Simulation Analysis of Switching of Shunt Capacitor Bank in 220/22 KV Substation
Simulation Analysis of Switching of Shunt Capacitor Bank in 220/22 KV Substation
Simulation Analysis of Switching of Shunt Capacitor Bank in 220/22 KV Substation
Abstract—This paper presents the switching analysis of the capacitor switching transients were studied to investigate
capacitor bank in consecutive and isolated configuration. Then and the behavior of inrush current and swaying overvoltage for
present methods for switching transient mitigation are discussed. isolated capacitor banks is observed [2]. The transient that
Then the simulation and investigation of switching of shunt occur during capacitor back empowerment are exhibited
capacitor bank in 230kv/22kv substation system is done. The utilizing both simulation and exploratory measurements. The
simulation is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK to inrush current parameters associated with back to back
determine the peak of the transient inrush current, the oscillation switching of capacitor bank (50kvar) investigate
overvoltage and total harmonic distortion (THD). The inrush experimentally with setup modelled in EMTDC/PSCAD [3].
current is generated energizing by the 12*555Kvar shunt
The transient analysis and factors that influence their intensities
capacitor bank. The design is to watch and explore the conduct of
are investigated [4-5]. The alleviation of capacitor switching
the transient inrush streams and wavering voltage to guarantee
the sheltered and effective task of the shunt capacitor banks. The transient accomplished utilizing distinctive strategies, for
strategy for controlling the framework transient by capacitor example, applying pre-addition resistors and series reactors has
empowerment is using a shunt capacitor an account with been connected and simulated utilizing framework with shunt
synchronous shutting procedure is best among others. The result capacitor bank in LV conveyance [6-8]. According to
of this method is compared with the base case (random literature, pre-insertion resistors or pre-insertion inductors have
switching) and current limiting reactor. been used in electric utility industry for many years to control
switching transient that result from energization. Methods for
Keywords—Synchronous closing, shunt bank, inrush current, analysis and control of switching transient from the capacitor
switching transient banks are discussed [9-10]. This includes theory for controlling
switching transient.
The capacitor bank is important electrical static device used II. SWITCHING ANALYSIS
in the power used mostly on the transmission and In a 220/22kV substation, the shunt capacitive bank is
distribution side to supply reactive power demand. Capacitor connected to bus parallel to the line. Capacitor bank are rated
bank has many advantages such as it improve voltage profile, for higher voltage rating with number of banks are connected
builds the power factor of a framework, increases the total in series-parallel connection. They are connected in wye
power flow through line, reduces the power loss in the connection but for distribution purpose both delta-wye
framework and also reduces the Kvar charges on the Kvar connection is also used. At the instant switching in, the
demand. These beneficial to both transmission and distribution capacitor is a dead short circuit connected across mains. When
system. As load on the system changes the Kvar demand
a capacitor is switched in there is an inrush current at high
changes and to take care of the responsive power demand
frequencies. However, the high magnitude and high
capacitor banks are a change in and out. This switching is done
frequently and multiple times as per requirement. As capacitor frequencies create oscillatory and uncontrolled surges. This is
banks are exchanged the transient are generated in the system. basically because we are introducing a new parameter C in a
This transient create power quality problem for the very circuit which consisted previously of L and R only. Speaking
sensitive costumer. Capacitor bank switching cause to generally switching in of a capacitor creates a problem with
phenomenon of inrush current at switching. This Inrush current excessive inrush current at high frequencies scenes this current
can cause the mal-task of relay and insulation defect of power flow into a capacitor and because of a high frequency is
equipment, especially power circuit breaker and capacitor unit. associated with these they create a comparatively low voltage
Regarding this the work done in various fields that are associated with problems of the capacitor.
reviewed in this paper [1-10], many studies are focus on the
capacitor switching and its application. Use of multi-objective A. Isolated capacitor bank
framework to apportion capacitor banks considering power loss Figure 1(a) shows a system of the arrangement of the
and total harmonic distortion (THD) are objective function is segregated exchanging capacitor bank connected to bus, and
review in paper [1]. The results shows the reduction in reduce Figure 1(b) shows its equivalent circuit.
power loss and total harmonic distortion (THD). In this paper The various parameter in circuit is follows:
L1= the inductance in between the capacitor bank and Lbus, L1, L2 and any additional reactance inserted are the
circuit Breaker, inductance of system which limit the transient oscillations. In
Ls= the source inductance of the system this way, the constraining inductance (the inductance between
C1= Capacitance of the capacitor bank. bank 1 and bank 2) is essential for diminishing the transient
L1=the inductance includes inductances of the series inrush streams and recurrence. Consecutive exchanging
reactor, Capacitor bank and line power cable includes invigorating a capacitor on a similar bus when
another stimulated bank is available to same bus.
The accompanying conditions are utilized for the estimation of
the peak inrush current and wavering frequency.
Fig.1 isolated capacitor switching operation (a) system diagram. (b) (6)
equivalent circuit
Where,I1,I2=the capacitor bank currents (A, rms)
This inductance confines the inrush present and swaying Leq=is the equivalent inductance (μH)
recurrence. Considering a released capacitor bank, the current Ur=the rated voltage (kV, rms).
is given by the accompanying condition. These conditions can likewise be utilized for processing inrush
current when two capacitor banks are changed consecutively
on the same bus by precisely figuring the proportional
(1) inductance.
C. Phase angle influence on the peak of surge current
i) Ф = 0 That is, power factor almost unity. Then Ie = -I1.
At the point when there is no load, the step down
(4) transformer on the opposite side or the open lines have Ф of
Where 90, giving the high conceivable estimation of there might
Isc=the rated symmetrical (rms) short-circuit current of the be streak over while testing capacitor under no load condition.
source (A, rms). ii) Ф = 90 that is load is almost inductive with practically no
Ii peak =the peak value (A) calculated without damping. power component. Ie = -I1 (Z2/ Z1)
As the load increases, the power factor towards unity.
B. Back to back capacitor bank It also absorbs the more and more of the surge energy being in
parallel across the capacitor. The surge is rapidly damped
The magnitude and frequency of inrush current must be in
the permissible limit. Otherwise it creates problem in operation
of relay, CT, Fuses and other system components.
At the present time, there are some methods used for mitigation
Fig.2 consecutive capacitor switching task. (a) system diagram (b)
equivalent circuit of switching transient. A portion of these strategies used to
reduce switching transient are discussed below in detail.
Figure 2(a) shows system of consecutive capacitor switching
task connected to bus, and Figure 2(b) shows an equivalent A. Pre-insert resistors(PIR)
circuit of it. Pre-insertion is old method used for reducing the switching
The various parameter in circuit is follows: transient. This pre-insertion resistors are associated in parallel
L1=the inductance between the capacitor bank and circuit to circuit breaker. This pre-resistors are designed in such a
breaker (the series reactor, capacitor bank and line power way that it makes the circuit over damped which reduces the
cable). oscillation in the circuit. While switching the first contact of
Ls= the source inductance of the system. resistors are closed then circuit breaker contact closed. This
Lbus=the inductance of the bus between switching devices makes capacitor gets charged to line potential before circuit
C1= the capacitance of the capacitor bank. breaker main contact gets closed. The operating time of
switching about 5ms in 50Hz. In power systems, the resistance
The equation can be changed over into the accompanying
convenient form:
B. Current limiting reactors(CLR) The operation of the three switches should be closed with a
time separation of 1/6 cycle. (3.33ms at 50Hz).the mechanical
In this method the reactor is used. This reactor is put in delay in closing is adjusted (staggered) to ensure that the
arrangement with the capacitor bank. Because of the reactor the contact closing for all poles occurs at the intended times.
peak current through bank and recurrence of swaying of inrush
transient are get reduces. The peak current bank reduces To obtain inrush current and transient oscillation voltage
because of the reactor magnitude of surge impedance is get signals for analysis Matlab/Simulink was used. The 220/22kv
increased. Current-limiting reactors are regularly used to substation of Mahatransco electricity transmission system
decrease the transient related with consecutive exchanging of (established in 1997) used for analysis purpose. The various
capacitors. Current limiting reactor does not limit overvoltage. parameter such as rating of devices, system load at various
point on time, single line chart of system are collected by
C. 6% reactor visiting the substation. The substation having two incoming
supply lines of 220kv and only one of them is used for
In this method reactor is connected in series with the
supplying load on the substation. The other line is used as a
capacitor bank with 6% of reactor. The equivalent circuit of a backup if there should be an occurrence of disappointment of
detuning 6% reactor is the same as the energized capacitor the first. On the LV side 22kv supply is given to both industrial
bank circuit with current limiting this reactor is tune and domestic load. The total 24 feeders are of 22kv.
to series resonance frequency of the circuit. This resonance
frequency is not as much as recurrence of harmonic current A step down transformer (two) of BHEL 50MVA,
and voltage of the framework. The reactor value is taken 6% 220/22kv, and % impedance 1(taping):13.66, 9:15.17,
of the reactance of capacitive reactance of capacitor bank. 17:17.11, Vector group Yngnd. And other (one) of T.E.L.K.
50MVA, 220/22Kv, and % impedance 1:12, 9:14.84, Vector
IV. SYSTEM SIMULATION MODELING WITH group Yngnd used. The circuit breaker used on HV side is of
Crompton Greaves individual pole SF6, of 245Kv, with
SYNCHRONOUS CLOSING CONTROL rupturing current (braking capacity) 40kA, rated S.C and
In this method when zero voltage is seen over the switch braking duration of 3sec used. The other one used is of BHEL
the switching device is closed. The controlling of switching with individual pole SF6, 245Kv, rated S.C and braking
device is needed in this method. Each contact is closed duration of 3sec used. On 22kv side Crompton Groves ,vacuum
independently at close to zero voltage at stage. type,36kV, breaking current 25kA,normal current 1600Amp
with S.C duration 25kA for 3sec used. The capacitor bank used
of Power Capacitor, with 12 Nos., 555Kvar used. The lightning
arrestor used of CPL, 50 MVA, pressure relief current 40kA,
discharge of core at 88KVA.
The simulation analyses the peak inrush current, the highest
magnitude of transient overvoltage as well as %THD in line
voltage for the 3 different cases.
a) using random switching (uncontrolled transient
b) using pre-insertion inductors,
Each with a reactance value of approximately 20mH.
The fig.3 Synchronous Closing points in 3phase system for single pole
operation of grounded –wye and ungrounded –wye capacitor banks c) utilizing synchronous closing control
Fig.10 inrush current when bank energized, Ic peak= 17.418A, and line
Ipeak= 55A.
Fig.7 inrush current when bank energized, Ic peak= 27.50, and line
Ipeak= 53A.
The paper present methods currently used to prevent inrush
current arising due to switching of the capacitor bank. the paper
present use synchronous closing on the 22kv bus of the
substation with its effect of inrush current, peak overvoltage
and %THD in the system. The Matlab/Simulink is used for
simulation analysis. Three methods are investigated in the
Random switching case, current limiting reactor and
synchronous closing control. For this methods different
parameters are studied. From the simulation results random
switching produces higher inrush current in the line as
compared to the current limiting reactor and synchronous
closing. Synchronous closing control gives a better result as
compared to the current limiting reactor.
[1] M.S.Javadi,A.E.Nedzad,Pierlugi Siano and M.S.khan, “Shunt capacitor
placement in radial distribution networks considering switching transient
decision-making approach,” Elsevier, Electrical Power and Energy
Systems 92(2017)167-180.