or extend the life at current site after 5 years,
the FPI is to be assessed in accordance with 1-1-2/5.11.4 and 1-1-2/5.11.5 with consideration
of the above actions.
5.11.4 Relocation of FPI
When an FPI is relocated to a new site, either within the same field or in a different operating area,
the fatigue life of the unit is to be reassessed to satisfy that the unit’s remaining fatigue life for the
new operating conditions is within the design fatigue life of the unit. The position mooring system
including chain and other mooring components is also subject to reassessment if it is to be used at
the new site.

5.11.5 Life Extension of FPI on the Same Site (1 July 2017)

When an FPI exceeds the design fatigue life specified in the FL (number of years), Year or
RFL (number of years), Year notation for which it was classed, an evaluation is to be made
and appropriate actions are to be taken to extend the fatigue life up to the new operating life of the
unit under the site-specific environmental conditions.

For conversions, the design fatigue life will depend on the minimum remaining fatigue life
expected from the time of the conversion. For conversions before October 2001, the remaining
fatigue life is only documented in the original calculations submitted at the time of the conversion.
For conversions on or after October 2001, the remaining fatigue life is indicated with the FL
notation (before July 2003) or the RFL notation (on or after July 2003).

For both original build FPIs and conversions, the remaining fatigue life of the unit may be
extended during the operating life of the FPI by renewals or modifications of those structural
details with lower fatigue life.

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

For the life extension of the unit remaining in the same location, the following actions will be

● Verification from the original fatigue analysis that the actual fatigue values of all the structural
elements of the unit are still higher than the proposed extended fatigue life; or
● New fatigue analysis covering all the structural elements (hull, turret, hull interfaces, position
mooring system) in accordance with SFA, FL or RFL requirements, as applicable. Risers (if
classed) are also to be analyzed for the extended fatigue life.
● Identification of structural elements or details with a fatigue life below the new intended
design fatigue life of the unit and proposed actions to increase the fatigue life of those
elements or details.
● Design review and surveys of structural modifications proposed as a consequence of the
fatigue analysis.
● Enhanced survey program to monitor those structural elements or details with lower fatigue
life which cannot be modified or renewed on site.
● Special survey, including Underwater Inspection, to determine the structural condition of the
unit at the time of the life extension.

For structures, systems or equipment not modified and maintained per original design, the new
fatigue analysis and related design review, when necessary, is to be based on the design codes used
in the original design with current environmental data.

For added or modified structures, systems or equipment, the new fatigue analysis and related
design review are to be based on the design codes at the time of the life extension with current
environmental data.

Surveys are to be based on the current rule requirements, see Part 7 of these Rules.

Once the life extension is approved, the existing SFA, FL or RFL notation with year of
maturation is to be updated accordingly.

When a fatigue notation is requested, and where none of the above notations was previously
assigned to the unit, the most appropriate fatigue notation for the unit is to be assigned.

For the first life extension up to 5 years, upon agreement with operator/owner, a new notation LE
(number of years) year can be granted instead of RFL or FL without performing new fatigue
analysis as required in this section. To be granted LE Notation, the following conditions are to be

● Any modifications to the structure have class approval.

● Critical areas of the original design have been re-examined using NDT techniques and
verified to be satisfactory by ABS Surveyor.
● Additional items to be determined on a case-by-case basis during the life extension process
have been resolved.

5.12 Spectral Fatigue Analysis (2017)

5.12.1 Design Fatigue Life – New Construction (1 August 2019)
Where more extensive use of Spectral Fatigue Analysis is performed in accordance with criteria
established in Part 5A, Chapter 1 of these Rules for ship-type installations, or Section 6 of the
ABS Guide for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures for non-ship-type installations, the
installation is to be identified in the Record by the notation SFA (number of years), Year. The

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

fatigue analysis is performed for either unrestricted service wave environment or the transit and
site specific wave environment in accordance with 1-1-2/5.9. The (number of years) refers to
the design fatigue life equal to 20 years or more, as specified by the applicant. The Year is the
year of maturation of fatigue. For example, SFA (30), 2041 if the design fatigue life specified is
30 years, and the FPI is built in 2011. Only one minimum design fatigue life value is applied to the
entire structural system. For a structural location required to have an additional factor applied to
the minimum design fatigue life (say, due to safety critical function or relative difficulty of
inspection, see for example, 6-2-1/13), the required minimum fatigue life for such a location is the
minimum design fatigue life being applied in the project multiplied by the additional factor. The
‘design fatigue life’ refers to the target value set by the designer and not the value calculated in the
analysis. The calculated values are usually much higher than the target value specified for design.
The application of spectral fatigue analysis is optional except for the ship-type installation over
350 meters (1148 feet) in length as indicated in 5A-1-1/1.

Where Spectral Fatigue Analysis is performed, SFA notation is assigned and different design
fatigue life values are specified for structural elements (hull and hull interface structures) and the
position mooring system within the installation, the notation SFA(number of years), Year will be
followed by the notation FLM(number of years), Year, where (number of years) refers to the
target value of the fatigue life for the position mooring system and components and Year refers to
the year of maturation associated with the position mooring system.

5.12.2 Conversion of Existing Vessel to FPSO, FPS or FSO (1 July 2019)

When spectral fatigue analysis is applied to an existing vessel that is converted to an FPSO, FPS
or FSO, the expected minimum remaining fatigue life of the structure is to be assessed according
to Section 5A-2-3/3 for ship-type installations or Section 6 of the ABS Guide for the Fatigue
Assessment of Offshore Structures for non-ship-type installations, and documented by recording its
value in the Record. The SFA notation will be followed by the value of the expected minimum
remaining fatigue life in years preceded by the letter R, and the year of maturation of fatigue life
in the defined site location in accordance with 1-1-2/5.9.2. For example, SFA (R15), 2018
indicates that the expected minimum remaining fatigue life of the structure is 15 years, which will
is to be reached in the year 2018 at the defined site location. The application of spectral fatigue
analysis for FPI conversions is optional except for the ship-type installation over 350 meters (1148
feet) in length as indicated in 5A-1-1/1.

5.13 Additional Corrosion Margin (1 March 2006)

Where the installation incorporates additional plate thicknesses above the required scantlings, the
installation will be identified in the Record by the notation AT, followed by the description of the major
hull girder component(s) that has the additional thickness. This notation will also include a number to
indicate the magnitude of the additional thickness (rounded down to the nearest 0.5 mm) that has been
applied, i.e., AT(DK+0.5). In order to apply the notation AT, the additional thickness is to be applied to
the complete structural element throughout the tank area of the installation. This notation documents major
areas of the structure that have an additional “as-built” margin on thickness to address areas subject to
significant corrosion or areas where it may be desirable to increase normal corrosion margins to extend a
structural member’s anticipated service life. This notation is optional and is only available to new
construction FPIs.

The major structural components are defined as follows:

DK Upper deck (including stringer plate)

BS Bottom shell (including bilge)

IB Inner-bottom

SS Side shell (including shear strake)

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

IS Inner skin (including “hopper” sloping plating)

LB Longitudinal bulkheads other than the inner skin

TB Transverse Bulkhead

5.15 Hull Construction Monitoring Program (1 July 2019)

Floating installations designed and reviewed to the FPI Rules are to comply with the requirements of the
Offshore Hull Construction Monitoring Program in Appendix 3-3-A1 of these Rules and have the notation

5.17 Brazilian Regulatory Compliance (1 June 2020)

Floating Offshore Installations operating in Brazilian jurisdictional waters are required to comply with
Brazilian regulatory requirements in addition to classification. Where an installation is designed and built
in accordance with the applicable Brazilian regulatory requirements listed below in 1-1-2/Table 1, the
installation will be classed and distinguished in the ABS Record by the following notations:

● BRZ: demonstrates compliance with applicable requirements in the documents listed in column
“BRZ” of 1-1-2/Table 1
● BRZ+: demonstrates compliance with applicable requirements in the documents listed in column
“BRZ+” of 1-1-2/Table 1

The notations cover the applicable requirements for the offshore installation and its station keeping system.
For new construction or existing vessels being converted to FPI, the regulatory requirements included in
the notations are to be implemented prior to issuance of class certificate. Verification of continued
compliance is not required to maintain the notations.

ABS will review design documents and perform surveys on physical items required by the notations. The
notations do not cover operational aspects, consumables, handling of dangerous goods, or other
requirements. It is the responsibility of the Owner to ensure that ongoing operations onboard comply with
the applicable Rules and regulations.

BRZ and BRZ+ notations are in addition to classification requirements contained in these Rules and are
based on ABS’ interpretation of the applicable Brazilian regulations and regulatory documents listed in
1-1-2/Table 1. Compliance with these requirements does not represent approval or acceptance by the
Brazilian regulatory authorities and does not waive the Owner’s responsibility to demonstrate full
compliance to the Brazilian regulatory authorities based on the latest versions of the regulatory documents.

Regulatory Documents

Regulatory Document by Agency Applicability


Ministry of Economy - Labor Inspection - ENIT

NR 10 - Safety in Electrical Installations and Services x x

NR 11 - Material Transportation, Movement, Storage and Handling x

NR 12 - Machinery and Equipment x

NR 13 - Boilers, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Tanks x x

NR 17 - Ergonomics x

NR 23 - Fire Protection x

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

Regulatory Document by Agency Applicability


NR 24 - Workplace Health and Comfort x

NR 32 - Health and Safety at Work in Health Facilities x x

NR 33 - Health and Safety at Work in Confined Spaces x

NR 37 - Health and Safety in Oil Platforms x x

Brazilian Navy - Directorate of Port & Coasts – DPC

NORMAM-01/DPC - Vessels Engaged in Navigation on the Open Seas x x

NORMAM-17/DHN - Navigation Aids x

NORMAM-23/DPC - Anti-Fouling Systems Control x

NORMAM-27/DPC - Helidecks Installed in Vessels and Offshore Platforms x x

Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – ANVISA

Resolution RDC 50 of 21.Feb.2002 - Health Care Establishments x

Resolution RDC 72 of 29.Dec.2009 - Health Regulation x

Resolution RDC 91 of 30.Jun.2016 – Water Supply Systems x

Resolution RDC 216 of 15.Sep.2004 - Food Services x

Ordinance no. 2914 of 12.Dec.2011 - Water Quality for Human Consumption x

Ordinance no. 3523 of 28.Aug.1998 – Air Quality in Interior Spaces x x

Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT

ABNT NBR 6493 - Use of colors for piping identification x

ABNT NBR 7195 - Safety Colors x

ABNT NBR 13434 - Fire safety signs x

ABNT NBR 16725 - Chemical waste x

ABNT NBR 60079-10:1 - Explosive gas atmospheres - Area Classification x x

ABNT NBR 61892-2 - Electrical installations - System design x x

ABNT NBR ISO 13702 - Control and mitigation of fires and explosions x x

ABNT NBR ISO 80079-36 - Explosive atmospheres - Non-electrical equipment x x

National Environmental Council – CONAMA

Resolution 8 of 6.Dec.1990 - Air Emissions from Combustion x x

Resolution 267 of 14.Sep.2000 - Substances that Destroy the Ozone Layer x

Resolution 357 of 17.Mar.2005 - Effluents Discharge x x

Resolution 382 of 26.Dec.2006 - Emissions from Stationary Sources x

Resolution 393 of 8.Aug.2007 - Process or Production Water Discharge x x

Resolution 397 of 3.Apr.2008 - Effluents Discharge x x

Resolution 398 of 11.Jun.2008 - Emergency Plan for Oil Pollution Incidents x

Resolution 430 of 13.May.2011 - Effluents discharge x x

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

Regulatory Document by Agency Applicability


Resolution 436 of 22.Dec.2011 – Air Emissions x

Resolution 491 of 19.Nov.2018 - Air Quality Standards x x

Brazilian Institute of Environment (IBAMA)

IBAMA Technical Note 01/2011 - Pollution Control Program (PCP) x

National Petroleum Agency – ANP

Resolution ANP/INMETRO no. 1 of 10.Jun.2013 - Oil and Gas Measuring System x

Brazilian Airspace Control Department - DECEA

MCA 101-1 - Weather Stations Installations x

7 ✠ AMS Notation (2017)

Machinery and boilers for self-propulsion which have been constructed and installed to the satisfaction of
the Surveyors to ABS‘s Rule requirements, when found satisfactory after trial and approved by ABS, will
be classed and distinguished in the Record by the notation ✠ AMS. This notation is mandatory for
classification of self-propelled floating production installations.

Where machinery and boilers are not satisfying the dynamic inclination requirements in 4-1-1/7.1 TABLE
1 of the MOU Rules and 4-1-1/9 TABLE 7 of the Marine Vessel Rules, assigning of the AMS notation for
one voyage only to the installation site may be considered, provided the following conditions are satisfied:

i) The maximum dynamic inclinations obtained from the seakeeping analysis for the routes taken
during the transit voyage considering wind velocity and significant wave height of 10-year return
period storm, are to satisfy the inclination requirements of the MOU Rules and Marine Vessel
Rules for static inclination on surface units.
ii) The voyage is to be planned using weather routing to avoid heavy seas.
iii) Concurrence of the flag Administration is required.

9 Notations for Automatic or Remote Control and Monitoring Systems

9.1 ✠ ACC or ✠ ACCU Notations (October 2001)

For automatic or remote control and monitoring systems of the propulsion machinery, ABS will consider
additional classifications with symbols ✠ACC or ✠ACCU, as appropriate, provided that the applicable
requirements of Part 4, Chapter 9 of the Marine Vessel Rules are satisfied.

9.3 ✠ AMCC or ✠ AMCCU Notations (March 2003)

For automatic or remote control and monitoring systems of the machinery other than the propulsion
machinery as referenced in 1/1 of the ABS Guide for Remote Control and Monitoring for Auxiliary
Machinery and Systems (other than Propulsion) on Offshore Installations, ABS will consider additional
classifications with symbols ✠AMCC or ✠AMCCU, as appropriate, provided that the applicable
requirements of the ABS Guide for Remote Control and Monitoring for Auxiliary Machinery and Systems
(other than Propulsion) on Offshore Installations are satisfied.

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 2 System Classification, Symbols and Notations (1 January 2008) 1-1-2

11 Temporary Mooring Equipment Symbol

The symbol Ⓔ will be placed after the symbols of classification to signify that the equipment for
temporary mooring of the floating installation complies with 3-4-1/3 of the MOU Rules or Part 3, Chapter
5 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

13 Conversion of Existing Vessels or Floating Structures

Modifications of existing vessels or floating structures intended for classification as Floating Installations
are to be converted under ABS design review and survey.

15 Significant Change of Operating Conditions Affecting Safety of Unit

or Personnel (1 July 2012)
In a few occasions, the operating conditions of the FPI initially considered during the classification of the
unit change with time. For example, the composition of the oil coming from the well may turn sour (high
concentration of hydrogen sulfide, H2S). If these changes affect the safety of the unit or the personnel on
board, the owner/operator needs to approach ABS as the changes may have an effect in the compliance
with the applicable Rules and Guides and therefore, in the maintenance of class.

If it is confirmed that the changes are affecting the compliance with the applicable Rules and Guides, there
are two options:

● To identify the Rule requirements that the unit has to comply with in order to maintain classification
and to verify compliance by design review and survey, as applicable; or
● To perform a risk assessment with ABS participation in order to analyze the new hazards due to the
changes and determine the mitigation actions required to bring the unit to an equivalent level of safety
to the applicable Rules and Guides.


CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 3 Rules and the Criteria Presented for


1 Application

1.1 General (1 July 2009)

The criteria in this document are applicable to Floating Production, Storage and Offloading installations
(FPSOs), as defined in Section 3-1-1 of these Rules. The criteria are also applicable to Floating Production
Systems (FPSs), as defined in 3-1-1/3, Floating Storage and Offloading systems (FSOs), as defined in
3-1-1/3, or Floating Offshore Installation (FOI), as defined in 3-1-1/3, with corresponding classification
notation, as indicated in Section 1-1-2 of these Rules.

The application of the criteria to systems other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The criteria are applicable to those features that are permanent and can be verified by plan review,
calculation, physical survey or other appropriate means. Any statement in the Rules and the criteria in this
document regarding other features are to be considered as guidance to the designer, builder, Owner, et al.

1.3 Application (1 July 2009)

These Rules have an effective date of 1 July 2009. The application of these Rules is, in general, based on
the contract date for construction or conversion between the shipbuilder and the prospective owner (e.g.,
Rules which became effective on 1 July 2009 are not applicable to a floating production installation for
which the contract for construction was signed on 30 June 2009). See also 1-1-4/3 of the ABS Rules for
Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).

In the case of conversions, structures other than hull structures (such as deckhouses), machinery equipment
and/or marine systems which will remain unchanged or with minor modifications during the conversion
will be considered on the basis of the original Rules used for the vessel construction as well as the safety
features of the converted unit.

3 Reference Standards
Reference is made in these Rules to ABS Rules and other criteria issued by ABS and other organizations.
Appendix 3-A1-2 contains a listing of such Reference Standards.

5 Risk Evaluations for Alternative Arrangements and Novel Features

(April 2004)
Risk assessment techniques may be used to demonstrate that alternatives and novel features provide
acceptable levels of safety in line with current offshore and marine industry practice. The ABS Guide for
Risk Evaluations for the Classification of Marine-Related Facilities provides guidance to ABS clients on
how to prepare a risk evaluation to demonstrate equivalency or acceptability for a proposed Floating
Production Installation.

Risk evaluations for the justification of alternative arrangements or novel features may be applicable either
to the installation as a whole, or to individual systems, subsystems or components. ABS will consider the

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 3 Rules and the Criteria Presented for Classification 1-1-3

application of risk evaluations for alternative arrangements and novel features in the design of the floating
production installations, Verification Surveys during construction, and Surveys for Maintenance of Class.

Portions of the floating production installation or any of its components thereof not explicitly included in
the risk evaluation submitted to ABS are to comply with any applicable part of the ABS Rules and Guides.
If any proposed alternative arrangement or novel feature affects any applicable requirements of Flag and
Coastal State, it is the responsibility of the Owner to discuss with the applicable authorities the acceptance
of alternatives based on risk evaluations.


CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 4 Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations

1 Design Plans and Data (1 March 2006)

Plans showing the scantlings, arrangements and details of the principal parts of the hull structure of each
installation to be built under survey are to be submitted and approved before the work of construction has
commenced. These plans are to clearly indicate the scantlings, joint details and welding, or other methods
of connection. In general, plans are to be submitted that include the following, where applicable:

i) General Arrangement
ii) Body Plan, lines, offsets, curves of form, inboard and outboard profile
iii) Wind heeling moment curves of equivalent data
iv) (1 July 2012) Arrangement plan of watertight, firetight and gastight compartmentation
v) Diagrams showing the extent to which the watertight and weathertight integrity is intended to be
maintained, the location, type and disposition of watertight and weathertight closures
vi) Capacity plan and tank sounding tables
vii) Summary of distributions of weights (fixed, variable, ballast, etc.) for various conditions
viii) Type, location and quantities of permanent ballast, if any
ix) Loadings for all decks
x) Transverse section showing scantlings
xi) Longitudinal sections showing scantlings
xii) Decks, including helicopter deck
xiii) Framing, shell plating, watertight bulkheads and flats, structural bulkheads and flats, tank
bulkheads and flats with location of overflows and air pipes
xiv) Pillars, girders, diagonals and struts
xv) Stability columns, intermediate columns, hulls, pontoons, superstructure and deck houses
xvi) (1 July 2012) Arrangement and details of watertight and weathertight doors and hatches
xvii) Foundations for anchoring equipment, industrial equipment, process, and process support
modules, etc., where attached to hull structure, superstructures or deckhouses
xviii) Mooring turrets and yoke arms, including mechanical details
xix) Corrosion control arrangements
xx) (1 July 2012) Methods and locations for nondestructive testing (submitted to attending Surveyor
for review and agreement)
xxi) The plans listed in 5B-1-4/11 for column-stabilized units
xxii) (1 March 2006) Plans and calculations/analyses for the module structures to support production
xxiii) (1 March 2006) Plans and calculations/analyses for module support structures

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 4 Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations 1-1-4

xxiv) (1 July 2009) Construction Monitoring Plan

xxv) (1 July 2017) Structural critical inspection points (SCIPs) (see 7-2-1/3.27 & Section 7-2-3)

3 Position Mooring System Design Documentation (1 July 2019)

The design documentation for the mooring system is to include mooring system arrangement, mooring
systems components, design basis, environmental conditions and analysis reports. The list of the document
and the details are given in the ABS Guide for Position Mooring Systems.

5 Production Facilities and Production Support Facilities (1 July 2012)

The following design documentation of a floating production and installation is required to be submitted,
as applicable, depending on the classification notation:

i) General Arrangements showing arrangements and locations of storage tanks, machinery,

equipment, living quarters, fire walls, emergency shutdown (ESD) stations, control stations, crude
loading and discharge stations and the flare (see 4-1-7/3).
ii) Hazardous Area Classification Plans, as defined in 3-1-3/7 herein.
iii) Details of Storage Tank Venting and Inerting indicating arrangements for storage tank venting and
iv) Arrangements for Use of Produced Gas as Fuel showing piping and control arrangements for use
of produced gas as fuel showing details of double wall or ducting arrangements for the pipe runs
in way of the safe space.
v) A design specification that is to include design parameters (environmental conditions,
geographical location of the unit, external loads, pressures, temperatures, etc.), standards and
codes adopted throughout the design, construction and testing stages and the process description.
vi) A description of the field development plan, including well fluid properties, production rates, gas
oil ratios, processing scheme, well shut-in pressures.
vii) Process flow sheets showing major process equipment components, process piping, material
balance, normal pressures and temperatures at the inlet and outlet of each major component.
viii) Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) indicating location of all sensing and controlling
elements on the process and production support systems, sizing and material specification of
piping and the associated components, maximum design pressure and temperature ratings, piping
strength and flow calculations.
ix) List of electrical equipment located in hazardous areas together with the certificates issued by an
independent testing laboratory to show suitability of their use in the intended location.
x) Electrical one line diagram showing ratings of all generators, motors, transformers, type and size
of wires and cables. Types and rating of circuit breakers with the setting, interrupting capacity of
circuit breakers and fuses.
xi) Short circuit current calculations and coordination data giving the maximum calculated short
circuit current available at the main bus bars and at each point in the distribution system in order
to determine the adequacy of the interrupting capacities of the protective device. A system
coordination study is to be included.
xii) Safety Analysis, including Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) charts.
xiii) Emergency shutdown system (ESD) relating to all sensing devices, shutdown valves, shutdown
devices and emergency support system to their functions and showing ESD logic for the complete
process and the subsea valves system.
xiv) Emergency backup and uninterrupted power source, supply and the consumers.

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 4 Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations 1-1-4

xv) Pressure vessel (fired and unfired) and heat exchangers, design dimensional drawings, design
calculations, material specifications, pressure and temperature ratings, together with weld details
and the details of their support.
xvi) Pressure relief and depressurization vent systems showing arrangements sizing of the lines,
capacities of the relief valve, materials, design capacity, calculations for the relief valves, knock
out drums, anticipated noise levels and gas dispersion analyses.
xvii) Complete details of flares, including pilots, igniters and water seal and design calculations,
including stability and radiant heat analyses.
xviii) Schematic plans for the production support systems, including the size, wall thicknesses,
maximum design working pressure and temperature and materials for all pipes and the type, size
and material of valves and fittings.
xix) Compressors, pumps selection and control arrangements, including specification data sheet.
xx) Fire and gas detection system showing the location and detailed description of all power sources,
sensors, annunciation and indication, set point for the alarm system.
xxi) Passive and active fire protection system indicating locations of fire walls, fire pumps and their
capacities, main and backup power supply, fixed and portable fire extinguishing, and fire fighting
systems and equipment. In this regard, supportive calculations are to be submitted to show the
basis of capacities and quantities of fire extinguishing equipment.
xxii) Escape route plan showing escape routes to abandonment stations and survival embarkation areas.
xxiii) (1 July 2012) Startup and commissioning procedures detailing sequence of events for inspection,
testing and startup and commissioning of equipment and system (submitted to attending Surveyor
for review and agreement).
xxiv) (1 July 2012) Installation, Hook-up and Commissioning Procedures (submitted to attending
Surveyor for review and agreement, also See Part 3, Chapter 4.)

Above items i), ii), ix), xiii), xx), xxi), and xxii), are required to be submitted for any type of a floating
production installation that is classed with or without its topsides production facilities.

7 Marine Systems and Machinery Plans (1 July 2012)

Plans showing marine piping systems, electrical systems, fire fighting systems and equipment, and
machinery and equipment not associated with the process facilities are to be submitted (see Section
5A-1-6, 5B-1-4, 5B-2-6, or 5B-3-6 depending on the type of installation).

Where applicable, machinery plans listed in Part 4 of the Marine Vessel Rules or MOU Rules are to be
submitted. Machinery general arrangements, installation and equipment plans, are also to be submitted and
approved before proceeding with the work.

9 Additional Plans
Submission of additional plans and calculations may be required when additional classification
designations or certifications are requested:

Additional classification designations under 1-1-2/5, 1-1-2/9, 1-1-2/11, 1-1-2/13 of these Rules or Part 4,
Chapter 2. (See Section 4-2-2 for import/export system submission requirements.)

Certifications under 1-1-2/5, 1-1-2/9, 1-1-2/11 or 1-1-2/13 of these Rules or 1-1-5/3 or 1-1-5/5 of the ABS
Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).

Part 1 Conditions of Classification
Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification
Section 4 Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations 1-1-4

11 Manuals and Procedures

11.1 Operations Manual

The Operations Manual is to be submitted, providing guidance information for operating personnel
regarding the following, when applicable:

Subject References in these Rules

Loading Manual 3-3-1/7, 5B-1-1/5

Trim and Stability 3-3-1/9, 3-3-1/11, 5B-1-3/1

11.3 Procedures (1 July 2019)

Procedures are to be submitted for the following:

Subject References in these Rules

Disconnecting Procedure, if applicable 3-4-1/13

Drydocking Procedure* Section 7-2-7

Hook Up Procedures Section 3-4-2

Installation Procedures Section 3-4-1

Installation Manual 3-4-1/11

Import/Export System 4-2-4/7, 3-4-1/11

Lay-up and Reactivation, if applicable* 7-2-1/21

Startup and Commissioning Procedures* Section 3-4-3

In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) 7-2-1/3.27 & Section 7-2-3

Procedure for periodic verification by the crew that mooring lines have not parted (See Section 6-1-1)
* Submitted to attending Surveyor for review and agreement


Installation Types, Functions, Features and General

CHAPTER 1 General Description...........................................................................25
Section 1 Basic Configurations .......................................................26
Section 2 Installation .......................................................................28
Section 3 Production Facilities ........................................................29
Section 4 Position Mooring System ................................................ 30
Section 5 Subsea System ...............................................................31

CHAPTER 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading...................................... 33

Section 1 General Design Basis ..................................................... 34
Section 2 Design Documentation ................................................... 35
Section 3 Design Conditions ...........................................................36
Section 4 Environmental Conditions ...............................................39

CHAPTER 3 General Requirements.......................................................................46

Section 1 All Installations ................................................................47
Appendix 1 Offshore Hull Construction Monitoring Program.............. 50

CHAPTER 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning..................................... 52

Section 1 General ........................................................................... 53
Section 2 Hook-up Procedures Submittal .......................................56
Section 3 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures Submittal ....... 57
Section 4 Surveys During Installation, Hook-up and
Commissioning................................................................ 58

APPENDIX 1 Abbreviations and References......................................................... 59

Section 1 Abbreviations .................................................................. 60
Section 2 References ..................................................................... 61


CHAPTER 1 General Description

SECTION 1 Basic Configurations ........................................................................26
1 Purpose........................................................................................ 26
3 Major Elements.............................................................................26

SECTION 2 Installation ......................................................................................... 28

1 General......................................................................................... 28
3 Ship-Type Installations..................................................................28
5 Column-Stabilized Installations.....................................................28
7 Tension Leg Platform Installations (1 July 2009).......................... 28
9 Spar Installations (1 July 2009).................................................... 28
11 Other Types (1 July 2009)............................................................ 28

SECTION 3 Production Facilities .........................................................................29

1 General (1 July 2009)................................................................... 29
3 Production Support Systems........................................................ 29
5 Manned Facility.............................................................................29
7 Hazardous Areas: Classified Areas and Area Classification
9 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)............................. 29
11 Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts.................29

SECTION 4 Position Mooring System .................................................................30

1 General......................................................................................... 30

SECTION 5 Subsea System ................................................................................. 31

1 General......................................................................................... 31
3 Floating Hose................................................................................31
5 On Bottom Flexible Flow Lines..................................................... 31
7 Pipe Line End Manifold (PLEM)....................................................31
7.1 Import PLEM....................................................................31
7.3 Export PLEM....................................................................31
9 Riser............................................................................................. 31
11 Riser System................................................................................ 31
13 Riser Support................................................................................31
15 Submerged Jumper Hoses........................................................... 32


CHAPTER 1 General Description

SECTION 1 Basic Configurations

1 Purpose (1 July 2019)

A Floating Installation provides hydrocarbon processing and/or hydrocarbon storage and offloads
hydrocarbons. Where discussion of the various component systems supporting hydrocarbon processing
and/or storage may cause confusion with the total system, Floating Installation is used to generically
identify the combination under discussion and refers to a site-specific installation.

The notations:

Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System

Floating Production (and Offloading) System

Floating Storage and Offloading System

Floating Offshore Installation

are based on accepted industry practice and were chosen to provide a clear description of the function of
each configuration.

● Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) – This installation processes,
stores and offloads hydrocarbons.
● Floating Production (and Offloading) System (FPS) – This installation processes and offloads
hydrocarbons without storage capacity.
● Floating Storage and Offloading System (FSO) – This installation stores and offloads
hydrocarbons without hydrocarbon processing facilities. An FSO receives oil from a nearby
installation that contains processing equipment. FSOs should not connect directly to a well.
● Floating Offshore Installation (FOI) – This installation may process and offload hydrocarbons
and may or may not have storage capacity, but the production facilities are not classed.

3 Major Elements
A Floating Installation consists of several of the following major elements that are addressed in these

i) Installation
ii) Position mooring (or station keeping system)
iii) Production processing facilities
iv) Import/export system

Classification boundaries encompass the installation and position mooring system and may include the
production facilities. Import/export systems may be classed, as well. (See Section 1-1-2 of these Rules.)

A Floating Installation classed as an FPSO, FPS, FSO or FOI includes the following elements:

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 1 General Description
Section 1 Basic Configurations 3-1-1

Installation Position Storage Hydrocarbon Import/Export

Mooring System Process System

FPSO ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Optional

FPS ✓ ✓ --- ✓ Optional

FSO ✓ ✓ ✓ --- Optional

FOI (Production Facilities ✓ ✓ Safety Features OnlySee 4-1-1/3 Optional

not classed)

FOI (with Production ✓ ✓ Safety Features OnlySee 4-1-1/5 Optional

Facilities indicated in
Column 5)


CHAPTER 1 General Description

SECTION 2 Installation

1 General
Installation, as used in these Rules, refers to a floating structure and the machinery, equipment and systems
necessary for safety, propulsion (if fitted) and auxiliary services. The structural configurations of these
installations may be ship-shaped or barge-shaped (with or without propulsion), column stabilized or any
other configuration of a purpose-built floating installation.

3 Ship-Type Installations
Ship-type installations are single displacement hulls, either ship-shaped or barge-shaped, which have been
designed or converted to a floating production and/or storage system. They may have propulsion
machinery and/or station keeping systems.

5 Column-Stabilized Installations
Column-stabilized installations consist of surface piercing columns, submerged pontoons and a deck
supported at column tops. Buoyancy is provided by the submerged pontoons, surface piercing columns and
braces, if any.

7 Tension Leg Platform Installations (1 July 2009)

Tension leg platform (TLP) installations are vertically moored, buoyant structural systems wherein the
excess buoyancy of the platform maintains tension in the mooring system. The TLPs consist of buoyant
pontoons and columns, a column top frame or a topside deck and a tendon system with its seafloor

9 Spar Installations (1 July 2009)

Spar installations are deep draft, vertical floating structures, usually of cylindrical shape, supporting a
topside deck and moored to the seafloor. The hull can be divided into upper hull, mid-section and lower

11 Other Types (1 July 2009)

Purpose-built and new configurations belong to this category.


CHAPTER 1 General Description

SECTION 3 Production Facilities

1 General (1 July 2009)

The production facilities typically consist of the processing, safety and control systems, production support
systems and auxiliary equipment for processing hydrocarbon liquid and gas mixtures from wells or other
sources. Generally, a production facility includes all elements located onboard the Floating Installation
unit. These elements are located from (and including) the first inlet flange of the well fluid flow line above
the water level inboard to (and including) the last onboard flange. Some important items related to
production facilities are defined in the following paragraphs.

3 Production Support Systems

The production support systems include power generation and distribution, instrument and service air,
potable water, fuel oil systems, HVAC, instrumentation, communication systems and firewater systems
required to support hydrocarbon production and processing.

Production support systems may be in addition to or extensions of the normal marine utility systems found
on MODUs, barges or ship-type installations. (See Part 4, Chapter 1 of these Rules and Section 3-6 of the
Facilities Rules.)

5 Manned Facility
A manned facility is one with permanent occupied living accommodations or one that requires the
continuous presence of personnel for more than 12 hours in successive 24 hour periods.

7 Hazardous Areas: Classified Areas and Area Classification Plan

A classified area is an area in which flammable gases or vapors are or may be present in the air in
quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures. See 3-6/15 of the Facilities Rules.

An area classification plan is a set of drawings indicating extent, boundaries and classification of all
classified areas.

9 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)

P&IDs show the size, design and operating conditions of each major process component, piping and valve
designation and size, sensing and control instrumentation, shutdown and pressure relief devices with set
points, signal circuits, set points for controllers, continuity of all line pipes and boundaries of skid units
and process packages.

11 Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts

The S.A.F.E. charts list all process components and emergency support systems with their required sensing
devices and the functions to be performed by each device and relate all sensing devices, shutdown valves,
shutdown devices and emergency support systems to their functions.


CHAPTER 1 General Description

SECTION 4 Position Mooring System

1 General (1 July 2019)

A Position Mooring System keeps the installation on station. The Position Mooring System includes
mooring lines, connectors and hardware, winches, piles, anchors and thrusters. For a single point mooring
system, the turret, turntable, disconnecting system, buoy, anchoring legs, etc., are also part of the system.
Typical mooring system types include spread mooring, turret mooring, single point mooring and thruster
assisted mooring. Detailed descriptions of the mooring systems are provided in 1/9 of the ABS Guide for
Position Mooring Systems.


CHAPTER 1 General Description

SECTION 5 Subsea System

1 General
A subsea system is a flexible/articulated piping system providing a conduit for the hydrocarbons from the
subsea pipeline to the surface components. It includes subsea pipelines, subsea well system and risers.

The definitions in this Section describe the various aspects of the classification procedure in these Rules.

3 Floating Hose
A floating hose is a floating conduit used to export hydrocarbons from a point of storage/production, either
an SPM or installation’s manifold to a receiving installation’s manifold for transport.

5 On Bottom Flexible Flow Lines

These lines are conduit used to connect one subsea location to another subsea location prior to a vertical
conveyance by the riser system to the surface.

7 Pipe Line End Manifold (PLEM)

A PLEM is the assemblage of valves and components or equipment performing the equivalent function
connecting the production facilities to the pipeline carrying product to or from the shore, an offloading
system or to another facility.

7.1 Import PLEM

Import PLEM is the equipment connecting to the Import Riser and the import supply line or wellhead. (In
some configurations, the wellhead may provide the function of the Import PLEM.)

7.3 Export PLEM

Export PLEM is the equipment connection between the Export Riser and the product discharge line.

9 Riser
A riser is a subsea rigid and/or flexible pipe that connects the surface facilities with the sea floor and is
thus the conduit for fulfilling the desired function of conveying fluids, gas, electrical power, etc.

11 Riser System
The riser system includes the entire assemblage of components, control systems, safety systems and
tensioning devices that ensure the integrity of the riser throughout its operation. Riser classification
boundaries are defined in Section 4-2-1 of these Rules.

13 Riser Support
Riser support comprises any structural attachments, including buoyancy devices that are used to give
structural integrity to the riser or transfer load to the supporting structure.

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 1 General Description
Section 5 Subsea System 3-1-5

15 Submerged Jumper Hoses

Jumper hoses are flexible lines used in conjunction with rigid risers to accommodate the relative motion
between the Floating Installation and the submerged top of the riser. Jumper hoses may also be used to
connect the subsea manifold to the wellhead.


CHAPTER 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading

SECTION 1 General Design Basis ....................................................................... 34

SECTION 2 Design Documentation .....................................................................35

SECTION 3 Design Conditions ............................................................................ 36

1 Position Mooring System ............................................................. 36
3 Structural Strength and Fatigue Life............................................. 36
3.1 Project Site (December 2008)......................................... 36
3.3 Transit.............................................................................. 37
3.5 Disconnectable Installations (1 July 2012)...................... 37
3.7 Strength and Fatigue Life................................................ 37

TABLE 1 Safety Factors for Fatigue Life............................................. 37

SECTION 4 Environmental Conditions ............................................................... 39

1 General......................................................................................... 39
3 Environmental Loads.................................................................... 39
5 Current..........................................................................................40
7 Wind..............................................................................................40
7.1 Wind Load........................................................................40
7.3 Squall Load (2017).......................................................... 42
9 Waves...........................................................................................43
9.1 Wave Forces....................................................................43
9.3 Wave-induced Motion Responses................................... 44
11 Directionality................................................................................. 44
13 Soil Conditions (1 July 2009)........................................................ 44

TABLE 1 Shape Coefficients Cs for Windages.................................... 44

TABLE 2 Height Coefficients Ch for Windages.................................... 45
TABLE 3 Wind Velocity Conversion Factor*........................................45


CHAPTER 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading

SECTION 1 General Design Basis

(1 July 2009) The design basis of a Floating Installation identifies, among other items, the production rate,
storage capacity and loading capabilities. Since the system operation is site-specific, the environmental
conditions of the site directly influence the design of such a system.

The effects of prevailing winds are to be considered to minimize the risk of vented or flared hydrocarbons
to personnel, living quarters and evacuation means. Generally, atmospheric vents, flare systems and
emergency gas release vents are to be arranged in such a way so that prevailing winds will carry heat
and/or unburned gases away from potential ignition sources on the installation. See API RP 14J.

The design environmental conditions are to include those for the operation, installation and transit portions
of the Floating Installation’s design life. This Chapter specifically covers the environmental design criteria

i) Position Mooring System.

ii) Structural Strength and Fatigue Life Assessments.


CHAPTER 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading

SECTION 2 Design Documentation

The design documentation submitted is to include reports, calculations, plans and other documentation
necessary to verify the structural strength of the installation itself and adequacy of the mooring system,
production and other utility facilities and riser system (if included in the classification) for the intended


CHAPTER 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading

SECTION 3 Design Conditions

The FPI is to be designed for load scenarios encountered during transit and site-specific conditions. Site-
specific conditions are to include both the Design Environmental Condition and the Design Operating

1 Position Mooring System (1 July 2019)

The position mooring system of a Floating Installation is to be designed to survive in the Design
Environmental Condition and operate in the Design Operating Condition. For a disconnectable mooring
system, the limiting condition at which the mooring system is to be disconnected or reconnected is to be
specified. Detailed requirements for the design environemntal conditions, design operating conditions and
disconnectable conditions are provided in 3/3 of the ABS Guide for Position Mooring Systems.

3 Structural Strength and Fatigue Life

3.1 Project Site (December 2008)

The site-specific environmental conditions, including both 100-year return period environmental events
and wave scatter diagram data of wave height/period joint occurrence distribution, are to be considered for
the installation’s hull strength and fatigue life assessment. Fatigue life assessment is also to include the
effects of on-site operational loading and unloading cycles. A minimum return period of 100 years for the
design response should be used for the DEC criteria per API RP 2T. A minimum return period of 50 years
for the structural response may be specially considered, provided that it is accepted by the Coastal State.
Different environmental conditions may induce different worst responses on various parts of the hull
structure. The wave-induced maximum motion responses and maximum structural load effects may result
from different wave periods. Therefore, the following two environmental conditions are to be considered to
derive the maximum motion responses and maximum structural load effects. The larger of the two values
obtained from i) and ii) is to be considered the maximum response:

i) 100-year return period waves characterized by a significant wave height with a range of associated
peak wave periods. Both winter storms and tropical cyclones (hurricanes or typhoons), if any,
need to be considered.
ii) Wave scatter diagram data of wave height/period joint occurrence distribution. The length of time
on which the data base for the wave scatter diagram data is constructed is long enough to be a
reliable basis for design (preferably at least five years). The occurrence distribution is to be
annualized with equal probability of occurrence for each data point. Each data point is to represent
a sea state of approximately three hours in a continuous time duration of the database.

For both of the above environmental conditions the following are also to be considered:
iii) Wave directions of head seas and other directions relative to the installation heading, including the
effects of wind and current, with proper probability distribution are to be considered, irrespective
of the type of mooring system utilized.
iv) As appropriate, either long-crested seas or short-crested seas with spreading function are to be
considered for various design issues.

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 3 Design Conditions 3-2-3

3.3 Transit
The wind and wave conditions representing the environment for the transit route from the building or
outfitting site (or the shipyard where the conversion modifications are made) to the project site and the
time of the year are to be determined for the design of a floating installation. Except for floating
installations that qualify for the Disconnectable classification notation, any other transit conditions
occurring during the operational life of the floating installation are to be submitted for review. Prior to
commencement of such a voyage, an ABS Surveyor is to attend and survey the installation to assess its

As a minimum, the wind speed and significant wave height of 10-year return period are to be considered,
unless a weather routing plan is to be implemented for the voyage. Seasonal effects on the design
environments as appropriate for the proposed transit duration can be considered.

In addition to the check on the installation’s hull strength during transit, special attention is to be paid to
items such as the flare boom, crane pedestal and process equipment supports that will be subject to motion-
induced loading and/or effects of green water. Motion-induced loads during transit are to be calculated and
the superstructures and their supports, which are included in the scope of classification, shall be verified
against these loads.

If fitted with an internal turret, special consideration is to be given to bottom slamming to preclude damage
to the turret supports and bearings.

3.5 Disconnectable Installations (1 July 2012)

For disconnectable floating installations that are disconnected from its mooring and riser systems due to
the occurrence of a limiting extreme environmental condition, the structural strength of the installation
shall comply with unrestricted service (North Atlantic) conditions. However, if the disconnectable floating
installation is restricted to a specific service area in proximity to its operating site location, reduced design
load parameters may be applied with an appropriate limited area of disconnected service notation
Disconnectable-R (from site to designated port) or (from site to geographic area Lat. X1,
Long. Y1; Lat. X2, Long. Y2; Lat. X3, Long. Y3; Lat. X4, Long. Y4), where permitted by local
authorities or regulations.

3.7 Strength and Fatigue Life (2020)

Strength and fatigue life assessment are calculated according to Part 5A or 5B of these Rules for a given
project site and transit route.

When referred to elsewhere in these Rules, the safety factors for fatigue life are defined in 3-2-3/3.7
TABLE 1 shown below.

Safety Factors for Fatigue Life (2020)

Degree of accessibility for inspection and repair

Dry Access Underwater Access Not Accessible

Non-Critical 2(5) 3 5

Critical 3 5 10

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 3 Design Conditions 3-2-3

1 “Critical” implies that failure of these structural items would result in the rapid loss of structural integrity and
produce an event of unacceptable consequence.
2 “Access” refers to the possibility of a close inspection and repair operation.
3 Due to the structural redundancy and accessibility of inspection inherent in typical hull structures of ship-type
installations, the applied safety factor is generally 1.0. The approach outlined in 5A-1-3/3.9.3 and 5A-2-1/5.9.3 is
to be followed.
4 In the event of a safety factor conflict due to different degrees of accessibility to a location, the more stringent
safety factor is to be used.
5 ABS will consider a reduction in fatigue safety factor from 2 to 1 when the structural detail is readily visible,
inspectable and repairable during normal operation.


CHAPTER 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading

SECTION 4 Environmental Conditions

1 General (1 July 2019)

The environmental conditions for various design conditions described in Section 3-2-3 are to be submitted
with adequate data for the specific site of operation. Statistical data and mathematical models that describe
the range of pertinent expected variations of environmental conditions are to be employed. All data used
are to be fully documented with the sources and estimated reliability of data noted.

An environmental report describing methods employed in developing available data into design criteria is
to be submitted in accordance with 1-1-4/3 of these Rules. Probabilistic methods for short-term, long-term
and extreme-value prediction are to employ statistical distributions appropriate to the environmental
phenomena being considered, as evidenced by relevant statistical tests, confidence limits and other
measures of statistical significance. Hindcasting methods and models are to be fully documented.

Generally, data and analyses supplied by recognized consultants will be accepted as the basis of design.
Published design standards and data, if available for the location of interest, may be cited as

Specifically, the following environmental data are normally to be provided:

i) Extreme events of 100-, 10- and 1-year return period data for wind speed, significant wave height
and current. A range of associated wave periods is to be considered for each specified significant
wave height. Both winter storms and tropical cyclones (hurricanes or typhoons), if any, need be
ii) Directional data and angular separation for extreme values of wind, waves and current.
iii) Wave spectral shape formulation.
iv) Current speed and directional variation through the water depth.
v) Wave height/period joint occurrence distribution (wave scatter diagram data with equal annual
probability of occurrence for each data point).
vi) Long-term wave statistics by direction.
vii) Water depth and tidal variations, including wind and pressure effects of storms.
viii) Air and sea temperature.
ix) Ice, iceberg and snow, if any.
x) (2017) Time series of squalls with wind speeds and wind directions in the areas where the
maximum mooring system responses are governed by squalls (refer to 3/3.3.2(a) of the Guide for
Position Mooring Systems for DEC)

3 Environmental Loads
The design of a Floating Installation requires the establishment of environmental loads considering the
following parameters:

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 4 Environmental Conditions 3-2-4

Air and sea temperatures Tides and storm surges

Currents Waves

Ice and Snow Wind

Other phenomena such as loop currents, tsunamis, submarine slides, seiche, abnormal composition of air
and water, air humidity, salinity, ice drift and icebergs may require special considerations.

Wind tunnel and towing tank tests on the project-specific submerged hull and superstructures are preferred
in determining current and wind loads. Alternatively, the following calculation procedures can also be

5 Current
The current forces on the submerged hull, mooring lines, risers or any other submerged objects associated
with the system are to be calculated using a current profile established in accordance with 3-2-3/1. In areas
where relatively high velocity currents occur, load amplification due to vortex shedding is to be

Current force, Fcurrent, on the submerged part of any structure is calculated as the drag force by the
following equation:

Fcurrent = 1/2ρwaterCDAcurrentuc uc kN (lbf)


ρwater = density of sea water, 1.025 tonnes/m3 (1.99 Slugs/ft3)

CD = drag coefficient, in steady flow (dimensionless)

uc = current velocity vector normal to the plane of projected area, in m/s (ft/s)

Acurrent = projected area exposed to current, in m2 (ft2)

For a Floating Installation using a ship-type configuration (e.g., tankers), current forces may be calculated
(as appropriate) by using coefficients based on model test data as presented in Prediction of Wind and
Current Loads on VLCCs, published by Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), 1994.

7 Wind
The wind conditions for various design conditions are to be established from collected wind data and
should be consistent with other environmental parameters assumed to occur simultaneously. In general, the
wind speed is to be based on a recurrence period of 100 years.

The environmental report is to present wind statistics for the site of installation. The statistics are to be
based on the analysis and interpretation of wind data by a recognized consultant. The report is to include a
wind rose or table showing the frequency distributions of wind velocity and direction and a table or graph
showing the recurrence period of extreme winds. The percentage of time for which the operational phase
limiting wind velocity is expected to be exceeded during a year and during the worst month or season is to
be identified.

7.1 Wind Load

The wind loading can be considered either as a steady wind force or as a combination of steady and time-
varying load, as described below:

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 4 Environmental Conditions 3-2-4

i) When wind force is considered as a constant (steady) force, the wind velocity based on the
1minute average velocity is to be used in calculating the wind load.
ii) Effect of the wind gust spectrum can be taken into account by considering wind loading as a
combination of steady load and a time-varying component calculated from a suitable wind
spectrum. For this approach, the wind velocity based on 1-hour average speed is to be used for
steady wind load calculation. The first approach is preferred to this approach when the wind
energy spectrum cannot be derived with confidence.

Wind pressure, pwind, on a particular windage of a floating installation may be calculated as drag forces
using the following equations:
Pwind = 0 . 610CsCℎVref N/m2 Vref    in m/s
= 0 . 0623CsCℎVref kgf/m2 Vref     in m/s
= 0 . 00338CsCℎVref lbf/ft2 Vref   in knots


Cs = Shape Coefficient (dimensionless)

Cℎ = Height Coefficient (dimensionless)

The height coefficient, Cℎ, in the above formulation accounts for the wind velocity (Vwind) profile in the
vertical plane. The height coefficient, Cℎ, is given by the following equation:

Vz 2 z

Cℎ = Vref           or           Cℎ = Zref   ,           but   Cℎ   ( ≥   1)

where the velocity of wind, Vz, at a height, z, is to be calculated as follows:

Vz = Vref Z z

Vref = velocity of wind at a reference elevation, Zref, of 10 m (33 feet)

β = 0.09 - 0.16 for 1-minute average wind

= 0.125 for 1-hour average wind.

The corresponding wind force, Fwind, on the windage is:

Fwind = pwindAwind


Awind = projected area of windage on a plane normal to the direction of the wind, in m2 (ft2)

The total wind force is then obtained by summing up the wind forces on each windage.

Representative values of Cℎ are given in 3-2-4/13 TABLE 2 of these Rules. Wind profiles for the specific
site of the Floating Installation should be used.

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 4 Environmental Conditions 3-2-4

The shape coefficients for typical structural shapes are presented in 3-2-4/13 TABLE 1 of these Rules. To
convert the wind velocity, Vt, at a reference of 10 m (33 feet) above sea level for a given time average, t, to
velocity of another time average, the following relationship may be used:

Vt = fV(1hr)

Example values of the factor f, based on API RP 2A, for U.S. waters are listed in 3-2-4/13 TABLE 3 of
these Rules. Values specific to the site of the Floating Installation are to be used.

Wind forces can be calculated for large ship-type installations with relatively small superstructure (e.g.,
tankers) using the coefficients presented in the document Prediction of Wind and Current Loads on
VLCCs, OCIMF, 1994. Additional forces due to superstructures and equipment can be calculated by the
above formula and added to these results.

Wind forces on Floating Installations other than ship-type are to be calculated by the summation of wind
forces on individual areas using the above formulas.

If the 1-hour average wind speed is used, the wind’s dynamic effect should be separately considered. The
wind energy spectrum, as recommended in API RP 2A, may be used.

7.3 Squall Load (2017)

A squall is a strong transient wind event characterized by sudden rapid increases in wind speed and sudden
shifts in wind direction. The concept of a wind spectrum is not applicable to squalls. A squall event is
normally presented by time series of scalar mean wind speed and associated unit vector mean direction.
Squall loading is to be calculated in time domain.

7.3.1 100-year Squalls

100-year squalls can be established by scaling the wind speeds of selected squall events as given
in below. The maximum wind speed of a squall event is to be scaled to the wind speed associated
with 100-year return period of a given metocean site.
V100 ti = Vmax V ti     m/s (ft/s)


V100 ti = wind speed at time i of scaled 100-year squall, m/s (ft/s)

V ti = wind speed at time i of a squall record, m/s (ft/s)

V100 = wind speed with 100-year return period, m/s (ft/s)

Vmax = maximum wind speed of a squall record, m/s (ft/s)

7.3.2 Squall Direction

The wind direction of one minute mean of a squall time record can be in any direction. The
direction of a squall in these Rules is defined as the wind direction corresponding to the maximum
wind speed in a squall time record.

Squall directions, as well as current and wave directions of site specific information can be used
for the mooring analysis. If such information is not available, below guidelines can be followed.

For a spread mooring system, co-linear condition, namely, squall, current and waves are in same
direction, can be considered. Mooring analysis should include following directions as minimum

i) Squall direction in each mooring line group

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 4 Environmental Conditions 3-2-4

ii) Squall direction is beam-on a moored FPSO

For a single point mooring, in addition to the co-linear condition, following additional conditions
should also be considered.

i) Initial direction (wind direction at the initial time step of a squall) in stern, 30 degrees and
60 degrees from stern, respectively.
ii) Current and waves are collinear and both at 30 degrees to squall.
iii) Waves at 30 degrees to squall and current at 90 degrees to squall.

The squall direction will be varied depending on the case being considered. Therefore the initial
squall direction for the analysis case considered is to be shifted accordingly as following.

θi t0 = θ tmax − βi degrees


θi t0 = initial squall direction for the analysis case i, degrees

θ tmax = squall direction defined as at the maximum wind speed of a squall, degrees

βi = specified direction for analysis case i, such as the direction of a mooring line group, etc.

9 Waves
Wave criteria are to be described in terms of wave energy spectra, significant wave height and associated
period for the location at which the Floating Installation is to operate. Waves are to be considered as
coming from any direction relative to the installation. Consideration is to be given to waves of less than the
maximum height because the wave-induced motion responses at waves with certain periods may be larger
in some cases due to the dynamic behavior of the system as a whole.

9.1 Wave Forces

The wave forces acting on a floating installation consist of three components, i.e., first order forces at wave
frequencies, second order forces at frequencies lower than the wave frequencies and a steady component of
the second order forces. This steady component of the wave force is called Mean Drift Force. The
calculation of wave loading is necessary for assessing the installation motion responses and the mooring
system. It requires calculations of dynamic characteristics of the installation and the hydrodynamic loading
on the installation for a given environmental condition.

For structures consisting of slender members that do not significantly alter the incident wave field, semi-
empirical formulations, such as Morison’s equation, may be used. For calculation of wave loads on
structural configurations that significantly alter the incident wave field, appropriate methods which account
for both the incident wave force (e.g., Froude-Krylov force) and the forces resulting from wave diffraction
are to be used. In general, application of Morison’s equation may be used for structures comprising slender
members with diameters (or equivalent diameters giving the same cross-sectional areas parallel to the
flow) less than 20 percent of the wave lengths.

For a column-stabilized type of installation consisting of large (columns and pontoons) and small (brace
members) cylindrical members, a combination of diffraction and Morison’s equation can be used for
calculation of hydrodynamic characteristics and hydrodynamic loading. The designer may refer to
3-1-3/1.5 of the MOU Rules. Alternatively, the suitable model test results or full scale measurements can
be used.

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 4 Environmental Conditions 3-2-4

Wave force calculations should account for shallow water effects which increase current due to blockage
effects, change the system natural frequency due to nonlinear behavior of moorings and alter wave

9.3 Wave-induced Motion Responses

The wave-induced response of an installation consists of three categories of response (i.e., first order
(wave frequency) motions, low frequency or slowly varying motions and steady drift).

9.3.1 First Order Motions

These motions have six degrees of freedom (surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw) and are at
wave frequencies that can be obtained from model tests in regular or random waves or by
computer analysis in frequency or time domain.

9.3.2 Low Frequency Motions

These motions are induced by low frequency components of second order wave forces. The low
frequency motions of surge, sway and yaw can be substantial, particularly at frequencies near the
natural frequency of the system.

The low frequency motion-induced mooring line tension in most systems with a tanker-type
installation is a dominating design load for the mooring system. The low frequency motions are to
be calculated for any moored installation by using appropriate motion analysis software or by
model test results of a similar vessel.

9.3.3 Steady (Mean) Drift

As mentioned above, an installation subjected to waves experiences a steady drift along with the
first and second order motions. The mean wave drift force and yawing moment are induced by the
steady component of the second order wave forces. Mean drift forces and yawing moments are to
be calculated using appropriate motion analysis computer programs or extrapolated from model
test results of a similar vessel.

11 Directionality
The directionality of environmental conditions can be considered if properly documented by a detailed
environmental report.

13 Soil Conditions (1 July 2009)

Site investigation in general should be in accordance with Section 3-2-5 of the ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Offshore Installations. Soil data should be taken in the vicinity of the foundation system site. An
interpretation of such data is to be submitted by a recognized geotechnical consultant. To establish the soil
characteristics of the site, the foundation system borings or probings are to be taken at all foundation
locations to a suitable depth of at least the anticipated depth of any piles or anchor penetrations plus a
consideration for the soil variability. As an alternative, sub-bottom profile runs may be taken and
correlated with at least two borings or probings in the vicinity of anchor locations and an interpretation
may be made by a recognized geotechnical consultant to adequately establish the soil profile at all
anchoring locations.

Shape Coefficients Cs for Windages

Shape Cs

Sphere 0.40

Cylindrical Shapes 0.50

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 2 Design Basis and Environmental Loading
Section 4 Environmental Conditions 3-2-4

Shape Cs

Hull above waterline 1.00

Deck House 1.00

Isolated structural shapes(Cranes, channels, beams, angles, etc.) 1.50

Under deck areas (smooth) 1.00

Under deck areas (exposed beams and girders) 1.30

Rig derrick 1.25

Height Coefficients Ch for Windages

Height above Waterline Cℎ

Meters Feet 1-min 1-hr

0.0 - 15.3 0 - 50 1.00 1.00

15.3 - 30.5 50 - 100 1.18 1.23

30.5 - 46.0 100 - 150 1.31 1.40

46.0 - 61.0 150 - 200 1.40 1.52

61.0 - 76.0 200 - 250 1.47 1.62

76.0 - 91.5 250 - 300 1.53 1.71

91.5 - 106.5 300 - 350 1.58 1.78

Wind Velocity Conversion Factor*

Wind Duration Factor "f "

1 Hour 1.000

10 Min 1.060

1 Min 1.180

15 Sec 1.260

5 Sec 1.310

3 Sec 1.330

* The values of 3-2-4/13 TABLE 3 are most representative of U.S. waters. Site-specific data should be used. (See 3-2-4/7.1
of these Rules)


CHAPTER 3 General Requirements

SECTION 1 All Installations ................................................................................. 47
1 General (1 July 2009)................................................................... 47
3 Lightweight Data (1 July 2012)..................................................... 47
5 Maximum Draft (1 July 2012)........................................................47
7 Loading Manual (Operating Manual)............................................ 48
9 Trim and Stability Booklet (Operating Manual)............................. 48
11 Stability (2017)..............................................................................48
13 Engineering Analysis (December 2008)....................................... 48
15 Mooring Systems and Equipment ................................................49
17 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations (1 July 2012)........ 49
19 Corrosion Protection of Steel (2017)............................................ 49

APPENDIX 1 Offshore Hull Construction Monitoring Program........................... 50

1 Introduction................................................................................... 50
3 Application.................................................................................... 50
5 Critical Area.................................................................................. 50
7 Determination of Critical Areas..................................................... 50
9 Construction Monitoring Plan........................................................51
11 Surveys After Construction........................................................... 51
13 Notation........................................................................................ 51


CHAPTER 3 General Requirements

SECTION 1 All Installations

1 General (1 July 2009)

This Chapter covers the requirements for installations (ship-type, column-stabilized, tension leg platform
and spar) as defined in Section 3-1-2. Other types, as defined in 3-1-2/7, will be considered on a case-by-
case basis.

This Chapter covers the requirements for installations that are newly designed or are undergoing a major
conversion that affects the principal dimensions of the floating installation, or an existing vessel that is
undergoing conversion to a floating installation. The application of these requirements to existing vessels
undergoing conversions will be considered by ABS based on the service history, age, condition of the
existing floating installation, etc.

The designer is required to submit to ABS for review all applicable design documentation, such as reports,
calculations, plans and other documentation necessary to verify the structural strength of the floating
installation itself (see Section 1-1-4 of these Rules). The submitted design documentation is to include the
design environmental conditions (see Section 3-2-4).

3 Lightweight Data (1 July 2012)

The lightweight and center of gravity are to be determined for installations of all types. An inclining test
will be required for the first floating installation of a series, when as near to completion as practical, to
determine accurately the lightweight and position of center of gravity. An inclining test procedure is to be
submitted for review prior to the test, which is to be witnessed by an ABS Surveyor. For specific
requirements related to non-ship-type installations, refer to Section 5B-1-3, Section 5B-2-2, or Section

5 Maximum Draft (1 July 2012)

Every installation is to have marks that designate the maximum permissible draft to which the installation
may be loaded. Such markings are to be placed at suitable visible locations on the hull or structure to the
satisfaction of ABS. On column-stabilized installations, where practical, these marks are to be visible to
the person in charge of liquid transfer operations.

Where a Load Line certificate, issued in accordance with the International Convention of Load Lines,
1966, as amended by the 1988 Protocol, is not required, marks shall be affixed to the hull that clearly show
the maximum draft permitted.

Maximum draft marks are to be established under the terms of the International Convention of Load Lines,
1966. Only the summer freeboard should be applied, unless other freeboards are necessary for
disconnectable ship-type units. Where minimum freeboards cannot be computed by the normal methods
laid down by the convention, such as in the case of a column stabilized installation, they are to be
determined on the basis of compliance with strength and stability criteria in the Rules and applicable
statutory regulations.

The installation’s arrangements are to comply with all applicable regulations of the International
Convention on Load Lines. Where alternative method of establishing the maximum draft has been based

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 3 General Requirements
Section 1 All Installations 3-3-1

on strength and stability calculations as described above, arrangements are to be consistent with watertight
and weathertight integrity assumptions in those calculations.

7 Loading Manual (Operating Manual)

For a ship-type installation, a loading manual is to be prepared and submitted for review pertaining to the
safe operation of the installation from a strength point of view. This loading manual is to be prepared for
the guidance of and use by the personnel responsible for loading the installation. The manual is to include
means for determining the effects of various loaded, transitional and ballasted conditions upon the hull
girder bending moment and shear force and is to be furnished to the master of the installation for guidance.
In addition, a loading instrument suitable for the intended service is to be installed on the installation. The
check conditions for the loading instrument and other relevant data are to be submitted for review.

An operating manual is required for the marine operation of all Floating Installations, containing the
information listed in Section 1-2-5 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and
Structures (Part 1) and 5B-1-4/11 of these Rules, as applicable. The above mentioned loading manual may
be included in the overall operating manual or issued as a separate document. The loading manual, if
issued as a separate document, is to be referenced in the overall operating manual. Further, where
Disconnectable is requested as an additional classification notation, the operating manual is to include
procedures for disconnection and reconnection of the installation to its mooring and riser system. (See
3-4-1/13 and 7-1-5/3.)

See Parts 5A and 5B and for additional requirements pertaining to each installation type.

9 Trim and Stability Booklet (Operating Manual)

In addition to the loading manual described in 3-3-1/7, a ship-type floating installation is to be provided
with sufficient information to guide the master and other responsible personnel in the safe loading, transfer
and discharge of cargo and ballast with respect to the hull’s trim and stability. The information is to include
various loaded, transitional and ballasted example conditions over the full range of operating drafts
together with stability criteria to enable the responsible personnel to evaluate the intact and damage
stability of any other proposed condition of loading.

This information may be prepared as a separate trim and stability booklet or may be included in the overall
operating manual. If issued as a separate document, the trim and stability booklet is to be referenced in the
overall operating manual. In addition to the booklet or section of the operating manual, the stability
guidance information also may be incorporated as part of the loading instrument described in 3-3-1/7. (See
3-2-1/7 and Part 3, Chapter 3, of the Marine Vessel Rules, Regulation 10 of the 1966 Load Line
Convention, Regulation 25 of MARPOL 73/78.)

See Parts 5A and 5B and for additional requirements pertaining to each installation type.

11 Stability (2017)
The intact and damage stability of the installation are to be evaluated in accordance with the requirements
of the Flag and Coastal States. Ship-type installations are to comply with the IMO Code on Intact Stability,
the 1966 Load Line Convention, IMO MODU Code as applicable, and MARPOL 73/78. Non-ship-type
installations are to meet the requirements in Section 5B-1-3, Section 5B-2-2, or Section 5B-3-2 of these
Rules. See 3-3-1/9 of these Rules for general requirements pertaining to the makeup and issuance of
loading guidance with respect to stability.

13 Engineering Analysis (December 2008)

Documentation necessary to verify the adequacy of the hull structure is to be submitted for review. The
needed extent and types of analyses and the sophistication of such analyses vary, depending on one or a
combination of the following factors:

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 3 General Requirements
Section 1 All Installations 3-3-1

i) The design basis of the hull structure versus the conditions to be encountered at the site for the
ii) The relative lack of experience with the hull structure’s arrangement, local details, loading
patterns, failure mode sensitivities.
iii) Potential deleterious interactions with other subsystems of the floating offshore installation.

The required structural analyses are to employ the loads associated with the environmental conditions
determined in association with Part 3, Chapter 2. These conditions include those expected during the
operational life of the Floating Installation on site and those expected during the transport of the structure
to the site of the installation.

For sites with relatively mild environmental conditions, it may be possible, depending on the intended
service of the structure, to reduce the structural analysis effort where it is demonstrated that the hull
structure satisfies the unrestricted criteria of the pertinent ABS Rules applicable to the installation type
being considered. However, it may still be deemed necessary to perform and submit for review specific
analyses for such considerations as the interface between the position mooring system and the hull
structure, or the effects of structural support reactions from deck mounted (or above-deck) equipment
modules or both, potential sloshing load effects and fatigue strength assessments of hull components where
the other applied ABS Rules do not address that consideration to the extent needed for a floating offshore
installation. More specific information on required structural analyses is given in Parts 5A and 5B for each
type of hull structure covered by these criteria.

15 Mooring Systems and Equipment

Position mooring systems are to meet the requirements of Part 6. For temporary mooring equipment, see
1-1-2/11 and 5A-1-3/1.11 of these Rules.

17 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations (1 July 2012)

The use of onboard computers for stability calculations is not a requirement of class. However, if stability
software is installed onboard floating installations contracted on or after 1 July 2005, it needs to cover all
stability requirements applicable to the floating installation and is to be approved by ABS for compliance
with the requirements of Appendix 3-3-A2, “Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations” of the MOU

19 Corrosion Protection of Steel (2017)

Unless otherwise approved, all steel work is to be suitably protected by an efficient corrosion prevention
system, such as hard protective coatings or equivalent. Reference can be made to IMO resolution MSC.288
(87), MSC.289(87), MSC.215(82) and MSC.244(83).


CHAPTER 3 General Requirements

APPENDIX 1 Offshore Hull Construction Monitoring Program

1 Introduction
The structural strength criteria specified in the ABS Rules are used by designers to establish acceptable
scantlings in order for installations constructed to such standards and properly maintained to have adequate
durability and capability to resist the failure modes of yielding, buckling and fatigue.

The application of the FPI Rules and other review techniques to assess a design for compliance with Rule
criteria also gives the designer and ABS the ability to identify areas that are considered critical to
satisfactory in-service performance.

Knowing that the actual structural performance is also a function of construction methods and standards, it
is prudent to identify ‘critical’ areas, particularly those approaching design limits, and use appropriate
specified construction quality standards and associated construction monitoring and reporting methods to
limit the risk of unsatisfactory in-service performance.

Accordingly, this Appendix defines what is meant by critical areas, describes how they are to be identified
and recorded, delineates what information the shipyard is to include in the construction monitoring plan
and lays out the certification regime to be followed.

3 Application
Floating installations designed and reviewed to the FPI Rules are to comply with the requirements of this
Appendix and have the notation OHCM.

5 Critical Area
The term critical area, as used in these Rules, is defined as an area within the structure that may have a
higher probability of failure during the life of the vessel compared to the surrounding areas, even though
they may have been modified in the interest of reducing such probability. The higher probability of failure
can be a result of stress concentrations, high stress levels and high stress ranges due to loading patterns,
structural discontinuities or a combination of these factors.

In order to provide an even greater probability of satisfactory in-service performance, the areas that are
approaching the acceptance criteria can be identified so that additional attention may be paid during

The objective of heightened scrutiny of building tolerance and monitoring in way of the critical areas is to
minimize the effect of stress increases incurred as a result of the construction process. Improper alignment
and fabrication tolerances may be potentially influential in creating construction-related stress.

7 Determination of Critical Areas

Critical areas can be determined in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

i) The results of engineering strength and fatigue analyses, such as specified in the FPI Rules, Finite
Element Analysis or a Dynamic Loading Approach analysis, particularly for areas approaching the
allowable criteria.

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 3 General Requirements
Appendix 1 Offshore Hull Construction Monitoring Program 3-3-A1

ii) The application of ABS Rules, such as 3-1-2/15.3 of Marine Vessel Rules.
iii) Details where fabrication is difficult, such as blind alignment, complexity of structural details and
shape, limited access, etc.
iv) Input from owners, designers and/or shipyards based on previous in-service experience from
similar vessels, such as corrosion, wear and tear, etc.

9 Construction Monitoring Plan

The Construction Monitoring Plan for critical areas is to be prepared by the shipyard and submitted for
ABS approval prior to the start of fabrication. The plan is to include:

i) Structural drawings indicating the location of critical areas as identified by the ABS review (see
ii) Construction standards and control procedures to be applied
iii) Verification and recording procedures at each stage of construction, including any proposed
nondestructive testing
iv) Procedures for defect correction

An approved copy of the Construction Monitoring Plan is to be placed onboard the floating installation.

11 Surveys After Construction

To monitor critical areas during service, an approved copy of the Construction Monitoring Plan is to be
available on board for all subsequent surveys.

13 Notation
Floating installations having been found in compliance with the requirements of these Rules may be
distinguished in the Record with the notation OHCM.


CHAPTER 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning

SECTION 1 General ...............................................................................................53
1 General Description...................................................................... 53
3 Pre-installation Verification........................................................... 53
5 Pile or Anchor and Mooring Line Installation................................ 53
7 Tensioning and Proof Load Testing...............................................53
9 Hook-up of the Anchor Chain System.......................................... 54
11 Import/Export System Installation................................................. 54
11.1 Rigid and Flexible Risers................................................. 54
11.3 Export Vessel Transfer System........................................54
13 Disconnecting Procedure..............................................................55

SECTION 2 Hook-up Procedures Submittal ....................................................... 56

SECTION 3 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures Submittal .....................57

SECTION 4 Surveys During Installation, Hook-up and Commissioning.......... 58


CHAPTER 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning

SECTION 1 General

The requirements in this Chapter apply to the procedures to be submitted and the surveys to be performed
for all ABS-classed Floating Installations.

Prior to carrying out the installation, the installation procedures are to be submitted for review. The
installation procedures to be submitted are to include the following, where applicable.

1 General Description
General description of the entire layout of the mooring system and of the Floating Installation with risers,
subsea pipelines and, as applicable, pipeline end manifolds (PLEMs).

3 Pre-installation Verification
Pre-installation verification procedures for the seabed condition in way of the installation site and
contingency procedures for removing any obstacles found on site.

5 Pile or Anchor and Mooring Line Installation

Pile or anchor and mooring line installation procedures which are to include, but are not limited to, the

i) General preparations for installation.

ii) Rigging arrangements for piles, chaser pile and driving hammers.
iii) Work barge setup during the various phases of installation, taking into consideration the prevailing
weather conditions.
iv) Anticipated pile driving resistance.
v) Pile penetration acceptance criteria established by design and pile refusal and overdrive
contingency procedures.
vi) Procedure for positioning of the pile orientation toward the center of the Position Mooring System
and the criteria for allowable deviations of position and orientation.
vii) Procedure for installation of the mooring line and the precautions to be taken in order to prevent
any twisting of the mooring chains during installation.
viii) Procedure for installation of anchors, including piggyback anchors, if applicable, and procedure
for determining the installed positions and orientations of the anchors. Criteria for allowable
deviations in positioning and orientation are also to be included.

7 Tensioning and Proof Load Testing

Tensioning and proof load testing procedures of the anchor piles or anchors and chain system are to
include the following:

i) Rigging arrangements for proof load tension testing of the mooring chains, anchor or pile system.
ii) Work barge setup to perform the proof load testing of the chains and anchor or pile system.

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning
Section 1 General 3-4-1

iii) Detailed tensioning procedure, including type of tensioning device to be utilized and tensioning
iv) Chain retrieval and abandonment procedures during tensioning.
v) Procedure for chain proof load tensioning by ballasting the Floating Installation, if applicable.

9 Hook-up of the Anchor Chain System (1 July 2019)

Procedure for hook-up of the anchor chain system to the Floating Installation, which is to include the

i) Rigging and towing procedures for positioning of the Floating Installation for hook-up to the
mooring system.
ii) Preferred ballast condition of the Floating Installation prior to the hook-up.
iii) Procedure for sequential hook-up of the chains, repositioning of the Floating Installation and
tensioning of the chains.
iv) Method of determining the correct tension of the chains and the acceptable design tolerance.
v) Procedure for determining the positioning of the SPM system relative to the PLEM or wellhead
and the acceptable design tolerance for the position of the SPM center relative to the PLEM or
vi) Method of securing the chain turntable from movement and the overall safety precautions for the
entire hook-up installation.
vii) Procedure for chain tensioning by ballasting the Floating Installation, if applicable.
viii) Procedure for commissioning and testing the equipment (if fitted) for mooring line failure
detection (See 3/9.1 of the ABS Guide for Position Mooring Systems as applicable).

11 Import/Export System Installation

The Import/Export System Installation Procedure is to be submitted for review in conjunction with the
design review so that it can be verified that all appropriate installation loadings have been considered. The
manual is to describe procedures to be employed during the installation of the import/export systems. In
addition, the manual is to include a list of allowable environmental limits under which system installation
may proceed. Abandonment procedures, retrieval procedures and repair procedures are to be supplied,
when deemed necessary.

11.1 Rigid and Flexible Risers

The procedure to hook-up the import/export risers to the Floating Installation is to include the following
items, where applicable:

i) Handling and rigging of the rigid and flexible riser during installation.
ii) Positioning of the work barge for the various phases of the installation.
iii) Procedure for installation of the buoyancy tank and arch support and clump weight, if applicable,
including steps to avoid riser interference and precautions against damaging the riser during
iv) Tie-in rigging technique for hook-up of both ends of the risers.
v) Procedure for hydrostatic testing of the risers. Hydrotest pressure and test duration are to be in
accordance with API or other recognized code of practice.

11.3 Export Vessel Transfer System

The procedure for installing the export system is to include the following items, as applicable.

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Chapter 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning
Section 1 General 3-4-1

i) Rigging, handling and make-up of the export hose system and precautions against damage during
ii) Fitting of all the necessary accessory and navigational aids.
iii) Procedure for paying out of the hose string into the sea.
iv) Procedure for filling and testing the hose string. The required design and testing pressure and
testing duration are to be provided.

13 Disconnecting Procedure
For disconnectable mooring systems, the procedures for the disconnecting and connecting of the Floating
Installation’s mooring system are to be submitted. These procedures are to include the abandonment and
retrieval of the import and export systems. (Also see 1-1-4/11 of these Rules for Operating Manual


CHAPTER 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning

SECTION 2 Hook-up Procedures Submittal

Any system component installation intentionally left incomplete to ease the installation of the Floating
Installation at site is to be documented and a procedure for site hook-up and testing is to be submitted.


CHAPTER 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning

SECTION 3 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures


Start-up and commissioning procedures for the production system are to be submitted for review per the
Facilities Rules.


CHAPTER 4 Installation, Hook-up, and Commissioning

SECTION 4 Surveys During Installation, Hook-up and


The following items are to be verified or witnessed, where applicable, in accordance with ABS reviewed
procedures by the attending Surveyor in accordance with Part 7 Chapter 1 of these Rules.

● Pile or anchor and mooring line installation

● Mooring system tensioning and proof load testing
● Hook-up of mooring chain
● Import and export system installation and hook-up when Classed
● Disconnecting sequence
● Start up and commissioning of all Classed systems and equipment


APPENDIX 1 Abbreviations and References

SECTION 1 Abbreviations .................................................................................... 60

SECTION 2 References .........................................................................................61


APPENDIX 1 Abbreviations and References

SECTION 1 Abbreviations (1 July 2019)

API: American Petroleum Institute Appendix 3-A1-2

ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Appendix 3-A1-2

DEC: Design Environmental Condition 3/3.3.1 of Position Mooring Guide

DIC: Design Installation Condition 3/3.3.1 of Position Mooring Guide

DOC: Design Operating Condition 3/3.3.1 of Position Mooring Guide

FOI: Floating Offshore Installation 3-1-1/1

FPS: Floating Production (and Offloading) System 3-1-1/1

FPSO: Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading System 3-1-1/1

FSO: Floating Storage and Offloading System 3-1-1/1

HSE: Health and Safety Executive of the United Kingdom Appendix 3-A1-2

MOU: Mobile Offshore Unit Appendix 3-A1-2

OCIMF: Oil Company International Marine Forum Appendix 3-A1-2

PLEM: Pipe Line End Manifold 3-1-5/7

P&ID: Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams 3-1-3/9

S.A.F.E. Chart: Safety Analysis Function Evaluation Charts 3-1-3/11

SB: Steel Barges Appendix 3-A1-2

SPM: Single Point Mooring Appendix 3-A1-2

MV: Marine Vessel Appendix 3-A1-2

UWILD: Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking Survey 7-2-7/1 & Appendix 3-A1-2


APPENDIX 1 Abbreviations and References

SECTION 2 References (1 July 2019)


Facilities Rules The ABS Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations

MOU Rules The ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units

Offshore Chain Guide The ABS Guide for Certification of Offshore Mooring Chain

Single Point Mooring Rules The ABS Rules for Building and Classing Single Point Mooring Systems

Marine Vessel Rules The ABS Rules for Building and Classing Marine Vessels

UWILD The ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Appendix 7-A1-1)

Fiber Rope Guidance Notes The ABS Guidance Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore Mooring

Risk Guidance Notes The ABS Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Application for the Marine and Offshore Oil
and Gas Industries

Fatigue Guide Guide for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures

Remote Control and Guide for Remote Control and Monitoring for Auxiliary Machinery and Systems (other than
Monitoring Guide Propulsion) on Offshore Installations

Risk Guide Guide for Risk Evaluations for the Classification of Marine-Related Facilities

Buckling Guide Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures

SFA Guide Guide for Spectral-Based Fatigue Analysis for Floating Production, Storage and
Offloading (FPSO) Installations

DLA Guide Guide for “Dynamic Loading Approach” for Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
(FPSO) Installations

Position Mooring Guide Guide for Position Mooring Systems

American Institute of Steel Construction:

AISC Code Manual of Steel Construction - ASD, latest edition

American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American National Standards Institute:

B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping

B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous
Ammonia, and Alcohol

B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

Boiler Code Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, latest edition.

American Petroleum Institute:

API RP 2A Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore

Part 3 Installation Types, Functions, Features and General Requirements
Appendix 1 Abbreviations and References
Section 2 References 3-A1-2

API RP 2 SK Recommended Practice for the Design and Analysis of Stationkeeping Systems for Floating
Structures, Third Edition - 2005

API RP 2Q Replaced by API RP 16Q

API RP 2RD Recommended Practice for Design of Risers for Floating Production Systems (FPSs) and
Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs)

API RP 2T Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Construction Tension Leg Platforms,
Third Edition - 2010

API Bull 2U Bulletin on Stability Design of Cylindrical Shells, Third Edition - 2004

API Bull 2V Bulletin on Design of Flat Plate Structures, Third Edition - 2004

API Spec 9A Specification for Wire Rope Twenty-fifth Edition - 2004

API RP 9B Recommended Practice on Application, Care, and Use of Wire Rope for Oil Field Service
Twelfth Edition - 2005

API RP 14C Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Basic Surface
Safety Systems on Offshore Production Platforms Seventh Edition - 2001

API RP 14E Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping
Systems, Fifth Edition - 1991 (ANSI/API RP 14E-1992)

API RP 14J Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production
Facilities, Second Edition - 2001

API RP 17B/ISO 13628-11 Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe, Fourth Edition - 2008

API RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at
Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I Division 1 and Division 2, Second Edition – 1997
(ANSI/API RP 500-1998)

API RP 505 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at
Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2, First Edition – 1997

API RP 520 Recommended Practice for Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices
in Refineries

Part I Sizing and Selection, Eighth Edition - 2008

Part II Installation, Fifth Edition - 2005

API Std 521/ISO 23251 Pressure-Relieving And Depressuring Systems Fifth Edition - 2007

API Spec 17J Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe

Oil Companies International Marine Forum:

Guide for Prediction of Wind and Current Loads on VLCCs, 2nd Edition, 1994

Guide to Purchasing, Manufacturing, and Testing of Loading and Discharge Hoses

The OCIMF Ship to Ship Transfer Guide

Guidelines for Handling, Storage, Inspection, and Testing of Hoses in the Field

United Kingdom's Health and Safety Executive:

HSE Guidance Notes Offshore Installations: Guidance on DESIGN CONSTRUCTION AND CERTIFICATION,
Fourth Edition, 1991, as amended


Process and Import/Export Systems

CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems............................ 64
Section 1 General ........................................................................... 66
Section 2 Scope ..............................................................................68
Section 3 Installations .....................................................................69
Section 4 Subsea Equipment (1 July 2012).....................................70
Section 5 Other Codes and Standards ........................................... 71
Section 6 Non-Standard Equipment ............................................... 72
Section 7 Design and Construction ................................................ 73
Section 8 Process System ..............................................................74
Section 9 Hazardous Area Classification ........................................76
Section 10 Fire Protection ................................................................ 77
Section 11 Fabrication and Testing ...................................................78

CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems.............................................................. 79

Section 1 General ........................................................................... 80
Section 2 Submission of Plans and Design Data ........................... 82
Section 3 Environmental Considerations ........................................83
Section 4 System Design and Analysis .......................................... 84
Section 5 Materials ......................................................................... 87


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 1 General ...............................................................................................66
1 Installations Classed as FPSO or FPS......................................... 66
3 Installations Classed as FOI (Production Facilities not
Classed) .......................................................................................66
5 Installations Classed as FOI (with Production Facilities
Indicated in the Record)................................................................67
7 Installations Classed as FSO without Production and
Process Facilities onboard............................................................67

SECTION 2 Scope ................................................................................................. 68

SECTION 3 Installations ....................................................................................... 69

1 Ship-Type Installations – Oil Carriers........................................... 69
3 Column-Stabilized Installations, Tension Leg Platforms, and
Spar Installations (1 July 2009).................................................... 69

SECTION 4 Subsea Equipment (1 July 2012)...................................................... 70

SECTION 5 Other Codes and Standards ............................................................ 71

SECTION 6 Non-Standard Equipment .................................................................72

SECTION 7 Design and Construction ................................................................. 73

1 General......................................................................................... 73
3 Arrangements............................................................................... 73
5 Structural Considerations (1 March 2006).................................... 73

SECTION 8 Process System ................................................................................ 74

1 Submittals..................................................................................... 74
3 Piping System and Manifolds....................................................... 74
5 Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems........................... 74
7 Process Equipment and Vessels.................................................. 74
9 Prime Movers................................................................................74
11 Safety Systems.............................................................................74
13 Control System............................................................................. 74
15 Quick Disconnect System.............................................................75
17 Electrical Installations................................................................... 75

SECTION 9 Hazardous Area Classification ........................................................ 76

SECTION 10 Fire Protection ...................................................................................77

SECTION 11 Fabrication and Testing ....................................................................78

1 Pressure Vessels, Accumulators, Heat Exchangers,
Separators and Manifolds.............................................................78
3 Pumps, Compressors and Diesel/Gas Engines............................78
5 Motors and Generators.................................................................78
7 Switchboards and Control Panels.................................................78
9 Process and Process Support Piping........................................... 78


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 1 General

1 Installations Classed as FPSO or FPS

Hydrocarbon production and processing systems are to comply with the requirements of the
FacilitiesRules and Sections 4-1-2 through 4-1-11 of these Rules.

3 Installations Classed as FOI (Production Facilities not Classed)

(1 July 2019)
The entire production facility need not comply with the requirements of this Chapter. However, the
following systems and equipment for the production facilities are to be in accordance with the
requirements of the Facilities Rules.

System/Equipment Facilities Rules Section

Facility Layout 3-3/5

Area Classification 3-6/15

Electrical System Circuit Protection 3-6/5.9

Electrical Installations in Classified Areas 3-6/15

Fire Water Systems 3-8/5.1

Dry Chemical Systems, as applicable 3-8/5.3

Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems 3-8/5.5

Paint Lockers, Laboratory Spaces, and Flammable Material Store Rooms 3-8/5.7

Emergency Control Station 3-8/5.11

Operation After Facility Total Shutdown 3-8/5.13

Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers 3-8/5.15

Gas and Fire Detection Systems 3-8/7

Structural Fire Protection 3-8/9

Muster Areas 3-8/11

Means of Escape 3-8/13

Lifesaving Requirements 3-8/15

Personnel Safety Equipment and Safety Measures 3-8/17

For installations with the FOI classification symbol equipment certification is required for equipment in
the above listed systems.

Part 4 Process and Import/Export Systems
Chapter 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems
Section 1 General 4-1-1

5 Installations Classed as FOI (with Production Facilities Indicated in

the Record) (1 July 2019)
The entire production facility need not comply with the requirements of this Chapter. However, safety
features are to be in accordance with the following requirements of the Facilities Rules in addition to the
requirements in 4-1-1/3.

System/Equipment Facilities Rules Section

Facility Layout 3-3/5

Safety System 3-3/13.3

Process Shutdown Systems 3-7/13

7 Installations Classed as FSO without Production and Process

Facilities onboard (1 July 2019)
i) For installations classed as FSO without production and process systems installed on board, the
requirements of the Facilities Rules are not applicable. All relevant sections of Part 4 and 5C-1-7
of the Marine Vessels Rules for oil related cargo, and Part 5C, Chapter 9 of the Marine Vessels
Rules, if chemicals, are to be complied with.
ii) In addition, for such FSO installations moored through external turret mooring system, the turret is
to be provided with fire fighting equipment in accordance with the requirements of 4-4-1/3 of the
Single Point Mooring Rules.
iii) For such FSO installations moored through internal turret mooring system, in addition to item i
above, the turret area is to be provided with the following safety systems and equipment in
accordance with the requirements of the Facilities Rules.
System/Equipment Facilities Rules Section

Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems, as applicable 3-8/5.5.3 and/or 3-8/5.5.4

Portable and Semi-Portable Extinguishers, as applicable 3-8/5.15

Gas and Fire Detection Systems, as applicable 3-8/7


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems


This Chapter is applicable to the following:

i) Systems that process hydrocarbon liquids, gases or mixtures from completed wells.
ii) Production support systems associated with the process system, such as water, steam, hydraulics,
pneumatics and power supply to the process.
iii) Fire protection systems for the protection of the process equipment and the process area.
iv) Systems that are utilized for stimulation of a completed well, such as chemical, gas or water
injection downhole through a Christmas tree.
v) Power generation systems for export purposes.
vi) Electrical systems and components associated with the process facilities.
vii) Systems other than those mentioned above, such as methanol production and/or processing, and
desalination, will be the subject of special consideration.

The scope of the hydrocarbon process system is defined in Section 3-1-3 of these Rules. The scope of the
hydrocarbon process system may also include the controls for the well head and subsurface safety valve, if
these are included in the process safety shutdown system.


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 3 Installations

Hydrocarbon production systems are typically installed on the following types of installations.

1 Ship-Type Installations – Oil Carriers

Where tankers are to retain the propulsion capability for rapid deployment in the event of environmental
conditions exceeding the approved design environmental criteria, the flow lines and the export lines are to
be fitted with quick disconnect systems. The documentation regarding the disconnecting procedure is to be
submitted for review. For detailed requirements for the disconnect system of the process lines and the
mooring systems, see 4-1-8/15.

3 Column-Stabilized Installations, Tension Leg Platforms, and Spar

Installations (1 July 2009)
These installations may be used simultaneously for operations other than hydrocarbon processing, such as


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 4 Subsea Equipment (1 July 2012)

Subsea equipment is not a part of the classification boundaries as defined in 1-1-2/1 of these Rules.
However, subsea equipment may be classed if desired by the Owner, provided these items are approved by
ABS for compliance with the requirements of the Facilities Rules and applicable Sections of these Rules.

ABS is prepared to certify the subsea equipment if the manufacturers/owners wish to obtain ABS
certification. The design, construction and testing of the subsea equipment are to be in accordance with
3-3/21.5 of the Facilities Rules.

For a unit that has the riser system classed by ABS, the riser installation winch needs to comply with the

i) For a winch that is on board for the installation of the risers only (and removed after installation),
the equipment does not need to be reviewed by ABS. However, the supporting structure needs to
be designed to provide satisfactory strength for the reaction forces specified by the manufacturer
or the maximum anticipated loads during the installation process.
ii) If the riser installation winch is to remain on board after the installation, the equipment will need
to be in compliance with recognized industry standards. The manufacturer will need to submit
details to demonstrate compliance with the industry standards, either in the form of certificates
issued by recognized certification bodies or by submitting details and calculations to ABS for
review and approval.


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 5 Other Codes and Standards

Use of national or international standards or codes other than those listed herein in the design and
construction of the equipment and components is subject to prior approval and acceptance by ABS. The
standards or codes being applied are to be adhered to in their entirety.


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 6 Non-Standard Equipment

Equipment not designed to a recognized standard may be accepted based on approval of detailed design
calculations and testing results that verify the integrity of the equipment which is submitted for review and
found satisfactory.


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 7 Design and Construction

1 General
Hydrocarbon process systems and associated equipment are to be designed to minimize the risk of hazards
to personnel and property. This criterion is implemented by complying with the Facilities Rules, as well as
these Rules. The implementation of this criterion is intended to:

i) Prevent an abnormal condition from causing an upset condition.

ii) Prevent an upset condition from causing a release of hydrocarbons.
iii) Safely disperse or dispose of hydrocarbon gasses and vapors released.
iv) Safely collect and contain hydrocarbon liquids released.
v) Prevent formation of explosive mixtures.
vi) Prevent ignition of flammable liquids or gasses and vapors released.
vii) Limit exposure of personnel to fire hazards.

3 Arrangements
General arrangement drawings are to be submitted for review, in accordance with 1-1-4/5 of these Rules.
The arrangements depicted are to comply with Subsections 3-3/5 and 3-8/9 of the Facilities Rules,
applicable Sections of these Rules, and the Marine Vessel Rules or the MOU Rules, as applicable.

5 Structural Considerations (1 March 2006)

Structure that supports production facilities or forms an integral part of the equipment is to be designed to
a recognized standard. Plans and calculations are to be submitted for ABS review. Process liquid weights
and dynamic loads due to installation motions and other loads, such as wind imposed loads, are to be
considered. (See Section 5A-1-5.)


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 8 Process System

1 Submittals
The various data and plans that are to be submitted to ABS for review are listed in 1-1-4/5 of these Rules.

3 Piping System and Manifolds

Piping of the process and process support systems are to comply with the requirements of API 14E and
ASME/ANSI B31.3 and B31.1, as applicable. Refer to Chapter 3, Sections 3 and 4 of the Facilities Rules.

5 Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems

Pressure relief and depressurization systems are to comply with API RP 520 and API RP 521. Refer to
3-3/11 of the Facilities Rules.

7 Process Equipment and Vessels

Process equipment and vessels are to comply with the applicable requirements in 3-3/17 and 5-1/3 of the
Facilities Rules.

9 Prime Movers
Internal combustion engines and gas or steam turbines are to comply with 3-4/3.9 and 5-1/3 of the
Facilities Rules.

11 Safety Systems
Safety systems are to comply with 3-3/7.3 and 3-3/9 of the Facilities Rules. Specific items to be addressed
are as follows:

i) The process safety and shutdown system is to comply with API RP 14C.
ii) Fire detection and gas detection is to comply with API RP 14C and API RP 14G, respectively. The
location of the fire and gas detectors is to be to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyors.
iii) The process safety shutdown system is required to shut down the flow of hydrocarbon from all
wells and process systems. The discharge of processed hydrocarbons to the export lines is also to
be controlled by the process safety shutdown system. Redundancy is to be provided in the power
source to the process safety shutdown system such that upon failure of the main power source, the
secondary power source is brought online automatically.

13 Control System
Control systems, in general, are to comply with Section 3-7 of the Facilities Rules. Additionally, computer
based control systems are to comply with the following:

i) The control system is to be totally independent of the alarm and monitoring system.
ii) Where computers are utilized for monitoring, alarm and control, the arrangements are to be such
that a fault in one of these functions will not impair the capability of other functions.

Part 4 Process and Import/Export Systems
Chapter 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems
Section 8 Process System 4-1-8

iii) The computer system for monitoring alarms and control is to include redundancy arrangements in
order to maintain continued operation of the hydrocarbon process system.

15 Quick Disconnect System

Where the Floating Installation is fitted with a quick disconnect system, the control of this system is to be
totally independent of the process safety shutdown system required for the hydrocarbon process system.
However, the source of power for the process safety shutdown system and controls for the quick
disconnect system need not be totally independent, provided that the failure in one system does not render
the other system ineffective, e.g., failure through leakage in the hydraulic or pneumatic control lines.

Means are to be provided for the activation of the quick disconnect system from the control station and
locally in the vicinity where the disconnect arrangements are located.

The disconnect arrangement is to be designed such that upon its activation, all process flow to the Floating
Installation is automatically stopped immediately without leakage of process fluids.

17 Electrical Installations
Electrical installations for the hydrocarbon process system are to comply with the requirements of Section
3-6 of the Facilities Rules.


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 9 Hazardous Area Classification

Hazardous areas are to be delineated and classified, as required by 3-6/15 of the Facilities Rules. In
general, API RP 500 or 505 is to be applied to process areas, and the Marine Vessel Rules or the MOU
Rules are applied to non-process areas, as modified by 3-6/15 of the Facilities Rules.


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 10 Fire Protection

Fire extinguishing systems and fire fighting equipment associated with the hydrocarbon process facilities
are to comply with Section 3-8 of the Facilities Rules.


CHAPTER 1 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

SECTION 11 Fabrication and Testing

Inspection and testing of hydrocarbon process and associated equipment at the manufacturer’s facility are
to be in accordance with 5-1/3.3 TABLE 1 of the Facilities Rules. Construction and fabrication is to be
performed in accordance with approved plans and procedures. Representative survey interventions are
listed as follows.

1 Pressure Vessels, Accumulators, Heat Exchangers, Separators and

i) The construction, fabrication and material are in accordance with design codes shown on the
approved plans.
ii) Witness weld procedure and welder performance qualification tests.
iii) Visual inspection of weld joints, witness nondestructive testing.
iv) Fit up and joining of all pipe connections and pipe supporting arrangement.
v) Dimensional inspection during fit-up and after completion.
vi) Internal examination.
vii) Witness calibration of hydrostatic testing equipment.
viii) Witness hydrostatic tests.

3 Pumps, Compressors and Diesel/Gas Engines

i) Witness mechanical running tests.
ii) Witness testing of auxiliary equipment and protective devices (controls, filters, coolers, oil pumps,
alarms, trips, governors).

5 Motors and Generators

i) Functional running test for machines greater than 100 kW.
ii) Witness testing of auxiliary equipment and protective devices.

7 Switchboards and Control Panels

Inspection and witness testing at the manufacturer’s facility is not required for switchboards and control
panels. These components will be accepted for use, provided they have been designed and constructed to a
recognized national or international code or standard.

Control and alarm panels for fire protection and safety systems are to be function-tested at the
manufacturer’s facility. These tests are to be conducted in the presence of the Surveyor.

9 Process and Process Support Piping

Fabrication, inspection and testing of process and utility piping is to be performed to the satisfaction of the
attending Surveyor.


CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems

SECTION 1 General ...............................................................................................80
1 Riser Classification Boundaries (1 July 2009).............................. 80
1.1 The Import System.......................................................... 80
1.3 The Export System.......................................................... 80
3 Basic Design Considerations........................................................80

SECTION 2 Submission of Plans and Design Data ........................................... 82

SECTION 3 Environmental Considerations ........................................................83

SECTION 4 System Design and Analysis ........................................................... 84

1 General......................................................................................... 84
3 Rigid Risers.................................................................................. 84
3.1 Design Analysis............................................................... 84
3.3 Design Limits................................................................... 84
5 Flexible Risers.............................................................................. 85
5.1 In-place Analysis..............................................................85
5.3 Design Limits................................................................... 85
7 Export Vessel Transfer System (2015)......................................... 85
9 System Components.................................................................... 86
11 Installation Analysis...................................................................... 86

SECTION 5 Materials ............................................................................................ 87

1 Material for Rigid Risers............................................................... 87
3 Material for Flexible Risers........................................................... 87


CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems

SECTION 1 General

(1 July 2012) This Chapter applies to import and export systems utilized in Floating Installations when the
class notations specified in 1-1-2/5.5 are requested. These systems include rigid and flexible risers,
connecting flow lines, submerged jumpers and floating offloading hoses. (See Section 3-1-5 for definitions
of related items.)

1 Riser Classification Boundaries (1 July 2009)

The import/export system is assumed to consist of only rigid, flexible hose/pipe or a combination of both
rigid and flexible hose/pipe, and associated riser components, such as the tensioning system, buoyancy
modules, line buoys, permanent clamps, anchoring systems and safety control systems.

In a typical Floating Installation import (or export) system, the applicable starting and termination points
are the riser’s connection point to the PLEM and the riser’s connection point to the installation or floating
structure. The connection points are typically the discharge (or input) flange of the PLEM and the input (or
discharge) flange of the installation or floating structure.

For export vessel transfer systems, the connection points are the discharge flange of the installation or
floating structure and the end connection to the input flange onboard the export vessel (see 4-2-4/7 of these

1.1 The Import System

The Import System is to include the import risers starting from the Import PLEM, but not including the
Import PLEM.

For a typical flexible riser system, the import riser may start at the PLEM/wellhead flanges and terminate
at the input flange of the installation or floating structure.

1.3 The Export System

The Export System is to include the export risers that may start from the discharge flanges of the
installation or floating structure and terminate at the Export PLEM, but not including the Export PLEM.

The criteria given here for Import Risers are applicable to Export Risers where classification is requested.

Where Import and/or Export Risers induce mooring restraint to the floating installation, design,
construction and classification of the Riser(s) providing restraint and their connection to the seabed will
require special consideration.

3 Basic Design Considerations

The import/export system is to be designed to maintain its integrity under the most unfavorable
combination of external environmental loads, internal loads due to fluid contents, pressure and temperature
and accidental loads. This is accomplished by ensuring that riser system design is consistent and
compatible with the design philosophy used for the Floating Installation.

The dynamic response of the import/export system is to be investigated to the level of detail necessary to
ensure that interference between the floating production installation and the associated mooring system

Part 4 Process and Import/Export Systems
Chapter 2 Import and Export Systems
Section 1 General 4-2-1

does not affect the integrity of the installation or the import/export system. Where conditions are such that
analytical investigation (vortex induced vibration analysis, for example) is not adequate to account for
installation interference or interference due to multiple riser configurations, etc., model testing or other
means of verification are to be performed and requested documentation provided to ABS for review.

The riser is to survive the maximum installation offset, as defined in 6-1-1/3.3.


CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems

SECTION 2 Submission of Plans and Design Data

Documentation outlining the design, manufacture, installation and operating assumptions applicable to the
project is to be submitted for review at the initiation of the project. The following summarizes the typical
information that is required to help ensure that the design basis and criteria selection is consistent with the
design philosophy. In general, the following are to be submitted for review:

i) Site plan indicating bathymetric features, the location of obstructions to be removed, the location
of permanent manmade structures and other important features related to the characteristics of the
sea floor.
ii) Material specifications for the import/export system, its supports and coatings.
iii) Pipe manufacture, testing and quality control procedures.
iv) Flow diagrams indicating temperature and pressure profiles.
v) Specifications and plans for instrumentation, control systems and safety devices.
vi) Specifications and plans for installation, field testing, inspection, anticipated component
replacement and continued maintenance of the riser system.
vii) Environmental and geotechnical report.


CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems

SECTION 3 Environmental Considerations

The environmental loadings are to be calculated in accordance with the methods in Part 3, Chapter 2.


CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems

SECTION 4 System Design and Analysis

1 General
The design of the import/export system should consider all modes of operating, testing, survival and
accidental events. The import/export system should be analyzed to determine its response to the design
events. Each individual component should be examined for its strength and suitability for the service

3 Rigid Risers

3.1 Design Analysis

The analysis of a rigid riser is to follow the appropriate sections of API RP 2RD and API RP 2T for all
relevant design load cases. The establishment of the critical design condition must be verified by a suitable
verified program that properly simulates the dynamic response of the entire system operating under the
required design condition.

The following items, as applicable, are to be appropriately accommodated in the analysis:

i) Environmental conditions
ii) Boundary conditions
iii) Riser configuration
iv) Riser joint properties
v) Buoyancy devices
vi) Installation motion (RAOs)
vii) Applicable site conditions
viii) Effects of internal contents
ix) Pressure testing and accidental conditions

3.3 Design Limits

Rigid risers are to be designed against the following limits based on the design load cases being

Maximum Stress, Stability and Buckling. Allowable stresses in plain pipe are to be limited, per API RP
2RD. Overall stability of the riser and local pipe buckling should be evaluated.

Maximum Deflection. Acceptable limits of maximum deflection are to be determined considering the
inherent limitations of riser components, equipment used in the riser and the need to avoid interference
with the Floating Installation.

Fatigue and Fracture. The riser system is to be designed to ensure that an adequate margin of safety is
available for critical components to counteract the effects of fatigue caused by cyclic fluctuations (due to
both internal and external loads) over the anticipated life of the system.

Part 4 Process and Import/Export Systems
Chapter 2 Import and Export Systems
Section 4 System Design and Analysis 4-2-4

The cumulative damage calculated by the use of Miner’s Rule is to be 0.1 or less for a critical component
which cannot be easily inspected or repaired. For non-critical components which can be easily inspected,
the cumulative damage should be 0.3 or less.

5 Flexible Risers

5.1 In-place Analysis

The in-place analysis is to address all design load cases using motions consistent with the mooring
analysis. The scope of the in-place analysis, as a minimum, should include the following:

i) On-bottom stability for flexible flow lines

ii) Static and dynamic analysis for flexible riser
iii) A system dynamic analysis to ensure:

1) Maximum tension and minimum radius of curvature are within the manufacturer’s
2) Suspended portions of the flexible pipe (e.g., sag bends) are not allowed to bounce on the
sea floor or experience compression that might cause kinks.
3) Suspended flexible pipes are not allowed to chafe against each other, the installation body
or mooring lines.
iv) Flow-induced motion analysis.
v) Flexible pipe layer stress analysis.
vi) The stresses in the flexible pipe layers shall comply with the requirements of API SPEC 17J for
the applicable design load cases.
vii) Mechanical gripping devices should not cause damage to the weaker exterior layer.
viii) Service life analysis.
ix) Corrosion protection system design.

5.3 Design Limits

Design limits established for the riser system are to be determined in accordance with API RP 17B and
confirmed by performance/acceptance testing during the manufacture of the flexible riser and the
associated components. Where sufficient test data and service history exist to confirm a component’s
capability, ABS may consider the acceptance of this documentation in lieu of performance/ acceptance

7 Export Vessel Transfer System (2015)

This system may be classed if requested. Export of fluid to an export vessel is usually limited to stabilized
crude oil and is usually accomplished by: (1) Side-by-side transfer, (2) Tandem transfer, or (3) Single Point
Moored Buoy via, for example, a floating hose or riser. For certification of these systems, ABS requires
compliance to OCIMF Standards and MARPOL. The OCIMF Standard is applicable for operating
pressures not greater than 15 bar gauge. In complying with these standards, ABS requires the Owner to
observe the guidelines as given in The OCIMF Guide to Manufacturing and Purchasing Hoses for
Offshore Moorings and The OCIMF Tandem Mooring and Offloading Guidelines for Conventional Tankers
at F(P)SO Facilities, as applicable. The operation and safety considerations for transfer of crude are to be
contained in the Floating Installation’s operations manual and be consistent with the requirements outlined
in The OCIMF Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum), The OCIMF Tandem Mooring and Offloading
Guidelines for Conventional Tankers at F(P)SO Facilities.

Part 4 Process and Import/Export Systems
Chapter 2 Import and Export Systems
Section 4 System Design and Analysis 4-2-4

9 System Components
All system components are to be designed in accordance with the appropriate criteria issued by the API.
The specification for the design and manufacture of the components is to be submitted. The specification is
to include at a minimum the performance criteria established from the riser design and analysis and give
explicit acceptance criteria needed to ensure the compliance to these criteria.

11 Installation Analysis
The installation analysis is to address all aspects of the installation procedure discussed in 3-4-1/11.
Calculations to demonstrate the structural integrity of the riser and its auxiliary components are to be
submitted for review.

The riser pipe is to be checked for all installation loads, tension and bending combination (bending from
chute, sleeve, roller or drum) and loads caused by the installation of auxiliary components.

Loads from mechanical gripping devices, such as clamps and tensioners, are to be checked and are not to
cause damage to the weaker exterior layer of the flexible pipe.


CHAPTER 2 Import and Export Systems

SECTION 5 Materials

1 Material for Rigid Risers

Material and dimensional standards for steel pipe are to be in accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.4 and
B31.8, API RP 2RD and/or other suitable standards approved for the intended application by ABS with
respect to chemical composition, material manufacture, tolerances, strength and testing requirements.

3 Material for Flexible Risers

The guidelines in API RP 17B and API SPEC 17J may be used to assess the adequacy of the material
standards for flexible risers.


Ship-Type Installations

CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations......................................................................90
Section 1 General ........................................................................... 93
Section 2 Longitudinal Strength (1 July 2009)............................... 100
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural
Features (1 July 2009)................................................... 110
Section 5 Modules on Deck .......................................................... 118
Section 6 Other Systems (1 July 2009)......................................... 119

CHAPTER 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI..........120

Section 1 General ......................................................................... 122
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008).............. 133
Section 3 Fatigue Consideration (Remaining Fatigue Life)
(December 2008)...........................................................141
Appendix 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members Applied
to Reassessed Scantling Determination (See 5A-2-2/
Figure 1) (December 2008)........................................... 144

CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements.................................................... 150

Section 1 General ......................................................................... 163
Section 2 Loads ............................................................................ 174
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation ............................................231
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment ........................................... 299
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships ......................... 331
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations .........348
Appendix 1 Determination of Environmental Severity Factors
(December 2008)...........................................................367
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type
Installations (2013)........................................................ 371
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008)............416
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations
(2014)............................................................................ 425

CHAPTER 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length...446

Section 1 Introduction.................................................................... 449
Section 2 Hull Structure................................................................. 455
Section 3 Cargo Oil and Associated Systems............................... 472

Appendix 1 Hull Girder Shear Strength for Ship-Type
Installations (2013)........................................................ 473


CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations

SECTION 1 General ...............................................................................................93
1 Introduction .................................................................................. 93
3 Definitions (1 July 2009)............................................................... 96
3.1 Ship-type Installation....................................................... 96
3.3 Environmental Severity Factor.........................................96
3.5 Hull Interface Structure.................................................... 96
5 Structural Arrangement (1 July 2009)...........................................97
7 Limit States (1 July 2009)............................................................. 97
7.1 General............................................................................ 97
7.3 Limit States...................................................................... 97
7.5 Strength Criteria...............................................................98
7.7 Strength Check for Impact Loads.................................... 99

TABLE 1 Design Considerations and General Requirements for

Ship-Type Installations......................................................... 94
TABLE 2 Structural Design Requirements for New Build
Installations Within 0.4L For Ship-Type Installations ≥
150 meters (Amidship)......................................................... 94
TABLE 3 Structural Design Requirements for New Build
Installations Beyond 0.4L For Ship-Type Installations ≥
150 meters .......................................................................... 95
TABLE 4 Structural Design Requirements for New Build
Installations Within 0.4L For Ship-Type Installations <
150 meters (Amidship)......................................................... 95
TABLE 5 Structural Design Requirements for New Build
Installations Beyond 0.4L For Ship-Type Installations <
150 meters .......................................................................... 96
TABLE 6 Structural Strength Assessment (1 July 2009).....................97

FIGURE 1 Ship Type Installations......................................................... 96

SECTION 2 Longitudinal Strength (1 July 2009)............................................... 100

1 Longitudinal Hull Girder Strength (1 July 2012)..........................100
3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (1 July 2009)................................ 101

SECTION 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009).............102

1 Structural Design of the Hull (December 2008).......................... 102
1.1 Hull Design for Additional Loads and Load Effects........102
1.3 Superstructures and Deckhouses (December 2008).....103

1.5 Helicopter Decks (1 July 2009)......................................103
1.7 Protection of Deck Openings......................................... 103
1.9 Bulwarks, Rails, Freeing Ports, Ventilators and
1.11 Equipment (2014).......................................................... 104
1.13 Materials and Welding................................................... 104
1.15 Machinery and Equipment Foundations........................ 104
1.17 Additional Considerations for Disconnectable Systems 105
1.19 Bilge Keels.....................................................................105
1.21 Sea Chests (December 2008)....................................... 105
3 Engineering Analyses of the Hull Structure................................ 105
3.1 General (1 July 2009).................................................... 105
3.3 Strength Analysis of the Hull Structure (1 July 2012).... 106
3.5 Three Cargo Tank Length Model (1 July 2009)............. 106
3.7 Fatigue Analysis (1 July 2009).......................................108
3.9 Acceptance Criteria....................................................... 108
3.11 Renewal Scantlings (1 July 2012)................................. 109

SECTION 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features

(1 July 2009)......................................................................................110
1 General ...................................................................................... 110
3 Hull Interface Structure............................................................... 110
3.1 Position Mooring/Hull Interface Modeling...................... 110
3.3 Hull Mounted Equipment Interface Modeling................. 112
5 Loads.......................................................................................... 112
5.1 Load Conditions............................................................. 112
5.3 Inertial Load Cases........................................................ 114
5.5 Hull Girder Load Cases..................................................114
7 Acceptance Criteria.....................................................................114
7.1 Yielding Checks............................................................. 114
7.3 Buckling Checks............................................................ 115
7.5 Fatigue Calculations...................................................... 116

FIGURE 1 Loading Pattern 1 with 2/3 Scantling Draft (December

2008).................................................................................. 111
FIGURE 2 Loading Pattern 2 with Scantling Draft (December 2008).. 112

SECTION 5 Modules on Deck .............................................................................118

1 General ...................................................................................... 118

SECTION 6 Other Systems (1 July 2009)........................................................... 119

1 Other Systems............................................................................ 119
1.1 Marine Piping Systems.................................................. 119
1.3 Electrical Systems..........................................................119

1.5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment........................... 119
1.7 Machinery and Equipment............................................. 119
1.9 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks (1 July 2012)..........119


CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations

SECTION 1 General

1 Introduction (2020)
The design and construction of the hull, superstructure and deckhouses of ship-type installations that are
new builds or conversions are to be based on the applicable requirements of Part 5A of these Rules and
where referenced in the Marine Vessel Rules. Part 5A of these Rules reflects the different structural
performance and demands expected for an installation transiting and being positioned at a particular site on
a long-term basis compared to that of a vessel engaged in unrestricted seagoing service.

The design criteria for new build or conversions of ship-type installations are located in Part 5A, Chapters
1 and 3, with additional design criteria for ship-type conversions in Part 5A, Chapter 2 of these Rules,
which are applicable to installations of 150 meters (492 feet) or more in length. The relevant chapters and
sections of design criteria are listed in 5A-1-1/TABLES 1 to 5 and 5A-1-1/1 FIGURE 1. Part 5A, Chapter
4 applies to installations under 150 meters in length. In addition, the applicable criteria contained in the
Load Line, SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions issued by the International Maritime Organization are to
be considered. It is further suggested that the local authorities having jurisdiction where the installation is
to operate be contacted to obtain any further criteria that are applicable to the floating installations.


These Rules are applicable to installations not exceeding 500 m (1640 ft) in length, L, having breadths not exceeding one-
fifth of the length nor 2.5 times the depth to the strength deck. Installations beyond these proportions will be reviewed on a
case-by-case basis.

The design criteria contained in Part 5A, Chapter 3 are applied in two phases. The first phase provides the
basic hull design to reflect overall hull girder and local structural component strength, including fatigue
strength. This is referred to as the Initial Scantling Evaluation (or ISE) phase. For ship-type conversions,
the reassessed and renewal scantlings are calculated in the ISE phase, as described in Section 5A-2-2. The
reassessed scantlings are the required scantlings for the site-specific location and transit condition, and are
used to establish the minimum renewal scantlings of an FPI conversion. The second phase requires the
performance of finite element structural analyses using either a three cargo tank-length model or cargo
block-length model to validate the selected scantlings from the first phase. This is referred to as the Total
Strength Assessment (or TSA) phase. For ship-type conversions, the TSA phase is used to validate the
reassessed scantlings obtained in the ISE phase.

Performance of additional structural analyses can lead to the granting of the optional DLA classification
notation, which signifies that the design meets the Dynamic Load Approach criteria. Also, the optional
SFA classification notation can be granted, which signifies that the design satisfies fatigue strength criteria
based on Spectral Fatigue Analysis.

For a Ship-Type Installation with length in excess of 350 meters (1148 feet), the hull structure and critical
structural details are to comply with the requirements for Dynamic Loading Approach (DLA) and Spectral
Fatigue Analysis (SFA). The vessel will be identified in the Record by the notations DLA and SFA. For
analysis using the Dynamic Loading Approach, acceptance of an equivalent method in lieu of the Dynamic
Loading Approach may be considered by ABS.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 1 General 5A-1-1

The application of the design criteria in Part 5A, Chapter 3 to reflect the site-dependent nature of the
floating offshore installation is accomplished through the introduction of a series of Environmental
Severity Factors (ESFs). Reference is to be made to 5A-1-2/1 and Section 5A-3-2 for the applicable
structural design and analysis criteria that have been modified to reflect site-specific service conditions.

Design Considerations and General Requirements for Ship-Type Installations

Ship Length 150 meters or more Under 150 meters

Topic Section Section

General 5A-1-1 5A-4-1/1

Longitudinal Strength 5A-1-2

Design and Analysis of the Hull 5A-1-3

Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structures 5A-1-4


Modules on Deck 5A-1-5

Other Systems 5A-1-6

General Requirements 5A-3-1/1

Special Requirements for Deep Loading 5A-3-1/3 5A-4-1/3

Arrangement 5A-3-1/5 5A-4-1/5

Loads 5A-3-2

Structural Design Requirements for New Build Installations Within 0.4L For
Ship-Type Installations ≥ 150 meters (Amidship) (2020)

Initial Scantling Evaluation (ISE)

Double Hull Single Hull

Topic Section Section

Hull Girder Strength 5A-3-3/3

Shearing Strength 5A-3-3/5

Double Bottom Structures 5A-3-3/7

Side Shell and Deck 5A-3-3/9, 5A-3-4/11

Longitudinal and Transverse Bulkheads 5A-3-3/13, 5A-3-3/15,


General 5A-3-6/1

Main Supporting Structures 5A-3-6/3

Total Strength Assessment (TSA)

Yielding 5A-3-4/3

Buckling and Ultimate Strength 5A-3-4/5, 5A-3-4/7

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 1 General 5A-1-1

Initial Scantling Evaluation (ISE)

Double Hull Single Hull

Topic Section Section

Fatigue 5A-3-4/9, 5A-3-4/11

Critical Areas 5A-3-4/13

Strength Assessment 5A-3-6/5

Additional Design Considerations for Conversions for Conversions to FPI within 0.4L

Topic Section

General 5A-2-1

Steel Renewal Assessment 5A-2-2

Fatigue Consideration 5A-2-3

Structural Design Requirements for New Build Installations Beyond 0.4L For
Ship-Type Installations ≥ 150 meters (2020)

Topic Section

Structure at Ends 5A-1-3/1.17, 5A-3-5/1 and 5A-4-2/17

Forebody Side Shell Structure 5A-3-5/3

Transition Zone 5A-3-5/5

Forebody Strengthening for Slamming 5A-3-5/7

Forebody Deck Structures 5A-3-5/9

Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI Beyond 0.4L

Topic Section

General 5A-2-1

Steel Renewal Assessment 5A-2-2

Fatigue Consideration 5A-2-3

Structural Design Requirements for New Build Installations Within 0.4L For
Ship-Type Installations < 150 meters (Amidship) (2020)

Topic Section

Hull Girder Strength 5A-4-2/1

Shell Plating 5A-4-2/3

Deck plating 5A-4-2/5

Bulkhead Plating 5A-4-2/7

Long or Wide tanks 5A-4-2/9

Double Bottom Structures 5A-4-2/11

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 1 General 5A-1-1

Topic Section

Deep Supporting Members 5A-4-2/13

Frames, Beams and Bulkhead Stiffeners 5A-4-2/15

Structural Design Requirements for New Build Installations Beyond 0.4L For
Ship-Type Installations < 150 meters (2020)

Topic Section

Structure at Ends within Cargo Spaces 5A-4-2/1, 5A-4-2/3.9, 5A-4-2/5.1, 5A-4-2/7, 5A-4-2/9,
5A-4-2/11, 5A-4-2/13, 5A-4-2/15

Structure at Ends beyond Cargo Spaces 5A-4-2/17

Ship Type Installations (2020)

3 Definitions (1 July 2009)

3.1 Ship-type Installation

See 5A-3-1/1.9.2 for the description of a ship-type installation. For installations that are considered ship-
type, the definitions of primary characteristics of the installation can be found in Section 3-1-1 of the
Marine Vessel Rules.

3.3 Environmental Severity Factor

Environmental Severity Factors are adjustment factors for the dynamic components of loads and the
expected fatigue damage that account for site-specific conditions as compared to North Atlantic
unrestricted service conditions. See Section 5A-3-2 and Appendix 5A-3-A1 for description of the concept,
application and determination of Environmental Severity Factors.

3.5 Hull Interface Structure

The interface between the position mooring system and the hull structure, and between deck-mounted
equipment modules and the hull structure, is the hull interface structure. The interface structure is defined
as the attachment zone of load transmission between the main hull structure and hull-mounted equipment.
See Section 5A-1-4 for additional information on hull interface structure.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 1 General 5A-1-1

5 Structural Arrangement (1 July 2009)

The general arrangement and subdivision of the installation are to comply with applicable requirements of
Section 3-2-9 of the Marine Vessel Rules and Part 5A, Chapter 3 of these Rules. Reference should also be
made to the 1966 Load Line Convention and MARPOL 73/78.

7 Limit States (1 July 2009)

7.1 General
The structural strength assessments indicated in 5A-1-1/7.1 TABLE 6 are covered by the requirements of
these Rules.

In the case of installations sited at locations where the environmental conditions are less than that used for
unrestricted service conditions, adjustments to the loadings and load effects produced by the site-specific
long-term environment at the installation site can be applied to the assessment of hull strength and fatigue
life. This is done by incorporating the Environmental Severity Factors (ESFs) for a given project site and
the proposed transit route.

Structural Strength Assessment (1 July 2009)

Yielding Check Buckling Check Ultimate Strength Fatigue Check


Local Structures Plating ✓ ✓ ✓ (1) ──

Stiffeners ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (3)

Primary supporting members ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (3)

Hull girder ✓ ✓ (4) ✓ ──

Hull interface structures ✓ ✓ (5) ✓ (6) ✓ (7)

✓ indicates that the structural assessment is to be carried out.
1 The ultimate strength check of plating is included as part of the buckling check of plating.
2 The ultimate strength check of stiffener is included as part of the buckling check of stiffeners.
3 The fatigue check of longitudinal stiffeners and primary supporting members is the fatigue check of connection
details of these members.
4 The buckling check of stiffeners and plating included in hull girder strength is performed against stress due to hull
girder bending moment and hull girder shear force.
5 The buckling check is to follow the ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore
6 The ultimate strength check of plating and stiffeners is included as part of the buckling check of plating and
stiffeners, in accordance with the ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore
7 The fatigue check is to follow the ABS Guide for Fatigue Assessment for Offshore Structures.

7.3 Limit States

The verification that the structural design is in compliance with these Rules requires that the design be
checked against a set of limit states beyond which the installation’s hull structure and mooring system are
no longer considered adequate.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 1 General 5A-1-1

7.3.1 Serviceability Limit State

Serviceability limit state, which addresses the structure’s performance during its normal use,

● Local damage which may reduce the working life of the structure or affect the efficiency of
structural members
● Unacceptable deformations which affect the efficient use of structural members or the
functioning of equipment
● Motions or accelerations that can exceed the range of effective functionality of topside
7.3.2 Ultimate Limit State
Ultimate limit state, which corresponds to the maximum load-carrying capacity, or in some cases,
the maximum applicable strain or deformation, includes:

● Attainment of the maximum resistance capacity of sections, members or connections by

rupture or excessive deformations
● Instability of the whole structure or of a significant part of it.
7.3.3 Fatigue Limit State
Fatigue limit state relates to the possibility of failure due to cyclic loads.

7.3.4 Accidental Limit State

Accidental limit state considers the flooding of any one cargo tank without progression of the
flooding to the other compartments

7.5 Strength Criteria

7.5.1 Serviceability Limit State
For the serviceability limit state design check in accordance with the partial factor design format,
all partial safety factors are equal to unity. See 5A-3-4/3 and 5A-3-4/5.

● For the yielding check of the hull girder, the stress corresponds to a load at 10-8 probability
● For the yielding check and buckling check of plating constituting a primary supporting
member, the stress corresponds to a load at 10-8 probability level.
● For the yielding and buckling check of stiffeners, the stress corresponds to a load at 10-8
probability level
7.5.2 Ultimate Limit State
For the ultimate limit state design check of the strength of the hull girder in accordance with the
partial factor design format, the ultimate strength of the hull girder is to withstand the maximum
total still-water and wave sagging and hogging vertical bending moments obtained by multiplying
a partial safety factor on the maximum still water sag and hog bending moments and a partial
safety factor on the maximum sag and hog vertical wave bending moments as specified in

● The ultimate strength of the plating between ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting
members is to withstand the loads due to the maximum total bending moment.
● The ultimate strength of the ordinary stiffener is to withstand the loads due to the maximum
total bending moment.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 1 General 5A-1-1

7.5.3 Fatigue Limit State

For the fatigue limit state design check in accordance with the partial factor design format, all
partial safety factors are equal to unity. The fatigue life of representative structural details, such as
connections of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members, is obtained from reference
pressures at 10-4 probability level. See 5A-3-4/9 and Appendix 5A-3-A2.

7.5.4 Accidental Limit State

Longitudinal strength of hull girder in cargo tank flooded condition is to be assessed in accordance
with 5A-2-1/5.5.2.

7.7 Strength Check for Impact Loads (2019)

Structural strength is to be assessed against impact loads such as forward bottom slamming, bow impact,
green water on deck and sloshing loads in cargo or ballast tanks.

For Ship-Type Installations with spread mooring having significant overhanging sterns or relatively flat
stern cross sections, structural strength against stern slamming load is additionally to be assessed.
Reference can be made to ABS Guide for Slamming Loads and Strength Assessment for Vessels.


CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations

SECTION 2 Longitudinal Strength (1 July 2009)

1 Longitudinal Hull Girder Strength (1 July 2012)

Longitudinal strength is to be based on Section 3-2-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules. The required hull girder
section modulus for 0 . 4L amidships is to be the greater of the values obtained from the following equation
or the minimum section modulus SMmin in the table below:

SM = Mt /fp cm2-m (in2-ft)


Mt = total bending moment, as described below

fp = nominal permissible bending stress

= 17.5 kN/cm2 (1.784 tf/cm2, 11.33 Ltf/in2)

The total bending moment, Mt is to be considered as the maximum algebraic sum of the maximum still
water bending moment (Msw) for operation on site or in transit combined with the corresponding wave-
induced bending moment (Mw) expected on-site and during transit to the installation site. Due account is to
be given to the influence of mooring loads and riser weights in calculating the vertical still water bending
moments and shear forces.

In lieu of directly calculated wave-induced hull girder vertical bending moments and shear forces, recourse
can be made to the use of the Environmental Severity Factor (ESF) approach (see 5A-3-2/1.1 and
Appendix 5A-3-A1) , which can be applied to modify the Marine Vessel Rules wave-induced hull girder
bending moment and shear force formulas (see 5A-3-2/5.2 and 5A-3-2/5.3).

Depending on the value of the Environmental Severity Factor, βvbm, for vertical wave-induced hull girder
bending moment (see 5A-3-A1/3 of these Rules), the minimum hull girder section modulus, SMmin, of the
installation, as specified in 3-2-1/3.7.1(b) of the Marine Vessel Rules, may vary in accordance with the

βvbm SMmin

< 0.7 0 . 85SMsvr

0.7 to 1.0 (0 . 5 + βvbm /2)SMsvr

> 1.0 SMsvr

Where SMsvr = minimum hull girder section modulus as required in 3-2-1/3.7.1(b) of the Marine Vessel Rules

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 2 Longitudinal Strength (1 July 2009) 5A-1-2

3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (1 July 2009)

The hull girder ultimate longitudinal bending capacities for either hogging or sagging conditions are to be
evaluated in accordance with Appendix 5A-3-A3. The hull girder ultimate bending capacity for the design
environmental condition (DEC) is to satisfy the limit state specified in 5A-3-3/3.5.


CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations

SECTION 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July


1 Structural Design of the Hull (December 2008)

The design of the hull is to be based on the applicable requirements of Part 5A, Chapters 3 or 4 of these
Rules, depending on the hull length and where referenced the Marine Vessel Rules. For ship-type
installations over 150 meters (492 feet) in length, Part 5A, Chapter 3 is the primary reference. Where the
conditions at the installation site are less demanding than those for unrestricted service that are the basis of
the Marine Vessel Rules, the design criteria for various components of the hull structure may be reduced,
subject to the limitations indicated below to reflect these differences. However, when the site conditions
produce demands that are more severe, it is mandatory that the design criteria are to be increased

5A-3-2/1.1 presents an explanation of the Environmental Severity Factor (ESF) concept, which is used to
adjust the unrestricted service criteria of the Marine Vessel Rules.

In the application of the modified criteria, no minimum required value of any net scantling is to be less
than 85 percent of the value obtained had all the ESF Beta values been set equal to 1.0 (which is the
unrestricted service condition). In view of this, for an FPSO converted from a vessel, where the total
bending moment for unrestricted service conditions is used for determination of the minimum required
value of any net scantling, the total bending moment should consist of the maximum still water bending
moment of the existing vessel and the wave-induced bending moment with all the beta values set equal to

The loads arising from the static tank testing condition are also to be directly considered in the design. In
some instances, such conditions might control the design, especially when the overflow heights are greater
than normally encountered in oil transport service, or the severity of environmentally-induced load
components and cargo specific gravity are less than usual.

1.1 Hull Design for Additional Loads and Load Effects

The loads addressed in this Subsection are those required in the design of an installation in Part 5A,
Chapters 3 or 4, depending on the length of the installation. Specifically, these loads are those arising from
liquid sloshing in hydrocarbon storage or ballast tanks, green water on deck, bow impact due to wave
group action above the waterline, bowflare slamming during vertical entry of the bow structure into the
water, bottom slamming and deck loads due to on-deck production facilities. All of these can be treated
directly by reference to Part 5A, Chapters 3 or 4. However, when it is permitted to design for these loads
and load effects on a site-specific basis, the formulations given in Section 5A-3-2 reflect the introduction
of the Environmental Severity Factors (ESFs-Beta-type) into the Rule criteria. The paragraphs below give
the location in Section 5A-3-2 where the adjusted load formulations are presented.

1.1.1 Sloshing of Produced or Ballast Liquids (December 2008)

For ship-type installations, it is typical that the tanks may be subjected to partial filling levels. For
tanks where partial filling is intended, sloshing analyses are to be performed. Firstly, the sloshing
analysis is to determine if the sloshing natural periods of the anticipated filling levels in each tank
are close to the installation’s pitch and roll motion periods. It is recommended that the periods of
the fluid motions in each tank for each anticipated filling level are at least 20 percent greater or

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009) 5A-1-3

smaller than those of the relevant installation’s motion. This range of installation natural periods
constitutes the “critical” range. If the natural periods of the tanks and installation are sufficiently
separated, then no further analyses are required. However, when the tanks are to be loaded within
“critical” filling levels, then additional analyses are to be performed in order to determine the
adequacy of the structure for the internal pressures due to sloshing.

The extent of sloshing analyses is indicated in 5A-3-2/11. Reference can be made to Section
5A-3-2 on adjustments that could be used to modify the amplitudes of the ocean-based sloshing
criteria. However, it should be borne in mind that the sloshing assessment criteria of Section
5A-3-2 are derived considering an unrestrained freely floating hull subjected to wave energy
spectra representing the open ocean. Mooring restraints, potential hull weathervaning and different
wave energy characterizations (e.g., energy spectra for ocean swells, tropical cyclonic storms and
water depth effects) may need to be additionally considered by the designer when establishing the
installation’s motions for sloshing-induced loading analysis.

1.1.2 Green Water Loads on Deck

When it is permitted to base the design on a site-specific modification of the Marine Vessel Rules,
reference is to be made to 5A-3-2/13.7 of these Rules.

1.1.3 Bow Impact

When it is permitted to base the design on a site-specific modification of the Marine Vessel Rules,
reference is to be made to 5A-3-2/13.1 of these Rules.

1.1.4 Slamming
When it is permitted to base the design on a site-specific modification of the Marine Vessel Rules,
reference is to be made to 5A-3-2/13.3 and 5A-3-2/13.5 of these Rules.

1.1.5 Deck Loads (December 2008)

Deck loads due to on-deck production facilities for on-site and transit conditions are referenced in
5A-3-2/15 of these Rules.

1.3 Superstructures and Deckhouses (December 2008)

The designs of superstructures and deckhouses are to comply with the requirements of Section 3-2-11 of
the Marine Vessel Rules. The structural arrangements of 3-2-11/9 of the Marine Vessel Rules for forecastle
decks are to be satisfied.

The design of buildings on top of the topside module is to be in accordance with the applicable
requirements of the Offshore Installation Rules.

1.5 Helicopter Decks (1 July 2009)

The design of the helicopter deck structure is to comply with the requirements of 3-2-2/3 of the MOU
Rules. In addition to the required loadings defined in 3-2-2/3 of the MOU Rules, the structural strength of
the helicopter deck and its supporting structures are to be evaluated considering the DOC and DEC
environments, if applicable.

1.7 Protection of Deck Openings

The machinery casings, all deck openings, hatch covers and companionway sills are to comply with
5A-3-1/3 and 5A-4-1/3 of these Rules.

1.9 Bulwarks, Rails, Freeing Ports, Ventilators and Portlights

Bulwarks, rails, freeing ports, portlights and ventilators are to meet the requirements of Section 3-2-17 of
the Marine Vessel Rules.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009) 5A-1-3

1.11 Equipment (2014)

The provision of equipment on the installation is optional, except as noted below. For guidance on the
requirements for temporary mooring equipment (anchor, chains, windlasses or winches, hawse pipe, etc.),
refer to Section 3-5-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Self-propelled disconnectable installations are to comply with Section 3-5-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.
Consideration may be given to arrangement with a single anchor subject to satisfactory submittal of a risk
analysis to address conditions under which the installation may proceed toward shore, and with the
agreement of the flag and coastal states. Any vessel entering piloted, restricted, or congested waters with
only one anchor will require a tug escort regardless of the risk assessment findings, and this will be noted
as an operating restriction on the Class certificate.

1.13 Materials and Welding (2019)

For a minimum design service temperature of 0°C and above, ship-type installations are to be constructed
from steel selected in accordance with Part 3 of the Marine Vessel Rules. For a minimum design service
temperature lower than 0°C, ship-type installations are to be constructed from steel selected in accordance
with Part 3 of the MOU Rules with the provision that the steel selection is not to be less conservative than
that of Part 3 of the Marine Vessel Rules. The structural application categories defined in Part 3 of the
Marine Vessel Rules are to be used with the steel selection criteria in Part 3 of the MOU Rules by applying
the following correlations:

i) Class I correlates with Secondary

ii) Class II correlates with Primary
iii) Class III correlates with Special

The steel selection criteria footnotes of Part 3 of the Marine Vessel Rules are to be implemented, as
appropriate, and are to supplant less severe steel selection criteria of Part 3 of the MOU Rules for
equivalent structure.

For major hull interface structure as defined in 5A-1-4/1, longitudinal underdeck and hull interface plating
or bracket structures attached to the deck or hull should have the same or compatible material grade as the
deck or hull structure, respectively.

The topside facilities (production deck) are to be constructed from steel selected in accordance with the
ABS Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Installations (Offshore Installations Rules).

Turret and SPM buoy mooring systems are to be constructed from steel selected in accordance with the
MOU Rules.

Tower mooring systems are to be constructed from steel selected in accordance with the Offshore
Installations Rules.

All fabrication and welding are to comply with the requirements in Chapter 4 of the ABS Rules for
Materials and Welding (Part 2). The weld type and sizing are to be shown on the scantling drawings or in
the form of a welding schedule and are to comply with the requirements that govern the steel selection.

1.15 Machinery and Equipment Foundations

Foundations for equipment subjected to high cyclic loading, such as mooring winches, chain stoppers and
foundations for rotating process equipment, are to be analyzed to verify they provide satisfactory strength
and fatigue resistance. Calculations and drawings showing weld details are to be submitted to ABS for

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009) 5A-1-3

1.17 Additional Considerations for Disconnectable Systems

1.17.1 Machinery Space and Tunnel
Requirements for machinery spaces with regard to engine foundations, tunnels and tunnel recesses
are given in Section 3-2-12 of the Marine Vessel Rules, as modified by 5A-3-1/5.33 and
5A-4-1/5.31 of these Rules.

1.17.2 Keels, Stems, Stern Frames and Rudder Horns

Requirements for stems, stern frames, shoe pieces, rudder horns and gudgeons are given in
Section 3-2-13 of the Marine Vessel Rules. Additional requirements for ice strengthening are given
in Part 6 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

1.17.3 Rudders and Steering Gears

For installations with steering capabilities, the requirements for rudder stocks, couplings, pintles,
plating, steering gears, etc., are given in Section 3-2-14 and Part 4, Chapter 3 of the Marine Vessel
Rules. Ice-strengthened installations are to comply with 6-1-4/27, 6-1-5/41 or 6-1-6/25 of the
Marine Vessel Rules, as applicable.

1.19 Bilge Keels (2020)

For bilge keels 500 mm or less in depth, the requirements are given in 5A-3-6/7.5 and 5A-12-3/5.1 of the
Marine Vessel Rules.

In addition to the requirements included in the above Marine Vessel Rules section, bilge keels greater than
500 mm in depth with single web or closed construction form are to be modeled in the cargo tank model
described in 5A-1-3/3 applying net scantlings based on a nominal design corrosion value of 1.0 mm.
Strength of the structure in yielding and buckling are to be assessed against the criteria given in 5A-3-4/3
and 5A-3-4/5. As an alternative, buckling assessment may be carried out using eigenvalue analysis method
with appropriate edge constraints. If the predicted buckling stress exceeds the proportional linear elastic
limits, which may be taken as 0 . 6fy for steel, plasticity correction is to be made. Locations on the bilge
keel where stress concentrations occur are to be examined using fine mesh analyses applying procedures
and criteria given in 5A-3-4/11. Locations to be analyzed are to include, but not limited to, areas where
abrupt changes in geometry occur, end details of the bilge keel, toes of transverse support brackets, and
terminations of the bilge keel ground bar. Fatigue analysis of the aforementioned locations is to be carried
out in accordance with Appendix 5A-3-A2. A safety factor of 3 against the design fatigue life is to be
applied. Additionally, the bilge keel and supporting structures are to be assessed for hydrodynamic drag
loads due to wave dynamics and hull motion. These loads may be calculated either by model experiments
or numerical simulation using three-dimensional flow analysis for the transit condition and site-specific
operating condition, The methodology and test procedures and measurements or analysis methods are to be
fully documented and submitted for review.

1.21 Sea Chests (December 2008)

Structural requirements for sea chests are given in 3-2-4/17.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

3 Engineering Analyses of the Hull Structure

3.1 General (1 July 2009)

The criteria in this Subsection relate to the analyses required to verify the scantlings selected in the hull
design in 5A-1-3/1. Depending on the specific features of the offshore installation, additional analyses to
verify and help design other portions of the hull structure will be required. Such additional analyses
include those for the deck structural components supporting deck-mounted equipment and the hull
structure interface with the position mooring system. Analysis criteria for these two situations are given in
Section 5A-1-4.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009) 5A-1-3

3.3 Strength Analysis of the Hull Structure (1 July 2012)

For installations of 150 m (492 feet) in length and above, the required strength assessment of the hull
structure is to be based on a three cargo tank length finite element model amidships where the strength
assessment is focused on the results obtained from structures in the middle tank. For FPI conversions, as an
alternative, a complete hull length or full cargo block length finite element model can be used in lieu of the
three cargo tank length model as described in 5A-2-1/5.6. Details of the required Finite Element Method
(FEM) strength analysis are indicated in 5A-3-4/11 and Appendix 5A-3-A4 of these Rules. The net
scantlings used in the strength analysis of new build FPI and conversions to FPI differ as follows:

i) For new build FPI, a three cargo tank length finite element strength analysis is performed using
the new build net scantlings obtained by deducting the nominal design corrosion values in
5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 from the new build design scantlings.
ii) For FPI conversions, a three-cargo tank length, or alternatively a complete hull length or full cargo
block length finite element strength analysis is performed using the reassessed net scantlings
obtained by deducting the nominal design corrosion values in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 from the
reassessed scantlings as determined in Section 5A-2-2.

When mooring and riser structures are located within the extent of the FE model, the static mass of the
mooring lines and risers may be represented by a mass for which gravity and dynamic accelerations can be
calculated and added to the FE model. The resulting dynamic loads shall be compared to the mooring and
riser analysis results to verify that the dynamic effects are conservatively assessed in the hull FE analysis.

For installations less than 150 m (492 feet) in length, it is recommended that a Finite Element Method
(FEM) analysis be performed if the installation is of double hull construction or of unusual design (see
5A-4-1/1.3.3 of these Rules). When the design is permitted to be based on site-specific environmental
conditions, the load components to be used in the strength analyses can be determined using 5A-1-2/1,
5A-1-3/1 and Section 5A-3-2 of these Rules.

Generally, the strength analysis is performed to determine the stress distribution in the structure. To
determine the local stress distribution in major supporting structures, particularly at intersections of two or
more members, fine mesh FEM models are to be analyzed using the boundary displacements and load
from the 3D FEM model. To examine stress concentrations, such as at intersections of longitudinal
stiffeners with transverses and at cutouts, fine mesh 3D FEM models are to be analyzed.

The accidental load condition, where a cargo tank is flooded, is to be assessed for longitudinal strength of
the hull girder consistent with load cases used in damage stability calculations.

3.5 Three Cargo Tank Length Model (1 July 2009)

3.5.1 Structural FE Model (1 July 2012)
The three cargo tank length FE model is considered representative of cargo and ballast tanks
within the 0 . 4L amidships. The same FE model may be used for hull structures beyond 0 . 4L
amidships with modifications to the hull geometry, plate and stiffener properties and the applied
loads, provided that the structural configurations are considered as representative of the location
under consideration. Where the tanks in the 0 . 4L amidships are of different lengths, the middle
tank of the FE model is to represent the cargo tank of the greatest length.

The assessment of the hull structure to resist hull girder vertical shear loads in the forward and aft
cargo block regions may be based on the midship cargo tank finite element model with
modifications to the structural properties, where appropriate. The strength assessment is calculated
according to Section 5A-3-4 for the load cases described in 5A-1-3/3.5.3.

For FPI conversions, reassessed net scantlings are to be used in the finite element model, and are
obtained by deducting the nominal design corrosion margins from the reassessed scantlings of the
structure. For FPI conversions, as an alternative, a complete hull length or full cargo block length
finite element model can be used in lieu of the three cargo tank length model.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009) 5A-1-3

Details of the modeling, mesh size, element types used and boundary conditions are described in
Appendix 5A-3-A4. Detailed local stress assessment using fine mesh models to evaluate highly
stressed critical areas are to be in accordance with 5A-3-A4/21.

3.5.2 Load Conditions (2019)

In the strength analyses of the three cargo tank length model, the following loading conditions are
to be used:

General Loading Patterns. The FEM analysis is to be performed in accordance with the loading
patterns specified in Section 5A-3-2 of these Rules. The loading patterns included in Section
5A-3-2 are intended to represent the envelope of worst case loading patterns for local load
structural design purposes and may not necessarily represent the actual operating loading patterns
of the FPI. The actual loading patterns for the installation are to be reviewed to verify that there
are no other patterns producing more severe loading. If any worse governing loading patterns than
those specified in Section 5A-3-2 exist, these loading patterns are to be included in the analyses.
The structural responses for the still water conditions are to be calculated separately to establish
reference points for assessing the wave-induced responses. Topside loads are also to be included
in the load cases.

Loading patterns to be used for double hull, double side with single bottom and single hull
installations are specified in Section 5A-3-2 of these Rules. In addition to the specified loading
patterns and cargo densities, inspection and repair, transit, and static conditions representing tank
testing, inspection and repair, and transit are also to be investigated.

Static Loading Conditions for New Construction. The tank loading patterns of Load Cases No. 9
and 10 specified in Part 5A, Chapter 3 of these Rules are to be analyzed considering static
conditions and seawater (Specific Gravity = 1.025) at minimum draft. The tanks are to be loaded
considering the actual height of the overflow pipe, which is not to be taken less than 2.44 m (8
feet) above the deck at side. The external drafts for these load cases are to be taken as 25 percent
of the scantling draft. However, Notes (1) and (2) below are applicable.

1 Where the actual minimum static condition with the tank loading pattern as the center row of tanks
results in a draft less than specified, the actual loading condition draft is to be used.
2 For an installation with two outer longitudinal bulkheads only (inner skin), i.e., one tank across between
the inner skin bulkheads, the minimum actual loading condition draft is to be used.

Static Loading Conditions for FPI Conversions. The tank loading patterns of Load Cases No. 9
and 10 specified in Part 5A, Chapter 3 of these Rules are to be analyzed considering static
conditions and seawater (Specific Gravity = 1.025) at minimum draft. The tanks are to be loaded
to the top of access hatches for cargo tanks, or 760 mm above deck for ballast tanks. If the actual
tank condition results in a static pressure head higher than specified, the actual pressure head is to
be used. The external drafts for these load cases are to be taken as 30 percent of the scantling
draft. However, Notes (1) and (2) of the above paragraph are applicable.

Inspection and Repair Conditions. Loading patterns representing inspection and repair conditions
are also to be investigated. Inspection and repair conditions are to be analyzed using a minimum
1-year return period design operating condition load and a minimum specific gravity of cargo fluid
of 0.9. Other aspects of the loading pattern, modeling, acceptance criteria, etc., indicated in Part
5A, Chapter 3 of these Rules are to be followed.

Transit Conditions. The transit condition is to be analyzed using the actual tank loading patterns or
loading patterns as defined in 5A-3-2/3.1 in association with the anticipated environmental

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009) 5A-1-3

conditions based on a minimum 10-year return period to be encountered during the voyage (see
3-2-3/3.3 of these Rules).

3.5.3 Load Cases

The tank loading patterns as described above and specified in Section 5A-3-2 are to be applied.
These loading patterns are intended to represent the envelope of worst case loading patterns for
local load structural design purposes and may not necessarily represent the actual operating
loading patterns of the FPI. The structural responses for the still water conditions are to be
calculated separately to establish reference points for assessing the wave-induced responses.
Additional loading patterns may be required for special or unusual operational conditions or
conditions that are not covered by the loading patterns specified in Section 5A-3-2. Topside loads
are also to be included in the load cases.

3.7 Fatigue Analysis (1 July 2009)

For all installations of 150 m and above, the extent of fatigue analysis required is indicated in 5A-3-4/9 of
these Rules. For installations of less than 150 m, the requirements are indicated in 5A-4-1/1.5 of these

For the three cargo tank length model, the fatigue assessment is to be performed applying Appendix 5A-3-
A2 of these Rules.

For the cargo block model, the fatigue assessment is to be performed based on spectral fatigue analysis
applying the latest edition of the ABS Guide for Spectral-Based Fatigue Analysis for Floating Production,
Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Installations.

The fatigue strength of welded joints and details at terminations located in highly stressed areas and in
fatigue prone locations are to be assessed, especially where higher strength steel is used. These fatigue
and/or fracture mechanics analyses, based on the combined effect of loading, material properties, and flaw
characteristics are performed to predict the service life of the structure and determine the most effective
inspection plan. Special attention is to be given to structural notches, cutouts, bracket toes, and abrupt
changes of structural sections.

Consideration is also to be given to the following analyses:

i) The cumulated fatigue damage during the transit voyage from the fabrication or previous site for
an existing FPI to the operation site is to be included in the overall fatigue damage assessment.
ii) The stress range due to loading and unloading cycles is to be accounted for in the overall fatigue
damage assessment. See 5A-3-A2/15.

3.9 Acceptance Criteria

The total assessment of the structure is to be performed against the failure modes of material yielding,
buckling, ultimate strength and fatigue. The reference acceptance criteria of each mode are given as

3.9.1 Material Yielding

For installation lengths of 150 m and above, the criteria are indicated in 5A-3-4/3.1 of these Rules.

For installation lengths of less than 150 m, the criteria are indicated in 5A-4-2/13.3 and
5A-4-2/13.7 of these Rules.

3.9.2 Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Plate Panels, Stiffeners and Longitudinals
For installation lengths of 150 m and above, the criteria is indicated in 5A-3-4/5 of these Rules.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 3 Structural Design and Analysis of the Hull (1 July 2009) 5A-1-3

For installation lengths of less than 150 m, the criteria are indicated in 3-2-1/17 of the Marine
Vessel Rules and Appendix 5A-2-A1 of these Rules.

3.9.3 Fatigue (2020)

The required target fatigue life as indicated in 1-1-2/5.10.1 and 5A-3-A2/5.1 of these Rules is 20
years. Appendix 5A-3-A2 is also referred to for installations with lengths less than 150 m. Direct
application of the Appendix will result in the evaluation of members for stress ranges of an
unrestricted trading service vessel. In the absence of more detailed environmental data, stress
ranges are to be obtained in consideration of the unrestricted service environment. When the site-
specific wave environment is used and produces less severe fatigue demand than the unrestricted
service environment, credit can be given to the less severe environment by increasing the expected
fatigue life. For site-specific environmental conditions producing more severe fatigue demand
than the unrestricted service environment, the site-specific environmental data are to be used, and
the calculated fatigue life is to be not less than 20 years.

Due to the structural redundancy and relative ease of inspection inherent in typical hull structures
of ship-type installations, there is generally no further need to apply additional factors of safety
above what is already built into the fatigue classification curves cited in Appendix 5A-3-A2. Thus,
for noncritical and inspectable structures, the fatigue safety factor is generally 1.0. However, for
areas of the structure which are non-inspectable or “critical”, such as in way of the connections to
the mooring or production systems (see Section 5A-1-4), additional factors of safety should be
considered in accordance with 3-2-3/3.7.

For existing installations that are employed in floating installation service, the estimated
remaining fatigue lives of the critical structural details are to be assessed and the supporting
calculations submitted for review. Special consideration is to be given to the effects of corrosion
and wastage on the remaining fatigue life of existing structures.

Any areas determined to be critical to the structure are to be free of cracks. The effects of stress
risers should be determined and minimized. Critical areas may require special analysis and survey.

3.11 Renewal Scantlings (1 July 2012)

3.11.1 New Construction
Future steel renewals are to be based on the FPI required new build scantlings considering the
wastage allowance as determined by the smaller of the % wastage allowance (see 5A-2-2/3.5
TABLE 1) or the allowable wastage based on buckling strength (see Appendix 5A-2-A1).

3.11.2 Conversion of Existing Vessel to FPI

Future steel renewals for FPI conversions are to be based on the FPI required scantlings,
regardless of the original design renewal scheme. The process of determining the required and
renewal scantlings, as described in Section 5A-2-2 for an FPI vessel conversion, requires a
reassessment of the vessel’s scantlings based on transit condition and the specific site of the


CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations

SECTION 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull

Structural Features (1 July 2009)

1 General (1 July 2019)

The design and analysis criteria to be applied to the other pertinent features of the hull structural design are
to conform to these Rules or to recognized practices acceptable to ABS. For many ship-type installations,
the hull design will need to consider the interface between the position mooring system and the hull
structure or the effects of structural support reactions from deck-mounted (or above-deck) equipment
modules, or both. The interface structure is defined as the attachment zone of load transmission between
the main hull structure and hull mounted equipment, such as topside module stools, crane pedestals and
foundations, riser porches, flare boom foundation, gantry foundation, mooring and offloading, etc. The
zone includes components of the hull underdeck structures in way of module support stools and
foundations, such as deck transverse web frames, deck longitudinals and upper parts of longitudinal and
transverse bulkhead structures, as well as foundations of the hull-mounted equipment. These components
of the interface structure should comply with the criteria indicated in 5A-1-4/7.

The criteria to be applied for the interface structures are presented below. When it is permitted to base the
design of the ship-type offshore installation on site-specific environmental conditions, reference is to be
made to 5A-1-3/1, 5A-1-2/1 and Section 5A-3-2 of these Rules regarding how load components can be

The above (or on) deck equipment or module structure is referred to in 4-1-7/5.

3 Hull Interface Structure

The basic scantlings in way of the hull interface structure is to be designed based on the first principle
approach and meet the requirements of Section 3-2-1 of the MOU Rules strength criteria, the ABS Guide
for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures and the ABS Guide for the Fatigue
Assessment of Offshore Structures, or equivalent national industry standards recognized and accepted by
ABS, such as API Standards. Welding design of hull interface structure connections is to be developed
based on Section 3-2-6 of the MOU Rules or a direct calculation approach. Material grades for the above-
deck interface structure are to be selected as per Section 3-1-4 of the MOU Rules requirements. The
material grades for the hull structure components, such as deck and frame structures, are to be selected as
per Part 3 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

The verification of the hull interface structure as defined above is to be performed using direct calculation
of local 3-D hull interface finite element models, developed using gross scantlings and analyzed with load
conditions and load cases described in the following sections.

3.1 Position Mooring/Hull Interface Modeling

A FEM analysis is to be performed and submitted for review:

3.1.1 Turret or SPM Type Mooring System, External to the Installation’s Hull
If the mooring system is of the turret or SPM type, external to the installation’s hull, the following

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features (1 July 2009) 5A-1-4

i) Fore end mooring. The minimum extent of the model is from the fore end of the
installation, including the turret structure and its attachment to the hull, to a transverse
plane after the aft end of the foremost cargo oil tank in the installation. The model can be
considered fixed at the aft end of the model. The loads modeled are to correspond to the
worst-case tank loads, seakeeping loads as determined for both the transit condition and
the on-site design environmental condition (DEC), ancillary structure loads, and mooring
and riser loads for the on-site DEC, where applicable. The design operating condition
(DOC) may also need to be considered for conditions which may govern.
ii) Aft end mooring. The minimum extent of the model is from the aft end of the installation,
including the turret structure and its attachment to the hull structure, to a transverse plane
forward of the fore end of the aft most cargo oil tank in the hull. The model can be
considered fixed at the fore end of the model. The loads modeled are to correspond to the
worst-case tank loads, seakeeping loads as determined for both the transit condition and
the on-site design environmental condition (DEC), ancillary structure loads, and mooring
and riser loads for the on-site DEC, where applicable.
3.1.2 Mooring System Internal to the Installation Hull (Turret Moored)
If the mooring arrangement is internal to the installation hull (turret-moored), the following

i) Fore end turret. The model is to extend from the fore end of the installation to the after
end of the cargo tank or hold aft of the one containing the turret. The model can be
considered fixed at the aft end of the model. The loads modeled are to correspond to the
worst-case tank loads, seakeeping loads as determined for either the transit condition or
the on-site design environmental condition (DEC), ancillary structure loads, and mooring
and riser loads for the on-site DEC, where applicable. The design operating condition
(DOC) may also need to be considered for conditions which may govern.
ii) Midship turret. The model can be a 3-tank model similar to that described in 5A-3-4/11 of
these Rules where the turret is located in the center tank of the model. Hull girder loads
are to be applied to the ends of the model. The loads modeled are to correspond to the
worst-case tank loads, seakeeping loads as determined for either the transit condition or
the on-site design environmental condition (DEC), ancillary structure loads, and mooring
and riser loads for the on-site DEC, where applicable. The design operating condition
(DOC) may also need to be considered for conditions which may govern.
iii) As a minimum, the following two cargo loading patterns that result in the worst load
effects on the hull structure are to be considered:

● Maximum internal pressure for fully filled tanks adjacent to the hold containing the
turret, with the other tanks empty and minimum external pressure, where applicable.
(See 5A-1-4/3.1.2 FIGURE 1)
● Empty tanks adjacent to the hold containing the turret, with the other tanks full and
maximum external pressure, where applicable. (See 5A-1-4/3.1.2 FIGURE 2)

The interface structure is to be assessed for yielding, buckling and fatigue strength,
and should include all structural members and critical connections within the hold
containing the turret as well as the hold boundaries and their attachments.

Loading Pattern 1 with 2/3 Scantling Draft (December 2008)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features (1 July 2009) 5A-1-4

Loading Pattern 2 with Scantling Draft (December 2008)

3.1.3 Spread Moored Installations

The local foundation structure and installation structure are to be checked for the given mooring
loads and hull structure loads, where applicable, using an appropriate FEM analysis. The mooring
loads to be used in the analysis are to be based on the on-site design environmental condition
(DEC) for hull structure, and the mooring loads for the on-site DEC and breaking strength of the
mooring lines. The design operating condition (DOC) may also need to be considered for
conditions which may govern.

3.3 Hull Mounted Equipment Interface Modeling

3.3.1 Topside Module Support Stools and Hull Underdeck Structures
The topside module support stools and hull underdeck structures in way of module support stools,
such as deck transverse webs, deck longitudinals, longitudinal and transverse bulkheads, are to be
assessed for the most unfavorable load combinations of topside stool reactions and hull structure
loads, where applicable, using an appropriate FEM analysis. The load combinations of topside
stool reactions and hull structure loads are to be consistent with those assumed in the module
analysis (refer to Section 5A-1-5). The finite element model extent is to be sufficiently large to
minimize the cut boundary effects. The openings in way of critical areas are to be incorporated
into the FEM model to investigate their effects. The loads for the on-site design operating
condition (DOC), on-site design environmental condition (DEC) and transit condition are to be
taken into account. Topside production and support systems are to be empty in transit condition.
Special attention is to be given to the cutouts in deck transverse webs in way of topside module
stools. The strength analysis for the typical cutout with the maximum topside stool reactions using
a local fine mesh FEM model is to be carried out and submitted for review.

3.3.2 Other Hull Mounted Equipment Foundation Structures

Other hull mounted equipment foundations, such as crane pedestals and foundations, riser
porches, flare boom foundations, gantry foundations, offloading equipment foundations, etc., and
hull vessel structure in way of the foundations are to be checked for the given functional loads,
environmental loads and hull structure loads, where applicable, using an appropriate FEM
analysis. The finite element model extent is to be sufficiently large to minimize the cut boundary
effects. Openings such as cutouts in way of critical areas are to be incorporated into the FEM
model. The loads for the on-site design operating condition (DOC), on-site design environmental
condition (DEC) and transit condition are to be taken into account in the analysis. All equipment
is to be in the stowed position for the transit condition.

5 Loads

5.1 Load Conditions

For all conditions, the primary hull girder load effects are to be considered, where applicable.

5.1.1 Site Design Environmental Condition (DEC) (1 July 2019)

For non-disconnectable FPSOs or FSOs:

● Site DEC with hull design return period, and severe storm functional dead and live loads, as
applicable, with 1/3 stress increase allowable (i.e., 0 . 8 * fy)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features (1 July 2009) 5A-1-4

For disconnectable FPSOs and FSOs:

● Site Disconnectable Environmental Condition (DISEC), Client-specified site year return loads
(See 3/3.3.2(a) of Position Mooring Guide), and severe storm functional, dead and live loads
(i.e., excluding tropical cyclones), as applicable, with 1/3 stress increase allowable (i.e.,
0 . 8 * fy)

For the DEC and DISEC load conditions, the following assumptions are applicable:

● Topside Production Facility modules are in wet condition for all site conditions and in dry
conditions for unrestricted service and transit conditions.
● Cranes are in stowed position
● Mooring loads in the most severe hull loading condition are determined from the site mooring
load analysis for the following conditions:

– All lines are intact

– One line is damaged
– For each individual line and associated fairlead, chock, chain stopper etc., the strength is
to be assessed under the breaking strength of the line/chain with a Utilization Factor,
UF = 0.8 for component stress, 0.9 for Von Mises element stress and 0.8 for buckling
stress, in the case that the mooring loads in the above two conditions are not available.

FE analysis requirements for the position mooring/hull interface described 5A-1-4/3.1 are to be met. In
addition for the internal turret, the longitudinal strength calculations (i.e., Hull Girder longitudinal bending &
shear strength and IACS buckling strength checks (UR S11.5), as per 5A-1-2/1 of these Rules and Section
3-2-1 and Appendix 3-2-A4 of the Marine Vessel Rules, for the hull girder section in way of the internal
turret), for all applicable conditions, are to be submitted for review and approval.

5.1.2 Site Design Operating Condition (DOC)

Site DOC with maximum functional live loads under site operation without 1/3 stress increase
allowable (i.e., 0 . 6 * fy). Special consideration should be given to the following:

● Limiting environmental condition, specified by designer/operator, that would require

suspension of normal operations, is to be minimum 1-year return as per these Rules.
● Deck support stools for topside production facility modules are in wet condition.
● Crane functional loads are as per API RP 2A and API Spec 2C Practices.
● Position mooring hull interface
5.1.3 Transit Condition
For transit (topside production facility in dry condition), it is the shipyard’s and/or designer‘s
responsibility to specify the design parameters for the transit condition. There are generally four
approaches available:

● Specified maximum seasonal weather routing condition;

● Maximum 10-year return response based on the worst environmental conditions and
associated wave scatter diagram along the transit route,
● Maximum 10-year return response based on a composite wave scatter diagram,
● North Atlantic service condition, with a minimum 10-year return period, using the IACS
standard wave data where the transit route is not yet defined or finalized.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features (1 July 2009) 5A-1-4

5.1.4 Damage Condition

Damaged Conditions (as applicable) with static deadweight and functional loads only, for a
minimum 1-year return period DOC caused by accidental flooding.

5.3 Inertial Load Cases

The long-term and short-term DLP (Dominant Load Parameter) values can be calculated either using the
ABS Eagle FPSO SEAS module or by using direct seakeeping/hydrodynamic calculations using 3D
diffraction radiation program. The DLP values are to be selected for the most unfavorable structural
response. Maximum accelerations are to be calculated at the center of gravity of the most forward and aft
and midship topside production facility modules. The load cases are to be selected to maximize each of the
following DLPs together with other associated DLP values.

● Max. Vertical Bending Moment

● Max. Shear Force
● Max. Vertical Acceleration
● Max. Lateral Acceleration
● Max. Roll

Alternatively, the number of load cases can be reduced by assuming that all maximum DLP values occur
simultaneously, which is a conservative assumption.

5.5 Hull Girder Load Cases

As a minimum, the following two hull girder load cases are to be analyzed:

● Maximum hull girder sagging moment (i.e., generally full load condition)
● Maximum hull girder hogging moment (i.e., generally ballast, tank inspection or partial loading

7 Acceptance Criteria

7.1 Yielding Checks

7.1.1 For DEC 100-Years Return Periods, Transit 10-Year Return Period and/or North Atlantic
i) For one-stiffener spacing element size FE analysis:

fe (Von Mises) < 0 . 9fy plate membrane stresses at element centroid

f1x (axial stress) < 0 . 8fy bar and beam elements

fxy (shear) < 0 . 53fy

ii) ( 2016 ) The effects of notches, stress risers and local stress concentrations are to be taken
into account when considering load carrying elements. When stress concentrations are
considered to be of high intensity in certain elements, the acceptable stress levels will
subject to special consideration. The following guidance may be used in such

For local detail FE model analyses (localized highly stressed area, 50 x 50 mm

approximate element size. In no case is the plate element size required to be less than the
plate thickness.):

● fe small area < 1 . 25Smfy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features (1 July 2009) 5A-1-4

● f1x element stress < 1 . 25Smfy

7.1.2 For DOC (Deadweight + Maximum Functional Loads), with 1-Year Minimum Return Period
Loads (1 July 2009):
i) For one-stiffener spacing element size FE analysis:

fe < 0 . 7fy plate membrane stresses at element centroid

f1x < 0 . 6fy bar and beam elements

fxy < 0 . 4fy


These load cases often govern for benign environmental loads.

ii) ( 2016 ) For local detail FE model analyses (localized highly stressed area, 50 x 50 mm
approximate element size. In no case is the plate element size required to be less than the
plate thickness.):

● fe small area < 0 . 97Smfy

● f1x element stress < 0 . 97Smfy
7.1.3 For Damaged Condition (1 July 2009):
Same as above for a minimum 1-year return period, except for the following, as applicable:

i) For one-stiffener spacing element size FE analysis:

fe < 0 . 9fy plate membrane stresses at element centroid

fe < 0 . 8fy bar and beam elements

fxy < 0 . 53fy

ii) ( 2016 ) For local detail FE model analyses (localized highly stressed area, 50 x 50 mm
approximate element size. In no case is the plate element size required to be less than the
plate thickness.):

● fe small area < 1 . 25Smfy

● f1x element stress < 1 . 25Smfy


Sm = 1.0 for mild steel

= 0.95 for Grade HT32 steel

= 0.908 for Grade HT36 steel

= 0.875 for Grade HT40 steel

For material grades other than the above, the allowable stresses will be specially considered.

7.3 Buckling Checks

ABS buckling criteria included in the latest edition of the ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength
Assessment for Offshore Structures are to be used with the following:

● Buckling strength to be calculated using gross scantlings,

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features (1 July 2009) 5A-1-4

● Utilization Factor, UF:

UF = 0.8 or SF = 1.25 for onsite DEC, transit condition and/or North Atlantic condition

UF = 0.6 or SF = 1.67 for onsite DOC

UF = 0.8 or SF = 1.25 for damage condition

UF determined on a case-by-case basis for other special conditions

7.5 Fatigue Calculations

7.5.1 (2020)
The fatigue damage/life calculations are to be carried out as per the latest edition of the ABS
Guide for Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures. The fatigue calculations are to be carried out
for the intended design operating life of the installation. Where the external interface connections
are subjected to water immersion, the S-N curves in seawater with (CP) Cathodic Protection or
(FC) Free Corrosion are to be used, as applicable. If the simplified fatigue calculation approach is
to be used and the long-term Weibull distribution parameter is not available for the hull interface,
then a Weibull parameter is to be developed for the specific location under consideration.

The safety factors for fatigue life for hull interface connections are to be in accordance with
3-2-3/3.7 TABLE 1.

7.5.2 Position Mooring Hull Interface

Structural members in way of the turret structure or other mooring structure are to be effectively
connected to the adjacent structure in such a manner as to avoid hard spots, notches and other
harmful stress concentrations.

Special attention is to be given to cutouts, bracket toes and abrupt changes of structural sections.
These areas are considered to be critical to the vessel and are to be free of cracks. The effects of
stress risers in these areas are to be determined and minimized.

The FE model used to perform the turret/hull integration strength analysis may also be used for the
fatigue screening evaluation of the turret/hull interface structure to identify the critical fatigue
details using the F or F2 Class S-N curves and appropriate safety factors. The refined stress
analysis should be performed for the critical areas that fail to meet the screening, and the use of
the hot spot approach as specified in the ABS Guide for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore
Structures is considered to be acceptable.

The fatigue cyclic loads are to correspond to the worst-case tank dynamic loads, seakeeping loads,
inertia loads due to the vessel motion, and mooring and riser dynamic loads, where applicable.
Different wave headings and vessel tank loading patterns should be considered and the fraction of
the total time for each base wave heading and each tank loading pattern can be used directly.

The frequency difference between wave frequency stress response and low frequency stress
response imposed by mooring lines and risers should be considered. Although the low frequency
stress response has negligible effects on most hull structural details, it becomes significant and
may have the dominant contribution to the fatigue damage of structural components in the
mooring system, risers and their interface with the hull. When the wave frequency and low
frequency stress responses are obtained separately, the method of simple summation of fatigue
damages from the two frequency stress responses does not account for the coupling effects (i.e.,
the augmentation of the low frequency response by the wave frequency response is non-
conservative and therefore should not be used).

There is an alternative method, which is both conservative and easy to use, that is known as the
combined spectrum method. In this method, the stress spectra for the two frequency bands are

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 1 Design Considerations
Section 4 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features (1 July 2009) 5A-1-4

combined. The RMS and the mean up-crossing frequency of the combined stress process are
given, respectively, as follows:

2 + σ2 1/2
σc = σw ℓ

2 2 2 2 1/2
f0c = fwσw + f0ℓ σℓ /σc


σw = RMS of the wave-frequency stress component

σℓ = RMS of the low-frequency stress component

f0w = mean up-crossing frequency of the wave-frequency stress component

f0ℓ = mean up-crossing frequency of the low-frequency stress component

However, if both frequency components of stress range are significant, the above-mentioned
combination method may be too conservative since the wave-frequency contribution is expected
to dominate, thus controlling the mean up-crossing frequency of the combined stress process. To
eliminate the conservatism, a correction factor given below can be applied to the calculated
fatigue damage of the sea state:
f0p m/2 + 1 λw mΓ m/2 + 1/2 f0w m/2
f0c λℓ 1− λℓ + πλℓλw Γ m/2 + 1
+ f0c λw


λ1 = σℓ2 /σc2

λw = 2 /σ2
σw c

f0p = 1/2
2 2 2
+ λℓλwf0wδw with δw = 0 . 1

m = slope parameter of the S-N curve

Γ = complete gamma function

7.5.3 Hull-Mounted Equipment Interface

The procedure for the fatigue evaluation of the turret/hull integration structure can also be applied
to deck-mounted equipment interface structures in which the wave-induced hull girder loads,
external hydrodynamic pressure, and inertia loads due to the vessel motion as well as the specified
equipment fatigue loads should be taken into account.

Special attention is to be given to the cutouts in deck transverse webs in way of topside module
stools. Where applicable, the detail fatigue evaluation for the typical cutout with the maximum
topside stool dynamic reactions is to be carried out and submitted for review.


CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations

SECTION 5 Modules on Deck

1 General (1 July 2019)

This section is applicable to ship-type installations which class topside production facilities or where the
optional notation Topside Modules is requested.

The structural strength design of deck modules on ship-type installations is to be in accordance with
5B-3-3/5.3.1 through 5B-3-3/5.3.4 and 5B-3-3/5.3.6, wherever applicable. The relative deformations
among module supports (e.g., stools) and the rigidity of supports and ship-type installation hull/deck, as
well as hull deformations, are to be included in the analysis if their effects on the module are significant.

The module structures above their supports are to be analyzed and shown explicitly on the drawings so that
the construction of the module supports can be consistent with those assumed in the structural analysis.
The module design reactions and conditions are to be assessed for the most unfavorable load combinations
of topside stool reactions and hull structure loads. The design requirements for module supports are given
in 5A-1-3/1.13 and 5A-1-4/5.

Fatigue analysis of the topside module/hull interface is required (see 5A-1-4/7.5). Fatigue analysis of the
modules on ship-type installations is optional, and where requested by the Owner, the analysis may be
performed in accordance with the ABS Guidance Notes on Topside Structure Fatigue Assessment for Ship-
Type Floating Production Installations.


CHAPTER 1 Design Considerations

SECTION 6 Other Systems (1 July 2009)

1 Other Systems
Other systems are to comply with the applicable requirements as prescribed in the following Paragraphs.

1.1 Marine Piping Systems

Marine piping systems are those systems that are required to conduct marine operations and are not
associated with the process facilities. These systems include, but are not limited to, bilge, ballast, tank
venting, sounding and fuel oil. Marine piping systems on ship-type installations are to be in accordance
with the applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapter 6 of the Marine Vessel Rules and Section 3-5 of the
Facilities Rules, as applicable.

1.3 Electrical Systems

Electrical systems on ship-type installations are to comply with the applicable requirements of Part 4,
Chapter 8 of the Marine Vessel Rules and Section 3-6 of the Facilities Rules. For area classification
requirements, refer to Section 4-1-9 of these Rules.

1.5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment

Fire fighting systems and equipment for service functions not associated with the process facilities are to
be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapter 7 of the Marine Vessel Rules. Fire
fighting systems and equipment for protection of hydrocarbon process and associated systems are to be in
accordance with Section 3-8 of the Facilities Rules.

1.7 Machinery and Equipment

Machinery and equipment not associated with the process facilities are to be in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapters 2, 4, and 6 of the Marine Vessel Rules. Machinery and
equipment forming a part of the hydrocarbon processing facilities are to be in accordance with applicable
requirements of the Facilities Rules. Refer to Part 4, Chapter 1 of these Rules regarding process-related
machinery and equipment.

1.9 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks (1 July 2012)

If the ship-type installation is designed to store hydrocarbons in hull tanks, criteria for hull storage of
hydrocarbons are to meet flag and coastal state requirements and applicable international requirements.
The designs for scantlings and strength for such storage tanks are to be in accordance with Part 5A,
Chapter 3. See 3-5/5.9 of the Facilities Rules for the storage facility arrangement requirements.


CHAPTER 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions
to FPI

SECTION 1 General .............................................................................................122
1 Introduction................................................................................. 122
3 General (December 2008).......................................................... 122
5 Acceptance Criteria for the Hull Structure (December 2008)..... 122
5.1 General (1 July 2009).................................................... 122
5.3 Structural Evaluation of the Hull (1 July 2009)...............123
5.5 Engineering Analyses of the Hull Structure................... 123
5.6 Alternative Structural Model – Cargo Block or Full
Length Ship Model (1 July 2012)................................... 124
5.7 Fatigue Analysis of the Hull Structure............................126
5.9 Acceptance Criteria....................................................... 127
5.11 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures.............128
7 Assessing the Design of the Hull Structure (December 2008)... 128
7.1 General (1 July 2012).................................................... 128
7.3 Hull Design Review Acceptance Criteria (1 July 2012). 128
9 Survey Requirements for a Conversion (1 July 2017)................ 129
9.1 Conversion Survey Requirements................................. 129
9.3 Structural Repairs/Steel Renewal..................................129
9.5 Bottom Plate Pitting Repair............................................129

FIGURE 1 Procedure for Hull Structure Evaluation of Existing

Vessel Converting to FPI (December 2008).......................132

SECTION 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008)...............................133

1 Introduction................................................................................. 133
3 Steel Renewal Assessment Procedure (1 July 2009).................133
3.1 Minimum Renewal Scantlings within 0.4L (1 July 2009)133
3.3 Minimal Renewal Scantlings at 0.125L from the Ends.. 134
3.5 Minimum Renewal Scantlings between 0.4L
Amidships and 0.125L from the Ends............................135

TABLE 1 Individual Wastage Allowances, Newbuilds and Vessels

Converted to FPI, 90 meters and Over (1, 2, 3)(1 July 2012). 139

FIGURE 1 Determination of Reassessed and Renewal Scantlings

for Ship-Type FPI Conversions within 0.4L Amidships –
Flow Chart(1)(1 July 2009)................................................. 136

SECTION 3 Fatigue Consideration (Remaining Fatigue Life) (December
1 Introduction................................................................................. 141
3 Remaining Fatigue Life ..............................................................141
5 Remaining Fatigue Life for Longitudinal Stiffener
Connections (1 July 2009).......................................................... 142
7 Remaining Fatigue Life for Connections of Transverses and
Girders (1 July 2009).................................................................. 142

APPENDIX 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members Applied to

Reassessed Scantling Determination (See 5A-2-2/Figure 1)
(December 2008).............................................................................. 144
1 Application.................................................................................. 144
3 Elastic Buckling Stresses............................................................144
3.1 Elastic Buckling of Plates...............................................144
3.3 Elastic Buckling of Longitudinals................................... 145
5 Critical Buckling Stresses........................................................... 147
5.1 Compression..................................................................147
5.3 Shear............................................................................. 147
7 Working Stress........................................................................... 148
7.1 Longitudinal Compressive Stress (1 July 2009)............ 148
7.3 Shear Stresses.............................................................. 148
9 Scantling Criteria........................................................................ 149
9.1 Buckling Stress.............................................................. 149

TABLE 1 Number of Half Waves (December 2008).......................... 147


CHAPTER 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions
to FPI

SECTION 1 General

1 Introduction
The conversion of an existing vessel to a ship-type FPI is referred to as an FPI Conversion.

The direct application of the criteria contained in Sections 3-3-1 and Part 5A, Chapter 1 as the basis of
acceptance of the hull structure of an existing vessel for FPI service will result in classification notations as
described in 1-1-2/3.3 and 1-1-2/5. However, modified acceptance criteria, given in this Section, may be
used for some aspects of the vessel’s structural design as a conversion to FPI service. This Section applies
to both the ‘Change of Class Designation’ and ‘Transfer of Class’ situations where the acceptance of the
existing vessel’s hull structure as an FPI conversion is pursued. ‘Change of Class Designation’ refers to an
existing vessel classed by ABS which is being converted to FPI service. ‘Transfer of Class’ refers to a
vessel transferring into ABS’s classification from another IACS member Society.

5A-2-1/9.5.5(i) FIGURE 1 is a diagram depicting the conversion procedure given in this Section.

3 General (December 2008)

All applicable criteria contained in these Rules are to be used in the classification of an FPI conversion,
except that some criteria (primarily in Section 3-3-1 and Part 5A, Chapter 1) can be modified. Specific
modifications are given below for the affected criteria.

The major criteria differences for the FPI conversion arise in the acceptance of the hull structure. The
designof the hull structure relates to hull girder longitudinal strength and local scantling selection. Specific
changes that will accommodate the use of the acceptance criteria for an FPI conversion are given in
5A-2-1/5. The principal differences in the modified criteria are summarized as:

i) The hull girder strength and acceptability of local scantlings follow the Rule approach (it is noted
that there are several valid bases to do this under ABS’s Rules and procedures, which are
discussed in 5A-2-1/7); and
ii) The performance of strength analyses and stress checks, including finite element analyses are to be
based on reassessed net scantlings. The determination of the reassessed scantlings is given in
Section 5A-2-2 and its purpose is to establish minimum renewal scantlings. The acceptance
criteria for the hull structure are defined in 5A-2-1/5.

The minimum fatigue life of the hull structure is also fundamentally different for a converted vessel. For a
new-build, the minimum design service life for fatigue is 20 years; for an existing vessel to be converted to
FPI service, the minimum intended on-site service life for fatigue can be less than 20 years (see

5 Acceptance Criteria for the Hull Structure (December 2008)

5.1 General (1 July 2009)

For a vessel being converted to FPI service, the design and construction of the existing hull, superstructure
and deckhouses are to meet either the applicable criteria of the Marine Vessel Rules at the time of original

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

build, or as applicable, the criteria presented in 5A-2-1/7 below. In the case of the former approach in
which the acceptance criteria is the Marine Vessel Rules at the time of original build, the hull structure is
also to satisfy the hull interface structure criteria, as applicable, and the remaining fatigue life requirements
in 5A-2-1/5.11. The second approach is based on criteria in 5A-2-1/7, where Environmental Severity
Factors (ESFs), as described in 5A-3-2/1.1 of these Rules (which reflect expected conditions from the
long-term mooring of the installation at an offshore site), are applied, and the required hull girder
longitudinal strength in Section 5A-1-2 and strength assessment in Sections 5A-3-3 and 5A-3-4 are
satisfied. This results in revised values of required local scantlings that reflect the site-specific nature of the
structural design. In the application of these criteria, no minimum required value of any scantling is to be
less than 85 percent of the value obtained with all the Beta Values set equal to 1.0.

To be eligible to apply the second approach based on criteria in 5A-2-1/7, it is to be demonstrated that the
β type Environmental Severity Factors (ESFs) βVBM and βWHT, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3, are 1.0 or less,
and the required hull girder longitudinal strength as specified in Section 5A-1-2 is satisfied.

In addition, it is expected that the applicable and most recent versions of the criteria contained in the Load
Line, SOLAS, MODU Code and MARPOL Conventions issued by the International Maritime
Organization are to be considered. It is further suggested that flag state and the local authorities having
jurisdiction where the installation is to operate be contacted to obtain any further applicable criteria.

See also 5A-1-1/1.


The ABS Eagle FPSO computer software should be used to establish the limits on permissible reductions in the scantling
requirements as they are automatically accounted for in the software.

5.3 Structural Evaluation of the Hull (1 July 2009)

The hull structure that is to be converted is to satisfy renewal criteria that are to be established by a
reassessment calculation. A reassessment calculation as described in Section 5A-2-2 is first performed to
establish the minimum renewal scantlings of individual plates and structural members below which
renewals are required. For the uninterrupted operation of the installation on-site without any drydocking,
the anticipated corrosion predicted to occur over the proposed on-site life of the FPI is to be provided by
the designer or owner and considered in the design. Estimation of anticipated corrosion rates are to be
made, by taking into account any future corrosion protection measures to be used, previous service
experience, the type and temperatures of stored fluids and the other variables significantly affecting the
corrosion rate. In no case is this corrosion margin provided by the designer or owner for plates and
structural members to be less than 0.5 mm, except for bottom, deck and side shell plating where it is not to
be less than 1.0 mm.

For ABS classification of the FPI at the time of conversion, the rule required scantlings are the renewal
scantlings as determined by the reassessment calculation plus the minimum corrosion margins stated
above. However for surveys in service, if the gauged thickness is between the renewal thickness and the
substantial corrosion thickness as defined in 5A-2-2/3.1, either the affected areas are to be renewed or
repaired, or alternatively, subsequent annual surveys of these affected areas are required.

5.5 Engineering Analyses of the Hull Structure

5.5.1 General (1 July 2009)
This Subsection relates to the strength analyses required to verify the reassessed scantlings for the
hull structure.

Depending on the specific features of the offshore installation, additional analyses to verify and to
help design other portions of the hull structure will be required. Such additional analyses include
those for the hull interface structure such as the deck structural components supporting deck-

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

mounted equipment and the hull structure interface with the position mooring system. Analysis
criteria for these two situations are given in Section 5A-1-4.

Provided a scantling of the existing vessel is not below its renewal limit, or if it is to be renewed at
the time of conversion, then it can be modeled in the structural analyses using the “reassessed net
scantling,” which is the “reassessed” value minus the “nominal design corrosion values” specified
in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1.

Documentation necessary to verify the structural adequacy of the installation is to be submitted for

5.5.2 Strength Analysis of the Hull Structure (1 July 2012)

When the design of the hull is accepted based on the criteria in 5A-2-1/7 accounting for the on-site
environmental effects, finite element structural analysis using the reassessed net scantlings is to be
performed. The reassessed net scantlings are obtained by deducting the nominal design corrosion
values in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 from the reassessed scantlings as determined in Section

A three cargo tank length model or full cargo block model as described in 5A-1-3/3.3 may be used
for finite element analyses. Finite element analyses should also be performed in areas where
structural configurations or novel features are present that affect the basic hull design.

The loading conditions to be analyzed for the three cargo tank length model or cargo block/full
ship model are described in 5A-1-3/3.5 and 5A-2-1/5.6, respectively.

The loads from the hull mounted top side production and support systems, and other equipment
are to be included in the strength analysis. The accidental load condition, where a cargo tank is
flooded, is to be assessed for longitudinal strength of the hull girder consistent with load cases
used in damage stability calculations.

The additional loads and load effects of 5A-1-3/1.1 are also to be considered in the strength

5.6 Alternative Structural Model – Cargo Block or Full Length Ship Model (1 July 2012)
5.6.1 Structural FE Model
As an alternative to the three cargo tank length model in 5A-1-3/3.5, the finite element strength
assessment for FPI conversions can be based on a full length or cargo block length of the hull
structure, including all cargo and ballast tanks. All main longitudinal and transverse structural
elements are to be modeled. These include outer shell, floors and girders, transverse and vertical
web frames, stringers and transverse and longitudinal bulkhead structures. All plates and stiffeners
on the structure, including web stiffeners, are to be modeled. Topside stools should also be
incorporated in the model. The modeling mesh and element types used should follow the
principles that are described in 5A-3-A4/9 and 5A-3-A4/11.

An acceptable alternative to the full length hull structure model analysis is the DLA analysis in
accordance with the ABS Guide for ‘Dynamic Loading Approach’ for Floating Production,
Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Installations provided that the loading conditions in 5A-2-1/5.6.2
are used.

Boundary conditions should be applied at the ends of the cargo block model for dynamic
equilibrium of the structure.

The strength assessment is calculated according to the loading conditions in 5A-2-1/5.6.2

associated with each load case. The plates and stiffeners in the model are to be assessed against
the yielding and buckling requirements of 5A-3-4/3 and 5A-3-4/5, respectively.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

Detailed local stress assessment using fine mesh models to evaluate highly stressed critical areas
are to be in accordance with 5A-3-A4/21.

5.6.2 Loading Conditions

In the strength analyses of the cargo block or full ship length model, the static on site FPI
operating load cases are to be established to provide the most severe loading of the hull girder and
the internal tank structures. The operating load cases found in the Loading Manual and Trim &
Stability Booklet provide the most representative loading conditions to be considered for analysis.
The static load cases should include as a minimum tank loading patterns resulting in the following

i) Ballast or minimum draft condition after offloading

ii) Partial load condition (33% full)
iii) Partial load condition (50% full)
iv) Partial load condition (67% full)
v) Full load condition before offloading
vi) Transit load condition
vii) Inspection and repair conditions
viii) Tank testing condition – during conversion and after construction (periodic survey)

The tank testing condition is to be considered as a still water condition. The static load cases i) to
vii) are to be combined with environmental loading conditions to develop static plus dynamic load
cases that realistically reflect the maximum loads for each component of the structure.

5.6.3 Dynamic Loading

Hydrodynamic loading analysis of a full length model of the FPI hull in the static load conditions
is to be carried out using a recognized vessel motions and loads hydrodynamic seakeeping
software. In quantifying the dynamic loads, it is necessary to consider a range of wave
environments and headings at the installation site, which produce the considered critical responses
of the FPI structure. The maximum 100-year design response is to be determined based on the
motion and structural load effects from 3-2-3/3.1. The static and dynamics of the position mooring
and topside module loads contribution shall also be included.

Wave loads are to be determined based on an equivalent design wave approach where an
equivalent design wave is defined as a regular wave that gives the same response level as the
maximum design response for a specific response parameter. The equivalent design wave is
characterized by wave amplitude, wave length, wave heading, and wave crest position referenced
to amidships of the hull structure. This maximum design response parameter or Dominant Load
Parameter is to be determined for the site-specific environment with a 100-year return period,
transit environment with a 10-year return period, and inspection and repair condition with a 1-year
return period. In selecting a specific response parameter to be maximized, all of the
simultaneously occurring dynamic loads induced by the wave are also derived. These
simultaneous acting dynamic load components and static loads, in addition to the quasi-static
equivalent wave loads, are applied to the cargo block model. The Dominant Load Parameters
essentially refer to the load effects, arising from vessel motions and wave loads, that yield the
maximum structural response for critical structural members. Each set of Dominant Load
Parameters with equivalent wave and wave-induced loads represents a load case for structural FE

The wave amplitude of the equivalent design wave is to be determined from the maximum design
response of a Dominant Load Parameter (DLP) under consideration divided by the maximum

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

RAO amplitude of that DLP. RAOs are to be calculated using a range of wave headings and
periods. The maximum RAO occurs at a specific wave frequency and wave heading where the
RAO has its own maximum value. The equivalent wave amplitude for a DLP may be expressed by
the following equation:
aw = RAOmax


aw = equivalent wave amplitude of the DLP

Rmax = maximum response of the DLP

RAOmax = maximum RAO amplitude of the DLP

The following DLPs are identified as necessary to develop the load cases for the hull structure:

● Vertical bending moment – sag and hog

● Vertical shear force
● Horizontal bending moment
● Horizontal shear force
● Vertical acceleration
● Lateral acceleration
● Roll angle

Vertical bending moment and shear force are to be evaluated in way of an internally mounted
mooring turret. Accelerations are to be determined at a sufficient number of process equipment
locations to represent accurately the load effects arising from their motion. As appropriate, roll
angle calculations may include simultaneous effects of waves and winds.

Other DLPs that may be deemed critical can also be considered in the analysis. The need to
consider other DLPs or additional DLPs is to be determined in consultation with ABS.

5.6.4 Load Cases

Load cases are derived based on the above static and dynamic loading conditions, and DLPs. For
each load case, the applied loads to be developed for structural FE analysis are to include both the
static and dynamic parts of each load component. The dynamic loads represent the combined
effects of a dominant load and other accompanying loads acting simultaneously on the hull
structure, including external wave pressures, internal tank pressures, deck loads and inertial loads
on the structural components and equipment. For each load case, the developed loads are then
used in the FE analysis to determine the resulting stresses and other load effects within the FPI
hull structure.

5.7 Fatigue Analysis of the Hull Structure

Fatigue analysis is required considering the fatigue damage that has occurred during prior service as a
trading vessel, during transit and during on-site operations including operational loading and unloading
cycles. See 5A-1-3/3.9 and Section 5A-2-3.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

5.9 Acceptance Criteria

The total assessment of the structure is to be carried out against the failure modes of material yielding,
buckling and ultimate strength, and fatigue. The reference acceptance criteria of each mode are given as

5.9.1 Material Yielding

See 5A-1-3/3.11.1.

5.9.2 Buckling and Ultimate Strength

See 5A-1-3/3.11.2.

5.9.3 Fatigue (1 July 2019)

For existing vessels that are employed in FPI service, the estimated remaining fatigue lives of the
critical structural details are to be assessed and the supporting calculations submitted for review.
Consideration is given to the effects of corrosion and wastage on the remaining fatigue life of
existing structures by using net scantlings.

The minimum acceptable fatigue life for the FPI conversion is the greatest of: the on-site service
life of the FPI, the time to the next Special Survey or five years. Whichever of these values
controls, it is to be documented in accordance with 1-1-2/5.11.3 (the RFL classification notation)
and used in the Survey Planning Document referred to in 1-1-4/11.3.

Appendix 5A-3-A2 of these Rules is also referred to for ship-type installations with lengths less
than 150 m. Application of the Appendix will result in the evaluation of members for stress ranges
of an unrestricted trading service vessel. In the absence of more detailed environmental data, stress
ranges are to be obtained in consideration of the unrestricted service environment.

The fatigue strength is based on a cumulative damage theory, which infers that the structure is
likely to experience a fatigue failure after a finite number of stress cycles occur. This is especially
important when looking at FPI conversions. The installation has already experienced cycles of
stress during the “ship” phase of its life and it will experience additional cycles during the “FPI”
phase of its life. The basic concept is to keep the total number of cycles below the number that
results in failure.

For FPI conversions, an analysis procedure accounting for the fatigue damage of the “ship” phase
and FPI phase, including transit, is acceptable. First, the historical cumulative fatigue damage up
to the time of conversion is to be calculated through realistic temporal weighting of wave
environments experienced along the service routes during the service life of the vessel.

Second, the expected cumulative fatigue damage is to be calculated using site-specific wave
environment and operational conditions, as well as transit condition. These will provide an
estimate of the remaining fatigue life of the structural members at the time of conversion. See
Section 5A-2-3.

When the route and site-specific wave environments are used and they produce less severe fatigue
demands than the unrestricted service environment of the Marine Vessel Rules, credit can be given
to the less severe environment by increasing the expected fatigue life. For sitespecific
environmental conditions producing more severe fatigue demand than the Marine Vessel Rule
basis, the site-specific environmental data are to be used.

Due to the structural redundancy and relative ease of inspection inherent in typical hull structures
of ship-type installations, there is no further need to apply additional factors of safety above what
is already built into the fatigue classification curves cited in the above reference. However, for
areas of the structure which are non-inspectable or “critical”, such as in way of the connections to
the mooring or production systems (see 5A-2-1/5.11), additional factors of safety should be

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

Any areas determined to be critical to the structure are to be free of cracks, and the effects of stress
risers should be determined and minimized. Critical areas may require special analysis and survey.

For an existing classed vessel being converted to FPI service, the minimum fatigue lives of the
structural components covered in 5A-2-1/5.11 can be less than 20 years as mentioned above.

5.9.4 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength

See 5A-1-2/3.

5.11 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures

See Section 5A-1-4 for required analysis of hull interface structures.

See also 5A-2-1/5.9.3 for revised target minimum fatigue life for an existing vessel being accepted as an
FPI conversion.

7 Assessing the Design of the Hull Structure (December 2008)

7.1 General (1 July 2012)

The FPI conversion approach relies on a review of the hull’s design. The review consists of an assessment
of the hull girder strength and cargo region scantling review including main supporting members, local
plating and stiffeners that directly contribute to the hull girder strength.

Two major purposes for this review are to assess the adequacy of the hull girder and local strength, and to
“benchmark” the values upon which local scantling renewals are to be based for future in-service surveys.
For this latter purpose, several approaches which can be applied are listed in 5A-2-1/7.3.

An existing vessel can be sorted into one of three basic categories, as follows.

a) Vessel satisfies ABS Rules from its original classification [✠ Maltese Cross in the classification
symbol and not accepted under 1-1-4/7.5 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part
1)]. Note: ABS Rules also includes IACS Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers
(ABS Marine Vessel Rules Part 5A)
b) Vessel currently classed by an IACS member or taken into ABS classification under 1-1-4/7.5 of
the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1).
c) Vessel was never classed by an IACS member.

A vessel in category (a) or (b) can be considered for an FPI conversion. The acceptance criteria to be
applied to a category (c) vessel will based on special consideration determined in consultation with ABS.

7.3 Hull Design Review Acceptance Criteria (1 July 2012)

The review of the design of an existing hull structure, which is applicable to a vessel classed for
unrestricted service, does not account for the increased or reduced local structural element strength
requirements that could result from the long-term, moored operation of the installation at an offshore site.
The approach to the design review also allows variations in the acceptance criteria that can be based on:

i) ABS Rules from the year of build of the vessel with ABS permissible corrosion limits for renewal;
ii) ABS current Rules with ABS permissible corrosion limits for renewal; or
iii) The prior IACS member’s approved scantlings (or as-built values) using that society’s permissible
corrosion limits for renewal. However the permissible corrosion limits for the longitudinal
members are to be based on ABS limits for the year of build of the vessel if the IACS member
society's limits are greater.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

When the acceptance criteria is based on i), ii) or iii), the renewal scantlings for plates and stiffeners in the
deck and bottom structure, within 0.15 Depth from deck and bottom, and for plates in side shell and
longitudinal bulkheads must be established at the time of conversion. The allowable material diminution of
these plates and stiffeners is to be based on the smaller of:

a) The wastage allowance based on i), ii) or iii), or

b) The allowable wastage based on buckling strength. The allowable wastage based on buckling
strength is to apply to these plates and stiffeners subject to hull girder bending and shear stresses
as required by Appendix 5A-2-A1. When the acceptance criteria are based on iii), the IACS
member's allowable wastage based on buckling considerations may be used.

The combination of the variety of ways to review local scantlings and the permissibility to account for site-
dependent effects on global and local hull structural strength requirements can lead to a range of acceptable

If it is desired to account for the on-site environmental effects and how these affect the required scantlings,
it will be necessary to establish the required renewal scantlings on this basis. This results in a reassessment
of the hull structure design to establish the converted structure’s renewal scantlings. The acceptance
criteria for the hull structure are defined in 5A-2-1/5.

9 Survey Requirements for a Conversion (1 July 2017)

A Floating Installation is expected to remain permanently moored on site, and it is therefore without the
ready access to the repair and maintenance facilities used by a vessel. Considering these conditions, the
following minimum Hull survey requirements for conversion of an existing vessel to FPI service are to be

9.1 Conversion Survey Requirements

9.1.1 Drydocking Survey
When the vessel is to be placed on drydock and surveyed, the requirements of Section 7-4-1 of the
ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) are to be followed.

9.1.2 Special Survey of Hull

A Special Periodical Survey of Hull, appropriate to the age of the installation, is to be carried out
in accordance with 7-3-2/5.13 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) for non-
Double Hull tankers and 7-3-2/5.14 of the referenced Part 7 for Double Hull tankers. All
requirements for Close-up Survey and thickness measurements are to be applied.

9.1.3 Modifications (1 July 2017)

All modifications to the vessel are to be carried out in accordance with ABS-approved drawings
and to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. In general, the IACS Shipbuilding and Repair
Quality Standard(SARQS) requirements are to be followed unless a recognized shipyard or
national standard is already established in the shipyard. Additionally all ballast and void tanks are
to be hard coated and the coating is to be in good condition. These coatings should follow a
recognized standard such as IACS Recommendation 87 Guidelines for Coating Maintenance &
Repairs for Ballast tanks and Combined Cargo/Ballast tanks on Oil Tankers.

9.3 Structural Repairs/Steel Renewal

Renewed material should be replaced by steel of the same or higher grade and to the approved design
scantling or greater. Workmanship is to be carried out in accordance with the IACS SARQS requirements.

9.5 Bottom Plate Pitting Repair

The following repair recommendations apply to pitting found in both ballast and cargo tank bottom plating.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

9.5.1 Repair Recommendations

There are four main approaches used for dealing with severe bottom pitting.

9.5.1(a) Partially Crop and Renew Affected Bottom Plating.

Partial cropping and renewal is primarily a matter of: proper welding technique, selection of an
adequately sized plate insert and the appropriate nondestructive examination (NDE) of repaired

9.5.1(b) Clean Pitted Areas and Cover with Special Coating.

Cleaning out and covering with special coating without use of filler or weld build-up need only be
limited by the maximum allowable depth of the pits (or allowable minimum remaining thickness
of the bottom plating) permitted from a strength or pollution risk standpoint. The allowable loss of
bottom cross-sectional area must also be considered.

9.5.1(c) Clean Pitted Areas and Fill with Plastic Compound.

Use of plastic compound filler, such as epoxy, can be considered similar to 5A-2-1/9.5.1(b)
because no strength credit is given to the filler material.

9.5.1(d) Fill by Welding.

Filling with welding warrants more serious consideration. Suggested welding practices for bottom
plating are noted below.

9.5.2 Pitting up to 15% of Bottom Plating Thickness (t)

No immediate remedial action is necessary. However, if the surrounding tank bottom is specially
coated, corrosion progress in the pitted areas may be very rapid due to the area ratio effect of
protected versus non-protected surfaces, therefore, as applicable, the coating is to be repaired.

9.5.3 Scattered Pitting Up To 33% (1/3t) of Bottom Plating Thickness

These pits may be filled with epoxy or other suitable protective compounds, provided the loss of
area at any transverse section of the strake in question does not exceed 10%. Any areas that have
been repaired by this method must be “mapped” and noted for close-up survey in the Survey and
Inspection Plan required by 1-1-4/11.3 of these Rules.

9.5.4 Pitting of Any Depth may be Welded, Provided:

Pitting may be welded, provided there is at least 6 mm (0.25 in.) remaining original plating
thickness at the bottom of the cavity and there is at least 75 mm (3 in.) between adjacent pit
welding areas. The maximum nominal diameter of any pit repaired by welding may not exceed
300 mm (12 in.).

9.5.5 Requirements for the Welding of Pits

9.5.5(a) Pit Welding.

It is recommended that pit welding in bottom plating be built up at least 3 mm (0.125 in.) above
the level of the surrounding plating and then ground flush. This is mandatory for: higher-strength
steels grades D and E, for very small areas (less than 75 mm (3 in.) in diameter and for such
welding done afloat.

9.5.5(b) Surface Preparation.

Pitted areas are to be thoroughly cleaned of rust, oil and cargo residues prior to welding.

9.5.5(c) Filler Metal.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

When welding, the filler metal grade appropriate to the pitted base metal and preheating, if
applicable, are to be employed.

9.5.5(d) Welding While Installation is Afloat.

For welding below the waterline of an installation afloat, properly dried low hydrogen electrodes
are to be used. The pitted areas against water backing are to be preheated sufficiently to drive off
any moisture that might be present. The preheat is to cover at least 102 mm (4 in.) of the material
surrounding the welding or four times the material thickness, whichever is greater.

9.5.5(e) Layer of Welding Metal.

A layer of weld metal is to be deposited along a spiral path to the bottom center of the pitted
excavation. The slag is to be completely removed and the next successive layer is to be similarly
deposited to build up the excavation at least 3 mm (0.125 in.) above the level of the surrounding

9.5.5(f) Extensive Pit Repairs.

For extensive pit repairs (i.e., greater than 20% intensity) of steel grades D, E and higher strength
steel, welding against water backing is not recommended.

9.5.5(g) Nondestructive Examination.

All welds to pitted areas in bottom plating are to be subject to nondestructive examination with
particular attention to boundaries of the welded areas and at intersections of the welded areas and
existing structural welding. Also, for welds of higher-strength steels, the NDE method is to be
suitable for detecting sub-surface defects.

9.5.5(h) Coating.

In order to reduce the likelihood of possible galvanic attack at the boundaries of built-up areas,
coating over the area with a compound such as epoxy/glass flake should be considered. Also,
where the pitting is in small areas of coating breakdown, it is essential to restore the coating intact
in order to avoid the possible rapid corrosion of small bare areas in large protected areas (area
ratio effect).

9.5.5(i) Doublers.

Fitting of a doubler over pits is not considered a satisfactory repair.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 1 General 5A-2-1

Procedure for Hull Structure Evaluation of
Existing Vessel Converting to FPI (December 2008)


CHAPTER 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions
to FPI

SECTION 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008)

1 Introduction
Major aspects associated with a conversion include an existing vessel’s original design and the basis of the
design such as design criteria, vessel’s classification, etc., its age, condition, maintenance and operational
history as well as the design, survey and maintenance requirements for the converted structure.

The relative importance of these aspects are influenced by the structure’s intended service, strength and
fatigue requirements, and regulatory/certification requirements.

The minimum renewal values as described in 5A-2-1/5 provide a baseline condition for the FPI installation
as they are the minimum scantling requirements for classification. Also, based on the future anticipated
corrosion expected to occur over the design life at the FPI site, the required minimum scantlings at the time
of conversion can be determined.

3 Steel Renewal Assessment Procedure (1 July 2009)

The first step in determining the renewal scantlings for an FPI vessel conversion requires a reassessment of
the vessel’s scantlings based on the specific site of the installation. The ABS Eagle FPSO software can be
used to perform the Initial Scantling Evaluation (ISE) phase of the reassessment and to calculate the
renewal scantlings of an existing vessel converted to an FPI. The reassessed scantlings determined in the
ISE phase, which are used to establish the renewal scantlings, must also be confirmed by finite element
analysis as part of the Total Strength Assessment (TSA).

3.1 Minimum Renewal Scantlings within 0.4L (1 July 2009)

The Initial Scantling Evaluation assesses the strength of the longitudinal scantlings for the FPI conversion.
The strength evaluation is mainly applicable for the structure within the 0.4L midship region and consists
of performing the following steps:

1) ABS Eagle FPSO SEAS software is employed for calculation of Environmental Severity Factor
(ESFs) based on the environmental conditions as specified in 3-2-3/3.
2) Determination of reassessed scantlings:

a) Assign initial input scantlings by reducing deck and bottom plating by 15%-20% of the
as-built scantlings and using as-built scantlings for stiffeners.
b) Calculate the hull girder section modulus and individual stiffener section modulus.
c) Determine the hull girder and local strength requirements for the site specific offshore
d) Check if the input scantlings meet both hull girder and local strength requirements. If not,
adjust input scantlings and go back to step 2b).
e) As an option, the input scantlings can be further adjusted provided hull girder and local
strength requirements are satisfied.
f) Determine the initial reassessed scantlings as the input scantlings.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008) 5A-2-2

3) Establishing renewal scantlings:

a) Determine renewal scantlings of longitudinal structural members based on Rule
permissible percentage wastage allowances in 5A-2-2/3.5 TABLE 1.
b) Check if renewal scantlings of longitudinal members (i.e. plating and longitudinals)
satisfy local panel and stiffener buckling requirement. If not, adjust reassessed scantlings
and go back to step 2(b).)
c) Calculate substantial corrosion scantlings (scantlings corroded to 75% of allowable
d) Input anticipated corrosion wastage and then calculate yard renewal value.
4) Verification of reassessed scantlings and renewal scantlings:

a) Check if reassessed scantlings meet hull girder bending strength requirement for
inspection, repair, and transit condition.
b) Check if reassessed scantlings meet global hull girder and local scantling requirements.
c) Check if reassessed scantlings meet hull girder ultimate strength requirement as per
d) Check if reassessed scantlings meet hull girder shear strength requirement.
e) Check if reassessed scantlings meet the sloshing strength requirements for tank boundary

If any one of the above requirements of the ISE phase is not met, adjust reassessed scantlings and
go back to step 2(b)
5) Output renewal table, where the following information are at least included:
a) Reassessed & renewal hull girder SM for deck and bottom
b) Tabulate preliminary results of individual members as follows:

Member Identification, As-built Scantlings, Reassessed Scantlings (rounded to nearest 0.5

mm), Renewal Scantlings, Substantial Corrosion Scantlings, User-defined anticipated
corrosion and Yard Required Scantlings.
c) Check reassessed scantlings by finite element analysis (TSA)
d) Determine final results of individual members as per b)

The above procedure is an iterative procedure as it requires several strength and buckling requirements to
be satisfied. The flow chart in 5A-2-2/3.5 TABLE 1 illustrates the iterative steps necessary to determine
the reassessed and renewal scantlings within 0 . 4L amidships

The procedure described above determines the reassessed and renewal scantlings within 0 . 4L amidships.
The reassessed and renewal scantlings for the entire cargo block can also be determined using a similar
procedure. To do so requires that the reassessed scantlings between 0 . 4L amidships and the ends of the
cargo block be calculated using the same procedure as described above, except that the bending moments
and local loads for scantling requirements at specific locations between 0 . 4L amidships and cargo block
ends are applied in the procedure rather than the bending moments and local loads for scantling
requirements required amidships. The reassessed scantlings in the cargo block region are to be verified by
finite element analysis (TSA).

3.3 Minimal Renewal Scantlings at 0.125L from the Ends

If 0 . 125L from the ends is within the cargo block region, the reassessed and renewal scantlings at 0 . 125L
can be determined either by taking the as-built scantlings at 0 . 125L from the ends as the reassessed
scantlings at that location, or by applying the procedure described in 5A-2-2/3.1. If however 0 . 125L is

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008) 5A-2-2

outside the cargo block region, then the as-built scantlings at 0 . 125L from the ends will be the reassessed
scantlings at that location. The renewal scantlings will then be determined from the reassessed scantlings

If there is an increase or decrease in vessel length due to conversion the scantlings 0 . 125L from the ends
should be assessed for the new length. Where an increase in length occurs it may be necessary to either
modify the structure or consider early renewal for the scantlings at the ends.

3.5 Minimum Renewal Scantlings between 0.4L Amidships and 0.125L from the Ends
If the reassessed and renewal scantlings of the cargo block have been determined by the procedure
described in 5A-2-2/3.1, the reassessed and renewal scantlings have already been determined. If not, the
continuous longitudinal members of the hull girder are to be maintained throughout 0 . 4L amidships, and
then may be gradually tapered beyond 0 . 4L provided local strength and hull girder requirements are

Where the scantlings are based on the still-water bending moment envelope curves, items included in the
hull girder section modulus amidships are to be extended as necessary to meet the hull girder section
modulus required at the location being considered.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008) 5A-2-2

Determination of Reassessed and Renewal Scantlings for Ship-Type FPI
Conversions within
0.4L Amidships – Flow Chart(1)(1 July 2009)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008) 5A-2-2

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008) 5A-2-2

1 See 5A-2-2/3.5 TABLE 1 for Individual Wastage Allowances
2 If the stiffener is bulb type, the reassessed scantling for flange of stiffeners is taken as the as-built scantling.
3 See 5A-2-2/3.5 TABLE 1
4 Renewal table should include at least reassessed and renewal hull girder SM for deck and bottom as well asthe
following individual member information: Member Identification, As-built Scantlings, ReassessedScantlings
(rounded to the nearest 0.5 mm), Renewal Scantlings, Substantial Scantlings, User-definedAnticipated Corrosion,
Yard Required Scantlings.
5 Reassessed net scantlings used in finite element analysis are the net scantlings of the minimum of thereassessed
(round to the nearest 0.5 mm) and as-built scantlings.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008) 5A-2-2

6 Buckling Check of Longitudinal Stiffeners

Stiffener Web Plate Material Steel

Mild HT32 HT36 HT40
Angle and T Profile dw /tw,Ref ren ≤ 70 65 60 55

Bulb Profiles dw /tw,Ref ren ≤ 36 34 31 28

Flat bars dw /tw,Ref ren ≤ 20 19 18 17

Stiffener Flanges bflg − out /tf,Ref ren ≤ 15 14 13 12

dw = depth of web plate, in mm

bflg − out = breadth of larger flange outstands, in mm

Individual Wastage Allowances, Newbuilds and Vessels Converted
to FPI, 90 meters and Over (1, 2, 3)(1 July 2012)

Newbuilds or Vessels Converted

Vessels Converted before 2009
2009 or Later
Ordinary and High Strength Steel Double Bottom Single Bottom Double Bottom Single Bottom
with Single Side with Single Side
or Double Side or Double Side

Strength Deck Plating 20% 20% 20% 20%

Continuous Long’l Hatch Coamings & Above 20% ----- 20% -----
Deck Box-Girders

Deck Plates within Line of Hatches and at 30% 30% 30% 30%

Forecastle, Poop and Bridge Deck Plates; 30% 30% 30% 30%
Superstructure End Bulkheads

(December 2008) Tween Deck Plates ----- ----- ----- -----

Sheer Strake Plates 20% 20% 20% 20%

Side Shell Plates 20% 25% 25% 25%

Bilge Strake Plates 20% 20% 25% 20%

Bottom Plates 20% 20% 25% 20%

Keel Plates (4)

Outermost Strake of Inner Bottom 20% ----- 20% -----

Other Plates of Inner Bottom 20% ----- 25% -----

Top Strake of Longitudinal Bulkheads and Top 20% 20% 20% 20%
Strake of Topside Tank Sloping Plating

Bottom Strake of Longitudinal Bulkheads 20% 20% 25% 20%

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 2 Steel Renewal Assessment (December 2008) 5A-2-2

Newbuilds or Vessels Converted

Vessels Converted before 2009
2009 or Later
Ordinary and High Strength Steel Double Bottom Single Bottom Double Bottom Single Bottom
with Single Side with Single Side
or Double Side or Double Side

Other Plates of Longitudinal Bulkheads, 20% 25%, 20% for 25% 25%,
Topside Tank Sloping Plating, Hopper Tank transverse
Sloping Plating and Transverse Bulkheads bulkheads only

Internals including Longitudinals, Girders, 20% 25% 25% 25%

Transverses, Struts, Bulkhead Webs and
Stringers, Brackets and Hatch Side Girders

Plates in way of Top of Tanks 25% 30% 30% 30%

Underdeck Box Girders (Long’l or Transverse) 20% ----- 20% -----

Hatch Covers, Hatch coamings and brackets 30% 30% 30% 30%

1 (1 July 2009) The individual wastage allowances are acceptable, provided the SM is not less than 90% of the
greater SM required: a) at the time of new construction or conversion or b) by 5A-1-2/1 of these Rules.
2 For tankers 130 m in length and above and over 10 years of age, sectional area calculations are to be carried out
by an ABS Technical Office.
3 For vessels built to other society rules, the Technical Office carrying out the initial plan review is to be contacted
for wastage allowances.
4 Keel plates are to be renewed when they reach the minimum allowed thickness for adjacent bottom plating.


CHAPTER 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions
to FPI

SECTION 3 Fatigue Consideration (Remaining Fatigue Life)

(December 2008)

1 Introduction
An existing vessel structure will have accumulated some fatigue damage due to the prior service as well as
steel wastage due to corrosion and wear. In order to account for the fatigue damage that has occurred and
to determine the remaining fatigue life, a fatigue assessment of structural connection details shall be
performed by the following steps:

● Determine the fatigue damage that has occurred due to the prior service as a trading vessel, and at a
previous installation site, if applicable.
● Determine the fatigue damage that will occur during transit to the installation site.
● Calculate the total fatigue damage exerted by the connection details during the above service.
● Calculate the remaining fatigue life in the connection details of the longitudinal stiffeners for the site
specific operation of the FPI.
● Develop renewal or reinforcement requirements for any stiffener connection that does not show
adequate remaining fatigue life at the installation site.

3 Remaining Fatigue Life

Based on the application of the Palmgren-Miner cumulative damage rule when the cumulative fatigue
damage ratio is equal to 1.0, the connection detail is assumed to fail. Considering fatigue damage ratios for
the prior service to conversion and post conversion phases, this can be expressed as:

SPriorConv /LP, PriorConv + LR, PostConv = 1


LR, PostConv = LP, PostConv × 1 − SPriorConv /LP, PriorConv


LR, PostConv = remaining fatigue life for on-site operation, post conversion

LP, PostConv = predicted (design) fatigue life for on-site operation, post conversion

SProirConv = service years prior to conversion

LP, PriorConv = predicted (design) fatigue life prior to conversion

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 3 Fatigue Consideration (Remaining Fatigue Life) (December 2008) 5A-2-3

5 Remaining Fatigue Life for Longitudinal Stiffener Connections (1

July 2009)
For a vessel converted to an FPI, where historical trade routes and intended site have been specified,
fatigue lives of both prior and post conversion phases can be calculated using the ABS Eagle FPSO Initial
Scantling Evaluation (ISE) and SEAS software. The Initial Scantling Evaluation Software is used to
evaluate the fatigue response of longitudinal stiffener connections. The ABS Eagle FPSO SEAS software
calculates the environmental severity factors for fatigue (α factors) for the historical routes and intended
site. When the α factor is greater than 1.0, it describes an increase in fatigue life due to reduced
environmental conditions when compared to the North Atlantic environment (where α equals to 1.0). Once
these factors have been established, the above equation can be modified to take into account environments
other than the North Atlantic environment (unrestricted service) as follows:

Lr, PostConv = 20/DMComb × 1 − ∑ SRoute − i /αRoute − i /LP, Tanker − ∑ SHis Site − i /αHis Site i

/LP, Site − STranksit /αTransit /LP, Transit


LR, PostConv = site specific post conversion remaining fatigue life of the unaltered connection

SRoute − i = number of service years for the i-th historical route

SHis Site − i = number of service years for the i-th historical site

STransit = number of service years for the transit phase

LP, Tanker = predicted fatigue life for the tanker phase based on North Atlantic environment

LP, Site = predicted fatigue life for the historical site based on North Atlantic environment

LP, Trasit = predicted fatigue life for the transit phase based on North Atlantic environment

αRoute − i = environmental severity factor for the i-th historical route, see 5A-3-A1/5

αHis Site i = environmental severity factor for the i-th historical site, see 5A-3-A1/5

αTransit = environmental severity factor for the transit condition, see 5A-3-A1/5

DMComb = combined fatigue damage post conversion, see 5A-3-A2/19

The expression ∑ (SRoute − i /αRoute − i) and ∑ (SHis Site − i /αHis Site i) are the weighted average for the
various routes and historical sites for each longitudinal stiffener connection calculated by the ABS Eagle
FPSO ISE and SEAS software.

The calculation of the remaining fatigue life is used only for the connection details that existed prior to
conversion and were not modified in any way during the conversion. For connection details on new
longitudinal members that are added or details that have been modified during the conversion, the
predicted or design fatigue life calculated for the post conversion site specific environment will be

7 Remaining Fatigue Life for Connections of Transverses and Girders

(1 July 2009)
Horizontal stringer or girder end connections on transverse bulkheads, bracket toes on side, bottom, deck
and longitudinal bulkhead should be screened for fatigue strength using a finite element based fatigue
assessment. For screening purposes the three tank length finite element model employed in the Total
Strength Assessment (TSA) can be used to estimate the nominal stress in the connections. By applying the
same nominal stress approach used for the fatigue evaluation of longitudinal stiffener connections, fatigue
lives are estimated for transverse member connections. Where details are deemed critical as a result of this

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Section 3 Fatigue Consideration (Remaining Fatigue Life) (December 2008) 5A-2-3

screening process, a more refined fatigue assessment based on the hot spot stress is performed using a fine
mesh finite element analysis of the connection detail. The method used to account for prior service and
remaining fatigue life is the same as described for longitudinal stiffener connections in 5A-2-3/3.

The remaining fatigue life is calculated as:

LR, PostConv = 20/DMComb × 1 − ∑ SRoute − i /20 × DMRoute − i − ∑

SHis Site − i /20 × DMHis Site − i − STransit /20 × DMTransit

The expression ∑ ((SRoute − i /20) × DMRoute − i) and ∑ ((SHis Site − i /20) × DMHis Site − i) are the
weighted average for the various routes and historical sites calculated based on weighted beta values from
the ABS Eagle FPSO SEAS software.


CHAPTER 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions
to FPI

APPENDIX 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members

Applied to Reassessed Scantling Determination
(See 5A-2-2/Figure 1) (December 2008)

1 Application
These requirements apply to plate panels and longitudinals subject to hull girder bending and shear

3 Elastic Buckling Stresses

3.1 Elastic Buckling of Plates

3.1.1 Compression
The ideal elastic buckling stress is given by:

tb 2 
σE = 0 . 9mE s     N/mm2   (kgf/mm2,   psi)

For plating with longitudinal stiffeners (parallel to compressive stress):

m= ψ + 1.1           for   0 ≤ ψ ≤ 1

For plating with transverse stiffeners (perpendicular to compressive stress):

s 2 2 2.1
m=c 1+ ℓ ψ + 1.1          for   0 ≤ ψ ≤ 1


E = 2.06 × 105N/mm2 (21,000 kgf/mm2, 30 × 106 psi)

tb = renewal thickness of plating, in mm (in.)
s = shorter side of plate panel, in mm (in.)
ℓ = longer side of plate panel, in mm (in.)
c = 1.3 when plating stiffened by floors or deep girders
= 1.21 when stiffeners are angles or T-sections
= 1.10 when stiffeners are bulb flats
= 1.05 when stiffeners are flat bars
ψ = ratio of smallest to largest compressive stress, σa (see 5A-2-A1/7.1), varying linearly
across panel.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Appendix 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members Applied to Reassessed Scantling 5A-2-A1
Determination (See 5A-2-2/Figure 1) (December 2008)

3.1.2 Shear
The ideal elastic buckling stress is given by:

tb 2
τE = 0 . 9ktE s     N/mm2   (kgf/mm2,   psi)


s 2
kt = 5 . 34 + 4 ℓ

E, tb, s and ℓ are as defined in 5A-2-A1/3.1.1.

3.3 Elastic Buckling of Longitudinals

3.3.1 Column Buckling without Rotation of the Cross Section (1 July 2009)
For the column buckling mode (perpendicular to plane of plating), the ideal elastic buckling stress
is given by:
σE =     N/mm2   (kgf/mm2,   psi)


Ia = moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of longitudinal, including plate flange and calculated
with renewal thickness, as specified in 5A-2-A1/3.1.1
A = cross-sectional area, in cm2 (in2), of longitudinal, including plate flange and calculated
with renewal thickness, as specified in 5A-2-A1/3.1.1
ℓ = unsupported span, in m (ft), of longitudinal
c1 = 1000 (1000, 14.4)
E = as defined in 5A-2-A1/3.1.1
3.3.2 Torsional Buckling Mode (1 July 2009)
The ideal elastic buckling stress for the torsional mode is given by:

π2EIw I
σE = m2 + K
+ 0 . 385E I t     N/mm2   (kgf/mm2,   psi)
10c1Ipℓ2 m2 p


K = c2

m = number of half waves given by 5A-2-A1/3.3.3 TABLE 1

E = as defined in 5A-2-A1/3.1.1
c2 = 106 (106, 20736)
It = St. Venant’s moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of profile (without plate flange)

= c3 for flat bars (slabs)
= c3 13 ℎwtw
+ bftf3 1 − 0 . 63 b for flanged profiles

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Appendix 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members Applied to Reassessed Scantling 5A-2-A1
Determination (See 5A-2-2/Figure 1) (December 2008)

c3 = 10-4 (10-4, 1.0)

Ip = polar moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of profile about connection of stiffener to plate
= w for flat bars (slabs)
c3 3
ℎw w 2
= c3 3 + ℎw bftf for flanged profiles

Iw = warping constant, in cm6 (in6), of profile about connection of stiffener to plate

3 t3
= w for flat bars (slabs)
c4 36
3 2
= c4 12 for “Tee” profiles

3 2
c4 2 tf bf2 + 2bfℎw + 4ℎw
= 12 bf + ℎw for angles and bulb profiles
+ 3twbfℎw
c4 = 10-6 (10-6, 1.0)
ℎw = web height, in mm (in.)
tw = web renewal thickness, in mm (in.)
bf = flange width, in mm (in.)
tf = flange renewal thickness, in mm (in.). For bulb profiles the mean thickness of the bulb
may be used.
ℓ = unsupported span of profile, in m (ft)
s = spacing of profiles, in mm (in.)
C = spring stiffness exerted by supporting plate panel
3     N (kgf, lbf)
= 1 . 33kpℎwtp
3s 1 +

kp = 1 − ηp , not to be taken less than zero

tp = plate renewal thickness, in mm (in.)
ηp = σa

σa = calculated compressive stress. For longitudinals, see 5A-2-A1/7.1

σEp = elastic buckling stress of supporting plate, as calculated in 5A-2-A1/3.1

For flanged profiles, kpneed not be taken less than 0.1.

3.3.3 Web and Flange Buckling

For web plate of longitudinals the ideal buckling stress is given by:

tw 2
σE = 3 . 8CE ℎw     N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Appendix 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members Applied to Reassessed Scantling 5A-2-A1
Determination (See 5A-2-2/Figure 1) (December 2008)


C = 1.0 for angle or tee stiffeners

= 0.33 for bulb plates
= 0.11 for flat bars

For flanges on angles and T-sections of longitudinals, the following requirements will apply:
tf ≤ 15


bf = flange width, in mm (in.), for angles, half the flange width for T-sections.
tf = flange renewal thickness, in mm (in.)

Number of Half Waves (December 2008)

0<K≤4 4 < K ≤ 36 36 < K ≤ 144 144 < K ≤ 400 (m − 1)2m2 < K ≤ m2(m + 1)2

m 1 2 3 4 m

5 Critical Buckling Stresses

5.1 Compression
The critical buckling stress in compression, σc, is determined as follows:

σc = σE       when   σE ≤ 2
σF σF
    = σF 1 − 4σE     when   σE > 2


σF = yield stress of material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi). σF may be taken as 235 N/mm2 (24 kgf/mm2,
34,000 psi) for mild steel.
σE = ideal elastic buckling stress calculated according to 5A-2-A1/3

5.3 Shear
The critical buckling stress in shear, τc, is determined as follows:

τc = τE     when   τE ≤ 2
τF τF
    = τF 1 − 4τE     when   τE > 2


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Appendix 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members Applied to Reassessed Scantling 5A-2-A1
Determination (See 5A-2-2/Figure 1) (December 2008)

τF = 3

σF = as given in 5A-2-A1/5.1
τE = ideal elastic buckling stress in shear calculated according to 5A-2-A1/3.1.2

7 Working Stress

7.1 Longitudinal Compressive Stress (1 July 2009)

The compressive stresses are given in the following formula:
βVBMMw + Msw
σa = c5 In y     N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
    =   minimum  30/ Q   N/mm2   3 .1/ Q   kgf/mm2,  4400/ Q   psi


Msw = maximum still water bending moment at installation site, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
Mw = wave bending moment, as given in 3-2-1/3.7.1(a) of the Marine Vessel Rules, in kN-m
(tf-m, Ltf-ft)
In = moment of inertia of the hull girder based on the reassessed gross scantlings, in cm4 (in4)
y = vertical distance, in m (ft), from the neutral axis to the considered point
Q = as defined in 3-2-1/5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules (1.0 for ordinary strength steel)
c5 = 105 (105, 322,560)
βVBM = ESF for vertical bending moment, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

Mw and Msw are to be taken as sagging or hogging bending moments, respectively, for members above or
below the neutral axis.

7.3 Shear Stresses

7.3.1 Installations without Effective Longitudinal Bulkheads (1 July 2009)
The working shear stress, τa, in the side shell of installations without effective longitudinal
bulkheads is given by the following formula:

Fsw + βVSFFw ms
τa = c6 2tsI     N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)


I = moment of inertia of the hull girder section based on the reassessed gross scantlings, in
cm4 (in4), at the section under consideration.
ms = first moment, in cm3 (in3), about the neutral axis of the area of the effective
longitudinal material between the horizontal level at which the shear stress is being
determined and the vertical extremity of effective longitudinal material, taken at the
position under consideration.
ts = gross thickness of the side shell plating, in cm (in.), at the position under consideration.
Fsw = hull girder shearing force in still water, in kN (tf, Ltf)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 2 Additional Design Considerations for Conversions to FPI
Appendix 1 Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Members Applied to Reassessed Scantling 5A-2-A1
Determination (See 5A-2-2/Figure 1) (December 2008)

Fw = Fwp or Fwn, in kN (tf, Ltf), as specified by 3-2-1/3.5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules,
depending upon loading
c6 = 10 (10, 2240)
βVSF = ESF for vertical shear force, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

7.3.2 Installations with Two or More Effective Longitudinal Bulkheads

The working shear stress, τa, in the side shell or longitudinal bulkhead plating is to be calculated
by an acceptable method and in accordance with 3-2-1/3.9.4 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

9 Scantling Criteria

9.1 Buckling Stress

The design buckling stress, σc, of plate panels and longitudinals (as calculated in 5A-2-A1/5.1) is to be
such that:

σc ≥ βσa


β = 1 for plating and for web plating of stiffeners (local buckling)

= 1.1 for stiffeners

The critical buckling stress, τc, of plate panels (as calculated in 5A-2-A1/5.3) is to be such that:

τc ≥ τa


τa = working shear stress in the plate panel under consideration, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, lbf/in2), as
determined by 5A-2-A1/7.3


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

SECTION 1 General .............................................................................................163
1 Design Considerations and General Requirements................... 163
1.1 General (December 2008)............................................. 163
1.3 Initial Scantling Requirements (December 2008).......... 163
1.5 Strength Assessment – Failure Modes (December
1.7 Net Scantlings and Nominal Design Corrosion
Values (NDCV) (1 July 2012).........................................163
1.9 Application (1 July 2012)............................................... 166
1.11 Internal Members (2002)............................................... 167
1.13 Breaks............................................................................168
1.15 Variations....................................................................... 168
1.17 Loading Guidance (1997).............................................. 169
1.19 Pressure-Vacuum Valve Setting (1993)......................... 169
1.21 Protection of Structure................................................... 169
1.23 Aluminum Paint..............................................................169
3 Special Requirements for Deep Loading.................................... 169
3.1 General (2003)...............................................................169
3.3 Machinery Casings........................................................ 169
3.5 Access (1998)................................................................169
3.7 Hatchways..................................................................... 169
3.9 Freeing Arrangements................................................... 169
3.11 Flooding (2003)..............................................................170
3.13 Ventilators (2003)...........................................................170
5 Arrangement (1994)....................................................................170
5.1 General.......................................................................... 170
5.3 Subdivision.................................................................... 170
5.5 Cofferdams.................................................................... 170
5.7 Gastight Bulkheads........................................................170
5.9 Cathodic Protection (1996)............................................ 170
5.11 Ports in Pump Room Bulkheads....................................171
5.13 Location of Cargo Oil Tank Openings............................ 171
5.15 Structural Fire Protection............................................... 171
5.17 Allocation of Spaces (1994)...........................................171
5.19 Access to Upper Parts of Ballast Tanks on Double
Hull Ship-type Installations (1993)................................. 172
5.21 Access to All Spaces in the Cargo Area (1 October
5.23 Duct Keels or Pipe Tunnels in Double Bottom (2000)... 172

5.25 Ventilation (1996)...........................................................172
5.27 Pumping Arrangements................................................. 173
5.29 Electrical Equipment...................................................... 173
5.31 Testing........................................................................... 173
5.33 Machinery Spaces......................................................... 173
5.35 Produced Water Tanks...................................................173

TABLE 1 Nominal Design Corrosion Values (NDCV) (1 July 2012).. 165

FIGURE 1 Nominal Design Corrosion Values (NDCV) (December

2008).................................................................................. 166
FIGURE 2 ........................................................................................... 168

SECTION 2 Loads ............................................................................................... 174

1 General ...................................................................................... 174
1.1 The Concept and Application of Environmental
Severity Factors (December 2008)................................174
1.3 Load Components (1995).............................................. 174
3 Static Loads ............................................................................... 174
3.1 Still-water Bending Moment...........................................174
5 Wave-induced Loads (1995).......................................................181
5.1 General (1 July 2009).................................................... 181
5.2 Vertical Wave Bending Moment and Shear Force (1
July 2012)...................................................................... 181
5.3 Horizontal Wave Bending Moment and Shear Force.....184
5.5 External Pressures........................................................ 185
5.7 Internal Pressures – Inertia Forces and Added
Pressure Heads (1995)..................................................186
7 Nominal Design Loads (1995).................................................... 206
7.1 General.......................................................................... 206
7.3 Hull Girder Loads – Longitudinal Bending Moments
and Shear Forces (1995)...............................................206
7.5 Local Loads for Design of Supporting Structures
(December 2008)...........................................................207
7.7 Local Pressures for Design of Plating and
Longitudinals (1995)...................................................... 208
9 Combined Load Cases............................................................... 208
9.1 Combined Load Cases for Structural Analysis
(December 2008)...........................................................208
9.3 Combined Load Cases for Failure Assessment
(December 2008)...........................................................208
11 Sloshing Loads........................................................................... 208
11.1 General (1995)...............................................................208
11.3 Strength Assessment of Tank Boundary Structures...... 209
11.5 Sloshing Pressures (1995)............................................ 210

13 Impact Loads.............................................................................. 219
13.1 Impact Loads on Bow (2016).........................................219
13.3 Bottom Slamming (1 July 2012).....................................221
13.5 Bowflare Slamming........................................................223
13.7 Green Water on Deck (31 March 2007).........................227
15 Deck Loads (2002)..................................................................... 229
15.1 General.......................................................................... 229
15.3 Loads for On-Site Operation (December 2008).............229
15.5 Loads in Transit Condition............................................. 230

TABLE 1A Combined Load Cases for Normal Operating and

Transit Conditions* ............................................................197
TABLE 1B Combined Load Cases for Inspection Condition*
(December 2008)............................................................... 198
TABLE 1C Combined Load Cases for Repair Condition*
(December 2008)............................................................... 199
TABLE 2 Load Cases for Sloshing (1997).........................................200
TABLE 3 Design Pressure for Local and Supporting Members
TABLE 4 Values of a (2000).............................................................. 222
TABLE 5 Values of Ai   and   Bi..........................................................222
TABLE 6 Values of Ai   and   Bi(2000)............................................... 225
TABLE 7 Values of Ai  (1 March 2006).............................................. 228
TABLE 8 Correlation Factors cv,   cT,   cL,   Cϕ and Cθ...................... 230

FIGURE 1A Loading Pattern – Double Hull and Double Side Single

Bottom FPSO/FSO(December 2008).................................175
FIGURE 1B Loading Pattern – Single Hull FPSO/FSO (December
2008).................................................................................. 177
FIGURE 1C Loading Pattern – Repair, Inspection and Transit
Conditions for Double Hull and Double Side Single
Bottom FPSO/FSO* .......................................................... 179
FIGURE 1D Loading Pattern – Repair, Inspection and Transit
Conditions for Single Hull FPSO/FSO................................180
FIGURE 2 Sign Convention.................................................................182
FIGURE 3 Distribution Factor M(1 July 2012)..................................... 183
FIGURE 4 Distribution Factor F1(1 July 2012).................................... 183
FIGURE 5 Distribution Factor F2(1 July 2012).................................... 184
FIGURE 6 Distribution Factor mℎ(1995).............................................. 193
FIGURE 7 Distribution Factor fℎ (1995).............................................. 193
FIGURE 8 Distribution of ℎdi(1995)..................................................... 194
FIGURE 9 Pressure Distribution Function kℓo (1995)..........................194
FIGURE 10 Illustration of Determining Total External Pressure (1997).195
FIGURE 11 Definiton of Tank Geometry (1995).................................... 196

FIGURE 12 Location of Tank for Nominal Pressure Calculation (1997) 197
FIGURE 13 Vertical Distribution of Equivalent Slosh Pressure Head,
ℎe  (1995)............................................................................215
FIGURE 14 Horizontal Distribution of Simultaneous Slosh Pressure
Heads,ℎc(ϕsθs)   or   ℎt(ϕsθs) (1995)................................. 216
FIGURE 15 Definitions for Opening Ratio, a (1995)..............................217
FIGURE 16 Opening Ratio, (1995).......................................................217
FIGURE 17 Dimensions of Internal Structures (1995)..........................218
FIGURE 18 Loading Patterns for Sloshing Load Cases (1 July 2009).. 219
FIGURE 19 Definition of Bow Geometry (2000)................................... 220
FIGURE 20 Distribution of Bottom Slamming Pressure Along the
Section Girth (2000)........................................................... 223
FIGURE 21 Definition of Bowflare Geometry for Bowflare Shape
Parameter (2000)............................................................... 226
FIGURE 22 Ship-Type Installation Stem Angle,   γ............................... 227

SECTION 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation ............................................................ 231

1 General....................................................................................... 231
1.1 Strength Requirement (1995)........................................ 231
1.3 Calculation of Load Effects (1995).................................231
1.5 Structural Details (1995)................................................ 231
1.7 Evaluation of Grouped Stiffeners (1 July 2008)............. 231
3 Hull Girder Strength.................................................................... 235
3.1 Hull Girder Section Modulus (1 July 2012).................... 235
3.3 Hull Girder Moment of Inertia (1 July 2012)...................235
3.5 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008)............235
5 Shearing Strength (1997)........................................................... 236
5.1 General (December 2008)............................................. 236
5.3 Net Thickness of Side Shell Plating...............................237
5.5 Thickness of Longitudinal Bulkheads............................ 237
5.7 Calculation of Local Loads (1995)................................. 240
5.9 Three Dimensional Analysis (1995)...............................241
7 Double Bottom Structures...........................................................242
7.1 General (1995)...............................................................242
7.3 Bottom Shell and Inner Bottom Plating..........................243
7.5 Bottom and Inner Bottom Longitudinals (1 July 2005)...247
7.7 Bottom Girders/Floors (1997)........................................ 247
9 Side Shell and Deck – Plating and Longitudinals....................... 254
9.1 Side Shell Plating (2014)............................................... 254
9.3 Deck Plating (1 July 2012).............................................257
9.5 Deck and Side Longitudinals (1 July 2005)................... 258
11 Side Shell and Deck – Main Supporting Members..................... 260
11.1 General (1 July 2012).................................................... 260

11.3 Deck Transverses and Deck Girders – Loading
Pattern 1 (1 July 2012).................................................. 261
11.5 Deck Transverses and Deck Girders – Loading
Pattern 2 (1 July 2012).................................................. 265
11.7 Web Sectional Area of Side Transverses...................... 272
11.9 Minimum Thickness for Web Portion of Main
Supporting Members (1997).......................................... 273
11.11 Proportions.................................................................... 274
11.13 Brackets.........................................................................275
11.15 Web Stiffeners and Tripping Brackets........................... 275
11.17 Slots and Lightening Holes............................................ 276
13 Longitudinal and Transverse Bulkheads.....................................277
13.1 Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating (December 2008).......... 277
13.3 Transverse Bulkhead Plating (1999)..............................279
13.5 Longitudinals and Vertical/Horizontal Stiffeners (1
July 2005)...................................................................... 280
15 Bulkheads – Main Supporting Members (1995)......................... 282
15.1 General.......................................................................... 282
15.3 Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead......................... 282
15.5 Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead....................285
15.7 Vertical Web on Transverse Bulkhead...........................287
15.9 Minimum Web Thickness, Proportions, Brackets,
Stiffeners, Tripping Brackets, Slots and Lightening
15.11 Cross Ties (1997).......................................................... 288
15.13 Nontight Bulkheads (1 July 2012)..................................289
17 Corrugated Bulkheads (1997).....................................................289
17.1 General.......................................................................... 289
17.3 Plating (1999)................................................................ 289
17.5 Stiffness of Corrugation (1999)......................................291
17.7 Bulkhead Stools.............................................................294
17.9 End Connections (1 July 2001)......................................294

TABLE 1 Coefficient c2 For Deck Transverses (1995)...................... 277

TABLE 2 Coefficients KU and KL for Side Transverses (1995)..........277
TABLE 3 Coefficient c for Vertical Web on Longitudinal
Bulkheads (2001)............................................................... 284
TABLE 4 Coefficient KU and KL for Vertical Web on Longitudinal
Bulkheads (2001)............................................................... 284

FIGURE 1 Scantling Requirement Reference by Subsection (1

September 2007)............................................................... 232
FIGURE 2A Definitions of Spans (A) (1 July 2012)................................233
FIGURE 2B Definitions of Spans (B) (1 July 2012)................................234
FIGURE 3 Center Tank Region (1995)................................................ 242

FIGURE 4 ........................................................................................... 243
FIGURE 5 Unsupported Span of Longitudinal (1995)......................... 252
FIGURE 6 Effective Breadth of Plating be(1 July 2009).......................253
FIGURE 7 Definitions of a3, ℓs and bs(1 July 2009)............................. 254
FIGURE 8 Deck Transverse – Definition of Parameters (1 July 2012)272
FIGURE 9 Effectiveness of Brackets (1 September 2007)..................276
FIGURE10 Definition of Parameters for Corrugated Bulkhead
Definition(Ship-type Installations without Longitudinal Bulkhead
at Centerline) (1 September 2007).....................................296
FIGURE 11 Definition of Parameters for Corrugated Bulkhead
(Ship-type Installations with Longitudinal Bulkhead at
Centerline) (1 September 2007).........................................297
FIGURE 12 Corrugated Bulkhead End Connections.............................298

SECTION 4 Total Strength Assessment ............................................................299

1 General Requirements................................................................299
1.1 General (1995)...............................................................299
1.3 Loads and Load Cases (December 2008).....................299
1.5 Stress Components (1995)............................................299
3 Failure Criteria – Yielding........................................................... 300
3.1 General.......................................................................... 300
3.3 Structural Members and Elements (1999)..................... 300
3.5 Plating (1 July 2012)...................................................... 301
5 Failure Criteria – Buckling and Ultimate Strength (1995)........... 302
5.1 General.......................................................................... 302
5.3 Plate Panels...................................................................303
5.5 Longitudinals and Stiffeners.......................................... 304
5.7 Stiffened Panels.............................................................306
5.9 Deep Girders and Webs................................................ 306
5.11 Corrugated Bulkheads (1997)........................................307
5.13 Curved Plate Panels...................................................... 308
7 Calculation of Critical Buckling Stresses (December 2008)....... 309
7.1 General.......................................................................... 309
7.3 Rectangular Plates........................................................ 309
7.5 Longitudinals and Stiffeners.......................................... 312
7.7 Stiffened Panels.............................................................315
7.9 Stiffness and Proportions (1 July 2009).........................318
7.11 Curved Plates................................................................ 321
9 Fatigue Life (1995)......................................................................323
9.1 General.......................................................................... 323
9.3 Procedures.................................................................... 324
9.5 Spectral Analysis........................................................... 324
11 Calculation of Structural Responses (1995)............................... 326

11.1 Methods of Approach and Analysis Procedures (1
July 2012)...................................................................... 326
11.3 3D Finite Element Models (1 July 2012)........................326
11.5 Local Structural Models (December 2008).................... 326
11.7 Load Cases (December 2008).......................................326
13 Critical Areas (December 2008)................................................. 327
13.1 General.......................................................................... 327
13.3 Strength Evaluation....................................................... 327
13.5 Fatigue Evaluation......................................................... 328

TABLE 1 Buckling Coefficient, Ki(December 2008)...........................311

TABLE 2 Allowable Stresses (kgf/cm2) for Various Finite Element
Fine Mesh Sizes (1 July 2009)...........................................327

FIGURE 1 Net Dimensions and Properties of Stiffeners (December

2008).................................................................................. 315
FIGURE 2 (December 2008)............................................................... 317
FIGURE 3 Definitions of Brackets....................................................... 321
Figure 4 Curved Plate Panel............................................................ 323
FIGURE 5 Critical Areas in Transverse Web Frame (1 July 2009)......328
FIGURE 6 Critical Areas in Horizontal Girder on Transverse
Bulkhead (1 July 2009)...................................................... 329
FIGURE 7 Critical Areas of Buttress Structure (1 July 2009).............. 330

SECTION 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships ........................................ 331

1 General Requirements ...............................................................331
1.1 General.......................................................................... 331
1.3 Structures within the Cargo Space Length (2002).........331
3 Forebody Side Shell Structure (2000)........................................ 331
3.1 Side Shell Plating (2002)............................................... 331
3.3 Side Frames and Longitudinals..................................... 333
3.5 Side Transverses and Stringers in Forebody (2002)..... 334
5 Transition Zone (2000)............................................................... 343
7 Forebody Strengthening for Slamming ...................................... 343
7.1 Bottom Slamming.......................................................... 343
7.3 Bowflare Slamming........................................................345
9 Forebody Deck Structures (1 July 2012).................................... 346
9.1 Deck Plating...................................................................346
9.3 Deck Longitudinals........................................................ 347
9.5 Deck Transverse and Deck Girders...............................347

FIGURE 1 Transverse Distribution of pd(2000)................................... 334

FIGURE 2 Definition of Spans(2000)...................................................337

SECTION 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations ...................... 348
1 General....................................................................................... 348
1.1 Nominal Design Corrosion Values (December 2008).... 348
1.3 Load Criteria.................................................................. 348
1.5 Strength Criteria.............................................................348
3 Main Supporting Structures........................................................ 349
3.1 Bottom Transverses.......................................................349
3.3 Bottom Girders (1 July 2012).........................................350
3.5 Side Transverses........................................................... 353
3.7 Deck Transverses – Loading Pattern 1 (1 July 2012)....355
3.8 Deck Transverses – Loading Pattern 2 (1 July 2012)....358
3.9 Longitudinal Bulkhead Vertical Webs............................ 362
3.10 Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead (1 July
3.11 Other Main Supporting Members (1 July 2012).............366
3.13 Proportions.................................................................... 366
5 Strength Assessment..................................................................366
5.1 General.......................................................................... 366
5.3 Special Considerations.................................................. 366

TABLE 1 Design Pressure for Local and Supporting Structures (1

July 2012)...........................................................................351
TABLE 2 Coefficient c for Side Transverse....................................... 354
TABLE 3 Coefficients KU and KL for Side Transverses..................... 355
TABLE 4 Coefficient c2 For Deck Transverse (1 July 2012)..............357
TABLE 5 Coefficient c for Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead....362
TABLE 6 Coefficients KU and KL for Vertical Web on Longitudinal
Bulkhead............................................................................ 364

FIGURE 1 Spans of Transverses and Girders (1 July 2012)...............353

APPENDIX 1 Determination of Environmental Severity Factors (December

1 General (1 July 2012)................................................................. 367
3 ESFs of the Beta (β) Type (1 July 2012).................................... 367
5 ESFs of the Alpha (α) Type (1 July 2009)...................................369

TABLE 1 The 13 Dynamic Load Parameters or ESFs (βNN)

(December 2008)............................................................... 368

APPENDIX 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 371

1 General....................................................................................... 371
1.1 Note............................................................................... 371

1.3 Applicability (1995)........................................................ 371
1.5 Loadings (1995).............................................................371
1.7 Effects of Corrosion (1995)............................................371
1.9 Format of the Criteria (December 2008)........................371
3 Connections to be Considered for the Fatigue Strength
Assessment ............................................................................... 371
3.1 General (1995)...............................................................371
3.3 Guidance on Locations (1995).......................................372
5 Fatigue Strength Assessment.....................................................377
5.1 Assumptions (1995).......................................................377
5.3 Criteria (December 2008).............................................. 377
5.5 Long Term Stress Distribution Parameter, γ (2002).......377
5.7 Cumulative Fatigue Damage (1 July 2012)................... 378
7 Fatigue Inducing Loads and Determination of Total Stress
Ranges ...................................................................................... 382
7.1 General (1995)...............................................................382
7.3 Wave-induced Loads – Load Components (1995)........ 382
7.5 Fatigue Assessment – Loading Conditions
(December 2008)...........................................................383
7.7 Primary Stress f d 1 (1995)............................................390
7.9 Secondary Stress f d 2.................................................. 390
7.11 Additional Secondary Stresses f d 2 * and Tertiary
Stresses f d 3.................................................................390
9 Resulting Stress Ranges............................................................ 393
9.1 Definitions (December 2008)......................................... 393
11 Determination of Stress Concentration Factors (SCFs)............. 395
11.1 General (1995)...............................................................395
11.3 Sample Stress Concentration Factors (SCFs) (1 July
13 Stress Concentration Factors Determined From Finite
Element Analysis ....................................................................... 401
13.1 Introduction (1995).........................................................401
13.3 S-N Data (1995).............................................................401
13.5 S-N Data and SCFs (2003)............................................402
13.7 Calculation of Hot Spot Stress for Fatigue Analysis
(December 2008)...........................................................404
15 Fatigue Assessment of Structures Considering Low Cycle
Fatigue (December 2008)...........................................................405
15.1 Introduction.................................................................... 405
15.3 Applicability....................................................................405
15.5 Loads............................................................................. 405
15.7 Selection of Loading Conditions for Low Cycle
Fatigue (1 July 2009)..................................................... 405
15.9 Acceptance Criteria....................................................... 406
15.11 Fatigue Assessment Methods....................................... 406

17 Low Cycle Fatigue Damage (December 2008)...........................407
17.1 Low Cycle Fatigue Load................................................ 407
17.3 Loading Conditions........................................................ 407
17.5 Stress Range Calculation.............................................. 407
19 Combined Fatigue Damage (December 2008)........................... 411
21 Fatigue Strength Assessment for Service as a Trading
Vessel (December 2008)............................................................ 412
21.1 Cumulative Fatigue Damage for Trading Vessels..........412
21.3 Fatigue Assessment Zones and Controlling Load
Combination for Vessels................................................ 413
21.5 Definitions for Resulting Stress Ranges for Trading
Vessels.......................................................................... 414

TABLE 1 Fatigue Classification for Structural Details (December

2008).................................................................................. 373
TABLE 2A Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength
Assessment(1 July 2009) (Load Combination Factors
for Dynamic Load Components for Loading Condition 1).. 385
TABLE 2B Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength
Assessment (1 July 2009) (Load Combination Factors
for Dynamic Load Components for Loading Condition 2).. 386
TABLE 2C Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength
Assessment (1 July 2009) (Load Combination Factors
for Dynamic Load Components for Loading Condition 3).. 387
TABLE 2D Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength
Assessment (1 July 2009) (Load Combination Factors
for Dynamic Load Components for Loading Condition 4).. 389
TABLE 3 Ks (SCF) Values................................................................. 395

FIGURE 1 Basic Design S-N Curves (1995)....................................... 381

FIGURE 2A Loading Conditions for Fatigue Strength Assessment –
Double Hull and Double Side Single Bottom FPSO/FSO
(1 July 2009)...................................................................... 383
FIGURE 2B BLoading Conditions for Fatigue Strength Assessment
– Single Hull FPSO/FSO (1 July 2009).............................. 384
FIGURE 3   Cn = Cn(ψ)(1995)............................................................. 393
FIGURE 4 Cut-outs (Slots) For Longitudinal (1995)............................ 397
FIGURE 5 Fatigue Classification for Longitudinals in way of Flat
Bar Stiffener ...................................................................... 399
FIGURE 6 ........................................................................................... 399
FIGURE 7 ........................................................................................... 400
FIGURE 8 ........................................................................................... 400
FIGURE 9 ........................................................................................... 401
FIGURE 10 Doublers and Non-load Carrying Members on Deck or
Shell Plating....................................................................... 401
FIGURE 11 (1995).................................................................................403

FIGURE 12 (1995).................................................................................404
FIGURE 13 (December 2008)............................................................... 404
FIGURE 14 Sample Functions of SW and SB(December 2008)............. 408
FIGURE 15 A Single Loading/Offloading Cycle (December 2008)........408
FIGURE 16 ke as a Function of SE(December 2008).............................410
FIGURE 17 Low Cycle Fatigue Design Curve (December 2008).......... 411

APPENDIX 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008)............................416

1 Plate Element............................................................................. 417
1.1 Yielding in Tension......................................................... 417
1.3 Buckling in Compression............................................... 417
3 Stiffener Element........................................................................ 420
3.1 Yielding in Tension......................................................... 421
3.3 Beam-Column Buckling................................................. 421
3.5 Torsional-Flexural Buckling............................................421
3.7 Local Buckling of Stiffeners........................................... 422
5 Corner Element...........................................................................423

FIGURE 1 Flow Chart for the Evaluation of the Bending Moment-

Curvature Curve, M-χ(December 2008)............................ 419
FIGURE 2 Load-End Shortening Curve for Plate Element
(December 2008)............................................................... 420
FIGURE 3 Load-End Shortening Curve for Beam-Column
Buckling(December 2008)..................................................421
FIGURE 4 Load-End Shortening Curve for Torsional-Flexural
Buckling(December 2008)..................................................422
FIGURE 5 Load-End Shortening Curve for Local
Buckling(December 2008)..................................................423
FIGURE 6 Load-End Shortening Curve for a Corner
Element(December 2008).................................................. 424

APPENDIX 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014)......... 425

1 Objective.....................................................................................425
3 Scope of Application................................................................... 425
5 Extent of the 3-D Global Finite Element Model...........................425
7 Coordinate System of the Model................................................ 426
9 Element Types............................................................................ 426
9.1 Plate Elements...............................................................427
9.3 Bar (or Beam) Elements for Stiffeners...........................429
9.5 Rod (or Truss) Elements for Stiffeners.......................... 430
9.7 Rod Elements for Face Plates of Primary Supporting
Members (1 July 2012).................................................. 430
11 General Guidance for 3-D Global FE Modeling.......................... 430
13 Loading Conditions..................................................................... 430

13.1 Combined Load Cases and Loading Pattern.................430
13.3 Sloshing Load Cases.....................................................431
13.5 Target Hull Girder Vertical Bending Moment and
Vertical Shear Force (1 July 2012)................................ 431
13.7 Target Hull Girder Horizontal Wave Bending Moment
(1 July 2012).................................................................. 432
15 Procedure to Adjust Hull Girder Shear Force and Bending
15.1 General (1 July 2012).................................................... 432
15.3 Shear Force and Bending Moment due to Local Loads 432
15.5 Procedure to Adjust Vertical Shear Force Distribution
to Target Values (1 July 2012)....................................... 433
15.7 Procedure to Adjust Vertical and Horizontal Bending
Moments to Target Values (1 July 2012)....................... 438
17 Boundary Conditions.................................................................. 440
17.1 General (1 July 2012).................................................... 440
17.3 Calculation of Spring Stiffness.......................................442
19 Validation of 3-D Global Response.............................................443
19.1 Correlation with Beam Theory....................................... 443
19.3 Additional Remarks........................................................444
21 Detailed Stress Assessment – Local FEA.................................. 444
21.1 General.......................................................................... 444
21.3 Analysis Model...............................................................444
21.5 Analysis Criteria.............................................................445
23 Fatigue Assessment – Fatigue FEA (1 July 2009)..................... 445
23.1 General.......................................................................... 445

TABLE 1 Shear Force Distribution Factors (December 2008).......... 438

TABLE 2 Boundary Constraints at Model Ends (2015)..................... 441
TABLE 3 Shear Areas to be Considered for the Calculation of
Spring Stiffness (December 2008)..................................... 443
TABLE 4 Typical Details to be Refined (December 2008).................444

FIGURE 1 Extent of 3-D Global Finite Element Model (December

2008).................................................................................. 426
FIGURE 2 Typical Finite Element Mesh on Web Frame (December
2008).................................................................................. 428
FIGURE 3 Typical Finite Element Mesh on Transverse Bulkhead
(December 2008)............................................................... 428
FIGURE 4 Typical Finite Element Mesh on Horizontal Transverse
Stringer on Transverse Bulkhead (December 2008)..........429
FIGURE 5 Typical Finite Element Mesh on Transverse Web Frame
Main Bracket (December 2008)......................................... 429
FIGURE 6 Position of Target Shear Force and Required Shear
Force Adjustment at Transverse Bulkhead Positions
(December 2008)............................................................... 435

FIGURE 7 Distribution of Adjusting Vertical Force at Frames and
Resulting Shear Force Distributions (December 2008)......436
FIGURE 8 Distribution of Adjusting Load on a Transverse Section
(December 2008)............................................................... 437
FIGURE 9 Spring Constraints at Model Ends (December 2008).........441


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

SECTION 1 General

1 Design Considerations and General Requirements

1.1 General (December 2008)

The strength requirements specified in this Chapter are based on a “net” ship approach. In determining the
required scantlings and performing structural analyses and strength assessments, the nominal design
corrosion values given in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 are to be deducted.

1.3 Initial Scantling Requirements (December 2008)

The initial requirements for plating, the section modulus of longitudinals/stiffeners, and the scantlings of
the main supporting structures are to be determined in accordance with Section 5A-3-3 for the “net” ship.
These “net” ship values are to be used for further assessment as required in the following paragraph. The
relevant nominal design corrosion values are then added to obtain the full scantling requirements.

1.5 Strength Assessment – Failure Modes (December 2008)

A total assessment of the structures, determined on the basis of the initial strength criteria in Section
5A-3-3 is to be carried out against the following three failure modes.

1.5.1 Material Yielding

The calculated stress intensities are not to be greater than the yielding limit state given in
5A-3-4/3.1 for all load cases specified in 5A-3-2/9.

1.5.2 Buckling and Ultimate Strength

For each individual member, plate or stiffened panel, the buckling and ultimate strength is to be in
compliance with the requirements specified in 5A-3-4/5. In addition, the hull girder ultimate
strength is to be in accordance with 5A-3-3/3.5 and Appendix 5A-3-A3.

1.5.3 Fatigue
The fatigue strength of structural details and welded joints in highly stressed regions is to be
analyzed in accordance with 5A-3-4/9.

1.7 Net Scantlings and Nominal Design Corrosion Values (NDCV) (1 July 2012)
1.7.1 General
The “net” thickness or scantlings correspond to the minimum strength in Part 5A, Chapter 3
regardless of the design service life of the installation. In addition to the coating protection
specified in the Rules for all ballast tanks, minimum corrosion values for plating and structural
members as given in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 and 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) FIGURE 1 are to be added to
the net scantlings. These minimum corrosion values are intended for a design service life of 20
years. Where the design life is greater than 20 years, the minimum corrosion values of the hull
structure are to be increased in accordance with 5A-3-1/1.7.2. These minimum values are
introduced solely for the purpose of scantling requirements and strength criteria as indicated in
5A-3-1/1.1, and are not to be interpreted as renewal standards.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

In view of the anticipated higher corrosion rates for structural members in some regions, such as
highly stressed areas, additional design margins should be considered for the primary and critical
structural members to minimize repairs and maintenance costs. The beneficial effects of these
design margins on reduction of stresses and increase of the effective hull girder section modulus
can be appropriately accounted for in the design evaluation.

1.7.2 Nominal Design Corrosion Values for Design Life Greater than 20 Years
When the structural design life is greater than 20 years, the nominal design corrosion values
(NDCV) of the hull structure are to be increased from those in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 as

1.7.2(a) For plating and structural members with 2.0 mm (0.08 in.) NDCV for 20-years design
life, additional 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) per year for design life greater than 20-years. For example, 2.5
mm (0.1 in.) NDCV for 25-year design life.

1.7.2(b) For plating and structural members with 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) NDCV for 20-years design
life, additional 0.075 mm (0.003 in.) per year for design life greater than 20-years. For example,
1.875 mm (0.075 in.) NDCV for 25-year design life.

1.7.2(c) For plating and structural members with 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) NDCV for 20-years design
life, additional 0.05 mm (0.002 in) per year for design life greater than 20-years. For example,
1.25 mm (0.05 in.) NDCV for 25-year design life.

1.7.2(d) For void spaces, no change in NDCV as it is considered independent of design life.

The NDCV values are to be considered minimum nominal design corrosion values. Actual
corrosion could be more or less than the NDCV values. The designer or owner may specify
additional design corrosion margins based on maintenance plans.


Local allowable wastage allowance of plates and stiffeners for floating installations designed for uninterrupted
operation on-site without any drydocking and having a design life longer than 20 years is described in

The rounding of the calculated thickness is to be the nearest half millimeter. For example:

● For 10.75 ≤ tcalc < 11.25 mm, the required thickness is 11 mm

● For 11.25 ≤ tcalc < 11.75 mm, the required thickness is 11.5 mm

When the difference between the required net thickness and the offered net thickness is less than
0.25 mm, the offered net thickness is acceptable if the rounded required gross thickness is smaller
or equal to the offered gross thickness.

For US customary unit system, a similar exercise is to be carried out as described in the above for
the Metric unit system.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

Nominal Design Corrosion Values (NDCV) (1 July 2012)

Nominal Design Corrosion Values in mm (in.)

Structural Element/Location Cargo Tank Ballast Tank Void Space
Effectively Coated

Deck Plating 1.0 (0.04) 2.0 (0.08) 1.0 (0.04)

Side Shell Plating NA 1.5 (0.06) 1.0 (0.04)

Bottom Plating NA 1.0 (0.04) 1.0 (0.04)

Inner Bottom Plating 1.5 (0.06) 1.0 (0.04)

Longitudinal Between cargo tanks 1.0 (0.04) N.A. 1.0 (0.04)

Bulkhead Plating
Other Plating 1.5 (0.06) 1.0 (0.04)

Transverse Bulkhead Between cargo tanks 1.0 (0.04) N.A. 1.0 (0.04)
Other Plating 1.5 (0.06) 1.0 (0.04)

Transverse & Longitudinal Deck 1.5 (0.06) 2.0 (0.08) 1.0 (0.04)
Supporting Members

Double Bottom Tanks Internals ( Floors and N.A. 2.0 (0.08) 1.0 (0.04) (5)

Double Bottom Tanks Internals (Stiffeners) N.A. 2.0 (0.08) 1.0 (0.06)

Vertical Stiffeners and Supporting Members 1.0 (0.04) 1.0 (0.04) 1.0 (0.04)

Non-vertical Longitudinals/Stiffeners and 1.5 (0.06) 2.0 (0.08) 1.0 (0.04)

Supporting Members Elsewhere

1 It is recognized that corrosion depends on many factors including coating properties, cargo composition,
inert gas properties and temperature of carriage, and that actual wastage rates observed may be
appreciably different from those given here.
2 Pitting and grooving are regarded as localized phenomena and are not covered in this table.
3 For nominal design corrosion values for single hull ship-type installations, see Section 5A-3-6.
4 (1 July 2012) Side stringer plating in Void Space: Watertight adjacent to ballast tank 1.5 mm (0.06),
Non-Tight: 1.0 mm (0.04).
5 (1 July 2012) Watertight bottom girder adjacent to ballast tank: 1.5 mm (0.06).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

Nominal Design Corrosion Values (NDCV) (December 2008)

1.9 Application (1 July 2012)

1.9.1 Installation Size and Proportion (1997)
The requirements contained in this Chapter are applicable to double hull ship-type installations
intended for unrestricted service, having lengths of 150 meters (492 feet) or more, and having
parameters within the range as specified in 3-2-1/1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

1.9.2 Installation Types (December 2008)

The equations and formulae for determining design load and strength requirements, as specified in
Sections 5A-3-2 and 5A-3-3, are applicable to double hull ship-type installations. For single hull
ship-type installations, the parameters used in the equations are to be adjusted according to the
structural configurations and loading patterns outlined in Section 5A-3-6. The strength assessment
procedures and the failure criteria, as specified in Section 5A-3-4, are applicable to all ship-type

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

Double hull ship-type installation is a monohull having full depth wing water ballast tanks or
other non-cargo spaces, and full breadth double bottom water ballast tanks or other non-cargo
spaces throughout the cargo area, intended to prevent or at least reduce the liquid cargo outflow in
an accidental grounding or collision. The size and capacity of these wing/double bottom tanks or
spaces are to comply with MARPOL 73/78 and national Regulations, as applicable.

A Double side, single bottom ship-type installation is a monohull having full depth wing water
ballast tanks or other non-cargo spaces and single bottom structure.

A Single hull ship-type installation is a monohull that does not have double side and double
bottom spaces fitting the above definitions of Double hull ship-type installation.

1.9.3 Direct Calculations (1 September 2007)

Direct calculations with respect to the determination of design loads and the establishment of
alternative strength criteria based on first principles will be accepted for consideration, provided
that all the supporting data, analysis procedures and calculated results are fully documented and
submitted for review. In this regard, due consideration is to be given to the environmental
conditions, probability of occurrence, uncertainties in load and response predictions and reliability
of the structure in service.

1.11 Internal Members (2002)

1.11.1 Section Properties of Structural Members (December 2008)
The geometric properties of structural members may be calculated directly from the dimensions of
the section and the associated effective plating (see 3-1-2/13.3 and 3-1-2/13.5 of the Marine Vessel
Rules or 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6 of these Rules, as applicable). For structural member with angle
θ (see 5A-3-1/1.11.1 FIGURE 2) between web and associated plating not less than 75 degrees, the
section modulus, web sectional area and moment of inertia of the “standard” (θ = 90 degrees)
section may be used without modification. Where the angle θ is less than 75 degrees, the sectional
properties are to be directly calculated about an axis parallel to the associated plating (see
5A-3-1/1.11.1 FIGURE 2).

For longitudinals, frames and stiffeners, the section modulus may be obtained by the following

SM = αθSM90


αθ = 1 . 45 − 40 . 5/θ

SM90 = the section modulus at θ = 90 degrees

The effective web section area may be obtained by the following equation:

A = A90sinθ


A90 = effective shear area at θ = 90 degrees

The effective moment of inertia may be obtained by the following equation:

I = αθI90

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1


αθ = 1 . 45 − 40 . 5/θ
I90 = effective moment of inertia at θ = 90 degrees

In the above equation, θ is in degrees.


1.11.2 Detailed Design

The detailed design of internals is to follow the guidance given in 3-1-2/15 of the Marine Vessel
Rules and 5A-3-3/1.5 of these Rules.

See also Appendix 5A-3-A2 “Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations”.

1.13 Breaks
Special care is to be taken to provide against local stresses at the ends of the cargo oil spaces,
superstructures, etc., and throughout the structure in general. The main longitudinal bulkheads are to be
suitably tapered at their ends, and effective longitudinal bulkheads in the poop are to be located such as to
provide effective continuity between the structure in way of and beyond the main cargo spaces. Where the
break of a superstructure lies within the midship 0 . 5L, the required shell and deck scantlings for the
midship 0 . 4L may be required to be extended to introduce a gradual taper of the structure, and the deck
stringer plate and sheer strake are to be increased. See 5A-3-3/9.1 and 5A-3-3/9.3. Where the breaks of the
forecastle or poop are appreciably beyond the midship 0 . 5L, the requirements for the deck stringer plate
and sheer strake, as specified in 5A-3-3/9.1 and 5A-3-3/9.3, may be modified.

1.15 Variations
Ship-type installations of a special type or design, differing from those described in these Rules, will be
specially considered on the basis of equivalent strength.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

1.17 Loading Guidance (1997)

Loading guidance is to be as required by 3-2-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules, except that 5A-3-3/5 of these
Rules will apply for allowable shear stresses.

1.19 Pressure-Vacuum Valve Setting (1993)

Where pressure-vacuum valves of cargo oil tanks are set at a pressure in excess of the pressure appropriate
to the length of the installation [see 5C-1-7/11.11.2 of the Marine Vessel Rules], the tank scantlings will be
specially considered.

Particular attention is to be given to a higher pressure setting of pressure-vacuum valves as may be

required for the efficient operation of cargo vapor emission control systems, where installed.

1.21 Protection of Structure

For the protection of structure, see 3-2-18/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

1.23 Aluminum Paint (1 July 2020)

Paint containing greater than 10 percent aluminum is not to be used in cargo tanks, on tank decks in way of
cargo tanks, and in pump rooms and cofferdams, nor in any other area where cargo vapor may accumulate,
unless it has been shown by appropriate tests that the paint to be used does not increase the fire hazard.

3 Special Requirements for Deep Loading

3.1 General (2003)

Where an installation is intended to operate at the minimum freeboard allowed by the International
Convention on Load Lines, 1966 for Type-A vessels, the conditions in 5A-3-1/3.3 through 5A-3-1/3.11 are
to be complied with.

3.3 Machinery Casings

Machinery casings are normally to be protected by an enclosed poop or bridge, or by a deckhouse of
equivalent strength. The height of such structure is to be not less than 2.3 m (7.5 ft). The bulkheads at the
forward ends of these structures are to have scantlings not less than required for bridge-front bulkheads
(See 3-2-11/3 of the Marine Vessel Rules). Machinery casings may be exposed, provided that they are
specially stiffened and there are no openings giving direct access from the freeboard deck to the machinery
space. A door complying with the requirements of 3-2-11/5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules may, however, be
permitted in the exposed machinery casing, provided that it leads to a space or passageway which is as
strongly constructed as the casing and is separated from the engine room by a second door complying with
3-2-11/5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules. The sill of the exterior door is not to be less than 600 mm (23.5 in.),
and the sill of the second door is not to be less than 230 mm (9 in.).

3.5 Access (1998)

Satisfactory arrangements are to be provided to safeguard the crew in reaching all areas used in the
necessary work of the installation. See 3-2-17/3 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

3.7 Hatchways
Exposed hatchways on the freeboard and forecastle decks or on the tops of expansion trunks are to be
provided with efficient steel watertight covers. The use of material other than steel will be subject to
special consideration.

3.9 Freeing Arrangements

Ship-type installations with bulwarks are to have open rails fitted for at least half the length of the exposed
parts of the freeboard and superstructure decks, or other effective freeing arrangements are to be provided.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

The upper edge of the sheer strake is to be kept as low as practicable. Where superstructures are connected
by trunks, open rails are to be fitted for the entire length of the exposed parts of the freeboard deck.

3.11 Flooding (2003)

Attention is called to the requirement of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, that ship-type
installations over 150 m (492 ft) in freeboard length (see 3-1-1/3.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules), to which
freeboards less than those based solely on Table B are assigned, must be able to withstand the flooding of
certain compartments.

3.13 Ventilators (2003)

Ventilators to spaces below the freeboard deck are to be specially stiffened or protected by superstructures
or other efficient means. See also 3-2-17/11 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5 Arrangement (1994)

5.1 General
The arrangements of the installation are to comply with the requirements in Annex 1 to the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships with regard to segregated ballast tanks (Regulation
13), their protective locations (Regulation 13E – where the option in Regulation 13F (4) or (5) is
exercised), collision or stranding considerations (Regulation 13F), hypothetical outflow of oil (Regulation
23), limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks (Regulation 24) and slop tanks [Regulation 15 (2)
(c)]. A valid International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate issued by the flag administration may be
accepted as evidence of compliance with these requirements.

5.3 Subdivision
The length of tanks, the location of expansion trunks and the position of longitudinal bulkheads are to be
arranged to avoid excessive dynamic stresses in the hull structure.

5.5 Cofferdams
Cofferdams, thoroughly oil tight and vented, and having widths as required for ready access, are to be
provided in order to separate all cargo tanks from galleys and living quarters, general cargo spaces which
are below the uppermost continuous deck, boiler rooms and spaces containing propulsion machinery or
other machinery where sources of ignition are normally present. Pump rooms, compartments arranged
solely for ballast and fuel oil tanks may be considered as cofferdams for the purpose of this requirement.

5.7 Gastight Bulkheads

Gastight bulkheads are to be provided in order to isolate all cargo pumps and piping from spaces
containing stoves, boilers, propelling machinery, electric apparatus or machinery where sources of ignition
are normally present. These bulkheads are to comply with the requirements of Section 3-2-9 of the Marine
Vessel Rules.

5.9 Cathodic Protection (1996)

5.9.1 Anode Installation Plan
Where sacrificial anodes are fitted in cargo or adjacent ballast tanks, their material, their
disposition and details of their attachment are to be submitted for approval.

5.9.2 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloy Anodes

Magnesium and magnesium alloy anodes are not to be used.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

5.9.3 Aluminum Anodes

Aluminum anodes may be used in the cargo tanks of ship-type installations, but only in locations
where the potential energy does not exceed 275 N-m (28 kgf-m, 200 ft-lb). The height of the
anode is to be measured from the bottom of the tank to the center of the anode, and the weight is
to be taken as the weight of the anode as fitted, including the fitting devices and inserts.

Where aluminum anodes are located on horizontal surfaces, such as bulkhead girders and
stringers, which are not less than 1 m (39 in.) wide and fitted with an upstanding flange or face flat
projecting not less than 75 mm (3 in.) above the horizontal surface, the height of the anode may be
measured from this surface.

Aluminum anodes are not to be located under tank hatches or Butterworth openings unless
protected from falling metal objects by adjacent tank structure.

5.9.4 Anode Attachment

Anodes are to have steel cores sufficiently rigid to avoid resonance in the anode support, and the
cores are to be designed to retain the anode even when it is wasted.

The steel cores are to be attached to the structure by means of continuous welds at least 75 mm
(3 in.) in length. Alternatively, they may be attached to separate supports by bolting. A minimum
of two bolts with locknuts is to be used.

The supports at each end of an anode are not to be attached to items of structure that are likely to
move independently.

Anode inserts and supports welded directly to the structure are to be arranged so that the welds are
clear of stress raisers.

5.11 Ports in Pump Room Bulkheads

Where fixed ports are fitted in the bulkheads between a pump room and the machinery or other non-
hazardous space, they are to maintain the gastight and watertight integrity of the bulkhead. The ports are to
be effectively protected against the possibility of mechanical damage and are to be fire resistant. Hinged
port covers of steel, having non-corrosive hinge pins and secured from the non-hazardous space side, are to
be provided. The covers are to provide strength and integrity equivalent to the unpierced bulkhead. Except
where it may interfere with the function of the ports, the covers are to be secured in the closed position.
The use of material other than steel for the covers will be subject to special consideration. Lighting fixtures
providing strength and integrity equivalent to that of the port covers will be accepted as an alternative.

5.13 Location of Cargo Oil Tank Openings

Cargo oil tank openings, including those for tank cleaning, which are not intended to be secured gastight at
all times during the normal operation of the installation, are not to be located in enclosed spaces. For the
purpose of this requirement, spaces open on one side only are to be considered enclosed. See also

5.15 Structural Fire Protection

The applicable requirements of Section 3-4-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules are to be complied with.

5.17 Allocation of Spaces (1994)

5.17.1 Tanks Forward of the Collision Bulkhead
Tanks forward of the collision bulkhead are not to be arranged for the carriage of oil or other
liquid substances that are flammable.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

5.17.2 Double Bottom Spaces and Wing Tank Spaces

For installations of 5000 metric tons (4921 long tons) deadweight and above, double bottom
spaces or wing tanks adjacent to cargo oil tanks are to be allocated for water ballast or spaces
other than cargo and fuel oil tanks.

5.19 Access to Upper Parts of Ballast Tanks on Double Hull Ship-type Installations (1993)
Where the structural configuration within ballast tanks is such that it will prevent access to upper parts of
the tanks for required close-up examination [see 7-3-2/5.13.3 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7)] by conventional means, such as a raft on partly filled tank, permanent means of safe
access is to be provided. Details of the access are to be submitted for review.

Where horizontal girders or diaphragm plates are fitted, they may be considered as forming part of a
permanent access. Alternative arrangements to the above may be considered upon submission.

5.21 Access to All Spaces in the Cargo Area (1 October 1994)

Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and other spaces in the cargo area is to be direct and from
the open deck. Access to double bottom spaces may be through a cargo pump room, deep cofferdam, pipe
tunnel or similar space, provided ventilation is suitable.

For access through horizontal openings, hatches or manholes, the access is to be of a size such as to allow
a person wearing a self-contained, air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment (see 4-7-3/15.5 of the
Marine Vessel Rules) to ascend or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to provide a clear
opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured person from the bottom of the space. In general, the
minimum clear opening is not to be less than 600 mm (24 in.) by 600 mm (24 in.).

For access through vertical openings or manholes providing passage through the length and breadth of the
space, the minimum clear opening is not to be less than 600 mm (24 in.) by 800 mm (32 in.) at a height of
not more than 600 mm (24 in.) from the bottom shell plating unless gratings or other footholds are

5.23 Duct Keels or Pipe Tunnels in Double Bottom (2000)

Duct keels or pipe tunnels are not to pass into machinery spaces. Provision is to be made for at least two
exits to the open deck, arranged at a maximum distance from each other. One of these exits may lead to the
cargo pump room, provided that it is watertight and fitted with a watertight door complying with the
requirements of 3-2-9/9.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules and in addition complying with the following:

i) In addition to bridge operation, the watertight door is to be capable of being closed from outside
the main pump room entrance; and
ii) A notice is to be affixed at each operating position to the effect that the watertight door is to be
kept closed during normal operations of the installation, except when access to the pipe tunnel is

For the requirements of ventilation and gas detection in duct keels or pipe tunnels, see 5C-1-7/31.17.1 of
the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.25 Ventilation (1996)

Holes are to be cut in every part of the structure where otherwise there might be a chance of gases being
“pocketed”. Special attention is to be paid to the effective ventilation of pump rooms and other working
spaces adjacent to oil tanks. In general, floor plating is to be of an open type not to restrict the flow of air,
see 5C-1-7/17.1 and 5C-1-7/17.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules. Efficient means are to be provided for
clearing the oil spaces of dangerous vapors by means of artificial ventilation or steam. For cargo tank
venting, see 5C-1-7/11 and 5C-1-7/21 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 1 General 5A-3-1

5.27 Pumping Arrangements

See applicable requirements in Section 5C-1-7 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.29 Electrical Equipment

See 5C-1-7/31 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.31 Testing
Requirements for testing are contained in Part 3, Chapter 7 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.33 Machinery Spaces

Machinery spaces aft are to be specially stiffened transversely. Longitudinal material at the break is also to
be specially considered to reduce concentrated stresses in this region. Longitudinal wing bulkheads are to
be incorporated with the machinery casings or with substantial accommodation bulkheads in the tween
decks and within the poop.

5.35 Produced Water Tanks (2020)

Where a tank is designated for produced water, such tanks are to be identified in the General Arrangement
or Capacity plan. Where the specific gravity of the liquid exceeds 1.025, the design head, h, in this section
is to be increased by the ratio of the specific gravity of the liquid to be carried, to 1.025.

Coating protection and Nominal Design Corrosion Values (NDCV) for produced water tank are to be not
less than that required for ballast water tank.


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements


1 General

1.1 The Concept and Application of Environmental Severity Factors (December 2008)
This Chapter referred to in Part 5A, Chapter 1 provides an explanation of the ship-type hull structural
design and analysis criteria. Previously, it was customary to specify that ship-type offshore installations
were to meet structural design and analysis criteria for unrestricted full ocean service conditions, i.e., a
trading oil tanker. In reality, many such installations were sited at locations with dynamic components of
their loading that are less than those arising from unrestricted service conditions.

At the same time, the approach to major ship design that has been developed and advocated by ABS in the
last decade has relied on a two phase method. In the first phase, initial design scantlings of the installation
are selected, considering nominal, maximum expected loadings that a component is likely to experience in
its lifetime for the full ocean service. This step is called the Initial Scantling Evaluation (ISE) and is
governed by the criteria contained in Sections 5A-3-2. A second step requires structural analyses of major
portions of the hull structure to verify the adequacy of the structural system’s performance, including
strength checks for failure modes associated with yielding, buckling and ultimate strength. This step is
referred to as the Total Strength Assessment (TSA) and is governed by the criteria specified in Section

To adjust the loadings and load effects produced by the site-specific long-term environment at the
installation site (compared to the full ocean service), a series of “Environmental Severity Factors” (ESFs)
have been derived. There are two types of ESFs, which are referred to as “Alpha” type (α) and “Beta” type
(β). The αfactors are used to adjust fatigue strength performance expectations between the full ocean
service (Rule basis) and the long-term site-specific environment. The β factors are used primarily to adjust
the dynamic component of loads that are used to establish: hull girder strength (i.e., wave-induced hull
girder loads), individual scantling design equations, the loads used in the strength analyses of the hull, and
ancillary forces, such as those from the motion of equipment masses located on or above the main deck. In
practice, the hull may be loaded over a large range of tank loading patterns and external drafts. The implied
value of all ESFs of both the alpha and beta types for the full ocean service is 1.0.

The determination of the environmental severity factors is to be carried out in accordance with Appendix
5A-3-A1 using the ABS Eagle FPSO SEAS program.

1.3 Load Components (1995)

In the design of the hull structure of ship-type installations, all load components with respect to the hull
girder and local structure as specified in this Chapter and Section 3-2-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules are to
be taken into account. These include static loads in still water, wave-induced motions and loads, sloshing,
slamming, dynamic, thermal and ice loads, where applicable.

3 Static Loads

3.1 Still-water Bending Moment (2019)

For still-water bending moment calculations, see 3-2-1/3.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

When a direct calculation of wave-induced loads [i.e., longitudinal bending moments and shear forces,
hydrodynamic pressures (external) and inertial forces and added pressure heads (internal)] is not
submitted, envelope curves of the still-water bending moments (hogging and sagging) and shear forces
(positive and negative) are to be provided.

Except for special loading cases, the loading patterns shown in 5A-3-2/Figures 1A to 1D are to be
considered in determining local static loads.

Loading Pattern – Double Hull and Double Side Single Bottom FPSO/FSO
(December 2008)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

For detailed loading information see 5A-3-2/Figures 1A to 1C.

* For L.C. 9 and 10, where static conditions, such as tank testing, that have the same loading pattern as the
center row of tanks resulting in a draft less than 1/4 Design Draft, the actual static condition draft is to be
used. The value of ks = 1.0 is to be used in all tanks. The tanks are to be loaded considering the actual
height of the overflow pipe.

(1 July 2005) For a hull structure with the main supporting members that are asymmetric forward and aft
of the mid-tank transverse bulkheads, the above load cases are to be evaluated by turning the finite element
model by 180 degrees with respect to the vertical axis.

(1 July 2005) For a hull structure that is asymmetric with respect to the centerline plane, the additional load
cases mirroring the above asymmetric load case are to be evaluated.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Loading Pattern – Single Hull FPSO/FSO (December 2008)

For detailed loading information see 5A-3-2/Figures 1A to 1C.

* For L.C. 9 and 10, where static conditions, such as tank testing, that have the same loading pattern as the
center row of tanks resulting in a draft less than 1/3 Design Draft, the actual static condition draft is to be

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

used. The value of ks = 1.0 is to be used in all tanks. The tanks are to be loaded considering the actual
height of the overflow pipe.

(1 July 2005) For a hull structure with the main supporting members that are asymmetric forward and aft
of the mid-tank transverse bulkheads, the above load cases are to be evaluated by turning the finite element
model by 180 degrees with respect to the vertical axis.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Loading Pattern – Repair, Inspection and Transit Conditions for Double Hull
and Double Side Single Bottom FPSO/FSO* (2020)

● Unless more severe inspection, repair or transit loading condition is specified by the operator, the above minimum
design conditions are to be used.
● * For double hull or double side structure with one cargo tank across, no loading conditions for inspection and repair
are given above as they are covered under standard loading conditions shown in 5A-3-2/3.1 FIGURE 1A and
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 1A.
● # Transit Condition –the draft can be changed to actual transit draft between 10% scantling draft to 60% scantling draft.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Loading Pattern – Repair, Inspection and Transit Conditions for Single Hull
FPSO/FSO (2019)

● Unless more severe inspection, repair or transit loading condition is specified by the operator, the above minimum
design conditions are to be used.
● # Transit Condition –the draft can be changed to actual transit draft between 10% scantling draft to 60% scantling draft.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

5 Wave-induced Loads (1995)

5.1 General (1 July 2009)

Where a direct calculation of the wave-induced loads is not available, the approximation equations given
in the following sections and specified in 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules with Environmental
Severity Factors (ESFs) may be used to calculate the design loads.

When a direct calculation of the wave-induced loads is performed, envelope curves of the combined wave
and still-water bending moments and shear forces, covering all the anticipated loading conditions, are to be
submitted for review.

5.2 Vertical Wave Bending Moment and Shear Force (1 July 2012)
5.2.1 Wave Bending Moment Amidships
The wave bending moment, expressed in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft), may be obtained from the following

Mws = − k1βVBMC1L2B Cb + 0 . 7 × 10−3 Sagging Moment

Mwℎ = + k2βVBMC1L2BCb × 10−3 Hogging Moment


k1 = 110 (11.22, 1.026)

k2 = 190 (19.37, 1.772)
βVBM = ESF for vertical bending moment
C1 = 10 . 75 − 300 − L 1 . 5 90 ≤ L ≤ 300 m

= 10.75 300 < L ≤ 350 m

= 10 . 75 − L − 350 1 . 5 350 ≤ L ≤ 500 m

C1 = 10 . 75 − 984 − L 1 . 5 295 ≤ L ≤ 984 ft


= 10.75 984 < L < 1148 ft

= 10 . 75 − L − 1148 1 . 5 1148 ≤ L ≤ 1640 ft

L = length of vessel, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)

B = breadth of vessel, as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
Cb = block coefficient, as defined in 3-1-1/13.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules

5.2.2 Envelope Curve of Wave Bending Moment

The wave bending moment along the length, L, of the vessel, may be obtained by multiplying the
midship value by the distribution factor, M, given in 5A-3-2/5.2.3 FIGURE 3.

5.2.3 Wave Shear Force

The envelopes of maximum shearing forces induced by waves, Fw, as shown in 5A-3-2/5.2.3
FIGURE 4 and 5A-3-2/5.2.3 FIGURE 5, may be obtained from the following equations.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Fwp = + kβVSFF1C1LB Cb + 0 . 7 × 10−2 for positive shear force

Fwn = − kβVSFF2C1LB Cb + 0 . 7 × 10−2 for negative shear force


Fwp, Fwn = maximum shearing force induced by wave, in kN (tf, Ltf)

C1 = as defined in 5A-3-2/5.2.3 FIGURE 4
βVSF = ESF for vertical shear force
L = length of vessel, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
B = breadth of vessel, as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
Cb = block coefficient, as defined in 3-1-1/13.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules
k = 30 (3.059, 0.2797)
F1 = distribution factor, as shown in 5A-3-2/5.2.3 FIGURE 4
F2 = distribution factor, as shown in 5A-3-2/5.2.3 FIGURE 5

Sign Convention (2019)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Distribution Factor M(1 July 2012)

Distribution Factor F1(1 July 2012)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Distribution Factor F2(1 July 2012)

5.3 Horizontal Wave Bending Moment and Shear Force

5.3.1 Horizontal Wave Bending Moment (1 September 2007)
The horizontal wave bending moment, positive (tension port) or negative (tension starboard), may
be obtained from the following equation:

MH = ± mℎβHBMK3C1L2DCb × 10−3 kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)


mℎ = distribution factor, as given by 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 6

βHBM = ESF for horizontal bending moment, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
K3 = 180 (18.34, 1.68)
D = hull depth of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)

C1 , L, and Cb are as given in 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.3.2 Horizontal Wave Shear Force (2019)

The envelope of horizontal wave shearing force, FH, positive (toward port forward) or negative
(toward starboard forward) as shown in5A-3-2/5.2.3 FIGURE 2, may be obtained from the
following equation:

FH = ± fℎβHSFkC1LD Cb + 0 . 7 × 10−2 kN (tf, Ltf)


fℎ = distribution factor, as given in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 7

βHSF = ESF for horizontal shear force, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
k = 36 (3.67, 0.34)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

C1 , L,Dand Cb are as defined in 5A-3-2/5.3.1 above.

5.5 External Pressures

5.5.1 Pressure Distribution (1 September 2007)
The external pressures, pe, (positive toward inboard), imposed on the hull in seaways can be
expressed by the following equation at a given location:

pe = ρg ℎs + βEPS/EPPkuℎde ≥ 0 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


ρg = specific weight of sea water

= 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft)
ℎs = hydrostatic pressure head in still water, in m (ft)
βEPS/EPP = ESF for external pressure starboard/port, as defined in 5A-3-A1

ku = load factor, and may be taken as unity unless otherwise specified.

ℎde = hydrodynamic pressure head induced by the wave, in m (ft), may be calculated as
= kcℎdi


kc = correlation factor for a specific combined load case, as given in 5A-3-2/7.1 and
ℎdi = hydrodynamic pressure head, in m (ft), at location i (i = 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5; see
5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 8)
= kℓαiℎdo in m (ft)
kℓ = distribution factor along the length of the installation
= 1 + kℓο − 1 cosμ,   kℓo is as given in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 9
= 1 . 0     amidships
ℎdo = 1 . 36kC1     in m (ft)
C1 = as defined in 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules
k = 1 (1, 3.281)
αi = distribution factor around the girth of installation at location i.
= 1 . 00 − 0 . 25cosμ for i = 1, at WL, starboard
= 0 . 40 − 0 . 10cosμ for i = 2, at bilge, starboard
= 0 . 30 − 0 . 20sinμ for i = 3, at bottom centerline
= 2α3 − α2 for i = 4, at bilge, port
= 0 . 75 − 1 . 25sinμ for i = 5, at WL, port

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

ai at intermediate locations of i may be obtained by linear interpolation

μ = wave heading angle, to be taken from 0° to 90° (0° for head sea, 90° for beam sea for
wave coming from starboard)

The distribution of the total external pressure including static and hydrodynamic pressure is
illustrated in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 10.

5.5.2 Extreme Pressures

In determining the required scantlings of local structural members, the extreme external pressure,
pe, to be used, is as defined in 5A-3-2/5.5.1 with ku as given in 5A-3-2/7 and 5A-3-2/9.

5.5.3 Simultaneous Pressures (1 September 2007)

When performing 3D structural analysis, the simultaneous pressure along any portion of the hull
girder may be obtained from:

pes = ρg ℎs + βEPS/EPPkfkuℎde ≥ 0           N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


βEPS/EPP = ESF for external pressure starboard/port, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

kf is a factor denoting the phase relationship between the reference station and adjacent stations
considered along the installation’s length, and may be determined as follows:

2π x − xo
kf = kfo 1 − 1 − cos L cosμ


x = distance from A.P. to the station considered, in m (ft)

xo = distance from A.P. to the reference station*, in m (ft).
L = installation length, as defined in 3-1-1/3 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
μ = wave heading angle, to be taken from 0° to 90°
kfo = ±1.0, as specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C
* The reference station is the point along the installation’s length where the wave
trough or crest is located and may be taken as the mid-point of the mid-hold of the
three hold model.

The simultaneous pressure distribution around the girth of the installation is to be determined
based on the wave heading angles specified in 5A-3-2/7 and 5A-3-2/9.

5.7 Internal Pressures – Inertia Forces and Added Pressure Heads (1995)
5.7.1 Ship Motions and Accelerations (1 September 2007)
To determine the inertial forces and added pressure heads for a completely filled cargo or ballast
tank, the dominating ship motions, pitch and roll, and the resultant accelerations induced by the
wave are required. When a direct calculation is not available, the equations given below may be

5.7.1(a) Pitch (1997).

The pitch amplitude: (positive bow up)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

ϕ = βPMOk1 10/Cb /L , in deg., but need not to be taken more than 10 deg.

The pitch natural period:

TP = k2 Cbdi     seconds


βPMO = ESF for pitch motion, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

k1 = 1030   (3378)     for L in m (ft)
k2 = 3 . 5   (1 . 932)       for di in m (ft)
di = draft amidships for the relevant loading conditions.

L and Cbare defined in 3-1-1/3.1 and 3-1-1/13.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules (January 2005),

5.7.1(b) Roll.

The roll amplitude: (positive starboard down)

θ = CRβRMO 35 − kθCdiΔ/1000 if   Tr   >   20   seconds

θ = CRβRMO 35 − kθCdiΔ/1000 1 . 5375 − 0 . 027Tr if   12 . 5   ≤   Tr   ≤   20 seconds
θ = CRβRMO 35 − kθCdiΔ/1000 0 . 8625 + 0 . 027Tr if   Tr   ≤   12 . 5   seconds


θ is in degrees, but need not to be taken greater than 30°.

kθ = 0.005 (0.05, 0.051)
CR = 1.05
βRMO = ESF for roll motion, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
Cdi = 1 . 06(di /df) − 0 . 06
di = draft amidships for the relevant loading conditions, m (ft)
df = draft, as defined in 3-1-1/9 of the Marine Vessel Rules, m (ft)
Δ = kdLBdfCb kN (tf, Ltf)
kd = 10.05 (1.025, 0.0286)

L and B are as defined in Section 3-1-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules (January 2005).

The roll natural motion period:

Tr = k4kr /GM1/2 seconds


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

k4 = 2   (1 . 104)       for kr, GM in m (ft)

kr = roll radius of gyration, in m (ft), and may be taken as 0 . 35B for full load conditions
and 0 . 45B for ballast conditions.
GM = metacentric height, to be taken as:
= GM   (full)        for full draft
= 1 . 1GM   full for 9/10 df
= 1 . 5GM   (full) for 2/3 df
= 2 . 0GM   (full) for 1/2 df
GM = metacentric height for fully loaded condition
(full) If GM (full) is not available, GM (full) may be taken as 0 . 12B for the purpose of

5.7.1(c) Accelerations.

The vertical, longitudinal and transverse accelerations of tank contents (cargo or ballast), av, aℓ
and at may be obtained from the following formulae:

av = CvβVACkvaog       m/sec2 (ft/sec2)      positive downward

aℓ = CℓβLACkℓaog       m/sec2 (ft/sec2) positive forward

at = CtβTACktaog       m/sec2 (ft/sec2) positive starboard


ao = ko(2 . 4/L1/2 + 34/L − 600/L2) for L in m

= ko(4 . 347/L1/2 + 111 . 55/L − 6458/L2) for L in m
ko = 1 . 34 − 0 . 47Cb
Cv = cosμ + (1 + 2 . 4z/B)(sinμ)/kv
μ = wave heading angle in degrees, 0° for head sea, and 90° for beam sea for wave
coming from starboard
βVAC = ESF for vertical acceleration, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
βLAC = ESF for longitudinal acceleration, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
βTAC = ESF for transverse acceleration, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
kv = [1 + 0 . 65(5 . 3 − 45/L)2(x/L − 0 . 45)2]1/2 for L in m
= [1 + 0 . 65(5 . 3 − 147 . 6/L)2(x/L − 0 . 45)2]1/2 for L in ft
Cℓ = 0 . 35 − 0 . 0005(L − 200) for L in m
= 0 . 35 − 0 . 00015(L − 656) for L in ft
kℓ = 0 . 5 + 8y/L

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Ct = 1 . 27[1 + 1 . 52(x/L − 0 . 45)2]1/2

kt = 0 . 35 + y/B

L and B are the length and breadth of the installation respectively, as defined in Section 3-1-1 of
the Marine Vessel Rules (January 2005), in m (ft).

x = longitudinal distance from the A.P. to the station considered, in m (ft)

y = vertical distance from the waterline to the point considered, in m (ft), positive upward
z = transverse distance from the centerline to the point considered, in m (ft), positive
g = acceleration of gravity = 9.8 m/sec2 (32.2 ft/sec2)
5.7.2 Internal Pressures
5.7.2(a) Distribution of Internal Pressures (1 July 2000).

The interal pressure, pi (positive toward tank boundaries), for a completely filled tank may be
obtained from the following formula:

pi = ksρg(η + kuℎd) + po ≥ 0 in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

po = (pvp − pn) ≥ 0 in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


pvp = pressure setting on pressure/vacuum relief valve ≤ 6.90 N/cm2 (0.71 kgf/cm2, 10.00
lbf/in2) for integral-gravity tanks
pn = 2.06 N/cm2 (0.21 kgf/cm2, 3.00 lbf/in2)
ρg = specific weight of the liquid, not to be taken less than 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-
m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft)
η = local coordinate in vertical direction for tank boundaries measuring from the top of the
tanks, as shown 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 11, in m (ft)

For lower ballast tanks, a distance equivalent to 2/3 of the distance from the top of the tank to the
top of the overflow [minimum 760 mm (30 in.) above deck] is to be added to η.

ks = load factor – see also 5A-3-2/5.7.2(c)

= 1.0 for structural members 1 through 10 in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, and for all loads from
ballast tanks
= 0.878 for ρg of 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft) and 1.0 for ρg of
1.118 N/cm2-m (0.114 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4942 lbf/in2-ft) and above for structural members
11 through 17 in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
For cargo ρg between 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft) and 1.118
N/cm2-m (0.114 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4942 lbf/in2-ft), the factor ks may be determined by
ku = load factor and may be taken as unity unless otherwise specified
ℎd = wave-induced internal pressure head, including inertial force and added pressure head.
= kc(ηai /g + Δℎi) , in m (ft)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

kc = correlation factor and may be taken as unity unless otherwise specified

ai = effective resultant acceleration, in m/sec2 (ft/sec2), at the point considered and may be
approximated by
ai = 0 . 71Cdp[wvav + wℓ(ℓ/ℎ)aℓ + wt(b/ℎ)at]

Cdp is as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d).

av , aℓ and at are as given in 5A-3-2/5.7.1(c).

wv , wℓ and wt are weighted coefficients, showing directions, as specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A

through 1C and 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3.

Δℎi = added pressure head due to pitch and roll motions at the point considered, in m (ft),
may be calculated as follows

i) for bow down and starboard down (ϕe< 0, θe > 0)

Δℎi = ξsin( − ϕe) + Cru(ζesinθecosϕe + ηecosθecosϕe − η)

ζe = b−ζ
ηe = η

ii) for bow up and starboard up (ϕe > 0, θe < 0)

Δℎi = (ℓ − ξ)sinϕe + Cru(ζesin( − θe)cosϕe + ηecosθecosϕe − η)

ζe = ζ − δb
ηe = η − δℎ

ξ, ζ, η are the local coordinates, in m (ft), for the point considered with respect to the origin in
5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 11.

Cru is as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d).

δb and δℎ are local coordinates adjustments, in m (ft), for the point considered with respect to the
origin shown in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 11.


θe = 0 . 71Cθθ
ϕe = 0 . 71Cϕϕ
ℓ = length of the tank, in m (ft)
ℎ = depth of the tank, in m (ft)
b = breadth of the tank considered, in m (ft)

ϕ and θ are pitch and roll amplitudes, as given in 5A-3-2/5.7.1(a) and 5A-3-2/5.7.1(b).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Cϕ and Cθ are weighted coefficients, showing directions as given in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C

and 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3.

Where pressure-vacuum valves of cargo tanks are set at greater than 2.06 N/cm2 (0.21 kgf/cm2,
3 lbf/in2), the value of Pi is to be increased appropriately.

5.7.2(b) Extreme Internal Pressure.

For assessing local structures at a tank boundary, the extreme internal pressure with ku, as
specified in 5A-3-2/7, is to be considered.

5.7.2(c) Simultaneous Internal Pressures (1 July 2000).

In performing a 3D structural analysis, the internal pressures may be calculated in accordance with
5A-3-2/5.7.2(a) and 5A-3-2/5.7.2(b) above for tanks in the mid-body. For tanks in the fore or aft
body, the pressures should be determined based on linear distributions of accelerations and ship
motions along the length of the installation.

Note: In performing a 3D structural analysis, ks in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(a) is to be taken as:

ks = 1.0 for all loads from ballast tanks

= 0.878 for ρg of 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft) and 1.0 for ρg of
1.118 N/cm2-m (0.114 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4942 lbf/in2-ft) and above for all loads from cargo
For cargo ρg between 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft) and 1.118
N/cm2-m (0.114 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4942 lbf/in2-ft), the factor ks may be determined by
5.7.2(d) Definition of Tank Shape and Associated Coefficients
i) J-shaped Tank

A tank having the following configurations is considered as a “J-shaped” tank.

b/b1 ≥ 5 . 0 and ℎ/ℎ1 ≥ 5 . 0


b = extreme breadth at the tank top of the tank considered

b1 = least breadth of wing tank part of the tank considered
ℎ = extreme height of the tank considered
ℎ1 = least height of double bottom part of the tank considered as shown in
5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 11

The coefficients Cdp and Cru are as follows:

Cdp = 0.7
Cru = 1.0

ii) Rectangular Tank

The following tank is considered as a rectangular tank:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

b/b1 ≤ 3 . 0 or ℎ/ℎ1 ≤ 3 . 0

The coefficients Cdp and Cru of the tank are as follows:

Cdp = 1.0
Cru = 1.0

iii) U-shaped Tank

A half of a “U-shaped” tank, divided at the centerline, should satisfy the condition of a “J-
shaped” tank.

The coefficients Cdp and Cru are as follows:

Cdp = 0.5
Cru = 0.7

iv) In a case where the minimum tank ratio of b/b1 or ℎ/ℎ1 whichever is lesser, is greater
than 3.0 but less than 5.0, the coefficients Cdp and Cru of the tank are to be determined by
the following interpolation:

J-shaped Tank in head and non-head seas, U-shaped Tank in head seas:

Cdp = 1.0 − 0.3 (the min. tank ratio - 3.0) / 2.0

U-shaped Tank in non-head seas:

Cdp = 1.0 − 0.5 (the min. tank ratio - 3.0) / 2.0

U-shaped Tank:

Cru = 1.0 − 0.3 (the min. tank ratio - 3.0) / 2.0

v) For non-prismatic tanks mentioned above, b1, ℎ and ℎ1 are to be determined based on the
extreme section.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Distribution Factor mℎ(1995)

Distribution Factor fℎ (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Distribution of ℎdi(1995)

Pressure Distribution Function kℓo (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Illustration of Determining Total External Pressure (1997)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Definiton of Tank Geometry (1995)

For lower ballast tanks, η is to be measured from a point located at 2 3 the distance from the top of
the tank to the top of the overflow (minimum 760 mm above deck).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Location of Tank for Nominal Pressure Calculation (1997)

Combined Load Cases for Normal Operating and Transit Conditions* (2019)

L.C.1 L.C.2 L.C.3 L.C.4 L.C.5 L.C.6 L.C.7 L.C.8 L.C.9 L.C.10
A. Hull Girder Loads (See 5A-3-2/5)**
Vertical B.M. Sag Hog Sag Hog Sag Hog Sag Hog — —
(−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+)
kc 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0
Vertical S.F. (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) — —
kc 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0
Horizontal B.M. (−) (+) (−) (+) — —
kc 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
Horizontal S.F. (+) (−) (+) (−) — —
kc 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0
B. External Pressure (See 5A-3-2/5.5)
kc 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.0

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

L.C.1 L.C.2 L.C.3 L.C.4 L.C.5 L.C.6 L.C.7 L.C.8 L.C.9 L.C.10
kf0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
C. Internal Tank Pressure (See 5A-3-2/5.7)
kc 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0
wv 0.75 -0.75 0.75 -0.75 0.25 -0.25 0.4 -0.4 0.0 0.0
wℓ Fwd Fwd Fwd Fwd — — Fwd Fwd — —
Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd
0.25 -0.25 0.25 -0.25 0.2 -0.2
Aft Aft Aft Aft — — Aft Aft — —
Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd
-0.25 0.25 -0.25 0.25 -0.2 0.2
wt — — — — Port Port Port Port — —
Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd
-0.75 0.75 -0.4 0.4
— — — — Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd — —
Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd
0.75 -0.75 0.4 -0.4
cϕ , Pitch -0.35 0.35 -0.70 0.70 0.0 0.0 -0.30 0.30 0.0 0.0
c⊝ , Roll 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 0.30 -0.30 0.0 0.0
D. Reference Wave Heading and Motion of Installation
Heading Angle 0 0 0 0 90 90 60 60 — —
Heave Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up — —
Pitch Bow Bow Bow Bow — — Bow Bow — —
Down Up Down Up Down Up
Roll — — — — Stdb Stbd Stbd Stbd — —
Down Up Down Up

*ku = 1.0 for all load components. For the transit condition, only load cases LC.1 through LC.8 are considered.
** Boundary forces should be applied to produce the above specified hull girder bending moment at the middle of the
structural model and the specified hull girder shear force at one end of the middle hold of the model. The sign convention
for the shear force corresponds to the forward end of the middle hold.

Combined Load Cases for Inspection Condition* (December 2008)

I.L.C.1 I.L.C.2 I.L.C.3 I.L.C.4 I.L.C.5 I.L.C.6 I.L.C.7 I.L.C.8 I.L.C.9 I.L.C.10
A. Hull Girder Loads (See 5A-3-2/5)**
Vertical B.M. Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+)
kc 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60

Vertical S.F. (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)
kc 0.55 0.55 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30

Horizontal B.M. (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

I.L.C.1 I.L.C.2 I.L.C.3 I.L.C.4 I.L.C.5 I.L.C.6 I.L.C.7 I.L.C.8 I.L.C.9 I.L.C.10
kc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Horizontal S.F. (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80

B. External Pressure (See 5A-3-2/5.5)

kc 0.85 0.85 0.70 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.95 0.95

kf0 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00

C. Internal Tank Pressure (See 5A-3-2/5.7)

kc 0.75 0.75 0.30 0.30 0.80 0.80 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.50

wv 0.85 -0.85 0.55 -0.55 0.60 -0.60 0.10 -0.10 0.30 -0.30

wℓ Fwd Fwd Fwd Fwd — — Fwd Fwd Fwd Fwd Bhd

Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd -1.00
0.20 -0.20 0.65 -0.65 0.30 -0.30 1.00
Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd — — Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd
-0.20 0.20 -0.65 0.65 -0.30 0.30 -1.00 1.00
wt — — — — Port Port Port Port Port Port Bhd
Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd 0.10
-1.00 1.00 -0.05 0.05 -0.10
— — — — Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Bhd
Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd -0.10
1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.10
cϕ , Pitch -0.30 0.30 -0.60 0.60 -0.15 0.15 -0.10 0.10 -0.80 0.80

c⊝ , Roll 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.15 -0.15

D. Reference Wave Heading and Motion of Installation

Heading Angle 0 0 0 0 90 90 60 60 30 30
Heave Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up
Pitch Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Up
Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down
Roll — — — — Stdb Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Up
Down Up Down Up Down

*ku = 1.0 for all load components.

** Boundary forces should be applied to produce the above specified hull girder bending moment at the
middle of the structural model and the specified hull girder shear force at one end of the middle hold of the
model. The sign convention for the shear force corresponds to the forward end of the middle hold.

Combined Load Cases for Repair Condition* (December 2008)

R.L.C.1 R.L.C.2 R.L.C.3 R.L.C.4 R.L.C.5 R.L.C.6 R.L.C.7 R.L.C.8 R.L.C.9 R.L.C.10
A. Hull Girder Loads (See 5A-3-2/5)**
Vertical B.M. Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+)
kc 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.60

Vertical S.F. (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

kc 0.55 0.55 1.00 1.00 0.15 0.15 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.20

Horizontal B.M. (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+)

kc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Horizontal S.F. (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80

B. External Pressure (See 5A-3-2/5.5)

kc 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.55 0.55

kf0 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00

C. Internal Tank Pressure (See 5A-3-2/5.7)

kc 0.55 0.55 0.40 0.40 0.70 0.70 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.40

wv 0.60 -0.60 0.35 -0.35 0.55 -0.55 0.15 -0.15 0.25 -0.25

wℓ Fwd Fwd Fwd Fwd — — Fwd Fwd Fwd Fwd Bhd

Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd -0.75
0.20 -0.20 0.65 -0.65 0.45 -0.45 0.75
Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd — — Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd
-0.20 0.20 -0.65 0.65 -0.45 0.45 -0.75 0.75
wt — — — — Port Port Port Port Port Port Bhd
Bhd Bhd .95 Bhd Bhd Bhd 0.10
-0.95 -0.05 0.05 -0.10
— — — — Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Bhd
Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd Bhd -0.10
0.95 -0.95 0.05 -0.05 0.10
cϕ , Pitch -0.20 0.20 -0.45 0.45 -0.05 0.05 -0.10 0.10 -0.35 0.35

c⊝ , Roll 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.05 -0.05

D. Reference Wave Heading and Motion of Installation

Heading Angle 0 0 0 0 90 90 60 60 30 30
Heave Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up
Pitch Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Up
Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down
Roll — — — — Stdb Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Up
Down Up Down Up Down

*ku = 1.0 for all load components.

** Boundary forces should be applied to produce the above specified hull girder bending moment at the
middle of the structural model and the specified hull girder shear force at one end of the middle hold of the
model. The sign convention for the shear force corresponds to the forward end of the middle hold.

Load Cases for Sloshing (1997)

Type A: For Horizontal Girder on the Aft Side of Transverse Bulkhead

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Hull Girder Loads (1) External Sloshing Reference Wave Heading and
Pressures Pressures(2) Motions
V.B.M. V.S.F. ku, kc Headin
[H.B.M. H.S.F ku kc ] ku kc kfo ku kc Angle Heav Pitch Roll
. e
LCS- (–) (+) 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.5 -1.0 1.0 1.0 60° Dow Bow Stbd
1 n Dow Dow
n n
[(–) (+) 1.0 0.7]
LCS- (+) (–) 1.0 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 60° Up Bow Stbd
2 Up Up
[(+) (–) 1.0 0.7]

Type B: For Horizontal Girder on the Forward Side of Transverse Bulkhead

Hull Girder Loads (1) External Pressures Sloshing Reference Wave Heading
Pressures(2) and Motions
V.B.M. V.S.F. ku, kc Head
[H.B.M. H.S.F ku kc ] ku kc kfo ku kc Angle Heav Pitch Roll
. e
LCS- (–) (+) 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 60° Up Bow Stbd
1 Up Up
[(–) 1.0 0.7]
LCS- (+) (–) 1.0 0.4 1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 60° Dow Bow Stbd
2 n Up Up
[(+) (–) 1.0 0.7]

1 For determining the total vertical bending moment for the above two load cases, 70% of the maximum designed
still water bending moment may be used at the specified wave vertical bending moment station.
V.B.M. is vertical wave bending moment
V.S.F. is vertical wave shear force
H.B.M. is horizontal wave bending moment
H.S.F. is horizontal wave shear force
2 The vertical distribution of the sloshing pressure Pis is shown in 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 13.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Design Pressure for Local and Supporting Members (2018)

A. Plating & Longitudinals/Stiffeners

The nominal pressure, p = pi − pe , is to be determined from load cases “a”& “b” below, whichever is
greater, with ku = 1 . 10 and kc = 1 . 0 unless otherwise specified in the table
B. Main Supporting Members
The nominal pressure, p = pi − pe , is to be determined at the mid-span of the structural member at
starboard side of installation from load cases “a” & “b” below, whichever is greater, with ku = 1 . 0 and
kc = 1 . 0 unless otherwise specified in the table

Case “a” – At fwd end of the tank Case “b” – At mid tank/fwd end of tank
Structural Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients
Members/ Heading Loading Heading Loading
pi pe pi pe
Components Angle Pattern Angle Pattern
1. Bottom 2/3 design Full ballast Ai Ae design Midtank of — Be
Plating & draft/0° tank draft/0° empty ballast
Long’l tanks
2. Inner Bottom 2/3 design Full ballast Ai — design Ai —
Plating & draft/0° tank, cargo draft/0°
Long’l tanks empty
3. Side Shell 2/3 design Starboard Bi Ae design Midtank of — Be
Plating & draft/60° side of full draft/60° empty ballast
Long’l ballast tank tanks
4. *Deck design Full cargo Di —
Plating & draft/0° tank
(Cargo Tank)
5. Deck Plating 2/3 design Full cargo Di —
& Long’l draft/0° tank
6. * Inner Skin design Starboard Bi — 2/3 design Fwd. end Bi —
Long’l Bhd. draft/60° side of full draft/60° and
Plating & cargo tank, starboard
Long’l ballast tank side of full
empty ballast tank,
cargo tank
7. * Centerline design Full Ei —
Long’l Bhd. draft/60° starboard
Plating & cargo and
Long’l ballast tanks,
adjacent tank

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Case “a” – At fwd end of the tank Case “b” – At mid tank/fwd end of tank
Structural Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients
Members/ Heading Loading Heading Loading
pi pe pi pe
Components Angle Pattern Angle Pattern
8. * Other design Starboard Bi — design Fwd. end Bi —
Long’l Bhd. draft/60° side of full draft/60° and
Plating & inward cargo (1997) starboard
Long’l tanks, side of full
adjacent tank outboard
empty cargo tanks,
adjacent tank
9. * Trans. design Fwd. bhd. of Ai —
Bhd. Plating draft/0° full cargo
& Stiffener tank,
(Cargo Tank) adjacent
tanks empty
10 * Trans. 2/3 design Fwd. bhd. of Ai —
. Bhd. Plating draft/0° full ballast
& Stiffener tank,
(Ballast adjacent
Tank) tanks empty
11 Double 2/3 design Full cargo Ai Ae design Mid-tank, — Be
. Bottom draft/0° tank, ballast draft/0° cargo and
Floor & tanks empty ballast tanks
Girder empty
12 Side 2/3 design Wing cargo Bi — design Center cargo — Be
. Transverse draft/60° tanks full draft/60° tank full,
wing cargo
tanks empty
13 Transverse
. on Long’l.
Ship-type 2/3 design Starboard Fi —
installation draft/60° cargo tank
with C.L. full, port-
Long’l, Bhd., empty
without cross
2A-b ,
with four
Bhds. With
cross ties:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Case “a” – At fwd end of the tank Case “b” – At mid tank/fwd end of tank
Structural Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients
Members/ Heading Loading Heading Loading
pi pe pi pe
Components Angle Pattern Angle Pattern
Cross Ties in 2/3 design Center cargo Ci — 2/3 design Center cargo Gi —
wing cargo draft/90° tank full, draft/90° tank empty,
tanks wing cargo wing cargo
(5A-3-3/1.7 tanks empty tanks full
Cross Tie in 2/3 design Wing cargo Fi — 2/3 design Center cargo Bi —
center cargo draft/60° tanks full, draft/60° tank full,
tank, center cargo wing cargo
(5A-3-3/1.7 tank empty tanks empty
Ship-type 2/3 design Wing cargo Fi — 2/3 design Center cargo Ci —
installation draft/60° tanks full, draft/60° tank full,
with four center cargo wing cargo
Long’l. tank empty tanks empty
without cross
14 Horizontal 2/3 design Fwd Bhd. of Bi —
. Girder and draft/60° full cargo
Vertical Web tank,
on adjacent
Transverse tanks empty
15 Cross Ties: 2/3 design Center cargo Ci — design Wing cargo — Be
. Cross Ties in draft/90° tank full, draft/60° tanks empty,
wing cargo wing cargo center cargo
tanks tanks empty tank full
5A-3-3/1.7 (starboard)
Cross tie in 2/3 design Wing cargo Fi —
center cargo draft/60° tanks full,
tank center cargo
(5A-3-3/1.7 tank empty

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Case “a” – At fwd end of the tank Case “b” – At mid tank/fwd end of tank
Structural Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients
Members/ Heading Loading Heading Loading
pi pe pi pe
Components Angle Pattern Angle Pattern
16 Deck 2/3 design Cargo tank Bi —
. Transverses: draft/60° full, adjacent
Ship-type tanks empty
without cross
2A-a, Figure
2A-b, Figure
2A-c &
Figure 2A-f)
and, ship-
with cross tie
in center
cargo tanks,
Ship-type 2/3 design Cargo tank Ci —
installation draft/90° full, adjacent
with cross tanks empty
ties in wing
cargo tanks
17 Deck girders 2/3 design Cargo tank Ai — 2/3 design Cargo tank Bi —
. draft/0° full, adjacent draft/60° full, adjacent
tanks empty tanks empty

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

i) (2018) For calculating pi and pe, the necessary coefficients are to be determined based on the following
designated groups:

a) For pi
Ai :       wv = 0 . 75, wℓ(fwd bhd) = 0 . 25, wℓ(aft bhd) = − 0 . 25, wt = 0 . 0, cϕ = − 0 . 7, cθ = 0
Bi :       wv = 0 . 4,   wℓ(fwd bhd) = 0 . 2,   wℓ(aft bdh) = − 0 . 2,   wt(starboard) = 0 . 4,   wt
(port) = − 0 . 4, cϕ = − 0 . 7,   cθ = 0 . 7
Ci :       wv = 0 . 25,   wℓ = 0, wt(starboard) = 0 . 75, wt(port) = − 0 . 75, cϕ = 0 . 0, cθ = 1 . 0
Di :       wv = − 0 . 75, wℓ(fwd bhd) = 0 . 25, wt = 0 . 0, cϕ = − 0 . 7, cθ = 0 . 0
Ei :       wv = 0 . 4, wℓ(fwd bhd) = 0 . 2, wt(centerline) = 0 . 4, cϕ = − 0 . 7, cθ = − 0 . 7
Fi :       wv = 0 . 4, wℓ(fwd bhd) = 0 . 2, wℓ(aft bhd) = − 0 . 2,   wt(starboard) = − 0 . 4, wt(port
) = 0 . 4, cϕ = − 0 . 7,   cθ = − 0 . 7
Gi :       wv = 0 . 25, wℓ = 0, wt(starboard) = − 0 . 75, wt(port) = 0 . 75,   cφ = 0 . 0, cθ = − 1 . 0

b) For pe
Ae :       kℓo = 1 . 0, ku = 1 . 0, kc = − 0 . 5
Be :       kℓo = 1 . 0

ii) (1997) For structures within 0.4L amidships, the nominal pressure is to be calculated for a tank located amidships.
Each cargo tank or ballast tank in the region should be considered as located amidships, as shown in
5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 12.

iii) (1 July 2000) In calculation of the nominal pressure, ρ   g of the fluid cargoes is not to be taken less than 1.005
N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft).
iv) For structural members 4 and 6 to 10, sloshing pressures are to be considered in accordance with 5A-3-2/11.3. For
calculation of sloshing pressures, refer to 5A-3-2/11.5 with ρ   g not less than 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-
m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft).

7 Nominal Design Loads (1995)

7.1 General
The nominal design loads specified below are to be used for determining the required scantlings of hull
structures in conjunction with the specified permissible stresses given in Section 5A-3-3.

7.3 Hull Girder Loads – Longitudinal Bending Moments and Shear Forces (1995)
7.3.1 Total Vertical Bending Moment and Shear Force (1 September 2007)
The total longitudinal vertical bending moments and shear forces may be obtained from the
following equations:

Mt = Msw + kukcβVBMMw       kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)

Ft = Fsw + kukcβVSFFw             kN (tf, Ltf)


Msw and Mw are the still-water bending moment and wave-induced bending moment, respectively,
as specified in 3-2-1/3.7 of the Marine Vessel Rules for either hogging or sagging conditions.

Fsw and Fw are the still-water and wave-induced shear forces, respectively, as specified in
3-2-1/3.9 of the Marine Vessel Rules for either positive or negative shears.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

ku is a load factor and may be taken as unity unless otherwise specified

kc is a correlation factor and may be taken as unity unless otherwise specified.

βVBM is ESF for vertical bending moment as defined in 5A-3-A1/3.

βVSF is ESF for vertical shear force as defined in 5A-3-A1/3.

For determining the hull girder section modulus for 0 . 4L amidships, as specified in 5A-3-3/3, the
maximum still-water bending moments, either hogging or sagging, are to be added to the hogging
or sagging wave bending moments, respectively. Elsewhere, the total bending moment may be
directly obtained based on the envelope curves, as specified in 5A-3-2/3.1 and 5A-3-2/5.1.

For this purpose, ku = 1.0, and kc = 1.0

7.3.2 Horizontal Wave Bending Moment and Shear Force

For non-head sea conditions, the horizontal wave bending moment and the horizontal shear force,
as specified in 5A-3-2/5.3, are to be considered as additional hull girder loads, especially for the
design of the side shell and inner skin structures. The effective horizontal bending moment and
shear force, MHE and FHE, may be determined by the following equations:

MHE = kukcMH           kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)

FHE = kukcFH             kN (tf, Ltf)

where ku and kc are a load factor and a correlation factor, respectively, which may be taken as
unity unless otherwise specified.

7.5 Local Loads for Design of Supporting Structures (December 2008)

In determining the required scantlings of the main supporting structures, such as girders, transverses,
stringers, floors and deep webs, the nominal loads induced by the liquid pressures distributed over both
sides of the structural panel within the tank boundaries should be considered for the worst possible load
combinations. In general, considerations should be given to the following two load cases accounting for
the worst effects of the dynamic load components.

i) Maximum internal pressures for a fully filled tank with the adjacent tanks empty and minimum
external pressures, where applicable.
ii) Empty tank with the surrounding tanks full and maximum external pressures, where applicable.

Taking the side shell supporting structure as an example, the nominal loads may be determined from either:

i) pi   =   ksρg(η + kuℎd) max. and

pe   =   ρg(ℎs + βEPS/EPPkuℎde) min.
ii) pi   =   0 and
pe   =   ρg(ℎs + βEPS/EPPkuℎde) max.


ku = 1.0
βEPS/EPP = ESF for external pressure starboard/port, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

ρg, η, ℎd, ℎs, ℎde, ks are as defined in 5A-3-2/5.5 and 5A-3-2/5.7.

Specific information required for calculating the nominal loads are given in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for
various structural members and configurations.

7.7 Local Pressures for Design of Plating and Longitudinals (1995)

In calculating the required scantlings of plating, longitudinals and stiffeners, the nominal pressures should
be considered for the two load cases given in 5A-3-2/7.5, using ku = 1.1 for pi and pe instead of ku = 1.0 as
shown above.

The necessary details for calculating pi and pe are given in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3.

9 Combined Load Cases

9.1 Combined Load Cases for Structural Analysis (December 2008)

For assessing the strength of the hull girder structure and in performing a structural analysis as outlined in
Section 5A-3-4. For the three cargo tank length model structural analysis, the combined load cases
specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C are to be considered. Additional combined load cases may be
required as warranted. The loading patterns are shown in 5A-3-2/Figures 1A through 1C for three cargo
tank lengths. The necessary correlation factors and relevant coefficients for the loaded tanks are also given
in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C. The total external pressure distribution including static and
hydrodynamic pressure is illustrated in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(d) FIGURE 10.

For the cargo block model structural analysis, the loading conditions in 5A-1-3/3.5.2 are to be considered.

9.3 Combined Load Cases for Failure Assessment (December 2008)

For assessing the failure modes with respect to material yielding and buckling, the following combined
load cases shall be considered.

9.3.1 Yielding, Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Local Structures

For assessing the yielding, buckling and ultimate strength of local structures, the combined load
cases as given in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C are to be considered.

9.3.2 Fatigue Strength

For assessing the fatigue strength of structural joints, the combined load cases given in 5A-3-2/9.1
are to be used for a first level fatigue strength assessment as outlined in Appendix 5A-3-A2
“Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations”.

11 Sloshing Loads

11.1 General (1995)

11.1.1 (December 2008)
Except for tanks that are situated wholly within the double side or double bottom, the natural
periods of liquid motions and sloshing loads are to be examined in assessing the strength of
boundary structures for all cargo or ballast tanks which will be partially filled between 20% and
90% of tank capacity. The sloshing pressure heads given in this Subsection may be used for
determining the strength requirements for the tank structures. Alternatively, sloshing loads may be
calculated either by model experiments or numerical simulation using three-dimensional flow
analysis for unrestricted service conditions and for sea conditions of the specific site of operation.
Methodology and procedures of tests and measurements or analysis methods are to be fully
documented and submitted for review.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

The effects of impulsive sloshing pressures on the design of the main supporting structures of tank
transverse and longitudinal bulkheads are subject to special consideration.

11.3 Strength Assessment of Tank Boundary Structures

11.3.1 Tank Length and Pitch Induced Sloshing Loads (2002)
Tanks of length 54 m (177 ft) or greater are to satisfy requirements of either of the preventative
measures given in 5A-3-2/11.3.3 or 5A-3-2/11.3.4. Where the tank has smooth surfaces, one or
more swash bulkheads are to be fitted. Structural reinforcement is to be provided to the tank ends,
when the calculated pressure is higher than the pressure, pi, as specified in 5A-3-3/13.

Tanks of length 54 m (177 ft) or greater that have ring webs are to have a partial non-tight
bulkhead (i.e. non-full depth swash bulkhead) to eliminate the possibility of resonance at all filling
levels. The partial non-tight bulkhead may be waived if it can be demonstrated through the
application of model experiments or numerical simulation using three-dimensional flow analysis
that sloshing impacts do not occur. The height of the swash bulkhead is to be determined on the
basis of calculation using three-dimensional flow analysis as described in 5A-3-2/11.1.1.

Where the tank length is less than 54 m (177 ft), and if either of the preventative measures given
in 5A-3-2/11.3.3 or 5A-3-2/11.3.4 is not satisfied, the tank boundary structures are to be designed
in accordance with 5A-3-3/13 to withstand the sloshing pressures specified in 5A-3-3/11.5.

11.3.2 Roll Induced Sloshing Loads (2002)

Tanks that do not satisfy either of the preventative measures given in 5A-3-2/11.3.3 or
5A-3-2/11.3.4, with respect of roll resonance, are to have their tank boundary structures designed
in accordance with 5A-3-3/13 to withstand the sloshing pressures specified in 5A-3-2/11.5.

11.3.3 (1997)
For long or wide cargo tanks, non-tight bulkheads or ring webs or both are to be designed and
fitted to eliminate the possibility of resonance at all filling levels.

Long tanks have length, ℓ, exceeding 0.1L. Wide tanks have width, b, exceeding 0.6B.

For each of the anticipated loading conditions, the “critical” filling levels of the tank should be
avoided so that the natural periods of fluid motions in the longitudinal and transverse directions
will not synchronize with the natural periods of the installation’s pitch and roll motions,
respectively. It is further recommended that the natural periods of the fluid motions in the tank, for
each of the anticipated filling levels, be at least 20% greater or smaller than that of the relevant
installation’s motion.

The natural period of the fluid motion, in seconds, may be approximated by the following
Tx = (βTℓe) /k               in the longitudinal direction

Ty = (βLbe) /k               in the transverse direction


ℓe = effective length of the tank, as defined in 5A-3-2/11.5.1, in m (ft)

be = effective breadth of the tank, as defined in 5A-3-2/11.5.1 in m (ft)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

k = [(tanh   H1)/(4π/g)]1/2
H1 = πdℓ /ℓe   or   πdb /be

βT, βL, dℓ and db are as defined in 5A-3-2/11.5.1. The natural periods given in 5A-3-2/5.7 for pitch
and roll of the installation, Tp and Tr, using the actual GM value, if available, may be used for this

11.5 Sloshing Pressures (1995)

11.5.1 Nominal Sloshing Pressure (1 July 2009)
For cargo tanks with filling levels within the critical range specified in 5A-3-2/11.3.2, the internal
pressures pis, including static and sloshing pressures, positive toward tank boundaries, may be
expressed in terms of equivalent liquid pressure head, ℎe, as given below:

pis = ksρgℎe ≥ 0          in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


ks = load factor as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.2(a)

ℎe = ku[ℎc + (ℎt − ℎc)(y − dm)/(ℎ − dm)]   for y > dm
= cmℎm + kuℎc for 0 . 15ℎ ≤ y ≤ dm(cmℎm need not to
exceed ℎ)
ℎe calculated at y = 0 . 15ℎ for y < 0 . 15ℎ, but ℎe but should not be smaller than cmℎm .
cm = coefficient in accordance with 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 14
ℎm = static pressure head, taken as the vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the filling
level, dm, down to the point considered. dm, the filling level for maximum ℎc
calculated with Cϕs and Cθs equal to 1.0, should not be taken less than 0.55h.
dm = filling level, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 13
ku = load factor, and may be taken as unity unless otherwise specified.
ℎc = maximum average sloshing pressure heads, in m (ft), to be obtained from calculations
as specified below for at least two filling levels, 0.55ℎ and the one closest to the
resonant period of ship’s motions, between 0.2ℎ and 0.9ℎ. ℎc may be taken as constant
over the tank depth,ℎ (See 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 13)
ℎt = calculation below
ℎ = depth of tank, in m (ft)
y = vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the tank bottom to the point considered

ρ   g   is as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.2

The values of hc and ht may be obtained from the following equations:

ℎc = kc(Cϕsℎℓ2 + Cθsℎb2)       in m (ft)
2 2 12
ℎt = kc(Cϕsℎtℓ + Cθsℎtb )     in m (ft)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

kc = correlation factor for combined load cases, and may be taken as unity unless otherwise
ℎℓ = ϕesℓeCtℓβT[0 . 018 + Cfℓ(1 . 0 − dℓ /Hℓ)/ϕes]dℓ /Hℓ       m (ft)   for   ϕes
ℎb = θesbeCtbβL[0 . 016 + Cfb(1 . 0 − db /Hb)/θes]db /Hb       m (ft)   for   θes


Cϕs and Cθs are the weighted coefficients as given in 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 14.


βT represents β for transverse bulkheads and βL represents β for the longitudinal bulkheads.

ϕes = 0 . 71ϕ

θes = 0 . 71θ

The pitch amplitude ϕ and roll amplitude θ are as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.1 with di = 2/3df. and
V = 10  knots

ℓe = effective tank length that accounts for the effect of deep ring-web frames, in m (ft)

= βT* 2ℓ
be = effective tank width that accounts for the effect of deep ring-web frames, in m (ft)

= βL* 2b
β* = 1.0 for tanks without deep ring webs,
= 0.25[4.0 − (1 − a*) − (1 − a*)2] for a* to be determined at do,

βT* represents β* for transverse bulkheads.

βL* represents β* for longitudinal bulkheads

β = (βo)(βu)(βs)

βT represents β for transverse bulkheads.

βL represents β for longitudinal bulkheads

βo = 1.0 for tanks without aswash bulkhead

= 0.25[4.0-(1-ao)-(1-ao)2] for tanks with a swash bulkhead
βu = 1.0 for tanks without any deep bottom transverse and
deep bottom longitudinal girder
= 0.25[4.0 −dℓ1 /ℎ − (dℓ1 /ℎ)2] for tanks with deep bottom transverses

0.25[4.0-db1 /ℎ − (db1 /ℎ)2] for tanks with deep bottom longitudinal girders

βs = 1.0 for boundary bulkheads that:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

i) do not contain any deep horizontal girder; or

ii) do contain deep horizontal girders but with an opening ratio, αs, less than 0.2 or
greater than 0.4
= 0.25[4.0 − (1 − αs) − (1 − αs)2] for bulkheads with deep horizontal girders having an
opening ratio, αs, between 0.2 and 0.4
α = opening ratio (see 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 15)

For ao5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 16(1), opening ratios of swash bulkheads, shall be used for all filling
levels considered. Also, 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 16(2), local opening ratio for do = 0.7h, bounded by
the range between 0.6h and 0.9h, shall be considered for openings within the range. The smaller of
the two opening ratios calculated, based on 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 16(1) and 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE
16(2) for this filling level, shall be used as the opening ratio.

For a*, 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 16(3), opening ratio of deep ring-webs, filling level do shall be used.

For αs, 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 16(4), opening ratio of a deep horizontal girder on a boundary
bulkhead, is applicable to a filling level just above the horizontal girder in the zones illustrated in
the figure. Not to be considered for do = 0.7h, unless a sizable girder is installed between 0.7h and
h. Also not to be considered if opening area in the girder is less than 20% or greater than 40% of
the area of the girder (i.e., αs= 1)

Cfℓ = 0 . 792[dℓ /(βTℓe)]1/2 + 1 . 98

= 0 . 704[db /(βLbe)]1/2 + 1 . 76

Ctℓ = 0 . 9xo1 /[1 + 9(1 − xo)2] ≥ 0 . 25

xo = Tx /Tp
xo1 = xo               if   xo ≤ 1 . 0
= 1xo             if   xo > 1 . 0
Ctb = 0 . 9yo1 /[1 + 9(1 − yo)2]   ≥   0 . 25

yo = Ty /Tr   If roll radius of gyration is not known, 0.39B may be used in the calculation of Tr
yo1 = yo               if   yo ≤ 1 . 0
= 1/yo           if   yo > 1 . 0

Tx and   Ty are as defined in 5A-3-2/11.3.4.

Tp   and   Tr are as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.

do = filling depth, in m (ft)

dℓ = do − dℓ1[1 – σn 2(n + 1)/2]1/2   kℓ1 − 0 . 45dℓ2kℓ2       and  ≥   0 . 0

db  2   (m + 1)/2]1/2k − 0 . 45d k      and  ≥   0 . 0

= do − db1[1 − σm b1 b2 b2

Hℓ = ℎ − dℓ1[1 – σn 2(n + 1)/2]1/2kℓ1 − 0 . 45dℓ2kℓ2

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Hb  2 (m + 1)/2]1/2k − 0 . 45d k
= ℎ − db1[1 − σm b1 b2 b2

dℓ1 height of deep bottom transverses measured from the tank bottom, (5A-3-2/11
FIGURE 17), in m (ft)

dℓ2 bottom height of the lowest openings in non-tight transverse bulkhead measured above
the tank bottom or top of bottom transverses (5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 17), in m (ft)
n = number of deep bottom transverses in the tank

db1 height of deep bottom longitudinal girders measured from the tank bottom (5A-3-2/11
FIGURE 17), in m (ft)
bottom height of the lowest openings in non-tight longitudinal bulkhead measured
db2 = above the tank bottom, or top of bottom longitudinal girders (5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 17),
in m (ft)
m = number of deep bottom longitudinal girders in the tank
kℓ1 = −1             if do ≤ dℓ1
= 1               if do > dℓ1
kℓ2 = −1             if do ≤ dℓ2
= 1               if do > dℓ2
= −1             if do ≤ db1

= 1               if do > db1

kb2 = −1             if do ≤ db2
= 1               if do > db2
σn = (4/π)(n + 1)/[n(n + 2)]cos[π/{2(n + 1)}]
σm = (4/π)(m + 1)/[m(m + 2)]cos[π/{2(m +   1)}]

ℓs(bs)   shall be used in place of ℓe(be)   for a filling level below the completely solid portion of
the nontight bulkhead, i.e., the region below the lowest opening, (5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 17), where
ℓs(bs)   is taken as the distance bounded by the solid portion of the nontight bulkhead below the
lowest opening and the tight bulkhead. dℓ,   Hℓ and db,   Hb need not consider the effect of dℓ2
and db2, respectively.

ℎtl = 0 . 0068βT′ ℓeCtℓ (ϕes + 40)(ϕes)1/2     m (ft)

ℎtb = 0 . 0055βL′ beCtb (θes + 35)(θes)1/2                           m (ft)

Ctℓ   and Ctb  ′  
  are Ctℓ   and Ctb  
  for ℎm = 0 . 07ℎ;   βT ′ and βL ′ correspond to β for
do = 0 . 7ℎ;   ϕes and θes are as defined previously

Cϕs   and Cθs are weighted coefficients, as given in 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 14.

ℎtl   shall not be less than ℎp;   ℎtb shall not be less than   ℎr

ℎp   =   ℓsin(ϕes)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

ℎr   =   bsin(θes)

11.5.2 Sloshing Loads for Assessing Strength of Structures at Tank Boundaries

11.5.2(a) In assessing the strength of tank boundary supporting structures, the two combined load
cases with loading pattern shown in 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 18, with the specified sloshing loads
shown in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 2 for the respective side on which the horizontal girder is located,
are to be considered when performing a 3D structural analysis.

11.5.2(b) In assessing the strength of plating and stiffeners at tank boundaries, local bending of the
plating and stiffeners with respect to the local sloshing pressures for structural members/elements
is to be considered in addition to the nominal loadings specified for the 3D analysis in
5A-3-2/11.5.2(a) above. In this regard, ku   should be taken as 1.15 instead of 1.0, shown in
5A-3-2/11.5.2(a) above for the combined load cases, to account for the maximum pressures due to
possible non-uniform distribution.

11.5.3 Sloshing Loads Normal to the Web Plates of Horizontal and Vertical Girders
In addition to the sloshing loads acting on the bulkhead plating, the sloshing loads normal to the
web plates of horizontal and vertical girders are to be also considered for assessing the strength of
the girders. The magnitude of the normal sloshing loads may be approximated by taking 25% of
ℎc   or   ℎt   for   ku = 1 . 0, whichever is greater, at the location considered.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Vertical Distribution of Equivalent Slosh Pressure Head, ℎe  (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Horizontal Distribution of Simultaneous Slosh Pressure Heads,
ℎc(ϕsθs)   or   ℎt(ϕsθs) (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Definitions for Opening Ratio, a (1995)

Opening Ratio, (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Dimensions of Internal Structures (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Loading Patterns for Sloshing Load Cases (1 July 2009)

13 Impact Loads

13.1 Impact Loads on Bow (2016)

When experimental data or direct calculations are not available, nominal bow impact pressures due to
wave celerity above the load waterline (LWL) in the region from the forward end to the collision bulkhead
may be obtained from the following equation:
Pbij = kCkCijVij sinγij     kN/m2 (tf/m2, Lt/ft2)


k = 1.025 (0.1045, 0.000888)

Cij = {1 + cos2[90(Fbi – 2a j)/Fbi]}

Vij = ω1sinαij + ω2(βWHTL)1/2

ω1 = 3.09 (10.14) for m (ft)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

ω2 = 1.0 (1.8) for m (ft)

βWHT = ESF for Wave Height as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
local bow impact angle measured to the shell from the horizontal to the tangent line at the
γij = position considered, but is not to be less than 50°. Where this angle is not available, it can be
taken as tan-1 (tan   βij /cos   aij)
aij = local waterline angle measured from the centerline, see 5A-3-2/13 FIGURE 19
βij = local body plan angle measured from the horizontal, see 5A-3-2/13 FIGURE 19

Fbi freeboard from the highest deck at side to the load waterline (LWL) at station i, see 5A-3-2/13
aj = vertical distance from LWL to WL-j, see 5A-3-2/13 FIGURE 19
station and waterline to be taken to correspond to the locations under consideration, as
i,   j =
required by 5A-3-5/3.1.1
Ck = 0 . 7       at collision bulkhead and 0.9 at 0.0125L, linear interpolation for in between
= 0 . 9       between 0.0125L and FP
= 1 . 0       at and forward of FP.

Definition of Bow Geometry (2000)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

13.3 Bottom Slamming (1 July 2012)

For ship-type installations with heavy weather ballast draft forward less than 0.04L, bottom slamming
loads are to be considered for assessing strength of the flat of bottom plating forward and the associated
stiffening system in the fore body region.

13.3.1 Bottom Slamming Pressure

The equivalent bottom slamming pressure for strength formulation and assessment should be
determined based on well-documented experimental data or analytical studies. When these direct
calculations are not available, nominal bottom slamming pressures may be determined by the
following equations:

Psi = kki[v0 2 + MViEni]Ef     kN/m2 (tf/m2, Lt/ft2)


Psi = equivalent bottom slamming pressure for section   i

k = 1.025 (0.1045, 0.000888)
ki = 2 . 2b*/do + a ≤ 40
b* = half width of flat of bottom at the  i-th ship station, see 5A-3-2/13.3.1 FIGURE 20
do = 1
10   of the section draft at the heavy ballast condition, see 5A-3-2/13.3.1 FIGURE 20
a = a constant as given in 5A-3-2/13.3.1 TABLE 4
Ef = f1ω1(L)1/2

f1 = 0 . 004(0 . 0022)         for m (ft)

where b represents the half breadth at the 1 10 draft of the section, see 5A-3-2/13.3.1 FIGURE 20.
Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate values.

vo = co(L)1/2,                       in m/s (ft/s)
co = 0 . 29(05 . 25)                 in m/s (ft/s)
= 1 . 391Aiβvm(L/Cb)1/2   for   L in meters

= 8 . 266Aiβvm(L/Cb)1/2   for   L in feet

= ESF for vertical relative motion as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

Cb = as defined in 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules

= BiMRi

Ai and Bi are as given in 5A-3-2/13.3.1 TABLE 5.

Gei = e[ − (vo2 /MVi + di2 /MRi)]

di = local section draft, in m (ft)
Eni = natural log of ni
ni = 5730(MVi /MRi)1/2Gei, if ni < 1then   Psi = 0

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

natural angular frequency of the hull girder 2-node vertical vibration of the installation
ω1 = in the wet mode and the heavy weather ballast draft condition, in rad/second. If not
known, the following equation may be used:
= μ[BD3 /( ∆S Cb 3L3)]1/2 + co ≥ 3 . 7


μ = 23400 (7475, 4094)

∆S = ∆ b[1 . 2 + B/(3db)]
∆b = installation displacement at the heavy ballast condition, in kN (tf, Ltf)
db = mean draft of installation at the heavy ballast condition, in m (ft)
co = 1.0 for heavy ballast draft

L,   B and D   are as defined in Section 3-1-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Values of a (2000)

b/do a b/do a

1.00 0.00 4.00 20.25

1.50 9.00 5.00 22.00

2.00 11.75 6.00 23.75

2.50 14.25 7.00 24.50

3.00 16.50 7.50 24.75

3.50 18.50 25.0 24.75

Values of Ai   and   Bi

Section   i   from   F . P . Ai Bi

-0.05L 1.25 0.3600

0 1.00 0.4000

0.05L 0.80 0.4375

0.10L 0.62 0.4838

0.15L 0.47 0.5532

0.20L 0.33 0.6666

0.25L 0.22 0.8182

0.30L 0.22 0.8182

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Distribution of Bottom Slamming Pressure
Along the Section Girth (2000)

13.5 Bowflare Slamming

For installations possessing bowflare and having a shape parameter Ar  greater than 21 m (68.9 ft), in the
forebody region, bowflare slamming loads are to be considered for assessing the strength of the side
plating and the associated stiffening system in the forebody region of the installation at its scantling draft.

Ar = the maximum value of Ari in the forebody region

Ari bowflare shape parameter at a station i forward of the quarter length, up to the FP of the
installation, to be determined between the LWL  and the upper deck/forecastle, as follows:
= (bT /H)2 ∑ b j[1 + (s j /b j)2]1/2,   j = 1, n; n ≥ 3  


n = number of segments
bT = ∑ bj
H = ∑ sj
bj = local change (increase) in beam for the j-th segment at station i (see 5A-3-2/13.5.1 FIGURE 21)

sj local change (increase) in freeboard up to the highest deck for the j-th segment at station i forward
(see 5A-3-2/13.5.1 FIGURE 21)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

13.5.1 Nominal Bowflare Slamming

When experimental data or direct calculation is not available, nominal bowflare slamming
pressures may be determined by the following equations:

Pij = Poij   or   Pbij as defined below, whichever is greater

 2 1/2
Poij = K1(9MRi − ℎij ) kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2)
Pbij = k2[C2 + KijMVi(1 + Eni)] kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2)


k1 = 9.807 (1, 0.0278)

k2 = 1.025 (0.1045, 0.000888)
C2 = 39 . 2   (422 . 46)                   for m (ft)
nij = 5730(MVi /MRi)1/2   Gij ≥ 1 . 0
Eni = natural log of nij
 2 /M
Gij = e −ℎij Ri

MRi = 1 . 391AiBRVM(L/Cb)1/2           for L in meters

= 8 . 266AiBRVM(L/Cb)1/2           for L in feet
Ai = as shown in 5A-3-2/13.5.1 TABLE 6
BRVM = ESF for relative vertical motion as defined in 5A-5-A1/3
Cb = as defined in 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules
L = length of installation as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of Marine Vessel Rules
MVi = , where Bi is given in 5A-3-2/13.5.1 TABLE 6
vertical distance measured from the load waterline (LWL  ) at station i to WL j   on
ℎij =
the bowflare. The value of ℎij is not to be taken less than 2.0 m (6.56 ft)

Kij = fij[r j /(bij + 0 . 5ℎij)]3/2[ℓij /r j]

rj = (MRi)1/2
local half beam of WL j at station i. The value of bij is not to be taken less than 2.0
bij =
m (6.56 ft)
ℓij = longitudinal distance of WL j at station i measured from amidships
fij = [90/βij − 1]2[tan(βij)/3 . 14]2cosγ

βij local body plan angle measured from the horizontal, in degrees, need not be taken
less than 35 degrees, see 5A-3-2/13.5.1 FIGURE 21
installation stem angle at the centerline measured from the horizontal,
γ =
5A-3-2/13.5.1 FIGURE 22, in degrees, not to be taken greater than 75 degrees

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Values of Ai   and   Bi(2000)

Ai Bi
-0.05L 1.25 0.3600
FP 1.00 0.4000
0.05L 0.80 0.4375
0.10L 0.62 0.4838
0.15L 0.47 0.5532
0.20L 0.33 0.6666
0.25L 0.22 0.8182
0.30L 0.22 0.8182

* Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate values.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Definition of Bowflare Geometry for Bowflare Shape Parameter (2000)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Ship-Type Installation Stem Angle,   γ

13.5.2 Simultaneous Bowflare Slamming Pressure

For performing structural analyses to determine overall responses of the hull structures, the spatial
distribution of instantaneous bowflare slamming pressures on the forebody region of the hull may
be expressed by multiplying the calculated maximum bowflare slamming pressures, Pij, at
forward ship stations by a factor of 0.71 for the region between the stem and 0.3L from the FP.

13.7 Green Water on Deck (31 March 2007)

When experimental data or direct calculations are not available, nominal green water pressure imposed on
deck along the installation length, including the extension beyond the FP, may be obtained from the
following equations.

Pgi = K{[βRVM   Ai(B/L)1/4 /Cb] − k1Fbi}                 kN/m2 (tf/m2, Lt/ft2)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Pgi = Green water pressure, uniformly distributed across the deck at specified longitudinal section i
along the installation length under consideration (see 5A-3-2/13.7 TABLE 7 below). Pressure
in between is obtained by linear interpolation. Pgi is not to be taken less than 20.6 kN/m2 (2.1
tf/m2, 0.192 Lt/ft2).
K = 10.052 (1.025, 0.09372)
k1 = 1.0 (3.28) for m (ft)
Ai = as shown in 5A-3-2/13.7 TABLE 7
βRVM = ESF factor of relative vertical motion, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
Cb = as defined in 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules
L = scantling length of installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules
greatest molded breath of installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel
B =

Fbi freeboard from the highest deck at side to the load waterline (LWL) at station i, in m (ft), see
5A-3-2/13 FIGURE 19

Values of Ai  (1 March 2006)

Section   i   from   F . P . Ai

-0.05L 23.3

0 20.7

0.05L 18.2

0.10L 16.1

0.15L 14.7

0.20L 14.3

0.25L 14.2

0.30L 14.1

0.35L 14

0.40L 14

0.45L 14

0.50L 14

0.55L 14

0.60L 14

0.65L 14

0.70L 14

0.75L 14.2

0.80L 14.2

0.85L 14.2

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

0.90L 14.7

0.95L 17.1

1.00L 19.9

15 Deck Loads (2002)

15.1 General
For the design and evaluation of deck structures, the following loads due to on deck production facilities
are to be considered:

i) Static weight of on deck production facilities in upright condition.

ii) Dynamic loads due to ship motions.
iii) Wind load.

15.3 Loads for On-Site Operation (December 2008)

The nominal forces from each individual deck production module at the center of gravity of the module
can be obtained from the following equations:

Fv = W[cos(0 . 71Cϕϕ)cos(0 . 71Cθθ) + 0 . 71cvav /g]

Ft = W[sin(0 . 71Cθθ) + 0 . 71cTat /g] + ktFwind

Fℓ = W[ − sin(0 . 71Cϕϕ) + 0 . 71cLaℓ /g] + kℓFwind


ϕ and θ are the pitch and roll amplitudes defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.1.

ϕ , in degrees, need not to be taken more than 10 degrees.

θ , in degrees, need not to be taken more than 30 degrees.

av,   at and aℓ  are the vertical, transverse and longitudinal accelerations, as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7.1 for
heading angles μ  in 5A-3-2/15.3 TABLE 8

Note: The accelerations specified in 5A-3-2/5.7.1 are to be considered preliminary values and may be used only when
values from model tests or ship motion calculations are not yet available. The final design forces from deck
production modules are to be calculated using acceleration values obtained from model test data or ship motions
calculations for the site location.

Fv = vertical load from each production module, positive downward

Ft = transverse load from each production module, positive starboard
Fℓ = longitudinal load from each production module, positive forward
W = weight of the production module, in kN (tf, Ltf)
Fwind  2
= kAwindCSCℎVwind   =   wind force, in kN (tf, Ltf)

Two combinations of wave-induced and wind forces are to be considered:

Fv,   Ft with factor kt = 1   and Fe with factor kℓ = 0

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 2 Loads 5A-3-2

Fv,   Ft with factor kt = 0   and Fℓ with factor kℓ = 1  

The deck load is to be obtained for the maximum weight of on deck production facilities for head sea
(Load Case A), beam sea (Load Case B) and oblique sea (Load Case C) listed in 5A-3-2/15.3 TABLE 8,
where the correlation factors cv,   cT,   cL,   Cϕand Cθfor each load case are also shown.

Correlation Factors cv,   cT,   cL,   Cϕ and Cθ

Load   Case LC   A   (ℎead   sea) LC B   (beam   sea) LC C   (obique)

cv 0.8 0.4 0.7

cL 0.6 0 0.7

cT 0 0.9 0.7

Cϕ -1 0 -0.7

Cθ 0 1 0.7

Wave heading angle μ in

0 90 60


Vwind = wind velocity based on 1-hour average speed

Awind = projected area of windage on a plane normal to the direction of the wind, in m2 (ft2)
Cs = shape coefficient, defined in Section 3-2-4 of these Rules
Cℎ = height coefficient, defined in Section 3-2-4 of these Rules for 1-hour average wind

The forces from each deck production module can be obtained based on long-term prediction for the
realistic sea states of the specific site of operation. In no case are the forces Fv,   Ft  and Fe  to be less than
those obtained using the values of Environmental Severity Factors (ESFs) established from 5A-3-A1/3.

15.5 Loads in Transit Condition

Nominal loads of the production facility modules on deck during transit condition can be obtained from the
equations in item 5A-3-2/15.3, above. Alternatively, corresponding forces can be calculated based on the
sea condition for the specific voyage. Also see Part 3, Chapter 2 of these Rules.


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

SECTION 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation

1 General

1.1 Strength Requirement (1995)

This Section specifies the minimum strength requirements for hull structure with respect to the
determination of initial scantlings, including the hull girder, shell and bulkhead plating, longitudinals/
stiffeners and main supporting members. Once the minimum scantlings are determined, the strength of the
resulting design is to be assessed in accordance with Section 5A-3-4. The assessment is to be carried out
by means of an appropriate structural analysis as per 5A-3-4/11, in order to establish compliance with the
failure criteria in 5A-3-4/3. Structural details are to comply with 5A-3-3/1.5.

The requirements for hull girder strength are specified in 5A-3-3/3. The required scantlings of double
bottom structures, side shell and deck, and longitudinal and transverse bulkheads are specified in 5A-3-3/7
through 5A-3-3/17 below. 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 1 shows the appropriate Subsections giving scantling
requirements for the various structural components of typical double hull ship-type installations. For hull
structures beyond 0.4L amidships, the initial scantlings are determined in accordance with Section 5A-3-5.

1.3 Calculation of Load Effects (1995)

Equations giving approximate requirements are given in 5A-3-3/7 through 5A-3-3/13 for calculating the
maximum bending moments and shear forces for main supporting members clear of the end brackets, and
axial loads for cross ties for typical structural arrangements and configurations (5A-3-3/FIGURE 2A and
2B). For designs with different structural configurations, these local load effects may be determined from a
3D structural analysis at the early design stages, as outlined in 5A-3-4/11, for the combined load cases
specified in 5A-3-2/9, excluding the hull girder load components. In this regard, the detailed analysis
results are to be submitted for review.

1.5 Structural Details (1995)

The strength criteria specified in this Section and Section 5A-3-5 are based on assumptions that all
structural joints and welded details are properly designed and fabricated and are compatible with the
anticipated working stress levels at the locations considered. It is critical to closely examine the loading
patterns, stress concentrations and potential failure modes of structural joints and details during the design
of highly stressed regions. In this exercise, failure criteria specified in 5A-3-4/3 may be used to assess the
adequacy of structural details.

1.7 Evaluation of Grouped Stiffeners (1 July 2008)

Where several members in a group with some variation in requirement are selected as equal, the section
modulus requirement may be taken as the average of each individual requirement in the group. However,
the section modulus requirement for the group is not to be taken less than 90% of the largest section
modulus required for individual stiffeners within the group. Sequentially positioned stiffeners of equal
scantlings may be considered a group..

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Scantling Requirement Reference by Subsection (1 September 2007)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Definitions of Spans (A) (1 July 2012)

* Where both lower and upper ends of the vertical web are fitted with a bracket of the same or larger size
on the opposite side, the span ℓb may be taken between the toes of the effective lower and upper brackets.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Definitions of Spans (B) (1 July 2012)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

* Where both lower and upper ends of the vertical web are fitted with a bracket of the same or larger size
on the opposite side, the span ℓb b or ℓst may be taken between the toes of the effective lower and upper

3 Hull Girder Strength

3.1 Hull Girder Section Modulus (1 July 2012)

3.1.1 Hull Girder Section Modulus Amidships (July 2017)
The required hull girder section modulus 0.4L amidships is to be calculated in accordance with
5A-1-2/1 of these Rules and 3-2-1/3.7, 3-2-1/5 and 3-2-1/9 of the Marine Vessel Rules. For the
determination of initial net structural scantlings, the net hull girder section modulus amidships,
SMn, is to be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-3/3.1.2 below.

3.1.2 Effective Longitudinal Members

The hull girder section modulus calculation is to be carried out in accordance with 3-2-1/9 of the
Marine Vessel Rules, as modified below. To suit the strength criteria based on a “net” ship concept,
the nominal design corrosion values specified in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 are to be deducted in
calculating the net section modulus, SMn.

3.1.3 Extent of Midship Scantlings

The items included in the hull girder section modulus amidships are to be extended as necessary to
meet the hull girder section modulus required at the location being considered. The required hull
girder section modulus can be obtained as Mt /fp at the location being considered except if
(Mt)max /fp is less than SMmin in 5A-1-2/1. In this case, the required section modulus is to be
obtained by multiplying SMmin by the ratio of Mti /(Mt)max where Mti is the total bending
moment at the location under consideration and (Mt)max is the maximum total bending moment

3.3 Hull Girder Moment of Inertia (1 July 2012)

The hull girder moment of inertia, I, amidships, is to be not less than:

I = L · SM/33 . 3       cm2‐m2(in2‐ft)


L = length of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)

SM = required hull girder section modulus, in cm2-m (in2-ft). See 5A-1-2/1.

3.5 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008)

In addition to the strength requirements specified in 5A-3-3/3.1, the vertical hull girder ultimate strength
for either hogging or sagging conditions for the FPI design environmental condition (DEC) is to satisfy the
limit state as specified below. It need only be applied within the 0.4L amidship region.

γsMs + γwβVBMMw ≤ Mu /γu


Ms = permissible still-water bending moment, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)

Mw vertical wave-induced bending moment in accordance with 3-2-1/3.5.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in kN-m
(tf-m, Ltf-ft)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Mu hull girder ultimate strength, which may be determined from the equations as given in Appendix 5A-3-A3, in
kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
= ESF for vertical wave-induced bending moment for DEC

γs = load factor for the maximum permissible still-water bending moment, but not to be taken as less than 1.0

γw = load factor for the wave-induced bending moment, but not to be taken as less than below for the given limits

= 1.3 for Ms < 0 . 2Mt   or   Ms > 0 . 5   Mt

= 1.2 for 0 . 2Mt ≤ Ms ≤ 0 . 5Mt

Mt = total bending moment, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)

= Ms + βVBMMw

γu = safety factor for the vertical hull girder bending capacity, but not to be taken as less than 1.15

5 Shearing Strength (1997)

5.1 General (December 2008)

The net thickness of the side shell and longitudinal bulkhead plating is to be determined based on the total
vertical shear force, Ft, and the permissible shear stress, fs, given below, where the outer longitudinal
bulkheads (inner skin) are located no further than 0.075B from the side shell.

The nominal design corrosion values as given in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 for the side shell and
longitudinal bulkhead plating are to be added to the “net” thickness thus obtained.

Ft = Fs + βVSFFW kN (ft, Lft)

t = Fm/Ifs cm (in.)


FS still-water shear force based on the still-water shear force envelope curve for all anticipated
= loading conditions in accordance with 3-2-1/3.3.2 and 3-2-1/3.3.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules,
at location considered, in kN (tf, Ltf).
= ESF for vertical shear force, as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

FW vertical wave shear force, as given in 3-2-1/3.5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in kN (tf, Ltf).
= FW for in-port condition may be taken as zero.
t = ts or ti (see 5A-3-3/5.3 and 5A-3-3/5.5)
F = FtDs or (Ft + Ri)Di (see 5A-3-3/5.3 and 5A-3-3/5.5 below)
m first moment of the “net” hull girder section, in cm3 (in3), about the neutral axis, of the area
= between the vertical level at which the shear stress is being determined and the vertical
extremity of the section under consideration
I = moment of inertia of the “net” hull girder section at the position considered, in cm4 (in4)
fs = 11.96/Q kN/cm2 (1.220/Q tf/cm2, 7.741/Q Ltf/in2) at sea
= 10.87/Q kN/cm2 (1.114/Q tf/cm2, 7.065/QLtf/in2) in port
Q = material conversion factor

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

= 1.0 for ordinary strength steel

= 0.78 for Grade H32 steel
= 0.72 for Grade H36 steel
= 0.68 for Grade H40 steel

For the purpose of calculating required thickness for hull girder shear, the sign of Ft may be disregarded
unless algebraic sum with other shear forces, such as local load components, is appropriate.

5.3 Net Thickness of Side Shell Plating

ts ≥ FtDsm/Ifs cm (in.)


Ds shear distribution factor for side shell, as defined in 5A-3-3/5.3.1, 5A-3-3/5.3.2 or

5A-3-3/5.3.3 below.

Ft, m, I and fs are as defined in 5A-3-3/5.1 above.

5.3.1 Shear Distribution Factor for Ship-type Installations with Two Outer Longitudinal Bulkheads
(inner skin only)
Ds = 0 . 384 − 0 . 167Aob /As − 0 . 190bs /B


Aob total projected area of the net outer longitudinal bulkhead (inner skin) plating above
inner bottom (one side), in cm2 (in2)
As = total projected area of the net side shell plating (one side), in cm2 (in2)
bs = distance between outer side longitudinal bulkhead (inner skin) and side shell, in m (ft)
B = breadth of the installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules.
5.3.2 Shear Distribution Factor for Ship-type Installations with Two Outer Longitudinal Bulkheads
and a Centerline Swash or Oil-tight Longitudinal Bulkhead
Ds = 0 . 347 − 0 . 057Acb /As − 0 . 137Aob /As − 0 . 070bs /B


Acb total area of the net centerline longitudinal bulkhead plating above inner bottom, in cm
= 2 (in2)

As, Aob, bs and B are as defined in 5A-3-3/5.3.1 above.

5.3.3 Shear Distribution Factor for Ship-type Installations with Two Outer and Two Inner
Longitudinal Bulkheads
Ds = 0 . 330 − 0 . 218Aob /As − 0 . 043bs /B

where As, Aob, bs and B are as defined in 5A-3-3/5.3.1 above.

5.5 Thickness of Longitudinal Bulkheads

ti ≥ (Ft + Ri)Dim/Ifs cm (in.)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3


Di = shear distribution factor

Ri = local load correction
i = ob for outer longitudinal bulkhead (inner skin)
= ib for inner longitudinal bulkhead
= cb for centerline longitudinal bulkhead

Ft, I, m and fs are as defined above.

The other parameters, depending on the configuration of the ship-type installation, are defined in
5A-3-3/5.5.1, 5A-3-3/5.5.2 and 5A-3-3/5.5.3 below.

5.5.1 Ship-type Installations with Two Outer Longitudinal Bulkheads (Inner Skin Only)
The net thickness of the outer longitudinal bulkhead plating at the position considered:

tob ≥ FtDobm/Ifs cm (in.)


= 0 . 105 + 0 . 156Aob /As + 0 . 190bs /B

As, Aob, bs, B, Ft, I, m , and fs are defined above.

5.5.2 Ship-type Installations with Two Outer Longitudinal Bulkheads and a Centerline Swash or Oil-
tight Longitudinal Bulkhead
5.5.2(a) (1999) The net thickness of the centerline longitudinal bulkhead plating at the position

tcb ≥ (Ft + Rcb)Dcbm/Ifs cm (in.)


Rcb = Wc[(2NwcbkcbI/3HcbDcbm) − 1] ≥ 0
kcb * /Acb ≤ 1 . 9
= 1 + Acb
Dcb = 0 . 299 + 0 . 152Acb /As − 0 . 10Aob /As − 0 . 198bs /B
Wc local load, in kN (tf, Ltf), calculated according to 5A-3-3/5.7 and 5A-3-3/5.9
Nwcb = local load distribution factor for the centerline longitudinal bulkhead
= (0 . 66Dcb + 0 . 25)(n − 1)/n
n = total number of transverse frame spaces in the center tank
Hcb = depth of the centerline longitudinal bulkhead above inner bottom, in cm (in.)
Acb total area of the net centerline longitudinal bulkhead plating above the lower edge
of the strake under consideration, in cm2 (in2)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

All other parameters are as defined in 5A-3-3/5.3.

5.5.2(b) The net thickness of the outer longitudinal bulkhead plating at the position considered:

tob ≥ FtDobm/Ifs cm (in.)


= 0 . 106 − 0 . 093Acb /As + 0 . 164Aob /As + 0 . 202bs /B

All other parameters are as defined in 5A-3-3/5.3 and 5A-3-3/5.5.

5.5.3 Ship-type Installations with Two Outer and Two Inner Longitudinal Bulkheads
5.5.3(a) The net thickness of the inner longitudinal bulkhead plating at the position considered:

tib ≥ (Ft + Rib)Dibm/Ifs cm (in.)


Rib Wc1[(2Nwib1kibI/3HibDibm) − 1] + Wc2[(2Nwib2kibI/3HibDibm) − 1]

kib * /Aib ≤ 1 . 9
= 1 + Aib
Dib = 0 . 058 + 0 . 173Aib /As − 0 . 043bs /B
Wc1, Wc2 local load, in kN (tf, Ltf), calculated according to 5A-3-3/5.7 and 5A-3-3/5.9
Aib total area of the net inner longitudinal bulkhead plating above inner bottom,
in cm2 (in2)
Aib total area of the net inner longitudinal bulkhead plating above the lower edge
of the strake under consideration, in cm2 (in2)
Nwib1, Nwib2 = local load distribution factor for inner longitudinal bulkhead
Nwib1 = (0.49Dib + 0.18)(n− 1)/n for local load Wc1
Nwib2 = (0.60Dib + 0.10)(n− 1)/n for local load Wc2
Hib = depth of the inner longitudinal bulkhead above inner bottom, in cm (in.)

All other parameters are as defined above.

5.5.3(b) The net thickness of the outer longitudinal bulkhead plating at the position considered:

tob ≥ FtDobm/Ifs cm (in.)


= 0 . 013 + 0 . 153Aob /As + 0 . 172bs /B

All other parameters are as defined above.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

5.7 Calculation of Local Loads (1995)

In determining the shear forces at the ends of cargo tanks, the local loads are to be calculated as shown in
the following example. The tank arrangement for this example is as shown in 5A-3-3/5.9 FIGURE 3. The
ballast tanks within double bottom and double side are to be considered as being empty in calculating
excess liquid head.

5.7.1 Ship-type Installations with Two Outer Longitudinal Bulkheads and a Centerline Swash or Oil-
tight Longitudinal Bulkhead (1 July 2000)
Local load Wc may be denoted by Wc(f) and Wc(a) at the fore and aft ends of the center tank,
respectively, in kN (tf, Ltf ).

Wc(f) = Wc(a) = 0 . 5ρgbcℓc[ksHc + 0 . 71ks(av /g)Hc + 0 . 47ksℓcsinϕ − 0 . 55(ρo /ρ)df + 0

. 2(ρo /ρ)C1] ≥ 0

but need not be taken greater than 0 . 5ksρgbcℓcHc


ks = load factor
= 1.0 for all loads from ballast tanks
0.878 for ρg of 10.05 kN/m3 (1.025 tf/m3, 0.0286 Ltf/ft3) and 1.0 for ρg of 11.18
kN/m3 (1.14 tf/m3, 0.0318 Ltf/ft3) and above for all loads from cargo tanks.
For cargo ρg between 10.05 kN/m3 (1.025 tf/m3, 0.0286 Ltf/ft3) and 11.18 kN/m3
(1.14 tf/m3, 0.0318 Ltf/ft3), the factor ks may be determined by interpolation
specific weight of the liquid, not to be taken less than 10.05 kN/m3 (1.025 tf/m3,
ρg =
0.0286 Ltf/ft3)
ρog = specific weight of sea water, 10.05 kN/m3 (1.025 tf/m3, 0.0286 Ltf/ft3)

ℓc, bc length and breadth, respectively, of the center tanks, in m (ft), as shown in
5A-3-3/5.9 FIGURE 3
Hc = liquid head in the center tank, in m (ft)

av vertical acceleration amidships with a wave heading angle of 0 degrees, in m/sec2

(ft/sec2), as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.1(c)
g = acceleration of gravity = 9.8 m/sec2 (32.2 ft/sec2)
ϕ = pitch amplitude in degrees, as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.1(a)
df = draft, as defined in 3-1-1/9 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
C1 = as defined in 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules

5.7.2 Ship-type Installations with Two Outer and Two Inner Longitudinal Bulkheads (1 July 2000)
Local loads Wc1, Wc2 may be denoted by Wc1(f), Wc2(f) and Wc1(a), Wc2(a) at the fore and aft
ends of the center tank, respectively, in kN (tf, Ltf).

k ρgb ℓ ℓ2
Wc1(f) = s ℓ c1 [ℎc1ℓ1(ℓ2 + 21 ) + ℎc2 22 ]

k ρgb ℓ2 ℓ
Wc1(a) = s ℓ c1 [ℎc1 21 + ℎc2ℓ2(ℓ1 + 22 )]

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

k ρgb ℓ ℓ2
Wc2(f) = s ℓ c2 [ℎc3ℓ1(ℓ2 + 21 ) + ℎc4 22

k ρgb ℓ2 ℓ
Wc2(a) = s ℓ c2 [ℎc3 21 + ℎc4ℓ2(ℓ1 + 22 )]


ks = load factor, as defined in 5A-3-3/5.7.1

specific weight of the liquid, not to be taken less than 10.05 kN/m3 (1.025 tf/m3,
ρg =
0.0286 Ltf/ft3)
ℓc = length of the center tank, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/5.9 FIGURE 3

ℓ1, ℓ2 longitudinal distances from the respective center tank ends to the intermediate
wing tank transverse bulkheads, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/5.9 FIGURE 3b
bc1 = breadth of the center tank, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/5.9 FIGURE 3b

bc2 breadth of the center and wing tanks, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/5.9 FIGURE
H1, H2 = liquid heads in the wing tanks, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/5.9 FIGURE 3b
ℎc1 = Hc − H1, but not to be taken less than zero
ℎc2 = Hc − H2, but not to be taken less than zero
ℎc3 = Hc   or   H1, whichever is lesser
ℎc4 = Hc   or   H2 whichever is lesser

Where adjacent tanks are loaded with cargoes of different densities, the heads are to be adjusted to
account for the difference in density. For locations away from the ends of the tanks, Rcb and Rib
may be determined using the calculated values of Wc at the locations considered.

5.9 Three Dimensional Analysis (1995)

The total shear stresses in the side shell and longitudinal bulkhead plating (net thickness) may be
calculated using a 3D structural analysis to determine the general shear distribution and local load effects
for the critical shear strength conditions among all of the anticipated loading conditions.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Center Tank Region (1995)

7 Double Bottom Structures

7.1 General (1995)

7.1.1 Arrangement
The depth of the double bottom and arrangement of access openings are to be in compliance with
5A-3-1/5. Centerline and side girders are to be fitted, as necessary, to provide sufficient stiffness
and strength for docking loads as well as those specified in Section 5A-3-2.

Struts connecting the bottom and inner bottom longitudinals are not to be fitted.

7.1.2 Keel Plate

The net thickness of the flat plate keel is to be not less than that required for the bottom shell
plating at that location by 5A-3-3/7.3.1 increased by 1.5 mm (0.06 in.), except where the

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

submitted docking plan (see 3-1-2/11 of the Marine Vessel Rules) specifies all docking blocks be
arranged away from the keel.

7.1.3 Bottom Shell Plating – Definition

The term “bottom shell plating” refers to the plating from the keel to the upper turn of the bilge for
0.4L amidships.

7.1.4 Bilge Longitudinals (2004)

Longitudinals around the bilge are to be graded in size from that required for the lowest side
longitudinal to that required for the bottom longitudinals. Where longitudinals are omitted in way
of the bilge, the bottom and side longitudinals are to be arranged so that the distance between the
nearest longitudinal and the turn of the bilge is not more than 0.4s (s is the spacing of bottom (Sb)
or side (Ss) longitudinals), as applicable (see 5A-3-3/7.1.4 FIGURE 4).


7.3 Bottom Shell and Inner Bottom Plating (2020)

The thickness of the bottom shell and inner bottom plating over the midship 0.4L is to satisfy the hull
girder section modulus requirements in 3-2-1/3.7 of the Marine Vessel Rules. The buckling and ultimate
strength are to be in accordance with the requirements in 5A-3-4/5. For transversely stiffened and
unstiffened bilge shell plating, buckling strength is to be assessed in total strength assessment in
accordance with the requirements in 5A-3-4/5.13. In addition, the net thickness of the bottom shell and
inner bottom plating is to be not less than the following.

7.3.1 Bottom Shell Plating (1999)

The net thickness of the bottom shell plating, tn, is to be not less than t1, t2 and t3, specified as

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

t1 = 0 . 73s(k1p/f1)1/2 mm (in.)
t2 = 0 . 73s(k2p/f2)1/2     mm (in.)
t3 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2 mm (in.)


s = spacing of bottom longitudinals, in mm (in.)

k1 = 0.342
k2 = 0.500
p = pa − puℎ or pb, whichever is greater, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 12γ(ℎℓwttanϕe)1/2 where ℓwt ≥ 0 . 20L

= 0 where ℓwt ≥ 0 . 15L

Linear interpolation is to be used for intermediate values of ℓwt .

pa and pb are nominal pressures, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as defined in load case “a” and “b”
in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for bottom plating, respectively.

specific weight of the ballast water, 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444
γ =
ℎ = height of double side ballast tank at installation’s side, in m (ft)
ℓwt = length at tank top of double side ballast tank, in m (ft)
L = installation length, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the MarineVessel Rules, in m (ft)
ϕe = effective pitch amplitude, as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.2 with Cϕ = 1 . 0

f1 permissible bending stress in the longitudinal direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in

= 2)

= (1 − 0 . 70a1SMRB /SMB)Smfy ≤ 0 . 40Smfy

(1 − 0 . 70a1SMRB /SMB)Smfy ≤ (0 . 40 + 0 . 1(190 − L)/40)Smfy    
f1 =
for   L < 190m
a1 = Sm1fy1 /Smfy

SMRB reference net hull girder section modulus based on the material factor of the
bottom flange of the hull girder, in cm2-m (in2-ft)
= 0 . 92SM
required gross hull girder section modulus at the location under consideration, in
SM = accordance with 3-2-1/3.7 and 3-2-1/5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules, based on the
material factor of the bottom flange of the hull girder, in cm2-m (in2-ft)

SMB design (actual) net hull girder section modulus to the bottom, in cm2-m (in2-ft), at
the location under consideration
f2 = permissible bending stress in the transverse direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 80Smfy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Sm = strength reduction factor

for Ordinary Strength Steel, as specified in 2-1-2/15.9 TABLE 2 of the
= 1
ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2)
for Grade H32, as specified in 2-1-3/7.3 TABLE 2 of the ABS Rules
= 0.95
for Materials and Welding (Part 2)
for Grade H36, as specified in 2-1-3/7.3 TABLE 2 of the ABS Rules
= 0.908
for Materials and Welding (Part 2)
for Grade H40, as specified in 2-1-3/7.3 TABLE 2 of the ABS Rules
= 0.875
for Materials and Welding (Part 2)
Sm1 = strength reduction factor for the bottom flange of the hull girder
fy = minimum specified yield point of the material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fy1 minimum specified yield point of the bottom flange of the hull girder, in N/cm2
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
modulus of elasticity of the material, may be taken as 2.06 × 107 N/cm2 (2.1 × 10
E = 6kgf/cm2, 30 × 106 lbf/in2) for steel
c = 0.7N2− 0.2, not to be less than 0.4Q1/2

N = Rb(Q/Qb)1/2

Rb = (SMRBH /SMB)1/2

SMRBH reference net hull girder section modulus for hogging bending moment based on
the material factor of the bottom flange of the hull girder, in cm2-m (in2-ft)
= 0 . 92SMH
required gross hull girder section modulus, in accordance with 3-2-1/3.7.1 and
SMH 3-2-1/5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules, for hogging total bending moment at the
location under consideration, based on the material factor of the bottom flange of
the hull girder, in cm2-m (in2-ft)

Q, Qb material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5.1 for the bottom shell plating under
consideration and the bottom flange of the hull girder, respectively.

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material
required at the location under consideration.

In addition to the foregoing, the net thickness of the bottom shell plating, outboard of 0.3B from
the centerline of the installation, is to be not less than that of the lowest side shell plating required
by 5A-3-3/9.1 adjusted for the spacing of the longitudinals and the material factors.

7.3.2 Inner Bottom Plating (1999)

The net thickness of the inner bottom plating, tn, is to be not less than t1, t2 and t3, specified as

t1 = 0 . 73s(k1p/f1)1/2 mm (in.)
t2 = 0 . 73s(k2p/f2)1/2     mm (in.)
t3 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2 mm (in.)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

s = spacing of bottom longitudinals, in mm (in.)

k1 = 0.342
k2 = 0.50
p = pa − puℎ or pb, whichever is greater, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

pa and pb are nominal pressures, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as defined in load case “a” and “b”
in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for inner bottom plating, respectively.

puℎ is defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material
required at the location under consideration.

f1 = permissible bending stress in the longitudinal direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

(1 − 0 . 52a1SMRB /SMB)Smfy ≤ 0 . 57Smfy,   where SMB /SMRB is not to be taken
more than 1.4
f2 = permissible bending stress in the transverse direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 85Smfy
a1 = Sm1fy1 /Smfy

Sm strength reduction factor obtained from 5A-3-3/7.3.1 for the steel grade of inner
bottom material
Sm1 strength reduction factor obtained from 5A-3-3/7.3.1 for the steel grade of bottom
flange material.
fy = minimum specified yield point of the inner bottom material, in N/cm2(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fy1 = minimum specified yield point of the bottom flange material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/
in )

c = 0 . 7N2 − 0 . 2, not to be less than 0 . 4Q1/2

N = Rb[Q/Qb)(y/yn)]1/2
Q = material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5.1 for the inner bottom plating
vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the inner bottom to the neutral axis of the
y =
hull girder section

yn vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the bottom to the neutral axis of the hull
girder section

SMRB, SMB, Rb, Qb and E are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

Where the breadth of the center tank exceeds 0.6B, or the wing ballast tanks are U-shaped, the net
thickness of the inner bottom plating in the center tank, outboard of 0.3B from the centerline of the
tank, is also to be not less than that of the adjacent strake on the outer longitudinal bulkhead (inner
skin) required by 5A-3-3/13.1, adjusted for the spacing of the longitudinals and the material

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

7.5 Bottom and Inner Bottom Longitudinals (1 July 2005)

The net section modulus of each bottom or inner bottom longitudinal, in association with the effective
plating to which it is attached, is to be not less than obtained from the following equations:

SM = M/fb cm3 (in3)


M = 1000psℓ2 /k N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in.)

k = 12 (12, 83.33)
s = spacing of longitudinals, in mm (in.)
span of the longitudinal between effective supports, as shown in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 5, in m
ℓ =
nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as specified in 5A-3-3/7.3.1 and 5A-3-3/7.3.2
p =
for bottom and inner bottom longitudinals, respectively
fb = permissible bending stresses, in N/cm2(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= (1 . 0 − 0 . 65a1SMRB /SMB)Smfy ≤ 0 . 55Smfy for bottom longitudinals
= (1 . 0 − 0 . 50a1SMRB /SMB)Smfy ≤ 0 . 65Smfy for inner bottom longitudinals
a1 = Sm1fy1 /Smfy

Sm strength reduction factor, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1, for the material of longitudinals

= strength reduction factor, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1, for the bottom flange material

fy minimum specified yield point for the material of longitudinals considered, in N/cm2(kgf/cm2,
fy1 = minimum specified yield point of the bottom flange material, in N/cm2(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

SMRB and SMB are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The net section modulus of the bottom longitudinals, outboard of 0.3B from the centerline of the
installation, is also to be not less than that of the lowest side longitudinal required by 5A-3-3/9.5, adjusted
for the span and spacing of the longitudinals and the material factors.

Where the breadth of center tank exceeds 0.6B, or the wing ballast tanks are U-shaped, the net section
modulus of the inner bottom longitudinals in the center tank, outboard of 0.3B from the centerline of the
tank, is also to be not less than that of the lowest outer longitudinal bulkhead longitudinal required by
5A-3-3/13.5, adjusted for the span and spacing of the longitudinals and the material factors.

In determining compliance with the foregoing, an effective breadth, be, of attached plating is to be used in
calculation of the section modulus of the design longitudinal. be is to be obtained from line a) of
5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6.

7.7 Bottom Girders/Floors (1997)

The minimum scantlings for bottom girders/floors are to be determined from 5A-3-3/7.7.1, 5A-3-3/7.7.2,
5A-3-3/7.7.3 and 5A-3-3/7.7.4, as follows:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

7.7.1 Bottom Centerline Girder (1999)

The net thickness of the centerline girder amidships, where no centerline bulkhead is fitted, is to
be not less than t1 and t2, as defined below:

t1 = (0 . 045L + 4 . 5)R mm
= (0 . 00054L + 0 . 177)R in.
t2 = 10F1 /(dbfs) mm
= F1 /(dbfs) in.

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm andfy of the hull girder strength material
required at the location under consideration.

t3 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2     mm (in.)

where F1 is the maximum shear force in the center girder, as obtained from the equations given
below (see also 5A-3-3/1.3). Alternatively, F1 may be determined from finite element analyses, as
specified in 5A-3-4/11, with the combined load cases in 5A-3-4/11.7. However, in no case should
F1 be taken less than 85% of that determined from the equations below:

F1 = 1000kα1γn1n2pℓss1 N (kgf, lbf), for λ ≤ 1.5

F1 = 414kγn1n2pbss1 N (kgf, lbf), for λ > 1.5


k = 1.0(1.0, 2.24)
a1 = 0 . 606 − 0 . 22λ
λ = ℓs /bs
γ = 2x/(ℓs − s3), ≤ 1 . 0
n1 = 0 . 0374(s1 /s3)2 − 0 . 326(s1 /s3) + 1 . 289
n2 = 1.3 − (s3/12) for SI or MKS Units
= 1.3 − (s3/39.37) for U.S. Units

ℓs unsupported length of the double bottom structures under consideration, in m (ft), as

shown in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 7

bs unsupported width of the double bottom structures under consideration, in m (ft), as

shown in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 7
s1 = sum of one-half of girder spacing on each side of the center girder, in m (ft)
s3 = spacing of floors, in m (ft)
longitudinal distance from the mid-span of unsupported length (ℓs) of the double
x =
bottom to the section of the girder under consideration, in m (ft)
p = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
db = depth of double bottom, in cm (in.)
fs = permissible shear stresses, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 45Smfy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

c = 0.7N2− 0.2, not to be less than 0.4Q1/2 but need not be greater than 0.45(Q/Qb)1/2

N = Rb(Q/Qb)1/2
Q = material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5 for the bottom girder
s = spacing of longitudinal stiffeners on the girder, in mm (in.)
R = 1.0 for ordinary mild steel
= fym /Smfyℎ for higher strength material

fym specified minimum yield point for ordinary strength steel, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in
= 2)

fyℎ = specified minimum yield point for higher tensile steel, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
L = length of installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Sm, E, Rb, Qb and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

7.7.2 Bottom Side Girder (1999)

The net thickness of the bottom side girders is to be not less than t1 and t2, as defined below:

t1 = (0 . 026L + 4 . 5)R mm
= (0 . 00031L + 0 . 177)R in.
t2 = 10F2 /(dbfs) mm
= F2 /(dbfs) in.

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material
required at the location under consideration.

t3 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2     mm (in.)

where F2 is the maximum shear force in the side girders under consideration, as obtained from the
equations given below (see also 5A-3-3/1.3). Alternatively, F2 may be determined from finite
element analyses, as specified in 5A-3-4/11, with the combined load cases in 5A-3-4/11.7.
However, in no case should F2 be taken less than 85% of that determined from the equations

F2 = 1000ka2β1γn3n4pℓss2 N (kgf, lbf), for λ ≤ 1.5

F2 = 285kβ1γn3n4pbss2 N (kgf, lbf), for λ > 1.5


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

α2 = 0.445-0.17λ

β1 for ship-type installations with inner skin only [5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE

= 1.25 −(2z1 /bs)
= 1.0 for all other ship-type installations
n3 = 1.072 − 0.0715(s2 /s3)
n4 = 1.2 − (s3/18) for SI or MKS Units

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

= 1.2 − (s3/59.1) for U.S. Units

s2 = sum of one-half of girder spacings on both sides of the side girders, in m (ft)
transverse distance from the centerline of the unsupported width bs of the double
z1 =
bottom to the girder under consideration, in m (ft)
c = 0.7N2− 0.2, not to be less than 0.4Q1/2, but need not be greater than 0.45(Q/Qb)1/2

N = Rb(Q/Qb)1/2
Q = material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5 for the bottom girder
s = spacing of longitudinal stiffeners on the girder, in mm (in.)
7.7.3 Floors (1997)
The net thickness of the floors is to be not less than t1 and t2, as specified below:

t1 = (0 . 026L + 4 . 5)R mm
= (0 . 00031L + 0 . 177)R in.
t2 = 10F3 /(dbfs) mm
= F3 /(dbfs) in.

where F3 is the maximum shear force in the floors under consideration, as obtained from the
equation given below (see also 5A-3-3/1.3). Alternatively, F3 may be determined from finite
element analyses, as specified in 5A-3-4/11 with the combined load cases in 5A-3-4/11.7.
However, in no case should F3 be taken less than 85% of that determined from the equation below.

F3 = 1000kα3β2pbss3     N(kgf, lbf)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

α3 as shown in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 7.

ρ0 = η(0 . 66 − 0 . 08η), for η ≤ 2.0

= 1.0, for η > 2.0, or for structures without longitudinal girders
for ship-type installations with inner skin only
β2 = 1 . 05(2z2 /bs)2 ≤ 1 . 0
[5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 7(d)]
= 2z2 /bs for all other ship-type installations

η = (ℓs /bs)(s0 /s3)1/4

s0 = average spacing of girders, in m (ft)
transverse distance from the centerline of the unsupported width bs of the double
Z2 =
bottom to the section of the floor under consideration, in m (ft)
fs = 0.45 Smfy in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

ℓs, bs, s3, R, p, db, L, Sm and fy are as defined above.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

7.7.4 Bottom Girders under Longitudinal Bulkhead (2016)

The net thickness of the bottom centerline and side girders under longitudinal bulkheads is to be
not less than t1 and t2, as defined below:

t1 = (0 . 045L + 3 . 5)R mm
= (0 . 00054L + 0 . 138)R in.

The net thickness, t2, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material
required at the location under consideration.

t2 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2     mm(in.)


c = 0.7N2− 0.2, not to be less than 0.4Q1/2

N = Rb(Q/Qb)1/2
Q = material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5 for the bottom girder
s = spacing of longitudinal stiffeners on the girder, in mm (in.)

L, R, Sm and fy are as defined above.

E, Rb and Qb are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Unsupported Span of Longitudinal (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Effective Breadth of Plating be(1 July 2009)

a) For bending at midspan

be /s = 1.219 – 0.965/(cℓ0 /s), when cℓ0 /s< 4.5
be /s =1.0

cℓo /s 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 and greater

be /s 0.58 0.73 0.83 0.90 0.95 0.98 1.0

b) For bending at ends

be /s = (0.124cℓ0 /s-0.062)1/2, when cℓ0 /s< 8.5
be /s =1.0

cℓ/s 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4.0

be /s 0.25 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.55 0.6 0.67

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Definitions of a3, ℓs and bs(1 July 2009)

9 Side Shell and Deck – Plating and Longitudinals

9.1 Side Shell Plating (2014)

The net thickness of the side shell plating, in addition to compliance with 5A-3-3/5.3, is to be not less than
t1, t2 and t3, as specified below for the midship 0.4L:

t1 = 0 . 73s(k1p/f1)1/2 mm (in.)
t2 = 0 . 73s(k2p/f2)     mm (in.)
t3 = cs(Smfy /E) mm (in.)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

s = spacing of side longitudinals, in mm (in.)

k1 = 0.342
k2 = 0.50
p = pa − puo or pb , whichever is greater, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

puo = 0 . 24γ(ℎℓwtbwttanϕetanθe)1/3 where ℓwt ≥ 0 . 20L

= 0 where ℓwt ≤ 0 . 15L

Linear interpolation is to be used for intermediate values of ℓwt.

pa and pb are nominal pressures at the lower edge of each plate strake, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as
defined in load case “a” and “b” 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for side shell plating, respectively. Where the wing
ballast tanks are U-shaped, the nominal pressure may be taken at the lower edge of each plate, but is not to
be less than that calculated at upper turn of bilge for J-shaped ballast tanks.

bwt = breadth at tank top o double side ballast tank, in m (ft

ϕe = effective pitch amplitude, as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.2, with Cϕ= 0.7
θe = effective roll amplitude, as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7.2, with Cθ= 0.7

L is installation length, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft).

γ, ℎ and ℓwt are also defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material required
at the location under consideration.

f1 = permissible bending stress, in the longitudinal direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= [0 . 86 − 0 . 50a1(SMRB /SMB)(y/yb)]Smfy
≤ 0 . 43Smfy, for L ≥ 190 m (623 ft), below neutral axis
≤ [0 . 43 + 0 . 17(190 − L)/40]Smfy, for L < 190 m (623 ft), below neutral axis
SMB /SMRB is not to be taken more than 1.4.
= 0 . 43Smfy, for L ≥ 190 m (623 ft), above neutral axis
= [0 . 43 + 0 . 17(190 − L)/40]Smfm for L < 190 m (623 ft), above neutral axis
f2 = permissible bending stress in the vertical direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 80Smfy
a1 = Sm1fy1 /Smfy

Sm strength reduction factor obtained from 5A-3-3/7.3.1 for the steel grade of side shell
plating material

Sm1 strength reduction factor obtained from 5A-3-3/7.3.1 for the steel grade of bottom flange
fy = minimum specified yield point of the side shell material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fy1 = minimum specified yield point of the bottom flange material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

yb vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the upper turn of bilge to the neutral axis of
the section
c = 0.7 N2− 0.2, not to be less than 0.4 Q1/2
N = Rd[(Q/Qd)1/2 for the sheer strake

= Rd[(Q/Qd)(y/yn)]1/2 for other locations above neutral axis

= Rb[(Q/Qb)(y/yn)]1/2 for locations below neutral axis

Rd = (SMRDS /SMD)1/2
vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the neutral axis of the hull girder transverse
y = section to the lower edge (upper edge) of the side shell strake, when the strake under
consideration is below (above) the neutral axis for N.
vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the neutral axis of the hull girder transverse
= section to the lower edge of the side shell strake under consideration for f1.

SMRDS reference net hull girder section modulus for sagging bending moment, based on the
material factor of the deck flange of the hull girder, in cm2-m (in2-ft)
= 0 . 92SMS
required gross hull girder section modulus, in accordance with 3-2-1/3.7.1 and 3-2-1/5.3
SMs of the Marine Vessel Rules, for sagging total bending moment at the location under
consideration, based on the material factor of the deck flange of the hull girder, in cm2-m

Q, Qd material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5 for the side shell plating under consideration and
the deck flange of the hull girder, respectively.

yn vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the bottom (deck) to the neutral axis of the
section, when the strake under consideration is below (above) the neutral axis.

SMRB, SMB, Rb, Qb and E are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1. SMD is as defined in 5A-3-3/9.5.

The minimum width of the sheer strake for the midship 0.4L is to be in accordance with 3-2-2/3.13 of the
Marine Vessel Rules .

The thickness of the sheer strake is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but this
increase need not exceed 6.5 mm (0.26 in.).

In addition, the net thickness of the side shell plating of FPIs subject to side offloading is not to be taken
less than t4 obtained from the following equation:

t4 = 90(s/1000 + 0 . 7)[Bd/(Smfy)2]1/4 + 0 . 5 mm


s = spacing of side longitudinal stiffeners, in mm

B = breadth of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m
d = molded draft, as defined in 3-1-1/9.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m

All other parameters are as defined above.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

The net thickness, t4, is to be applied to the following extent of the side shell plating:
● Longitudinal extent. Between a section aft of amidships where the breadth at the waterline exceed 0.9
B, and a section forward of amidships where the breadth at the waterline exceeds 0.6B.
● Vertical extent. Between 300 mm below the lowest ballast waterline to 0.25d or 2.2 m, whichever is
greater, above the summer load line.

Alternatively, in lieu of the t4 requirements above, side shell strength calculations may be submitted to
demonstrate the structural adequacy of the side shell to the impact absorbing characteristics of fenders or
equivalent, and their arrangement.

9.3 Deck Plating (1 July 2012)

The thickness of the strength deck plating is to be not less than that needed to meet the hull girder section
modulus requirement in 3-2-1/3.7.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules . The buckling and ultimate strength are to
be in accordance with the requirements in 5A-3-4/5. In addition, the net thickness of deck plating is to be
not less than t1, t2 and t3, as specified below for the midship 0.4L:

t1 = 0 . 73s(k1p/f1)1/2 mm (in.)
t2 = 0 . 73s(k2p/f2)1/2     mm (in.)
t3 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2 mm (in.)


s = spacing of side longitudinals, in mm (in.)

k1 = 0.342
k2 = 0.50
p = pn in cargo tank, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= pn − puℎ in ballast tank, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

In no case is p to be taken less than 2.06 N/cm2 (0.21 kgf/cm2, 2.987 lbf/in2).

pn is nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2 lbf/in2), as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for deck plating.

puℎ is defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material required
at the location under consideration.

f1 = permissible bending stress in the longitudinal direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 15Smfy
f2 = permissible bending stress in the transverse direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 80Smfy
c = 0.5 (0.6 + 0.0015L) for SI or MKS Units
= 0.5 (0.6 + 0.00046L) for U.S. Units

c is not to be taken less than (0.7N2 − 0.2) for installations having length less than 267 m (876 ft)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

L = length of installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules

N = Rd(Q/Qd)1/2

Rd = (SMRDS /SMD)1/2
Q = material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5 for the deck plating

Sm, fy and E are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

SMRDS and Qd are as defined in 5A-3-3/9.1.

SMD is as defined in 5A-3-3/9.5.

The t3 requirement for a converted ship-type FPI may be adjusted based on the ratio Mr, where Mr= total
maximum sagging bending moment as a ship-type FPI/total maximum sagging bending moment as a
trading vessel. The total sagging bending moment as a ship-type FPI is the sum of the maximum sagging
still water and wave bending moments for the onsite condition. The sagging wave bending moment may be
obtained from 5A-3-2/5.2.1.

The t3 requirement for a new build ship-type FPI may be adjusted based on the ratio Mr, where Mr =
(maximum sagging still water bending moment + sagging wave bending moment for the on-site DEC)/
(maximum sagging still water bending moment + wave sagging bending moment for North Atlantic

Mr Adjusted t3

Mr < 0 . 7 0 . 85   * t3

0 . 7 ≤ Mr ≤ 1 . 0 Varies linearly between 0 . 85 * t3 and t3

Mr > 1 . 0 1 . 0 * t3

The thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but this
increase need not exceed 6.5 mm (0.25 in.). The required deck area is to be maintained throughout the
midship 0.4L of the installation or beyond the end of a superstructure at or near the midship 0.4L point.
From these locations to the ends of the installation, the deck area may be gradually reduced in accordance
with 3-2-1/11.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules . Where bending moment envelope curves are used to
determine the required hull girder section modulus, the foregoing requirements for strength deck area may
be modified in accordance with 3-2-1/11.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules . Where so modified, the strength
deck area is to be maintained a suitable distance from superstructure breaks and is to be extended into the
superstructure to provide adequate structural continuity.

9.5 Deck and Side Longitudinals (1 July 2005)

The net section modulus of each individual side or deck longitudinal, in association with the effective
plating to which it is attached, is to be not less than obtained from the following equation:

SM = M/fb cm3 (in3)
M = 1000psℓ2 /k N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 12 (12, 83.33)
p = pai − puo or pb whichever is greater, for side longitudinals, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

= p for deck longitudinals in cargo tank, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= pn − puℎ for deck longitudinals in ballast tank, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

In no case is p to be taken less than 2.06 N/cm2 (0.21 kgf/cm2, 2.987 lbf/in2).

pa and pb are nominal pressures, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as defined in load case “a” and “b”, at the
side longitudinal considered, in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for side longitudinals, respectively.

pn is nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as defined in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for deck

puo and puℎ are defined in 5A-3-3/9.1 and 5A-3-3/7.3.1, respectively.

s and ℓ are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

fb = permissible bending stresses, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= (1.0 − 0.60a2(SMRD /SMD)Smfy for deck longitudinals
1.0[0.86 − 0.52a1(SMRB /SMB)(y/yn)]Smfy ≤ 0 . 75Smfy for side longitudinals below
neutral axis
2.0[0.86 − 0.52a2(SMRD /SMD)(y/yn)]Smfy ≤ 0 . 75Smfy for side longitudinals above
neutral axis
a2 = Sm2fy2 /Smfy

Sm, fy and a1are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

Sm2 strength reduction factor, as obtained from 5A-3-3/7.3.1, for the steel grade of top flange
material of the hull girder.

fy2 minimum specified yield point of the top flange material of the hull girder, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,
SMRD reference net hull girder section modulus based on the material factor of the top flange of the
hull girder, in cm2-m (in2-ft)
= 0 . 92SM
required gross hull girder section modulus at the location under consideration, in accordance
SM = with 3-2-1/3.7 and 3-2-1/5.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules, based on the material factor of the top
flange of the hull girder, in cm2-m (in2-ft)
SMD design (actual) net hull girder section modulus at the deck, in cm2-m (in2-ft), at the location
under consideration

SMRB and SMB are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

vertical distance in m (ft) measured from the neutral axis of the section to the longitudinal
y =
under consideration at its connection to the associated plate

yn vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the deck (bottom) to the neutral axis of the section,
when the longitudinal under consideration is above (below) the neutral axis.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Where the wing ballast tanks are U-shaped, the net section modulus of deck longitudinals in the wing
ballast tanks is to be not less than that of the uppermost side longitudinal, adjusted for the span and spacing
of the longitudinal and the material factors.

Where the breadth of center tank exceeds 0.6B, the net section modulus of deck longitudinals in the center
tank, located outboard of 0.3B from the centerline of the tank, is also to be not less than that of the
uppermost boundary longitudinal bulkhead longitudinal required by 5A-3-3/13.5, adjusted for the span and
spacing of the longitudinal and the material factors.

In determining compliance with the foregoing, an effective breadth, be, of attached plating is to be used in
the calculation of the section modulus of the design longitudinal. be is to be obtained from line a) of
5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6.

The net moment of inertia about the neutral axis of deck longitudinals and side longitudinals within the
region of 0.1D from the deck, in association with the effective plating (bwLtn), is to be not less than
obtained from the following equation:

io = kAeℓ2fy /E       cm4 (in4)


k = 1220 (1220, 17.57)

Ae = net sectional area of the longitudinal with the associated effective plating bwLtn , in cm2(in2)
bwL = cs
c = 2 . 25/β − 1 . 25β2 for β ≥ 1.25
= 1.0 for β <1.25
β = (fy /E)1/2s/tn
tn = thickness of the plate, in mm (in.)
D = depth of installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules .

ℓ, s and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

E is as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

11 Side Shell and Deck – Main Supporting Members

11.1 General (1 July 2012)

The main supporting members, such as transverses and girders, are to be arranged and designed with
sufficient stiffness to provide support to the installation’s hull structures. In general, the deck transverses,
side transverses and bottom floors are to be arranged in one plane to form continuous transverse rings.
Deck girders, where fitted, are to extend throughout the cargo tank spaces and are to be effectively
supported at the transverse bulkheads.

Generous transitions are to be provided at the intersections of main supporting members to provide smooth
transmission of loads and to minimize the stress concentrations. Abrupt changes in sectional properties and
sharp re-entrant corners are to be avoided. It is recommended that the intersection of the inner skin and
inner bottom be accomplished by using generous sloping or large radiused bulkheads. Stool structures,
where fitted, are to have sloping bulkheads on both sides.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

The net section modulus and sectional area of the main supporting members required by Part 5A, Chapter
3 apply to those portions of the member clear of the end brackets. They are considered as the requirements
of initial scantlings for deck transverses, side transverses, vertical webs on longitudinal bulkheads and
horizontal girders and vertical webs on transverse bulkheads, and may be reduced, provided that the
strength of the resultant design is verified with the subsequent total strength assessment in Section 5A-3-4.
However, in no case should they be taken less than 85% of those determined from 5A-3-3/11 or 5A-3-3/15.
(See also 5A-3-4/11.1.) The structural properties of the main supporting members and end brackets are to
comply with the failure criteria specified in 5A-3-4/3.

The section modulus of the main supporting members is to be determined in association with the effective
plating to which they are attached, as specified in 3-1-2/13 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

In the calculation of the nominal pressure, ρg of the liquid cargoes is not to be taken less than 0.1025
kgf/cm2-m (0.4444 lbf/in2-ft) for main supporting members.

Section modulus and web sectional area of the deck transverses and deck girders may be obtained in
accordance with the procedure given below or other recognized design procedures.

The section modulus and web sectional area of the deck transverse and deck girders are not to be less than
loading pattern 1 as specified in 5A-3-3/11.3.

For a deck transverse and/or deck girder that is subjected to reactions (forces and moments) from the
topside structure, the section modulus and web sectional area of the deck transverse and/or deck girders are
also not to be less than for loading pattern 1 as specified in 5A-3-3/11.3 and for loading pattern 2 as
specified in 5A-3-3/11.5.

11.3 Deck Transverses and Deck Girders – Loading Pattern 1 (1 July 2012)
11.3.1 Section Modulus of Deck Transverses
The net section modulus of deck transverses is to be not less than obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3 of these Rules):

SM = M/fb       cm3 (in3)

For deck transverses in wing cargo tanks (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a, b, c, d, e, and f):

M = k(10, 000c1φpsℓ2t + βsMs ≥ Mo     N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)

For deck transverses in center cargo tanks (see 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d, e and f)

M = k(10, 000c1φpsℓ2t + βbMb ≥ Mo     N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


Ms = 10, 000c2pssℓ2s

Mb = 10, 000c2pbsℓ2b

Mo = 10, 000kc3psℓ2t
k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)
nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid span of the deck transverse
p = under consideration, as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 16. In no case is p
be taken less than 2.06 N/cm2 (0.21 kgf/cm2, 2.987 lbf/in2).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

ps corresponding nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the

side transverse (5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 12)

pb corresponding nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the

vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead (5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 13)
c1 for tanks without deck girders:
= 0.30 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c with non-tight centerline bulkhead
= 0.42 for all other cases
c1 for tanks with deck girders:
= 0.30α for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with a non-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.05
min. and 0.30 max.
= 0.42α for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a or -b with an oil-tight centerline bulkhead,
0.05 min. and 0.42 max.
a = (ℓg /ℓt)[(sg /s)(It /Ig)]1/4
ℓg = span of the deck girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c
span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A, but
ℓt is not to be taken as less than 60% of the breadth of the tank, except for ship-type
vessels with a non-tight centerline bulkhead (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b), for
which the span is not to be taken as less than 30% of the breadth of the tank.

Ig, It moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of the deck girder and deck transverse, clear of
the brackets, respectively
Sg = spacing of the deck girder, in m (ft)
S = spacing of the deck transverses, in m (ft)

When calculating a, if more than one deck girder is fitted, average values of sg, ℓg and Ig are to be
used when the girders are not identical.

φ = 1 − [5(ℎa /αℓt)], for cargo tanks with deck girders, 0.6 minimum
= 1 − 5(ℎa /ℓt), for cargo tanks without deck girders, 0.6 minimum

ℎa distance, in m (ft), from the end of the span to the toe of the end bracket of the
deck transverse, as indicated in 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8
βs = 0.9[(ℓs /ℓt)(It /Is)], 0.10 min. and 0.65 max.
βb = 0.9[(ℓb /ℓt)(It /Ib)], 0.10 min. and 0.50 max.
spans, in m (ft), of side transverse and vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead,
respectively, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A. Where a cross tie is fitted
and is located at a distance greater than 0.7ℓs or 0.7ℓb from the deck transverse,
ℓs, ℓb =
the effective span of the side transverse or the vertical web may be taken as that
measured from the deck transverse to the cross tie and all coefficients determined
as if there were no cross tie.

Is, Ib moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), clear of the brackets, of side transverse and
vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead, respectively
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70Smfy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

c2 is given in 5A-3-3/11.17 TABLE 1.

2.0c1 for ship-type vessels with oil-tight longitudinal bulkheads and without deck
c3 =
girders (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c, d, e and f)
1.6c1 for ship-type vessels with non-tight centerline longitudinal bulkhead and without
deck girders (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c)
= 1.1c1 for cargo tanks with deck girders

The section modulus of the deck transverse in the wing cargo tank is to be not less than that of the
deck transverse in the center tank.

11.3.2 Sectional Area of Deck Transverses

The net sectional area of the web portion of deck transverses is to be not less than obtained from
the following equation:

A = F/fs cm2(in2)
F = 1000k[c1ps(0 . 50ℓ − ℎe) + c2DBcs] N(kgf,lbf)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

c2 0.05 for wing cargo tanks of ship-type vessels with four longitudinal bulkheads
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d, e and f)
= 0 for other tanks (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a, b, c, d, e and f)
c1 for tanks with deck girders:

0.90α1/2 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a without longitudinal bulkhead and for
= 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with an oil-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.50 min. and 1.0
1/2 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with a non-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.45 min.
= 0.60α
and 0.85 max.
c1 for tanks without deck girders:
= 1.10 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c, with a nontight centerline longitudinal bulkhead
= 1.30 for all other cases (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c, d, e and f)
ℓ = span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A

ℎe length of the bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c and -d and
5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8
D = depth of the vessel, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules
Bc = breadth of the center tank, in m (ft)

P, s and α are as defined in 5A-3-3/11.3.1 of these Rules.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 45Smfy

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1 of these Rules.

11.3.3 Section Modulus of Deck Girders

The net section modulus of deck girders is to be not less than obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3):

SM = M/fb    cm3 (in3)

M equals M1 or M2, whichever is greater, as given below:

M1 = 4200kpsgℓ2g N‐cm (kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)
M2 = k(3000φpsgℓ2g + 0 . 15Mb N‐cm (kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)
M3 = 10, 000pstsgℓ2st N‐cm (kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

ℓg = span, in m (ft), of the deck girder, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c

ℓst span, in m (ft), of the vertical web on transverse bulkhead, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7

sg spacing, in m (ft), of the deck girder considered, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE

φ = 1 − 5(ℎa /ℓg), 0.6 min.

ℎa distance, in m (ft), from the end of the span to the toe of the end bracket of the deck
girder, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c and 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9
nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item
17 for the girder considered. Where three or more deck girders are fitted in the cargo
p = tank, p is to be not less than its value determined for the outermost girder clear of the
end bracket of the deck transverse. In no case is p to be taken less than 2.06 N/cm2
(0.21 kgf/cm2, 2.987 lbf/in2).
corresponding nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the
pst = vertical web on the forward transverse bulkhead of cargo tank under consideration
(5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 17)
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 45Smfy
= (1 . 0 − 0 . 55a2SMRD /SMD)Smfy ≤ 0 . 52Smfy ) for L < 190 m

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1 of these Rules.

11.3.4 Sectional Area of Deck Girders

The net sectional area of the web portion of deck girders is to be not less than obtained from the
following equation:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

A = F/fs cm2 (in2)

F = 1000kcpsg(0 . 5ℓ − ℎe) N (kgf, lbf)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

c = 0.55 for one or two girders in the tank
= 0.67 for three or more girders in the tank
ℓ = span of the deck girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c

ℎe length of the bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c and

5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9.

p and sg are defined in 5A-3-3/11.3.3.

fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 30Smfy

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1 of these Rules.

11.5 Deck Transverses and Deck Girders – Loading Pattern 2 (1 July 2012)
11.5.1 Section Modulus of Deck Transverses
The net section modulus of deck transverses, in association with the effective deck plating, is to be
obtained from the following equation:

SM = M/fb cm3 (in3)

11.5.1(a) For deck transverses in wing tanks

M = 105k(Mp + Mg + Ms) N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in)

11.5.1(b) For deck transverses in center tanks

M = 105k(Mp + Mg + Mb) N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in)


K = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

Mp = bending moment due to reactions from topside structure
= (Mv + Mm)ft
Mv = ℓt ∑n Pn(k1n + k2n)
= ∑n Mn(k3n + k4n)

Pn reaction deck force number n, in kN (tf, Ltf), applied to the deck transverse in tank
under consideration, see 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8

Mn reaction deck moment number n, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft), applied to the deck transverse
in tank under consideration, see 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

n = 1, 2,…..,Nv to obtain bending moment Mv

n = 1, 2,…..,Nm to obtain bending moment Mm

Nv total number of reaction forces at deck transverse under consideration, (in tank under

Nm total number of reaction moments at deck transverse under consideration, (in tank
under consideration)

ℓt span of the deck transverse under consideration, in m (ft), as defined in 5A-3-3/1.7

k1n = (1 − an)2[an − z(1 + 2an)]

k2n = 0   if   z ≤ an
= (z − an)     if   z > an
k3n = (1 − an)(3an − 1 − 6anz)
k4n = 0   if   z ≤ an
= 1   if   z > an
an = an /ℓt
z = z/ℓt, (0 ≤ z ≤ 1)
distance, in m (ft), from a point of application of reaction (force Pn or moment Mn) to
an =
the end of the deck transverse span ℓt, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8
coordinate (measured from the end of the span ℓt) of the section of the deck transverse
z =
under consideration, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8

For the toe of the deck transverse end brackets, z = ℎa /ℓt and z = 1 − ℎa /ℓt.

ℎa distance, in m(ft), from the end of the span to the toe of the end bracket of the deck
transverse, as shown in 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9 of these Rules.


For a wide topside bracket, the vertical load on a deck transverse can be considered uniformly distributed with
pressure qn = Pn /c, and the concentrated bending moment can be substituted by force couples.

Pm = Mn /(kc)


Pm, Mn = concentrated force and moment obtained from FE analysis of topside structure
c = width of the topside bracket
k = shape bracket factor, and may be taken as 0.8, unless otherwise specified

Bending moment at the toe of the end brackets due to green water pressure, Mg :

Mg = 0 . 1c3φPgisℓ2t


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Pgi = nominal green water pressure imposed on the deck, in kN/m (tf/m , Ltf/ft ), as defined
2 2 2
in 5A-3-2/13.7 of these Rules
s = spacing, in m (ft), of the deck transverses
2.0c1 for ship-type vessels with oil-tight longitudinal bulkheads and without deck
c3 =
girders (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c, d, e and f)
1.6c1 for ship-type vessels with non-tight centerline longitudinal bulkhead and without
deck girders (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c)
= 1.1c1 for cargo tanks with deck girders
φ = 1-[5(ℎa /αℓt)], for cargo tanks with deck girders, 0.6 minimum
= 1-5(ℎa /ℓt), for cargo tanks without deck girders, 0.6 minimum

ℎa = distance, in m (ft), from the end of the span to the toe of the end bracket of the deck
transverse, as indicated in 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9
span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A, but is not
ℓt to be taken as less than 60% of the breadth of the tank, except for ship-type vessels with
a non-tight centerline bulkhead (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b), for which the span is not to
be taken as less than 30% of the breadth of the tank.
c1 for tanks without deck girders:
= 0.30 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c with non-tight centerline bulkhead
= 0.42 for all other cases
c1 for tanks with deck girders:
= 0.30α for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with a non-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.05 min.
and 0.30 max.
= 0.42α for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a or -b with an oil-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.05
min. and 0.42 max.
α = (ℓg /ℓt)[(sg /s)(It /Ig)]1/4

ℓg = span of the deck girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c of these
Ig, moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of the deck girder and deck transverse with effective
It deck plating, clear of the end brackets, respectivel
sg = spacing of the deck girder, in m (ft) as shown in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A
s = spacing of the deck transverses, in m (ft)

When calculating α, if more than one deck girder is fitted, average values of sg, ℓg and Ig are to be
used when the girders are not identical.

Bending moments due to pressure on side transverse and vertical web of longitudinal bulkhead:

Ms = ksβsc2pssℓs2

Mb = kbβbc2pbsℓb2

where ks = 0.1, and kb = 0.1, unless otherwise specified.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

spans, in m (ft), of side transverse and vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead,

respectively, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A. Where a cross tie is fitted
and is located at a distance greater than 0.7ℓs or 0.7ℓb from the deck transverse,
ℓs, ℓb =
the effective span of the side transverse or the vertical web may be taken as that
measured from the deck transverse to the cross tie and all coefficients determined
as if there were no cross tie.

ps nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of side transverse

when wing tank is empty, adjacent tanks full (5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 12)
nominal internal cargo pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the
pb = vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead when center tank is empty, adjacent tanks
full (5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 13)
βs = 0.9[(ℓs /ℓt)(It /Is)], 0.10 min. and 0.65 max.
βb = 0.9[(ℓb /ℓt)(It /Ib)], 0.10 min. and 0.50 max.

Is, Ib moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), clear of the brackets, of side transverse and
vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead, respectively

c2 are given in 5A-3-3/11.17 TABLE 1 of these Rules.

ft = 1 for tanks without deck girders

ft = 1 − [0.67/(1 + 2δ)] is not to be taken less than 0.70 for tanks with deck girders

δ = (ℓg /ℓt)3(It /Ig)

fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70Smfy

Sm and fy as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1 of these Rules.

11.5.2 Section Modulus of Deck Girders

The net section modulus of deck girder with effective deck plating is to be not less than that
obtained from the following equation:

SM = M/fb cm3(in3)
M = k105(Mp + Mg) N‐cm(kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

11.5.2(a) Bending moment due to reactions from topside structure, Mp
Mp = (Mv + Mm)fg
Mv = ℓg ∑n Pn k1n + k2n
Mm = ∑n Nn(k3n + k4n)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Pn reaction force number n, in kN (tf, Lt-ft), applied to the deck girder under

Mn reaction moment number n, in kN-m (tf-m, Lt-ft), applied to the deck girder under
N = 1, 2,….., Nv to obtain bending moment Mv
N = 1, 2,….., Nm to obtain bending moment Mm

Nv total number of reaction forces at the deck girder between transverse bulkheads in the
tank under consideration

Nm total number of reaction moments at the deck girder between transverse bulkheads in
the tank under consideration
k1n = (1 − bn)2[bn − x(1 + 2bn)]

k2n = 0 if x ≤ bn

= (x − bn) if x > bn
k3n = (1 − bn)(3bn − 1 − 6bnx)

k4n = 0 if x ≤ bn

= 1 if x > bn

bn = bn /ℓg
x = x/ℓg
bn = distance, in m (ft), from reaction force Pn to the end of the deck girder span ℓg
coordinate, in m (ft), of the section of the deck girder under consideration, measured
x = from the end of span ℓ

For the toe of the brackets, x = ℎa /ℓg and x = 1 − ℎa /ℓg .

distance, in m (ft), from the end of the deck girder span to the toe of the end of the
ℎa = bracket, as shown in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c and 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9 of these
fg = 1 − 0.13[(ℓg /ℓt)3(ℓg /s)(It /Ig)]0 . 25 is not to be taken less than 0.65

It, Ig, s, ℓg, ℓt are as defined in 5A-3-3/11.5.1, above.

11.5.2(b) Bending moment at the toe of the end brackets due to green water pressure, Mp
Mg = 0 . 083φpgisgℓg2

where pgi and sg are as defined in 5A-3-3/11.5.1, above.

φ = 1 − 5(ℎa /ℓg), 0.6 min.

fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 45Smfy
= (1.0 − 0.55α2SMRD /SMD)Smfy ≤ 0 . 52Smfy for L < 190 m

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

α2, SMRD and SMD are as defined in 5A-3-3/9.5. Sm and fy, are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

11.5.3 Web Sectional Area of Deck Transverses

The net sectional area of the web portion of deck transverse is to be obtained from the following

A = F/fs     cm2(in2)


F = 1000 k(Fp + Fg + c2sDBc), in N (kgf, lbf)

Fp = (Fv + Fm)f1

Fv = ∑n Pn(1 − an)2(2an + 1) + ∆ F
Fm = 6∑n an(1 − an)Mn /ℓt
Fg = c1pgis(0 . 50ℓ − ℎe)
k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)
∆F = 0 if z ≤ an
= −Pn if z > an
f1 = 1 − [0.5/(1 + 4δ)]

c2 0.05 for wing cargo tanks of ship-type vessels with four longitudinal bulkheads
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d, e and f of these Rules)
= 0 for other tanks (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a, b, c, d, e and f of these Rules)
c1 for tanks with deck girders:

0.90α1/2 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a without longitudinal bulkhead and for
= 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with an oil-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.50 min. and 1.0
1/2 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with a non-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.45 min.
= 0.60α
and 0.85 max.
c1 for tanks without deck girders:
= 1.10 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c, with a nontight centerline longitudinal bulkhead
ℓ = 1.30 for all other cases (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c, d, e and f)

ℎe span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A of these

D = depth of a vessel, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules
Bc = breadth of the center tank, in m (ft)
fs = permissible shear stress
= 0.45Smfy, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Pn, Mn, Pgi, ℓt, s, an, z, a and δ are as defined in 5A-3-3/11.5.1, above.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

11.5.4 Web Sectional Area of Deck Girders

The net sectional area of the web portion of deck girders is to be not less than that obtained from
the following equation:

A = F/fs     cm2 (in2)


F = 1000 k(Fp + Fg), in N (kgf, lbf)

Fp = (Fv + Fm)fg

Fv = ∑n Pn(1 − bn)2(2bn + 1)(1 + 2bn) + ∆ F

Fm = 6∑n bn(1 − bn)Mn /ℓtg

∆ Fn
= 0 if x ≤ bn

= −Pn if x > bn
Fg = cpgi(0 . 5ℓ − ℎe)sg
k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)
c = 0.55 for one or two girders in the tank
= 0.67 for three or more girders in the tank
ℓ = span of the deck girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c

ℎe length of the bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c and

5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9.
fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0.30Smfy

Pn, Mn, ℓg, sg, bn, x, pgi, fg, Sm, fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/11.5.2, above.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Deck Transverse – Definition of Parameters (1 July 2012)

11.7 Web Sectional Area of Side Transverses

The net sectional area of the web portion of side transverses is to be not less than obtained from the
following equation:

A = F/fs     cm2(in2)

The shear force F, in N (kgf, lbf), for the side transverse can be obtained from the following equations (see
also 5A-3-3/1.3):

F = 1000ks[KUℓ(PU + PL) − ℎUPU] for upper part of transverse

F = 1000ks[KLℓ(PU + PL) − ℎLPL]     or  
whichever is greater for lower part of transverse
  350ksKLℓ(PU + PL)

In no case is the shear force for the lower part of the transverse to be less than 120% of that for the upper
part of the transverse.


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

span, in m (ft), of the side transverse, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a. Where one
cross tie is fitted in the wing tank and is located at a distance of more than 0.7ℓ from the deck
ℓ =
transverse, the effective span of the side transverse may be measured from the deck transverse
to the cross tie and all coefficients determined as if there were no cross tie.
s = spacing, in m (ft), of the side transverses

PU nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of upper bracket, as specified
in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3

PL nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of lower bracket, as specified
in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3.
ℎU = length of the upper bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a
ℎL = length of the lower bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a
fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 45   Smfy

KU and KL are given in 5A-3-3/11.17 TABLE 2.

Sm and fy as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

For ship-type installations without cross ties in the wing cargo tank, the required sectional area of the lower
side transverse is to extend to 0.15ℓ from the toe of the lower bracket or 0.33ℓ from the lower end of the
span, whichever is greater.

For ship-type installations with one cross tie, the sectional area required for the lower portion of the
transverse is to be maintained up to the cross tie.

11.9 Minimum Thickness for Web Portion of Main Supporting Members (1997)
In general, the net thickness of the web plate of the main supporting members, except stringers in double
side structures, is to be not less than t, as obtained below:

t = 0 . 012L + 7 . 7 mm
= 0 . 144L × 10−3 + 0 . 303 in.

but t need not be taken greater than 11.0 mm (0.433 in.)

The net thickness of side stringers in double side structures is not to be less than t1 and t2, as specified

t1 = 0 . 012L + 6 . 7 mm
= 0 . 144L × 10−3 + 0 . 264 in.

but t1 need not be taken greater than 10.0 mm (0.394 in.)

t2 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2     mm (in.)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

L = length of the installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules
c = 0.7N2 − 0.2, not to be less than 0.33
s = spacing of longitudinals, in mm (in.)
Sm = strength reduction factor, obtained from 5A-3-3/7.3.1 for the steel grade of the side stringer
fy = minimum specified yield point of the side stringer material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

N = Rd[(Q/Qd)(y/yn)]1/2 for side stringers above neutral axis

= Rb[(Q/Qb)(y/yn)]1/2 for side stringers below neutral axis

Q = material conversion factor 5A-3-3/5 for the side stringer under consideration
vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the neutral axis of the hull girder transverse section
y =
to the side stringer under consideration

E, Rb and Qb are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1. Rd, Qd and yn are as defined in 5A-3-3/9.1.

11.11 Proportions
In general, webs, girders and transverses are not to be less in depth than specified below, as a percentage of
the span, ℓt, ℓb or ℓg, where applicable (see 5A-3-3/Figures 2A and 2B). Alternative designs with stiffness
equivalent to the specified depth/length ratio and the required section modulus may be considered,
provided that the calculated results are submitted for review.

11.11.1 Deck Transverse

23% for deck transverses in wing cargo tanks of ship-type installations with four side
longitudinal bulkheads where no deck girders are fitted (see 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d,
e and f).
12.5% for deck transverses without deck girders for ship-type installations with centerline
longitudinal bulkhead (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c).
12.5% for deck transverses without deck girders for ship-type installations with centerline
longitudinal bulkhead (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c).
8.5% for deck transverses in cargo tanks with one deck girder.
5.5% for deck transverses in cargo tanks with two deck girders.
3.5% for deck transverse in cargo tanks with three or more deck girders.
11.11.2 Deck Girder
20% for deck girders where only one is fitted in a tank.
12.5% for deck girders where two are fitted in a tank.
9.0% for deck girders where three or more are fitted in a tank.
11.11.3 Longitudinal Bulkhead Webs/Girders (2005)
for vertical webs of longitudinal bulkheads without strut and horizontal girders of
longitudinal bulkheads.
9.0% for vertical webs of longitudinal bulkheads with one or more struts

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

11.11.4 Transverse Bulkhead Webs/Girders

20.0% for vertical webs of transverse bulkheads where only one is fitted in a tank.
12.5% for vertical webs of transverse bulkheads where two are fitted in a tank.
9.0% for vertical webs of transverse bulkheads where three or more are fitted in a tank.
28% for horizontal girders of transverse bulkheads in wing tanks for ship-type installations
with four side longitudinal bulkheads (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d, e and f).
for horizontal girders of transverse bulkheads in center tanks for ship-type installations
20% with four side longitudinal bulkheads (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d, e and f), but not
less in depth than horizontal girders in wing tanks
for horizontal girders of transverse bulkheads without vertical webs for ship-type
installations with centerline longitudinal bulkhead (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c)
10% for horizontal girders of transverse bulkhead with one vertical web in the cargo tank
7% for horizontal girders of transverse bulkhead with two or more vertical webs in the
cargo tank, except in the case where more than two vertical webs are fitted for ship-
type installations with centerline longitudinal bulkheads (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-
b), or more than five vertical webs are fitted for ship-type installations with outer
longitudinal bulkheads only (See 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a). In that case, horizontal
girders are not to be less in depth than 15% of the maximum distance between two
adjacent vertical webs or the end of span ℓb of the horizontal girder and next vertical

In no case are the depths of supporting members to be less than three times the depth of the slots
for longitudinals. The thickness of the webs is to be not less than required by 5A-3-3/11.9.

11.13 Brackets
Generally, brackets are to have a thickness not less than that of the member supported, are to have flanges
or face plates at their edges and are to be suitably stiffened.

11.15 Web Stiffeners and Tripping Brackets

11.15.1 Web Stiffeners
Stiffeners are to be fitted for the full depth of the webs of the main supporting member at the
following intervals:

Floor every longitudinal

Side every longitudinal
Bulkhead every second stiffener
Deck every third longitudinal

Special attention is to be given to the stiffening of web plate panels close to change in contour of
the web or where higher strength steel is used.

Web stiffener attachment to the deep webs, longitudinals and stiffeners is to be effected by
continuous welds.

Where depth/thickness ratio of the web plating exceeds 200, a stiffener is to be fitted parallel to
the flange or face plate at approximately one-quarter depth of the web from the flange or face

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Alternative system of web-stiffening of the main supporting members may be considered based on
the structural stability of the web and satisfactory levels of the shear stresses in the welds of the
longitudinals to the web plates.

11.15.2 Tripping Bracket

Tripping brackets, arranged to support the flanges, are to be fitted at intervals of about 3 m (9.84
ft), close to any changes of section, and in line with the flanges of struts.

11.17 Slots and Lightening Holes

When slots and lightening holes are cut in transverses, webs, floors, stringers and girders, they are to be
kept well clear of other openings. The slots are to be neatly cut and well rounded. Lightening holes are to
be located midway between the slots and at about one-third of the depth of the web from the shell, deck or
bulkhead. Their diameters are not to exceed one-third the depth of the web. In general, lightening holes are
not to be cut in those areas of webs, floors, stringers, girders and transverses where the shear stresses are
high. Similarly, slots for longitudinals are to be provided with filler plates or other reinforcement in these
same areas. Where it is necessary to cut openings in highly stressed areas, they are to be effectively
compensated. Continuous fillet welds are to be provided at the connection of the filler plates to the web
and at the connection of the filler plate to the longitudinals.

Effectiveness of Brackets (1 September 2007)

Where face plate on the member is not carried

Where face plate on the member is carried along the along the face of the bracket, and where the face
face of the bracket. plate area on the bracket is at least one-half the face
plate area on the member.
Brackets are not to be considered effective beyond the point where the arm of the girder or web is 1.5
times the arm on the bulkhead or base.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Coefficient c2 For Deck Transverses (1995)

No cross ties
Structural (5A-3-3/1.7 Cross ties in wing cargo tank Cross ties in center cargo tank
Arrangement FIGURE 2A-a, b, c (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d) (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-e)
and f)
Location of Deck
All cargo tanks Wing tank Center tank Wing tank Center tank

c2 0 . 40(1) 0.37 0.13 0.40 0.14

1 c2 = 0.50 for ship-type installations with an oil-tight centerline bulkheadwhich will be loaded from one side only.

Coefficients KU and KL for Side Transverses (1995)

Arrangement of Cross Ties KU(1) KL(1)

No cross ties
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a, b, c and f)
0.13 0.30
One cross tie in center cargo tank
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-e)
One cross tie in wing cargo tank
0.09 0.21
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d)

1 For ship-type installations without cross ties in wing cargo tank (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a, b, c, e and f) and
having three or more side stringers, KU = 0 . 10 and KL = 0 . 22

13 Longitudinal and Transverse Bulkheads

13.1 Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating (December 2008)

The net thickness of the longitudinal bulkhead plating, in addition to complying with 5A-3-3/5.5, is to be
not less than t1, t2 and t3, as specified below:

t1 = 0 . 73s(k1p/f1)1/2 mm (in.)
t2 = 0 . 73s(k2p/f2)1/2 mm (in.)
t3 = cs(Smfy /E)1/2 mm (in.)

but not less than 9.5 mm (0.37 in.) where

s = spacing of longitudinal bulkhead longitudinals, in mm (in.)

k1 = 0.342

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

k2 = 0.5
pressure at the lower edge of each plate, pi, or maximum slosh pressure, ps, whichever is
p =
greater, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2).

In no case is p to be taken less than 2.06 N/cm2 (0.21kgf/cm2, 2.987 lbf/in2).

pi = pn in cargo tank, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= pn − puo in ballast tank, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

pn is nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), at the lower edge of each plate, as defined in
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for longitudinal bulkhead plating.

puo is also defined in 5A-3-3/9.1.

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material required
at the location under consideration.

ps = kspis, not to be taken less than kspis(mid)

pis = nominal slosh pressure, as specified in 5A-3-2/11.5.1
pis(mid) nominal slosh pressure at the mid-tank of the bulkhead at the same height as the point under
ks = bt /ℓt,   0 . 9 ≥ ks ≥ 0 . 65   (ks = 0 . 9 for pis(mid))
f1 = permissible bending stress, in the longitudinal direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= [1 − 028z/B − 0 . 52α1(SMRB /SMB)(y/yn)]Smfy, below neutral axis
= [1 − 028z/B − 0 . 52α2(SMRD /SMD)(y/yn)]Smfy, above neutral axis

bt and ℓt are the width and length, respectively, of the cargo tank being considered.

SMB /SMRB is not to be taken more than 1.2α1 or 1.4, whichever is lesser.

α1 = Sm1fy1 /Smfy
α2 = Sm2fy2 /Smfy

Sm strength reduction factor of the steel grade for the longitudinal bulkhead plating obtained from

fy minimum specified yield point of the longitudinal bulkhead plating, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in
= 2)

transverse distance, in m (ft), measured from the centerline of the section to the bulkhead
z =
strake under consideration

yn vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the deck (bottom) to the neutral axis of the section,
when the strake under consideration is above (below) the neutral axis
f2 = permissible bending stress, in the vertical direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= Smfy

c = 0.7N2 − 0 . 2

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

c for the top strake is not to be taken less than 0 . 4Q1/2, but need not be greater than 0.45.

c for other strakes is not to be taken less than 0.33, but need not be greater than 0 . 45(Q/Qd)1/2 for
strakes above the neutral axis nor greater than 0 . 45(Q/Qb)1/2 for strakes below the neutral axis.

N = Rd[(Q/Qd)(y/yn)]1/2 , for strake above the neutral axis

= Rb[(Q/Qb)(y/yn)]1/2 , for strake below the neutral axis

vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the neutral axis of the hull girder transverse section
y = to the upper edge (lower edge) of the bulkhead strake, when the strake under consideration is
above (below) the neutral axis for N
vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the neutral axis of the hull girder transverse section
= to the lower edge of the bulkhead strake under consideration for f1
Q = material conversion factor in 5A-3-3/5.1 for the longitudinal bulkhead plating
B = installation’s breadth, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules

SMRB, SMB, Rb, Qb and E are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

Sm1 and fy1 are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

Rd and Qd are as defined in 5A-3-3/9.1.

SMRD, SMD, Sm2 and fy2 are as defined in 5A-3-3/9.5.

The minimum width of the top strake for the midship 0 . 4L is to be obtained from the following equation:

b = 5L + 800 mm for L ≤ 200 m

= 1800 mm for 200 < L ≤500 m
b = 0 . 06L + 31 . 5 in. for L ≤656 ft
= 70.87 in. for 656 < L ≤ 1640 ft
L = length of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules , in m (ft)
b = width of top strake, in mm (in.)

13.3 Transverse Bulkhead Plating (1999)

The net thickness of transverse bulkhead plating is to be not less than t, as specified below:

t = 0 . 73s(k2p/f2)1/2     mm (in.)

but not less than 9.5 mm (0.37 in.)


s = spacing of transverse bulkhead stiffeners, in mm (in.)

k2 = 0.50
p = pi or maximum slosh pressure, ps, whichever is greater, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

In no case is p to be taken less than 2.06 N/cm2 (0.21 kgf/cm2, 2.987 lbf/in2).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

pi = pn in cargo tank, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= pn − puℎ in ballast tank, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

pn is nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), at the lower edge of each plate, as defined in
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for transverse bulkhead plating.

puℎ is also defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

ps = kspis , not to be taken less than kspis(mid)

pis = nominal slosh pressure, as specified in 5A-3-3/11.5.1
pis(mid) nominal slosh pressure at the mid-tank of the bulkhead at the same height as the point under
ks = ℓt /bt, 0 . 9 ≥ ks ≥ 0 . 65(ks = 0 . 9 for pis(mid))
f2 = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 85Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

ℓt, bt are defined in 5A-3-3/13.1.

Where the wing ballast tanks are U-shaped, the net thickness of transverse bulkhead plating in the wing
ballast tanks is also to be not less than as obtained from the above equation with the following substituted
for p and f2.


nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as specified for side shell structure (item 3 case
p =
a) in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, at the lower edge level of each transverse bulkhead plate
f2 = Smfy, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

where the breadth of center tank exceeds 0 . 6B, the net thickness of transverse bulkhead plating in the
center tank ,outboard of 0 . 3B from the centerline of the tank, is also to be not less than as obtained from
the above equation with the following substituted for p and f2 :

nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as specified for inner skin longitudinal
p = bulkhead structure (item 6 case a) in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, at the lower edge level of each
transverse bulkhead plate
f2 = Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

13.5 Longitudinals and Vertical/Horizontal Stiffeners (1 July 2005)

The net section modulus of each individual longitudinal or vertical/horizontal stiffener on longitudinal and
transverse bulkheads, in association with the effective plating to which it is attached, is to be not less than
obtained from the following equation:

SM = M/fb cm3 (in3)
M = 1000c1lsℓ2 /k N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in.)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3


k = 12 (12, 83.33)
c1 = 1.0 for longitudinals and horizontal stiffeners
= 1 + γℓ/10p for vertical stiffeners
γ = specific weight of the liquid, ≥ 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025 kgf/cm2-m, 0.4444 lbf/in2-ft)
s = spacing of longitudinals or vertical/horizontal stiffeners, in mm (in.)
ℓ = span of longitudinals or stiffeners between effective supports, in m (ft)
p pressure, pi, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), at the longitudinal or stiffener considered, as
= specified in 5A-3-3/13.1 and 5A-3-3/13.3, or maximum slosh pressure, ps, whichever is
greater. For vertical stiffeners, pressure is to be taken at the middle of span of each stiffener.
ps = c3pis , not to be taken less than c3pis(mid)
pis(mid) nominal slosh pressure at the mid-tank of the bulkhead at the same height as the point under
pis = nominal slosh pressure, as specified in 5A-3-2/11.5.1
c3 = as specified below:
for transverse bulkheads
0.60 for angle or T-bar, 0.68 for bulb plate or flat bar, and 0.73 for corrugation, if tank length ℓt is greater
than 1.4 times tank width bt and no transverse swash bulkheads in the tank.

Otherwise c3 = cst = (cst =1.0 for pis(mid))

csℓ = ℓt /bt, 1 . 0 ≥ cst ≥ 0 . 71

for longitudinal bulkheads

0.60 for angle or T-bar, 0.68 for bulb plate or flat bar and 0.73 for corrugation, if tank width bt is greater
than 1.4 times tank length ℓt and no longitudinal swash bulkheads in the tank.

Otherwise c3 = csℓ = (csℓ =1.0 for pis(mid))

csℓ = bt /ℓt, 1 . 0 ≥ csℓ ≥ 0 . 71

fb = permissible bending stresses, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2).

= 0.70 Smfy for transverse bulkhead stiffeners
1.4[1.0 − 0.28(z/B) − 0 . 52α1(SMRB /SMB)(y/yn)]Smfb ≤ 0 . 90Smfy for longitudinal
bulkhead longitudinals below neutral axis
2.2[1.0 − 0.28(z/B) − 0 . 52α2(SMRD /SMD)(y/yn)]Smfb ≤ 0 . 90Smfy for longitudinal
bulkhead longitudinals above neutral axis
transverse distance, in m (ft), measured from the centerline of the installation to the
z =
longitudinal under consideration at its connection to the associated plate
vertical distance, in m (ft), measured from the tank bottom to the longitudinal under
ℎ =

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

H = depth of the tank, in m (ft)

B = installation’s breadth, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules

Sm, fy and a1 are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

α2, y, yn, SMRD and SMD are as defined in 5A-3-3/9.5.

SMRB and SMB are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The effective breadth of plating, be, is as defined in line a) of 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6.

Where the wing ballast tanks are U-shaped, the net section modulus of transverse bulkhead stiffeners in the
wing ballast tanks is also to be not less than as obtained from the above equation with the following
substituted for p and fb:

nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as specified for side shell structure (item 3 case
p =
a) in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 at each transverse bulkhead stiffener level.
fb = Smfy, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Where the breadth of center tank exceeds 0 . 6B, the net section modulus of transverse bulkhead stiffeners
in the center tank, located outboard of 0 . 3B from the centerline of the tank, is also to be not less than as
obtained from the above equation with the following substituted for p and fb:

nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as specified for inner skin longitudinal
p = bulkhead structure (item 6 case a) in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 at each transverse bulkhead
stiffener level.
fb = Smfy, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

The net moment of inertia of longitudinals on the longitudinal bulkhead, with the associated effective
plating, within the region of 0 . 1D from the deck is to be not less than io, as specified in 5A-3-3/9.5.

15 Bulkheads – Main Supporting Members (1995)

15.1 General
The main supporting members of longitudinal and transverse bulkheads are to be arranged and designed,
as indicated in 5A-3-3/11.1.

15.3 Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead

15.3.1 Section Modulus of Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead (1997)
The net section modulus of the vertical web is to be not less than obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3).

SM = M/fb cm3(in3)
M = 10, 000kcpsℓ2b N‐cm(kgf‐m,lbf‐in.)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

span of member, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a. Where a cross tie
(in wing or center tank) is fitted and is located at a distance greater than 0.7ℓb from the
deck transverse, the effective span of the vertical web may be measured from the deck
ℓb = transverse to the cross tie and all coefficients determined as if there were no cross ties.
Where both the lower and upper ends of the vertical web are fitted with a bracket of the
same or larger size on the opposite side, the span ℓb may be taken between the toes of
the effective lower and upper brackets.
s = spacing of vertical webs, in m (ft)
nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the vertical web, as
P =
specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2 lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

c is given in 5A-3-3/15.3 TABLE 3.

For ship-type installations without cross ties, and fitted with an oil-tight centerline bulkhead, the
required section modulus of the web is to be maintained for 0.6ℓb, measured from the lower end
of the web. The value of the bending moment, M, used for calculation of the required section
modulus of the remainder of the web may be appropriately reduced, but by not more than 20%.
Where the centerline bulkhead is non-tight, the required section modulus is to be maintained

15.3.2 Web Sectional Area of Vertical Webs on Longitudinal Bulkheads

The net sectional area of the web portion of vertical members is to be not less than obtained from the
following equation:

A = F/fs     cm2(in2)

The shear force F, in N (kgf, lbf), may be obtained from the following equations (see also 5A-3-3/1.3).

F = 1000ks[KUℓ(PU + PL) − ℎUPU] for lower part of vertical web

= 1000ks[KLℓ(PU + PL) − ℎLPL] for lower part of vertical web
but F for lower part of vertical web is not to be less than
= 1000γksKLℓ(PU + PL)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

PU nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of upper bracket, as specified
in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3

PL nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of lower bracket, as specified
in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

span of the vertical web, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a. Where a cross tie
(in wing or center tank) is fitted and is located at a distance greater than 0.7ℓ from the deck
ℓ =
transverse, the effective span of the vertical web may be measured from the deck transverse to
the cross tie and all coefficients determined as if there were no cross ties.
s = spacing of the vertical webs, in m (ft)

ℎU length, in m (ft), of the upper bracket of the vertical web, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE
2B-a and 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9

ℎL length, in m (ft), of the lower bracket of the vertical web, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE
2B-a and 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9
γ = 0.57 for ship-type installations without cross ties, (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b, c and f)
= 0.50 for ship-type installations with one cross tie, (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d and e)
fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 45Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

Coefficients KU and KL are given in 5A-3-3/15.3 TABLE 4.

For ship-type installations without cross ties, the required sectional area of the lower part of the web is to
be maintained for 0.6ℓ measured from the lower end of the web.

For ship-type installations with one cross tie, the required sectional area of the lower part of the web is to
be maintained up to the cross tie.

In no case is the shear force for the lower part of the vertical web to be taken less than 120% of that for the
upper part of the vertical web.

Coefficient c for Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkheads (2001)

Arrangement   of   Cross   Ties For   Upper   Part For   Lower   Part

No Cross Ties
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b, c& f) 0.80
1) Tight Bhd
2) Non-tight Centerline Bhd 0.28
One Cross Tie in Center Tank,
0.14 0.31
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-e)
One Cross Tie in Wing Cargo Tank,
0.18 0.36
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d)

Coefficient KU and KL for Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkheads (2001)

Arrangement   of   Cross   Ties KU KL

No Cross Ties
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b, c& f) 0.18 0.28
1) Tight Bhd

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

2) Non-tight Centerline Bhd. 0.09 0.14

One Cross Tie in Center or Wing Cargo Tank,
0.08 0.18
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d& e)

15.5 Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead

15.5.1 Section Modulus of Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead
The net section modulus of the horizontal girder is to be not less than obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3).

SM = M/fb cm3(in3)
M = 10, 000kcpsℓ2b N‐cm(kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

ℓb = span of the horizontal girders, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-b

For ship-type installations with four longitudinal bulkheads, (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d, e and f),
ℓb is to be taken not less than 60% of the breadth of the wing cargo tanks.

sum of the half lengths, in m (ft), of the frames supported on each side of the horizontal
s =
nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), calculated at the mid-span of the horizontal
p =
girder under consideration, as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70Smfy

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

c   for   transverse   bulkℎeads   witℎout   vertical   webs

for ship-type installations with an oil-tight centerline bulkhead (5A-3-3/1.7
= 0.73
for ship-type installations with a non-tight centerline bulkhead (5A-3-3/1.7
= 0.55
in wing cargo tanks of installations with four longitudinal bulkheads
= 0.83
(5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-d, e and f)
in the center tanks of installations with four longitudinal bulkheads (5A-3-3/1.7
= 0.63
FIGURE 2A-d, e and f)
c   for   transverse   bulkℎeads   witℎ   vertical   webs

For 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b, ship-type installations with oil-tight centerline bulkhead and
5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a:
= 0.73α2 for α < 0 . 5
= 0.467α2+0.0657 for 0 . 5 ≤ α ≤ 1 . 0
= 0.1973α+0.3354 for α > 1 . 0

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

c is not to be taken less than 0.013 and need not be greater than 0.73.
For 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b, ship-type installations with a non-tight centerline bulkhead:
= 0.55α2 for α < 0 . 5
= 0.35α2+0.05 for 0 . 5 ≤ α ≤ 1 . 0
= 0.15α+0.25 for α > 1 . 0
c is not to be taken less than 0.013 and need not be greater than 0.55.
α = 0 . 9(ℓst /ℓb)[(I/Iv)(sv /s)]1/4
if more than one vertical web is fitted on the bulkhead, average values of ℓst, sv
and Iv are to be used when these values are not the same for each web.
ℓst = span of the vertical web, in m (ft) (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-b)
sv = spacing of the vertical webs, in m (ft)

I, Iv moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of the horizontal girder and the vertical web
clear of the end brackets
15.5.2 Web Sectional Area of the Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead
The net sectional area of the web portion of the horizontal girder is to be not less than obtained
from the following equation:

A = F/fs cm2(in2)
F = 1000kscp(0 . 5ℓ − ℎe) N(kgf,lbf)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

c = 0.80 for transverse bulkheads without vertical webs
= 0.72α1/2 for transverse bulkheads with vertical webs for α ≥ 0 . 70
0.887 for transverse bulkheads with vertical webs for α < 0 . 7, 0 . 1 min. and 0.8
α-0.02 max.
distance, in m (ft), between longitudinal bulkheads, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7
ℓ =
sum of the half lengths, in m (ft), on each side of the horizontal girder, of the frames
s =
ℎe = length of the bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-b

p and α are as defined in 5A-3-3/15.5.1.

fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 45Smfy

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

15.7 Vertical Web on Transverse Bulkhead

15.7.1 Section Modulus of Vertical Web on Transverse Bulkhead
The net section modulus of the vertical web is to be not less than obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3):

SM = M/fb cm3 (in3)
M = 10, 000kcpsℓ2st N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

c = 0.83 for bulkheads without horizontal girders
= 0.83-0.52α (but not less than 0.3), for transverse bulkheads with horizontal girders..
span of the vertical web, in m (ft), (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c). Where both lower and
upper ends of the vertical web are fitted with a bracket of the same or larger size on the
ℓst = opposite side, the span ℓ may be taken between the toes of the upper and lower
s = spacing of vertical webs, in m (ft)
nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the vertical web, as
p =
specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
as defined in 5A-3-3/15.5.1, except that the values of s, ℓb and I are to be averaged in
α =
the case that more than one horizontal girder is fitted on the bulkhead
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70Smfy

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The required section modulus for the web is to be maintained for a distance of 0.60ℓst from the
lower end of the span. Above that point, the value of the bending moment, M, used for the
calculation of the required section modulus may be reduced by not more than 20%.

15.7.2 Web Sectional Area of Vertical Web on Transverse Bulkheads

The net sectional area of the web portion of vertical members is to be not less than obtained from
the following equation:

A = F/fs     cm2(in2)

The shear force F in N (kgf, lbf) may be obtained from the following equations (see also

F = 1000ks[0 . 18cℓ(PU + PL) − ℎUPU for upper part of vertical web

1000ks[0 . 30cℓ(PU + PL) − ℎLPL] whichever is greater, for lower part of vertical
F =
or 120kscℓ(PU + PL) web


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

c = 1.0 for transverse bulkheads without horizontal girders
= 1.13-0.6α for transverse bulkheads with horizontal girders, 0.6 min. and 1.0 max.

PU nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of upper bracket, as

specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3

PL nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of lower bracket, as

specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
ℓ = span of the vertical web, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c
s = spacing of the vertical webs, in m (ft)

ℎU length, in m (ft), of the upper bracket, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c and
5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9

ℎL length, in m (ft), of the lower bracket, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c and
5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9

α is as defined in 5A-3-3/15.7.1.

fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 45Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The required sectional area of the lower portion of the web is to be maintained for a distance of
0.15ℓ from the toe of the lower bracket or 0.33ℓ measured from the lower end of the span,
whichever is greater.

In no case is the shear force for the lower part of the vertical web to be taken less than 120% of
that for the upper part of the vertical web.

15.9 Minimum Web Thickness, Proportions, Brackets, Stiffeners, Tripping Brackets, Slots
and Lightening Holes
Requirements for these items are given in 5A-3-3/11.9, 5A-3-3/11.11, 5A-3-3/11.13, 5A-3-3/11.15 and

15.11 Cross Ties (1997)

Where cross ties are fitted as effective supports for the tank structural members, they are to be spaced so as
to divide the supported members into spans of approximately equal length. The axial load imposed on
cross ties, W, is to be not greater than the permissible load, Wa, both are as specified below (see also
5A-3-3/1.3). Alternatively, W may be determined from finite element analyses, as specified in 5A-3-4/11,
with the combined load cases in 5A-3-2/9. However, in no case should Wbe taken less than 85% of that
determined from the approximate equation below. For this purpose, an additional load case is also to be
investigated, modifying load case 5 (of 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 1A) with a full design draft and Kf0= 1.0 for
external pressure where cross ties are located in wing cargo tanks. (See also 5A-3-4/11.1).

W = pbs kN (tf, Ltf)

Wa = 0 . 45fy[1 − 0 . 0254(fy /E)(ℓ/r)2]As kN (tf, Ltf), when (r/ℓ)2(E/fy) > 0 . 0507

Wa = 4 . 44E(r/ℓ)2As kN (tf, Ltf) when (r/ℓ)2(E/fy) ≤ 0 . 0507

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3


b = mean breadth of the area supported, in m (ft)

s = spacing of transverses, in m (ft)
nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the center of the area supported by the cross tie,
p =
as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 15
ℓ = unsupported span of the cross tie, in cm (in.)
r = least radius of gyration of the cross tie, in cm (in.)
As = net cross section area of the cross tie, in cm2 (in2)
fy = minimum specified yield point of the material, in kN/cm2 (tf/cm2, Ltf/in2)
E = 2.06 × 104 kN/cm2 (2.1 × 103 tf/cm2, 13.4 × 103 Ltf/in2)

Special attention is to be paid to the adequacy of the welded connections for transmission of the tensile
forces and also to the stiffening arrangements at the ends, in order to provide effective means for
transmission of the compressive forces into the webs. In addition, horizontal stiffeners are to be located in
line with and attached to the first longitudinal above and below the ends of the cross ties.

15.13 Nontight Bulkheads (1 July 2012)

Nontight bulkheads referred to in 5A-3-2/11.3.1 are to be fitted in line with transverse webs, bulkheads or
other structures with equivalent rigidity. They are to be suitably stiffened. Openings in the nontight
bulkhead are to have generous radii and their aggregate area is not to exceed 33%, nor to be less than 10%
of the area of the nontight bulkhead, but it is recommended to be as close to 33% as practicable. The
opening area is to be evenly distributed between 0.1 and 0.9 of the bulkhead depth. The net thickness of
nontight bulkheads is to be not less than 11.0 mm (0.433 in.). Section moduli of stiffeners and webs may
be half of those required for watertight bulkheads in 5A-3-3/13.5, 5A-3-3/15.3.1, 5A-3-3/15.5.1,
5A-3-3/15.7.1 and 5A-3-3/15.9.

Alternatively, the opening ratio and scantlings may be determined by an acceptable method of engineering

17 Corrugated Bulkheads (1997)

17.1 General
All vertically corrugated transverse and longitudinal bulkheads in cargo tanks are to be designed in
compliance with the requirements specified in this Subsection and the strength assessment criteria with
respect to yielding, buckling and ultimate strength, and fatigue, as specified in Section 5A-3-4.

In general, the approximation equations given below are applicable to vertical corrugations with
corrugation angles,φ (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10), within the range between 60
and 90 degrees. For corrugation angles less than 60 degrees and corrugation in the horizontal direction,
direct calculations may be required.

17.3 Plating (1999)

The net thickness of the vertically corrugated plating is not to be less than t1, t2, t3 and t4, obtained from
the following equations:

t1 = 0 . 516k1a(pℓ /f1)1/2 in mm (in.) for flange and web plating

t2 = 0 . 426k2a(fy /E)1/2 in mm (in.) for flange plating

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

t3 = k(a/k3)(f3)1/210−3 in mm (in.) for flange plating

t4 = 100F/(df4) in mm (in.) for web plating

but not less than 9.5 mm (0.37 in.)


k = 0.728 (2.28, 0.605)

width of flange plating, in mm (in.) (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE
a =
c = width of web plating, in mm (in.) (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)
d = depth of corrugation, in mm (in.) (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)
ϕ = corrugation angle, (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)
k1 = (1 − c/a + c2 /a2)1/2
k2 = f2 /(0 . 73fy)
k3 = 7 . 65 − 0 . 26(c/a)2
shear force, in N (kgf, lbf), imposed on the web plating at the lower end of corrugation
F =
= k4sℓ(0 . 375pℓ + 0 . 125pu)
k4 = 10 (10, 12)
spacing of corrugation, in mm (in.), i.e., a + ccosϕ, (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10 or
s =
5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)
span of corrugation, in m (ft), taken as the distance between lower and upper stools at
ℓ =

pℓ, pu nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), at the lower and upper ends of span,
respectively, as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
f1 = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 90Smfy

f2 maximum vertical bending stress in the flange at the mid-depth of corrugation span to be
calculated from 5A-3-3/17.5 below, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

f3 maximum vertical bending stress in the flange at the lower end of corrugation span to be
calculated from 5A-3-3/17.5 below, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
f4 = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 40Smfy

E, Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The plate thickness, as determined above based on the maximum anticipated pressures, is to be generally
maintained throughout the entire corrugated bulkhead, except that the net thickness of plating above 2 3 of
span, ℓ, from the top of the lower stool may be reduced by 20%.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

17.5 Stiffness of Corrugation (1999)

17.5.1 Depth/Length Ratio
The depth/length ratio (d/ℓ) of the corrugation is not to be less than 1 15, where d and ℓ are as
defined in 5A-3-3/17.3 above.

17.5.2 Section Modulus

The net section modulus for any unit corrugation is not to be less than obtained from the following
equation for all anticipated service loading conditions.

SM = M/fb cm3(in3)
M = 1000(Ci /C j)psℓ2o /k N‐cm(kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)


k = 12 (12, 83.33)

ℓo nominal length of the corrugation, in m (ft), measured from the mid-depth of the lower
stool to the mid-depth of the upper stool
p = (pu + pℓ)/2 , N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 90Smfy , for lower end of corrugation span ℓ
= cefy ≤ 0 . 90Smfy , for the mid ℓ/3 region of the corrugation
ce = 2 . 25/β − 1 . 25/β2 for β ≥ 1 . 25
= 1.0 for β < 1 . 25
β = (fy /E)1/2a/tf
tf = net thickness of the corrugation flange, in mm (in.)
Ci = bending moment coefficients, as given below

Values of Ci (All Bulkheads with Lower and Upper Stools)

Lower   End   of   Span Upper   End   of   Span

Bulkℎead Mid − deptℎ
 ℓ  ℓ
Trans. Bhd:

(w/Long’l Bhd) C1 Cm1 0 . 80Cm1

(w/out Long’l Bhd) C2 Cm2 0 . 65Cm2

Long’l. Bhd. C3 Cm3 0 . 65Cm3

C1 = a1 + b1(kAdt /Bd) ≥ 0 . 06
where a1 = 0 . 95 − 0 . 26/Rb, b1 = − 0 . 20 + 0 . 05/Rb
Cm1 12
= am1 + bm1(kAdt /Bd) ≥ 0 . 55

where am1 = 0 . 63 + 0 . 16/Rb, bm1 = − 0 . 25 − 0 . 07/Rb

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

C2 = a2 + b2(kAdt /Bd) ≥ 0 . 06
where a2 = 0 . 84 − 0 . 07/Rb, b2 = − 0 . 24 + 0 . 02/Rb
Cm2 12
= am2 + bm2(kAdt /Bd) ≥ 0 . 55

where am2 = 0 . 56 + 0 . 05/Rb, bm2 = − 0 . 34 − 0 . 03/Rb

C3 = a3 + b3(kAdℓ /Ld) ≥ 0 . 06
where a3 = 1 . 07 − 0 . 21/Rb, b3 = − 0 . 21 + 0 . 04/Rb
Cm3 12
= am3 + bm3(kAdℓ /Ld) ≥ 0 . 55

where am3 = 0 . 30 + 0 . 07/Rb, bm3 = − 0 . 12 − 0 . 03/Rb

Cj = bending moment factors due to sloshing effect

Values of Cj (All Bulkheads with Lower and Upper Stools)

Bulkℎead Mid − deptℎ Upper   End   of   Span   ℓ

Trans. Bhd: Cmj1 Cmj2

Long’l. Bhd. Cmj3 Cmj4

Cmj1 P P
= 1 . 83 Ps − 0 . 74 ≥ 0 . 40 if Ps < 0 . 95

= 1.0 if Ps ≥ 0 . 95

Cmj2 P Pn
= 3 . 73 Ps − 2 . 36 ≥ 0 . 62 if Ps < 0 . 90

= 1.0 if Ps ≥ 0 . 90

Cmj3 P P
= 4 . 14 Ps − 3 . 14 ≥ 0 . 75 if Ps < 1 . 00

= 1.0 if Ps ≥ 1 . 00

Cmj4 P P
= 2 . 36 Ps − 1 . 71 ≥ 0 . 72 if Ps < 1 . 15

= 1.0 if Ps ≥ 1 . 15

Ps = (psu + psℓ)/2 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

P = (pu + pℓ)/2 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
sloshing pressure, in N/cm2(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), at the lower and upper ends of span,
psℓ, psu = respectively, as specified in 5A-3-2/11.5, calculated at the same locations
indicated for pℓ and pu.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

nominal pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), at the lower and upper ends of
span, respectively, as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, to be calculated at a
pℓ, pu section located B/4 from the C.L. when the installation has one or no longitudinal
bulkheads. For installations with two longitudinal bulkheads, the nominal pressure
is to be calculated at a section located b/4 from the outboard boundary of the
center or the wing tank.
Rb = kHst(Bct + Bst)(1 + Lb /Bb + 0 . 5Hb /Lb)/(2Bb) for transverse bulkheads
= Hsℓ(Bcℓ + Bsℓ)(1 + Bb /Lb + 0 . 5Hb /Bb)/(2Lb) for longitudinal bulkheads

Adt cross sectional area, in m2 (ft2), enclosed by the outside lines of upper stool of
transverse bulkhead

Adℓ cross sectional area, in m2 (ft2), enclosed by the outside lines of upper stool of
longitudinal bulkheads

Bct width of the bottom stool of transverse bulkhead, in m (ft), at the top (5A-3-3/17.9
FIGURE 11 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10)

Bcℓ width of the bottom stool of longitudinal bulkhead, in m (ft), at the top
(5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)

Bst width of the bottom stool of transverse bulkhead, in m (ft), at the inner bottom
level (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)

Bsℓ width of the bottom stool of longitudinal bulkhead, in m (ft), at the inner bottom
level (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)
Hb = double bottom height, in m (ft)

Hst height of the bottom stool of transverse bulkhead, in m (ft), from the inner bottom
to the top (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10)

Hsℓ height of the bottom stool of longitudinal bulkhead, in m (ft), from the inner
bottom to the top (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)

Bb transverse distance, in m (ft), between hopper tanks at the inner bottom level
(5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10)
transverse distance, in m (ft), between upper wing tanks or between upper wing
Bd = tank and centerline deck structure, at the deck level (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11 or
5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10)

Lb longitudinal distance, in m (ft), between bottom stools in the loaded tanks at the
inner bottom level (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10)

Ld longitudinal distance, in m (ft), between upper stools in the loaded tanks at the
deck level (5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11)
k = 1 (1, 3.2808)
B = breadth of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
b = width of tank under consideration, in m (ft)

α, ℓ, s, pu and pℓ are as defined in 5A-3-3/17.3 above.

E is as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

The developed net section modulus SM may be obtained from the following equation, where
a, c, d, tf (net), and tw (net), all in cm (in.), are as indicated in 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10.

SM = d(3atf + ctw)/6     cm3 (in3)

17.7 Bulkhead Stools

17.7.1 Lower Stool (2004)
The height of the lower stool is to be not less than three times the minimum depth of corrugation
required by 5A-3-3/17.5.1 above. The net thickness and material of the stool top plate is not to be
less than that required for the bulkhead plating in 5A-3-3/17.3 above. The net thickness and
material of the upper portion of vertical or sloping stool side plate within the region of one meter
from the stool top is not to be less than the required flange plate thickness to meet the bulkhead
stiffness requirement at the lower end of the corrugation in 5A-3-3/17.5 above. The net thickness
of the stool side plating and the net section modulus of the stool side stiffeners are not to be less
than those required for plane transverse or longitudinal bulkhead plating and stiffeners in
5A-3-3/13.1, 5A-3-3/13.3 and 5A-3-3/13.5, with the corresponding tank pressure specified in
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3. The ends of stool side vertical stiffeners are to be attached to brackets at the
upper and lower ends of the stool.

The extension of the top plate beyond the corrugation is not to be less than the as-built flange
thickness of the corrugation. The stool bottom is to be installed in line with double bottom floors
or girders, fitted with proper brackets, and diaphragms are to be provided in the stool to effectively
support the panels of the corrugated bulkhead. The width of the stool at the inner bottom is to be
not less than 2.5 times the mean depth of the corrugation. Scallops in the brackets and diaphragms
in way of the top and bottom connections to the plates and in the double bottom floors or girders
are to be avoided.

17.7.2 Upper Stool

The upper stool is to have a depth generally not less than twice the minimum depth of corrugation,
as specified in 5A-3-3/17.5, and is to be properly supported by girders or deep brackets.

The width of the stool bottom plate should generally be the same as that of the lower stool top
plate. The net thickness of the stool bottom plate should generally be the same as that of the
bulkhead plating, and the net thickness of the lower portion of the stool side plate is not to be less
than 80% of that required for the bulkhead plating in 5A-3-3/17.3 above for the upper one-third
portion of the bulkhead. The net thickness of the stool side plating and the net section modulus of
the stool side stiffeners are not to be less than those required for plane transverse bulkhead plating
and stiffeners in 5A-3-3/13.1, 5A-3-3/13.3 and 5A-3-3/13.5, with the corresponding tank pressure
specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3. The ends of stool side stiffeners are to be attached to brackets at
the upper and lower ends of the stool. Brackets or diaphragms are to be fitted to effectively
support the web panels of the corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and diaphragms in
way of the connection to the stool bottom plate are to be avoided.

17.7.3 Alignment (2001)

Stool side vertical stiffeners and their brackets in the lower stool of the transverse bulkhead should
align with the inner bottom longitudinal to provide appropriate load transmission between the
stiffening members.

17.9 End Connections (1 July 2001)

The structural arrangements and size of the welding at the ends of corrugations are to be designed to
develop the required strength of the corrugated bulkhead. Where shedder plates (slanting plates) are fitted
at the end connection of the corrugation to the lower stool, appropriate means are to be provided to prevent
the possibility of gas pockets being formed in way of these plates within the cargo tanks.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Welding for all connections and joints is to be in compliance with the Rules. The welded connection of the
bulkhead to the stools within 10% of the depth of the corrugation from the outer surface of the corrugation,
d1, is to be double continuous with fillet size not less than 0.7 times the thickness of bulkhead plating or
penetration welds of equal strength (see 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 12).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Definition of Parameters for Corrugated Bulkhead (Ship-type Installations
Longitudinal Bulkhead at Centerline) (1 September 2007)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Definition of Parameters for Corrugated Bulkhead (Ship-type Installations with
Longitudinal Bulkhead at Centerline) (1 September 2007)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 3 Initial Scantling Evaluation 5A-3-3

Corrugated Bulkhead End Connections


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

SECTION 4 Total Strength Assessment

1 General Requirements

1.1 General (1995)

In assessing the adequacy of the structural configuration and the initially selected scantlings, the strength
of the hull girder and the individual structural member or element is to be in compliance with the failure
criteria specified in 5A-3-4/3 below. In this regard, the structural response is to be calculated by
performing a structural analysis, as specified in 5A-3-4/11, or by other equivalent and effective means.
Due consideration is to be given to structural details, as specified in 5A-3-3/1.5.

1.3 Loads and Load Cases (December 2008)

In determination of the structural response, the combined load cases given in 5A-3-2/9.3 are to be
considered together with sloshing loads specified in 5A-3-2/11. Deck loads as specified in Sections 5A-1-4
and 5A-1-5 are also to be considered. If this information is not yet available, the deck loads as indicated in
5A-3-2/15 are to be used. Bowflare/bottom slamming and other loads, as specified in 5A-3-2/13, are also
to be considered as necessary.

1.5 Stress Components (1995)

The total stress in stiffened plate panels are divided into the following three categories:

1.5.1 Primary
Primary stresses are those resulting from hull girder bending. The primary bending stresses may
be determined by simple beam method using the specified total vertical and horizontal bending
moments and the effective net hull girder section modulus at the section considered. These
primary stresses, designated byfL1   (fL1V,   fL1H for vertical and horizontal bending,
respectively), may be regarded as uniformly distributed across the thickness of plate elements, at
the same level measuring from the relevant neutral axis of the hull girder

1.5.2 Secondary
Secondary stresses are those resulting from bending of large stiffened panels between longitudinal
and transverse bulkheads, due to local loads in an individual cargo or ballast tank.

The secondary bending stresses, designated by fL2 or fT2, are to be determined by performing a
3D FEM analysis, as outlined in this Section.

For stiffened hull structures, there is another secondary stress due to the bending of longitudinals
or stiffeners with the associated plating between deep supporting members or floors. The latter
secondary stresses are designated by fL2 * or fT2
* , and may be approximated by simple beam theory.

* or fT2
The secondary stresses, fL2,   fT2,   fL2 * , may be regarded as uniformly distributed in the
flange plating and face plates.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

1.5.3 Tertiary
Tertiary stresses are those resulting from the local bending of plate panels between stiffeners. The
tertiary stresses, designated by fL3 or fT3, can be calculated from classic plate theory. These
stresses are referred to as point stresses at the surface of the plate.

3 Failure Criteria – Yielding

3.1 General
The calculated stresses in the hull structure are to be within the limits given below for the entire combined
load cases specified in 5A-3-2/9.3.

3.3 Structural Members and Elements (1999)

For all structural members and elements, such as longitudinals/stiffeners, web plates and flanges, the
combined effects of all of the calculated stress components are to satisfy the following limits:

fi ≤ Smfy


fi = stress intensity
2 + f2 − f f + 3f2 1/2
= T L T LT N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fL calculated total in-plane stress in the longitudinal direction including primary and secondary
fL1 = *
fL1 + fL2 + fL2 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= direct stress due to the primary (hull girder) bending, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fL2 direct stress due to the secondary bending between bulkheads in the longitudinal direction,
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fL2 direct stress due to local bending of longitudinal between transverses in the longitudinal
direction, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fT = calculated total direct stress in the transverse/vertical direction, including secondary stresses
= *
fT1 + fT2 + fT2 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fLT = calculated total in-plane shear stress, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fT1 direct stress due to sea and cargo load in the transverse/vertical direction, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,

fT2 direct stress due to the secondary bending between bulkheads in the transverse/ vertical
direction, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fT2 direct stress due to local bending of stiffeners in the transverse/vertical direction, N/cm2
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fy = specified minimum yield point, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
Sm = strength reduction factor, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1

* and fT2
For this purpose, fL2 * in the flanges of longitudinal and stiffener at the ends of span may be
obtained from the following equation:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

* = 0 . 071spℓ2 /SML(SMT)     N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

* fT2


s = spacing of longitudinals (stiffeners), in cm (in.)

ℓ = unsupported span of the longitudinal (stiffener), in cm (in.)
p = net pressure load, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for the longitudinal (stiffener)
SML(SMT) = net section modulus, in cm3 (in3), of the longitudinal (stiffener)

3.5 Plating (1 July 2012)

For plating away from knuckle, horizontal girder or stringer or cruciform connections of high stress
concentrations and subject to both in-plane and lateral loads, the combined effects of all of the calculated
stress components are to satisfy the limits specified in 5A-3-4/3.3 with fL and fT modified as follows:

* + fL3 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fL = fL1 + fL2 + fL2
* + fT3 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fT = fT1 + fT2 + fT2


fL3, plate bending stresses between stiffeners in the longitudinal and transverse directions,
fT3 respectively, and may be approximated as follows.

fL3 = 0.182p s/tn 2

N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fT3 = 0.266p s/tn 2

N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
lateral pressures for the combined load case considered (see 5A-3-2/9), in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in
p = 2)

s = spacing of longitudinals or stiffeners, in mm (in.)

tn = net plate thickness, in mm (in.)

* ,   fT1,   fT2 and fT2

fL1,   fL2,   fL2 * are as defined in 5A-3-4/3.3.

For plating within two longitudinals or stiffeners from knuckle or cruciform connections of high stress
concentrations, the combined effects of the calculated stress components are to satisfy the following stress

fi ≤ 0 . 80Smfy


fi = stress intensity
= fL2 + fT2  − fL fT + 3fLT
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fL calculated total in-plane stress in the longitudinal direction including primary and secondary
= fL1 + fL2 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

fT = calculated total direct stress in the transverse/vertical direction, including secondary stresses
= fT1 + fT2 N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

In addition, the failure criteria for knuckle or cruciform connections in 5A-3-4/13 are to be complied with.

5 Failure Criteria – Buckling and Ultimate Strength (1995)

5.1 General
5.1.1 Approach
The strength criteria given here correspond to either serviceability (buckling) limit states or
ultimate limit states for structural members and panels, according to the intended functions and
buckling resistance capability of the structure. For plate panels between stiffeners, buckling in the
elastic range is acceptable, provided that the ultimate strength of the structure satisfies the
specified design limits. The critical buckling stresses and ultimate strength of structures may be
determined based on either well-documented experimental data or a calibrated analytical
approach. When a detailed analysis is not available, the equations given in 5A-3-4/7.1 may be
used to assess the buckling strength.

5.1.2 Buckling Control Concepts

The strength criteria in 5A-3-4/5.3 through 5A-3-4/5.11 are based on the following assumptions
and limitations with respect to buckling control in design.

The buckling strength of longitudinals and stiffeners is generally greater than that of the plate
panels they support.

All longitudinals with their associated effective plating are to have moments of inertia not less
than io given in 5A-3-4/7.9.1.

The main supporting members, including transverses, girders and floors, with their associated
effective plating are to have the moments of inertia not less than Is given in 5A-3-4/7.9.3.

Face plates and flanges of girders, longitudinals and stiffeners are proportioned such that local
instability is prevented. (See 5A-3-4/7.9.4)

Webs of longitudinals and stiffeners are proportioned such that local instability is prevented. (See

Webs of girders, floors and transverses are designed with proper proportions and stiffening
systems to prevent local instability. Critical buckling stresses of the webs may be calculated from
equations given in 5A-3-4/7.3.

5.1.2(g) (2020)
Bracket plates, flanges of brackets and stiffeners of tripping brackets and main supporting
members end brackets are proportioned such that local instability is prevented. (See 5A-3-4/7.9.6).

For structures which do not satisfy these assumptions, a detailed analysis of buckling strength using an
acceptable method is to be submitted for review.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

5.3 Plate Panels

5.3.1 Buckling Limit State (December 2008)
The buckling limit state for plate panels between stiffeners is defined by the following equation:
2 2 2
fLb /fcL + fTb /fcT + fLT /fcLT ≤ 1.0


calculated total compressive stress in the longitudinal direction for the

fLb = fL1 + fL2 = plate, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), induced by bending of the hull girder
and large stiffened panels between bulkheads

fTb = fT1 + fT2 calculated total compressive stress in the transverse/vertical direction, in
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fLT = calculated total in-plane shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

fcL,   fcT and fcLT are the critical buckling stresses corresponding to uniaxial compression in the
longitudinal, transverse/vertical directions and edge shear, respectively, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in
2), and may be determined from the equations given in 5A-3-4/7.3.

fL,   fT and fLT are to be determined for the panel in question under the load cases specified in
5A-3-2/9.3.1 including the primary and secondary stresses, as defined in 5A-3-4/3.1.

5.3.2 Effective Width

When the buckling limit state specified in 5A-3-4/5.3.1 above is not satisfied, the effective width
bwL or bwT of the plating given below is to be used instead of the full width between longitudinals,
s, for verifying the ultimate strength, as specified in 5A-3-4/5.3.3 below. When the buckling limit
state in 5A-3-4/5.3.1 above is satisfied, the full width between longitudinals, s, may be used as the
effective width, bwL, for verifying the ultimate strength of longitudinals and stiffeners specified in

5.3.2(a) For long plate:

bwL /s = C
C = 2 . 25/β − 1 . 25/β2 for β ≥ 1 . 25
= 1.0 for β < 1 . 25
β = fy /E s/tn
s = longitudinal spacing, in mm (in.)
tn = net thickness of the plate, in mm (in.)
Young’s modulus, 2.06 × 107 N/cm2 (2.1 x 106 kgf/cm2, 30 x 106lbf/in2), 30 × 10
E = 6lbf/in2) for steel
fy = specified minimum yield point of the material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

5.3.2(b) (1999) For wide plate (compression in transverse direction):

bwT /ℓ = Cs/ℓ + 0 . 115 1 − s/ℓ 1 + 1/β2 ≤ 1.0


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

ℓ = spacing of transverses, in cm (in.)

S = longitudinal spacing, in cm (in.)

C,   β are as defined in 5A-3-4/5.3.2(a) above.

5.3.3 Ultimate Strength (December 2008)

The ultimate strength of a plate panel between stiffeners is to satisfy all of the following
2 2
fLb /fuL   +   fLT /fuLT ≤ Sm
2 2
fTb /fuT   +   fLT /fuLT ≤ Sm
2 2 2
fLb /fuL   +   fTb /fuT − η fLb /fuL fTb /fuT + fLT /fuLT ≤ Sm


fLb,   fTb and fLT are as defined in 5A-3-4/5.3.1 above.

Sm is as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

η = 1 . 5   −   β/2 ≥ 0

β is as defined in 5A-3-4/5.3.2 above.

fuL,   fuT and fuLT are the ultimate strengths with respect to uniaxial compression and edge shear,
respectively, and may be obtained from the following equations, except that they need not be
taken less than the corresponding critical buckling stresses specified in 5A-3-4/5.3.1 above.

fuL = fybwL /s
fuT = fybwT /ℓ
fuLT = fcLT + 0 . 5(fy − 3fcLT)/ 1 + a + a2


a = ℓ/s

fy, bwL, bwT, s, ℓ and fcLT are as defined above.

For assessing the ultimate strength of plate panels between stiffeners, special attention is to be
paid to the longitudinal bulkhead plating in the regions of high hull girder shear forces and the
bottom and inner bottom plating in the mid portion of cargo tanks subject to bi-axial compression.

5.5 Longitudinals and Stiffeners

5.5.1 Beam-Column Buckling Limit States and Ultimate Strength (2002)
The buckling limit states for longitudinals and stiffeners are considered as the ultimate limit states
for these members and are to be determined as follows:

fa / fcaAe /A + mfb /fy ≤ Sm


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

fa = nominal calculated compressive stress

= P/A N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
P = total compressive load, N (kgf, lbf)
fca = critical buckling stress, as given in 5A-3-4/7.5.1, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
A = total net sectional area, cm2 (in2)
= As + stn
As = net sectional area of the longitudinal, excluding the associated plating, cm2 (in2)
As = effective net sectional area, cm2 (in2)
= As + bwLtn
bwL = effective width, as specified in 5A-3-4/5.3.2 above
E = Young’s modulus, 2.06 × 107 N/cm2 (2.1 × 106 kgf/cm2, 30 × 106 lbf/in2) for steel
fy minimum specified yield point of the longitudinal or stiffener under consideration,
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fb = bending stress, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= M/SMe
M = maximum bending moment induced by lateral loads
= cmpsℓ/12 N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in)
cm = moment adjustment coefficient, and may be taken as 0.75
p = lateral pressure for the region considered, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
s = spacing of the longitudinals, cm (in.)
SMe effective section modulus of the longitudinal at flange, accounting for the effective
= breadth, b , cm3 (in3)

be = effective breadth, as specified in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6, line b

m = amplification factor
= 1/ 1 − fa /π2E r/ℓ ≥ 1.0

Sm is as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

r and ℓ are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.5.1.

5.5.2 Torsional-Flexural Buckling Limit State (2002)

In general, the torsional-flexural buckling limit state of longitudinals and stiffeners is to satisfy the
ultimate limit states given below:

fa / fctAe /A ≤ Sm


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

fa nominal calculated compressive stress in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as defined in

5A-3-4/5.5.1 above

fct critical torsional-flexural buckling stress in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), and may be
determined by equations given in 5A-3-4/7.5.2.

Ae and A are as defined in 5A-3-4/5.5.1 above and Sm is as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

5.7 Stiffened Panels

5.7.1 Large Stiffened Panels between Bulkheads
For a double hull ship-type installation, assessment of buckling limit state is not required for the
large stiffened panels of the bottom and inner bottom structures, side shell and inner skin.
Assessments of the buckling limit states are to be performed for large stiffened panels of the deck
structure and other longitudinal bulkheads. In this regard, the buckling strength is to satisfy the
following condition for uniaxially or orthogonally stiffened panels.
2 2
fL1 /fcL + fT1 /fcT ≤ Sm


fL1, fT1 calculated average compressive stresses in the longitudinal and transverse/
vertical directions, respectively, as defined in 5A-3-4/3.3 above
critical buckling stresses for uniaxial compression in the longitudinal and
fcL, fcT = transverse direction, respectively, and may be determined in accordance with
5A-3-4/7.7, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
Sm = strength reduction factor, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1

5.7.2 Uniaxially Stiffened Panels between Transverses and Girders

The bucking strength of uniaxially stiffened panels between deep transverses and girders is also to
be examined in accordance with the specifications given in 5A-3-4/5.7.1 above by replacing fL1
and fT1 with fLb and fTb, respectively. fLb and fTb are as defined in 5A-3-4/5.3.1 above.

5.9 Deep Girders and Webs

5.9.1 Buckling Criteria (December 2008)
In general, the stiffness of the web stiffeners along the depth of the web plating is to be in
compliance with the requirements of 5A-3-4/7.9.2. Web stiffeners which are oriented parallel to
and near the face plate, and thus subject to axial compression, are also to satisfy the limits
specified in 5A-3-4/5.5, considering the combined effect of the compressive and bending stresses
in the web. In this case, the unsupported span of these parallel stiffeners may be taken between
tripping brackets, as applicable.

The buckling strength of the web plate between stiffeners and flange/face plate is to satisfy the
limits specified below.

5.9.1(a) For web plate:

2 2 2
fLb /fcL + fb /fcb + fLT /fcLT ≤ Sm


fLb calculated uniform compressive stress along the length of the girder, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,
fb = calculated ideal bending stresses, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

fLT = calculated total in-plane shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Sm = strength reduction factor, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1

fLb,   fb and fLT are to be calculated for the panel in question under the combined load cases
specified in 5A-3-2/9.3 and these stresses may be calculated from the relative displacements of
four corner nodes. This method is useful when the meshing within the panel is irregular. However,
care should be taken when one corner of the panel is located in an area of high stress concentration
or the panel shape is significantly different from a rectangular shape. The calculated stresses from
the above mentioned method tend to be on the conservative side. If one corner of the panel is
highly stressed and if the mesh is sufficiently refined, the plate panel stresses may be calculated
from the displacements slightly away from the corner point of the high stress concentration area.
For a regularly meshed plate panel, fL,   fb and fLT may also be calculated directly from the
components stresses for the elements in the panel.

fcL,   fcb and fcLT are critical buckling stresses with respect to uniform compression, ideal
bending and shear, respectively, and may be determined in accordance with 5A-3-4/7.

In the determination of fcL and fcLT, the effects of openings are to be considered.

For deck transverse web plating of existing vessels converted to FPIs, when the buckling limit
state specified above is not satisfied and the Survey Record Review does not indicate any buckling
problems for the deck transverse plating panels, it may be acceptable to apply the criteria specified
in 5A-3-4/5.3.2 and 5A-3-4/5.3.3.

5.9.1(b) For face plate and flange.

The breadth to thickness ratio of face plate and flange is to satisfy the limits given in 5A-3-4/7.9.

5.9.1(c) For large brackets and sloping webs.

The buckling strength is to satisfy the limits specified in 5A-3-4/5.9.1(a) above for web plate.

5.11 Corrugated Bulkheads (1997)

5.11.1 Local Plate Panels (December 2008)
5.11.1(a) Buckling criteria.
The buckling strength of the flange and web plate panels is not to be less than that specified

2 2 2
fLb /RℓfcL + fTb /RtfcT + fLT /fcLT ≤ Sm for flange panels
2 2 2
fLb /RℓfcL + fb /fcb + fLT /fcLT ≤ Sm for web panels


Rt = reduction factor accounting for lateral load effects, and may be approximated by:
= 1 . 0 − 0 . 45 q − 0 . 5
q = lateral load parameter
= Pn s/tn 4 /π2E, 0.5 minimum

Pn lateral pressure for the combined load case considered (see 5A-3-2/9), in N/cm2
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
S = longitudinal spacing, in mm (in.)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

tn = net thickness of the plate, in mm (in.)

Young’s modulus, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for steel 2.06 × 107 (2.10 × 106, 30 ×
E =

All of the parameter definitions and calculations are as specified in 5A-3-4/5.3.1 and
5A-3-4/5.9.1(a), except thatfLb is the average compressive stress at the upper and lower ends of
the corrugation, and an average value of fTb,   fLT and fb, calculated along the entire length of the
panel, should be used in the above equation.

5.11.1(b) Ultimate strength.

The ultimate strength of flange panels in the middle one-third of the depth are to satisfy the
following criteria, considering a portion of flange panel having a length of three times the panel
width, a, with the worst bending moments in the mid-depth region for all load cases.
2 2
fLb /fuL + fTb /fuT ≤ Sm


fLb = the calculated average compressive bending stress in the region within 3a in length,
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= horizontal compressive stresses, as specified in 5A-3-4/5.11.1(a) above

fuL and fuT may be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-4/5.3.3 above.

5.11.2 Unit Corrugation

Any unit corrugation of the bulkhead may be treated as a beam column and is to satisfy the
buckling criteria (same as the ultimate strength) specified in 5A-3-4/5.5.1. The ultimate bending
stress is to be determined in accordance with 5A-3-4/7.5.3.

5.11.3 Overall Buckling

The buckling strength of the entire corrugation is to satisfy the equation given in 5A-3-4/5.7.1
with respect to the biaxial compression by replacing the subscripts “L” and “T” with “V” and
“H” for the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively.

5.13 Curved Plate Panels (2020)

5.13.1 Buckling Limit State
The buckling limit state for curved plate panels defined by the following equation is to be

fLb 2 2


calculated compressive stress in the longitudinal direction for the curved plate, as specified in
fLb =
5A-3-4/5.3.1, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2). In case of tensile stresses, fLb = 0.

calculated total direct stress in the transverse/vertical direction, including secondary stresses. In case of
fT =
tensile stresses, fT = 0.

= fTb + fp

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

calculated compressive stress in the transverse/vertical direction for the curved plate, as specified in
fTb =
5A-3-4/5.3.1, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fp = calculated hoop compressive stress resulted from the maximum net pressure in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= P r + 0 . 5t /t
P = lateral pressure for the combined load case considered (see 5A-3-2/9), in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
r = mean radius of curved plate, in cm (in.)
t = net thickness of the plate, in cm (in.)

critical buckling stress for axial compression or bending moment, as given in 5A-3-4/7.11, in N/cm2
fCL =
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fCT = critical buckling stress for external pressure, as given in 5A-3-4/7.11, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

φR = coefficient to reflect interaction between longitudinal and hoop stresses (negative values are acceptable)

= fCL + fCT /fy − 1 . 0

fy = specified minimum yield point of the material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Sm = strength reduction factor, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1

RCL = 0 . 833                                       for         fCL ≤ 0 . 55fy

= 0 . 629 + 0 . 371fCL /fy                     for         fCL > 0 . 55fy  

RCT = 0 . 833                                       for         fCT ≤ 0 . 55fy

= 0 . 629 + 0 . 371fCT /fy                   for         fCT > 0 . 55fy

7 Calculation of Critical Buckling Stresses (December 2008)

7.1 General
The critical buckling stresses for various structural elements and members may be determined in
accordance with this Subsection or other recognized design practices. Critical buckling stresses derived
from experimental data or analytical studies may be considered, provided that well-documented supporting
data are submitted for review.

7.3 Rectangular Plates

The critical buckling stresses for rectangular plate elements, such as plate panels between stiffeners; web
plates of longitudinals, girders, floors and transverses; flanges and face plates, may be obtained from the
following equations, with respect to uniaxial compression, bending and edge shear, respectively.

fci   =   fEi    for fEi ≤ Prfyi

fci = fyi 1 − Pr(1 − Pr)fyi /fEi    for fEi > Prfyi


fci critical buckling stress with respect to uniaxial compression, bending or edge shear, separately,
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
fEi = Ki π2E/12 1 − v2
tn /s ,   N/cm2(kgf/cm2,lbf/in2)
Ki = buckling coefficient, as given in 5A-3-4/7.3 TABLE 1

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

modulus of elasticity of the material, may be taken as 2.06 × 107 N/cm2 (2.1 × 106 kgf/cm2,
E =
30 × 106 lbf/in2) for steel
v = Poisson’s ratio, may be taken as 0.3 for steel
tn = net thickness of the plate, in cm (in.)
s = spacing of longitudinals/stiffeners, in cm (in.)
Pr = proportional linear elastic limit of the structure, may be taken as 0.6 for steel
fyi = fy , for uniaxial compression and bending
= fy / 3, for edge shear
fy = specified minimum yield point of the material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

Buckling Coefficient, Ki(December 2008)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4


In I.A. (II.A), Ki for intermediate values of f′L /fL   f′T /fT may be obtained by interpolation between a and b.

7.5 Longitudinals and Stiffeners

7.5.1 Axial Compression
The critical buckling stress, fca, of a beam-column, i.e., the longitudinal and the associated
effective plating, with respect to axial compression may be obtained from the following equations:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

fca = fE    for fE ≤ Prfy

fca = fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr fy /fE    for fE > Prfy


fEi 2
= π2E/ ℓ/r , N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

ℓ = unsupported span of the longitudinal or stiffener, in cm (in.), as defined in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 5

r = radius of gyration of area Ae, in cm (in.)

Ae = As + bwLtn

As = net sectional area of the longitudinals or stiffeners, excluding the associated plating, cm2 (in2)

= effective width of the plating as given in 5A-3-4/5.3.2, in cm (in.)

tn = net thickness of the plating, in cm (in.)

fy minimum specified yield point of the longitudinal or stiffener under consideration, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,

Pr and Eare as defined in 5A-3-4/7.3.

7.5.2 Torsional/Flexural Buckling

The critical torsional/flexural buckling stress with respect to axial compression of a longitudinal,
including its associated plating (effective width, bwL), may be obtained from the following

fct = fET    for fET ≤ Prfy

fct = fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr fy /fET    for fET > Prfy


fct critical torsional/flexural buckling stress with respect to axial compression, N/cm2
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
2 2 2
fET E K/2 . 6 + nπ/ℓ Γ + Co ℓ/nπ /E /Io 1 + Co ℓ/nπ /IofcL , N/cm2
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
St. Venant torsion constant for the longitudinal’s cross section, excluding the
K =
associated plating.
= bftf3 + dwtw

Io polar moment of inertia of the longitudinal, excluding the associated plating, about
the toe (intersection of web and plating), in cm4 (in4)
= Ix + mIy + As xo2 + yo2
moment of inertia of the longitudinal about the x-and y-axis, respectively, through
Ix, Iy = the centroid of the longitudinal, excluding the plating (x-axis perpendicular to the
web), in cm4 (in4)
m = 1 . 0 − u 0 . 7 − 0 . 1dw /bf
u = unsymmetry factor

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

= 1 − 2b1 /bf
xo horizontal distance between centroid of stiffener, As, and centerline of the web
plate, cm (in.)
yo vertical distance between the centroid of the longitudinal’s cross section and its toe,
cm (in.)
dw = depth of the web, cm (in.)
tw = net thickness of the web, cm (in.)
bf = total width of the flange/face plate, cm (in.)
b1 smaller outstanding dimension of flange with respect to centerline of web (see
5A-3-4/7.5.3 FIGURE 1), cm (in.)
tf = net thickness of the flange/face plate, cm (in.)
Co = Etn3 /3s
Γ = warping constant
2 3 3
= mIyf dw + dwtw /36
Iyf = tfbf3(1 . 0 + 3 . 0u2dwtw /As)/ 12, cm 4(in4)

fcL critical buckling stress for the associated plating, corresponding to n-half waves,
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2))
= π2E(n/a + a/n)2(tn /s)2 /12(1 − v2)
a = ℓ/s
n = number of half-wave which yield a smallest fET

fy minimum specified yield point of the longitudinal or stiffener under consideration,

N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2))

Pr,   E,   s and v are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.3.

As,   tn and ℓ are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.5.1.

7.5.3 Buckling Criteria for Unit Corrugation of Transverse Bulkhead

The critical buckling stress, which is also the ultimate bending stress, fcb, for a unit corrugation,
may be determined from the following equation (See 5A-3-4/5.11.2).

fcb = fEc    for fEc ≤ Prfy

fcb = 1 − Pr 1 − Pr fy /fEc fy    for fEc > Prfy


fEc = kcE(t/a)2

kc = 0.09[7.65-0.26 (c/a)2]2

c and a are widths of the web and flange panels, respectively, in cm2 (in2)

t = net thickness of the flange panel, in cm (in.)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

Pr,   fy and E are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.3.

Net Dimensions and Properties of Stiffeners (December 2008)

7.7 Stiffened Panels

7.7.1 Large Stiffened Panels
For large stiffened panels between bulkheads or panels stiffened in one direction between
transverses and girders, the critical buckling stresses with respect to uniaxial compression may be
determined from the following equations:

fci = fEi    for fEi ≤ Prfy

fci = fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr fy /fEi    for fEi > Prfy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4


in the longitudinal direction, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,

fEi = kLπ2(DLDT)1/2 /tLb2
in the transverse direction, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,
fEi = kTπ2(DLDT)1/2 /tTℓ2
KL = 4 for ℓ/b ≥ 1

= 1/ϕL2 + 2η + ϕL2 for ℓ/b < 1

kT = 4 for b/ℓ ≥ 1

= 1/ϕT2 + 2η + ϕT2 for b/ℓ < 1

DL = EIL /sL 1 − v2
DT = EIT /sT 1 − v2

DT = Etn3 /12 1 − v2 if no stiffener in the transverse direction

length and width between transverse and longitudinal bulkheads, respectively, in
ℓ/b =
cm (in.) (See 5A-3-4/7.7.1 FIGURE 2)

tL, tT net equivalent thickness of the plating and stiffener in the longitudinal and
transverse direction, respectively, cm (in.)
= sLtn + AsL /sL   or   (sTtn + AsT)/sT

SL, ST spacing of longitudinals and transverses, respectively, cm (in.) (See 5A-3-4/7.7.1

ϕL 1/4
= ℓ/b DT /DL

ϕT 1/4
= b/ℓ DL /DT
η = IpLIpT / ILIT

AsL, AsT net sectional area of the longitudinal and transverse, excluding the associated
plating, respectively, cm2 (in2)
net moment of inertia of the effective plating alone (effective breadth due to shear
IpL, IpT = lag) about the neutral axis of the combined cross section, including stiffener and
plating, cm4 (in4)
net moment of inertia of the stiffener (one) with effective plating in the
IL, IT = longitudinal or transverse direction, respectively, cm4 (in4). If no stiffener, the
moment of inertia is calculated for the plating only.

fy, Pr, E and v are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.3. tn is as defined in 5A-3-4/7.5.1.

With the exception of deck panels, when the lateral load parameter, qo, defined below, is greater
than 5, reduction of the critical buckling stresses given below is to be considered.

qo = pnb4 /(π4tTDT)

qo = pnℓ4 /(π4tLDL)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4


pn = average net lateral pressure, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

DT, DL, b, ℓ, tT, tL and sT are as defined above.

In this regard, the critical buckling stress may be approximated by:

f′ci = Rofci       N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


Ro = 1 − 0 . 045(qo − 5) for qo ≥ 5

For deck panels, Ro= 1.0 and f′ci = fci.

FIGURE 2 (December 2008)

7.7.2 Corrugated Transverse Bulkheads

For corrugated transverse bulkheads, the critical buckling stresses with respect to uniaxial
compression may be calculated from the equations given in 5A-3-4/7.7.1 above by replacing the
subscripts “L” and “T” with “V” and “H” for the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively,
and with the following modifications. The rigidities DV are DH are defined as follows.

DV = EIv /s

DH = [s/(a + c)][Et3 /12(1 − v2)]

KV = 4 for ℓ/b ≥ 0 . 5176(DV /DH)1/4

1 2
ϕV2 + ϕV for ℓ/b < 0 . 5176(DV /DH)1/4

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

KH = 4 for b/ℓ ≥ 0 . 5176(DH /DV)1/4

1 2
= 2 + ϕH
ϕH for b/ℓ < 0 . 5176(DH /DV)1/4


Iv = moment of inertia of a unit corrugation with spacing s,   s = a + ccosϕ

= t/4[csinϕ]2(a + c/4 + csinϕ/12), in cm 4(in4)
a, c = widths of the flange and web panels, respectively, in cm (in.)
t = net thickness of the corrugations, in cm (in.)

E and v are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.3.

ℓ = length of the corrugation, in cm (in.)

sv, sH = s
η, IpH, AsH = 0
AsV = tcsinϕ

ϕ is as defined in 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE10 or 5A-3-3/17.9 FIGURE 11.

7.9 Stiffness and Proportions (1 July 2009)

To fully develop the intended buckling strength of the assemblies of structural members and panels,
supporting elements of plate panels and longitudinals are to satisfy the following requirements for stiffness
and proportion in highly stressed regions.

7.9.1 Stiffness of Longitudinals

The net moment of inertia of the longitudinals, io, with effective breadth of net plating, is to be not
less than that given by the following equation:
io = γo
12(1 − v2)


γo = (2 . 6 + 4 . 0δ)a2 + 12 . 4a − 13 . 2a1/2
δ = A/stn
a = ℓ/s
s = spacing of longitudinals, cm (in.)
tn = net thickness of plating supported by the longitudinal, cm (in.)
v = Poisson’s ratio
= 0.3 for steel
A = net sectional area of the longitudinal (excluding plating), cm2 (in2)
ℓ = unsupported span of the longitudinal, cm (in.)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

7.9.2 Stiffness of Web Stiffeners

The net moment of inertia, i, of the web stiffener, with the effective breadth of net plating not
exceeding s or 0.33ℓ, whichever is less, is not to be less than obtained from the following

i = 0 . 17ℓt3(ℓ/s)3 cm4 (in4)    for ℓ/s ≤ 2 . 0

i = 0 . 34ℓt3(ℓ/s)2 cm4 (in4)    for ℓ/s > 2 . 0


ℓ = length of stiffener between effective supports, in cm (in.)

t = required net thickness of web plating, in cm (in.)
s = spacing of stiffeners, in cm (in.)
7.9.3 Stiffness of Supporting Members
The net moment of inertia of the supporting members, such as transverses and webs, is not to be
less than that obtaispacing of stiffeners, in cm (in.)ned from the following equation:

Is /io ≥ 0 . 2(Bs /ℓ)3(Bs /s)


Is = moment of inertia of the supporting member, including the effective plating, cm4 (in4)
io = moment of inertia of the longitudinals, including the effective plating, cm4 (in4)
Bs = unsupported span of the supporting member, cm (in.)

ℓ and s are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.9.1.

7.9.4 Proportions of Flanges and Face Plates

The breadth-thickness ratio of flanges and face plates of longitudinals and girders is to satisfy the
limits given below:

b2 /tf = 0 . 4(E/fy)1/2


b2 = larger outstanding dimension of flange, as given in 7.5.3 FIGURE 1 , cm (in.)

tf = net thickness of flange/face plate, cm (in.)

E and fy are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.3.

7.9.5 Proportions of Webs of Longitudinals and Stiffeners

The depth-thickness ratio of webs of longitudinals and stiffeners is to satisfy the limits given

dw /tw ≤ 1 . 5(E/fy)1/2 for angles and tee bars

dw /tw ≤ 0 . 85(E/fy)1/2 for bulb plates

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

dw /tw ≤ 0 . 5(E/fy)1/2 for flat bars

where dw and tw, are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.5.2 and E and fy are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.3.

When these limits are complied with, the assumption on buckling control stated in 5A-3-4/5.1.2(e)
is considered satisfied. If not, the buckling strength of the web is to be further investigated, as per

7.9.6 Proportions of Unstiffened or Stiffened Brackets (2020)

The depth of the bracket d0, d1 or d2 shown in 5A-3-4/7.9.6(c) FIGURE 3, is to be less than the
limits given below.

7.9.6(a) Plain (Un-Flanged) Brackets

Plain (un-flanged) brackets may be used where d0 ≤ 53 . 4 cm (21 in.)

d0 ≤ 75 tbq1/2 − c sin α           cm (in.)

7.9.6(b) Flanged or Edge Stiffened Brackets

The depth of the edge flanged bracket d1 is to be less than:

d1 ≤ 153 . 8 tbq1/2 − a sin α           cm (in.)

The width of the flange or face bar fw is not to be less than:

0 . 08d1 12
fw ≥ +b 1q           cm (in.)
sin α

7.9.6(c) Stiffened Edge Flanged Brackets

The depth of the stiffened edge flanges bracket is to be less than:
d1 ≤ 153 . 8 tbq − a sin α           cm (in.)

d2 ≤ 1 . 5tb fy             cm (in.)

Stiffeners as required in 5A-3-4/7.9.6(b) and/or 5A-3-4/7.9.6(c) may be designed in accordance

with 5A-3-4/7.9.5.


a = 0.52 (0.205)
b = 1.4 (0.55)
c = 0.45 (0.177)
tb = net thickness of the bracket, cm (in.)

fy = specified minimum yield point of the bracket plate, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

q = 2.35 x 104/fy (2.4 x 103/fy, 3.4 x 104/fy)

E = modulus of elasticity for steel, 2.06 x 107 N/cm2 (2.1 x 106 kgf/cm2, 30 x 106 lbf/in2)
angle between longer arm of bracket and the tangentiality of face plate or edge (See 5A-3-4/7.9.6(c)
α =
FIGURE 3), in degree

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

When these limits are complied with, the assumption on buckling control stated in 5A-3-4/5.1.2(g)
is considered satisfied. If not, a detailed analysis of buckling strength using an acceptable method
is to be submitted for review.

Definitions of Brackets

7.11 Curved Plates (2020)

7.11.1 Axial Compression or Bending Moment
The critical buckling stresses for curved plate panels such as bilge plate panels may be obtained
from the following equations subjected to axial compression or bending moment.

fCL = fEL                                             for   fEL ≤ Prfy

fCL = fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr fy /fEL                 for   fEL > Prfy


Pr = proportional linear elastic limit of the structure, which may be taken as 0.6 for steel

fEL = elastic compressive buckling stress for an imperfect curved plate, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


= classical compressive buckling stress for a perfect curved plate, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 605   Et r

C = length dependent coefficient

= 1 . 0                                     for   z ≥ 2 . 85

= 1 . 425/z + 0 . 175z                   for   z < 2 . 85

ρX = nominal or lower bound knock-down factor to allow for shape imperfections

= 0 . 75 + 0 . 003z 1 − r/ 300t                                             for   z < 1

= 0 . 75 − 0 . 142 z − 1 0 . 4 + 0 . 003z 1 − r/ 300t                       for   1 ≤ z < 20

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

= 0 . 35 − 0 . 0002r/t                                                         for   20 ≤ z
z = Batdorf parameter
12 2
= 1 − ν2 ℓ / rt

ℓ = unsupported length, in cm (in.) (See 5A-3-4/7.11.2 Figure 4)

r = mean radius of curved plate, in cm (in.)
t = net thickness of the plate, in cm (in.)
E = Young’s modulus, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for steel 2.06 x 107 (2.10 x 106, 30 x 106)
ν = Poisson’s ratio, may be taken as 0.3 for steel
fy = specified minimum yield point of the material, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

7.11.2 External Pressure

The critical buckling stresses for curved plate panels such as bilge plate panels may be obtained
from the following equations subjected to external pressure.

fCT = ϕfET


ϕ = plasticity reduction factor

= 1 . 0                                           for   △ ≤ 0 . 55

= 0 . 45/ △ + 0 . 18                           for   0 . 55 < △ ≤ 1 . 6

= 1 . 31/ 1 + 1 . 15 △                       for   1 . 6 < △ < 6 . 25

= 1/ △                                       for   △ ≥ 6 . 25

△ = fET /fy

fET = elastic hoop buckling stress for an imperfect curved plate, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= ρRqCET r + 0 . 5t /t

ρR = nominal or lower bound knock-down factor to allow for shape imperfections

= 0.8
qCET = elastic buckling pressure, N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 1 . 27E/ AL1 . 18 + 0 . 5 t/r 2                                   for   AL ≤ 2 . 5

= 0 . 92E/AL t/r 2                                                 for   2 . 5 < AL ≤ 0 . 208r/t

= 0 . 836Cp−1 . 061E t/r 3                                         for   0 . 208r/t < AL ≤ 2 . 85r/t

= 0 . 275E t/r 3                                                     for   2 . 85r/t < AL

AL = z1 2 / 1 − ν2 4 − 1 . 17

Cp = AL / r/t

z, ℓ, r, t, E, ν and fy are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.11.1.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

Figure 4
Curved Plate Panel

9 Fatigue Life (1995)

9.1 General
An analysis is to be made of the fatigue strength of welded joints and details in highly stressed areas,
especially where higher strength steel is used. Special attention is to be given to structural notches, cutouts
and bracket toes, and also to abrupt changes of structural sections. A simplified assessment of the fatigue
strength of structural details may be accepted when carried out in accordance with Appendix 5A-3-A2.

The following subparagraphs are intended to emphasize the main points and to outline procedures where
refined spectral analysis techniques are used to establish fatigue strength.

9.1.1 Workmanship
As most fatigue data available were experimentally developed under controlled laboratory
conditions, consideration is to be given to the workmanship expected during construction.

9.1.2 Fatigue Data

In the selection of S-N curves and the associated stress concentration factors, attention is to be
paid to the background of all design data and its validity for the details being considered. In this
regard, recognized design data, such as those by AWS (American Welding Society), API
(American Petroleum Institute), and DEN (Department of Energy), should be considered. Sample
fatigue data and their applications are shown in Appendix 5A-3-A2 “Fatigue Strength Assessment
of Ship-Type Installations”.

If other fatigue data are to be used, the background and supporting data are to be submitted for

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

In this regard, clarification is required whether or not the stress concentration due to the weld
profile, certain structural configurations and also the heat effects are accounted for in the proposed
S-N curve. Consideration is also to be given to the additional stress concentrations.

9.1.3 Total Stress Range

For determining total stress ranges, the fluctuating stress components resulting from the load
combinations specified in 5A-3-A2/7.5 (for ship-type installations) or 5A-3-A2/21.3 (for trading
vessels) are to be considered.

9.1.4 Design Consideration

In design, consideration is to be given to the minimization of structural notches and stress
concentrations. Areas subject to highly concentrated forces are to be properly configured and
stiffened to dissipate the concentrated loads. See also 5A-3-3/1.5.

9.3 Procedures
The analysis of fatigue strength for a welded structural joint/detail may be performed in accordance with
the following procedures.

The class designations and associated loading patterns are given in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1.

9.3.1 Step 1 – Classification of Various Critical Locations

Where deemed appropriate, the total applied stress range of the structural details classified in Step
1 may be checked against the permissible stress ranges as shown in Appendix 5A-3-A2.

9.3.2 Step 2 – Permissible Stress Range Approach

9.3.3 Step 3 – Refined Analysis
Refined analyses are to be performed, as outlined in 5A-3-4/9.3.3(a) or 5A-3-4/9.3.3(b) below, for
the structural details for which the total applied stress ranges obtained from Step 2 are greater than
the permissible stress ranges, or for which the fatigue characteristics are not covered by the
classified details and the associated S-N curves.

The fatigue life of structures is generally not to be less than 20 years, unless otherwise specified.

9.3.3(a) Spectral analysis.

Alternatively, a spectral analysis may be performed, as outlined in 5A-3-4/9.5 below, to directly
calculate fatigue lives for the structural details in question.

9.3.3(b) Refined fatigue data.

For structural details which are not covered by the detail classifications, proposed S-N curves and
the associated SCFs, when applicable, may be submitted for consideration. In this regard,
sufficient supporting data and background are also to be submitted for review. The refined SCFs
may be determined by finite element analyses.

9.5 Spectral Analysis

Where the option in 5A-3-4/9.3.3(a) is exercised, a spectral analysis is to be performed in accordance with
the following guidelines.

9.5.1 Representative Loading Patterns

Several representative loading patterns are to be considered to cover the worst scenarios
anticipated for the design service life of the installation with respect to hull girder local loads.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

9.5.2 Environmental Representation (1 September 2007)

Instead of the design wave loads specified in Section 5A-3-2, a wave scatter diagram (such as
Walden’s Data for North Atlantic Environment) is to be employed to simulate a representative
distribution of all of the wave conditions expected for the design service life of the installation. In
general, the wave data is to cover a time period of not less than 20 years. The probability of
occurrence for each combination of significant wave height and mean period of the representative
wave scatter diagram is to be weighted, based on the transit time of the installation at each wave
environment within anticipated shipping routes or specific sites. Detailed environmental data
requirements are given in 5A-1-3/3.9.3.

9.5.3 Calculation of Wave Load RAOs

The wave load RAOs with respect to the wave-induced bending moments, shear forces, motions,
accelerations and hydrodynamic pressures can then be predicted by ship motion calculation for a
selected representative loading condition.

9.5.4 Generation of Stress Spectrum (1 July 2020)

The stress spectrum for each critical structural detail (spot) may be generated by performing a
structural analysis, accounting for all the wave loads separately for each individual wave group.
For this purpose, the 3D structural model and 2D models specified in 5A-3-4/11 may be used for
determining structural responses. The additional secondary and tertiary stresses are also to be

Alternatively, for FPI conversions, in order to calculate the hot spot stress spectrum, load
component spectral fatigue analysis (LC SFA) can be used provided the following are verified:

i) The loads components are to include the global load components (three cross-sectional
forces and three cross-sectional moments) and the local load components (lightweight and
deadweight inertial loads and external pressure).
ii) The effects of each global load component are to be adequately separated from the effects
of other global and local load components.
iii) The number of external pressure strips is to be such as to adequately capture the external
pressure variations in the transverse direction, especially where the analyzed hot spot is
significantly affected by the local external pressure loads.
iv) A balanced system of hydrodynamic loads from the seakeeping analysis is to be used
where sectional forces and moments approach zero at the vessel ends when hydrodynamic
loads are integrated over the entire vessel.
v) Across two web frame distances or 10 m (33 feet), whichever is greater, on either side of
the analyzed hot spot in the longitudinal direction, the tolerance on the total lightweight
and deadweight masses of the finite element model is to be ±1% and the tolerance on the
longitudinal, vertical, and transverse center of gravity of the loaded vessel is to be ±0.1%
of the vessel’s length, depth, and breadth, respectively. Outside of this range, the tolerance
on the total lightweight and deadweight masses these tolerances can be relaxed.
vi) Attention is to be paid to the accuracy of all cross-sectional force and moment transfer
functions at the hot spot locations, especially to the existence of large shear force
distribution gradients that may not have been captured during the hydrodynamic analysis.
Large shear force distribution gradients can occur due to concentrated loads or due to
partial redistribution of shear forces to transverse bulkheads.
vii) When a partial finite element model is used, the analyzed hot spot is to be at least two
web frame distances or 10 m (33 feet), whichever is greater, away from the model

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

9.5.5 Cumulative Fatigue Damage and Fatigue Life

Based on the stress spectrum and wave scatter diagram established above, the cumulative fatigue
damage and the corresponding fatigue life can be estimated by the Palmgren-Miner linear damage

11 Calculation of Structural Responses (1995)

11.1 Methods of Approach and Analysis Procedures (1 July 2012)

Maximum stresses in the structure are to be determined by performing structural analyses, as outlined
below. Guidelines on structural idealization, load application and structural analysis are given in Appendix

The strength assessment of the hull structure for new build FPIs is based on a three cargo tank lengths
finite element model about midships where the strength assessment is focused on the results obtained from
structures in the middle tank. For an FPI conversion, as an alternative, a complete hull length or full cargo
block length finite element model including all cargo and ballast tanks in the hull structure can be used in
lieu of the three cargo tank length model.

In the three tank length model the strength assessment is to be focused on the results obtained from the mid
tank structure. However, the deck transverse, the side transverse, the vertical web on longitudinal
bulkheads, the horizontal girder and the vertical web on transverse bulkheads and the cross ties are also to
be assessed using the end tanks of the three tank length model analysis.

11.3 3D Finite Element Models (1 July 2012)

A simplified three-dimensional (3D) finite element model is required to determine the load distribution in
the structure.

The three-hold length finite element model represents three bays of tanks within 0 . 4L amidships of the
hull structure. The same 3D model may be used for hull structures beyond 0 . 4L amidships with
modifications to the structural properties and the applied loads, provided that the structural configurations
are such that they are considered as representative of the location under consideration.

The full length or cargo block length finite element model may be used for the alternative method of
analysis for FPI conversions.

11.5 Local Structural Models (December 2008)

Local 3D fine mesh model are required to:
● Determine the stress distribution in major supporting structures, particularly at intersections of two or
more structural members and/or
● Examine stress concentrations such as at bracket toes of main supporting members, at openings in way
of critical locations, at intersections of longitudinals with transverses and at cut outs.

11.7 Load Cases (December 2008)

When performing structural analysis, the combined load cases specified in 5A-3-2/9.1 are to be considered.
In general, the structural responses for the still-water conditions are to be calculated separately to establish
reference points for assessing the wave-induced responses. Additional load cases may be required for
special loading patterns and unusual design functions, such as sloshing loads, as specified in 5A-3-2/11.
For the three hold length analysis, additional load cases may also be required for hull structures beyond the
region of 0 . 4L amidships.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

13 Critical Areas (December 2008)

13.1 General
The strength and fatigue capacity of the following critical areas is to be verified:

● Typical connections of transverse web frames in 5A-3-4/13.5 FIGURE 5

● Typical connections of horizontal girders on transverse bulkhead in 5A-3-4/13.5 FIGURE 6
● Typical connections buttress structure in 5A-3-4/13.5 FIGURE 7

13.3 Strength Evaluation

The allowable stress applicable to critical areas in 5A-3-4/13.1 is defined as a percentage of the minimum
specified yield stress, fy, times the strength reduction factor, Sm. Application of this allowable stress to rod
and beam elements is based on the axial stress while von-Mises membrane stresses are employed for
quadrilateral elements.

The allowable stress for fine mesh analysis is defined in 5A-3-4/13.3 TABLE 2 and depends on the mesh
size. To calculate the local stress distribution in a main supporting member, it is often necessary to model
details and discontinuities using various fine mesh sizes. In areas of high stress gradient, the allowable
stresses are to be adjusted according to mesh sizes and are listed in 5A-3-4/13.3 TABLE 2.

The high stress FE results should be viewed in terms of the extent of the high stresses with respect to the
mesh size and the structural arrangement in the high stress region.

Allowable Stresses (kgf/cm2) for Various Finite Element
Fine Mesh Sizes (1 July 2009)

Mesh Size Stress Limit Mild Steel HT27 HT32 HT36

(Sm = 1 . 000) (Sm = 0 . 980) (Sm = 0 . 950) (Sm = 0 . 908)

1 × LS(1) 1 . 00 × Smfy 2400 2646 3040 3269

1 2 × LS(1) 1 . 06 × Smfy 2544 2805 3222 3465

1 3 × LS(1) 1 . 12 × Smfy 2688 2963 3404 3661

1 4 × LS(1) 1 . 18 × Smfy 2832 3122 3587 3857

1 5 × LS 1 10  
1 . 25 × Smfy 3000 3308 3800 4086
× LS

fu or fu or
Thickness(1) 4100 4500 4903
1 . 50 × Smfy 1 . 50 × Smfy

1 Stress limits greater than 1 . 00 × Smfy are to be restricted to small areas in way of structural discontinuities.

2 When the fatigue strength of the detail is found satisfactory, the hot spot stress in the detail may be allowed up to
the minimum tensile strength of the material.
3 For intermediate mesh size, the stress limit may be obtained by linear interpolation.
4 (1 July 2009) LS = stiffener spacing

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

13.5 Fatigue Evaluation

The procedure for fatigue analysis of the critical details indicated in 5A-3-4/13.1 will follow Section 5A-3-
A2 considering prior fatigue damage as a trading vessel, low cycle and high cycle fatigue damages as an

Critical Areas in Transverse Web Frame (1 July 2009)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

Critical Areas in Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead
(1 July 2009)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 4 Total Strength Assessment 5A-3-4

Critical Areas of Buttress Structure (1 July 2009)


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

SECTION 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships

1 General Requirements

1.1 General
The structural configurations, stiffening systems and design scantlings of the hull structures located beyond
0.4L amidships including the forebody, aft end and machinery spaces are to be in compliance with this
Section of these Rules and 5A-4-2/17.

1.3 Structures within the Cargo Space Length (2002)

The scantlings of longitudinal structural members and elements in way of cargo spaces beyond 0.4L
amidships may be gradually reduced toward 0.125L from the ends, provided that the hull girder section
modulus complies with 3-2-1/3.7.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules and that the strength of the structure
satisfies the material yielding, buckling and ultimate strength criteria specified in 5A-3-4/3 and 5A-3-4/5.

The scantlings of main supporting members in way of the cargo space length beyond 0.4L amidships are to
comply with the requirements of 5A-3-3/11. Where the structural configuration is different from that
amidships due to the hull form of the installation, additional evaluation is to be performed. The structural
evaluation using the actual configuration is to be carried out to verify that the arrangement of openings
necessary for access (5A-3-1/5.21), ventilation (5A-3-1/5.25), fabrication, etc. is satisfactory.

3 Forebody Side Shell Structure (2000)

In addition to the requirements specified in other relevant sections of the Rules, the scantlings of the
structure forward of 0.4L amidships are also to satisfy the requirements in 5A-3-5/3.1, 5A-3-5/3.3 and
5A-3-5/3.5 below.

The nominal design corrosion values in the forepeak tank may be taken as 1.5 mm in determining design

3.1 Side Shell Plating (2002)

3.1.1 Plating Forward of Forepeak Bulkhead
The net thickness of the side shell plating forward of the forepeak bulkhead is to be not less than
t1,   t2 and t3, specified below.

t1   =   0 . 73s(k1p/f1)1/2 in mm (in.)

t2   =   0 . 73s(k2p/f2)1/2 in mm (in.)

t3   =   0 . 73sk(k3k4pb /f3)1/2 in mm (in.) for side shell and bow plating above LWL
in the region from the forward end to the
forepeak bulkhead


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

s = spacing of stiffeners, in mm (in.)

k1 = 0.342 for longitudinally and 0.50k2 for transversely stiffened plating
k2 = 0.50k2 for longitudinally and 0.342 for transversely stiffened plating
k3 = 0.50
k4 = 0.74
k = (3 . 075(α)1/2   −   2 . 077)/(   α   +   0 . 272) , (1   ≤   α   ≤   2)  
1.0 (α   >   2)
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
f1 = 0 . 65Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2) in the longitudinal direction
f2 = 0 . 85Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2) in the transverse (vertical) direction
f3 = 0 . 85Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
p = nominal pressure |pi   −   pe|, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7
TABLE 3, at the upper turn of bilge level amidships with the following modifications:
i) Ai is to be calculated at the forward or aft end of the tank, whichever is greater
ii) Ae is to be calculated at the center of the panel in accordance with
5A-3-2/5.5.3, using L.C.7 with kfo= 1.0 and xo located amidships
iii) Be is to be calculated at 0.05L from the FP in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5
(ps + kupd, full draft, heading angle = 0, ku= 1.1)
pb = maximum bow pressure =kupbij
ku = 1.1
pbij = nominal bow pressure, as specified in 5A-3-2/13.1, at the lowest point of the panel, in
N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Sm and fy, as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

3.1.2 Plating between Forepeak Bulkhead and 0.125L from FP

Aft of the forepeak bulkhead and forward of 0.125L from the FP, the side shell plating is to be not
less than as given in 5A-3-5/3.1.1 with Be calculated at 0.125L and the following permissible
f1 = permissible bending stress in the longitudinal direction, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 50Smfy, for L ≥ 190 m (623 ft)
= [0 . 50 + 0 . 10(190 – L)/40]Smfy, for L <190 m (623 ft)
f2 = 0 . 80Smfy, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), in the transverse (vertical) direction

3.1.3 Plating between 0.3L and 0.125L from FP

The net thickness of the side shell plating between 0.3L and 0.125L from the FP is to be
determined from the equations in 5A-3-3/5.3 and 5A-3-5/3.1.2 above with Be calculated at the
longitudinal location under consideration. Between 0.3L and 0.25L from the FP, the internal
pressure need not be greater than that obtained amidships. The permissible stress f1 between 0.3L

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

and 0.2L from the FP is to be obtained by linear interpolation between midship region
(5A-3-3/9.1) and the permissible stress f1, as specified in 5A-3-5/3.1.2.

3.3 Side Frames and Longitudinals

3.3.1 Side Frames and Longitudinals Forward of 0.3L from FP
The net section modulus of side longitudinals and frames in association with the effective plating
to which they are attached is to be not less than that obtained from the following equation:

SM   =   M/fbi in cm3 (in3)
M   =   1000psℓ2 /k in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)

k = 12 (12, 83.33)
p = nominal pressure |pi   −   pe|, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7
TABLE 3, at the upper turn of bilge level amidships with the following modifications:
i) Ai is to be calculated at the forward or aft end of the tank, whichever is greater.
Between 0.3L and 0.25L aft of the FP, the internal pressure need not be greater
than that obtained amidships.
ii) Ae is to be calculated at the center of the panel in accordance with
5A-3-2/5.5.3, using L.C.7 with kf0= 1.0 and x0 located amidships
iii) Be is to be calculated at the center of the panel in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5
(ps   +   kupd, full draft, heading angle = 0, ku= 1.1), with the distribution of
pd, as shown in 5A-3-5/3.3.1 FIGURE 1, at the side longitudinal and frame
under consideration.

Longitudinal distribution of pd may be taken as constant from the FP to forepeak bulkhead as per
5A-3-5/3.1.1 and from 0.125L to the forepeak bulkhead as per 5A-3-5/3.1.2. pd is to be calculated
in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5 between 0.3L and 0.125L from the FP as per 5A-3-5/3.1.3.

fbi = 0 . 80Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for longitudinals between 0.125L and 0.2L
= from the FP
0 . 85Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for longitudinals between 0.125L from the FP
= 0 . 85Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for vertical frames (other than hold frames)

Between 0.3L and 0.2L from the FP, the permissible stress is to be obtained by linear interpolation
between midship region and 0 . 80Smfy

Sm and fyare as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

s and ℓ are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

For side longitudinal/stiffener in the region forward of 0.0125L from the FP and above LWL, the
section modulus is not to be less than obtained from the above equation based on p= pb,fb=
0 . 95Smfy and k= 16 (16, 111.1), where pbis as defined in 5A-3-5/3.1 above.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

Transverse Distribution of pd(2000)

3.5 Side Transverses and Stringers in Forebody (2002)

The requirements of the subparagraphs below apply to the region forward of the cargo spaces where single
side skin construction is used.

3.5.1 Section Modulus

The net section modulus of side transverse and stringer in association with the effective side shell
plating is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:

SM   =   M/fb     in cm3 (in3)

3.5.1(a) Longitudinally Framed Side Shell

For side stringer

M   =   1000c1c2psℓtℓs /k     in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)

For side transverse, M is not to be less than M1 or M2, whichever is greater

M1   =   1000c3psℓ2t (1 . 0 − c4ϕ)/k in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)

M2   =   850p1sℓ2t1 /k in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 0.12 (0.12, 0.446)

c1 = 0 . 125   +   0 . 875ϕ , but not less than 0.3

Coefficients c2,c3 and c4 are given in the tables below.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

Coefficient c2

Number of Side Stringers No Stringer One Stringer More than One Stringer
Between Platforms (Flats)

Top Stringer 0.70

Stringers Between Top 0.75

0.0 0.90
and Lowest Stringers

Lowest Stringer 0.80

Coefficient c3

Number of Side Stringers No Stringer One Stringer More than One Stringer
Between Platforms (Flats)

Transverse above Top 0.55 0.55


Transverse Between Top — 0.64

and Lowest Stringers

Transverse Below Lowest 0.68 0.68


Coefficient c4

Number of Side Stringers No Stringer One Stringer More than One Stringer
Between Platforms (Flats)

Transverses 0.0 0.75 0.80

p = nominal pressure |pi   −   pe|, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), over the side transverses using
the same load cases as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for side transverses with the
following modifications.
i) Ae is to be considered for case “a” and calculated in accordance with
5A-3-2/5.5.3 using L.C.7 with kfo = 1.0 and xo located amidships
ii) Be is to be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5 (ps + kupd, full draft,
heading angle = 0, ku= 1), with the distribution of pd, as shown in
5A-3-5/3.3.1 FIGURE 1
Bi , Ae and Be may be taken at the center of the side shell panel under consideration.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

p1 = nominal pressure, |pi   −   pe|, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), using the same load cases as
specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for side transverses with the following
i) Ae is to be considered for case “a” and calculated in accordance with
5A-3-2/5.5.3 using L.C.7 with kf0 = 1.0 and x0 located amidships
ii) Be is to be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5 (ps   +   kupd, full draft,
heading angle = 0, ku= 1), with the distribution of pd, as shown in
5A-3-5/3.3.1 FIGURE 1
Bi , Ae and Be calculated at the midspan ℓs1 (between side stringers or between side
stringer and platform, flat as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2) of the side transverse
under consideration.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

Definition of Spans(2000)

For side transverses

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

s = sum of half distances, in m (ft), between side transverse under consideration and adjacent side
transverses or transverse bulkhead

For side stringers

s = 0 . 45ℓs
ϕ = 1/(1   +   α)
α = 1 . 33(It/Is)(ℓs /ℓt)3
It = moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4) (with effective side plating), of side transverse. It is to
be taken as an average of those at the middle of each span ℓt1 between side stringers or
side stringer and platform (flat), clear of the bracket
Is = moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4) (with effective side plating), of side stringer at the
middle of the span ℓs, clear of the bracket
ℓt,  ℓs= spans, in m (ft), of the side transverse (ℓt) and side girder (ℓs) under consideration, as
shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2
ℓt1 = span, in m (ft), of side transverse under consideration between stringers, or stringer and
platform (flat), as shown in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B

When calculating α, if more than one side transverse or stringer is fitted and they are not identical,
average values of It and Is within side shell panel (panel between transverse bulkheads and
platforms, flats) are to be used.

fb = permissible bending stress in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 75Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The bending moment for side transverse below stringer (or below the platform if no stringer is
fitted) is not to be less than 80% of that for side transverse above stringer (or above platform if no
stringer is fitted).

3.5.1(b) Transversely Framed Side Shell

For side transverse:

M   =   1000c1psℓtℓs /k in N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in)

For side stringer, M is not to be less than M1 or M2, whichever is greater:

M1   =   1000c2psℓ2s (1 . 0 − c3ϕ1)/k in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)

M2   =   1100p1sℓ2s1 /k in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 0.12 (0.12, 0.446)

c1 = 0 . 10   +   0 . 7ϕ1 , but not to be taken less than 0.085

If no side transverses are fitted between transverse bulkheads

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

c2 = 1.1
c3 = 0

If side transverses are fitted between transverse bulkheads

c2 = 0.8
c3 = 0.8
p = nominal pressure |pi − pe|, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), over the side transverses using the
same load cases as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for side transverses in lower wing
tank. Ati, Ae and Be may be taken at the center of the side shell panel under
consideration with the following modifications:
i) Ae is to be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5.3 using L.C.7 with kfo =
1.0 and xo located amidships
ii) Be is to be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5 (ps + kupd, full draft,
heading angle = 0, ku= 1), with the distribution of pd, as shown in
5A-3-5/3.3.1 FIGURE 1
p1 = nominal pressure, |pi − pe|, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), using the same load cases as
specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 for side transverses in lower wing tank, with Ati, Ae
and Be calculated at the midspan ℓs1 (between side transverses or between side
transverse and transverse bulkhead, as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2a) of the side
stringer under consideration, with the following modifications:
i) Ae is to be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5.3 using L.C.7 with kfo =
1.0 and xo located amidships
ii) Be is to be calculated in accordance with 5A-3-2/5.5 (ps + kupd, full draft,
heading angle = 0, ku= 1), with the distribution of pd, as shown in
5A-3-5/3.3.1 FIGURE 1

For side stringers

s = sum of half distances, in m (ft), between side stringer under consideration and adjacent
side stringers or platforms (flats)

For side transverses

s = 0 . 45ℓt
ϕ1 = α/(1   +   α)
ℓs1 = span, in m (ft), of the side stringer under consideration between side transverses or side
transverse and transverse bulkhead, as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2a
fb = permissible bending stress in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 75Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

ℓt,  ℓs and a are as defined in 5A-3-5/3.5.1(a) above.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

3.5.2 Sectional Area of Web

The net sectional area of the web portion of the side transverse and side stringer is not to be less
than obtained from the following equation:

A   =   F/fs

3.5.2(a) Longitudinally Framed Side Shell

For side stringer:

F   =   1000kc1pℓs     in N (kgf, lbf)

For side transverse, F is not to be less than F1 or F2, whichever is greater:

F1   =   850kc2pℓs(1 . 0 − c3ϕ − 2ℎe /ℓ) N (kgf, lbf)

F2   =   1700kc2p1s(0 . 5ℓ1 − ℎe) N (kgf, lbf)


k = 0.5 (0.5, 1.12)

Coefficients c1,c2 and c3 are given in the tables below.

Coefficient c1

Number of Side Stringers No Stringer One Stringer More than One Stringer
Between Platforms (Flats)

Stringers 0.0 0.52 0.40

Coefficient c2

Number of Side Stringers No Stringer One Stringer More than One Stringer
Between Platforms (Flats)

Transverses Above Top 0.9 0.9


Transverse Between Top — 0.95

and Lowest Stringers

Transverse Below Lowest 1.0 1.0


Coefficient c3

Number of Side Stringers No Stringer One Stringer More than One Stringer
Between Platforms (Flats)

Transverses 0.0 0.5 0.6

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

ℓ = span, in m (ft), of the side transverse under consideration between platforms (flats), as
shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2b
ℓ1 = span, in m (ft), of the side transverse under consideration between side stringers or side
stringer and platform (flat), as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2b
ℎe = length, in m (ft), of the end bracket of the side transverse, as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1

To obtain F1,ℎe is equal to the length of the end bracket at the end of span ℓ of side transverse, as
shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2b.

To obtain F2,ℎe is equal to the length of the end bracket at the end of span ℓ1 of side transverse, as
shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2b.

fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 45Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

p ,p1, ϕ and s are as defined in 5A-3-5/3.5.1(a) above.

The shear force for the side transverse below the lowest stringer (or below the platform if no
stringer is fitted), is not to be less than 110% of that for the side transverse above the top stringer
(or above the platform if no stringer is fitted).

3.5.2(b) Transversely Framed Side Shell

For side transverse

F   =   850kc1pℓs     in N (kgf, lbf)

For side stringer, F is not to be less than F1 or F2, whichever is greater:

F1   =   1000kpℓs(1 . 0 − 0 . 6ϕ1 − 2ℎe /ℓ) in N (kgf, lbf)

F2   =   2000kp1s(0 . 5ℓ1 − ℎe) in N (kgf, lbf)


k = 0.5 (0.5, 1.12)

c1 = 0 . 1   +   0 . 7ϕ1 , but not to be taken less than 0.2
ℓ = span, in m (ft), of the side stringer under consideration between transverse bulkheads,
as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2a
ℓ1 = span, in m (ft), of the side stringer under consideration between side transverses or side
transverse and bulkhead, as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2a
ℎe = length, in m (ft), of the end bracket of the side stringer under consideration, as shown
in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2a

To obtain F1,ℎe is equal to the length of the end bracket at the end of span ℓ of the side stringer, as
shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2a.

To obtain F2,ℎe is equal to the length of the end bracket at the end of span ℓ1 of the side stringer,
as shown in 5A-3-5/3.5.1 FIGURE 2a.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 45Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

p ,p1, ϕ and s are as defined in 5A-3-5/3.5.1(a) above.

3.5.3 Depth of Transverse/Stringer

The depths of side transverses and stringers, dw,are neither to be less than obtained from the
following equations nor to be less than 2.5 times the depth of the slots, respectively.

3.5.3(a) Longitudinally Framed Shell

For side transverse:

If side stringer is fitted between platforms (flats)

dw   =   (0 . 08   +   0 . 80α)ℓt for α   ≤   0 . 05
= (0 . 116   +   0 . 084α)ℓt for α   >   0 . 05

and need not be greater than 0.2ℓt

If no side stringer is fitted between platforms (flats), dw is not to be less than 0.2ℓt or 0.06D,
whichever is greater.

For side stringer:

dw   =   (0 . 42   −   0 . 9α)ℓs for α   ≤   0 . 2
= (0 . 244   −   0 . 0207α)ℓs for α   >   0 . 2

α is not to be taken greater than 8.0 to determine the depth of the side stringer.

ℓt , ℓs and α are as defined in 5A-3-5/3.5.1(a) above.

D is as defined in 3-1-1/7.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

3.5.3(b) Transversely Framed Side Shell

For side stringer:

If side transverse is fitted between transverse bulkheads

dw   =   (0 . 08   +   0 . 80α1)ℓs for α1   ≤   0 . 05
= (0 . 116   +   0 . 084α1)ℓs for α1   >   0 . 05

and need not be greater than 0.2ℓs

If no side transverse is fitted between transverse bulkheads

dw   = 0 . 2ℓs

For side transverse:

dw   =   (0 . 277   −   0 . 385α1)ℓt for α1   ≤   0 . 2

= (0 . 204   −   0 . 205α1)ℓt for α1   >   0 . 2

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

α1 is not to be taken greater than 7.5 to determine the depth of the side transverse


α1 = 1/α

ℓt , ℓs and α are as defined in 5A-3-5/3.5.1(a) above.

3.5.4 Thickness
The net thickness of side transverse and stringer is not to be less than 9.5 mm (0.374 in.)

5 Transition Zone (2000)

In the transition zone between the forepeak and the No. 1 cargo tank region, due consideration is to be
given to the proper tapering of major longitudinal members within the forepeak such as flats, decks,
horizontal ring frames or side stringers aft into the cargo hold. Where such structure is in line with
longitudinal members aft of the forward cargo tank bulkhead, this tapering may be introduced by fitting of
large brackets. These brackets are to have a taper of 4:1.

7 Forebody Strengthening for Slamming

(1 July 2012) Where the hull structure is subject to slamming as specified in 5A-3-2/13, proper
strengthening will be required as outlined below. For strengthening to account for bottom slamming, the
requirements of this Subsection apply to installations with a heavy ballast draft forward of less than 0.04L.

7.1 Bottom Slamming

7.1.1 Bottom Plating
When bottom slamming, as specified in 5A-3-2/13, is considered, the bottom structure in the
region of the flat of bottom forward of 0.25L measured from the FP is to be in compliance with the
following requirement.

The net thickness of the flat of bottom plating forward of 0.25L measured from the FP is not to be
less than t obtained from the following equation:

t   =   0 . 73s(k2k3ps /f)1/2     in mm (in.)


s = spacing of longitudinal or transverse stiffeners, in mm (in.)

k2 = 0.5 k2 for longitudinally stiffened plating
k3 = 0.74
k = (3 . 075(α)1/2 − 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) , (1 ≤ α ≤ 2)

= 1.0 (α > 2)
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
ps = the design slamming pressure = kupsi

For determination of t, the pressure ps is to be taken at the center of the supported panel.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

psi = nominal bottom slamming pressure, as specified in 5A-3-2/13.3.1, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,

ku = slamming load factor = 1.1

The maximum nominal bottom slamming pressure occurring along the installation is to be applied
to the bottom plating between the foremost extent of the flat of bottom and 0.125L from the FP.
The pressure beyond this region may be gradually tapered to the longitudinal location where the
nominal slamming pressure is calculated as zero.

f = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 85Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1

7.1.2 Bottom Longitudinals and Stiffeners

The section modulus of the stiffener, including the associated effective plating on the flat of
bottom forward of 0.25L measured from the FP, is not to be less than obtained from the following

SM   =   M/fb in cm3 (in3)
M   =   1000pssℓ2 /k in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 16 (16, 111.1)
ps = design slamming pressure = kupsi

For determination of M, the pressure ps is to be taken at the midpoint of the span ℓ.

psi = nominal bottom slamming pressure, as specified in 5A-3-2/13.3.1, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,

ku = slamming load factor = 1.1

The maximum nominal bottom slamming pressure occurring along the installation is to be applied
to the bottom stiffeners between the foremost extent of the flat of bottom and 0.125L from the FP.
The pressure beyond this region may be gradually tapered to the longitudinal location where the
nominal slamming pressure is calculated as zero.

s = spacing of longitudinal or transverse stiffeners, in mm (in.)

ℓ = unsupported span of the stiffener, in m (ft)
fb = 0 . 9Smfy for transverse and longitudinal stiffeners in the region forward of 0.125L
measured from the FP
= 0 . 8Smfy for longitudinal stiffeners in the region between 0.125L and 0.25L measured
from the FP

The effective breadth of plating be is as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

Struts connecting the bottom and inner bottom longitudinals are not to be fitted.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

7.1.3 Bottom Floors

The arrangements and scantlings of floors are to be adequate for bottom slamming loads, as
specified in 5A-3-2/13.

The spacing of floors forward of amidships need not be less than the spacing amidships.

7.3 Bowflare Slamming

When bowflare slamming, as specified in 5A-3-2/13.5, is considered, the side shell structure above the
waterline in the region between 0.0125L and 0.25L from the FP is to be in compliance with the following

7.3.1 Side Shell Plating

The net thickness of the side shell plating between 0.0125L and 0.25L from the FP is not to be less
than t1 or t2, whichever is greater, obtained from the following equations:

t1   =   0 . 73s(k1ps /f1)1/2 in mm (in.)

t2   =   0 . 73s(k2ps /f2)1/2 in mm (in.)


ps = design slamming pressure = kupij

pij = nominal bowflare slamming pressure, as specified in 5A-3-2/13.5.1, at the lowest point
of the panel, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
ku = slamming load factor = 1.1
0 . 85Smfy for side shell plating forward of 0.125L from the FP, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,
f1 =
= 0 . 75Smfy for side shell plating in the region between 0.125L and 0.25L from the FP,
in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
f2 = 0 . 85Smfy , in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
k1 = 0.342 for longitudinally stiffened plating
= 0.5 for transversely stiffened plating
k2 = 0.5 for longitudinally stiffened plating
= 0.342 for transversely stiffened plating

s , Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-5/7.1.1 above.

7.3.2 Side Longitudinals and Stiffeners

The section modulus of the stiffener, including the associated effective plating, is not to be less
than obtained from the following equation:

SM   =   M/fb in cm3 (in3)
M   =   1000pssℓ2 /k in N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

k = 16 (16, 111.1)
ℓ = unsupported span of the stiffener, in m (ft)
ps = maximum slamming pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), as defined in 5A-3-5/7.3.1,
at the midpoint of the span ℓ

s and fb are as defined in 5A-3-5/7.1 above.

The effective breadth of plating, be, is as defined in 5A-3-3/7.5.

7.3.3 Side Transverses and Side Stringers

The net section modulus and sectional area requirements for side transverses and side stringers, as
specified in 5A-3-5/3.5, are to be met with the bow flare slamming pressure, as specified in
5A-3-2/13.5.2, for the region between 0.0125L and 0.25L from the FP.

9 Forebody Deck Structures (1 July 2012)

The deck plating, longitudinals, girders and transverses forward of 0.25L from the FP are to meet the
requirements specified in 5A-3-3/9 and 5A-3-3/11 with the deck pressure, p= pg, where pg is the nominal
green water loading given in 5A-3-2/13.7 and the permissible stresses as specified below.

9.1 Deck Plating

The net thickness of deck plating is to be not less than t1 and t2, as specified in 5A-3-3/9.3, with the
following modifications:

f1   =   0 . 50smfy in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for main deck within 0.1L from the FP.

f1   =   0 . 60smfy in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for forecastle deck

f2   =   0 . 80smfy in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


Sm = strength reduction factor obtained from 5A-3-3/7.3

fy = minimum specified yield point of deck plating material

The permissible stress, f1, for main deck between 0.25L and 0.1L from the FP is to be obtained by linear
interpolation between midship region (f1 = 0.15Smfy as in 5A-3-3/9.3) and the permissible stress at 0.1L
from the FP, as specified above.

In addition, the net thickness of main deck plating is also not to be less than t3, as specified below.

t3   =   0 . 30s(Smfy /E)1/2 mm (in.) for main deck within 0.1L from the FP

The net thickness, t3, between 0.30L and 0.1L from the FP is to be obtained by linear interpolation
between midship region and the t3 above. t3 in midship region is defined as:

t3   =   cs(Smfy /E)1/2 mm (in.).........................(5A-3-3/9.3)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 5 Hull Structure Beyond 0.4L Amidships 5A-3-5

c = 0 . 5(0 . 6 + 0 . 0015L) for SI or MKS Units

= 0 . 5(0 . 6 + 0 . 0046L) for U.S. Units

The net thickness, t3, may be determined based on Sm and fy of the hull girder strength material required
at the location under consideration.

The net thickness of deck plating should not be less than the minimum gross thickness specified in Section
3-2-3 of the Marine Vessel Rules minus the nominal corrosion value specified in 5A-3-1/1.7.

Finally, the net thickness of deck plating is not to be less than 85% of the net thickness requirement based
on nominal green water load, pg, calculated for North Atlantic environment.

9.3 Deck Longitudinals

The net section modulus is not to be less than obtained from 5A-3-3/9, with the following modifications.

fb   =   0 . 70smfy in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for main deck longitudinals within 0.1L from the
FP and forecastle deck longitudinals
fb   =   0 . 80smfy in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for main deck beams forward of the foremost hatch
opening (No. 1 hatch) and forecastle deck beams

The permissible bending stress, fb, for main deck longitudinals between 0.25L and 0.1L from the FP is to
be obtained by linear interpolation between midship region (see 5A-3-3/9.5) and the permissible stress at
0.1L from the FP, as specified above.

Finally, the net section modulus of deck longitudinals is not to be less than 85% of the net section modulus
requirement based on nominal green water load, pg, calculated for North Atlantic environment.

9.5 Deck Transverse and Deck Girders

The deck girders and transverses forward of 0.25L from the FP are to be verified based on appropriate
analysis (e.g., grillage analysis) and should meet the requirements specified in the following with the deck
pressure, p = pg, where pg is the nominal green water loading given in 5A-3-2/13.7 and the permissible
stresses as specified below.

Permissible bending stress for net thickness

fb = 0 . 70   Smfy (5A-3-3/11.3.1)

Permissible shear stress for net thickness

fb = 0 . 45   Smfy (5A-3-3/11.3.2)

The required section modulus of members such as girders, transverse etc., is to be obtained on an effective
width of plating basis in accordance with 3-1-2/13.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Finally, the net section modulus and sectional area of deck girders and transverses is not to be less than
85% of those required based on nominal green water load, pg, calculated for North Atlantic environment.


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

SECTION 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations

1 General
Where due to the nature of the cargo, single hull construction is permitted, the design criteria and
evaluation procedures specified in Section 5A-3-1 may also be applied to single hull ship-type installations
with modifications as outlined in this Section.

1.1 Nominal Design Corrosion Values (December 2008)

Except as modified by the following, the nominal design corrosion values given in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d)
TABLE 1 are applicable to the corresponding structural elements of single hull ship-type installations
based on the proposed usage of the individual space.

For bottom plating and contiguously attached structures, the nominal design corrosion values to be used

Wing Ballast Tanks

Bottom Plating 1.00 mm
Bottom Longitudinals, Transverses and Girders (Web and Flange) 1.50 mm
Wing Ballast Tanks
Bottom Plating 1.00 mm
Bottom Longitudinals, Transverses and Girders (Web and Flange) 1.00 mm

Consideration may be given for modifying the nominal design corrosion values, depending upon the
degree of cargo corrosiveness.

1.3 Load Criteria

The load criteria and load cases specified in 5A-3-2/1 through 5A-3-2/13 are generally applicable to single
hull ship-type installations by considering the double bottom and wing ballast tanks, such as shown in
5A-3-2/Figures 1 and 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 18, as null, except that the load patterns are specified in
5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1 for bottom and side shell structures.

1.5 Strength Criteria

1.5.1 Shear Strength (1 July 2009)
For single hull ship-type installations with two or more longitudinal bulkheads, the net thickness
of side shell and longitudinal bulkhead plating is not to be less than that specified in 5A-3-3/5,
wherein the shear distribution factor, Ds and Di, and local load correction, Ri, may be derived
either from direct calculations or from Appendix 5A-4-A1.

1.5.2 Plating and Longitudinals/Stiffeners

The strength requirements for plating and longitudinals/stiffeners specified in 5A-3-3/7 through
5A-3-3/17 and Section 5A-3-5 are directly applicable to single hull ship-type installations by
determining the internal pressure in accordance with the actual tank arrangement.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

3 Main Supporting Structures

3.1 Bottom Transverses

3.1.1 Section Modulus of Bottom Transverses
The net section modulus of the bottom transverse, in association with the effective bottom plating,
is not to be less than obtained from the following equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3).

SM   =   M/fb cm3 (in3)
M   =   10, 000kcpsℓ2b N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

c = 0.83α2 for center tank
= 1.4 for wing tank
α = (ℓg   /ℓb)[(Ib   /Ig)   (sg   /s)]1/4   ≤   1 . 0 for ship-type installations with
bottom girder
= 1.0 for ship-type installations without bottom girder
ℓb = span of the bottom transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1;
the length is to be not less than 0.125B or one-half the breadth of the tank,
whichever is the greater
ℓg = span of the bottom girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1
s = spacing of the bottom transverse, in m (ft)
sg = spacing of the bottom girder, in m (ft)
Ib, Ig = moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of the bottom transverse (Ib) and the bottom
girder (Ig) with effective plating to which they are attached (clear of bracket)
p = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the bottom
transverse, as specified in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1
fb = permissible bending stress
= 0 . 70   Sm   fy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

B = installation breadth, in m
3.1.2 Web Sectional Area of Bottom Transverse
The net sectional area of the web portion of the bottom transverse is not to be less than obtained
from the following equation:

A   =   F/fs     cm2 (in2)

The shear force, F, in N (kgf, lbf), can be obtained from the following equation (see also

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

F   =   1000k[ps(Kbℓs − ℎe) + cDBcs]     N (kgf, lbf)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

Kb = 0.5α for center tank
= 0.5 for wing tank
c = 0 for center tank
= 0.15 for wing tank without cross ties
= 0.06 for wing tank with one cross tie
= 0.03 for wing tank with two cross ties
ℓs = span of the bottom transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1
ℎe = length of the bracket of bottom transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2
D = installation depth, in m (ft)
Bc = breadth of the center tank, in m (ft)

p , s and α are as defined in 5A-3-6/3.1.1.

fs = permissible shear stress

= 0 . 45   Sm   fy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

3.3 Bottom Girders (1 July 2012)

3.3.1 Section Modulus of Bottom Girders
The net section modulus of the bottom girder, in association with the effective bottom plating, is
not to be less than obtained from the following equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3).

SM   =   M/fb cm3 (in3)
M   =   10, 000kcpsgℓ2g N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

c = α2
α = (ℓb /ℓg)[(Ig /Ib)   (s/sg)]1/4   ≤   1 . 0
p = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the bottom transverse, as
specified in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1

ℓb,   ℓg,   Ig,   Ib,   s and sg are as defined in 5A-3-6/3.1.1.

fb = 0 . 70   Sm   fy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

3.3.2 Web Sectional Area of Bottom Girder

The net sectional area of the web portion of the bottom girder is not to be less than obtained from
the following equation:

A   =   F/fs     cm2 (in2)

The shear force, F, in N (kgf, lbf), can be obtained from the following equation (see 5A-3-3/1.3).

F   =   1000kcpsg(0 . 5ℓs   −   ℎe)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

ℓs = span of the bottom girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1
ℎe = length of the bracket of bottom transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2

sg is as defined in 5A-3-6/3.1.1.

fs = permissible shear stress

= 0 . 45Smfy

c is as defined in 5A-3-6/3.1.1.

p is as defined in 5A-3-6/3.1.1.

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

Design Pressure for Local and Supporting Structures (1 July 2012)

A. Plating & Longitudinals/Stiffeners

The nominal pressure, p   =   | pi   −   pe|, is to be determined from load cases “a”& “b” below, whichever is
greater, with ku = 1.10 and kc = 1.0 unless otherwise specified in the table

Case “a” – At fwd end of the tank Case “b” – At mid tank/fwd end of tank

Structural Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients

Members/ Heading Loading Heading Loading
pi pe pi pe
Components Angle Pattern Angle Pattern

1 Bottom Plating 2/3 design Full center and Ai Ae Design Midtank of — Be

& Long’l draft/0° wing tanks draft/0° empty center
and wing tanks

2 Side Shell 2/3 design Starboard side Bi Ae Design Midtank of — Be

Plating & draft/60° of full wing draft/60° empty wing
Long’l tank tank

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

B. Main Supporting Members

The nominal pressure, p   =   | pi   −   pe|, is to be determined at the midspan of the structural member at
starboard side of installation from load cases “a” & “b” below, whichever is greater, with ku = 1.0 and kc = 1.0
unless otherwise specified in the table

Midtank for Transverses Midtank for Transverses

Structural Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients Draft/Wave Location and Coefficients

Members/ Heading Loading Heading Loading
pi pe pi pe
Components Angle Pattern Angle Pattern

3 Bottom Plating 2/3 design Full center and Ai Ae Design Midtank of — Be

& Long’l draft/0° wing tanks draft/0° empty center
and wing tanks

4 Side Shell 2/3 design Starboard side Bi — Design Midtank of — Be

Plating & draft/60° of full wing draft/60° empty wing
Long’l tank tank

5 (1 July 2012) 2/3 design Wing tanks Ci — 2/3 design Center tank Ci —
*Deck draft/60° full, draft/60° full, wing tank
Transverses Center tank empty
with cross ties empty
in wing tanks

* See note 5


1 For calculating pi and pe, the necessary coefficients are to be determined based on the following
designated groups:
a) For pi
Ai: wv = 0.75, wℓ(fwd bhd) = 0.25, wℓ(aft bhd) = −0.25, wt= 0.0, cϕ = −1.0, ce = 0.0
Bi: wv = 0.4, wℓ(fwd bhd) = 0.2, wℓ(aft bhd) = −0.2, wt(starboard) = 0.4, wt(port) = −0.4,
cϕ = −0.7,
ce = 0.7

b) For pe
Ae: kℓo= 1.0, ku= 1.0, kc= −0.5
Be: kℓo = 1.0

2 For structures within 0.4L amidships, the nominal pressure is to be calculated for a tank located
amidships. The longest cargo and ballast tanks in the region should be considered as located amidships

3 In calculation of the nominal pressure, ρ g of the liquid cargoes is not to be taken less than 0.1025
kgf/cm2-m (0.4444 lbf/in2-ft) for structural members 1 and 2 and is not to be taken less than 0.09
kgf/cm2-m (0.3902 lbf/in2-ft) for cargo tanks and 0.1025 kgf/cm2-m (0.4444 lbf/in2-ft) for ballast tanks
for structural members 3 and 4.

4 For all other structures, 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 is applicable.

5 (1 July 2012) Case-a is applied for deck transverse in wing tanks and case-b is applied for deck
transverse in center tank

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

Spans of Transverses and Girders (1 July 2012)

3.5 Side Transverses

3.5.1 Section Modulus of Side Transverses
The net section modulus of the side transverse, in association with the effective side plating, is not
to be less than obtained from the following equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3)

SM   =   M/fb cm3 (in3)
M   =   10, 000kcpsℓ2b N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

ℓb = span of side transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1
s = spacing of side transverse, in m (ft)
p = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span ℓb of the side transverse, as
specified in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/m2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 70Smfy

c is given in 5A-3-6/3.5.1 TABLE 2.

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

For ship-type installations without cross ties, the section modulus of the side transverse, as
required above, is to extend at least up to 0.6ℓb from the lower end of the span. The value of the
bending moment, M, used for the calculation of the required section modulus of the remaining part
of the side transverse may be reduced, but not more than 20%.

In the case of one cross tie, the section modulus of the lower (upper) side transverse, as required
above, is to extend to the cross tie.

In the case of two cross ties, the section modulus of the lower (upper) side transverse, as required
above, is to extend to the lower (upper) cross tie and may be linearly interpolated between the
cross ties.

Coefficient c for Side Transverse

Arrangement of Cross Ties For Upper Side Transverse For Lower Side Transverse

No Cross Tie 0.75

One Cross Tie in Wing Tank 0.19 0.33

Two Cross Ties in Wing Tank 0.13 0.20

3.5.2 Web Sectional Area of Side Transverses

The net sectional area of the web portion of the side transverse is not to be less than obtained from
the following equation:

A   =   F/fs     cm2 (in2)

The shear force, F, in N (kgf, lbf), for the side transverse can be obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3):

F = 1000ks[KUℓs(PU + PL) − ℎUPU] for the upper part of the transverse

= 1000ks[KUℓs(PU + PL) − ℎLPL] or 350ksKLℓs(PU + PL)

whichever is greater, for the lower part of the transverse

In no case is the shear force for the lower part of the transverse to be less than 120% of that for the
upper part of the transverse.


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

ℓs = span of the side transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1
s = spacing of the side transverse, in m (ft)
PU = nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of the upper bracket
(ℎU /2), as specified in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

PL = nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of the lower bracket
(ℎL /2), as specified in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1
ℎU = length of the upper bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1
ℎL = length of the lower bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1
fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 45Smfy

KU and KL are given in 5A-3-6/3.5.2 TABLE 3.

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

For ship-type installations without cross ties, the sectional area of the lower side transverse, as
required above, is to extend up to 0.15ℓ from the toe of the lower bracket or 0.3ℓs from the lower
end of the span, whichever is greater.

In the case of one cross ties, the sectional area of the lower (upper) side transverse as required
above, is to extend to the cross tie.

In the case of two cross ties, the sectional area of the lower (upper) side transverse as required
above, is to extend to the lower (upper) cross tie and may be linearly interpolated between the
cross ties.

Coefficients KU and KL for Side Transverses

Arrangement of Cross Ties KU KL

No Cross Tie 0.16 0.30

One Cross Tie in Wing Tank 0.09 0.21

Two Cross Ties in Wing Tank 0.075 0.16

3.7 Deck Transverses – Loading Pattern 1 (1 July 2012)

3.7.1 Section Modulus of Deck Transverses
The net section modulus of deck transverses, in association with the effective deck plating, is not
to be less than obtained from the following equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3).

SM   =   M/fb     cm3 (in3)

For deck transverses in wing tanks:

M   =   k(10, 000c1φpsℓ2t + βsMs)   ≥   Mo     N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)

For deck transverses in center tanks:

M   =   k(10, 000   c1φ   psℓ2t +   βbMb)   ≥   Mo N‐cm (kgf‐cm, lbf‐in)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

Ms = 10, 000c2pssℓ2s
Mb = 10, 000c2pbsℓ2b
Mo = 10, 000kc3φpsℓ2t
k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)
p = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the deck transverse
under consideration, as specified in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1, Item 5
ps = corresponding nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the
side transverse (5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 , Item 16)
pb = corresponding nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the
vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead (5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3 , Item 16)
c1 = 0.42 for tanks without deck girder
= 0.42α2 for tanks with deck girders, min. 0.05 and max. 0.42
α = (ℓg   /ℓt   )[(sg   /s)(IT   /Ig)]1/4
ℓg = span of the deck girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c
ℓt = span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A, but
is not to be taken as less than 60% of the breadth of the tank
Ig, It = moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of the deck girder and deck transverse, clear of
the brackets, respectively
sg = spacing of the deck girders, in m (ft)
s = spacing of the deck transverses, in m (ft)

When calculating α, if more than one deck girder is fitted, the average values of sg,ℓg and Ig are
to be used when the girders are not identical.

φ = 1   −   5(ℎa   /ℓt   )α−1 , to be not less than 0.6 for cargo tanks with deck
= 1   −   5(ℎa   /ℓt   ) , to be not less than 0.6 for cargo tanks without deck girders
ℎa = distance, in m (ft), from the end of the span to the toe of the end bracket of the
deck transverse, as indicated in 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9
βs = 0 . 9[(ℓs /ℓt)(It /Is)] , but is not to be taken less than 0.10 and need not be greater
than 0.65
βb = 0 . 9[(ℓb /ℓt)(It /Ib)] , but is not to be taken less than 0.10 and need not be greater
than 0.50
ℓs, ℓb = spans, in m (ft), of side transverse and vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead,
respectively, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A
Is, Ib = moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), clear of the brackets, of side transverses and
vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/m2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70   Sm   fy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

c2 is given in 5A-3-6/3.7.1 TABLE 4 below.

c3 = 0.83 for tanks without deck girders

= 1.1c1 for tanks with deck girders

Where no cross ties or other effective supporting arrangements are provided for the wing tank
vertical webs, the deck transverses in the wing tanks are to have section modulus not less than
70% of that required for the upper side transverse.

Coefficient c2 For Deck Transverse (1 July 2012)

Arrangement of Cross Ties Center Tank Wing Tank

No Cross Tie 0.4

One Cross Tie in Wing Tank 0.13 0.28

Two Cross Ties in Wing Tank 0.05 0.12

3.7.2 Web Sectional Area of Deck Transverse

The net sectional area of the web portion of deck transverses is not to be less than obtained from
the following equation:

A   =   F/fs cm2(in2)
F   =   1000k[c1ps(0 . 50ℓ − ℎe) + c2DBcs] N(kgf,lbf)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

c1 = 1.30 for tanks without deck girder
= 0.90 for tanks with deck girder, min. 0.50 and max. 1.0
c2 = 0 for center tank
= 0.045 for wing tank
ℓ = span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A
ℎe = length of the bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c and d and
5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9
D = depth of the ship-type vessel, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules
Bc = breadth of the center tank, in m (ft)

p , s and α are as defined in 5A-3-6/3.7.1.

fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 45Smfy

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

Area A is not to be less than the area obtained based on 5A-3-3/11.9 and 5A-3-3/11.11.

3.8 Deck Transverses – Loading Pattern 2 (1 July 2012)

3.8.1 Section Modulus of Deck Transverses
In addition to satisfying the net section modulus requirements of 5A-3-6/3.7.1, the net section
modulus of a deck transverse, that is loaded with reactions (forces and moments) from the topside
structure, is to be obtained from the following equation:

SM   =   M/fb     cm3(in3)

3.8.1(a) For deck transverses in wing tanks

M = 105k(Mp + Mg + Ms)     N‐cm(kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)

3.8.1(b) For deck transverses in center tanks

M = 105k(Mp + Mg + Mb)     N‐cm(kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

Mo = bending moment due to reactions from topside structure
= (Mv + Mm)ft
Mv = ℓt ∑n Pn k1n + k2n
Mm = ∑n Mn k3n + k4n

Pn = reaction deck force number n, in kN (tf, Ltf), applied to the deck transverse in tank
under consideration, see 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8
Mn = reaction deck moment number n, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft), applied to the deck transverse
in tank under consideration, see 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8
n = 1, 2,….., Nv to obtain bending moment Mv
= 1, 2,….., Nm to obtain bending moment Mm
Nv = total number of reaction forces at deck transverse under consideration, (in tank under
Nm = total number of reaction moments at deck transverse under consideration, (in tank
under consideration)
ℓt = span of the deck transverse under consideration, in m (ft), as defined in 5A-3-3/1.7
k1n = (1 − an)2[an − z(1 + 2an)]
k2n = 0 if z ≤ an
= (z − an) if z > αn
k3n = (1 − an) 3an − 1 − 6anz
k4n = 0 if z ≤ αn

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

= 1 if z > αn
an = an /ℓt
z = z/ℓt, (0 ≤ z ≤ 1)
αn = distance, in m (ft), from a point of application of reaction (force Pn or moment Mn) to
the end of the deck transverse span ℓt, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8
z = coordinate (measured from the end of the span ℓt) of the section of the deck transverse
under consideration, in m (ft), as shown in 5A-3-3/11.5.4 FIGURE 8

For the toe of the deck transverse end brackets z = ℎa /ℓt and z = 1 − ℎa /ℓt.

ℎa = distance, in m(ft), from the end of the span to the toe of the end bracket of the deck
transverse, as shown in 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9 of these Rules.


For a wide topside bracket, the vertical load on a deck transverse can be considered uniformly distributed with
pressure qn = Pn /c, and the concentrated bending moment can be substituted by force couples.

Pm = Mn /(kc)


Pn, Mn = concentrated force and moment obtained from FE analysis of topside structure
c = width of the topside bracket
k = shape bracket factor, and may be taken as 0.8, unless otherwise specified

Bending moment at the toe of the end brackets due to green water pressure, Mg :

Mg = 0 . 1c3φPgisℓ2t


Pgi = nominal green water pressure imposed on the deck, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), as
defined in 5A-3-2/13.7 of these Rules
s = spacing, in m (ft), of the deck transverses
c3 = 0.83 for tanks without deck girders
= 1.1c1 for tanks with deck girders
φ = 1 − [5(ℎa /αℓt)] for cargo tanks with deck girders, 0.6 minimum
= 1 − 5(ℎa /ℓt), for cargo tanks without deck girders, 0.6 minimum
ℎa = distance, in m (ft), from the end of the span to the toe of the end bracket of the
deck transverse, as indicated in 5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9
ℓt = span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A, but
is not to be taken as less than 60% of the breadth of the tank, except for ship-type
vessels with a non-tight centerline bulkhead (5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b), for
which the span is not to be taken as less than 30% of the breadth of the tank.
c1 for tanks without deck girders:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

= 0.30 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-c with non-tight centerline bulkhead

= 0.42 for all other cases
c1 for tanks with deck girders:
= 0.30α2 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with a non-tight centerline bulkhead, 0.05
min. and 0.30 max.
= 0.42α2 for 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-a or 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A-b with an oil-
tight centerline bulkhead, 0.05 min. and 0.42 max.
α = (ℓg /ℓt)[(sg /s)(It /Ig)]1/4
ℓg = span of the deck girder, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-c of
these Rules
Ig, It = moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of the deck girder and deck transverse with
effective deck plating, clear of the end brackets, respectively
sg = spacing of the deck girder, in m (ft) as shown in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A
s = spacing of the deck transverses, in m (ft)

When calculating α, if more than one deck girder is fitted, the average values of sg,ℓg and Ig are
to be used when the girders are not identical.

Bending moments due to pressure on side transverse and vertical web of longitudinal bulkhead:

Ms = ksβsc2pssℓ2s
Mb = kbβbc2pbsℓ2b

where ks = 0.1, and kb = 0.1, unless otherwise specified.

ℓs, ℓb = spans, in m (ft), of side transverse and vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead,
respectively, as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A. Where a cross tie is fitted
and is located at a distance greater than 0.7ℓs or 0.7ℓb from the deck transverse,
the effective span of the side transverse or the vertical web may be taken as that
measured from the deck transverse to the cross tie and all coefficients determined
as if there were no cross tie.
ps = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of side transverse when
wing tank is empty, adjacent tanks full (5A-3-6/3.3.2 TABLE 1, item 4)
pb = nominal internal cargo pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span of the
vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead when center tank is empty, adjacent tanks
full (5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, item 13)
βs = 0 . 9[(ℓs /ℓt)(It /Is)] , 0.10 min. and 0.65 max.
βb = 0 . 9[(ℓb /ℓt)(It /Ib)] , 0.10 min. and 0.50 max.
Is, Ib = moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), clear of the brackets, of side transverse and
vertical web on longitudinal bulkhead, respectively

c2 are given in 5A-3-6/3.7.1 TABLE 4 of these Rules.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

ft = 1 for tanks without deck girders

ft = 1 − [0 . 67/(1 + 2δ)] is not to be taken less than 0.70 for tanks with deck girders
δ = (ℓg /ℓt)3(It /Ig)
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/m2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/15.3 TABLE 4 of these Rules.

3.8.2 Web Sectional Area of Deck Transverse

In addition to satisfying the net web sectional area requirements of 5A-3-6/3.7.2, the net sectional
area of the web portion of the deck transverse, that is loaded with reactions (forces and moments)
from the topside structure, is to be obtained from the following equation:

A = F/fs     cm2(in2)


F = 1000k(Fp + Fg + c2sDBc) in N (kgf, lbf)

Fp = (Fv + Fm)f1
Fv = ∑n Pn 1 − an
2an + 1 + ∆ F

Fm = 6∑ an 1 − an Mn /ℓt

Fg = c1pgis(0 . 50ℓ – ℎe)

k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)
∆F = 0 if z ≤ αn
= −Pn if z > αn
f1 = 1 − [0 . 5/(1 + 4δ)]
c1 = 1.30 for tanks without deck girder
= 0.90α1/2 for tanks with deck girder, min. 0.50 and max. 1.0
c2 = 0 for center tank
= 0.045 for wing tank
ℓ = span of the deck transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2A of these
ℎe = length of the bracket, in m(ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/Figures 2A and 2B and
5A-3-3/11.17 FIGURE 9 of these Rules
D = depth of a vessel, in m (ft), as defined in Section 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules
Bc = breadth of the center tank, in m (ft)
fs = permissible shear stress
= 0.45Smfy, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

Pn, Mn, pgi, ℓt, s, an, z, α, δ, Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-6/3.8.1, above.

3.9 Longitudinal Bulkhead Vertical Webs

3.9.1 Section Modulus of Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead (1 July 2012)
The net section modulus of the vertical web, in association with the effective longitudinal
bulkhead plating, is to be not less than obtained from the following equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3):

SM = M/fb cm3(in3)
M = 10, 000kcpsℓ2b N‐cm(kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

ℓb = span of vertical web, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1. Where both lower
and upper ends of the vertical web are fitted with a bracket of the same or larger size on
the opposite side, the span ℓb may be taken between the toes of the effective lower and
upper brackets.
s = spacing of vertical webs, in m (ft)
p = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-span ℓb of the vertical web, as
specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/m2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 70Smfy

c is given in 5A-3-6/3.9.1 TABLE 5.

Sm and fy are as given in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

For ship-type installations without cross ties, the section modulus of the vertical web, as required
above, is to extend at least up to 0.6ℓ from the lower end of the span. The value of the bending
moment M, used for the calculation of the required section modulus of the remaining part of
vertical web, may be reduced, but not more than 20%.

In the case of one cross tie, the section modulus of the lower (upper) vertical web, as required
above, is to extend to the cross tie.

In the case of two cross ties, the section modulus of lower (upper) vertical web, as required above,
is to extend to the lower (upper) cross tie and may be linearly interpolated between cross ties.

Coefficient c for Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead

Arrangement of Cross Ties For Upper Vertical Web For Lower Vertical Web

No Cross Tie 0.75

One Cross Tie in Wing Tank 0.19 0.33

Two Cross Ties in Wing Tank 0.13 0.20

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

3.9.2 Web Sectional Area of Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead

The net sectional area of the web portion of the vertical web is not to be less than obtained from
the following equation:

A   =   F/fs     cm2 (in2)

The shear force, F, in N (kgf, lbf), for the vertical web can be obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3):

F = 1000ks[KUℓ(PU + PL) − ℎUPU] for upper part of web

= 1000ks[KLℓ(PU + PL) − ℎLPL] or

= 350ksKLℓ(PU + PL) , whichever is greater, for lower part of web

In no case is the shear force for the lower part of the web to be less than 120% of that for the
upper part of the vertical web.


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

ℓ = span of the vertical web, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a
s = spacing of the vertical webs, in m (ft)
PU = nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of the upper bracket
(ℎU/2), as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
PL = nominal pressure, p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), at the mid-length of the lower bracket
(ℎL/2), as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
ℎU = length of the upper bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a
ℎL = length of the lower bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-3/1.7 FIGURE 2B-a
fs = permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 45Smfy

KU and KL are given in 5A-3-6/3.9.2 TABLE 6.

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

For ship-type installations without cross ties, the sectional area of lower vertical webs, as required
above, is to extend up to 0.15ℓ from the toe of the lower bracket or 0.3ℓ from the lower end of the
span, whichever is greater.

In the case of one cross tie, the sectional area of the lower (upper) vertical web, as required above,
is to extend to the cross tie.

In the case of two cross ties, the sectional area of the lower (upper) vertical web, as required
above, is to extend to the lower (upper) cross tie and may be linearly interpolated between the
cross ties.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

Coefficients KU and KL for Vertical Web on Longitudinal Bulkhead

Arrangement of Cross Ties KU KL

No Cross Tie 0.16 0.30

One Cross Tie in Wing Tank 0.09 0.21

Two Cross Ties in Wing Tank 0.075 0.16

3.10 Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead (1 July 2012)

3.10.1 Section Modulus of Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead
The net section modulus of the horizontal girder is to be not less than obtained from the following
equation (see also 5A-3-3/1.3).

SM = M/fb cm3(in3)
M = 10, 000kcpsℓ2b N‐cm(kgf‐cm,lbf‐in)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.269)

ℓb = span of the horizontal girders, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1. Where
both ends of the horizontal girder are fitted with a bracket of the same or larger size on
the opposite side, the span ℓb may be taken between the toes of the effective brackets.
s = sum of the half lengths, in m (ft), of the frames supported on each side of the horizontal
p = nominal pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), calculated at the mid-span of the horizontal
girder under consideration, as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
fb = permissible bending stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/m2, lbf/in2)
= 0 . 70Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

c = 0.83 in wing tanks of vessels for transverse bulkhead without

vertical webs
= 0.63 in center tanks of vessels for transverse bulkhead without
vertical webs
= 0.73α2 for α < 0.5 in center tanks of vessels for transverse
bulkhead with vertical webs
= 0.467α2 + 0.0657 for 0 . 5 ≤ α ≤ 1 . 0 in center tanks of vessels for
transverse bulkhead with vertical webs
= 0.1973α2 + 0.3354 for α > 1.0 in center tanks of vessels for transverse
bulkhead with vertical webs
c is not to be taken less than 0.013 and need not be greater than 0.73.
α = 0 . 9(ℓst /ℓb)[(I/Iv)(sv /s

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

if more than one vertical web is fitted on the bulkhead, average values of ℓst, sv and Iv
are to be used when these values are not the same for each web.
ℓst = span of the vertical web, in m (ft) (5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1)
sv = spacing of the vertical webs, in m (ft)
I, = moments of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of the horizontal girder and the vertical web clear of
Iv the end brackets

3.10.2 Web Sectional Area of the Horizontal Girder on Transverse Bulkhead

The net sectional area of the web portion of the horizontal girder is to be not less than obtained
from the following equation:

A   =   F/fs cm2(in2)
F   =   1000kscp(0 . 5ℓ − ℎe) N(kgf,lbf)


k = 1.0 (1.0, 2.24)

c = 0.80 for transverse bulkheads without vertical webs
= 0.72α1/2 in center tanks of vessels for transverse bulkheads with vertical webs for
α ≥ 0.70
= 0.452α1/2 in center tanks of vessels for transverse bulkheads with vertical webs for
α ≥ 0.70 if depth of centerline vertical web is the same or larger than
that of horizontal girder under consideration
= 0 . 887α − 0 in center tanks of vessel for transverse bulkheads with vertical webs for
. 02 α < 0.7, min. 0.1 and max. 0.8
= 0 . 554α − 0 in center tanks of vessel for transverse bulkheads with vertical webs for
. 02 α < 0.7, min. 0.1 and max. 0.8 if depth of centerline vertical web is the
same or larger than that of horizontal girder under consideration
ℓ = distance, in m (ft), between longitudinal bulkheads, as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2
s = sum of the half lengths, in m (ft), on each side of the horizontal girder, of the frames
ℎe = length of the bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-3-6/3.3.2 FIGURE 1

p and α are as defined in 5A-3-6/3.10.1.

= permissible shear stress, in N/cm2 (kgf/m2, lbf/in2)

= 0 . 45Smfy

Sm and fy are as defined in 5A-3-3/7.3.1.

The equations in 5A-3-6/3.10.1 and 5A-3-6/3.10.2 are not applicable to horizontal girders in wing
cargo tanks of vessels where vertical webs exist. In that case, the load effects may be determined
from 3D structural analysis as specified in 5A-3-3/1.3.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Section 6 Application to Single Hull Ship-Type Installations 5A-3-6

3.11 Other Main Supporting Members (1 July 2012)

The strength and stiffness requirements specified in 5A-3-3/11 and 5A-3-3/15 for deck girders, vertical
webs on transverse bulkheads and cross ties are applicable to single hull ship-type installations.

3.13 Proportions
The following minimum requirements for web depth are supplemental to those given in 5A-3-3/11.11.
20% for bottom transverses without bottom girder
14% for bottom transverses with one girder
8% for bottom transverses with three girders
20% for bottom girders
12.5% for side transverses

5 Strength Assessment

5.1 General
The failure criteria and strength assessment procedures specified in Section 5A-3-4 are generally
applicable to single hull ship-type installations, except for the special considerations outlined in 5A-3-6/5.3

5.3 Special Considerations

For assessing buckling and fatigue strength in accordance with 5A-3-4/5 and 5A-3-4/9, due consideration
is to be given to the buckling characteristics of large stiffened panels of the side shell and bottom
structures, as well as the realistic boundary conditions of side and bottom longitudinals at transverse
bulkheads for calculating the total stress range with respect to fatigue strength.


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

APPENDIX 1 Determination of Environmental Severity Factors

(December 2008)

1 General (1 July 2012)

This Appendix provides information for the determination of ESFs for ship-type installation design criteria
to account for site-specific conditions compared to unrestricted service conditions.

The formulations from Part 5A, Chapter 1 and Section 5A-3-2 are modified to reflect the incorporation of
various ESF β-types. In the modified formulations, the ESF (β) factors are applied to the dynamic load
parameters in the load components.

The general concept of ESF α-types is to compare fatigue damage resulting from different environmental
conditions. This type of ESF has two applications. First, it can be used to adjust the fatigue damage
induced by the wave-induced dynamic loads at the installation site. Second, it can be used to assess the
fatigue damage accumulated during previous services as either a trading vessel or an existing ship-type
installation. The α-type ESFs are obtained at different locations for longitudinal stiffeners of the hull

ESF (α) factors are applied to longitudinal stiffener members in the ISE fatigue analysis. ESF (β) factors
are applied to the dynamic load components of the load formulations in the ISE strength analysis and the
TSA strength and fatigue analysis.

3 ESFs of the Beta (β) Type (1 July 2012)

This type of ESF is used to introduce a comparison of the severity between the intended environment and a
base environment, which is the North Atlantic unrestricted service environment.

A presentation of formulations that are modified to reflect the incorporation of the various β ESFs is given
in Section 5A-3-2. In the modified formulations, the β factors apply only to the dynamic portions of the
load components, and the load components that are considered “static” are not affected by the introduction
of the β factors.

The definition of the severity measure β is as follows:

β= Lu

Ls = most probable extreme value based on the intended site (100 years return period), transit (10 years return
period), repair/inspection (1 year return period) and fatigue (20 years return period) environments for the
dynamic load parameters specified in 5A-3-A1/3 TABLE 1
Ls = most probable extreme value base on the North Atlantic environment for the dynamic load parameters
specified in 5A-3-A1/3 TABLE 1

A β of 1.0 corresponds to the unrestricted service condition of a seagoing vessel. A value of β less than 1.0
indicates a less severe environment than the unrestricted case.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 1 Determination of Environmental Severity Factors (December 2008) 5A-3-A1

Extreme value analysis is to be performed for each dynamic load component to determine maximum value
during the design life. Preference is given to an Extreme Value method that follows the so-called long-term
approach commonly used for ship structure. However, the use of a validated short-term extreme value
approach, which is appropriate to the installation type and installation site’s environmental data, will also
be considered. The supplementary use of such a short-term approach to confirm or validate the sensitivity
of the long-term based design values is encouraged. The result of the short-term approach cannot be used
to reduce the long-term extreme value. If the short-term result is significantly larger, the long-term extreme
value is to be further studied and validated. The environments specified for use in the short-term approach
are “response based”, i.e., a 100-year design storm event is one that leads to the maximum responses
expected to occur in 100-years. The return period is typically required to 10 years for transit condition, and
1 year for repair and inspection conditions.

There are 13 dynamic load components in the ABS Rules for which the β adjustment factors have been
derived. These are for the following dynamic loads or load effects:

The 13 Dynamic Load Parameters or ESFs (βNN) (December 2008)

No. NN Name

1 VBM Vertical Bending Moment

2 HBM Horizontal Bending Moment

3 EPP External Pressure Port

4 EPS External Pressure Starboard

5 VAC Vertical Acceleration

6 TAC Transverse Acceleration

7 LAC Longitudinal Acceleration

8 PMO Pitch Motion

9 RMO Roll Motion

10 RVM Relative Vertical Motion at Forepeak

11 WHT Wave Height

12 VSF Vertical Shear Force

13 HSF Horizontal Shear Force

As mentioned, the β values are a direct function of the long-term environmentally-induced loads at the
installation site compared to the unrestricted service environment that is the basis of the Rules. The β
values also need to address other differences and factors between the design basis of a sea going and a
moored installation/transit/repair/inspection. These include:

i) Different design basis return periods for environmental loads (20 for unrestricted seagoing vs. 100
years for intended site, 10 years for transit and 1 year for repair/inspection condition).
ii) Effects of mooring system on predicted installation load effects (including weathervaning type
behavior of a turret moored system).
iii) Different assumed wave energy spreading characterization between the open ocean and a site-
specific situation.
iv) Different basis of extreme design storm characterization (i.e., long-term winter storm vs. hurricane
dominated characterization).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 1 Determination of Environmental Severity Factors (December 2008) 5A-3-A1

v) Relative nearness of natural periods of global system response to significant environmentally-

induced loadings at such periods (i.e., possible dynamic amplification effects).

If a direct analysis of a floating offshore installation were to be performed, the influences of the mentioned
factors would need to be assessed and used in the installation’s design. It is not the intention of the
alternative approach offered here to discourage direct analysis, but it is expected that the approach based
on the use of the ESFs will still be used as an important basis of structural design/assessment of a ship-type
floating offshore installation.


ABS intends to make computer software available to clients to help establish ESFs and a version of the ABS Eagle FPSO
SEAS software that is modified to accommodate this concept. Clients are advised to contact ABS regarding the availability
of this software.

Notwithstanding the listed β factors and their intended usage, it is still necessary to introduce a limit to
prevent design parameters from being unrealistically low. This limit is that the result of an application of a
β factor (e.g., in the calculation of a required scantling) is not to be less than 85 percent of the unrestricted
service (Rule) value. The reasons for introducing this limit are to reflect successful service experience, a
desire not to inadvertently create a reordering of the dominant structural failure modes, and to avoid the
introduction of new controlling limit states (unacceptable deflections, vibrations, etc.).

It has also been necessary to introduce additional load cases or situations that reflect the relatively greater
importance these cases may have for floating offshore installations with possibly reduced scantlings due to
the calmer site conditions. Examples of these additional conditions are the more rigorous check of the tank
test loading condition, inspection and repair conditions, and the hull strength assessment for the transit to
site condition.

5 ESFs of the Alpha (α) Type (1 July 2009)

This type of ESF compares the fatigue damage between the specified environment and a base environment,
which is the North Atlantic environment.

First, this type of ESF is used to adjust the expected fatigue damage induced from the dynamic
components due to environmental loadings at the installation’s site. Second it can be used to assess the
fatigue damage accumulated during the historical service either as a trading vessel or as an FPI, including
both the historical site(s) and historical transit routes.

The definition of the severity measure α is as follows:

Du c
α= Ds


Du = annual fatigue damage based on the North Atlantic environment (unrestricted service) at the details of the hull
Ds = annual fatigue damage based on a specified environment, for historical routes, historical sites, transit and
intended site, at the details of the hull structure
C = 0.65

For fatigue damage calculation, a closed form spectral-based fatigue analysis procedure can be used. The
fundamental task of a spectral fatigue analysis is the determination of the stress transfer function, which
express the relationship between the stress at a particular structural location per unit wave amplitude and
wave frequency and heading. The stress transfer function needs to be determined from the load transfer
function and its corresponding stress factor, which is a conversion factor to obtain the stress transfer

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 1 Determination of Environmental Severity Factors (December 2008) 5A-3-A1

function from the load transfer function. The load transfer function, which depends on hull form geometry,
is to be calculated for regular waves of unit amplitude for ranges of wave frequencies and wave heading.
The stress factor can be obtained through structural analysis techniques, which can be either a simple beam
theory or finite element analysis procedures. The sophistication of the structural analysis needed depends
on the physical system to be analyzed, the type of structural detail and the type of structural loading
considered. For the longitudinal stiffener, the stress factors may be calculated by the simple beam theory.

The response spectra of the stress transfer functions can be determined by given wave spectra. In the
‘short-term closed form’ approach, the stress range is normally expressed in terms of probability density
functions for different short-term sea states. These short-term probability density functions are derived by a
spectral approach based on the Rayleigh distribution method whereby it is assumed that the variation of
stress is a narrow banded random Gaussian process. When a narrow banded assumption is not valid for the
stress process, a damage correction factor, e.g. Wirsching’s “rainflow correction” factor, is applied in the
calculation of the short-term fatigue damage. Having calculated the short-term damage, the total fatigue
damage is calculated through their weighted linear summation (using Miner’s rule). More detailed
mathematical representations of the steps of the fatigue damage calculation can be found in the ABS Guide
for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures.

The α type ESFs are obtained for details of the hull structure, where these details follow those defined for
ship-type installation hull structure in Part 5A, Chapter 3.

An α of 1.0 corresponds to the unrestricted condition of a seagoing vessel. A value of α greater than 1.0
indicates a less fatigue-inducing environment than the unrestricted case.


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

APPENDIX 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type

Installations (2013)

1 General

1.1 Note
This Appendix provides a designer-oriented approach to fatigue strength assessment which may be used
for certain structural details in lieu of more elaborate methods such as spectral fatigue analysis. The term
“assessment” is used here to distinguish this approach from the more elaborate analysis.

The criteria in this Appendix are developed from various sources, including the Palmgren-Miner linear
damage model, S-N curve methodologies, a long-term environment data of the North-Atlantic Ocean
(Walden’s Data), etc., and assume workmanship of commercial marine quality acceptable to the Surveyor.
The capacity of structures to resist the fatigue is given in terms of fatigue damage to allow designers the
maximum flexibility possible.

1.3 Applicability (1995)

The criteria in this Appendix are specifically written for ship-type installations to which Part 5A, Chapter 3
is applicable.

1.5 Loadings (1995)

The criteria have been written for ordinary wave-induced motions and loads. Other cyclic loadings, which
may result in significant levels of stress ranges over the expected lifetime of the installation, are also to be
considered by the designer.

1.7 Effects of Corrosion (1995)

To account for the mean wastage throughout the service life, the total stress range calculated using the net
scantlings (i.e., deducting nominal design corrosion values, see 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1) is modified by
a factor Cf (see 5A-3-A2/9.1.1).

1.9 Format of the Criteria (December 2008)

The criteria are presented as a comparison of fatigue strength of the structure (capacity) and fatigue
inducing loads (demands), in the form of a fatigue damage parameter, DM. The calculated fatigue damage,
DM, is to be less than or equal to 1 for the design life of the installation, which corresponds to a fatigue life
of 20 years.

3 Connections to be Considered for the Fatigue Strength Assessment

3.1 General (1995)

These criteria have been developed to allow consideration of a broad variation of structural details and
arrangements, so that most of the important structural details in the installation can be subjected to an
explicit (numerical) fatigue assessment using these criteria. However, where justified by comparison with
details proven satisfactory under equal or more severe conditions, an explicit assessment can be exempted.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

3.3 Guidance on Locations (1995)

As a general guidance for assessing fatigue strength for a ship-type installation, the following connections
and locations are to be considered:

3.3.1 Connections of Longitudinal Stiffeners to Transverse Web/Floor and to Transverse Bulkhead

3.3.1(a) Two (2) to three (3) selected side longitudinals in the region from the 1.1 draft to about
1/3 draft in the midship region and also in the region between 0.15L and 0.25L from F.P.,

3.3.1(b) One (1) to two (2) selected longitudinals from each of the following groups:

● Deck longitudinals, bottom longitudinals, inner bottom longitudinals and longitudinals on side
longitudinal bulkheads
● One longitudinal on each of the longitudinal bulkheads within 0.1D from the deck is to be

For these structural details, the fatigue assessment is to be first focused on the flange of the
longitudinal at the rounded toe welds of attached flat bar stiffeners and brackets, as illustrated for
Class F item 2) and Class F2 item 1) in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1.

Then, the critical spots on the web plate cut-out, on the lower end of the stiffener as well as the
weld throat are also to be checked for the selected structural detail. For illustration, see 5A-3-
A2/11.3.1 and 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(a), 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(b) and 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(c).

Where the longitudinal stiffener end bracket arrangements are different on opposing sides of a
transverse web, both configurations are to be checked.

3.3.2 Shell, Bottom, Inner Bottom or Bulkhead Plating at Connections to Webs or Floors (for
Fatigue Strength of Plating)
3.3.2(a) One (1) to two (2) selected locations of side shell plating near the summer LWL
amidships and between 0.15L and 0.25L from F.P. respectively

3.3.2(b) One (1) to two (2) selected locations in way of bottom and inner bottom amidships

3.3.2(c) One (1) to two (2) selected locations of lower strakes of side longitudinal bulkhead

3.3.3 Connections of the Slope Plate to Inner Bottom and Side Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating at
the Lower Cargo Tank Corners
One selected location amidships at transverse web and between webs, respectively

For this structural detail, the value of fR, the total stress range as specified in 5A-3-A2/9.1, is to be
determined from fine mesh F.E.M. analyses for the combined load cases, as specified for Zone B
in 5A-3-A2/7.5.2.

3.3.4 End Bracket Connections for Transverses and Girders

One (1) to two (2) selected locations in the midship region for each type of bracket configuration

3.3.5 Other Regions and Locations

Other regions and locations, highly stressed by fluctuating loads, as identified from structural

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Fatigue Classification for Structural Details (December 2008)

Class Description

B Parent materials, plates or shapes as-rolled or drawn, with no flame-cut edges

C 1) Parent material with automatic flame-cut edges

2) Full penetration seam welds or longitudinal fillet welds made by an automatic submerged or
open arc process, and with no stop-start positions within the length

D 1) Full penetration butt welds between plates of equal width and thickness made either
manually or by an automatic process other than submerged arc, from both sides, in downhand
2) Welds in C-2) with stop-start positions within the length

E 1) Full penetration butt welds made by other processes than those specified under D-1)
2) Full penetration butt welds made from both sides between plates of unequal widths machined
to a smooth transition with a slope not more than 1 in 4. Plates of different thickness are to be
likewise machined with a slope not more than 1 in 3, unless a transition within the weld bead is

3) Welds of brackets and stiffeners to web plate of girders

F 1) Full penetration butt welds made on a permanent backing strip between plates of equal
width/thickness or between plates of unequal width/thickness, as specified in E-2.
2) Rounded fillet welds as shown below

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

3) Welds of brackets and stiffeners to flanges

4) Attachments on plate or face plate

F2 1) Fillet welds as shown below with rounded welds and no undercutting

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

2) Overlapped joints with soft-toe brackets as shown below

3) Fillet welds with any undercutting at the corners dressed out by local grinding

G 1) Fillet welds in F2 − 1) without rounded toe welds or with limited minor undercutting at
corners or bracket toes
2) Overlapped joints as shown below

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

3) Fillet welds in F2 − 3) with minor undercutting

4) Doubler on face plate or flange

W Fillet welds-weld throat


1 For brackets connecting two or more load carrying members, an appropriate stress
concentration factor (SCF) determined from fine mesh 3D or 2D finite element analysis is to be
used. In this connection, the fatigue class at bracket toes may be upgraded to class E as shown

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

2 Additional information on stress concentration factors and the selection of compatible S-N data
is given in 5A-3-A2/11.

5 Fatigue Strength Assessment

5.1 Assumptions (1995)

The fatigue strength of a structural detail under the loads specified here, in terms of fatigue damage, is to
be evaluated using the criteria contained in this Subsection. The key assumptions employed are listed
below for guidance.

● A linear cumulative damage model (i.e., Palmgren-Miner’s Rule) has been used in connection with the
S-N data in 5A-3-A2/5.7 FIGURE 1 (extracted from Ref. 1*).
● Cyclic stresses due to the loads in 5A-3-A2/7 have been used and the effects of mean stress have been
● The target life of the installation is taken at 20 years.
● The long-term stress ranges on a detail can be characterized using a modified long term stress
distribution parameter (γ).
● Structural details are classified and described in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1, “Fatigue Classification of
Structural Details”.
● Simple nominal stress (e.g., determined by P/A and M/SM) is the basis of fatigue assessment, rather
than more localized peak stress in way of weld.

* Ref 1: “Offshore Installations: Guidance on Design, Construction and Certification”, Department of

Energy, U.K., Fourth Edition—1990, London: HMSO

The structural detail classification in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1 is based on the joint geometry and the
direction of the dominant load. Where the loading or geometry is too complex for a simple classification, a
finite element analysis of the details is to be carried out to determine stress concentration factors. 5A-3-
A2/13 contains guidance on finite element analysis modeling to determine stress concentration factors for
weld toe locations that are typically found at longitudinal stiffener end connections.

5.3 Criteria (December 2008)

The criteria are presented as a comparison of fatigue strength of the structure (capacity), and fatigue
inducing loads (demands), in the form of a fatigue damage parameter, DM. The calculated fatigue damage,
DM, is to be less than or equal to 1 for the design life of the installation, which corresponds to a fatigue life
of 20 years.

5.5 Long Term Stress Distribution Parameter, γ (2002)

In 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1, the permissible stress range is given as a function of the long-term
distribution parameter, g, as defined below.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

γ = 1 . 40 – 0 . 2αL0 . 2 for 150 < L < 305   m

= 1 . 40 – 0 . 16αL for 492 < L < 1000   ft
γ = 1 . 54 – 0 . 245α0 . 8L0 . 2 for L > 305   m
= 1 . 54 – 0 . 19α0 . 8L0 . 2 for L > 1000   ft


α = 1.0 for deck structures, including side shell and longitudinal bulkhead structures within
0 . 1D from the deck
= 0.93 for bottom structures, including inner bottom, and side shell and longitudinal
bulkhead structures within 0 . 1D from the bottom
= 0.86 for side shell and longitudinal bulkhead structures within the region of 0 . 25D upward
and 0 . 3D downward from the mid-depth
= 0.80 for transverse bulkhead structures

α may be linearly interpolated for side shell and longitudinal bulkhead structures between 0.1D and 0.25 D
(0.2D) from the deck (bottom).

L and D are the installation’s length and depth, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 and 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel

5.7 Cumulative Fatigue Damage (1 July 2012)

The content of this section is applicable to ship-type installations. For fatigue strength assessment for
service as a trading vessel, refer to 5A-3-A2/21.1.

Unless otherwise specified, the resultant cumulative damage is to be taken as:

DM = 0 . 15DM1 + 0 . 35DM2 + 0 . 35DM3 + 0 . 15DM4


DMi = cumulative fatigue damage ratio for the applicable loading condition i, where i =1 to 4, as
specified in 5A-3-A2/7.5.2 FIGURE 2A, including 8 loading cases, as shown in 5A-3-
A2/Tables 2A through 2D
= fi, 1 − 2DMi, 1 − 2 + fi, 3 − 4DMi, 3 − 4 + fi, 5 − 6DMi, 5 − 6 + fi, 7 − 8DMi, 7 − 8
fi, j − k = heading probability for loading condition i, to be based on submitted actual heading

In case the actual heading information is not available prior to application of these requirements, the
following table of fi, j − k factors can be used.

fi, j − k Factors(1,2,3)

Loading Pair, j-k 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Direction 0 90 60 30

A 0.40 0.10 0.20 0.30

B 0.60 0.00 0.10 0.30

C 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2


1 When an installation's mooring system type and arrangement, and heading orientation have not been
determined prior to application of these requirements, cases A, B and C are to be investigated and more
onerous results are to be used.

2 If an installation's mooring system type and arrangement have been determined, but the actual heading
information is not available, case A and B are to be used for installations with spread mooring, or,
installations with turrets located more than 25% of the installation length aft of the bow, or for locations with
non-colinear wind, wave and current conditions regardless of the mooring system. More onerous results of
these two cases are to be used.

3 If an installation's mooring system type and arrangement has been determined, but the actual heading
information is not available, Case B and C are to be applied for installations with turrets located less than 25%
of the installation length aft of the bow. More onerous results of these two cases are to be used.

Assuming the long term stress ranges fit a two-parameter long term stress distribution, the cumulative
fatigue damage DMi for each relevant condition is to be taken as:

NL 0 . 01fRi m
DMi, j − k = m/γ μiΓ 1+ γ
K2 lnNR


NL = number of cycles for the expected design life. Unless stated otherwise, NL to be taken as:
= U

= The value is generally between 0.6 × 108 and 0.8 × 108 cycles for a design life of 20 years
U = design life, in seconds
= 6.31 × 108 for a design life of 20 years
L = rule length, in m
m = S-N curve parameter as defined in 5A-3-A2/5.7 FIGURE 1, Note a)
K2 = S-N curve parameter as defined in 5A-3-A2/5.7 FIGURE 1, Note a)
fRi = stress range at the representative probability level of 10-4, in N/cm2
NR = 10 000, number of cycles corresponding to the probability level of 10-4
γ = long term stress distribution parameter, as defined in 5A-3-A2/5.5
Γ = Gamma function
μi = stress coefficient taking into account the change in slope of the S-N curve
Γ0 1 + m m + ∆ m, v
γ , vi − vi γ Γ0 1 + γ i
= 1−
Γ 1+ m

fq γ
vi = 0 . 01fRi lnNR

fq = stress range at the intersection of the two segments of the S-N curve, see Table in 5A-3-
A2/5.7 FIGURE 1, Note a), in N/mm2
∆m = slope change of the upper-lower segment of the S-N curve

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

= 2
Γ0 a, x = incomplete Gamma function, Legendre form

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Basic Design S-N Curves (1995)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Notes (For 5A-3-A2/5.7 FIGURE 1)

a) Basic design S-N curves
The basic design curves consist of linear relationships between log(SB) and log(N). They are based upon a statistical
analysis of appropriate experimental data and may be taken to represent two standard deviations below the mean line.
Thus the basic S-N curves are of the form:
log(N) = log(K2) – mlog(SB)
log(K2) = log(K1) – 2σ
N is the predicted number of cycles to failure under stress range SB;
K1 is a constant relating to the mean S-N curve;
σ is the standard deviation of log N;
m is the inverse slope of the S-N curve.
The relevant values of these terms are shown in the table below.
The S-N curves have a change of inverse slope from m to m + 2 at N = 107 cycles.

Details of basic S-N curves (December 2008)

K1 Standard deviation fq
Class K1 m K2
log10 loge log10 loge (N/mm2)

B 2.343 x 1015 15.3697 35.3900 4.0 0.1821 0.4194 1.01 x 1015 100.321

C 1.0825 x 1014 14.0342 32.3153 3.5 0.2041 0.4700 4.23 x 1013 78.2
12 12
D 3.988 x 10 12.6007 29.0144 3.0 0.2095 0.4824 1.52 x 10 53.4

E 3.289 x 1012 12.5169 28.8216 3.0 0.2509 0.5777 1.04 x 1012 47.0
12 12
F 1.726 x 10 12.2370 28.1770 3.0 0.2183 0.5027 0.63 x 10 39.8

F2 1.231 x 1012 12.0900 27.8387 3.0 0.2279 0.5248 0.43 x 1012 35.0

G 0.566 x 1012 11.7525 27.0614 3.0 0.1793 0.4129 0.25 x 1012 29.2
12 12
W 0.368 x 10 11.5662 26.6324 3.0 0.1846 0.4251 0.16 x 10 25.2

7 Fatigue Inducing Loads and Determination of Total Stress Ranges

7.1 General (1995)

This Subsection provides:

i) The criteria to define the individual load components considered to cause fatigue damage (see
ii) The load combination cases to be considered for different regions of the hull containing the
structural detail being evaluated (see 5A-3-A2/7.5); and
iii) Procedures to idealize the structural components to obtain the total stress range acting on the

7.3 Wave-induced Loads – Load Components (1995)

The fatigue-inducing load components to be considered are those induced by the seaway. They are divided
into the following three groups:

● Hull girder wave-induced bending moments (both vertical and horizontal), see 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine
Vessel Rules and 5A-3-2/5.1 of these Rules.
● External hydrodynamic pressures, and

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

● Internal tank loads (inertial liquid loads and added static head due to ship’s motion).

7.5 Fatigue Assessment – Loading Conditions (December 2008)

The content in this Subsection is applicable to ship-type installations. For fatigue strength assessment for
service as a trading vessel, refer to 5A-3-A2/21.3.

Four (4) loading conditions are considered in the calculation of stress range, as shown in 5A-3-A2/7.5.2
FIGURE 2A. For each loading condition, eight (8) load cases, as shown in 5A-3-A2/Tables 2A through
2D, are defined to form four (4) pairs. The combinations of load cases are to be used to find the
characteristic stress range corresponding to a probability of exceedance of 10-4, as indicated below.

7.5.1 Standard Load Combination Cases

7.5.1(a) Calculate dynamic component of stresses for load cases FLC1 through FLC8,
respectively, for each of the four loading conditions shown in 5A-3-A2/7.5.2 FIGURE 2A.

7.5.1(b) Calculate four sets of stress ranges, one each for the following four pairs of combined
loading cases: FLC1 and FLC2, FLC3 and FLC4, FLC5 and FLC6, and FLC7 and FLC8, for each
of the four loading conditions shown in 5A-3-A2/7.5.2 FIGURE 2A.

7.5.2 Installations with Either Special Loading Patterns or Special Structural Configuration
For installations with either special loading patterns or special structural configurations/features,
additional load cases via appropriate probability may be required for determining the stress range.

Loading Conditions for Fatigue Strength Assessment – Double Hull and
Double Side
Single Bottom FPSO/FSO (1 July 2009)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2


1 Ballast condition if actual minimum on-site operating ballast draft is greater than 0.4 × scantling
draft – draft, actual draft can be used (but not to exceed 0.6 × scantling draft)
This condition is also used for transit condition with actual transit draft
between 0.1 × scantling draft and 0.6 × scantling draft
2 Intermediate drafts – draft equally divided between Loading Conditions 1 and 4 drafts

3 Full load condition if actual maximum on-site operating full load draft is greater than 0.9 ×
draft – scantling draft, actual draft can be used

BLoading Conditions for Fatigue Strength Assessment – Single Hull
FPSO/FSO (1 July 2009)


1 Light draft condition – if actual minimum on-site operating light draft condition is greater than
0.4 × scantling draft, actual draft can be used (but not to exceed 0.6 ×
scantling draft)

2 Intermediate drafts – draft equally divided between Loading Conditions 1 and 4 drafts

3 Full load condition draft – if actual maximum on-site operating full load draft is greater than 0.9 ×
scantling draft, actual draft can be used

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength Assessment
(1 July 2009)
(Load Combination Factors for Dynamic Load Components for Loading
Condition 1)


A. Hull Girder Loads

Vertical Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+)

kc 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.70

Vertical (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)


kc 0.60 0.60 0.30 0.30 0.55 0.55 0.10 0.10

Horizontal (−) (+) (−) (+)


kc 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Horizontal (+) (−) (+) (−)


kc 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85

B. External Pressure

kc 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.70 0.45 0.45

kf0 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00

C. Internal Tank Pressure

kc 0.40 0.40 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.40 0.40

wv 0.40 -0.40 0.75 -0.75 0.10 -0.10 0.25 -0.25

wℓ Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd — — Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd
0.20 -0.20 0.50 -0.50 0.80 -0.80

Aft Bhd Aft Bhd — — Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd
-0.20 0.20 -0.50 0.50 -0.80 0.80

wt — — Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd
-0.85 0.85 -0.05 0.05 -0.05 0.05

— — Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd
0.85 -0.85 0.05 -0.05 0.05 -0.05

cϕ , Pitch -0.15 0.15 -0.10 0.10 -0.30 0.30 -0.45 0.45

cθ , Roll 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.05 -0.05

D. Reference Wave Heading and Motion of Installation

Heading 0 0 90 90 60 60 30 30

Heave Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Pitch Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up

Down Down Down Down

Roll — — Stbd Stbd Up Stbd Stbd Up Stbd Stbd Up

Down Down Down


1 Rule vertical bending moment range = |Mws - Mwℎ| (see 5A-3-2/5.2 for Mws and Mwℎ)

2 Rule horizontal bending moment range = 2 ×Mℎ (see 5A-3-2/5.3 for Mℎ)

3 For each load condition pair, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the
stress values for Local Pressure Load Conditions. For example, for Load Condition Pair FLC1 &
FLC2, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the stress values for FLC1
and FLC2.

4 For each load condition pair, the stress range is the sum of the absolute stress range values due to
Vertical BM, Horizontal BM and Local Pressure Load Conditions.

Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength Assessment
(1 July 2009)
(Load Combination Factors for Dynamic Load Components for Loading
Condition 2)


A. Hull Girder Loads

Vertical Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+)

kc 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.95 0.95 0.75 0.75

Vertical (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.55 0.55 0.15 0.15 0.70 0.70 0.25 0.25

Horizontal (−) (+) (−) (+)


kc 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Horizontal (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80

B. External Pressure
kc 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.55 0.55

kf0 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00

C. Internal Tank Pressure

kc 0.55 0.55 0.70 0.70 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.40

wv 0.60 -0.60 0.55 -0.55 0.15 -0.15 0.25 -0.25

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

wℓ Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd — — Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd
0.20 -0.20 0.45 -0.45 0.75 -0.75

Aft Bhd Aft Bhd — — Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd
-0.20 0.20 -0.45 0.45 -0.75 0.75

wt — — Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd
-0.95 0.95 -0.05 0.05 -0.10 0.10

— — Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd
0.95 -0.95 0.05 -0.05 0.10 -0.10

cϕ , Pitch -0.20 0.20 -0.05 0.05 -0.10 0.10 -0.35 0.35

cθ , Roll 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.05 -0.05

D. Reference Wave Heading and Motion of Installation

Heading 0 0 90 90 60 60 30 30

Heave Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up

Pitch Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up

Down Down Down Down

Roll — — Stbd Stbd Up Stbd Stbd Up Stbd Stbd Up

Down Down Down


1 Rule vertical bending moment range = |Mws - Mwℎ| (see 5A-3-2/5.2 for Mws and Mwℎ)

2 Rule horizontal bending moment range = 2 ×Mℎ (see 5A-3-2/5.3 for Mℎ)

3 For each load condition pair, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the
stress values for Local Pressure Load Conditions. For example, for Load Condition Pair FLC1 &
FLC2, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the stress values for FLC1
and FLC2.

4 For each load condition pair, the stress range is the sum of the absolute stress range values due to
Vertical BM, Horizontal BM and Local Pressure Load Conditions.

Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength Assessment
(1 July 2009)
(Load Combination Factors for Dynamic Load Components for Loading
Condition 3)


A. Hull Girder Loads

Vertical Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+)
kc 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.70

Vertical (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.55 0.55 0.10 0.10 0.65 0.65 0.30 0.30

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Horizontal (−) (+) (−) (+)


kc 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Horizontal (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.30 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80

B. External Pressure
kc 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.75 0.75

kf0 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00

C. Internal Tank Pressure

kc 0.55 0.55 0.75 0.75 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.40
wv 0.55 -0.55 0.55 -0.55 0.15 -0.15 0.30 -0.30

wℓ Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd — — Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd
0.20 -0.20 0.40 -0.40 0.80 -0.80

Aft Bhd Aft Bhd — — Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd
-0.20 0.20 -0.40 0.40 -0.80 0.80

wt — — Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd
-1.00 1.00 -0.05 0.05 -0.15 0.15

— — Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd
1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.15 -0.15
cϕ , Pitch -0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.20 0.20 -0.45 0.45

cθ , Roll 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.10 -0.10

D. Reference Wave Heading and Motion of Installation

Heading 0 0 90 90 60 60 30 30

Heave Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up

Pitch Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up Bow Bow Up

Down Down Down Down

Roll — — Stbd Stbd Up Stbd Stbd Up Stbd Stbd Up

Down Down Down


1 Rule vertical bending moment range = |Mws - Mwℎ| (see 5A-3-2/5.2 for Mws and Mwℎ)

2 Rule horizontal bending moment range = 2 ×Mℎ (see 5A-3-2/5.3 for Mℎ)

3 For each load condition pair, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the
stress values for Local Pressure Load Conditions. For example, for Load Condition Pair FLC1 &
FLC2, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the stress values for FLC1
and FLC2.

4 For each load condition pair, the stress range is the sum of the absolute stress range values due to
Vertical BM, Horizontal BM and Local Pressure Load Conditions.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Design Fatigue Load Cases for Fatigue Strength Assessment
(1 July 2009)
(Load Combination Factors for Dynamic Load Components for Loading
Condition 4)


A. Hull Girder Loads

Vertical Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+) Sag (−) Hog (+)
kc 1.00 1.00 0.15 0.15 0.80 0.80 0.70 0.70

Vertical (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.55 0.55 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40

Horizontal (−) (+) (−) (+)


kc 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Horizontal (+) (−) (+) (−)

kc 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80

B. External Pressure
kc 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.95 0.95

kf0 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00

C. Internal Tank Pressure

kc 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.80 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.50
wv 0.85 -0.85 0.60 -0.60 0.10 -0.10 0.30 -0.30

wℓ Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd — — Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd Fwd Bhd
0.20 -0.20 0.30 -0.30 1.00 -1.00

Aft Bhd Aft Bhd — — Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd Aft Bhd
-0.20 0.20 -0.30 0.30 -1.00 1.00

wt — — Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd Port Bhd
-1.00 1.00 -0.05 0.05 -0.10 0.10

— — Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd Stbd Bhd
1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.10 -0.10
cϕ , Pitch -0.30 0.30 -0.15 0.15 -0.10 0.10 -0.80 0.80

cθ , Roll 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1.00 0.05 -0.05 0.15 -0.15

D. Reference Wave Heading and Motion of Installation

Heading 0 0 90 90 60 60 30 30

Heave Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Pitch Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow

Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up

Roll — — Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd Stbd

Down Up Down Up Down Up


1 Rule vertical bending moment range = |Mws - Mwℎ| (see 5A-3-2/5.2 for Mws and Mwℎ)

2 Rule horizontal bending moment range = 2 ×Mℎ (see 5A-3-2/5.3 for Mℎ)

3 For each load condition pair, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the
stress values for Local Pressure Load Conditions. For example, for Load Condition Pair FLC1 &
FLC2, the stress range due to local pressure is the difference between the stress values for FLC1
and FLC2.

4 For each load condition pair, the stress range is the sum of the absolute stress range values due to
Vertical BM, Horizontal BM and Local Pressure Load Conditions.

7.7 Primary Stress fd1 (1995)

fd1v and fdiℎ may be calculated by a simple beam approach. For assessing fatigue strength of side shell
and longitudinal bulkhead plating at welded connections, the value of wave-induced primary stress is to be
taken as that of maximum principal stress at the location considered to account for the combined load
effects of the direct stresses and shear stresses. For calculating the value of fd1v for longitudinal deck
members, normal camber may be disregarded.

7.9 Secondary Stress fd2

fd2 may be obtained from orthotropic plating or grillage methods with appropriate boundary conditions.

For those connections specified in 5A-3-A2/3.3.1, the wave-induced secondary bending stress fd2 may be

7.11 * and Tertiary Stresses fd3

Additional Secondary Stresses fd2
7.11.1 * (December 2008)
Calculation of fd2
Where required, the additional secondary stresses acting at the flange of a longitudinal stiffener,
* , may be approximated by

* = CtCyM/SM     N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


M = Cdpsℓ2 /12 N-cm (kgf-cm, lbf-in), at the supported ends of longitudinal

Where flat bar stiffeners or brackets are fitted, the bending moment, M, given above, may be
adjusted to the location of the bracket’s toe, i.e., MX in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6.

Where a longitudinal has remarkably different support stiffness at its two ends (e.g., a longitudinal
connected to a transverse bulkhead on one end), considerations are to be given to the increase of
bending moment at the joint.

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Cd = for longitudinal stiffener connections at the transverse bulkhead

connection including swash bulkheads
= 1.0 elsewhere
wave-induced local net pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for the specified location
p =
and load cases at the mid-span of the longitudinal considered
s = spacing of longitudinal stiffener, in cm (in.)
unsupported span of longitudinal/stiffener, in cm (in.), as shown in 5A-3-3/7.7.4
ℓ =
net section modulus of longitudinal with the associated effective plating, in cm3 (in3), at
SM = flange or point considered. The effective breadth, be, in cm (in.), may be determined as
shown in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6.
Cy = 4 for side shell longitudinals only where z/d ≥ 0 . 9, but Cy ≥ 0 . 30
0 . 656 d/z
= 1.0 elsewhere
z = distance above keel of side shell longitudinal under consideration
d = scantling draft, m (ft)
correction factor for the combined bending and torsional stress induced by lateral loads
Ct = at the welded connection of the flat bar stiffener or bracket to the flange of
longitudinal, as shown in 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 5.
= 1 . 0 + ar for unsymmetrical sections, fabricated or rolled
= 1.0 for tee and flat bars
ar = CnCpSM/K

Cp = 2
31 . 2dw e/ℓ
horizontal distance between web centerline and shear center of the cross section,
e =
including longitudinal and the effective plating

dwbf2tfu/(2SM) cm (in.)

St. Venant torsion constant for the longitudinal’s cross section, excluding the associated
K =
= bftf3 + dwtw
/3     cm4 in4

Cn = coefficient given in 5A-3-A2/7.11.2 FIGURE 3, as a function of ψ, for point (1) shown

in 5A-3-4/7.5.3 FIGURE 1
u = 1 − 2b1 /bf

ψ = 1/2
0 . 31ℓ K/Γ
Γ = warping constant
2 3 3
= mIyfdw + dwtw /36     cm6 in6

Iyf = tfbf3 1 . 0 + 3 . 0u2Aw /As /12     cm4 in4

Aw = dwtw     cm2 in2

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

As = net sectional area of the longitudinals, excluding the associated plating, cm2 (in2)
m = 1 . 0 − u 0 . 7 − 0 . 1dw /bf

dw, tw, b1, bf, tf , all in cm (in.), are as defined in 5A-3-4/7.5.3 FIGURE 1.

For general applications, ar need not be taken greater than 0.65 for a fabricated angle bar and 0.50
for a rolled section.

For connection as specified in 5A-3-A2/3.3.2, the wave-induced additional secondary stress fd2
may be ignored.

7.11.2 Calculation of fd3

For welded joints of a stiffened plate panel, fd3 may be determined based on the wave-induced
local loads as specified in 5A-3-A2/7.11.1 above, using the approximate equations given below.
For direct calculation, non-linear effect and membrane stresses in the plate may be considered.

For plating subjected to lateral load, fd3 in the longitudinal direction is determined as:

* = 0 . 182p s/tn
fd3     N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


p = wave-induced local net pressure, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

s = spacing of longitudinal stiffeners, in cm (in.)
tn = net thickness of plate, in mm (in.)

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

  Cn = Cn(ψ)(1995)

9 Resulting Stress Ranges

9.1 Definitions (December 2008)

The content in this section is applicable to ship-type installations. For fatigue strength assessment for
service as a trading vessel, refer to 5A-3-A2/21.5.

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

9.1.1 .1
The total stress range, fR, is computed as the sum of the two stress ranges, as follows:

fR = kpcf fRG + fRL     N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


fRG = global dynamic stress range, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= fd1vi − fd1vj + fd1ℎi − fd1ℎj
fRL = local dynamic stress range, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= * + fd3i − fd2j + fd2j

fd2i + fd2i * + fd3j
kp = load factor for adjusting the probability of exceedance
= 0.5
cf = adjustment factor to reflect a mean wasted condition
= 0.95
wave-induced component of the primary stresses produced by hull girder
fd1vi, fd1vj = vertical bending, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the
selected pairs of combined load cases, respectively
wave-induced component of the primary stresses produced by hull girder
fd1ℎi, fd1ℎj = horizontal bending, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the
selected pairs of combined load cases, respectively
wave-induced component of the secondary bending stresses produced by the
fd2i, fd2j bending of cross-stiffened panels between transverse bulkheads, in N/cm2
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the selected pairs of combined
load cases, respectively
wave-induced component of the additional secondary stresses produced by
* , fd2j
fd2i * the local bending of the longitudinal stiffener between supporting structures
(e.g., transverse bulkheads and web frames), in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for
load case i and j of the selected pairs of combined load cases, respectively
wave-induced component of the tertiary stresses produced by the local
fd3i, fd3j bending of plate elements between the longitudinal stiffeners in, N/cm2
(kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the selected pairs of combined
load cases, respectively

For calculating the wave-induced stresses, sign convention is to be observed for the respective
directions of wave-induced loads, as specified in 5A-3-A2/Tables 2A through 2D. The wave-
induced local loads are to be calculated with the sign convention for the external and internal
loads. However, the total of the external and internal pressures, including both static and dynamic
components, need not be taken less than zero.

These wave-induced stresses are to be determined based on the net ship scantlings (see 5A-3-
A2/1.3) and in accordance with 5A-3-A2/7.5 through 5A-3-A2/7.11. The results of direct
calculation, where carried out, may also be considered.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

11 Determination of Stress Concentration Factors (SCFs)

11.1 General (1995)

This Subsection contains information on stress concentration factors (SCFs) to be considered in the fatigue

Where, for a particular example shown, no specific value of SCF is given when one is called for, it
indicates that a finite element analysis is needed. When the fine mesh finite element approach is used,
additional information on calculations of stress concentration factors and the selection of compatible S-N
data is given in 5A-3-A2/13.

11.3 Sample Stress Concentration Factors (SCFs) (1 July 2001)

11.3.1 Cut-outs (Slots) for Longitudinals (1995)
SCFs, fatigue classifications and peak stress ranges may be determined in accordance with 5A-3-
A2/11.3.1 TABLE 3 and 5A-3-A2/11.3.1 FIGURE 4.

Ks (SCF) Values

Ks (SCF)

Configuration Unsymmetrical Flange Symmetrical Flange

Location [1] [2] [3] [1] [2] [3]

Single-sided Support 2.0 2.1 — 1.8 1.9 —

Single-sided Support with F.B. Stiffener 1.9 2.0 — 1.7 1.8 —

Double-sided Support 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.7 2.4 2.2

Double-sided Support with F.B. Stiffener 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.1


a The value of Ks is given, based on nominal shear stresses near the locations under consideration.

b Fatigue classification
Locations [1] and [2]: Class C or B as indicated in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1
Location [3]: Class F

c The peak stress range is to be obtained from the following equations:

1 For locations [1] and [2] (1999)

fRi = cf Ksifsi + fni

cf = 0.95

fsi = fsc + αifswi, fsi ≥ fsc

αi = 1.8 for single-sided support

= 1.0 for double-sided support

fni = normal stress range in the web plate

fswi = shear stress range in the web plate

= Fi /Aw

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Fi is the calculated web shear force range at the location considered. Aw is the area of web.

fsc = shear stress range in the support (lug or collar plate)

= CyP/ Ac + As

fsc = shear stress range in the support (lug or collar plate)

= CyP/ Ac + As

Cy is as defined in 5A-3-A2/7.11.1.

P = sℓpo

po = fluctuating lateral pressure

Ac = sectional area of the support or of both supports for double-sided support

As = sectional area of the flat bar stiffener, if any

Ksi = SCFs given above

s = spacing of longitudinal/stiffener
ℓ = spacing of transverses

2 For location [3]

2 2 1/2
fR3 = cf fn3 + Ksfs2

cf = 0.95

fn3 = normal stress range at location [3]

fs2 = shear stress range, as defined in 1 above, near location [3].

Ks = SCFs given above

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Cut-outs (Slots) For Longitudinal (1995)

11.3.2 Flat Bar Stiffener for Longitudinals (1999)

11.3.2(a) For assessing fatigue life of a flat bar stiffener at location [1] or [2] as shown in 5A-3-
A2/11.3.2(c) FIGURE 5, the peak stress range is to be obtained from the following equation:

2 2 1/2
fRi = aifs + fLi     (i = 1 or 2)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

fs = nominal stress range in the flat bar stiffener.

= kpcfCyP/ As + Ac

P , As, Ac, cf are as defined in 5A-3-A2/11.3.1 and Cy in 5A-3-A2/7.11.1. For a flat bar stiffener
with soft-toed brackets, the brackets may be included in the calculation of As.

kp = load factor for adjusting the probability of exceedance

= 0.5
fLi = stress range in the longitudinal at Location i(i= 1 or 2), as specified in 5A-3-A2/9
ai = stress concentration factor at Location i (i= 1 or 2) accounting for misalignment and
local distortion

At location [1]

For flat bar stiffener without brackets

α1 = 1.50 for double-sided support connection
= 2.00 for single-sided support connection
For flat bar stiffener with brackets
α1 = 1.00 for double-sided support connection
= 1.25 for single-sided support connection

At location [2]

For flat bar stiffener without brackets

α2 = 1.25 for single or double-sided support connection
For flat bar stiffener with brackets
α2 = 1.00 for single or double-sided support connection

11.3.2(b) For assessing the fatigue life of the weld throat as shown in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1,
Class W, the peak stress range fR at the weld may be obtained from the following equation:

fR = 1 . 25fsAs /Asw


Asw = sectional area of the weld throat. Brackets may be included in the calculation of Asw.

fs and As are as defined in 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(a) above.

11.3.2(c) For assessing fatigue life of the longitudinal, the fatigue classification given in 5A-3-
A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1 for a longitudinal as the only load-carrying member is to be considered.
Alternatively, the fatigue classification shown in 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(c) FIGURE 5, in conjunction
with the combined stress effects, fR, may be used. In calculation of fR, the ai may be taken as
1.25 for both locations [1] and [2].

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Fatigue Classification for Longitudinals in way of Flat Bar Stiffener

11.3.3 Connection Between Transverse Bulkhead Vertical Web and Double Bottom Girder (1995)
Fatigue class designation and SCFs may be determined as shown in 5A-3-A2/11.3.3 FIGURE 6.


11.3.4 Connection Between Transverse Bulkhead Vertical Web and Deck Girder (1995)
Fatigue class designation and SCFs may be determined as shown in 5A-3-A2/11.3.4 FIGURE 7.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2


11.3.5 End Connections of Transverse Bulkhead Horizontal Girder to Longitudinal of Side Shell or
Longitudinal Bulkhead (1995)
Fatigue class designation and SCFs may be determined as shown in 5A-3-A2/11.3.5 FIGURE 8.


11.3.6 Connection of Transverse Bulkhead to Longitudinal Bulkhead (1995)

Fatigue class designation and SCFs may be determined as shown in 5A-3-A2/11.3.6 FIGURE 9.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2


11.3.7 Doublers and Non-load Carrying Members on Deck or Shell Plating (1995)
Fatigue class designation may be determined as shown in 5A-3-A2/11.3.7 FIGURE 10.

Doublers and Non-load Carrying Members on Deck or Shell Plating

13 Stress Concentration Factors Determined From Finite Element


13.1 Introduction (1995)

S-N data and stress concentration factors (SCFs) are related to each other and therefore are to be
considered together so that there is a consistent basis for the fatigue assessment.

The following guidance is intended to help make correct decisions.

13.3 S-N Data (1995)

S-N data are presented as a series of straight-lines plotted on log-log scale. The data reflect the results of
numerous tests, which often display considerable scatter. The recommended design curves for different
types of structural details and welded connections recognize the scatter in test results in that the design
curves have been based on the selection of the lower bound, 95% confidence limit. In other words, about

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

2.5% of the test failure results fall below this curve. Treating the design curve in this manner introduces a
high, yet reasonable degree of conservatism in the design and fatigue evaluation processes.

Individual S-N curves are presented to reflect certain generic structural geometry or arrangements. 5A-3-
A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1 and 5A-3-A2/11.3 contain sketches of weld connections and other details typically
found in ship structures, giving a list of the S-N classification. This information is needed to assess the
fatigue strength of a detail. Also needed is a consistent way to establish the demands or load effects placed
on the detail, so that a compatible assessment can be made of the available strength versus the demand.
Here is where interpretation and judgment enter the fatigue assessment.

S-N curves are obtained from laboratory sample testing. The applied reference stress on the sample which
is used to establish the S-N data is referred to as the nominal stress. The nominal stress is established in a
simple manner, such as force divided by area and bending moment divided by section modulus (P/A & M/
SM). The structural properties used to establish the nominal stress are taken from locations away from any
discontinuities to exclude local stress concentration effects arising from the presence of a weld or other
local discontinuity. In an actual structure, it is rare that a match will be found with the tested sample
geometry and loading. One is then faced with the problem of making the appropriate interpretation.

13.5 S-N Data and SCFs (2003)

Selection of appropriate S-N data appears to be rather straightforward with respect to “standard details”
offered in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1 or other similar reference. However, in the case of welded connections
in complex structures, it is required that SCFs be used to modify the nominal stress range. An often quoted
example of the need to modify nominal stress for fatigue assessment purposes is one shown in 5A-3-
A2/13.5 FIGURE 11 below, relating to a hole drilled in the middle of a flat plate traversed by a butt weld.

In this example, the nominal stress SN is P/Area, but the stress to be used to assess the fatigue strength at
point A is SA or SN· SCF. This example is deceptively simple because it does not tell the entire story. The
most obvious deficiency of the example is that one needs to have a definitive and consistent basis to obtain
the SCF. There are reference books which indicate that based on the theory of elasticity, the SCF to be
applied in this case is 3.0. However, when the SCF is computed using the finite element analysis
techniques, the SCF obtained can be quite variable depending on the mesh size. The example does not
indicate which S-N curve is to be applied, nor does the example say how it may be necessary to alter the
selection of the design S-N data in consideration of the aforementioned finite element analysis issues.
Therefore, if such interpretation questions exist for a simple example, the higher difficulty of appropriately
treating more complex structures is evident.

Referring to the S-N curves to be applied to welded connections (for example, S-N curves D-W in 5A-3-
A2/5.7 FIGURE 1), the SCFs resulting from the presence of the weld itself are already accounted for in
these curves. If one were to have the correct stress distribution in the region – from the weld to a location
sufficiently away from the weld toe (where the stress is suitably established by the nominal stress obtained
from P/A and M/SM) – the stress distribution may be generically separated into three distinct segments, as
shown in 5A-3-A2/13.5 FIGURE 12 FIGURE 12 below.

● Region III is a segment where the stress gradient is controlled by the nominal stress gradient.
● Region II is a segment where the nominal stress gradient is being modified due to the presence of
other structure, such as the bracket end shown in the figure. This must be accounted for to obtain an
appropriate stress to be used in the fatigue analysis at the weld toe.
● Region I is a segment where the stress gradient is being modified due to the presence of the weld metal
itself. The stress concentration due to the weld is already accounted for in the S-N design curve and
will not be discussed further. Since the typical way to determine the stress distribution is via planar/
linear elements which ignore the weld, this is consistent with the method of analysis.

This general description of the stress distribution is again inconclusive because one does not know in
advance and with certainty the distances from the weld toe to where the indicated changes of slope for

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

the stress gradient occur. For this reason, definite rules need to be established to determine the slopes,
and with this knowledge, criteria established to be used to find the stress at the weld toe which is to be
used in the fatigue assessment.

In this regard, two approaches can be used to find the stress at the weld toe, which reflect two methods
of structural idealization. One of these arises from the use of a conventional beam element idealization
of the structure including the end bracket connection, and the other arises from the use of a fine mesh
finite element idealization.

Using a beam element idealization, the nominal stress at any location (i.e., P/A and M/SM) can be
obtained (see 5A-3-3/7.7.4 FIGURE 6 for a sample beam element model).

In the beam element idealization, there will be questions as to whether or not the geometric stress
concentration due to the presence of other structure is adequately accounted for. This is the “Segment
II” stress gradient previously described. In the beam modeling approach shown in the figure, the
influence on stresses arising from the “carry over” of forces and bending moments from adjacent
structural elements has been accounted for (albeit approximately). At the same time, the strengthening
effect of the brackets has been conservatively ignored. Hence for engineering purposes, this approach
is considered to be sufficient in conjunction with the nominal stress obtained at the location of interest
and the nominal S-N curve, i.e., the F or F2 Class S-N data, as appropriate.

In the fine mesh finite element analysis approach, one needs to define the element size to be used. This
is an area of uncertainty because the calculated stress distribution can be unduly affected by both the
employed mesh size and the uniformity of the mesh adjacent to the weld toe. Therefore, it is necessary
to establish “rules”, as given below, to be followed in the producing of the fine mesh model adjacent to
the weld toe. Furthermore, since the area adjacent to the weld toe (or other discontinuity of interest)
may be experiencing a large and rapid change of stress (i.e., a high stress gradient), it is also necessary
to provide a rule which can be used to establish the stress at the location where the fatigue assessment
is to be made.

5A-3-A2/13.7 FIGURE 13 shows an acceptable method which can be used to extract and interpret the
“near weld toe” element stresses and to obtain a (linearly) extrapolated stress at the weld toe. When
plate or shell elements are used in the modeling, it is recommended that each element size is to be
equal to the plate thickness. When stresses are obtained in this manner, the use of the E Class S-N data
is considered to be acceptable.

Weld hot spot stress can be determined from linear extrapolation of surface component stresses at t/2
and 3t/2 from weld toe. The principal stresses at hot spot are then calculated based on the
extrapolated stresses and used for fatigue evaluation. Description of the numerical procedure is given
in 5A-3-A2/13.7 below.


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2


13.7 Calculation of Hot Spot Stress for Fatigue Analysis (December 2008)
The following method is applied to obtain the hot spot stress at the toe of a weld.

A very fine mesh is to be used in the region of the hotspot stress with a mesh size equal to plate thickness.
The hot spot stress is to be determined by using a linear extrapolation as described in 5A-3-A2/13.7
FIGURE 13. Assuming that the applicable surface component stresses of the two points, P1 and P2,
measured by the distances 0 . 5t and 1 . 5t from the weld toe, respectively, have been determined from
FEM analysis by the linear interpolation of stresses at centroids of the adjacent two elements, the
corresponding hot spot stress can be extrapolated at the hot spot location from the stresses at P1 and P2.
The weld toe distance, xwt, is not to be taken larger than 0 . 5tgross .

(December 2008)

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Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

15 Fatigue Assessment of Structures Considering Low Cycle Fatigue

(December 2008)

15.1 Introduction
Certain duty cycles associated with operations of a ship-type installation may produce oscillatory stresses
whose magnitudes exceed the yield strength of the material. For welded joints in certain members of ship-
type installations during the loading/offloading process, the total number of cycles during the service life is
expected to be less than 104. Fatigue associated with cyclic plasticity (“low cycle fatigue”) is addressed in
the following sections. The appropriate low cycle fatigue design S-N curve is defined, the process for
computing oscillatory pseudo stress is provided, and the acceptance criterion for total damage, low cycle
plus high cycle fatigue, is specified.

15.3 Applicability
Subsections 5A-3-A2/15 and 5A-3-A2/17 define the procedure for a simplified fatigue assessment which is
to be used to evaluate the fatigue strength of critical structural details subjected to low cycle fatigue. The
fatigue assessment uses a hot spot stress approach based on FE analysis.

15.5 Loads
Traditionally, the fatigue strength analysis considers the following dynamic loads (high cycle load) for
calculation of the long term distribution of stresses:

● Hull girder loads (i.e., vertical and horizontal wave bending moments)
● Dynamic wave pressure
● Dynamic tank pressure loads resulting from installation motion

However, from low cycle fatigue point of view, fatigue due to the following static loads need to be
● Static cyclic loads due to cargo loading and offloading

15.7 Selection of Loading Conditions for Low Cycle Fatigue (1 July 2009)
Fatigue analyses are to be carried out for representative loading conditions according to the intended
installation’s operation. The following two loading conditions are to be examined:

i) For locations at longitudinal end connections:

● Full load condition with design still water bending moment, see loading condition 4 in 5A-3-
A2/Figures 2A and 2B
● Ballast or light draft condition at with design still water bending moment, see loading
condition 1 in 5A-3-A2/Figures 2A and 2B
ii) For locations other than longitudinal end connections:

The maximum low cycle fatigue damage calculated from the following two pairs:

Pair 1
● Full load condition with design still water bending moment, see loading condition 4 in 5A-3-
A2/Figures 2A and 2B
● Ballast or light draft condition with design still water bending moment, see loading condition
1 in 5A-3-A2/Figures 2A and 2B

Pair 2

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

● Intermediate condition with design still water bending moment, see loading condition 3 in
5A-3-A2/Figures 2A and 2B
● Intermediate condition with design still water bending moment, see loading condition 2 in
5A-3-A2/Figures 2A and 2B

15.9 Acceptance Criteria

The criteria stated in 5A-3-A2/15 and 5A-3-A2/17 are presented as a comparison of fatigue strength of the
structural detail (capacity), and fatigue inducing loads (demands), in the form of a fatigue damage
parameter, DM. The combined fatigue damage including damages from both low cycle fatigue and high
cycle fatigue, DMcomb, is to be less than or equal to 1.0 for the design life of the installation, which is not
to be taken as less than 20 years.

15.11 Fatigue Assessment Methods

The hot spot stress approach is to be used for fatigue evaluation of the following details:

15.11.1 Connections of Longitudinal Stiffeners to Transverse Web/Floor and to Transverse Bulkhead

15.11.1(a) Two (2) to three (3) selected side longitudinals in the region from the 1.1 draft to about
1/3 draft in the midship region and also in the region between 0.15L and 0.25L from F.P.,

15.11.1(b) One (1) to two (2) selected longitudinals from each of the following groups:

● Deck longitudinals, bottom longitudinals, inner bottom longitudinals and longitudinals on side
longitudinal bulkheads
● One longitudinal on each of the longitudinal bulkheads within 0.1D from the deck is to be

For these structural details, the fatigue assessment is to be first focused on the flange of the
longitudinal at the rounded toe welds of attached flat bar stiffeners and brackets, as illustrated for
Class F item 2) and Class F2 item 1) in 5A-3-A2/3.3.5 TABLE 1.

Then, the critical spots on the web plate cut-out, on the lower end of the stiffener as well as the
weld throat are also to be checked for the selected structural detail. For illustration, see 5A-3-
A2/11.3.1 and 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(a), 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(b) and 5A-3-A2/11.3.2(c).

Where the longitudinal stiffener end bracket arrangements are different on opposing sides of a
transverse web, both configurations are to be checked.

15.11.2 Shell, Bottom, Inner Bottom or Bulkhead Plating at Connections to Webs or Floors (for
Fatigue Strength of Plating)
15.11.2(a) One (1) to two (2) selected locations of side shell plating near the summer LWL
amidships and between 0.15L and 0.25L from F.P. respectively

15.11.2(b) One (1) to two (2) selected locations in way of bottom and inner bottom amidships

15.11.2(c) One (1) to two (2) selected locations of lower strakes of side longitudinal bulkhead

15.11.3 Connections of the Slope Plate to Inner Bottom and Side Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating at the
Lower Cargo Tank Corners
One selected location amidships at transverse web and between webs, respectively

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

For this structural detail, the value of fR, the total stress range as specified in 5A-3-A2/9.1, is to be
determined from fine mesh F.E.M. analyses for the combined load cases, as specified for Zone B
in 5A-3-A2/7.5.2.

15.11.4 End Bracket Connections for Transverses and Girders

One (1) to two (2) selected locations in the midship region for each type of bracket configuration.

15.11.5 Other Regions and Locations

Other regions and locations, highly stressed by fluctuating loads, as identified from structural

17 Low Cycle Fatigue Damage (December 2008)

17.1 Low Cycle Fatigue Load

When fatigue is of concern, structural responses are assumed to result from two external sources, the wave
loading on the installation and the process of loading and offloading the installation resulting in uneven
buoyancy. This loading/offloading process produces very low frequency static loads including oscillatory
still water bending moment (SWBM) and still water pressure. Some structural components experience
cyclic plasticity when the combination of the two load sources produces cyclic stresses that exceed the
yield strength of the material. Typically this occurs at the toe of a weld. Described in this section is the
process of defining damage due to low cycle fatigue.

17.3 Loading Conditions

Static cyclic loads including still-water bending moments and static pressure due to cargo loading and
offloading are considered.

17.5 Stress Range Calculation

17.5.1 Elastic Hot Spot Stress Range Calculation (2018)
In the following, all reference to stress is to be interpreted as the elastic hot spot stress at the toe of
a weld in question. Also, at the outset, it will be assumed that the S-N curve defining fatigue
strength is given in pseudo hot spot stress. In the elastic high cycle range a pseudo hot spot stress
will be the same as an elastic hot spot stress. They will differ in the low cycle range.

As shown in 5A-3-A2/17.5.1 FIGURE 14, the stress process in certain structural components of
an installation can be considered as a superposition of wave induced stresses, SW(t), and stresses
associated with static load, SB(t). The cycles of SB result from the loading/offloading process.

The total or net stress process will be:

S(t)   =   SB(t)   +   SW(t)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Sample Functions of SW and SB(December 2008)

A Single Loading/Offloading Cycle (December 2008)

In one cycle of the static process, as shown in 5A-3-A2/17.5.1 FIGURE 15, the total stress range
associated with this cycle is SE,

i j
SE =   SB   +   0 . 5 SM + SM

SB = static stress range for this cycle
SM = median of the largest stress range of wave induced load for i-th load condition
SM = median of the largest stress range of wave induced load for j-th load condition

From extreme value theory, the median largest stress range SM in n cycles is given as:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

SM 1/γ
δ = −ln 1 − 0 . 51/n

where γ and δ are the long term stress shape and scale factors, respectively. δ can be determined
statistically from long term records of stress ranges or can be calculated by the formula:
δ= 1/γ
ln Ns

where fR is the stress range associated with a probability of exceedance of 1/Ns, as defined in
5A-3-A2/9.1, and Ns is equal to 104.

n may be computed by taking the estimated time for a half cycle divided by the estimated wave

The number of cycles for installation’s loading and unloading, nLCF, is assumed to be no less than
1200 for 20 years. The actual cycles of loading/offloading may be used for historical sites in
FPSO phase.

Assume there are 108 wave cycles within 20 years, n is then equal to:

nLCF × 2

In general, it is expected that the time in tension will not equal the time in compression. For a
conservative analysis, the larger of the two might be selected.

17.5.2 Pseudo Hot Spot Stress Range Calculation

To transform elastic hot spot stress range to pseudo hot spot stress range, a plasticity correction
factor, ke, is defined as:

ke = SE

where SL is the pseudo hot spot stress range.

A plot of ke as a function of SE is given in 5A-3-A2/17.5.2 FIGURE 16.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

ke as a Function of SE(December 2008)

An approximate analytical formula derived from 5A-3-A2/17.5.2 FIGURE 16 can be used:

ke   =   0 . 5   +   kmSE , but is not to be less than 1.0

Values of km  

Material Mild HT32 HT36 HT40

km 11.20 × 10-4 9.60 × 10-4 9.40 × 10-4 8.56 × 10-4

17.5.3 Low Cycle S-N Curve and Damage Calculation (2018)

The design S-N curve in the low cycle region is defined in 5A-3-A2/17.5.3 FIGURE 17. It may be
considered to be a modified D-Curve.

The low cycle fatigue (LCF) design S-N curve is given as:

NSq   =   B     for   100 < N < 104


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

q = 2.4
B = 3.51 × 1010 (MPa units)

It is assumed that the LCF design S-N curve is applicable to static induced stresses. Basic
application of Miner’s rule produces the expression of static stress damage DMLCF is:


nLCF is the total cycles of loading/offloading, which is not to be less than 1200 for a ship-type
installation to be operated for 20 years. The actual cycles of loading/offloading may be used for
historical sites in FPSO phase.

Low Cycle Fatigue Design Curve (December 2008)

19 Combined Fatigue Damage (December 2008)

The total fatigue damage due to both low cycle and high cycle stress can be calculated by
2 + 2δDM
DMcomb = 2 + DM2


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

δ = 0.02
DMLCF = low cycle fatigue damage
DMHCF = high cycle fatigue damage

For Longitudinal Stiffener Connections, the total fatigue damage due to both low cycle and high cycle
stress can be calculated by

2 + 2δDM 2
DMcomb = 2
2 + DM


αSite = environmental severity factor for the intended site, see 5A-3-A1/5

21 Fatigue Strength Assessment for Service as a Trading Vessel

(December 2008)

21.1 Cumulative Fatigue Damage for Trading Vessels

The cumulative fatigue damage ratio,DM, as a trading vessel, is equal to 1.0 which corresponds to a fatigue
life of 20 years. The design life is not to be less than 20 years. Unless otherwise specified, the cumulative
damage is to be taken as:
NL 0 . 01fR m
DM = m/γ μΓ 1+ γ
K2 lnNR


NL = number of cycles for the expected design life. Unless stated otherwise, NL to be taken as:
= f0U

= The value is generally between 0.5 × 108 and 0.7 × 108 cycles for a design life of 20 years
f0 = 0.85, factor taking into account non-sailing time for operations such as loading and
unloading, repairs, etc.
U = design life, in seconds
= 6.31 × 108 for a design life of 20 years
L = rule length, in m
m = S-N curve parameter as defined in 5A-3-A2/5.7 FIGURE 1, Note a)
K2 = S-N curve parameter as defined in 5A-3-A2/5.7 FIGURE 1, Note a)
fR = stress range at the representative probability level of 10-4, in N/cm2
NR = 10,000, number of cycles corresponding to the probability level of 10-4
γ = long term stress distribution parameter, as defined in 5A-3-A2/5.7 FIGURE 1
Γ = Gamma function
μ = stress coefficient taking into account the change in slope of the S-N curve

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

Γ0 1 + m m + ∆ m, v
γ , v − v γ Γ0 1 + γ
= 1−
Γ 1+ m

fq γ
v = 0 . 01fR lnNR

fq = stress range at the intersection of the two segments of the S-N curve, see Table in 5A-3-
A2/5.7 FIGURE 1, Note a), in N/mm2
∆m = slope change of the upper-lower segment of the S-N curve
= 2
Γ0 a, x = incomplete Gamma function, Legendre form

21.3 Fatigue Assessment Zones and Controlling Load Combination for Vessels
Eight loading patterns are considered in the calculation of stress range, as shown in 5A-3-2/Figure 1A or
1B depending on whether the existing vessel to be converted is a single hull or double hull vessel.

Depending on the location of the structural details undergoing the fatigue assessment, different
combinations of load cases are to be used to find the appropriate stress range, as indicated below for
indicated respective zones.

21.3.1 Zone A
Zone A consists of deck and bottom structures, and side shell and longitudinal bulkhead structures
within 0.1D(Dis installation’s molded depth) from deck and bottom, respectively. For Zone A,
stresses are to be calculated based on the wave-induced loads specified in 5A-3-2/3.1 FIGURE
1A, as follows.

21.3.1(a) Calculate dynamic component of stresses for load cases LC1 through LC4, respectively.

21.3.1(b) Calculate two sets of stress ranges, one each for the following two pairs of combined
loading cases.

LC1 and LC2, and

LC3 and LC4

21.3.1(c) Use the greater of the stress ranges obtained by 5A-3-A2/21.3.1(b).

21.3.2 Zone B
Zone B consists of side shell and longitudinal bulkhead structures within the region between 0.25
upward and 0.30 downward from the mid-depth and all transverse bulkhead structures. The total
stress ranges for Zone B may be calculated based on the wave-induced loads specified in
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 1A, as follows:

21.3.2(a) Calculate dynamic component of stresses for load cases LC5 through LC8, respectively.

21.3.2(b) Calculate two sets of stress ranges, one each for the following two pairs of combined
loading cases.

LC5 and LC6, and

LC7 and LC8

21.3.2(c) Use the greater of the stress ranges obtained by 5A-3-A2/21.3.2(b).

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

21.3.3 Transitional Zone

Transitional zone between A and B consists of side shell and longitudinal bulkhead structures
between 0.1D and 0.25D(0.2D) from deck (bottom).

fR = fR(B) − [   fR(B) − fR(A)]yu /0 . 15D for upper transitional zone

fR = fR(B) − [   fR(B) − fR(A)]yℓ /0 . 1D for lower transitional zone


fR(A), fR(B) = the total stress range based on the combined load cases defined for Zone A or
Zone B, respectively
yu,   yℓ = vertical distances from 0.25D (0.3D) upward (downward) from the mid-
depth to the location considered
21.3.4 Installations with Either Special Loading Patterns or Special Structural Configuration
For installations with either special loading patterns or special structural configurations/features,
additional load cases may be required for determining the stress range.

21.5 Definitions for Resulting Stress Ranges for Trading Vessels

The total stress range, fR, is computed as the sum of the two stress ranges, as follows:

fR = kpcf(fRG + fRL) N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)


fRG = global dynamic stress range, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)

= |(fd1vi − fd1vj) + (fd1ℎi − fd1ℎ j)|
fRL = local dynamic stress range, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2)
= * + fd3i) − (fd2j + fd2j
cw | (fd2i + fd2i * + fd3j)|
cf = adjustment factor to reflect a mean wasted condition
= 0.95
cw = coefficient for the weighted effects of the two paired loading patterns
= 0.75
kp = load factor for adjusting the probability of exceedance
= 0.5
fd1vi,   fd1vj = wave-induced component of the primary stresses produced by hull girder vertical
bending, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the selected pairs of
combined load cases, respectively
fd1ℎi,   fd1ℎ j = wave-induced component of the primary stresses produced by hull girder horizontal
bending, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the selected pairs of
combined load cases, respectively
fd2i,   fd2j = wave-induced component of the secondary bending stresses produced by the
bending of cross-stiffened panels between transverse bulkheads, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2,
lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the selected pairs of combined load cases,

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 2 Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-3-A2

* ,   fd2j
fd2i * = wave-induced component of the additional secondary stresses produced by the local
bending of the longitudinal stiffener between supporting structures (e.g., transverse
bulkheads and web frames), in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for load case i and j of the
selected pairs of combined load cases, respectively
fd3i,   fd3j = wave-induced component of the tertiary stresses produced by the local bending of
plate elements between the longitudinal stiffeners in, in N/cm2 (kgf/cm2, lbf/in2), for
load case i and j of the selected pairs of combined load cases, respectively

For calculating the wave-induced stresses, sign convention is to be observed for the respective directions
of wave-induced loads, as specified in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 1A. The wave-induced local loads are to be
calculated with the sign convention for the external and internal loads. However, the total of the external
and internal pressures, including both static and dynamic components, need not be taken less than zero.

These wave-induced stresses are to be determined based on the net ship scantlings (see 5A-3-A2/1.3) and
in accordance with 5A-3-A2/7.5 through 5A-3-A2/7.11. The results of direct calculation, where carried
out, may also be considered.


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

APPENDIX 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008)

(1 July 2009) The hull girder ultimate strength calculation is based on the “gross” ship approach, wherein
the nominal design corrosion values are not considered. The hull girder ultimate bending capacity Mu for
the design environmental condition (DEC) is to satisfy the limit state specified in 5A-3-3/3.5.

The method for calculating the ultimate hull girder ultimate bending capacity Mu is to identify the critical
failure modes of the main longitudinal structural elements. Structural elements compressed beyond their
buckling limit have reduced strength according to their buckling and ultimate strength characteristics. All
relevant failure modes for individual structural elements, such as plate buckling, beam-column buckling,
torsional stiffener buckling, local buckling of stiffeners, and their interactions, are to be considered in order
to identify the weakest inter-frame failure mode.

In applying the incremental-iterative approach, the following assumptions and limitations are generally to
be observed:

● The ultimate strength, Mu, is calculated for the hull transverse sections between two adjacent
transverse frames;
● The transverse main supporting members, including frames, girders and floors, and their associated
effective plating are to have a moment of inertia not less than IG obtained from the following equation:

IG /io   ≥   0 . 2(Bs /ℓ)3(Bs /s)

where IG, io, Bs, ℓ and s are defined in 5A-3-4/7.9.3.

● The hull transverse section remains plane during each curvature increment application;
● The hull material has an elasto-plastic behavior;
● The element stress, fi, corresponding to the element strain, εi, is selected as the minimum stress among
the values obtained from each of the relevant load-end shortening curves, fi - εi, in this Appendix;
● The hull transverse section is divided into a set of individual elements; the elements while considered
to be acting independently are combined to provide the ultimate strength resistance of the hull’s
transverse cross section. These elements are:

– Plate element, for unstiffened plates;

– Stiffener element, consisting of a stiffener with an associated effective width of plating;
– Corner element, consisting of a plate intersection with a web plate.

The procedure for calculating the hull girder ultimate capacity, Mu, based on the incremental-iterative
approach is described below.

Each step of the incremental procedure is represented by the calculation of the bending moment M j, which
acts on the hull transverse section as the effect of an imposed curvature χ j.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3

For each step, the value χ j is obtained by adding an increment of curvature, Δχ, to the curvature χ j − 1
value from the previous step. The increment of curvature corresponds to an increment of rotation of the
hull’s transverse section around its instantaneous horizontal neutral axis.

The rotation angle increment induces axial strain, ε, in each structural element of the hull section, whose
value depends on the distance between the element’s location and the instantaneous horizontal neutral axis.
In the sagging condition, the structural elements above the instantaneous horizontal neutral axis are
shortened, whereas the elements below the instantaneous horizontal neutral axis are lengthened. This is
reversed in the hogging condition.

The structural element stress, fi, induced by strain, εi, is to be obtained from the load-end shortening curve
fi -εi of the element, as described in this Appendix, which takes into account the nonlinear elasto-plastic
behavior of the element. The stress in each element is converted to a force. The equilibrium of the element
forces is then used in an iterative process to determine the instantaneous horizontal neutral axis position of
the hull’s transverse cross-section.

Once the position of the instantaneous horizontal neutral axis is determined with the relevant element force
distribution, the bending moment capacity of the section, M j, about the instantaneous horizontal neutral
axis, is obtained by combining the contribution from each element.

5A-3-A3/1.3 FIGURE 1 is a flow chart showing the main steps of the incremental-iterative approach.

The nonlinear material behavior for in-plane tension or compression is different for different element
types. When a structural element is in tension, full plasticity beyond yield (up to a rupture limit) is
normally anticipated. However, when a structural element is under compression, elasto-plastic material and
nonlinear geometric behavior occur. The tensile and compressive behavior for the different structural
elements used in calculating hull girder ultimate strength can be described by the so-called, ‘load-end
shortening’ curves, as described in detail in the following.

1 Plate Element
Unstiffened plates comprising the hull transverse sections may collapse in one of two failure modes:

● Yielding in tension
● Buckling in compression

The load-end shortening curve, fi − εi, for unstiffened plate buckling, is shown in 5A-3-A3/1.3 FIGURE 2
and is defined by the following equations:

1.1 Yielding in Tension

When an unstiffened plate is stretched in tension, the load-end shortening curve, fi − εi, is idealized as the
elastic-perfectly plastic relationship:

fi εi  for 0 ≤   εi ≤ 1
fy =     (A3.1)
1   for   εi > 1

1.3 Buckling in Compression

The stress acting on an unstiffened plate, fi, is to be limited to its ultimate strength, fu, and not less than
critical buckling stress, fc, as specified in the following. The load-end shortening curve, fi − εi, for
unstiffened plate buckling, is defined by the following equation:

● When εi ≤   fu /fy

fiE = fyεi

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3

● When εi >   fu /fy

CE for       α ≥ 1
= 2
fy s s 1
CE · ℓ   + 0.1 1 − ℓ 1+ 2   for       α < 1

fci   ≤   fip   ≤   fu

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3

Flow Chart for the Evaluation of the Bending Moment-Curvature Curve, M-χ
(December 2008)


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3

CE = 1.0 for βE ≤ 1.0

= 2/βE – 1/βE2 for βE > 1.0

βE = n
s/t εi fy /E
E = fei n
fci n
for fe ≤ Prfyε
fyεi n
= fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr fei for fe > Prfyε

εi = relative strain ratio, equal to εi /εy

εi = element axial strain
εy = initial yield strain
n = exponent to ε denoting post-buckling behavior, which may be taken as 2.0 for steel
fu = plate ultimate strength ≥ fc

fc and fu are set equal to fci and fip when n = 0.

Load-End Shortening Curve for Plate Element (December 2008)

3 Stiffener Element
A longitudinal plate stiffener (i.e., axis is normal to the hull’s transverse section) may fail in one of four

● Yielding in tension
● Beam-column buckling
● Torsional-flexural buckling
● Local buckling of stiffeners

The load-end shortening curves, fi − εi, for each failure mode are described below.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3

3.1 Yielding in Tension

The load-end shortening curve for yielding in tension is the same as in 5A-3-A3/1.

3.3 Beam-Column Buckling

The load-end shortening curve, fi − εi, as shown in 5A-3-A3/3.3 FIGURE 3 for beam-column buckling is
defined by the following equation:

● When εi ≤ fca /fy

fci = fyεi
● When εi > fca /fy

E As + seEt A + set
fci = fca As + st ≤ fca As
s + st

E n
fca = n for fE(C) ≤ Prfyε

fyεi n
= fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr fE(C) for fE(C) > Prfyε

seE = CEs

CE = 1.0 for βE ≤ 1.0

= 2/βE – 1/βE2 for βE > 1.0

fca is set equal to fca when n = 0.

Load-End Shortening Curve for Beam-Column Buckling
(December 2008)

3.5 Torsional-Flexural Buckling

The load-end shortening curves, fi − εi, as shown in 5A-3-A3/3.5 FIGURE 4 for torsional-flexural
buckling is defined by the following equation:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3

● When εi ≤ fct /fy

fi = fyεi
● When εi > fct /fy

E A + fE st
fct s ip
fi = As + st

E = n
fct n for fET ≤ Prfyε

fyεi n
= fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr f for fET > Prfyε

fct is to be less than fct

fct and fET are the critical and elastic torsional/flexural buckling stresses and are calculated in
5A-3-4/7.5.2, where gross scantlings are used.

Load-End Shortening Curve for Torsional-Flexural Buckling
(December 2008)

3.7 Local Buckling of Stiffeners

This failure mode is to be assessed if the proportions of stiffeners specified in 5A-3-4/7.9 are not satisfied.

The load-end shortening curve, fi − εi, as shown in 5A-3-A3/3.7 FIGURE 5 for local buckling of
stiffeners is defined by the following equation:

● When εi ≤ fcℓ /fy

fi = fyεi
● When εi > fcℓ /fy

E E st
fcℓAs + fip
fi = As + st

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3


E feℓ n
fcℓ = n for feℓ ≤ Prfyε
fyεi n
= fy 1 − Pr 1 − Pr feℓ for feℓ > Prfyε

fcℓ is to be less than fcℓ

fcℓ and feℓ are the critical and elastic torsional/flexural buckling stresses and are calculated in
5A-3-4/7.3, where gross scantlings are used.

Load-End Shortening Curve for Local Buckling
(December 2008)

5 Corner Element
Corner elements are considered stocky elements, which collapse due to ‘fully plastic’ development. The
relevant load-end shortening curve, fi − εi, as shown in 5A-3-A3/5 FIGURE 6, is idealized by the elastic-
perfectly plastic relationship given in the following:

−1 for εi < − 1
fy = εi for −1 ≤   εi ≤ 1
1 for εi > 1

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 3 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength (December 2008) 5A-3-A3

Load-End Shortening Curve for a Corner Element
(December 2008)


CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements

APPENDIX 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type

Installations (2014)

1 Objective
This Appendix provides guidance for the calculation of structural responses by performing finite element
analysis of the ship structures, as required by the Total Strength Assessment (TSA) in Section 5A-3-4.

In general, this guidance is based on the requirements for a three cargo tank length model as outlined in
5A-3-4/11. However the guidance provided on selection of element types and mesh size, and fine mesh
analysis is also applicable to a cargo block or full ship length model.

With this Appendix, it is intended that the structural idealization, load application, and analysis procedure
used for the finite element structural analysis are performed in a consistent manner and based on sound
engineering judgment.

3 Scope of Application
The strength requirements specified in Section 5A-3-4 are based on a “net” ship approach. For new
construction, the nominal design corrosion margins, given in 5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) TABLE 1 and
5A-3-1/1.7.2(d) FIGURE 1 for the double hull ship-type installations and 5A-3-6/1.1 for the single hull
ship-type installations, are to be deducted from the scantlings for the finite element analysis and strength
assessment of the hull structures. For an installation being converted from a vessel to FPI service, the
reassessed net scantlings are used for the finite element analysis and strength assessment. The reassessed
net scantlings are obtained by deducting the nominal design corrosion margins from the reassessed

The analysis includes a three-dimensional global model of the three-hold hull girder and local fine-mesh
models as follows:

● Transverse web frames, longitudinal girders, horizontal girders, side stringers, and centerline ring
frames, etc.

These local fine-mesh models are used to determine the additional requirement for critical areas of the
main supporting members of the hull girder.

The guidelines described herein regarding structural idealization, finite element modeling techniques, and
analysis procedures are also applicable to general hull structural analyses.

5 Extent of the 3-D Global Finite Element Model

The purpose of the 3-D global FE analysis is to determine the overall structural response of the hull girder
structure, including primary and secondary bending, and also to obtain appropriate boundary conditions for
use in the local fine-mesh FE analysis of local structures. The extent of the hull structure to be modeled is
to cover three cargo tank lengths located at about amidships, as shown in 5A-3-A4/5 FIGURE 1. It is to
extend two frames fore and aft of the two end bulkheads. All primary load-carrying members are to be
modeled. Secondary structural members which may affect the overall load distribution are also to be
appropriately accounted for.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Extent of 3-D Global Finite Element Model (December 2008)

7 Coordinate System of the Model

The global coordinate (right-hand) system of this reference finite element model is defined as follows:

X axis: Longitudinal direction, positive forward,

Y axis: Vertical direction, positive upwards from baseline,

Z axis: Transverse direction, positive toward starboard from centerline,

Origin: At the intersection of baseline and centerline at first watertight bulkhead of the aft end of the model

The six degrees of freedom for the nodes are defined with respect to the Cartesian global X, Y and Z axes
of the 3-D finite element model, (See 5A-3-A4/5 FIGURE 1), as ux ,uy , and uz for the three translational
degrees of freedom, and θx, θy , and θz for the three rotational degrees of freedom.

9 Element Types
The structural elements, whose geometry, configuration and stiffness approximate the actual ship’s hull
structure, are of three types commonly used.

i) Rod (or truss) elements, with axial stiffness only and constant cross-sectional area along the length
of the element.
ii) Bar (or Beam) elements without offset, with axial, torsional and bi-directional shear and bending
stiffness and with constant properties along the length of the element.
iii) Shell (or bending plate) elements, with in-plane stiffness and out-of-plane bending stiffness with
constant thickness.

Higher order element types exist, however the above three simple types of element are sufficient for a good
representation of the hull girder. The appropriate usage of the aforementioned element types in the
modeling procedure is discussed in the following sections.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

9.1 Plate Elements

For finite element modeling of a hull structure, the plating is typically represented by bending plate

In general, the plate element mesh is to follow the stiffener system as far as practicable, hence representing
the actual plate panels between stiffeners. The mesh size is to satisfy the following requirements:

i) One element between every longitudinal stiffeners, see 5A-3-A4/9.1 FIGURE 2. Longitudinally,
the element length is not to be greater than 2 longitudinal spaces.
ii) One element between every vertical stiffener on transverse bulkheads, see 5A-3-A4/9.1 FIGURE
iii) (1 July 2012) One element between every web stiffener on transverse and vertical web frames,
cross ties and stringers, see 5A-3-A4/9.1 FIGURE 2 and 5A-3-A4/9.1 FIGURE 4.
iv) At least three elements over the depth of double bottom girders and floors, transverse web frames,
vertical web frames and horizontal stringers on transverse bulkheads.
v) For cross tie, deck transverse and horizontal stringers on transverse wash bulkheads and
longitudinal bulkheads with a smaller web depth, representation using two elements over the depth
is acceptable provided that there is at least one element between every web stiffener. The mesh
size of the adjacent structure is to be adjusted to suit.
vi) The mesh on the hopper tank web frame shall be fine enough to represent the shape of the web
ring opening, see 5A-3-A4/9.1 FIGURE 2.
vii) The curvature of the free edge on large brackets of primary supporting members is to be modeled
accurately to avoid unrealistic high stress due to geometry discontinuities. In general, a mesh size
equal to the stiffener spacing is acceptable.
viii) The bracket toe may be terminated at the nearest nodal point provided that the modeled length of
bracket arm does not exceed the actual bracket arm length.
ix) (1 July 2012) The bracket flange of a transverse is not to be connected to the longitudinal plating,
see 5A-3-A4/9.1 FIGURE 5. An acceptable mesh is shown in 5A-3-A4/9.1 FIGURE 5.
x) The aspect ratio of the plate elements is in general not to exceed three. The use of triangular plate
elements is to be kept to a minimum. Where possible, the aspect ratio of plate elements in areas
where there are likely to be high stresses or a high stress gradient is to be kept close to one and the
use of triangular elements is to be avoided.
xi) (1 July 2012) Typical mesh arrangements of the cargo tank structures are shown in 5A-3-A4/5

Manholes on transverse and longitudinal structures, such as double bottom floors and longitudinal girders,
are generally ignored in the global model. Leaving out plate elements or reducing plate thicknesses to
account for such manholes in the 3-D model are not advisable, because this would sometimes result in
unrealistic shearing stresses for the thinned plates or the adjacent elements. The actual behavior of a round
or elliptical manhole with or without a flange is quite different from the modeled thin plate or element
opening which is usually rectangular.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Typical Finite Element Mesh on Web Frame (December 2008)

Typical Finite Element Mesh on Transverse Bulkhead (December 2008)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Typical Finite Element Mesh on Horizontal Transverse Stringer on Transverse
Bulkhead (December 2008)

Typical Finite Element Mesh on Transverse Web Frame Main Bracket
(December 2008)

9.3 Bar (or Beam) Elements for Stiffeners

All local stiffeners are to be modeled. The stiffeners may be modeled using line elements positioned in the
plane of the plating. Bar elements are to be used in areas under action of lateral loads whilst rod elements
in 5A-3-A4/9.5 may be used to represent local stiffeners on internal structural members under no lateral

The bar elements are to have the following properties:

i) Stiffeners are typically modeled by bar elements without offset.

ii) The bar element cross sectional area is based on the net stiffener area excluding the area of the
attached plating.
iii) Out of plane bending properties are to represent the inertia of the combined plating and stiffener.
iv) The width of the attached plate is to be taken as half + half stiffener spacing on each side of the
v) The eccentricity of the neutral axis is not required to be modeled.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

9.5 Rod (or Truss) Elements for Stiffeners

Web stiffeners on primary support members are to be modeled. Where these stiffeners are not in line with
the primary FE mesh, it is sufficient to place the line element along the nearby nodal points provided that
the adjusted distance does not exceed 0.2 times the stiffener spacing under consideration. The stresses and
buckling utilization factors obtained need not be corrected for the adjustment. Buckling stiffeners on large
brackets, deck transverse and stringers parallel to the flange are to be modeled. These stiffeners may be
modeled using rod elements.

9.7 Rod Elements for Face Plates of Primary Supporting Members (1 July 2012)
All face plates are to be accounted for and may be modeled by rod elements.

For a typical hull structure, there are numerous secondary flat bars, stiffeners, tripping brackets and panel
“breakers”. These structural members are mainly to provide local stiffness to plate panels against buckling
or vibration. These secondary stiffening members generally need not be included in the global model as
their influence on the overall response of the hull structure is negligible.

11 General Guidance for 3-D Global FE Modeling

The approach of finite element modeling adopted here is to use a 3-D global finite element model to obtain
the overall response of the hull girder under the imposed sea loading. The stress results of the global model
are used not only to assess the hull girder plating of the deck, side shell, bottom, inner bottom, longitudinal
bulkheads, transverse bulkheads and stools or deck box girders but also to assess the main supporting
members. The boundary conditions for the local FE models are the appropriate nodal displacements
obtained from the 3-D global model analysis. Therefore, in developing the 3-D global finite element
model, special attention is to be paid to the following general guidance:

i) The finite element model is to include all primary load-carrying members. Secondary structural
members which may affect the overall load distribution are also to be appropriately accounted for.
ii) Structural idealization is to be based on the stiffness and anticipated response of the structure, not
wholly on the geometry of the structure itself.
iii) A common mistake is to simply match the finite element mesh with the configuration of the
structure. Very often a finite element model, created in this way, which “looks good” and
represents the structural geometry well, but in reality it represents the structural properties and
performance poorly.
iv) It is desirable to have consistent modeling throughout the entire length of the three cargo tanks
considered. However, the middle tank is to always have the desired mesh, where more accurate
results are expected (due to boundary effects) and are therefore used in the strength assessment. If
approximations have to be made, do so only in the two end-tanks.
v) It is important to consider the relative stiffness between associated structural members and their
anticipated response under the specified loading.
vi) Bottom transverses in single-hull vessels and double bottom floors in double-hull vessels usually
have high restraint at the ends, and therefore require an adequate mesh to achieve reasonable

13 Loading Conditions

13.1 Combined Load Cases and Loading Pattern

The standard combined load cases as specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C with the corresponding
loading pattern specified in 5A-3-2/3.1 FIGURE 1A are to be used in the FE analysis.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

13.3 Sloshing Load Cases

In assessing the strength of tank boundary supporting structures, the two combined load cases as specified
in 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 2 with the corresponding loading pattern specified in 5A-3-2/11 FIGURE 18 are to
be considered in the FE analysis.

13.5 Target Hull Girder Vertical Bending Moment and Vertical Shear Force (1 July 2012)
13.5.1 Hull Girder Vertical Bending Moment
The hull girder vertical bending moment is to reach the following required target value, Mv − targ ,
which is a combination of the rule-required still water bending moment and the wave- induced
vertical bending moment, at a section within the length of the middle tank of the three tanks FE

Mv − targ = Msw + kukcβVBMMwv

Msw = still water bending moment to be applied to the FE load case, as specified in
3-2-1/3.7 of the Marine Vessel Rules
Mwv = vertical wave bending moment for the dynamic load case under consideration,
calculated in accordance with 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules
βVBM = ESF for vertical bending moments as defined in 5A-3-A1/3
ku = load factor, is taken as 1.0 as specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C and
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
kc = correlation factor, is taken value as specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C and
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3

13.5.2 Hull Girder Vertical Shear Force

The hull girder vertical shear force is to reach the following required Ftarg value at the forward
transverse bulkhead position of the middle tank. The target hull girder vertical shear force is a
combination of the rule-required still water shear force and the wave-induced vertical shear force:

Ftarg = Fsw + kukcβVSFFwv


Fsw = vertical still water shear force to be applied to the FE load case, as specified in
3-2-1/3.9 of the Marine Vessel Rules
Fwv = vertical wave shear force for the dynamic load case under consideration, calculated in
accordance with 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules
βVSF = ESF for vertical shear force as defined in 5A-3-A1/3

ku = load factor, is taken as 1.0 as specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C and 5A-3-2/5.7

kc = correlation factor, is taken value as specified in 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C and
5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3
13.5.3 Balance of Hull Girder Bending Moment and Shear Force
The required target values of hull girder vertical bending moment and shear force are to be
achieved in the same load case where required by 5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C and 5A-3-2/5.7

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

TABLE 3. The procedure to apply the required shear force and bending moment distributions is
described in 5A-3-A4/15.1.

13.7 Target Hull Girder Horizontal Wave Bending Moment (1 July 2012)
The hull girder horizontal wave bending moment at a section within the length of the middle tank of the
three tanks FE model is to reach the target value required by the dynamic load case where required by
5A-3-2/Tables 1A through 1C and 5A-3-2/5.7 TABLE 3, calculated in accordance with 5A-3-2/7.3.2.

The procedure to adjust the required hull girder horizontal bending moment is described in 5A-3-A4/15.1.

15 Procedure to Adjust Hull Girder Shear Force and Bending Moment

15.1 General (1 July 2012)

The procedure described in this Subsection is to be applied to adjust the hull girder horizontal bending
moment, vertical shear force and vertical bending moment distributions on the three cargo tanks FE model
to achieve the required target values.

Vertical distributed loads are applied to each frame position, together with a vertical bending moment
applied to the model ends to produce the required target value of vertical shear force at the forward
bulkhead of the middle tank of the FE model, and the required target value of vertical bending moment at a
section within the length of the middle tank of the FE model. The required target values are specified in

A horizontal bending moment is applied to the ends of the model to produce the required target value of
horizontal bending moment at a section within the length of the middle tank of the FE model. The required
values are specified in 5A-3-A4/13.7.

15.3 Shear Force and Bending Moment due to Local Loads

15.3.1 Vertical Shear Forces
The vertical shear forces generated by the local loads are to be calculated at the transverse
bulkhead positions of the middle tank of the FE model. The vertical bending moment distribution
generated by the local loads is to be calculated along the length of the middle tank of the three
cargo tank FE model. The FE model can be used to calculate the shear forces and bending
moments. Alternatively, a simple beam model representing the length of the 3-tank FE model with
simply supported ends may be used to determine the shear force and bending moment values.

15.3.2 Horizontal Bending Moment Distribution

For beam and oblique sea conditions, the horizontal bending moment distribution due to dynamic
sea pressure and dynamic tank pressure is to be calculated along the length of the middle tank of
the FE model.

15.3.3 Local Loads

The following local loads are to be applied for the calculation of hull girder shear forces and
bending moments:

i) Ship structural weight distribution over the length of the 3-tank model (static loads).
Where a simple beam model is used, the weight of the structure of each tank can be
distributed evenly over the length of the cargo tank. The structural weight is to be
calculated based on a thickness of the net scantlings to be considered as used in the
construction of the cargo tank FE model, see 5A-3-A4/3.
ii) Weight of cargo and ballast (static loads)
iii) Static sea pressure and dynamic wave pressure

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

iv) Dynamic tank pressure

15.5 Procedure to Adjust Vertical Shear Force Distribution to Target Values (1 July 2012)
15.5.1 Adjustment in Shear Forces at Transverse Bulkhead Positions
The required adjustment in shear forces at the transverse bulkhead positions (∆ Qaft and ∆ Qfwd as
shown in 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 6) are to be generated by applying vertical load at the frame
positions as shown in 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 7. It is to be noted that vertical correction loads
are not to be applied to any transverse tight bulkheads, any frames forward of the forward tank and
any frames aft of the aft tank of the FE model. The sum of the total vertical correction loads
applied is equal to zero.

15.5.2 Adjustment in Shear Forces at Aft and Forward Transverse Bulkheads of Middle Tank of FE
The required adjustments in shear forces at the aft and forward transverse bulkheads of the middle
tank of the FE model in order to generate the required target shear forces at the bulkheads are
given by:

ΔQaft = – Qtarg – Qaft

ΔQfwd = Qtarg – Qfwd


ΔQaft = required adjustment in shear force at aft bulkhead of middle tank

ΔQfwd = required adjustment in shear force at forward bulkhead of the middle tank
Qtarg = required shear force value to be achieved at forward bulkhead of middle tank, see
Qaft = shear force due to local loads at aft bulkhead of middle tank
Qfwd = shear force due to local loads at fore bulkhead of middle tank

15.5.3 Vertical Loads to be Applied to Each Frame

The value of the vertical loads to be applied to each frame to generate the increase in shear force
at the bulkheads may be calculated using a simple beam model. For the case where a uniform
frame spacing is used within each tank, the amount of vertical force to be distributed at each frame
may be calculated in accordance with the equations below. The length and frame spacing of
individual cargo tanks may be different.

∆ Qaft 2ℓ − ℓ2 − ℓ3 + ∆ Qfwd ℓ2 + ℓ3
δw1 = n1 − 1 2ℓ − ℓ1 − 2ℓ2 − ℓ3

W1 + W3 ∆ Qaft − ∆ Qfwd
δw2 = n2 − 1
= n2 − 1

− ∆ Qfwd 2ℓ − ℓ1 − ℓ2 − ∆ Qaft ℓ1 + ℓ2
δw3 = n3 − 1 2ℓ − ℓ1 − 2ℓ2 − ℓ3

W1 ℓ2 + ℓ1 − W3 ℓ2 + ℓ3
F = 0.5 ℓ


ℓ1 = length of aft cargo tank of model

ℓ2 = length of middle cargo tank of model

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

ℓ3 = length of forward cargo tank of model

∆ Qaft = required adjustment in shear force at aft bulkhead of middle tank, see 5A-3-
A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 6
ΔQfwd = required adjustment in shear force at fore bulkhead of middle tank, see 5A-3-
A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 6
F = end reactions due to application of vertical loads to frames.
W1 = total evenly distributed vertical load applied to aft tank of FE model
= (n1 – 1)δw1
W2 = total evenly distributed vertical load applied to middle tank of FE model
= (n2 – 1)δw2
W3 = total evenly distributed vertical load applied to forward tank of FE model
= (n3 – 1)δw3
n1 = number of frame spaces in aft cargo tank of FE model
n2 = number of frame spaces in middle cargo tank of FE model
n3 = number of frame spaces in forward cargo tank of FE model
δw1 = distributed load at frame in aft cargo tank of FE model
δw2 = distributed load at frame in middle cargo tank of FE model
δw3 = distributed load at frame in forward cargo tank of FE model
Δℓend = distance between end bulkhead of aft cargo tank to aft end of FE model
Δℓfore = distance between fore bulkhead of forward cargo tank to forward end of FE model
ℓ = total length of FE model (beam) including portions beyond end bulkheads:
= ℓ1 + ℓ2 + ℓ3 + Δℓend + Δℓfore


1) Positive direction of loads, shear forces and adjusting vertical forces in the formulae is in accordance
with 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 6 and 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 7.

2) W1 + W3 = W2

15.5.4 Adjusting Load to be Applied to Structural Parts of Transverse Frames

The amount of adjusting load to be applied to the structural parts of each transverse frame section
to generate the vertical load, δwi, is to be in accordance with 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 8. This
load is to be distributed at the finite element grid points of the structural parts. Where 4-node or 3-
node finite plate elements are used, the load to be applied at each grid point of a plate element is
given by:
0 . 5Ai − elem
Fi − grid = As Fs


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Fi − grid = load to be applied to the i-th FE grid point on the individual structural member
under consideration (i.e., side shell, longitudinal bulkheads and bottom girders,
inner hull longitudinal bulkheads, hopper plates, upper slope plates of inner hull
and outboard girders as defined in 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 8)
Ai − elem = sectional area of each plate element in the individual structural member under
consideration (see 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 8), which is connected to the i-th grid
n = number of plate elements connected to the i-th grid point
Fs = total load applied to an individual structural member under consideration, as
specified in 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 8
As = plate sectional area of the individual structural member under consideration (i.e.,
side shell, longitudinal bulkheads, bottom girders, inner hull longitudinal
bulkheads, hopper plates, upper slope plates of inner hull and outboard girders as
defined in 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 FIGURE 8)

Position of Target Shear Force and Required Shear Force Adjustment at
Transverse Bulkhead Positions (December 2008)

Condition Target Aft Bhd Fore Bhd

BM SF Bhd SF ∆ Qaft SF ΔQfwd


–Qtarg Qtarg Qtarg –

Hog –ve Fore –Qtarg
– Qaft (–ve) Qfwd

–Qtarg Qtarg Qtarg –

Hog –ve Fore –Qtarg
– Qaft (–ve) Qfwd

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

–Qtarg Qtarg Qtarg –

Sag +ve Fore –Qtarg
– Qaft (+ve) Qfwd

–Qtarg Qtarg Qtarg –

Sag +ve Fore –Qtarg
– Qaft (+ve) Qfwd

Note For definition of symbols, see 5A-3-A4/15.5.2.

Distribution of Adjusting Vertical Force at Frames and Resulting Shear
Force Distributions (December 2008)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Shear Force distribution due to adjusting vertical force at frames

Note For definition of symbols, see 5A-3-A4/15.5.3.

Distribution of Adjusting Load on a Transverse Section (December 2008)

Structural Member Applied Load Fs

Side Shell f · δwi

Longitudinal bulkhead including bottom girder f · δwi

Inner hull longitudinal bulkhead (vertical part) f · δwi · AIℎ

Hopper plate AHp

f · δwi · A

Upper slope plating of inner hull AUsp

f · δwi · A

Outboard girder AOg

f · δwi · A

δwi = vertical load to be applied to each transverse frame section, see 5A-3-A4/15.5.3
f = shear force distribution factor of structural part calculated at the mid-tank position in accordance with 5A-3-
A4/15.5.4 TABLE 1
AIℎ = plate sectional area of individual inner hull longitudinal bulkhead
AHp = plate sectional area of individual hopper plate
AUsp = Plate sectional area of individual upper slope plate of inner hull
AOg = plate sectional area of individual outboard girder
A2 = plate sectional area calculated in accordance with 5A-3-A4/15.5.4 TABLE 1

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Notes 1) Adjusting load is to be applied in plane to the hopper slope plate and upper slope plate of
inner hull.

2) Adjusting load given is to be applied to individual structural member.

Shear Force Distribution Factors (December 2008)

Side Shell f = 0 . 055 + 0 . 097 A1 + 0 . 020 A2
2 3

Inner hull A A
f = 0 . 193 − 0 . 059 A1 + 0 . 058 A2
2 3

CL longitudinal A A
f = 0 . 504 − 0 . 076 A1 − 0 . 156 A2
bulkhead 2 3

Side Shell f = 0 . 028 + 0 . 087 A1 + 0 . 023 A2
2 3

Inner hull f = 0 . 119 − 0 . 038 A1 + 0 . 072 A2
2 3

Longitudinal A A
f = 0 . 353 − 0 . 049 A1 − 0 . 095 A2
bulkhead 2 3

A1 = plate sectional area of individual side shell (i.e., on one side), including bilge
A2 = plate sectional area of individual inner hull longitudinal bulkhead (i.e., on one side), including hopper slope
plate, double bottom side girder in way and, where fitted, upper slope plating of inner hull.
A3 = plate sectional area of individual longitudinal bulkhead, including double bottom girder in way

Notes 1) Where part of the structural member is not vertical, the area is to be calculated using the
projected area in the vertical direction.

2) All plate areas are to be calculated based on the modeled thickness of the cargo tank FE

15.7 Procedure to Adjust Vertical and Horizontal Bending Moments to Target Values (1 July
15.7.1 End Vertical Bending Moment
An additional vertical bending moment is to be applied at both ends of the cargo tank finite
element model to generate the required target vertical bending moment in the middle tank of the
model. This end vertical bending moment can be calculated as follows:

Mv − end = Mv − targ − Mv − peak


Mv − end = additional vertical bending moment to be applied at both ends of finite element
Mv − targ = required target hogging (positive) or sagging (negative) vertical bending moment,
as specified in 5A-3-A4/13.5.1

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Mv − peak = maximum or minimum bending moment within the length of the middle tank due
to the local loads described in 5A-3-A4/15.3.3 and the additional vertical loads
applied to generate the required shear force, see 5A-3-A4/15.5. Mv − peak is to be
taken as the maximum bending moment if Mv − targ is hogging (positive) and as
the minimum bending moment if Mv − targ is sagging (negative). Mv − peak can be
obtained from FE analysis. Alternatively, Mv − peak may be calculated as follows
based on a simply supported beam model:
= max{Mo + xF + Mlineload}
Mo = vertical bending moment at position x, due to the local loads described in 5A-3-
Mlineload = vertical bending moment at position x, due to application of vertical line loads at
frames to generate required shear force, see 5A-3-A4/15.5
F = reaction force at ends due to application of vertical loads to frames, see 5A-3-
x = longitudinal position of frame in way of the middle tank of FE model from end,
see 5A-3-A4/15.5
15.7.2 End Horizontal Bending Moment
For beam and oblique sea load cases, an additional horizontal bending moment is to be applied at
the ends of the cargo tank FE model to generate the required target horizontal bending moment at
a section within the length of the middle tank of the model. The additional horizontal bending
moment can be calculated as follows:

Mℎ − end = Mℎ − targ − Mℎ − peak


Mℎ − end = additional horizontal bending moment to be applied to ends of FE model

Mℎ − targ = required positive or negative target horizontal bending moment, see 5A-3-A4/13.7

Mℎ − peak = maximum or minimum horizontal bending momentwithin the length of the middle
tank due to the local loads described in 5A-3-A4/15.3.3. Mℎ − peak is to be taken
as the maximum horizontal bending moment if Mℎ − targ is positive (starboard
side in tension) and as the minimum horizontal bending moment if Mℎ − targ is
negative (port side in tension).
15.7.3 Application of End Bending Moments to Achieve Target Values
The vertical and horizontal bending moments are to be calculated over the length of the middle
tank of the FE model to identify the position and value of each maximum/minimum bending
moment as specified in 5A-3-A4/15.7.1 and 5A-3-A4/15.7.2.

The additional vertical bending moment,Mv − end, and horizontal bending moment, Mℎ − end, are
to be applied to both ends of the cargo tank model.

The vertical and horizontal bending moments may be applied at the model ends by distributing
axial nodal forces to all longitudinal elements according to the simple beam theory as follows:

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Mv − end Ai for vertical bending moment

Fx i = Iz ni yi

Mℎ − end Ai for horizontal bending moment

Fx i = Iy ni zi


Mv − end = vertical bending moment to be applied to the ends of the model

Mℎ − end = horizontal bending moment to be applied to the ends of the model

Fx i = axial force applied to a node of the i-th element

Iz = hull girder vertical moment of inertial of the end section about its horizontal
neutral axis
Iy = hull girder horizontal moment of inertial of the end section about its vertical
neutral axis (normally centerline)
yi = vertical distance from the neutral axis to the center of the cross sectional area of
the i-th element
zi = horizontal distance from the neutral axis to the center of the cross sectional area of
the i-th element
Ai = cross sectional area of the i-th element
ni = number of nodal points of i-th element on the cross section, ni = 2 for 4-node
plate element

17 Boundary Conditions

17.1 General (1 July 2012)

All boundary conditions described in this Subsection are in accordance with the global co-ordinate system
defined in 5A-3-A4/7. The boundary conditions to be applied at the ends of the cargo tank FE model are
given in 5A-3-A4/17.1 TABLE 2. The analysis may be carried out by applying all loads to the model as a
complete load case or by combining the stress responses resulting from several separate sub-cases.

Ground spring elements (i.e., spring elements with one end constrained in all 6 degrees of freedom) with
stiffness in global z degree of freedom are to be applied to the grid points along deck, inner bottom and
bottom shell as shown in 5A-3-A4/17.1 FIGURE 9

Ground spring elements with stiffness in global y degree of freedom are to be applied to the grid points
along the vertical part of the side shells, inner hull longitudinal bulkheads and oil-tight longitudinal
bulkheads as shown in 5A-3-A4/17.1 FIGURE 9

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Spring Constraints at Model Ends (December 2008)

Boundary Constraints at Model Ends (2015)

Translation Rotation
δx δy δz θx θy θz

Aft End

Aft end (all longitudinal elements) RL – – – RL RL

Independent point aft end, see 5A3-A4/Figure 9 Fix – – – Mℎ − end Mv − end

Deck, inner bottom and outer shell – – Springs – – –

Side, inner skin and longitudinal bulkheads – Springs – – – –

Fore End

Fore end (all longitudinal elements) RL – – – RL RL

Independent point fore end, see 5A3-A4/Figure

– – – – Mℎ − end Mv − end

Deck, inner bottom and outer shell – – Springs – – –

Side, inner skin and longitudinal bulkheads – Springs – – – –


– No constraint applied (free)

RL Nodal points of all longitudinal elements rigidly linked to independent point at neutral axis on centerline

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

1 All translation and rotation displacements are in accordance with the global coordinate system defined in 5A-3-
2 Where Mℎ − end is not applied, the independent points at the fore and aft ends are to be free in θy.

3 Where Mv − end is not applied, the independent points at the fore and aft ends are to be free in θz.

4 Where no bending moment is applied, the independent points at the fore and aft ends are to be free in θy and θz.

5 Where bending moment is applied as nodal forces, the independent points at the fore and aft ends are to be free in
the corresponding degree of freedom of rotations (i.e., θy and/or θz).

17.3 Calculation of Spring Stiffness

The springs are typically represented by rod elements, having only axial stiffness. The stiffness is
equivalent to the support given to the considered end bulkhead by the cutout longitudinal structural
members. The resulting cross-sectional can be determined by the following formula:

1 Asℓ A ℓ
A= 1 + v ℓtkn = 0 . 77 ℓ s n     cm2    


A = cross-sectional area of the bar, in cm2

As = shearing area of the individual structural member under consideration (i.e., plating of deck,
inner bottom, bottom shell, side shell, inner hull longitudinal bulkheads or oil-tight
longitudinal bulkhead). As is to be calculated based on the thickness of the cargo tank finite
element model for areas indicated in 5A-3-A4/17.3 TABLE 3 for the appropriate structural
member under consideration, in cm2
v = Poisson's ratio of the material, taken as 0.3
ℓtk = length of cargo tank, between bulkheads of the middle tank of the FE model, in cm
n = number of nodal points to which the spring elements are applied to the structural member
under consideration
ℓ = length of the bar, in cm

The bar area A is determined by a given bar length ℓ, which can be any value. In practice, however, all
values of ℓ in the finite element model are conveniently chosen to be the same round figure, for example,
equal to 100 cm.

One end of the rod is to be constrained in all six degrees of freedom.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

Shear Areas to be Considered for the Calculation of Spring Stiffness
(December 2008)

Vertical springs

Area of side shell plating,

including bilge

Inner hull longitudinal Area of inner skin plating,

bulkheads including hopper slope plate
and double bottom side
girder in way

Longitudinal bulkheads Area of longitudinal

bulkhead plating, including
double bottom girder in way
Where part of the structural member is not vertical, the area
is to be calculated using the projected area in the vertical

Horizontal springs

Deck Area of deck plating

Inner bottom Area of inner bottom plating,

including hopper slope plate
and horizontal stringer in

Bottom shell Area of bottom shell plating,

including bilge
Where part of the structural member is not horizontal the
area is to be calculated using the projected area in the
horizontal direction.

19 Validation of 3-D Global Response

19.1 Correlation with Beam Theory

It has been shown that the primary hull girder bending stress and deflection obtained by the finite element
analysis are in good agreement with classical beam theory results, even with the open deck configuration
of the hull girder. In order to verify that proper modeling of the hull structure has been made, and that
appropriate loading and boundary conditions have been imposed on the model, it is useful to compare the
results with that obtained by beam theory. The check is usually carried out for the vertical bending moment
since it is the most predominate bending moment and for which a high proportion of the hull girder section
modulus is used.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

The comparison is to be made in areas where local loads have minimal effects and also at the minimum
section modulus, i.e., mid-hold. The best correlation is obtained at the deck at side where the section
modulus is calculated for and also has the minimum effect of local loading.

Because of secondary bending, shear lag, or stresses due to alternate hold or upper wing ballast loading,
some variation in hull girder bending stresses can be expected between the resultant FEA stresses as
compared to classical beam theory stresses.

19.3 Additional Remarks

When comparison of hull girder stresses shows good correlation with beam theory, it can be concluded that
the overall response of the finite element model to applied loads is correct.

However, it is still possible that at some local areas of the model, stress levels and deflections are not
consistent with the applied loading. A large-scale local deflection display of the questionable area will
usually provide some clues as to the cause for such unreasonable results. If it is a problem of element
connectivity, the display will clearly show a separation of adjoining members. Certainly, errors in element
properties are always a possibility, and can be easily checked in the appropriate display of the model.

In general, the experienced or knowledgeable user should be able to predict the structural behavior and
stress level distributions under the specified loading. There will be logical conclusions for any variance in
the predicted stress and deformation patterns of the finite element model.

If possible, before starting the structural analysis, the engineer is to take the time to review previously-
performed structural analyses on similar installations, in order to better visualize the analysis procedures
and resultant structural response.

21 Detailed Stress Assessment – Local FEA

21.1 General
21.1.1 Application
This Subsection describes the procedure for the detailed stress assessment with refined meshes to
evaluate highly stressed areas of primary supporting members.

21.3 Analysis Model

21.3.1 Areas to be Refined
Where the global cargo hold analysis is carried out using a model complying with the modeling
criteria of this Appendix, the areas listed in 5A-3-A4/21.3.1 TABLE 4 are to be refined at the
locations whose calculated stresses exceed 95% of the allowable stress as specified in 5A-3-4/3.3.

Typical Details to be Refined (December 2008)

● Critical Areas in Transverse Web Frame

● Critical Areas in Horizontal Girders on Transverse Bulkhead
● Critical Areas of Buttress Structure

21.3.2 Refining Method

Two methods can be used for refining the high stressed areas:

● Detailed stresses in refined areas can be analyzed by separate sub-models.

● Refined areas can be directly included in FE model used for the global cargo hold analysis.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 3 Structural Design Requirements
Appendix 4 Finite Element Analysis for Ship-Type Installations (2014) 5A-3-A4

21.3.3 Modeling
21.3.3(a) Element Type. Each structural member is to be modeled by using proper element type for
the structure in accordance with the principle in this guidance.

21.3.3(b) Mesh. The element size in refined areas is to be approximately one fourth of the
representative spacing of ordinary stiffeners in the corresponding area (i.e., 200 × 200 mm mesh
size for structures whose ordinary stiffener spacing is 800 mm). In addition, the web height of
primary supporting members is to be divided at least into 3 elements.

The aspect ratio of element is not to exceed 3. Quad elements are to have 90° angles as much as
practicable, or to have angles between 45° and 135°.

21.3.3(c) Extent of Sub-model. The minimum extent of sub-model is to be such that the boundaries
of the sub-model correspond to the locations of adjacent supporting members.

21.3.4 Loading Conditions

Loading conditions, which are applied to the 3-D FE model for the global cargo hold analysis, are
to be considered in the detailed stress assessment.

21.3.5 Boundary Conditions

Nodal forces or nodal displacements obtained from the global cargo hold analysis are to be
applied to the sub-models. Where nodal forces are given, the supporting members located at the
boundaries of a sub-model are to be included in the sub-model. Where nodal displacements are
given and additional nodes are provided in sub-models, nodal displacements at the additional
nodes are to be determined by proper interpolations.

21.5 Analysis Criteria

21.5.1 Allowable Stress (1 July 2012)
Von Mises equivalent stresses in plate elements and axial stresses in line elements within refined
areas are not to exceed the allowable stresses defined in 5A-3-A4/13.3.

23 Fatigue Assessment – Fatigue FEA (1 July 2009)

23.1 General
23.1.1 Application
The Hot Spot Stresses are to be calculated based on the method specified in Appendix 5A-3-A2
for the critical details addressed in 5A-3-4/13 for fatigue evaluation.

Detailed description of fatigue assessment (e.g., loading conditions, acceptance criteria, S-N
curve, etc.) is also specified in Appendix 5A-3-A2.


CHAPTER 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492
feet) in Length

SECTION 1 Introduction...................................................................................... 449
1 General ...................................................................................... 449
1.1 Classification (1 September 2007).................................449
1.3 Application (1995)..........................................................449
1.5 Detail Design of Internal Members................................ 449
1.7 Breaks............................................................................450
1.9 Variations....................................................................... 450
1.11 Loading Guidance..........................................................450
1.13 Higher-strength Materials.............................................. 450
1.15 Pressure-Vacuum Valve Setting (1993)......................... 450
1.17 Protection of Structure................................................... 450
1.19 Aluminum Paint..............................................................450
1.21 Tank Design Pressures (1993)...................................... 450
3 Special Requirements for Deep Loading (2003).........................451
3.1 Machinery Casings........................................................ 451
3.3 Access (1998)................................................................451
3.5 Hatchways..................................................................... 451
3.7 Freeing Arrangements................................................... 451
3.9 Flooding (2003)..............................................................451
3.11 Ventilators (2003)...........................................................451
5 Arrangement (1994)....................................................................451
5.1 Subdivision.................................................................... 452
5.3 Cofferdams.................................................................... 452
5.5 Gastight Bulkheads........................................................452
5.7 Cathodic Protection (1996)............................................ 452
5.9 Ports in Pump Room Bulkheads....................................453
5.11 Location of Cargo Oil Tank Openings............................ 453
5.13 Structural Fire Protection............................................... 453
5.15 Allocation of Spaces (1994)...........................................453
5.17 Access to Upper Parts of Ballast Tanks on Double
Hull Ship-Type Installations (1993)................................ 453
5.19 Access to All Spaces in the Cargo Area (1 October
5.21 Duct Keels or Pipe Tunnels in Double Bottom (2000)... 454
5.23 Ventilation (1996)...........................................................454
5.25 Pumping Arrangements................................................. 454
5.27 Electrical Equipment (2004)...........................................454

5.29 Testing........................................................................... 454
5.31 Machinery Spaces......................................................... 454

SECTION 2 Hull Structure................................................................................... 455

1 Hull Girder Strength ................................................................... 455
1.1 Normal-strength Standard............................................. 455
1.3 Still-water Bending Moment Calculations...................... 455
3 Shell Plating ...............................................................................455
3.1 Amidships...................................................................... 455
3.3 Sheer Strake..................................................................457
3.5 Keel Plate...................................................................... 457
3.7 Flat of Bottom Forward (2002).......................................457
3.9 Plating Outside Midship 0.4 L........................................ 457
3.11 Installations under 76 m (250 ft).................................... 457
3.13 Bilge Keels.....................................................................457
5 Deck Plating ...............................................................................457
5.1 Amidships...................................................................... 457
5.3 Installations under 76 m (250 ft).................................... 458
7 Bulkhead Plating ........................................................................458
7.1 Plating Thickness...........................................................458
9 Long or Wide Tanks ................................................................... 458
9.1 Oiltight Bulkheads..........................................................458
9.3 Nontight Bulkheads........................................................459
11 Double Bottom Structure ........................................................... 459
11.1 General.......................................................................... 459
11.3 Floors and Girders......................................................... 459
11.5 Inner Bottom.................................................................. 459
11.7 Inner-bottom Longitudinals............................................ 459
11.9 Bottom Longitudinals..................................................... 459
13 Deep Supporting Members ........................................................460
13.1 General.......................................................................... 460
13.3 Section Modulus............................................................ 460
13.5 Local Loading Conditions.............................................. 461
13.7 Web Portion of Members............................................... 462
13.9 Proportions.................................................................... 463
13.11 Brackets.........................................................................463
13.13 Stiffeners and Tripping Brackets....................................463
13.15 Slots and Lightening Holes............................................ 464
13.17 Struts (1994).................................................................. 464
15 Frames, Beams and Bulkhead Stiffeners .................................. 465
15.1 Arrangement.................................................................. 465
15.3 Structural Sections.........................................................465
15.5 Bilge Longitudinals.........................................................467

15.7 Installations under 76 m (250 ft).................................... 467
17 Structure at Ends ....................................................................... 467

TABLE 1 Values of q for Ordinary Strength Steel..............................470

TABLE 2 Minimum Thickness for Web Portions of Members............470

FIGURE 1 Coefficients and Lengths for Transverses..........................468

FIGURE 2 Lengths with Brackets........................................................ 469
FIGURE 3 Spans of Members and Effective Lengths or Heights of
Brackets............................................................................. 470

SECTION 3 Cargo Oil and Associated Systems............................................... 472

APPENDIX 1 Hull Girder Shear Strength for Ship-Type Installations (2013).... 473
1 Introduction................................................................................. 473
3 Allowable Still-water Shearing Force.......................................... 473
3.1 Considering the Side Shell Plating................................ 473
3.3 Considering Various Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating...... 473
3.5 Reduction for Local Loads............................................. 474
5 Distribution Factors.....................................................................475
5.1 For Installations Having Two Longitudinal Bulkheads... 475
5.3 For Installations Having Three Longitudinal Bulkheads.475

FIGURE 1 Center Tank Region........................................................... 476


CHAPTER 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492
feet) in Length

SECTION 1 Introduction

1 General

1.1 Classification (1 September 2007)

See Section 1-1-2 of these Rules.

1.3 Application (1995)

1.3.1 Structural Arrangement
The requirements contained in this section are intended to apply to longitudinally framed, all-
welded tank installations having proportions in accordance with 3-1-2/7 of the Marine Vessel
Rules, machinery aft and two or more continuous longitudinal bulkheads. Where the arrangement
differs from that described, the scantlings may require adjustment to provide equivalent strength.

1.3.2 Installations of Similar Type and Arrangement (December 2008)

The requirements are also intended to apply to other installations of similar type and arrangement.

Double hull ship-type installation : A monohull having full depth wing water ballast tanks or other
non-cargo spaces and full-breadth double bottom water ballast tanks or other non-cargo spaces
within cargo area to prevent liquid cargo outflow in stranding/collision. The size and capacity of
these wing/double bottom tanks or spaces are to comply with MARPOL 73/78 and national
Regulations, as applicable.

Double side, single bottom ship-type installation: A monohull having full depth wing water ballast
tanks or other non-cargo spaces and single bottom structure.

Single hull ship-type installation: A monohull that does not have double side and double bottom
spaces fitting the definition of Double hull ship-type installation.

1.3.3 Engineering Analysis

It is recommended that compliance with the following requirements be accomplished through a
detailed investigation of the magnitude and distribution of the imposed longitudinal and transverse
forces by using an acceptable method of engineering analysis. The following paragraphs are to be
used as a guide in determining scantlings. Where it can be shown that the calculated stresses using
the loading conditions specified in 5A-4-2/13.5 are less than those stated to be permissible,
consideration will be given to scantlings alternative to those recommended by this Section.

1.5 Detail Design of Internal Members

The detail design of internals is to follow the guidance given in 3-1-2/15 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

See also Appendix 5A-3-A2, “Fatigue Strength Assessment of Ship-Type Installations”.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 1 Introduction 5A-4-1

1.7 Breaks
Special care is to be taken throughout the structure to provide against local stresses at the ends of the oil
spaces, superstructures, etc. The main longitudinal bulkheads are to be suitably tapered at their ends, and
effective longitudinal bulkheads in the poop are to be located to provide effective continuity between the
structure in way of and beyond the main cargo spaces. Where the break of a superstructure lies within the
midship 0.5L, the required shell and deck scantlings for the midship 0.4L may be required to be extended
to effect a gradual taper of structure, and the deck stringer plate and sheer strake are to be increased. See
5A-4-2/3.3 and 5A-4-2/5.1. Where the breaks of the forecastle or poop are appreciably beyond the midship
0.5L, the requirements of 5A-4-2/3.3 and 5A-4-2/5.1 may be modified.

1.9 Variations
Ship-type installations of special type or design differing from those described in the following will be
specially considered on the basis of equivalent strength.

1.11 Loading Guidance

Loading guidance is to be as required by 3-2-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

1.13 Higher-strength Materials

In general, applications of higher-strength materials for installations intended to carry oil in bulk are to
meet the requirements of this section, but may be modified generally as outlined in the following Sections:

● Section 3-2-4 of the Marine Vessel Rules for longitudinals

● Section 3-2-7 of the Marine Vessel Rules for longitudinals
● Subsection 3-2-8/9.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules for deep longitudinal members
● Section 3-2-10 of the Marine Vessel Rules for bulkhead plating
● Section 3-2-2 of the Marine Vessel Rules for shell plating
● Section 3-2-3 of the Marine Vessel Rules for deck plating

In such cases, the allowable shearing stresses will be specially considered.

1.15 Pressure-Vacuum Valve Setting (1993)

Where pressure-vacuum valves of cargo oil tanks are set at a pressure in excess of the pressure appropriate
to the length of the installation [see 5C-1-7/11.11.2 of the Marine Vessel Rules], the tank scantlings will be
specially considered. Particular attention is to be given to a higher pressure setting of pressure-vacuum
valves as may be required for the efficient operation of cargo vapor emission control systems, where

1.17 Protection of Structure

For the protection of structure, see 3-2-18/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

1.19 Aluminum Paint

Paint containing aluminum is not to be used in cargo tanks, on tank decks in way of cargo tanks, in pump
rooms and cofferdams, or in any other area where cargo vapor may accumulate, unless it has been shown
by appropriate tests that the paint to be used does not increase the fire hazard.

1.21 Tank Design Pressures (1993)

The requirements of this section are for tanks intended for the carriage of liquid cargoes with specific
gravities not greater than 1.05. Where the specific gravity is greater than 1.05, the design heads, h, are to
be increased by the ratio of specific gravity to 1.05. See also 5C-1-7/11 of the Marine Vessel Rules with
regard to pressure-vacuum valve setting and liquid level control.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 1 Introduction 5A-4-1

3 Special Requirements for Deep Loading (2003)

Where an installation is intended to operate at the minimum freeboard allowed by the International
Convention on Load Lines, 1966, for Type-A installations, the conditions in 5A-4-1/3.1 through
5A-4-1/3.9 are to be complied with.

3.1 Machinery Casings

Machinery casings are normally to be protected by an enclosed poop or bridge, or by a deckhouse of
equivalent strength. The height of such structure is to be at least 1.8 m (5.9 ft) for installations up to and
including 75 m (246 ft) in length, and 2.3 m (7.5 ft) for installations 125 m (410 ft) or more in length. The
minimum height at intermediate lengths is to be obtained by interpolation. The bulkheads at the forward
ends of these structures are to be of not less scantlings than required for bridge-front bulkheads. (See
3-2-11/3 of the Marine Vessel Rules) Machinery casings may be exposed, provided that they are specially
stiffened and there are no openings giving direct access from the freeboard deck to the machinery space. A
door complying with the requirements of 3-2-11/5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules may, however, be
permitted in the exposed machinery casing, provided that it leads to a space or passageway which is as
strongly constructed as the casing and is separated from the engine room by a second door complying with
3-2-11/5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules. The sill of the exterior door is not to be less than 600 mm (23.5 in.),
and of the second door not less than 230 mm (9 in.).

3.3 Access (1998)

Satisfactory arrangements are to be provided to safeguard the crew in reaching all parts used in the
necessary work of the installation. See 3-2-17/3 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

3.5 Hatchways
Exposed hatchways on the freeboard and forecastle decks or on the tops of expansion trunks are to be
provided with effective watertight covers of steel. The use of material other than steel will be subject to
special consideration.

3.7 Freeing Arrangements

Ship-type installations with bulwarks are to have open rails fitted for at least half the length of the exposed
parts of the freeboard and superstructure deck or other effective freeing arrangements. The upper edge of
the sheer strake is to be kept as low as practicable. Where superstructures are connected by trunks, open
rails are to be fitted for the whole length of the exposed parts of the freeboard deck.

3.9 Flooding (2003)

For reference only, attention is called to the requirement of the International Convention on Load Lines,
1966, that tankers over 150 m (492 ft) in freeboard length (see 3-1-1/3.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules) to
which freeboards less than those based solely on Table B are assigned must be able to withstand the
flooding of certain compartments.

3.11 Ventilators (2003)

Ventilators to spaces below the freeboard deck are to be specially stiffened or protected by superstructures
or other efficient means. See also 3-2-17/9 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5 Arrangement (1994)
The arrangements of the installation are to comply with the requirements in Annex 1 to International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, with regard to segregated ballast tanks (Regulation
13), their protective locations (Regulation 13E – where the option in Regulation 13F (4) or (5) is
exercised), collision or stranding considerations (Regulation 13F), hypothetical outflow of oil (Regulation
23), limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks (Regulation 24) and slop tanks [Regulation 15 (2)
(c)]. A valid International Oil Pollution Certificate issued by the Administration may be accepted as an
evidence for compliance with these requirements.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 1 Introduction 5A-4-1

5.1 Subdivision
The length of the tanks, location of expansion trunks, and position of longitudinal bulkheads are to be
arranged to avoid excessive dynamic stresses in the hull structure.

5.3 Cofferdams
Cofferdams, thoroughly oiltight and vented, having widths as required for ready access, are to be provided
for the separation of all cargo tanks from galleys and living quarters, general cargo spaces which are below
the uppermost continuous deck, boiler rooms, and spaces containing propulsion machinery or other
machinery where sources of ignition are normally present. Pump rooms, compartments arranged solely for
ballast and fuel-oil tanks may be considered as cofferdams in compliance with this requirement.

5.5 Gastight Bulkheads

Gastight bulkheads are to be provided for the isolation of all cargo pumps and piping from spaces
containing stoves, boilers, propulsion machinery, electric apparatus or machinery where sources of ignition
are normally present. These bulkheads are to comply with the requirements of Section 3-2-9 of the Marine
Vessel Rules.

5.7 Cathodic Protection (1996)

5.7.1 Anode Installation Plan
Where sacrificial anodes are fitted in cargo or adjacent ballast tanks, their material, disposition and
details of their attachment are to be submitted for approval.

5.7.2 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloy Anodes

Magnesium and magnesium alloy anodes are not to be used.

5.7.3 Aluminum Anodes

Aluminum anodes may be used in cargo tanks of ship-type installations, only in locations where
the potential energy does not exceed 275 N-m (28 kgf-m, 200 ft-lb). The height of the anode is to
be measured from the bottom of the tank to the center of the anode, and its weight is to be taken as
the weight of the anode as fitted, including the fitting devices and inserts.

Where aluminum anodes are located on horizontal surfaces, such as bulkhead girders and
stringers, not less than 1 m (39 in.) wide and fitted with an upstanding flange or face flat
projecting not less than 75 mm (3 in.) above the horizontal surface, the height of the anode may be
measured from this surface.

Aluminum anodes are not to be located under tank hatches or Butterworth openings unless
protected from falling metal objects by adjacent tank structure.

5.7.4 Anode Attachment

Anodes are to have steel cores sufficiently rigid to avoid resonance in the anode support and are to
be designed to retain the anode even when it is wasted.

The steel cores are to be attached to the structure by means of continuous welds at least 75 mm
(3 in.) in length. Alternatively, they may be attached to separate supports by bolting. A minimum
of two bolts with locknuts are to be used.

The supports at each end of an anode are not to be attached to items of structure which are likely
to move independently.

Anode inserts and supports welded directly to the structure are to be arranged so that the welds are
clear of stress raisers.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 1 Introduction 5A-4-1

5.9 Ports in Pump Room Bulkheads

Where fixed ports are fitted in the bulkheads between a pump room and the machinery or other safe space,
they are to maintain the gastight and watertight integrity of the bulkhead. The ports are to be effectively
protected against the possibility of mechanical damage and are to be fire resistant. Hinged port covers of
steel, having non-corrosive hinge pins and secured from the safe space side, are to be provided. The covers
are to provide strength and integrity equivalent to the unpierced bulkhead. Except where it may interfere
with the function of the port, the covers are to be secured in the closed position. The use of material other
than steel for the covers will be subject to special consideration. Lighting fixtures providing strength and
integrity equivalent to that of the port covers will be accepted as an alternative.

5.11 Location of Cargo Oil Tank Openings

Cargo oil tank openings, including those for tank cleaning, which are not intended to be secured gastight at
all times during the normal operation of the installation are not to be located in enclosed spaces. For the
purpose of this requirement, spaces open on one side only are to be considered enclosed. See also

5.13 Structural Fire Protection

The applicable requirements of Section 3-4-1 of the Marine Vessel Rules are to be complied with.

5.15 Allocation of Spaces (1994)

5.15.1 Tanks Forward of the Collision Bulkhead
Tanks forward of the collision bulkhead are not to be arranged for the carriage of oil or other
liquid substances that are flammable.

5.15.2 Double Bottom Spaces and Wing Tank Spaces

For installations of 5000 tons deadweight and above, double bottom spaces or wing tanks adjacent
to cargo oil tanks are to be allocated for water ballast or spaces other than cargo and fuel oil tanks.

5.17 Access to Upper Parts of Ballast Tanks on Double Hull Ship-Type Installations (1993)
Where the structural configuration within the ballast tank is such that it will prevent access to upper parts
of tanks for required close-up examination [see 7-3-2/5.13.3 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7)] by conventional means, such as a raft on partly filled tank, permanent means of safe
access is to be provided. The details of access are to be submitted for review.

Where horizontal girders or diaphragm plates are fitted, they may be considered as a part of permanent
access. Alternative arrangements to the above may be considered upon submission.

5.19 Access to All Spaces in the Cargo Area (1 October 1994)

Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and other spaces in the cargo area is to be direct and from
the open deck. Access to double bottom spaces may be through a cargo pump room, deep cofferdam, pipe
tunnel or similar space, provided ventilation is suitable.

For access through horizontal openings, hatches or manholes, the access is to be of a size such as to allow
a person wearing a self-contained, air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment (see 4-7-3/15.5 of the
Marine Vessel Rules) to ascend or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to provide a clear
opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured person from the bottom of the space. In general, the
minimum clear opening is not to be less than 600 mm (24 in.) by 600 mm (24 in.).

For access through vertical openings or manholes providing passage through the length and breadth of the
space, the minimum clear opening is not to be less than 600 mm (24 in.) by 800 mm (32 in.) at a height of
not more than 600 mm (24 in.) from the bottom shell plating, unless gratings or other footholds are

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 1 Introduction 5A-4-1

For installations less than 5000 tons deadweight, smaller dimensions than above may be approved,
provided that the ability to remove an injured person can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the

5.21 Duct Keels or Pipe Tunnels in Double Bottom (2000)

Duct keels or pipe tunnels are not to pass into machinery spaces. Provision is to be made for at least two
exits to the open deck, arranged at a maximum distance from each other. One of these exits may lead to the
cargo pump room, provided that it is watertight and fitted with a watertight door complying with the
requirements of 3-2-9/9.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules and in addition with the following:

i) In addition to bridge operation, the watertight door is to be capable of being closed from outside
the main pump room entrance; and
ii) A notice is to be affixed at each operating position to the effect that the watertight door is to be
kept closed during normal operations of the installation, except when access to the pipe tunnel is

For the requirements of ventilation and gas detection in duct keels or pipe tunnels, see 5C-1-7/31.7.1 of the
Marine Vessel Rules.

5.23 Ventilation (1996)

Holes are to be cut in every part of the structure where, otherwise, there might be a chance of gases being
“pocketed”. Special attention is to be paid to the effective ventilation of pump rooms and other working
spaces adjacent to the oil tanks. In general, floor plating is to be of an open type not to restrict the flow of
air. See 5C-1-7/17.1 and 5C-1-7/17.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules. Efficient means are to be provided for
clearing the oil spaces of dangerous vapors by means of artificial ventilation or steam. For the venting of
the cargo tanks, see 5C-1-7/11 and 5C-1-7/21 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.25 Pumping Arrangements

See applicable requirements in Section 5C-1-7 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.27 Electrical Equipment (2004)

See 5C-1-7/31 and 5C-1-7/33 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.29 Testing
Requirements for testing are contained in Part 3, Chapter 7 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5.31 Machinery Spaces

Machinery spaces aft are to be specially stiffened transversely. Longitudinal material at the break is also to
be specially considered to reduce concentrated stresses in this region. Longitudinal wing bulkheads are to
be incorporated with the machinery casings or with substantial accommodation bulkheads in the tween
decks and within the poop.


CHAPTER 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492
feet) in Length

SECTION 2 Hull Structure

1 Hull Girder Strength

1.1 Normal-strength Standard

The longitudinal hull girder strength is to be not less than required by the equations given in 3-2-1/3.7 and
3-2-1/3.9 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

1.3 Still-water Bending Moment Calculations

For still-water bending moment calculations, see 3-2-1/3.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

3 Shell Plating

3.1 Amidships
Shell plating within the midship 0.4L is to be of not less thickness than is required for longitudinal hull
girder strength, or than that obtained from 5A-4-2/3.1.1 through 5A-4-2/3.1.3.

3.1.1 Bottom Shell Thickness

The thickness t of the bottom shell plating is not to be less than obtained from 5A-4-2/3.1.1(a) and

t = S(L + 8 . 54)/(42L + 2318) mm
t = S(L + 28)/(42L + 7602) in.

S = frame spacing, in mm (in.), but is not to be taken as less than 88% of that given in
3-2-5/1.7 of the Marine Vessel Rules or 864 mm (34 in.), whichever is less
L = length of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)

Where the bottom hull girder section modulus SMA is greater than required by 3-2-1/3.7.1 of the
Marine Vessel Rules, and still-water bending moment calculations are submitted, the thickness of
bottom shell may be obtained from the above equation multiplied by the factor, Rb. Special
consideration will be given to installations constructed of higher-strength steel.

Rb = SMA is not to be taken less than 0.85


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

SMR hull girder section modulus required by 3-2-1/3.7.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in cm2-
m (in2-ft)
SMA = bottom hull girder section modulus of installation, in cm2-m (in2-ft), with the greater of
the bottom shell plating thickness obtained when applying Rn or Rb

t = 0 . 006s 0 . 7d + 0 . 02 L − 50 + 2 . 5 mm
t = 0 . 00331s 0 . 7d + 0 . 02 L − 164 + 0 . 1 in.

Where the bottom hull girder section modulus, SMA, is greater than required by 3-2-1/3.7.1 of the
Marine Vessel Rules, and still-water bending moment calculations are submitted, the thickness of
bottom shell may be obtained from the above equation multiplied by the factor, Rn. Special
consideration will be given to installations constructed of higher-strength steel.

Rn = fp SMR
1− +1
is not to be taken less than 0.85
σt SMA


fp = nominal permissible bending stress, in kN/cm2 (tf/cm2, Ltf/in2), as given in 3-2-1/3.7.1

of the Marine Vessel Rules
σt = KPt(s/t)2 , in kN/cm2 (tf/cm2, Ltf/in2)
K = 0.34 for longitudinal framing
Pt = (0 . 638H + d)a kN/cm2 (tf/cm2, Ltf/in2)
a = 1.005 × 10-3 (1.025 × 10-4, 1.984 × 10-4)
t = bottom shell plating thickness required by the equation in 5A-4-2/3.1.1(b) above, in
mm (in.)
H = wave parameter defined in 3-2-2/3.11.2 of the Marine Vessel Rules

SMR and SMA are as defined in 5A-4-2/3.1.1(a) and L, s and d are as defined in 5A-4-2/3.1.2(b).

SMR /SMA is not to be taken as less than 0.70.

3.1.2 Side Shell Thickness

The thickness t of the side shell plating is not to be less than obtained from 5A-4-2/3.1.2(a) and

t = 0 . 01L(6 . 5 + 21/D) mm
t = 0 . 0003937L(2 . 0 + 21/D) in.

t = 0 . 0052s 0 . 7d + 0 . 02L + 2 . 5 mm
t = 0 . 00287s 0 . 7d + 0 . 02L + 0 . 1 in.


Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

L = length of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules

d = molded draft to the summer load line, as defined 3-1-1/9 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in
m (ft)
D = molded depth, as defined in 3-1-1/7.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
s = spacing of bottom longitudinals or spacing of side longitudinals or vertical side frames,
in m (ft)
3.1.3 Shell Thickness
Where a double bottom is fitted and is not to be used for the carriage of cargo oil, the bottom shell
thickness may be in accordance with 3-2-2/3.15 of the Marine Vessel Rules, and if a double skin is
provided and is not to be used for the carriage of cargo oil, the side shell thickness may be in
accordance with 3-2-2/3.9 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

3.3 Sheer Strake

The thickness of the sheer strake is to be not less than the thickness of the side-shell plating, nor less than
required by 5A-4-2/5.1.2. The thickness is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but
this increase need not exceed 6.5 mm (0.25 in.). See 5A-4-1/1.7.

3.5 Keel Plate

The thickness of the flat plate keel is to be not less than that required for the bottom shell plating at that
location increased by 1.5 mm (0.06 in.), except where the submitted docking plan (see 3-1-2/11 of the
Marine Vessel Rules) specifies all docking blocks be arranged away from the keel.

3.7 Flat of Bottom Forward (2002)

Where the heavy weather ballast draft forward is less than 0.04L, the plating on the flat of bottom forward
of the location in 3-2-4/13 TABLE 1 of the Marine Vessel Rules is to be not less than required in 3-2-2/5 of
the Marine Vessel Rules. For this assessment, the heavy weather ballast draft forward is to be determined
by using segregated ballast tanks only.

3.9 Plating Outside Midship 0.4L

The bottom and side shell, including the sheer strake beyond the midship 0.4L, is generally to be in
accordance with the requirements of 3-2-2/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules and is to be gradually reduced
from the midship thickness to the end thickness.

3.11 Installations under 76 m (250 ft)

In installations under 76 m (250 ft) in length, the thickness of the bottom shell is to be obtained from
3-2-2/3.15 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules.

3.13 Bilge Keels

Bilge keels are to comply with 3-2-2/13 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

5 Deck Plating

5.1 Amidships
The strength deck within the midship 0.4Lis to be of not less thickness than is required to provide the deck
area necessary for longitudinal strength in accordance with 5A-4-2/1; nor is the thickness to be less than
determined by the following equations for thickness of deck plating.

t = 0 . 0016s L − 53 + 0 . 32 DL − 2 . 5     mm

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

t = 0 . 000883s L − 174 + 0 . 0126 DL − 0 . 1     in.

s 30 . 48 + L
t= 4981 + 40L           L < 150     m
s 100 + L
t= 16339 + 40L           L < 492     ft


t = plate thickness, in mm (in.)

s = spacing of deck longitudinals, in mm (in.)
L = length of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/3.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
D = molded depth, as defined in 3-1-1/7.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)

The thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but
this increase need not exceed 6.5 mm (0.25 in.). See 5A-4-1/1.7. The required deck area is to be
maintained throughout the midship 0.4Lof the installation or beyond the end of a superstructure at
or near the midship 0.4L point. From these locations to the ends of the installation, the deck area
may be gradually reduced in accordance with 3-2-1/11.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules. Where
bending moment envelope curves are used to determine the required hull girder section modulus,
the foregoing requirements for strength deck area may be modified in accordance with 3-2-1/11.3
of the Marine Vessel Rules. Where so modified, the strength deck area is to be maintained a
suitable distance from superstructure breaks and is to be extended into the superstructure to
provide adequate structural continuity.

5.3 Installations under 76 m (250 ft)

In installations under 76 m (250 ft) in length, the thickness of deck plating is to be obtained from
3-2-3/3.11 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules.

7 Bulkhead Plating

7.1 Plating Thickness

The plating is to be of not less thickness than is required for deep-tank bulkheads by 3-2-10/3 of the
Marine Vessel Rules, where h is measured from the lower edge of the plate to the top of the hatch or to a
point located 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships, whichever is greater. The upper strakes are to
be increased above these requirements to provide a proper margin for corrosion. It is recommended that the
top strake of a complete longitudinal bulkhead be not less than 9.5 mm (3 8 in.) in installations of 91.5 m
(300 ft) length, and 12.5 mm (1 2 in.) in installations of 150 m (492 ft) length, and that the strake below the
top strake be not less than 9.5 mm (3 8 in.) in installations of 122 m (400 ft) length and 10.5 mm (13 32 in.)
in installations of 150 m (492 ft) in length, with intermediate thicknesses for intermediate lengths. See also

9 Long or Wide Tanks

9.1 Oiltight Bulkheads

In installations fitted with long tanks, the scantlings of oiltight transverse bulkheads in smooth-sided tanks
are to be specially considered when the spacing between tight bulkheads, nontight bulkheads or partial
bulkhead exceeds 12 m (40 ft) in the case of corrugated-type construction, or 15 m (50 ft) in the case of
flat-plate type of construction. Special consideration is to be given to the scantlings of longitudinal oiltight
bulkheads forming the boundaries of wide tanks. Where the length of the smooth-sided tanks exceeds 0.1L

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

or the breadth exceeds 0.6B, nontight bulkheads are to be fitted, unless calculations are submitted to prove
that no resonance due to sloshing will occur in service.

Alternatively, reinforcements to the bulkheads and decks, without nontight bulkheads, may be determined
by an acceptable method of engineering analysis.

9.3 Nontight Bulkheads

Nontight bulkheads are to be fitted in line with transverse webs, bulkheads or other structures with
equivalent rigidity. They are to be suitably stiffened. Openings in the nontight bulkhead are to have
generous radii and their aggregate area is not to exceed 33%, nor be less than 10% of the area of the
nontight bulkhead. Plating is to be of not less thickness than that required by 5A-4-2/17 TABLE 2. Section
moduli of stiffeners and webs may be one half of the requirements for watertight bulkheads in 3-2-9/5.3
and 3-2-9/5.7 of the Marine Vessel Rules. Alternatively, the opening ratio and scantlings may be
determined by an acceptable method of engineering analysis.

11 Double Bottom Structure

11.1 General
Where a double bottom is fitted, it is generally to be arranged with a centerline girder, or equivalent, and,
where necessary, with full depth side girders similar to Section 3-2-4 of the Marine Vessel Rules. The
arrangements and scantlings of the double bottom structure as given in Section 3-2-4 of the Marine Vessel
Rules may be used, except where modified by this section. Increases in scantlings may be required where
tanks other than double bottom tanks are designed to be empty with the installation in a loaded condition.
Alternatively, consideration will be given to arrangements and scantlings determined by an acceptable
method of engineering analysis, provided that the stresses are in compliance with 5A-4-2/13. Where ducts
forming a part of the double bottom structure are used as a part of the piping system for transferring cargo
oil or ballast, the structural integrity of the duct is to be safeguarded by suitable relief valves or other
arrangement to limit the pressure in the system to the value for which it is designed.

11.3 Floors and Girders

In general, the thickness of floors and girders is to be as required by Section 3-2-4 of the Marine Vessel
Rules. Where tanks adjacent to the double bottom are designed to be empty with the installation in a loaded
condition, the floors and girders in the double bottom are to be specially considered. Where the heavy
weather ballast draft forward is less than 0.04Lthe fore-end arrangement of floors and side girders is to
comply with 3-2-4/13.1 and 3-2-4/13.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

11.5 Inner Bottom

The thickness of the inner-bottom plating is to be not less than required by Section 3-2-10 of the Marine
Vessel Rules, with a head to 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships or to the top of the hatch,
whichever is greater.

11.7 Inner-bottom Longitudinals

Scantlings for inner-bottom longitudinals are to be not less than required in 5A-4-2/15.3, using c = 1.00.
Where effective struts are fitted between inner-bottom and bottom longitudinals, the inner-bottom
longitudinals are not to be less than required in 5A-4-2/15.3, using c = 0.55, or 85% of the requirement in
3-2-4/11.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules for bottom longitudinals, using c = 0.715, whichever is greater.

11.9 Bottom Longitudinals

Scantlings for bottom longitudinals are to be not less than required by 3-2-4/11.3 of the Marine Vessel
Rules. Where effective struts are fitted between bottom and inner-bottom longitudinals, the bottom
longitudinals are to be not less than 90% of the inner-bottom longitudinal requirement in 5A-4-2/15.3,
using c = 0.55, or the requirement in 3-2-4/11.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules, using c = 0.715, whichever is

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

greater. Where the heavy weather ballast draft forward is less than 0.04L, the flat of bottom-forward
longitudinals are to be not less than required by 3-2-4/15.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

13 Deep Supporting Members

13.1 General
Webs, girders and transverses which support longitudinal frames, beams or bulkhead stiffeners, generally
are to be in accordance with the following paragraphs. It is recommended that deep girders be arranged in
line with webs and stringers to provide complete planes of stiffness. In installations without a longitudinal
centerline bulkhead or effective centerline supporting member, a center vertical keel having sufficient
strength to serve as one line of support is to be provided where centerline keel blocks are used in
drydocking operations.

13.3 Section Modulus

Each member is to have a section modulus, SM, in cm3 (in3), not less than that obtained from the following

SM = M/f     cm3 (in3)


M = maximum bending moment along the member between the toes of the end brackets as
computed by an acceptable method of engineering analysis, in kN-cm (kgf-cm, Ltf-in.)
f = permissible maximum bending stress, as determined from the following table.

Values of f (Ordinary-strength Steel)

kN/cm2 kgf/cm2 Ltf/in2

Transverse members 13.9 1420 9

Longitudinal members 9.3 947 6

Note: Local axial loads on webs, girders or transverses are to be accounted for by reducing the maximum permissible
bending stress.

In addition, the following equation is to be used in obtaining the required section modulus SM.

SM = 4 . 74cℎsℓ2b cm3
SM = 0 . 0025cℎsℓ2b in3

c for bottom and deck transverses as shown in 5A-4-2/17 FIGURE 1.

= 2.00 for bottom girders, vertical webs on transverse bulkheads, horizontal girders and stringers
= 2.50 for deck girders

c for side transverses and vertical webs on longitudinal bulkheads

= 1.50 without struts

= 0.85 with one horizontal strut
= 0.65 with two horizontal struts

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

= 0.55 with three horizontal struts

= Where a centerline longitudinal bulkhead is fitted, the value of c for side-shell transverses and
vertical webs on longitudinal wing bulkheads will be subject to special consideration.

Where no struts or other effective supporting arrangements are provided for the wing-tank vertical
transverses, the deck transverses in the wing tanks are to have section modulus values not less than 70% of
that for the vertical side transverses. In no case are the deck transverses in the wing tank to have less than
70% of the section modulus for the corresponding members in the center tanks.

s = spacing of transverses, or width of area supported, in m (ft)

ℎ = bottom transverses and girders of the depth of the installation, D, in m (ft). See also
= side transverses and vertical webs on longitudinal bulkheads, vertical webs on transverse
bulkheads and horizontal girders and stringers, the vertical distance, in m (ft) from the center
of the area supported to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships in
installations 61 m (200 ft) in length, and to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side
amidships in installations 122 m (400 ft) in length and above; for intermediate lengths,
intermediate points may be used. The value of ℎ is to be not less than the vertical distance
from the center of the area supported to the tops of the hatches, in m (ft). See also 5A-4-1/1.15.
= deck transverses and girders, in m (ft), is to be measured as indicated above for side
transverses, etc., except that in no case is it to be less than 15% of the depth of installation.
ℓb = span of the member, in m (ft), measured between the points of support as indicated in
5A-4-2/17 FIGURE 1. Where effective brackets are fitted, the length ℓb is to be measured as
indicated in 5A-4-2/17 FIGURE 2a and 5A-4-2/17 FIGURE 2b; nor is the length for deck and
bottom transverses in wing tanks to be less than 0.125B or one-half the breadth of the wing
tank, whichever is the greater. Where a centerline longitudinal bulkhead is also fitted, this
minimum length will be specially considered.

13.5 Local Loading Conditions

In addition to withstanding the loads imposed by longitudinal hull girder shearing and bending action, the
structure is to be capable of withstanding the following local loading conditions without exceeding the
permissible bending and average shearing stresses stated in 5A-4-2/13.3 and 5A-4-2/13.7.

● Center tank loaded; wing tanks empty; 1/3 summer load line draft
● Center tank empty; wing tanks loaded; 1/3 summer load line draft
● Center and wing tanks loaded; 1/3 summer load line draft

For loaded tanks, the head ℎ is to be measured to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side, except in the case of
installations less than 122 m (400 ft) in length, as explained in 5A-4-2/13.3. See also 5A-4-1/1.15.

In addition, where the arrangement of the installation involves tanks of relatively short length, or tanks
designated as permanent ballast tanks, it is recommended that the following appropriate loading conditions
also be investigated:

● Center tank loaded; wing tanks empty; summer load line draft
● Center tank empty; wing tank loaded; summer load line draft

In all cases, the structure is to be reviewed for other realistic loading conditions associated with the
installation’s intended service.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

13.7 Web Portion of Members

The net sectional area of the web portion of the member, including effective brackets where applicable, is
not to be less than that obtained from the following equation.

A = F/q     cm2 (in2)


F = shearing force at the point under consideration, kN (kgf, Ltf)

q = allowable average shearing stress in the web of the supporting member, as determined from
5A-4-2/17 TABLE 1.

For longitudinal supporting members, the value of qis to be 80% of the value shown in 5A-4-2/17 TABLE

Where individual panels exceed the limits given in 5A-4-2/17 TABLE 1, detailed calculations are to be
submitted in support of adequate strength against buckling.

The thickness of the web portions of the members is not to be less than given in 5A-4-2/17 TABLE 2 for
minimum thickness. Reduced thickness may be considered for higher strength materials if the buckling and
fatigue strength is proven adequate.

It is recommended that compliance with the foregoing requirement be accomplished through a detailed
investigation of the magnitude and distribution of the imposed shearing forces by means of an acceptable
method of engineering analysis. Where this is not practicable, the following equations may be used as
guides in approximating the shearing forces.

F = csD(Kℓs − ℎe) for bottom transverses

ℓs ℎe for lower side transverses or vertical transverses on
F = cs KLℓsℎ − ℎe ℎ + 2 − 2 longitudinal bulkheads
ℓs ℎe for upper side transverses or vertical transverses on
F = cs KUℓsℎ − ℎe ℎ − 2 + 2 longitudinal bulkheads


c = 10.05 (1025, 0.0285)

s = spacing of transverses, in m (ft)
D = depth of installation, as defined in 3-1-1/7 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
B = breadth of installation as defined in 3-1-1/5 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in m (ft)
ℓs = span of transverse, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-4-2/17 FIGURE 3
ℎe = effective length or height of bracket, in m (ft), as indicated in 5A-4-2/17 FIGURE 3. In no case
is ℎe to be greater than 0.33ℓs
ℎ = vertical distance, in m (ft), as defined in 5A-4-2/13.3, for the particular member in question.
See also 5A-4-1/1.15.
K = bottom members, K is as shown in 5A-4-2/17 FIGURE 3 for the point under consideration
KL = lower side transverses or vertical transverses on longitudinal bulkheads
= 0.65 without struts
= 0.55 with one strut

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

= 0.43 with two struts

= 0.38 with three or more struts
KU = upper side transverses or vertical transverses on longitudinal bulkheads
= 0.35 without struts
= 0.25 with one strut
= 0.20 with two struts
= 0.17 with three or more struts

Where a centerline longitudinal bulkhead is fitted, the tabulated values of KL and KU will be specially

The net sectional area of the lower side transverse, as required by the foregoing paragraphs, should be
extended up to the lowest strut, or to 0.33ℓs, whichever point is the higher. The required sectional area of
the upper side transverse may be extended over the upper 0.33ℓs of the member.

13.9 Proportions
Webs, girders and transverses are to be not less in depth than required by the following, where the required
depth of member is expressed as a percentage of the span.

12.5% for side and deck transverses, for webs and horizontal girders of longitudinal bulkheads, and for

20% for deck and bottom centerline girders, bottom transverses, and webs and horizontal girders of
transverse bulkheads.

The depth of side transverses and vertical webs is to be measured at the middle of ℓb, as defined in
5A-4-2/13.3, and the depth may be tapered from bottom to top by an amount not exceeding 8 mm per 100
mm (1 in. per ft). In no case are the depths of members to be less than three (3) times the depth of the slots
for longitudinals. The thickness of webs is to be not less than required by 5A-4-2/13.7, nor is it to be less
than the minimum thickness given in 5A-4-2/17 TABLE 2.

13.11 Brackets
Brackets are generally to be of the same thickness as the member supported, are to be flanged at their
edges and are to be suitably stiffened.

13.13 Stiffeners and Tripping Brackets

13.13.1 Web Stiffeners
Stiffeners are to be fitted for the full depth of the deep supporting member at the following
intervals, unless specially approved based on the structural stability of deep supporting members:

Location Interval
Bottom every longitudinal
Side every second longitudinal
Bulkhead every second stiffener
Deck every third longitudinal

Special attention is to be given to the stiffening of web plate panels close to change in contour of
web or where higher strength steel is used.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

The moment of inertia, I, of the above stiffener, with the effective width of plating not exceeding s
or 0.33ℓ, whichever is less, is not to be less than the following equations:

I = 0 . 19ℓt3(ℓ/s)3 cm4 (in4) for ℓ/s ≤ 2 . 0

I = 0 . 38ℓt3(ℓ/s)2 cm4 (in4) for ℓ/s > 2 . 0


ℓ = length of stiffener between effective supports, in cm (in.)

t = required thickness of web plating, in cm (in.), but need not be greater than s/80
s = spacing of stiffeners, in cm (in.)

Web stiffeners are to be attached to the deep webs, longitudinals and stiffeners by continuous fillet

Where depth/thickness ratio of the web plating exceeds 200, a stiffener is to be fitted parallel to
the flange at approximately one-quarter depth of the web from the face plate. Special attention is
to be given to providing for compressive loads.

13.13.2 Tripping Bracket

Tripping brackets, arranged to support the flanges, are to be fitted at intervals of about 3 m (10 ft),
close to change of section, and in line with or as near as practicable to the flanges of struts.

13.15 Slots and Lightening Holes

Slots and lightening holes, where cut in webs, are to be kept well clear of other openings. The slots are to
be neatly cut and well rounded. Lightening holes are to be located midway between the slots and at about
one-third of the depth of the web from the shell, deck or bulkhead. Their diameters are not to exceed one-
fourth the depth of the web. In general, lightening holes are not to be cut in those areas of webs, girders
and transverses where the shear stresses are high. Similarly, slots for longitudinals are to be provided with
filler plates or other reinforcement in these same areas. Where openings are required in high shear stress
areas, they are to be effectively compensated. Continuous fillet welds are to be provided at the connection
of the filler plates to the web and of the filler plate to the longitudinals.

13.17 Struts (1994)

Where one or more struts are fitted as an effective supporting system for the wing-tank members, they are
to be spaced so as to divide the supported members into spans of approximately equal length. The value of
W for struts is obtained from the following equation:

W = nbℎs     kN(tf,Ltf)


n = 10.5 (1.07, 0.03)

b = mean breadth, in m (ft), of the area supported
ℎ = vertical distance, in m (ft), from the center of the area supported to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft)
above the deck at side amidships in installations 61 m (200 ft) in length and to a point located
2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side amidships in installations 122 m (400 ft) in length and
above; for intermediate lengths, intermediate points may be used. The value of ℎ is not to be
less than the vertical distance, in m (ft), from the center of the area supported to the tops of the

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

The permissible load of struts, Wa, is to be determined by the following equation and is to be equal to or
greater than the calculated Was determined above.

Wa = (k − nℓ/r)A     kN(tf,Ltf)


k = 12.09 (1.232, 7.83) ordinary strength steel

= 16.11 (1.643, 10.43) HT32
= 18.12 (1.848, 11.73) HT36
ℓ = mean breadth, in m (ft), of the area supported
r = least radius of gyration, in cm (in.)
A = cross sectional area of the strut, in cm (in.)
n = 0.0444 (0.00452, 0.345) ordinary strength steel
= 0.0747 (0.00762, 0.581) HT32
= 0.0900 (0.00918, 0.699) HT36

Special attention is to be paid to the end connections for tension members, as well as to the stiffening
arrangements at their ends, to provide effective means for transmission of the compressive forces into the
webs. In addition, horizontal stiffeners are to be located in line with and attached to the first longitudinal
above and below the ends of the struts.

15 Frames, Beams and Bulkhead Stiffeners

15.1 Arrangement
The sizes of the longitudinals or stiffeners as given in this paragraph are based on the transverses or webs
being regularly spaced. Longitudinals or horizontal stiffeners are to be continuous or attached at their ends
to effectively develop their sectional area. This requirement may be modified in the case of stiffeners on
transverse bulkheads. Longitudinals and stiffeners are to be attached to the transverses or webs to
effectively transmit the loads onto these members. Consideration is to be given to the effective support of
the plating in compression when selecting the size and spacing of longitudinals.

15.3 Structural Sections

15.3.1 Section Modulus
Each structural section for longitudinal frames, beams or bulkhead stiffeners, in association with
the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM not less than obtained from the
following equation:

SM   =   7 . 8cℎsℓ2 cm3
SM   =   0 . 0041cℎsℓ2 in3

c = 1.40 for bottom longitudinals
= 0.95 for side longitudinals
= 1.25 for deck longitudinals

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

= 1.00 for vertical frames

= 1.00 for horizontal or vertical stiffeners on transverse bulkheads and vertical
stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads
= 0.90 for horizontal stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads.
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the longitudinals, or from the middle of ℓ for vertical
stiffeners, to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships in
installations of 61 m (200 ft) length, and to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck
at side amidships in installations of 122 m (400 ft) length and above; at intermediate
lengths, ℎ is to be measured to intermediate heights above the side of the installation.
The value of ℎ for bulkhead stiffeners and deck longitudinals is not to be less than the
distance, in m (ft), from the longitudinal, or stiffener to the top of the hatch. See also
s = spacing of longitudinals or stiffeners, in m (ft)
ℓ = length between supporting points, in m (ft)

The section modulus SMof the bottom longitudinals may be obtained from the above equation
multiplied by R1 where,

15.3.1(a) The bottom hull girder section modulus, SMA, is greater than required by 3-2-1/3.7.1 of
the Marine Vessel Rules, at least throughout 0.4L amidships,

15.3.1(b) Still-water bending moment calculations are submitted, and

15.3.1(c) Adequate buckling strength is maintained.

The bottom longitudinals with this modified section modulus are to meet all other Rule

R1 = n/[n + fp(1 − SMR /SMA)] , but is not to be taken less than 0.69


n = 7.69 (0.784, 4.978)

fp = nominal permissible bending stress, as given in 3-2-1/3.7.1 of the Marine Vessel

SMR hull girder section modulus required by 3-2-1/3.7.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in
cm2-m (in2-ft)

SMA bottom hull girder section modulus, cm2-m (in2-ft), with the longitudinals
modified as permitted above.

Where the heavy weather ballast draft forward is less than 0.04L, the flat of bottom forward
longitudinals are not to be less than required by 3-2-4/15.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules

15.3.2 Web Thickness (1993)

In addition to the requirements in 3-1-2/13.5.2 of the Marine Vessel Rules, the thickness of web
portion is to be not less than the thickness given in 5A-4-2/17 TABLE 2, reduced by 1.0 mm (0.04

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

15.5 Bilge Longitudinals

Longitudinals around the bilge are to be graded in size from that required for the lowest side longitudinals
to that required for the bottom longitudinals.

15.7 Installations under 76 m (250 ft)

In installations under 76 m (250 ft) in length, the coefficient c for use in the above equation for bottom
longitudinals may be reduced to 1.30.

17 Structure at Ends
Beyond the cargo spaces, the scantlings of the structure may be as required in way of the oil spaces, in
association with the values of ℎin the various equations measured to the upper deck, except that in way of
deep tanks, ℎ is to be not less than the distance, in m (ft), measured to the top of the overflow. In way of
dry spaces, the deck beams and longitudinals are to be as required in Section 3-2-7 of the Marine Vessel
Rules. The value of ℎfor deck transverses in way of dry spaces is to be obtained from Section 3-2-7 of the
Marine Vessel Rules and the section modulus SM is to be obtained from the following equation:

SM   =   4 . 74cℎsℓ2 cm3
SM   = 0 . 0025cℎsℓ2 in3


c = 1.23
s = spacing of transverses, in m (ft)
ℓ = span, in m (ft)

The transition from longitudinal framing to transverse framing is to be effected in as gradual a manner as
possible, and it is recommended that a system of closely spaced transverse floors be adopted in way of the
main machinery.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

Coefficients and Lengths for Transverses

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

Lengths with Brackets

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

Spans of Members and Effective Lengths or Heights of Brackets

Values of q for Ordinary Strength Steel

s = spacing of stiffeners or depth of web plate, whichever is the lesser, in cm (in.)

t = thickness of web plate, in cm (in.)

s/t kN/cm2 kgf/cm2 Ltf/in2

80 and less 8.5 870 5.5

160 maximum 5.4 550 3.5

Minimum Thickness for Web Portions of Members

L is the length of the installation, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3 of the Marine Vessel Rules. For installations of lengths
intermediate to those shown in the table, the thickness is to be obtained by interpolation.

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Section 2 Hull Structure 5A-4-2

L t L t
meters mm feet in.

61 8.5 200 0.34

82 9 270 0.36

118 10 390 0.40

150 11 492 0.44


CHAPTER 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492
feet) in Length

SECTION 3 Cargo Oil and Associated Systems

See Section 5C-1-7 of the Marine Vessel Rules.


CHAPTER 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492
feet) in Length

APPENDIX 1 Hull Girder Shear Strength for Ship-Type

Installations (2013)

1 Introduction
This Appendix is a supplement to 3-2-1/3.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules and is intended to provide a
simplified method for determining the allowable still-water shearing forces, in accordance with the Rule
requirements, for ship-type installations having two or three longitudinal oil-tight bulkheads, where the
wing bulkheads are located no closer than 20% of the breadth from the side shell.

The computational method presented in this Appendix is deduced from shear flow and three-dimensional
finite element calculation results and is applicable to ship-type installations having single bottom
construction with deep bottom transverses and swash transverse bulkheads. For ship-type installations
having either double bottom, double skin or deep bottom girders, the allowable still-water shear force will
be subject to special consideration.

With the present Rule side shell thickness, local load effects are not considered for the side shell, as the
longitudinal bulkhead generally governs the permissible shear force at any particular location.

3 Allowable Still-water Shearing Force

The allowable still-water shearing force, in kN (tf, Ltf), at any transverse section of the installation is the
lesser of the SWSF obtained from 5A-4-A1/3.1 and 5A-4-A1/3.3 with any applicable modification as
specified in 5A-4-A1/3.5.

3.1 Considering the Side Shell Plating

0 . 935fstsDs
SWSF   = Ns − Fw

3.3 Considering Various Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating

1 . 05fstbDb
SWSF   = K1Nb − Fw

In general, in the absence of a local load, two locations need be checked for each bulkhead: the lower edge
of the thinnest strake and at the neutral axis of the section. When a local load is present, the SWSF is to be
computed at the base of each longitudinal bulkhead strake for use with 5A-4-A1/3.5. For installations
having three longitudinal bulkheads, the SWSF is to be calculated considering both the centerline and wing

Fw = wave induced shear force, as specified by 3-2-1/3.5.3 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in kN
(tf, Ltf)
fs = permissible total shear stress, as specified in 3-2-1/3.9.1 of the Marine Vessel Rules, in
kN/cm2 (tf/cm2, Ltf/in2)
ts = thickness of the side shell plating at the neutral axis of the section in, cm (in.)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Appendix 1 Hull Girder Shear Strength for Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-4-A1

tb = thickness of the centerline or wing longitudinal bulkhead plating at the location under
consideration, in cm (in.)
Ds = depth of the hull girder at the section under consideration, in cm (in.)
Db = depth of the longitudinal bulkhead at the section under consideration, in cm (in.)
Ns, Nb = shear distribution factors for side shell and longitudinal bulkheads, respectively, and may
be determined by 5A-4-A1/5.
K1 = 1   +   y/(8y)
y = distance measured from the deck or bottom (depending on whether the strake considered
is above or below the neutral axis of the section) to the lower edge of the bulkhead strake
under consideration, in cm (in.)
y = distance measured from the deck (bottom) to the neutral axis of the section, when the
strake under consideration is above (below) the neutral axis, in cm (in.)

3.5 Reduction for Local Loads

When the loading head in the center tank is different from that in an adjacent wing tank, then the allowable
SWSF computed at the various bulkhead locations in 5A-4-A1/3.3 may have to be reduced, as follows.

For the case of a two longitudinal bulkhead installation, when the center tank head is less than that
in any adjacent wing tank, no reduction need be made.

For two and three bulkhead installations, when the center tank head exceeds that in a wing tank,
within the center tank region, a hull girder shear force reduction, R, is to be computed at the
corresponding locations on the bulkheads used in 5A-4-A1/3.3. These reductions are to be
determined for both wing and centerline bulkheads, and may be calculated as follows.
2 . 1K2Nw
R = Wc 3K1Nb − 1     kN (tf, Ltf)

If 2.1K2Nw is less than or equal to 3K1Nb, R is to be taken as zero.

K1, Nb = as previously defined

Nw = distribution factor for local loads, as specified in 5A-4-A1/5
K2 = 1   +   (A/Ab)
A = total area of the longitudinal bulkhead plating above the lower edge of the strake
under consideration, in cm2 (in2)
Ab = total area of the longitudinal bulkhead plating under consideration, in cm2 (in2)
Wc = effective local load which may be denoted by Wc1 and Wc2, at the fore and aft
ends of the center tank, respectively
wbc ℓ1 ℓ2
Wc1 = ℓc ℎc1ℓ1 ℓ2 + 2 + ℎc2 2

wbc ℓ2
1 ℓ2
Wc2 = ℓc ℎc1 2 + ℎc2ℓ2 ℓ1 + 2

w = density of the cargo (ballast), in kgf/m3 (tf/m3, Ltf/ft3)

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Appendix 1 Hull Girder Shear Strength for Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-4-A1

ℓc, bc = length and breadth, respectively, of the center tank, in m (ft)

ℎc1, ℎc2 = excess fluid heads in the center tank. Where the head in a wing tank exceeds that
in the center tank, see 5A-4-A1/3.5.3 below.
ℓ1, ℓ2 = longitudinal distances from the respective center tank ends to the succeeding wing
tank transverse bulkheads
When the head in wing tanks exceeds that in the center tank, within the center tank region, ℎc is to
be taken as zero for two longitudinal bulkhead installations. However, a reduction is to be applied
only to the SWSF computed while considering the centerline bulkhead in 5A-4-A1/3.3. This
reduction may be computed by the equations in 5A-4-A1/3.5.2, except that bcis to be taken as the
combined breadth of both wing tanks (bc = 2bw), and ℎc is the excess head in the wing tank above
that in the center tank.

Where adjacent tanks are loaded with cargoes of different densities, the heads in 5A-4-A1/3.5 are
to be corrected to account for the difference in density.

5 Distribution Factors
The distribution factors Ns, Nb and Nw may be determined by the following equations.

5.1 For Installations Having Two Longitudinal Bulkheads

Nb   =   0 . 32   − 0 . 06(As /Ab)

Ns   =   0 . 5   −   Nb

Nw   =   0 . 31(n −   1)/n


As = total projected area of the side shell plating, in cm2 (in2)

Ab = as previously defined
n = total number of transverse frame spaces in the center tank

5.3 For Installations Having Three Longitudinal Bulkheads

Nb   (center)   =   0 . 26   −   0 . 044(As   /Ab)   +   C1

Nb   (wing)   =   0 . 25   −   0 . 044(As   /Ab)   −   C2

Ns     =   0 . 5   −   0 . 5Nb   (center)   −   Nb   (wing)

Nw   (center)   =   (0 . 7Nb   +   0 . 15)(n   −   1)/n

Nw   (wing)   =   (1 . 5Nb   − 0 . 1)(n   −   1)/n

As , Ab, n are as previously defined, however, Ab is to be either the center or wing bulkhead area,
depending on which is being considered.

C1 = 0 for K   >   0 . 9

C1 = 0 . 1   (1   −   K)   −   0 . 005 for K   ≤   0 . 9

Part 5A Ship-Type Installations
Chapter 4 Ship-Type Installations Under 150 meters (492 feet) in Length
Appendix 1 Hull Girder Shear Strength for Ship-Type Installations (2013) 5A-4-A1

K = Ab (wing)/Ab (center)

C2 = 0 for K   >   0 . 9

C2 = 0 . 04   (1   −   K) for K   ≤   0 . 9

Center Tank Region


Other Installation Types

CHAPTER 1 Column-Stabilized Installations......................................................478
Section 1 General Requirements (1 July 2009).............................480
Section 2 Structures ..................................................................... 485
Section 3 Stability ......................................................................... 494
Section 4 Machinery and Systems ............................................... 496

CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms.....................................................................498

Section 1 General Requirements ..................................................501
Section 2 Stability ......................................................................... 505
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures ..........................................508
Section 4 Other Structures ........................................................... 518
Section 5 Materials and Welding .................................................. 523
Section 6 Machinery and Systems ............................................... 525

CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations............................................................................. 527

Section 1 General Requirements ..................................................529
Section 2 Stability ......................................................................... 534
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures ..........................................539
Section 4 Other Structures ........................................................... 550
Section 5 Materials and Welding .................................................. 551
Section 6 Machinery and Systems ............................................... 553

APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................... 556

Section 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009)................................557


CHAPTER 1 Column-Stabilized Installations

SECTION 1 General Requirements (1 July 2009).............................................. 480
1 General....................................................................................... 480
3 Definitions (2018)........................................................................480
5 Loading Criteria.......................................................................... 480
5.1 Loads............................................................................. 480
5.3 Environmental Conditions..............................................481
7 Global Performance Analyses.................................................... 482
7.1 General.......................................................................... 482
7.3 Frequency Domain Analyses.........................................482
7.5 Time Domain Analyses.................................................. 482
7.7 Deck Clearance or Air Gap............................................483
7.9 Model Testing.................................................................483

SECTION 2 Structures ........................................................................................ 485

1 Structural Design (1 July 2009).................................................. 485
1.1 Scantlings...................................................................... 485
1.3 Deckhouses................................................................... 485
1.5 Helicopter Deck............................................................. 485
1.7 Protection of Openings in Decks and Columns............. 485
1.9 Guards and Rails........................................................... 485
3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure........................................ 485
3.1 Hull – Pontoons, Columns, and Braces......................... 486
3.3 Watertight Boundary Formula........................................ 486
3.5 Tank Boundary Formula.................................................488
5 Engineering Analysis of the Installation’s Primary Structure...... 489
5.1 Hull, Integrated Deck and Top Column Frame...............489
5.3 Non-Integrated Deck......................................................492
7 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures..........................492
7.1 Hull Interface with Riser System (Riser Porches,
Supports, and Guides)...................................................492
7.3 Hull Interface with Mooring System (Fairlead, Chain
Stopper, and Winch Foundations)................................. 492
7.5 Topside Deck Structure Interface with Deckhouses
and Deck Mounted Equipment/ Machinery....................492
9 Materials and Welding................................................................ 493
9.1 Hull and Topside Deck Structure................................... 493
9.3 Corrosion Protection and Control.................................. 493

TABLE 1 Required Environmental Events and Safety Factors (1
July 2009)...........................................................................490

SECTION 3 Stability ............................................................................................ 494

1 Stability (1 July 2012)................................................................. 494
1.1 Transit Voyage Stability................................................. 494
1.3 On-Site Stability............................................................. 494
1.5 Lightweight and Center of Gravity................................. 494
1.7 Watertight and Weathertight Integrity............................ 494
1.9 Penetrations (1 July 2013).............................................495

SECTION 4 Machinery and Systems ................................................................. 496

1 Marine Piping Systems............................................................... 496
3 Electrical Systems...................................................................... 496
5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment........................................496
7 Machinery and Equipment.......................................................... 496
9 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks (1 July 2012)...................... 496
11 Additional Plans and Data to be Submitted................................ 496


CHAPTER 1 Column-Stabilized Installations

SECTION 1 General Requirements (1 July 2009)

1 General
The design and construction of column-stabilized type installations are to be based on the applicable
requirements of the MOU Rules. However, the design criteria, as given in the MOU Rules, can be modified
to reflect the different structural performance and demands expected of a mobile installation, compared to
an installation positioned at a particular site on a long-term basis. In addition, the applicable criteria
contained in the Load Line, SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions issued by the International Maritime
Organization are to be considered. It is further suggested that the local authorities having jurisdiction
where the installation is to operate be contacted to obtain any further criteria that are applicable to the
Floating Installation.

3 Definitions (2018)
A column stabilized floating production installation consists of hull, topside deck and position mooring
system. The hull may consist of pontoons, columns and bracing members. The tops of the columns are
connected to a column top frame or a topside deck forming the global strength of the hull. For the hull with
a column top frame, the topside deck is not integrated as part of the global strength of the hull. The topside
deck is noted as “Non-integrated Deck” in these Rules. The topside deck integrated with the hull to form
the global strength of the hull is noted as “Integrated Deck” in these Rules.

The installation depends upon the buoyancy of columns or caissons for flotation and stability. Lower hulls
or footings are normally provided at the bottom of the columns for additional buoyancy and the most
common arrangements are either twin pontoons connected by braces or a ring (continuous) pontoon. The
topside deck structure can be of an enclosed hull type or an open space truss frame construction. The
topside deck structure is interconnected with the stability columns of the hull to form the installation’s
overall strength.

5 Loading Criteria

5.1 Loads
An installation’s modes of operation in pre-service (loadout, transportation, installation) and inservice
(inplace) conditions should be investigated using anticipated loads, including gravity loads together with
relevant environmental loads due to the effects of wind, waves, currents, and, where deemed necessary by
the Owner or designer, the effects of earthquake, temperature, fouling, ice, etc.

These loads are to include, as applicable, but should not be limited to, the following loads:

i) Environmental loads. Loads due to wind, waves, and current are to be considered. Directionality
of wind, waves, and current may be considered if accurate data is available. Where there is no
accurate data available, the directionality of wind, waves, and current that generates the most
severe local and global load effects are to be used for design. Adequate headings for the
environment are to be analyzed such that the most critical heading for the environment has been
ii) Hydrostatic pressures and buoyancy. Hydrostatic pressures and buoyancy are to be considered for
all submerged structural members.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 1 General Requirements (1 July 2009) 5B-1-1

iii) Gravity. Gravity of the structure and equipment steel and the variables in the topside deck
structure and hull are to be considered.
iv) Inertia loads. Inertia loads due to motions of the column-stabilized installation are to be
v) Operational loads. Loads induced by operations of drilling and production are to be considered.
vi) Mooring and riser loads. Loads due to mooring and riser systems are to be considered.
vii) Marine operation loads. Loads encountered during transportation and installation are to be taken
into account in the design. These loads include loads exposed during transport (wet or dry),
launch, or float-off.
viii) Slamming. Wave slamming loads are to be considered for members such as pontoons, columns,
braces, and members forming the underside of the topside deck structure that are subject to wave
slamming during transportation and operation. Breaking wave slamming loads are also to be
considered, if applicable.

Combinations of these loads that produce the most severe local and global effects on the installation, as
determined by the operational and installation requirements of the in-service and pre-service conditions,
should be used. The global effects that are critical to the installation’s global strength are given in

A loading plan is to be prepared to show the maximum uniform and concentrated loadings to be considered
for the decks of the topside deck structure for each mode of operation. In the preparation of this plan, the
following loadings are to be considered as minimums.

● Crew spaces (walkways, general traffic area, etc.)

4510 N/m2 (460 kgf/m2, 94 lbf/ft2) or 0.64 m (2.1 ft) head

● Work areas

9020 N/m2 (920 kgf/m2, 188 lbf/ft2) or 1.28 m (4.2 ft) head
● Storage areas

13000 N/m2 (1325 kgf/m2, 272 lbf/ft2) or 1.84 m (6.0 ft) head.

5.3 Environmental Conditions (1 July 2019)

A column-stabilized installation is to be designed to withstand a specified extreme storm in the Design
Environmental Condition and operate in the Design Operating Condition. The environmental conditions
required are defined in 3/3.3 of Position Mooring Guide and the environmental criteria required for these
design conditions are defined in Section 3-2-4. Additionally, the column-stabilized installation is to be
designed for all operations in pre-service conditions such as loadout, transportation, and installation. The
environmental conditions for loadout and installation are to be specified by the designers or Owners. The
environmental condition for transportation is to be of a 10-year return event of the selected transit route,
unless a weather routing plan is to be implemented for the voyage.

In the design of the column-stabilized installation in-service and pre-service strength, the following
environmental conditions are to be considered:

● Design Environmental Conditions (DEC). Please refer to 3/3.3.2(a) of Position Mooring Guide. For
structural strength design, environmental conditions that produce responses having a minimum return
period of 100 years are to be used.
● Design Operating Conditions (DOC). Please refer to 3/3.3.2(b) of Position Mooring Guide. For
structural design, environmental conditions that produce responses having a minimum return period of
1 year are to be used.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 1 General Requirements (1 July 2009) 5B-1-1

● Calm Conditions. Environmental conditions such that the effects of wind, waves and current are
insignificant and can be ignored. Where such a situation exists, the design case is permitted to use
calm conditions.

7 Global Performance Analyses

7.1 General
Global performance analyses of a column-stabilized installation are aimed at determining the global effects
of environmental loads on the overall installation and its components, such as mooring lines, risers, etc.
The key function of the analyses is to establish that the column-stabilized installation meets all of the pre-
service and in-service requirements. It is suggested that global response analysis be performed for each of
the most critical design phases. The following aspects are to be included in the global performance

i) Installation motions in six degrees of freedom

ii) Mooring line tensions, including the maximum and minimum tensions and mooring line fatigue
loads for mooring component design
iii) Equivalent design wave heights and periods for the global structural analysis
iv) Hull hydrodynamic pressure loads for global structural analysis
v) Installation accelerations for the determination of inertia loads
vi) Deck clearance – please refer to 5B-1-1/7.7.

Global analyses with various loading conditions are required because complex motion characteristics of
the column-stabilized installation will have different impacts on different structural components.
Therefore, the topside deck structure, hull, moorings and risers are to be included in these analyses.
Several analytical methods with varying degrees of complexity may be used to achieve this goal. Loading
and response predictions for the topside deck structure and hull, and those for the moorings and risers can
be performed either separately or in an integrated form. Methods and models employed in the analyses are
to account for the relevant nonlinear and motion coupling effects. Due to numerical efficiency and
limitations of each method, frequency domain analyses are usually performed for all of the load cases. For
those cases that are determined to be critical to the column-stabilized installation global performance or to
have highly nonlinear effects, a time-domain analysis should be performed. For the detailed discussion of
various available global analysis methods of column-stabilized installations, refer to API RP 2SK.

7.3 Frequency Domain Analyses

Frequency domain analyses include those in six degrees of freedom of the column-stabilized installation in
both the wave frequency and the low frequency domains.

In order to evaluate the first-order installation and mooring responses, linear wave theory is usually
employed in the wave frequency analysis. However, an alternative method may be applied to evaluate the
effects of finite amplitude waves. The low frequency analysis is also to be carried out to evaluate the
effects caused by wind dynamics and wave drift forces. The damping levels used in the analyses are to be
properly determined and documented.

7.5 Time Domain Analyses

Time domain analysis is a preferable approach to include the nonlinear effects in global response analyses
of the column-stabilized installation. These nonlinear effects include hull drag forces, finite wave
amplitude effects, nonlinear restoring forces from moorings and risers, and coupling effects of hull,
moorings, and risers in deep waters. In time domain analysis, a relevant wave spectrum is to be transferred
to random time series for simulating irregular wave elevations and kinematics.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 1 General Requirements (1 July 2009) 5B-1-1

For deepwater applications, a time domain analysis of fully coupled motions of installation, moorings, and
risers may be required for the load cases that are shown to govern the column-stabilized installation’s
global performance. When strong nonlinear responses are expected, a time domain mooring analysis is to
be performed and submitted for review.

In an area with a strong current extending deep into the ocean, possible VIV effects are to be assessed and

7.7 Deck Clearance or Air Gap (2020)

Unless topside deck structures are satisfactorily designed for wave impact, reasonable clearance between
the bottom of the topside deck structures and the wave crests is to be ensured for all afloat modes of
operation, taking into account the predicted motion of the installation relative to the surface of the sea.

A clearance is to be maintained between the lowest point of the topside deck and the wave crest. The deck
clearance is normally determined by an appropriate model test. Alternatively, the deck clearance can also
be determined by a detailed hydrodynamic analysis that accounts for relative motions between the column-
stabilized installation and waves. The following items are to be considered to determine the deck

i) Various environmental headings

ii) All motions due to wind, waves, and current
iii) Nonlinearity of wave profile
iv) Wave diffraction and run-up
v) Tide and water level effects

Deck clearance is also to be checked at various points on the underside of the topside deck for all of the
critical environmental conditions.

The deck clearance or air gap analysis establishes the elevation of topside deck structure in still water
condition so that the bottom of topside deck structure is not subjected to wave impact in Design
Environmental Conditions (DEC), unless the topside deck structure bottom is designed for such loading.

Where topside deck structural members are designed for passage of waves or if wave impact on the
underside of the topside deck structure is anticipated, local strengthening of these members is required.
Structures and equipment subject to wave run-up or green water are to be designed for the associated

Guidance on air gap and horizontal wave impact analysis is provided in the ABS Guidance Notes on Air
Gap and Wave Impact Analysis for Semi-submersibles.

Where the negative air gap near peripheral sides of the upper structure is identified, windows are not to be
installed within the horizontal wave impact zone measured up to the elevation of 1.3 times of the relative
maximum wave elevation. However, side scuttles provided with hinged inside deadlights may be installed
in this zone. Deadlights are to be capable of being closed and secured watertight to resist the horizontal
wave impact pressure at the position where the side scuttle is installed.

7.9 Model Testing

Model testing for deriving some of the design parameters, such as deck clearance and nonlinear effects, is
recommended as the final check of column-stabilized installation designs if innovative components emerge
in the design. Relevant environmental conditions are to be covered in the model testing. The primary
objectives of model tests are listed below:

i) To determine the responses of a particular design, such as to calibrate low-frequency damping


Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 1 General Requirements (1 July 2009) 5B-1-1

ii) To verify analysis tools for prediction of system responses or simply to correlate the analysis
iii) To derive design information as a substitute for numerical analysis.


CHAPTER 1 Column-Stabilized Installations

SECTION 2 Structures

1 Structural Design (1 July 2009)

(July 2017) The structural design criteria specified in this Section is presented in the Working Stress
Design (WSD) format, also known as the Allowable Stress (or Strength) Design (ASD) format. Alternative
structural design criteria in a Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) format are provided in the ABS
Guide for Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Criteria for Offshore Structures. In general, WSD
and LRFD criteria are not to be mixed within the analysis.

The design of the installation is to be based on the applicable portions of the MOU Rules. Where the
conditions at the installation site are less than those for a mobile installation that are the bases of the MOU
Rules, the design criteria for various components of the installation structure may be reduced to reflect
these differences. However, when the installation site conditions produce more arduous demands, it is
mandatory that the design criteria be increased appropriately.

1.1 Scantlings
Installation’s scantlings, including topside deck structure, columns, braces, and pontoons are to be
designed in accordance with 5B-1-2/3.

1.3 Deckhouses
Deckhouses such as living quarters, utility buildings, etc., which are not an integral part of the upper deck
structure are to have sufficient strength for their size, function, and location, with due consideration given
to the environmental conditions to which the installation may be exposed. Special considerations should be
given to deckhouses which act as foundations for vital machinery or equipment.

1.5 Helicopter Deck

The design of the helicopter deck is to comply with the requirements of 3-2-2/3 of the MOU Rules.

1.7 Protection of Openings in Decks and Columns

All openings in decks or column tops, hatch covers and companionway sills are to comply with 5A-4-1/3
of these Rules. Portlights or other similar openings are not to be fitted in columns.

1.9 Guards and Rails

Guards and rails are to comply with the requirements of 5-3-1/5 of the MOU Rules.

3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure

The initial scantling design of the hull is to be based on the applicable portions of the MOU Rules and the
Marine Vessel Rules. The aspects that are not covered by these Rules are to be based on the recognized
codes and standards. For curved shells, the minimum scantlings of shell plating and ring girders are to be
determined on the basis of established shell analysis methods, using the heads given in 5B-1-2/3.1 and
safety factors appropriate to the method employed. As a minimum, a detailed local analysis is to be
performed, with failure modes meeting the criteria in 5B-1-2/5.1.6.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

3.1 Hull – Pontoons, Columns, and Braces

Pontoons, columns, and braces may be considered either as framed or unframed shells. Ring girders,
bulkheads, or other suitable diaphragms are to be adequate to maintain shape and stiffness under all
anticipated loadings in association with established analysis methods.

3.1.1 Scantlings of Framed Shells

Where the components of braces, columns, or pontoons incorporate stiffened plating, the
minimum scantlings of plating, stiffeners, girders, etc., for shells and interior boundary bulkheads
and flats may be determined in accordance with the requirements for tanks, as given in 5B-1-2/3.5,
in association with the following.

3.1.1(a) Tank Space. Where the internal space is a tank, the head, h, is to be taken to a point
located at two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow, or to a
point 0.91 m (3 ft) above the top of the tank, whichever is greater. For tanks intended to carry
contents with a specific gravity in excess of 1.05, the head is to be suitably increased by a factor
equal to the ratio of the specific gravity to 1.0.

3.1.1(b) Void Compartment Spaces. Where the internal space is a void compartment, the head is to
be taken to the maximum permissible draft of the installation in service.

3.1.1(c) Areas Subject to Wave Immersion. For all areas subject to wave immersion, the minimum
head is to be 6.1 m (20 ft).

3.1.1(d) Minimum Scantlings. In general, the scantlings of boundaries are not to be less than those
required by 5B-1-2/3.3, in association with a head to the maximum damaged waterline.

3.1.2 Scantlings of Unframed Shells

Where braces, columns, or pontoons do not incorporate framing members, the minimum
scantlings of shell plating and ring girders are to be determined on the basis of established shell
analysis methods using the heads given in 5B-1-2/3.1.1 and safety factors appropriate to the
methods employed. Interior boundary bulkheads and flats are to be considered on the basis of
framed shells, as given in 5B-1-2/3.1.1.

3.1.3 Additional Structural Requirements for Scantlings

Scantlings of braces, columns, and pontoons as determined above are minimum requirements for
hydrostatic loads. Where wave and current loadings are superimposed, the scantlings of the local
structure of the shell are to be increased as necessary, to meet the strength requirements of

3.3 Watertight Boundary Formula

3.3.1 Plating
The plating thickness of watertight boundaries is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

t = sk qℎ/290 + 1 . 5     mm

t = sk qℎ/525 + 0 . 06     in.

but not less than 6 mm (0.24 in.) or s/200 + 2.5 mm (s/200 + 0.10 in.), whichever is greater.

t = thickness in mm (in.)
s = spacing of stiffeners in mm (in.)

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

k = (3 . 075 α − 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) for 1 ≤ α ≤ 2

= 1.0 for α > 2
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
q = 235/Y (24/Y, 34,000/Y)
Y = specified minimum yield point or yield strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the lower edge of the plating to a point defined in 5B-1-2/3.1

3.3.2 Stiffeners and Beams

The section modulus, SM, of each bulkhead stiffener or beam on a watertight flat, in association
with the plating to which it is attached, is not to be less than that obtained from the following

SM = Qfcℎsℓ2 cm3 (in3)


Q = 489 . 55/(Y + 2U/3) (SI Units)

Q = 49 . 92/(Y + 2U/3) (MKS Units)
Q = 70900/(Y + 2U/3) (US Units)
f = 7.8 (0.0041)
c = 0.56 for stiffeners with ends attached
= 0.60 for stiffeners with no end attachment
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the middle of ℓ to a point defined in 5B-1-2/3.1
s = spacing of stiffeners, in m (ft)
ℓ = length of stiffeners, in m (ft); where brackets are fitted with a slope of approximately
45 degrees and thickness given in 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU Rules, the length of
ℓ maybe measured to a point on the bracket equal to 25% of the length of the bracket.
Y = specified minimum yield strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
U = specified minimum tensile strength of the higher-strength material, in N/mm2 (kgf/
mm2, psi)
3.3.3 Girders and Webs
The section modulus, SM, of each girder or web is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

SM = Qfℎsℓ2 cm3 (in3)


f = 4.7 (0.0025)
ℎ = distances, in m (ft), from the middle of the area supported to a point defined in
s = sum of half lengths, in m (ft) (on each side of girder or web), of the stiffeners or beams

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports, where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead
supports, and the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU
Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length ℓ may be measured to
a point on the bracket located at the distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of
the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-1-2/3.3.2

3.5 Tank Boundary Formula

3.5.1 Plating
Plating is to be the thickness derived from the following equation:

t = sk qℎ/254 + 2 . 5 mm

t = sk qℎ/460 + 0 . 10 in.

but not less than 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) or s/150 + 2.5 mm (s/150 + 0.10 in.), whichever is greater.


t = thickness in mm (in.)
s = spacing of stiffeners in mm (in.)
k = (3 . 075 α − 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) for 1 ≤ α ≤ 2
= 1.0 for α > 2
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
q = 235/Y (24/Y, 34,000/Y)
Y = specified minimum yield point or yield strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the lower edge of the plating to a point defined in 5B-1-2/3.1

When the specific gravity of the liquid contents of a tank is greater than 1.05, the head, ℎ,
specified above is to be increased by a factor equal to the ratio of the specific gravity to 1.0.

3.5.2 Stiffeners and Beams

The section modulus, SM, of each bulkhead stiffener or beam on a flat, in association with the
plating to which it is attached, is not to be less than that obtained from the following equation:

SM = Qfcℎsℓ2 cm3 (in3)


f = 7.8 (0.0041)
c = 0.9 for stiffeners having clip attachments to decks or flats at the ends or having
such attachments at one end with the other end supported by girders
= 1.0 for stiffeners supported at both ends by girders
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the middle of ℓ to a point defined in 5B-1-2/3.1
s = spacing of stiffeners, in m (ft)

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports; where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead
supports, and the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU
Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length, ℓ, may be measured to
a point on the bracket located at a distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of
the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-1-2/3.3.2
3.5.3 Girders and Webs
The section modulus, SM, of each girder or web is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

SM = Qfcℎsℓ2 cm3 (in3)


f = 4.7 (0.0025)
c = 1.5
ℎ = distances, in m (ft), from the middle of the area supported to a point defined in
s = sum of half lengths, in m (ft) (on each side of girder or web), of the stiffeners or beams
ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports, where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead
supports, and the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU
Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length ℓ may be measured to a
point on the bracket located at the distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of
the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-1-2/3.3.2

5 Engineering Analysis of the Installation’s Primary Structure

5.1 Hull, Integrated Deck and Top Column Frame

5.1.1 General (2018)
Documents necessary to verify the structural strength of the installation, including yielding,
buckling, and fatigue of the hull, integrated deck, top column frame and main intersections of
primary structural components of the hull, integrated deck and top column frame are to be
submitted for review. The criteria in this Subsection relate to the analyses required to verify the
scantlings selected in the basic design in 5B-1-2/3. The results of analysis that are required in this
Subsection cannot be used to reduce the scantlings established from 5B-1-2/3. Depending on the
specific features of the offshore installations, additional analyses to verify and help design other
portions of the installation structural components will be required. Such additional analyses
include those for the topside deck structural components supporting deck-mounted equipment/
machinery and the installation structure interface with the position mooring and riser systems.
Analysis criteria for interface structures are given in 5B-1-2/7.

5.1.2 Global Strength Analysis (2018)

The primary structural components of the hull, integrated deck and top column frame are to be
analyzed using the loading and environmental conditions stipulated below. Conditions
representative of all modes of operation are to be considered to determine critical cases.
Calculations for critical conditions are to be submitted for review. The analyses are to be
performed using recognized calculation methods and fully documented and referenced.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

Design conditions are to be developed in accordance with Section 3-2-3, “Design Conditions” and
Section 3-2-4, “Environmental Conditions”. 5B-1-2/5.1.2 TABLE 1 below shows the required
environmental events and safety factors to be considered for each design condition in the global
strength analysis:

Required Environmental Events and Safety Factors (1 July 2009)

Design Conditions Environmental Events Safety Factors

Loadout Calm or specified by designer or Owner 1.67

Ocean Transit (Dry Tow) 10 year return storm for the selected route condition or 1.25
specified by designer or Owner if weather routing plan
is to be implemented for the voyage

Field Transit (Wet Tow) 1 year return storm for the selected route condition or 1.25
specified by designer or Owner

In-place Design Operating 1 year return storm (minimum) 1.67

In-place Design Environmental 100 year return storm 1.25

In-place Damaged 1-year return storm 1.25

5.1.2(a) Critical Responses for Global Strength.

The global strength of the installation is to be designed for withstanding the maximum global
effects (noted in these Rules as “critical responses”) induced by the loads specified in 5B-1-1/5.1.
The critical responses that control the installation strength design are prying/squeezing loads, deck
inertia loads, torsional moments, and longitudinal shear forces between pontoons. The critical
responses that control the integrated deck and top column frame strength design are the deck
inertia loads. As indicated in 5B-1-2/5.1.2 TABLE 1, the in-place intact strength is to be designed
for these critical responses with a return period of 100 years in the Design Environmental
Condition (DEC).

The highest wave may not always produce the most critical responses. So that the most critical
responses are captured, a sufficient number of design cases are to be used, considering the
following permutations:

i) Variation in environmental conditions and headings

ii) Variation in variables (deck payloads)
iii) Variation in ballasting distributions
iv) Variation in riser arrangements
5.1.3 Major Joint Analysis – Analysis for Main Intersections of Primary Structures
Since it is difficult to adequately capture the details of the main intersections in the global strength
model, local FEM analyses are to be used, as required, to design these areas. These main
intersections include connections of pontoon to pontoon, column to pontoon, and column to
topside deck structure. For twin-pontoon column stabilized installations, special attention should
be given to brace connections to braces, columns, pontoons, and topside deck structure.

5.1.4 Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue analysis is to be performed to verify adequate strength against fatigue failure within its
design life. The fatigue analysis is to consider the loading history of the column-stabilized
installation including transport and in-place conditions. Special attention is to be given to the

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

major joints mentioned above. Attention is also to be given to the designs of structural notches,
cutouts, brackets, toes, and abrupt changes of structural sections where they are prone to fatigue

5.1.5 Structural Redundancy Analysis (2018)

The hull structural redundancy analysis is required to verify that there is adequate redistribution of
stress in the damaged condition defined in 5B-1-2/5.1.2 TABLE 1. The damaged conditions are to
consider loss of one compartment buoyancy and loss of one brace for twin-pontoon column
stabilized installations.

For integrated deck and top column frame constructed with open space trusses, the redundancy
analysis is also required for the damaged condition with loss of one primary member in
association with a factor of safety of 1.0.

5.1.6 Acceptance Criteria (2018)

5.1.6(a) Material Yielding. (2018)
For the hull, integrated deck and top column frame, the yielding criteria based on the safety factors
in 5B-1-2/5.1.2 TABLE 1 are to be used for bar and beam elements. For plate structures the
allowable von Mises equivalent stress is to be 0.7 of the yield strength for the Design Operating
and Loadout Conditions, and 0.9 of the yield strength for the Design Environmental, Transit and
Damaged Conditions.


The yield strength is to be based on the specified minimum yield point or yield stress as defined in 2-1-1/13 of the
ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) for higher strength material or 72 percent of the specified minimum
tensile strength, whichever is the lesser.

5.1.6(b) Buckling and Ultimate Strength. (2018)

For the hull, integrated deck and top column frame, the criteria specified in ABS Guide for
Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures are to be used. Alternatively,
the criteria specified in the API Bulletin 2U and 2V and other recognized standards acceptable to
ABS can be used. The safety factors are to be based on 5B-1-2/5.1.2 TABLE 1 of these Rules.

5.1.6(c) Fatigue. (2020)

For the hull, including the main intersections defined in 5B-1-2/5.1.3, the fatigue damages can be
calculated using the ABS Offshore S-N curves for environment in air, in seawater with cathodic
protection, and free corrosion, as specified in Section 3 of the ABS Guide for the Fatigue
Assessment of Offshore Structures. The S‑N curves are applicable to thicknesses that do not
exceed the reference thickness of 22 mm (7/8 in.). For members of greater thickness, thickness
correction is to be applied with an exponent of 0.25. Other recognized standards equivalent to
ABS requirements are also acceptable.

The fatigue life is determined by safety factors and the design life of the column-stabilized
installation. Safety factors depend on the inspectability, repairability, redundancy, the ability to
predict failure damage, as well as the consequence of failure of the structure. Minimum safety
factor requirements are listed in 3-2-3/3.7 TABLE 1.

For existing installations, the remaining fatigue life of the installation is to be assessed and the
supporting calculations are to be submitted for review. Special consideration is to be given to the
effects of corrosion and wastage on the remaining fatigue life of existing structures.

Any areas determined to be critical to the structure are to be free of cracks, and the effects of stress
risers is to be determined and minimized. Critical areas may require special analysis and survey.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

5.3 Non-Integrated Deck (2018)

The design of non-integrated deck is to be based on applicable sections of the Offshore Installation Rules,
and 5B-2-3/5.3 of these Rules.

7 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures

The analysis and design criteria to be applied to the other pertinent features of the installation structural
design are to conform to recognized practices acceptable to ABS. For installations, there will be a need to
consider in the hull and topside deck structure design the interface between the mooring system and the
installation, the interface between the riser system and the installation, and the effects of structural support
reactions from deckhouses and deck-mounted equipment/machinery. The criteria to be applied for these
cases are presented below.

7.1 Hull Interface with Riser System (Riser Porches, Supports, and Guides)
The riser porches, guides, and supports, including the hull backup structures (the reinforcements for the
hull), are to be designed for the maximum anticipated riser loads with a safety factor of 1.25 in the Design
Environmental Condition (DEC) and with a safety factor of 1.67 in the Design Operating Condition

Fatigue strength is to be designed to meet the requirements in 5B-1-2/5.1.6(c), taking into account the
effects of both local drag and inertia loads on the risers and the global motions of the installation.

7.3 Hull Interface with Mooring System (Fairlead, Chain Stopper, and Winch Foundations)
Each individual foundation and back-up structure of the fairlead, chain jack, and winch is to be designed
for the breaking strength of the mooring line with a safety factor of 1.25. The foundation and back-up
structure for multiple fairleads, chain jacks, or winches is to be designed for the maximum anticipated
mooring loads with a safety factor of 1.25 in the Design Environmental Condition (DEC) and with a safety
factor of 1.67 in the Design Operating Condition (DOC).

Fatigue strength is to be designed to meet the requirements in 5B-1-2/5.1.6(c), taking into account the
effects of both local drag and inertia loads on the moorings and the global motions of the installation.

7.5 Topside Deck Structure Interface with Deckhouses and Deck Mounted Equipment/
The topside deck structure may require reinforcements to resist the reaction forces from equipment/
machinery foundations or deck modules. The reinforcements of the topside deck structure are referred to as
backup structures. The forces to be resisted by the backup structures of the topside deck structure are to be
designed for the maximum anticipated gravity, functional, and environmental loads together with the
inertia loads induced by the installation motions with a safety factor of 1.25 in the Design Environmental
Condition and 1.67 in the Design Operating Condition. If deemed necessary, the fatigue strength is to meet
the requirements of 5B-1-2/5.1.6(c). Special attention should also be given to the following interface

7.5.1 Lifeboat Platform

The strength of a lifeboat platform is to be designed to meet the following requirement:

● The most adverse combination of list and trim of 20° with Safe Working Load (total weight of
lifeboat, passengers and supplies) with allowable stresses equal to Ultimate Tensile stress
divided by a factor of 4.5.
7.5.2 Crane Pedestal and Foundation
The crane pedestal is to be designed in accordance with the recognized standard that the crane is
certified to, such as Chapter 2, “Guide for Certification of Cranes” of the ABS Guide for
Certification of Lifting Appliances or API Spec. 2C.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 2 Structures 5B-1-2

9 Materials and Welding

9.1 Hull and Topside Deck Structure

Sections 3-2-6 of the MOU Rules are to be used to establish the welding requirements for the hull. The
weld type and size are to be shown on the scantling drawings or in the form of a welding schedule, and are
to comply with the Rules that govern the steel selection. Special attention is to be given to the weld details
for fatigue sensitive areas, if necessary. Weld improvements by means of toe grinding and weld profiling
are to be used if required by fatigue analysis results.

Section 3-1-4 of the MOU Rules is to be used for the material selections for the hull and topside deck
structure. The hull and topside deck structure are grouped into the following material application
categories for the purpose of material grade selection:

Special Application Structure ● External shell structure in way of main intersections of columns, topside deck
structure, pontoons, braces, mooring foundations, and riser porches
● Portions of topside deck structure which receive major concentrated loads
● Intersections of topside deck structure’s main truss members
● External brackets, portions of bulkheads, flats, and frames which receive
concentrated loads at main intersections of columns, topside deck structure,
pontoons, braces, mooring foundations, and riser porches
● “Through” material used at main intersections of columns, topside deck
structure, pontoons, braces, mooring foundations, and riser porches, which
provide proper alignment and adequate load transfer
Primary Application Structure ● External shell structure of columns, pontoons, braces, topside deck structure
(barge hull), and riser porches
● Topside deck structure’s main truss members
● Bulkheads, flats, and framing which provide local reinforcement or continuity of
structure in way of main intersections, except where the structure is considered
special application
● Bulkheads, girders, decks that are designed to provide global strength to the
Secondary Application Structure ● Internal structure, including bulkheads and girders in columns, topside deck
structure, and pontoons, except where the structure is considered primary or
special applications
● Decks of topside deck structure, except where the structure is considered
primary or special applications

9.3 Corrosion Protection and Control

A corrosion protection and control system utilizing anodes and coating in accordance with the recognized
industry standards such as API and NACE is to be provided. The design life of the corrosion protection
and control system is to be the design life of the installation. In the splash zone, corrosion allowance is to
be added to the external shell plating.


CHAPTER 1 Column-Stabilized Installations

SECTION 3 Stability

1 Stability (1 July 2012)

1.1 Transit Voyage Stability

Stability during wet tow to location is to comply with Coastal and Flag State requirements. If personnel
will be on board during the tow, the stability is to meet the criteria for column-stabilized units in the ABS
MOU Rules at all transit drafts in association with wind speeds to be agreed with ABS based on the
environmental parameters and procedures associated with the tow route.

During the installation phase (ballasting and deballasting on site), the installation is to have a positive
metacentric height (GM) after correction for free surface effects. When evaluating GM, the effect of free
surface from partially filled tanks during the ballasting/deballasting sequence is to be considered.

1.3 On-Site Stability

All installations are to have positive metacentric height (GM) in calm water equilibrium position for all
afloat conditions after correction for free surface effects. The minimum GM used in design is to be
specified by the designer and included in the operations manual.

Installations are to comply with the intact and damage stability criteria of 3-3-2/1 and 3-3-2/3 of the MOU
Rules using the site-specific wind or 50 knots (25.7 m/s), whichever is greater. Height profile is to be taken
from the MOU Rules or other recognized standard.

i) Wind speed for normal operations Vn – the 1-year, 1-minute average wind in the DOC as defined
in 5B-3-1/5.3
ii) Wind speed for storm survival Vs – the 100-year, 1-minute average wind in the DEC as defined in
iii) Wind speed for damage conditions Vd – the 1-year 1-minute average wind in the DOC as defined
in 5B-3-1/5.3

The design wind velocities are to be selected by the designer and submitted with the design documentation.

1.5 Lightweight and Center of Gravity

The inclining test required by 3-3-1/3 of these Rules is to be carried out while the installation is floating at
a draft where pontoons are submerged. Braces or other structures should not affect the waterplane
properties at any point during the test.

Alterations in the lightweight data during service (e.g., new equipment, structural modifications) are to be
recorded in the operation manual and be taken into account in daily operation.

1.7 Watertight and Weathertight Integrity

Watertight and weathertight integrity are to be established in accordance with 3-3-2/5 of the MOU Rules.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 3 Stability 5B-1-3

1.9 Penetrations (1 July 2013)

Penetrations are to comply with 3-3-2/5.5 of the MOU Rules.

Cable penetrations are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and procedures.
Evidence of prototype testing at the water pressure of the watertight boundary under consideration is to be

During installation of deck and bulkhead watertight and fire-rated cable penetrations, the attending
Surveyor is to confirm that the installer is familiar with and has access to the manufacturer’s installation
procedures for stuffing tubes, transit devices or pourable materials.

After installation, all watertight and fire-rated cable penetrations are to be visually examined. Watertight
cable penetrations are to be tested as required by 3-7-1/3.5.7 TABLE 1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.


CHAPTER 1 Column-Stabilized Installations

SECTION 4 Machinery and Systems

1 Marine Piping Systems

Marine piping systems are those systems (such as bilge, ballast, fuel oil and tank venting) that are required
to conduct marine operations and are not associated with process facilities. Marine piping systems are to
comply with Part 4, Chapter 2 of the MOU Rules and 3-5 of the Facilities Rules, as applicable.

3 Electrical Systems
Electrical systems are to comply with Part 4, Chapters 1 and 3 of the MOU Rules and 3-6 of the Facilities
Rules. Where the Flag Administration permits, the minimum number of required main power sources may
be reduced to one. For area classification requirements, refer to Section 4-1-9 of these Rules.

5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment

Fire fighting systems and equipment for installation service functions not associated with the process
facilities are to be in accordance with Part 5, Chapter 2 of the MOU Rules. Fire fighting systems and
equipment for protection of hydrocarbon process and associated systems are to be in accordance with 3-8
of the Facilities Rules.

7 Machinery and Equipment

Machinery and equipment not associated with the process facilities are to be in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapter 1 of the MOU Rules, and Part 4, Chapters 2, 4, and 6 of the
Marine Vessel Rules, as applicable. Machinery and equipment forming a part of the hydrocarbon
processing facilities are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Facilities Rules. (See
5A-1-3/1.15 of these Rules regarding machinery and equipment foundations.)

9 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks (1 July 2012)

If the Column-Stabilized Installation is designed to store hydrocarbons in hull tanks, criteria for hull
storage of hydrocarbons are to meet flag and coastal state requirements and applicable international
requirements. The designs for scantlings and strength for such storage tanks are to be in accordance with
5B-1-2/1. See 3-5/5.9 of the Facilities Rules for the storage facility arrangement requirements.

11 Additional Plans and Data to be Submitted

The following information is to be submitted and appropriate relevant information is to be provided in the
Operating Manual:

i) Inspection plans for all compartments below the maximum immersion line.
ii) Closure means for external openings whose lower edges are below the levels to which
weathertight integrity is to be ensured, as shown by the diagrams submitted in accordance with
Section 1-2-4 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures
(Part 1), defining their appropriate extent for each mode of operation afloat, for example, Normal
Operating, Severe Storm Conditions and Transit Condition. (See 3-3-2/3.3.1 of the MOU Rules.)

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 1 Column-Stabilized Installations
Section 4 Machinery and Systems 5B-1-4

iii) A plan identifying the disposition (open or closed) of all non-automatic closing devices and
locations of all watertight and weathertight closures for each mode of operation afloat is to be
submitted for review prior to the installation’s delivery. Upon satisfactory review, the plan is to be
incorporated into the Operating Manual. (See Section 1-2-4 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of
Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) and 3-3-2/5 of the MOU Rules.)
iv) Means for detection of and recovery from flooding of compartments that lie partly or completely
below the operating or survival drafts and are adjacent to the sea or contain salt water piping or
pumping equipment. (See 3-3-2/3.3.4 of the MOU Rules.)
v) The estimated time to deballast the installation from operating to survival draft. (See 4-2-4/13 of
the MOU Rules.)
vi) Means of preventing progressive flooding via sounding tubes, tank vents and overflows,
ventilating systems, trunks, etc., from compartments within the assumed damaged areas. (See
3-3-2/3.5.2 and 3-3-2/5 and 4-2-3/1.3 of the MOU Rules.)
vii) Means of detecting flooding of and means of water removal from void spaces not connected to the
bilge or ballast systems. (See 3-3-2/3.3.4 and 4-2-4/3.3 of the MOU Rules.)
viii) Means of closure and evacuation of water from chain lockers. (See 4-2-4/3.5 of the MOU Rules.)
ix) The remaining or “residual” range of stability resulting from the damaged condition and the type
and location of appropriate closures to prevent downflooding. (See 3-3-2/3.3.4 of the MOU Rules
for the definition of “residual” stability.)
x) Means of sounding tanks. (See 4-2-3/3 of the MOU Rules.)
xi) A description of the ballast piping and control system describing the items listed below.
(See 4-2-1/11.25, 4-2-2/21.9 and 4-2-4/13 of the MOU Rules.)

1) Redundancy of pumps, valves and controls and alternate means of valve operation.
2) Valve operating and indicating means.
3) Means of manual and remote operation of ballast pumps and valves.
4) Communication means between ballast control spaces and pump rooms, including those
means of communication that are independent of the ship’s service communication
5) Means of determining the failure of critical ballast system components and means to
overcome their failure.


CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms

SECTION 1 General Requirements ....................................................................501
1 General....................................................................................... 501
3 Definitions................................................................................... 501
5 Loading Criteria.......................................................................... 501
5.1 Loads............................................................................. 501
5.3 Environmental Conditions..............................................502
7 Global Performance Analyses.................................................... 503
7.1 General.......................................................................... 503
7.3 Frequency Domain Analyses.........................................503
7.5 Time Domain Analyses.................................................. 503
7.7 Deck Clearance (1 September 2007)............................ 504
7.9 Model Testing.................................................................504
9 Corrosion Protection and Control............................................... 504

SECTION 2 Stability ............................................................................................ 505

1 Stability....................................................................................... 505
1.1 Intact and Damaged Stability (1 July 2012)................... 505
1.3 Weight Control (1 July 2012)......................................... 505
3 Watertight/Weathertight Integrity (1 September 2007)............... 506
3.1 Weathertight Integrity.....................................................506
3.3 Watertight Integrity (1 July 2012)................................... 506
3.5 Penetrations (1 July 2013).............................................507

SECTION 3 Hull and Primary Structures .......................................................... 508

1 Structural Design........................................................................ 508
1.1 General.......................................................................... 508
1.3 Hull Scantlings............................................................... 508
1.5 Modules and Buildings on the Topside Deck................. 508
1.7 Helicopter Deck............................................................. 508
1.9 Protection of Openings on Top of Columns................... 508
1.11 Guards and Rails........................................................... 509
1.13 Machinery and Equipment Foundations........................ 509
1.15 Appurtenances...............................................................509
1.17 Temporary Structures.................................................... 509
3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure........................................ 509
3.1 Hull – Pontoons and Columns....................................... 509
3.3 Watertight Boundary Formula........................................ 510
3.5 Tank Boundary Formula.................................................511

5 Structural Strength Analysis and Design of Primary Structures. 513
5.1 Hull, Integrated Deck and Top Column Frame...............513
5.3 Non-integrated Deck......................................................515

TABLE 1 Required Environmental Events and Safety Factors......... 513

SECTION 4 Other Structures ............................................................................. 518

1 Tendon System Design...............................................................518
1.1 General.......................................................................... 518
1.3 Loading Conditions........................................................ 518
1.5 Tendon Analysis Procedure........................................... 519
1.7 Tendon Loads (2016).....................................................519
1.9 Tendon Components......................................................519
1.11 Installation Analyses...................................................... 520
1.13 Allowable Stresses........................................................ 520
1.15 Fatigue Analysis............................................................ 520
1.17 Fracture Mechanics Calculations...................................520
1.19 Corrosion Protection (1 July 2009)................................ 520
3 Foundation..................................................................................521
3.1 General.......................................................................... 521
3.3 Site Investigations..........................................................521
3.5 Foundation Design.........................................................521
5 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures..........................522
5.1 Hull Interface with Riser System (Riser Porches,
Supports and Guides)....................................................522
5.3 Hull Interface with Tendons (Tendon Porches).............. 522
5.5 Topside Deck Interface with Deck Modules................... 522

TABLE 1 Safety Factors for Pile Foundation Design.........................522

SECTION 5 Materials and Welding .................................................................... 523

1 Materials and Welding................................................................ 523
1.1 Hull Including Integrated Deck Structures..................... 523
1.3 Non-integrated Deck Structures.................................... 523

SECTION 6 Machinery and Systems ................................................................. 525

1 Marine Piping Systems............................................................... 525
1.1 Bilge System..................................................................525
1.3 Ballast System............................................................... 525
1.5 Vents and Sounds..........................................................526
1.7 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks............................... 526
3 Electrical Systems...................................................................... 526
5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment........................................526

7 Machinery and Equipment.......................................................... 526


CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms

SECTION 1 General Requirements

1 General
The design and construction of a Tension Leg Platform (TLP) are to be based on all applicable
requirements of the MOU Rules, Offshore Installations Rules and API RP 2T. However, the design criteria,
as given in the MOU Rules and Offshore Installations Rules, can be modified to reflect the different
structural performance and demands expected of a TLP in offshore service. In addition, in the absence of
equivalent Coastal State requirements, the applicable criteria contained in the Load Line, SOLAS and
MARPOL Conventions issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) may be considered. It is
further suggested that the local authorities having jurisdiction where the installation is to operate be
contacted to obtain any further criteria that are applicable to the TLP installations.

3 Definitions
A TLP consists of structural components of hull, column top frame, topside deck, tendon system and
foundation system. The hull consists of buoyant pontoons and columns. The tops of the columns are
connected to a column top frame or a topside deck forming the global strength of the hull. For the hull with
a column top frame, the topside deck is not integrated as part of the global strength of the hull. This topside
deck is noted as “Non-integrated Deck” in these Rules. The topside deck integrated with the hull to form
the global strength of the hull is noted as “Integrated Deck” in these Rules.

Tendon System: A vertical mooring system that forms the link between the hull and the foundation for the
purpose of mooring the TLP.

Foundation System: The foundations used to anchor the tendon legs to the seafloor.

5 Loading Criteria

5.1 Loads
The TLP’s modes of operation in pre-service (loadout, transportation, installation) and in-service (in-place)
conditions are to be investigated using anticipated loads, including gravity loads together with relevant
environmental loads due to the effects of wind, waves, current and other phenomena such as earthquake,
temperature, fouling, ice, etc., depending upon the specific installation site.

The TLP is to be designed for the loading conditions that produce the most severe local and global effects
on the structure, as determined by the most severe operational or installation requirements.

Applied loading combinations considered for structural design are to include, as applicable, but not be
limited to, the following loads:

i) Environmental loads. Loads due to wind, waves and current are to be considered. Directionality of
wind, waves and current may be considered if accurate data is available. Where there is no
accurate data available, the directionality of wind, waves and current that generates the most
severe local and global load effects are to be used for design. Adequate headings for the
environment are to be analyzed such that the most critical heading for the environment has been

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 1 General Requirements 5B-2-1

ii) Hydrostatic pressures and buoyancy. Hydrostatic pressures and buoyancy are to be considered for
all submerged structural members.
iii) Gravity. Gravity of the structure and equipment steel and the variables in the topside deck and hull
are to be considered.
iv) Inertia loads. Inertia loads due to motions of the TLP are to be considered.
v) Operational loads. Loads induced by operations of drilling and production are to be considered.
vi) Tendon and riser loads. Loads due to tendon and riser systems are to be considered, as applicable.
vii) Marine operation loads. Loads encountered during transportation and installation are to be taken
into account in the design. These loads include loads exposed during transport (wet or dry), launch
or float-off and during ballasting and deballasting operations when the topside deck is being
installed and during tendon installation procedure.
viii) Slamming. Wave slamming loads are to be considered for members such as pontoons, columns,
top column frame members and members forming the underside of the topside deck that are
subject to wave slamming during transportation and operation.

5.3 Environmental Conditions (1 July 2019)

The TLP is to be designed to withstand a specified extreme storm in the Design Environmental Condition
and operate in the Design Operating Condition. The environmental conditions required are defined in 3/3.3
of Position Mooring Guide and the environmental criteria required for these design conditions are defined
in Section 3-2-4. Additionally, the TLP is to be designed for all operations in pre-service conditions such
as loadout, transportation and installation. The environmental conditions for loadout and installation are to
be specified by the designers or Owners. The environmental condition for transportation is to be of a 10-
year return event of the selected transit route, unless a weather routing plan is to be implemented for the

In the design of the TLP in-service and pre-service strength, the following environmental conditions are to
be considered:

Design Environmental Conditions (DEC). Please refer to 3/3.3.2(a) of Position Mooring Guide. For
structural strength design, environmental conditions that produce the responses having a minimum return
period of 100 years are to be used.

Design Operating Conditions (DOC). Please refer to 3/3.3.2(b) of Position Mooring Guide. For structural
design, environmental conditions that produce TLP responses having a minimum return period of 1 year
are to be used.

Reduced Extreme Conditions (REC). Environmental conditions that have a low probability of being
exceeded when the hull is damaged or a tendon is removed/flooded. For structural strength design, joint
statistics may be used to determine a return period which, combined with the probability of damage,
produces a risk level equal to that of the Design Environmental Conditions (DEC).

Calm Conditions. Environmental conditions such that the effects of wind, waves and current are
insignificant and can be ignored. Where such a situation exists, the design case is permitted to use calm

In assessing the minimum tendon tension and topside deck clearance the following environmental
condition should be considered:

Survival Environmental Conditions (SEC). Environmental conditions that produce TLP responses having a
minimum return period of 1000 years.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 1 General Requirements 5B-2-1

7 Global Performance Analyses

7.1 General
Global performance analyses of the TLP are aimed at determining the global effects of environmental
loads on the overall platform and its components, such as tendons, risers, etc. The key function of the
analyses is to establish that the TLP meets all of the pre-service and in-service requirements. It is
suggested that global response analysis be performed for each of the most critical design phases. The
following aspects are to be included in TLP global performance analyses:

i) Platform motions in six degrees of freedom

ii) Tendon tensions, including the maximum and minimum tensions and tendon fatigue loads for
tendon design
iii) Equivalent design wave heights and periods for the global structural analysis
iv) Hull hydrodynamic pressure loads for global structural analysis
v) Platform accelerations for the determination of inertia loads

Global analyses with various loading conditions are required because complex motion characteristics of
the TLP will have different impacts on different structural components. Therefore, the deck, hull, tendons
and risers are to be included in these analyses. Several analytical methods with varying degrees of
complexity may be used to achieve this goal. Loading and response predictions for the deck and hull, and
those for the tendons and risers can be performed either separately or in an integrated form. Methods and
models employed in the analyses are to account for the relevant nonlinear and motion coupling effects.
Due to numerical efficiency and limitations of each method, frequency domain analyses are usually
performed for all of the load cases. For those cases that are determined to be critical to the TLP global
performance or to have highly nonlinear effects, a time-domain analysis should be performed. For the
detailed discussion of various available global analysis methods of TLP, refer to API RP 2T.

7.3 Frequency Domain Analyses

Frequency domain analyses include the wave frequency analysis in six degrees of freedom of the TLP
system, and the low frequency analysis in surge, sway and yaw of the TLP system.

In order to evaluate the first-order platform and tendon responses, linear wave theory is usually employed
in the wave frequency analysis. However, an alternative method may be applied to evaluate the effects of
finite amplitude waves. In case where second-order sum-frequency effects are determined to be significant,
the high frequency springing analyses are to be carried out to evaluate the springing responses of the
platform and tendons. The low frequency analysis is also to be carried out to evaluate the slow drift effects
caused by wind and wave drift. The damping levels used in the above analyses are to be properly
determined and documented.

7.5 Time Domain Analyses

Time domain analysis is a preferable approach to evaluate the nonlinear effects in global response analyses
of the TLP. These nonlinear effects include hull drag forces, finite wave amplitude effects, nonlinear
restoring forces from tendons and risers, ringing (the high frequency vertical vibration of a TLP excited by
impulsive loading) and springing (the high frequency vertical vibration of the TLP excited by cyclic
loading at or near the resonant periods), and coupling effects of hull, tendons and risers in deep waters. In
time domain analysis, a relevant wave spectrum is to be transferred to random time series for simulating
irregular wave elevations and kinematics.

For deepwater applications, a time domain analysis of fully coupled motions of platform, tendons and
risers may be required and documented for the load cases that are shown to govern the TLP global
performance. When strong nonlinear responses are expected, a time domain ringing response analysis is to
be performed and submitted for review.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 1 General Requirements 5B-2-1

In areas with a strong current extending deep into the ocean, possible VIV effects are to be assessed and

7.7 Deck Clearance (1 September 2007)

A clearance meeting the following criteria is recommended to be maintained between the underside of the
topside deck and the wave crest:

i) 5 ft minimum in Design Environmental Conditions (DEC).

ii) A reasonable clearance in Survival Environmental Conditions.

The deck clearance is normally determined by an appropriate model test. Alternatively, the deck clearance
can also be determined by a detailed hydrodynamic analysis that accounts for relative motions between the
TLP and waves. The following items are to be considered to determine the deck clearance:

i) Various environmental headings

ii) Offset due to wind, waves and current
iii) Nonlinearity of wave profile
iv) Wave diffraction, run-up
v) Platform set-down
vi) Tide and water level effects
vii) Seabed subsidence

Deck clearance is also to be checked at various points on the underside of the topside deck.

Unless the recommended deck clearance can be maintained to avoid impact, the TLP including topside
deck, hull, tendons and foundations should be designed for the anticipated local and global wave forces
(including slamming) and resulting responses. Structures and equipment on the topside deck, which may
subject to wave run-up or green water, should also be designed for the associated forces.

7.9 Model Testing

Model testing for deriving some of the design parameters, such as deck clearance and nonlinear effects, is
recommended as the final check of TLP designs if innovative components emerge in the design. Relevant
environmental conditions are to be covered in the model testing. The primary objectives of model tests are
listed below:

i) To determine the responses of a particular design, such as to calibrate factors for ringing and
ii) To verify analysis tools for prediction of system responses or simply to correlate the analysis
iii) To derive design information as a substitute for numerical analysis.

9 Corrosion Protection and Control

A corrosion protection and control system utilizing anodes and coating in accordance with the recognized
industry standards such as API and NACE is to be provided. The design life of the corrosion protection
and control system is to be the design life of the TLP. In the splash zone, corrosion allowance is to be
added to the external shell plating.


CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms

SECTION 2 Stability

1 Stability

1.1 Intact and Damaged Stability (1 July 2012)

Stability during wet tow to location is to comply with Coastal and Flag State requirements. If personnel
will be on board during the tow, the stability is to meet the criteria for column-stabilized units in the ABS
MOU Rules at all transit drafts in association with wind speeds to be agreed with ABS based on the
environmental parameters and procedures associated with the tow route.

During the installation phase (ballasting and deballasting for tendon connection), the installation is to have
a positive metacentric height (GM) after correction for free surface effects. When evaluating GM, the
effect of free surface from partially filled tanks during the ballasting/deballasting sequence is to be

Under in-place conditions, positive tendon tension is to be maintained to ensure integrity of the platform
and tendons, and account for tendon slacking. The intact condition is to include the full range of possible
center of gravity variations permitted by acceptable operating procedures during severe conditions.

The TLP is to maintain positive tendon tension in Design Operating Condition (DOC) after sustaining any
one of the following flooding scenarios:

i) Any one compartment at or below the still water line, or

ii) Damage is assumed to be 3 m (10 ft) wide and 3 m (10 ft) high with a horizontal penetration of
1.5 m (5 ft) inboard of the hull plating. This extent of damage is to be considered at all levels
between 3 m (10 ft) below to 5 m (16.4 ft) above the waterline in consideration. No vertical
bulkhead needs to be considered damaged unless the nearest vertical bulkhead is placed closer
than1 8 of the perimeter of the column at the waterline or 3 m (10 ft), whichever is less, or
iii) Any one tendon compartment.

The environmental condition is to be assumed as Design Operating Condition at the time of flooding.
Positive tendon tension is to be demonstrated through analysis. Ballast pump capacity is to meet API RP
2T specifications.

The ability to compensate for damage incurred, by pumping out or ballasting other compartments, is not to
be considered when determining whether positive tendon tension can be maintained.

1.3 Weight Control (1 July 2012)

An inclining test is to be conducted to accurately determine the platform weight and the position of the
center of gravity. If integration of topsides takes place offshore, an alternative procedure may be applied
using an inclining test or lightweight survey of the hull combined with weighing of the topside components
to be installed.

A global weight verification plan is to be submitted. Procedures for the lightweight survey, each weighing,
and permanent ballast measurement are to be submitted for approval and are to include estimates of weight
and center of gravity. An ABS surveyor is to attend each activity.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 2 Stability 5B-2-2

When weighing components, these parts are to be as complete as possible with not more than 2% of the
weight of the component remaining to be incorporated.

The result of each weight verification activity is to be compared to the estimated weight. When the
measured weight is within ±1% of the estimated weight, the vertical center of gravity is to be the estimated
value in the calculation. When it is outside the 1% tolerance, the vertical center of gravity is to be
computed by taking the difference between the estimated and the measured weight and placing it at an
indisputably conservative location.

Changes of onboard load conditions after the inclining test and during service are to be carefully accounted
for. The operations manual is to provide guidance for the maintenance of a weight change log and
periodical correlation between calculated and measured tendon tension. The weight log and the records of
the periodical correlations are to be kept onboard.

3 Watertight/Weathertight Integrity (1 September 2007)

A plan, identifying the disposition (open or closed) of all non-automatic closing devices and locations of
all watertight and weathertight closures, and unprotected openings is to be submitted for review prior to the
installation’s delivery. Upon satisfactory review the plan is to be incorporated into the Operating Manual.

3.1 Weathertight Integrity

External closing appliances are to be in accordance with the requirement of the 1966 International
Convention on Load Lines.

In all cases, external openings whose lower edges are below the levels to which weathertight integrity is to
be ensured are to have weathertight closing appliances.

Openings fitted with appliances to ensure weathertight integrity are to effectively resist the ingress of water
due to intermittent immersion of the closure.

3.3 Watertight Integrity (1 July 2012)

All internal and external openings whose lower edges are below the levels to which watertight integrity is
to be ensured, as shown by the diagrams submitted in accordance with 5B-3-2/3, are to be fitted with
appliances to ensure watertight integrity.

3.3.1 Internal Openings

Internal openings fitted with appliances to ensure watertight integrity are to comply with the

3.3.1(a) Doors and hatches are to be of the quick-acting type and an indicating system (e.g., light
signals) is to be provided showing personnel, both locally and at a normally manned central
position, whether the doors or hatches in question are open or secured closed. In addition, a sign is
to be posted near the opening to the effect that the closing appliance is to be secured closed and
opened only during actual use. If sliding doors are fitted they are to be capable of being remotely
controlled from a normally manned central position as well as being operable locally from both
sides of the bulkhead.

3.3.1(b) Manholes fitted with bolted covers need not be dealt with as under 5B-2-2/3.3.1(a).

3.3.1(c) The closing appliances are to have strength, tightness and means for securing which are
sufficient to maintain watertightness under the water pressure of the watertight boundary under

3.3.2 External Openings

External openings are to comply with the following.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 2 Stability 5B-2-2

3.3.2(a) The lower edges of all openings, including air pipes, ventilators, ventilation intakes and
outlets (regardless of closing appliances), non-watertight hatches and weathertight doors, are to be
above the levels to which watertight integrity is to be ensured.

3.3.2(b) Manholes fitted with bolted covers need not be dealt with as under 5B-2-2/3.3.2(a).

3.3.2(c) External openings fitted with appliances to ensure watertight integrity are normally to be
secured closed and are to comply with the requirements of 5B-2-2/3.3.1.

3.5 Penetrations (1 July 2013)

Where watertight bulkheads and flats are necessary for damage stability, they are to be made watertight
throughout. Where individual lines, ducts or piping systems serve more than one compartment or are
within the extent of damage, satisfactory arrangements are to be provided to preclude the possibility of
progressive flooding through the system. Valves fitted at watertight boundaries are to be operable from
above the top of the hull.

Cable penetrations are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and procedures.
Evidence of prototype testing at the water pressure of the watertight boundary under consideration is to be

During installation of deck and bulkhead watertight and fire-rated cable penetrations, the attending
Surveyor is to confirm that the installer is familiar with and has access to the manufacturer’s installation
procedures for stuffing tubes, transit devices or pourable materials.

After installation, all watertight and fire-rated cable penetrations are to be visually examined. Watertight
cable penetrations are to be tested as required by 3-7-1/3.5.7 TABLE 1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.


CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms

SECTION 3 Hull and Primary Structures

1 Structural Design

1.1 General
The design of the TLP is to be based on the applicable portions of the MOU Rules. Where the conditions at
the installation site are less than those for full ocean service that are the basis of the MOU Rules, the design
criteria for various components of the TLP may be reduced to reflect these differences. However, when the
installation site conditions produce more arduous demands, it is mandatory that the design criteria be
increased appropriately. The TLP strength can be obtained by initially designing each component’s
scantlings for local load effects and, subsequently, verifying the initial scantlings for the global load

This subsection provides requirements for the designs of initial scantlings and secondary structures.
5B-2-3/5 of these Rules provides requirements for verification of the initial scantlings.

1.3 Hull Scantlings

Scantlings of TLP structural components, including columns and pontoons, are to be designed in
accordance with 5B-2-3/3.

1.5 Modules and Buildings on the Topside Deck

The structural design of modules and buildings on the topside deck is to be in accordance with 5B-2-3/5.3,
wherever applicable. The relative deformations among module and building supports are to be included in
the analysis if their effects on the module are significant.

The module and building supporting structures on the topside deck are to be analyzed and shown explicitly
on the drawings so that the construction of the module and building supports can be consistent with those
assumed in the structural analysis. Means are to be provided to verify that the module and building design
reactions and conditions are identical with those used in the topside deck design.

The structural fire protection aspects of the design of topsides modules and buildings, including the
arrangement of the hydrocarbon process area, are to be in accordance with 3-8 of the Facilities Rules.

The designs of piping system on the topside deck are to comply with Part 4, Chapter 2 of the MOU Rules
and applicable requirements of the Facilities Rules.

1.7 Helicopter Deck

The design of the helicopter deck is to comply with the requirements of 3-2-2/3 of the MOU Rules and
3-8/9.9 of the Facilities Rules.

1.9 Protection of Openings on Top of Columns

All openings of the top of columns are to comply with Section 3-2-15 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

1.11 Guards and Rails

Guards and rails are to comply with the requirements of 5-3-1/5 of the MOU Rules. The above mentioned
section is to be used for the perimeters of the TLP. Alternative arrangements, such as a minimum 42-inch
high and two tiers evenly spaced handrail with a kickboard, may be considered by the Bureau, provided
they are also acceptable to local authorities.

1.13 Machinery and Equipment Foundations

Foundations for machinery or equipment subject to high concentrated or cyclic loading, such as drilling
facilities, cranes, tendon porches, riser porches, if applicable, are to be designed to provide satisfactory
strength and fatigue resistance for the reaction forces specified by the manufacturer or the maximum
anticipated loads during the design life of the TLP, in accordance with safety factors outlined in
5B-2-3/5.1. The global load effects, TLP motion-induced inertia loads are also to be considered in addition
to the reaction forces. The backup structures, reinforcements on hull or topside deck, are also to be
designed for the same loads and safety factors, as a minimum.

1.15 Appurtenances
Main appurtenances attached to the exterior of the hull are to be evaluated, taking into account the effects
of both local drag and inertia loads. Responses resulting from these loads, together with any appropriate
consideration of global action of the TLP, are to be considered with respect to yield, buckling and fatigue
strength. The backup structures are also to be designed for the same loads and safety factors, as a

1.17 Temporary Structures

Structures built for temporary use in the pre-service conditions are not subjected to ABS review. However,
the arrangements and details of these structures are to be submitted for reference to verify the adequacy of
the local and global strength of the hull and topside deck to support these temporary structures during
operation in the pre-service condition. The backup structures are to be designed for the safety factors
outlined in 5B-2-3/5.1.

3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure

The initial scantling design of the hull is to be based on the applicable portions of the MOU Rules and the
Marine Vessel Rules. The aspects that are not covered by these Rules are to be based on the recognized
codes and standards. For curved shells, the minimum scantlings of shell girders are to be determined on the
basis of established shell analysis methods, using the heads given in 5B-2-3/3.1 and safety factors
appropriate to the method employed. As a minimum, a detailed local analysis is to be performed, with
failure modes meeting the criteria in 5B-2-3/5.1.6.

3.1 Hull – Pontoons and Columns

Pontoons and columns may be considered either as framed or unframed shells. Ring stiffeners, bulkheads
or other suitable diaphragms which are used are to be adequate to maintain shape and stiffness under all
anticipated loadings in association with established shell analysis methods.

3.1.1 Scantlings of Framed Shells

Where the components of columns or pontoons incorporate stiffened plating, the minimum
scantlings of plating, framing, girders, etc., for shells and interior boundary bulkheads and flats
may be determined in accordance with the requirements for tanks, as given in 5B-2-3/3.5, in
association with the following.

3.1.1(a) Tank Space.

Where the internal space is a tank, the head, h, is to be taken to a point located at two-thirds of the
distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow, or to a point 0.91 m (3 ft) above the
top of the tank, whichever is greater. For tanks intended to carry contents with a specific gravity in

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

excess of 1.05, the head is to be suitably increased by a factor equal to the ratio of the specific
gravity to 1.0.

3.1.1(b) Void Compartment Spaces.

Where the internal space is a void compartment, the head is to be taken to the maximum
permissible draft of the unit in service.

3.1.1(c) Areas Subject to Wave Immersion.

For all areas subject to wave immersion, the minimum head is to be 6.1 m (20 ft).

3.1.1(d) Minimum Scantlings.

In general, the scantlings of boundaries are not to be less than those required by 5B-2-3/3.3, in
association with a head to the maximum damaged waterline.

3.1.2 Scantlings of Unframed Shells

Where columns or pontoons do not incorporate framing members, the minimum scantlings of shell
plating and ring stiffeners are to be determined on the basis of established shell analysis methods
using the heads given in 5B-2-3/3.1.1 and safety factors appropriate to the methods employed.
Interior boundary bulkheads and flats are to be considered on the basis of framed shells, as given
in 5B-2-3/5.1.6.

3.1.3 Additional Structural Requirements for Scantlings

Scantlings of columns and pontoons as determined above are minimum requirements for
hydrostatic loads. Where wave and current loadings are superimposed, the scantlings of the local
structure of the shell are to be increased as necessary, to meet the strength requirements of

3.3 Watertight Boundary Formula

3.3.1 Plating
The plating thickness of watertight boundaries is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

t   =   sk qℎ/290   +   1 . 5 mm

t   =   sk qℎ/525   +   0 . 06 in.

but not less than 6 mm (0.24 in.) or s/200 + 2.5 mm (s/200 + 0.10 in.), whichever is greater.


t = thickness in mm (in.)
s = spacing of stiffeners in mm (in.)
k = (3 . 075 α − 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) for 1 ≤ α ≤ 2
= 1.0 for α > 2
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
q = 235/Y   (24/Y,   34, 000/Y)
Y = specified minimum yield point or yield strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the lower edge of the plating to a point defined in 5B-2-3/3.1

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

3.3.2 Stiffeners and Beams

The section modulus, SM, of each bulkhead stiffener or beam on a watertight flat, in association
with the plating to which it is attached, is not to be less than that obtained from the following

SM   =   Qfcℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)

Q   =   49 . 92/(Y + 2U/3)     (SI Units)

Q   =   70900/(Y + 2U/3)     (US Units)


f = 7.8 (0.0041)
c = 0.56 for stiffeners with ends attached
= 0.60 for stiffeners with no end attachment
s = the spacing of stiffeners, in m (ft)
ℓ = the length of stiffeners, in m (ft); where brackets are fitted with a slope of
approximately 45 degrees and thickness given in 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU
Rules, the length of ℓ maybe measured to a point on the bracket equal to 25% of the
length of the bracket.
Y = specified minimum yield strength, in kgf/mm2 (psi)
U = specified minimum tensile strength of the higher-strength material, in kgf/mm2 (psi)
3.3.3 Girders and Webs
The section modulus, SM, of each girder or web is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

SM   =   Qfℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)


f = 4.7 (0.0025)
ℎ = distances, in m (ft), from the middle of the area supported to a point defined in
s = sum of half lengths, in m (ft) (on each side of girder or web), of the stiffeners or beams
ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports, where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead
supports, and the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU
Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length ℓ may be measured to a
point on the bracket located at the distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of
the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-2-3/3.3.2

3.5 Tank Boundary Formula

3.5.1 Plating
Plating is to be the thickness derived from the following equation:

t   =   sk qℎ/254 + 2 . 5 mm

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

t   =   sk qℎ/460 + 0 . 10 in.

but not less than 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) or s/150 + 2.5 mm (s/150 + 0.10 in.), whichever is greater.


t = thickness in mm (in.)
s = the spacing of stiffeners, in m (ft)
k = (3 . 075 α − 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) for 1 ≤ α ≤ 2
= 1.0 for α > 2
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
q = 235/Y   (24/Y,   34, 000/Y)
Y = specified minimum yield point or yield strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the lower edge of the plating to a point defined in 5B-2-3/3.1

When the specific gravity of the liquid contents of a tank is greater than 1.05, the head, ℎ,
specified above is to be increased by a factor equal to the ratio of the specific gravity to 1.0.

3.5.2 Stiffeners and Beams

The section modulus, SM, of each bulkhead stiffener or beam on a flat, in association with the
plating to which it is attached, is not to be less than that obtained from the following equation:

SM   =   Qfcℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)


f = 7.8 (0.0041)
c = 0.9 for stiffeners having clip attachments to decks or flats at the ends or having
such attachments at one end with the other end supported by girders
= 1.0 for stiffeners supported at both ends by girders
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the middle of ℓ to a point defined in 5B-2-3/3.1
s = spacing of stiffeners, in m (ft)
ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports; where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead
supports, and the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU
Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length, ℓ, may be measured to
a point on the bracket located at a distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of
the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-2-3/3.3.2
3.5.3 Girders and Webs
The section modulus, SM, of each girder or web is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

SM   =   Qfcℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)


Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

f = 4.74 (0.0025)
c = 1.5
ℎ = distances, in m (ft), from the middle of the area supported to a point defined in 5B-2-3/3.1
s = sum of half lengths, in m (ft) (on each side of girder or web), of the stiffeners or beams supported
ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports; where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead supports, and
the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU Rules and have a slope of
approximately 45 degrees, the length, ℓ, may be measured to a point on the bracket located at a
distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-2-3/3.3.2

5 Structural Strength Analysis and Design of Primary Structures

5.1 Hull, Integrated Deck and Top Column Frame

5.1.1 General
Documents necessary to verify the structural strength, including yielding, buckling and fatigue of
the hull, integrated deck, column top frame and main intersections of primary structures are to be
submitted for review. The criteria in this subsection relate to the analyses required to verify the
scantlings selected in the basic design in 5B-2-3/3. Except as provided in the MOU Rules, the
results of analyses that are required in this subsection cannot be used to reduce the scantlings
established from 5B-2-3/3 of these Rules.

Depending on the specific features of the TLP, additional analyses to verify and help design other
portions of the TLP structural components will be required. Such additional analyses include the
hull interfaces with tendons, riser systems, machinery/equipment foundations and appurtenances.
Analysis criteria for these additional hull structural components are given in 5B-2-4/5.

5.1.2 Global Strength Analysis

The primary structures of the hull, integrated deck and column top frame are to be analyzed using
the loading and environmental conditions stipulated below. Conditions representing all modes of
operation are to be considered to determine the critical cases. Calculations for critical conditions
are to be submitted for review. The analyses are to be performed using recognized calculation
methods and fully documented and referenced.

5B-2-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 below shows the required environmental events and safety factors to be
considered for each design condition in the global strength analysis:

Required Environmental Events and Safety Factors

Design Conditions Environmental Events Safety Factors

Loadout Calm or specified by designer or 1.67


Ocean Transit (Dry Tow) 10 year return storm for the selected 1.25
route condition or specified by
designer or Owner if weather
routing plan is to be implemented
for the voyage

Field Transit (Wet Tow) 1 year return storm for the selected 1.25
route condition or specified by
designer or Owner

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

Design Conditions Environmental Events Safety Factors

Deck Installation Calm or specified by designer or 1.67


In-place Design Operating 1 year return storm (minimum) 1.67

In-place Design Environmental 100 year return storm 1.25

In-place Damaged 1-year return storm 1.25

5.1.2(a) Critical Responses for Global Strength.

The global strength of the hull is to be designed to withstand the responses induced by the loads
specified in 5B-2-1/5.1. The responses of the hull induced by these loads that control the hull
strength design are prying/squeezing loads, inertia loads and torsional moments. The responses
that control the topside deck strength design are the accelerations induced by the waves in addition
to those responses that control the hull. As indicated in 5B-2-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1, the in-place intact
strength is to be designed for these responses with a 100-year return period in the Design
Environmental Condition (DEC).

The highest wave may not always produce the most critical responses. To ensure that the most
critical responses are captured, a sufficient number of design cases are to be used, considering the
following permutations:

i) Variation in environmental conditions and headings

ii) Variation in variables (deck payloads)
iii) Variation in ballasting distributions
iv) Variation in riser arrangements
5.1.3 Major Joint Analysis – Analysis for Main Intersections of Primary Structures
Since the details of the main intersections are difficult to adequately capture in the global strength
model, local FEM analyses are to be used, as required, to design these areas. These main
intersections include connections of pontoon to pontoon, column to pontoon, column to topside
deck, column to column top frame, and joints of column top frame and topside deck structures.

5.1.4 Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue analysis is to be performed to ensure adequate strength against fatigue failure within the
TLP’s design life. The fatigue analysis is to consider all loading history of the TLP including
transport and in-place conditions. Special attention is to be given to the major joints mentioned

Attention is also to be given to the designs of structural notches, cutouts, attachments and abrupt
changes of structural sections where they are prone to fatigue damages.

5.1.5 Structural Redundancy Analysis

Redundancy analysis is required to ensure that there is adequate redistribution of stress in the
damaged conditions defined in 5B-2-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1. The damaged conditions are also to
consider loss of buoyancy in one compartment or removal of one tendon.

5.1.6 Acceptance Criteria

The total assessment of the structure and details is to be performed against the design conditions
specified in 5B-2-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 and failure modes of material yielding, buckling, ultimate
strength and fatigue. The acceptance criteria of each mode are given as follows.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

5.1.6(a) Material Yielding (1 July 2012)

For the hull, integrated deck and column top frame, the yielding criteria indicated in 3-2-1/3 of the
MOU Rules is to be used. The safety factors in 5B-2-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 of these Rules are to be
used for bar and beam elements. For plated structures the allowable von Mises equivalent stress is
to be 0.7 of the yield strength for the Design Operating, Loadout and Deck Installation Conditions,
and 0.9 of the yield strength for the Design Environmental, Transit and Damaged Conditions.

The yield strength is to be based on the specified minimum yield point or yield stress, as defined
in 2-1-1/13 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) for higher strength material.

5.1.6(b) Buckling and Ultimate Strength (2018).

For the hull, integrated deck and column top frame, the buckling criteria in API Bulletin 2V and
2U are to be used. Alternatively, the criteria specified in the ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate
Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures or other recognized standards may be used. The
safety factors are to be based on 5B-2-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 of these Rules.

5.1.6(c) Fatigue (2020)

For the hull, including the main intersections defined in 5B-2-3/5.1.3, the fatigue damages can be
calculated using the ABS Offshore S-N curves for environment in air, in seawater with cathodic
protection and free corrosion, as specified in Section 3 of the ABS Guide for the Fatigue
Assessment of Offshore Structures. The S-N curves are applicable to thicknesses that do not
exceed the reference thickness of 22 mm (7 8 in.). For members of greater thickness, thickness
correction is to be applied with an exponent of 0.25. Other recognized standards equivalent to
ABS requirements are also acceptable.

For integrated deck and column top frame, ABS Offshore S-N curves and AWS S-N curves can be

The fatigue life is determined by safety factors and the design life of the TLP. Safety factors
depend on the inspectability, repairability, redundancy, the ability to predict failure damage, as
well as the consequence of failure of the structure. Minimum safety factor requirements are listed
in 3-2-3/3.7 TABLE 1.

Any areas determined to be critical to the structure are to be free from cracks, and stress
concentration factors are to be determined and minimized. Critical areas may require special
analysis and survey.

5.3 Non-integrated Deck

5.3.1 General
The designs of non-integrated deck structural members, such as deck girders, columns, beams,
braces, stiffeners, deck plating, etc., are to be based on the applicable sections of the Offshore
Installation Rules. To this end, the loads on the structure, as indicated in 5B-2-3/5.3.2, as
applicable, are to be determined, and the resulting structural responses are not to exceed the safety
criteria given in 5B-2-3/5.3.4.

The use of design methods and associated safety criteria, other than those specifically covered in
this section, is permitted where it can be demonstrated that the use of such alternative methods
will result in a structure possessing a level of safety equivalent to or greater than that provided by
the direct application of these requirements.

5.3.2 Loading Conditions

Loadings which produce the most unfavorable effects on the non-integrated deck structure for the
pre-service and in-service conditions are to be considered. The environmental conditions and
applicable loads described in 5B-2-1/5 are to be used to establish the design load cases for the in-
service and preservice conditions. The environmental events included in 5B-2-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

are also to be considered for the deck design. For a given topside payload, the most critical
responses for the topside deck may be the accelerations induced by the TLP’s motions and the
inclination-induced loads.

5.3.3 Structural Analysis

A space frame analysis of the deck structure is to be performed to obtain the structural response.
The structural model can be either the overall TLP with a detailed deck model or a standalone
deck structural model. In the latter case, the boundary conditions of the model are to be properly
simulated in the analysis. In modeling the deck structures, all relevant structural components are to
be included. The nature of loads and loading combinations, as well as the local environmental
conditions, are to be taken into consideration in the selection of design methods. Methods of
analysis and their associated assumptions are to be compatible with the overall design principles.
Linear, elastic methods (working stress methods) are generally employed in design and analysis.
For the use of other methods, reference is to be made to 3-2-3/7 of the Offshore Installations

5.3.4 Allowable Stresses

The safety criteria are to be expressed in terms of appropriate basic allowable stresses, in
accordance with requirements specified below:

5.3.4(a) For tubular members, stress limits are to be in accordance with the API RP 2A. The basic
allowable stresses for the other type of members are to be obtained using the American Institute of
Steel Construction (AISC) Manual of Steel Construction, ASD. For plated structures, the design is
to be in accordance with API RP 2U and API RP 2V or other recognized industry standards.

5.3.4(b) Where stresses in members described in 5B-2-3/5.3.4(a) are shown to be due to forces
imposed by the Design Environmental Condition (DEC) acting in combination with dead and live
loads, the basic allowable stresses cited in 5B-2-3/5.3.4(a) may be increased by one-third,
provided the resulting structural member sizes are not less than those required for the operating
environment loading combined with dead and live loads without the one-third increase in
allowable stresses.

5.3.4(c) (1 July 2009) The allowable stresses specified in 5B-2-3/5.3.4(b) are to be regarded as the
limits for stresses in all structural parts for the marine operations covered in 5B-2-1/5.1, except for
lifting, where the one-third increase in the basic allowable stress is not permitted. The one-third
increase in the basic allowable stress is also not permitted in loadout operations. The lifting
analysis is to adequately account for equipment and fabrication weight increase with dynamic
amplification factors recommended in API RP 2A. Other lift analysis methods can be considered
on a case-by-case basis.

5.3.4(d) (1 July 2012) For any two- or three-dimensional stress field within the scope of the
working stress formulation, the equivalent stress (e.g., the von Mises stress intensity) is to be used
in the design. The allowable von Mises stress is to be 0.7 of the yield strength for the Design
Operating Condition (DOC) and 0.9 of the yield strength for the Design Environmental Condition
(DEC). For highly localized areas, local yielding of the structure may be accepted, provided it can
be demonstrated that such yielding does not lead to progressive collapse of the overall structure
and that the general structural stability is maintained.

5.3.4(e) Whenever elastic instability, overall or local, may occur before the stresses reach their
basic allowable levels, appropriate allowable buckling stresses govern.

5.3.5 Fatigue Assessment (2020)

A detailed fatigue analysis is to be performed for deck structures. Rational fatigue analysis
methods are acceptable if the forces and member stresses can be properly represented. The
dynamic effects are to be taken into consideration if they are significant to the structural response.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-2-3

For the frame members of the deck, the S-N curves specified in the ABS Guide for the Fatigue
Assessment of Offshore Structures and API RP 2A are recommended. The Stress Concentration
Factors (SCFs) for tubular joints can be calculated based on applicable empirical formulas. For the
complex critical connections, the SCFs should be calculated by means of a fine mesh finite
element analysis.

The results of the assessment are to indicate a minimum expected fatigue life of three times the
design life of the structure where sufficient structural redundancy exists to prevent catastrophic
failure of the structure of the member or connection under consideration. Where such redundancy
does not exist or where the desirable degree of redundancy is significantly reduced as a result of
fatigue damage, the result of a fatigue assessment is to indicate a minimum expected fatigue life of
three or more times the design life of the structure.3-2-3/3.7 TABLE 1 provides general safety
factor requirements for fatigue life. For the deck to hull connections, see 5B-2-3/5.1.6(c).

Any areas determined to be critical to the structure are to be free from cracks, and stress
concentration factors are to be determined and minimized. Critical areas may require special
analysis and survey.

5.3.6 Stresses in Connections (1 July 2009)

Connections of structural members are to be developed to ensure effective load transmission
between connected members, to minimize stress concentration and to prevent excessive punching
shear. Connection details are also to be designed to minimize undue constraints against overall
ductile behavior and to minimize the effects of post-weld shrinkage. Undue concentration of
welding is to be avoided. The design of tubular joints is to be in accordance with the API RP 2A,
including pinching shear. AISC Manual of Steel Construction, ASD can be used for the design of
non-tubular joints.


CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms

SECTION 4 Other Structures

1 Tendon System Design

1.1 General
The tendon system provides a vertical mooring system to the TLP by linking the TLP hull to the
foundation system. The tendon system provides axial stiffness to control the heave natural period of the
TLP and also provides sufficient axial strength to restrain the TLP motions under the environmental

The tendon system may consist of a different number of tendons, depending on the platform configuration,
loading conditions, intended service life requirement and redundancy requirement specified by the Owner.
Generally, the design life of the tendon is to be taken as the service life of the TLP. In special situations, the
tendons may also be designed to be removable for maintenance and/or inspections.

Each tendon consists of a top section for attaching the tendon to the TLP hull-mounted tendon porches, a
tendon main body to span the water column and a tendon bottom termination assembly for attaching the
tendon to the foundation system. The main body of the tendon is generally made up of steel tubulars. Any
other form of tendons such as solid rods, bars or wire ropes and any other materials such as non-metallic
materials and composites that meet the service requirements may also be specially considered.

The tendon main body may consist of a number of tendon elements connected by tendon connectors.
Tendon connectors can be mechanical couplings, welded joints or any other form of structural connection
that meets the service requirements. The tendons may also have special components such as corrosion
protection system components, tendon load and performance monitoring devices and VIV suppression
devices. The term “tendon”, as used here, refers to all of the components of the tendon system between the
hull porch and the foundation system.

1.3 Loading Conditions

Loading conditions which produce the most unfavorable effects on the tendons for pre-service and in-
service conditions are to be considered. The in-service condition analyses are to consider TLP intact and
damaged conditions. The TLP intact condition analyses are to consider different TLP configurations such
as drilling with rig, production with or without rig, different number of risers attached to the TLP, etc. TLP
damaged condition analyses are to consider accidental flooding of a compartment in the platform or tendon
and tendon removed condition. The environmental conditions described in 5B-2-1/5 are to be used in these
analyses. TLP analyses, as a minimum, are to consider loading conditions associated with the following:

i) Maximum tension
ii) Minimum tension
iii) Largest flex element rotational angle
iv) Lifetime fatigue conditions
v) Hydrostatic collapse

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 4 Other Structures 5B-2-4

1.5 Tendon Analysis Procedure

Tendon static loads may be determined from the equilibrium condition of the TLP. Tendon static loads
arise from pretension, tide, platform offset due to wind and current and due to foundation installation
position errors.

Tendon dynamic loads arise from platform motions under hydrodynamic loads and seismic motions and
direct hydrodynamic forces acting on the tendons. Tendon dynamic loads may be determined by TLP
global performance analysis described in 5B-2-1/7 if the analysis is coupled, that is, the transverse
(bending) response of the tendon is calculated simultaneously with the platform response. If the global
performance analysis is uncoupled, that is, the tendons are represented by springs, then separate tendon
analysis is to be carried out to evaluate the tendon responses along the length of the tendon. Procedures
described in API RP 2T can be used for detailed tendon analysis.

1.7 Tendon Loads (2016)

For each loading condition, the maximum and minimum tendon tensions are to be evaluated. In general,
the following factors are to be considered in the evaluation of the maximum and minimum tendon tensions.

i) Design pretension at mean water level

ii) Variation in tendon tension due to tide and storm surge
iii) Variation in tendon tension due to variations in load and ballast condition
iv) Tension due to overturning moment from wind and current forces
v) Tension due to set down and slowly varying offset caused by wind, wave drift and current
vi) Tension due to wave forces and wave-induced platform motions about the mean offset
vii) Tension due to high frequency heave, pitch and roll oscillations (ringing and springing)
viii) Tension due to vortex-induced responses.

For special situations, tendon loads arising from other sources such as thermal stresses may have to be

Tendon loads include axial, bending, shear, torque, radial and hoop loads. While the tendon loads are
primarily axial, other types of loads should also be evaluated, as appropriate, to assure adequacy of the
design. Axial and bending stresses are to be combined in the evaluation of the maximum stresses in the
tendon. Axial, bending and hoop stresses are to be considered in the evaluation of the adequacy of the
tendons to withstand hydrostatic loads.

The minimum tendon bottom tension is to be positive for DOC and DEC intact conditions. For other
conditions, if the tendon minimum bottom tension is less than zero, both scenarios of tendon buckling and
downstroke of the bottom flex element connector are to be evaluated. In addition, the tendon stresses
resulting from reengagement of the bottom connector are to be evaluated. A static overload analysis may
be required to show that the TLP does not rotate or heave to unlatch the tendons when a small overload is

The tendon tension requirements under platform damaged conditions due to different flooding scenarios
are described in 5B-2-2/1.

1.9 Tendon Components

The adequacy of the tendon components such as top and bottom connectors, couplings, flex element, etc.,
are to be verified by detailed finite element analysis (FEA) and testing, where necessary, to support and
validate the FEA. The loads for the finite element analyses are to be obtained from the tendon global
analysis. Worst case analyses are to be run to quantify the effects of fabrication tolerances on fit-up and
component stresses. Axisymmetric modeling may be used for FEA. Three-dimensional modeling is to be
used to quantify three-dimensional effects in critically stressed areas, where appropriate. Von Mises

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 4 Other Structures 5B-2-4

equivalent stresses of net section stress and local bending stress are to be evaluated for critical sections.
Peak stresses are to be evaluated for fatigue analysis of the components.

1.11 Installation Analyses

The effects which may be induced in the tendons during transportation, lifting and installation are to be
considered in the design. If the tendons are pre-installed, analysis is to be carried out for the freestanding
condition to verify structural stability and tendon interference.

1.13 Allowable Stresses

The allowable stresses of the tendons are to be in accordance with API RP 2T. The interaction between the
net section stresses and local bending stresses is to be considered, where applicable.

The allowable stresses against hydrostatic buckling are to be in accordance with API RP 2A.

1.15 Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue damage calculations are to be carried out to verify the adequacy of the fatigue life of the tendon.
The fatigue calculations are to consider all of the sea states expected over the lifetime of the tendons and
any fatigue damage due to vortex-induced vibrations during the in-place and installation conditions.

Frequency domain or time domain analysis may be used to evaluate the tendon loads. The tendon fatigue
loading is to consider total tendon stresses, including axial and bending stresses, due to wave frequency,
low frequency and high frequency loads. Appropriate material S-N curves based on the lower bound of a
two-sided 95 percent prediction interval are to be selected according to the material, welding detail and
workmanship, level of quality control and level of cathodic protection. For the use of different S-N curves,
please refer to the ABS Guide for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures. Appropriate stress
concentration factors (SCF) for tendon pipe and components are to be determined based on parametric
formulas or local finite element analyses considering local mismatch tolerances, geometry and loading.

For tendon receptacles and other components attached to the pile while it is driven, fatigue damage due to
pile driving is also to be considered. Fatigue damage is to be accumulated using the linear Palmgren-Miner

The minimum fatigue life of the tendon is to be ten (10) times the tendon service life.

1.17 Fracture Mechanics Calculations

The tendons are to have sufficient fracture toughness to prevent fracture unstable crack growth from
surface, sub-surface or through-wall flaws under extreme design loads within a period less than five (5)
times the tendon service life or tendon inspection period, whichever is less. Fracture mechanics analyses
are to be performed in accordance with BS7910 or other equivalent standard to demonstrate that the
smallest reliably detectable initial flaws will not grow by fatigue to a critical size for fracture failure within
this period, where the preferred critical flaw is a through-thickness fatigue crack rather than a surface or
sub-surface fatigue crack. Initial flaws of various aspect ratios and no threshold for fatigue crack
growth(∆ Ktℎ = 0) are to be considered in these analyses.

1.19 Corrosion Protection (1 July 2009)

The tendons are to be protected from the effects of corrosion by the use of coatings and cathodic
protection. The system is to be effective from the time the structure is initially installed. When the sea
environment contains unusual contaminants, any special corrosive effects of such contaminants are also to
be considered. For the design of coatings and cathodic protection systems, reference is to be made to the
appropriate National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standards, such as SP0108 or SP0176 or
other recognized standards.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 4 Other Structures 5B-2-4

3 Foundation

3.1 General
The primary function of the foundation system is to anchor the tendons to the seafloor. TLP foundation
system may consist of individual piles directly attached to the tendons or template structures anchored by
piles or a gravity base. TLP foundation design and site investigation requirements in general are to be in
accordance with Section 3-2-5 of the Offshore Installation Rules. Detailed geological surveys, seafloor and
sub-bottom geophysical surveys and geotechnical investigations are to be carried out for each TLP site.
Special design considerations for foundation systems subject to tensile loading and in deepwater sites are
given in the following sections. Fabrication, transportation, installation and materials of foundation
systems are also to be in accordance with Offshore Installation Rules.

3.3 Site Investigations

Requirements for site investigations are to be guided by the quality of data from prior site surveys and the
consequence of foundation failure. For soil samples obtained from deep water sites, the measured
properties under laboratory conditions may be different from in-situ values due to relief of hydrostatic pore
pressure and its associated effects on dissolved gases. Therefore, in-situ or special laboratory testing is
required to determine soil properties for deepwater sites. Since installation sites may be distant from areas
for which extensive site data are available, regional and local site studies are to be carried out to adequately
establish soil characteristics. A less extensive site investigation may be acceptable, provided that previous
site investigation and experience are available.

TLP foundations experience upward static and dynamic loadings that are different from those typically
experienced by the foundations of a jacket-type structure. In order to predict soil-structure interaction due
to cyclic loading, soil tests are to be carried out to define the dynamic and cyclic behavior of the soil. In
addition, TLP foundations are subject to sustained tensile loads together with cyclic tensile load
components, which can result in tensile creep of the foundation. Therefore, additional tests are to be
carried out to determine long-term soil-pile response when subjected to these loadings. Consideration
should be given to the performance of permeability and consolidation tests to assist in the evaluation of the
soil-pile setup.

3.5 Foundation Design

The loadings used for the foundation design are to be obtained from the tendon analyses. The loads
resulting from the extreme, normal, platform or tendon damaged and tendon removed conditions are to be
considered in the foundation design. The application of the loads to the foundation system should also
consider the foundation installation tolerances, as applicable.

The design of the foundation systems consisting of driven piles, in general, is to be in accordance with
ABS Offshore Installation Rules. The axial capacity of piles subject to tension is to be equal to skin
friction alone. In the evaluation of the axial capacity, consideration should be given to cyclic degradation
about a sustained tension load, axial flexibility of the pile, the effects of sustained tension loading such as
creep, group effects and the potential of near surface axial capacity reduction from gapping caused by
lateral deflection, scouring or liquefaction.

Pile set-up analyses are to be carried out to evaluate the time required for the piles to gain the ultimate
strength. The pile design penetration is to be determined based on the pile axial capacity at the completion
of TLP installation. For the duration between the tendon hook up and completion of TLP installation, the
adequacy of the piles capacity will be determined based on the project specifications.

TLP piles are subject to cyclic tensile loads during the life of the structure. Therefore, for TLP foundation
systems, a fatigue analysis is to be carried out to evaluate the fatigue life. The fatigue analysis is to
consider fatigue damage due to in-place loading, as well as fatigue damage during pile driving.

Pile installation analyses are to be carried out in accordance with API RP 2A. The effect of ocean currents
on the freestanding portion of the pile and hammer are to be considered in these analyses.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 4 Other Structures 5B-2-4

The analysis of piled template structures and gravity-based structures is to be in accordance with ABS
Offshore Installation Rules, API RP 2T and API RP 2A.

The safety factors for TLP foundations are specified in 5B-2-4/3.5 TABLE 1.

Safety Factors for Pile Foundation Design

Description Safety Factors

Design Operating Condition 3.0

Design Environmental Condition 2.25

Tendon Removed with Reduced Extreme Condition 2.25

Foundation Fatigue Life w.r.t. Design Service Life 10

5 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures

The analysis and criteria to be applied to the other pertinent features of the TLP structural design are to
conform to recognized practices acceptable to the Bureau. For TLPs, there will be a need to consider in the
hull and topside deck design: the interface between the tendon system and the hull, the interface between
the riser system and the hull and the effects of structural support reactions from deck modules. The criteria
to be applied for these cases are presented below.

5.1 Hull Interface with Riser System (Riser Porches, Supports and Guides)
The riser porches, guides and supports, including the hull backup structures (the reinforcements for the
hull), are to be designed for the maximum anticipated riser loads with a safety factor of 1.25 in the Design
Environmental Condition and with a safety factor of 1.67 in the Design Operating Condition.

Fatigue strength is to be designed to meet the requirements in 5B-2-3/5.1.6(c), taking into account the
effects of both local drag and inertia loads on the risers and the global motions of the TLP.

5.3 Hull Interface with Tendons (Tendon Porches)

The tendon porches, including the hull backup structures, are to be designed for the maximum anticipated
tendon loads with a safety factor of 1.25 in the Design Environmental Condition and with a safety factor of
1.67 in the Design Operating Condition.

Fatigue strength is to be designed to meet the requirements in 5B-2-3/5.1.6(c), taking into account the
effects of both local drag and inertia loads on the tendons and the global motions of the TLP.

5.5 Topside Deck Interface with Deck Modules

The topside deck may require reinforcements to resist the reaction forces from equipment/machinery
foundations or deck modules. The reinforcements of the topside deck are referred to as backup structures.
The forces to be resisted by the backup structures of the topside deck are to be designed for the maximum
anticipated load together with the inertia loads induced by the TLP motions with a safety factor of 1.25 in
the Design Environmental Condition and with a safety factor of 1.67 in the Design Operating Condition. If
deemed necessary, the fatigue strength is to meet the requirements of 5B-2-3/5.1.6(c).


CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms

SECTION 5 Materials and Welding

1 Materials and Welding

1.1 Hull Including Integrated Deck Structures

Section 3-2-6 and 7-1-2/9 of the MOU Rules are to be used to establish the welding requirements for the
hull. The weld type and sizing are to be shown on the scantling drawings or in the form of a welding
schedule, and are to comply with the Rules that govern the steel selection. Special attention is to be given
to the weld details for fatigue sensitive areas, if necessary. Weld improvements by means of toe grinding
and weld profiling are to be used if required by fatigue analysis results.

Section 3-1-3 of the MOU Rules is to be used for the material selections for the hull including integrated
deck. The TLP hull structures are grouped into the following material application categories for the
purpose of material grade selection:

Special Application Structure ● External shell structure in way of main intersections of columns, topside deck,
pontoons, column top frame, tendon porches and riser porches
● Portions of topside deck which receive major concentrated loads
● Intersections of topside deck main truss members
● External brackets, portions of bulkheads, flats and frames which receive
concentrated loads at main intersections of columns, topside deck, pontoons,
column top frame, tendon porches and riser porches
● “Through” material used at main intersections of columns, topside deck,
pontoons, column top frame, tendon porches and riser porches, which provide
proper alignment and adequate load transfer
Primary Application Structure ● External shell structure of columns, pontoons, column top frame, tendon porches
and riser porches
● Integrated topside deck main truss members
● Bulkheads, flats and framing which provide local reinforcement or continuity of
structure in way of main intersections, except where the structure is considered
special application
● Bulkhead girders, decks that are designed to provide global strength to the TLP
Secondary Application Structure ● Internal structure, including bulkheads and girders in columns, integrated
topside deck, pontoons and top column frame, except where the structure is
considered primary or special applications
● Decks of topside deck, except where the structure is considered primary or
special applications

1.3 Non-integrated Deck Structures

Part 2 of the Offshore Installation Rules can be used to establish the material selections and welding
requirements for the truss deck of the topside. The deck structures are categorized into the following four
groups, in association with the Charpy toughness test described in 2-1-1/5.5 TABLE 4 of the Offshore
Installation Rules:

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 5 Materials and Welding 5B-2-5

i) Deck lifting points, deck-to-hull cans

ii) Major truss row girders, major truss row columns, major truss row bracing
iii) Intermediate girders, intermediate bracing
iv) Deck stringer beams, deck plating

Alternatively, Section 3-1-3 of the MOU Rules may be used for material selections.


Items such as handrails, walkways, access platforms do not require the above material requirements.


CHAPTER 2 Tension Leg Platforms

SECTION 6 Machinery and Systems

1 Marine Piping Systems

Marine piping systems are those systems that are required for maintaining the normal operations of a
floating unit (such as power generation, bilge, ballast, tank vent and sounding, etc.). 4-2-1/3 of the MOU
Rules lists these systems. Systems installed in the hull are to be designed to minimize the requirements for
equipment and machinery to be installed in hull compartments and to limit as much as possible systems
requiring piping or cable runs in the TLP hull.

Marine piping systems are to be in accordance with the requirements of the MOU Rules, except as
modified herein.

1.1 Bilge System

The design of bilge systems is to meet applicable requirements of Section 4-2-4 of the MOU Rules. For the
bilge suction sizing purposes, column-stabilized units and self-elevating units sizing criteria listed in
4-2-4/9.3 of the MOU Rules are applicable.

1.3 Ballast System

The system fitted is to provide the capability to ballast and deballast all ballast tanks. All pumps and valves
are to be fitted with a remote means of operation situated above the uppermost watertight deck. The
capabilities of the pumping system are to meet the requirements of API RP 2T. The normal or emergency
operation of the ballast system is not to introduce a greater risk of progressive flooding due to the opening
of hatches, manholes etc. in watertight boundaries.

1.3.1 Pumping Systems

Where ballast systems powered by pumping systems are installed, at least two ballast pumps are to
be provided, one of which is to be permanently connected to the installation’s ballast system. The
second pump may be a spare held in reserve or an eductor type arrangement permanently
connected to the system. If submersible ballast pumps are installed in each ballast tank, one spare
pump must be stored onboard at all times.

1.3.2 Compressed Air Systems

Where ballast systems powered by compressed air are installed, a satisfactory quantity of
compressed air is to be available to the system at all times. If two compressors are installed, one
compressor is to be powered by either the emergency switchboard or a dedicated engine. Each
compressor is to be capable of providing 100% of the required capacity of compressed air, as
defined in 5B-2-6/1.3.2(a). If only one compressor is provided, this compressor is to be powered
by either the emergency switchboard or a dedicated engine, and a quantity of stored compressed
air equivalent to the required capacity called out in 5B-2-6/1.3.2(a) is to be provided.

1.3.2(a) Quantity of Compressed Air.

A quantity of air capable of bringing the installation from its worst case damage or accidental
flooding condition, as defined by 5B-2-2/1.1, to normal operating tension.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 2 Tension Leg Platforms
Section 6 Machinery and Systems 5B-2-6

1.5 Vents and Sounds

Except for comparatively small compartments that are not fitted with a fixed means of drainage, vent pipes
are to be fitted on all tanks, cofferdams, voids, tunnels and compartments which are not fitted with other
ventilation arrangements.

The requirements for sounding are to comply with the MOU Rules. However, to prevent duplication of
pipe runs, it would be acceptable to sound the void spaces through the vent lines. In the case of a sealed
vent, a sounding plug would need to be provided to permit void space sounding.

1.7 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks

If the TLP is designed to store hydrocarbons in hull tanks, criteria for hull storage of hydrocarbons are to
meet flag and coastal state requirements and applicable international requirements. The designs for
scantlings and strength for such storage tanks are to be in accordance with 5B-2-3/3 and 5B-2-3/5. See
3-5/5.9 of the Facilities Rules for the storage facility arrangement requirements.

3 Electrical Systems
The design criteria of electrical systems associated with marine systems (and drilling systems) are to be in
accordance with applicable requirements described in Part 4, Chapters 1 and 3 of the MOU Rules.

The design criteria of electrical systems strictly devoted to the hydrocarbon processing facilities are to be
in accordance with applicable requirements described in Chapter 3 of the Facilities Rules.

The design criteria of electrical systems associated with both marine systems and hydrocarbon processing
facilities are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements described in Part 4, Chapters 1 and 3 of
the MOU Rules.

5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment

The fire fighting systems and equipment for the TLP service functions not associated with the process
facilities are to be in accordance with Part 5, Chapter 2 of the MOU Rules. Fire fighting systems and
equipment for protection of hydrocarbon process and associated systems, including fire pumps, are to be in
accordance with Section 3-8 of the Facilities Rules.

7 Machinery and Equipment

Machinery and equipment not associated with the process facilities are to be in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapter 1 of the MOU Rules. Machinery and equipment forming a part
of the hydrocarbon processing facilities are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section
3-3 of the Facilities Rules. Machinery and equipment forming a part of the permanent drilling facility are
to be in accordance with Part 4, Chapter 1 of the MOU Rules.


CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations

SECTION 1 General Requirements ....................................................................529
1 General....................................................................................... 529
3 Definitions................................................................................... 529
3.1 Upper Hull – Hard Tank................................................. 529
3.3 Mid-section – Truss Space Frame with Heave Plates
or Free Flooded Cylindrical Column.............................. 529
3.5 Lower Hull – Soft Tank (or Keel Tank)........................... 529
5 Loading Criteria.......................................................................... 530
5.1 Loads............................................................................. 530
5.3 Environmental Conditions..............................................530
7 Global Performance Analyses.................................................... 531
7.1 General.......................................................................... 531
7.3 Frequency Domain Analyses.........................................532
7.5 Time Domain Analyses.................................................. 532
7.6 Maximum Inclination (1 July 2012)................................ 532
7.7 Deck Clearance............................................................. 532
7.9 Model Testing.................................................................532
9 Corrosion Protection and Control............................................... 533

SECTION 2 Stability ............................................................................................ 534

1 Stability (1 July 2012)................................................................. 534
1.1 Wet Tow......................................................................... 534
1.3 Installation......................................................................534
1.5 In-Service Stability......................................................... 534
1.7 Lightweight and Center of Gravity................................. 536
3 Watertight/Weathertight Integrity (1 July 2012)...........................537
3.1 Weathertight Integrity.....................................................537
3.3 Watertight Integrity.........................................................537
3.5 Penetrations (1 July 2013).............................................538

FIGURE 1 Zones of Weathertight and Watertight Integrity (1

September 2007)............................................................... 536

SECTION 3 Hull and Primary Structures .......................................................... 539

1 Structural Design (July 2017)..................................................... 539
1.1 Scantlings...................................................................... 539
1.3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure........................... 539
1.5 Modules and Buildings on the Topside Deck................. 539

1.7 Helicopter Deck............................................................. 539
1.9 Protection of Spar Deck Openings................................ 539
1.11 Guards and Rails........................................................... 540
1.13 Machinery and Equipment Foundations........................ 540
1.15 Vortex Shedding Strakes............................................... 540
1.17 Appurtenances...............................................................540
1.19 Temporary Structures.................................................... 540
3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure........................................ 540
3.1 Hull Structure................................................................. 540
5 Structural Analysis and Design of Primary Structures................ 545
5.1 Hull Structure................................................................. 545
5.3 Topside Deck................................................................. 547

TABLE 1 Required Environmental Events and Safety Factors......... 545

SECTION 4 Other Structures ............................................................................. 550

1 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures..........................550
1.1 Hull Interface with Mooring System (Fairlead, Chain
Stopper and Winch Foundations).................................. 550
1.3 Hull Interface with Riser System (Riser Guides and
Riser Supports)..............................................................550

SECTION 5 Materials and Welding .................................................................... 551

1 Hull Structures............................................................................ 551
3 Topside Deck Structures.............................................................552

SECTION 6 Machinery and Systems ................................................................. 553

1 Marine Piping Systems............................................................... 553
1.1 Bilge System..................................................................553
1.3 Ballast System............................................................... 553
1.5 Vents and Sounds..........................................................554
1.7 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks............................... 554
3 Electrical Systems...................................................................... 554
5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment........................................555
7 Machinery and Equipment.......................................................... 555


CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations

SECTION 1 General Requirements

1 General
A Spar is a deep draft installation consisting of a hull and a topside deck, where the topside deck sits on
top of the hull. The hull can be divided into upper hull, mid-section and lower hull, as described in the
following Subsection. The topside deck is a space frame truss deck that provides space for the production
equipment, workover or drilling rig (if any), accommodations and marine support systems, and supports
the loads of this equipment, including operational loads.

The design and construction of the hull are to be based on all applicable requirements of the MOU Rules.
The design and construction of topside deck are to be based on the Offshore Installation Rules. However,
the structural performance and demand of a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) in ocean service are
different from those of a Spar positioned at a particular site on a long-term basis. Therefore, the design
criteria given in the MOU Rules can be modified to reflect the differences. In addition, in the absence of
equivalent Coastal State requirements, the applicable criteria contained in the Load Line, SOLAS and
MARPOL Conventions issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) may be considered. It is
further suggested that the local authorities having jurisdiction where the installation is to operate be
contacted to obtain any further criteria that are applicable to the Spar installations.

3 Definitions

3.1 Upper Hull – Hard Tank

The Upper Hull is also known as the Hard Tank, which serves to provide buoyancy to support the topside
deck and provide spaces for variable ballast and in some cases for diesel oil, drill water, or methanol
storage. The Spar Deck is the uppermost deck of the hard tank.

3.3 Mid-section – Truss Space Frame with Heave Plates or Free Flooded Cylindrical
The Mid-section connects the upper hull with the lower hull. The mid-section can be a truss space frame
with heave plates or a cylindrical column. Normally, the cylindrical column mid-section is free flooded and
the truss space frame is buoyant. The heave plates are a series of horizontal decks between each bay of the
truss space frame that trap water mass providing added mass and hydrodynamic damping to limit heave
motions and act as guides for the risers.

3.5 Lower Hull – Soft Tank (or Keel Tank)

The Lower Hull, also known as the Soft Tank (or Keel Tank), normally consists of a fixed ballast tank and,
in the case of a truss Spar, a flotation tank. The fixed ballast tank provides temporary buoyancy during a
horizontal wet tow and provides the needed ballast in upending by flooding the tank. After upending, the
ballast water may be replaced by fixed ballast (a substance with a density higher than water) to lower the
Spar center of gravity. The ballast in the fixed ballast tank results in a vertical center of gravity well below
the center of buoyancy, which provides Spar with sound stability, as well as motion characteristics. The
flotation tank is located adjacent to the fixed ballast tank to provide additional buoyancy for wet tow and
ballast in upending.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 1 General Requirements 5B-3-1

5 Loading Criteria

5.1 Loads
The Spar’s modes of operation in pre-service (load-out, transportation, installation) and in-service (in-
place) conditions are to be investigated using anticipated loads, including gravity loads together with
relevant environmental loads due to the effects of wind, waves, current and other phenomena such as
earthquake, temperature, fouling, ice, etc., depending upon the specific installation site.

The Spar is to be designed for the loading conditions that produce the most severe local and global effects
on the structure, as determined by the most severe operational or installation requirements. Applied
loading combinations considered for structural design are to include, as applicable, but not limited to the
following loads:

i) Environmental Loads. Loads due to wind, waves and current are to be considered. Directionality
of wind, waves and current may be considered if accurate data is available. Where there is no
accurate data available, the directionality of wind, waves and current that generates the most
severe local and global load effects are to be used for design. Adequate headings for the
environment are to be analyzed such that the most critical heading for the environment has been
ii) Hydrostatic Pressures and Buoyancy. Hydrostatic pressures and buoyancy are to be considered for
all submerged structural members.
iii) Gravity and Inclination Induced Loads. Gravity with appropriate components due to Spar heeling
and trimming is to be considered.
iv) Inertia Loads. Inertia Loads due to motions of the Spar are to be considered.
v) Operational Loads. Loads induced by operations of drilling, production, storage and offloading, as
applicable, are to be considered.
vi) Mooring and Riser Loads. Loads due to mooring and riser systems are to be considered.
vii) Marine Operation Loads. Loads encountered during transportation and installation are to be taken
into account in the design. These loads include loads exposed during transport (wet or dry), launch
or float-off, upending, and during ballasting and deballasting operations when the deck is being
viii) VIV Loads. Vortex-Induced-Vibration (VIV) is incurred by vortex shedding behind slender bodies
and the Spar hull itself in current. Loads and fatigue strength are to be fully assessed for structures
and the mooring system subject to VIV effects.
ix) Green Water Loads on Spar Deck. Green water effects are to be considered for the strength of
affected structures on the top of the hull, as applicable.
x) Slamming. Wave slamming loads are to be considered for members subject to wave slamming
during transportation and operation.

5.3 Environmental Conditions (1 July 2019)

The Spar is to be designed to withstand a specified extreme storm in the Design Environmental Condition
and operate in the Design Operating Condition. The environmental conditions required for these conditions
are defined in 3/3.3 of Position Mooring Guide and the environmental criteria required for these design
conditions are defined in Section 3-2-4. Additionally, the spar is also to be designed for all operations in
pre-service conditions such as load out, transportation and installation. The environmental conditions for
load out and installation are to be specified by the designers or Owners. The environmental conditions for
transportation is to be of a 10-year return event of the selected transit route, unless a weather routing plan
is implemented for the voyage.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 1 General Requirements 5B-3-1

In the design of the Spar in-service and pre-service strength, the following environmental conditions are to
be considered:

Design Environmental Conditions (DEC). Please refer to 3/3.3.2(a) of Position Mooring Guide. For
structural strength design, environmental conditions that produce the responses having a minimum return
period of 100 years are to be used.

Design Operating Conditions (DOC). Please refer to 3/3.3.2(b) of Position Mooring Guide. For structural
design, environmental conditions that produce the responses having a minimum return period of 1 year are
to be used.

Reduced Extreme Conditions (REC). Environmental conditions that have a low probability of being
exceeded when the hull is damaged. For structural strength design, joint statistics may be used to
determine a return period which, combined with the probability of damage, produces a risk level equal to
that of the Design Environmental Conditions (DEC).

Calm Conditions. Environmental conditions such that the effects of wind, waves and current are
insignificant and can be ignored. Where such a situation exists, the design case is permitted to use calm

7 Global Performance Analyses

7.1 General
Global performance analyses of a Spar are aimed at determining the global effects of environmental loads
on the overall platform and its components. The principal scope of the analyses includes calculation of
external loads for global structural analysis for in-place condition and critical pre-service conditions, as
well as analysis/confirmation of:

i) Hydrodynamic loads, shear forces and bending moments for global strength analyses
ii) The Spar in-place motions and accelerations, including those for the structural design of the deck
structure and topside modules, hull appurtenances, and those for risers and mooring lines
iii) The Spar freeboard and deck clearance

The hydrodynamic models used in the global performance analysis may include:

i) Diffraction equation or simulated diffraction equation using Morison members for cylindrical
ii) Morison equation for truss element and external hull appurtenances (with well documented drag
coefficients Cd and inertia coefficients Cm)
iii) Computational fluid dynamics, diffraction theory, and/or model test of multiple heave plate, or
simulated using Morison members with Cd and Cm computed by CFD/Diffraction theory

Global motions of a Spar are quite different from traditional offshore floating structures due to the deep
draft of the Spar. The vertical modes of motions, i.e., pitch, roll and heave of the Spar are important design
parameters for deriving inertia loads and are to be included in the mooring analysis due to the increased
line tensions induced by vertical motions of the Spar. Among these, the effects due to rotational modes are
more pronounced. The static rotational modes of motions are due to the mean loads of wind, current and
waves, while the low frequency rotational modes of motions are induced by the slowly varying low
frequency waves, wind and current excitations. The motion responses of the Spar in six degrees of freedom
are usually solved in a time domain analysis for the nonlinear effects described below. Hydrodynamic
coefficients, except the drag coefficients used in a time-domain analysis, are usually taken from frequency
domain wave diffraction/radiation calculations. For classic spars, Cd for heave will significantly impact the
heave motions and needs to be carefully chosen, accounting for the potential damping, drag from the

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 1 General Requirements 5B-3-1

bottom as well as from the strakes and other hull appurtenances. Both industry-recognized software and in-
house software may be used for the analyses. In-house software needs to be adequately calibrated against
model tests or industry-recognized software.

7.3 Frequency Domain Analyses

Frequency domain analyses include the six degrees of freedom analysis of a Spar system in wave
frequency range for motion Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) and hydrodynamic coefficients such as
wave exciting forces and moments, added masses and moments of inertia, and radiation damping. The
hydrodynamic coefficients are to be passed to time domain analysis for the prediction of installation
motions and mooring line tensions with the combined effects of wave frequency and low frequency

7.5 Time Domain Analyses

For a Spar, due to nonlinear effects and large displacements in surge/sway and pitch/roll motions, a time
domain analysis is generally required in order to obtain more accurate loads and global motion responses
for the design.

The nonlinear effects include hull drag forces, finite wave amplitude effects, nonlinear restoring forces
from mooring lines and risers, Vortex-Induced Motions (VIM), dynamics of heave plates and coupling
effects. For deepwater applications, a time domain analysis of fully coupled motions of the Spar hull,
mooring lines and risers is desirable. The most probable maximum response is to be predicted using
adequate simulations and appropriate distribution curves fitted to the simulation results or other recognized
statistical techniques. The most critical SCR and/or TTR cases are to be included in the loading conditions
of the analysis. Typically, it is recommended that at least five simulations with different seeds for a storm
duration of three hours each are to be conducted. In the time domain analysis, relevant wave and wind
spectra are to be transferred to random time series in order to simulate irregular wave elevations and wind

7.6 Maximum Inclination (1 July 2012)

The maximum angles of inclination in the storm survival, operating, and damage conditions in applicable
DOC or DEC environment (see 5B-3-2/1.5.1) are to be established with consideration of the following:

i) Static and dynamic inclination limits of equipment and machinery on board the installation
ii) Strength of the mooring system, risers and umbilicals

Inclinations may be determined based on model tests or analytical methods.

7.7 Deck Clearance

A clearance is to be maintained between the lowest point of the topside deck and the highest point on the
wave surface. The clearance can be determined by an appropriate model test or a detailed hydrodynamic
analysis that accounts for relative motions between the Spar and wave surfaces. The analysis is to be
performed for various environmental headings and to include static heeling due to mean wind, wave,
current loads (including long period oscillations), mooring and riser loads, nonlinearity of wave profile,
wave diffraction, wave run-up, hull set down and tide elevation effects. The clearance is to be checked at
various points on the underside of the topside deck for all of the relevant environmental conditions.

If wave impact on the underside of the lower deck is anticipated, local strengthening of these members is
required. Structures and equipment subject to wave run-up or green water are to be designed for the
associated forces.

7.9 Model Testing

Model testing can be used to calibrate analytical tools. It may also be an alternative for analytical tools.
Whenever analytical tools have difficulties or a significant level of uncertainty in determining

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 1 General Requirements 5B-3-1

hydrodynamic properties such as wind and current drag force coefficients (Cd), heeling moments, etc.,
wind tunnel tests are preferred. In addition, wave basin testing may be carried out to evaluate the Spar
performance, including deck clearance, in-place motion and mooring responses, VIM effects, horizontal
tow, upending and vertical tow.

Adequate heading angles and wind profiles are to be considered in wind tunnel testing. For wave basin
tests, a calibration analysis may be required to correlate the results obtained from the model tests with the
software being used for different analyses.

9 Corrosion Protection and Control

A corrosion protection and control system utilizing anodes and coating, in accordance with the recognized
industry standards such as API and NACE, is to be provided. The design life of the corrosion protection
and control system is to be the design life of the Spar. In the splash zone, a corrosion allowance is to be
added to the external shell plating.


CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations

SECTION 2 Stability

1 Stability (1 July 2012)

1.1 Wet Tow

Stability during wet tow to location is to comply with Coastal State requirements.

1.3 Installation
After the upending and during the installation phase, the installation is to have a positive metacentric
height (GM). If the installation is to accommodate personnel during the installation and commissioning the
installation’s stability are to fully comply with in-service stability specified on 5B-3-2/1.5. The installation
analysis is to be submitted for review.

1.5 In-Service Stability

The stability calculations are to reflect the actual configuration of the spar while afloat. Free flooding
compartments are not accounted for in assessment of the installation’s stability. In case the permanent
ballast is installed in a free flooding compartment, the net weight of the permanent ballast (using the in-
water density) is to be included in the loading calculation.

1.5.1 Environmental Loads

Installations are to comply with the intact and damage stability criteria presented below, using the
site-specific wind or 50 knots (25.7 m/s), whichever is greater. Height profile is to be taken from
the MOU Rules or other recognized standard.

i) Wind speed for normal operations V n – the 1-year, 1-minute average wind in the DOC as
defined in 5B-3-1/5.3
ii) Wind speed for storm survival V s – the 100-year, 1-minute average wind in the DOC as
defined in 5B-3-1/5.3
iii) Wind speed for survival after damage V d – the 1-year 1-minute average wind in the DOC
as defined in 5B-3-1/5.3
iv) Current Speed – The current at surface associated with the adopted wind speed as defined

The design wind and current velocities are to be selected by the designer and submitted with the
design documentation.

1.5.2 Heeling Moment

Heeling moments represent an idealization of the total environmental force on the installation. For
purposes of stability calculations they are taken as the moments, which result from wind forces on
the installation at the speeds specified in 5B-3-2/1.5.1 and calculated in accordance with 3-2-4/7.1.

For each draft of the designated range of operating drafts, the wind heeling moment is to be
calculated assuming the installation in the upright position for all directions. The critical wind
direction is the direction that produces the greatest wind heeling moment. The analysis will

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 2 Stability 5B-3-2

assume this determined critical wind heeling moment acting in all directions and constant over the
range of inclination angles.

The lever for the heeling moment is to consider the wind center of pressure and the attachment
point of the mooring lines. In case that the current force increases the heeling moment, the adverse
effect of the current is to be considered in the heeling moment lever calculation. The current force
on the hull is to be calculated as shown in 3-2-4/5.

Heeling force and center of pressure derived from wind tunnel tests on a representative model of
the installation may be considered alternatively. The wind profile to be adopted for wind tunnel
tests is defined on 3-2-4/7.1 or a more conservative profile.

1.5.3 Stability Criteria

The installation is to meet stability requirements of this subparagraph for each mode of operation
at all drafts in design. Other standards may be acceptable during abnormal operations, with due
consideration to the hazards associated with the operation. Such operations and standards are to be
submitted for approval.

The installation is to have positive metacentric height (GM) in calm water equilibrium position
and the vertical center of buoyancy is to be above the height of center of gravity in all conditions.

1.5.3(a) Intact Stability Criteria.

The area under the righting moment curve at 30 degrees is to reach a value of not less than 30% in
excess of the area under the overturning moment curve to the same limiting angle. In all cases, the
righting moment curve is to be positive over the entire range of angles from upright and all
downflooding angles are to be greater than 30 degrees.

1.5.3(b) Damage Stability Criteria.

After damage by collision or accidental flooding as described in 5B-3-2/1.5.3(b).i and

5B-3-2/1.5.3(b).ii respectively, the unit is to meet the following criteria:

The final waterline, after damage with a wind speed Vd, is not to exceed the level of watertight
integrity and is to be 1.5 m (5 ft) below any unprotected opening that could lead to further
flooding of the hull or the lowest point of the hull upper deck, whichever is lower.

i) Collision Damage. Damage is assumed to be 3 m (10 ft) wide and 3 m (10 ft) high with a
horizontal penetration of 1.5 m (5 ft) inboard of the hull plating. This extent of damage is
to be considered at all levels between 3 m (10 ft) below to 5 m (16.4 ft) above the
waterline in consideration.

Where a watertight flat is located within this zone, the damage is to be assumed to have
occurred in both compartments above and below the watertight flat in question.

The distance between effective watertight bulkheads or their nearest stepped portions
which are positioned within the assumed extent of horizontal penetration is to be not be
less than 3.0 m (10 ft). Where there is a lesser distance, one or more of the adjacent
bulkheads are to be disregarded.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 2 Stability 5B-3-2

Zones of Weathertight and Watertight Integrity (1 September 2007)

ii) Accidental Flooding. Any compartment at or below the waterline in consideration is to be

assumed independently flooded, regardless of exposure and source of the assumed

When access openings are fitted on watertight divisions between compartments to

provide access to one or more compartments, the compartments are to be assumed
flooded simultaneously. Multiple compartment flooding may be dispensed, provided the
following measures are taken to avoid operations that can result in the accidental flooding
of such compartments when the covers are removed:

● Warning (or Notice) plates, e.g., “Watertight Door (or Hatch) – Keep closed” are
placed on the access opening covers.
● Instructions and warnings are provided in the operations manual.
● System locks are available to prevent unintentional ballasting operations, where
either compartment designed for ballast tank.
● The compartment can be pumped or blown dry without removal of the access cover.

The operations manual is to include guidance for operating personnel in determining the
cause of unexpected inclination or draft changes and assessing the potential effects of
corrective measures on stability and buoyancy.

1.7 Lightweight and Center of Gravity

The lightweight and center of gravity of the installation are to be established by a combination of a hull
lightweight survey, measurement of permanent ballast and weighing of the major components. There are to
be at least two (2) separate measures of the permanent ballast.

A global weight verification plan is to be submitted. Procedures for the lightweight survey, each weighing,
and permanent ballast measurement are to be submitted for approval and are to include estimates of weight
and center of gravity. An ABS surveyor is to attend each activity.

When weighing components, these parts are to be as complete as possible with not more than 2% of the
weight of the component remaining to be incorporated.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 2 Stability 5B-3-2

The result of each weight verification activity is to be compared to the estimated weight. When the
measured weight is within ±1% of the estimated weight, the vertical center of gravity is to be the estimated
value in the calculation. When it is outside the 1% tolerance, the vertical center of gravity is to be
computed by taking the difference between the estimated and the measured weight and placing it at an
indisputably conservative location.

Reports of the results of each weight verification activity are to be submitted for review. An overall
lightweight calculation, considering all individual approved lightweight components, is to be submitted for

Alterations in the lightweight data during service (e.g., new equipment, structural modifications) are to be
recorded in the operation manual and be taken into account in daily operation.

3 Watertight/Weathertight Integrity (1 July 2012)

A plan, identifying the disposition (open or closed) of all non-automatic closing devices and locations of
all watertight and weathertight closures, and unprotected openings is to be submitted for review prior to the
unit’s delivery. Upon satisfactory review the plan is to be incorporated into the Operating Manual.

3.1 Weathertight Integrity

External openings whose lower edges are below the levels to which weathertight integrity is to be ensured
are to have weathertight closing appliances.

Openings fitted with appliances to ensure weathertight integrity are to effectively resist the ingress of water
due to intermittent immersion of the closure.

3.3 Watertight Integrity

All internal and external openings whose lower edges are below the levels to which watertight integrity is
to be ensured, as shown by the diagrams submitted in accordance with 5B-3-2/3, are to be fitted with
appliances to ensure watertight integrity.

3.3.1 Internal Openings

Internal openings fitted with appliances to ensure watertight integrity are to comply with the

3.3.1(a) Doors and hatches are to be of the quick-acting type and an indicating system (e.g., light
signals) is to be provided showing personnel, both locally and at a normally manned central
position, whether the doors or hatches in question are open or secured closed. In addition, a sign is
to be posted near the opening to the effect that the closing appliance is to be secured closed and
opened only during actual use. If sliding doors are fitted they are to be capable of being remotely
controlled from a normally manned central position as well as being operable locally from both
sides of the bulkhead.

3.3.1(b) Manholes fitted with bolted covers need not be dealt with as under 5B-3-2/3.3.1(a).

3.3.1(c) The closing appliances are to have strength, tightness and means for securing which are
sufficient to maintain watertightness under the water pressure of the watertight boundary under

3.3.2 External Openings

External openings are to comply with the following.

3.3.2(a) The lower edges of all openings, including air pipes, ventilators, ventilation intakes and
outlets (regardless of closing appliances), non-watertight hatches and weathertight doors, are to be
above the levels to which watertight integrity is to be ensured.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 2 Stability 5B-3-2

3.3.2(b) Manholes fitted with bolted covers need not be dealt with as under 5B-3-2/3.3.2(a).

3.3.2(c) External openings fitted with appliances to ensure watertight integrity are normally to be
secured closed and are to comply with the requirements of 5B-3-2/3.3.1.

3.5 Penetrations (1 July 2013)

Where watertight bulkheads and flats are necessary for damage stability, they are to be made watertight
throughout. Where individual lines, ducts or piping systems serve more than one compartment or are
within the extent of damage, satisfactory arrangements are to be provided to preclude the possibility of
progressive flooding through the system. Valves fitted at watertight boundaries are to be operable from
above the top of the spar hull.

Cable penetrations are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and procedures.
Evidence of prototype testing at the water pressure of the watertight boundary under consideration is to be

During installation of deck and bulkhead watertight and fire-rated cable penetrations, the attending
Surveyor is to confirm that the installer is familiar with and has access to the manufacturer’s installation
procedures for stuffing tubes, transit devices or pourable materials.

After installation, all watertight and fire-rated cable penetrations are to be visually examined. Watertight
cable penetrations are to be tested as required by 3-7-1/3.5.7 TABLE 1 of the Marine Vessel Rules.


CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations

SECTION 3 Hull and Primary Structures

1 Structural Design (July 2017)

The structural design criteria specified in this Section is presented in the Working Stress Design (WSD)
format, also known as the Allowable Stress (or Strength) Design (ASD) format. Alternative structural
design criteria in a Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) format are provided in the Guide for Load
and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Criteria for Offshore Structures. In general, WSD and LRFD
criteria are not to be mixed within the analysis.

1.1 Scantlings
The design of the Spar is to be based on the applicable portions of the MOU Rules. Where the conditions at
the installation site are less than those for full ocean service that are the basis of the MOU Rules, the design
criteria for various components of the Spar may be reduced to reflect these differences. However, when the
installation site conditions produce more arduous demands, it is mandatory that the design criteria be
increased appropriately. The Spar strength can be obtained by initially designing each component’s
scantlings for local load effects and subsequently verifying the initial scantlings for the global load effects.

This subsection provides requirements for the designs of initial scantlings and secondary structures.
5B-3-3/5 of these Rules provides requirements for verification of the initial scantlings.

1.3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure

Scantlings of the hull are to be designed in accordance with 5B-3-3/3.

1.5 Modules and Buildings on the Topside Deck

The structural design of modules and buildings on the topside deck is to be in accordance with 5B-3-3/5.3,
wherever applicable. The relative deformations among module and building supports are to be included in
the analysis if their effects on the module are significant.

The module and building supporting structures on the topside deck are to be analyzed and shown explicitly
on the drawings so that the construction of the module and building supports can be consistent with those
assumed in the structural analysis. Means are to be provided to verify that the module and building design
reactions and conditions are identical with those used in the topside deck design.

The structural fire protection aspects of the design of topsides modules and buildings, including the
arrangement of the hydrocarbon process area, are to be in accordance with 3-8 of the Facilities Rules

The designs of the piping system on the topside deck are to comply with Part 4, Chapter 2 of the MOU
Rules and applicable requirements of the Facilities Rules.

1.7 Helicopter Deck

The design of the helicopter deck is to comply with the requirements of 3-2-2/3 of the MOU Rules and
3-8/9.9 of the Facilities Rules.

1.9 Protection of Spar Deck Openings

All openings on the Spar deck are to comply with Section 3-2-15 of the Marine Vessel Rules.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

1.11 Guards and Rails

Guards and rails are to comply with the requirements of 5-3-1/5 of the MOU Rules. The above mentioned
section is to be used for the perimeters of the Spar, including the hull, topside deck and center well on the
Spar deck. Alternative arrangements, such as a minimum 42-inch high and two tier evenly spaced handrail
with a kickboard, may be considered by ABS, provided they are also acceptable to the local authority.

1.13 Machinery and Equipment Foundations

Foundations for machinery or equipment subject to high concentrated or cyclic loading, such as mooring
winches, fairleads, chain stoppers, riser guides, riser tensioner supports, crane and drilling facilities, if
applicable, are to be designed to provide satisfactory strength and fatigue resistance for the reaction forces
specified by the manufacturer or the maximum anticipated loads during the entire service life of the Spar,
in accordance with safety factors outlined in 5B-3-3/5.1. The global load effects and Spar motion-induced
inertia loads are also to be considered in addition to the reaction forces. The backup structures and
reinforcement on hull or topside deck are also to be designed for the same loads and safety factors, as a

1.15 Vortex Shedding Strakes

Vortex shedding strakes are designed to reduce the VIM effects on the Spar hull. Yield, buckling and
fatigue strengths of vortex shedding strakes are to be checked, taking into account the effects of local drag
and inertia loads together with the effects of global motions.

1.17 Appurtenances
Main appurtenances attached to the exterior of the hull are to be evaluated, taking into account the effects
of local drag and inertia loads together with any appropriate consideration of global action of the Spar and
the VIM effect. The backup structures are also to be designed for the same loads and safety factors, as a

1.19 Temporary Structures

Structures built for temporary use in the pre-service conditions are not subjected to ABS review. However,
the arrangements and details of these structures are to be submitted for reference to verify the adequacy of
the local and global strength of the hull and topside deck to support these temporary structures during
operation in the pre-service condition. The backup structures are to be designed for the safety factors
outlined in 5B-3-3/5.1.

3 Scantling Design of the Hull Structure

The initial scantling design of the hull is to be based on the applicable portions of the MOU Rules and the
Marine Vessel Rules. The aspects that are not covered by these Rules are to be based on the recognized
codes and standards. For curved shells, the minimum scantlings of shell girders are to be determined on the
basis of established shell analysis methods, using the heads given in 5B-3-3/3.1 and safety factors
appropriate to the method employed. As a minimum, a detailed local analysis is to be performed, with
failure modes meeting the criteria in 5B-3-3/5.1.6.

3.1 Hull Structure

3.1.1 Upper Hull – Hard Tank
Where the external components of the hard tank, such as external shell, center well bulkheads and
top (Spar deck) and bottom decks, incorporate stiffened plating, the minimum scantlings of
plating, stiffeners, girders, etc. may be determined in accordance with the requirements for tanks
as given in 5B-3-3/3.1.5, in association with the following heads:

3.1.1(a) Tank Spaces.

Where the internal space is a tank space, the head, h, is to be taken:

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

i) To a point located at two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the
ii) To a point 0.91 m (3 ft) above the top of the tank, or
iii) To a point representing the maximum permissible operating draft, including offset
operation draft.

For tanks intended to carry contents with a specific gravity in excess of 1.05, the head, h, is to be
increased by a factor equal to the ratio of the specific gravity to 1.0.

3.1.1(b) Void Compartment Spaces.

Where the internal space is a void compartment or a tank without liquid in it, the head is to be
taken to a point representing the maximum permissible operating draft.

i) Areas Subject to Wave Immersion. For all areas subject to wave immersion, the minimum
head is to be 6.1 m (20 ft).
ii) Minimum Scantlings. The scantlings of the external boundary are also to be designed as
watertight boundary using 5B-3-3/3.1.4, in association with

● A head to the maximum damaged waterline, or

● A head to a point representing the installation draft.

Where the interior boundaries of the hard tank, such as radial bulkheads and other bulkheads and
flats that separate two tank spaces, incorporate stiffened plating, the minimum scantlings of
plating, stiffeners, girders, etc. may be determined in accordance with the requirements for the
tank spaces of the hard tank, as given in 5B-3-3/3.1.5.

Where the interior boundaries of the hard tank, such as radial bulkheads and other bulkheads and
flats that separate two void spaces, incorporate stiffened plating, the minimum scantlings of
plating, stiffeners, girders, etc., may be determined in accordance with the requirements for
watertight bulkheads and flats, as given in 5B-3-3/3.1.4, in association with a head to the
maximum damaged waterline.

3.1.2 Mid-Section – Free Flooded Column and Truss Space Frame with Heave Plates
3.1.2(a) Free Flooded Column.

Where the external components of the mid-section incorporate stiffened plating, the minimum
scantlings of plating, stiffeners, girders, etc. may be determined in accordance with the
requirements for tank bulkheads and flats as given 5B-3-3/3.1.5, in association with the maximum
anticipated hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressures during the wet tow and in the in-place

3.1.2(b) Truss Space Frame with Heave Plates.

The scantlings of the chords and braces of the truss frame may be initially determined in
accordance with API RP 2A for the hydrostatic collapse requirements, in association with the
installation and maximum operating drafts.

Where the components of the heave plates incorporate stiffened plating, the minimum scantlings
of plating, framing, girders, etc., may be determined in accordance with the requirements for tank
bulkheads and flats, as given in 5B-3-3/3.1.5, in association with the maximum anticipated
pressures in wet tow, upending and in the in-place conditions.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

3.1.3 Lower Hull – Fixed Ballast and Flotation Tank

Where the components of the fixed ballast and flotation tanks incorporate stiffened plating, the
minimum scantlings of plating, stiffeners, girders, etc., may be determined in accordance with the
requirements for tank bulkheads and flats, as given in 5B-3-3/3.1.5, in association with the

i) The maximum anticipated hydrostatic pressures in wet tow and upending, and
ii) Equivalent hydrostatic head due to fixed ballast weight.
3.1.4 Watertight Boundary Formula
3.1.4(a) Plating.

The plating thickness of watertight boundaries is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

t   =   sk qℎ/290   +   1 . 5     mm

t   =   sk qℎ/525   +   0 . 06     in.

but not less than 6 mm (0.24 in.) or s/200 + 2.5 mm (s/200 + 0.10 in.), whichever is greater.


t = thickness, in mm (in.)
s = spacing of stiffeners, in mm (in.)
k = (3 . 075 α − 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) for 1 ≤ α ≤ 2
= 1.0 for α > 2
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
q = 235/Y   (24/Y,   34, 000/Y)
Y = specified minimum yield point or yield strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the lower edge of the plating to a point defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.1
through 5B-3-3/3.1.3

3.1.4(b) Stiffeners and Beams.

The section modulus, SM, of each bulkhead stiffener or beam on a watertight flat, in association
with the plating to which it is attached, is not to be less than that obtained from the following

SM   =   Qfcℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)

Q   =   49 . 92/(Y + 2U/3)     (SI Units)

Q   =   70900/(Y + 2U/3)     (US Units)


f = 7.8 (0.0041)
c = 0.56 for stiffeners with ends attached
= 0.60 for stiffeners with no end attachment

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the middle of ℓ to a point defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.1 through

s = spacing of stiffeners, in m (ft)
ℓ = length of stiffeners, in m (ft); where brackets are fitted with a slope of approximately
45 degrees and thickness given in 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU Rules, the length of
ℓ maybe measured to a point on the bracket equal to 25% of the length of the bracket.
Y = specified minimum yield strength, in kgf/mm2 (psi)
U = specified minimum tensile strength of the higher-strength material, in kgf/mm2 (psi)

3.1.4(c) Girders and Webs.

The section modulus, SM, of each girder or web is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

SM   =   Qfℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)


f = 4.7 (0.0025)
ℎ = distances, in m (ft), from the middle of the area supported to a point defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.1 through
s = sum of half lengths, in m (ft) (on each side of girder or web), of the stiffeners or beams supported
ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports, where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead supports, and
the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU Rules and have a slope of
approximately 45 degrees, the length ℓ may be measured to a point on the bracket located at the
distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.4(b)

3.1.5 Tank Boundary Formula

3.1.5(a) Plating.

Plating is to be the thickness derived from the following equation:

t   =   sk qℎ/254 + 2 . 5     mm

t   =   sk qℎ/460 + 0 . 10     in.

but not less than 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) or s/150 + 2.5 mm (s/150 + 0.10 in.), whichever is greater.


t = thickness, in mm (in.)
s = spacing of stiffeners in mm (in.)
k = (3 . 075 α − 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) for 1 ≤ α ≤ 2
= 1.0 for α > 2
α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
q = 235/Y   (24/Y,   34, 000/Y)

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

Y = specified minimum yield point or yield strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the lower edge of the plating to a point defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.1
through 5B-3-3/3.1.3

When the specific gravity of the liquid contents of a tank is greater than 1.05, the head, ℎ,
specified above, is to be increased by a factor equal to the ratio of the specific gravity to 1.0.

3.1.5(b) Stiffeners and Beams.

The section modulus, SM, of each bulkhead stiffener or beam on a flat, in association with the
plating to which it is attached, is not to be less than that obtained from the following equation:

SM   =   Qfcℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)


f = 7.8 (0.0041)
c = 0.9 for stiffeners having clip attachments to decks or flats at the ends or having
such attachments at one end with the other end supported by girders
= 1.0 for stiffeners supported at both ends by girders
ℎ = distance, in m (ft), from the middle of ℓ to a point defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.1 through
s = spacing of stiffeners in mm (in.)
ℓ = length, in m (ft), between supports; where brackets are fitted at shell, deck or bulkhead
supports, and the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU
Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length ℓ may be measured to a
point on the bracket located at a distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of the
Q = factor defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.4(b)

3.1.5(c) Girders and Webs.

The section modulus, SM, of each girder or web is not to be less than that obtained from the
following equation:

SM   =   Qfcℎsℓ2     cm3 (in3)


f = 4.74 (0.0025)
c = 1.5
ℎ = distances, in m (ft), from the middle of the area supported to a point defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.1 through
s = sum of half lengths, in m (ft) (on each side of girder or web), of the stiffeners or beams supported
ℓ = length in m (ft), between supports, where brackets are fitted at shell, deck, or bulkhead supports, and
the brackets are in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE 2 of the MOU Rules and have a slope of
approximately 45 degrees, the length, ℓ, may be measured to a point on the bracket located at the
distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of the bracket.
Q = factor defined in 5B-3-3/3.1.4(b)

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

5 Structural Analysis and Design of Primary Structures

5.1 Hull Structure

5.1.1 General
Documents necessary to verify the structural strength, including yielding, buckling and fatigue of
the hull are to be submitted for review. The criteria in this subsection relate to the analyses
required to verify the scantlings selected in the basic design in 5B-3-3/3. Except as provided in the
MOU Rules, the results of analyses that are required in this subsection cannot be used to reduce
the scantlings established from 5B-3-3/3 of these Rules.

Depending on the specific features of the spar, additional analyses to verify and help design other
portions of the Spar structural components will be required. Such additional analyses include the
hull interfaces with the topside deck, position mooring and riser systems. Analysis criteria for
these additional structural components are given in 5B-3-4/1.

5.1.2 Global Strength Analysis

Global strength analysis is to be performed in accordance with the design conditions and required
safety factors outlined in this Subparagraph. The objective is to verify the scantlings selected in
the basic design in 5B-3-3/3 against the global stresses induced by the global motions,
environmental loads and gravity loads.

The global strength analysis is to be performed for the in-service and pre-service conditions,
ensuring that the strength of the hull is adequate. The environmental conditions and loads
described in 5B-3-1/5 are to be used to establish the design load cases for the in-service and pre-
service conditions.

The in-service condition includes in-place intact and in-place damaged conditions. The in-place
intact condition includes Design Operating Conditions (DOC) and Design Environmental
Conditions (DEC), as defined in 5B-3-1/5.3. The in-place damaged condition includes design
cases such as loss of one mooring line or one compartment flooded.

The pre-service condition includes load out, transportation (both wet and dry tows) and
installation (topside deck mating and hull upending) conditions. Some structural component
design could be governed by transport, upending and installation loads.

5B-3-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 below shows the required environmental events and safety factors to be
considered for each design condition in the global strength analysis:

Required Environmental Events and Safety Factors

Design Conditions Environmental Events Safety Factors

Loadout Calm or specified by designer or 1.67


Ocean Transit (Dry Tow) 10 year return storm for the selected 1.25
route condition or specified by
designer or Owner if a weather
routing plan is implemented for the

Field Transit (Wet Tow) 1 year return storm for the selected 1.25
route condition or specified by
designer of Owner

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

Design Conditions Environmental Events Safety Factors

Upending Calm or specified by designer or 1.67


Topsides Installation Calm or specified by designer or 1.67


In-place Design Operating 1 year return storm (minimum) 1.67

In-place Design Environmental 100 year return storm 1.25

In-place Damaged 1 year return storm 1.25

5.1.2(a) Critical Responses for Global Strength.

The global strength of the hull is to be designed to withstand the responses induced by the loads
specified in 5B-3-1/5.1. The responses of the hull induced by these loads that control the hull
strength design are the global bending moments and shears. As indicated in 5B-3-3/5.1.2 TABLE
1, the in-place intact strength is to be designed for responses with a 100-year return period in the
Design Environmental Condition.

Special attention is to be given to the low frequency loads and the heeling and trimming induced
loads in calculating these responses.

The highest wave may not always produce the most critical responses. To ensure that the most
critical responses are captured, a sufficient number of design cases is to be used considering the
following permutations:

i) Variation in environmental conditions and headings

ii) Variation in variables (topside deck payloads)
iii) Variation in ballasting distributions
iv) Variation in riser arrangements
5.1.3 Main Intersections (Major Joints)
The details of the main intersections are difficult to adequately capture in the global strength
model. To design these areas, local FEM analyses are to be used, as required. These main
intersections include connections of hard tank to topside legs, hard tank to truss and truss to soft
tank (or keel tank). For the truss space frame of the mid-section, the design of unstiffened tubular
joints, stiffened tubular joints and transition joints is to comply with Section 3-2-3 of the Offshore
Installations Rules or API RP 2A.

5.1.4 Fatigue
Fatigue analysis is to be performed to ensure adequate strength against fatigue failure within the
Spar’s design life. The fatigue analysis is to consider all loading history of the Spar, including
transport and in-place conditions.

Attention is to be given to the low frequency loads and global motions induced by these loads,
which are important to fatigue damages at the main intersections of connections between topside
deck to hard tank, hard tank to mid-section, mid-section to soft tank (or keel tank) and truss joints.

Attention is also to be given to the designs of structural notches, cutouts, attachments and abrupt
changes of structural sections which are prone to fatigue damages.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

5.1.5 Structural Redundancy Analysis

Redundancy analysis is required to ensure that there is adequate redistribution of stress in the
damaged conditions defined in 5B-3-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1. The damaged conditions are to consider
loss of one compartment buoyancy or one mooring line.

5.1.6 Acceptance Criteria

The total assessment of the structure and details is to be performed against the design conditions
specified in 5B-3-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 and failure modes of material yielding, buckling and ultimate
strength, and fatigue. The acceptance criteria of each mode are given as follows.

5.1.6(a) Material Yielding (1 July 2012).

For the hull, the yielding criteria indicated in 3-2-1/3 of the MOU Rules are to be used. For the
truss space frame of the mid-section, the yielding criteria in Chapter 3 of API RP 2A are to be
used. The safety factors in 5B-3-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 of these Rules are to be used for bar and beam
elements. For plated structures the allowable von Mises equivalent stress is to be 0.7 of the yield
strength for the Design Operating, Loadout, Upending and Topsides Installation Conditions, and
0.9 of the yield strength for the Design Environmental, Transit and Damaged Conditions.

The yield strength is to be based on the specified minimum yield point or yield stress, as defined
in 2-1-1/13 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) for higher strength material.

5.1.6(b) Buckling and Ultimate Strength. (2018)

For the hull, the buckling criteria in API Bulletin 2V and 2U are to be used. Alternatively, the
criteria specified in the ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore
Structures or other recognized standards may be used. For the truss space frame of the mid-
section, the buckling criteria in Chapter 3 of API RP 2A are to be used. The factors of safety are to
be based on 5B-3-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1 of these Rules.

5.1.6(c) Fatigue. (2020)

For the hull, including the hard tank connections to the truss space frame mid-section, the topside
deck legs and the soft tank (or keel tank) connections to the truss space frame mid-section, the
fatigue damages can be calculated using ABS Offshore S-N curves for environment in air, in
seawater with cathodic protection and in seawater free corrosion, as specified in the ABS Guide
for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures. The S-N curves are applicable to thicknesses
that do not exceed the reference thickness of 22 mm (7 8 in.). For members of greater thickness,
thickness correction is required with an exponent of 0.25. Other recognized standards equivalent
to ABS requirements are also acceptable.

For the truss space frame mid-section, the API RP 2A S-N curves can be used.

The fatigue life is determined by safety factors and the design life of the Spar. Safety factors
depend on the inspectability, reparability, redundancy, the ability to predict failure damage, as well
as the consequence of failure of the structure. Minimum safety factor requirements are listed in
3-2-3/3.7 TABLE 1.

Any areas determined to be critical to the structure are to be free from cracks, and stress
concentration factors are to be determined and minimized. Critical areas may require special
analysis and survey.

5.3 Topside Deck

5.3.1 General
The designs of topside deck structural members such as deck girders, columns, beams, braces,
stiffeners, deck plating, etc., are to be based on the applicable portions of the Offshore Installation
Rules. To this end, the loads on the structure, as indicated in 5B-3-3/5.3.2, as applicable, are to be

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

determined, and the resulting structural responses are not to exceed the safety criteria given in

The use of design methods and associated safety criteria, other than those specifically covered in
this section, is permitted where it can be demonstrated that the use of such alternative methods
will result in a structure possessing a level of safety equivalent to or greater than that provided by
the direct application of these requirements.

5.3.2 Loading Conditions

Loadings which produce the most unfavorable effects on the topside deck structure for the pre-
service and in-service conditions are to be considered. The environmental conditions and
applicable loads described in 5B-3-1/5 are to be used to establish the design load cases for the in-
service and pre-service conditions. The environmental events included in 5B-3-3/5.1.2 TABLE 1
are also to be considered for the deck design. For a given topside payload, the most critical
responses for the topside deck may be the accelerations induced by the Spar’s motions and the
inclination-induced loads.

5.3.3 Structural Analysis

A space frame analysis of the deck structure is to be performed to obtain the structural response.
The structural model can be either the overall Spar with a detailed deck model or a standalone
deck structural model. In the latter case, the boundary conditions of the model are to be properly
simulated in the analysis. In modeling the deck structures, all relevant structural components are to
be included. The nature of loads and loading combinations, as well as the local environmental
conditions, are to be taken into consideration in the selection of design methods. Methods of
analysis and their associated assumptions are to be compatible with the overall design principles.
Linear, elastic methods (working stress methods) are generally employed in design and analysis.
For the use of other methods, reference is to be made to 3-2-3/7 of the Offshore Installations

5.3.4 Allowable Stresses

The safety criteria are to be expressed in terms of appropriate basic allowable stresses in
accordance with requirements specified below:

5.3.4(a) For tubular members, stress limits are to be in accordance with the API RP 2A. The basic
allowable stresses for the other type of members are to be obtained using the American Institute of
Steel Construction (AISC) Manual of Steel Construction, ASD. For plated structures, the design is
to be in accordance with API RP 2U and API RP 2V or other recognized industry standards.

5.3.4(b) Where stresses in members described in 5B-3-3/5.3.4(a) are shown to be due to forces
imposed by the Design Environmental Condition (DEC) acting in combination with dead and live
loads, the basic allowable stresses cited in 5B-3-3/5.3.4(a) may be increased by one-third,
provided the resulting structural member sizes are not less than those required for the operating
environment loading combined with dead and live loads without the one-third increase in
allowable stresses.

5.3.4(c) (1 July 2009) The allowable stresses specified in 5B-3-3/5.3.4(b) are to be regarded as the
limits for stresses in all structural parts for the marine operations covered in 5B-3-1/5.1, except for
lifting, where the one-third increase in the basic allowable stress is not permitted. The one-third
increase in the basic allowable stress is also not permitted in loadout operations. The lifting
analysis is to adequately account for equipment and fabrication weight increase with dynamic
amplification factors recommended in API RP 2A. Other lift analysis methods can be considered
on a case by case basis.

5.3.4(d) (1 July 2012) For any two- or three-dimensional stress field within the scope of the
working stress formulation, the equivalent stress (e.g., the von Mises stress intensity) is to be used

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 3 Hull and Primary Structures 5B-3-3

in the design. The allowable von Mises stress is to be 0.7 of the yield strength for the Design
Operating Condition (DOC) and 0.9 of the yield strength for the Design Environmental Condition
(DEC). For highly localized areas, local yielding of the structure may be accepted, provided it can
be demonstrated that such yielding does not lead to progressive collapse of the overall structure
and that the general structural stability is maintained.

5.3.4(e) Whenever elastic instability, overall or local, may occur before the stresses reach their
basic allowable levels, appropriate allowable buckling stresses govern.

5.3.5 Fatigue Assessment (2020)

A detailed fatigue analysis is to be performed for deck structures. Rational fatigue analysis
methods are acceptable if the forces and member stresses can be properly represented. The
dynamic effects are to be taken into consideration if they are significant to the structural response.
For the frame members of the deck, the S-N curves specified in the ABS Guide for the Fatigue
Assessment of Offshore Structures and API RP 2A are recommended. The Stress Concentration
Factors (SCFs) for tubular joints can be calculated based on applicable empirical formulas. For the
complex critical connections, the SCFs should be calculated by means of a fine mesh finite
element analysis.

The results of the assessment are to indicate a minimum expected fatigue life of two or more times
of the design life of the structure where sufficient structural redundancy exists to prevent
catastrophic failure of the structure of the member or connection under consideration. Where such
redundancy does not exist or where the desirable degree of redundancy is significantly reduced as
a result of fatigue damage, the result of a fatigue assessment is to indicate a minimum expected
fatigue life of three or more times the design life of the structure. 3-2-3/3.7 TABLE 1 provides
general safety factor requirements for fatigue life. For the deck to hull connections, see

Any areas determined to be critical to the structure are to be free from cracks, and stress
concentration factors are to be determined and minimized. Critical areas may require special
analysis and survey.

5.3.6 Stresses in Connections (1 July 2009)

Connections of structural members are to be developed to insure effective load transmission
between connected members to minimize stress concentration and to prevent excessive punching
shear. Connection details are also to be designed to minimize undue constraints against overall
ductile behavior and to minimize the effects of post-weld shrinkage. Undue concentration of
welding is to be avoided. The design of tubular joints is to be in accordance with the API RP 2A,
including pinching shear. AISC Manual of Steel Construction, ASD can be used for the design of
non-tubular joints.


CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations

SECTION 4 Other Structures (1 July 2019)

1 Analysis and Design of Other Major Structures

The analysis and criteria to be applied to the other pertinent features of the Spar structural design are to
conform to recognized practices acceptable to ABS. For Spars, the following needs to be considered in the
Spar structural design: the interface between the position mooring system and hull, and the interface
between hull and the riser system. The criteria to be applied for these cases are presented below.

1.1 Hull Interface with Mooring System (Fairlead, Chain Stopper and Winch Foundations)
Each individual foundation and back-up structure of the fairlead, chain jack and winch is to be designed
for the breaking strength of the mooring line with a safety factor of 1.25. The foundation and back-up
structure for multiple fairleads, chain jacks or winches is to be designed for the maximum anticipated
mooring loads with a safety factor of 1.25 in the Design Environmental Condition (DEC) and with a safety
factor of 1.67 in the Design Operating Condition (DOC).

Fatigue strength is to be designed to meet the requirements in 5B-3-3/5.1.6(c), taking into account the
effects of both local drag and inertia loads on the mooring lines and the global motions of the Spar.

1.3 Hull Interface with Riser System (Riser Guides and Riser Supports)
The riser foundation and guide and back-up structures are to be designed for the maximum anticipated
riser loads with a safety factor of 1.25 in the Design Environmental Condition (DEC) and with a safety
factor of 1.67 in the Design Operating Condition (DOC).

Contacts between hull and riser buoyancy components may cause cyclic impact loads to the hull. Fatigue
due to the cyclic impacts is to be adequately considered in the design.


CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations

SECTION 5 Materials and Welding

1 Hull Structures
Section 3-2-6 and 7-1-2/9 of the MOU Rules are to be used to establish the welding requirements for the
hull. The weld type and sizing are to be shown on the scantling drawings or in the form of a welding
schedule and are to comply with the Rules that govern the steel selection. Special attention is to be given to
the weld details for fatigue-sensitive areas. Weld improvements by means of toe grinding and weld
profiling are to be used, if required by fatigue analysis results.

Section 3-1-4 of the MOU Rules is to be used for the material selections for the hull. The Spar hull
structures are grouped into the following material application categories for the purpose of material grade

Special Application Structure ● Hard tank-to-topside deck leg connection

● Hard tank-to-truss connection
● Truss-to-soft tank (or keel tank) connection
● Heave plate-to-truss connection
● Truss tubular joint cans
● Chain jack foundation structure
● Fairlead foundation structure
● Riser support foundation structure
● Riser guide-to-hull connection
Primary Application Structure ● All inner and outer hull shell plating
● Hull top deck and bottom deck, including main girders
● All radial hull bulkheads
● All hull ring frames and longitudinal girders
● All truss chords and braces
● Heave plate plating and girders
● Soft tank (or keel tank) plating and girders
● All struts
Secondary Application Structure ● All hull, heave plate and soft tank (or keel tank) stiffeners
● All internal hull flats
● All internal bulkheads in soft tank (or keel tank)
● All other structures

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 5 Materials and Welding 5B-3-5

3 Topside Deck Structures

Part 2 of the Offshore Installation Rules can be used to establish the material selections and welding
requirements for the truss deck of the topside. The deck structures are categorized into the following four
groups, in association with the Charpy toughness test described in 2-1-1/5.5 TABLE 4 of the Offshore
Installation Rules:

i) Deck lifting points, deck-to-hull cans

ii) Major truss row girders, major truss row columns, major truss row bracing
iii) Intermediate girders, intermediate bracing
iv) Deck stringer beams, deck plating

Alternatively, Section 3-1-4 of the MOU Rules may be used for material selections.


Items such as handrails, walkways and access platforms do not require the above material requirements.


CHAPTER 3 Spar Installations

SECTION 6 Machinery and Systems

1 Marine Piping Systems

Marine piping systems are those systems that are required for maintaining the normal operations of a
floating unit (such as power generation, bilge, ballast, tank vent and sounding, etc.). 4-2-1/3 of the MOU
Rules lists these systems. Systems installed in the hull are to be designed to minimize the requirements for
equipment and machinery to be installed in hull compartments and to limit as much as possible systems
requiring piping or cable runs in the Spar hull.

Marine support systems are to be in accordance with the requirements of the MOU Rules, except as
modified herein.

1.1 Bilge System

It is acceptable to omit a fixed bilge pumping system, as required by 4-2-4/1.1 of the MOU Rules, for void
spaces in the Spar hull and to use portable pumps lowered into spaces through manholes for bilge pumping
capabilities. At least two (2) portable pumps with hoses and accessories, capable of draining any void
space, are to be available onboard at all times. For the bilge suction sizing purposes, column-stabilized
units and self-elevating units sizing criteria listed in 4-2-4/9.3 of the MOU Rules are applicable.

1.3 Ballast System

The system fitted is to provide the capability to ballast and deballast all ballast tanks when the unit is
upright or listed up to five degrees in any direction. All pumps and valves are to be fitted with a remote
means of operation situated above the uppermost watertight deck. The normal or emergency operation of
the ballast system is not to introduce a greater risk of progressive flooding due to the opening of hatches,
manholes, etc., in watertight boundaries.

1.3.1 Pumping Systems

Where ballast systems powered by pumping systems are installed, at least two ballast pumps are to
be provided, one of which is to permanently connected to the installation’s ballast system. The
second pump may be a spare held in reserve or an eductor type arrangement permanently
connected to the system. If submersible ballast pumps are installed in each ballast tank, one spare
pump must be stored onboard at all times.

1.3.2 Compressed Air Systems

Where ballast systems powered by compressed air are installed, a satisfactory quantity of
compressed air is to be available to the system at all times. If two compressors are installed, one
compressor is to be powered by either the emergency switchboard or a dedicated engine. Each
compressor is to be capable of providing 100% of the required capacity of compressed air, as
defined in 5B-3-6/1.3.2(a). If only one compressor is provided, this compressor is to be powered
by either the emergency switchboard or a dedicated engine, and a quantity of stored compressed
air equivalent to the required capacity called out in 5B-3-6/1.3.2(a) is to be provided.

1.3.2(a) Quantity of Compressed Air. A quantity of air capable of bringing the installation from its
worst case damage or accidental flooding condition, as defined by 5B-3-2/1.5.3(b), to normal
operating draft and inclination is to be provided.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 6 Machinery and Systems 5B-3-6

1.5 Vents and Sounds

Except for comparatively small compartments that are not fitted with a fixed means of drainage, vent pipes
are to be fitted on all tanks, cofferdams, voids, tunnels and compartments which are not fitted with other
ventilation arrangements. The vent opening for a hull void space on a Spar hull may be normally sealed off
at the spar deck level by means of a blank, provided the venting arrangement of the Spar hull satisfies the
conditions listed below:

i) The hull void spaces are below the waterline under all operating conditions. Above waterline void
spaces may be considered if they are designed for pressure fluctuations due to thermal load and if
fitted with a rupture disk. The set pressure of the rupture disk is to be lower than the void design
ii) The hull void space is not classified as a hazardous area. Hazardous voids may be considered if
they are designed for pressure fluctuations due to thermal load and fitted with a rupture disk. The
set pressure of the rupture disk is to be lower than the void design pressure. Areas around vents
fitted with rupture disks are to comply with appropriate hazardous area requirements.
iii) The hull void space is not fitted with a permanently installed bilge or drainage system.
iv) Each void space is fitted with a high bilge water level alarm or a high pressure alarm.
v) The blank is to be installed after commissioning the Spar hull below the water line and after
giving due consideration for temperature stabilization of the void space atmosphere with outside.
vi) The blank is installed in readily accessible position so that the same can be removed for
ventilation purposes during routine inspection and/or de-watering period.
vii) The hull void space does not contain pressurized piping. When pressurized pipe must be routed
through the void space, a burst disk designed to rupture at pressure/vacuum not exceeding the void
space’s design pressure/vacuum will be installed at the vent pipe outlet instead of a blank. For
such instances, a blind flange or similar device is not acceptable as a blanking device.
Additionally, the vent terminal will be provided with a gooseneck and fitted with a ball check
valve (or equivalent).

The requirements for sounding are to comply with the MOU Rules. However, to prevent duplication of
pipe runs, it would be acceptable to sound the void spaces through the vent lines. In the case of a sealed
vent, a sounding plug would need to be provided to permit void space sounding.

1.7 Hydrocarbon Storage in Hull Tanks

If the Spar is designed to store hydrocarbons in hull tanks, criteria for hull storage of hydrocarbons are to
meet flag and coastal state requirements and applicable international requirements. The designs for
scantlings and strength for such storage tanks are to be in accordance with 5B-3-3/3 and 5B-3-3/5. See
3-5/5.9 of the Facilities Rules for the storage facility arrangement requirements.

3 Electrical Systems
The design criteria of electrical systems associated with marine systems (and drilling systems) are to be in
accordance with applicable requirements described in Part 4, Chapters 1 and 3 of the MOU Rules.

The design criteria of electrical systems strictly devoted to the hydrocarbon processing facilities are to be
in accordance with applicable requirements described in Chapter 3 of the Facilities Rules.

The design criteria of electrical systems associated with both marine systems and hydrocarbon processing
facilities are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements described in Part 4, Chapters 1 and 3 of
the MOU Rules.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Chapter 3 Spar Installations
Section 6 Machinery and Systems 5B-3-6

5 Fire Fighting Systems and Equipment

The fire fighting systems and equipment for the Spar service functions not associated with the process
facilities are to be in accordance with Part 5, Chapter 2 of the MOU Rules. Fire fighting systems and
equipment for protection of hydrocarbon process and associated systems, including fire pumps, are to be in
accordance with Section 3-8 of the Facilities Rules.

7 Machinery and Equipment

Machinery and equipment not associated with the process facilities are to be in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapter 1 of the MOU Rules. Machinery and equipment forming a part
of the hydrocarbon processing facilities are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section
3-3 of the Facilities Rules. Machinery and equipment forming a part of the permanent drilling facility are
to be in accordance with Part 4, Chapter 1 of the MOU Rules.



SECTION 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009)................................................. 557
1 Application and Scope................................................................ 557
3 Impact Load ............................................................................... 557
3.1 Column, Pontoon and Hard Tank...................................557
3.3 Other Members..............................................................557
5 Areas of Wave Impact.................................................................558
5.1 General.......................................................................... 558
5.3 Column, Pontoon and Hard Tank...................................558
5.5 Other Members..............................................................558
7 Structural Strength......................................................................559
7.1 General.......................................................................... 559
7.3 Shell Plating...................................................................559
7.5 Stiffener......................................................................... 559
7.7 Girder.............................................................................560
7.9 Other Members..............................................................561
7.11 Deck, Flat, and Bulkhead...............................................561
9 Compactness and Detailing........................................................561

FIGURE 1 Stiffener Section (1 July 2009)........................................... 560



SECTION 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009)

1 Application and Scope

Wave impact is referred to in several locations in these Rules; see 5B-1-1/5.1 for a Column Stabilized
Vessel, 5B-2-1/5.1 for a TLP, and 5B-3-1/5.1 for a Spar vessel. The criteria given herein are mandatory for
the Classification of a non-ship type FPI. For a ship-type FPI, wave impacts in the form of bow and bottom
slamming are considered in 5A-3-2/13.

These criteria consider wave breaking loads on the hull and topside deck of an FPI, such as a Column
Stabilized Vessel, a TLP and a Spar, for in-service and pre-service conditions. Wave impact is considered a
solitary and unusual load that is resisted by local structural components, possibly into the post yield range
of their strength. Therefore criteria are included so that the needed post yield strength is available (i.e.,
member ‘compactness’ and detailing criteria are provided).

3 Impact Load

3.1 Column, Pontoon and Hard Tank

Where the column or pontoon of a column stabilized vessel or a TLP or the hard tank of a Spar is subjected
to wave impact, the scantlings of the plating, stiffeners and girders of the framed shell are to be determined
using the following wave impact pressure, ps:

ps   =   kfsHs     kN/m2 (T/m2, lbf/ft2)


k = 37.84 (3.858, 240.9)

fs = 1.0 for plate panels between stiffeners, and the stiffeners themselves

= 0.626 for girders in a stiffened shell having a rectangular cross section

= 0.492 for girders in a stiffened shell having a circular cross-section

Hs = significant wave height in meters (feet) of the design sea state having a 100 year return period. Where the
structure is subjected to wave impact during its transit to the installation site, Hs, for the critical sea state
during transit is also to be considered.

3.3 Other Members

The main bracing members of a Column Stabilized Vessel or a TLP between the columns or between
columns and the topside deck, and the members of an open-truss in a topside deck of a Column Stabilized
Vessel, TLP or Spar are small diameter tubular members. The ps determined above for plating (i.e., fs =
1.0) can be divided by 1.9 and multiplied by the member’s width to obtain the impact force per unit length
along the member.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Appendix 1
Section 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009) 5B-A1-1

5 Areas of Wave Impact

5.1 General
The wave impact zone is the region in which structural elements will be subject to wave impact loads. The
wave impact zone is the vertical distance from the SWL to the crest elevation of the maximum wave
associated with the design sea state.

The horizontal extent of the wave impact zone is all of the outward facing portions of the hull. For
example, a circular corner leg column of a TLP will have a 270 degree arc of its surface exposed to wave
impact. The shielding from impact provided by adjacent structural members may be considered where
justification is provided.

5.3 Column, Pontoon and Hard Tank

Wave impact areas are used to determine the design loads on individual members. The areas that will be
subjected to wave impact are as follows:

● For individual plate panels between stiffeners, the wave impact pressure is considered to act uniformly
over the entire panel.
● For an individual plate stiffener with its associated shell plating, the pressure is considered to act
uniformly along the length of the stiffener. The area on which the pressure acts for the stiffener has a
width equal to the spacing between stiffeners and a height that is the length of the stiffener. Even if
only a portion of a stiffener is in the wave impact zone, the entire stiffener length is to be considered
loaded by the specified pressure.
● For girders in the wave impact zone, the area over which the pressure is applied is as follows:

– For horizontal members (e.g., girders, decks and flats) the loaded area is:

Vertically: The lesser of the sum of one-half the plate stiffener spans above and below the
horizontal member, or 0.62Hs

Horizontally: The length of the horizontal member between points of effective flexural support.
– For vertical girders and similar structural members (e.g., vertical webs and bulkheads) the loaded
area is:

Vertically: The lesser of the distance between points of effective flexural support, or 0.62Hs

Horizontally: The sum of one-half the distance on either side of the web to the next vertical girder
or bulkhead.

(Where the actual framing is other than the conventional orthotropic plate framing system
envisioned, modification of the specified areas will be considered in consultation with ABS.)

5.5 Other Members

● Portions of a main brace exposed to wave impact will need sufficient flexural and shear strength to
resist the impact load. The impact load per unit of length along the brace extends from the SWL to the
crest elevation of the maximum wave associated with the design sea state.
● Additionally all portions of the brace in the impact zone are to be able to resist the local pressure given
in 5B-A1-1/3.1 divided by 1.9.

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Appendix 1
Section 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009) 5B-A1-1

7 Structural Strength

7.1 General
Individual structural elements in the wave impact zone are to satisfy the criteria given below. As
mentioned previously wave impact is considered a solitary local load. Typically, it is envisioned that
structural elements will be initially designed considering the scantling requirements and the global strength
requirements for the specified in-service and pre-service conditions in the FPI Rules. The parts of the FPI
structure in the wave impact zone, will then be assessed for their resistance to wave impact. As needed, the
design of an element is to be suitably increased using the criteria given below to account for wave impact.
Since some of the affected structural elements will need to mobilize post yield behavior to resist the wave
impact load it is important that both the strength criteria given below and the ‘Compactness and Detailing’
criteria given in the next subsection are satisfied.

7.3 Shell Plating

The thickness of shell plating, t, in the wave impact zone is not to be less than the following.

sk ps
t= 70 . 7 Y + 1 . 5     mm
sk ps
t= 26 . 8 Y + 0 . 06     in.


t = thickness, in mm (in.)
ps = pressure from 5B-A1-1/3.1, in kN/m2 (T/m2, lbf/ft2)

s = spacing of stiffeners, in mm (in.)

k = (3 . 075 α – 2 . 077)/(α + 0 . 272) for 1 ≤ α ≤ 2

= 1.0 for α > 2

α = aspect ratio of the panel (longer edge/shorter edge)
Y = specified minimum yield point or strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

7.5 Stiffener
The plastic section modulus, Z, of plate stiffeners with their associated shell plating is not to be less than
the following

Z   =   125cpssℓ2 /Y     cm3

Z   =   3cpssℓ2 /2Y     in3


s = stiffener spacing, in m (ft)

ps = pressure from 5B-A1-1/3.1, in kN/m2 (T/m2, lbf/ft2)

ℓ = length of stiffener, in m (ft), between supports; where brackets are fitted in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 of the
MOU Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length ℓ may be measured to a point on the
bracket located at a distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of the bracket.
Y = specified minimum yield point, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
c = 0.5 when both ends of the stiffener have effective end brackets

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Appendix 1
Section 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009) 5B-A1-1

= 0.67 when one end has effective end bracket and other end is continuous into the next stiffened panel

= 0.8 when both ends of a stiffener are continuous into the next stiffened panel

= 1.0 for a single span stiffener without effective flexural restraint at ends.

The plastic section modulus, Z, may be obtained from the following equations, wherebf, tf, dw, tw, bp, and
tp are as indicated in 5B-A1-1/7.5 FIGURE 1, in cm (in.):

Z = bftf(dw + α + tf /2) + dwtw(dw /2 + α) + bp(α2 – αtp + tp2 /2)     when   bptp ≤ bftf + dwtw

Z = bftf(dw – β + tf /2) + tw(β2 – βdw + dw

/2) + bptp(β + tp /2)     when   bptp ≤ bftf + dwtw


α = 0 . 5(bptp – dwtw – bftf)/bp

β = 0 . 5(dwtw + bftf – bptp)/tw

The shear area of the stiffener, Aw, is not to be less than:

Aw   =   pssℓ/0 . 12Y     cm2

Aw   =   pssℓ/1 . 2Y     in2

where ps, s, ℓ, and Y are as defined above.

Stiffener Section (1 July 2009)

7.7 Girder
The elastic section modulus, SM, of a girder supporting stiffeners on flat plating, including the associated
shell plating is not to be less than:

SM   =   91 . 0psbℓ2 /Y     cm3

SM   = psbℓ2 /0 . 92Y     in3


Part 5B Other Installation Types
Appendix 1
Section 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009) 5B-A1-1

ps = pressure from 5B-A1-1/3.1, in kN/m2 (T/m2, lbf/ft2)

ℓ = length of stiffener, in m (ft), between supports; where brackets are fitted in accordance with 3-2-2/5.5 TABLE
2 of the MOU Rules and have a slope of approximately 45 degrees, the length ℓ may be measured to a point on
the bracket located at a distance from the toe equal to 25% of the length of the bracket.
b = dimension of the loaded area perpendicular to the length, in m (ft)
Y = specified minimum yield point, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

The shear area of the girder, Aw, is not to be less than:

Aw   =   psbℓ/0 . 108Y     cm2

Aw   =   psbℓ/1 . 08Y     in2

where ps, b, ℓ, and Y are as defined above.

Where the stiffened shell is curved, the girder scantlings are to be determined based on an established shell
analysis method. The scantlings of the curved girder are to be based on linear elastic behavior where the
maximum bending stress due to wave impact is limited to the yield stress.

For a vertical girder whose length is not completely in the wave impact zone, adjustment to the above
calculated section modulus and web area can be made using an appropriate method based on linear elastic

7.9 Other Members

For a smaller diameter member (e.g. a brace that can be appropriately analyzed as a single or system of
‘beam-column’ elements) a structural calculation is to be performed to demonstrate the adequacy of the
member to resist the impact load (acting alone) along its length as determined from 5B-A1-1/5.5. The
calculation should appropriately account for the support at the ends of the member. Permissible stresses are
those given in 3-2-1/3.7 of the MOU Rules for ‘combined loadings’; or alternatively the pertinent member
strength and allowable stress criteria of the API-RP2A can be used, where the basic allowable stress is
increased by one-third.

The adequacy of the member’s local strength subjected to direct wave impact is to be demonstrated. A
brace segment composed of a stiffened plate is to satisfy the criteria given above in 5B-A1-1/7.3 and 5B-
A1-1/7.5, as applicable. Brace segments which are circular shell structures are to satisfy the applicable
criteria given in the Section 4 of ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore
Structures, where gross member properties may be used; alternatively API-RP2A, may be used. The local
impact pressure on the cylindrical shell can be considered as a uniform hoop stress; increased allowable
stresses are permitted.

7.11 Deck, Flat, and Bulkhead

When the main support to a plate stiffener is not a flexural element (such as a girder), it may be a deck, flat
or bulkhead. In such a case the in-plane strength and buckling resistance of the deck, flat or bulkhead
should be sufficient to assure that the stiffener’s supports and boundary conditions will perform as intended
in design. The ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures is to be
used in the assessment of stiffened panels comprising affected decks, flats and bulkheads.

9 Compactness and Detailing

The following criteria are to be satisfied for structural elements subjected to wave impact.

● The web of a plate stiffener or girder is to be continuously welded to the shell plate and the flange.
● An attached flange should preferably be symmetric with respect to webs (e.g., T-section).

Part 5B Other Installation Types
Appendix 1
Section 1 Wave Impact Criteria (1 July 2009) 5B-A1-1

● For an unsupported element (e.g., projection of flange from a web) the ratio of outstand (b) to
thickness (t) is not to exceed 0.4(E/Y)0.5, where E and Y are, respectively, the modulus of elasticity and
yield strength of the material in the same units of measure.
● For a supported element (e.g. web of a flanged stiffener) the ratio of web depth (d) to its thickness (t)
is not to exceed 1.5(E/Y)0.5.
● It is to be shown, using an appropriate method, that the unsupported length of the stiffener’s flange is
less than that for which the stiffener will be subject to torsional instability. For example refer to 3/5.3
of the ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures, where gross
member properties can be used.
● Tripping brackets, arranged to support the flanges of the girders, are generally to be fitted at intervals
of about 3 m (10 ft), close to any changes of section, and in line with the flanges of struts.
● The web depth of a girder is to be at least 2.5 times the depth of the largest stiffener cut-out opening.
● The load paths between all elements, including welds, are to be reviewed to verifythat all supporting
members and their connections will have sufficient strength and buckling resistance so that element
support and boundary conditions will behave as intended.


Mooring Systems

CHAPTER 1 Position Mooring Systems..............................................................564
Section 1 Mooring System ............................................................565
Section 2 Anchor Holding Power .................................................. 566


CHAPTER 1 Position Mooring Systems

SECTION 1 Mooring System .............................................................................. 565

SECTION 2 Anchor Holding Power ................................................................... 566

1 Drag Anchor ...............................................................................566
3 Conventional Pile Anchors (2017).............................................. 567
5 Plate Anchors (2017).................................................................. 567
7 Suction Piles............................................................................... 568
8 Dynamically Installed Piles (2017)..............................................568
9 Factor of Safety.......................................................................... 568
11 Allowable Yielding Stresses........................................................569

TABLE 1 Factor of Safety for Anchor Holding Capacities* (2017).... 567


CHAPTER 1 Position Mooring Systems

SECTION 1 Mooring System (1 July 2019)

The purpose of the position mooring system is to keep the Floating Installation on station at a specific site.
The design requirements for the position mooring systems are provided in the ABS Guide for Position
Mooring Systems. The requirements for installation, hook-up and commissioning of the mooring systems
are provided in Part 3, Chapter 4. Surveys during construction, installation and commissioning are in Part
7, Chapter 1 and surveys after construction in Part 7, Chapter 2.


CHAPTER 1 Position Mooring Systems

SECTION 2 Anchor Holding Power

(2017) Different types of foundation systems used for floating installations are drag anchors, pile anchors,
plate anchors, suction piles, and dynamically installed piles. Gravity boxes, grouted piles, templates, etc.,
may also be used and are considered to be within the scope of classification.

1 Drag Anchor (2018)

For a mooring system with drag anchors, the mooring line length should be sufficiently long such that
there is no angle between the mooring line and the seabed at any design condition, as described in 3-2-3/1.
For soft clay (in Gulf of Mexico) condition, a small angle for the damaged case with one broken line may
be considered by ABS on a case-by-case basis.

Drag anchor holding power depends on the anchor type, as well as the condition of the anchor deployed in
regard to penetration of the flukes, opening of the flukes, depth of burial, stability of the anchor during
dragging, soil behavior of the flukes, etc. The designer should submit to ABS the performance data for the
specific anchor type and the site-specific soil conditions for the estimation of the ultimate holding capacity
(UHC) of an anchor design. Because of uncertainties and the wide variation of anchor characteristics, exact
holding power is to be determined after the anchor is deployed and test loaded.

The maximum load at anchor, Fancℎor, is to be calculated, in consistent units, as follows:

Fancℎor   =   Pline   –   WsubWD   –   Ffriction

Ffriction   =   fsℓLbedWsub

Pline = maximum mooring line tension
WD = water depth
fsℓ = frictional coefficient of mooring line on sea bed at sliding
Lbed = length of mooring line on seabed at the design storm condition, not to exceed 20 percent of the
total length of a mooring line
Wsub= submerged unit weight of mooring line


The above equation for Fancℎor is strictly correct only for a single line of constant, Wsub, without buoys or clump weights.
Appropriate adjustments will be required for other cases.

The value of Fancℎor may also be determined as the maximum load at anchor padeye/shackle due to the
normal and frictional resistance provided by the reversed catenary anchor line embedded in the soil. The
document to derive the tension force and load angle at anchor padeye/shackle is to be submitted to ABS
for review. This can be applied to other types of anchors (i.e., conventional pile, VLA, suction pile, DIA,
plate anchor) when it is applicable.

Part 6 Mooring Systems
Chapter 1 Position Mooring Systems
Section 2 Anchor Holding Power 6-1-2

The coefficient of friction fsℓ depends on the soil condition and the type of mooring line. For soft mud,
sand and clay, the following values (from API RP 2SK) of fsℓ along with the coefficient of friction at start
fst for wire rope and chain may be considered representative:

Coefficient of Friction, f

Starting (fst) Sliding (fsℓ )

Chain 1.00 0.70

Wire Rope 0.60 0.25

3 Conventional Pile Anchors (2017)

Conventional pile anchors are capable of withstanding uplift and lateral forces at the same time. Analysis
of the pile as a beam column on an elastic foundation is to be submitted to ABS for review. The analyses
for different kinds of soil using representative soil resistance and deflection (p-y) curves are described in
the ABS Offshore Installations Rules, API RP 2SK, API RP2A and API RP 2T, as applicable. The fatigue
analysis of the pile should be submitted for review.

5 Plate Anchors (2017)

Plate anchors can be used in a taut leg mooring system with approximately a 35 to 45 degree angle
between the seabed and the mooring lines. These anchors are designed to withstand both the vertical and
horizontal loads imposed by the mooring line.

Plate anchors can be drag embedded plate anchors or direct embedded plate anchors based on different
installation methods. Vertically Loaded Anchor (VLA) is one type of plate anchors. It is important that the
anchor’s penetration depth can be established during the installation process. After penetrating into the
designated depth, a plate anchor gets its high ultimate pull-out capacity by having its fluke oriented nearly
perpendicular to the applied load.

The structural and geotechnical holding capacity design of the plate anchors are to be submitted for review.
This is to include the ultimate holding capacity and the anchor’s burial depth beneath the seabed.
Additionally, the fatigue analysis of the anchor and the connectors joining the plate anchors to the mooring
line should be submitted for review.

The safety factors of plate anchors’ holding capacity are specified in 6-1-2/5 TABLE 1.

Factor of Safety for Anchor Holding Capacities* (2017)

Factor of Safety

Drag Anchors

Intact Design (DEC) 1.50

Broken Line Extreme (DEC) 1.00

Plate Anchors and Dynamically Installed Piles

Intact Design (DEC) 2.00

Broken Line Extreme (DEC) 1.50

Suction Piles and Driven Pile Anchor

Intact Design – Lateral (DEC) 1.6

Part 6 Mooring Systems
Chapter 1 Position Mooring Systems
Section 2 Anchor Holding Power 6-1-2

Factor of Safety

Intact Design – Axial (DEC) 2.0

Broken Line Extreme – Lateral (DEC) 1.2

Broken Line Extreme – Axial (DEC) 1.5

TLP Piles

Refer to API RP 2T as applicable

7 Suction Piles
Suction pile anchors are caisson foundations that are penetrated to the target depth by pumping out the
water inside of the pile to create underpressure within the pile. They may typically consist of a stiffened
cylindrical shell with a cover plate at the top and an open bottom and generally have larger diameters and
are shorter in length than conventional piles. These piles can be designed to have a permanent top or a
retrievable top depending on the required vertical holding capacity. The padeye for the mooring line
connection can be at the top or at an intermediate level depending on the application of the suction pile.

Suction pile anchors are capable of withstanding uplift and lateral forces. Due to the geometry of the
suction piles, the failure modes of the soils may be different than what are applicable for long slender
conventional piles. The safety factors for the suction piles’ holding capacity are specified in 6-1-2/5

Geotechnical holding capacity and structural analyses for the suction piles are to be submitted to verify the
adequacy of the suction piles to withstand the in-service and installation loads. Additionally, fatigue
analysis of the suction piles are to be submitted to verify the adequacy of the fatigue life of the critical

Installation analyses are to be submitted to verify that the suction piles can be penetrated to the design
penetration and that the suction piles can be retrieved, if necessary. It is suggested that a ratio of at least 1.5
between the force that would cause uplift of the soil-plug inside of the pile and the effective pile
installation force be considered in the penetration analysis.

8 Dynamically Installed Piles (2017)

Dynamically installed piles are finned piles that are designed to be released from a height of 20-100 m
above the seabed, and reach velocities of 20-35 m/s at the seabed before self-embedment. They may be
stabilized with multiple fins at the trailing edge.

The installation procedures of dynamically installed piles are to be submitted for ABS review and should
include all the necessary data for the Surveyor to inspect onboard, such as coordinates of piles installation,
designed penetration depth, acceptable tolerances for pile position, actual penetration depth, inclination
angle and azimuth.

Geotechnical holding capacity and structural analysis for the piles are to be submitted to verify the
adequacy of the piles to withstand the in-service load. The geotechnical analysis and structural assessment
may be performed in accordance with ABS Guidance Notes on Design, Construction and Installation of
Dynamically Installed Piles. Fatigue assessment are to be submitted to demonstrate the adequacy of the
mooring line attachment components for the expected service life of the mooring system.

9 Factor of Safety (2018)

The factor of safety for anchor holding capacity in the design of drag anchors, VLAs and suction piles are
specified in 6-1-2/5 TABLE 1. The mooring line loads should be derived from a dynamic analysis to

Part 6 Mooring Systems
Chapter 1 Position Mooring Systems
Section 2 Anchor Holding Power 6-1-2

account for mooring line dynamics. Conventional pile anchors should meet the recommended factors of
safety as specified in the ABS Offshore Installations Rules, API RP2A, and API RP2T, as applicable.

11 Allowable Yielding Stresses (2018)

For a solid element subjected to triaxial stress, the equivalent stress is given by the Hencky von-Mises
theory as follows:
σHVM = σX2 + σY2 + σZ2 − σXσY − σXσZ − σYσZ + 3 τ2XY + τ2XZ + τYZ


σX normal stress in the X direction (local axis system of the element), in kN/m2
(kgf/m2, lbf/ft2)
σY = normal stress in the Y direction, in kN/m2 (kgf/m2, lbf/ft2)
σZ = normal stress in the Z direction, in kN/m2 (kgf/m2, lbf/ft2)
τXY, τXZ, τYZ = shear stress components, in kN/m2 (kgf/m2, lbf/ft2)

or using principal stresses,σ1,σ2 and σ3:

σHVM = σ12 + σ22 + σ32 − σ1σ2 − σ1σ3 − σ2σ3

The corresponding acting von Mises stresses from the finite element analysis following the ABS Guidance
Notes on Design and Installation of Dynamically Installed Piles is to be limited to the following stresses
for the line broken and intact conditions, respectively:

σHVM ≤ 0 . 9σyield (line broken)

σHVM ≤ 0 . 67σyield (Intact)


σyield = yield stress of the considered structural component, in kN/m2 (kgf/m2, lbf/ft2)

For those stresses of a highly localized nature, local yielding of the structure may be accepted provided it
can be demonstrated that such yielding does not lead to progressive collapse of the overall structure and
that the general structural stability is maintained.



CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning......................... 571
Section 1 General (2018)...............................................................573
Section 2 Surveys During Hook-up ...............................................575
Section 3 Surveys of the Mooring System.....................................576
Section 4 Surveys of the Import/Export System............................ 579
Section 5 Surveys of the Disconnectable System ........................ 581
Section 6 Surveys During Commissioning ....................................582

CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction............................................................ 584

Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction ....................589
Section 2 Survey Intervals ............................................................ 601
Section 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection
Program (ISIP)...............................................................605
Section 4 Annual Surveys..............................................................612
Section 5 Intermediate Surveys.....................................................623
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS)..................................625
Section 7 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent.................................643
Section 8 Tail Shaft and Tube Shaft Surveys.................................647
Section 9 Boiler Surveys................................................................648
Section 10 Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations (2016) ........649

APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................... 652

Section 1 Guidance for the Class Notation, Storage Service (1
September 2007)........................................................... 653


CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning

SECTION 1 General (2018).................................................................................. 573
1 General ...................................................................................... 573
3 Surveys During Construction or Modification..............................573
3.1 Ship-Type Installations...................................................573
3.3 Other Installation Types................................................. 573
5 Mooring System Construction.....................................................574

SECTION 2 Surveys During Hook-up ................................................................575

1 General....................................................................................... 575
3 Piping Systems .......................................................................... 575
5 Electrical Systems...................................................................... 575
7 Instrumentation........................................................................... 575
9 Mechanical Equipment............................................................... 575

SECTION 3 Surveys of the Mooring System..................................................... 576

1 General ...................................................................................... 576
3 Certification of Components and Transit Damage Survey..........576
5 Survey of the Installation Site..................................................... 576
7 Installation of Anchors/Piles and Mooring Lines......................... 576
7.1 Anchors or Piles.............................................................576
7.3 Mooring Lines................................................................ 576
9 Field Test ................................................................................... 578
11 Post Installation Survey.............................................................. 578

SECTION 4 Surveys of the Import/Export System............................................579

1 General....................................................................................... 579
3 Certification of Components and Transit Damage Survey..........579
5 Buoyancy Tank and Arch Support.............................................. 579
7 Installation of Riser Clamps and End Flanges............................579
9 Underwater Examination............................................................ 579
11 Hydrostatic Testing..................................................................... 579
13 Floating Hose String................................................................... 579
15 Subsea Control System.............................................................. 580
17 Navigational Aids........................................................................ 580

SECTION 5 Surveys of the Disconnectable System ........................................581

1 General....................................................................................... 581

3 Disconnecting Time.................................................................... 581

SECTION 6 Surveys During Commissioning ................................................... 582

1 General....................................................................................... 582
3 Safety and Operational Readiness............................................. 582
5 Communication Procedures....................................................... 582
7 Emergency Procedures.............................................................. 582
9 Start-up and Testing of Production Support Systems................. 582
11 Hook-up and Testing...................................................................582
13 Purging of the Production System.............................................. 582
15 Introduction of Hydrocarbons and Control of Flow..................... 582
17 Start-up of the Flare System (if applicable)................................ 583
19 Function of the Post Commissioned System.............................. 583


CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning

SECTION 1 General (2018)

1 General (2018)
The requirements in this Chapter apply to the ABS approved procedures and the surveys to be performed
on any type of Floating Production Installation (FPI).

Prior to carrying out the on-site installation, the ABS approved installation procedures are to be made
available to the Surveyor. Details of the required procedures are given in Section 3-4-1 of these Rules.

3 Surveys During Construction or Modification (2018)

3.1 Ship-Type Installations (1 July 2019)

In general, surveys of ship-type installations are to follow the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction
(Part 7) and the requirements of Part 5A of these Rules for the vessel’s structure and machinery. In
addition, Section 4-1-1 of these Rules lists specific fire and safety systems that are covered in the Facilities
Rules. The Offshore Installation Rules are to be followed for topside structure.

For ship-type installations with FOI notation, topside modules are not within the scope of class. When
notation Topside Modules is requested or when topside production facilities are requested for class,
topside modules are to follow Offshore Installation Rules.

3.3 Other Installation Types

In general, surveys of other installation types are to follow the MOU Rules and the requirements of Part 5B
of these Rules for structure and machinery. In addition, Section 4-1-1 of these Rules lists specific fire and
safety system requirements included in the Facilities Rules. The Offshore Installation Rules are to be
followed for topside structure. The MOU Rules are to be followed as listed below as applicable to the
equipment fitted on board. The specific requirements may be modified upon agreement from ABS
Engineering and the applicable Assistant Chief Surveyor Office.

Survey Rules Section

General MOU 7-1-1/3

Hull Structure and Outfitting MOU 7-1-2/1 to 7-1-2/11

Hull Structure and Outfitting MOU 7-1-2/17 to 7-1-2/27

Machinery, Piping, Pressure Vessels and Outfitting MOU Section 7-1-3

Mechanical and Piping Systems MOU Section 7-1-4

Electrical Cables and Equipment MOU Section 7-1-5

Electrical Systems MOU Section 7-1-6

Hazardous Areas MOU Section 7-1-7

Fire and Safety systems MOU Section 7-1-8,

FPI Section 4-1-1

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning
Section 1 General (2018) 7-1-1

Survey Rules Section

Stability and Commissioning MOU 7-1-9/1 to 7-1-9/11

Topsides Structure General OI Part 5, Chapter 1

Topsides Structure Materials OI Part 2, Chapter 1

Topsides Structure Welding and Fabrication OI Part 2, Chapter 2

5 Mooring System Construction (2018)

Items of equipment to be used in a mooring system are to be examined during the fabrication process, and
testing is to be performed to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor.

Components fabricated by welding are to meet the requirements of Chapter 4 of the ABS Rules for
Materials and Welding (Part 2) and are to be to the Surveyor’s satisfaction. Specifications to be used for
chain, wire rope and connecting hardware are to be submitted for review. Physical testing, including break,
pull, dimensional and nondestructive testing, is required to be performed in accordance with the submitted
specifications to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor.


CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning

SECTION 2 Surveys During Hook-up

1 General
Survey during the hook-up onboard FPIs, whether classed as an FOI or not, is mandatory. Survey during
hook-up is to be performed following reviewed procedures and is to include the following, where

3 Piping Systems (2018)

Piping hook-up is to be verified for compliance with the reviewed drawings and procedures. Welds are to
be visually inspected and nondestructive testing (NDT) performed as required. Upon completion of hook-
up, the affected sections are to be hydrostatically tested in accordance with Part 5A or 5B, as applicable
and proven tight.

5 Electrical Systems
Electrical hook-up is to be verified for compliance with the approved drawings and procedures. Proper
support for cables and proper sealing of cable entries to equipment are to be verified. Upon completion of
the hook-up, the affected sections of the equipment and cabling are to be insulation tested and proven in
order. All grounding is also to be verified as being in order.

7 Instrumentation
Instrumentation hook-up is to be verified for compliance with the reviewed drawings and procedures.
Tubing supports are to be verified. Upon completion, all systems are to be functionally tested and proven
as being in order. The manufacturer’s limits on bend radii for any component of the instrumentation system
are to be observed.

9 Mechanical Equipment
Mechanical equipment hook-up is to be verified for compliance with the reviewed drawings and
procedures, including the grounding of the equipment. Upon completion, all equipment is to be
functionally tested and proven as being in order.


CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning

SECTION 3 Surveys of the Mooring System

1 General (2018)
Survey of the mooring system of all type of FPIs, whether classed as an FOI or not, is mandatory. During
installation of the FPI’s mooring system, the requirements as contained in this Section are to be verified or
witnessed, where applicable, by the attending Surveyor in accordance with procedures in Section 3-4-1 of
these Rules.

3 Certification of Components and Transit Damage Survey

All applicable components required to be certified at the manufacturers’ facilities have received

All mooring components are to be examined for transit damages prior to installation. Any damages found
are to be dealt with to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor.

5 Survey of the Installation Site

The area at and in the vicinity of the mooring site is to be surveyed by divers or remotely operated vehicles
(ROVs) to confirm that there are no obstructions or debris prior to installation.

7 Installation of Anchors/Piles and Mooring Lines

7.1 Anchors or Piles

During the installation of the anchors or anchor piles, the following are to be verified in order, where

i) Proper locking of all connecting shackles from chains to piles or anchors and chains to chains.
ii) Sealing of all Kenter shackle locking pins.
iii) All complements of anchor chains for correct sizes and lengths.
iv) All anchor pile or anchors are installed in the designed positions and orientations and are within
the allowable design tolerance.

7.3 Mooring Lines

7.3.1 General (2018)
During the installation of the mooring lines, the following are to be verified in order, where

i) The paying out of the anchor chains after the installation of the piles is to be performed in
accordance with the approved procedures.
ii) Unless otherwise approved by the attending Surveyor, the first pair of anchor chains to be
cross-tensioned is the first pair to be installed.
iii) The cross-tensioning is to be verified to confirm all pretensioning loads are in accordance
with the design and there is no movement or pullout of the anchor piles.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning
Section 3 Surveys of the Mooring System 7-1-3

iv) Upon successful completion of the pretensioning, the subsequent hooking up of all of the
chain legs to the chain stoppers in the turntable is to be verified.
v) During tensioning of the chains for the position mooring system, the relative position of
the mooring system’s center to the PLEM is to be verified for compliance with the design
specifications and tolerance.
vi) Upon completion, the chain tension is to be verified by measuring the catenary angles of
the chains for compliance with the design specifications and tolerance. Any excess length
of chain above the chain stoppers is to be removed, unless it is designed to be retained in
the chain well.
vii) (1 July 2015) If the Mooring System design incorporates equipment which is to be used
by the crew to periodically verify that the mooring lines have not failed/parted (See
Subsection 3/9 of the ABS Guide for Position Mooring Systems) then such equipment is
to be commissioned and demonstrated to the Attending Surveyor.
7.3.2 Fiber Rope Mooring Lines (2018)
In general, the ABS Guidance Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore
Mooring should be followed to minimize damage during handling and installation. Other guidance
is included in the applicable sections of the MOU Rules.

i) Minimum Tension for Aramid Rope

The aramid rope should maintain a minimum tension of 2% Maximum Breaking Strength
(MBS) if it is suspended by a buoy after pre-installation.
ii) Preset Mooring

In general, contact of fiber rope with seabed should be minimized during deployment.
However, in some instances, it is necessary for the mooring line to be preset prior to
hook-up with the installation. Presetting of fiber rope on seabed is acceptable if the rope
passes the test for particle ingress resistance as outlined in 8/7 of the ABS Guidance
Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore Mooring.
iii) Dropped Rope during Deployment

A rope accidentally dropped on the seafloor during deployment can be reused under the
following conditions:

a) The rope passes the test for particle ingress resistance as outlined in 8/7 of the
ABS Guidance Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore Mooring,
b) The rope is retrieved quickly and inspected according to API RP 2I. There is no
damage exceeding the API RP 2I discard criteria.
iv) Preloading Operation

The preloading operation to remove as much permanent elongation as possible and to

increase stiffness of the rope should be carefully planned before installation. The preload
level and duration should be determined based on a number of considerations including
amount of permanent elongation to be removed, limitation of preloading equipment, and
time required to complete the preload operation. The preload duration should not be less
than one hour. The preload level and duration achieved and rope elongation should be
recorded for each step and compared with the expected values.

The pre-tension of fiber rope mooring lines are to be within the designer recommended
limits. It is noted that the measurement of catenary angles may not be sufficient for TLMs
(Taut Leg Moorings). Other means are to be used to determine the mooring line tensions

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning
Section 3 Surveys of the Mooring System 7-1-3

to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. Reference may be made to the ABS
Guidance Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore Mooring for details of
fiber rope construction, installation, and testing.

9 Field Test (2018)

After the mooring system is deployed, each mooring line will be required to be pull-tested. The test is to
demonstrate adequacy of anchor holding capacity, eliminate slack in the grounded portion of the mooring
lines, detect damage to the mooring components during installation, and demonstrate that the mooring
line’s inverse catenary is sufficiently formed to prevent unacceptable mooring line slacking due to
additional inverse catenary cut-in during storm conditions. During the test, each mooring line will be
pulled to the maximum design load determined by dynamic analysis for the intact design condition and
held at that load for 30 minutes. For certain high-efficiency drag anchors in soft clay, the test load may be
reduced to not less than 80 percent of the maximum intact design load. For all types of anchors, the
attainment of design-required minimum soil penetration depth is to be verified at the site.

ABS will determine the necessity of a maximum intact design tension pull test depending on the extent of
the geotechnical investigation, the magnitude of loading, analytical methods used for the geotechnical
design and the experience with the soils in the area of interest. For suction piles, ABS will also review the
pile installation records to verify the agreement between the calculated suction pressures and the suction
pressure used to install the suction piles. For conventional piles, ABS will review the pile installation
records to verify the agreement between the calculated pile driving blow counts and the actual blow counts
required to drive the piles to the design penetration. For plate anchors, ABS will check the keying loads so
that sufficient anchor fluke rotation takes place without further loss of anchor penetration. If the calculated
anchor rotation during keying differs from the anchor rotation in site, the anchor’s structure should be
checked for any resulting out-of-line loading so that its integrity is not compromised. For dynamically
installed anchors, ABS will review if the final penetration depth and pile inclination angle are within the
allowable ranges.

If the maximum intact design tension pull tests are waived, ABS will require preloading each anchor to a
load that is necessary to develop the ultimate holding capacity of the anchor, but not less than the mean
intact design tension, and to ensure the integrity and alignment of the mooring line.

For a disconnectable mooring system, the pull test load will be the greater of the following two values:

i) Maximum design load for “DISconnecting Environmental Condition (DISEC)” (i.e., the limiting
extreme environmental condition at which the installation is to be disconnected).
ii) Maximum design load of mooring line for the “Design Environmental Condition (DEC)” without
the installation (i.e., the disconnected mooring system alone).

11 Post Installation Survey (2018)

The Owner should conduct within three months or as soon as practical after completion of initial hook-up
of the mooring system with the floating vessel. If needed, additional surveys should be performed after
subsequent installation activities (riser hookup, etc.) that may have significant impact on the mooring

The mooring line should be inspected for any external damage by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) or
diver. Twist can be verified at installation by ROV/diver monitoring of the marking that runs externally on
the jacket. Particular attention should be made to the condition of fiber ropes terminations. Other design
aspects which should be verified immediately following hook-up are the fiber rope near surface
termination position and the preloading. Estimated elongation should be recorded for all lines during the
preloading operation. The purpose of the survey is to establish the initial condition, which will be
compared with future inspection results. The Owner is to advise ABS of any anomalies found, but
Surveyor attendance is not required.


CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning

SECTION 4 Surveys of the Import/Export System

1 General
Survey of the import/export system is required only if the system is to be classed with ABS and to be
recommended with the optional classification notations explained in Section 1-1-2 of these Rules, Where
the import/export system is to be classed, during installation of the system, the following items are to be
witnessed by the Surveyor, as applicable.

3 Certification of Components and Transit Damage Survey

All applicable components required to be certified at the manufacturers’ facilities have received

The riser is to be examined for damage as it is being paid out, and sufficient tension is to be maintained to
keep the riser free of deformations or buckles.

5 Buoyancy Tank and Arch Support

The buoyancy tank and arch support are to be verified as being installed in the correct position relative to
the water surface end of the riser.

7 Installation of Riser Clamps and End Flanges

The installation of the riser clamps on the buoyancy tank and arch support are to be monitored to verify
that the riser is adequately secured and not damaged due to excessive tightening of the clamps.

The installation of the end flanges of the riser is to be monitored for compliance with the approved

9 Underwater Examination
Upon completion of installation, the entire underwater complement of components is to be generally
examined and verified by divers or ROVs for compliance with the reviewed design specifications and
configurations. At a site with limited visibility, alternative means of verifying the installation are to be
submitted for review and are to be performed to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor.

11 Hydrostatic Testing
Hydro testing of the import/export system is to be performed in accordance with the approved procedure.
The test pressure and duration of the hydro test are to follow the appropriate codes, such as ANSI/ ASME
B31.8, API RP 2RD and RP 17B.

13 Floating Hose String

The make-up of the export floating hose string is to be verified for compliance with the approved
procedures. Suitable gaskets for the hose flanges, positioning of all navigational aids, correct location of
the breakaway couplings and tightening of the flange bolts are also to be verified.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning
Section 4 Surveys of the Import/Export System 7-1-4

During the paying out of the hose string, verification is to be made that the hose string bend radii are not
smaller than the manufacturer’s recommended limits.

Upon completion of installation, the entire export hose string is to be hydrostatically tested in accordance
with the approved procedure and codes, such as the OCIMF Guidelines for the Handling, Storage,
Inspection, and Testing of Hoses in the Field.

15 Subsea Control System

Subsea controls, if installed, are to be satisfactorily tested.

17 Navigational Aids
All navigational aids are to be functionally tested and proven in working order.


CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning

SECTION 5 Surveys of the Disconnectable System

1 General
Survey of the disconnectable mooring system is required only if the system is to be classed with ABS and
to be recommended with the optional classification notations explained in Section 1-1-2 of these Rules,
Where the disconnectable system is to be classed, the system together with system’s capability to
disconnect free from its mooring system is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor,
in accordance with approved test procedures.

3 Disconnecting Time
During the disconnect operation, the time taken to effectively free the Floating Installation from the
mooring system is to be recorded in the operation manual.


CHAPTER 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning

SECTION 6 Surveys During Commissioning

1 General
Survey of the start up and commissioning of the production facilities is required only if the FPI’s
production facilities are to be classed with ABS and to be recommended with the optional classification
notations explained in Section 1-1-2 of these Rules.

The start-up and commissioning of hydrocarbon production systems are to be verified by the attending
Surveyor in accordance with the procedures reviewed and agreed by the attending Surveyor. The scope of
the start-up and commissioning to be verified by the Surveyor is to include the following items:

3 Safety and Operational Readiness

Verify precautions for safety of personnel during commissioning, including checks of operational readiness
of all life saving equipment, fire and gas detection systems, fire fighting equipment, emergency shutdown
systems and unobstructed escape routes.

5 Communication Procedures
Verify establishment of communication procedures prior to the start of commissioning operations.

7 Emergency Procedures
Verify that emergency procedures are provided to deal with contingencies, such as spillage, fire and other
hazards. Drills may have to be performed to demonstrate readiness to these procedures.

9 Start-up and Testing of Production Support Systems

Verify start-up and testing of all support utility systems, including main and auxiliary sources, for the
process system prior to commissioning.

11 Hook-up and Testing

Verify proper hook-up and testing of the entire process system prior to commissioning, including the
testing of entire system for leaks, the process control functions and emergency shutdown system.

13 Purging of the Production System

Verify purging of the entire production system of oxygen to an acceptable level prior to the introduction of
hydrocarbons into the production system.

15 Introduction of Hydrocarbons and Control of Flow

Verify the introduction of hydrocarbon into the process system and the system’s capability to control the
flow of the well effluent in the system in a stabilized manner without undue control upsets.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 1 Surveys During Installation and Commissioning
Section 6 Surveys During Commissioning 7-1-6

17 Start-up of the Flare System (if applicable)

Verify the start-up of the flare system, if applicable, including the necessary precautions taken to eliminate
the risk of explosion or fire. The functional capability of the flare system is to be verified.

19 Function of the Post Commissioned System

The post-commissioned process system is to be verified for operating satisfactorily for duration of at least
12 hours.

Equipment required verification but not used during initial start-up and commissioning is to be identified
for verification at the next Annual Survey.


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction ..................................589
1 Application.................................................................................. 589
3 Definitions................................................................................... 589
3.1 Ballast Tank................................................................... 589
3.3 Corrosion....................................................................... 589
3.5 Corrosion Control System..............................................590
3.7 Critical Structural Areas................................................. 590
3.9 Girth Belt/Belt (Transverse Section).............................. 590
3.11 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP)............................ 590
3.13 Lightering Service.......................................................... 590
3.15 Panel..............................................................................590
3.16 Produced Water Management and Storage Plan.......... 590
3.17 Survey............................................................................591
3.19 Representative Spaces/Tanks....................................... 591
3.21 Spaces...........................................................................591
3.23 Spar............................................................................... 591
3.25 Splash Zone...................................................................592
3.27 Structural Critical Inspection Point (SCIP)..................... 592
3.29 Suspect Areas............................................................... 593
3.31 Tension Leg Platform (TLP)........................................... 593
3.33 Wind and Water Strakes................................................ 593
5 Notification and Availability for Survey........................................594
7 Damage, Failure, and Repair......................................................594
7.1 Examination and Repair................................................ 594
7.3 Repairs.......................................................................... 594
7.5 Representation.............................................................. 594
7.7 Application of Rules....................................................... 594
7.9 Prompt and Thorough Repairs...................................... 595
9 Alterations/Modifications.............................................................596
9.1 Application of Rules....................................................... 596
11 Welding and Replacement of Materials...................................... 596
11.1 Ordinary and Higher Strength Structural Steels............ 596
11.3 Special Materials........................................................... 596
11.5 Substitutions and Alterations......................................... 597
13 Corrosion Prevention System – Ballast Tanks............................597
13.1 Corrosion Prevention System........................................ 597
13.3 Coating Conditions........................................................ 597
13.5 Salt Water Ballast Spaces............................................. 597

15 Requirements for Internal Examinations.....................................597
15.1 Safety.............................................................................597
15.3 Preparation for Survey...................................................597
15.5 Safe Access into Spaces with Soft Coatings................. 597
15.7 Extent of Overall Survey (2017).....................................598
15.9 Examination of Plating and Framing..............................598
15.11 Compositions on Plating................................................ 598
17 Surveys Using Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) Techniques........... 598
19 Incomplete Surveys.................................................................... 598
21 Lay-up and Reactivation............................................................. 598
23 Onboard Documents and Records............................................. 599
23.1 ABS Reviewed and Stamped Documents..................... 599
23.3 ABS Surveyor Reviewed and Endorsed Documents.....599
23.5 Records......................................................................... 600

FIGURE 1 Spar Configurations (1 July 2012)......................................592

FIGURE 2 TLP Configurations (1 July 2012).......................................593

SECTION 2 Survey Intervals .............................................................................. 601

1 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) (see Section 7-2-3) (1
July 2017)................................................................................... 601
3 Annual Surveys (see Section 7-2-4)........................................... 601
5 Intermediate Surveys (see Section 7-2-5).................................. 601
7 Special Periodical Surveys (see Section 7-2-6)..........................601
7.1 Continuous Surveys (2017)........................................... 602
7.3 In-line Surveys............................................................... 602
9 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent (see Section 7-2-7).............. 602
9.1 Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking
(UWILD) Survey.............................................................602
11 Tailshaft Surveys (see 7-2-8)...................................................... 603
11.1 Water-Lubricated Bearings in Fresh Water
Exclusively..................................................................... 603
11.3 Water-Lubricated Bearings in Fresh Water and Sea
Water............................................................................. 603
11.5 Oil-Lubricated Bearings................................................. 603
11.7 Extensions – Water-Lubricated Bearings.......................603
11.9 Extensions – Oil-Lubricated Bearings............................603
13 Auxiliary Boiler Surveys (see Section 7-2-9).............................. 604

SECTION 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection Program

1 Survey Pre-Planning...................................................................605
1.1 Planning Document....................................................... 605
1.3 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) (1 July 2017)...... 606

3 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP)......................................... 606
3.1 Coastal State Regulations............................................. 606
3.3 Contents of an ISIP Plan............................................... 606
3.5 Structural Critical Inspection Point (SCIP)..................... 608

TABLE 1 Critical Structures of a CSU (1 July 2012)......................... 609

TABLE 2 Critical Structures of a Spar (1 July 2012)......................... 610
TABLE 3 Critical Structures of a TLP (1 July 2012)...........................611

SECTION 4 Annual Surveys................................................................................612

1 General....................................................................................... 612
3 Hull..............................................................................................612
3.1 Ship-Type Floating Production Installations...................612
3.3 Column Stabilized Floating Production Installations......613
3.5 Suspect Areas............................................................... 614
3.7 Cargo Tanks, Void Tanks, Ballast Tanks and
Combined Cargo/Ballast Tanks..................................... 614
3.9 Helicopter Deck............................................................. 616
3.11 Floating Production Installations in Lightering Service.. 616
3.13 Non Self Propelled Floating Production Installations.....616
3.15 Cargo Tank Fittings........................................................616
3.17 Cargo Pump Room........................................................ 616
5 Mooring System..........................................................................616
5.1 Spread Mooring System................................................ 616
5.3 Single Point Mooring (SPM) Systems............................617
5.5 Fiber Rope Mooring Systems (2016).............................617
7 Fire and Safety Systems.............................................................617
7.1 Passive Fire Protection Systems................................... 617
7.3 Active Fire Protection – Fixed Systems......................... 618
7.5 Active Fire Protection – Additional Fixed Systems........ 618
7.7 Active Fire Protection – Portable Systems.................... 618
7.9 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems................................ 618
7.11 Gas Detection and Alarm Systems................................618
7.13 Outfitting........................................................................ 618
7.15 Emergency Shutdown Arrangements............................ 619
9 Machinery and Electrical Systems (Marine & Safety Systems).. 619
9.1 Machinery and Electrical Parts to be Examined............ 619
9.3 Self Propelled Installations – Main Propulsion
Apparatus...................................................................... 619
9.5 Preventative Maintenance Techniques.......................... 619
9.7 Hazardous Areas........................................................... 619
11 Inert Gas Systems (where installed)...........................................619
13 Liquefied Gas Installations (where installed).............................. 619
13.1 First Annual Survey....................................................... 620

13.3 All Annual Surveys.........................................................620
15 Dynamic Positioning Systems (if classed).................................. 622
17 Automatic and Remote-Control Systems (if classed)................. 622
19 Production Facilities (if classed)................................................. 622
21 Import and Export Systems (if classed)...................................... 622

SECTION 5 Intermediate Surveys.......................................................................623

1 General....................................................................................... 623
3 Hull..............................................................................................623
3.1 Ship-Type Floating Production Installations...................623
3.3 Floating Production Installations in Lightering Service.. 624
3.5 Hull Thickness Measurement........................................ 624
3.7 Tank Testing...................................................................624
5 Liquefied Gas Installations (where installed).............................. 624
5.1 Instrumentation and Safety Systems............................. 624
5.3 Gas Burning Installations...............................................624

SECTION 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS)...................................................625

1 General....................................................................................... 625
3 Hull..............................................................................................625
3.1 Ship-Type Floating Production Installations...................625
3.3 Column Stabilized, Tension Leg Platform and Spar
Floating Production Installations....................................630
3.5 Floating Production Installations in Lightering Service.. 635
5 Mooring System..........................................................................635
7 Fire and Safety Systems.............................................................636
7.1 Passive Fire Protection Systems................................... 636
7.3 Active Fire Protection – Fixed Systems......................... 636
7.5 Active Fire Protection – Additional Fixed Systems........ 636
7.7 Active Fire Protection – Portable Systems.................... 637
7.9 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems................................ 637
7.11 Gas Detection and Alarm Systems................................637
7.13 Outfitting........................................................................ 637
7.15 Emergency Shutdown Arrangements............................ 637
9 Machinery and Electrical Systems (Marine & Safety Systems).. 637
9.1 Correlation with Special Periodical Survey – Hull..........637
9.3 Machinery Parts to be Examined...................................637
9.5 Electrical Parts to be Examined.....................................638
9.7 Hazardous Areas........................................................... 639
9.9 Preventative Maintenance Techniques.......................... 639
9.11 Self Propelled Installations – Main Propulsion
Apparatus...................................................................... 639
9.13 Major Repairs................................................................ 639
11 Inert Gas Systems (where installed)...........................................639

13 Liquefied Gas Installations (where installed).............................. 639
13.1 SPS No. 1 and No. 2..................................................... 639
13.3 SPS No. 3 and Subsequent Special Periodical
15 Dynamic Positioning Systems (if classed).................................. 641
17 Automatic and Remote-Control Systems (if classed)................. 641
19 Production Facilities (if classed)................................................. 642
21 Import and Export Systems (if classed)...................................... 642

TABLE 1 Thickness Gauging Requirements for Spars (2016).......... 632

TABLE 2 Thickness Gauging Requirements for Column-
Stabilized Units and Tension Leg Platforms (2016)........... 634

SECTION 7 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent................................................ 643

1 Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking Survey (UWILD).. 643
3 Parts to be Examined................................................................. 643
3.1 Ship-type and Barge-type Floating Production
3.3 Column Stabilized, Tension Leg Platform and Spar
Floating Production Installations (2014)........................ 643
5 Corrosion Protection System – Underwater Body...................... 644
7 Mooring System..........................................................................644
7.1 Fiber Rope (2016)..........................................................645
9 Import and Export Systems (if classed)...................................... 645
9.1 Import System................................................................645
9.3 Export System............................................................... 646

SECTION 8 Tail Shaft and Tube Shaft Surveys................................................. 647

1 Tail Shaft and Tube Shaft Surveys............................................. 647
1.1 Parts to be Examined.................................................... 647

SECTION 9 Boiler Surveys..................................................................................648

SECTION 10 Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations (2016) ...................... 649

1 Annual Surveys...........................................................................649
3 Special Periodical Surveys......................................................... 649
3.1 Survey Requirements.................................................... 649
5 Requirements for Offshore Installation Alterations..................... 651


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction

1 Application (2018)
General requirements regarding conditions for surveys after construction are contained in the ABS Rules
for Survey After Construction (Part 7) and Part 7 of the Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore
Units (MOU Rules), as applicable. Additional requirements specific to floating production installations are
contained in Part 7, Chapter 2, of these Rules.

The ABS Rules for Surveys After Construction (Part 7) are applied to all existing vessels on the effective
date of the Rule Change Notice.

3 Definitions

3.1 Ballast Tank

A Ballast Tank is a tank which is used primarily for the carriage of salt water ballast. Salt water ballast
tanks are coated with a corrosion resistant hard coating such as epoxy or zinc on all structural surfaces that
may or may not be supplemented by anodes.

3.3 Corrosion
Active Corrosion means gradual chemical or electrochemical attack on a metal resulting from a reaction
with its environment and producing loose scale.

Allowable Corrosion or Wastage Limit is the acceptable corrosion limit for the installation’s structure in a
given area. Also known as the Allowable Limit.

Excessive Corrosion is an extent of corrosion that exceeds the allowable limit.

Extensive Area of Corrosion is corrosion of hard and/or loose scale, including pitting, over 70% or more of
the plating surface in question, accompanied by evidence of thinning.

Grooving Corrosion is a localized, linear corrosion which occurs at structural intersections where water
collects or flows. This corrosion is sometimes referred to as “in line pitting attack” and can also occur on
vertical members and flush sides of bulkheads in way of flexing.

Localized Corrosion is by name local in nature and may be caused by a local breakdown in coating from
contact damage, insufficient preparation or at areas of stress concentration.

Overall Corrosion appears as an non-protective rust which can uniformly occur on tank internal surfaces
that are uncoated, or where coating has totally deteriorated. The rust scale continues to break off, exposing
fresh metal to corrosive attack. Thickness cannot be judged visually until excessive loss has occurred.

Pitting Corrosion is a localized corrosion of a metal surface that is confined to a small area and takes the
form of cavities called pits.

Substantial Corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that assessment of corrosion pattern indicates wastage
in excess of 75% of the allowable corrosion, but within the acceptable limits.

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Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

Weld Metal Corrosion is defined as preferential corrosion of weld deposit. The most likely reason for this
attack is galvanic action with the base metal which may start as pitting and often occurs on hand welds as
opposed to machine welds.

3.5 Corrosion Control System

Corrosion Control System may be achieved by application of hard protective coating (usually epoxy
coating or equivalent), impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) system, sacrificial anodes, etc.,
provided that they are applied and maintained in compliance with the manufacturer's specification.

Corrosion control system for salt water ballast tanks is to be a corrosion resistant hard coating such as
epoxy or zinc on all structural surfaces that may or may not be supplemented by anodes. Where a long
retention of salt water ballast is expected, special consideration may be given to the use of inhibitors or
sacrificial anodes.

3.7 Critical Structural Areas

Critical Structural Areas are locations which have been identified from calculation to require monitoring
or from the service history of the subject unit or from similar sister units to be sensitive to cracking,
buckling or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the unit.

3.9 Girth Belt/Belt (Transverse Section)

A Girth Belt includes the following:

Surface-Type Units: Deck, bottom, side shell and longitudinal bulkhead plating and internal framing.

Column-Stabilized Units: Column and bracing plating and internals as deemed necessary. Deck sides and
bottom of lower hulls between columns, including internal stiffeners as deemed necessary.

3.11 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) (2020)

In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) is a comprehensive program that outlines the procedures to be
followed and the inspection frequency of the hull and mooring system of a floating facility. All
installations are to be surveyed in accordance with an ABS approved ISIP plan. Risk Based Inspection
Plans complying with the ABS Guide for Risk-Based Inspection for Floating Offshore Installations may
meet this requirement if they cover all components of the ISIP. For further details, see Section 7-2-3.

3.13 Lightering Service

Lightering Service is the side-by-side mooring of two installations, either while underway or stationary, for
the purpose of transferring petroleum cargo, excluding bunkers, from a installation to be lightered to a
service vessel. Both the lightered installation and the service vessel are to be considered in lightering

3.15 Panel
Panel is the area between adjacent main frames or girders from stiffener to stiffener.

3.16 Produced Water Management and Storage Plan (1 July 2020)

Each unit that stores produced water in the hull is required to develop and maintain a Produced Water
Management and Storage Plan. The purpose of this plan is to identify the locations where produced water
is stored and verify that the risks associated with corrosion from produced water are managed. The plan is
to include the Owner’s overall management strategies for the unit (or fleet) as well as the records for the
individual unit.

The plan is to list and track at least the following items:

● Identification of tanks used to store produced water

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Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

● Amount of produced water stored in each tank

● Lengths of time produced water is stored in each tank
Note: If produced water is stored for more than three months at a time in an unprotected area or tank, additional
examination or mitigation will be required as sulfate reducing bacteria can increase on a logarithmic scale.

The plan is to consider the corrosive effects of produced water, and to have a mitigation strategy in place.
The mitigation strategy may include one or more of the following items, and is to provide details as

● Protective coatings in locations where produced water will be stored

● Anodes in unprotected areas where produced water is stored
● More frequent examination and corrosion rate re-evaluation
● Corrosion study backed by test coupons and/or chemical analysis of the produced water
● Priodical analysis of the water, identifying such items as pH, salts, and sulfate reducing bacteria
● Application of biocides
● Minimizing the amount of time that produced water is stored in the tank
● Submittal of expected corrosion rates to ABS Engineering
● Additional methods that have proven effective

The plan is to be developed and implemented by the Owner. The ABS Surveyor will verify the
effectiveness of the plan at each survey.

3.17 Survey
Close-up Survey is a survey where the details of structural components are within close visual inspection
range of the Surveyor (i.e., normally within hand reach). In the offshore industry, this may be referred as
the Close Visual Inspection (CVI).

Overall Survey is a survey intended to report on the overall condition of the structure and to determine the
extent of additional close-up surveys. In the offshore industry, this may be referred as the General Visual
Inspection (GVI)

3.19 Representative Spaces/Tanks

Representative Spaces/Tanks are those which are expected to reflect the condition of other spaces of
similar type and service and with similar corrosion preventive systems. When selecting representative
spaces, account is to be taken of the service and repair history onboard and identifiable critical and/or
Suspect Areas.

3.21 Spaces
Spaces are separate compartments including tanks, cofferdams, machinery spaces, voids and other internal

3.23 Spar
Spar is a single column-stabilized production installation that is moored to the seabed with conventional
catenary mooring system.

Typical Spar configurations are:

● “Conventional” Spar which has one-piece cylindrical hull.

● “Truss” Spar where the midsection is composed of truss elements connecting the upper buoyant hull
(hard tank) with the bottom soft tank containing permanent ballast.

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Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

● “Cell” Spar which is built from multiple vertical cylinders.

Spar Configurations (1 July 2012)

3.25 Splash Zone

Splash Zone on a Tension Leg Platform (TLP) is defined as follows:

● Upper Limit of Splash Zone (above the operating draft) = U1 + U2

Where U1 = 65% of 1-year storm wave height

U2 = motion of the installation

● Lower Limit of Splash Zone (below the operating draft) = L1 + L2

Where L1 = 35% of 1-year storm wave height

L2 = motion of the installation

Splash Zone on a Column-Stabilized Unit (CSU) or a Spar is defined as follows:

“Splash Zone” means the external surfaces of the unit that are periodically in and out of the water when
the unit is at its operating depth. In general, this zone is between 5m above and 4m below the waterline.

Splash zone of a floating offshore installation is to be defined and recorded for use during visual
examinations and hull gauging required during periodical surveys carried out in accordance with these

3.27 Structural Critical Inspection Point (SCIP)

Structure Critical Inspection Point (SCIP) is a structural point defined in the ISIP (see Section 7-2-3) plan
as a critical inspection area as a result of structural assessment using applicable calculations and analysis.

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Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

In general, SCIPs are locations with higher stresses and estimated lower fatigue life. These locations are
locations which have been identified from calculation to require monitoring or from the service history of
the subject unit or from similar sister units to be sensitive to cracking, buckling or corrosion which would
impair the structural integrity of the unit.

3.29 Suspect Areas

Suspect Areas are locations showing substantial and/or are considered by the Surveyor to be prone to rapid

3.31 Tension Leg Platform (TLP)

Tension Leg Platform (TLP) is a floating production installation tethered to the seabed with taut-catenary
mooring system in a manner that eliminates most vertical movement of the structure.

Typical TLP configurations are:

● “Conventional” TLP which has four corner columns with a ring pontoon, and has three tendons per
● “Sea-Star” TLP which has one central column with three tendon support structures, and two tendons
per support structure. Its mooring system consists of six tendons, top connectors, bottom connectors,
top transition joints, bottom transition joints and foundation piles.
● “Moses” TLP which has four inner columns with four tendon support structures, and two tendons per
support structure.

TLP Configurations (1 July 2012)

3.33 Wind and Water Strakes

Wind and Water Strakes on a Column-Stabilized Unit (CSU), Spar and Barge- or Ship-Shaped Unit are the
two (2) strakes or equivalent area located in the vicinity of the load waterline, operating draft or operating
depth of the unit. For CSUs, this includes portions of columns and bracing members in the vicinity of the
operating draft of the unit.

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Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

5 Notification and Availability for Survey

The Surveyors are to have access to classed floating production installations at all reasonable times. The
Owners or their representatives are to notify the Surveyors on occasions when parts of the structure not
ordinarily accessible can be examined.

The Surveyors are to undertake all surveys on classed installations upon request, with adequate
notification, of the Owners or their representatives and are to report thereon to ABS. Where the Surveyors
find occasion during any survey to recommend repairs or further examination, notification is to be given
immediately to the Owners or their representatives in order that appropriate action may be taken. The
Surveyors are to avail themselves of every convenient opportunity for performing periodical surveys in
conjunction with surveys of damages and repairs in order to avoid duplication of work. See 1-1-8/3 of the
ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).

7 Damage, Failure, and Repair

7.1 Examination and Repair

Damage, failure, deterioration or repair to the floating production installation or its elements that affects or
may affect classification is to be submitted by the Owners or their representatives for examination by the
Surveyor at the first opportunity. All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor are to be completed to his

7.3 Repairs
Where repairs to the floating production installation or its elements that may affect classification are
planned in advance, a complete repair procedure, including the extent of the proposed repair and the need
for the Surveyor’s attendance, is to be submitted to and agreed upon by the Surveyor reasonably in
advance. Failure to notify ABS in advance of the repairs may result in suspension of the installation’s
classification until such time as the repair is redone or evidence is submitted to satisfy the Surveyor that
the repair was properly completed.


The above applies also to repairs during voyage.

The above is not intended to include maintenance and overhaul to hull, machinery and equipment in
accordance with recommended manufacturer’s procedures and established marine practice and that does
not require ABS approval. Any repair as a result of such maintenance and overhauls that affects or may
affect classification is to be noted in the ship’s log and submitted to the Surveyors.

7.5 Representation
Nothing contained in this Section or in a rule or regulation of any government or other administration or
the issuance of any report or certificate pursuant to this section or such a rule or regulation is to be deemed
to enlarge upon the representations expressed in Section 1-1-1 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of
Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1). The issuance and use of any such reports or
certificates are to be governed in all respects by Section 1-1-1 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of
Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).

7.7 Application of Rules

The applicable ABS Rules to the floating production installation’s classification is to be applied to any
repair without changing the original design, carried out on the installation’s structure, machinery or
equipment that affects or may affect classification. Application of the most recent Rules will be specially
considered at the Owner’s request or otherwise mandated by the current Rules.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

7.9 Prompt and Thorough Repairs (2018)

Notwithstanding 7-2-1/7.1 and 7-2-1/7.3, any damage in association with wastage over the allowable limits
(including buckling, detachment or fracture), or extensive areas of wastage over the allowable limits,
which affects or may affect the unit's structural, watertight or weathertight integrity, is to be promptly and
thoroughly repaired. Areas to be considered include:
i) Side shell frames, their end attachments and adjacent shell plating
ii) Deck structure and deck plating
iii) Bottom structure and bottom plating
iv) Inner bottom structure and inner bottom plating
v) Watertight and oil tight bulkheads
vi) Hatch covers and hatch coamings, where fitted
vii) Weld connection between air pipes and deck plating
viii) Air pipe heads installed on the exposed decks
ix) Ventilators including closing devices, if any
x) Bunker and vent piping systems
xi) For double hull units the following additional areas are to be considered:
● Side structure and side plating
● Inner side structure and inner side plating
● Longitudinal bulkhead(s) structure and longitudinal bulkhead(s) plating, where fitted
● Transverse watertight or oil tight bulkheads structure and transverse watertight or oil tight
bulkheads plating
xii) For column-stabilized units, the following additional areas are to be considered:
● Columns
● Pontoons
● Bracing
xiii) For tension leg units, the following additional areas are to be considered:
● Tendons and tendon connections
● Columns
● Bracing

For instances where the unit is currently on location and producing, consideration may be given to allow
the unit to carry out repairs on site. When this is allowed the Owner is to submit a repair plan that includes
a time line for completion of the repairs and where necessary an Engineering Analysis and/or changes to
the approved operating mode to justify continued operation.

Additionally, when a survey results in the identification of structural defects or corrosion, either of which,
in the opinion of the Surveyor, will impair the unit’s fitness for continued service, remedial measures are to
be implemented before the unit continues in service.

Where damage found on structure is isolated and of a localized nature which does not affect the unit’s
structural integrity, consideration may be given by the Surveyor to allow an appropriate temporary repair to
restore watertight or weather tight integrity and impose a Recommendation with a specific time limit.

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Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

9 Alterations/Modifications
No alteration or modification which affect or may affect classification or the assignment of load lines are to
be made to the hull or systems of a classed floating production installation unless plans of the proposed
alteration or modification are submitted and approved by an ABS Technical Office before the work is
commenced, and such work, when approved, is to be performed to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
Nothing contained in this Section or in a rule or regulation of any government or other administration or
the issuance of any report or certificate pursuant to this Section or such a rule or regulation is to be deemed
to enlarge upon the representations expressed in Section 1-1-1 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of
Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) and the issuance and use of any such reports or
certificates are to be governed in all respects by Section 1-1-1 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of
Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).

9.1 Application of Rules

The applicable ABS Rules to the floating production installation’s classification are to be applied to minor
alteration/modification carried out on the unit, including its structure, machinery or equipment, that affects
or may affect classification. Application of the most recent Rules will be specially considered at the
Owner’s request or otherwise mandated by the current Rules.

The following cases may be considered as a major alteration or modification, and therefore require
compliance with up-to-date Rules for the section being altered or modified:

● Changing configuration or material of structure that is defined as “Special Application Structure” or

“Primary Application Structure” in accordance with these Rules.
● Changing a marine piping system (such as the ballast systems, bilge system, propulsion system, etc.)
with all of its components (piping, valves, pumps, etc.).
● Changing a marine electrical system (such as the main power distribution, emergency power
distribution, electrical propulsion system, etc.) with all of its components (cabling, electrical motors/
pumps, panels, etc.).
● Changing layout and material used in the passive fire protection system, such as more than 10% of
deck area alteration or modification to the footprint of the accommodation deckhouse/superstructure or
its material used for fire protection.


Adding another deck on top of an existing accommodation deckhouse is not considered to be a major modification of
the entire deckhouse.

● Changing an active fire protection system (such as the fixed-fire fighting system, fire and gas detection
system, etc.) with all of its components (piping, pumps, hoses, panels, alarms, detectors, etc.).

11 Welding and Replacement of Materials

11.1 Ordinary and Higher Strength Structural Steels

Welding or other fabrication performed on the structural steels listed in 2-1-2/15.9 TABLE 5 of the ABS
Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) is to be in accordance with the requirements in Section 2-4-1 of
the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2).

11.3 Special Materials

Welding or other fabrication performed on other steels of special characteristics or repairs or renewals of
such steel or adjacent to such steel is to be accomplished with procedures approved for the special
materials involved. The procedures are to be in accordance with the information provided in Section
7-1-2/25 of the MOU Rules and Chapter 4 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2).

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Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

11.5 Substitutions and Alterations

Substitutions of steel differing from that originally installed, alteration of original structural configuration
or change from bolted to welded joint is not to be made without approval by the ABS Technical Office.

13 Corrosion Prevention System – Ballast Tanks

13.1 Corrosion Prevention System

Corrosion protection system for salt water ballast tanks is to be a corrosion resistant hard coating such as
epoxy or zinc on all structural surfaces that may or may not be supplemented by anodes. Where a long
retention of salt water ballast is expected, special consideration may be given to the use of inhibitors or
sacrificial anodes.

13.3 Coating Conditions

Condition of hard coatings is defined as follows:
GOOD is a condition with only minor spot rusting.
FAIR is a condition with local breakdown at edges of stiffeners and weld connections and/or light
rusting over 20 percent or more of areas under consideration, but less than as defined for
POOR condition.
POOR is a condition with general breakdown of coating over 20 percent or hard scale at 10 percent or
more of areas under consideration.

13.5 Salt Water Ballast Spaces

In salt water ballast spaces, other than double bottom tanks, where poor coating condition is found and
Owners or their representatives elect not to restore the coating, where a soft coating has been applied or a
protective coating has not been applied, the ballast tanks are to be internally examined at each subsequent
Annual Survey.

Double bottom tanks for the purpose of this requirement are those double bottom tanks separate from
topside tanks, side tanks or deep tanks.

15 Requirements for Internal Examinations

The following apply to all internal examinations of any spaces adjacent to shell plating, such as tanks,
holds, voids or machinery spaces, and are applicable at Annual, Intermediate or Special Periodical Survey.

15.1 Safety
Precautions are to be taken for safety during inspection. Tanks are to be made safe for entry and work.

15.3 Preparation for Survey

In preparation for survey and to allow for a meaningful examination, all spaces are to be cleaned, including
removal from surfaces of all loose accumulated corrosion scale. Spaces are to be sufficiently clean and
illumination is to be provided to reveal corrosion, deformation, fracture, damages or other structural

15.5 Safe Access into Spaces with Soft Coatings

Where soft coatings are found, safe access is to be provided for the Surveyor to verify the effectiveness of
the coatings and to perform an assessment of the conditions of internal structures that may include spot
removal of the coating. Where the soft coatings are found no longer effective, the space shall be treated as
an uncoated tank and sufficient cleaning, as required by 7-1-1/15.3, is to be performed prior to survey.

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Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

15.7 Extent of Overall Survey (2017)

Based on conditions found, thickness gauging and means of access to the upper part of the tank or space
may be required. Where significant corrosion or structural damage is found, the extent of the overall
examination may be expanded to other spaces. The requirements for Close-up Survey and thickness
gauging, per 7-3-2/5.13 or 7-3-2/5.14 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7), will be
applied to barge- and ship-shaped installations in some cases, as described in 7-2-6/3.1.8 of these Rules.
Thickness gaugings are to be taken by an ABS recognized specialist.

15.9 Examination of Plating and Framing

Casings, ceilings or linings, and loose insulation, where fitted, are to be removed as required by the
Surveyor for examination of plating and framing.

15.11 Compositions on Plating

Compositions on plating are to be examined and sounded but need not be disturbed if found adhering
satisfactorily to the plating.

17 Surveys Using Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) Techniques (2020)

A properly conducted Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) plan or Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) plan
may be credited as satisfying requirements of Survey After Construction for the corresponding installation.
The plan is to be in accordance with the ABS Guide for Risk-Based Inspection for Floating Offshore
Installations or the ABS Guide for Surveys using Reliability-Centered Maintenance.

The application of these Guides does not cover any statutory survey requirements that may apply to the
installation being considered. Although ABS is authorized to perform statutory surveys on behalf of some
authorities, ABS is not in a position to alter or waive them. The cognizant administration or regulatory
body is the final determining body for statutory or regulatory requirements under their jurisdiction. The
Owner is responsible in developing the inspection plan, to give due consideration to applicable
requirements external to ABS.

19 Incomplete Surveys
When a survey is not completed, the Surveyor is to report immediately upon the work done in order that
Owners and ABS may be advised of the parts still to be surveyed.

21 Lay-up and Reactivation

ABS is to be notified by the Owner that an installation has been laid-up. This status will be noted in the
Record, and surveys falling due during lay-up may then be held in abeyance until the installation
reactivates. Lay-up procedures and arrangements for maintenance of conditions during lay-up may be
submitted to ABS for review and verification by survey.

In the case of installations that have been laid up for an extended period (i.e., six months or more), the
requirements for surveys on reactivation are to be specially considered in each case, with due regard being
given to the status of surveys at the time of the commencement of the lay-up period, the length of the
period and the conditions under which the installation has been maintained during that period.

Where the lay-up preparations and procedures have been submitted to ABS for review and confirmed by
Annual Lay-up Surveys, consideration may be given to deducting part or all of the time in lay-up from the
progression of survey intervals.

For installations returning to active service, regardless of whether ABS has been informed previously that
the installation has been in lay-up, a Reactivation Survey is required.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

23 Onboard Documents and Records

The following documents are to be available onboard at all times.


This is applicable to all floating production installations built under a contract, signed between the Builder and the Owner, on
or after 1 January 2012.

23.1 ABS Reviewed and Stamped Documents

As a minimum, the following documents reviewed and stamped by ABS are to be available onboard the
drilling unit for Surveyor’s verification and reference during survey after construction:

i) Operating Manual
ii) In Service Inspection Program (ISIP) Plan
iii) Drawings indicating locations of all “Special”, “Primary” and “Secondary” application structures
as defined in these Rules
iv) Drawings showing all watertight boundaries and access/closing devices for such boundaries
v) Drawings showing the Fire Protection Systems, clearly indicating all fire rated boundaries and
access/closing arrangements for such boundaries, including location of fire dampers for ‘A’ class
vi) Drawings showing the Fire Extinguishing Systems, clearly indicating layout of all fixed and
portable fire extinguishing systems. Minor changes to these drawings may be accepted and
endorsed by the attending Surveyor, however the endorsed copy of the drawings are to be
submitted to ABS engineering at earliest opportunity for record purposes.
vii) Drawings showing layout of all Hazardous Areas, clearly indicating layout of different class
hazardous divisions together with access/closing/ventilation arrangements for such division
boundaries, the arrangement of ventilation shutdown and alarms, and a listing of Electrical
Equipment in Hazardous Areas.
viii) Drawings showing layout of the Emergency Shutdown Systems
ix) Where the floating production installation is classed with a notation affecting its Automation
System (such as ACC, ACCU, AMCC, or AMCCU), Automation System Operating Manual
x) Where the floating production installation is classed with a DPS notation, the Dynamic
Positioning System (DPS) Manual and the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
xi) Where the topside facilities of the floating production installation is also classed, drawings
showing layout of the topside Production Facilities and associated Equipment, and a listing of all
equipment and components of the Production, Process, and Support Systems
xii) Where the floating production installation is classed with optional HIMP Notation, the Owner’s
Hull Inspection and Maintenance Program (HIMP) used for hull inspection and maintenance
purposes is to be available onboard the installation

Minor changes to the drawings regarding fire protection systems, fire extinguishing systems, and listing of
electrical equipment in hazardous areas, may be accepted by the attending Surveyor and revised documents
endorsed to show Surveyor’s verification, however the endorsed copy of the drawings are to be submitted
to ABS engineering at earliest opportunity for record purposes.

23.3 ABS Surveyor Reviewed and Endorsed Documents

As a minimum, the following documents endorsed by an ABS Surveyor are to be available onboard the
floating production installation for Surveyor’s verification and reference during any survey after

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 7-2-1

i) Construction Booklet.
ii) ABS Certificates for temporary anchoring gear such as the anchors, chains and/or wires, and
associated accessories (such as shackles, links, sockets, etc.) used for self-propelled installations
units or installed on installations with the Ⓔ notation.
iii) ABS Certificates for all mooring gear components such as the anchors, piles, chains and/or wires,
and associated accessories (such as shackles, links, sockets, etc.), tendons, etc., used for station
keeping of the installation at its operational site.
iv) Record of all Nondestructive Testing (NDT) of critical structural areas carried out during each
Drydocking Survey (or UWILD) or Special Periodical Survey – Hull.

23.5 Records
As a minimum, the following records are to be available onboard the floating production installation for
Surveyor’s verification and reference during any survey after construction:

i) All abnormalities found, including associated videos and photographic records

ii) All repairs performed on any abnormalities found and any further repetitive abnormalities found
subsequent to the repairs
iii) All corrosion protection system maintenance, including records of all cathodic potential readings
taken, records of depletion of all sacrificial anodes, impressed current maintenance records, such
as voltage and current demands of the system, coating breaks and the monitoring records of the
steel material wastage in way of the coating break areas
iv) Any findings of abnormalities by the crew personnel onboard, including all leakages in bulkheads
and piping


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 2 Survey Intervals

1 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) (see Section 7-2-3) (1 July

All installations are to be surveyed in accordance with an ABS approved In-Service Inspection Program.
Applicable class surveys of the floating installation’s hull, structure and mooring system are to be carried
out in accordance with the ABS approved ISIP.

All installations surveyed in accordance with an ABS approved ISIP, and are to be surveyed under
Continuous Survey of the Hull and Mooring System. The due dates shown in ABS Survey Status are to be
per the “Master Inspection Plan” mentioned in 7-2-3/3.3.2.ii.

The Attending Surveyor is to review the ISIP for progression of the special survey as part of the Annual
Survey - Hull. This review is to verify that the ISIP is being maintained per the approved ISIP schedule
and any adjustments thereto are to take into consideration completion of identified repairs (to the structure)
before the due date of the Special Survey.

3 Annual Surveys (see Section 7-2-4)

Annual Surveys are to be carried out within three (3) months before or after each annual anniversary date
of the crediting of the previous Special Periodical Survey – Hull or original construction date. For
installations on Continuous Survey, all Continuous Survey requirements for those parts (items) due are
generally to be completed each year. The Annual Survey will not be credited and the Certificate of
Classification will not be endorsed unless Continuous Survey items which are due or overdue at the time of
the Annual Survey are either completed or granted an extension.

5 Intermediate Surveys (see Section 7-2-5)

Intermediate Surveys are to be carried out either at the second or third Annual Survey or between these

7 Special Periodical Surveys (see Section 7-2-6)

A Special Periodical Survey is to be completed within five years after the date of build or after the
crediting date of the previous Special Periodical Survey. The interval between Special Periodical Surveys
may be reduced by ABS under certain circumstances. If a Special Periodical Survey is not completed at
one time, it will be credited as of the completion date of the survey, but not later than five years from date
of build or from the date recorded for the previous Special Periodical Survey. If the Special Periodical
Survey is completed prematurely but within three months prior to the due date, the Special Periodical
Survey will be credited to agree with the effective due date.

Special consideration may be given to Special Periodical Survey requirements in the case of floating
production installations of unusual design, in lay-up or in unusual circumstances. ABS reserves the right to
authorize extensions of Rule-required Special Periodical Surveys under extreme circumstances.

A Special Periodical Survey may be commenced at the fourth Annual Survey and be continued with a view
to completion by the due date. In connection with the preparation for the Special Periodical Survey,

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 2 Survey Intervals 7-2-2

thickness gauging, as required for the forthcoming Special Periodical Survey, are to be taken to the extent
accessible and practical in connection with the fourth Annual Survey.

Where the Special Periodical Survey is commenced prior to the fourth Annual Survey, the entire survey is
normally to be completed within 12 months if such work is to be credited to the Special Periodical Survey.

7.1 Continuous Surveys (2017)

At the request of the Owner, and upon approval of the proposed arrangements, a system of Continuous
Survey may be undertaken whereby the Special Periodical Survey requirements are carried out in regular
rotation to complete all requirements of the particular Special Periodical Survey within a five-year period.
The completion date will be recorded to agree with the original due date of the cycle. If the Continuous
Survey is completed prematurely but within three months prior to the due date, the Special Periodical
Survey will be credited to agree with the effective due date.

ABS reserves the right to authorize extensions of Rule-required Special Continuous Surveys under extreme

Each part (item) surveyed becomes due again for survey approximately five years from the date of the
survey. For Continuous Surveys, a suitable notation will be entered in the Record and the date of
completion of the cycle published. If any defects are found during the survey, they are to be dealt with to
the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

7.3 In-line Surveys

All items required to undergo Special Periodical Surveys, including but not limited to hull, machinery,
mooring, topside facilities, and automation, are to be carried out at the same time and interval in order that
they are recorded with the same crediting date. In cases where damage has necessitated extensive repairs
and examination, the survey thereon may, where approved by ABS, be accepted as equivalent to Special
Periodical Survey.

9 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent (see Section 7-2-7)

For units operating in salt water, a minimum of two Drydocking Surveys is to be carried out two times in
each five-year Special Periodical Survey period. One such examination is to be carried out in conjunction
with the Special Periodical Survey – Hull. In all cases, the interval between any two Drydocking Surveys
is not to exceed thirty-six (36) months.

For units operating in fresh water the interval between Drydocking Surveys is not to exceed five years.

Consideration may be given to special circumstances which may justify an extension of the interval. An
underwater inspection by a diver may be required for such extensions.

9.1 Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD) Survey

Underwater inspection by diver equivalent to a Drydocking Survey may be carried out at each Drydocking
Survey up to and including Special Periodical Survey No. 4.

For each Drydocking after Special Periodical Survey No. 4, requests to carry out an Underwater Inspection
in Lieu of Drydocking in accordance with previously approved plans are to be submitted for consideration
well in advance of the proposed survey. Approvals to carry out the Underwater Inspection in Lieu of
Drydocking after Special Periodical Survey No. 4 are to be made available onboard for the Surveyor’s

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 2 Survey Intervals 7-2-2

11 Tailshaft Surveys (see 7-2-8)

11.1 Water-Lubricated Bearings in Fresh Water Exclusively

Survey interval is five (5) years.

11.3 Water-Lubricated Bearings in Fresh Water and Sea Water

i) Single Screw – Survey interval is three (3) years.
ii) Multiple Screw – Survey interval is five (5) years.
iii) Continuous Liner or Equivalent – Survey interval of five (5) years provided:

a) The tailshaft is protected by a continuous metallic liner, or continuous cladding per

4-3-2/5.17.5 of the Marine Vessel Rules or fiberglass reinforced plastic coating between
liners installed according to approved procedure per 4-3-2/5.17.4 of the Marine Vessel
Rules which effectively prevents seawater from contacting the steel shaft, or which have
shafts of corrosion-resistant materials.
b) In addition to the propeller hub details given in the 4-3-2/5 TABLE 1 of the Marine Vessel
Rules, the design includes other features that would further reduce stress concentration in
the propeller assembly.

11.5 Oil-Lubricated Bearings

Survey interval is five (5) years.

11.7 Extensions – Water-Lubricated Bearings

i) Extension up to Three (3) Months. An extension up to three (3) months may be granted by the
Surveyor, when requested by the Owner, provided a survey is carried out in accordance with
7-5-1/5.1.1 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7).
ii) Extension up to One (1) Year. An extension up to one (1) year may be granted by the Surveyor,
when requested by the Owner, provided a survey is carried out in accordance with 7-5-1/5.1.2 of
the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7).

11.9 Extensions – Oil-Lubricated Bearings

i) Extension up to Three (3) Months. An extension up to three (3) months may be granted by the
Surveyor, when requested by the Owner, provided a survey is carried out in accordance with
7-5-1/5.3.3 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7).
ii) Extension up to One (1) Year. An extension up to one (1) year may be granted by the Surveyor,
when requested by the Owner, provided a survey is carried out in accordance with 7-5-1/5.3.2 of
the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7). An additional extension up to one (1) year
may be considered, when requested by the Owner, provided a survey is carried out at the end of
the first extension period, in accordance with 7-5-1/5.3.2 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7). No more than two (2) extensions may be granted.
iii) Extensions not Exceeding Five (5) Years. In lieu of 6-2-2/1.11.4(b), an extension not exceeding
five (5) years may be granted by the Surveyor, when requested by the Owner, provided a survey is
carried out at the fifth year, in accordance with 7-5-1/5.3.1 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7). Consideration may be given to an additional extension not exceeding five
(5) years when requested by the Owner, provided a survey is carried out at the fifth year after the
first extension, in accordance with 7-5-1/5.3.1 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction
(Part 7). No more than two (2) extensions may be granted.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 2 Survey Intervals 7-2-2

13 Auxiliary Boiler Surveys (see Section 7-2-9)

Waste-heat or fired auxiliary boilers intended for working pressures above 3.4 bar (3.5 kgf/cm2, 50 psi), a
minimum of two surveys are to be carried out during each 5-year Special Periodical Survey period. One
such survey is to be carried out in conjunction with the Special Periodical Survey. In all cases, the interval
between any two such surveys is not to exceed 36 months.

An extension of the survey up to three (3) months may be granted by the Surveyor in exceptional
circumstances*, provided a survey is carried out in accordance with 7-7-1/11 of the ABS Rules for Survey
After Construction (Part 7).

In addition, annual examinations are to be carried out in accordance with 7-7-1/13 of the ABS Rules for
Survey After Construction (Part 7).

For units on Continuous Survey of Hull, the two surveys are to be carried out during each 5 year cycle and
may be aligned with the Drydocking Survey dates as long as the interval between surveys does not exceed
36 months.


“Exceptional circumstances” means, e.g., unavailability of repair facilities, unavailability of essential materials, equipment
or spare parts, or delays incurred by action taken to avoid severe weather conditions.


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection

Program (ISIP)

1 Survey Pre-Planning
Plans and procedures for a Special Periodical Survey, Drydocking Survey, and Underwater Inspection in
Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD) are to be made available onboard for the purpose of carrying out an on-
board survey pre-planning meeting with the attending Surveyor.

The planning document is intended to identify critical structural areas and to stipulate the minimum extent,
location and means of close up inspection, extent and type of NDT, and thickness measurements with
respect to the major structural components as well as to nominated areas.

The document is to be worked out by the Owner in co-operation with ABS and submitted for review well
in advance of the survey.

The basis for nomination of the critical structural areas is an assessment in consideration of possible
deterioration and designated fatigue prone areas where the following elements on a particular unit are
taken into account:

● Design feature with relatively low fatigue life.

● Former history available at Owner’s or ABS offices with respect to corrosion, cracking, buckling,
indents and repairs for the particular installation as well as similar installations
● Installation’s service history since last survey (e.g., area of operation, environmental data, water depth,
length of time at each location etc.)

1.1 Planning Document

The degree of criticality is to be judged and decided on the basis of the installation’s structural and fatigue
analyses and recognized principles and practice. The planning document is required to contain the
following items:

i) Main particulars
ii) Plans to include details of major brace and column connections on column-stabilized units
iii) Detailed information on NDT methods and locations
iv) List of tanks with information on use, protection and condition of coating
v) Corrosion risk of tank and other major structural members
vi) Design risk nomination of major structure
vii) Nomination of areas for close up surveys and NDT
viii) Nomination of areas of structure for thickness measurement
ix) List of acceptable corrosion allowance of different structures
x) Method and extent of cleaning inspection points

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) 7-2-3

1.3 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) (1 July 2017)

Where the installation is surveyed under an ISIP, the approved ISIP is to be used for the purpose of
carrying out an on-board survey pre-planning meeting with the attending Surveyor.

All installations are to be surveyed in accordance with an ABS approved In-Service Inspection Program.
Applicable class surveys of the floating installation’s hull structure and mooring system are to be carried
out in accordance with the ABS approved ISIP.

3 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) (2020)

In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) is a comprehensive program that outlines the procedures to be
followed and the inspection frequency of the hull and mooring system of a Floating Production Installation

All installations classed by ABS are to be surveyed in accordance with an ABS-approved ISIP. A Risk
Based Inspection (RBI) plan approved in accordance with the ABS Guide for Risk-Based Inspection for
Floating Offshore Installations may be considered the ISIP so long as it includes all components of the

An ISIP is mandatory for ABS class surveys on all installations.

3.1 Coastal State Regulations

Compliance with an ISIP may be required by any Coastal State Authority. For example, for installations
operating within the United States OCS, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) requires the installations
to be inspected in accordance with an ISIP approved by the USCG (refer to the USCG D8(m) Policy Letter
03-2004 dated 03-May-2004). An ISIP plan in compliance with the ABS Rules will provide the basis for
the owner’s ISIP plan to be submitted to the USCG.

3.3 Contents of an ISIP Plan

Owner’s ISIP plan is expected to at least cover the following items of 7-2-3/3.3.1 through 7-2-3/3.3.4
below. Additional documents such as tables, checklists, and procedural lists may be included as an
Appendix to the plan.

3.3.1 Introduction and General Information

i) Description of the installation, together with its dimensions, main particulars, and the
arrangement of ballast tanks and other spaces.
ii) Description of the installation’s hull and special features. This is to include brief
explanation of hull scantlings and locations with high stress.
iii) Description of special application structures and Structural Critical Inspection Points
(SCIPs). The ISIP plan is to include a copy of the ABS review letter agreeing to the
defined Structural Critical Inspection Points. The ISIP plan is also to include a listing of
special application structures.
iv) Description and listing of primary and secondary application structures.
v) Description of the corrosion control system used throughout the installation, internally
and externally, together with sacrificial anodes and the Impressed Current Cathodic
Protection (ICCP) system, as applicable.
vi) Description of the “splash zone” or “wind-and-water strakes” as applicable. The ISIP plan
is to include a copy of the ABS review letter agreeing to the defined “splash zone” or
“wind-and-water strakes” of the installation.
vii) Arrangement and description of sea chest openings and sea valves.
viii) Arrangement and listing of accessible and inaccessible spaces throughout the installation.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) 7-2-3

ix) Supplementary drawings or sketches associated with above listed items (to be included in
the ISIP plan as an Appendix).
3.3.2 Operational Procedures and Requirements
i) Following inspection procedures are to be included in the ISIP plan:

a) Description of underwater body inspections and internal structural inspection.

The plan for UWILD is to be in accordance with applicable ABS Rules, and the
ISIP plan is to briefly explain dive operations, safety standards and interaction
with diving personnel and NDT specialists.
b) Detailed scope of individual inspections such as;
● Hull thickness gauging
● Examination by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
● Tank and space entry
● General Visual Inspection (GVI) and Close Visual Inspection (CVI)
● Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Special inspection techniques, interval and procedures for the SCIPs are to be
ii) An outline of the installation inspection schedule and frequency of all its hull structure
and mooring system components are to be included in the ISIP plan. In general, this
outline may be called the “Master Inspection Plan” and cover the entire life-cycle of the
iii) Facility component identification
iv) Reporting and documentation, such as;
a) General record keeping procedures for reports and surveys (company policy).
b) Notification and report delivery procedures involving ABS.
c) Specific record-keeping procedures and report contents for each component
category identified under 7-2-3/3.3.2.iii above.
d) Record-keeping for dive conducted during inspections of the underwater hull.
e) (July 2017) A repair booklet is to be available for the surveyor to verify. The
booklet is to indicate all the repairs carried out including but not limited to, the
material replacement due to wastage, steel replacements, repaired fractures,
additional reinforcements, substantial corrosion, etc. in the unit structural
drawings. Also, the booklet is to indicate any scantling reassessments performed
during the repair stage.
v) Damage assessment and repair procedures, such as:
a) Discussion of categories of damage and company procedures to mitigate.
b) Casualty notification procedures following to facility relating to underwater body
and hull structure.
c) Specific procedures and methods to investigate damage or potential damage to
the hull or internal structures.
d) Procedures to submit proposed methods, for repair of both underwater defects
and damage, to ABS.
3.3.3 Structural Critical Inspection Points (SCIPs)
i) Details of structurally critical locations on the hull of the facility. This section is to at least
include a listing, details, inspections cycles, and general inspection procedures of SCIPs.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) 7-2-3

ii) Drawing detailing the crucial or high stress inspection points as determined by ABS.
3.3.4 Post-Hurricane Structural Inspection
Timely and cost effective inspection of an offshore structure following a hurricane (or similar
weather conditions such as a cyclone, typhoon, etc.) is critical before the operator safely re-man
the unit/facility and brings production back on-line. In areas of the world where hurricane or
equivalent weather events are common, an ISIP plan is required to contain owner’s above-water
and underwater inspection procedures before re-manning the unit/facility.

The API Bulletin “API BULL 2HINS: Guidance for Post-Hurricane Structural Inspection of
Offshore Structures” published on 01-May-2009 is applicable to permanent fixed and floating
structures in the Gulf of Mexico. In this bulletin, inspection refers to structural inspections only
and does not include inspections of production equipment, process piping, electrical and
instrumentation or other systems and components of the platform, unless noted otherwise. It
provides necessary guidance regarding how a post-hurricane structural inspection needs to be
carried out.

3.5 Structural Critical Inspection Point (SCIP)

SCIP is a structural point defined in the ISIP plan as a critical inspection area which has resulted from
structural assessment using applicable calculations and analysis. In general, SCIPs are locations with
higher stresses and estimated lower fatigue life. SCIPs are locations which have been identified from
calculation to require monitoring, or from the service history of the subject unit or from similar sister units
to be sensitive to cracking, buckling or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the unit. A
tabular listing of the SCIPs, indicating the stress and fatigue life of each location is recommended to be
included in the ISIP plan submitted to ABS Engineering Office. 7-2-3/Tables 1, 2 and 3 provide a list of
typical structural areas/joints that are considered to be most critical and very critical.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) 7-2-3

Critical Structures of a CSU (1 July 2012)

Special Application Structures (Most Critical)

● Structure in way of main intersections of lower hulls, columns,

braces, deck boxes, column top frames and (integrated) deck

● Global strength members or portions of integrated deck structure

which receive major concentrated loads

● Intersection of column top frame members

● Chain Jack & Fairlead foundations

● Riser porches

Primary Application Structures (Very Critical)

● Lower hull shell and bulkheads

● Column shell and bulkheads

● Braces

● Deck box bulkheads which form “box” or “I” beam type structures
that contribute to global strength

● Column top frame members

● Integrated deck main truss members and nodes

● Bulkheads, flats and framing which provide local reinforcement or

continuity of structure in way of main intersections where not
considered special

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) 7-2-3

Critical Structures of a Spar (1 July 2012)

Special Application Structures (Most Critical)

● Hard tank – Topside deck leg connection

● Hard tank – Truss connection

● Truss – Soft tank connection

● Heave plate – Truss connection

● Truss tubular joint cans

● Chain jack & fairlead foundations

● Riser guide – Hull connection

● Riser porches

Primary Application Structures (Very Critical)

● All inner and outer hull shell plating

● Hull top and bottom decks (incl. main girders)

● All radial hull bulkheads

● All hull ring frames and longitudinal girders

● All truss chords and braces

● Heave plate plating and girders

● Soft tank plating and girders

● All struts

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 3 Survey Pre-Planning and In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) 7-2-3

Critical Structures of a TLP (1 July 2012)

Special Application Structures (Most Critical)

● Structure in way of main intersections of lower hulls, columns,

column top frames and (integrated) deck structures

● Global strength members or portions of integrated deck structure

which receive major concentrated loads

● Intersection of column top frame members

● Tendon porches

● Riser porches

Primary Application Structures (Very Critical)

● Lower hull shell and bulkheads

● Column shell and bulkheads

● Column top frame members

● Integrated deck main truss members and nodes

● Bulkheads, flats and framing which provide local reinforcement or

continuity of structure in way of main intersections where not
considered special


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 4 Annual Surveys

1 General
The documents and records referenced in 7-2-1/23 of these Rules, as applicable, are to be sighted onboard
during Annual Surveys, and the survey is to include the following items of this Section, as applicable.

3 Hull

3.1 Ship-Type Floating Production Installations

For ship-type installations, the weather decks, hull plating and their closing appliances together with
watertight penetrations are to be generally examined as far as practicable and placed in satisfactory
condition, and the following items are to be verified.

3.1.1 Structure
3.1.1(a) Main structure above waterline.

3.1.1(b) Interface structure between main hull and topside structures, including associated stools
and elastomeric bearings, as fitted.

3.1.1(c) (1 July 2019)

Topside main module structures supporting production facilities and supporting systems under the
following conditions:

● when topside production facilities are within the scope of class or

● when optional notation Topside Modules is requested.
3.1.2 Protection of Openings
3.1.2(a) Hatchways, manholes and scuttles in freeboard and superstructure decks.

3.1.2(b) Machinery casings, fiddley covers, funnel annular spaces, skylights, companionways and
deckhouses protecting openings in freeboard or enclosed superstructure decks.

3.1.2(c) Portlights together with deadcovers, cargo ports, bow or stern access, chutes and similar
openings in installation’s sides or ends below the freeboard deck or in way of enclosed

3.1.2(d) Ventilators including closing devices where fitted, air pipes together with flame screens
and weld connections to deck plating. All air pipe “closure devices” installed on the exposed
decks are to be externally examined, randomly opened out and their condition verified. Scuppers,
inlets and overboard discharges are to be externally examined as accessible including their
attachment to shell and valves.

3.1.2(e) Watertight bulkheads, bulkhead penetrations, end bulkheads of enclosed superstructures

and the operation of any doors in same.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

3.1.2(f) Weathertight doors and closing appliances for all of the above including stiffening, dogs,
hinges and gaskets. Proper operation of weathertight doors and closing appliances to be

3.1.3 Freeing Ports

Freeing ports, together with bars, shutters and hinges.

3.1.4 Protection of Crew

Guard rails, lifelines, gangways and deckhouses accommodating crew.

3.1.5 Loading and Stability Information

Confirmation of loading guidance, stability data and damage control plans, as applicable.

Loading instruments accepted for classification or approved stability computers installed to

supplement the Trim and Stability booklet are to be confirmed in working order by use of the
approved check conditions, as applicable. The user’s instruction manual for the loading instrument
or the stability computer is to be confirmed onboard.

3.1.6 Load Line

Confirmation is required that no alterations have been made to the hull or superstructures which
would affect the calculation determining the position of the load lines. Record of Conditions of
Assignment is to be available onboard for reference. The Load Line marks are to be sighted, found
plainly visible, and re-cut and/or painted, as required.

3.3 Column Stabilized Floating Production Installations

For column-stabilized floating production installations, including Spars and TLPs, the exposed parts of the
hull, the deck, deck houses, structures attached to the deck, derrick substructure, including supporting
structure, accessible internal spaces and their closing appliances together with watertight penetrations are
to be generally examined as far as practicable and placed in satisfactory condition, and the following items
are to be verified.

3.3.1 Structure
3.3.1(a) Main structure above waterline.

3.3.1(b) Structures attached to the deck, derrick substructure, including supporting structure,

3.3.1(c) Topside main module structures supporting production facilities and supporting systems.

3.3.2 Protection of Openings

3.3.2(a) Hatchways, manholes and scuttles in freeboard and superstructure decks.

3.3.2(b) Machinery casings, fiddley covers, funnel annular spaces, skylights, companionways and
deckhouses protecting openings in freeboard or enclosed superstructure decks.

3.3.2(c) Portlights together with deadcovers, cargo ports, bow or stern access, chutes and similar
openings in installation’s sides or ends below the freeboard deck or in way of enclosed

3.3.2(d) Ventilators including closing devices where fitted, air pipes together with flame screens
and weld connections to deck plating. All air pipe “closure devices” installed on the exposed
decks are to be externally examined, randomly opened out and their condition verified. Scuppers,
inlets and overboard discharges are to be externally examined as accessible including their
attachment to shell and valves.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

3.3.2(e) Watertight bulkheads, bulkhead penetrations, end bulkheads of enclosed superstructures

and the operation of any doors in same.

3.3.2(f) Weathertight doors and closing appliances for all of the above including stiffening, dogs,
hinges and gaskets. Proper operation of weathertight doors and closing appliances to be

3.3.3 Upper Hull Support Structure above Waterline

Columns, diagonals and other parts of the upper hull supporting structure as accessible above the

3.3.4 Protection of Crew

Guard rails, lifelines, gangways and deckhouses accommodating crew.

3.3.5 Loading and Stability Information

Confirmation of loading guidance, stability data and damage control plans, as applicable.

Loading instruments accepted for classification or approved stability computers installed to

supplement the Trim and Stability booklet are to be confirmed in working order by use of the
approved check conditions, as applicable. The user’s instruction manual for the loading instrument
or the stability computer is to be confirmed onboard.

3.3.6 Load Line (where assigned by ABS)

Where Load Line is assigned, confirmation that no alterations have been made to the hull or
superstructures which would affect the calculation determining the position of the load lines.
Record of Conditions of Assignment is to be available onboard for reference. The Load Line
marks are to be sighted, found plainly visible, and recut and/or painted, as required.

3.5 Suspect Areas

Suspect areas of the hull are to be overall examined, including an overall and Close-up Survey of those
suspect areas which were identified at the previous surveys.

Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous surveys are to have thickness measurements taken.

Where extensive areas of corrosion are found or when considered necessary by the Surveyor, thickness
measurements are to be carried out and renewals and/or repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable

Where substantial corrosion is found, additional thickness measurements in accordance with 7-3-2/7 of the
ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7), are to be taken to confirm the extent of substantial
corrosion. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the survey is credited as

Where reduced scantlings on the basis of effective corrosion control have been adopted, the results of any
measurements are to be evaluated based on the scantlings before reduction.

3.7 Cargo Tanks, Void Tanks, Ballast Tanks and Combined Cargo/Ballast Tanks (2020)
3.7.1 Installations Over 5 Years of Age
Examination of the following tanks is to be carried out.

i) Ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks other than double bottom tanks, where the
following conditions have been identified at previous surveys.

● A hard protective coating was found in POOR condition, or

● A soft coating has been applied, or

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

● A hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction.
ii) Double bottom ballast tanks, where substantial corrosion was found within the tank, and
the following conditions have been identified at previous surveys.

● A hard protective coating was found in POOR condition, or

● A soft coating has been applied, or
● A hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction.
3.7.2 Installations Over 15 Years of Age (2020)
In addition to the requirements of 7-2-4/3.7.1 of these Rules, the following tanks are also to be

i) Ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks other than double bottom tanks in way of
spaces designated for the carriage of cargo, where FAIR coating conditions were
identified at previous surveys, a minimum of three (3) so identified tanks (i.e., one (1)
forward, one (1) midship and one (1) aft).
ii) Peak tanks, where FAIR coating conditions were identified at previous surveys.
iii) Void tanks that have been used for seawater ballast or produced water storage, where
FAIR or POOR coating conditions were identified at previous surveys.
iv) Cargo tanks, where substantial corrosion has been identified previously and no hard
coating has been applied.

Note: The internal examination by 7-2-4/3.7.2.iv. is not necessary if the calculated corrosion rate will
not require renewal prior to the next Special Survey. The corrosion rate to be applied is the
actual corrosion rate while in operation or the nominal designed corrosion rate values
(NDVC), as defined in Section 5A-3-1, whichever is greater.

Where extensive areas of corrosion are found or when considered necessary by the Surveyor,
thickness measurements are to be carried out and renewals and/or repairs made when wastage
exceeds allowable margins.

Where substantial corrosion is found, additional thickness measurements in accordance with

7-3-2/7 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) are to be taken to confirm the
extent of substantial corrosion. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out
before the survey is credited as completed.

Where reduced scantlings on the basis of effective corrosion control have been adopted, the results
of any measurements are to be evaluated based on the scantlings before reduction.

3.7.3 Produced Water Management and Storage Plan (1 July 2020)

The Surveyor is to verify that the unit has a Produced Water Management and Storage Plan and
that the plan overview is captured in the unit’s ABS records. The Surveyor is to verify that the
Owner’s plan has been followed. If evidence is found that the mitigation strategy has not been
followed or is ineffective based on the results of tank examinations, additional examinations of
compartments where produced water has been stored will be necessary. This should include
examination of tanks with a history similar to the ones experiencing corrosion, or tanks that have
had produced water stored outside of areas protected by coatings or anodes.

Note: Examples of evidence of an ineffective mitigation strategy would include holes in tank boundaries from
pitting or large areas of wastage that were not noted during previous thickness measurements or visual
3.7.4 Cargo Tanks Used for Produced Water Storage (1 July 2020)
Tanks that have had produced water stored with no mitigation strategy are to be opened for
examination. Refer to 7-2-1/3.17 for a list of mitigation strategies.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

3.9 Helicopter Deck

Where areas of the installation are designated for helicopter operations, the helicopter deck, deck
supporting structure, deck surface, deck drainage, tie downs, markings, lighting, wind indicator, securing
arrangements where fitted safety netting or equivalent, access arrangements including emergency escape,
and access for fire fighting and rescue personnel, are to be examined.

3.11 Floating Production Installations in Lightering Service

In addition to the applicable requirements of 7-2-4/1 of these Rules, the Annual Survey is also to include
an external examination of hull structures where fenders for lightering operation were located. Where
extensive areas of wastage are found, or when considered necessary by the Surveyor, thickness
measurements and internal examination, including Close-up Survey, may be required.

3.13 Non Self Propelled Floating Production Installations

Machinery items installed consistent with the services of the installation are subject to a general
examination and are to be placed in satisfactory condition.

3.15 Cargo Tank Fittings (2020)

Cargo tank openings including gaskets, covers and coamings.

Pressure/vacuum relief valves, flame arrestors and flame screens. Tank vent protective devices are to be
examined externally for proper assembly and installation, damage, deterioration or traces of carryover at
the outlet. Where deemed suspect, the tank protective device is to be opened for examination.

3.17 Cargo Pump Room

Examination of pump room bulkheads for signs of leakage or fractures and, in particular, the sealing
arrangement of all penetrations of bulkheads.

Confirmation that there are no potential sources of ignition in or near the cargo pump room and cargo area
and that pump room access ladders are in good condition.

Pump room ventilation system including ducting, dampers and screens.

5 Mooring System
Annual Surveys of the mooring system is mandatory for all types of floating production installations, and
are to comply with following requirements of 7-2-4/5.1 or 7-2-4/5.3, as applicable.

5.1 Spread Mooring System

At each Annual Survey, the spread mooring system is to be generally examined so far as can be seen and
placed in satisfactory condition as necessary. In addition, the following above water items are to be
examined, placed in satisfactory condition and reported upon, where applicable:

i) The anchor chain stopper structural arrangements are to be visually examined, including the
structural foundations of all of the stoppers or holders. Tensioning equipment is to be generally
ii) The anchor chain catenary angles are to be measured to verify that the anchor chain tensions are
within the design allowable tolerances. Where anchor cables are used, their tensions are to be
verified to be within the allowable tensions.
iii) The anchor chains or anchor cables above the water are to be visually examined for wear and tear.
iv) (2016) Review onboard records and verify that the Crew are periodically checking the Mooring
Lines for failure (See 1-1-4/11.3). If the method for checking mooring failure includes equipment
then (See 6-1-1/15) then such equipment is to be demonstrated to the Attending Surveyor.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

5.3 Single Point Mooring (SPM) Systems

At each Annual Survey, the single point mooring system is to be generally examined insofar as can be seen
above water and placed in satisfactory condition as necessary. In addition, the following above water items
are to be examined, placed in satisfactory condition and reported upon, where applicable:

i) The anchor chain stopper structural arrangements are to be visually examined, including the
structural foundations of all of the stoppers.
ii) The anchor chain’s catenary angles are to be measured to verify that the anchor chain tensions are
within the design allowable tolerances. Where anchor cables are used, their tensions are to be
verified to be within the allowable tensions.
iii) The anchor chains or anchor cables above the water are to be visually examined for wear and tear.
iv) The condition of the bearings is to be verified for continued effectiveness of the lubrication
v) The entire assembly of the single point mooring structure above water is to be generally examined
for damage, coating breaks and excessive signs of corrosion. This survey is to include all turret
wall structures, accessible turret well structures, mooring arms, all structures supporting the
disconnectable operations of the mooring system, etc., whichever are applicable.

5.5 Fiber Rope Mooring Systems (2016)

Particular attention is to be given to the examination of the following for fiber ropes during Annual

i) The Surveyor is to review the records of anchor leg re-tensioning caused by creep, and confirm
with designer that adequate chain/wire segments are available for further re-tensioning due to
creep such that the fiber rope does not come into contact with the chain stoppers, fairleads, etc.,
and stays below the water surface. Refer to the vessel’s drawings for determination of lengths of
chain/wire segments.
ii) The Surveyor is to verify that recorded values of creep are in accordance with the anticipated
design values. Any deviance from design values are to be justified by the designer, and
appropriate remedial action should be taken accordingly.
iii) The pre-tension of mooring lines are to be within the designer recommended limits. It is noted that
the measurement of catenary angles may not be sufficient for TLMs (Taut Leg Moorings). Other
means are to be used to determine the mooring line tensions to the satisfaction of the attending

Reference may be made to the ABS Guidance Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore
Mooring for details of fiber rope construction, installation, and testing.

7 Fire and Safety Systems

Annual Survey of the entire fire and safety systems installed throughout the floating production installation
is mandatory for all types of floating production installations.

Following systems are to be verified to confirm no significant changes have been made to any of the
systems and that they remain in satisfactory condition.

7.1 Passive Fire Protection Systems

Passive fire protection systems, including the following items are to be generally examined and function
tested as necessary:

i) Examination of structural fire protection as well as protection of accommodation spaces, service

spaces and control stations, as accessible
ii) Examination and function testing of fire doors

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

iii) Examination and testing of ventilation fire-dampers

iv) Examination and testing of ventilation system closures and stoppage of power ventilation
v) Examination and testing of shutters or water curtains (where fitted)

7.3 Active Fire Protection – Fixed Systems

Active fire protection fixed systems, including the following items are to be generally examined and
function tested as necessary:

i) Examination of all items shown on the fire control plan, and confirmation that no alteration has
been made to the ABS endorsed plan
ii) Examination and testing of all fire pumps. Other pumps used for active fire protection are also to
be examined. This is to include confirmatory testing of the fire pump capacity, and where
installed, testing of relief valves of the fixed fire main system.
iii) Examination and function testing of the fire main system
iv) Examination of all hydrants, hoses, nozzles, and shore connections, and testing of these as

7.5 Active Fire Protection – Additional Fixed Systems

Where installed, active fire protection additional fixed systems, including the following items are to be
generally examined and function tested as necessary:

i) Examination and testing of the gas smothering system, including confirmatory examination of the
storage of the gas medium, gas alarms, and examination and testing of manual controls
ii) Examination of the high or low expansion foam systems
iii) Examination and function testing of fixed water spraying systems
iv) Protection of helicopter decks with or without refueling capacity
v) Examination of paint and flammable liquid lockers

7.7 Active Fire Protection – Portable Systems

All portable fire-fighting equipment fitted onboard, are to be in accordance with ABS approved plans. In
addition, the following items are to be generally examined:

i) Examination of all portable and semi-portable extinguishers

ii) Examination and testing of the firefighter’s outfit, as necessary

7.9 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

Fire detection and alarm systems, as installed, are to be examined and tested as necessary.

7.11 Gas Detection and Alarm Systems

Gas detection and alarm systems, as installed, are to be examined and tested as necessary.

7.13 Outfitting
Outfitting arrangements, including the following items are to be examined and tested as necessary:

i) All escape routes from accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations, from Category
‘A’ machinery spaces, from other machinery spaces, deckhouses, together with stairway or ladders
in way of any escape route, and the accessibility and access through the routes
ii) Lighting and gratings in way of all escape routes
iii) Guards and rails along floor deck areas and openings, and helicopter landing deck

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

iv) Contact makers for general alarm system, communication system installed in all emergency
control stations
v) Fire precautions taken in all machinery spaces

7.15 Emergency Shutdown Arrangements

Emergency shutdown arrangements provided to disconnect or shutdown, either selectively or
simultaneously, of the electrical equipment as outlined in the floating production installation’s operating
manual, are to be examined and tested.

Services such as the emergency lighting, general alarm system, public address system, distress and safety
radio system, that are required to be operable after an emergency shutdown of the installation, are to be
verified for their proper operation.

All equipment in exterior locations which is capable of operation after an emergency shutdown is to be
verified as being suitable for installation in Zone 2 locations.

9 Machinery and Electrical Systems (Marine & Safety Systems)

Annual Survey of machinery and electrical systems servicing the marine and safety systems is mandatory
for all types of floating production installations.

9.1 Machinery and Electrical Parts to be Examined

Surveys for ship- or barge-type installations are to comply with applicable requirements of 7-6-2/1 of the
ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7).

Surveys for column-stabilized installations are to comply with applicable requirements of 7-2-4/3 of the
MOU Rules.

9.3 Self Propelled Installations – Main Propulsion Apparatus

Surveys of self propelled installations is to comply with applicable requirements of 7-6-2/1 of the ABS
Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7).

9.3.1 Thrusters (where installed)

Thruster surveys are to comply with the requirements of Section 7-9-6 of the ABS Rules for
Survey After Construction (Part 7).

9.5 Preventative Maintenance Techniques

Surveys of machinery that has been accepted for surveys based on preventative maintenance techniques
are to comply with the requirements of Section 7-A1-14 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction
(Part 7).

9.7 Hazardous Areas

Surveys of hazardous areas and electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas are to comply with
applicable requirements of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations.

11 Inert Gas Systems (where installed)

Applicable requirements of 7-6-2/1.1.12 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) are to be
complied with.

13 Liquefied Gas Installations (where installed)

The Annual Survey, except First Annual Survey, is to be carried out during a loading or discharging
operation, as far as practicable.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

In addition to the applicable requirements of 7-2-4/3.15 and 7-2-4/3.17 of these Rules, the Annual Survey
is to include the following:

13.1 First Annual Survey

i) Cargo Containment System. An Overall Survey is to be made of the cargo containment system
including the supporting and positioning arrangements, hatches, access arrangements and
penetrations, the secondary barrier where fitted, adjacent hull structure and the insulation, insofar
as possible without removing fixed insulation or structural members unless deemed necessary by
the attending Surveyor.
ii) Secondary Barriers. The secondary barrier is to be checked for its effectiveness by means of a
pressure/vacuum test, a visual inspection or some other acceptable method.
iii) Other Items. See 7-2-1/13.3 of these Rules for additional items to be included in the first Annual

13.3 All Annual Surveys

i) General. The logbooks are to be examined with regard to correct func tioning of the cargo
containment and cargo handling systems. The hours per day of the reliquefaction plants or the
boil-off rate is to be considered.
ii) Interbarrier Space Venting System. The venting system or other arrangements provided for the
emergency removal of gas from the interbarrier spaces (i.e., between the primary and secondary
barriers) is to be confirmed in satisfactory condition.
iii) Cargo Tank Venting System. The venting system for the cargo tanks and hold spaces is to be
confirmed in satisfactory operating condition. The vent line drainage arrangement is to be
iv) Instrumentation and Safety Systems. Gas leakage detection equipment, including indicators and
alarms, is to be confirmed in satisfactory operating conditions. Systems for temperature, pressure
and liquid level indication of the cargo, cargo tank, insulation, the hull adjacent to the cargo
containment system, and cargo refrigerating installations where fitted, including alarms, are to be
confirmed in satisfactory operating condition. The piping of the gas detection system is to be
visually examined for corrosion and damage and the integrity of the line between suction points
and analyzing units is to be confirmed as far as possible.

The logbooks are to be examined for confirmation that the emergency shutdown system has been
v) Environmental Control of Hold Spaces. Inert gas and dry air systems, including indicators and
alarms, are to be confirmed in satisfactory operating condition. Means for prevention of backflow
of cargo vapor into gas-safe spaces is to be confirmed in satisfactory operating condition. For
membrane containment systems, normal operation of the nitrogen control system for insulation
and interbarrier spaces shall be confirmed.
vi) Cargo Handling Piping and Machinery. All piping, cargo hoses, emergency shut-down valves,
remote operating valves, machinery and equipment for loading, unloading, venting, compressing,
refrigerating, liquefying, heating or otherwise handling the liquefied gas or vapor is to be
examined, as far as possible. Records of stopping of the cargo pumps and compressors upon
emergency shut-down of the system is to be verified/confirmed.

Cargo hoses are to be verified, where appropriate, type-approved or marked with date of testing.
vii) Cargo Tank Tightness. The tightness of cargo tanks is to be confirmed. For this purpose, the
installation’s gas leak detectors, micro-flow meters, etc. may be utilized providing that they are
first proved to be in good order. The installation’s logbooks are also to be reviewed to confirm the
tightness of the cargo tanks.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

viii) Heating Coils. Heating coils and other heating systems which are essential to keep the temperature
of the hull structure from falling below the minimum allowable value for the material used are to
be proven in satisfactory operating condition.
ix) Ventilating System. Examination of the ventilation system is to be made for all gas dangerous
spaces and zones, including air locks, cargo pump rooms, cargo compressor rooms, cargo control
rooms and spaces used for cargo handling operations. All portable ventilating equipment required
for use in the gas dangerous spaces is to be examined. Provision of spares for mechanical
ventilation fans for gas dangerous spaces and zones, recommended by manufacturer is to be
x) Spaces in Cargo Areas. Air locks, cargo pump rooms, cargo compressor rooms, rooms containing
electric motors for driving cargo pumps or compressors, cargo control rooms and spaces used for
cargo handling operations are to be examined. All accessible gas-tight bulkhead penetrations
including gas-tight shaft seals are to be examined. The means for accomplishing gas tightness of
the wheelhouse doors and windows is to be examined.

The closing devices for all air intakes and openings into accommodation spaces, service spaces,
machinery spaces, control stations and openings in superstructures and deckhouses facing the
cargo area or bow and stern loading/unloading arrangements are to be examined.

All windows and sidescuttles within the area required to be of the fixed type (nonopening) are to
be examined for gas tightness.
xi) Drip Trays. Portable and fixed drip trays and insulation for the protection of the deck in the event
of cargo leakage are to be examined.
xii) Gas Burning Installations. Gas burning installations, including instrumentation and safety
systems, are to be examined and confirmed in satisfactory operating condition. See also
7-2-4/13.3.iv of these Rules.
xiii) Sealing Arrangements. Sealing arrangements on the weather deck in way of openings for the
cargo containment system are to be examined.
xiv) Fire Protection and Fire Extinguishing Equipment. The fire water main equipment, water spray
equipment, dry chemical powder fire extinguishing systems in the cargo area, and fixed inerting
and fixed smothering installations in gas-dangerous spaces are to be examined and operationally
tested, as far as practicable.
xv) Electrical Equipment. Electrical equipment in gas-dangerous spaces or zones is to be examined as
far as practicable with particular respect to the following:
● Protective earthing
● Physical condition of electrical cables and supports
● Integrity of enclosures
● Intrinsically safe, explosion proof, or increased safety features of electrical equipment
● Functional testing of pressurized equipment and associated alarms
● Testing systems for de-energizing electrical equipment which is not certified safe for use in
gas-hazardous areas but which is located in spaces protected by air-locks (e.g., electrical
motor rooms or cargo control rooms)
● Insulation resistance readings of circuits. Where a proper record of testing is maintained,
consideration may be given to accepting recent readings.

See also IACS Recommendation No.35 – Inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment installed in
hazardous areas.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 4 Annual Surveys 7-2-4

xvi) Personnel Protection. Firemen’s outfits, protective clothing, and respiratory protection equipment
are to be examined. Decontamination showers and eye wash are to be examined and operationally
tested, as far as practicable.
xvii) Tightness of Hull. Means for detecting leakage into the hold space through the ship’s structure
forming the boundary of the hold space are to be examined.
xviii) Operating Instructions. Instructions and information material, such as cargo handling plans,
loading manual, filling limit information, cooling-down procedure, are to be confirmed as being
aboard the installation.
xix) Relief Valves. All relief valves in the cargo containment and venting system are to be examined,
including protective screens and flame screens, if provided, and seals confirmed intact. Records of
opening and closing pressures of relief valves are to be confirmed onboard.

15 Dynamic Positioning Systems (if classed)

Dynamic Positioning Systems are to comply with the requirements of Section 7-9-6 of the ABS Rules for
Survey After Construction (Part 7).

17 Automatic and Remote-Control Systems (if classed)

For Shipboard Automatic and Remote-Control System, applicable requirements of Chapter 8 of the ABS
Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) are to be complied with.

19 Production Facilities (if classed)

Where the floating production installation’s production facilities are classed, applicable requirements of the
ABS Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations are to be complied with.

Maintenance records are to be kept and made available for review by the attending Surveyor. The
maintenance records will be reviewed to establish the scope and content of the required Annual and
Special Periodical Surveys. During the service life of the facilities, maintenance records are to be updated
on a continuing basis. The operator is to inform ABS of any changes to the maintenance procedures and
frequencies, as may be caused, for example, by changes or additions to the original equipment. The
Surveyor may determine during the periodic survey if the changes are sufficient to warrant review by
ABS’ technical staff.

21 Import and Export Systems (if classed)

Where the floating production installation’s import-export systems are classed, the import and export
systems are to be examined as far as can be seen and placed in satisfactory condition as necessary. In
addition, the following items are to be examined, placed in satisfactory condition and reported upon where

i) A general examination is to be performed on all electrical and fluid swivels, flexible risers,
floating hoses, cargo piping and valves associated with the import and export systems, expansion
joints, seals, etc.
ii) The fluid swivels are to be examined for signs of leaks through their “tell-tale” apertures.
iii) Records of maintenance are to be reviewed, including records of hose hydrostatic testing.
iv) Navigational aids for all floating hoses are to be examined and functionally tested.
v) Riser tensioning arrangements are to be examined for proper functioning order.
vi) All electrical equipment, fitted in hazardous location is to be examined for integrity and suitability
for the continued service.


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 5 Intermediate Surveys

1 General
The documents and records referenced in 7-2-1/23 of these Rules, as applicable, are to be sighted onboard
during Annual Surveys, and the survey is to include the following items of this Section, as applicable.

The Intermediate Survey requirements are in addition to the Annual Survey requirements stated in Section
7-2-4 of these Rules.

3 Hull

3.1 Ship-Type Floating Production Installations

Intermediate Surveys of self-propelled barge- or ship-type installations are to comply with the applicable
requirements of 7-3-2/3 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7).

The scope of the second or third Annual Survey is to be extended to include the following.

3.1.1 Survey Planning Meeting

A survey planning meeting is to be held prior to the commencement of the survey.

3.1.2 Survey of Ballast Tanks (2020)

i) For Installations 5 < Age ≤ 10 years

Overall Survey of a minimum of three (3) representative ballast tanks selected by the
Surveyor is to be carried out. Where a hard protective coating is found in POOR
condition, where soft coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating has not
been applied from time of construction, the examination is to be extended to other ballast
tanks of the same type.
ii) For Installations Age > 10 years

Overall Survey of a minimum of three (3) representative ballast tanks selected by the
Surveyor is to be carried out. Where a hard protective coating is found in FAIR or POOR
condition, where soft coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating has not
been applied from time of construction, the examination is to be extended to other ballast
tanks of the same type.
3.1.3 Survey of Ballast Tanks and Combined Cargo/Ballast Tanks Other than Double Bottom Tanks
Where provided, the condition of corrosion prevention system of ballast tanks and combined
cargo/ballast tanks is to be examined.

Ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks, other than double bottom tanks, where a hard
protective coating is found in POOR condition and Owners or their representatives elect not to
restore the coating, where a soft coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating has
not been applied from time of construction, the tanks in question are to be internally examined at
each subsequent Annual Survey. Thickness measurements are to be carried out as considered
necessary by the Surveyor.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 5 Intermediate Surveys 7-2-5

3.1.4 Survey of Ballast Tanks in way of Double Bottom

Double bottom ballast tanks, where a hard protective coating is found in POOR condition and
Owners or their representatives elect not to restore the coating, where a soft coating has been
applied or where a hard protective coating has not been applied from time of construction, the
tanks in question are to be internally examined at each subsequent Annual Survey where
substantial corrosion is documented. Thickness measurements are to be carried out as required.

3.1.5 Survey of Cargo Tanks (1 July 2020)

At each Intermediate Survey after Special Periodical Survey No. 2, at least three (3) cargo tanks of
integral type: one (1) center, one (1) port wing and one (1) starboard wing tank, are to be
examined internally.

Cargo Tanks selected for Intermediate Survey should consider whether the tanks have contained
produced water and whether the unit’s Produced Water Management Plan was followed.

3.3 Floating Production Installations in Lightering Service

In addition to the applicable requirements of 7-2-5/3.1, 7-2-5/3.5, and 7-2-5/3.7 of these Rules, the
Intermediate Survey is to include an external examination and internal Close-up Survey of hull structures,
including thickness measurements, where fenders for lightering operation were located.

3.5 Hull Thickness Measurement

When extensive areas of wastage are found, thickness measurements are to be carried out and renewals
made where wastage exceeds the allowable margin. Where reduced scantlings on the basis of effective
corrosion control have been adopted, the results of any measurements are to be evaluated based on
scantlings before reduction.

3.7 Tank Testing

Pressure testing of cargo and ballast tanks is not required unless deemed necessary by the attending

5 Liquefied Gas Installations (where installed)

The Intermediate Survey is preferably to be carried out with the installation in a gas free condition. The
extent of the testing required for the Intermediate Survey will normally be such that the survey cannot be
carried out during a loading or discharging operation.

In addition to the applicable requirements of 7-3-2/1.13.8 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction
(Part 7), the Intermediate Survey is also to include the following.

5.1 Instrumentation and Safety Systems

i) The instrumentation of the cargo installation with regard to pressure, temperature and liquid level
is to be visually examined and to be tested by changing the pressure, temperature and level, as
applicable, and comparing with test instruments. Simulated testing may be accepted for sensors
which are not accessible or for sensors located within cargo tanks or inerted hold spaces. The
testing is to include testing of the alarm and safety functions.
ii) Gas detectors are to be calibrated or verified with sample gases.
iii) The emergency shutdown system is to be tested, without flow in the pipe lines, to verify that the
system will cause the cargo pumps and compressors to stop.

5.3 Gas Burning Installations

The instrumentation and safety systems for gas burning installations are to be examined and tested in
accordance with the requirements of 7-2-5/5.1.i of these Rules.


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS)

1 General
The documents and records referenced in 7-2-1/23 of these Rules, as applicable, are to be sighted onboard
during Annual Surveys, and the survey is to include the following items of this Section, as applicable.

The Special Periodical Survey requirements are in addition to the Annual Survey and Intermediate Survey
requirements stated in Sections 7-2-4 and 7-2-5 of these Rules.

3 Hull

3.1 Ship-Type Floating Production Installations

In addition to the requirements of the Annual Survey – Hull, the SPS – Hull is to include sufficient
examination, tests and checks carried out by the Surveyors to satisfy themselves that the hull and its
outfitting are in or are placed in satisfactory condition and are fit for the intended purpose for the new
period of class of five (5) years to be assigned, subject to proper maintenance and operation and to periodic
surveys being carried out at the due dates. Special Periodical Survey is to include the following:

3.1.1 Survey Planning Meeting

A survey planning meeting is to be held prior to the commencement of the survey.

3.1.2 Drydocking Survey (or UWILD)

Drydocking survey is to be carried out in accordance with Section 7-2-7 of these Rules.

3.1.3 Rudder
When the steering gear is maintained operational the rudder is to be examined and, when required,
lifted and the gudgeons rebushed. The condition of carrier and steadiment/rudder stock bearings
and the effectiveness of stuffing boxes are to be ascertained when the rudder is lifted.

3.1.4 Shell Openings and Their Closures

All openings in the shell including overboard discharges are to be examined.

3.1.5 Decks, Bulkheads and Shell Plating

All decks, watertight bulkheads, and internal and external surfaces of shell plating are to be
examined. Plating in way of side shell or superstructure portlights is to be especially examined.

3.1.6 Overall Survey Requirements

3.1.6(a) Spaces.

An Overall Survey of all spaces including holds and their tween decks, where fitted; double
bottom, deep, ballast, peak and cargo tanks; pump rooms, pipe tunnels, duct keels, machinery
spaces, dry spaces, cofferdams and voids, including the plating and framing, bilges and drain
wells, sounding, venting, pumping and drainage arrangements.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

Internal examination of fuel oil, lube oil and fresh water tanks is to be carried out in accordance
with 7-2-6/3.1.6(e) of these Rules.

Where sounding pipes are fitted, the Surveyor is to confirm that a thick steel plate is securely fixed
below the sounding pipe for the rod to strike upon.

This examination is to be supplemented by thickness measurement and testing as required to

confirm that the structural integrity remains effective. The aim of the examination is to discover
substantial corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration,
that may be present.

3.1.6(b) Engine Room Spaces.

Engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention is to be given to tank tops, shell
plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops, and engine room
bulkheads in way of tank top and bilge wells. Particular attention is to be given to the sea suction,
seawater cooling pipes and overboard discharge valves and their connection to the side shell
plating. Where extensive areas of wastage are found, thickness measurements are to be carried
out, and renewals and/or repairs made where wastage exceeds allowable margins.

3.1.6(c) Ballast Tanks and Combined Cargo/Ballast Tanks.

Where provided, the condition of corrosion prevention system of ballast tanks and combined
cargo/ballast tanks is to be examined.

Ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks other than double bottom tanks, where a hard
protective coating is found in POOR condition and Owners or their representatives elect not to
restore the coating, where soft coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating has not
been applied from time of construction, the tanks in question are to be internally examined at each
subsequent Annual Survey. Thickness measurements are to be carried out as deemed necessary by
the Surveyor.

When such breakdown of hard protective coating is found in double bottom ballast tanks and
Owners or their representatives elect not to restore the coating, where a soft coating has been
applied, or where a hard protective coating has not been applied from time of construction, the
tanks in question are to be internally examined at each subsequent Annual Survey where
substantial corrosion is documented. Thickness measurements are to be carried out as required.

3.1.6(d) Cargo Tanks (1 July 2020)

Prior to entry into a cargo tank, the tank’s history is to be reviewed to determine if produced water
has been stored in the tank. The amount of produced water (height) and the length of time the
produced water has been stored in the tank is to be reviewed. If excessive corrosion is found that
can be attributed to produced water, additional tanks with similar histories are to be evaluated, and
may require examination of those tanks at intervals of less than 5 years.

3.1.6(e) Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, Freshwater and Permanent Ballast Tanks.

Internal examination requirements will be specially considered for tanks used exclusively for
permanent ballast which are fitted with an effective means of corrosion control.

Where tanks of integral structural type, except for peak tanks, are used primarily for heavy fuel oil
or exclusively for light oils or fresh water, the internal examination may be specially considered,
provided a general external examination and the following internal examinations are carried out.

Minimum requirements for internal examination of fuel oil, lube oil and fresh water tanks at
Special Periodical Surveys are as follows.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

i) Special Periodical Survey No. 1 (Age ≤ 5 Years)

ii) Special Periodical Survey No. 2 (5 < Age ≤ 10 Years)
● One (1) fuel oil tank in the Cargo length area. For installations without a defined
cargo area a minimum of one (1) fuel oil tank.
● One (1) freshwater tank
iii) Special Periodical Survey No. 3 (10 < Age ≤ 15 Years)
● One (1) fuel oil tank in way of the engine room
● Two (2) fuel oil tanks in the Cargo length area. For installations without a defined
cargo area a minimum of two (2) fuel oil tanks. One (1) deep tank is to be included, if
● All freshwater tanks
iv) Special Periodical Survey No. 4 and Subsequent Special Periodical Surveys (Age > 15
● One (1) fuel oil tank in way of the engine room
● Half of all fuel oil tanks in the Cargo length area, minimum two (2). For installations
without a defined cargo area, half of all fuel oil tanks, a minimum of two (2). One (1)
deep tank is to be included, if fitted
● One (1) lube oil tank
● All freshwater tanks


If a selection of tanks is accepted for examination, then different tanks are to be examined at each Special
Periodical Survey on a rotational basis.

Independent oil tanks in machinery spaces are to be externally examined and, if deemed necessary,
tested under a head of liquid.

3.1.7 Protection of Other Openings

3.1.7(a) Tank Protective Devices
i) All tank protective devices, where fitted, are to be examined externally for proper
assembly and installation, damage, deterioration or traces of carryover at the outlets.
ii) All pressure-vacuum valves and pressure relief valves are to be opened out, pressure and
vacuum valve discs checked for good contact with their respective seats and/or proved by

3.1.7(b) Air Pipes.

All air pipes are to be opened out and closing arrangements and flame screens, if fitted, are to be
examined both externally and internally. For designs where the inner parts cannot be properly
examined from outside, this is to include removal of the head from the air pipe. Particular
attention is to be paid to the condition of the zinc coating in heads constructed from galvanized

3.1.7(c) Watertight Bulkheads.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

Watertight bulkheads, bulkhead penetrations, end bulkheads of enclosed superstructures are to be

examined. In addition, watertight doors are to be operationally tested and effectiveness to maintain
tightness is to be confirmed.

3.1.8 Close-up Survey Requirements (2017)

The requirements for Close-up Survey and thickness gauging, per 7-3-2/5.13 or 7-3-2/5.14 of the
ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7), will be applied to ship- and barge-type
installations in the following cases:

i) The ballast tanks are uncoated.

ii) Tank coatings are in FAIR or POOR condition as defined by 7-2-1/13.3 of these Rules
iii) Soft coatings are found to be no longer effective, 7-2-1/15.5 of these Rules
iv) Substantial corrosion is present

Thickness Measurements are to be carried-out as per 7-2-6/3.1.10 of these Rules.

3.1.9 Tank Testing

Boundaries of double bottom, deep, ballast, peak and other tanks, including holds adapted for the
carriage of salt water ballast, are to be tested with a head of liquid to the top of air pipes or to near
the top of hatches for ballast/cargo holds, except that cargo tanks on ship-type installations of both
single and double hull construction may be tested to the highest point that liquid will rise under
service condition. Boundaries of fuel oil, lube oil and fresh water tanks may be tested with a head
of liquid to the highest point that liquid will rise under service condition. Tank testing of fuel oil,
lube oil and fresh water tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external
examination of the tank boundaries, and a confirmation from the Master stating that the pressure
testing has been carried out according to the requirements with satisfactory results, provided that
representative tanks for fuel oil, lube oil and fresh water are tested.

The testing of double bottoms and other spaces not designed for the carriage of liquid may be
omitted, provided a satisfactory internal examination together with an examination of the tank top
is carried out.

Stagger testing of bulkheads is acceptable as alternative means of testing.

The Surveyor may require further tank testing, as deemed necessary.

3.1.10 Hull Thickness Measurement (Gauging)

These requirements do not apply to independent cargo tanks.

i) Special Periodical Survey No. 1 (Age ≤ 5 Years)

● Suspect areas throughout the installation.
ii) Special Periodical Survey No. 2 (5 < Age ≤ 10 Years)
● All main deck plates within the amidships 0.5L or cargo tank section, whichever is
● One (1) transverse section within the amidships 0.5L.
● Plates in wind-and-water strakes outside the amidships 0.5L.
● All complete transverse web frame rings in a ballast wing tank or ballast double hull
tank, if any.
● One (1) deck transverse in each of the remaining ballast tanks, if any.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

● Both transverse bulkheads including girder system in a ballast wing tank or ballast
double hull tank, if any, or a cargo wing tank used primarily for water ballast.
● Lower part of transverse bulkhead including girder system in each remaining ballast
tank, one (1) cargo wing tank and two (2) cargo center tanks.
● Internals in forepeak and afterpeak tanks.
● Suspect areas throughout the installation.
iii) Special Periodical Survey No. 3 (10 < Age ≤ 15 Years)
● All main deck plates within the amidships 0.5L or cargo tank, whichever is longer.
● Two (2) transverse sections within the amidships 0.5L.
● Plates in wind-and-water strakes outside the amidships 0.5L.
● All complete transverse web frame rings in all ballast tanks and in a cargo wing tank.
● A minimum of 30% of all complete transverse web frame rings in each remaining
cargo wing tank. (In calculating the 30% minimum, the number of web frame rings is
to be rounded up to the next whole integer.)
● A minimum of 30% of deck and bottom transverse in each cargo center tank. (In
calculating the 30% minimum, the number of transverses is to be rounded up to the
next whole integer.)
● All transverse bulkheads including girder and stiffener systems in all cargo and
ballast tanks.
● Additional complete transverse web frame rings as considered necessary by the
● Internals in forepeak and afterpeak tanks including plating and stiffeners of forepeak
and afterpeak tank bulkheads.
● Suspect areas throughout the installation.
iv) Special Periodical Survey No. 4 and Subsequent Special Periodical Surveys (Age > 15
● All exposed main deck plates, full length. Also, exposed first-tier superstructure deck
plates (poop bridge and forecastle decks).
● All keel plates full length. Also, additional bottom plates in way of cofferdams,
machinery space and aft ends of tanks.
● A minimum of three (3) transverse sections within the amidships 0.5L.
● All complete transverse web frame rings in all ballast tanks and in a cargo wing tank.
● A minimum of 30% of all complete transverse web frame rings in each remaining
cargo wing tank. (In calculating the 30% minimum, the number of web frame rings is
to be rounded up to the next whole integer.)
● A minimum of 30% of deck and bottom transverse in each cargo center tank. (In
calculating the 30% minimum, the number of transverses is to be rounded up to the
next whole integer.)
● All transverse bulkheads including girder and stiffener systems in all cargo and
ballast tanks.
● Additional complete transverse web frame rings as considered necessary by the
● Any additional tanks and structure as considered necessary by the Surveyor.

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Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

● Internals in forepeak and afterpeak tanks including plating and stiffeners of forepeak
and afterpeak tank bulkheads.
● All plates in two (2) wind-and-water strakes, port and starboard full length.
● Suspect areas throughout the installation.
● Plating of seachests. Shell plating in way of overboard discharges as considered
necessary by the attending Surveyor.

Thickness measurements of any one entire girth belt(s) (transverse section(s)) shall be completed within
15 months from commencement of gaugings of a girth belt (transverse section.)

Thickness measurements review to be carried-out in accordance with 7-A1-4/5 of the ABS Rules
for Survey After Construction (Part 7).

Individual plate and stiffener wastage allowances – Individual plate and stiffener wastage
allowances for ship-type floating installations with design life of 20 years are to satisfy Section 7-
A1-4 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7). Local wastage allowable margins
of plates and stiffeners for floating installations with design life longer than 20 years will remain
the same as applied to the required 20 year life scantlings to determine minimum scantlings at
which renewals are required. Accordingly, based on percent wastage allowance, renewals would
be required when scantling were wasted to values as if the installation were a 20 year life
installation. The allowable wastage is to be based on the smaller of the percent wastage allowance
(see 5A-2-2/3.5 TABLE 1) or the allowable wastage based on local buckling strength.

3.1.11 Application of Requirements for Close-Up Survey and Gauging per ESP Vessels
The requirements for close-up survey and thickness gauging, per 7-3-2/5.13 or 7-3-2/5.14 of the
ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) will be applied to ship- and barge-type
installations in the following cases:

i) The ballast tanks are uncoated.

ii) Tank coatings are in POOR condition as defined by 7-2-1/13.3 of these Rules
iii) Soft coatings are found to be no longer effective, 7-2-1/15.5 of these Rules
iv) Substantial corrosion is present.

3.3 Column Stabilized, Tension Leg Platform and Spar Floating Production Installations
(2016) For column-stabilized, Tension Leg Platform and Spar installations, the following are to be
performed, as applicable, the parts examined, placed in satisfactory condition and reported upon:

3.3.1 General Examination

The hull or platform structure, including tanks, watertight bulkheads and decks, cofferdams, void
spaces, sponsons, chain locker, deck, keels, helicopter pad, machinery spaces, peak spaces,
steering gear spaces and all other internal spaces are to be examined externally and internally for
damage, fractures or excessive wastage.

3.3.2 Examination of Tanks, Compartments and Free-Flooding Spaces (2016)

All tanks, compartments and free-flooding spaces throughout the installation are to be examined
externally and internally. Internal examinations of lower hull are to be specially considered.
Watertight integrity of tanks, bulkheads, hull, bulkhead deck and other compartments are to be
verified by visual inspection. Suspect areas may be required to be tested for tightness,
nondestructively tested or thickness gauged. Tanks and other normally closed compartments are to
be ventilated, gas-freed and cleaned, as necessary, to expose damage and allow for a meaningful
examination for excessive wastage. Internal examination and testing of void spaces, chain lockers,

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

compartments filled with foam or corrosion inhibitors and tanks used only for lube oil, light fuel
oil, diesel oil or other non-corrosive products may be specially considered, provided that, upon
general examination, the Surveyor considers their condition to be satisfactory. External thickness
gauging may be required to confirm corrosion control.

3.3.3 Attachments of Anchor Racks, Fairleads, and Anchorlines

Attachments of anchor racks and anchor cable fairleads are to be examined. Foundations in way of
selective anchor line fairlead support structures are to be cleaned and nondestructive examinations
performed. Internal support structures in way of these foundations are to be closely examined.

3.3.4 Other Structures

Applicable structures, such as pipe racks, process support structures, deck houses, superstructures,
helicopter landing areas and their respective attachments to the deck or hull.

3.3.5 Foundations
Foundations and supporting headers, brackets and stiffeners for process related apparatus, where
attached to hull, deck, superstructure or deck house.

3.3.6 Connections of Columns and Diagonals to Upper Hull, etc.

Connections of columns and diagonals to upper hull or platform and lower hull or pontoons. Joints
of supporting structure, including diagonals, braces and horizontals, together with gussets and
brackets. Internal continuation or back-up structure for the above. Nondestructive testing (NDT)
may be required at suspect areas.

3.3.7 Survey of Underwater Parts

Survey of parts of the installation that are underwater and inaccessible to the Surveyor may be
accepted on the basis of an examination by a qualified diver, conducted in the presence of the
Surveyor. Video or photo records, nondestructive testing and thickness gauging may be required in
addition to the diver’s report. Refer to Section 7-2-6 of the MOU Rules.

Where inspection of underwater joints is required, sufficient cleaning is to be performed in way,

and water clarity to be adequate, to permit meaningful visual, video, camera or NDT, as required.
Every effort is to be made to avoid cleaning damage to special coatings.

3.3.8 Hull Thickness Measurement (2016)

At each Special Periodical Survey, hull thickness measurement (gauging) is to be performed
where wastage is evident or suspected. At Special Periodical Survey No. 2 and subsequent Special
Periodical Surveys, representative gaugings are required in accordance with 7-2-6/Table 1 or 2.
Special attention is to be given to the splash zones on hulls, columns and ballast tanks, free-
flooded spaces and the bottom hulls. The thickness gauging requirements indicated in the table
may be reduced or increased, as deemed necessary or appropriate by the Surveyor, in accordance
with Notes 2 and 3 of 7-2-6/Table 1 or 2.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

Thickness Gauging Requirements for Spars (2016)

Special Periodical Survey Special Periodical Survey Special Periodical Survey Subsequent Special
Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Periodical Survey

1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas

throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
unit. unit. unit.1)Suspect unit.
areas throughout
2) Representative the unit. 2) Comprehensive
2) Columns and
gaugings of gaugings,
bracings where columns and 2) Representative throughout, of
wastage is bracings in gaugings, special and
evident in Splash Zone throughout, of primary
Splash Zone. together with special and application
internals in way primary structures,
as deemed application including deck
necessary. structures. to spar
3) Special and 3) 1 girth belt of primary deck
primary hull in Splash truss structure,
application Zone together hull truss
structure where with internals in structure, and
wastage is way. hull plating.
4) Chain locker 3) 1 girth belt of
plating as hull in Splash
deemed Zone and
necessary. internals in way.
5) Hulls in way of 4) Chain locker
mooring plating as
fairleads where deemed
wastage is necessary and
evident. internals where
6) 1 girth belt of accessible.
soft tank plating 5) Hull in way of
where wastage mooring
or failure of fairleads and
cathodic other
protection attachments
system is where wastage
evident. is evident.
6) 1 girth belt of
soft tank plating
where wastage
or failure of
system is
7) Representative
gaugings of
substructure of
drilling derrick
if fitted.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6


1 With reference to the ballasting history and arrangement and condition of coatings, tanks and specific
thickness gauging locations should be selected which will provide the best representative sampling of
areas likely to be most exposed to corrosion effect.

2 Gauging requirements noted may be modified as deemed necessary or appropriate by the Surveyor if
the structure remains effectively protected against corrosion by a permanent type special coating or
sufficient cathodic protection system.

3 In any case where excessive wastage is evident, additional gaugings may be required.

4 Structure application designations (special, primary, secondary) are defined in 5B-1-2/9.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

Thickness Gauging Requirements for Column-Stabilized Units and
Tension Leg Platforms (2016)

Special Periodical Survey Special Periodical Survey Special Periodical Survey Subsequent Special
Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Periodical Survey

1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas

throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
unit. unit. unit. unit.
2) Columns and 2) Representative 2) Representative 2) Comprehensive
bracings where gaugings of gaugings, gaugings,
wastage is columns and throughout, of throughout, of
evident in bracings in special and special and
Splash Zone. Splash Zone primary primary
together with application application
internals in way structures. structures.
as deemed
necessary. 3) 1 girth belt of 3) 1 girth belt of
each of 2 each of one-half
3) Special and columns and 2 of the columns
primary bracings in and bracings in
application Splash Zone Splash Zone and
structure where together with internals in way
wastage is internals in way as deemed
evident. as deemed necessary (i.e.,
necessary. gauge half of the
unit’s columns
4) Chain locker and bracings in
plating as Splash Zone).
necessary. 4) Chain locker
internals as
5) Lower hulls in deemed
way of mooring necessary and
attachments internals where
where wastage accessible.
is evident.
5) Lower hulls in
6) 1 girth belt of way of mooring
each lower hull fairleads and
between one set other
of columns. attachments
where wastage
is evident.
6) 1 girth belt of
each lower hull
between one set
of columns.
7) Representative
gaugings of
substructure of
drilling derrick
if fitted.


1 With reference to the ballasting history and arrangement and condition of coatings, tanks and specific
thickness gauging locations should be selected which will provide the best representative sampling of
areas likely to be most exposed to corrosion effect.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

2 Gauging requirements noted may be modified as deemed necessary or appropriate by the Surveyor if
the structure remains effectively protected against corrosion by a permanent type special coating.

3 In any case where excessive wastage is evident, additional gaugings may be required.

4 Structure application designations (special, primary, secondary) are defined in 5B-1-2/9.

3.5 Floating Production Installations in Lightering Service

In addition to the applicable requirements of 7-2-6/3.1 of these Rules, the Special Periodical Survey is also
to include an external examination and internal Close-up Survey of hull structures, including thickness
measurements, where fenders for lightering operation were located.

5 Mooring System
SPS of the mooring system is mandatory for all types of floating production installations, and are to
comply with following requirements of this Subsection, as applicable.

Since it is impractical to cover all types of mooring systems, the following are provided as guidance to
show the basic intent of the requirements. Operators and designers may submit alternative survey
requirements based either on service experience or manufacturer’s recommendations. Upon ABS review
and acceptance, these alternative survey procedures will form the basis for the Special Periodical Survey of
the Mooring System.

Typically, the SPS – Mooring System is to include all items listed under the Annual Survey and, in
addition, the following are to be performed, where applicable:

i) A Drydocking Survey or equivalent underwater inspection of the SPM system is to be performed.

This survey is to include examination of the entire structure of the SPM, the protective coating,
cathodic protection system, the chain stoppers and their locking devices.

Any suspect areas where excessive corrosion is evident are to be thickness gauged. Gaugings are
to be taken on the structures of the SPM when it has undergone service for 15 years or more.
ii) An examination is to be made on all anchor chains for excessive corrosion and wastage. In
particular, the areas to be specially examined are the areas having the most relative movement
between the chain links. These areas are normally located in way of the seabed touchdown
sections of the catenary part of the chains. The chains are to be inspected for looses studs and link
elongations. Sufficient representative locations are to be gauged for wear and wastage. Areas
susceptible to corrosion, such as the wind-and-water areas, are to be specially gauged, if
considered necessary by the attending Surveyor.
iii) A close examination is to be performed on all mooring components and accessible structural
members that carry the mooring loads. These structures include the chain stoppers or cable
holders, the structures in way of the chain stoppers or cable holders, structural bearing housing
and turret/structural well annulus areas. These structures are to be thoroughly cleaned and
examined and any suspect areas are to be nondestructively tested.
iv) A general inspection is also to be carried out on the degree of scour or exposure in way of the
anchor or anchor piles to ascertain that these components are not overexposed.
v) An examination is to be performed on the main bearing of the SPM system. This examination is to
include visual inspection of bearing, if accessible, for water egress into the structural housing,
corrosion, pitting and excessive wear. If the bearing is inaccessible, at least the weardown is to be
ascertained and the condition of the bearing seals verified. If disassembled, the bearing rollers and
the racer housings are to be examined.
vi) For inaccessible structures, special alternative inspection procedures for inspection of these areas
are to be submitted for approval.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

vii) The chain tensions are to be checked and where found not in compliance with the specifications
are to be readjusted accordingly. Excessive loss of chain or tendon tensions is to be investigated.
viii) Representative areas of the chains are to be examined and checked for excessive wastage. In
particular, areas in way of the chain stoppers and the seabed touchdown areas are to be specially
examined and measured for excessive wear.
ix) For disconnectable type mooring systems, the disconnect and connect system for the mooring
system is to be tested as considered necessary by the attending Surveyor. Alternatively, records of
disconnect/connect operations between the credit date of the last Special Periodical Survey and the
current due date of same may be reviewed, and if found satisfactory, it may be considered to have
been in compliance with this requirement.
x) (2017) Examination of upper and lower tendon flex elements as accessible.

7 Fire and Safety Systems

SPS of the entire fire and safety systems installed throughout the floating production installation is
mandatory for all types of floating production installations.

Special Periodical Survey – Fire and Safety Systems is to include compliance with the Annual Survey
requirements and, in addition, the following requirements as listed below are to be carried out, as
applicable, the parts examined, placed in satisfactory condition and reported upon.

Following systems are to be verified to confirm no significant changes have been made to any of the
systems and that they remain in satisfactory condition.

7.1 Passive Fire Protection Systems

Passive fire protection systems, including the following items are to be tested:

i) Function testing of all fire doors

ii) Function testing of all ventilation fire-dampers
iii) Function testing of all ventilation system closures and stoppage of power ventilation
iv) Function testing of all shutters or water curtains (where fitted)

7.3 Active Fire Protection – Fixed Systems

Active fire protection fixed systems, including the following items are to be tested:

i) Function testing of all fire pumps. Other pumps used for active fire protection are also to be tested.
This is to include confirmatory testing of the fire pump capacity, and where installed, testing of
relief valves of the fixed fire main system.
ii) Hydrostatic testing of the fire main system
iii) Hydrostatic testing of fire hoses, as necessary

7.5 Active Fire Protection – Additional Fixed Systems

Where installed, active fire protection additional fixed systems, including the following items are to be

i) Gas smothering system, including confirmatory examination of the storage of the gas medium, gas
alarms, and manual controls
ii) Function testing of fixed water spraying systems

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

7.7 Active Fire Protection – Portable Systems

All portable fire-fighting equipment fitted onboard, are to be in accordance with ABS approved plans. In
addition, testing of the firefighter’s outfit, as necessary.

7.9 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

Fire detection and alarm systems, as installed, are to be tested.

7.11 Gas Detection and Alarm Systems

Gas detection and alarm systems, as installed, are to be tested.

7.13 Outfitting
Outfitting arrangements, including the following items are to be tested:

i) Lighting tings in way of all escape routes

ii) Contact makers for general alarm system, communication system installed in all emergency
control stations

7.15 Emergency Shutdown Arrangements

Emergency shutdown arrangements provided to disconnect or shutdown, either selectively or
simultaneously, of the electrical equipment as outlined in the floating production installation’s operating
manual, are to be tested.

Services such as the emergency lighting, general alarm system, public address system, distress and safety
radio system, that are required to be operable after an emergency shutdown of the installation, are to be
verified for their proper operation.

9 Machinery and Electrical Systems (Marine & Safety Systems)

SPS – Machinery and Electrical Systems servicing the marine and safety systems is mandatory for all
types of floating production installations.

Special Periodical Survey – Machinery is to include compliance with the Annual Survey requirements and,
in addition, the following requirements as listed below are to be carried out, as applicable, the parts
examined, placed in satisfactory condition and reported upon.

9.1 Correlation with Special Periodical Survey – Hull

Main and auxiliary engines of all types of installations are to undergo Special Periodical Survey at
intervals similar to those for Special Periodical Survey – Hull in order that both may be recorded at
approximately the same time. In cases where damage has involved extensive repairs and examination, the
survey thereon may be considered as equivalent to a Special Periodical Survey.

9.3 Machinery Parts to be Examined

In addition to the requirements for Annual Survey, at each Special Periodical Survey, special attention is to
be given to the following requirements, as applicable.

9.3.1 Openings to the Sea and Fastenings

All openings to the sea, including sanitary and other overboard discharges together with the cocks
and valves connected therewith, are to be examined internally and externally while the installation
is in drydock or at the time of underwater examination in lieu of drydocking, and the fastenings to
the shell plating are to be renewed when considered necessary by the Surveyor.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

9.3.2 Pumps and Pumping Arrangements

Pumps and pumping arrangements, including valves, cocks, pipes, and strainers, are to be

9.3.3 Nonmetallic Expansion Pieces

Nonmetallic flexible expansion pieces in the main salt-water circulating system are to be
examined internally and externally.

9.3.4 Bilge and Ballast System, and other Systems

The Surveyor is to be satisfied with the operation of the bilge and ballast systems. Other systems
are to be tested as considered necessary.

9.3.5 Machinery Foundations

The foundations of machinery, particularly those categorized as “Primary Application Structure”
are to be examined.

9.3.6 Pressure Vessels

Heat exchangers and other unfired pressure vessels (except those used solely for drilling
operations and complying with a recognized standard) with design pressures over 0.7 bar (7
kgf/cm2, 100 psi) are to be examined, opened out or thickness gauged and pressure tested as
considered necessary, and associated relief valves proven operable. Evaporators that operate with
a vacuum on the shell need not be opened, but may be accepted on the basis of satisfactory
external examination and operational test or review of operating records.

9.5 Electrical Parts to be Examined

9.5.1 Main Switchboards and Distribution Panels
Fittings and connections on main switchboards and distribution panels are to be examined, and
care is to be taken to see that no circuits are over fused.

9.5.2 Cables
Cables are to be examined as far as practicable without undue disturbance of fixtures.

9.5.3 Generator Run

All generators are to be run under load, either separately or in parallel; switches and circuit
breakers are to be tested.

9.5.4 Equipment and Circuits

All equipment and circuits are to be inspected for possible development of physical changes or
deterioration. The insulation resistance of the circuits is to be measured between conductors and
between conductors and ground and these values compared with those previously measured. Any
large and abrupt decrease in insulation resistance is to be further investigated and either restored to
normal or renewed as indicated by the conditions found.

9.5.5 Electrical Auxiliaries, Generators and Motors

The specified electrical auxiliaries for vital purposes, generators and motors are to be examined
and their prime movers opened for inspection. The insulation resistance of each generator and
motor is to be measured.

9.5.6 Accumulator Batteries

The accumulator batteries are to be examined, including their maintenance schedule and ABS
reviewed procedure of maintenance.

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Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

9.5.7 Bilge Alarm (if fitted)

Bilge alarm system, if fitted, is to be tested and proven satisfactory.

9.7 Hazardous Areas

Surveys of hazardous areas and electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas are to comply with
applicable requirements of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations.

9.9 Preventative Maintenance Techniques

Surveys of machinery that has been accepted for surveys based on preventative maintenance techniques
are to comply with the requirements of Section 7-A1-14 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction
(Part 7).

9.11 Self Propelled Installations – Main Propulsion Apparatus

On self-propelled installations, in addition to the requirements for Annual Survey and the applicable
requirements of 7-2-6/9.3, the main and auxiliary machinery, including pressure vessels, are to be surveyed
in accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction
(Part 7), as applicable to self-propelled vessels.

Where the installation maintains the optional AMS Notation, the windings of generators and motors are to
be thoroughly examined and found or made dry and clean. Particular attention is to be paid to the ends of
the windings of stator and rotors. After the winding have been cleaned and found dry, they are to be
varnished, if necessary, with a standard insulating varnish applied preferably by spraying.

9.11.1 Thrusters (where installed)

Thruster surveys are to comply with the requirements of Section 7-9-6 of the ABS Rules for
Survey After Construction (Part 7).

9.13 Major Repairs

On the occasion of major repairs, the coils repaired or renewed are to be subjected to a dielectric strain test,
as specified under the applicable parts of Part 4, Chapter 3 of the MOU Rules. In addition, the circuits
containing the repairs or renewals and coils which have been disturbed during repairs are to be subjected to
dielectric strain tests for one minute by application of a potential of 125% of the maximum operating
voltage of the circuits to which it is applied. The direct current fields of generators and motors are to be
subjected for one minute to a test potential equal to 50% of the value specified under the applicable parts
of Part 4, Chapter 3 of the MOU Rules and the whole apparatus operated under full-load conditions.

11 Inert Gas Systems (where installed)

Applicable requirements of 7-6-2/3.1.1(o) of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) are to
be complied with.

13 Liquefied Gas Installations (where installed)

In addition to the applicable requirements of 7-2-4/13 and 7-2-5/5 of these Rules, the SPS of Liquefied Gas
Installations is to include the following:

13.1 SPS No. 1 and No. 2

i) An internal examination is to be made of all cargo tanks (primary containers), after being gas
freed, including internal mountings and equipment.
ii) For independent tanks, foundations, chocks, sway braces, keys, anti-flotation arrangements, the
secondary barriers or hull plating or both are to be examined, with special attention being given to
the cargo tanks and insulation in way of the above. See 7-2-6/13.1.vi for insulation removal.
Framing adjacent to the cargo containment system is also to be examined.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

Where the arrangement is such that the insulation cannot be examined, the surrounding structures
in the wing tanks, double bottom tanks and cofferdams are to be examined for cold spots while the
cargo tank is in cold condition, unless sufficient evidence of the integrity of the insulation is
available from the voyage records.
iii) Venting systems, relief valves or other arrangements provided for emergency removal of gas from
the interbarrier spaces and hold spaces are to be opened, inspected, tested and readjusted as
iv) Relief valves, liquid-level indicators and venting systems for the primary cargo containment
system are to be examined. All relief valves are to be opened, inspected, tested and readjusted as
necessary. If the cargo tanks are equipped with relief valves with non-metallic membranes in the
main or pilot valves, such non-metallic membranes are to be replaced. Liquid-level indicators and
alarms are to be proven satisfactory. Where a proper record of continuous overhaul and retesting
of individually identifiable relief valves is maintained, consideration will be given to acceptance
on the basis of opening, internal examination and testing of a representative sampling of valves
including each size of each type of liquefied gas or vapor relief valve in use, provided there is
logbook evidence that the remaining valves have been overhauled and tested since the crediting of
the previous Special Periodical Survey. The testing and setting of relief valves may be carried out
in place or after removal.
v) All piping, machinery and equipment for loading, unloading, venting, compressing, refrigerating,
liquefying, heating or otherwise handling the liquefied gas or vapor and liquid nitrogen, and gas
burning installations is to be examined including removal of insulation and opening for
examination, as deemed necessary. Where deemed suspect, a hydrostatic test to 1.25 times the
Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting (MARVS) for the pipeline is to be carried out. After
reassembly, the complete piping is to be tested for leaks. Where water cannot be tolerated and the
piping cannot be dried prior to putting the system into service, the Surveyor may accept alternative
testing fluids or alternative means of testing. All emergency shut-down valves and remote
operating valves in the cargo piping systems are to be inspected and proven operable. The pressure
relief valves are to be function-tested. A random selection of valves is to be opened for
examination and adjusted.
vi) Insulation is to be removed in way of any distorted or otherwise suspect insulation or structural
part of the cargo tanks or elsewhere to carry out any of the examinations as required by the
vii) Where there is evidence of corrosion, or where one side of the cargo tank is exposed to possible
corrosive atmosphere, the plating of the cargo tanks is to be gauged by nondestructive means to
determine the thickness.
viii) All cargo pump tower structures are to be examined including stiffeners, bracings, fasteners and
locking devices, spray nozzles, wiring with associated conduits and pipe connections. Where
deemed necessary by the Surveyor, dimensional measurements and/or nondestructive testing may
be required. See also 7-2-6/13.1.x.
ix) The secondary barrier is to be checked for its effectiveness by means of a pressure/vacuum test, a
visual inspection or other acceptable method.
x) Nondestructive Testing is to be carried out as follows:

a) Nondestructive testing is to supplement cargo tank inspection with special attention to be

given to the integrity of the main structural members, tank shell and highly stressed areas,
including welded connections as deemed necessary by the Surveyor. The following items
are, inter alia, considered as highly stressed areas:
● Cargo tank supports and anti-rolling/anti pitching devices
● Web frames or stiffening rings
● Y-connections between tank shell and a longitudinal bulkhead of bilobe tanks

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

● Swash bulkhead boundaries

● Dome and sump connections to the tank shell
● Foundations for pumps, towers, ladders, etc.
● Pipe connections
b) For independent tanks type C, in addition to the requirements of a) above, at alternate
Special Periodical Surveys, at least 10% of the length of the welded connections in each
highly stressed area is to be tested. This testing is to be carried out internally and
externally, as applicable. Insulation is to be removed, as necessary, for the required
nondestructive testing.
c) For independent tanks type B, the extent of the nondestructive testing is to be in
accordance with a planned program specially prepared and approved for the cargo tank
xi) Where nondestructive testing, or other evidence such as leakage or distortion, raises doubts as to
the structural integrity of a cargo tank, a hydrostatic or hydropneumatic pressure test is to be
carried out. For integral tanks and independent tanks type A and B, the test pressure is to be at
least MARVS at the top of the tank. For independent tanks type C and pressurized tanks B with
MARVS 2.06 bar (2.1 kgf/cm2, 30 psi) and over, the test pressure is to be 1.25 times MARVS.
xii) Electrical bonding arrangements, including bonding straps where fitted, of the piping systems
located within cargo tanks, ballast tanks, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo
tanks are to be examined.
xiii) Systems for removing water or cargo from interbarrier spaces and holds are to be examined and
tested as deemed necessary.
xiv) For membrane and semi-membrane tanks systems, inspection and testing are to be carried out in
accordance with programs specially prepared in accordance with an approved method for the
actual tank system.
xv) All gas-tight bulkheads are to be examined. The effectiveness of gas-tight shaft sealing is to be
xvi) The hoses and spool pieces used for segregation of piping systems for cargo, inert gas and bilge
are to be examined.

13.3 SPS No. 3 and Subsequent Special Periodical Surveys

In addition to all of the requirements of Special Periodical Survey No. 1 or 2, the following requirements
are to be complied with for Special Periodical Survey No. 3 and all subsequent Special Periodical Surveys.

i) The plating of at least one (1) cargo tank, including membrane tanks and pressure vessels is to be
gauged by nondestructive means to determine the thickness. Where only cargoes of a non-
corrosive nature are carried, modifications to the extent of thickness measurements may be
specially considered.
ii) The plating of metallic secondary barriers which are structural supports for the primary barrier is
to be gauged by nondestructive means to determine the thickness.

15 Dynamic Positioning Systems (if classed)

Dynamic Positioning Systems are to comply with the requirements of Section 7-9-6 of the ABS Rules for
Survey After Construction (Part 7).

17 Automatic and Remote-Control Systems (if classed)

For Shipboard Automatic and Remote-Control System, applicable requirements of Chapter 8 of the ABS
Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) are to be complied with.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 6 Special Periodical Surveys (SPS) 7-2-6

19 Production Facilities (if classed)

Where the floating production installation’s production facilities are classed, applicable requirements of the
ABS Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations are to be complied with.

Maintenance records are to be kept and made available for review by the attending Surveyor. The
maintenance records will be reviewed to establish the scope and content of the required Annual and
Special Periodical Surveys. During the service life of the facilities, maintenance records are to be updated
on a continuing basis. The operator is to inform ABS of any changes to the maintenance procedures and
frequencies, as may be caused, for example, by changes or additions to the original equipment. The
Surveyor may determine during the periodic survey if the changes are sufficient to warrant review by
ABS’ technical staff.

21 Import and Export Systems (if classed)

Since it is impractical to cover all types of import and export systems, the following are provided as
guidance to show the basic intent of the requirements. Operators and designers may submit alternative
survey requirements based either on service experience or manufacturer’s recommendations. Upon review
and if found acceptable, these alternative survey procedures will form the basis for the SPS of the Import
and Export System.

Typically, the SPS is to include all items listed under the Annual Survey and, in addition, the following are
to be performed:

i) Fluid and electrical swivels are to be disassembled, if considered necessary, and examined for
wear and tear. The seals are to be examined. Upon completion of the reconditioning, the fluid
swivels are to be hydrostatically tested. Similarly, the electrical swivels are to be insulation tested
upon reassembly.
ii) During underwater inspection of the SPM system, flexible risers are to be examined, including all
arch support buoyancy tanks. Risers are to be inspected for damage in high stress areas, such as
areas in way of the end flanges, areas in way of the arch support clamps and the bottom of all
looped areas. Spreader bars, if fitted to separate one riser string from another, are to be inspected
for wear and tear. Hydrostatic tests may be required to be conducted on the risers, as deemed
necessary by the attending Surveyor.
iii) For deep sea applications, riser suspension or support systems are to be examined for deterioration
and loss of tension. Support areas in way of the riser are to be closely examined for fretting
corrosion, wear, kinks, creases, etc.
iv) Floating export hoses are to be examined for kinks, surface cracks, chafing damages, etc.
Hydrostatic and vacuum tests may be required to be conducted on the floating hose string, as
deemed necessary by the attending Surveyor.
v) All piping systems are to be opened up for examination. Nondestructive and hydrostatic tests may
be required, where considered necessary by the attending Surveyor.
vi) For disconnectable type mooring systems, the disconnect and connect arrangements for the import
and export systems are to be tested, as considered necessary by the attending Surveyor.
Alternatively, records of disconnect/connect operations between the credit date of the last SPS and
the current due date of same may be reviewed, and if found satisfactory, it may be considered to
have complied with this requirement.
vii) Hoses designed and manufactured based on OCIMF standards are to be tested in accordance with
the OCIMF Guide for the Handling, Storage, Inspection, and Testing of Hoses in the Field.


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 7 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent

1 Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking Survey (UWILD) (2020)

For site-specific floating production installations, UWILD by a diver and a remotely operated vehicle may
be considered equivalent to a Drydocking Survey, provided the UWILD is carried out in accordance with
Section 7-2-6 of the MOU Rules and ABS approved ISIP. This approved procedure is to be made available
onboard. In addition, the procedure is to also consist of the following:

i) Scope of inspection that is not to be less than as noted in 7-2-7/3 of these Rules.
ii) Procedure for divers to identify the exact location at which they are conducting their inspection.
iii) Procedure for cleaning the marine growth for inspection purposes that is to include the extent and
location of the underwater cleaning.
iv) Procedure and extent for measuring the cathodic potential readings in way of the structures.
v) Procedure and extent for taking thickness gaugings of the structures and NDT of critical joints.
vi) Qualifications of all divers conducting the inspection, NDT and thickness gaugings.
vii) The type of underwater video and photography, including means of communication, monitoring
and recording.
viii) For Underwater Inspections in lieu of Drydocking Surveys (UWILD) associated with Special
Periodical Surveys, means are to be provided to permit the opening up of all sea valves and
overboard discharges for internal examination. In addition, all Special Periodical Survey items
related to the underwater portion of the hull or structure, including the gauging requirements are to
be dealt with during the underwater survey.

3 Parts to be Examined

3.1 Ship-type and Barge-type Floating Production Installations

For ship-type and barge-type installations, the following items are to be examined, as applicable:

The keel, stem, stern frame, rudder, propeller, and outside of side and bottom plating are to be cleaned as
necessary and examined, together with bilge keels, thrusters, exposed parts of the stern bearing and seal
assembly, sea chest, rudder pintles and gudgeons, together with their respective securing arrangements. All
sea connections and overboard discharge valves and cocks, including their attachments to the hull or sea
chests, are to be externally examined. All nonmetallic expansion pieces in the sea-water cooling and
circulating systems are to be examined both externally and internally. The stern bearing clearance or
weardown and rudder bearing clearances are to be ascertained and reported on.

3.3 Column Stabilized, Tension Leg Platform and Spar Floating Production Installations
For column-stabilized, tension leg platform and spar installations, the Structural Critical Inspection Points
(SCIPs) identified in the In Service Inspection Program (ISIP) plan are to be examined. In addition, the
following are also to be examined:

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 7 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent 7-2-7

i) External surfaces of the upper hull or platform, footings, pontoons or lower hulls, underwater
areas of columns, bracing and their connections, as applicable, are to be selectively cleaned and
examined. These areas include joints of critical structural members, areas susceptible to damage
from supply installations, anchor chains, dropped equipment, corrosion and erosion from loss of
coating, or sand scouring and areas of progressed and accumulated wear-and-tear.
ii) Nondestructive testing may be required of areas found to be suspect. Joints of different
configurations of major structural members are to be selected, cleaned and magnetic particle
inspected. The selection of these joints is to be such that all joints underwater are to be inspected
every five years.
iii) Sea chests and strainers are to be cleaned and examined.
iv) External portions of propulsion units are to be examined, if applicable.
v) The type, location and extent of corrosion control (coatings, cathodic protection systems, etc.), as
well as effectiveness, and repairs or renewals to same are to be reported in each survey. Particular
attention is to be given to corrosion control systems in ballast tanks, free-flooding areas and other
locations subjected to sea water from both sides.
vi) All tanks and voids that are to be internally examined are to be thoroughly ventilated and gas freed
prior to being entered and are to be carefully monitored for pocketing or emissions of hazardous
gases during examination.
vii) (2016) For vessels that are not on Continuous Hull Surveys using ABS approved ISIP, in
conjunction with Drydocking Surveys (or equivalent), the following ballast spaces are to be
internally examined, and the effectiveness of coatings or corrosion control arrangements are to be
verified either visually by indicator strips or by thickness gauging (as considered necessary),
placed in satisfactory condition, as found necessary, and reported upon:

a) Representative ballast tanks in footings, lower hulls or free-flooding compartments, as

b) At least two ballast tanks in columns or upper hull, if applicable
viii) (2016) Flooded member detection is to be performed above the watertight bulkheads on all
buoyant tendons.

5 Corrosion Protection System – Underwater Body

In addition to the above requirements, the following are to be to be performed during all of the Drydocking
(or equivalent) Surveys:

i) Cathodic potential readings are to be taken from representative positions on the entire underwater
body and evaluated to confirm that the cathodic protection system is operating within design
ii) Sacrificial anodes are to be examined for depletion and placed in satisfactory condition, as
considered necessary.
iii) Impressed current system anodes and cathodes are to be checked for damage, fouling by marine
growth and carbonate deposits. The current and voltage demands of the system are also to be
checked to confirm the system is functioning properly.
iv) Additional examinations are to be performed on the wind and water areas of the structures where
coating breaks are evident. Thickness measurements in these areas may be required if found
necessary by the attending Surveyor.

7 Mooring System
In addition to the above requirements, the following items of the mooring system are to be cleaned and
examined, where applicable:

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 7 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent 7-2-7

i) (2016) The mooring anchor chain or cable tensions are to be measured and the end connections of
these components are to be examined. All mooring system components (chains, ropes, shackles,
etc.) are to be generally examined for their entire lengths. Sufficient representative chain links, on
each mooring leg, are to be cleaned of marine growth so that they can be examined and measured.
These cleaned links are to be examined for all possible degradation mechanisms (i.e., corrosion,
abrasion, fractures).
ii) Anchors, cables and their respective handling means are to be examined.
iii) The buoyancy tanks are to be cleaned and examined, if applicable.
iv) Chain and stopper assemblies are to be cleaned, examined and NDT performed, as considered
necessary by the attending Surveyor.
v) Areas of high stress or low fatigue life are to be preselected, cleaned and NDT performed, if
considered necessary.
vi) Scour in way of anchors or anchor piles is to be examined.
vii) Cathodic potential readings are to be taken from representative positions on the entire underwater
structure of the mooring system to confirm that the cathodic protection system is operating within
design limits.
viii) Highly stressed, high wear and tear areas of the mooring chain are to be closely examined and
nondestructively tested, if found necessary by the attending Surveyor. These include areas in way
of the stoppers and sea bed touchdown areas.

7.1 Fiber Rope (2016)

Particular attention is to be given to the examination of the following for fiber ropes during UWILD:

i) Records of anchor leg re-tensioning caused by non-recoverable elongation are to be reviewed, and
confirmed with the designer that adequate lengths of chain/wire segments are available for further
re-tensioning due to non-recoverable elongation such that the fiber rope does not come into
contact with the fairlead and stays below the water surface.
ii) The pretensions of mooring lines are within the designer’s recommended limits. The measurement
of catenary angles may not necessarily be very accurate for taut leg moorings. Thus other means
are to be used to determine the mooring line tensions.
iii) Conditions of the terminations are to be checked.
iv) Foreign particles in way of rope body and crevices are to be examined and removed if possible.
v) Marine growth, if affecting the condition of the rope, is to be removed if possible, by a method
which will not damage the rope.

Reference may be made to the ABS Guidance Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore
Mooring for details of fiber rope construction, installation, and testing.

7.1.1 Fiber Rope Test Inserts

Placement and retrieval of test inserts are not required by ABS. However, the designer should be
aware of the coastal state requirements on test insert.

9 Import and Export Systems (if classed)

9.1 Import System

For import systems, the following are to be cleaned and examined, where applicable:

i) The entire riser system.

ii) The arch support buoyancy tanks, their structures and the clamping devices.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 7 Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent 7-2-7

iii) The flexible riser, including all end flanges and bolting arrangements and spreader bars, if

Hoses designed and manufactured based on OCIMF standards are to be tested in accordance with the
OCIMF Guide for the Handling, Storage, Inspection, and Testing of Hoses in the Field.

9.3 Export System

For export systems, the following are to be cleaned and examined, where applicable:

i) The entire export flexible system is to be examined for damage due to chafing and fatigue
ii) Hoses designed and manufactured based on OCIMF standards are to be tested in accordance with
the OCIMF Guide for the Handling, Storage, Inspection, and Testing of Hoses in the Field.
iii) All navigation aids are to be examined and functionally tested.


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 8 Tail Shaft and Tube Shaft Surveys

1 Tail Shaft and Tube Shaft Surveys

For Tail Shaft Surveys of self-propelled floating production installations, applicable requirements of
Chapter 5 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) are to be complied with. However, due
to low running hours on tail shafts of installations, the interval between tail shaft surveys may be extended
based on the following being performed to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor:

1.1 Parts to be Examined

Following items are to be carried out:

i) Diver’s external examination of stern bearing and outboard seal area, including weardown check
as far as is possible.
ii) Examination of the shaft area (inboard seals) in propulsion room(s).
iii) Confirmation of lubricating oil records (satisfactory oil loss rate, no evidence of unacceptable
iv) Shaft seal elements are to be examined/replaced in accordance with seal manufacturer’s


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 9 Boiler Surveys

Boiler Surveys are to comply with the requirements of Chapter 7 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7).


CHAPTER 2 Surveys After Construction

SECTION 10 Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations


1 Annual Surveys
The following information is to be reviewed by the attending ABS Surveyor for issues that could affect the
offshore installation Habitability notation (HAB(OS), HAB+(OS), or HAB++(OS)).

i) Maintenance and Operations logs since the previous Initial, Annual or Special Periodical Survey,
if any
ii) Fire, repair and damage reports since the previous Initial, Annual or Special Periodical Survey, if
iii) A list of all structural or mechanical modifications to the offshore installation since the previous
Initial, Annual or Special Periodical Survey, if any
iv) Verification that equipment and facilities continue to be fit for purpose and are operating in
accordance with accommodation area criteria stated within the ABS Guide for Crew Habitability
on Offshore Installations (referred to as “the Guide” hereinafter)

During the attending ABS Surveyor’s review of the submitted information, a determination will be made
as to whether changes or alterations have taken place that could affect the offshore installation Habitability
notation. As a result, the offshore installation may be subject to the review, ambient environmental testing,
and inspection requirements of the Guide.

3 Special Periodical Surveys

3.1 Survey Requirements

The Survey is to be comprised of ABS Engineering reviews, ABS Surveyor accommodation verifications,
and witnessing of ambient environmental testing. The Survey will cover all applicable habitability aspects.

The following is to be submitted to ABS three (3) months prior to carrying out the ambient environmental

i) Fire, repair or damage reports since previous Annual Survey, if any

ii) A list of all structural or mechanical modifications to the offshore installation since previous
Annual Survey that may have the potential to affect crew habitability, if any
iii) Drawings/arrangements of personnel spaces, HVAC, electrical, etc., affected by alterations, if any
iv) Copies of the approved Initial Test Plans and Test Reports
v) Copies of Test Plans and Test Reports resulting from Annual Surveys, if any
vi) Previous Special Periodical Survey Test Plans and Reports
vii) Proposed Special Periodical Survey Test Plans for the current survey.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 10 Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations (2016) 7-2-10

The Special Periodical Survey data submittal serves three purposes. The first is to perform an ABS
Engineering review of personnel spaces against any alterations to the offshore installation related to the
criteria in Appendix A3 of the Guide since the Initial Survey, with measurements verified by an ABS
Surveyor. The second purpose is to provide a history of ambient environmental testing, as well as the
Special Periodical Survey ambient environmental Test Plans for review and approval by ABS Engineer.
The third is to allow scheduling of measurement verifications and ambient environmental testing by ABS

A Special Periodical Survey Test Plan for each ambient environmental aspect of Habitability is to be
submitted in accordance with the criteria stated below. The approved Initial Test Plans should be used as a
basis for creating the Special Periodical Survey Test Plans.

For creation of the Special Periodical Survey Test Plans, Subsection 6, “Test Plan”, and Subsection 7, “Test
Requirements”, of Section 3 through 6 of the Guide specify the requirements for each ambient
environmental aspect (i.e., 3/6, 3/7, 4/6, 4/7, etc.). For specifying measurement locations for the Special
Periodical Survey Test Plans, the following changes to 7.4.1, “Selection of Spaces where Measurements
are to be Conducted”, of each ambient environmental aspect of Habitability is to be followed:

i) Measurements are to be taken in all areas affected by the offshore installation alterations, if any.
Measurements are limited to the ambient environmental aspect affected by the alteration. For
example, structural changes require both whole-body vibration and noise measurements.
Structural changes do not necessarily require indoor climate or lighting measurements. Changes to
luminaires require lighting measurements but not whole-body vibration, noise, or indoor climate
ii) For all ambient environmental aspects, measurements are to be taken in all worst case or problem
area locations based on the requirements set forth in 7.4.1, “Selection of Spaces where
Measurements are to be Conducted”, of the appropriate Section of the Guide. [For example, worst
case for whole-body vibration is described in 3/7.4.1i)].
iii) For whole-body vibration, measurements are to be taken in personnel cabins throughout the
offshore installation. For offshore installations with less than thirty (30) cabins in the
accommodation areas, twenty (20) percent is to be selected for measurement. For offshore
installations with thirty or more cabins onboard, fifteen (15) percent of cabins is to be measured.
Attention must be given to selecting a variety of locations throughout the accommodation areas.
The worst case locations can be considered part of the representative sample for crew cabins, if
iv) For all ambient environmental aspects (except whole-body vibration), measurements are to be
taken in twenty-five (25) percent of personnel cabins identified in the initial Test Plans. Any worst
case locations can be considered part of the representative sample for personnel cabins, if
v) For all ambient environmental aspects, measurements are to be taken where a single instance of
one (1) type of a manned space exists onboard an installation (e.g., control room, radio room,
mess, gymnasium, library, etc.). The worst case locations can be considered part of the single
instance representative sample, if applicable.
vi) Where multiple instances of the same type space exist, a representative sample of at least twenty-
five (25) percent of each type is to be selected for measurement for all ambient environmental
aspects. The worst case locations are to be considered part of the representative sample, if

For all ambient environmental conditions, visual/walk-through inspections are to be conducted in

accordance with 7.4.2 of the appropriate Section of the Guide.

Part 7 Surveys
Chapter 2 Surveys After Construction
Section 10 Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations (2016) 7-2-10

5 Requirements for Offshore Installation Alterations

No alterations which affect or may affect the offshore installation’s Habitability notation awarded
(HAB(OS), HAB+(OS), or HAB++(OS)), including alterations to the structure, machinery, electrical
systems, piping, furnishings or lighting systems, are to be made to the offshore installation unless plans of
the proposed alterations are submitted to and approved by ABS before the work of alteration is
commenced. If ABS determines that the alteration will affect the offshore installation’s Habitability
notation, the altered installation is to be subject to the review, verification, and ambient environmental
testing requirements of the Guide.



SECTION 1 Guidance for the Class Notation, Storage Service (1
September 2007).............................................................................. 653
1 Introduction................................................................................. 653
3 Application.................................................................................. 653
3.1 FPSO, FSO or FOI Notations........................................ 653
3.3 Storage Service Notation...............................................653
5 Survey After Construction...........................................................654
5.1 General.......................................................................... 654
5.3 Drydocking Surveys.......................................................654
5.5 Special Survey of Hull....................................................655
5.7 Intermediate Hull Surveys..............................................655
5.9 Lightering Service.......................................................... 655



SECTION 1 Guidance for the Class Notation, Storage Service

(1 September 2007)

1 Introduction
This guidance clarifies the present ABS policy for treatment of classed oil carriers operating in oil storage
service. Under no circumstances is this policy to be used for any other vessel without the specific approval
of the Chief Surveyor.

3 Application
This guidance applies to vessels, which are to maintain their current Oil Carrier classification or for
vessels that have reached their MARPOL phase out date, in such cases these vessels will only be eligible
for Oil Storage Service notation. The primary class differences between classification as an FPSO,
FSO or FOI and Oil Carrier, Storage Service or Oil Storage Service classification are as follows:

3.1 FPSO, FSO or FOI Notations

Classed floating production installations (i.e., FPSO, FSO or FOI) require analysis and
certification of the mooring system as part of the class requirements for the particular site.

Those that are classed Disconnectable are required to maintain propulsion capability for
steaming out of harm’s way in an established condition in which the installation is able to safely
leave the site before the weather event meets or exceeds the design limits of the fixed mooring

3.3 Storage Service Notation

For Oil Storage Service vessels the mooring arrangements are the responsibility of the Owner,
including compliance with Flag and Coastal State requirements.

In order for a vessel to be classed as:

i) ✠ A1 Oil Carrier, Storage Service; or

ii) A1 Oil Carrier, Storage Service; or
iii) ✠ A1 Oil Storage Service; or
iv) A1 Oil Storage Service, the following is required:

3.3.2(a) Written requirements for the conversion to Oil Storage Service are to be obtained from
the Assistant Chief Surveyor-Offshore.

3.3.2(b) The attending Surveyor is to report upon the completion of the requirements and
recommend Classification as per 7-A1/3.3.2i), ii), iii) or iv) above, as applicable.

Part 7 Surveys
Appendix 1
Section 1 Guidance for the Class Notation, Storage Service (1 September 2007) 7-A1-1

3.3.2(c) The vessel’s propulsion machinery must be retained to AMS classification requirements.

Vessels classed as Oil Carrier, Storage Service or Oil Storage Service will be permitted the
Storage Service Classification only while remaining in storage service.

3.3.3(a) Storage Service, for the purpose of this Class notation, means a vessel that is stationed at
a single location, does not transit between ports or different sites and does not carry cargo between
ports or sites.

3.3.3(b) The vessel serves only in a storage and offloading capacity at a single designated location
that is in sheltered waters or at a location that enables the unit to quickly move away from a severe
weather event.

3.3.3(c) When the vessel leaves the designated “storage service” location, other than to take refuge
from severe weather, the “storage service” provisions provided herein no longer apply.

3.3.3(d) The vessel is not to transport oil to a port or terminal when taking refuge from weather. It
is envisioned that voyages, without cargo, may be necessary for repair works or to a lay-up site
when the storage service is seasonal.

For vessels planned for this service where the location is not sheltered or the vessel is not self-
propelled, the requirements for FPSO, FSO or FOI will apply.

5 Survey After Construction

5.1 General
Vessels in storage service will be surveyed in accordance with the applicable sections of the ABS Rules for
Survey After Construction (Part 7) except as noted below:

5.3 Drydocking Surveys

The vessel is to be properly prepared for the extended positioning. The preparation would
normally include a complete Special Survey appropriate to the age of the vessel, in accordance
with 7-3-2/5.13 of the ABS Rules for Survey after Construction (Part 7).and preparation of the
underwater parts in accordance with Appendix 7-A1-1 of the ABS Rules for Survey after
Construction (Part 7). All requirements for Close-up Survey and thickness measurements are to
be applied. Drydocking Surveys will continue to be required at the regular rule required intervals
(normally twice in a 5 year special survey period). However, Underwater Inspection in Lieu of
Drydocking (UWILD) examination may be carried out to meet the Drydocking requirements.

For vessels less than 15 years of age the drydocking requirements for Special Survey and
Intermediate survey may be accomplished by UWILD for up to 10 years of storage service. For
vessels that are over 15 years of age the Intermediate survey drydocking will be permitted to be
accomplished by UWILD, the Special Survey drydocking will be required to be an out of water

For vessels exceeding 15 years of age, the time allowable where UWILD is applied may be
extended to a maximum of 10 years in special circumstances where agreed to by the Assistant
Chief Surveyor-Offshore.

Part 7 Surveys
Appendix 1
Section 1 Guidance for the Class Notation, Storage Service (1 September 2007) 7-A1-1

Upon completion of the storage service the vessel would be required to proceed to drydock for an
out of water drydocking survey if the vessel has been in Storage Service for two years or more.

5.5 Special Survey of Hull

Vessels in Storage Service will not be given the ESP notation. However, a vessel in Storage Service will
be required to carry out the Special Survey of Hull in accordance with ESP requirements except that the
requirement for an out of water drydocking in association with a Special Survey may be modified to a
UWILD while the vessel is in storage service, at the storage site, provided no conditions were found to
exist that would warrant an out of water drydocking. In these cases, gauging of the underwater sections of
the vessel can be taken afloat by qualified divers or from inside the vessel.

5.7 Intermediate Hull Surveys

Intermediate Hull Surveys, in accordance with the requirements for non-ESP tankers will apply, as long as
the vessel remains in Storage Service.

5.9 Lightering Service

Where transfer of cargo is accomplished by side by side mooring of a shuttle tanker and the Storage
Service vessel, the Storage Service vessel will be considered in “Lightering Service”. The survey
requirements of 7-1-1/19 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) will apply.


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