A Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS For ELV Dismantli PDF
A Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS For ELV Dismantli PDF
A Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS For ELV Dismantli PDF
Slavko Arsovski1) Abstract: In this paper, a new method for ELV dismantling
selection is proposed which has purpose to determine the
Miladin Stefanović1) sequence of dismantling of ELV which arrive to
dismantling center. Its solution is of the most importance
Aleksandar Aleksić1) for ELV waste management problem, as it influences the
choice and efficiency of ELV waste management strategies
1) Faculty of Mechanical in dismantling centers. It is realistically posed that the
Engineering, University of choice of locations depends on multiple, rather conflicting
Kragujevac, Serbia criteria. The criteria values can be either crisp or
uncertain. The main contribution of this paper is the
development of methodology for determining the
dismantling order of coming ELV and/ or ELV which are
already in the dismantling centers. The uncertain criteria
values are described by linguistic expressions modeled by
triangular fuzzy numbers. The extension of the fuzzy
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal
Solution (TOPSIS) is applied to rank the ELV which are in
the dismantling center.
Keywords: End-of-Life Vehicles selection, dismantling
centers, uncertainties, multi-criteria approaches, fuzzy sets
membership functions
( )
f min = min f ak ,
a =1,...,A
f = max f ak
a =1,...,A
The experience of developed countries
Step 4. Determining of positive-ideal all over the world points out the neccessity
of developing recycling industry and
solution, v k+ , and negative-ideal solution,
integrating it with other industries with the
aim of maintaining the market
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