Design of Forward Converter With Energy Regenerative Snubber
Design of Forward Converter With Energy Regenerative Snubber
Design of Forward Converter With Energy Regenerative Snubber
1. Introduction
The forward converter is a relatively simple and popular topology and retains many
features of the buck converter. The greatest advantage of the forward converter is its
choice of the transformers’ turn-ratio the forward converter can attain wide voltage
step-down useful for off-line applications. In addition, forward converter provides the
load with non-pulsating output current and, therefore, is well suited for high output
function, a fixed output filter resonant frequency and no right half-plain-zeros the
forward converter is quite easy to control. These advantages make the forward
converter the designers’ choice for low to medium isolated off-line power
The transformer, however, brings in two main problems. Firstly, the transformer core
needs to be reset to prevent the magnetizing current build up and transformer damage.
spike and switch over-voltage breakdown. These problems were tackled by many
researchers in the past and still are of interest at present.
In the classical configuration the forward converter uses a tertiary winding for core
reset as shown in Fig. 1 (a). By this method the magnetizing inductance energy is
recycled to the source. The reset winding somewhat complicates the transformer
structure, and a reset diode is also required. However, a major disadvantage of the
reset winding method is that the high voltage spike across the active switch caused by
the transformer leakage inductance discharge can not be put off. Another disadvantage
D1 Lo 1: n D1 Lo
V1 V2 D2 Co Vo RL V1 V2 Vo
V3 D2 Co RL
1 : n2 : n3
Vg DR Vg
Vds Vds
Vgs Vgs
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Forward converter with transformer reset winding (a) and RCD clamp (b).
as shown in Fig. 1 (b). The RCD clamp circuit is quite simple, consisting only of three
components, a resistor, a capacitor and a diode and requires a simpler two winding
transformer. The clamp absorbs the magnetizing inductor energy as well as provides a
discharge path for the leakage inductance. Thus, with RCD clamp the transformer is
totally reset and the power switch experiences significantly less voltage stress than
that with the reset-winding method. For these reasons, RCD clamp forward converter
is widely used in power supply industry. The main disadvantage of RCD clamp is that
the recovered energy is dissipated and the overall converters’ efficiency deteriorates.
Moreover, with the RCD clamp the switch still experiences a hard turn-off.
An elegant solution proposed by [1], [2] was using a non dissipative LCD snubber as
shown in Fig. 2 (a). As the switch turns off the transformer core is reset by
transferring the magnetizing and the leakage energy to the snubber capacitor via Ds1.
At switch turn-on the snubber capacitor, CS, resonates with the snubber inductor, LS,
and then recycles the absorbed energy back to the source via the snubber diodes Ds1
and Ds2. The non-dissipative turn-off snubber protects the switch from excessive
voltage and second-breakdown stress caused by the energy stored in the leakage
RCD clamp is that the non-dissipative snubber recycles the magnetizing energy and,
thus, improves the converters’ efficiency. Moreover the lossless snubber provides the
active switch Zero Voltage (ZV) turn-off which also improves efficiency. Another
advantage of the non-dissipative snubber is that the reset winding and the reset diode,
which are usually used in forward converter, are eliminated. This also means that the
power transformer structure is simpler, requiring only two windings. However, this
was proposed in [3] as shown in Fig. 2 (b). The hidden feature of this circuit is the
auxiliary winding leakage inductance which is exploited to perform the task of the
resonant inductor in Fig. 2 (a). Also, there is no need for a separate core since the
tertiary winding is a part of the main transformer structure. Since the flyback
transformer reset is attained inherently through normal operation, the objective of the
snubber in Fig. 2 (b) is only to recycle the leakage energy back to the source and,
therefore, alleviate the voltage spike across the switch and moderate the .
1: n D1 Lo 1 : n2 : n3 D1
V1 V2 D2 Co Vo RL V1 V2 C Vo
DS 1 DS 1 o RL
Cs Cs
Vg DS 2 Vg DS 2
Vds Vds
Ls V3
Vgs Vgs
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Forward converter with the Non-dissipating snubber (a), Flyback converter
In this paper a regenerative snubber for the forward converter is proposed. The
suggested snubber is an evolution of the reset and snubber circuits of Fig. 1(a), Fig. 2
(a) and Fig. 2 (b) and attains the best of their characteristics. As compare to the
non-dissipative snubber, the proposed energy regenerative snubber has all the
advantages of the former, however, eliminates the need for a discrete inductor. When
zero-current turn-on. This paper presents the principle of operation of the proposed
A forward converter with the proposed energy regenerative snubber is shown in Fig. 3.
The snubber is comprised of the capacitor C1, tertiary transformer winding n3, and a
pair of snubber diodes, DS1 and DS2. The resemblance with the regenerative snubber
of the flyback converter in Fig. 2(b) is obvious. However, the forward converter
operation is very much different from the flyback converter operation. The
requirement of the transformer core and nature of the rectifier and the output filter. In
a flyback converter the input and output circuits conduct consecutively whereas, in
forward converter the primary and secondary conduct simultaneously. While the
capacitive filter in flyback converter clamps the secondary winding to the output
voltage, inductive output filter in the forward converter can sustain primary current
and affect the snubber. Flyback converter operates by charging the transformer core
and then discharging the magnetizing energy to the load, thus, transformer reset is
snubber task in a flyback converter is to absorb the leakage energy whereas, in the
forward converter the snubber should provide both core reset and discharge of leakage
1 : n2 : n3 D1 I D1 I o Lo
I D2
DS1 V1 V2 D Co Vo RL
I Ds1
V3 I ds
DS 2 Vds
I Ds 2
The transformer is central to analyzing the operation of the forward converter with the
proposed regenerative snubber of Fig. 3. The analysis to follow relies on the three
winding transformer model, shown in Fig. 4. Here, the transformers’ magnetizing and
the leakage inductances are all referred to the primary. In the following it is assumed
that all the semiconductor switches are ideal with zero forward voltage drop and no
storage time. It is also assumed that the ac current ripple of the large output filter
inductor, LO, is negligible. Therefore, to study the snubber operation within one cycle
of the switching frequency, the filter and load are substituted by a dc current sink, IO.
These assumptions lead to the equivalent circuit of Fig 5, which shows the forward
converter with the proposed regenerative snubber with the load side reflected to the
primary. Fig. 5 also explicitly reveals how the transformers’ magnetizing and leakage
1 : n3 1 : n2
LL 3
V1 V2
LL1 LL 2 n2 I D1 D1
DS 1 V1 D2
I Ds1 VC1 n2 I D 2
n2 I o
C1 I ds
V3 M
DS 2 Vgs Cds
I Ds 2
Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit of the forward converter with regenerative snubber with the
VC 1
0 t
Vout VD 2
0 t
I D2 I ds I D1
0 t
I Ds1 I Ds 2
0 t
t 0 t1 t2 t3 t 4 t5 t6 t7 t8 Ts
Fig. 6. The waveforms of a forward converter with the proposed energy regenerative
snubber during a complete switching period.
The proposed snubber capacitances and transformer inductances comprise a rather
operational modes as function of the switching frequency, duty cycle and loading
reveals that during one cycle of the switching frequency the snubber goes through
nine topological states. The equivalent circuits of the snubber states are given in Fig. 7.
DS 1 V1 D2 DS 2 LL 3
I Ds1 n2 I o Vg VC 1 LM D2 n2 I o
VC 1 n2 I D 2 n32C1
C1 M
I ds
DS 2 Cds
I Ds 2
LL1 LL 2 n2 I D1 D1
LL 3 LL 2 D1
V1 D2 DS 2
VC1 n2 I o Vg VC1 n32C1 LM D2
I Ds1 n2 I D 2 n2 I o
C1 M I ds
V3 I ds
DS 2 Vds
I Ds 2 Cds
LL1 LL 2 n2 I D1 D1 LL1 LL 2 D1
LL 3
V1 D2 DS 1
DS 1 LM Vg
n2 I o LM n2 I o
VC1 Vg
I Ds1 n2 I D 2
Vg n32
C1 I ds DS 2 M I ds
DS 2 Vds
I Ds 2 Vgs
DS 1 V1 Vg LM
D2 n2 I o
LM n2 I o
I Ds1 VC1 n2 I D 2
M I ds
C1 I ds
DS 2 Cds
I Ds 2 Vgs
(d)State D (t4-t5).
LL1 LL 2 n2 I D1 D1 LL1 LL 2 D1
V1 D2 C1 n2 I o
I Ds1 VC1 n2 I o
n2 I D 2
Vg Vds
C1 C ds
I ds
DS 2 Vds
Vgs Cds
I Ds2
LL1 LL 2 n2 I D1 D1 LL1 LL 2 D1
DS 1 n2 I o
DS 1 n2 I o LM
V1 C1 D2
I Ds1 VC1 D2
n2 I D 2 Vg
Vg Vds
C1 Cds
I ds
DS 2 Vds
Vgs Cds
I Ds 2
LL1 LL 2 n2 I D1 D1 LL1
n2 I o
n2 I o LM
DS 1 V1
I Ds1 VC1 D2
n2 I D 2 Vg
Vg Vds
C1 Cds
I ds
DS 2 Cds
I Ds 2
LL1 LL 2 n2 I D1 D1 LL1
n2 I o
DS 1 V1 D2 LM
VC1 D2
I Ds1 VC1 n2 I D 2 n2 I o
Vg C1
C1 I ds n3
V3 Cds
M DS 2
DS 2 Vds
Vgs Cds I Ds 2
I Ds 2
Fig. 7. Topological states of the forward converter with energy regenerative snubber.
State A (t0-t1) commences as the duty cycle command initiates the power switch
turn-on. The equivalent circuit of State A is shown in Fig. 7 (a). Here, the power
switch is on and applies the input dc voltage to the transformers’ primary. The rectifier
diode D1 is off whereas, D2 is on and carries the output current. The snubber capacitor
C1 is allowed to discharge on the tertiary winding via the snubber diode DS2. Initially,
C1 is positively charged and still holding some of the energy absorbed during the
transformer reset from the preceding cycle. Now, the leakage inductances LL1 and LL3
start resonating and exchange energy with the snubber capacitor C1. The voltage
across C1 rings, and reverses polarity. State A terminates as the voltage across C1
State B (t1-t2) commences as the power rectifiers D1 start conducting. The equivalent
circuit of State B is shown in Fig. 7 (b). Here, the snubber capacitor C1 is reflected to
the primary. The snubber capacitance resonates with all three leakage inductances LL1,
LL2 and LL3. The resonant current commutates the output rectifiers. State B terminates
as the voltage across C1 reaches (-Vg) and the snubber diode DS1 clamps C1 voltage to
the source. At the final instant of state B the leakage inductances LL1 and LL3 still
store some surplus energy, previously stored in the snubber capacitor. Also
worthwhile mentioning that clamping the snubber capacitor to the source ensures
correct pre-charging of C1, and prepares true zero voltage turn-off condition for the
State C (t3-t4) commences as both the snubber diodes DS1 and DS2 conduct and
provide the tertiary winding a conduction path to the input source. Input voltage, Vg,
appears both across the transformers’ primary and tertiary windings. Transformer
model in Fig. 4 is used to reflect the tertiary winding voltage to the primary. The
resulting equivalent circuit of State C is shown in Fig. 7 (c). The tertiary transformer
turn ratio is smaller than unity, n3 < 1 , hence, the reflected voltage is greater than the
input voltage > Vg . Consequently, in Fig. 7 (c) the leakage inductances LL1 and
LL3 are discharging. In other words, the snubber is recycling the energy stored in the
leakage inductances back to the source via the tertiary winding. This is the
regenerative action of the snubber. During the state C the secondary winding voltage
raises according to the secondary to tertiary turns ratio. For this reason a voltage pulse
appears across the free-wheeling diode D2 with a magnitude of approximately Vg .
State C terminates as the leakage inductances are discharged and snubber diodes are
cut off under zero current condition. The primary leakage inductance, LL1, keeps
carrying both the magnetizing and the reflected load current components.
State D (t4-t5) commences as both the snubber diodes DS1 and DS2 are cut off. The
equivalent circuit of State D is shown in Fig. 7 (d). Here, the power transformer
supplies the load side, the transformer magnetizing inductance is charged and the
magnetizing current ramps. State D continues for a while until the power transistor is
State E (t5-t6) commences as the power transistor is cut off. The equivalent circuit of
State E is shown in Fig. 7 (e). Here, the transformers’ magnetizing current forces the
snubber diode DS1 on. Since the snubber capacitor C1 is pre-charged to (–Vg) from
state C, the power switch turns off under zero voltage condition. The voltage across
C1 is discharged by both the magnetizing and the reflected load currents. This means
that some of the energy stored in C1 is released to the load side. Negative voltage
across C1 keeps the rectifier diode D1 on and, as a result, the reflected load current
keeps flowing in the primary winding, see Fig. 6. As the voltage across C1 decreases
the voltage across the switch capacitance, Cds, increases. Both the snubber capacitor
C1, and the switch parasitic capacitance, Cds, appear in parallel and form an
C S = C1 + C ds (1)
State E terminates as the snubber capacitor C1 voltage polarity reverses allowing the
The duration of State E interval depends on the operating conditions. Under heavy
load the reflected output current quickly discharges the snubber capacitance. At light
loading, however, the duration of state E is the longest, approaching a quarter of the
resonant period determined by the total capacitance seen by the primary winding and
State F (t6-t7) commences as the power rectifier D2 is turned on. The equivalent circuit
of the State F is shown in Fig. 7 (f). Here, the snubber capacitor, C1, and the switch
capacitance, Cds, resonate with the leakage inductances, LL1 and LL2. The resonance is
driven by the transformer magnetizing current. The large magnetizing inductance only
marginally affects the resonant frequency. The resonant current starts the power
terminated as D1 is turned off at zero current and D2 conducts the full load current.
The duration of state F depends on the load current and is much shorter than quarter
State G (t7-t8) commences as D1 is cut off. The equivalent circuit of State G is shown
together with Cds and the leakage inductances LL1 and the magnetizing inductance Lm.
State G terminates as the magnetizing current drops to zero and DS1 turns off. As the
The equivalent snubber capacitance, CS, resonates with the transformer winding
inductance for a quarter of the resonant period. Therefore, the approximated duration
of state G is:
∆t 7 ≈ (L m + LL1 LL 2 )C S (4)
State H (t8-t9) commences as DS1 is cut off. The equivalent circuit of State H is shown
in Fig. 7 (h). Here, the switch parasitic capacitor, Cds , resonates with the leakage
inductances LL2 and the magnetizing inductance Lm. Initially, Cds is charged above the
source voltage, Vg, and, thus, the magnetizing inductance current reverses. Therefore,
some of the energy stored in Cds is recycled to the source. State H ends as the switch
capacitance voltage drops and allows the snubber diode DS1 start conducting.
State I (t9-t10) commences as DS1 turns on. The equivalent circuit of State I is shown in
Fig. 7 (i). Here, DS1 conducts and allows discharge of the snubber capacitance, C1 via
both the primary and tertiary windings. Note, that since the windings appear in series,
the equivalent inductance seen by C1 is approximately (1+ n3 ) Lm .The negative
magnetizing current recycles some of the snubber energy back to the source. State I
snubber states is a rather tedious task. Moreover, in view of the restricted component
values and limited tolerances, the exact solution is of little value to a practicing
engineer. A circuit designer would rather have at his disposal a straightforward design
procedure that can provide fast approximate results. Hence, approximate snubber
the transformer winding. Hence, the circuit designer should resolve the tradeoff
between the applied voltage and the reset time requirements. The described forward
converter with the proposed energy regenerating snubber completes the transformer
reset and the turn-off transient in within the time interval of:
Substituting the expressions (2), (3), (4), and, (5) into (6) gives:
∆toff ≤ (Lm + LL1 )C S + π (LL1 + LL 2 )CS + π (Lm + LL1 LL 2 )CS + π (Lm + LL 2 )Cds
2 2 2 2
It is assumed that the snubber capacitance required is greater then the switch parasitic
capacitance, C1 > C ds . Thus, the contribution of the last term in (7) is insignificant.
The second term in (7) is determined by leakage inductances and can be neglected too.
These considerations lead to a simple estimation of the maximum reset time as:
When the converter is operated at maximum allowable duty cycle Stage I could be
arbitrary shorten, so that the next cycle can start right after the state H terminates. In
this case the controller should allow a sufficient reset time by making the switch
Here, as usual, Ts is the switching period and fs is the switching frequency, Doff is the
The worst case voltage stress scenario arises when the converter is operated at
maximum duty cycle and under light load conditions. The energy acquired by the
The leakage and magnetizing energy stored in the transformer primary is proportional
As the snubber capacitor absorbs the magnetic energy the voltage across the capacitor
increases to:
2(EC1 + Em ) 1 Vg Don
VCs max ≈ = Vg2 + (13)
CS L p CS fs
Clearly, the highest voltage appears at the highest duty cycle, Don = Don max . The
normalized snubber voltage can be derived using (10) and (13) as function of the max
V πD
VCs max norm = Cs max = 1 + on max
Vg 1 − Don max
Recall that the expression (13) above was derived under no load condition. Under full
load the initial snubber capacitor energy, EC1, is quickly discharged. Hence, the term
Vg2 disappears from equation (13) and does not contribute to the voltage build up.
Accordingly, the unity term disappears from (14). As a result, under full load
conditions, the snubber voltage is lower and, for arbitrary duty cycle, Don, is given by:
VCsnorm = (15)
1 − Don max
V pknorm
V pknorm = = 1 + VCsnorm (16)
The maximum normalized peak switch voltage as function of Don max is plotted in
Fig.8. The differences between the max and min voltage stress are noticeable at low
duty cycle range, however, diminish as the max duty cycle increases. A practical limit
voltage is moderate and equals 3.32. Clearly, for max duty cycle beyond 0.5, the
voltage stress becomes quite significant. Extending the max duty cycle up to
Donmax=0.6 increases the normalized peak switch voltage to 5.82. This means that for
off line applications, a switch with quite high voltage blocking capability is required.
V pkMnorm
Don max
Fig. 8. Max normalized switch peak voltage as a function of max duty cycle Don max
component. Thus, neglecting the magnetizing current component, the fastest rate of
dVds n2 I
≈ 2 O max (17)
dt max CS
current pulse in the switch current during the switch turn-on transient. The current
pulse develops during the State B as the leakage inductances LL1 and LL3 resonate
with the snubber capacitor C1. In sake of clarity, the equivalent circuit of Fig. 7 (b) is
simplified and redrawn referred to the tertiary as shown in Fig. 9. Only the resonant
contour is presented. Note, that the actual switch current is a sum of the primary
resonant pulse and the tertiary resonant pulse superimposed on the reflected load
current component. Hence, the switch current pulse has a peak value of:
I pk = n2 I O + (1 + n3 )(n3Vg + VCs max ) (18)
n (LL1 + LL 3 )
Since the snubber capacitance voltage, VCsmax, depends on the load and on duty cycle,
n3Vg C1 VC1
Note that, due to the fact that transformer is reset each switching cycle, switch turn-on
occurs with zero primary current. The resonant pulse follows the switch turn-on and,
The resonant pulse current requires the on-time to last longer than half the resonant
A simple, however, overestimated value of the resonant pulse rms switch current is:
Don min
I Pr ms = I pk (20)
conduction losses. A larger leakage inductance, LL1, and larger tertiary turn ratio, n3,
The initial voltage of the snubber capacitor C1 at the onset of state B is determined by
the stored energy from the preceding cycle, which is given by equation (13) whereas,
the resonant current component of the leakage inductors LL1 and LL3 is zero. With
these initial conditions the capacitor voltage in Fig. 9 tends to reach the peak value of:
VC1 = −(2n3Vg + VCs ) = −Vg 2 n3 + (21)
1 − Don max
In a normal mode of operation, by the end of state B, the snubber capacitor voltage,
should overshoot the input source voltage and turn the clamp diode, DS1, on. However,
under heavy load and low duty cycle conditions the snubber energy may become
insufficient. With the snubber low on energy, the snubber capacitor voltage
undershoots the source voltage. As a result, clamp state C will not take place and the
snubber changes operation mode. The disadvantage of this mode change is that the
power switch turns off at some remnant voltage, ∆Vds , which is given by:
∆Vds = Vg + VC1 = V g − Vg 2 n3 + > 0 (22)
1 − Don max
Hence, the zero voltage turn–off conditions are lost. A properly designed snubber
should avoid mode change and provide zero voltage switching conditions, ∆Vds = 0 ,
or at least minimize the turn off voltage and keep the turn-off losses low.
considered next.
PO = n2 DVg I O (23)
I Srms ≈ n2 I O D (24)
Thus, using (23), (24) and (15) the switch utilization function, defined as in reference
PO D (1 − D )
U (D ) = = (25)
V pk I Srms (1 + (π − 1)D )
The plot of the switch utilization function (25) is given in Fig. 10. The function
reaches maximum value of 0.251 for optimum duty cycle Dopt = 0.181 .
U (D )
0. 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1
5. Experimental Results
An experimental forward converter with energy regenerating snubber was built and
tested. The converter specs were as follows. Input voltage: Vg = 28Vdc ; output
f s = 200KHz . Wide duty cycle range, Dmax=0.7 , was chosen for experimental
purposes. Minimum duty cycle of Dmax=0.1 was assumed. The transformers’ primary
ratio was found using: n2 = n3 = 0.4 . The snubber capacitance calculated using (10),
yielding: C1 ≈ 3nF .
Experimental waveforms are shown in Figs. 11, 12 and 13. The waveforms of Fig. 11
states could be clearly recognized. Fig. 12 reveals the zero current condition at the
turn on and zero voltage turn-off of the active switch. Fig. 13 shows the snubber
capacitance voltage and tertiary winding current. Note that the current portion to the
left of the capacitor voltage peak is fed back to the source. No effort was made to
optimize the rectifiers and only simple diode rectifiers were used. Consequently, due
to low output voltage, the rectifiers’ voltage drop somewhat lowered the converters’
efficiency. The efficiency plot is given in Fig. 14. The converter was also operated
under no load condition and the peak switch voltage measured. The measured
normalized peak switch voltage as function of the duty cycle is plotted in Fig. 15.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms of the Forward converter with the proposed energy
regenerating snubber, Horizontal scale: 1µSec (a); expanded view near the switch
turn-on, Horizontal scale: 200nSec. (b). Vertical: Ch1- switch voltage Vds (20V/div);
Ch2- Freewheeling diode voltage Vd2 (10V/div); Ch3- Snubber capacitor voltage Vc1
Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms: Switch Zero current turn on (a); Switch Zero
voltage turn off (b). Ch1- Switch voltage Vds (20V/div); Ch4- Primary winding
Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms: snubber capacitor voltage Ch3-Vc1 (20 V/div);
0 I out [ Amp ]
0.45 0.685 0.87 1.2 1.38 1.95 2.85 4.8
Output Current
6. Conclusions
The non-dissipating snubber reported by [1], [2] uses a discrete inductor to perform
the reversal of the snubber capacitor voltage and feed the energy back to the source.
Recycling of the energy takes place during the clamp state. However, when the
converter operates with low duty cycle, the magnetizing energy the capacitor absorbs
may be insufficient to raise the capacitor voltage to the value of the source voltage.
Consequently, the clamp state will not occur and the non-dissipating snubber changes
the operating mode. The undercharged snubber capacitor can not provide true ZVS
condition for the power switch and the power stage efficiency deteriorates [10]. The
improve the performance. Contrary to that, the proposed regenerative snubber uses a
inductances. The tertiary winding turn-ratio introduces another degree of freedom and
can be adjusted to ensure a complete pre-charge of the snubber capacitor to the full
value of the source voltage. As a result, mode changes can be avoided and perfect
ZVS conditions for the power switch can be provided for a wide range of operation
conditions. This is the one most important advantage of the proposed snubber circuit
over the previously reported counterpart. The disadvantages of the proposed snubber
are the more elaborated transformer structure, and secondly, the voltage spike which
Analysis. Design Procedure, and Experimental Veri f icat ion, " PCI '85 Proc.,
pp.54-68, (1985-10).
[3] K. M. Smith, Chuanwen Ji, and K. M. Smedley, “Energy regenerative clamp for
[4] Chuanwen Ji, K. Mark Smith, Jr., and Keyue M. Smedley “Cross Regulation in
[5] Alenka Hren, Joze Korelic, and Miro Milanovic “RC-RCD Clamp Circuit for
[9] _____, “Snubber Circuits Suppress Voltage Transient Spikes in Multiple Output
DC-DC Flyback Converter Power Supplies”, Application note 848, Nov12, 2001, .