Theory Reading LIst
Theory Reading LIst
Theory Reading LIst
Reader-Response Criticism
47. Wolfgang Iser “The Reading Process: A Phenomenological
48. Stanley Fish “Is There a Text in this Class?”
49. Jane Tompkins from Sensational Designs
Psychoanalytic Theory
50. Sigmund Freud Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality,
Civilization and its Discontents
51. Paul Ricoeur Freud and Philosophy: An Essay in Interpretation
52. Harold Bloom Anxiety of Influence, introduction (“A Meditation
upon Priority
53. Jacques Lacan Ecrits
54. Jane Gallop from Reading Lacan
55. Deleuze and Guattari from Anti-Oedipus
56. Jacqueline Rose from The State of Fantasy
57. Neil Hertz The End of the Line: Essays on Psychoanalysis and
the Sublime
Marxist Criticism
58. Karl Marx Capital (Part I of Vol. I), The German Ideology
59. Walter Benjamin “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical
60. George Lukács “The Ideology of Modernism”
61. Theodor Adorno “Odysseus or Myth and Enlightenment,” Minima
62. Antonio Gramsci The Prison Notebooks
63. Louis Althusser “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,”
excepts from Reading Capital
64. Raymond Williams “Pastoral and Counter-pastoral” from The Country
and the City; Culture and Society, chapter 1
65. E.P. Thompson “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism”
Postcolonial Theory
107. Ngugi wa Thiong’o Decolonizing the Mind
108. George Lamming “The Occasion for Speaking” from The Pleasures of
109. Chinua Achebe “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of
110. Gayatri Spivak “Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of
Imperialism,” “Can the Subaltern Speak?”
111. Paul Gilroy The Black Atlantic, Introduction
112. Homi Bhabha “Signs Taken for Wonders,” in Location of Culture
113. Arjun Appuradai “Playing with Modernity The Decolonization of
Indian Cricket,” from Modernity at Large
114. Mary Louise Pratt from Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and
115. Simon Gikandi Maps of Englishness, Introduction
116. Anne McClintock from Imperial Leather