Ielts Wordlist 04: Abstruse Compunction
Ielts Wordlist 04: Abstruse Compunction
Ielts Wordlist 04: Abstruse Compunction
21. Mundane
( ordinary, humdrum, monotonous, tedious, dreary, banal 31. Indigenous
/related to matters to this world) ( native, original, aboriginal, homegrown, local, ethnic )
I don't mind doing a job which is low paying, I just don't want Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?
it to be mundane. 32. Indolent
22. Sagacious ( lethargic and not showing any interest or making any
( having or based on a profound knowledge and effort ; sluggish, slothful, apathetic, laid-back, torpid, lax,
understanding of the world combined with intelligence languid )
and good judgment ; keen ; shrewd ; having insight ; It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights
sage ; erudite ; astute ) become a prey to the active.
He is much too sagacious to be fooled by a trick like that. 33. Unwitting
23. Utilitarian (unknowing, unintentionally)
( believing value lies in usefulness / practical, functional, Some portray the family as unwitting dupes of conspiracy
effective ) theorists.
His office is very utilitarian in style, with no decoration. 34. Tenable
24. Ubiquitous ( reasonable, acceptable, defensible, plausible, rational,
( present everywhere at once; omnipresent ; pervasive ; sound, justifiable )
permeating ) His theory is no longer tenable in light of the recent
That Christmas "The Little Drummer Boy" seemed discoveries.
ubiquitous: Justin heard the tune everywhere he went. 35. Nascent