MCQ's (Synonyms) - Modern Prose & Heroes: Inter Part Ii English Guess Paper

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Here we have shared the 12th class English Guess Paper 2019 - 2nd Year.

MCQ’s (Synonyms) - Modern Prose & Heroes

Choose the best answer.
1. Each star makes its voyage in complete loneliness. (visit, appearance, journey,
2. We find the universe frightening because of its immense distances. (small, huge,
no, minor)
3. The space beyond the Milky Way is immensely cold. (shinning star, collection of
planets, the sun)
4. We are more critical than our forefathers. (credulous, logical, illogical,
5. Thrifty housewives preserved their home grown vegetables and fruits. (frugal,
spendthrift, careless)
6. Superstitious people believe in the signs of good or bad luck. (broad-minded,
modern, intelligent)
7. He asserted that God put those tonsils in his son’s throat for some good
purpose. (claimed,
retorted, answered, narrated)
8. No body ought to be compelled to earn his entire was through college. (expelled,
forced, taught)
9. It is always to the detriment of their health. (damage, advantage, need,
10. The voice it heralded sounded in my ears like a summons to damnation. (paradise,
pressure, fair)
11. Sometimes there were unexpected respites. (joys, breaks, gifts, dreams)
12. I could hardly believe that three strenuous school terms had rolled
away. (pleasant, tiring,
critical, long)
13. Many people are reluctant to throw anything that looks like a book. (ready,
willing, hesitant)
14. It is sometimes difficult to find a scaffold for books. (classes, gallows, proper
place, hidden
15. I walked on with an air of rumination. (remuneration, meditation, diffidently,
16. I began to indolently study diseases. (gladly, quickly, lazily, indifferently.
17. Gout was in its most malignant stage. (mild, initial, virulent, obvious)
18. I crawled out as a decrepit wreck. (strong, brave, weak, coward)
19. When I go into a bank I get rattled. (confused, sad, happy, angry)
20. My voice was sepulchral. (soft, loud, gloomy, low)
21. The people in the bank had the impression that I was an invalid
millionaire. (illiterate,
disabled, poor, very rich)
22. Occidental countries launched a warm hug to China. (western, eastern,
23. There is a lack of femininity in the Chinese women. (beauty, shame, fashion,
24. Mao says that it is the people, and not things, that are decisive. (important,
trifle, problem)
25. A tremendous population explosion is taking place. (rapid growth, decrease,
26. Nine and a half million perished in a single famine. (drowned, deprived, tried,
27. Food could not be distributed to the isolated areas. (at hand, remote,
prosperous, well -
28. Abd-al-Rahman was a youth of exceptional nerve and ability. (good, strong, little,
29. In North Africa, he bravely escaped assassination. (punishment, murder, prison,
30. Abd-al-Rahman imported exotic plants to his garden. (native, beautiful, best,
31.The head master showed discernment in judging my general ability. (wisdom,
rejection, mystery)
32. After much reflection I put a bracket round ¡t. (shadow, echo, thinking, wait)
33. I continued in this unpretentious situation for nearly a year. (troublesome, tiring,
34. Naturally I am biased in favour of boys learning English. (bad, cruel, partial,
35. Large parts were almost uninhabited. (unpleasant, underdeveloped,
36. The driver was reluctant to take Christopher. (willing, hesitant, eager, drunk)
37. They went to a well to replenish their water-bags. (empty, wash, refill, draw)
38. The land of thirst and death was an area notorious for sandstorms. (famous,
defamed, well known)
39. Lister’s aim was the prevention of disease. (growth, stopping, pruning,
40. Injecting carbolic acid was abandoned soon. (given up, adopted, practiced,
41. He discovered the body’s natural armour, the leukocytes.(attack, prevention,
42. Lysozyme was the forerunner of penicillin. (herald, killer, father, companion)
43. Pasteur’s father had been one of Napoleon’s conscripts. (friends, servants,
44. Until 1849, the industry of silkworm had flourished consistently. (declined, died,
prospered, decreased)
45. Providentially, Pasteur’s mind was not injured. (clearly, consequently,
46. Pasteur arrived at the method of attenuating germs. (cultivating, growing,
47. At first the British High Commissioner demurred. (admired, objected, stopped,
48. Turks vowed that death was preferable to rule by Greeks. (declared, said,
49. Mustafa Kamal abolished the old Turkish script. (promoted, changed,
supported, put to
and end)
50. Mustafa Kamal was the saviour of Turkey. (leader, ruler, deliverer, destroyer)

MCQ’s (Synonyms) - Good Bye Mr. Chips

1. Brookfield was established in the reign of Elizabeth. (conquest, name, period,
2. Wetherby restored its fortunes status somewhat. (brought, revived, established,
3. The snobbish people said that they thought they had heard of Broofield. (rich, poor,
humble, educated)
4. He remembered the day of his preliminary interview. (introductory, first,
successful, long)
5. Chips had a vivid recollection of Wetherby. (picture, record, memory, books)
6. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield and Brookfield will give you something in return.
(experience, zeal, life, decision)
7. He remembered that first tremendous ordeal of taking prep class. (trial, situation,
experience, task)
8. Chips was at the mercy of five hundred unprincipled ruffians. (youngsters,
toddlers,barbarians, pioneers)
9. The scowl he assumed to cover his inward nervousness. (position, intimacy,
10. Chips knew the inadequacy of his qualification. (advantage, merits, defects,
11. Chips slipped and wrenched his ankle. (broke, fractured, sprained, messaged)
12. Chips was rescued by Katherine. (loved, abused, saved, insulted)
13. Chips’ sprain put him on Katherine’s mercy. (injury, foolishness, personality,
old age)
14. Katherine had freckled cheeks. (bright, beautiful, spotted, shinning)
15. In politics, Katherine was radical. (loving, easy, revolutionary, soft)
16. Chips remained conservative in politics. (good, orthodox, non-serious,
17. Actually Chips nodded and stumbled on. (flew, walked, fell, stopped)
18. Katherine broadened his views and opinions. (narrowed, limited, widened,
19. Everything ended without a slightest hitch. (difficulty, case, jerk, objection)
20. Katherine did not like cocksure type of boys. (humble, tall, lazy, confident)
21. Chips was standing in a trance. (half-conscious state, happy, hail, sad mood)
22. Chips nearly answered that he could go to blazes. (hell, shelter, heaven, haven)
23. Chips did not want to receive condolences. (praises, horrors, curses,
24. Just as marriage had added something so did bereavement. (happiness, grief,
25. Chips changed his commodious apartment. (comfortable, small, ugly, large)
26. Chips once thrashed Collingwood. (pushed, rewarded, beat, loved)
27. Mr. Chips remembered many funny anecdotes. (games, poems, essays, tales)
28. Chips remembered Katherine laughing at some howler.
(punishment, mistake,admiration, appreciation)
29. Chips remembered the dizzy happiness. (lay, certain, puzzled, great)
30. It was queer that things were so clear in Chips’ mind. (sad, funny, strange,
31. Ralston was pontiful. (docile, insulting, confident, coward)
32. He was efficient, ruthless, ambitious but not very likeable. (careless, merciless,
33. Chips’ method of teaching was slack. (modern, old, unique, slow)
34. Mr. Chatteris accepted the situation wisely and courteously. (reluctantly,
unwillingly, kindly)
35. Chips was given an uproarious farewell. (comfortable, quiet, noisy, calm)
36. Mr. Chips’ speech was impeded by laughters of the audience. (praised, disliked,
liked, interrupted)
37. Mrs. Wickett’s house itself was ugly and pretentious. (costly, far away,
38. At Mrs. Wickett’s, Mr. Chips was leading a pleasant and placid life. (calm, busy,
39. Chips kept up hospitality in his room. (reading, knowledge, reception,
40. Mr. Chips’ voice had still a good deal of sprightliness. (jerkiness, liveliness,
41. There was the shrill whine of anti-air craft shells. (danger, destruction, cry,
42. The armies were clenched in deadlock. (occupied, troubled, gripped, dripped)
43. I do sympathize with you. (know, be ashamed, alarm, feel sorry)
44. At fifty he was the doyen of the staff. (junior, respected by, senior member,
45. Chips made desultory notes in an exercise book. (disorganized, organized,
46. It was a damp shinning day. (acrid, foggy, sunny, dry)
47. It was cold and foggy and he dared not go out. (rainy, sunny, misty, windy)
48. The meeting with Linford had exhausted Mr. Chips. (freshened, distorted, tired,
49. Sleep again if you inclined. (disturbed, tempted, noisy, troubled)
50. The whole pageant of the past swang before him. (story, performance,
MCQ’s - Correction
1. I bought two dozens eggs. (I bought two dozen eggs./l buy two dozen
eggs./I boughtdozens
of eggs./l buy dozens of eggs.)
2. Cattles are eating grass. (Cattle is eating grass./Cattle are eat grass./Cattles
is eating
grass./Cattle are eating grass.)
3. He gave me advices. (He gave me much advices./He gave me many
advices./He gave me
much pieces of advices./He gave me many pieces of advice.)
4. His hairs are grey. (His hair are grey./His hair were grey./His hair will be
grey./His hair is
5. Politics are a dirty game. (Politic is a dirty game./Politics is a dirty
game./Politic are dirty
games./Politics are dirty games.)
6. Sheeps are grazing in the field. (Sheeps is grazing in the field./Sheeps grazing
in the
field./Sheep are grazing in the field./Sheep is grazing in the field.)
7. One should do his duty. (One should do her duty./One should do its
duty./One should do
one’s duty./One should do my duty.)
8. He, you and I told the news. (I, he and you told the news./You, I and he told
the news./He,
I and you told the news./You, he and I told the news.)
9. I as well as you were wrong. (I as well as you had wrong./l as well as you was
wrong./l and
you was wrong./l as well as you were wrong.)
10. He said to me, “Are you kidding?” (He said to me I was kidding./He asked me
if I was
kidding./He asked me if I am kiddling./He tells me if I was kidding.)
11. Either you or I are wrong. (Either you or I is wrong./Either you or I am
or I was wrong./Either you or I have wrong.)
12. The murdered hanged yesterday. (The murderer hung yesterday./The
murdered was hung
yesterday./The murderer is hanged yesterday./The murdered was hanged
13. He knows swimming. (He know swimming./He knew swimming./He knows
how to
swim./He knows to swim.)
14. He is ill for a week. (He is iIl from a week./He is ill since a week./He has
been ill for a
week./He has been ill from a week.)
15. It is raining since morning. (It was raining since morning./lt has been raining
morning./lt rained since morning./lt will be raining since morning.)
16. Rich should help poor. (Rich should help poors./The rich should help the
should help the poor.! The rich should help poor.)
17. Honesty is a best policy. (Honesty is the best policy./Honesty is best
policy./The honesty is
a best policy./The honesty is the best policy.)
18. The man is mortal. (Man is the mortal./The man is the mortal./Man is
mortal./Man is a
19. His pen is superior than mine. (His pen is superior than me/His pen is
superior to you./His
pen is superior to me./His pen is superior to mine.)
20. I called him as fool. (I called him a fool./I called him as a fool./l called him
fool./l called
him as for fool.)
21. This is a worth reading book. (This is a book worth reading./This is the book
reading./This is the worth reading book./This is worth reading book.)
22. This is the last news. (This is the latest news./This is last news./This is the
news./These are the last news.)
23. I do not have some money. (I do not have many moeny./l do not have any
do not have a few money/I have no any money.)
24. This cloth is more inferior to that. (This cloth is inferior to that./This cloth is
much inferior
to that./This cloth is more inferior than that./This cloth is inferior than that.)
25. He behaves cowardly. (He behaves coward./He behaves in a cowardice
behaves in a cowardly manner./He cowardly behaves.)
26. The faster you walk, better it is. (Faster you walk, better it is./Faster you
walk, the better
it is./The faster you walk, the better it is./The more fast you walk, the better
it is)
27. The patient has been operated. (The patient had been operated./The patient
have been
operated./The patient has been operated upon./The patient has been
operated with.)
28. She is good of English. (She is good at English./She is good in English/She is
good with
English./She is good on English.)
29. She congratulated me for my success. (She congratulated me to my
congratulated me on my success/She congratulated me over my
success./She congratulated
me upon my success.)
30. Although he is old, but he is strong. (Although he is old, he is
strong./Although he is old he
is strong./Although he is old yet he is strong./Although he is old but he is

MCQ’s - Prepositions
1. We must abide _____ the laws of our country. (with, for, on, by)
2. He is addicted _____ gambling. (at, with, for, to)
3. Our college is adjacent _____ the bazaar. (with, in, by, to)
4. I agree _____ you on this issue. (with, to, at, against)
5. He aimed _____ the bear with a gun. (over, of, on, at)
6. My father is angry _____ me. (on, to, with, over)
7. He availed himself _____ the chance. (at, on, of, off)
8. He was not aware _____ the new situation. (from, at, of, to)
9. The leader was banished _____ a foreign country. (off, of, to, with)
10. Father is not blind _____ his son’s behaviour. (of, with, to, for)
11. Do not boast _____ your wealth. (about, of, on, for)
12. The thief broke _____ his house yesterday. (in, into, at, with)
13. Cholera has broken _____ in the city. (in, up, away, out)
14. She was brought _____ by her uncle. (of, on, in, up)
15. Sewage is carried _____ pipelines. (from, through, to, in)
16. The thief was charged _____ theft. (for, with, at, through)
17. I congratulated him _____ his success. (at, in, on, of)
18. The class consists _____ fifty students. (with, for, on, of)
19. He deals _____ me kindly. (in, with, to, for)
20. You cannot even dream _____ success. (over, at, of, on)
21. He is eligible _____ this post. (from, for, to, with)
22. Do not be envious _____ others. (of, with, from, for)
23. You should excuse him _____ this. (for, with, from, on)
24. I am fond _____ reading short stories. (in, at, of, off)
25. The principal was furious _____ his mistake. (at, with, of, for)
26. You should go _____ the moral principles. (by, with, for, on)
27. Ka rim is gifted _____ the power of speech. (from, of, upon, with)
28. He has no hope _____ success. (for, from, of, about)
29. Nature is not hostile _____ man. (with, over, to, on)
30. They always indulge _____ useless pleasures. (on, in, of, with)
31. I inquired _____ his health. (after, about, for, to)
32. Do not be jealous _____ others. (to, for, of, with)
33. The fox jumped _____ the river. (in, into, down, up)
34. You are justified _____ claiming for your rights. (up, after, in, with)
35. God is very kind _____ His creatures. (with, for, to, on)
36. Do not laugh _____ the poor. (on, at, for, away)
37. He was leaning _____ the wall. (after, against, with, to)
38. Learn this poem _____ heart. (to, about, in, by)
39. He longs _____ a car. (to, for, in, upon)
40. Samina was married _____ him. (with, to, on, by)
41.1 am popular _____ my students. (in, with, by, of)
42. I prefer milk _____ tea. (for, to, on, over)
43. The Muslims pray _____ God. (before, of, from, to)
44. Prevent him _____ getting involved in politics. (by, from, of, by)
45. Nasima repented _____ her past conduct. (to, for, of, by)
46. He was run _____ by a car. (from, with, after, over)
47. Do not sneer _____ the poor. (by, at, to, on)
48. You have no sympathy _____ the poor. (with, for, on, of)
49. He takes _____ his father. (after, with, on, at)
50. He warned me _____ that person. (against, of, about, from)

Answer the following questions.

1. How did Churchil do his Latin Paper?

Ans. He wrote his name and number of question, and left the entire paper blank.
2. Why did Churchill not do well in the examinations?
Ans. He liked poetry and essay writing but the examiners were interested in Latin and
3. Which subject was taught to Churchill?
Ans. He was taught English at Harrow.
4. Who was Mr. WeUdon?
Ans. He was the hear of Harrow who judged the hidden qualities in Churchill.
5. How did Somervell teach English?
Ans. He taught English very well by means of different colourful inks.
6. What good did Churchill’s three years stay at Harrow to him?
Ans. He learnt the basic rules of English during his stay which proved very useful for
him in
7. What thing attracted Christopher to visit Sahara?
Ans. The threat of his foster mother to send him to Timbuktu attracted him to visit
8. What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city named Ghardaia?
Ans. It was a typical desert city. Flies were ¡n plenty there.
9. What did Christopher do at El-Golea?
Ans. El-Golea was an oasis. Christopher used to take bath in a little pool and lay on the
10. Who was Professor Claude Balanguernon?
Ans. He was a Frenchman who devoted his life to educate the Taureg people and
became the
guide of Christopher.
11. How did Christopher manage to get water at Abbangarit?
Ans. He used the wire of his recording machine and a tea-pot to get water.
12. What did Christopher do when he reached Timbuktu?
Ans. He took some rest, regained his health and planned for further adventures.
13. What is antiseptic method?
Ans. Killing of harmful germs by chemicals known as antiseptics is called antiseptic
14. What was the chief defect of antiseptic method?
Ans. This method not only destroyed the germs but also the white blood cells of body.
15. What part is played by the white cells in the blood of a human body?
Ans. These protect the body against diseases.
16. What is Lysozyme? How was it discovered?
Ans. It is a natural antiseptic discovered by Fleming while examining his own nasal
17. How was penicillin discovered?
Ans. It was discovered accidentally when a mould fell in the culture plate in Fleming’s
18. Why cou Idn’t penicillin have been discovered in the research laboratories of
Ans. It was because their laboratories were dust-proof and very clean.
19. How can we say that Pasteur was a great patriot?
Ans. He served himself to serve in the army, saved the wine and silk industry of his
20. How did Pasteur discover the method of making vaccines?
Ans. He inoculated weakened germs into the healthy animals to save them from
21. What do you mean by spontaneous generation?
Ans. Spontaneous generation means that things change without the external influence.
22. How did Pasteur discover the treatment for the cattle disease, Anthrax?
Ans. He inoculated weakened germs into the healthy animals to save them from
23. How did Pasteur cure the silkworm disease?
Ans. By doing an epic of experiments and telling the cause of disease he cured the
24. Which was the first human disease to which vaccination was applied?
Ans. It was Hydrophobia or Rabies caused by the bite of a mad dog.
25. Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia?
Ans. He was sent there to put down the rebels who were not obeying Padsha.
26. Why did Mehmet order Mustafa Kamal to return to Constantinople?
Ans. Mehmet felt that he was working against the interest of his government.
27. What was Mustafa Kamal’s reply?
Ans. He said,” I shall stay in Anatolia until the nation has won its independence.
28. What was decided by the Grand Turkish National Assembly at the end of War?
Ans. It decided by the unanimous vote to abolish the Sultanate in Turkey.
29. What were Mustafa Kamal’s social reforms?
Ans. He finished old title, abolished veil and allowed higher education for women.
30. What were Mustafa Kamal’s economic reforms?
Ans. He encouraged heavy industry. The banking system was organized. New roads
railways were constructed.


1. How did our earth come into being?

Ans. It came into being when the mountain on the surface of the sun broke.
2.Write a note on the beginning of life on the earth.
Ans. When the earth cooled down, life started in simple organisms.
3. Why is there no life on the stars?
Ans. It is because the stars are burning balls of fire.
4. How has the scientific method helped us ¡n our fight against disease?
Ans. Scientific method has invented medicines that cure diseases.
5. How was food preserved ¡n the past?
Ans. It was preserved by canning, pickling or drying.
6. What were the superstitious beliefs practiced by people in the past?
Ans. Those were fear of black cats, broken mirrors and the number 13.
7. What is the common cause of failure of students?
Ans. It is parents’ mistaken ambition for their children.
8. How is health another cause of the failure of students?
Ans. An unhealthy student usually has unhealthy mind so he fails.
9. Who are lazy bluffers?
Ans. They are the boastful boys who have not found any serious interest in life.
10. How did the writer feel on Friday night?
Ans. Friday night was the best night of the week for him as there lay two full holidays.
11. What were unexpected respites?
Ans. Those were out of routine holidays.
12. What were the things the writer longed for but could not have?
Ans. These were a tricycle, a bicycle, sweets and ice-cream.
13. Why should bad books be destroyed?
Ans. Destruction of them makes room for new books and sorting of books becomes
14. Why ¡s it difficult to destroy books?
Ans. We develop a feeling of possessing the purchased books and do not find a
scaffold for
15. Why could not the author burn the unwanted books?
Ans. He had no kitchen range and he could not burn them leaf by leaf on gas cooker.
16. How did Jerome K. Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order?
Ans. He suspected it when he read the symptoms of ill-liver ¡n a paten liver-pill circular.
17. Why did the writer go to the British Museum?
Ans. He went there to read up the treatment of ailments of which he had a touch.
18. What was the prescription given to the writer by the doctor?
Ans. It was to eat good diet, sleep well and avoid the things you don’t understand.
19. Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal?
Ans. It was because Leacock wanted to see the manager alone.
20. Write at least two blunders committed by Leacock in the bank.
Ans. Firstly he entered into a safe and secondly wrote fifty six instead of six on the
21. After his mis-adventure in the bank, where did Leacock keep his money?
Ans. He kept cash ¡n his trousers pocket and savings in a sock.
22. Why has the world changed its attitude towards China?
Ans. It is because China has made great progress ¡n all fields of life.
23. What is decentralized economy?
Ans. It means the development of the cities and the villages at the same level.
24. Write a note on Chinese women.
Ans. Chinese women are hard working and lack femininity. The do not use beauty
25. What does famine mean?
Ans. It means that a great number of people do not have enough food to eat.
26. How do famines occur?
Ans. The failure of crops due to disease and the lack of rain can cause famines.
27. What is the major cause of increase in the population?
Ans. It is that more people are born than those who die.
28. What was Cardova called “The Jewel of the World”?
Ans. It was called so because of beautiful buildings and centre of all cultural activities.
29. What did the Abbasid Caliph say on receiving the head of his governor?
Ans. He thanked God for having placed a sea between him and his enemy.
30. Who was Al-Ha kam?
Ans. He was a scholar and Abd-al-Rahman’s successor.

Important Idioms

1. Break the news

The doctor had to break the news to Ayesha about her husband’s cancer.
2. Bury the hatchet
Let us bury the hatchet and be friends again.
3. Carry the day
Our team didn’t play well at first, but we carried the day in the end.
4. Cut a sorry figure
She cut a sorry figure in the presence of her ugly husband.
5. Face the music
The politicians have to face the music.

6. Add fuel to the fire
Shouting at a crying child just adds fuel to the fire.
7. Beat about the bush
Do not beat about the bush and come to the point.
8. Catch at a straw
A drowning man catches at a straw.
9. End in smoke
All his efforts to start a new business ended in smoke.
10. Nip in the bud
Nip the evil in the bud.

11. A blue stocking
She is not well educated but she is a blue stocking.
12. A broken reed
Do not tell your secrets to him because he is a broken reed.
13. A rolling stone
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
14. A sugar daddy
The woman went on a nice winter holiday with her sugar daddy.
15. A wet blanket
Aslam is fun at parties but his brother is a wet blanket.

16. All and sundry
All and sundry went to see the village fair.
17. Bag and baggage
He has left Lahore bag and baggage.
18. First and foremost
First and foremost, we should take care of our health.
19. Flesh and blood
Flesh and blood cannot tolerate this act of cruelty.
20. Part and parcel
Hard work is a part and parcel of success.

21. A bad debt
He will not pay you back; it is a bad debt.
22. A maiden speech
His maiden speech in the Assembly was successful.
23. A narrow speech
Yesterday, he had a narrow escape from a serious accident.
24. French leave
He got tired with his job, so he took French leave.
25. Rainy day
We should lay by something for the rainy day.

26. At eleventh hour
The meeting was cancelled at the eleventh hour.
27. At stone’s throw
My college is at a stone’s throw from my house.
28. At daggers drawn
All the religious parties in Pakistan are at daggers drawn with one another.
29. For good
He is leaving this place for good.
I asked my teacher the meaning of .
important Phrasal Verbs
1. Back out
He backed out of the contract at the last moment.
2. Bear up
We should bear up the hardships of life bravely.
3. Break down
The car broke down on the way.
4. Break into
The thief broke into his house last night.
5. Break out
Cholera has broken out in the city.
6. Call in
I am seriously ill. Please call in the doctor.
7. Carry off
The kidnappers carried the child off.
8. Come about
How did this damage come about?
9. Come off
What time did this party come off?
10. Cut off
The company has cut off our Sui gas connection.

11. Fall in with
I fell in with an old friend on my way.
12. Fall out
The husband fell our with his wife over a trifle.
13. Give up
He has given up smoking forever.
14. Get into
He got into debt because of high living.
15. Get through
He got through the examination in his first attempt.

16. Hold back
We should not hold back any thing from our parents.
17. Keep back
We should not keep back any thing from our parents.
18. Lay by
We should lay something for the rainy day.
19. Look after
There is none to look after the poor child.
20. Look down upon
We should not look down upon the poor.

21. Pass away
The patient passed away in the morning.
22. Pull down
They are going to pull down the old building today.
23. Put off
Do not put off your meeting.
24.Put up with
I cannot put up with my insult.
25. Run over
A child was run over by a car.

26. Set off
We shall set off to Lahore next morning.
27. Stand for
In a traffic signal, the red light stands of “stop”.
28. Take after
She takes after her mother.
29. Take in
I was taken in by his friendly manners.

8. General Essay - Twenty Five in One

1) (j) Energy Crisis (ii) Unemployment (iii) Terrorism (iv) Drug Addiction (y) Black
(vi) Corruption (vii) Inflation - Rising Prices (viii) Over-Population (ix)
Environmental Pollution
(x) Smuggling (xi) Mass Illiteracy (xii) Drug Trafficking (xiii) Sectarianism (xiv)
Economic Crisis
(xv) Beggary (xvi) Bribery (xvii) Nepotism (xviii) Tax Evasion (xix) Violence (xx)
(xxi) Political Instability (xxii) Lawlessness (xxiii) Social and Economic Crisis
(xxiv) Social and Economical Problems (xxv) Injustice and Inequality
__________ is a major problem in most backward and developing countries. It
our moral, social and religious downfall. It is a matter of great shame that in
spite of
becoming a nuclear power, we are far behind other nations in the way of
character and faith.
There are many factors which are responsible for __________ . Illiteracy,
poverty and false
ideas of society are the major causes of this social evil. However, a close analysis
reveals that
craze for wealth and power is the base of all kind of __________ . People have
become greedy
and selfish. They do not know the virtues of love, sympathy and sacrifice.
___________ has become one of the most important problem of all the world
especially of
the third world countries like Pakistan. It is full of danger of evil impacts. It
destabilizes and
demoralizes nations and gives birth to depression and frustration in the society
and state. It
creates and spreads the feelings of uncertainty, instability and insecurity among
the masses.
If it creeps in a society, it eats into its vitals and soon roots out its inner
strength. It destroys
its outer splendor, economic prosperity, social peace and national unity.
Consequently, a
nation’s good image is spoiled in all over the world. Lawlessness becomes order
of the day
due to poverty, corruption, violence, indiscipline and mass illiteracy. It it is not
effectively, properly and promptly checked, the entire judicial, moral and
economic fabric of a nation will
be collapsed.
____________ is highly dangerous and devastating for a country like Pakistan
that has a
weak economy and political instability. If the evil of ___________ is not nipped
in the bud, it
may spread like a bush fire and engulf the whole nation or region like and
__________ badly shatters people’s faith in institution and supremacy of the
constitution. It
deprives masses from mental, physical, spiritual, moral and economic health. It
also paves
way for bloody revolutions and military take-overs.
The main causes of __________ are illiteracy, poverty, economic policies of
and man’s burning desire to become rich and bigwig over night. __________
economic pressure, social and economic injustice. Feudalism, capitalism and
distribution of wealth and opportunities, non-availability of basic necessities and
fundamental rights also spread ____________ . Non-availability of education,
health care and
jobs also paves the way to spread ____________ . External factors like agencies
neighbouring states like India also play a vital role in spreading __________ in
Pakistan in
order to destabilize it.
In the end we can say that our officers as well as the scholars, educationists,
parties, NGO’s and national mass media should take necessary steps to
eradicated this
wicked problem for the best national and human interest. Only then we can raise
our heads
as a free and dignified nation.
Most imp essays:
My Hobby
2) My aim in life
3) My first day at school
4) Unemployment
5) Science and our life
Technical education
6) My hero in history/ Quaid –e Azam/Allama lqbal
7) Pollution

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