The University of Lahore, Islamabad Campus Course: Power System Protection Lab Work Sheet 13
The University of Lahore, Islamabad Campus Course: Power System Protection Lab Work Sheet 13
The University of Lahore, Islamabad Campus Course: Power System Protection Lab Work Sheet 13
Student Name:________________
Date: _______________________
Complete all activities in lab and get checked by the lab engineer.
Home task should be completed before next lab and must checked by the lab engineer.
At the end of all activities and home task students advised to write a summary in their own words.
Late submission will lead to deduction of marks.
Date must be properly mentioned.
Principle of Differential Protection scheme is one simple conceptual technique. The differential
relay actually compares between primary current and secondary current of power, if any
unbalance found in between primary and secondary currents the relay will actuate and inter trip
both the primary and secondary circuit breaker of the transformer.
Suppose you have one transformer which has primary rated current Ip and secondary current Is. If
you install CT of ratio Ip/1A at primary side and similarly, CT of ratio Is/1A at secondary side of
the transformer. The secondary’s of these both CTs are connected together in such a manner that
secondary currents of both CTs will oppose each other. In other words, the secondary’s of both
CTs should be connected to same current coil of differential relay in such a opposite manner that
there will be no resultant current in that coil in normal working condition of the transformer. But
if any major fault occurs inside the transformer due to which the normal ratio of the transformer
disturbed then the secondary current of both transformer will not remain the same and one
resultant current will flow through the current coil of the differential relay, which will actuate the
relay and inter trip both the primary and secondary circuit breakers.
Lab Task:
Implement of differential that can protect the desired zone against all the faults within the
protected zone. Relay should not operate for fault outside the protected zone.
Step 1:
Draw a power system have 3 phase source, three phase VI measurement unit load, three phase
circuit breaker. Connect the blocs as shown in figure and set the parameters.
Configuration: Y grounded.
Nominal voltage: 33e3V.
Active power (MV): 150e6W.
Inductive reactive power: 50e6VAR.
Capacitive reactive power: 0 VAR.
Step 2:
In subsystem Differential Relay connect the blocks as shown in the figure and set the parameters.
Gain: 3
S-R Flip-Flop.
Initial condition: 1
(PLO: 5 (Modern Tool Usage))
Using Simpower system tool and implement the three phase system as shown in figure below